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Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

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Lean manufacturing applications in prefabricated construction projects

Juan Du a, *, Jingyi Zhang a, Daniel Castro-Lacouture b, Yuqing Hu c
SILC Business School, Shanghai University, Shanghai 201800, China
Purdue Polytechnic Institute, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47906, United States
Architectural Engineering, The Pennsylvania State University, 210 Engineering Unit A, State College, PA 16801, United States


Keywords: Prefabricated construction is typically conducted using a special construction method and is employed in various
Lean prefabricated construction disciplines such as engineering, management, and technology. Currently, one of the emerging research directions
Scientometric analysis involves a combination of prefabrication and lean principles. However, the systematic analyses outlined in the
Systematic literature
literature in this field is insufficient and lacks clarity on the mainstream research topics; thus, it is difficult to
understand the current research progress and determine the various subject branches. Hence, the purpose of this
paper is to review previous research on lean management and the practices adopted in prefabricated construction
projects to systematically evaluate their impact on prefabricated construction improvement. To this end, a
critical review and summary of the application of lean construction principles in prefabricated construction is
conducted using a three-step approach that incorporates bibliometric search, scientometric analysis, and in-
depth literature classification. Consequently, five different research dimensions are obtained: data-driven
intelligent decision, construction sustainability, activity process optimization, lean construction adoption in
prefabricated construction, and other prefabrication-related lean adoption strategies such as circular economy,
flexible field factory, and on-site industrialization. The research methods, lean techniques and tools, and research
limitations are then discussed and analyzed based on these topics. Because all relevant articles are reviewed, this
study contributes to building the knowledge system for lean prefabricated construction (LPC). Furthermore, the
current universal development status and periodic results in this field are also discussed in this study. Therefore,
the findings can be used to establish new research directions based on future thematic trends in the LPC domain,
inspire practitioners using LPC technological implementation paths, and foresee possible obstacles in the future.

1. Introduction is to divide and improve the manufacturing process. The construction

mode for a building assembly is similar to that used in the
The traditional construction industry is faced by problems such as manufacturing industry, and it comprises the design, production,
high energy consumption, low efficiency, and poor quality [1]. How­ transportation, and on-site assembly of prefabricated components.
ever, these problems can be effectively solved by promoting the devel­ Furthermore, the use of prefabricated construction simplifies the process
opment of the construction industry to achieve industrialization. and reduces variations, thereby meeting the requirements of lean
Compared with traditional construction, the use of prefabricated con­ management and practices.
struction improves the construction quality, reduces the wastage of re­ The integration of lean philosophy and prefabricated construction is
sources, enhances the control of the construction time, increases the beneficial for the optimization of the production processes in the con­
health and safety, and enhances the life-cycle performance [2–5]. struction industry, and has shown a high potential for effectively
Therefore, it conforms to the development requirements for industrial­ addressing resource wastage and inefficiency, resulting in widespread
ization, making it the best method for achieving the transformation and interest from scholars. Koskela [6,7] systematically integrated lean
upgrading of the construction industry. principles into construction and proposed the transformation, flow, and
‘Lean’ is used in the manufacturing industry to emphasize the value generation (TFV) theory. Furthermore, various studies have
elimination of waste and uncertainty in the production process through explored lean construction in the architectural, engineering, and con­
scientific management, and the essence of lean manufacturing principles struction fields, such as multi-process construction applications,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Du), [email protected] (J. Zhang), [email protected] (D. Castro-Lacouture), [email protected] (Y. Hu).
Received 28 October 2022; Received in revised form 1 February 2023; Accepted 11 February 2023
Available online 1 March 2023
0926-5805/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

sustainable development, and a combination of building information industrialization; thus, various studies have been conducted on this field
modeling (BIM) strategies [8–10]. However, these studies separately [34]. Moreover, it is necessary to review the research progress on lean
summarized lean construction and prefabrication. Moreover, systematic philosophy in PC because it is beneficial for understanding mainstream
analyses and summaries of the literature in this field are lacking; thus, academic research directions.
the concept of lean prefabricated construction (LPC) was proposed, and
has been implemented in some studies [11]. However, it is still difficult 3. Proposed methodology and preliminary analysis
to understand the current research progress and determine the various
subject branches, and little is known about the status of LPC application 3.1. Proposed methodology
in actual projects [12,13].
In this study, the research status of lean manufacturing in pre­ In this study, a multistep holistic review approach is introduced to
fabricated construction is investigated according to related literature on identify the latest research themes that exist at the intersection of lean
various off-site construction topics such as supply chains, performance principles and prefabricated construction. This approach integrates the
evaluations, and technological applications [14,15]. Hence, the aim of review steps used in early research on off-site construction such as Jin
this study is to determine mainstream LPC-related research topics from et al. [11], Innella et al. [13], and Wang et al. [14], as shown in Fig. 1.
relevant literature and determine the connections, emphasis, and gaps in First, the significance of this study is discussed in the background sec­
the literature. First, LPC search topics are obtained based on related lean tion. Second, a bibliometric search consisting of three steps is performed
and prefabricated construction research. Subsequently, the keywords followed by a topic search of Scopus and Web of Science, review of the
and authors are scientometrically analyzed to determine four research abstract, repeated screenings and invalidation of the screening. Subse­
dimensions in the LPC domain, and the fifth potential research topic is quently, the collected data was used in a metrological analysis using
determined based on a literature review. Finally, the research methods, VOSviewer software for scientific mapping based on word frequency
lean techniques and tools, and research limitations for each topic are statistics and correlation analyses on information in the literature such
discussed based on an in-depth literature review. Therefore, the sys­ as the authors and keywords. The results are then visually presented to
tematic review of relevant articles that was conducted in this study reveal the development process and structural relationship between
contributes to the existing knowledge system on LPC. After the summary various research components in the LPC field. Finally, the content in
of the research findings, a discussion on the current development status each article is categorized and analyzed, and based on the results of the
and periodic results in this field is provided. Thus, the findings can be scientific mapping clustering, the main research dimensions are ob­
used to determine new research directions based on future themes in the tained, and the current research themes and application methodologies
LPC domain, inspire practitioners using new LPC technological imple­ of lean concepts in off-site construction are summarized. Based on the
mentation paths, and foresee possible obstacles in the future. results, this study can be used as a valuable reference for future research
in this field.
2. Background of lean prefabricated construction
3.2. Bibliometric search
Prefabricated construction is a method in which construction com­
ponents are produced in a factory and transported to the construction Although the review was conducted sequentially, it is important to
site for assembly [14]. In contrast to traditional construction, pre­ recognize that many of these stages involve interactions [10]. In the
fabricated construction involves the production, transportation, and ‘prefabricated construction’ domain, many words are similar and have
assembly of precast components, resulting in advantages during the the same meaning, such as ‘modular construction,’ ‘prefabricated con­
manufacturing process [16] such as increased productivity and reduced struction, ‘prefabricated buildings, and ‘off-site construction.’ To reflect
lead time [17], reduced on-site labor and on-site operation risk [18], the lean principles and practices, the keyword ‘lean’ should be added.
decreased energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions [19], Based on this, some related reviews on prefabricated construction and
shortened delivery cycle, and reduced inventory [20]. Owing to these lean construction were referenced to find the initial search terms
benefits, several countries have actively popularized prefabricated [8,9,11,13,14,16]. which are listed in Table 1.
construction and identified the corresponding tactics for implementa­ The following electronic databases can be used to search for the
tion [21–25]. terms: Web of Science, Scopus, Emerald, Engineering Village, Google
Because prefabricated construction has strict management re­ Scholar, Taylor and Francis, and the American Society of Civil Engineers
quirements during the various stages including design, prefabrication, [9,14,16]. This study mainly used the two most extensive databases:
and construction, it is difficult to use conventional construction man­ Web of Science and Scopus; because Web of Science has an longer time
agement to satisfy the management requirements of prefabricated con­ frame, and Scopus has more recent and comprehensive articles [35].
struction. Particularly, lean principles are compatible with the idea of Simultaneously, other electronic databases were used to validate and
prefabricated construction management, which aims to cut waste and supplement this data, which was only obtained from articles written in
shorten the project cycle [26,27]. These principles include reducing the English. In contrast, to avoid missing relevant information, the search
variability by controlling the cycle times and batch sizes (striving for parameters in this study included the titles, abstracts, and keywords of
single-piece flow), increasing the flexibility by selecting an appropriate the aforementioned studies. Additionally, to increase the value of the
production control approach and developing a standardized process, study, the document types for the references was reviews and articles,
and continuous improvement using a visual production system to and the source types was journals. In addition, the search time for this
inspect and extend the partners’ networks [28]. Owing to their study was October 2022; thus, all related articles before this time were
compatibility with lean principles, various lean construction technolo­ considered.
gies and tools have been used in LPC such as the 5S (sort, set, shine, The next step consists of screening based on a review of the abstracts.
standardize and sustain) lean tool [26], six sigma management [29], 115 papers from Scopus, 63 papers from Web of Science, and 11 papers
Kanban [30], value stream mapping (VSM) [31], Jidoka [32], and last from other databases were screened. Subsequently, the unrelated arti­
planner system (LPS) [33]. cles, which focused on other industries that only apply preassembly and
Although lean philosophy originates from the manufacturing in­ modularization as lean tools [36], or those centered on prefabricated
dustry where it has a mature research and theoretical system, a sys­ construction and not on lean construction practices [37–39], were
tematic framework that can be used in the promotion of the application deleted. Moreover, the articles wherein the word ‘lean’ means ‘thin’ or
of lean manufacturing principles in the construction industry is lacking. ‘oblique’ were excluded [12]. After screening, 115 articles from Scopus
Prefabricated construction is a representative form of construction remained, and those from Web of Science decreased to 63, bringing the

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

Fig. 1. Research framework.

4. Scientometric analysis
Table 1
Search Terms.
Vosviewer was used as a tool to prompt the systematic literature
Prefabrication Lean Construction Scene review of LPC, and scientometric analysis was adopted to identify the
off-site AND Lean (Construction) Practices AND Construction individuals actively participating in lean theory research. Furthermore,
Offsite Lean (Construction) Tools House co-citation and co-journal analyses were conducted to identify hotspots
Modular Lean (Construction) Strategies Housing
in the research field, and the articles were classified into various di­
Data Lean (Construction) Principles Building
Prefabricated Lean (Construction) Techniques Components
mensions based on the co-occurrence of keywords to determine the
Industrialized Concrete current status and future research directions.
Tilt up 4.1. Co-citations analysis
Co-citation analysis is an objective method used to analyze literature
data [15]. Co-citation occurs when two articles quote one another; thus,
total to 178. The last step involves repeating the screening and deleting it can better reflect the contributions in this field compared with
the duplicates and undiscoverable documents, which reduced the total bibliographic coupling. Based on Jin et al. [11], the minimum number of
to 121 articles. Fig. 2 shows the distribution of articles based on publi­ citations was adjusted to 55, and 14 articles remained. The resulting
cation year. The results show that the trend in the research in this field is scientific mapping is shown in Fig. 3 and the most influential articles are
not increasing year by year. In general, the number of studies in the field listed in Table 2.
of LPC has been gradually increasing, and the quantity of literature From Fig. 3, the ‘Norm. Citation’ refers to the normalized number of
produced in the last eight years is higher than that before eight years citations, which better reflects citation performance compared to the
ago, indicating that research in this field has gained traction. With the peer articles. From Fig. 3 and Table 2, Sacks et al. [40], Nahmens and
increasing requirements for energy saving techniques, environmental Ikuma [49], Jin et al. [11] and Yu et al. [26] obtained the highest norm.
protection, and efficiency, combining prefabricated buildings with the citations and number of specifications. The articles with high reference
lean theory has proven to be beneficial in construction engineering. values focused on the following areas: integration of information

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

Fig. 2. Annual valid reference articles.

Fig. 3. Scientific mapping for articles in LPC.

was extended from weekly to daily by providing the information infra­

Table 2
structure and coordinating between the involved parties. The next
Most Influential Articles in LPC.
article focused on the sustainability of modular buildings, and used three
Author Cluster Links Citations Norm. cases to show the impact of lean on the triple bottom line in modular
housing construction [50]. It can be seen that the article written by Jin
Sacks et al. (2010a) [40] 1 6 203 4.1856 et al. [11] is similar to other articles because it provides a review of
Nahmens and Ikuma (2012) 1 9 99 3.4839
prefabricated construction; however, it posseses a high research value
Jin et al. (2018) [11] 2 3 94 2.8200
because many papers on prefabrication are cited. Arashpour et al. [51]
Yu et al. (2013) [26] 1 8 77 2.3476 and Yu et al. [26] also obtained higher reference values in their studies.
Arashpour et al. (2016) [42] 2 6 61 2.2593 One of them optimized the relationship between the various processes
Mostafa et al. (2016) [16] 2 8 59 2.1852 involved in the construction of a prefabricated building, and the other
Höök and Stehn (2008a) [43] 3 8 89 1.9669
applied the lean construction principles to a prefabricated building
Xu et al. (2018) [44] 2 6 64 1.9200
Nahmens and Ikuma (2009) 1 6 57 1.8387 element, including 5S management, standardized work, takt time, va­
[45] riety management, and VSM.
Alinaitwe (2009) [21] 1 9 55 1.7742
Nath et al. (2015) [46] 1 3 56 1.62
Höök and Stehn (2008b) [47] 3 7 68 1.5028
4.2. Co-occurrence of keywords analysis
Tommelein (1998) [48] 1 5 206 1.0000
Ballard et al. (2003) [29] 1 6 59 1.0000 In this section, the current research dimensions are explored based
on the classification results presented in the keyword co-occurrence
scientific mapping. Keyword analysis is one of the methods used to
technology represented by BIM and Internet-of-Things (IoT), sustain­
identify hotspots in a research field [53], and its validity has been
ability of construction under the triple bottom line, off-site construction,
verified in various literature review papers [14] [52]. In this study, the
and algorithm optimization incorporating lean construction principles.
minimum number of occurrences for all keywords was determined to be
These directions also show the opportunities and trends in LPC.
four based on the initial 81 keywords. Subsequently, the keywords that
The article written by Sacks et al. [50] has the highest Norm indices,
matched or were basically the same as the search terms were removed,
and production management systems are proposed for construction
such as buildings, prefabrication, off-site construction, modular con­
based on BIM platforms, a Kanban-style pull process flow, and Andon
struction, manufacturing, lean construction, precast concrete, con­
alerts. Additionally, the construction process was visualized and the LPS
struction industry, and construction. After this step, 40 keywords

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

remained, as presented in Fig. 4, and the keywords with more than five construction, and other prefabrication-related lean adoption strategies.
occurrences are listed in Table 3. Including the uncategorized literature reviews, the proportion of each
According to Fig. 4 and Table 3, the red node represents the inte­ research dimension was calculated based on the statistical analysis as
gration of information technology in each project phase, which is rep­ 17%, 16%, 25%, 22%, and 13%, respectively, and the remaining 7% of
resented by the architectural design, BIM, information theory, or the literature did not fall into any of the five dimensions above.
planning. Additionally, the green node is related to the research supply
chain management, including the supply chains and contractor; the 5. Research frontiers and gaps
yellow node describes the sustainability of the production process,
including sustainable development, carbon emissions, and precast con­ Using literature synthesis, the gaps and research opportunities were
crete; and the blue node represents the research method and application identified based on the detailed literature on each dimension, as shown
of lean construction principles, including discrete event simulation, in Fig. 5. This classification is described in the following subsection.
agile manufacturing systems, value stream mapping, and just-in-time
production. The keyword ‘productivity’ has the highest number of oc­
currences in the blue cluster, which is the aim of LPC. 5.1. Data-driven intelligent decision
Classification analysis can be more effective in determining the
research status and direction of lean principles in prefabricated con­ 5.1.1. Literature synthesis
struction. According to the distance of each cluster in Fig. 4, the four There were 19 articles in this dimension, as shown in Table 4. This
types of keywords have a certain relationship. By summarizing the dimension has many high-value articles, all of which are based on in­
commonality of the keywords in each cluster and combining the highly- formation integration techniques such as BIM, and the incorporation of
valuable articles, four dimensions were obtained: (1) data-driven intel­ lean construction principles to achieve automatic and intelligent appli­
ligent decisions represented by BIM and algorithm optimization, (2) cations, as shown in Table 7. Visual management is of vital importance
construction sustainability represented by industry development and in lean construction principles, and BIM can be the key to achieving this.
environmental protection, (3) activity process optimization represented The role of visual management using BIM such as pictographic in­
by agile manufacturing systems and simulation, and (4) lean construc­ structions generated by BIM for assembly [54], visual representation of
tion adoption represented by supply chain management and contractor the lean level in the BIM model [55], increasing collaboration among all
cooperation. Subsequently, four dimensions were identified based on parties [49,56], generating drawings of prefabricated modules [46],
these four clusters. mass customization [57], and digitization before the production stage
However, there are several studies that are not presented in Fig. 4. [31], have been expounded in many of the articles in this dimension. In
These articles have keywords such as flexible field factory, circular addition, work in this area includes real-time monitoring and data
economy, design for manufacturing and assembly (DfMA), large-scale visualization during construction for continuous improvement [58,59],
construction, and industry-university relationship, which are based on and improving logistics management [33,60,61].
concepts that are highly relevant for achieving lean construction. In contrast to the above article, which focuses on visual manage­
Therefore, these keywords are worth considering. In this regard, the lean ment, the following articles focus on the role of information technology
strategies in this category of articles, which provide important insights in project decision making. Xu et al. proposed an operational model for
for related research, were analyzed and classified into a fifth dimension. the economical and flexible use of IoT technology by small and medium-
Overall, the research dimensions of LPC can be classified into five sized enterprises (SMEs) through the adoption of the concept of cloud
categories: information integration, construction sustainability, activity assets and by building an information cloud platform [44]. Ezzeddine
process optimization, lean construction adoption in prefabricated and de Soto developed a digital platform based on a game engine that
connects the design, production, transportation, and construction of a

Fig. 4. Scientific mapping for keywords in LPC.

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

Table 3
Most Frequent Keywords in LPC.
Keywords Cluster Total link strength Occurrences Average Publication Year Average Citation Avg. Norm. Citation

Supply chains 2 41 19 2014 19.4737 1.1164

Architectural design 1 53 17 2018 30.0588 1.1236
Building information modeling 1 50 16 2019 20.375 0.9935
Housing 2 30 14 2011 27.9286 0.8278
Precast concrete 4 44 14 2013 20.9286 0.8663
Productivity 3 31 14 2014 27.2857 1.0751
Sustainable development 4 37 12 2014 27.8333 1.1015
Agile manufacturing systems 3 29 9 2012 25.3333 0.8546
Value stream mapping 3 28 9 2017 24.5556 1.0651
Simulation 3 15 8 2015 20.5 0.744
Surveys 2 25 8 2014 36.25 1.2793
Discrete event simulation 3 21 7 2018 15 1.3915
Just in time production 3 18 7 2016 15.4286 1.8461
Contractors 2 13 6 2017 15.8333 0.5885
Information theory 1 25 6 2019 38.1667 1.584
Mapping 3 20 6 2017 13.3333 0.7908
Planning 1 22 6 2014 54 1.6273
Product design 1 10 6 2011 22.8333 1.0497

project to provide a virtual environment and make collaborative de­ attract customers [44] and quantify the platform and system benefits
cisions [62]. Additionally, some studies have applied algorithms that [31]. In addition, the approach should also consider how it can be
incorporate lean principles to optimize off-site construction, such as extended to other projects, which is the motivation for standardization,
optimization-based metaheuristics [51], algorithms for stacking panel versatility, and multi-participation [46,57,64]; and employee and
materials [32], integrating the last planner system, the linear scheduling stakeholder training to ensure the convenient use of standard workflows
method, and critical chain project management [63]. These articles [49,54].
focus on the implementation and application of information integration This dimension focuses on algorithm optimization, which was used
in different scenarios. as an assumption in the modeling process [32], as schedule targets for
module production [51] and the monitoring, controlling, and tracking of
5.1.2. Research gaps linear schedules [63]. To simplify the problem for off-site construction,
Based on literature synthesis, the existing research gaps in the in­ future studies should consider more complex situations such as cost
formation integration dimension can be summarized as follows: factors and the different conditions in construction. Simultaneously,
reasonable estimation and modeling of the process are key for utilizing
(1) Lack of uniform standards for information integration. In the lean construction strategies.
reviewed articles, research cases such as those on the construc­ The logistics problems encountered during integration into the
tion of standardized workflows, parameterized BIM common construction site and production plant can be addressed by imple­
components, and worker instruction information databases have menting lean construction principles; however, most of the available
their own case uniqueness, which makes the generalization of the research focuses on site and materials logistics planning. Therefore, the
research conclusions in other projects difficult. impact of various situations on construction sites such as delayed de­
(2) In the context of information technology, the importance of data livery and large inventory [61], and the potential cost savings related to
security and privacy issues are highlighted. Moreover, the the implementation of the system [33], needs to be evaluated during
adoption of integrated information is closely linked with specific model development.
scenarios, and under the intelligent-based cyber-system, the
control and usage of these data is important and should also be 5.2. Construction sustainability
considered. However, few studies have focused on data security
in construction engineering. 5.2.1. Literature synthesis
(3) Studies in this dimension have focused on the use of intelligent In lean prefabricated construction, emphasis is placed on methods of
algorithms to achieve lean management in prefabricated con­ reducing waste during the construction process including high labor
struction. However, previous studies typically simplify the pre­ utilization, economic development, and environmental and social ben­
fabricated construction conditions during the algorithm design or efits under the triple bottom line of sustainability. This has attracted
modeling process, hindering the algorithm or model’s ability to several authors from the United States to study employee safety and job
obtain effective results under more complex conditions such as satisfaction using the job safety analysis (JSA) method, and several au­
the automatic matching of supply and demand and multi-player thors from Singapore to study the reduction of carbon emission using the
interaction-based decision-making. life cycle assessment method (LCA), as indicated in Table 8. These
(4) The development of models or algorithms does not consider the studies were then classified in terms of the three dimensions of sus­
impacts of unexpected events such as delayed delivery, in­ tainability: social, environmental, and economic, as shown in Table 5.
ventory, and response strategies. In particular, under more un­ From a social perspective, various articles have focused on social
certainties or emergency issues, intelligent algorithms must be responsibilies such as the worker safety and welfare. Nahmens et al.
adaptive to systematic and complicated scenarios. studied the worker’s satisfaction [41] and risk [45,67,68], and Court
et al. [18] developed a lean and agile construction system that promotes
5.1.3. Research opportunities safety and productivity. Zaalouk and Han [69] used lean principles to
Establishing a unified data model for a prefabricated component identify bottlenecks in the production process of prefabricated compo­
cloud platform to promote information sharing and information storage nents, redesigned the production plant, and improved the safety of the
can enhance the cooperation between SMEs. However, the data security production process of prefabricated components.
and privacy issues of construction companies need to be considered, and From an environmental perspective, Konstantinou and Heesbeen
the platform should have a developed intelligent decision module to [70] proposed a combination of lean and prefabricated construction as

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

Fig. 5. Framework to link current research themes to research gaps for the application of lean principles in prefabricated construction.

an effective means of achieving energy savings and low carbon emis­ manufacturing and assembly (DfMA) to prefabricate bridges, simplified
sions for the development of building industrialization. Wu et al. [71] and standardized the design of bridge components, and evaluated the
studied the methods used to achieve low carbon in precast concrete application effect of DfMA based on lean manufacturing principles. They
factories [71–74] or construction sites [75,76]. In addition, Koch and found that DfMA reduces the costs and results in significant economic
Bertelsen [77] analyzed a demonstration project that includes a set of benefits. Moreover, prefabricated construction has the advantages of
products and process concepts in which the process elements contain standardization and scientific management, which can avoid the
value-based lean design and construction for the development of low- drawbacks of traditional construction and reduce the construction costs.
carbon housing. Senaratne and Ekanayake [78] divided the produc­ However, the high cost of prefabricated construction has hindered its
tion process of a precast concrete bridge beam into conversion activities adoption in China [81]. In contrast, many construction enterprises lack
to eliminate unnecessary activities. Kim and Bae [79] compared the technology and management experience required to employ LPC [82],
energy emissions of on-site and prefabricated rebars using life cycle mainly because they have not formed a complete LPC operation and
assessment (LCA). Finally, Heravi et al. [19] comprehensively consid­ supply chain management system, which has led to engineering changes
ered the energy consumption during the production, transportation, and and cost increases [15]. Therefore, implementing the lean construction
installation of prefabricated components. principle is an important method of improving the economic benefits
From an economic perspective, Safaa et al. [80] applied design for and enhancing sustainable development in prefabrication construction.

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

Table 4
Document classification statistics for the research content in information integration.
No Authors Countries Research Topics Lean construction Tools Methodologies

1 Shewchuk and United States Stacking and location of prefabricated components at the Kaizen, Jidoka,5S Algorithm
Guo (2012) [32] installation site
2 Arashpour et al. Australia Defining the optimal module production sequencing with JIT Empirical analysis,
(2016) [51] the aim of minimizing changeover time Algorithm, Simulation
3 Han et al. (2012) United States Optimizing the production module at the modular VSM, takt time Empirical analysis,
[65] production line Simulation, 3D visualization
4 Bataglin et al. Brazil Logistics management Integrated production and JIT, Standardized work, LPS Empirical analysis, BIM
(2020) [61] installation
5 Bortolini et al. Brazil A logistics planning and control model for site assembly Hierarchical relationships and Empirical analysis, BIM
(2019) [60] interactions between Lean
6 Chen et al. (2020) Switzerland Facilitating the flow of materials and related information LPS RFID, BIM, Simulation
7 Dallasega et al. Italy Real-time planning and monitoring LPS, location-based Empirical Analysis,
(2018) [59] management system (LBMS), Information platform
takt time
8 Nascimento et al. Brazil Optimizing the installation of industrial plant construction PDCA, Obeya Room Empirical analysis, BIM
(2017) [58]
9 Sacks et al. United Kingdom Better collaboration between all parties involved in the LPS Empirical analysis, BIM
(2010b) [49] and Finland construction process
10 Xu et al. (2018) China The operation model for SMEs to economically and flexibly Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis, IoT, BIM,
[44] use IoT technologies construction Cloud technology
11 Ng et al. (2016) China The detailed business process of an RFID-enabled BIM Focus on the results of lean RFID, BIM
[56] platform construction
12 Nath et al. (2015) Singapore Generating drawings of prefabricated modules in workshop VSM Empirical analysis, BIM
13 Johnston et al. United States A virtual prototype to support construction assembly Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis, Virtual
(2016) [54] procedures construction prototyping, BIM
14 Gbadamosi et al. United Kingdom Measuring the lean level of prefabricated components Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis, Voting
(2019) [55] construction analytical hierarchy process,
15 Ezzeddine and United States Using the game engine to create a platform to integrate the Focus on the results of lean Game engine technology
García de Soto design, production, transportation and team-building of construction
(2021) [66] modular construction
16 Salama et al. United States Presenting a new method for project tracking and control of LPS BIM, Linear scheduling
(2021) [63] integrated offsite and onsite activities in modular method
17 Zhang et al. (2021) Canada A prototype of the production information system was VSM, mass customization Empirical analysis, BIM, DES,
[57] proposed to facilitate the mass customization Virtual reality
implementation in the millwork manufacturer
18 Barkokebas et al. Canada Use BIM and Lean integration in off-site construction to VSM Empirical analysis, BIM,
(2021) [31] improve the prefabrication process (design, procurement simulation
and bidding)
19 Eldeep et al. Saudi Arabia Studying the relationship between BIM and lean, and Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis, BIM
(2021) [66] developing an innovative method of information flow construction

5.2.2. Research gaps Through virtual reality and other technologies, a more realistic
Based on the research analysis of lean prefabricated construction description of the working environment can be outlined to provide a
from a social, environmental, and economic perspectives, three research better understanding of the risks, which can then be used to further
gaps were considered. First, construction sustainability requires devel­ validate off-site safety [67]. Moreover, it is possible to combine BIM and
opment under a triple bottom line. The discussion of lean construction other information technologies to collect and analyze carbon emissions
principles in sustainability is currently mainly focused on one or two [58]. The analysis of carbon emissions during the entire life cycle of
perspectives, creating a lack of information on the environmental, eco­ prefabricated construction can provide effective information and in­
nomic, and social aspects. Second, it can be planned, built, and managed dicators for carbon emission control [83]. BIM and DfMA can be com­
more effectively; thus, it is more sustainable throughout the full life bined to realize 3D visualization through BIM technology and optimize
cycle of construction. Moreover, the methods employed in sustainable the sustainability and cost of designing prefabricated structures [84].
construction through lean and prefabricated construction require addi­
tional in-depth and specific research. 5.3. Activity process optimization

5.2.3. Research opportunities 5.3.1. Literature synthesis

It is necessary to simultaneously consider the three perspectives in This dimension has the largest number of articles, and the analysis
the triple bottom line [50]. In addition, several research directions can was mainly done using VOSviewer based on 14 highly-relevant articles
be further explored such as the whole life cycle of prefabricated com­ and supplemented by other articles, as shown in Table 6. In contrast to
ponents, including post-demolition [75], and environmental sustain­ other dimensions, lean construction principles are used in this dimen­
ability assessment and optimization can be enhanced to not be based sion. The research focus in this area was divided into design, production,
solely on the construction site or factor [73,74]. Heravi et al. [19] and assembly; therefore, a literature analysis of these processes was first
explored the impact of lean techniques on the reduction in carbon performed.
emissions in prefabricated construction, and extended the evaluation Many of the highly-relevant articles were found to focus on the
process to the entire life cycle. production stage [17,26,29]. Heravi et al. [87] integrated the

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

Table 5
Document classification statistics of the research content in construction sustainability.
No Authors Countries Research Topics Lean construction Tools Methodologies

1 Kim and Bae (2010) Korea The environmental impacts of prefabrication and JIT JIT Empirical analysis, LCA, construction
[79] delivery strategy of rebar supply environmental decision-support tool
2 Firmawan et al. Indonesia Applying Lean construction and Value engineering to Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis, FAST (Function
(2012) [85] elevate the environment construction Analysis System Technique)
3 Koch and Bertelsen Denmark Analyzing a demonstration project as part of the Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis
(2014) [77] commercialization of design and the innovation construction
4 Nahmens and United The impact of lean on the triple bottom line of Safety and Lean Integrated Kaizen Empirical analysis
Ikuma (2012) [50] States sustainability (SLIK)
5 James et al. (2014) United The relationship between Lean and worker safety Kaizen Empirical analysis, JSA
[67] States during construction activities
6 Nahmens et al. United Through Kaizen events to improve job satisfaction Kaizen Empirical analysis
(2012) [41] States levels
7 Nahmens and United Exploring whether continuous improvement can Kaizen Empirical analysis
Ikuma (2009) [45] States improve safety in the construction industry
8 Ikuma et al.(2011) United Applying of SLIK to Improve Performance Kaizen Empirical analysis, JSÁ
[68] States
9 Court et al.(2009) United Improving health, safety, productivity for the onsite Activity Based Classification (ABC), Empirical analysis
[18] Kingdom labor. JIT
10 Peng and Pheng Singapore Identifying the contribution of the lean concept to VSM, Activity Based Classification Empirical analysis
(2011) [86] achieve sustainability in precast concrete factories.
11 Wu and Feng Singapore Applying lean benchmark to offer relative Benchmark, Kaizen Empirical analysis, LCA
(2012) [72] measurements of carbon emissions for precast
concrete products
12 Wu (2015) [75] Singapore Achieving low carbon in precast concrete Grouping technology, JIT, Empirical analysis, LCA
construction sites Uninterrupted workflow, Total
quality control (TQC)
13 Wu et al. (2013a) Singapore Achieving low carbon in precast concrete Kaizen, VSM, Uninterrupted Empirical analysis
[76] construction sites workflow
14 Wu et al. (2013b) Singapore Achieving low carbon in precast concrete factories Benchmark, Kaizen Empirical analysis, LCA
15 Wu and Feng Singapore Achieving low carbon in precast concrete factories Grouping technology, JIT, Empirical analysis
(2014) [73] Uninterrupted workflow, TQC
16 Wu and Low (2012) Singapore Achieving low carbon in precast concrete factories JIT,Kaizen Empirical analysis
17 Heravi et al. (2020) Iran Reducing energy consumption and carbon dioxide VSM, JIT, Kaizen, TPM Empirical analysis, LCA, Discrete
[19] emissions integrating production, transportation, event simulation (DES)
and erection processes
18 Senaratne and Sri Lanka Evaluating Lean Principles to the precast concrete Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis
Ekanayake (2012) bridge beam production process construction

production and installation processes of prefabricated steel frame construction principles constructed by Bortolini et al. [60] lay the
structures and adopted a phased lean management approach to improve foundation for this approach. In addition, the methods used to effec­
the project construction performance. Schulze and Dallasega [88] tively measure the lean ability and improve the lean level also deserve
summarized the obstacles between the component manufacturing or­ attention. According to the previous literature review, the deficiencies in
ders and actual production and construction processes during modular this dimension can be summarized as follows. First, in lean construction
building lean implementation, and proposed an engineer-to-order (ETO) applications, it is necessary to understand the profound meaning of lean
framework for lean implementation, which is helpful in overcoming the construction. Second, the method used to measure a company’s ability
mismatch between the production and demand. This collaborative to implement lean construction in the absence of project data and the
function of BIM facilitates the implementation of lean construction [66]. corresponding standards need to be developed.
For example, Bakhshi et al. [89] designed a framework that integrates
BIM and DfMA to enable customers to participate in the entire prefab­ 5.3.3. Research opportunities
rication process, which improves customer satisfaction and flexibility. One research direction that can be developed is a general research on
Moreover, although the production process of prefabricated components the lean construction principles using simulations for the analysis and
is similar to the manufacturing process, the latter focuses on the without the use of actual data. Furthermore, the development of lean-
implementation of lean principles in the production stage. For instance, oriented simulation templates for parameterization to provide com­
Jansson et al. [90] outlined the use of lean product development flow panies with the ability of performing quantitative evaluations needs to
(LPDF) in industrialized house-building environments, which can pro­ be explored [93]. Goh and Goh [91] conducted a simulation study on the
vide more flexibility in product development and production. Moreover, prefabrication construction process and compared the differences be­
some articles have focused on lean implementation in construction sites tween traditional and modular construction methods to obtain the
[91,92]. project benefits of lean implementation through simulation.
The apparent contradiction that occurs whereby the productivity
5.3.2. Research gaps increases under a lower labor utilization is both an economic and social
Majority of the available research focuses on application-level issue; therefore, more comprehensive research should be conducted on
techniques and types of lean construction principles rather than the the other factors of productivity in future studies [91,92]. For example,
results of lean construction such as the reduction in waste and vari­ the use of lean construction principles to improve productivity while
ability, and zero inventory. The hierarchical relationships of the lean ensuring the effective utilization of employees should be investigated.

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

Table 6
Document Classification Statistics of the Research Content in Activity Process Optimization.
No Authors Countries Research Topics Lean construction Tools Methodologies

1 Ballard et al. (2003) United Learning to identify and utilize workflow for precast concrete Six Sigma, Kaizen,5S, Empirical analysis
[29] Kingdom fabrication Employee involvement, JIT
2 Simonsson et al. Sweden Applicability of VSM to improve workflow JIT, VSM Empirical analysis
(2012) [94]
3 Yu et al. (2013) [26] United Optimizing the whole production process of building 5S, standardized work, VSM, Empirical analysis
States components takt time
4 Nahmens and Mullens United Optimizing the precast concrete panelizer in the factory Standardized work, Empirical analysis
(2011) [17] States Continuous flow, Kaizen
5 Afifi et al. (2022) [95] Canada Lean improvements integrating discrete-event simulation Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis, DES
approach to increase the productivity of the assembly line. construction
6 Arashpour et al. Australia Proposing an autonomous production tracking to analyze real- Standardized work, Cross- Empirical analysis, DES
(2015) [42] time production training
7 Polat et al. (2006) Turkey An economic comparison of the on-site and off-site fabrication Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis,
[96] practices of rebar construction Mathematical modeling, DES
8 Heravi and Firoozi Iran Optimizing the production process of prefabricated steel frames VSM, JIT Empirical analysis, DES
(2017) [97]
9 Gallardo et al. (2014) Brazil Promoting line flow precast concrete process through basic PDCA Empirical analysis
[98] stability
10 Ahmad et al. (2019) Malaysia Optimizing the reinforcement work process in the precast JIT, Kanban, Layout Empirical analysis
[30] concrete production improvements
11 Goh and Goh (2019) Singapore Providing and evaluating recommendations to improve VSM, TQM, Kanban, cross- Empirical analysis, DES
[91] modular construction efficiency training
12 Wang et al. (2019a) China Optimizing the precast concrete component production VSM Empirical analysis
13 Bamana et al. (2019) Canada Simulating a real construction project to assess the impact of JIT,5S Empirical analysis,
[92] prefabrication, JIT, and lean principles Simulation
14 Jansson et al. (2016) Sweden Improvements to the design process Standardized work, Obeya Empirical analysis
[90] room

Moreover, because the main focus during optimization was reducing [21] identified obstacles hindering the application of the principles of
waste and managing the various processes rather than ensuring the lean construction and then interviewed a contractor to determine the
product retains its customer value [90], research can also be conducted ranking of barriers, and Noor et al. [100] identified drivers and barriers
on the customer value or a combination of these factors. from references and sorted out the factors for lean construction based on
the management levels. Moreover, the survey objects of Meng [105]
consisted of different types of construction projects, and Stehn and Höök
5.4. Lean construction adoption [47] focused on industrialized housing in Sweden. It is important to
consider the interrelationship of lean metrics and the need to accurately
5.4.1. Literature synthesis predict the cost of lean implementation based on more information
The implementation of lean construction has faced several chal­ [102], wherein the specificity of the region or construction mode
lenges. Studies in this dimension have mainly focused on the imple­ included in the indicator is not necessarily a disadvantage [114]. Ac­
mentation of lean construction principles [23,99–101] and cording to the above analysis, the research gaps in this dimension can be
measurement of the lean level of a prefabricated construction project divided into two parts. First, there is a lack of systematic indicators and
[102], wherein questionnaires and interviews are the most commonly methods for studying impediments to lean construction. Second, there is
used methods. Yuan et al. [103] analyzed the relationship between the a lack of research on the relationship between the lean principles and
lean capability and its benefits during the prefabricated construction related construction modes.
process. Through a questionnaire survey and empirical analysis, it was
found that the adoption of effective management is key to improving the 5.4.3. Research opportunities
lean capability. In this dimension, some articles explored the imple­ In this dimension, future studies should investigate the obstacles and
mentation of lean principles from a supply chain management essential principles required for the implementation of interdisciplinary
perspective [104,105] while others explored the product offer strategy skills based on a combination of the information technology and lean
from a contractor’s perspective [21,106–110]. As shown in Fig. 4, the construction principles [112,113]. Therefore, it is necessary to identify
two have a high correlation of identified keywords. The typical meth­ the most important problems faced by different regions or construction
odologies employed in this dimension to determine the importance of modes before implementing these interdisciplinary skills in actual cases
each factor are empirical analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), so that they can be solved in advance, which reduces the resistance to
and analytic network process (ANP), as shown in Table 7. the application of these interdisciplinary skills.
In addition, there is a category of articles that discussed the benefits
and appropriateness of lean principles, and customized production was
found to be more profitable than market-driven procurement from a 5.5. Other prefabrication-related lean adpotion strategies
customer value perspective [108,111]. Moreover, interdisciplinary
skills, which combine lean construction principles with project man­ 5.5.1. Literature synthesis
agement supported by information technology, can further improve the This dimension of the articles is not obtained from the keyword
efficiency of construction [112,113]. clustering analysis, it is a summary of the remaining articles that do not
appear during scientific mapping. The literature on this dimension is
5.4.2. Research gaps closely related to other concepts, as shown in Table 8, and in most ar­
In this dimension, studies were based on questionnaires and in­ ticles, the application of lean in prefabricated construction is not the
terviews owing to the survey environment, and the identification of main research topic. The lean strategies adopted in this dimension
indicators led to a different focus for the results. For example, Alinaitwe involve the cooperation between the construction industry and

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

Table 7
Document classification statistics of the research content in lean construction adoption.
No Authors Countries Research Topics Lean construction Tools Methodologies

1 Pheng and Chuan (2001) Singapore Surveying the application of JIT in precast concrete Kanban, Employee involvement, Empirical analysis
[115] components through main contractors TQM, continuous flow
2 Shams Bidhendi et al. (2019) Australia Proposing the weighted leanness assessment VSM Empirical analysis,
[102] methodology to evaluate and compare the lean Mathematical modeling,
levels of the organization ANP
3 Böhme et al. (2018) [113] Australia Investigating the reasons for decline productivity in Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis, Ishikawa
Australia mid-rise residential construction network construction diagram
4 Alinaitwe (2009) [21] Uganda Investigating the difficulty of overcoming lean TQM, LPS, JIT, VSM, Concurrent Empirical analysis
construction barriers through contractors Engineering (CE), Standardized work
5 Nahmens and Mullens United Discussing the relationship between lean JIT, Kaizen, Visual Management, Empirical analysis
(2009) [25] States construction and mass customization Continuous flow, Takt time,
Standardized work
6 Ray et al. (2006) [116] United How to successfully implement lean construction VSM Empirical analysis
7 Noor et al. (2018) [100] Malaysia The drivers and challenges to adopting lean Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis,
management. construction Interpretive Structural
8 Ahmed and Wong (2018) Malaysia Assessing the level of awareness and acceptance of JIT, TQM, LPS, Value Management Empirical analysis
[22] the need for lean construction techniques (VM)
9 Meiling et al. (2012) [101] Sweden Measuring the extent to which companies based on 5S, Kaizen, Takt time, Standardized Empirical analysis
off-site manufacturing adopt lean management work
10 Pasquire et al. (2011) [111] Sweden Value-driven purchasing of customized kitchen JIT, Customer value Empirical analysis
cabinets is more profitable than market-driven
11 Höök and Stehn (2008b) Sweden Deepening the understanding of how to approach a Kaizen, Standardized work Empirical analysis, Principal
[47] lean culture Component Analysis (PCA)
12 Björnfot and Stehn (2007) Sweden Examining the potential of the product offer from Customer value Empirical analysis
[108] the value views of customers
13 Höök and Stehn (2008a) Sweden The applicability of lean principles and practices JIT, Kaizen, Standardized work, Empirical analysis, PCA and
[43] visualization Mean measurement
14 Forsman et al. (2012) [112] Sweden Enhancing efficiency through lean principles and LPS, JIT, Kaizen Empirical analysis
Information modeling
15 Sandberg and Bildsten Sweden Applying Coordination theory to improve the waste Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis
(2011) [23] of lean principles construction
16 Lennartsson and Björnfot Sweden The popularize research of modular construction standardization Empirical analysis
(2010) [24]
17 Ireland (2004) [104] United Investigating the impact of lean and partnering Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis
Kingdom approaches to supply management construction
18 Meng (2019) [105] United Exploring the implementation of lean principles in Kaizen, Customer value Empirical analysis
Kingdom the context of project-based construction supply
19 Power and Taylor (2019) Ireland Investigating the performance and identifying areas LPS Empirical analysis
[107] for improvement of individual trade contractors
20 Melo and Alves (2010) Brazil Investigation on cooperation between supply chain VSM Empirical analysis
[106] enterprises
21 Yuan et al. (2020) [114] China Exploring the critical barriers of on-site lean Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis
construction construction
22 Xing et al. (2021) [117] China Application of Lean Practice in the Chinese LPS, JIT, Kanban Empirical analysis
construction industry
23 Hussein and Zayed (2021) Hong Kong The key factors of applying JIT in modular JIT Empirical analysis
[99] construction
24 Rahima Shabeen, S., and India Application of lean manufacturing using value VSM Empirical analysis
Aravind Krishnan, K. (2022) stream mapping (VSM) in precast component
[110] manufacturing: A case study

university, which aims to promote process innovation through the 5.5.2. Research gaps
industry-university consortium, and the design and implementation of The currently-available research employs a combination of large-
LPC, which requires the joint efforts of university academic research and scale construction, circular economy, DfMA, large-scale construction,
industry practice [118]. In addition, it also includes circular economy. and industry-university construction with prefabrication, as strategies to
To this end, Benachio et al. [119] and Minunno et al. [120] found a improve project lean; however, the current research is not clear enough.
correlation between lean construction and the circular economy, and the Therefore, more effective strategies need to be developed under
adoption of lean strategies related to the design and production of different construction modes. Moreover, the use of a combination of
buildings such as flexible field factories [121], on-site industrialization other concepts or methods to enrich lean strategies also needs to be
[122,123], large-scale construction [40], design methods on design-bid- further explored.
build projects [124], and DfMA [125].
Simultaneously, there are other studies related to off-site construc­ 5.5.3. Research opportunities
tion such as timber-framed engineering [126,127] and electrical pre­ Future research should not be limited to the adoption of lean stra­
fabrication [128,129] using lean construction as the main strategy, tegies in traditional prefabricated buildings, but to other related con­
which were published by Martinez et al. [130]. struction modes too such as flexible field factories and on-site
industrialization [121,123,130]. These construction methods are similar

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

Table 8
Document classification statistics of the research content in other prefabrication-related lean adpotion strategies.
No Authors Countries Research Topics Lean construction principles Methodologies

1 Lavikka et al. (2020) Finland Describing the development of the relationship between Applying lean as a research project Empirical analysis
[118] industry and university (IU) theme
2 Martinez et al. (2008) European Using concepts like lean construction to develop modular JIT, Visual management, Jidoka Empirical analysis
[130] Union products by robotics systems onsite or offsite.
3 Tykkä et al. (2010) European Applying innovative concepts such as lean production to Focus on the results of lean Empirical analysis
[126] Union develop Timber Framed Engineering construction
4 Duncheva and Bradley European Exploring the products and processes of volumetric (and JIT,5S Empirical analysis
(2019) [127] Union panelized) timber manufacturers
5 Minunno et al. (2018) Australia The circular economy is applied to the strategies of Focus on the results of lean Normative research
[120] prefabricated buildings, one of which is lean construction construction analysis
6 Benachio et al. (2021) Brazil Discovering the interaction between Circular Economy All kinds of lean construction
[119] practices and Lean Construction principles principles
7 Martínez et al. (2013) European The concept and the layout design and the evaluation Lean as the basic principles Empirical analysis,
[121] Union performed of a flexible field factory for the construction Simulation
8 Li et al. (2020) [123] China The concept of on-site industrialization Lean is one of the five basic Action research
9 Rosarius and García De United On-site factories combine the strengths of both Takt time, balanced work Empirical analysis, DES
Soto (2021) [122] States prefabrication techniques and lean principles
10 Said (2016) [128] United Understanding the determinants of the feasibility of Lean is questioned as a factor Empirical analysis,
States electrical prefabrication Logistic regression
11 Said (2015) [129] United Identifying current best practices of electrical construction Lean is questioned as a factor as a Empirical analysis
States prefabrication and future improvement opportunities suggestion for improvement
12 Sacks and Partouche United Reference significance of large-scale construction Lean construction is analyzing as a Empirical analysis
(2010a) [40] States production system paradigm
13 Hallowell and Toole United Inapplicability of traditional design methods on design-bid- Lean construction as the direction Empirical analysis
(2009) [124] States build projects of future improvement
14 Langston and Zhang, Brazil Discovering the interaction between Circular Economy All kinds of lean construction Empirical analysis
(2021) [125] practices and Lean Construction principles principles

Fig. 6. Potential research directions for the application of lean principles in prefabricated construction

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

to the modular construction production methods and have been devel­ triple bottom line, and whole-life cycle construction based on BIM,
oped on this basis. For the analysis of the emerging methods, a combi­ VR, and other new technologies for sustainable construction.
nation of existing research ideas and methods in LPC could be employed • For the activity process optimization dimension, the lean construc­
with a focus on establishing applicable lean construction principles and tion process management techniques can be used to solve the
tools for optimizing the process and maximizing the benefits to complexity of engineering projects and improve the performance.
customers. The production efficiency can be improved through the systematic
coordination of prefabricated construction, including production
6. Conclusions line planning, the construction site layout, and adoption of con­
struction and optimization methodology. The use of lean construc­
This paper discusses the application of lean principles in pre­ tion techniques assists in the identification of the cost waste for the
fabricated construction using a three-step approach, while incorporating entire construction process, optimization of the cost management
bibliometric search, scientometric analysis, and in-depth literature process from different aspects, and enhancement of the management
classification. Based on keyword analysis, the research topics were logic and fluency, thereby improving the project productivity and
classified into five dimensions: data-driven intelligent decision, con­ eliminating the drawbacks of the current project cost management.
struction sustainability, activity process optimization, lean construction Therefore, future research should focus on application-level lean
adoption, and other prefabrication-related lean adoption strategies. techniques and methods, lean-oriented simulation modules for
Therefore, considering the research value, this study has a theoretical parameterization, customer value assurance, and employee produc­
and practical importance. First, a review of the existing literature on tivity improvement.
prefabricated construction and lean integration is provided, thereby • For the lean construction adoption dimension, existing research fo­
contributing to the research knowledge on LPC. The division of the di­ cuses on the implementation of lean construction principles and
mensions reveals the focus areas, which allows the analysis of the cur­ measurement of the lean maturity for the entire prefabricated con­
rent status of research based on different dimensions, and assists in the struction process. Considering the regular problems encountered in
determination of new research directions. Second, the application of prefabrication construction such as excessive production, large in­
bibliometric methods in reviewing off-site construction research is ventory, quality defects, and extra rework, the implementation of a
documented. By extending the bibliometric analysis to an in-depth dis­ lean strategy can effectively eliminate the need for non-value-added
cussion, research areas with substantial literature can be reviewed more activities during the production process to achieve value maximi­
effectively. Thus, this study can also be used as a reference by industry zation. Although previous research has already demonstrated the
practitioners in the development of emerging practices for off-site con­ advantages and suitability of using lean construction methods, future
struction such as combining LPC with concepts such as BIM and sus­ research should address social and environmental factors in addition
tainability thinking. to the economic issues. The results of this research can be used in the
Based on the literature analysis and research achievements, potential evaluation and prediction of the adoptions after using higher-priority
research directions were obtained for each dimension, as shown in lean principles and encountering obstacles for the use of interdisci­
Fig. 6. plinary skills.
• For the other prefabrication-related lean adoption strategies, the
• For the data-driven intelligent decision dimension, the current research involves a combination of LCP with other technologies such
research themes include visual management, real-time monitoring, as mass construction and flexible field factories, which broadens the
logistics management, and algorithm optimization. Based on litera­ research perspective for the development of LPC. Prefabricated
ture analysis, digital innovation is changing the construction in­ construction has similar characteristics to manufacturing, and as a
dustry, and frontier technologies can provide the necessary result, the conditions for implementing lean construction have
guarantee and support to lean construction. Prefabricated construc­ matured. Therefore, future research on lean strategies should be
tion processes are different from ordinary cast-in-place construction linked to factors such as circular economy and on-site industriali­
processes because the construction site extends to the factory. Thus, zation. Moreover, research initiatives regarding applicable lean
cost management, quality management, safety management, and construction principles and tools for other related construction
schedule management can be achieved faster and better under the modes should also be considered.
coordination of information technology. In addition, prefabrication-
based supply chain management involves more stakeholders and has Finally, based on the existing data scope and focus limitations, this
a lower tolerance for design errors. Therefore, information technol­ research can be improved from the following perspectives. First, in
ogy is important to achieve lean performance in prefabricated con­ terms of the database selection, literature searches were conducted
struction processes. Future research should focus on standardization using only two databases, Web of Science and Scopus, which resulted in
and versatility, intelligent decisions, reasonable process estimation a limited number of studies; thus, future studies should employ a wider
and modeling, and potential cost savings related to implementation. search scope. Second, "supply chain" has the highest co-occurrence of
In addition, under the impact of various contingencies, data security keywords in the scientific mapping conducted in this study, which in­
and privacy should also considered. dicates to some extent that "supply chain" is an important link between
• For the construction sustainability dimension, the discussions on lean and prefabrication; thus, future research should focus on lean
lean construction principles and sustainability are always closely- management in prefabrication construction from a supply chain
linked. The use of prefabricated construction with a well-designed perspective.
management process is a promising solution for achieving energy
saving capabilities, emission reduction, and environmental protec­ Declaration of Competing Interest
tion. Therefore, lean construction is important for achieving sus­
tainable development. Based on the lean construction theory and The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
management techniques, and a combination of the characteristics of interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
sustainable construction, the proposed implementation maximized ence the work reported in this paper.
the achievement of sustainable development goals such as a good
built environment, maximized the customer value, and minimized Data availability
the waste. Therefore, it is necessary to simultaneously consider more
sustainable research directions such as the three perspectives in the No data was used for the research described in the article.

J. Du et al. Automation in Construction 150 (2023) 104790

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