Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Physics
Nuclear Physics
The density ρ is the mass divided by the volume.
The mass of a nucleus is A times the mass of a
nucleon, m ~ 1.6*10-27 kg.
The volume is (4/3)πR3, with R = R0A1/3.
Therefore ρ = m/((4/3)πR03) ~ 2*1017 kg/m3.
Proton is
composed of
two up quark
and one down
quark (uud):
2.2/3e - 1/3e= 1e
Neutron is
composed of one
up quark and two
down quark (udd).
2/3e-1/3e-1/3e = 0
4. Isotopes, isobars, isotones and isomers
Nuclides having the same atomic number but
different mass numbers are known as isotopes.
131I is an isotope of
127I, and 127I is also
an isotope of 131I.
4. Isotopes, isobars, isotones and isomers
Nuclides having the same mass number but different
atomic numbers are known as isobars.
131Iand 131Xe
are isobars
of each other.
A pair of
belong to the
4. Isotopes, isobars, isotones and isomers
Nuclides having the same number of neutron but
different mass numbers are sometimes referred to as
For example,
30 31 32
14 Si ,
15 P and
16 S
are isotones because they all contain 16 neutrons per
4. Isotopes, isobars, isotones and isomers
Two nuclei that have the same composition but in
different energy state are known as isomers.
99Tccan exist in two energy states; the higher of the
two is a temporary state generally referred to as a
metastable state.
140 keV
5. Nuclear stability
Electrostatic repulsion causes the force produced by
particles with the same charge (ie. proton-proton).
What holds the nucleons in the nucleus together? or
Even Odd 53
Odd Even 50
Odd Odd 5
6. Nuclear Binding Energy
❑ Nuclear binding energy (B.E.) is the amount of
energy that would be required to break the
nucleus into its individual nucleons.
What is radioactivity?
ln 2 0.693
It is closely related to t1 = =
the decay constant 2
238 234
Th +
92U 90 2 He
n → p + + e − + e
p + → n + e+ +
atomic electron
e+ + e- 511 keV
511 keV
Before annihilation After annihilation
p + e− → n +
K 111
49 In + e → Cd +
− 111
Nucleus Z
Electron capture
8. Modes of decay
Gamma emission
Gamma ray is electromagnetic radiation, basically just
like radio waves, visible light, and X-rays, except that
they have a much higher frequency (or shorter
wavelength) having no charge or mass.
It is emitted
usually by
of a nuclear
In gamma emission there is no change in the number
or type of nucleons in the nucleus; there is no
change in Z, N, or A. The process is only that of
losing surplus excitation energy.
8. Modes of decay
The gamma ray is emitted usually as a by-product of
alpha or beta decay.
In case of 60Co many gamma transitions are involved
60Co (5.272 year)
The great majority of beta
decays go to the 2505.7 keV β2 2505.7 keV
level which fall to the ground (0.12%) 1
state in two steps and two 1332.5 keV
gamma rays appear:
1 = 2505.7-1332.5 = 1173.2 keV 60Ni
2 = 1332.5-0 = 1332.5 keV
The decay scheme of 60Co
These two gamma rays are
said to be cascade 60Co = 60Ni+β-+anti-neutrino
8. Modes of decay
Gamma emission
Pure Gamma emission occurs when an isotope exists
in two different forms, called nuclear isomers, having
identical atomic numbers and mass numbers, but
different in nuclear-energy content.
= 140 keV
9. Nuclear Reactions
a + X → Y + b Or X(a,b)Y
projectile target product ejectile
The reaction
2 He+147N →178 O + p
Can be written in the compact form as 7 N ( 24 He, p)178 O
9. Nuclear Reactions
For example, when deuteron (2H1) interacts with
tritium (3H1) the fusion reaction is occurred by
producing alpha particle (4He2) and neutron (1n0)
1 + 3H
e + n + 17.6 MeV
1. Mass/energy is conserved
2. Charge is conserved
3. Spin is conserved
4. Linear momentum is conserved
5. Angular momentum is conserved
6. Baryon number is conserved
9. Nuclear Reactions
Classifications of nuclear reactions
➢Elastic scattering
➢Inelastic scattering
➢Radiative capture
➢Particle emission
➢Stripping reaction
➢Pickup reaction
➢Heavy ion reactions
➢Fission reaction
➢Fusion reaction
9. Nuclear Reactions
Fission reaction
Fission is a nuclear process in which a heavy nucleus
splits into two smaller nuclei.
9. Nuclear Reactions
Fission reaction
Energy released
p p n p n n 17.6 MeV
n + n n p
Deuterium Tritium Helium-4 neutron
1 + 3H
e + n + 17.6 MeV
Thank you very much