Good Governance Midterm Module 1 - Legal-Regulatory-and-Political-Issues-2022
Good Governance Midterm Module 1 - Legal-Regulatory-and-Political-Issues-2022
Good Governance Midterm Module 1 - Legal-Regulatory-and-Political-Issues-2022
This topic covers the understanding about the government influence on business,
business influence on government and politics and the government’s strategic approach
for legal and ethical compliance.
Lesson No: 1
Preventing trusts and monopolies from using their market dominance to negatively
manipulate output, pricing, and quality.
b. Monopoly occurs when just one business provides a good or service in a given
market. Examples of monopolies are utility companies that supply electricity, natural
gas, water, or cable television. The government tolerates these monopolies because
the cost of supplying the good or providing the service is so great that few companies
would willing to invest in new markets without the protection from competition. It
allowed by patent laws that grand the developer of a new technology a period of time
during which no other firm can use the same technology a period of time during which
no other form can use the same technology without the patent holder’s consent. Patent
protections are permitted to encourage business to engage in riskier research and
development by allowing them time to recoup their research, development, and
production expenses and to earn a reasonable profit.
2. Social reasons for regulation Regulation may also occur when marketing activities
result in undesirable consequences for society. It is necessary to ensure that all
firms w/in an industry do their part to minimize damages and pay their fair share.
Likewise, regulations have proven necessary to protect resources, both natural and
social. Other regulations have come about in response to social demands for
equality in the workplace. Such laws and regulations require that companies ignore
race, ethnicity, gender, religion, and disabilities in favor of qualifications that more
accurately reflect an individual’s capacity for performing a particular job. Likewise,
deaths and injuries because of employer negligence resulted in regulations designed
to ensure that people can enjoy a safe working environment. Issues arising from the
increasing use of the Internet have led to demands for new laws protecting
consumers and business in e-commerce activities. Internet access services in the
past have pressed for tougher federal legislation in a quest to stop illicit commercial
email. However, legislators often have difficulty with finding a way to block
deceptive spammer without violating their right. In addition copyright violations
continue to plague many global industries, which to some critics call into question
the effectiveness of legal action. A team of security specialist recommends
technological, not legal, solutions as most effective in the fight against piracy and
copyright infringement.
18. The Magna Carta for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSMEs)
Global Regulation
Import barriers
· Port-of-entry taxes
· Eliminates virtually all tariffs on goods produced and traded between the
U.S., Canada, and Mexico
Benefits of Regulation
Despite business complaints about the cost of regulation, it provides many benefits to
business, consumers, and society as a whole. These benefits include greater equality
in the workplace, safer products, more information about and greater choices among
products, cleaner air and water, and the preservation of wildlife habitats to ensure that
future generations can enjoy their beauty and diversity.
Companies that fail to respond to consumer desires or that employ inefficient processes
are often forced out of the marketplace by more efficient and effective firm. Truly
competitive markets also sour companies to invest in researching and developing
product innovations as well as new, more efficient methods of production. These
innovation benefit consumers through lower prices and improved goods and services.
Regulatory Reform. Many businesses and individuals believe that the cost of
regulation outweigh its benefits. Removing regulatory will allow Adam Smith’s
“invisible hand of competition” to more effectively and efficiently dictate business
conduct. Some people desire completed deregulation, or removal of all the
authority. They believe that less government intervention allows business markets to
work amore efficiently. For example, many businesses want their industries
deregulated to decrease their cost of doing business. Many industries have been
deregulated to a certain extent since the 1980s, including trucking, airlines,
telecommunications (long-distance telephone and cable television), and more
recently, electric utilities. In many cases, this deregulation has resulted in lower
prices for consumers as well as in greater product choice.
Lesson No: 2
Although some businesses view regulatory and legal forces as beyond their
control and simply react to conditions arising from those forces, other firms actively
seek to influence the political process to achieve their goals. In some case, companies
publicly protest the actions of legislative bodies. More often, companies work for the
election of political candidates who regard them positively. Lobbying, political action
committees, and campaign contributions are some of the tools businesses employ to
influence the political process.
Political Action Committees. Companies can also influence the political process
through political action committees. Organization that solicit donations from
individuals and them contribute these funds so candidates running for political office.
Campaign Contribution. Laws from other country like federal laws restrict direct
corporate contributions to election campaigns, corporate money may be channelled
into candidates’ campaign coffers as corporate executives’ or stockholders’ personal
contribution. Such donations can violate the spirit of corporate campaign laws. A
sizable contribution to a candidate may carry with it an implied understanding that the
elected official will perform some favour, such as voting in accordance with the
contributor’s desire on a particular law.
Lesson No: 3
Lesson Title: The Government Approach for Legal and Ethical Compliance