2211-Article Text-8778-10260-10-20230620
2211-Article Text-8778-10260-10-20230620
2211-Article Text-8778-10260-10-20230620
http://jurnal.poltekkespalu.ac.id/index.php/JIK p-ISSN: 1907-459X e-ISSN: 2527-7170
Case Study
Pertussis is a highly contagious disease with clinical features ranging from mild to severe and
various complications. Hematological examination, especially the leukocyte count, can predict the
possibility of clinical deterioration with several complications, such as pneumonia. This case study aimed
to assess whether leukocytosis could indicate the clinical worsening of pertussis in children. This
research method is a systematic review on a case study. The subject of this case study is a child with
pertussis experiencing clinical deterioration. Prominent laboratory data in this case study includes
leukocytosis. This systematic review aims to analyze the association between leukocytosis and the clinical
deterioration of this case study. Literature search procedure using PubMed, Cochrane, and Google
Scholar search instruments. The keywords used are "pertussis," "risk factor," and "and children." Using
the limitations of randomized controlled clinical trials, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, cohorts, and
cross-sectional or case series, the language of instruction is English, and publications within the last 20
years. Overall, 16,666 articles were obtained, consisting of 43 pieces from PubMed; only two papers
were valid. Of the 3,123 articles on the Cochrane, only two are valid. Likewise, out of 13,500 articles on
Google Scholar, only two are valid. Furthermore, it was traced based on the aspect of duplication, then
three papers were found, which were cohort studies. It was concluded that leukocytosis predicts clinical
deterioration and complications in children with pertussis.
Keywords: Pertussis, Clinical Deterioration, Pneumonia, Leukocytosis.
© 2023 by the authors. Submitted for possible open access publication under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution (CC BY SA) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/).
Pertussis is a highly contagious disease 4%. In one study in infants, mortality was 70%
with clinical features ranging from mild to and higher in infants under 6 weeks (84%) 3.
severe and various complications 1,2. From The infant mortality rate in the United States is
various reports, pertussis is also a disease with 2.4 per 1 million, and 90% of all deaths from
a high mortality rate. World Health pertussis occur in infants under six months of
Organization (WHO) estimates that pertussis age 4,5.
affects nearly 240 million children under five Pertussis is a highly contagious
years of age each year and causes 160,000 respiratory tract infection most commonly
deaths in this age group, with a mortality rate of affecting young, unimmunized, or incompletely
immunized infants 6–8. The typical clinical instruments. The keywords used are "pertussis,"
features of pertussis include recurrent "risk factor," and "and children." Using the
paroxysmal coughing, inspiratory whoops, and limitations of randomized controlled clinical
vomiting after coughing. The classic disease trials, systematic reviews, meta-analyses,
characterized by three phases (catarrhal, cohorts, and cross-sectional or case series, the
paroxysmal and convalescent) has been seen language of instruction is English, and
less frequently since the start of immunization publications within the last 20 years.
. This clinical picture varies in each child,
depending on the phase of the disease. In severe RESULTS
infections, pertussis causes several
complications that begin with clinical Pertussis is a highly contagious disease
worsening. One of these clinical worsening with clinical features ranging from mild to
occurs when pertussis causes difficulties in the severe and various complications. The disese
form of pneumonia (lung infection) 6,11,12. caused by infection with Bordetella pertussis
Clinical worsening of pneumonia must can be divided into three phases: catarrhal,
be anticipated as an effort to prevent paroxysmal, and convalescent. A definite
complications so that death does not occur. diagnosis is made based on laboratory tests,
Because of this, clinical data must be sought namely the finding of Bordetella pertussis,
which can be used as indicators for predicting either by culture, Polymerase Chain Reaction
clinical worsening of pertussis in children 1,12. (PCR), or serological examination. 6–8.
In several cases of pneumonia that occur as a A 12-year-old girl was brought to the
complication of pertussis, an increase in Emergency Room (IGD) at Zainoel Abidin
leukocyte levels (leukocytosis) is always found. General Hospital, Banda Aceh. This patient was
The clinical question here is whether the a referral from the Teungku Chik Ditiro
laboratory picture of leukocytosis can be used Hospital, Sigli, Pidie District, with a diagnosis
as an early indicator in predicting clinical of pneumonia, with a clinical picture of
worsening in children with pertussis. 1,10. shortness of breath, who had previously been
Therefore, this case study aimed to see whether treated for four days. On examination at the
clinical worsening or severe complications in Emergency room of Zainoel Abidin General
pertussis were caused by leukocytosis. This Hospital, information was obtained that the
pertussis case study was conducted using a child had before shortness of breath. Every
systematic review approach. cough experience feels continuous for a long
time, followed by vomiting after every cough.
METHOD The cough had been experienced for about two
weeks before being treated at the Teungku Chik
We conducted this case study with a Ditiro Hospital. On physical examination at
focus on investigating the relationship between Zainoel Abidin General Hospital, it was found:
increased leukocytosis as a predictor of the blood pressure 110/70 mmHg, pulse 110 beats
likelihood of clinical deterioration in a child per minute, rapid respiration of 50 times per
with pertussis. The research methodology minute. The chest appeared retracted, and lung
employed in this study is a systematic review of crackles were found on auscultation. The
a case study. The subject of this case study is a laboratory examination results showed Hb:
child with pertussis who experienced clinical 12.5gr/dL. Hematocrit: 37%, leukocytes:
deterioration. Prominent laboratory data 20,400/mm3. Lung x-rays showed infiltrates in
includes leukocytosis. The association between both lung fields.
leukocytosis and clinical deterioration in this Due to a history of severe, persistent
case study is analyzed using systematic review cough and shortness of breath, this patient was
procedures. diagnosed with pertussis and pneumonia. Other
A systematic review of case study was data that supporting pneumonia are of crackles
carried out to answer whether leukocytosis on auscultation and an infiltrate is found on a
indicates clinical deterioration in children with chest X-ray. Concerning a loud cough, it must
pertussis. Literature search procedure by be proven whether it is caused by pertussis.
searching literature online, using PubMed, Therefore, the Polymerase Chain Reaction
Cochrane, and Google Scholar search (PCR) was examined against the Bordetella
Pertussis bacteria to determine the cause of and was advised to seek outpatient treatment.
pertussis. From the laboratory examination, the Five days later, the patient returned to the
results were found: a positive PCR was found children's polyclinic, Zainoel Abidin General
for Bordetella pertussis. With the discovery of Hospital. At the last examination, the patient
these laboratory results, the definite diagnosis is was very healthy.
pertussis. Pneumonia that occurs, in this case, is In this case, pneumonia was found in a
a clinical worsening and complications of child with pertussis as a form of clinical
pertussis. Because the diagnosis is pertussis and deterioration complication. Laboratory
pneumonia, the therapy is antibiotics following examination revealed the presence of
causative germ, namely Bordetella pertussis. leukocytosis. A systematic review was
The selected antibiotics are conducted to investigate whether leukocytosis
Azithromycin and Cefotaxime. These two can be used as a predictor of clinical
antibiotics were chosen to anticipate the deterioration.
possibility of other bacteria causing pneumonia. Through the search method with the
Lang’s selection of antibiotics is intended to above criteria, a total of 16,666 articles were
prevent further deterioration, which can result obtained in the early stages. Of the 43 articles
in respiratory failure. Uncontrolled clinical searched with PubMed, two were valid. Of the
worsening with the occurrence of respiratory 3,123 articles on the Cochrane, only two are
failure can cause death. Other procedures for valid. Likewise, out of 13,500 articles on
this patient during treatment include Google Scholar, only two are valid. So only six
administering oxygen, traditional healers, and papers are useful in the initial stage.
multivitamins. This patient was treated at Furthermore, screening of titles and
Zainoel Abidin General Hospital for one week. abstracts was carried out to determine articles
Because it showed an excellent improvement, that were relevant to the previous problem.
the infusion was stopped. Antibiotics was stop. However, when traced based on the duplication
Other medicines are only in the form of aspect, three papers were found: cohort studies
multivitamins. The patient was discharged from (see Figure 1). The articles obtained are then
the hospital summarized in Table 1.
b ed oc ane
Table 1. Summary of Characteristic and Outcome of Included Studies.
Article Kang, et al.,2 Shi, et al.,3 Palvo, et al.,13
Title Clinical characteristics Mortality risk factors among Severe pertussis
of 967 children with hospitalized infection A clinic
e t ssis a single‑cente children with severe pathological study
anal sis o e an 8‑ ea pertussis
period in Beijing,
Design Retrospective Cohort Study Retrospective Cohort Study Retrospective Cohort
Publication 2021 2021 2017
Location Beijing, China Guangzhou, China Brazil
Aims Knowing the clinical Assessing risk factors for Assessing the
symptoms of severe mortality in patients epidemiology and
pertussis, describing admitted with severe clinical symptoms of
pertussis in infants pertussis children with severe
under three months, assessing pertussis who were
risk factors for severe hospitalized in Brazil,
pertussis. investigating the risk
factors for PICU
admission and death, and
evaluating the autopsy
findings of children who
died with pertussis.
Participant 967 children 144 children 55 children
Outcome • Vomiting after coughing, • The mortality for severe • Leukocytosis on
paroxysmal cyanosis, pertussis was 34.2%, admission is
decreased post-tussive heart with associated with
rate, hypoxemia, severe • patients younger than six morbidity and
pneumonia, and mechanical • weeks making up most mortality in children
ventilation were significantly deaths. treated with pertussis.
ig e t an in t e ≥ t ee • WBC > 70.0 × 109/L and • Implementation of
months group (p <0.05). PH are independent prevention strategies
• Paroxysmal cough, post-tussive prognostic variables is crucial to reduce
vomiting, paroxysmal cyanosis, associated with death. the incidence of
flushing/cyanosis/fever during disease, especially in
coughing, increased leukocytes young infants who
(leukocytosis), and chest X-ray are not immunized.
• atelectasis are essential
indications of severe pertussis.