Battlelords of The 23rd Century - Core Rules
Battlelords of The 23rd Century - Core Rules
Battlelords of The 23rd Century - Core Rules
Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century™ Created by Lawrence “Larry” R. Sims
23rd Century Productions, LLC: Anthony Oliveira, David Soruco, Michelle Soruco, Kurt Willis
SSDC, Inc.: Michael Osadciw & Aaron Thies Financier: Dr. Megan Jones
Savage World Conversion Mechanics by: Alb', Marcus Holder, Anthony Oliveira
Battlelords Contributors: David Fowler, Keith Klee, Anthony Oliveira, David Soruco, Joseph Soruco,
Keith Soruco, Lindsey Soruco, Michelle Soruco, Kurt Willis
Editor: June Hedman Assistant Editor: Anthony Oliveira
Senior Art Director: Ray Hedman Assistant Art Directors: Dawn Oliveira, Anthony Oliveira
Layout Concept: Andrew Curtis at FUEL VM, LLC.
Layout Development: Daniel Marshall Marketing Consultant: Andrew Curtis at FUEL VM, LLC.
Front Cover Art: Kiki "Kay Kay" Kurnia Back Cover Art: Kiki "Kay Kay" Kurnia
Artists: Jordi Alcala, Nichole Balsley at Devious Squrl Designs, Wayne Barlowe, Can Başdoğan, Matt
Bulahao, Annamaria Caciagli, Tadeo Doria, Stewart Ellis, Wietz Fopma, Attila Gallik, Breno Girafa, Ray
Hedman, Carsten Holtmann, Quinton Hoover, Dave Johnson, Samuel Kamby, Kiki "Kay Kay" Kurnia,
Chyi Ming Lee, Mark Maxwell, Mitch Mueller, Darren Myners, Michael Osadciw, Jeff Reitz, Leonardo Sá,
Jhomar Soriano, Gino Stratolat, Daniel Thiele, Quico Vicens, Carlos Villas, Admira Wijaya, John Williams
Battlelords of the 23rd Century®, Savage Worlds Edition, First Printing by 23rd Century Productions, LLC.
Contact us at [email protected] or via
or search your favorite social network for “Battlelords” or “23rd Century Productions”.
Copyright ©2017-2021, 23rd Century Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century produced by 23rd Century Productions, LLC. under exclusive license with SSDC, Inc.
Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century® a registered trademark of SSDC, Inc. and is used under exclusive license.
“This book was designed as a game. The information portrayed doesn’t in any way reflect the beliefs of the author or the company. We
don’t support cannibalism, racism, sexism, and/or any other “ism” that has negative social consequences.” -Larry Sims
Battlelords of the Twenty-Third Century® is military science-fiction roleplaying game, which contains mature themes and is recommended for ages
14 and up. It was originally written by a soldier. The text within graphically describes war wounds, violent combat, combatants that work themselves
up into a suicidal frenzy, and dark humor that soldiers often use cope with the horrors of war. If this is objectionable to you, please stop reading now.
“This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at Savage Worlds
and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no
representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.”
you are all battlelords to us live well fight hard enjoy life
Special thanks to our Kickstarter Backers Kickstarter video created by: Nichole Balsley at Devious Squrl Designs
Convention attire and promotional materials designed and provided by Phoenix Design Screen Printing & Embroidery
Throughout this book are snippets of text in different alien scripts, in the Chatilian, Mutzachan, Orion, and Zen Rigeln languages.
the arachnids and the atlanteans are both your friends and your foes
These are simple substitution ciphers, and if you decode them, they'll give you secret information
about what's really going on behind the scenes in the Battlelords universe!
THE RULES CHAPTER -----------------------------------------------78
SKILLS.................................................................................................. 79
CREDITS--------------------------------------------------------------- 1 HINDRANCES TABLE.............................................................................. 80
EDGES TABLE...................................................................................81-85
KICKSTARTER--------------------------------------------------------- 1
STRENGTH TABLE.................................................................................. 86
GAME OVERVIEW ---------------------------------------------------- 4
HINDRANCES........................................................................................ 86
WHAT IS BATTLELORDS OF THE 23RD CENTURY? ..................................... 5 Hindrances, General...................................................................... 86
The Battlelord Universe................................................................... 5 Species Hindrances....................................................................... 86
A Time of Technological Miracles… and War..................................... 5
EDGES.................................................................................................. 88
The Alliance..................................................................................... 5
Miscellaneous Edges...................................................................... 88
The Alliance Species........................................................................ 6
Combat Edges............................................................................... 88
WHAT IS THERE TO DO IN THE BATTLELORDS UNIVERSE?.......................... 6 Gear Edges.................................................................................... 89
THE MEGA-CORPS............................................................................ 6 Military Edges................................................................................ 89
Corporate Mercenaries............................................................. 7 Power Edges ................................................................................. 91
Corporate Spies........................................................................ 7 Professional Edges ....................................................................... 91
Independent Mercenary Groups................................................ 7 Battlelord Edges ........................................................................... 93
Galactic Armed Forces.............................................................. 8 Species Edges ............................................................................... 93
Pirates and Privateers.............................................................. 9
RANK...................................................................................................... 9
COMBAT CHAPTER ----------------------------------------------- 100
What is a Battlelord?..................................................................... 10 AGGRESSION CHECKS.......................................................................... 101
Combat Stress Table.................................................................... 101
MYSTERIES AND NOTABLE PERSONALITIES:........................................... 10
ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE............................................................ 102
THREATS.............................................................................................. 10
Elemental Resistance/Weakness Table......................................... 113
REOCCURRING THEMES......................................................................... 11
HINDERED........................................................................................... 102
THE RULES (THE SHORT VERSION)......................................................... 13
HEAVY ARMOR & SUPER HEAVY ARMOR.............................................. 102
TIMELINE......................................................................................... 14-15
MALFUNCTION TABLE.......................................................................... 103
SPECIES GUIDE------------------------------------------------------16 MISSILES & ROCKETS.......................................................................... 103
CHATILIANS.......................................................................................... 17 MULTIPLE ACTIONS............................................................................. 103
CIZERACK............................................................................................. 20 SENSOR SYSTEMS............................................................................... 104
ERIDANI............................................................................................... 24 COUNTER-MEASURES.......................................................................... 104
FOTT..................................................................................................... 30 INJURIES............................................................................................. 105
HUMANS:.............................................................................................. 34 Injury Table.................................................................................. 105
Body Rehabilitation Injection....................................................... 105
GEN-HUMANS:...................................................................................... 34
Cryo Injection....................................................................... 106
KEEN.................................................................................................... 38 Dog Tags...................................................................................... 107
MAZIANS.............................................................................................. 42 The Hat Box................................................................................. 107
Reviving Dead Characters............................................................ 107
MUTZACHANS....................................................................................... 46 Memory Backups......................................................................... 107
ORIONS................................................................................................. 50 TECH LEVELS...................................................................................... 107
PHENTARI............................................................................................. 54 INJURY TABLE.............................................................................. 108-109
PYTHON LIZARD.................................................................................... 58
ARMOR CHAPTER------------------------------------------------- 110
RAM PYTHON........................................................................................ 59
ARMORED SUITS................................................................................. 111
RAAZET................................................................................................ 64 Armor Coverage........................................................................... 111
ZEN RIGELN.......................................................................................... 68 Called Shots......................................................................... 111
Wearer's Size & Armor Cost......................................................... 111
TZA ZEN RIGELN.................................................................................... 68
Armor Descriptors....................................................................... 111
SPECIES PREFERENCE TABLE................................................................ 73 Armor Option Slots Table...................................................... 111
CHARACTER CREATION SUMMARY......................................................... 77 ARMOR STATS..................................................................................... 112
Starting Funds Table...................................................................... 74 Armor.......................................................................................... 112
Salary Table................................................................................... 75 Toughness Bonus (TB).................................................................. 112
Enlisted Rank Table........................................................................ 76 Absorption (ABS)......................................................................... 112
Penetrating Hit..................................................................... 112
ELEMENTAL RESISTANCE/WEAKNESS.................................................. 112 Laser Weapons............................................................................ 157
REPAIRING ARMOR.............................................................................. 112 Omega Weapons.......................................................................... 159
Pulse Weapons............................................................................ 160
TRANSPORTING ARMOR...................................................................... 112 Pulse Machine Guns (PMG)................................................... 160
DONNING & EXITING ARMOR................................................................ 112 Pulse “Recoilless Rifles”...................................................... 161
Pulse Rifles.......................................................................... 161
EXTRAS & ARMOR............................................................................... 113
Missiles and Rockets Overview (SAPS)......................................... 162
FINE MOTOR SKILLS IN ARMOR............................................................ 113 Arm Rockets......................................................................... 162
ARMOR KEY........................................................................................ 113 Missile Launchers................................................................. 163
Reflex Missiles..................................................................... 163
BODY ARMOR...................................................................................... 114 Reflex XL Missiles................................................................. 164
BODY ARMOR & HEAVY BODY ARMOR TABLE....................................... 115 AMMUNITION TABLES.......................................................................... 165
HEAVY BODY ARMOR (HBA)................................................................. 116 Ammunition and magazines.......................................................... 165
MECHANIZED BATTLE ARMOR (MBA)................................................... 117 Primitive Ammunition........................................................... 165
E-Mags & Pulse Mags............................................................ 165
MECHANIZED BATTLE ARMOR TABLE................................................... 119 Kinetic Weapon Mags & Ammo.............................................. 166
ARMOR OPTIONS................................................................................. 121 Swapping Mags.................................................................... 166
Recording Armor Options............................................................. 121 Fluid Gun Ammunition ("GOO") ............................................. 167
Optional Rule: Destroying Armor Options...................................... 121 Grenades..................................................................................... 168
Losing Armor Options Summary............................................ 121 Mag Grenades.............................................................................. 170
ARMOR OPTION TABLES............................................................... 122-125 EQUIPMENT CHAPTER-------------------------------------------- 173
ARMOR OPTIONS - LISTING.................................................................. 126 PERSONAL COMPUTING DEVICES (PCD)............................................... 173
A-Grav Systems........................................................................... 126
Armor Coatings........................................................................... 126 EQUIPMENT TABLES..................................................................... 174-177
Commo Packages........................................................................ 126 DETECTION EQUIPMENT...................................................................... 180
Computers & P-AI........................................................................ 127 EMERGENCY MEDICAL GEAR............................................................... 182
Armor Computers................................................................. 127
Para-Artificial Intelligences (P-AI)........................................ 127 ESPIONAGE EQUIPMENT...................................................................... 185
Electronic Warfare Suites (EWS).................................................. 128 PERSONAL EQUIPMENT....................................................................... 189
Field Generators.......................................................................... 129
Medical Packages........................................................................ 130 MATRICES CHAPTER --------------------------------------------- 192
Misc. Options.............................................................................. 131 POWERS IN BATTLELORDS................................................................... 193
Missile Racks............................................................................... 136 Arcane Backgrounds.................................................................... 193
Mobility Systems......................................................................... 136 Arcane Background: Empath................................................. 177
Physical Counter Measures.......................................................... 138 Arcane Background: Energy Controller.................................. 177
Sensor Systems........................................................................... 138 Arcane Background: Healer or Anti-Healer............................ 177
Arcane Background: Latent Extractor................................... 178
WEAPON CHAPTER ----------------------------------------------- 140 Arcane Background: Kizmetor............................................... 178
UNARMORED OPPONENTS....................................................................141 Negation ..................................................................................... 178
HEAVY ARMOR & SUPER HEAVY ARMOR...............................................141 AKA Everybody Knows the Dispel Power................................ 178
Visibility...................................................................................... 178
WEAPONS............................................................................................141 Matrix Manipulation..................................................................... 195
Attack Types & Attack Effects......................................................141 Generic Power Modifiers Table..................................................... 195
Attack Effects Table.....................................................................141 Backlash Triggered by Failed Power Modification.................. 195
WEAPON TABLES....................................................................... 144 - 150 POWERS BY DISCIPLINE TABLE............................................................ 196
WEAPON DESCRIPTIONS..................................................................... 151 POWERS (AKA MATRICES)................................................................... 197
Weapon Size Table....................................................................... 151 Arcane Protection - Blast............................................................. 197
MELEE WEAPONRY DESCRIPTIONS...................................................... 151 Bolt - Boost/Lower Trait............................................................... 198
Modern Hand Weapons................................................................ 151 Burst- Darksight.......................................................................... 199
Primitive Hand Weapons.............................................................. 152 Deflection - Environmental Protection......................................... 200
RANGED WEAPONRY DESCRIPTIONS.................................................... 153 Fear - Mind Link........................................................................... 201
Primitive Ranged Weapons........................................................... 153 Mind Reading - Puppet................................................................. 202
Kinetic Weapons.......................................................................... 153 Relief - Stun................................................................................. 203
Archaic Powder Weapons............................................................. 153 Summon Ally- Warrior's Gift.........................................................204
Disintegrators............................................................................. 155 Zombie........................................................................................ 205
Fluid Guns................................................................................... 156 KIZMETOR ABILITIES........................................................................... 205
Grenade Launchers...................................................................... 157 KIZMETOR PROBABILITY MANIPULATION TABLE.................................. 206
"Uncle Ernie does not love you! That's a damn lie!"
The Alliance is a bureaucracy of monumental proportions. There’s • Raazet Bodger: The winged, insect-like, Raazet can repair
a bureau or agency for everything. To complicate matters, the a broken starcruiser with gaffer’s tape and a Yummy bar.
Eridani military aesthetic pervades much of the government and Nickname: Roach.
corporate structure within the Alliance. As a result, there is a • Zen Rigeln Healers & Tza Zen Anti-Healers: The skeletal
bureau or agency for everything. You’ll get used to it. but benevolent Zen Rigeln. Creators of amazing medical
technology and powerful matrices which manipulate
THE ALLIANCE SPECIES organic matter into healing injuries. Included among
• Cizerack: The cat-like Cizerack with their grace, speed, and the Zen are the ostracized Tza Zen, who aren’t nearly as
hunting instincts. The ultimate scouts. Nickname: Cats. benevolent. Nickname: Gaunts.
• Chatilian Empath: The empathic Chatilians, whose mental While the species of the Alliance are allied for many reasons, that
abilities allow them to manipulate the minds of other doesn’t mean they particularly like each other. Many species have
species, who they find annoying. Nickname: Asparagus warred with other Alliance species at some time in the past. Most
Heads. species view the other species as inferior to themselves in one
• Eridani Swordsaints: The militaristic Eridani, and their way or another. To survive and thrive in the Battlelords universe,
samurai-like Swordsaints, who provide their military might characters will have to overcome the speciesism and stereotypes
to the Alliance. Nickname: Mohawks. that other Alliance species direct at their characters. Similarly,
• Fott: The genetically-engineered Fotts. Rabbit-human characters will have to look past the biases their character may
hybrids created as the galaxies biggest practical joke by have against other species in order to work cooperatively and
the nihilistic mad genius, Uncle Ernie Freilberg. Nickname: achieve their goals, whatever they may be.
• Keen Triphibian: The bat-like Keen. Unseen, the Keen can
glide though the darkness, blending into the background BATTLELORDS UNIVERSE?
with chameleon like skin. Nickname: Bat-frogs.
Characters are usually employed as either mercenaries or spies,
• Humans & Gen-Humans: The prolific and industrious working for one of the many mega-corps, though some make a
Humans and their genetically-engineered brethren, the living as members of the Galactic Armed Forces or as pirates or
Gen-Humans. There are more Humans than any other privateers.
species and they are the backbone of the Alliance’s
production capabilities. Nickname: Breeders. THE MEGA-CORPS
• Mazian Shapeshifters: The shape shifting Mazians which If you ask any informed person, “Who really runs the universe?”
are capable of replicating the appearance of nearly They will inevitably reply, “What are you? A moron? The mega-
anything. The ultimate infiltrator. Nickname: Blobs. corps run everything.” Governments may topple, but the
• Mutzachan Energy Controllers: As the founders of the mega-corporations survive. Mega-corp is the nickname for any
Alliance, the Mutzachans possess technology beyond interspecies corporation that does business in, and sometimes
comprehension. Furthermore, they have the ability to beyond, the borders of the Alliance. Mega-corps own, build, and
manipulate energy with a thought and drain batteries with sell nearly everything in the Alliance. They also employ most of
a touch. Nickname: Melon Heads. the Alliance population. If you’re not working for the government
• Orion Rogues: The culture-copying Orions. Renowned or self-employed, then the odds are that you’re working for the
tricksters and party animals, the Orions flirt with danger mega-corps.
and attractive aliens with equal zeal. Nickname: Kilt. Mega-corps are vastly complex organizations that wield incredible
• Phentari: The cunning and ruthless Phentari. Providing the amounts of power. Most of them own entire planets, which function
Alliance with no shortage of assassins, spies, and bounty as corporate compounds. Many have private police forces, which
hunters. Nickname: Squids. are really small armies that they use to protect their assets. Mega-
• Python Lizards: The amphibious Python Lizards serve as corporations engage in every type of business imaginable, both
police throughout the Alliance and make up a significant legal and illegal. When you count their smaller subsidiaries, mega-
portion of the Galactic Marine Corps. Nickname: Lizard corps account for 80% of the product produced in the Alliance.
• Ram Pythons: The massive Ram Pythons are the larger, Some mega-corps specialize in one type of product, while others
dumber, terrestrial cousins to the Python Lizards. When have their corporate tentacles into nearly every conceivable type
you need someone who can carry a bigger gun, the Ram of good and service. The illegal activities of mega-corps include
Pythons are your go-to alien. Nickname: Rams. stealing information, corporate espionage, and power brokering.
The mega-corporations buy and sell votes, control political
parties, and appoint politicians. The list goes on and on. They
may very well be utterly without morals or conscience, but it is
probably a corporation who makes out and signs your paycheck.
GALACTIC ARMED FORCES (GAF) How you earn a living once you’re crewing a ship is up to you, but
there are a couple of options. If your ship is armed, you can risk
BRANCH NAME TASKED WITH your life as an illegal pirate. The rewards are great, but the penalty
Galactic Army Bulk of Alliance military personnel. Highly if you’re caught is life in prison or death. Alternatively, you can
Specialized. be a legal pirate of sorts and become a privateer. Privateers have
Galactic Marines Bulk of Alliance combat personnel. Able government issued certificates allowing them to attack other
to fight in nearly any environment. ships that are enemies of the government. Back in the days of
Galactic Reconnaissance Force Rangers and Scouts. Rely on stealth and water navies, privateers were used to supplement governmental
(GRF) training to survive behind enemy lines. navies. Today privateers serve as an important way to curb
Galactic Navy The backbone of the GAF. Responsible piracy. The Galactic Navy can’t be everywhere at once, and having
for patrol of free space, engaging enemy privateers covering territory they’re not in or near helps to deter
vessels, and troop transport.
pirates. Many of the larger mercenary companies have privateer
Galactic Fighter Corps The fighter pilots of the Galactic Navy. fleets, crewed and maintained by former Galactic Navy personnel,
Galactic X (Gal X) Secret quasi-military organization who are now using their skills to make a living in the private sector.
responsible for preservation of Alliance
and intelligence gathering. PIRATE CLANS
After the destruction of the planet Tarsis by an ever-expanding Black Flag Notorious for taking no prisoners
(alive). Composed of violent criminals.
swarm of Atlantean nanites in 2153, the military began reducing
The Flying Dutchmen Largest pirate clan. Don't take hostages
their reliance on automated systems. Analysis of the incident
or ask for ransom. Passengers of raided
showed that every automated system on the planet came under vessels are always released.
control of the Atlantean in short order. Not wanting to have their Kismet Mostly Orions. Practice piracy for fun.
own weapons turned against them, the military began a massive
Lokarn's Bane Phentari pirates targeting Eridani
shift away from automated weapons. vessels. Prefer suicide over capture.
The Mutzachans have always pushed for a minimal reliance Sentitren Known for pillaging small colonies and
on computerized weapon systems within the Alliance military. making off with their inhabitants.
Since the traditionalist Eridani still controlled the majority of the Silence Deplore They never speak when boarding a
command positions within the military, the Mutzachans didn’t vessel and communicate with hand
have to push too hard. I mean, the Eridani still fight with swords,
Terzt Raazets with state-of-the-art vessels
they're not real big on having robots do their fighting for them.
targeting mega-corp research facilities.
These new military policies were spearheaded by Ibar-Idan of the
5th house of Eridine, and they bear his name to this day. The end Privateer certificates are issued to law-abiding ship captains who
result was the Galactic Armed Forces do not employ robots, limit pass an Alliance background check and pay the annual fee, which
their para-artificial intelligences to a support role, and still rely on can be expensive. As a result, privateer captains have been known
the grunt to aim the weapon and pull the trigger... though to be fair to shop around for territories that have the right mix of salvage
the weapon does a lot of the aiming for the grunt. potential and reasonable fees.
“Make sure you're out of sword range before you start
taunting that Eridani. Remember what happened last time?” RANK
PIRATES AND PRIVATEERS Whether you’re employed by one of the 5,000+ mega-corporations
or enlisted in the military, you’re going to be assigned a rank. You can
Sure, the pirates get all the press, fame, and glory but being on a crew
blame the Mutzachans and the Eridani. A uniform ranking system
can involve more than just illegal piracy. Also, ask any pirate, and
through the Alliance was first proposed by the Council of Timar.
they’ll tell you there is no fame or glory. That’s just Tri-V make believe.
The issue was that corporations often hire personnel from other
Regardless of whether you’re a pirate or a privateer, the goal is corporations to perform tasks that they are trained or equipped
always the same. They want to make enough money to keep the to handle. For example, Space Systems Development Corporation
ship fueled up and maintained. Anything beyond that goes into mercenaries are often hired by the Asteroid Mining Consortium
your pockets. If you can’t keep the ship moving, either because to guard their mining sites. Until recently, every company had its
it’s out of fuel or it’s broken down, then you’re no longer employed. own paramilitary ranks, based on its own criteria. Problems arose
You’re just an out of work spacer with a big pile of junk and a lot in determining pay scale, based on time and grade. Worse yet, on
of debt. As a result, rule one for all the spacefaring occupations those occasions where two companies fielded a unit composed of
never changes. Rule 1: Take care of the ship. personnel from both corporations, there were always hassles in
figuring out just who was in charge.
The Council proposed a uniform rank structure for all mega-corps. The Why are they making their presence known now? Why are they
Eridani were having none of it. With a proud military tradition spanning hostile?
thousands of years, they were not going to change their rank structure Bluerazor: This young Mutzachan is as famous for his talent in
for anyone. Finally, a compromise was reached where the proposed developing new Matrices as he is for his proficiency in combat.
rank system incorporated many of the Eridani ranks and listed Conceitra-Idan: Eridani Battlelord and glory hound whose honor
equivalent Eridani ranks for levels where the Eridani nomenclature was tarnished by rival, Siti Kurniasari. He has vowed revenge.
was not adopted. As a result, Eridani will sometimes have two ranks:
Gates: These massive structures allow near instantaneous
their traditional Eridani rank and their Alliance equivalent rank. The
travel across galactic distances as long as there is another gate
short version is everyone has a rank. Doctors, lawyers, janitors,
at the destination. How did the Mutzachans get the gates into
accountants. Everyone. If you work for the Alliance government or a
neighboring galaxies?
mega-corp you have a rank. Get used to it.
Jaquassarious Phentari: A Phentari of legendary reputation and near-
WHAT IS A BATTLELORD? mythical abilities. Why is he exterminating entire worlds?
Everyone wants to be a Battlelord. They’re the subject of Tri-V Malachi Armageddon: Orion investigative reporter. Malachi has a
documentaries. They’re celebrities. They’re damn near kings. So, knack for getting the truth when he’s not busy being a party animal
what are they? A Battlelord is an honorary rank in the Galactic and general troublemaker. What is he trying to tell us and why is
Armed Forces (GAF), and it is outside of the normal chain of the story sandwiched between two parts of a cocktail recipe?
command. Motaran Rift: A massive tear in time-space. What created it? What
prompted the Alliance to prohibit travelers from entering it?
The rank of Battlelord is only accorded to the most loyal and
capable of Alliance military personnel. A Battlelord is someone The Rebels: Labeled as a terrorist group by the authorities, the
who has exceptional battlefield prowess and a proven ability to Rebels are bent on destroying the Alliance. Why do they want to
win battle after battle despite overwhelming odds. These are elite destroy the Alliance so badly, and why are so many people joining
military veterans who can tactically assess a situation, quickly their cause?
devise a response, and act decisively without hesitation. Mega- Siti Kurniasari: Famed Battlelord, rival to Battlelord Conceitra-
corp personnel who have met the requirements for the rank of Idan, and savior of planet Volla 7.
Battlelord can also be awarded the title. Regardless of whether Uncle Ernie Freiberg: Super-genius scientist and founder of the
the personnel are members of the GAF or from a mega-corp, Anarchist Rebellion Movement (ARM). Why does he randomly
preference is given to individuals who have repeatedly dealt with create biological monstrosities and plagues and then release them
and defeated numerically superior foes, since Battlelords are on unsuspecting planets?
almost always outnumbered.
Warmonger: Cybernetic Ram Python with augmented intelligence.
Each Battlelord is charged with defending their assigned region Head of Warmonger, Inc. the famed mercenary company. Why is
of Alliance space against all military threats. With the vastness he so interested in the Motaran rift and how can be he be in two
of space, it is far more efficient to assign a Battlelord with their places at one time?
personal warcruiser, ultra armor, and small contingent of soldiers
to guard a specific territory. The Galactic Navy can’t be everywhere
at once. Battlelords are easily identifiable by the demon skull logo
that adorns their armor and uniform.
MYSTERIES AND NOTABLE Though it’s clear they’ve been lurking around for thousands of
PERSONALITIES: years, the Atlanteans first revealed themselves to the Alliance
in 2153 when they arrived on Tarsis on a civilian vessel. Within
Archaeological Ruins: Why are special permits required to inspect a few months, tens of thousands were dead, the planet was all
the ruins of ancient alien civilizations? Why do mega-corps insist on but uninhabitable, and it was quarantined by the Alliance Navy.
mercenary escorts for their scientists at these sites? No one is sure why the Atlanteans choose to reveal themselves
Arachnids: An alien species of spider-like creatures and their in this manner, but the Alliance has been on high alert for them
hordes of bio-engineered, cybernetically enhanced, minions ever since. The Galactic Armed Forces were so utterly ineffective
who are presently at war with the Galactic Alliance. They are also against the nanite swarms on Tarsis that they have changed both
known as the Aknar-Ryn. Why are they invading? What do they their tactical and technological doctrines to address this new
want? threat. This dramatically reduced their reliance on automated
systems and P-AIs. Unfortunately, the gear and tactics that work
Atlanteans: Intelligent swarms of shapeshifting microscopic
well against the Atlanteans are usually the exact opposite of
robots that are capable of devouring material objects on contact.
those that the Alliance has been employing against the Arachnid
Evidence of Atlantean civilization dates back thousands of years.
Archaeologists and survey vessels had revealed the ruins of In 2267, Uncle Ernie escaped from the maximum-security prison
an ancient civilization spread across the Milky Way. When one on New Leavenworth. Six months later the Alliance felt his wrath
news anchor speculated that the nanites could have ended that as Uncle Ernie unleashed a genetically engineered creature on New
civilization and that they might have been responsible for the Washington. It slaughtered two and a half million people before the
legends of Atlantis, the name stuck. The rampant speculation military could finally destroy it. Uncle Ernie claims that he will bring
that the Atlanteans could look like anything or anyone and might the Alliance to its knees by destroying the universe in which it lives.
already be present in large numbers throughout the Alliance,
He formed the Anarchist Rebellion Movement (“ARM”), drawing
led to mobs of paranoid citizens assaulting strange or antisocial
thousands of disillusioned and disgruntled people to do his bidding.
neighbors after accusing them of being Atlanteans.
ARM builds, discovers, hunts, trades, and researches dangerous
life forms across the galaxy. It randomly distributes "death" to the
THE AKNAR-RYN (AKA THE corners of the universe by dropping Hostile Alien Lifeforms (HALs)
ARACHNIDS) wherever Ernie sees fit and by selling HALs wholesale to the highest
bidder. ARM has raised a powerful navy, built secret bases, and has
No one is sure exactly where the Aknar-Ryn come from, but they are dug its fingers into various Alliance sub-governments. Uncle Ernie
the biggest threat to the continued existence of the Alliance. The proudly calls his legions of death and destruction, "Uncle Ernie’s
Arachnids and their horde of bio-engineered and cybernetically Minions of Doom."
augmented soldiers have invaded the galaxies twice. In both
instances they were only stopped at the cost of millions of lives. Sometimes to market a new creation, Ernie will just drop it on
an inhabited world and let the media do his marketing for him.
No one is sure why the Arachnids ceased their second offensive,
Sometimes he does it just for kicks, as evidenced by the phrase
as they clearly had the upper hand. Regardless, both civilian and
stenciled onto every ARM delivery crate. "Uncle Ernie loves ya',
military intelligence agencies believe that a third Arachnid assault
is imminent. The ability of the Arachnids to modify their troops
and living ships to take advantage of lessons they learned in battle
makes them a formidable threat.
It’s clear that there are other creatures in the Arachnid horde that There are several reoccurring themes in Battlelords that give the
have not been identified as of yet. Vague shapes are in the fog, and setting a particular feel. You are under no obligation to integrate
strange creatures linger behind the lines on the Arachnid front. these themes into your game or even acknowledge them. However,
Their purpose within the Aknar-Ryn war machine is unknown. knowing what they are can give you a better idea of what the
Given that they have never engaged in combat, the higher ups in Battlelord’s universe looks like and how it works. This will allow you
the Galactic Armed Forces (GAF) suspect they are part of the ‘Nids to give a more consistent description of the setting to your players,
command structure and/or communication network. To date, all particularly when you have to make something up on the fly.
attempts at diplomacy with the horde have failed miserably.
ANARCHIST REBELLION MOVEMENT Battlelords has always had that “grunt in the trenches” feel.
Characters, with the possible exception of Galactic Armed
(ARM) Forces personnel, are usually under-trained and under-equipped
to handle the threats thrown at them. Most characters make do
There are millions and millions of things in the universe, malevolent
with the equipment they have and salvage what they come across.
and dangerous. The Biological Catalog Agency has recorded
Characters persevere using skill, ingenuity, and determination to
over 10,000,000 life forms considered hazardous to Alliance
overcome their shortcomings and lack of experience. Even the
personnel. Probably none is more dangerous and threatening to
vaunted Galactic Marines with their state-of-the-art gear still rely
the existence of life, as we know it, than the human Uncle Ernie
on their resourcefulness when the wave of Arachnids crosses the
battlefield and they become just a jarhead in a foxhole. Combat
Some estimates show that Uncle Ernie is the richest man in the is messy and characters will often be ill prepared to handle it.
universe. Valued at over c30,000,000,000,000, his wealth Those that survive the experience will learn from it, become more
was obtained entirely from his illegal sales of bio-weapons and seasoned, and hopefully get some better equipment! This doesn’t
techno-organic monstrosities. He is also the greatest bio-genetic mean that the Game Master should take every opportunity to
cybernetic scientist that has ever lived. In 2256, in a major dispute slaughter the characters, but he should encourage them to think
with the government over licensing, Uncle Ernie went sour and outside the box when dealing with a problem. “I shoot it” is fun,
quit his post as chairman of Universal Field of Science Research at but it will only get you so far. Overcoming the odds can be some
Berkeley California. In a verbal tirade, he accused the government of the most rewarding experiences in a roleplaying game session.
of duplicity and fraud. He screamed of secret experiments going Watching characters, who are hopelessly out of their depth
on to produce perfect cyborgs, beings created to replace valued comically succeed at a mission, can be both fun and humorous.
Alliance personnel. He was arrested for treason, his assets were
frozen, and he thrown in jail for life. “'I’m not trained for this!' should be embroidered
on the back of every SSDC jumpsuit.”
Have fun! If there is a rule that you don't like or that seems too Size in Battlelords is a double-edged sword. Sure it makes
complex ask your GM to discard it, or integrate it into the game you tougher, and faster, but it also makes all your armor more
later, as you become more familiar with the game. expensive. The Size Edge also increases your Pace by 1 each
time it is taken. However, a Size of 1 increases the cost of armor
SAVAGE WORLDS STANDARD by 25%. A size of 2 increases the cost of armor by 50%. Thus
their larger size forces the big species to go into battle with less
For the most part the Battlelords setting for Savage Worlds uses all protection than their smaller compatriots. Conversely a Size of -1
of the same rules presented in Savage Worlds core rules. There are decreases the cost of armor by 25%.
a few new rules designed to model the themes and settings of the
Battlelord's Universe. BACKGROUND EDGES
Berserk: The Berserk rules in Savage Worlds are replaced with
THE D20 Aggression rules described later in this book. Battlelords deals
with combat rage a bit differently. In addition, certain species in
You will need a 20-sided die for the expanded Injury Table. Battlelords automatically start off with the Aggressive Hindrance,
which increases their chances of going Berserk.
The Battlelords demon skull is also what we use as the wild cards INJURY TABLE
symbol in the Savage Worlds version of the game. To model the battlefield injuries typically seen in Battlelords, we
have a greatly expanded injury table. We also suggest using the
Gritty Damage setting rule.
Armor comes in three basic types. Body Armor, Heavy Body
Armor (HBA), and Mechanized Battle Armor (MBA). The later
two are considered, appropriately, Heavy Armor, as defined in
Savage Worlds. Armor in has a Toughness Bonus that adds to
the character's Toughness while the armor is worn, and many
suits also have Environmental Resistance bonuses against fire,
cold, electricity, or other environmental threats. In addition,
armored suits have Absorption, which allows the character to take
additional Wounds before suffering any ill effects. We also have
Super Heavy Armor ability, which makes the suit immune to any
weapon that doesn't have the Super Heavy designation.
Anytime a character is using a weapon and has a Critical Failure
they roll on the Malfunction table. Weapons in Battlelords are designed to find the weak spot in
the opponent's armor. As a result, some ignore certain aspects
SKILLS of armor like the Armor value or the armor's Absorption (extra
Wounds). In addition, most weapons have a special effect, called
All of the skills that are in Savage Worlds still exist in the Battlelords an "Attack Effect," that is triggered anytime you get a raise on an
Universe, except the skills related to Arcane Backgrounds, though attack roll.
we have some additional skills.
150,000 BCE The approximate year at which the Vision of Eight is formed to govern the Mutzachan people.
100,000 BCE Mutzachans develop space travel.
47,503 BCE Astrophysicists believe this is the date (+/- 200 years) the Motaran Rift exploded into being.
45,501 BCE Veayan Plague greatly reduces the Mutzachan population to the extent that it never recovers.
40,088 BCE Counsel of Timar is formed to spearhead the formation of the Alliance.
12,907 BCE The beginning of the Totalitarian Inquisition. The use of special powers is condemned on the planet Chatil. The “Illuminaries” are hunted down and
12,722 BCE The Mutzachans actively begin to engineer the creation of the Alliance.
12,200 BCE A mutation arises that gives Chatilians empathic abilities.
12,000 BCE Archaeological expeditions prove that the Atlanteans had a colony on Maejor III in the Urae Majoris system.
12,000 BCE There is some evidence that the Atlanteans may have made first contact with the Chatilians on planet Chatil.
9,110 BCE The Mutzachans admit to having made their first visit to Earth of the Sol system on this date.
8,235 BCE The Chatilians encounter the Mutzachans and establish a peaceful co-existence.
6,300 BCE The vision of eight, then known as the Council of Timar convene an emergency meeting regarding the newfound Atlantean colony. The records of the
meeting have supposedly been suppressed, but the Vision of Eight denies this. Ironically, no one ever notices that they don’t deny the meeting took place.
5,836 BCE Eridani develop faster-than-light space travel and set out to subjugate all intelligent life within their reach during the "Rapture Wars."
4,358 BCE Phelinssarious the First unifies the Phentari under a single government.
2,683 BCE The Phentari develop faster-than-light travel and begin to expand through space hunting many other lifeforms to extinction.
2,456 BCE The Phentari discover and befriend the Orions.
2,091 BCE Mutzachans make first contact with the Zen Rigeln on Katrel.
2,001 BCE The Mutzachan suggest forming an alliance with the Chatilians and Zen Rigelns, who agree.
The three matrix generating species become the founders of the Alliance.
1,956 BCE The Great Schism occurs on Katrel, and the Tza begin to reassert themselves or flee into Alliance space.
1,790 BCE The Eridani first encounter the Phentari.
1,770 BCE The Phentari and Orions sign the Kwashime Pact, making them allies against the Eridani.
1,732 BCE The Eridani, Phentari, and Orions are offered admission into the Alliance. The Orions accept before the Mutzachan ambassador can finish his sentence.
1,716 BCE The Eridani join the Alliance after considerable concessions are made for Eridani military and business rules and traditions.
1,011 BCE The Mazians are discovered by the Cizerack. The two species develop a lasting and peaceful relationship.
1,220 CE The Eridani Emperor class battleship, Harm, is finally completed. It has a crew of 4000 and is 2 km long.
1,275 CE The Great Assizza takes the throne, and the Zen Rigeln enter the Second Age of Prosperity.
1,856 CE Cizerack make first contact with the Ram Pythons. It does not end well.
1,882 CE Raazet develop space travel and rapidly begin colonizing their solar system.
1,890 CE Mutzachans colonize Muspelheim, unaware that it is populated by the Keen.
1,956 CE The Cizerack/Python war begins
1,972 CE The Pythonians manage to push the Cizerack forces off their planet. The Cizerack begin to bomb Pythos into the stone age from orbit.
1,982 CE Raazet begin testing their Faster-than-Light drive technology, when Clizet is attacked by an alien fleet.
2,033 CE A three year global drought on Earth results in planet-wide crop shortages and starvation.
2,034 CE World War III begins on the planet Earth.
2,034 CE After a nuclear holocaust is averted by an extra-terrestrial force, Earth receives "The Communication." The transmission demands Earth unify its
governments and indicates the aliens will return in 100 years.
2,056 CE The Cizerack/Python war ends when an Alliance military fleet intercedes in the dispute and offers both species membership in the Alliance.
2,056 CE The Alliance Integrity Statutes are amended to prevent female Cizerack from continuing to keep males as slaves.
2,058 CE The Keen are offered admission into the Alliance. They accept.
2,060 CE Cizerack join the Alliance.
2,072 CE The Mazians are offered admission into the Alliance. They accept.
2,108 CE Cloning becomes commonplace on the planet Earth.
2,108 CE The First Arachnid Invasion begins.
2,110 CE Alliance Confirmed Social Sanctions Act passed. It granted inalienable rights to all sentient species on Alliance worlds.
2,113 CE The UN gives Gen-Humans the same rights as other Humans.
2,120 CE The UN passes the Genetics Laws which limit Gen-Human creation and procreation.
2,134 CE The Orions arrive on Earth as ambassadors of the Mutzachan-led Alliance and invite humanity to join. Humanity discovers the Arachnid threat.
2,136 CE Earth joins the Alliance of worlds.
2,137 CE With the help of the Alliance, humanity begins to spread across the galaxy colonizing new worlds at an astounding rate.
2,153 CE The first reported appearance of Atlantean nanites in Alliance Space. Nanite conversion of planet Tarsis, results in its orbital bombardment and quarantine
by Alliance forces.
2,156 CE Pythonians join the Alliance, not knowing the Cizerack were already members. Chatilian ambassadors keep the Cizerack/Python war from reigniting.
2,185 CE The first Rebel uprising is crushed by the Alliance.
2,203 CE The Alliance makes first contact with the Raazet who respond with threats of violence.
2,235 CE After extended negotiations and exchange programs, the Raazet obtain provisional membership status within the Alliance.
2,255 CE The second Rebel uprising begins.
2,256 CE “Uncle Ernie” Freilberg quits his job at the Universal Field Center for Science Research and after a public tirade, is arrested for treason.
2,256 CE The second Rebel uprising is put down at the battle of Terasleague.
2,256 CE Delphix-9 is seeded with Fott by Uncle Ernie's agents.
2,257 CE The second Arachnid invasion begins. Crossroads is taken. Battle rages along the Northern Ring in Fornax. Battle Station Sing is destroyed. It will later
be rebuilt. Arachnid forces get by the Alliance defensive lines and attack Transit in an effort to cut off the Northern Limits from the rest of the sector. The
carrier, Wasp, is lost over Scupface. For five years, battle ranges all over the sector.
2,261 CE Pirate activities on the frontier increase, and the Alliance government begins to issue privateer licenses to captains of armed civilian ships to combat piracy.
2,262 CE The second Arachnid invasion ends as the Arachnids cease attacking despite holding a massive advantage over Alliance forces.
2,267 CE “Uncle Ernie” Freilberg escapes from prison on New Leavenworth and founds the Anarchist Rebellion Movement (ARM).
2,268 CE ARM releases the Blood Warlock on planet New Washington, killing 2.5 million people. Later that year an ARM biological attack would kill another 350,000
people on Malnax 7.
2,271 CE The Anarchist Rebellion Movement kills a million Humans and Eridani on the planet, Nrell, by dispersing a deadly viruses into the upper atmosphere.
2,272 CE Jaquassarious Phentari destroys the planet Sharron and becomes the number one wanted criminal in the galaxies.
2,273 CE Arachnid forces obliterate the planets Salvador and Zwiim Mon Damnax. Reports claim that a third invasion may possibly be under way. The 7th fleet, led by
the carrier Enterprise, is dispatched to the area.
2,282 CE The current date in the universe of Battlelords.
the unique capabilities each species adds
to the alliance is not entirely accidental
Players may choose from thirteen different species, but three of By 10,000 BCE, they had developed faster-than-light (FTL) space
the species in this book, the Humans, the Pythonians, and the Zen travel and started exploring the cosmos. Shortly thereafter, they
Rigeln have two distinct subspecies. As a result, you actually get met the Mutzachans and assisted them in developing the Alliance.
sixteen “species” from which to choose. While the Chatilians are an integral part of the Alliance, they do
not fully trust the Mutzachans. This is due to the Chatilians being
[To the left] A Keen triphibian shaman is shown. His
unable to telepathically communicate with Mutzachans. This
unconscious ability to blend into his surroundings takes
is the first and only species the Chatilians have met whom they
effect as his hands automatically camouflage themselves to
cannot read or commune with telepathically.
match the tree-equivalent he touches.
Since the creation of the Alliance, Chatilian society has viewed
CHATILIANS itself as superior to the rest of its galactic counterparts due
to their empathic abilities, which makes them more than a bit
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION condescending. Their difficulty in mastering spoken languages
and their frustration in being forced to communicate so slowly by
Chatilians are a species of smaller stature than Humans. They have speaking to non-Chatilians only furthers their testy attitude. This
thin rod-shaped bodies with large, cone-shaped heads lined with mindset continues into the present day.
sensory nodes that allow them to communicate telepathically. Chatilians prefer others of their kind for socializing. It’s not that
The Humans who first saw them compared their appearance to they dislike other species, but the random, uncontrolled nature
asparagus with arms and legs. The name stuck, and Humans still of others’ thoughts give Chatilians a headache. This makes them
call them asparagus heads. They also have a reputation for being very irritable and whiny.
Arcane Background (Empath)
Chatilians are the second oldest species within the Alliance.
Their history spans over 13,000 years and is quite colorful. The Perhaps their most notable trait is the Chatilian’s ability to use the
Chatilians developed telepathy for communication quite early organs which facilitate their telepathy to achieve other amazing
in their development. The nature of Chatil prevented verbal and effects. With concentration and practice, Empaths can manipulate
chemical communication while their grasslands hid any attempt the minds of others or deceive their senses. They are also sensitive
at gesture-based communication. to vibrational energies and can manipulate sound waves to deceive
and attack. This ability to sense vibrational changes also makes
Around 12,200 BCE, a mutation arose which gave rise to the the Chatilians adept at sensing and manipulating dimensional
Chatilians' empathic abilities. The first recorded Chatilian barriers. High level Chatilians can actually crush the bodies of
with empathic abilities was Lord Makov Chatil. After Makov’s their enemies with sonic attacks or drive them insane with direct
assassination the longest and bloodiest civil war in Chatilian mental attacks. Finally, as with all power generating species, it is
history took place. Over one billion Chatilians lost their lives in this difficult for Chatilians to generate while wearing armor. The Power
war which lasted for 1,000 years. During that time, Empaths were Point cost to generate a power is doubled while wearing armor.
hunted for their abilities by both sides.
Most Chatilians start the game with the Arcane Background
The Empath's won the war and installed Cashan of Lamir as (Empath) Edge. If you want to play a Chatilian without that Edge
Emperor of Chatil. Rather than seek retribution, their only request you can pick a free Edge of your choice.
was an end to the persecution and independently run schools
for those with the Power. In return, the Empaths would serve the
government and the people of Chatil. While this agreement is no
longer in effect, Empathic Chatilians are still strongly encouraged
to serve the government at its request.
Species CHATILIAN (cha-tāl-yen)
Nicknames Asparagus Head, Empath, Whiner
Home world Chatil, Fomalhaut System
Tech Level 6
Government Parliamentary Monarchy
Pop. (Chatil) 1.5 billion
Population (Total) 50 billion
Life Expectancy 300 years
Average Height 1.2 – 1.5 m
Average Weight 22–50 kg
Sample Names Atish Catam, Brelak, Gemmenryth, Pakling
Typical Occupations Spy, Corporate Espionage, Judge, Mediator,
Security Agent, Hostage Negotiator.
Starting Skill Points 15
Size -1
Toughness -1
Pace -1
Highly Intelligent (d10 Smarts, increasable to d12+2)
Matrix Controller (Arcane Background (Empath) & Generation skill d4)
Resistant (Mental Attacks)
Mind Reading
Languages Penalty (Language skill always treated as being above link attribute)
Weakness (Electricity)
Weakness (Fire)
Irritable & Whiny
Superiority Complex
SPECIES ABILITIES ability to read the minds of any unprotected creature's thoughts
within two meters of them. Chatilians can also communicate with
One of the founding species of the Alliance, Chatilians are known any number of Chatilian within this range. Though they can also
for their capacity to read the minds of most sentient species, their block contact if they wish. For clear communication with aliens,
ability to manipulate minds, and for being constantly irritable. the Chatilian must focus their attention on one individual at a
time. Chatilians have no spoken language, though they can learn
• Highly Intelligent: Most species that can generate powers
to communicate via speech.
are intelligent, and Chatilians are no exception. They start
the game with a d8 in Intelligence, which may be increased That Chatilian you're talking to is frustrated because
up to d12+2. communicating verbally is like trying to type with only one
• Matrix Controller: Most Chatilians are Matrix Controllers finger. It's not you. Well, it is you, but he doesn't think you're
and start the game with Arcane Background (Empath) and personally annoying, they just find your lack of telepathic
a d4 in the Generation skill. communication infuriating... and probably a sign of being
underdeveloped from an evolutionary standpoint. Don't take
• Mental Resistance: Chatilians mental abilities make
it personally.
them highly resistant to mental attacks, and they receive
-Malachi Armageddon,
a +4 bonus to their Smarts and Spirit -4 to damage when
resisting mental attacks (RST vs. MEN Attack). Marriage Counselor & Street Musician
• Mind Reading: Chatilians can read the minds of anyone VALUES AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS:
with 2 meters of them, except for Mutzachans. This is
treated as a opposed check, and the target defends using Time: "Never enough of it.”
their Smarts. Success indicates the Empath is aware of the Achievement: "Why are mine ignored?”
target's surface thoughts. Work: "This is my assigned place in the Chatilian empire.”
Wealth: "Will gain me power.”
SPECIES LIABILITIES Change: "Entropy is life, embrace it, control it.”
• Language Penalty: Chatilians have great difficulty learning Scientific Method: "The quickest way to prove we are the best.”
spoken languages and the Language skill is always treated Risk-Taking: "Best when you get others to do it for you."
as above its linked attribute.
• Irritable: Most non-Chatilians never learn to control their
thoughts, and Chatilians are constantly inundated with
mental "noise." This tends to put them on edge and make
them irritable.
• Small: Chatilians are small of stature, and have a Size of
-1. In Battlelords, a change in Size not only affects the
character's Toughness, but also their Pace and the cost of
their armor. A Chatilian's Size of -1 reduces their Toughness
by 1 and their Pace by 1. However, a Chatilian only pays half
price when purchasing armor.
• Weakness (Electricity): A Chatilians abundance of sensory
nodes also makes them more susceptible to electric shock.
Chatilians suffer a -4 penalty to their Vigor when resisting
electrical attacks and +4 damage on Electrical-based
made attacks against them. (WEAK vs. ELE Attack).
• Weakness (Fire): The planet Chatil is cold and windy place
and Chatilians never had much call to develop a resistance
to high temperatures. As a result, Chatilians suffer a +4
damage on Fire-based attacks made against them, but
they can tolerate hot temperatures just fine. (WEAK vs.
FIRE Attack).
Chatilians primarily communicate through telepathy with entire
conversations taking place in seconds. A telepath has the innate
Only female Cizeracks are allowed to leave the homeworld
CIZERACK If this is not an option, they will often pay extra for sensory
packages to give their quarters the illusion of being outdoors.
Wind, rain, grass, and night sounds are often included.
Cizerack, nicknamed Cats by the Humans, have a startling HISTORY
resemblance to the predatory felines of Earth. With incredible
Cizerack development is nothing short of remarkable. Their
agility and speed, Cizerack are easily the most physically
species growth had stunted during their hunter-gather stage of
dangerous species in the Alliance. To Humans their coloring belies
development. The Cizerack’ technological revolution occurred
their effectiveness as predators, as a Cizerack’s fur can range in
over a period of 1,000 years due to difficulties in mastering tool
color from dark blue to orange or gray with black stripes. Though
use. It was difficult to create precision tools without precise
patterns can be similar to a Bengal tiger, each Cat’s pattern is
movement. The Cizerack are nothing if not tenacious. Clan wars
unique. While called Cats, their body shape has more similarities
and overcrowding almost ended the species, until around 1900
to Earth hyenas. The hind quarter are slightly smaller and shorter
BCE, when one clan conquered or absorbed all the others. After
than their large, strong front shoulders. The face contains eyes
this, all efforts were directed to reach the stars. By 1600 BCE, the
which are round and steel gray in color with black pupils in the
Cizerack dominated their solar system. They became Intergalactic
center. Cizeracks are quite large and make Siberian Tigers look
space travelers in 97 CE.
In 1856 CE, Rhaaher, pride alpha and ship’s captain, stumbled
While they are capable of standing upright and walking on their
upon and made contact with the Pythons. All was initially going
hind legs, Cizerack prefer to walk on all fours. The cat's toes are
well as the Cizerack were invited to dine with the ruling Ram
double jointed allowing them to fold down and grasp objects.
Python Clan Council. Unfortunately, the landing coordinates were
These provide the Cizerack with fine motor control when delicate
mistranslated by Rhaaher’s first officer. Rhaaher landed her ship
tasks are performed.
next to a Tomud, the sacred meeting ground of a Ram clan chief.
Unlike most Earth felines, female Cizerack are larger than their This Tomud belonged to Fud the Hugger, Ram Chieftain of the
male counterparts. Both male and female Cizerack are meticulous hill. Accounts vary as to what happened next. The Cizerack say
in their hygiene. Whenever they have a moment to spare, a Cizerack Rhaaher challenged Fud to personal combat after he insulted her.
will preen and clean. This is a trait that all Cizerack share. Cizerack The Pythons say that Fud just wanted to give her a hug. Either way,
are carnivores, preferring meat to all other foods. Cizerack can Fud crushed Rhaaher to death in a bear hug and had her stuffed so
survive on protein rations, but they will not be happy about it. he could hug her all the time.
This started the Cizerack-Python War which lasted almost a
HOME ENVIRONMENT hundred years. While the Cizerack claim victory in this war, it
The home world of the Cizerack is Cashoulis, which is a unique was more of a stalemate. The Cizerack’s lighting fast raids were
world. Their planet developed on the far side of a particle ring countered by the Python’s ambush style tactics. During one such
which absorbed 90% of the yellow spectrum of light. Most of encounter, both species were met by an Alliance military fleet,
the vegetation on the planet is in shades of blue or red and also which ordered them to stand down or be destroyed. Both species
bioluminescent. As the primary predator, the Cizerack spread were eventually offered Alliance membership and access to its
across their planet. They live in any environment from steaming technology as long as their war stopped. Still, the Cizerack hold a
jungle to snow covered mountain. Working in clans, the Cizerack grudge against the Pythons and take any opportunity to slight or
took over every habitable ecosystem on the planet. embarrass the Rams.
Wealth: "I care not, unless it allows me a new test!”
Change: "Isn’t it beautiful? The change in seasons, my coat, and
• Aggressive (Minor): Cizerack are an aggressive species growth of my girls!”
of predatory hunters, and they must work to control their Scientific Method: "A useful tool. Bet a female came up with it.”
instincts. If you roll 1 on a Spirit roll in a stressful situation
Risk-Taking: "All life is a risk, sometimes the prey fights back! The
you must roll on the Combat Stress Table with +2 added to
fighters always taste better."
their die roll result. Ignore results below 11.
• Fumble Fingered: Each foot is similar to a cat with four POLITICS
toes and retractable claws. The toes have two large
knuckles, with the second folding back over the first. The Cizerack females are fiercely loyal to their government. Run by
second knuckle is double jointed allowing it to fold down a single clan (Fenib Maturt), they lay claim to several different
and grasp objects. These provide the Cizerack with fine systems and worlds. The government is setup as a top down
motor control when delicate tasks are performed. Even hierarchy with alpha females in charge at each level. The Pride is
with this adaptation, Cizerack paws are not great for fine the smallest governmental group consisting of 40-50 females and
manipulation. The cats suffer a -2 to shooting and any task
that involves using their hands.
1-5 males and is the equivalent of a county. The Range represents
20 prides, usually within neighboring geographic areas. A Regional
is composed of 20 Ranges and is the equivalent of a state or small
country. Boundaries make up 20 Regions and functions like a
Cizerack nation. Servants represent 20 Boundaries and functions
to group together all Boundaries on a planet and nearby colony
A matriarch from the leadership caste represents 10 Servants. Each
leadership matriarch represents approximately 80 million Cizerack.
Furthermore, each caste within the clan has its own leadership.
There are alphas for singers, teachers, warriors, and scientists,
who also rise to matriarch levels. These caste matriarchs are the
advisers to the Leadership caste. The clan leadership matriarchs’
rule with a velveted iron glove. The oldest and wisest of the alpha
leaders are chosen by clan assembly. The appointments are for
life. Leadership and warrior castes tend to have shorter life spans.
Challenges for leadership are common as are “accidents” when a
leader is out of line or prone to failure. Additionally, an alpha may be
removed if they are unable or unwilling to implement a Matriarch’s
orders or clan law. The current Cizerack government has a “Fortune
favors the bold” approach. The Cizerack were never shy about
asserting territorial and colonial claims and now as look to widen
their range. Fortunately, this is in the Alliance’s best interest.
"Listen. I'm definitely not one to kink-shame anyone. As the
humans say, "People in glass house-equivalents shouldn't
toss rocks," and what the Ciz'es do with the Mazians on their
own time is their own business, but keeping an entire segment
of your species as slaves based solely on their gender is just
grats. We Orions prefer that everybody gets to party equally.
Regardless of their social inequities, the "cats" always seem
to have everyone else's backs... unless you're a Ram. Then
you're on your own."
-Malachi Armageddon,
Liberator of the Oppressed & Glass House Occupant
Samurai-like Warrior Culture
ERIDANI The Eridani are the backbone of the Alliance military and hold
many of the command positions in the Galactic Military. Most
of the traditions and rank system found within Alliance military
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION stem from Eridani influence. Additionally, Alliance corporations
Eridani, are tall, muscular humanoids. Each arm has three fingers, use a similar hierarchy as many of the first mega-corps within the
and each foot has three toes. Their feet can be splayed out for Alliance were Eridani. Furthermore, the concept of a “Battlelord”
walking on snow. Eridani have rounded eyes similar in shape and is another Eridani invention. Battlelord is an honorary rank, outside
placement to Humans Additionally, they have an outer and inner of the chain of command. This rank is only awarded to those who
set of eyelids to protect the eyes from blinding snow and cold. The have shown their skill and lethality beyond all others in combat.
eye color varies and includes white, silver, yellow, and bronze with The demonstrated ability to prevail against superior numbers
a black iris. Their nose is little more than two egg shaped openings appears to be one of the main traits of modern Battlelords.
slightly elevated from the face. Instead of teeth, Eridani continually
secrete a crystalline substance which acts as their teeth. If a section SPECIES ABILITIES
breaks off, it will regrow in a matter of days. Eridani males and
Eridani are a militaristic species that thrives on warrior culture and
females are equal in all things. They match each other in looks and
follows a strict code of behavior.
dress. Non-Eridani cannot usually tell males and females apart.
• Environmental Resistance (Cold): Eridani developed in
Eridani hair tends to raise straight up into a natural mohawk and
an extremely cold environment with an atmosphere of
was originally a wind sensing organ. The natural coloration is
22% methane. Their body chemistry makes them highly
white, however, modern Eridani permanently color their hair to
resistant to cold environments and their skin coloration is
denote rank and social class. Swordsaints, the Eridani warrior
similar to snow. Eridani reduce damage from COLD Attacks
caste, shave the sides of their head to emphasize the mohawk
by 4 and receive a +4 bonus to their Vigor when making
rolls for cold, cold environments, or resisting cold-based
attacks like Frost Guns. (RST vs. COLD).
• Eridani Physiology: The Swordsaints are exceptionally
Eridani history is a tale of conquest and conflict. At one-time, difficult to kill and start with the Hard to Kill Edge and
Eridani battleships swept across large portions of the galaxy. the Hardy Edge. Eridani are the only species that can use
They engaged in what they referred to as “the true rapture of holy the Body Equilibrium Edges, and start the game with one
battle.” They defeated their noble and ignoble adversaries alike. Novice Body Equilibrium Edge of the player's choice.
While they conquered star system after star system, the Eridani • Infravision: Eridani can see into the infrared portion of
subjugated species they found useful and killed those that were the spectrum and can literally see heat. A handy ability to
not. Their reign lasted until they met the Phentari. have when spotting warm-blooded prey on a snow covered
This tenacious species of treacherous squids kept the Eridani world. They suffer half the penalties for Illumination when
off guard through trickery and deceit. The proud Eridani grew attack warm-blooded targets or targets that are hotter
frustrated and finally launched an all-out offensive to vanquish than the ambient environment.
the squids. As the Eridani attacked what they thought was the • Size: Eridani have a Size of +1. In Battlelords, a change in
Phentari home world, they found themselves deceived once again. Size not only affects the character's Toughness, but also
The Phentari had lured the Eridani to an uninhabited world. As the their Pace and the cost of their armor. A Eridani's Size of
Eridani fleet attacked the planet, a combined fleet of Phentari and +1 increases their Toughness by 1 and their Pace by 1.
their unknown ally, the Orions, struck the Eridani from behind. The However, the Swordsaints pay 25% more than the listed
battle was a complete rout. The combined Phentari-Orion fleet price when purchasing armor.
went on to strike the Eridani home planet. Their attack reduced • Swordsaint Culture: Eridani start with a d6 in Fighting,
the Eridani home world to rubble and killed millions. As the fleet which can be increased to a d12+1. Eridani also start the
traveled through the Eridani controlled systems, they destroyed game with a sword or other melee weapon of their choice.
all Eridani they encountered. As the last of the Eridani made their • Warrior Species: Eridani start with a d6 in Agility, a d6 in
final stand, the Alliance intervened and stopped the war. The Strength and a d6 in Vigor. All three can be improved to a
Eridani species was spared annihilation. d12+1.
The surviving Swordsaints, do not forgive or forget this humiliation
at the hands of the Phentari. They still require vengeance to honor
the ancient blood feud. However, their blood oath to serve and
protect the Alliance has proven stronger. Once the Phentari joined
the Alliance, the Eridani code of behavior, known as The Path of
Truth, required the Eridani to provide them protection.
SPECIES LIABILITIES deemed unfit for membership in the Vax or Tolude castes. The
Madig caste is tasked with unskilled, manual labor. Within each
• Aggressive (Minor): Eridani are a warrior culture and they caste there are levels, which indicate the rank within the caste.
must work to control their instincts. If you roll 1 on a Spirit The Vax caste is further broken down into ranks, which are setup
roll in a stressful situation you must roll on the Combat as follows:
Stress Table with +2 added to the die roll result. Ignore
results below 11. VAX CASTE RANKS
• Code of Honor: The Eridani code known as the Path of CASTE CLASS LEVELS
Truth guides all Eridani conduct. It requires an Eridani to
Budaish “Training has ended. Time to find truth in combat.”
maintain detachment during combat and life. An Eridani Kimikasous All Vax start here. These neophytes are given their
must be willing to sacrifice emotion for self-control. The (Young Warrior) first suit of armor by their house, who subsidizes
code also teaches that all actions have consequence. 25% of cost. Upon obtaining this rank the Eridani
dyes their hair pink.
Perfection can minimize the unintended outcomes, and all
Eridani are taught to seek faultlessness in their actions. The Budaish (Warrior) “I walk along the path of truth, there is still much to
third path teaches the final truth, which is that there is only
To advance to this rank the Eridani must accumulate
peace (Rota Mabiki) in death. The search for discipline and 10 confirmed kills. Upon obtaining this rank the
perfection is a goal that can never truly be obtained. Such Eridani dyes their hair brown.
is the Eridani way. The Vax (warrior) caste also adheres to Minimum Level Requirements: d4 in Battle, d4 in
Fighting (Specialized in any weapon), d4 in Fighting
the Eridani honor code called the Budaish Daugh or Warrior’s
(Specializing in Hand-to-Hand), 1 Body Equilibrium
Way. The Budaish Daugh is a form of ancestor worship and Edge
has a strict honor code. Budaish Thralek “I see the light of truth, but still lack understanding.
• Methane Breather: Eridani require an atmospheric (Skilled Warrior) Additional combat is needed.”
processor if the air is less than the required 22% methane A ruby is embedded in the Warrior’s weapon hilt
to denote their rank. To advance to this rank the
concentration. The Zen have developed daily injections Eridani must accumulate 25 confirmed kills. Upon
to allow the Eridani to survive in most oxygen-based obtaining this rank the Eridani dyes their hair red.
atmospheres. Without an atmospheric processor or an Minimum Level Requirements: d6 in Vigor, d4 in
hourly methane injection an Eridani will suffocate in an Battle, d6 in Fighting (Specialized in any weapon),
d6 in Fighting (Specializing in Hand-to-Hand), 2
oxygen atmosphere. Eridani start the game with a methane Body Equilibrium Edges, Trademark Weapon Edge
processor mask.
Buddon Dis “Truth can come in many forms, combat is how I
• Species Enemy: The Eridani have still sworn an oath of Ishmiak (Warrior express mine. From here, I choose Teacher or Saint.”
vengeance against their enemy, the Phentari, and it is only with Vision) An emerald is embedded in the Warrior’s weapon
hilt to denote their rank. To advance to this rank the
their adherence to the code and fidelity to the Alliance that Eridani must accumulate 50 confirmed kills. Upon
has kept them from acting on it. obtaining this rank the Eridani dyes their hair green.
• Weakness (Fire): Eridani prefer temperatures between 0⁰ Eridani may choose to continue on the path towards
becoming a Swordsaint or become a Buddon Priest
C to -60⁰ C. For temperatures above or below, the Eridani at this rank.
must wear an environmental regulation suit. Eridani suffer Minimum Level Requirements: d8 in Vigor, d6 in
a -4 penalty to their Vigor when resisting hot environments Battle, d8 in Fighting (Specialized in any weapon),
and fire-based attacks and +4 damage on fire-based d6 in Fighting (Specializing in Hand-to-Hand), 3
Body Equilibrium Edges, Trademark Weapon Edge,
attacks. (WEAK vs. FIRE). Military Leadership Edge, 1 other Military or Combat
• Warrior’s Way: The Budaish Daugh or "Warrior's Way" Edge
requires a Swordsaint to carry a decidedly unmodern hand Buddon Knysis Na “Through the trials of combat, I have found my peace
weapon, such as a sword or mace, at all times. A warrior (Swordsaint) (Rota Mabiki). Rejoice! The path of truth and honor
must be walked for the rest of my life. From here, I
found without their traditional weapon is disgraced, and
choose Saint.”
Alliance law has been modified to allow Eridani to carry A diamond is embedded in the Warrior’s weapon hilt
their melee weapons, even into locations where they would to denote their rank. To advance to this rank the
be otherwise prohibited, though they must be "peace tied" Eridani must accumulate 75 confirmed kills. Upon
obtaining this rank the Eridani dyes their hair silver.
into the scabbard.
Minimum Level Requirements: d8 in Vigor, d8 in
Battle, d10 in Fighting (Specialized in any weapon),
SOCIAL ORGANIZATION d6 in Fighting (Specializing in Hand-to-Hand), 4
Body Equilibrium Edges, Trademark Weapon Edge,
There are three Eridani castes. The Vax caste is the warrior class Military Leadership Edge, 2 other Military or Combat
of Eridani society. The Tolude caste handles all forms of business
and administration. The Madig caste are the outcasts, who are
It is said that when Bleys came down from the mountain with Harm,
he carried an enormous polychromium bead in his seared left hand.
Bleys said that the Daemon of the Molten Night offered him the
bead in a failed attempt to suborn him. Thus, Eridani who perform
incredible acts of heroism are rewarded with 50 polychromium
beads that are woven into their hair, to form dreadlocks. From this
point forward, the warrior wears dreadlocks with his rank color.
Species FOTT (faht)
Nicknames Rabbit, Bunny, Fab (fabricated)
Home world Delphix-9
Tech Level 2
Government Chieftain lead clans
Pop. (Delphix-9) 1 billion
Population (Total) 40 billion
Life Expectancy 65 years
Average Height 1.8–2.1 m
Average Weight 97-135 kg
Sample Names Bubba, Jim-Bob, Betsy Sue, Angel, Maynard,
Gomer, Hoss, Floyd, Homer
Typical Occupations Marine, Hunting Guide, Farmer, Mechanic,
Starting Skill Points 15
Size +1
Toughness +1
Pace +3
Agile (d6 Agility)
Acute Hearing
Bunny Hopping (-2 vs. Attacks when running)
Cantankerous (d6 in Taunt and Shooting skills)
Fast (2)
Natural Attacks (Kick)
Quick Like a Bunny (Dodge Edge & Improved Dodge Edge)
Size (1)
Aggressive (Major)
Weakness (Fire)
Weakness (Sensory Attacks)
Aversion to fire-based weaponry
Aggressive, obnoxious, and lazy
Stigma of being an artificial lifeform created by a nihilistic genius as a joke
• Aggressive (Major): Fott were genetically tailored to be
aggressive and cantankerous. If you roll 1 on your attribute
die or Wild Card during a Spirit roll you must roll on the
Combat Stress Table with +4 added to the die roll result.
Ignore results below 11.
• Uncouth: Certain Alliance leaders make no secret in
proclaiming that, “Uncle Ernie inserted every negative
Human trait into the Fott.” Fott are generally aggressive,
devoid of social graces, reckless, obnoxious, lazy, and
resistant to social change. However, anything that lessens
a Fott’s workload is greeted with open arms. The Fott feel
they were never really designed for hard work or any work
at all. Fott will have great difficulty fitting into any social
situation where etiquette and decorum are required.
• Weakness (Fire): Fott fur is extremely flammable. The Fott
avoid fire and fire-based weaponry as a result. Lasers and
Pulse cannons are particularly terrifying to a Fott due to
their association with fire. Most will simply refuse to use
them. Most Fott run from a flamethrower unless they
are suicidal. Fott suffer a -4 penalty to their Vigor when
resisting fire-based attacks and +4 damage on fire attacks.
(WEAK vs. FIRE Attack).
• Weakness (Sensory Attacks): A Fott's large and sensitive
ears make them more susceptible to attacks designed to
overload a target's senses. Fott suffer a -4 penalty to their
Vigor when resisting Sensory attacks and +4 damage on
Sensory attacks. (WEAK vs. SEN Attack).
The Fott have a genetically imprinted social structure. They feel
great loyalty to their immediate family and clan. In the Alliance,
many consider this to be the only positive trait the Fott possess.
Their families and extended families are very large and are expected
to help one another if there is a need. They are very social but only
with other Fott. Family is the only social institution the Fott require
or accept without protest.
Fott prefer to live in rural, agrarian communes with other Fott. A Fott
will give their neighboring Fott the shirt off their back if they have
a need. That kindness and helpfulness only applies to members of
their commune. Fott are extremely suspicious of outsiders.
Each Fott’s social status depends upon the favor of the head of the
household. As the social mobility depends on the leader’s favor,
changes can happen in an instant. A Fott may be living it up one
moment and fleeing for their life the next. This makes their social
system fairly chaotic and provides a steady stream of recruits to
the Alliance military.
Fott are ambivalent toward their artificial creation and seem to take
a perverse joy in the fact that their reason for existence is to annoy
"When Uncle Ernie created the Fott it wasn't just Human and
and burden the Alliance. Overall, the rabbits, like the Orions, seem
Rabbit DNA that went into the mix. The best geneticists in the
to enjoy life to its fullest and like the Orions, do so on their own
Alliance are still trying to figure out just what genetic material
was used to create these furry chimeras. Occasionally
Fott Politics is all about family. The matriarch or patriarch commands
the family and may form allegiances with other related clans. Since
Fott do not fight among themselves, they generally cooperate when
the need arises. However, they are fiercely independent and do
not support any type of central government. Fott believe that an
individual is the only one who can govern oneself. Personal freedom
is extremely important to them. This means a Fott’s word is their
bond. If they say they will do something, they will. There is no need
to bug them every six months to get it done; they’ll get around to it
While Fott loathe Alliance rule, many gentleman Fott have worked
hard to obtain positions in the Alliance government. Critics of the
Fott say this is an attempt by them to siphon off more Alliance
resources. They argue that the Fott feel no shame or remorse in
lying, cheating, or stealing from the Alliance. Anything is acceptable
to a Fott as long as it is done to a non-Fott. The Fott certainly aren’t
denying the accusation. Other, less gentlemanly, Fott have taken
up the mercenary lifestyle or enlisted in the Galactic Armed Forces.
Here the outspoken critics of the Fott argue that the Alliance’s
newest citizens will go home and teach the skills they learn in
military service to their kin. They will the have the know how to fight
the Alliance in the future. Again, denials by the Fott are not pouring
Species HUMAN (hyoo-man)
GEN-HUMAN (jen hyoo-man)
Nicknames Breeder, Virus, Germling
Home world Earth, Sol System
Tech Level 4
Government Democratic Republic (Earth)
Pop. (Earth) 5.5 billion
Population (Total) 1.8 trillion
Life Expectancy 120
Average Height 1.5 – 2 m (150 + 5d10)
Average Weight 45 – 100 kg (40 + 2d10 × 3)
Sample Names Aadhya, Anna, Carlos, Dawn, Dhruv, Jabari,
Jhomar, Kiki, Leo, Megan, Mei, Mike, Ray,
Typical Occupations Pilot, Colonist, Explorer, Military Officer,
(Human) Scientist, Researcher, Pirate, Mercenary,
Factory Worker
Typical Occupations Soldier, Assassin, Military Officer, Diplomat,
(Gen-Human) Politician
Starting Skill Points Humans: 20
Gen-Humans: 20
Size –
Fast Learner (Humans Only)
Flight School (Humans Only)
Gen Heritage (Gen-Humans Only)
Most populous species in the Alliance
The work force of the Alliance
HUMANS & GEN-HUMANS all their eggs in one basket” should the Aknar-Ryn find Earth and
destroy it. The Mutzachans had identified hundreds of habitable
worlds and installed turn-key colony cities on them, ready for
Humanity to populate. In addition, many of the other Alliance
Humans come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. This species, particularly the Orions and the Zen, offered sanctuary for
variability confuses non-Humans who generally have a greater Human populations on their colony worlds. Any colonists would
conformity of appearance. Gen-Humans appear identical to be selected by the Mutzachans, screened by the Chatilians, and
Humans except that they can have nearly any color of hair, skin, medically cleared by the Zen. No one had to accept the offer of a
and eyes. colony ticket, but if you did, the Mutzachans called the shots on
who went where.
HISTORY The second offer the Mutzachans made humanity, was an offer
HUMANS: to join their Alliance and fight the Aknar-Ryn. With membership
in the Alliance came access to all the technology it possessed.
We have always excelled at killing one another. Our histories, fables, Again, having integrated so many other alien species into the
and religious teachings all include multiple examples of individuals Alliance, the Mutzachans were not without a plan on how to
killing each other. Killing is often without cause or justification. In integrate humanity. Many of the colonists the Mutzachan’s
the fall of 2033, a three-year global drought caused chaos across selected found that, when they arrived on their colony worlds,
the population of Earth. A whole generation was starving and job training was waiting for them. Not coincidentally, these jobs
living in squalor, as the ruling elite continued to fight and squabble. often coincided with prior occupations or talents the colonist had
Isolated nuclear and biological warfare made a wasteland of these possessed back on Earth. Though all colonists underwent training
once fertile regions. One month into World War III, a full blown to rapidly familiarize them with the Alliance and the technology
nuclear exchange occurred. As the ICBMs reached their apex, a it used, those with occupational skills found additional training
signal was received from space by all remaining Earth governments. was available on how to update those skills as well–particularly
It stated, “No more nuclear weapons. We will only deal with one Earth in manufacturing sectors. As many of the Alliance technologies
government. Sort it out as we will be back in 100 of your years.” When were integrated into the colony cities and homes as time-saving
the missiles struck, there was no blast. Furthermore, all radioactive and convenience features, it wasn’t long at all before humanity
contamination across the Earth was simply gone. was taking them for granted. In fact, the homes in the colony
Following what would come to be referred to as “The worlds were administered by para-artificial intelligences that were
Communication” historical Alliances were renewed. Though designed to teach their Human populations about the Alliance and
there were some religious wars that were sparked off by The its technology in order to expedite their acclimation.
Communication, over the next 75 years the U.N. was used by North Once humanity joined the Alliance, their population exploded. The
America and Europe to coble an impressive array of countries into Human population is approximately ten times larger than the next
a coalition. Humanity was finally united with 25 years to spare. closest species. Furthermore, Humans still have the colonial drive,
Worried that the entities who sent the signal might not be pleased spreading to the outskirts of known space, populating new worlds
with our progress, the United Earth Nations immediately began at an extraordinary rate. There are more Human colony worlds than
work on space defense systems. They needn’t have bothered. there are colony worlds of the other Alliance members combined.
When 2134 rolled around an incoming alien ship arrived within the The rate of expansion has pushed many of these Human colony
Sol system. It was greeted with multiple communication signals worlds to the frontier of Alliance space. The newer colonies are far
and weapons fire from rogue and scared nations. It ignored the lower tech and more isolated than the original turn-key colonies
former and was unaffected by the later. Once in orbit, a single offered by the Mutzachans on Humans entrance to the Alliance.
message was sent stating this time the aliens would address
Earth at the U.N. The seven fingered aliens that arrived caught
everyone off guard with their plaid kilts, atrocious bag pipe Often referred to as the next step in Human evolution, Gen-
music, and bad Scottish accents. The Orion’s hand-delivered Humans are Humans who have been genetically modified. During
Humanity’s invitation to the Alliance along with a warning from WWIII, Dr. Katherine Dykeman completed a top-secret government
the Mutzachans. The Mutzachans cautioned humanity that a war experiment for the United States of America. She cloned and
was coming. An alien species called the Aknar-Ryn was headed birthed a Human in the lab. Shortly thereafter, scientists created
this way, and they would destroy our world. The Mutzachans told what was billed as the first “superhuman.” The Chinese and
us that they had assembled an alliance of similarly threatened Russians were not far behind. Super soldiers were the primary
species who had banded together to fight the Aknar-Ryn. weapon during WWIII. Lab grown, with no rights to speak of, these
disposable soldiers were thrust into the worst situations. After the
The Mutzachans would make humanity two offers they couldn’t
war, corporations immediately began using clones as a labor force,
refuse. The first was a way off the planet. A way to avoid “keeping
since clones had no rights under the U.N. charter. Workers were
laid off by the thousands as the clones were used as slave labor. By person, regardless of the gifts given to you. Gen-humans
2108, cloning was common in all nations on the planet Earth. have an extra Benny, but it can only be used to reroll
traits not related to your genetic talents. You must select
As the process improved, the clones became more individual and
your character's original design purpose during character
distinct and came to be known as genetic Humans or “Gens.”
generation, subject to GM Approval. Examples of Gen-
The genetic Humans proved far superior to their counterparts,
Human design purposes include, but are not limited to
replacing them in the job market and private sector. In 2113,
assassin, bodyguard, construction, companion, hazardous
despite corporate resistance, the U.N. gave Gen-Humans the
environment work, mining, soldier, etc. Since the Benny is a
same rights as regular Humans. A backlash of anti-Gen sentiment
representation of the Gen-Human's burning desire to break
swept the world. For seven years, Humans patrolled the streets
their limitations, the reroll ignores the penalties for using
and indiscriminately killed any person suspected of being a Gen.
an untrained skill or if you lack the proper specialization.
Hundreds of thousands of innocents were slaughtered. Finally, in
2120, the U.N. was forced to pass the heralded Genetics Laws, • Gen Heritage (Gen-Humans Only): After a few generations,
which stipulated that no more than 15% of the galaxy’s Human many Gen-Humans have mixed heritage with gens of
population could be Gen-Human. All firms producing Gens were different designs and regular humans, resulting in a weird
forced to brand their stock at birth. This brand includes the model combination of abilities. A select few, however, still have
and serial number of the clone and is placed on the back of the relatively intact genetic modifications that can be traced
neck. In the years following the passage of the Genetics Laws, back to the progenitor's original design. You may select one
Gens have obtained more and more positions in the Earth and of the following options:
Alliance government and now outnumber Humans in positions of 01. Roll 5d10 on the Genetic Modification table three times.
authority. They have been pushing hard for more reproductive and
02. Select two results from the table, instead of rolling three.
personal freedoms.
Characters that opt to select their traits, rather than
SPECIES ABILITIES (HUMANS) rolling for them, get two Break the Mold Bennies instead
of 1.
• Highly Skilled (Humans & Gen-Humans): Though we 03. If you want to select from a pre-generated package
appear to be inferior to every other Alliance lifeform, it has instead of the prior two options, check out the Preserved
become clear that humans are more adaptable and learn Lineage Gen-Human Edge.
more quickly than other species. Humans and Gen-Humans
* All abilities on the Genetic Modification table can be rolled or
start with 20 points to spend on skills and may select an
selected up to twice, unless the description states otherwise.
Edge for free.
Bonus are assumed to be cumulative (GM's Discretion). When
• Diverse (Humans & Gen-Humans): Humans and their selecting the ability a second time, double the listed values, unless
genetically engineered cousins are the most diverse the description specifies otherwise. (GM's discretion).
species in the alliance. Humans start the game with a free
• Fast Learner (Humans Only): Humans treat all skills as
being lower than its linked attribute. It means they never SOCIAL ORGANIZATION
pay extra when increasing skills at character creation Socially, Humans still find themselves in the same state as the
and always increase two skills as an Advance. In addition, 20th century. Those with money and power have greater influence,
humans may increase the same skill twice when earning an whether it’s a corporation or individual, than those without.
advancement, instead of two different skills. Lastly, Edges
that are Seasoned level may be purchased during character Other species have a difficult time wrapping their head
creation if the other Requirements are met. After character around just how diverse humanity is in terms of culture,
creation, purchasing edges is done using the standard religion, and social mores. Usually Humans are stereotyped
rules. as unpredictable, assertive, and a bit too primitive and
• Flight School (Humans Only): Humans, with their vast aggressive for their own good. To help smooth over any
population, are the work force of the Alliance and build the misunderstandings Humans have learned to point out ways
majority of spacecraft for other species. As a result of their they differ from the stereotype early on in conversations.
close ties to this industry, there are more Human pilots Ironically if a Human did this to another Human, they would
than any other species and piloting schools usually cater to come off as a bit pushy or eccentric. Most people don’t
Human students. Humans may the game with a d6 Piloting start conversations with, “Hi. I’m Bob. I’m a vegetarian.” or
or a second free Edge. “Greetings. I’m Saanvi and I’m a pacifist.” This does little to
diminish their reputation for being odd and pushy.
• Break the Mold (Gen-Humans Only): Gen-humans are -Malachi Armageddon,
defined by Genetic modifications made generations ago, Humanologist & Violent Pacifist
but there is a strong cultural incentive to become your own
5D10 5D10
5 If rolling randomly, you may pick one item of your choice from this list 28 Ultravision. You can see ultraviolet sources and can navigate in the dark
(except # 5). by starlight. You also have acute senses and receive a +1 to Notice rolls.
Treat this as Low Light Vision. Can be rolled/selected only once.
6 Ignore 2 points of Multi-Action penalties , but you have one less skill
point. Can be rolled/selected only once. 29 Take two non-core skills you don't possess at d4.
7 Increase any one attribute of your choice (and its maximum) by one die 30 Built for speed. Increase your Pace score by 2, and your running die by
type. one level.
8 The character gains the Arcane Background (Latent Extractor). Select a 31 Increase Strength and its maximum by one die type.
different discipline if rolled/selected twice.
32 Increase Spirit and its maximum by one die type.
9 Increase starting Toughness by 2.
33 Savant: Select one non-combat skill. You can ignore up to 4 points of
10 Gigantism. +1 Size. Increase Strength one die level. Can be rolled/ penalties when making tests with that skill. If selected/rolled again, pick
selected only once. a different skill.
11 Pick one Power from any discipline. Usable a number of times a day equal 34 Hardwired. Select one non-combat skill. It takes you half the normal
to your Vigor. Make a Smarts roll to activate it. The power usually has a time to make these skill checks and you get a +1 bonus. If this is rolled a
physical mechanism. (i.e. Blast caused by electric eel organs, disguise second time, increase the bonus to +2.
through copying target's genetics, etc.). Select a second power if rolled/
35 Gills. You have gills and are able to breath fresh or salt water. You are also
selected twice.
able to move your full Pace when swimming. Can be rolled/selected only
12 DNA cloak. You don’t leave any DNA evidence behind. Your skin cells do once.
not sluff off. Your hair does not fall out. Even your exhalations are filtered.
36 Lie detector. Receive a +4 bonus when making a Notice check to
Unless you’re Wounded, you don’t leave a trace, and even your blood boils
determining if someone is lying. Can be rolled/selected only once.
away if outside your body. Can be rolled/selected only once.
37 You start the game with the Leaper species ability. Can be rolled/selected
13 Productive Insomnia. You only require 1 hour of sleep a day and suffer no
only once.
ill effects from sleep deprivation as long as you get your hour of sleep. You
also get 1 additional skill point. If rolled/selected twice you require no 38 Sensor invisibility. You can not be detected using electronic sensors.
sleep at all, and get another skill point. You're still visible to the naked eye. Can be rolled/selected only once.
14 Slow Regeneration. You may make a natural healing roll once per day. If 39 Cyber receptor. (Ignore Vigor loss/penalties from installing cybernetics).
this ability is rolled or selected a second time, you may make a check once Can be rolled/selected only once.
per hour. 40 Copycat. You can take the appearance & DNA of a touched target for 1d4
15 You gain the Wall Walker ability but can move at your full Pace when using hours. You also get any of the target's genetic defects. The change takes 3
it. Can be rolled/selected only once. rounds. If selected a second time the change is instant.
16 You have a photographic memory. You remember everything you see. 41 Fun Sized. -1 Size, Increase Agility by one die level, with a maximum of
This doesn’t mean you see everything, but you don’t forget what you’ve d12+1. Can be rolled/selected only once.
noticed in the past. Can be rolled/selected only once. 42 Disruptor. You can emit a disruptive electromagnetic field at will. Sensor
17 Prehensile tail or tentacle. You have a 1m long prehensile tail that can systems suffer a -4 to locate you. It makes you easy to detect, but not
hold and fire weapons. It is treated as having your Strength when lifting track or locate. It also affects your own sensors. Can be rolled/selected
objects. You can ignore -2 MAP penalty, but only when using tail. If only once.
selected twice you get a second appendage. 43 Redundant organs. Permanent injuries are treated as temporary and you
18 Natural Weapons. You have Natural Weapons that do STR+d8 damage. obtain the Hardy Edge. Can be rolled/selected only once.
19 Chameleon skin. Anyone attempting to locate or track you visually 44 Auto-resuscitation. If the character dies from injures, they may make 3
receives a -4 penalty to their Notice roll. If selected a second time it Vigor rolls, 1 roll per turn. If the test is successful, the character is revived
provides a -1 to be hit while camouflaged. but Incapacitated. Can be rolled/selected only once.
20 Danger Sense. You subconsciously become aware of changes in your 45 Negator: Matrix Controllers (MC) who attempt to generated a Power within
environment. You get an Notice check as a free action to detect imminent a MBT centered on your character suffer a -2 to their Generation rolls. The
ambush. Can be rolled/selected only once. penalty increases to -4 if you're in physical contact with the MC.
21 Increase Vigor and its maximum by one die type. 46 Overcharger. You’re a living battery. Increase the number of damage dice
for any non-kinetic weapon you are touching by 1. The weapon must make
22 Increase Agility and its maximum by one die type.
Malfunction roll after firing, adding 4 to the result. This ability may be
23 Increase Smarts and its maximum by one die type. used twice per day. If rolled/selected twice the ability may be used four
times per day, or used twice a day but add two damage dice and 8 to the
24 Gain Armor of 4. If rolled/selected twice, your Armor is now 8.
Malfunction Table results.
25 Start the game with a d6 in a non-core skill. That skill now has a maximum
47 +2 to a core skill of your choice.
of d12+2. If rolled/selected again, pick a different skill.
48 Increase starting Parry by 2.
26 You have Infravision and acute senses. You can see heat sources and
receive a +1 to Notice rolls. Can be rolled/selected only once. 49 Select a free Edge of your choice at Seasoned level or lower, regardless
of the Requirements. If you roll or select this a second time, you may
27 Resistant (RST) to a single Environmental Condition (Acid, Bio, Fire, Cold,
choose the Advanced version of the same Edge if one exists.
Men, Sen, or Rad). If you select this a second time you gain Superior
Resistance (SUP) to the Environmental Condition or choose to be 50 Ignore 2 points of Multi-Action penalties, but you have one less skill point.
Resistant (RST) to another Elemental Condition. Can be rolled/selected only once.
Species KEEN (keen)
Nicknames Bat-Frog, Slime Ninja, Screamer
Home world Muspelheim
Tech Level 2
Government Tribal
Pop. (Muspelheim) 1 billion
Population (Total) 7 billion
Life Expectancy 90 years
Average Height 1.1–1.7 m
Average Weight 35–85 kg
Sample Names Hun-are-rey, Stri-ight, Dea-o-ove, Sin-on-ong,
Ea-nly-uit, Tea-on-ids, Fly-it-mals, Cli-up-ee,
Sla-o-ants, Hid-de-af
Typical Occupations Gardener, Scout, Spy, Sniper, Architect, Marine
Starting Skill Points 15
Size -1
Pace -1
Toughness -1
Chameleon Slime (-2 to attacks and Notice tests against Keen)
Environmental Resistance (BIO)
Wall Walker
Cold Blooded
Tend to speak in metaphors
meters) traveled. Keen use their Athletics skill if they need The Keen did not have standing armies, medical personnel, or
to make a test during flight and are incapable of gliding if formalized government until incorporated into the Alliance. Now,
they are Encumbered. the Alliance militarily actively recruits Keen for scouts, snipers,
• Semi-Aquatic: Keen are semi-aquatic and can hold their and espionage agents. Outside the military, the Keen are most
breath for 15 minutes before checking for drowning. frequently employed as horticulturists. The Keen’s skill at coaxing
• Wall Walker: In addition to hiding them, the slime also keeps the trees within cities to grow hidden paths, abundant food, and
them from drying out, and it is thicker and stickier on the homes for Keen and other species has allowed their population to
Keen’s hands and feet. This improves their climbing ability explode. Their greatest skill is in making this look natural. Non-
and allows them to walk on vertical surfaces normally, or military Keen are often hired to incorporate nature and food
inverted surfaces at half Pace. Keen can not stick to walls if sources into Alliance cities. Keen gardeners are highly sought
they are Encumbered. throughout the Alliance for their functional artistic garden designs.
Keen do not wear clothing unless outside their temperature
SPECIES LIABILITIES range. Keen clothing is designed to keep the Keen warm and
wet. Keen never wear clothing when in their preferred hot, moist
• Cold Blooded: Keen are cold-blooded and don't fare well in
environment. Materials for Keen clothing is selected based on how
cold environments. Keens suffer a -4 penalty to their Vigor
well their camouflaging slime adheres to it.
when resisting cold-based attacks and cold environments.
If a Keen fails their Vigor roll in a cold environment they
become lethargic and must choose between a movement
action or a non-movement action, but are unable to The Keen language is inaudible to all Alliance species as the
perform both. In addition, they must draw two initiative frequency is well above their auditory range. The Keen language
cards the following round and choose the lower of the two is highly complex and uses tonal variations to change meaning
for their initiative. Unlike species with a Weakness to Cold, for words. It is song-like and standardized across their planet.
the Keen's Cold Blooded status does not cause them suffer Keen are more than capable of reproducing every spoken Alliance
+4 damage when hit with cold-based attacks. language, but all Alliance translator modules come standard with
• Small: Keen are smaller than Humans and have a Size of Keen language.
-1. In Battlelords, a change in Size not only affects the
The Keen written language is every bit as complex as their
character's Toughness, but also their Pace and the cost of
inaudible-to-Humans spoken language. The Keen written language
their armor. A Keen's Size of -1 reduces their Toughness by
is a symbol-based, logographic language, similar to hieroglyphics.
1 and their Pace by 1. However, Keen only pay half price
The Keen use their mucus gland to write or create their symbols
when purchasing armor.
in slime on flat surfaces. This mucus sticks to any surface and
hardens to a dark color within days. However, their mucus is brittle
SOCIAL ORGANIZATION when it dries, so original Keen manuscripts are difficult to find.
Keen prefer solitude over groups. This independent streak Since joining the Alliance, the Keen standardized their written
permeates all aspects of their culture. Keen cities are large language. However, small pockets of their home world still have
sections of rainforest that have been modified and sculpted by unique written languages. The Keen have no mass media and have
the Keen for habitation. The city is structured around the aviary adopted the Alliance broadcast system.
pools to keep them safe. A Keen city of 5,000 individuals would
The Keen prefer to use analogy, metaphor, and simile when
cover roughly a 5 kilometer area. Keen hunters will kill or drive off
speaking. They are also quite fond of puns and word play. Common
all other predators within this region. This allows the Keen to feel
Keen phrases (and their translations) include:
safe and secluded. On Keen worlds, those that are best at keeping
others safe are tasked with governmental duties by popular vote. • The Sarkac nests where it wants. (It's big and dangerous.
I'm not going to tell it what to do.)
While Keen are mainly solitary, they will voluntarily serve as
teachers at the birthing pools and provide for the young. This • Unseen is better than entangled. (Discretion is the better
is usually where Keen meet for procreation and government part of valor.)
assemblies. Often, a good council session will result in several • He is grounded and dry (He's down and out.)
new rounds of egg laying and fertilization during its conclusion. • Are we to be the drock fruit or the barbed spear used to pull
it down? (Are we the aggressor or the victim?)
• He blends with dirt. (He died.)
• We are out of trees. (We have reached a decision point.)
• That's a nagan tree. (The nagan tree is a slippery tree that
even the Keen can not climb. Used to describe difficult
situations or impossible decisions.)
Species MAZIAN (mots-ee-en)
Nicknames Blobs, Squishies, Puddles, Snots
Home world Karas, Beta Comae Berenices System
Tech Level 1
Government Anarchy
Pop. (Karas) 7 billion
Population (Total) 170 billion
Life Expectancy 50
Average Height Variable
Average Weight 13–31 kg
Sample Names Mazian names are a series of rhythmic
thumping noises, but they will respond to
whatever name they're given.
Typical Occupations Espionage Agent, Diver, Artist, Assassin,
Massage Therapist
Starting Skill Points 15
Size -2
Pace -2
Toughness -2
Doesn't Breathe
Mazian Physiology (+4 Toughness vs. Physical attacks)
Natural Swimmer (+2 to Athletics when swimming)
No Vital Organs
Shape Change
Vibration Sense
Awkward Combatant
Small (-2)
Weakness (Acid Attacks)
Weakness (Electricity)
Weakness (Sensory Attacks)
anything that is moving across (or through) the ground. A Shape Change Primer
Mazians can locate and track objects that are in contact
with any surface that they are on or touching. Usually A detailed description of the Shape Change Edges can be found
the Mazians use the ground, though if both parties are in with the Edges, but if you're curious how it affects game play, here
contact with a wall or ship bulkhead, for example, it would is a short primer.
work just as well. The better the surface carries vibrations,
Mazians have a pool of points they can use to modify their stats.
the easier it is for the Mazian to locate and track objects or
The more they purchase the Shape Change Edge, the larger their
persons. This ability is limited to a distance of 100 m and
pool of points becomes. With this pool a Mazian player can
does not function while wearing armor unless the armor is
change their character's Agility, Pace, Armor, Toughness, and
equipped with the Tactile Response armor option. Mazians
Size. In addition, you can add flight and Natural Weapons to your
have -2 Notice for rolls that rely at least partially on vision.
Mazian using the Shape Change Edge, as well as impersonating
However, if both the Mazian and their target is touching the
specific persons and objects.
same surface they ignore this penalty as well as any other
vision-based penalty (Invisibility, lighting, camouflage,
Mazians are a very intelligent species, yet they never managed to
• Awkward Combatant: Mazians have a difficult time develop tools or space travel. Since they cannot see the stars, they
learning the intricacies of hand-to-hand combat. They are had no concept of anything beyond the planet. The Mazians were
generally non-violent as a species and it's difficult for them first discovered by the Cizerack in 1011 BCE. The Cizerack had
to wrap their metaphorical heads around the concept that claimed the planet for colonization not knowing of its inhabitants.
stabbing or bludgeoning someone could cause them injury. Since Cizerack like to bask in the sun on the beach, the Mazians
The Fighting skill is always treated as above its linked were drawn to the purring sound and attempted to engulf the
attribute for Mazians. sleeping Cizerack. As the Cizerack awoke to find themselves
• Small: Mazian are much smaller than Humans and have a covered with Mazians, they were naturally alarmed. The Mazians,
Size of -2. In Battlelords, a change in Size not only affects however, were fascinated. If we rub here, the vibration gets
the character's Toughness, but also their Pace and the stronger, and here it decreases. Shortly afterwards, both realized
cost of their armor. A Mazian's Size of -2 reduces their the intelligence of the other.
Toughness by 2 and their Pace by 2. Mazians only pay half
The two species developed strong, friendly relations. The Mazians
price when purchasing armor for their native size, though
provide the Cizerack with workers that possessed the fine motor
they can purchase whatever size armor they wish and then
skills needed to build and manipulate small devices. They also give
change size to fit in it.
great massages. The Cizerack, in turn, provided the Mazians with
• Weakness (Acid): Mazians suffer a -4 penalty to their Vigor knowledge and weapons. This would seem like a bad deal for the
when resisting acid attacks and similar chemical weapons. Cizerack unless you’ve ever had a Mazian massage.
Mazians suffer a -4 penalty to their Vigor when resisting
Acid attacks and +4 damage on Acid attacks. (WEAK vs. Mazians will go out of their way to avoid the Chatilians. Mazians
ACID Attack). find the empath’s natural ability to locate and speak with them
extremely unnerving. Furthermore, Chatilians tend to utilize sonic
• Weakness (Electrical): Having a decentralized nervous
based attacks which are deadly to a Mazian.
system has its advantages, but it makes the Blobs more
susceptible to electric shock. Mazians suffer a -4 penalty to Since joining the Alliance, the Mazians have taken to many
their Vigor when resisting electrical attacks and +4 damage occupations. Any field requiring both a high degree of manual
on Electrical attacks. (WEAK vs. ELE Attack). dexterity and intelligence allows them to flourish. They are
• Weakness (Sensory Attacks): Unfortunately, the quite in demand with industries that manufacture or maintain
sharpness of a Mazian's vibration sense makes them micromechanical devices. Despite their non-aggressive nature,
extremely sensitive to sonic vibrations and sonic-based they have also excelled within the Alliance Military. This is
weaponry. Mazians suffer a -4 penalty to their Vigor when partially due to their uncanny skill at infiltrating enemy positions
resisting Sensory attacks and +4 damage on Sensory and partially due to their ability to operate multiple pieces of
attacks. (WEAK vs. SEN Attack). equipment, including weapons, simultaneously.
Wealth: "Meaningless, you can’t eat it or ooze on it.”
Change: "The universe is a panorama of nothingness, beautiful,
Mazians have elaborate greeting rituals when meeting an unreal, and ever changing.”
individual for the first time. This involves intertwining while Scientific Method: "So logical, it helps prove our point that we
rhythmically pulsating against each other. When greeting a non- must work together.”
Mazian for the first time, Mazians engulf the other party since Risk-Taking: "If it’s good for the whole, I can do it."
they can not intertwine. This greeting can last up to three days
as the Mazians exchange information. Naturally, Mazians have
discovered that non-Mazians do not appreciate being inside a
living slime puddle for prolonged periods of time. Mazians who Mazians have no practical government but practice a form of
are accustomed to dealing with other Alliance species usually opt anarchy with geniocratic (rule by the intelligent) tendencies. “If
for whatever greeting the other species prefers. we need to do something, we all get together and do it with the
Mazians can speak whatever languages they learn if they use their smartest leading the way.” They have no interest in power or in
shape change skill to create working vocal cords. Their vibration the domination of others. They have a live and let live attitude.
sense will also pick up any sound allowing them to “hear” spoken
languages. Mazians are the only Alliance species that can hear
and speak with the Keen. "Most blobs have figured out that the easiest way to
overcome their sensory and communication deficits is to
The Mazian’s natural language consists of thumps, pops, and copy an organism that doesn't have them. Mazians love being
whistles. It is mostly consistent throughout the Mazian species. Mazians, so if one copies you so that they can see farther or
The sounds used depend upon the medium in which the Mazian communicate verbally, you should take it as a compliment."
is found. When on land, Mazian communication sounds like -Malachi Armageddon,
rhythmic thumping, but when underwater Mazians communicate Communication Facilitator & Art Critic
using a series of popping noises. The rhythm, pitch, and cadence
of the noise communicates the message. Oddly, whistles are used
when floating.
The vibrations produced by Mazians are often beyond the
ability of other species to feel or hear. Pythonians are the only
other species that has been able to detect and decode Mazian
communication. This is rare, however, since Pythonians aren’t
known for being brilliant.
Mazians did not originally have a written language. Why write
something down for future generations when you can just split in
half and remember it forever. Since joining the Alliance, they have
adopted Alliance Standard forms of written
Species MUTZACHAN (moo-zah-kin)
Nicknames Melon Heads, Energy Controller
Home world Trishmag, Germinga
Tech Level 7
Government Oligarchy (Vision of Eight)
Pop. (Trishmag) 150 million
Population (Total) 400 million
Life Expectancy 2,000 years
Average Height 1.2 – 1.5 m
Average Weight 36 – 63 kg
Sample Names BlueRazor, Ehleniuss, Frolish, He-Lar, Henry,
Markuss, Thorigsal, Rogenheart, Weemus
Typical Occupations Scientist, Engineer, Politician, Ambassador,
Researcher, Archaeologist
Starting Skill Points 15
Size -1
Pace -1
Toughness -1
Arcane Background (Energy Controller)
Brilliant Engineers (d10 Smarts, d6 Repair)
Energy Drain
Environmental Resistance (Electricity)
Immunity (Radiation)
Mental Resistance
Blood Drain
Feeble (-1 to Strength Tests)
Small (-1)
Weakness (Biological attacks)
Superiority complex
Tend to be know-it-alls.
Species ORION (uh-rahy-un-n)
Nicknames Culture Mimic, Rogue, Scott, Kilt
Home world Taos, Chi Orionis System
Tech Level 4
Government Syndicracy
Pop. (Taos) 5.5 billion
Population (Total) 180 billion
Life Expectancy 150
Average Height 1.5 – 2.1 m
Average Weight 40 – 95 kg
Sample Names Alban, Angus, Dougal, Hamish, Fiona, Sorcha,
Typical Occupations Spy, Hedonist, Gambler, Gangster, Criminal,
Pirate, Interpreter
Starting Skill Points 17
Size –
Orions being Orions (d6 Agility, d6 Spirit)
Skilled (17 skill points)
Talented and Lucky (Fortunate Edge, Luck Edge, d6 Stealth)
Streetwise Survivors (Streetwise Edge, d4 Survival - Urban Specialization)
Syndicate Connection (Unspecified Connection Edge)
Impulsive (Major)
Laugh in the Face of Danger
ORIONS important to the Orions as the latest fashion fad. They have made
Taos 4 and its system one of the main centers for trade in the
galaxy. But it wasn’t always so.
Orions developed space travel in 2403 BCE with the unlikely aid
Orions are bipedal humanoids with a body configuration like of the Phentari. Until meeting them, the Orions had no interest
Humans except both hands and feet end with seven digits, and in space as Taos 4 was where the party was. The Orions had
they have pointy ears. Any physical similarities with Humans developed a pop culture where everyone followed some sort of
end there, and they are radically different in all other respects. fashion and surgically altering themselves to match the latest
Skin, hair, and eye color all vary greatly with no real “normal” “look." The Phentari stumbled upon the Orions during a hunting
appearance. Orions have multiple small organ systems that are expedition. The tricks they played upon the hunting party along
spread throughout the body that function like the liver, spleen, with the Orion’s natural, unaltered appearance was enough to
kidneys, and adrenal glands. Additionally, they have two smaller dissuade the Phentari from eating them at the time. Within days of
hearts, lungs, and multiple stomachs. meeting each other, the Orions began to alter themselves to look
While many Human religions point to the similar looks of the Orions like the Phentari.
as evidence of a “God,” few know or believe the truth of the Orion’s The Phentari found the Orions to be sneaky, crafty, and resourceful.
similar build and look. Orions are masters of cosmetic surgery. For The Phentari respect all of these traits. The Phentari provided
Orions, surgery starts within the womb. Skin and hair coloration, technological assistance through negotiated trade agreements,
hair pattern and coverage, bone shape, tattoos, and skin texture and the Orions began to build intragalactic spacecraft and spread
are all modified in-utero. This is based upon what the parents and throughout their cluster. Since both species prefer different
Orion society feels will be popular when the child is grown. The worlds, there was no competition for planets, and their alliance
utter repulsiveness of the true Orion face and body would instantly flourished. Unfortunately, for both species, hostile Eridani forces
dissuade those that believe in coevolution with Humans. would eventually invade Phentari space. This led to the Kwashime
Orions tend to latch onto cultures or popular styles of other, non- Pact in 1770 BCE between the Orions and the Phentari, which
Orion, species when selecting their child’s appearance. Often extended their relationship from trade partners to military allies in a
those styles may have been out of fashion for the originating war against the Eridani. The combined Orion-Phentari forces were
species for centuries. Orions consider this imitation to be the a powerful adversary and eventually lured the main Eridani fleet
highest form of flattery. The Alliance was much relieved when into a trap, destroying it to the last ship. Afterwards, the combined
the Orions chose to imitate Humans and dropped their Phentari fleet progressively destroyed every Eridani world on their path to
phase. The most in-vogue style today is the Scottish clansman the Eridani home world, Eridine. The last battle of the war took
look that Orions copied from ancient Earth. Minor worlds prefer place as an overwhelming assault of Orion-Phentari forces upon
red pleather jackets with one white glove or leather dusters with Eridine at the Battle of the Three Powers. Only the intervention
cowboy hats. of the fledgling Alliance forces composed of Mutzachan and
Chatilian ships spared the Eridani home world from destruction.
Orions are omnivores who tend to be very adventurous eaters. Eventually the Mutzachans convinced both sides that joining the
They can drink water but prefer alcohol. “Prefer” is probably not Alliance was the best course of action and hostilities ceased. The
strong enough of a descriptor. The Orions consume 65% of the two unlikely allies have remained close with extensive trade routes
total alcoholic beverage production of the Alliance. Orions live to between Orion and Phentari worlds ever since.
drink booze.
Another unlikely union occurred when Humans and Orions met.
Orion culture is the quintessential melting pot. Every species As ambassadors of the Alliance, the Orions had access to the
and subspecies can be found somewhere on Taos and other Mutzachans database on Humans. They grew infatuated with the
Orion colony worlds. Orions keep it friendly and inquisitive and species, and several clans maneuvered for the right to contact
greatly enjoy the presence of foreigners. The people of Taos are them when the Mutzachans announced they were going to
free to do whatever they choose, if it doesn’t infringe on the approach the Humans about joining the Alliance. The Orion clan
rights of others or impact the Syndicates bottom line. However, that won the right to make first contact with the Humans adopted
traveling Eridani are restricted to ambassadors only, a problem the ancient Earth Scottish tartans as their dress and modified
that continually fuels the enmity between the two species. themselves to match Human norms in coloring and appearance.
The first meeting between the species was spectacular. At the
HISTORY start of the party, the Orions played a heart-breaking bag pipe
rendition of “Over the Seas to Skye” as the ambassadors met.
The Orions have an interesting history. There was never much Since then, the friendship has continued to blossom. Now, many
fighting, just trade wars and blatant, outright thievery from one Orions have taken up Scottish clan names and tartan designs as
another. Since joining the Alliance, their history has been that of the syndicate that made first contact with humanity has grown in
peacemaker and deal broker with an emphasis on celebratory size, influence, and power.
meetings. Trade and the free flow of credits are almost as
Orion worlds and join the Alliance military, mega-corps, or the can obtain exclusive rights to the resources of the planet. These
Alliance government. Still others work as spies for both the gangs resource worlds are quite different from colony worlds as the
and syndicates. The Forlorn will still strive to meet societal dress syndicate will attempt to squeeze profit from everything. Orions
and looks that are popular for Orions. Some Forlorn join together to feign no illusions about these abuses of power. They simply do not
form loose knit gangs. The Beggars, Sleuths, and Rabbit Hunters care as long as they can party. Loyalty, however, is fleeting and only
are several who are notable. bought temporarily.
The Orion government is a Syndicracy. Each Orion world has multiple
syndicates operating an Economic Council. Each syndicate on the
Economic Council represents some planetary business interest,
such as mining or alcohol production. The Economic Council on the
Orion home world is loved by most Orions since business is thriving,
and Taos is the hub of galactic trade. The powerful syndicates retain
the support of the people by not levying taxes, providing free public
housing, some free schooling, and free medical care for all Orions.
Orions have little desire to conquer others, but they do want to
spread the party. The syndicates all search for worlds where they
Species PHENTARI (fen-tahr-ee)
Nicknames Squid, Grim Reaper, Demon Spawn, Cold
Death, Soul Sucker
Home world Phena, Tau Ceti System
Tech Level 5
Government Kratocracy
Pop. (Phena) 10 billion
Population (Total) 130 billion
Life Expectancy 150 years
Average Height 1.8 – 2.2 m
Average Weight 85 – 135 kg
Sample Names Ardincuz Phentari, Melarisarrious Phentari,
Phelinssarious Phentari, Sorgie Phentari,
Ssithisarious Phentari, Task Phentari,
Tranquarrious Phentari
Typical Occupations Bounty Hunter, Assassin, Pirate, Mercenary,
Starting Skill Points 15
Size 1
Pace +1
Toughness +1
Arboreal (d6 Agility and +2 to Athletics when Climbing)
Environmental Resistance (Cold)
Extra Actions
Natural Weapons (Bite)
Phentari Physiology (+2 Notice, Ambidextrous, Tentacle Regeneration)
Size (1)
Aggressive (Minor)
Methane Breather
Species Enemy (Eridani)
Weakness (Fire & Heat)
Untrusted (-2 to Persuasion tests when motive is unclear)
PHENTARI hunting many low tech, intelligent life forms to extinction, the
Phentari happened upon the Orions. The Orions' mimicry of
Phentari greatness and their con artist-like nature allowed the
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION species to coexist and even trade. After a time, the Phentari
graciously gave the Orions the secret of space travel and allowed
Phentari are hexapods with a total of six limbs. They have two
them to settle worlds within Phentari controlled systems.
legs and four tentacles which function as arms. Each leg ends in
a y-shaped pad with two fleshy clasping appendages on the front Shortly after the Orions settled on worlds in Phentari systems,
and a shorter fleshy protrusion on the back that acts as a heel. the Eridani attacked and destroyed planets inhabited by both
The two, roughly 12 cm, claspers on the feet are for grasping tree species. As the Eridani invasion continued, the Phentari and
trunks. Each tentacle can operate independently of the others Orions signed the mutually beneficial Kwashime Pact in 1770
which make Phentari deadly in close combat. The tentacles are BCE, which united the two species against the Eridani. This war
similar to those of an earth octopus, lacking in bone structure and proved to the Phentari leadership that it is always better to place
primarily supported by cartilage. someone else, in this case the Orions, between you and an enemy.
This mindset softened their resolve against coalitions, and they
Phentari have little in the way of bones except in the spine. Even
saw the advantage to be gained from membership in the Alliance
the legs and head are made up of a cartilage type structure,
when the Mutzachans eventually presented the offer.
which is flexible, vascular, and self-repairing. A Phentari’s knee
joint is capable of bending both directions, unlike a Human knee.
Phentari skin has red splotches all over the body. This coloration
becomes brighter when a Phentari feels intense emotion. Alliance • Arboreal: Phentari are semi-arboreal, living in the tree-
personnel are ecstatic to see a dull, purple Phentari without spots. equivalents that populate the methane swamps of Phena.
Phentari are carnivores that prefers their meat alive and They receive a +2 bonus to their Athletics when making a
screaming. Phentari are notorious for claiming that their favorite roll related to climbing and start with a d6 in Agility which
dish is Human flesh. While there is documented proof of Phentari may be raised to d12+1.
actually eating Humans and describing it as tasty, the fact is this • Environmental Resistance (Cold): Phentari evolved in the
is clearly a crime under Alliance law. It happens far less than the frigid methane swamps on Phena. They are highly resistant
Phentari admit, but they enjoy taunting Humans with the threat of to cold environments and receive a +4 to their Vigor and
being eaten alive. There is a legal trade in “Phent Morsels” which when making rolls for cold, cold environments, or cold-
is made from legally obtained but recently deceased Human based attacks, like Frost Guns and they receive a -4 to
remains. The raw materials (no pun intended) for Phent Morsels damage from these types of attacks (RST vs. COLD Attack).
can only be obtained on planets where the laws do not prohibit • Extra Actions: Due to their multiple tentacles and multi-
recycling of the recently deceased, and there are no prohibitions tasking capacity, they receive one extra non-movement
against the “mishandling of a corpse.” Needless to say, no Human action with no multiple action penalty.
colony world meets these qualifications. The practice is reviled by
• Multi-Lingual: Most Phentari understand and speak
much of the Alliance, particularly the Humans, but the Phentari
multiple languages. They consider it a requirement to
revel in the discomfort it causes others.
be able to better understand who they can manipulate.
Phentari believe that learning the nuances of spoken
language is necessary to identifying the speaker and their
The Phentari are the only species known to successfully operate true intent. Phentari start with a d4 in the Languages skill.
under a Kratocracy. This government is run by those capable of • Natural Weapons (Bite): The Phentari mouth is perhaps
seizing power through coercion, social persuasion, or deceptive its most chilling feature. Two large mandibles stab the
cunning. If they are strong and cunning enough to maintain their prey while the serrated teeth slice off portions for their
status, they deserve it. This form of government was instituted prehensile tongue to guide down to the gullet. Their bite
by Phelinssarious Phentari the First. Phelinssarious corralled the causes Strength+d4 damage.
nastiest, most vicious, and deviant Phentari to join him in forming • Overwhelm: A flurry of tentacles attacking from different
the first Phentari Domain. Phelinssarious understood that Phentari angles is very difficult to deal with. When attacking a single
excel when cunning is required. After the Domain’s subjugation of individual Phentari automatically receive 1 point of Gang
all other Phentari, Phelinssarious forbade open combat among the Up bonus. If helping an ally, Phentari are treated as two
Phentari. No longer would they kill each other in war or hunting. To combatants when calculating the Gang Up bonus. Lastly,
rise in the Domain required deception, trickery, intrigue, and of their ability to simultaneously deal with multiple threats
course, assassination. allows them to ignore 2 points of Gang Up bonus.
During the spread of the species through space, the Phentari
experienced a great deal of conflict with other species. After
often. Each position has absolute power over those below. No "The squids have a reputation for being evil, but a lot of
matter the position, if a Phentari is too effective, they may find that reputation results from the perception of species who
unwanted attention from those above. Particularly if superiors see have mental decision tree options the Phentari lack. As a
you as a threat. If a Phentari is ineffective or error prone, those species the Phentari have very little empathy and charity.
below will resolve the issue as Phentari do not suffer fools to live. This doesn't make them "evil" it just means during their
Phentari strive for perfection in all their crafts. With Phentari, evolution there wasn't much advantage to selecting for
politics is a life and death sport. traits like mercy and charity. They're a very practical and
logical species when you think about it."
Each position has absolute power over those below. No matter
-Malachi Armageddon,
the position, if a Phentari is too effective, they may find unwanted
Cultural Ambassador & Hostage Negotiator
attention from those above. Particularly if superiors see you as a
threat. If a Phentari is ineffective or error prone, those below will
resolve the issue as Phentari do not suffer fools to live. Phentari
strive for perfection in all their crafts.
Species PYTHONIAN (pahy-thon-ee-uh-n)
Nicknames Marine, Standard, Warrior, Lizard
Home world Pythos, mu Virginis System
Tech Level 3
Government Clan
Pop. (Pythos) 700 million
Population (Total) 35 billion
Life Expectancy 200 years
Average Height 2.4 – 2.7 m
Average Weight 207 – 270 kg
Sample Names Ephys-Tar-Merek, Grak-Tar-Nakh, Krim-Tar
Typical Occupations Marine, Law Enforcement, Diver, Mercenary,
Body Guard
Starting Skill Points 15
Size +2
Pace +2
Toughness +2
Beast of Burden (+1 to Strength Rolls, Double Carry Weight)
Durable (+2 Armor)
Natural Weapons (Claws & Bite)
Pythonian Muscle (d8 Strength)
Resistance (Sensory Attacks)
Size (+2)
Sturdy (d8 Vigor)
Vibration Sense
Aggressive (Major)
Big (-2 when using equipment not designed for Pythonians)
Not the Brightest (-1 to Smarts tests)
Shortsighted (Can't attack targets beyond 50m)
Species Enemy (Cizerack)
Weakness (Cold)
Species RAM PYTHONIAN (ram pahy-thon-ee-uh-n)
Nicknames Standard, Warrior, Ram
Home world Pythos, mu Virginis System
Tech Level 3
Government Clan
Pop. (Pythos) 700 million
Population (Total) 35 billion
Life Expectancy 200 years
Average Height 2.7 – 3.0 m
Average Weight 292 – 452 kg
Sample Names Loann Brok, Chet, Fredd, Gar, Gronk, Tokk,
Fug, Guf
Typical Occupations Soldier, Dronk (neighborhood watch patrol),
Mercenary, Bouncer
Starting Skill Points 15
Size +2
Pace +2
Toughness +4
Beast of Burden (+2 to Strength Rolls, Double Carry Weight)
Durable (+2 Toughness)
Natural Weapons (Claws & Bite)
Pythonian Muscle (d10 Strength)
Resistance (Sensory Attacks)
Size (+2)
Sturdy (d8 Vigor)
Vibration Sense
Aggressive (Major)
Big (-2 when using equipment not designed for Pythonians)
Not the Brightest (-2 to Smarts tests)
Shortsighted (Can't attack targets beyond 50m)
Species Enemy (Cizerack)
Weakness (Cold)
PYTHONIANS living in the jungle will take on a green color. On a starship, they
tend to take on a whitish gray coloration.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Pythonians are able to sense vibrations through the ground and
use this ability to track and locate prey. As both species are quite
There are two varieties of Pythonians. The larger, terrestrial type large and heavy, they can make a lot of noise when they’re not
referred to as Ram Pythons and the smaller, but smarter, aquatic trying to be quiet. This ability no doubt came in quite handy during
variety called a Python Lizard. Ram Pythons are often referred to the Python wars early in their history. It should be noted that all
as Rams. Pythonians can be exceptionally quiet for their size when needed
– particularly the Rams.
Python Lizards are a large humanoid shaped, reptile-like species.
They have two arms, two legs, and a tail. Each arm ends in a hand
with three or four fingers plus a thumb. The fingers are shaped
like talons and meant for grasping prey. Their foot design is like Pythonians are carnivores. If it’s made of meat, they’ll eat it.
an earth bird's with three toes pointing forward and one pointing Fresh or salt water are viable for drinking. Python Lizards prefer
back. Each toe is equipped with a large claw that can be used for fish, sylove worms, and dragger shark above all else. They must
grasping prey or whatever they stand upon. Pythonians have two rip their meat into small enough portions to swallow. Rams will
eyes, two nostrils, and a large mouth. The ears are covered by a eat whatever they can catch but prefer Altarian boar and the
tympanic membrane. They have only one waste disposal system bug slather beast of Theen. Both may require vegetation to eat
and it is located under their tail. when their food is nutritionally lacking. Unless extremely active,
In terms of physical differences between the two, the Ram is Pythonians only have to eat once a week.
usually bigger and stronger. The Ram’s digits are wider and thicker
than the Python Lizard’s. Both Pythonians have tails; however, HOME ENVIRONMENT
the Python Lizard’s is roughly 1.5 m in length and vertically
Pythos is an interesting world. The temperature is fairly constant
flat for swimming while the Ram’s is 1 m and tube shaped. On
with only small bands of ice and snow at either pole. The majority
the Python Lizard, the mouth is elongated with a nostril, ear
of the world stays between 0 and 40° Celsius. There are no deep
and eye on each side. Each nostril is at the end of a snout. The
oceans, but there are many large, connected lakes, rivers, and
eyes are located above the jaw. They are protected by multiple
seas that are dominated by the Python Lizards. Surrounding these
nictitating membranes along with heavy ridge plates above and
bodies of water are jungles, mountains, desserts, and plains which
below the eyes. Humans often compare the Python Lizard’s face
the Rams call home. Pythos gravity is approximately 1.2 times
to an alligator or their mythical dragon. Their teeth set outside the
stronger than Earth.
jawline and are sharp and meant for holding prey. Python Lizards
cannot chew and must rip off hunks small enough to swallow.
On the Ram, the snout is much shorter, giving the face a more
humanoid shape with forward facing eyes and a Human-like nose. Pythonians have always been at war. When Rams and Python Lizards
These eyes still have protective nictitating membranes. The Ram’s were not fighting each other, the Ram fought other Ram tribes. This
mouth is more like a Human’s, only it is filled with razor sharp teeth wanton destruction eliminated all but their simple, verbal history.
meant for cutting out mouthfuls of meat. Even since joining the Alliance, no less than three civil wars have
been fought to determine who rules Pythos. Currently, it is the
Pythonians have a line of large and sharp spines that jut from their
Rams. This caused some bitterness among the Python Lizards as it
spinal column. On the Python Lizard, this ridge goes from the
was the Rams that started the Pythonian-Cizerack War and almost
base of the skull to the start of the tail. On the Ram, these spines
ended the species. The Pythonian-Cizerack War started in 1956 CE
start on the forehead and go to the tip of the tail. When the Ram
and ended in 2056 CE. The technological superiority of the Cizerack
is excited, the spines on their head stand straight up and take on
made short work of the Rams.
a bright, neon red color. When the Python Lizard gets excited, a
frill extends outwards to protect their neck. This frill is made up of The Python Lizards, however, managed a stalemate with ambush
scuts and spines. They also have scuts (bony plates) everywhere, style hit and run tactics from the water. Over time, they managed
which provides them with natural armor. to steal and use Cizerack weapons. After driving the Cizerack back
from the water’s edge, the Python Lizards started providing these
Pythonian colorization varies. While they do not change color like
weapons to Ram resistance fighters. The Cizerack were finally
the Keen, their tough hide does take on the dominant coloration
pushed back into space in 1971 CE when the Python Lizard, Narsh
of their surroundings for several weeks. A Python Lizard living
of Makel, stole a shipment of heavy weapons and used them to
in clear water will take on the color tone of the sandy bottom.
attack the cats. At this point, the Cizerack began to bombard the
In contrast, they will become dark gray or black when living in a
planet from orbit for the next two years. The Cizerack bombed the
bayou. A Ram in the desert will take on a tan coloration, while one
Pythonians back to the Stone Age, which didn’t take long. With no
leaders to surrender to them and no real interest in subjugating the • Size: Pythonians have a Size of +2. In Battlelords, a change
planet, the Cizerack departed while feeling vindicated in teaching in Size not only affects the character's Toughness, but
the Pythonians a lesson. also their Pace and the cost of their armor. A Pythonian's
Size of +2 increases their Toughness by 2 and their Pace
The Pythonians rebuilt their Stone Age society but always watched
by 2. Pythonians pay 50% more than the listed price when
the sky for the Cizerack’s return. By the time the Gen-Humans
purchasing armor.
made contact in 2154 CE, the Pythonians had advanced to Tech
Level 3 using the stolen Cizerack tech. The Pythonians saw no • Sturdy: Ram Pythons and Python Lizards start with a d8 in
threat in the puny, squishy visitors and allowed them to setup a Vigor.
science and recruitment station on Pythos. Once the Pythonians • Vibration Sense: This ability is limited to a distance of
understood they would be paid to fight other creatures for the 50 m and does not function while wearing armor unless the
“hoomaansss,” they began to trickle into the Alliance forces. Soon, armor is equipped with the Tactile Response armor option.
that trickle turned into a flood as the trained Pythonians returned Pythonians have -2 Notice for rolls that rely at least partially
home and challenged their chieftains. It wasn't long before new on vision. However, if both the Pythonian and their target
government leaders were in place, and the Pythonians agreed to is touching the same surface they ignore this penalty as
join the Alliance. well as any other vision-based penalty (Invisibility, lighting,
camouflage, etc.).
This did not go smoothly once the Pythonians realized the Cizerack
were members of the Alliance as well. While the diplomacy of the • SPECIES LIABILITIES
Chatilians has kept outright war from taking place, the two species
fight skirmishes on a regular basis. Upon joining the Alliance, • Aggressive (Major): Pythonians are an incredibly aggressive
the Pythonians took on the role of front-line warriors and security species and live to fight. If you roll 1 or 2 on a Spirit roll in a
forces. Their bravery on the battlefield is unquestioned, even by the stressful situation you must roll on the Combat Stress Table
Cizerack and Eridani. The Rams in particular have been inducted into with +4 added to the die roll result. Ignore results below 11.
the Legion of Honor more than any other species. This is the highest • Big: Pythonians receive a -2 penalty when using tools
award in the Alliance for bravery and courage under fire. It is often and weapons not specifically designed for them, or when
given posthumously. At least 124 Rams and 45 Python Lizards manipulating small or fragile objects. Weapons designed for
have earned this distinction. The Pythonians revel in their role as Pythonians cost 50% more than the listed price.
protectors of the Alliance.
• Not the Brightest: Pythonians in general are not what you'd
describe as the brightest crayon in the box - particularly the
SPECIES ABILITIES Rams, who are probably eating the crayons. Python Lizards
• Beast of Burden: Python Lizards receive a +1 to Strength receive a -1 penalty to Smarts rolls. Ram Pythons receive a
rolls. Ram Pythons receive a +2 to Strength rolls. Both can -2 penalty to Smarts rolls.
carry double the listed carry weight for their Strength. • Shortsighted: Pythonians are blind beyond 50 meters and
• Durable: Ram Pythons have a +2 bonus to their Toughness, can not attack targets farther than 50m away or in Long
in addition to what they receive for their Size. Instead of Range for the weapon without the aid of a sensor system,
Toughness, Python Lizards get two points of Armor. cybernetic eyes, or similar vision augmentation. They suffer
a −2 penalty to any Trait roll dependent on vision (such as
• Natural Weapons (Bite & Claws): Pythonians are possessed ranged attacks and Notice rolls)
of an impressive set of claws of and teeth that do Strength+d4
damage. • Species Enemy (Cizerack): To this day, animosity remains
between the Pythonians species and the Cizerack. The
• Pythonian Muscle: Ram Pythons start with a d10 in Alliance Armed Forces usually places them in separate units
Strength (maximum d12+6). Python Lizards start with a d8 when possible. The only place they frequently mix is within
in Strength (d12+4). mercenary teams.
• Resistance (Sensory Attacks) [Python Lizards Only]: • Weakness (Cold): Pythonians suffer a -4 penalty to their
Python Lizards receive a +4 to their Vigor against sensory Vigor when resisting cold environments or cold-based
attacks, like flash-bang grenades and some Chatilian attacks and +4 damage on COLD attacks. (WEAK vs. COLD
Matrices. In addition, they receive a -4 to damage from Attack).
these types of attacks (RST vs. SEN Attack).
• Semi-Aquatic [Python Lizards Only]: Python Lizards are
semi-aquatic and can hold their breath for 15 minutes.
SOCIAL ORGANIZATION Devoted Pythonians have several rituals which are of utmost
importance. The Trat (rain dance), Slasses (mud slide) and Chunga
The Python Lizards are often seen as aloof and distant. They rarely (flatulence). Trat is usually celebrated by the Python Lizards and
fraternize and tend to disregard feelings when making command desert dwelling Rams who pray to the rain god, Thunn. It is a joyous
decisions. This has proven to be a boon for command positions dance that occurs when it rains. The dance begins as a slow, stately
within the Alliance Military. Rams, on the other hand, are extremely waltz in a prescribed manner. As the rain continues and increases
social and held in high esteem by other front line troops. in intensity, it slowly devolves into a violent clashing of bodies.
This continues as long as the rain does. Once the rain stops, the
RELIGION Pythonians go back to their normal business.
Pythonians are polytheistic. They have multiple gods who span from Slasses occurs near hot springs, rivers, and oceans. The Pythonians
sea to sky. Gods of strength, speed, and virility are also popular. will dig a large, steep trench. Then they carry huge buckets of water
While Pythonians pray to these gods, they don’t expect much in to the top unless they have Alliance pumps. The water flows down
return. Pythonians believe the gods gave them the tools to do the the trench into the pile of dirt from the trench at the bottom. The
job, and it’s up to them to get it done. Pythonians take great pride in more water that flows, the muddier it gets. Pythonians will fling
accomplishing tasks and helping others while using their incredible themselves onto their bellies and slide down the chute and into the
physical strength. mud mound. This ritual is shared by Ram and Python Lizard and
honors the earth god, Slasez.
Strength is a repeated theme in Ram Python rituals, and there is one
item that they consider sacred: The Thwack’em Stick. The Thwack’em Chunga is celebrated primarily by the Rams. It pays tribute to
Stick is an incredibly large and dense wood-equivalent pole that the volcano god, Hurrg, who is believed to be the source of every
Pythonians use as a weapon. It is also used in a ritual test of strength warrior’s power and spirit. To do battle without paying tribute to
and toughness. During the ritual, the Pythonians take turns smacking Hurrg is the deepest insult. Hurrg has been known to throw boulders
each other over the head with this incredibly dense pole. The test lasts and fire from his volcanic home to kill disrespectful Pythonians. To
until the Thwack’em Stick breaks or only one Pythonian is standing. properly Chunga, a Ram must flatulate near an open flame. If there
The strongest and the toughest win this game. Python Lizards do not is fire, Hurrg is pleased. If not, the Ram must redouble their efforts.
like to complete in these tests with Rams. Knowing this, Ram often eat foods they know will provide them with
plenty of gas before a fight. Unfortunately, the sulfur content in a
Python’s gas is enough to make most other species ill.
"Scars are sexy. There's nothing Pythons find sexier than
VALUES AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS: some good battle scars. Do not apologize to that Python
Lizard for his scars! "I'm sorry you're so sexy" will either be
PYTHONIAN LIZARDS taken as an insult or a pick up line. Either way, if you're not
Time: "Patience brings success in all things.” a Python you're probably in for an interesting time. The big
Achievement: "Success is expected in time. ” lizards are also notoriously stoic, which is in stark contrast
to their cousins the Rams."
Work: "I take my responsibility seriously and personally. Do not -Malachi Armageddon,
insult it.” Scar Giver & Romance Consultant
Change: "Chaos is the essence of life, embrace it. ”
"Rams have a reputation for being big, tough, and dumb.
Scientific Method: "Interesting things, this has taught us." The first two are well earned, but if you assume all Ram's are
Risk-Taking: "Life is full of risk, take the sensible ones." dumb you're in for a surprise. I've met Ram Python ionization
engineers. A lesser known trait about Rams is many have a
RAM PYTHONIANS twisted sense of humor, or at least a well-developed disdain
Time: "Why worry about the future, I live for now.” for etiquette and manners. I've seen Ram Pythons use the
corpses of enemy combatants as hand puppets to entertain
Achievement: "I wear my success on my chest.”
themselves after battle. It's a common practice among the
Work: "Do I have to?” big lizards and is known, appropriately, as "hand puppeting."
Change: "Don’t like it, unless it’s a bigger gun or better armor.” One time in a bar fight I witnessed a Ram turn his opponent
Scientific Method: "Huh?” into a hand puppet while he still alive. So, whether or not you
believe that all Rams are dumb, you would be well-advised
Risk-Taking: "Bring it on!"
not to vex one.
-Malachi Armageddon,
POLITICS Fight Choreographer & Tavern Critic
Pythonians follow a clan like structure. This structure is not based
upon family but strength and loyalty to the clan. Both Rams and
Python Lizards are extremely territorial in their own right. Python
Lizards base their clan upon common goals and mutual protection
of their semi-solitary life style. The clan chieftain guides the
clan toward success. Chieftains also lead the fight to maintain
or expand clan breeding grounds. Python Lizard Chieftains do
understand that power stays only if you can show results. Risks
are necessary to stay on top.
Rams determine leadership based on who is the strongest and
can control the most territory and people. They are even more
territorial than the Python Lizards. Crossing into a Ram Chieftain’s
territory without permission or escort can mean death. This even
applies to other intelligent species. Just ask the first Cizerack to
encounter a Ram Python. Oh wait… she’s dead. The caveat to this
rule on Pythos is that the largest clan, Roggan, has threatened
to obliterate any clan that harms a Human (or Gen-Human).
Gen-Humans setup the original research base on Pythos at the
invitation of the Rams, and they have profited greatly from this
association. The Rams are dim, but they understand the old
Human idiom of, “You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours.”
Species Raazet (rha-zet)
Nicknames Bugs, Roaches, Bodger, Rat’s Nest
Home world Clizet
Tech Level 5
Government Technocracy
Pop. (Clizet): 5 billion
Population (Total) 25 billion
Life Expectancy 120 years
Average Height 1.4 – 1.55 m (140 + 3d10)
Average Weight 22 – 41 kg (21 + 1d20)
Sample Names Sqizzt, Sarrzz, Vertz, SanShazz, Bar
Typical Occupations Mechanic, Engineer, Repo Agent, Recycler,
Environmental Pollution Cleanup
Starting Skill Points 15
Size -1
Pace 6
Toughness 0
Armored (6 Armor)
Flight (6 Pace)
Environmental Resistance (ACID)
Environmental Resistance (BIO)
Jury Rig Expert
Raazet Physiology
Trained Tinkerer
Hard of Hearing
Weakness (COLD)
Will eat nearly anything
Repair as a Religion
was pushed back toward Clizet, all hope seemed lost. The Raazet
were losing two ships for every one of the invaders. First Engineer’s
Mate Zippz was trapped alone in the engineering section aboard
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION the disabled flagship, Schree. The crew was vented into space, the
weapons were destroyed, the engines were damaged, the maneuver
The Raazet are a humanoid shaped insectoid species. Raazet have controls were nonfunctional, and the reactor was overloading.
four limbs and a set of insectoid wings that fold under protective Zippz, in a flash of brilliance, removed the safety interlocks on the
coverings on the back of their thorax and abdomen. The arms reactors and replaced them with a power amplifier from a loading
extend from the thorax and have two fingers and two opposable lifter. Zippz then redirected the overloading core into the engines.
thumbs; Raazet have no external nose or ears. Instead the area By using the interface from a crushed repair bot, Zippz was able to
beneath their eyes to the chin are covered with long tendril control the thrusters on his ship and aimed his vessel at the alien’s
structures (10-20 cm in length). This gives the appearance of a flag ship. His ship disintegrated as it launched from motionless to
long mustache covering their mouth. However, these structures are 0.9 of light speed. The resulting wreckage tore through the alien
sensory organs which detect sound and smells outside the Human armada causing a chain reaction of crashing ships as they tried to
range. These structures hide the Raazet’s mouth which is triangular flee the cloud of expanding shrapnel.
shaped and opens outward for food placement. Once the mouth
closes, two sets of internal jaws macerate the food to a pulp before In their last gasp, the aliens were able to launch a number of nuclear
ingestion. Lastly, the Raazet have wide set, compound eyes that warheads upon Clizet. While this changed the Raazet’s future, it did
vary in color. The usual colors include gray, silver, gold, and black. not alter the course of the battle. The Raazet fleet wiped out the
remaining alien ships. During the mop up operations, the Raazet
Raazet are capable of digesting virtually any organic matter or fleet received a strange signal. The source was Zippz. Before
fluid. They can eat cellulose (wood, paper, etc.), meat, vegetation, launching his attack, Zippz took what was left of the loading lifter
carrion, and even hydrocarbons (gasoline, kerosene, etc.). Raazet and turned it into a life boat with supplies he found in engineering.
eat their dead, and they’re not shy about eating the corpses of other He then tied his shipboard communicator into the repair bot that he
species either. Be wary of a Raazet drinking motor oil; it makes salvaged to boost the transmitter signal.
them drunk.
After his rescue, Zippz was celebrated as the hero of Clizet. He was
When Raazet speak other languages they tend end words with a given the honorary title of Mechanic Supreme. Although gravely
drawn out z-sound, which Human's have compared to a buzzing wounded and having lost a leg during his escape from the ship,
insect. Zippz recovered and later founded his own trade school. Over the
last three hundred years, this school has become a quasi-religion
HOME ENVIRONMENT throughout Clizet.
Raazet are an indigenous species to the planet Clizet. Clizet is
currently one of the most hostile, life-bearing planets in the galaxy.
From temperature extremes, large and aggressive predators, • Armored: Raazet do not have skin but have a smooth, very
to a very short growing season, life on Clizet was a short, brutal tough, chitinous exoskeleton similar to shrimp that provides
struggle. Those that survived are tough and rely upon their strength them a natural armor against attacks. Raazet do not have
and ability to improvise in any situation. bones but do have an internal honeycomb structure made
of the same chitin that connects to the exoskeleton and
HISTORY provides internal support. Raazet have an Armor of +6.
Raazet history has few defining moments. The wars and social • Flight: Raazet rarely walk. They usually fly in quick, short,
upheavals that occurred over technological developments and bursts like a bumblebee. The Raazet can fly at Pace 6 and
scarce resources were so devastating, it was amazing the Raazet “run” for extra movement as usual. Their flight is limited
survived at all. Clizet was and is a hostile world, and the Raazet had to less than three minutes before they become Fatigued.
a long and arduous journey to tame it. However, once the Raazet Raazet can not fly if Encumbered.
were united, they rapidly spread throughout their solar system in • Environmental Resistance (BIO): Raazet are highly resistant
search of resources. Three hundred years ago, the Raazet were to biological attacks, infections, and diseases. They receive
in the testing phase of their faster than light technology when +4 bonus to resist biological attacks, biological weapons,
unknown aliens executed an unprovoked attack. disease, and illness. Damage from those sources is also
reduced by 4.
At this time, the Great Zippz made his mark on Raazet culture. Zippz
had already proven himself in one of the few Raazet recreations • Environmental Resistance (ACID & BIO): Raazet are highly
on Clizet, endurance racing. This exceptional mechanic and pilot resistant to biological attacks, infections, and diseases.
volunteered to serve when the aliens attacked. As the Raazet fleet Mutzachans receive a +4 to their Vigor when making roll
against chemical or biological attacks. Damage from those • Xenophobic: During the early development of the Raazet’s
attacks is also reduced by 4. (RST vs. ACID Attacks & RST space program, an unknown alien species invaded the
vs. BIO Attacks) Raazet solar system and attempted to wipe out the
• Jury-Rig Expert: The extreme conditions and a lack of species. The Raazet were able to defeat the aliens;
natural resources on planet Clizet slowed the Raazet however, this attack fundamentally changed their home
development of space travel. Raazet have always excelled world Clizet and the Raazet themselves. Clizet was nuked
at making the best of the limited resources that were across the planet by the aliens during the war. This caused
available and are unmatched in their ability to recycle and disastrous environmental changes. In addition, the Raazet
improvise new uses for existing materials and devices. became mistrustful of any alien species. To this day, the
Eventually, this mindset would turn into a religious-like Raazet adamantly refuse to allow other species onto their
devotion to improvised engineering for the species. Raazet home world. Raazet are generally extremely xenophobic.
are adept at repairing, modifying, and creating all manner Individuals may temper their views; however, Raazet never
of technology. Raazet have become masters of material fully lose their distrust of aliens.
science and the art of improvisation and reuse while
making do with the barest of materials. Raazet start the SOCIAL ORGANIZATION
game with the Mr. Fix It Edge.
Raazet are pragmatic to an extreme. They are generally quite
• Raazet Physiology: The Raazet’s hands have a vague
content with merely surviving and living without fear. For 280
resemblance to a robotic claw and their feet have four
years, they maintained a militaristic isolationism due to their
large prehensile toes spaced for clamping onto objects.
near genocide at the hands of the unknown alien invaders. At that
Each limb, including the head, can rotate 180 degrees in
time and since, all Raazet share kinship. Even more so than when
its socket. This allows the Raazet to hang from the ceiling,
Emperor Shaas conquered the entire planet and implemented the
using all four limbs, with either dorsal side (back) or ventral
communal egg system. Now, all eggs, larva, and children are raised
side (chest) pointed toward the ceiling. Regardless of the
in a communal growth center with highly educated and skilled
way their chest points, the Raazet can spin its head all
developmental specialists supervising the whole affair. These
the way around, so it can look at the ceiling or floor as it
centers protect, feed, and teach the next generation of Raazet
desires. Furthermore, Raazet do not get dizzy nor do they
how to be Raazet. During their eventual transition to democratic
become disoriented from hanging upside down. As a result,
technocracy, this was one of the few institutions put in place by
Raazet are often seen hanging upside down while working.
Shaas’s feudal system that was left intact.
Raazet receive a +2 to Athletics for climbing and +4 when
attempting to escape bonds meant for other species. Raazet place great value on learning institutions, scientific growth,
• Trained Tinkerer: Raazet are trained tinkerers and experts the military, and governmental service. Of these, scientific growth
at making repairs. They start the game with either a d6 in is the most prestigious. Only the smartest, most skilled individuals
two repair skills specialties, or a d6 in repair skill and a d6 are burdened with keeping the Raazet population and way of life
in electronics. intact. Authority is derived from the masses, and those chosen
are required to serve. To serve the Raazet species is the highest
SPECIES LIABILITIES honor in Raazet society. Raazet social mobility and stratification
are based upon an individual’s job, skill, and intelligence.
• Hard of Hearing: Raazet have poor hearing compared with Raazet are often sent off world by the government and employed as
most other species and start the game with the Hard of engineers, repair techs, computer techs, or mechanics throughout
Hearing (Minor) Hindrance. the Alliance. Part of this push of skilled workers off world is to
• Small: Raazet are much smaller than Humans and have a provide the Raazet with ample scavenging opportunities, the
Size of -1. In Battlelords, a change in Size not only affects possibility of acquiring new technology, and the chance for
the character's Toughness, but also their Pace and the exploration.
cost of their armor. A Raazet's Size of -1 reduces their
However, Raazet xenophobia and deep-seated survival instincts
Toughness by 1 and their Pace by 1. However, Raazet only
leave Raazet with very little empathy for other living things. If you
pay half price when purchasing armor.
have a Raazet on your team, don’t expect him to save you if you are
• Weakness (COLD): Clizet is slowly recovering from being in dire need unless it is in his own best interest. Mortally wounded
a nuclear desert and was not terribly hospitable to being or dead comrades are often stripped of their useful gear and cut
with. As a result, Raazet suffer a -4 penalty to their Vigor up into jerky before their bodies are cold if no one but the Phentari
when resisting cold environments or cold-based attacks is looking.
and +4 damage on COLD attacks. (WEAK vs. COLD Attack).
over any proposed or ratified law if it affects technological growth.
Species ZEN RIGELN (zen rahy-jel-in)
TZA ZEN RIGELN (zah zen rahy-jel-in)
Nicknames Z: Zen, Gaunt, Healer, Nudist
T: Anti-healer, Corpse, Gaunt
Home world Katrel, 29 Orionus System
Tech Level 5
Government True Democracy
Pop. (Katrel): 3 billion
Population (Total) 50 billion
Life Expectancy 400 years
Average Height 2.1 – 2.4 m (210 + 3d10)
Average Weight 81 – 126 kg (76 + 1d10 × 5)
Sample Names Zen Ashlidene, Zen Piclifir, Zen Prithe,
Zen Ryner, Zen Shrayalzzid Damadec, Zen Zian
Typical Occupations Physician, Teacher, Ambassador, Negotiator,
(Zen Rigeln) Nurse, Paramedic, Missionary
Typical Occupations Same as Zen;
(Tza Zen Rigeln) Also: Criminal, Assassin, Ward of the State,
Starting Skill Points (Z/T) 15
Size +1
Pace +1
Toughness 0
Arcane Background - Healer or Anti-Healer (Eligible to Purchase)
Mental Resistance
Seven Marks & The Slow Change (Ability determined by your Stage)
Size (+1)
Spiritual (d8 Spirit)
Pacifist (Major) (Zen only)
BRI Resistance
Hidden or Hunted (Tza only)
Universally Beloved (Zen Only)
Feared and reviled (Tza Only)
eventually led the Zen to transitioning to a direct democracy. Since
that time, most of Zen Rigeln have embraced Assizza’s tenants and
enjoyed a lasting peace.
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION By 2224 BCE, the Zen entered the Age of Prosperity, which
Zen are tall, gaunt, pale-skinned humanoids. Their arms and legs lasted until they met the Alliance. First contact occurred with the
are spindly with hands and feet at the end. Each appendage has Mutzachans in 2091 BCE during a routine system sweep of the
five fingers or toes. The Zen’s head is slightly more egg shaped then Zen’s planetary system by a Mutzachan survey ship. Surprisingly
Humans. Their face is humanoid but devoid of ears, eyelids, lips, and until first contact, the Zen never contemplated the development of
nostrils. The Zen eye color can range across the color spectrum, but space travel or exploring outside their system. Their Matrices had
an iridescent blue is by far the most common color. Red and yellow not located life outside their planet, so what was the point? The Zen
are also common. Zen skin has the look of aged parchment and runs reluctantly agreed to join the Alliance with the goal of bringing the
from an aged yellow to ashen gray. It is also completely hairless and wisdom of Assizza to the stars. Healing all and ensuring the well-
is pulled tight across their bone structure, which accentuates their being of all living things is seen as a moral imperative by the ruling
skeletal appearance. Zen Rigeln. To heal the universe is their destiny. However, the shock
of meeting intelligent life from another planet caused a new schism
The Zen’s grim reaper-like appearance is further enhanced by its within the Zen belief system.
smell. The odor it produces smells of something long dead, in a
dry musty sort of way. Furthermore, Humans often compare the After studying the history of the Alliance, some Tza Zen became
Zen voice to a slow, cold wind whispering through a pile of autumn emboldened and were no longer content to suffer as pariahs for their
leaves. Most Alliance species consider the Zen to be physically beliefs. They saw the growth and success of the Alliance species as
creepy. However, their chilling visage belies their caring and a new model for the Zen to follow. This was the Great Schism which
altruistic nature. Zen prefer robe-like garments, usually transparent is also known as the rebirth of the Tza. Now, most Tza flee the Zen
or in light colors. home world and hide within Alliance space and planets. The Tza
are feared within Alliance space due to Rigeln stories touting the
Zen are vegan and drink liquid water. Zen are so concerned that they atrocities of those few who are truly insane.
do no harm during eating that they have gone so far as to remove
any genetic possibility of sentience, pain, or communication from The Rigeln, on the other hand, are respected and loved throughout
their vegetable food sources. This food source is offered Alliance the Alliance. Their abilities as surgeons and medics along with their
wide and even comes in meat flavors for the carnivorous. willingness to assist those in need has endeared them to every
species. They are often asked to mediate disputes as a trusted,
HOME ENVIRONMENT neutral third party. Their impact upon the military has been just as
great. Zen Rigeln production of the Body Rehabilitation Injection
The Zen Rigeln prefer urbanized environments, safe from predators, (BRI) and massive Body Rehabilitation Injection (mBRI) has saved
with large tranquil gardens. Their homes tend to be secure and many lives during combat. Furthermore, the Zen Rigeln’s ability to
fortress-like and are heavily decorated with personal artwork. Zen regrow and improve biological limbs has led to a dramatic reduction
Rigeln will always have a home shrine honoring Assizza. Assizza in wounded warriors. Rigeln can even grow entire bodies if the brain
started the Rigeln on the path to pacifism, and his memorial is used is still functional. This has led to Alliance Military regulation A-8-
to remind them of their peaceful existence. Outcast by the Rigeln, 61(b)-2, or as the grunts call it, the “Save the Head” initiative. Zen-
the Tza Zen wander the galaxy taking whatever jobs and residences developed cryogenic injections on the battlefield are used along
they can find. They often serve in the Alliance either with the with “hat boxes” to keep the brain intact until the Rigeln can place
military or at hospitals. All Zen prefer a temperature between it in the new body. Millions of Alliance Military personnel are alive
10 – 30° Celsius but will utilize any world where they consider today due to Zen technology.
themselves safe.
• Arcane Background (Healer or Anti-Healer): Zen Rigeln are
The Zen had one of the most violent and destructive histories in the known throughout the Alliance as healers. This reputation
Alliance. Their war machines and biological weapons almost killed isn’t entirely due to their medical technology. Zen are Matrix
their entire species. Assizza, their savior, put them on a different Controllers and possess similar abilities to the Mutzachans
path when he started the Zen spiritual revolution in 2720 BCE. and the Chatilians. Zen can’t manipulate raw energy or
His words spread like a virus through all that listened. Wars ended psychically assault someone, but they do possess the ability
with the realization of his first tenet, “All life is precious and should to manipulate organic tissue and cell structure. Zen use
be cherished.” The second tenet stated, “Material greed is the this unique ability to heal, reform, or mutate the bodies and
fuel for the fire of war.” After short meetings, Assizza convinced tissues of those upon whom they focus. This exceptional
the surviving rulers to abandon their war. His next task was to get talent makes Zen in high demand in hospitals across the
everyone to heal the planet as well as the people. This ongoing effort Alliance. They are also paid exceptionally well to become
field medics in the Alliance Galactic Forces. Not every Zen is
up for the rigors, both physical and mental, that go along with VIRTUES OF ASSIZZA
real combat, but those that are find generous compensation
packages awaiting them upon enlistment. Experienced Zen
Matrix Controllers are capable of regenerating limbs lost
by combat personnel, curing disease, and even cloning Zen Paragon Virtue: “You must attempt to prevent any act of
violence in your presence, no matter how small
someone whose body is beyond repair. Though they are (physical or verbal). You work towards averting
incapable of transferring memories from the original body to violence beyond your presence. You are forbidden
the clone, they can facilitate a brain transplant. In contrast, to commit violence, whether intentionally or
the Tza Zen possess no less impressive powers, but when accidentally.”
used for nefarious purposes, they become some of the Abilities: A paragon has the Charismatic Edge and
more feared and terrifying weapons in the Alliance. Tza can Common Bond Edge, as well as two extra Bennies
liquefy tissue with a touch, disembowel their victims with that can only be given to other characters.
a thought, paralyze, cause sickness, and deform. It’s no Faithful Zen Virtue: “You must attempt to intervene when minor
wonder that all Tza are met with suspicion and caution given acts of violence (threats, pushing people aside to
the capabilities of a few truly malicious individuals to wreak move quickly in a crowd, etc.) occur in your presence.
Acting violently, even in self-defense, is a violation of
unspeakable carnage on the citizenry of the Alliance. Like all your virtues”
Matrix Controllers, the Power Point cost to generate a power
is doubled while wearing armor. Abilities: A Faithful Zen has the Charismatic Edge
and Common Bond Edge, and a single Benny that
• Zen do not start the game with Arcane Background (Healer) can only be given to other characters.
Edge, but are the only species (ignoring Latent Extractors for
Zen Virtue: “Failure to intervene against acts of physical
the moment) that can purchase this Edge. or major non-physical violence in your presence is a
• Mental Resistance: Rigelns mental abilities make them violation of your virtue.”
highly resistant to mental attacks, and they receive a +4 Abilities: Zen have the Common Bond and
bonus to their Smarts and Spirit when resisting mental Charismatic Edge, but no extra Bennies.
attacks. (RST vs. MEN Attacks). TZA STAGES
• Seven Marks: A Rigeln is defined by its adherence to a Potential Tza Virtue: “Acting violently in self-defense is a violation
particular Zen or Tza virtue. Although each individual view of virtue as is committing any minor or major acts of
differs slightly, the seven stages can be used to compare violence.”
how they stand compared to Zen dogma. The highest stage
Abilities: Still treated as Zen, but will likely be under
represents the epitome of Zen beliefs and is occupied by scrutiny by your brethren. Potential Tza still have
only the most faithful and dogmatic Rigelns. As you drop the Common Bond and Charismatic Edge, but those
lower in the table, you fall further from the ideals embraced Edges may no longer be used to help or persuade
Zen characters if you have the Mark of the Tza
by the Zen and grow closer to embracing the philosophies of
the Tza. Each stage grants different abilities, but also lists a
set of virtues the Rigeln must adhere to at that stage. If the You may use and purchase anti-healer powers but
Rigeln commits an act that violates the virtue listed for the using them is considered violating your Virtue at
this stage.
stage they are currently at or a stage below that, they must
make a Spirit roll. If they fail the roll, they drop or go down Tza Virtue: “Using violence preemptively or using anti-
healer Powers will push you further away from the
one stage. The Spirit roll is at +2 if the act is mentioned at laws of Assizza.”
their current stage, or at -2 if the act is at least 2 stage below
his current one. Note: A player may choose to start the game Abilities: Tza still have the Common Bond and
at ANY stage in the Virtues of Assizza table. Charismatic Edge, but those Edges may no longer be
used to help or persuade Zen characters. They also
• The Slow Change: Each time a Rigeln drops into a Tza Stage gain the Aggressive (Minor) Hindrance.
on the Table of Seven Marks (including from Zen to Potential
Tza) they must select one of the following Hindrances: You may use and purchase anti-healer powers at this
stage or any lower stage.
Arrogant (Major), Bloodthirsty (Major), Curious (Major),
Unashamed Tza Virtue: “Only committing random acts of violence
Death Wish (Minor), Delusional (Major), Driven (Major), Habit
without reason or logic will cause you to drop further.”
(Minor or Major), Hesitant (Minor), Impulsive (Major), Jealous
(Major), Mean (Minor), Overconfident (Major), Phobia (Major), Abilities: Unashamed Tza only have the Charismatic
Ruthless (Major), Shamed (Minor or Major), Suspicious (Minor Edge, but gain a +2 to Intimidation rolls in addition
to the Aggressive (Minor) Hindrance.
or Major), Vengeful (Major). These Hindrances represent the
internal views of the Rigeln shifting. There might be regret Decadent Tza Virtue: "You are capable of committing atrocities."
about the decisions that have led them here, or the conflict Abilities: Decadent Tza have their Aggressive
hindrance changed to the Major version OR suffer a
-2 penalty to their Persuasion. The player chooses
70 which. Decadent Tza are adept at Violence.
of reconciling their personal views with Zen dogma have led are the worst of the worst. As the Zen have done nothing to
to a mental breakdown. However, some Zen relish in their quell the stereotype that all Tza are potential serial killers or
newfound freedom and power, embracing the Slow Change. homicidal maniacs. Note: Characters who start the game as
a Tza must choose one of the following:
• After each session during which they didn't have to make
a Spirit roll to prevent sliding down the stages of the • Mark of the Tza (Minor) and Wanted (Minor) hindrance,
Seven Marks, a character may elect to go up one rank by which indicates the character's status as a Tza is well
buying off one of these Hindrances they collected during known but they refuse to submit to reeducation or wear
The Slow Change. the 4-grays. If you ever return to the Zen homeworld, the
Wanted hindrance is treated as the Major version while
• Size: Rigelns have a Size of +1. In Battlelords, a change in
Size not only affects the character's Toughness, but also
their Pace and the cost of their armor. A Rigeln's Size of +1 • Mark of the Tza (Major), which indicates the character
increases their Pace by 1. The Toughness bonus they would is openly Tza and wears their 4-Grays either as a
normally receive is negated by their frail nature. Rigelns pay sign of solidarity with other Tza or to comply with the
25% more than the listed price when purchasing armor. requirements of Zen re-education.
• Spiritual: In addition to being beloved as a species, the • Secret (Major) hindrance. Somehow you've managed
Rigeln's are naturally charismatic and charming, despite to hide their true nature from the other Zen. If you are
their cadaverous appearance. Rigelns start with a d8 Spirit. observed by Zen violating the Virtues of Assizza you lose
this Hindrance and must select one of the two mark of the
SPECIES LIABILITIES Tza options presented above.
• Pacifist (Major) [Zen Only]: Those few Zen who disagreed SOCIAL ORGANIZATION
with the teachings of Assizza or who were unable to comply
with his tenants were ostracized. Any aberration from total Zen clothing is color coded with stripes to delineate the Zen’s job
pacifism is termed Tza Zen. This not only includes actual function, power level, and current social standing. Job function
violence, but even advocating that anything less than stripes are at the top of the sleeve or on a sash worn across the
absolute pacifism might be beneficial in some way. Zen chest and are as follows: Green indicates the Zen is involved in
will not permanently harm another sentient creature, and science of growing (farming, body part replacements, etc.). Blue
can only use non-lethal weapons in self-defense, and even indicates the Zen is involved in “hands on” medical care (doctors,
the more zealous members of the Rigeln consider that act nurses, etc.). Yellow indicates the Zen is involved in administration
borderline heresy. (bureaucrat, disciple of Assizza, mediator), and Red indicates the
Zen is involved in a “non-growing” science discipline (engineer,
• Frail: Despite their towering stature, the gaunt Rigelns are not
architect, artist). White indicates the Zen has no job currently.
terribly robust. A Rigeln's Toughness is reduced by 1, which
The brighter the color, the higher the Zen Rigeln’s rank or job title.
results in a net bonus of 0 when combined with +1 bonus due
to their Size. If the Zen is a trained Matrix Controller, their power level is the
• BRI Resistant: One of the great ironies of the Body middle stripe below the job function. Various shades of purple are
Rehabilitation Injection or BRI, an invention that can heal used starting with the lightest shades at Energy Bracket 1 to the
nearly any Wound, is that the injections don't work nearly darkest purple at Energy Bracket 9. The lowest stripe represents
as well on the species that invented them. Rigelns can heal a the amount of time you have voted with the majority. Light
maximum of one Wound when using a BRI or mBRI. orange represents the lower consistent vote with darker orange
representing a consistent popular vote.
• Hidden or Hunted [Tza Only]: One can be branded as Tza
simply for a belief and lumped in with psychopaths and Known Tza Zen are required to wear all black especially when
sociopaths who are incapable of complying with the tenants placed in “re-education” facilities. Zen in re-education or known
of Assizza, which include total pacifism, Most Tza are labeled Tza will have four gray stripes, with the last stripe indicating loss
as such simply because they follow individual beliefs instead of voting privileges. Discovered Tza lose the right to vote. However,
of the dogmatic beliefs of the Rigeln. The Zen are quick to Tza Zen often hide themselves in Zen Rigeln society, and as a
push the stereotype that all Tza are crazed maniacs. Rigeln result, will look just like everyone else. Occasionally, Tza will group
leaders do not tolerate dissent, and on Rigeln controlled together but most eventually flee to Alliance space. Tza in Alliance
worlds, Tza are actively hunted and placed into reeducation. space sometimes wear their “4-grays” as a badge of honor. Both
However, without the 4 gray stripes on their clothing, Tza are as a warning to others that they are not to be trifled with and as an
indistinguishable from Zen, and many Tza are undiscovered open protest against their government.
within the ranks of the zealous Zen. When wearing their "4
All Zen place the word Zen before their given name, when being
grays" that mark them as Tza everyone will assume they
Time: "I am here for now.”
Achievement: "It is mine alone.”
Work: "It’s what we do to hide, escape, or live.”
Wealth: "I’ll take it. Now let’s get off this rock.”
Change: "The Rigeln never will.”
Scientific Method: "If it works, I’ll use it.”
Risk-Taking: "If the reward is great enough, I’ll do it."
Zen Rigeln are extremely proud of their civilization and the effect it
has on the Alliance. While the Council of Assizza doesn’t technically
rule, they are the most influential group of Rigeln in Zen politics.
Their only goal is to spread Zen pacifism to the universe.
All Authority is derived from the masses. Every day, the Zen vote
on dozens of issues that must be addressed. Budgets, laws, and
government resources are directed by popular vote. The influx
of matters to be voted on is broadcast to Zen’s homes and their
handheld PCS frequently. Most Zen understand that no one has
the time to vote on everything, but if they’re not busy when a ballot
comes through, they should vote on it. Polls can remain open from
fifteen minutes to months depending on the importance of the
vote. Significant or urgent issues are flagged by the system. The
Rigeln Council presents the issues for each vote. Outsiders have
RELIGION commented that the Council often phrases the issues in such a
way as to affect the vote’s outcome, however unconsciously it
Zen Rigeln follow the teaching of Assizza. This pacifist philosophy might be. The Council also gets to vote on the issues they present.
does not allow a Rigeln to kill, even in the defense of their own life.
Running, distracting, and even stunning is allowed. As long as the Zen Rigeln enjoy the voting, and each vote improves their social standing.
intent is not to kill or maim, self-defense is acceptable. While this All vote histories for every Rigeln are public record. Social standing takes
may sound cowardly, it is not. A Zen Rigeln medic will enter battle that into consideration as well as Matrix power level, job, and skill level.
with no weapons just to keep an injured individual alive, even if it’s The closer your vote is to the Rigeln council, the higher you are held in
an enemy. They believe all life is to be cherished. Nothing frustrates regard. Add in working in the health field or welding powerful healing
a Zen Rigeln more than death, except needless death. Those that Matrices, and your ascent in status is assured.
do not follow the tenets of Assizza are called Tza Zen, which literally The Zen love being naked, and not just during prayer time,
translates to perverse. either. They believe life, in all its forms, is beauty and should
Zen Rigeln pray every day, in the nude, to Assizza for showing them be admired, not hidden. Local laws permitting, the Zen will
the enlightened path of peace. This is done upon awakening and is wander around naked. They often skirt local ordinances
a common sight in any Alliance city with a Zen Rigeln population. requiring clothing by donning a transparent negligee called a
Fluma. No pun intended. Eridani find the concept repugnant.
VALUES AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS: Humans, Gens, Chatilians, and Mutzachans find interacting
with a naked Rigeln embarrassing or uncomfortable. Ram
ZEN RIGELN Pythons and Cizeracks don't seem to notice, and of course,
us Orions just use it as an excuse to run around naked too!
Time: "Fleeting, it ends with death. We must move past it.” -Malachi Armageddon,
Achievement: "I have saved a life, there can be no greater reward.” Sociologist & Nudist
Work: "It gives our life meaning.”
Wealth: "It should be used for the good of all.”
Change: "Chaos is natural but can be contained.”
Scientific Method: "It has taught us much about life and how to heal it. ”
Risk-Taking: "To save a life, any risk is acceptable."
The Galactic Citizens Board has tried to iron out the differences Purchase your Edges as described in Savage Worlds. Be sure to
between the many nations for years with little success. Only in check if your species gets free starting Edges. Aggressive species
the Galactic Forces, where individuals are forced to get along with may start the game with Berserk or Suicidal Rage.
each other, is there a basic homogeneous liking for one another.
In military and paramilitary organizations, your fellow soldier
or merc becomes your brother or sister, regardless of species. Purchase Hindrances, if you wish, as described in Savage Worlds.
However, speciesism and prejudice are rampant throughout the Be sure to check if your species starts the game with Hindrances.
Alliance. In the past, many nations have warred with one another Species Liabilities that are Hindrances can not be bought off during
and resentment still runs thick in the blood of the Alliance subjects. Advancement, though some Edges can cancel them out.
The Species Preference table specifies the general species 08. SELECT YOUR MATRICES (AKA POWERS)
preferences of the various species. The table only represents the
general tendency of a species to like or dislike another. The table is
read from left to right.
EXAMPLE: Mutzachans dislike Chatilians, while Chatilians are Most, but not all, Chatilians have the Arcane Background: Empath.
tolerant of Mutzachans. All Mutzachans have the Arcane Background: Energy Controller,
and Zen Rigeln possess either the Arcane Background: Healer
CREATING YOUR CHARACTER or Arcane Background: Anti-Healer, depending on where they
stand morally or philosophically. Any species can take the Arcane
Background: Latent Extractor Edge, which allows them to choose
between the Arcane Background Edges listed above, though
Ask your Game Master what kind of campaign they have planned. typically at less proficient level. Lastly, any species can adopt the
Mercenary characters can be employed by both the Galactic Arcane Background: Kizmetor Edge and become masters of chaos
Armored Forces, mega-corps, and mercenary companies. Whether and probability manipulation. See the Matrix chapter for more
you are a spy or a combatant, if you're a mercenary, you can get information on Arcane Backgrounds.
hired nearly anywhere. However, soldiers in the Galactic Armed
Forces will only be employed by the GAF, and pirates are usually 09. DETERMINE STARTING FUNDS AND
employed by a pirate clan. SOCIAL CLASS
02. SPECIES The character’s Starting Funds in Alliance Credits (c) is determined
by rolling on the Starting Funds table. Starting Funds are modified
Select the species that you think is the most fun and challenging for by the Poverty, Rich, and Filthy Rich Edges.
an individual of your temperament. Note your size. Larger characters
pay more for armor. You do not receive points for Species Liabilities STARTING FUNDS
listed for your species - even if they are a Hindrance. You do not
have to spend points to obtain Species Abilities listed for your
Chatilian 8d10 × c100
species. You can not buy off Species Liabilities (GM's discretion),
but some Edges can cancel them out. Cizerack 4d10 × c100
Eridani 6d10 × c100
Determine your attributes using the rules in Savage Worlds. Be Gen-Human 9d10 × c100
sure to apply modifiers for your species. attributes above d12 are Human 8d10 × c100
purchased in +1 increments. Keen 6d10 × c100
Purchase your skills as described in Savage Worlds. Be sure to check Zen Rigeln 6d10 × c100
if your species gets free starting skills. The default number of points Zen Rigeln (Tza) 5d10 × c100
to spend on skills is 15, but some species may get more or less.
The character contracts himself out to their sponsor, usually a A year’s salary is A good start
mega-corp or government agency, for a certain salary and fixed If you really want to give your characters some nice toys to play
contract length. It's usually easiest for your GM if all the characters with without giving them too much of the good stuff, it’s usually safe
have the same employer, so discuss your options with your group to allow them a year’s worth of their salary to spend on weapons,
and your GM. The employer determines the character's salary. armor, and equipment. Most characters in convention demo
Players with higher rank typically earn higher salaries (See Edges), games have about c50,000 in gear. Why do we do that at gaming
Salary is also modified by the Poverty, Rich, and Filthy Rich Edges. conventions? Because with c50,000, you can start to experience
Some employers offer signing bonus, but there are usually trade- the diversity of options available for weapons and armor options,
offs. For example, SSDC may have a 20k signing bonus, but they and it is fun to have some of the nicer toys. It also gives the players
also have a very high attrition rate - and when we say attrition, we a lot of gear to look forward to if they live long enough to make the
don't mean employees quitting. We mean employees dying... at an big credits. If you want to start them with bare bones, just scraping
alarming rate. by with what they’ve inherited or can buy with their Starting Funds,
there’s nothing wrong with that either.
One last note. Starting the players off with c50,000 in gear will
ANNUAL definitely put them in the “over-equipped and under trained”
category. Expect hilarity to ensue when the characters do stupid
Espionage Agent (Govt.), GalPol Undercover Agent c35,000
stuff with all that high-tech gear that they don’t really know how to
Espionage Agent (Corporate) c45,000 use that well.
Galactic Marine c26,000
Galactic Army c22,000 Pirates & soldier’s starting money
Galactic Recon Force c28,000 The two exceptions to the guidelines above are pirates and soldiers.
Galactic Navy c32,000 The Game Master will have to determine how much money they
Galactic Fighter Corp c35,000 want to give starting pirates since pirates don’t get paid a salary.
Galactic Control c35,000 In contrast, soldiers can start the game with all the money in the
Galactic X c50,000 universe in their bank account, but they’re going to have the same
Galactic Military Standard Issue gear that everyone else in their
Mercenary (Corporate) c45,000
squad receives.
Mercenary (Small Company) cVaries
All characters start here Private 3rd Class Spacer Recruit Operative Private Specialist 3rd Class
1st Promotion Corporal Petty Officer 3rd Class Primary Operative Private Specialist 1st Class
Requirement: d4+ in Shooting Requirement: d4+ in Piloting Requirement: d4+ in Requirement: d4+ in
and d6+ Athletics or Repair Language or Hacking or Academics or Electronics or
Thievery Repair or Science
2nd Promotion Staff Sergeant Petty Officer 1st Class Chief Operative Sergeant Specialist
Requirement: d8 in Athletics, Requirement: d6+ in Requirement: d6+ in Requirement: d6+ in
d6+ in Shooting and Fighting, Intimidation, d6+ in Piloting Language or Hacking or Academics or Electronics or
d6+ in Intimidation or Repair Thievery Repair of Science
3rd Promotion Master Sergeant Senior Chief Petty Officer Senior Commander Master Sergeant Specialist
Requirement: d8+ in Shooting Requirement: d8+ in Requirement: d8+ in 1st Class
and Fighting and d8+ in Intimidation and d8+ in Language or Hacking or Requirement: d6+ in
Intimidation Piloting or Repair Thievery Research
4th Promotion Command Sergeant Major Command Senior Chief Petty Systems Analyzer First Sergeant Specialist
Requirement: Battle d4+ Officer Requirement: d10+ in Requirement: d10+ in
Requirement: Battle d4+ Language or Hacking or Academics or Electronics or
Thievery Repair of Science
5th Promotion BattleKnight Master Chief Petty Officer of Systems Controller Command Sergeant Major
Requirement: Battle d6+ the Navy Requirement: d12+ in Requirement: d12+ in
Requirement: Battle d6+ Language or Hacking or Academics or Electronics or
Thievery Repair of Science
01. Figure Out Your Character Concept
• Are you a Python Lizard marine? A Raazet mechanic? A Zen medic? An Orion Spy? A Human pilot?
Once you get your character's concept down move to the next step below.
02. Choose Your species
• You do not receive points for Species Liabilities. You do not have to spend points for Species Abilities.
• Chatilian Empath • Mutzachan Energy Controller
• Cizerack Cat • Orion Rogue
• Eridani Swordsaint • Phentari
• Fott • Python Lizard
• Gen-Human • Ram Python
• Human • Raazet Bodger
• Keen Triphibian • Zen Rigeln Healer
• Mazian Shapeshifter • Tza Zen Rigeln Anti-Healer
03. Select Attributes
• Be sure to apply modifiers for your species.
• Attributes above d12 are purchased in +1 increments.
04. Pick Your Job
• Mercenary • Soldier
• Spy • Pirate
• Something else? Bounty Hunter, Explorer, Bodyguard? The universe is a big place.
05. Select Skills
• Be sure to check if your species gets free starting skills.
• The default number of points to spend on skills is 15, but some species may get more or less.
06. Select Your Edges
• Be sure to check if your species gets free starting Edges.
• Aggressive species may start the game with Berserk or Suicidal Rage.
07. Select Hindrances
• Be sure to check if your species starts the game with Hindrances.
08. Select your Matrices (aka Powers) if you are a Matrix Controller or Kizmetor
09. Determine Starting Funds
• The character’s Starting Funds in Alliance Credits (c) is determined by rolling on the Starting Funds
table. Starting Funds are modified by the Poverty, Rich, and Filthy Rich Edges.
10. Select your Employer
• Choose a government agency, mega-corp employer, or merc. group and determine your pay.
11. Determine your Rank
12. Buy Your Gear
• Purchase your armor, weapons, and equipment with your starting credits.
• Starting credits are modified by species, occupation, employer, and Edges (Poverty, Rich, etc.).
• We suggest spending half your credits on armor & the other half on weapons and equipment.
“Please quit shooting at it! I'm trying to communicate with it!”
CLUMSY You suffer a -1 to Athletics and Stealth rolls. The Major version of this Hindrance can be found in Savage Worlds.
FUMBLE FINGERED (Minor) You suffer a -1 to Shooting and any task that involves using your hands.
(Minor or Major) (Major) You suffer a -2 to Shooting and any task that involves using your hands.
PANICKY With the Panicky (Minor) Hindrance anytime you roll a 1 on a Spirit roll, you must roll on the Combat Stress Table subtracting 2 from your die
(Minor) result. With the Panicky (Minor) Hindrance anytime you roll a 1 or 2 on a Spirit die roll, you must roll on the Combat Stress Table subtracting
4 from your die result.
PREJUDICE The Minor version of this Hindrance means you distrust and are suspicious of that species, and will avoid them whenever possible. The
(Minor or Major) Major version means you will not be willing cooperate with that species and attempt to unreasonably discredit any member of that species
you meet. You can not select your Species Enemy as the species you are Prejudice against.
SMALL Small Hindrance decreases your Pace and Toughness by 1. However, if this Hindrance decreases your size to -1 the cost of your armor is
(Minor) reduced by 25%. Species that are already Size -1 can not take this Hindrance.
BONSKIRKA (Minor) Your character suffers a -1 penalty to one physical attribute (Strength, Agility, or Vigor), but receives 1 free Novice Power.
(Minor, Major, or Extreme) (Major) Your character suffers a -1 penalty to two selected physical attributes (Strength, Agility, or Vigor), but receives the bonuses listed
for the Minor version of this Hindrance, plus one additional Power of any rank.
[Extreme] Your character suffers a -1 penalty to all three physical attributes (Strength, Agility, and Vigor) and -1 Toughness. However, the
character but receives the bonuses listed for the Major version of this Hindrance plus 5 Power Points.
SLEEPWALKER To an observer the Chatilian appears completely aware of what is going on around themselves when sleepwalking, but to the Chatilian their
(Minor) interactions are only perceived as a very vivid dream.
BLOOD FRENZY The sight of blood triggers a Spirit roll. Rolling 1 results in a roll on the Combat Stress Table. If you become enraged the bleeding party
(Minor) becomes the target of your fury.
MALE You start at Size 1, and gain the Wanted (Major) Hindrance if observed out on your own.
BUDAISH KELEK "WARRIOR’S Your Eridani will not deign to touch, much less arm themselves with, any pistol, rifle, shotgun, light, or heavy machine gun that still fires
DISDAIN" powder cartridges.
THE WHITE DISGRACE You are exiled from the homeworld for 10 years. All rank and status as an Eridani are lost, and you lose the privilege of wearing your sword
(Major) (or other melee weapon) in areas where weapons are normally prohibited. Your hair is dyed permanently white to signify your disgrace.
MARCH HARE If you ever roll a 1 one the skill die, you must make a Spirit roll and see if the result triggers your Aggressive Hindrance.
GENETIC DISSONANCE Each time you use a Break the Mold Bennie, you must make a Spirit roll. If you fail this roll, you roll on the Fear Table. If you gain a Phobia,
(Major) you may instead select a level of Aggressive, Delusional, Habit, or another Hindrance at the GM's discretion.
DESICCATED GLANDS You must make a Vigor roll to generate camouflaging slime.
STICKY You have an unusually sticky skin surface. You pick up everything you touch or roll over. Even non-Mazians think you’re pretty gross.
POOR VIBRATION SENSE Your vibration sense does not work properly and is limited to a distance of 50 meters. In addition, you suffer a -2 to Notice rolls.
BI-POLAR INTELLECT All skills, other than Smarts-based skills, are treated as being higher than their link attribute when being purchased. If you roll a 1 during a
(Major) Spirit roll in combat or a stressful situation, you have an emotional meltdown and are unable to act.
ENERGY FIELD Non-insulated electronic equipment tends to act weird within a few meters of you. This tends to happen whenever it would cause you the
(Minor) most embarrassment.
KASHTEM-KAL “PRESSURE If you spend more than a day in an environment with one atmosphere of pressure or less you begin to suffer paranoid delusions. As a result,
SICKNESS” you spend a lot of time sitting at the bottom of pools and lakes.
DANJUINE DISORDER If you go Berserk or into a Suicidal Rage, you don't start to make Vigor rolls until 5 rounds into rage. In addition, you get a +2 to your Spirit
(Major) when someone attempts to talk you down.
DIRECT FIRE S, Shooting d6 A character with this Edge receives a +2 bonus to hit when using rockets and missiles, regardless of whether they are
QUALIFICATION BADGE using their own Shooting skill or the Auto Aim feature of the missile.
DISINTEGRATOR S, Shooting d6 A character with this Edge uses a d12+2 rather than a d12 if their attack roll was a raise when using a Disintegrator. In
QUALIFICATION BADGE addition, this character can spend a Benny to treat their attack roll like it was a raise, triggering the ANTI-ARMOR effect
for Disintegrators.
FLUID GUN QUALIFICATION S, Shooting d6 A character with this Edge does not have to choose between an extra damage die or additional effects when getting a
BADGE raise on the attack roll using a Fluid Gun or Fluid Cannon. They receive both.
GRENADIER S, Shooting d8 This character ignores up to 2 points of penalties when attempting to bank a grenade off a surface to get it around a
corner, toss it through a small opening, roll it past obstacle, or "cook it off " to reduce the time between activation and
detonation. The penalty to avoid a grenade thrown by a Grenadier using Evasion is -4.
OMEGA WEAPON S, Shooting d6 A character with this Edge does not have to choose between an extra damage die or additional effects when getting a
QUALIFICATION BADGE raise on the attack roll using an Omega weapon. They receive both.
PULSE WEAPON S, Shooting d6 A character with this Edge can ignore Cover Bonuses up to +8 when using Pulse weaponry.
ELECTRONIC WARFARE N, Sm d6 You add 2 to your roll when using an Electronic Warfare System (EWS) to jam enemy sensors and communication gear.
ELECTRONIC WARFARE S, Sm d6, You add 4 to your roll when using EWS to jam enemy sensors and communication gear.
SENSOR SYSTEM N, Sm d6 You ignore 2 points of penalties when using personal Sensor Systems, or add 2 points to your roll when doing an
SPECIALIST opposed test to overcome jamming from Electronic Warfare Systems (EWS).
SENSOR SYSTEM S, Sm d6, You ignore 4 points of penalties when using personal Sensor Systems, or add 4 points to your roll when doing an
INSTRUCTOR Sensor System opposed test to overcome jamming from Electronic Warfare Systems (EWS).
ARMORED COMBATANT N, Sm d6, A character with this Edge treats their Armor Use skill as being one die type higher. If a character with this Edge does
Repair d6 not possess the Armor Use skill, they are treated as having a d4 in Armor Use skill. Once per combat the character can
reactivate a destroyed or damaged Armor Option for a single round.
BATTLE-FORGED V, Combat As long as your armor has Absorption remaining, you cannot be Shaken by damage rolls.
BATTLEFIELD MEDIC N, Sm d6, Can make a Healing roll on a character they are in physical contact with to remove the Shaken or Stunned effect
Healing d6 immediately. Receive a +2 on Healing rolls to stop characters from Bleeding Out.
BATTLEFIELD SURGEON S, Sm d8, Battlefield surgeons can ignore the listed penalties on the Injury Table when making Healing roll to remove a Wound
Healing d8 caused by a weapon, regardless of whether they have the proper supplies or working conditions.
COMBAT ENGINEER S, Sm d8, Combat Engineers can build fortifications that provide a -2 Cover (-4 with a raise) without impeding the aim of those
Repair d8, behind cover using their Science or Repair skill. Combat Engineers can also build obstructions that reduce the speed of
Science d6 ground-based vehicles by half (quarter with a raise). Lastly, they also receive a +2 when repairing or sabotaging urban
DEMOLITION SPECIALIST S, Sm d6, +2 to Repair rolls when used to defuse explosive devices or ordnance. +2 to Notice tests when attempting to spot
Notice d6 hidden explosives.
EXPERIENCED COMBATANT N, Sp d6, See Characters with this Edge can re-roll when they are forced to make a roll on Fear table or on the Combat Stress Table.
INFILTRATION SPECIALIST S, Performance You receive a +2 to your Performance rolls when attempting to impersonate someone else. You also get a +2 to your
d6 Persuasion rolls when presenting guards with reasonable excuses for your presence and why they should let you into the
JUMPSTART EXPERT N, Healing d6 +2 to their rolls to resuscitate a character and can attempt resuscitation up to 15 minutes after the character has
MENTAL DEFENSE N, Sm d6 or +1 to Spirit or Smarts rolls when used to oppose MEN Attacks.
MENTAL DEFENSE V, Sm d8 or + 2 to Spirit or Smarts rolls when used to oppose MEN Attacks.
MILITARY LEADERSHIP S, Battle d8 Characters with this edge can add or subtract 2 from rolls on the Fear table or Combat Stress Table made by anyone
under their command.
PHYSICAL SECURITY N, Thievery d6, You ignore 2 points of penalties when attempting to pick locks, bypass physical (not electronic) security, and find
SPECIALIST Notice d6 weakness in an installation's counter-intrusion systems.
WEAPONSMITH N, Sm d6, Make a malfunctioning weapon instantly operable again, by making a successful Repair roll. +2 to Repair attempts to fix
Repair d6 weapons that have been Broken due to damage or attack, in half the repair normal time.
BLUERAZOR'S VENGEANCE N, Sm d8, For each level of Fatigue the MC voluntarily gains when generating an offensive Matrix, add one die of damage to the
Generation d6 Power per Fatigue level.
MASTER MANIPULATOR S, Sm d10, Any penalties applied to a Power activation roll due to Power Modifiers are halved.
Generation d8
RANGE BOOSTER N, Sm d8, Characters with this Edge can increase the Range of their Powers. Powers with the Range of Touch become Range:
Generation d6 Smarts. A power with the Range of Smarts becomes Smarts x2. A power with the Range of Smarts x2, becomes Smarts
x3, and so on.
BOUNTY HUNTER - N, No Criminal 75% discount on any travel when they have a court order to pursue a fugitive. +2 to their Notice skill when tracking a
CONSTABLE Record, criminal.
BOUNTY HUNTER - RANGER S, Bounty 25% law enforcement discount on all merchandise that they purchase from government vendors. +2 to their Persuasion
Hunter - skill when attempting to get information about the criminal they're tracking from informants or non-hostile individuals.
BOUNTY HUNTER - V, Bounty Marshals can purchase any equipment at 50% off the list cost from government vendors. Marshalls receive a +2 to
MARSHAL Hunter - intimidate anyone who impedes their search for their quarry.
MERCENARY N Temporarily increase a skill by one die type once per game. Any time the character needs to make a Soak roll the player
may reroll the results of their Vigor test, but must reroll all their dice if more than one was rolled.
PIRATE N Pirates receive a +2 to their Notice rolls to spot law enforcement in the area, including concealed or undercover
personnel. A pirate with this Edge automatically knows the most valuable item in the area and gain access to the item
(removing a dead man's armor, unbolting a fusion reactor, etc.) is half the time (GM's Discretion) it would normally take.
RANK, OFFICER Sm d8, Sp d8 The officer with the highest rank in a team is in charge. Each time you take the
Officer Rank Edge your pay doubles.
SPY N, Sm d8, Spies receive a +1 to their Persuasion skill when attempting to coerce information from persons who are unaware they
Hacking d6, are a spy. In addition, they receive a +1 to their hacking rolls.
Persuasion d6
BODY EQUILIBRIUM - V, Harder to When making your roll as described in the Harder to Kill Edge, if you roll an even number and get a raise, your Eridani
DEATH'S DOOR Kill, Eridani remains conscious and continues to fight.
LATE MANIFESTATION N, Gen-Human You may roll again on the Genetic Modification table.
PRESERVED LINEAGE N, Gen-Human Instead of rolling or selecting the traits on the Genetic Modification Table, you may select one of the packages listed in
the Edge description.
EXTRA SLIMY N, See This Edge can be purchased once per Experience Rank. This Edge may be taken more than once, and every time it is
Description, taken, it increases the amount of surface area the Keen can cover with their camouflaging slime. See description.
DURABLE SLIME N, Keen Your slime lasts twice as long as normal before drying out.
IMPROVED CAMO SLIME N & V, Keen -3 penalty to Notice checks to see slime covered objects. -4 at Veteran level.
EXCEPTIONAL VIBRATION N, Mazian The range of your vibration sense is doubled, and you are able see inside targets like a sonogram at range.
EXTRA SENSITIVE NEURAL N, Mazian +2 to Notice tests when using Vibration Sense.
SHAPE CHANGE N, Mazian All Mazians start the game with this Edge and 2 points in their Shape Change Pool. This Edge may be taken once per
rank. Each time it is purchased the Mazian adds 1 point to their Shape Change Pool, up to a maximum pool size of
10 points. Points in the pool can be allocated each turn to increase the Mazian's physical capabilities via their shape
change. See Description.
ELECTRICAL IMMUNITY N, Mutzachan Your Electrical Resistance becomes Electrical Immunity.
FIRE RESISTANT S, Mutzachan Your receive a +4 to your Vigor when making test against fire, or fire-based attacks, like flamethrowers. Damage from
that source is also reduced by 4. (RST vs. FIRE Attacks).
HEADBUTT FROM HELL N, Mutzachan Once per turn an Mutzachan with this Edge can make melee attack that does Str+d4 damage to the target. If the
Mutzachan makes a called shot to the opponent's head and they do enough damage to render the target Shaken or
Wounded, the target is also Distracted (or Vulnerable if the melonhead's attack roll resulted in a raise).
DANGER ZONE S, Orion Laughing in the Face of Danger now triggers on a failure, instead of just a roll of 1 (Critical Failure for Wild Cards). When
the Orion laughs in the face of danger, any enemies in earshot immediately makes a Spirit Test. Anyone who fails is
HIP SHOOTING S, Orion You get a +2 to your roll when attempting to Interrupt an opponent or use your Shooting skill instead of your Athletics
skill (but not both). You receive a +1 to Shooting Rolls if you have successfully interrupted an opponent.
I KNOW A GUY S, Orion By spending a Benny you can have a contact nearby who can provide you with information you need, or access to black
market goods once per game.
LAUGH IT OFF S, Orion Laughing in the Face of Danger allows the Orion to get +2 to Fear tests and rolls on the Combat Stress Table.
MAKING AN ENTRANCE N, Performance When making a suitably surprising entrance into a room or an over-the-top exit, you may make a Performance skill test
d6, Orion to stupefy all observers. Opponents in a Medium Burst Template centered on the Orion are affected, and may resist
using Smarts. If you succeed with a raise against an opponent, they are Distracted for the remainder of your turn and
the following turn. If the player acts out the Rogue's entrance/exit with suitable panache their character should receive
a Benny.
REVELER S, Danger Zone, When going berserk or suicidal, the Orion gets a bonus to Shooting and Throwing instead of Strength and may still take
Berserk, Orion shooting actions, as well as actions that let them reload or draw new weapons.
SEVEN FINGER SHUFFLE N, Orion +2 to Thievery rolls when picking locks, safecracking, and rewiring security systems.
THAT'S FUNNY N, Orion Spend a Benny to trigger your Laughing in the Face of Danger species liability.
360 DEGREE GUNNER S, Phentari You can apply the Aim and Marksman bonus to more than one action per round.
FOUR-TENTACLE SLAP N, Two-Fisted, You can make four attacks using their Fighting skill without incurring the Multi-Action penalty, as long as each attack is
Phentari made by a different tentacle. This Edge ignores the maximum of 3 actions per round rule.
FOUR GUN SQUID V, Two-Gun Kid, You may make four attacks with four guns (or thrown weapons) without incurring the Multi-Action penalty, as long as
Phentari each attack is made using a different tentacle. This Edge ignores the maximum of 3 actions per round rule.
FROM ALL SIDES S, Two-Fisted, Opponents may not use defensive equipment like shields or reactive Edges like Counterattack or First Strike against
Phentari your attacks.
TRUST NO ONE BUT N, Phentari You may make Support rolls to help yourself in combat.
WALKING CUISINART S, Frenzy, Roll a second Fighting die for up to two of your Fighting attacks for the turn. If you possess Improved Frenzy, you may
Phentari roll a second Fighting die for up to three of your Fighting attacks for the turn. The extra die may be allocated to the same
or different targets as he sees fit. Resolve each separately.
WALKING WOODCHIPPER V, Improved Roll a second Fighting die for up to three of your Fighting attacks for the turn. If you possess Improved Frenzy, you may
Frenzy, Walking roll a second Fighting die for up to four of your Fighting attacks for the turn. The extra die may be allocated to the same
Cuisinart, or different targets as he sees fit. Resolve each separately.
CALIBRATIONS V, Sm d10 With enough time to work on a piece of equipment or vehicle (not weapons), the Raazet can increase any two stats
measured by die size to the next die size up, or a single stat measured by die size may be increased two die sizes.
IF YOU'RE NOT EXCESSIVE N, Repair d6 By making a successful Repair skill test, the Raazet can modify Weapons and explosives. These now deal one additional
die of damage (two on a raise). However, weapons and explosives so modified are less reliable. Rolling a 1 on either
die or a Critical Failure during the initial modification or when using the weapon result in an immediate roll on the
Malfunction table. If it was a Critical Failure, add 2 to the roll result.
GUZZINTA UPGRADE N, Guzzinta A number of times equal to half their Smarts die, the Raazet can create incredibly efficient, but fragile tool. This requires
tool, Repair d8 1 action. Tools thus created with the Guzzinta Upgrade Edge can give a +1 bonus (+2 with a raise) to any Electronics,
Hacking, Repair, or Science test. These tools only last 1 turn (2 with a raise).
RAAZGYVER S, McGyver, The Raazet can assemble makeshift vehicles for any specific environment or transportation method (underwater, sand,
Guzzinta tool, the sky or even space) if sufficient scrap is available. These temporary vehicles move at a Pace of 12 (24 with a raise).
Repair d10
BATTLE SCARRED N, V d10, +2 to interactions when dealing with Python Lizards and a +1 bonus to Intimidation against everyone else.
Python Lizard
DIVER N, Athletics d8, You can hold your breath for twice as long as a normal Python Lizard, and your swimming Pace is increased by +4.
Python Lizard
STOIC N, Python +2 to any rolls on the Fear table and your Aggressive species Hindrance is reduced to Minor.
CHUNGA N, Ram Python Ram Pythons who are able to successfully Chunga (flatulate near an open flame) before battle receives a +2 to Taunt
tests made that turn or the following turn, and +2 to Persuasion rolls made against other Rams.
DEATH KNOOGIE N, Ram Python If the Ram Python successfully puts an opponent in an Entangled or Bound state after a successful Grapple attack, they
may make a Called Shot to the opponent's head with no Called Shot penalty and do Str+d6 damage.
STRESS DIGGER N, Ram Python When entering a berserk or suicidal rage, you can channel your anger into digging rather than attacking. If anyone
interferes with your digging, however, they become the focus of your fury.
COMBAT ZEN N, Zen Rigeln You no longer has to make Spirit rolls for justifiable violent actions committed in their presence by allies in combat
situations they did not initiate.
RIGELN JUDO N, Fighting d6, You are always considered armed. You add +1 when attacking without a weapon, and cause Str+d4 damage. Any
Zen Rigeln Wounds caused and not prevented by these attacks are instead turned into Fatigue levels.
RIGELN PACIFIER S, Rigeln Judo, You add +2 when attacking without a weapon, and cause Str+d6 damage.
Zen Rigeln
STRENGTH TESTS Hindrances come in three flavors. Minor, Major, and Extreme.
An Extreme Hindrance would have a value of 3 during character
Battlelords does not use the standard Strength or Encumbrance generation, and requires GM approval.
table found in Savage Worlds. Instead we use the table presented
With the Aggressive (Minor) Hindrance anytime you roll a 1 on a
STRENGTH EXAMPLE MAX LIFT CARRY WEIGHT Spirit roll, you must roll on the Combat Stress Table adding +2 to
your die result. With the Aggressive (Major) Hindrance anytime
d4 Average Mazian 80 lbs / 35 kg 20 lbs / 9 kg
you roll a 1 on a Spirit roll, you must roll on the Combat Stress
d6 Average Human 160 lbs / 75 kg 40 lbs / 18 kg Table with +4 added to your die result.
d8 Average Cizerack & 240 lbs / 110 kg 60 lbs / 27 kg
d10 320 lbs / 145 kg 80 lbs / 36 kg You suffer a -1 to Athletics and Stealth rolls.
d12 Olympic Weightlifter 400 lbs / 180 kg 100 lbs / 45 kg
d12+1 Hafthor Bjonsson 7,00 lbs / 315 kg 180 lbs / 80 kg You suffer a penalty to Shooting and any task that involves using
d12+2 1,400 lbs / 625 kg 350 lbs / 160 kg your hands. At Minor the penalty is -1; At Major it is -2.
d12+3 Python Lizard 2,800 lbs / 1,250 kg 700 lbs / 315 kg
d12+4 Ram Python 3,300 lbs / 1,500 kg 830 lbs / 375 kg With the Panicky (Minor) Hindrance anytime you roll a 1 on a
Maximum Spirit roll, you must roll on the Combat Stress Table subtracting 2
d12+5 Sau-Bau 6,600 lbs / 3,000 kg 1,650 lbs / 750 kg from your die result (minimum result 2). With the Panicky (Minor)
d12+6 Small Ultra Armor, 13,200 lbs / 6,000 kg 3,300 lbs / 1,500 kg Hindrance anytime you roll a 1 or 2 on a Spirit die roll, you must
Demonants roll on the Combat Stress Table subtracting 4 from your die result
d12+7 Medium and Large 19,800 lbs / 9,000 kg 4,950 lbs / 2,250 kg (minimum result 2).
Ultra Armor
d12+8 26,500 lbs / 12,000 kg 6,650 lbs / 3,000 kg
d12+9 Maelstrom General 33,100 lbs / 15,000 kg 8,300 lbs / 3,750 kg While no one in the Battlelords universe really trusts anyone else,
d12+10 – 39,700 lbs / 18,000 kg 9,950 lbs / 4,500 kg some people take this irrational distrust to an extreme and base
d12+11 – 46,300 lbs / 21,000 kg 11,600 lbs / 5,250 kg
it on unreasonable stereotypes about an entire species. When
selecting this Hindrance select one species. The Minor version
d12+12 SUCS2BU 52,900 lbs / 24,000 kg 13,250 lbs / 6,000 kg
of this Hindrance means you distrust and are suspicious of that
d12+13 – 59,500 lbs / 27,000 kg 149,00 lbs / 6,750 kg
species, and will avoid them whenever possible. The Major version
d12+14 – 66,200 lbs / 30,000 kg 16,550 lbs / 7,500 kg means you will not be willing cooperate with that species and
d12+15 – 72,800 lbs / 33,000 kg 18,200 lbs / 8,250 kg attempt to unreasonably discredit any member of that species you
d12+16 – 79,400 lbs / 36,000 kg 19,850 lbs / 9,000 kg meet. You can not select your Species Enemy as the species you
d12+17 – 86,000 lbs / 39,000 kg 21,500 lbs / 9,750 kg are prejudiced against.
d12+18 – 92,600 lbs / 42,000 kg 23,150 lbs / 10,500 kg SMALL (MINOR)
d12+19 – 99200 lbs / 45,000 kg, 24,800 lbs / 11,250 kg
The Small Hindrance decreases your Pace and Toughness by 1.
d12+20 – 105,800 lbs / 48,000 kg 26,450 lbs / 120,00 kg
However, if this Hindrance decreases your size to -1 the cost of
your armor is reduced by 25%. Species that are already Size -1 can
not take this Hindrance.
There are Hindrances in Battlelords that duplicate hindrances
in Savage Worlds. Those Hindrances have been modified to help CHATILIAN HINDRANCES
model the setting of the Battlelord's Universe. If a Hindrance here
has the same name as a Hindrance in Savage Worlds, use the rules BONSKIRKA (MINOR, MAJOR, EXTREME)
presented in this book, for that Hindrance, unless your Game
Master tells you otherwise. (Minor) Your character suffers a -1 penalty to one physical
attribute (Strength, Agility, or Vigor), but receives 1 free Novice
(Major) Your character suffers a -1 penalty to two selected Your Eridani will not deign to touch, much less arm themselves
physical attributes (Strength, Agility, or Vigor), but receives the with, any pistol, rifle, shotgun, light, or heavy machine gun that still
bonuses listed for the Minor version of this Hindrance, plus one fires powder cartridges. They feel it would be better to wade into
additional Power of any rank. battle unarmed than with one of these inferior slug throwers.
[Extreme] Your character suffers a -1 penalty to all three THE WHITE DISGRACE (MAJOR)
physical attributes (Strength, Agility, and Vigor) and -1 Toughness.
However, the character but receives the bonuses listed for the You have failed an important, appointed, task or have grievously
Major version of this Hindrance plus 5 Power Points. violated the Eridani code of honor. You are exiled from the
homeworld for 10 years. All rank and status as an Eridani are lost,
SLEEPWALKER (MINOR) and you lose the privilege of wearing your sword (or other melee
weapon) in areas where weapons are normally prohibited - a
Roughly 30% of Chatilians with Matrix abilities are prone to episodes
concession the Alliance made to the Eridani government. Your hair
of sleepwalking. Chatilians are often quite animated when sleep
is dyed permanently white to signify your disgrace. Eridani who
walking including carrying on one-sided rational conversations
see you using or carrying a sword may challenge you to a duel to
with themselves, performing tasks, and fixing themselves meals.
the death.
To an observer the Chatilian appears completely aware of what is
going on around themselves, but to the Chatilian their interactions
are only perceived as a very vivid dream and they are only semi-
conscious. The more stressful the events of the Chatilian's day,
the more likely they are to sleepwalk at night. Many Chatilians with
this disorder lash themselves to their beds to avoid getting into Some might say you have a screw loose or maybe you're wound
trouble while they sleep. too tight. But they wouldn't say that to you! They wouldn't DARE!
"Mad as a March hare?" More like "Shut up or you'll taste why the
CIZERACK HINDRANCES rabbit's foot is lucky." Your Fott flies off the handle at the wrong
moments. Even outside of stressful situations, if you ever roll a 1
BLOODY FRENZY (MINOR) one the skill die, you must make a Spirit roll and see if the result
triggers your Aggressive Hindrance.
Whenever anyone in the Cizerack's vicinity sustains a Wound that
draws any blood (1 or more Wounds), the Cizerack must make a
Spirit roll. If the character rolls a 1 they must roll on the Combat
Stress Table. If the character becomes angered or enraged, the
bleeding party becomes the target of their fury, regardless of
whether they are friend or foe. Bioengineering runs deep and defying some programming can
cause psychological damage. Each time you use a Break the Mold
MALE (MAJOR) Bennie, you must make a Spirit roll. If you fail this roll, you roll
You’ve somehow found your way unsupervised off-planet and into on the Fear Table. If you gain a Phobia, you may instead select a
Alliance space. This affords you a modicum of political rights you level of Aggressive, Delusional, Habit, or another Hindrance at the
didn’t have previously. That will not stop other Cizeracks from GM's discretion. Pushing these boundaries can have detrimental
trying to turn you in or recapture you. Male Cizerack are smaller consequences, but they are your only way to know you are more
than their female counterparts, you start at size 1 (or 0 if the above than what they made you to be, so you receive two more Break the
suggestion is taken). You are also not supposed to be out on your Mold Bennies each session.
own and will be at least reported by any Cizerack who identifies
you, if not subdued or outright attacked, so you gain the Wanted KEEN HINDRANCES
(Major) hindrance.
ERIDANI HINDRANCES The Keen has trouble making their slime. When they attempt to
make it, they must make a Vigor roll. If they fail, they are unable to
BUDAISH KELEK "WARRIOR’S DISDAIN" make any more than a handful and cannot try again until the next
(MINOR) day. A success will generate enough slime to cover the normal
Eridani are masters of battle and just as they respect only the amount, but it is thin and weak, it only provides -1 to attack and
greatest of warriors, so too do they revere the greatest of weapons. notice attempts against them. A raise on the roll will make their
On the flip side of that, just as there are warriors unworthy of the slime as normal.
title, there are weapons beneath their recognition. These have
usually been developed by species the Eridani look down on.
The largest selection of these are the Human-developed archaic
powder weapons.
Spirit roll in combat or a stressful situation, you have an emotional
meltdown and are unable to act next round.
ENERGY FIELD (MINOR) There are Edges in Battlelords that duplicate Edges in Savage
Worlds. Those Edges have been modified to help model the setting
Non-insulated electronic equipment tends to act weird (lights of the Battlelord's Universe. If an Edge here has the same name as
burn out, computers generate random output, etc.) within a few an Edge in Savage Worlds, use the rules presented in this book, for
meters of you. This tends to happen whenever it would cause you that Edge, unless your Game Master tells you otherwise.
the most embarrassment.
The Berserk Edge from Savage Worlds is replaced with the
PYTHON LIZARD HINDRANCES Aggression rules presented here and in the Combat chapter. Keep
in mind that going berserk in Battlelords is a double-edged sword
KASHTEM-KAL “PRESSURE SICKNESS” and its disadvantages often cancel out its benefits.
(MAJOR) One last note of import. In Savage Battlelords we refer to
If you spend more than a day in an environment with one Legendary Edges as Battlelord Edges, 'cause when you've made
atmosphere of pressure or less you begin to suffer paranoid it to the top you're a Battlelord and all Battlelords are legends!
delusions. As a result, you spend a lot of time sitting at the bottom
of pools and lakes. MISCELLANEOUS EDGES
Requirements: Novice
The Large Edge increases your Pace and Toughness by 1. However,
Your body produces more Danjuine (an adrenal-equivalent) than if this Edge increases your size to +1 the cost of your armor is
normal, which is a common disorder among Ram Pythons. If you increased by 25%. If this Edge increases your size to +2 the cost of
go Berserk or into a Suicidal Rage, you don't start to make Vigor your armor is increased by 50%. Species that are already Size +2
rolls until 5 rounds into rage. In addition, you get a +2 to your can not take this Edge.
Spirit when someone attempts to talk you down. See the Combat
chapter for more information on going Berserk. COMBAT EDGES
Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting d6+
A character with this Edge does not have to choose between an
extra damage die or additional effects when getting a raise on the
attack roll when using a Laser. They receive both.
This character ignores up to 2 points of penalties when attempting
to bank a grenade off a surface to get it around a corner, toss it
through a small opening, roll it past obstacles, or "cook it off" to
reduce the time between activation and detonation. The penalty ARMORED COMBATANT
to avoid a grenade thrown by a Grenadier using Evasion is -4. Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+, Repair d6+
OMEGA WEAPON QUALIFICATION BADGE Some combatants are just at one with their armor, and it functions
as an extension of their body. A character with this Edge treats
Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting d6+ their Armor Use skill as being one die type higher. If a character
A character with this Edge does not have to choose between an with this Edge does not possess the Armor Use skill, they are
extra damage die or additional effects when getting a raise on the treated as having a d4 in Armor Use skill. In addition, once per
attack roll using an Omega weapon. They receive both. combat the character can reactivate a destroyed or damaged
Armor Option for a single round, after which it returns to its
PULSE WEAPON QUALIFICATION BADGE destroyed or damaged state. If you're not using the Armor Use
skill in you game, a character with this edge can ignore 1 point of
Requirements: Seasoned, Shooting d6+
Agility penalties as long as they're armored.
A character with this Edge can ignore Cover Bonuses up to +8
when using Pulse weaponry. BATTLE-FORGED
Requirements: Veteran, Combat Reflexes
You saw the horrors of battle and came back jaded. Explosions,
ELECTRONIC WARFARE SPECIALIST smaller arms and the other distractions of a battlefield are nothing
for you. As long as your armor has Absorption remaining, you
Requirements: Novice, Smarts d6+ cannot be Shaken by damage rolls.
You add 2 to your ECM when using an Electronic Warfare System
(EWS) to jam enemy sensors and communication gear.
DEMOLITION SPECIALIST Military leaders are masters at rallying their troops, convincing
them to charge the enemy, ignore their terror, or work themselves
Requirements: Seasoned, Smarts d6+, Notice d6+ up into a battle frenzy. Characters with this edge can add or
This Edge provides a +2 to Repair rolls when used to defuse subtract 2 from rolls on the Fear table or Combat Stress Table
explosive devices or ordnance. It also provides a +2 to Notice rolls made by anyone under their command as long as the character
when attempting to spot hidden explosives. forced to roll can see or hear the character with this Edge. If this
character uses this ability on multiple characters in the same
EXPERIENCED COMBATANT combat round they can decide with to add or subtract to the roll
result for each individual character. This edge also allows the
Requirements: Novice, Spirit d6+, See Description character to ignore the "once per experience rank" limit on the
After you've been in combat a few times, you become acclimated Officer Rank edge one time.
to the fear and stress of conflict. This Edge can only be taken by
characters have been in combat at least twice. Characters with
this Edge can re-roll when they are forced to make a roll on Fear
table or on the Combat Stress Table.
Requirements: Novice Experience Rank vs. Rank
Mercenaries are survivors and they live by their wits. They are
To clarify, when we say "Experience Rank" we're referring to
resourceful, adaptable, and tough. You don't last long in this
Savage Worlds measure of character power that results from
profession if you're unlucky. Characters with this Edge can
Advances. Namely, the Novice, Seasoned, Veteran, Heroic,
temporarily increase a skill by one die type once per game.
Legendary nomenclature. When we speak about Officer Rank,
The skill returns to its normal level at the end of the combat or
Enlisted Rank, or military rank we're referring to the characters
interaction (GM's discretion). This stacks with any bonuses from
level of power and authority in the military or para-military chain
Jack-of-All-Trades. In addition, any time the character needs to
of command. Sergeant, Captain, Major, etc.
make a Soak roll the player may reroll the results of their Vigor
test, but must reroll all their dice if more than one was rolled.
You have learned to control your emotions and channel even the IMPROVED BUNNY HOPPING EDGE
most intense rage. While Berserk or in a Suicidal Rage your Parry Requirements: Seasoned, Agility d8, Fott
is not reduced, and you can always pick your targets.
Running no longer gives a -2 penalty to Trait Rolls when Bunny
Requirements: Veteran, Harder to Kill, Eridani JACKALOPE
When making your roll as described in the Harder to Kill Edge, if you Requirements: Novice, Fott
roll an even number and get a raise, your Eridani remains conscious
and continues to fight. The affected roll is the Incapacitation roll, Uncle Ernie wasted no opportunity to engineer signatures,
not the Harder to Kill "last chance" roll. references, and jokes into their creation. Buried deep within their
DNA, the Fott have all kinds of custom and designer recessive
BODY EQUILIBRIUM - EFFICIENCY genes. In the genetic lottery, your Fott drew antlers; a reference
to a cryptid from Human folklore. The character has two medium
Requirements: Veteran, Eridani
sized antlers growing out of their head just above their brow and
This Eridani can ignore 2 points of Multi-Action penalties. in front of their ears. They count as natural weapons and inflict
Str+d6 damage. They can also use them as horns. See Natural
BODY EQUILIBRIUM - FEIGN DEATH Weapons in Savage Worlds.
Requirements: Novice, Eridani
Your Eridani can slow all of their bodily functions to the point that
they appear to cease for a number of Hours equal to their Vigor.
Your Eridani can hold their Breath for 7 minutes.
SOONER THAN LATER • Novice Rank: The Keen can cover an additional, normal
sized character with slime or a similar surface.
Requirements: Novice, Human
• Seasoned Rank: The Keen can cover a large sized character
This character can select edges that are one level higher than (like a Pythonian or a character in MBA) or a large
their current experience Rank as long as they meet the other motorcycle with Slime.
Requirements of the Edge. • Veteran Rank: The Keen can cover a car-sized vehicle with
GEN-HUMAN EDGES • Legendary Rank: The Keen can cover a tank, Ultra Armor,
or bus-sized vehicle with Slime.
Requirements: Seasoned, Gen-Human DURABLE SLIME
One of your latent genetic modifications manifested late in life. Requirements: Novice, Keen
You may roll again on the Genetic Modification table. You must Your slime lasts twice as long as normal before drying out.
reroll results that "count as two rolls" on the table.
Requirements: Novice and Veteran (See Description),
Requirements: Novice, Gen-Human
This Edge may be taken ONLY during character
A Keen with this Edge is capable of producing slime that better
mimics the colors and textures of its surroundings, providing
Your progenitors and their predecessors made sure to only consort improved camouflage abilities. This Edge may be taken more than
with Gens who shared their same design or purpose through once, and every time it is taken, it gives the Keen the following
multiple generations, in order to preserve their unique genetics abilities:
in their progeny. Instead of rolling or selecting the traits on the
• Novice Rank: The penalty to attack and Notice the Keen
Genetic Modification Table, you may select one of the following
when using its slimy camouflage is increased to -3.
• Veteran Rank: The penalty to attack and Notice the Keen
• Administrator Zeta Model: Increase Smarts two die when using its slimy camouflage is increased to -4.
steps, Academics d6
• Entertainer Z34 Model: Attractive Edge, Athletics d6, MAZIAN EDGES
Performance d6
• Hellion Model: +1 Size, Increase Strength two die steps EXCEPTIONAL VIBRATION SENSE
(Max 12+4), d6 in Fighting
Requirements: Novice, Mazian
• Optum "Unbreakable" Z88 Model: Fast Regeneration
(roll every hour), permanent Wounds are treated as The range of your vibration sense is doubled, and you are able see
temporary. inside targets like a sonogram at range.
• Panther W66 Model: Wall Walker Power (activate at EXTRA SENSITIVE NEURAL NET
will), +2 to Stealth Rolls, Thievery d6.
• Tracker X87 Model: +2 to Notice rolls, Infravision, Non- Requirements: Novice, Mazian
standard sense of your choice (see x-rays, detect magnetic +2 to Notice rolls when using Vibration Sense
fields, etc.)
SHAPE CHANGE Sadly, increasing a Mazian’s Agility does not have any effect on
ranged weapon skills. Adding more pseudopods doesn’t make
Requirements: Novice, Mazian you a better shot. In all these cases the Mazian doesn’t actually
get any more agile or dexterous than it was a minute ago.
A Mazian’s ability to change its shape, density, and elasticity Increasing these stats simulates the effect the Mazian obtains
allows it to perform a number of tricks their relatively weak, gooey using its Shape Change Edge.
bodies could not otherwise achieve. By controlling their elasticity,
Mazians can roll, bounce, and strike with surprising speed. By All Mazians start the game with this Edge and 2 points in their
increasing their density, they can harden their surface against Shape Change Pool. This Edge may be taken once per rank. Each
attacks and form stabbing or slashing appendages. In contrast, time it is purchased the Mazian adds 1 point to their Shape Change
by decreasing their density or assuming an aerodynamic shape, Pool, up to a maximum pool size of 10 points.
they can float around like a balloon or glide from place to place. A Points in the pool can be allocated each turn to increase the
Mazian can create multiple pseudopods to operate computers and Mazian's physical capabilities via their shape change. At the
other devices with astonishing speed. beginning of the next turn the Mazian can reallocate their Shape
Players are encouraged to use their imagination when describing Change Pool if they wish.
how their Mazian uses their shape change ability. However, in
game terms these abilities are simply represented by changing the
SHAPE CHANGE POOL COSTS Mazians can imitate objects they’ve encountered before (chairs,
planters, etc.) or a generic member of a particular species
SHAPE CHANGE (Human, Mutzachan, etc.) without much effort, as long as it has
POINT / RESULT had one look at it in the past. However, they can’t create exact
copies just based on their observations.
Increase Agility by one die level. 2 / Each Added
Die Level EXAMPLE: A Mazian could imitate a Ming vase it sees across
Increase Pace by 2 and running die by one 1 / +2 Pace the room, but anyone who saw both vases side by side would
level. immediately see they aren’t the same Ming vase. Similarly, a
Add Flight at Pace 6 or 12 or 24 2 for Pace 6 Mazian could impersonate a male Human he saw in the lobby
3 for Pace 12 of mega-corp, even replicating some of the same features as
6 for Pace 24 that individual (mustache, long hair, etc.). Unfortunately for
Increase an Agility-based skill by one die level, 1 / Each Added the Mazian, no one would mistake the Mazian for that specific
but do not exceed the Mazian's Agility (except Die Level person, if they gave the Mazian duplicate more than a cursory
Shooting). inspection.
MUTZACHAN EDGES only use this Edge once per game. There is no guarantee that the
contact will have all of the information you need or that the goods
ELECTRICAL IMMUNITY you require will be readily available or at a reasonable price. Your
GM will determine the outcome.
Requirements: Novice, Mutzachan
You're so adept at manipulating electrical energy that you are
incapable of being damaged by electricity and electrical-based Requirements: Seasoned, Orion
attacks. Your Electrical Resistance becomes Electrical Immunity.
Laughing in the Face of Danger allows the Orion to get +2 to Fear
FIRE RESISTANT tests and rolls on the Combat Stress Table.
Requirements: Seasoned, Orion The Orion has so honed their delicate touch they are exceptional
at bypassing physical security. They receive +2 to Thievery rolls
You have contacts everywhere in Alliance space. By spending a when picking locks, safecracking, and rewiring security systems.
Benny you can have a contact nearby who can provide you with
information you need, or access to black market goods. You can
Requirements: Novice The tenets of Assizza are unbending, but a Zen can only prevent
so much violence. True wisdom is in identifying which violence is
Python Lizards are known for being level-headed in combat and
unpreventable and not carrying the guilt for it, but mourning that
generally unflappable (until they're pissed off). You receive a +2 to
not all could be prevented. The Zen no longer has to make Spirit
any rolls on the Fear table and your Aggressive species Hindrance
rolls for justifiable violent actions committed in their presence by
is reduced to Minor.
allies in combat situations they did not initiate.
Requirements: Novice, Ram Python The Zen are peaceful in all ways, but even they understand the
use of subduing the unreasonable. They have developed a fighting
Ram Pythons who are able to successfully Chunga (flatulate near technique that is a combination throws and holds that uses an
an open flame) before battle receives a +2 to Taunt tests made opponent's strength and movement to sap their own energy and
that turn or the following turn, and +2 to Persuasion rolls made tired themselves out. The Zen's feet and fists are weapons so they
against other Rams. are always considered armed. They add +1 when attacking with
them and cause Strength + d4 damage. Any Wounds caused and
DEATH KNOOGIE not prevented by these attacks are instead turned into Fatigue
Requirements: Novice, Ram Python levels. Attacks made with this edge are not considered violent and
will not cause the acting Zen, or any onlooking Zen, to make Spirit
Ram Pythons are notorious for putting people in headlocks and
rolls for violating their virtues.
literally crushing their skulls by repeatedly hammering on it with
their massive fists. RIGELN PACIFIER
If the Ram Python successfully puts an opponent in a Entangled Requirements: Seasoned, Rigeln Judo, Zen Rigeln
or Bound state after a successful Grapple attack, they may make
a Called Shot to the opponent's head with no Called Shot penalty The Zen's Fighting bonus increases to +2 and their damage die
and do Str+d6 damage. increases to a d6.
"If you're not excessive, then you're never really sure."
Rally & Talking Down
Going Berserk has the following effects:
Characters with the Persuasion skill can rally Panicked characters
• The character’s Strength increases a die type.
back into action and talk down characters that are Berserk or in a
• Every melee attack must be a Wild Attack. Suicidal Rage. This is an opposed roll against the berserkers Spirit.
• The character cannot use any skills that require wit or If the persuader succeeds the rage ends. If the persuader fails
concentration (GM’s Discretion). they become new target of the raging character's fury, until that
• Add +2 to Toughness. character can no longer interfere with enraged character reaching
the original target of their rage.
• The character ignores one level of Wound penalties (this
stacks with any other abilities that reduce Wound penalties.
05. MENTAL (MEN): This condition occurs anytime a character is
ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE assaulted by a mental attack or power that affects the mind,
Different species and armored suits have varying level of including attacks by neuroweapons. Bonuses from Mental
resistance to Environmental Conditions and attacks. If an Resistance are added to wearer's Spirit or Smarts when
Environmental Condition (or attack that triggers that condition) making Trait rolls to avoid being affected by mental attacks.
must equal or exceed the target’s Toughness to affect them, the Attacks that can be defended against with Mental Resistance
damage is modified for the target's Resistance (-4) or Weakness will state "MEN Attack" in the Notes section of their table
(+4). Superior Resistance reduces the damage by half. stats.
06. RADIATION (RAD): This condition occurs anytime a character
If an Environmental Condition (or attack that triggers that
is exposed to hazardous radiation. Bonuses from Radiation
condition) requires the target to make a Trait roll to affect them,
Resistance are added to wearer's Vigor when making Trait
the target must apply the modifier for their Resistance (+4) or
rolls for radiation exposure. Attacks that can be defended
Weakness (-4) to their roll. This occurs whether the modifier is
against with this Resistance will state "RAD Attack" in the
originates from the character or their armor.
Notes section of their table stats.
These modifications occur whether the modifier is originates from 07. SENSORY (SEN): This condition occurs when the character's
the character or their armor. senses are overloaded, including attacks by flash bang
ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE/WEAKNESS grenades, blinding lasers, sonic weapons, or being deafened
when standing next to the guy firing the Omega weapon.
LEVEL BONUS/PENALTY NOTATION Bonuses from Sensory Resistance are added to wearer's Vigor
Weakness -4 to Trait, +4 Damage WEAK when making Trait rolls to resist sensory attacks. Attacks that
None — — can be defended against with this Resistance will state "SEN
Resistant +4 to Trait , -4 Damage RST Attack" in the Notes section of their table stats.
+4 to Trait, Half Damage SUP
Immune Immune to this type of Environmental IMM The Eridani, Kothic-Idan, is wearing a suit of Dragoon armor.
Condition Kothic’s species has a Weakness to Fire. His armor provides him
with a Resistance to Acid. Kothic finds himself in the middle of
There are 7 environmental conditions that characters and armored a desert, and the GM tells Kothic’s player to make a Vigor roll.
suits can be exposed to, which are listed below: Kothic’s Weakness to Fire means he also suffers a -4 to this roll.
Later, Kothic is shot with an Acid Magnetic Grenade, which is
01. ACID: Includes exposure to corrosive atmospheres and an “ACID Attack.” This means the grenade triggers the Acid
corrosive-based attacks, like acid grenades. Bonuses from Environmental Condition. The Resistance on Kothic’s armor
Acid Resistance are added to wearer's Vigor when making allows him to reduce the damage from the attack by 4.
Trait rolls to resist acid-based attacks. Attacks that can
be defended against with Acid Resistance will state "ACID
Attack" in the Notes section of their table stats.
02. COLD: Includes exposure to frigid environments and cold- Use the best/highest resistance level if a character and an
based attacks, like Freezy Pop grenades. Bonuses from Cold armored suit they are wearing can have different environmental
Resistance are added to wearer's Vigor when making Trait resistances/weaknesses for the same environmental condition.
rolls to resist cold conditions or arctic environments. Attacks If either the character or the armor doesn't list an Environmental
that can be defended against with Cold Resistance will state Resistance or Weakness that the other possesses, simply use the
"COLD Attack" in the Notes section of their table stats. listed Environmental Resistance or Weakness.
03. ELECTRICITY (ELE): This condition occurs anytime the Henry the Mutzachan is wearing Spy Master armor. Henry's
character is electrocuted or suffers an electricity-based species is Resistant (RST) to electrical attacks, but Henry's
attack, like a Thunderbolt Generator. Bonuses from electrical armor has a Weakness (WEAK) to electrical attacks. Henry is hit
by a Thunderbolt Generator. In this case, we would ignore the
resistance are added to wearer's Vigor when making Trait
armor's WEAK value and use Henry's RST value instead. In the
rolls to resist the effects of electrical shock. Attacks that can next combat, Henry is exposed to hazardous radiation. Henry's
be defended against with Electrical Resistance will state "ELE Spy Master armor does not list a Radiation Resistance or
Attack" in the Notes section of their table stats. Weakness, but Henry's species is Immune (IMM) to radiation, so
04. FIRE: Includes exposure to hot environments and fire-based again, Henry's listed resistance trumps the lack of Resistance or
attacks, like a flamethrower. Bonuses from fire resistance Weakness in his armor.
are added to wearer's Vigor when making Trait rolls to resist
hot conditions or desert environments. Attacks that can HINDERED
be defended against with Fire Resistance will state "FIRE
Hindered is a lesser state of Entangled. Any target that is
Attack" in the Notes section of their table stats.
Hindered must subtract 1 from any physical Trait or skill rolls (GM
Discretion). Hindered does not affect mental actions.
• Rockets/Missiles with AUTO ACC value can use the die
Only Heavy Weapons (HW) and Super Heavy Weapons (SHW) can instead of the character's Shooting skill.
affect Heavy Armor. Only Super Heavy Weapons can affect Super • Make a single attack roll for all rockets/missiles fired using
Heavy Armor. AUTO ACC.
MALFUNCTION TABLE • If missiles have different AUTO ACC values, use the
When attacking with a weapon, if your roll a Critical Failure stop • Launching missiles with AUTO ACC is typically a free
the attack immediately and roll 2d6 and then reference the action unless more than one target is selected.
Malfunction Table below to see what happens. In Battlelords,
most gear is built by the lowest bidder and it shows. You can not • Rockets/Missiles that used AUTO ACC to attack are
roll Aces when making a malfunction table check - though in this affected by ECM (see Counter-Measures in this chapter).
case, that's a good thing.
The Multiple Actions Table clarifies how Edges, species abilities,
and the Multiple Attack penalty are applied. The table assumes
1-4 No Effect.
Phentari characters are using a different limb for each action.
5-6 Reduced Output. Drop 1 die from damage for 3 Turns. Non-Phentari characters who use their off-hand for one attack
7-8 Inoperative for 1 Turn. may incur the Off-Hand penalty (-2) on attacks after the first,
9-10 Inoperative for 3 Turns. unless they have the Ambidextrous Edge.
11-12 Weapon broken & energy cell explodes. User is damaged
by explosion.* User suffers an amount of damage equal to a MULTIPLE ACTIONS TABLE
single attack by this weapon (No Aces).
13+ Weapon is destroyed. The device explodes and is rendered # ACTIONS
permanently inoperable. User suffers an amount of damage
equal to a single attack by this weapon (You can get Aces on AMBIDEXTROUS CHARACTER
this Damage roll). If the device doesn’t have an energy cell, (OTHER THAN CIZERACK OR PHENTARI)
ignore the explosion result. 1 action 0
2 actions -2
A successful Repair skill check makes the weapon operable again.
3 actions -4
Characters attempting to repair an inoperable weapon can do
nothing else except take free actions. AMBIDEXTROUS CHARACTER
“What does it mean when it’s beeping faster and faster?” WITH TWO-FISTED OR TWO-GUN KID EDGE
1 action 0
MISSILES & ROCKETS 2 actions 0
3 actions -2
Battlelords has its own rules that supersede the Missiles rules in
Savage Worlds.
1 action 0
Missile Rules 2 actions 0
• Missiles do not require a "lock" as described in Savage 3 actions -2
Worlds. 4 actions -4
• Make a single attack roll for all rockets/missiles fired using AMBIDEXTROUS CIZERACK OR
the character's Shooting skill. PHENTARI WITH TWO-FISTED OR TWO-GUN KID
• Ignore the Bullets per Rate of Fire table in Savage Worlds, 1 action 0
and subtract the exact number of rockets/missiles fired 2 actions 0
from the character's total. 3 actions 0
• Missiles reach their target in the round they are fired. 4 actions -2
Missile Racks
1 action 0
• The ROF of the missile rack (Armor Option) or the missile 2 actions 0
launcher being used determines how many rockets/ 3 actions 0
missiles can be fired in a round.
4 actions 0
• Missile racks (Armor Options) do not incur the recoil
Sensor Systems Rules Counter-Measures vs. Guided Weaponry
• A character can use the Sensor System's Notice skill Weapons like Reflex missiles and automated gun turrets use
instead of their own skill. sensors to spot their targets and counter-measures interfere
• Sensor systems are only good for spotting traps and with the sensors used to guide these missiles and aim automated
threats. weapons.
When turned on, Electronic Counter Measures (ECM) emits
electromagnetic waves to scramble enemy sensors and
communication systems.
A Stealth Rating represents passive systems that hide the user
from the enemy’s sensors, rather than attempting to directly
interfere with them. Stealth coatings and heat dampening
systems that hide your body heat are examples of passive
Electronic Counter-Counter Measures (ECCM) negates ECM.
ECM Rules
• ECM score is applied as a penalty to any Notice roll made by
an enemy's Sensor System.
• ECM reveals your presence when turned on, but not your
location, to the enemy when in use if they have sensors.
• If a character has more than one ECM system, just use the
highest value.
Stealth Rating Rules
• The Stealth Rating is applied as a penalty to any Notice roll
made using a sensor system.
• Using equipment with a Stealth Rating does not reveal your
presence or position to the enemy.
• If more than one Stealth Rating would apply, just use the
• Subtracted from any ECM possessed by the target before
applying the ECM as a penalty to your Shooting roll.
• Can not reduce ECM to number less than 0.
SIZE • Medical gear and access to proper medical facilities
help to negate any Treatment Penalties.
• Attacks from Size 3 or larger creatures are treated as
• If a character suffers a attribute die reduction and they are
Heavy Weaapons.
already at d4, apply a -2 penalty to rolls for that attribute.
• Attacks from Size 6 or larger creatures are treated as Super
• Permanent effects can often be cured with the help of a
Heavy Weaapons.
Zen or major surgery.
Along with the Body Rehabilitation Injection, perhaps the most
famous piece of Zen Rigeln medical technology is the Cryogenic
Injection or Cryo. Cryos are usually administered to a character
when they’re Incapacitated so that they can be taken to a
hospital for attempted resuscitation. If a character has reached
Catastrophic Damage, there’s usually not enough of the character
left to stick with a Cryo (GM’s discretion).
01 1 Head Removed from the Shoulders. You can’t walk around like a chicken with its head cut off. (Roll up new character) SLAIN! –
02 2 Top of Head Blown Off! You're history pal! SLAIN! –
03 3 Temple -4 Concussion. Smarts reduced 1 die type for 2d4 days – -1
04 4 Forehead N/A Unconscious for 2d4 turns – -1
05 5 Enters Eye and Exits Back of Skull SLAIN! –
06 6 Jaw Shattered -1 Cannot eat or speak until repaired – -2
07 7 Face Partially Removed N/A Unconscious 2d4 turns Gain Ugly (Major) -2
08 8 Mouth 0 Cannot eat solid foods until repaired Gain Ugly (Minor) -2
09 9 Neck -3 Agility reduced 1 die type – -2
10 10 Throat 0 Can't speak for 2 weeks – -2
11-13 1 Collar Bone. Clean Break 0 Agility reduced 1 die type and lose use of one arm until healed. – -1
14-15 2 Lung Punctured -1 Make a Vigor roll every two turns or become Fatigued. Failing Vigor roll while – -3
Incapacitated results in death.
16-17 3 Lung -1 Vigor reduced 1 die type; Gain Slow (Major) Hindrance. – -3
18 4 Struck Spinal Cord -4 Vigor reduced 1 die type; 50% chance of permanent paralysis if you move at all. 50% chance of Paralysis -6
19 5 Spinal Cord Cut. Now in two N/A Paralyzed mid-chest down. Vigor is reduced 2 die types. Agility is reduced 3 -6
distinct sections. die types; Gain Slow
(Major) Hindrance
20 6 Heart N/A Make a Vigor roll every turn or become Fatigued. Failing Vigor roll while – -6
Incapacitated results in death.
21 7 Blows Heart Apart SLAIN! –
22-23 8 Multiple organs struck. Internals reduced to a jelly-like mixture. SLAIN! –
24-25 9 Ribs Cracked. You got 0 Agility reduced 1 die type. – 0
26-27 10 Ribs Shattered -3 Vigor reduced 1 die type. Move and the chips have a 50% chance of puncturing a – -4
lung (see 14-15 above for effect).
28 11 Groin, Clean -3 Agility reduced 1 die type. – -2
29 12 Groin, Removed -4 Gain Slow (Major) Hindrance. – -3
30-35 13 Lower Abdomen, Clean 0 Vigor reduced 1 die type (min. d4). – -1
36-37 14 Stomach Punctured -2 Make a Vigor roll every day or become Fatigued. Failing Vigor roll while – -2
Incapacitated results in death.
38 15 Stomach Ruptured -2 Make a Vigor roll every hour or become Fatigued. Failing Vigor roll while – -3
Incapacitated results in death.
39-40 16 Liver -2 Vigor reduced 1 die type. Make a Vigor roll every turn or become Fatigued. Failing – -3
Vigor roll while Incapacitated results in death.
41-42 17 Liver. You are spilling blood -2 Vigor reduced 1 die type. Make a Vigor roll every turn or become Fatigued. Failing – -3
everywhere and making Vigor roll while Incapacitated results in death. .
quite a puddle.
43-44 18 Intestines -2 Make a Vigor roll every turn or become Fatigued. Failing Vigor roll while – -4
Incapacitated results in death.
45 19 Multiple Organs -4 Agility and Strength reduced 2 die types; Death in 1d4 min. – -5
46 20 Lower Spine. Forget -4 Paralyzed mid-chest down. Vigor is reduced 2 die types. Agility is reduced -6
walking. 2 die types. Gain
Slow (Major)
“Our forces are the pointy end of the spear, and we just got stuck in.”
ARMORED SUITS If a suit of Armor lists a +1 for Size Modifier it increases the
effective Size of the wearer by 1 when worn. A +2 would increase
The core rules contain stats for Body Armor, Heavy Body Armor the effective Size of the wearer when in the armor by 2, and so on.
(HBA), and Mechanized Battle Armor (MBA). In addition, there A Size 1 character, wearing a suit of mechanized Battle Armor with
are dozens different Armor Options you can install in your suit to a Size Modifier of +2 would be effectively Size 3 in the armor.
customize it. From Flux Shields to Flight Systems to integrated A suit's Size Modifier does not affect the cost. Only the wearer's
P-AI computers and medical support systems. They may not get size affects that value. A suit's size increase does not affect the
you back in one piece, but you’ll sure look good trying. wearer's Toughness beyond the Toughness Bonus listed for the
HEAVY BODY ARMOR (ITEM) VS. HEAVY SLOTS: Each suit of armor allows a certain number of options to be
ARMOR (GAME EFFECT) added to option Slots. The number of option Slots is based on the
Size of the wearer plus the suit's Size Modifier (if any).
When referring to the class of armor, between standard body
armor and mechanized battle armor, we will always use the words ARMOR OPTION SLOTS ("SLOTS")
"heavy body armor." When referring to the ability to shrug off hits
from non-vehicular weapons, we will omit the word body. WEARER SIZE + ARMOR SIZE # OF SLOTS (DIE ROLL)
-2 6 (d6)
0 8 (d8)
All armor in Battlelords is assumed to cover every part of the body,
1 10 (d10)
unless otherwise stated in the description.
2 12 (d12)
CALLED SHOTS 3 12 (d12)
• Size 2 Armor: Increase cost by 50%. WEIGHT: The actual weight of the armor in kilograms. Important
to know when transporting the armor or moving across weak
ARMOR DESCRIPTORS surfaces like ice or wooden floors. Use this for calculating the
character's encumbrance, except for Mechanized Battle Armor.
SIZE: In Battlelords a suit of armor's Size is usually identical to
EFF WEIGHT: Only listed for Mechanized Battle Armor. Used to
the Size of the character wearing it. However, some bulky suits of
calculate the character's Encumbrance in MBA, as it is what the
armor can add to the character's Size. This is called the suit's Size
character feels when wearing the armor, because MBA supports
Modifier. Typically, only Mechanized Battle Armor (MBA) will have
most, if not all, of its own weight.
a Size Modifier.
Whenever a suit of armor with Environmental Containment loses
When attacking an unarmored opponent damage is handled
a point of Absorption it is punctured and the user is vulnerable to
normally, per the rules in Savage Worlds. When attacking an
gas attacks and environmental hazards. The QSU Armor Option
armored opponent, use the rules presented below.
seals these holes. HBA and MBA are Environmentally Contained
ARMOR by default.
This functions exactly like Armor in Savage Worlds. Think of the ENVIRONMENTAL RESISTANCE/
suit’s Armor value as representing the hard, outer shell of the
armor. Suits with high Armor scores are good at deflecting attacks
designed to punch holes in armor, like bullets, knives, and laser Armored suits are often built to withstand the rigors of harsh
beams. environments and exotic attacks. A suit can possess a varying
level of resistance to environmental conditions and attacks. If a
suit lists an environmental resistance or weakness that modifier
The armor's Toughness Bonus, also known as its TB, is added to is applied to the armor wearer's Toughness when attacked by a
the wearer's Toughness for most attacks. When a suit has lost all weapon that triggers that environmental condition.
its Absorption (see below), the wearer can no longer add the suit's
Toughness Bonus to their Toughness. ARMOR SUMMARY
ABSORPTION (ABS) • Use the suit's Armor stat unless the weapon's Armor
The armor's Absorption represents the ability of an armored suit Piercing value exceeds it.
to cushion its wearer from impacts and attacks. Modern armor is • A suit's Toughness Bonus (TB) is added to the wearer's
filled with absorption polymers, which dampens impact by rapidly Toughness.
hardening and increasing density at the point of impact. The • Wounds are subtracted from the armor's Absorption, until
polymers also serve to insulate the user from the effects of rapidly the Absorption is exhausted. Characters do not suffer any
changing temperatures and electrical shock. ill effects from the loss of an armor's Absorption.
Each armored suit in Battlelords can sustain a set number of • Characters in Armor can still be Shaken.
Wounds, called Absorption. If an attack against an armored • When Absorption is exhausted, the wearer can no longer
target would normally cause a Wound, the Wound is subtracted add the armor's Toughness Bonus to their Toughness.
from the armor's Absorption instead. Only after exhausting the • A suit with no more Absorption still provides its Armor and
armor's Absorption can the character suffer Wounds from attacks environmental condition resistances/weaknesses (if any)
(unless a attack description states otherwise). If an armored suit to the wearer.
loses one or more points of its Absorption, the character wearing
the armor does not suffer an injury. Characters in armor can still • A Soak Roll can not reduce the amount of Absorption lost
be Shaken. in an attack.
• A suit that loses a point of Absorption has a hole in it and
Successful attacks against an armored target reduce a suit's is no longer airtight. A QSU Armor Option will seal breaches
Absorption, because they use up a suit's absorption polymers. in a suit.
When the polymers are exhausted, the suit is no longer able to
cushion the wear or protect them from certain attacks. When a
suit has lost all its Absorption, the wearer can no longer add
the suit's Toughness Bonus to their Toughness. From that point Removing or donning armor normally requires 1d4+1 Turns spent
forward, only the character's Toughness is used to determine if lifting, pulling, and securing latches. HBA and MBA have a security
a Shaken result or Wound occurs. They can, however, continue code that prevents removal by anyone who isn't in the user's team,
to use the suit's Armor scores, Environmental Resistance(s), and a friendly medic or higher ranking member of their organization.
other abilities.
Note: If a single attack does enough damage to cause the loss REPAIRING ARMOR
of all a suit's armor Absorption and Wound the wearer, the suit's
The cost to repair armor is listed on the following table.
occupant is still entitled to the Armor’s Toughness bonus until the
end of that attack. ARMOR REPAIR
Note 2: A Soak Roll can not reduce the amount of Absorption lost COMPONENT COST
in an attack. Armor c2,500 per point
Absorption c500 per point
TRANSPORTING ARMOR these penalties and limitations. Armor is designed to be used with
weapons and vice-versa. This penalty does not apply to using,
Characters attempting to carry a suit of armor should double reloading, manipulating, or firing weapons.
its WEIGHT to represent its inherently bulky nature, when
determining their encumbrance rating. Armored suits that have an EXAMPLE OF DAMAGE TO ARMOR
Armor Computer or P-AI and a Pace listed can just be commanded
to follow the character around once the owner's identity and Jenna the Gen-Human has a Toughness of 5 and is wearing
pristine Bear armor (Armor: 5, Toughness Bonus: 4,
security codes are verified. Absorption: 3). We add the Armor and Toughness Bonus of
Jenna’s suit to her Toughness (5 + 4 + 5 = 14) and determine
Jenna’s damage threshold is 14.
EXTRAS & ARMOR An Arachnid Warrior attacks Jenna with a Pulse weapon and
does 16 points of damage. The Arachnid got a Success, but
There are two options for dealing with Extras and armor. If you not a Raise. This results in Jenna being Shaken. Jenna does
prefer that your Extras are a little tougher due to their armor, we not suffer any Wounds, nor does her armor lose Absorption.
suggest using the following rule: Jenna’s character spends a Benny and removes her Shaken
ARMORED EXTRAS METHOD: When the Absorption on Next round the Arachnid attacks again, doing 23 points of
the armor worn by an Extra is exhausted that Extra is damage! Comparing that to Jenna’s damage threshold of 14,
Incapacitated. Do not bother tracking how many Wounds we see the ‘Nid got a Success and 2 Raises. Jenna is again
an Extra or Elite Extra has suffered. Once their armor is Shaken. Remember the rule “If an attack against an armored
gone, they're done. Combat in Battlelords is grim and target causes a Wound, the Wound is subtracted from the
lethal, and without functional armor, you're not long for armor's Absorption first.” The Warrior’s two Raises reduce
the Absorption of Jenna’s armor down from 3 to 1. Jenna
this world.
suffers no Wounds. Jenna can spend another Benny to remove
This method is good if you like to see your Extras take a pounding her shaken status, but because she didn’t suffer any Wounds
in the attack, she cannot spend a Benny to make a Soak Roll.
before they drop and give the players something to deal with.
Jenna opts not to spend the Benny and is rattled by the attack.
However, If you'd prefer less bookkeeping, and Extras that don't
benefit as much from their armor you can use the following rule: The following round the ‘Nid goes in for the kill and again
strikes Jenna with its Pulse weapon, doing 24 points of
CINEMATIC EXTRAS METHOD: Ignore Absorption entirely damage. The Warrior got 2 Raises that would normally
for an Extra's armor. Just use their suit's Armor and cause Jenna 2 Wounds. Recall that Jenna is already Shaken.
Toughness Bonus, and use the standard Wound rules for Jenna’s armor has 1 point of Absorption left, which negates
the first of the 2 Wounds caused by the ‘Nid’s Raises. This
Extras to determine if they are Incapacitated.
drops the armor’s Absorption to 0. This leaves one Wound
Using the later rule means that you can drop an Extra in a suit left to allocate. Since Jenna’s armor no longer has Absorption
remaining, the Wound is applied directly to Jenna. Note that
of Mechanized Battle Armor by causing a single Wound. This
because the same attack that dropped the armor’s Absorption
method is good if you prefer a more cinematic approach where to 0 also resulted in one or more Wounds, Jenna is entitled
your players are dropping lackeys by the score, but you may want to her armor’s Toughness Bonus until the end of the attack.
to make your Elite Extras or Wildcard bosses particularly tough to Jenna suffers 1 Wound and is still Shaken.
give the Players a challenge.
Jenna’s character opts to make a Soak Roll and obtains a
We also suggest ignoring the Environmental Resistance for Extras, Success and 2 Raises. She removes her single Wound and
her Shaken status along with it, but the remaining Raise is
unless it's essential to the plot and/or scenario. We also suggest
unused, since Jenna has no more Wounds she can remove and
putting all your Extras in the same type of armor. a Soak Roll cannot be used to reduce Absorption loss.
The next round Jenna will not be able to use her armor’s
Toughness Bonus, because it has lost all of its Absorption.
USING FINE MOTOR SKILLS IN ARMOR She will still be able to use the suit’s Armor value. This will
reduce her damage threshold to 10 (5 Toughness + 5 Armor).
One of the first things your drill sergeant will have you do in your She better find some cover before the ‘Nid shoots again!
combat armor familiarization class is try to read a hardcopy of the
technical manual for your armor while you are wearing it. This,
as your sergeant well knows, will not go well. Any attempt to use
fine motor skills (picking locks, reading a paperback, sleight of
hand, etc.) while wearing armor incurs a -2 penalty. Moreover,
Mazians and Pythonians can not use their Vibration Sense while
wearing armor. The Tactile Response Armor Option negates
BODY ARMOR (PP. 115) This suit is not affected by Metal Guns. See the Carnage
Companion book.
The following armor reviews are copyright of Madd Mike’s
Mercenary Catalog and reprinted here with their permission.
Body Armor is the standard defensive gear in Battlelords. Body Armor
ranges from an archaic “bullet proof” vest to advanced, low-intensity "This Bonson/Sayers/Vion suit is designed to defend against
armor for support personnel and light infantry. This type of armor is laser attacks. This suit can reduce or completely nullify the effects
comparatively affordable and is ubiquitous throughout Alliance space. of beam weapons due to its reflective cobalt armor alloy. The alloy,
Modern body armor does not significantly impede mobility or freedom which has a very high melting point, creates a scintillating mirror
effect to reflect beam strikes. Unfortunately, it also makes the suit
of movement, though it can be bulky. It is relatively lightweight and
very easy to see.”
does not require motivator systems to help the wearer move or
“A self-healing, matte black, film can be applied to the suit. When
support the weight of the armor. As a result, this type of armor can
exposed to laser fire, the film exposes the anti-laser surface. Once
not be immobilized by Scramblers or electrical discharges since it is the laser fire has stopped, the self-healing film hides the reflective
the wearer's muscles that do all the work of moving the armor. Body alloy. It’s also one of the lightest suits in this class, probably because
Armor may be customized by adding Armor Options to it. it’s not packing much absorption polymer."
3 ARMOR The suit has an Armor of 8 against lasers. Without the matte
black coating (adds C1,000 to the cost), anyone looking for
COMBAT 1 the wearer of this suit receives +4 to their Notice tests.
AKMB IMPROVED BODY SUIT "AKM may have finally beat BAS at their own game. Early
reviews of the Combat 3 armor indicate it matches or beats BAS’s
"A better version of its predecessor, the AKM, the AKMB Kodiak suit in nearly every category except weight and cost. AKM is
Improved Body Suit is American Konglomerate Corporation’s definitely going to make it difficult for us to formulate our Top 10 list
attempt to perfect its AKM armor design. This improved model this year, but we’re not complaining.”
features a more durable alloy and more room for absorption
polymers. The suit is considered by many to be too heavy."
BIO 2 "Hardened to protect the owner from the effects of electrical
and electromagnetic attack forms. The electrolyte suit is a favorite
"The best feature of Science Tech’s Bio-2 suit is its weight. It’s of search & rescue and salvage crews everywhere. This suit will
light. The viral-assembled plates rely more on their unique molecular keep you from getting fried if you accidentally touch something
structure to survive impacts than on their density. The compressible that’s got an electrical current running through it. Manufactured
plates in this suit are modeled from an Earth insect called a by Science Tech.”
cockroach. Despite the advantages of this armor, we really wish they
hadn’t brought the damn roaches here from Earth."
• Armor: The suit's Armor value. • AGL: Use the suit’s Agility (if available) in place of your own.
• TB: The suit's Toughness Bonus. See Powered Armor Use skill.
• ABS: The Absorption value of the suit. • STR: Use the suit’s Strength (if available) in place of your
• ACID: The suit’s ACID resistance/weakness, if any. • PACE: Use the suit’s Pace (if available) in place of your own.
• COLD: The suit’s COLD resistance/weakness, if any.
WEIGHT: The actual weight for the armor.
• ELE: The suit’s ELECTRICAL resistance/weakness, if any. EFF WEIGHT: The weight when wearing the armor. Only Mechanized
• FIRE: The suit’s FIRE resistance/weakness, if any. Battle Armor has this stat.
• MEN: The suit’s MENTAL resistance/weakness, if any. SIZE INCREASE: This number is added to the character's Size to
• RAD: The suit’s RADIATION resistance/weakness, if any. determine how big they are when wearing the armor.
TL: This indicates the Tech Level of the Armor.
• SEN: The suit’s SENSORY resistance/weakness, if any.
COST: This indicates the cost in Alliance credits (c). Assumes
Size 0.
Combat 1 3 2 2 – – – – – – – – – – 20 3 c1,400
"Continuing their Ursa line of armors, the BAS manufactured “Take look-n-shoot Arm Rockets; add a built-in Smoke
Kodiak suit trades a little armor plating for a lot of absorption. This Generator; throw in some mechanized speed, and you have the
unit is designed for medium intensity combat situations. Kodiak Commando. Galactic Defense Contractors’ Défense de Combat –
can withstand several direct hits from most Pulse weapons. Its light Deux or CD-2. The suit includes four Slipstream Arm Rockets. There
weight pushes it past AKM’s Combat 3 in our eye, making it our are two in each arm sitting in a Armband missile rack. The suit has
top buy in the class. “Bear Armor System’s Bell SS helmet includes a maximum speed of 72 kph. Easily one of the best-selling suits of
protection from sonic attacks.” heavy armor.”
All damage from sonic attacks are halved. The mechanized speed uses one Armor Option slot and the
missile rack uses another. Destruction of the option slot
containing the mechanized speed equipment results in the
SPY MASTER wearer using their own Pace, rather than the armor's Pace.
(PP. 119)
Mechanized Battle Armor, as a class of armor, is often referred
“A heavier version of GDC’s already excellent CD-2 armor suit. to simply as MBA. Mechanized battle armor is really nothing more
The MOH 3 helmet, which is a joint design by Armalite and Science than beefed-up heavy armor. In fact, it provides all the same benefits
Tech has an instantly recognizable silhouette, as the helmet slopes as heavy armor. The defining characteristic of Mechanized armored
outward to the edge of the shoulders. This design was necessary suits is their strength augmentation systems. Unlike the LIFT systems
in order to build-in the numerous systems the helm contains. Gone in heavy armor, the strength augmentation systems in MBA actually
is the crown of eyes design from the original MOH. In addition to helps support the weight of the suit. In most cases the motivators in
its impressive passive optics capabilities, the MOH 3 also includes the suit are so powerful that the suit feels weightless to the user. In
mental defense systems, long range commo, and a TDA system to addition, Mechanized Battle Armor allows the user to hit and kick
improve accuracy.”” with superhuman strength. Many suits of Mechanized Battle Armor
allow the user to move with superhuman speed. While wearing a suit
The mechanized speed uses one Armor Option slot. of MBA, you can run as fast as a Cizerack, walk through masonry
Destruction of the option slot containing the mechanized walls like they’re constructed of tissue paper, and rip doors and
speed equipment results in the wearer using their own Pace, hatches off armored vehicles with your gauntleted hands. If you have
rather than the armor's Pace. the means, I highly recommend you get a suit.
This suit provides a +1 bonus to the Shooting skill, and a +2 All Mechanized Body Armor suits have the Heavy Armor ability.
to Notice rolls. When the armor is powered up, use the effective weight (EFF
WEIGHT) when determining the encumbrance of the wearer. The
Actuators take up Slot 1 in the suit. The suit's Strength replaces
the wearer's for as long as the Actuator's function.
“AKM shows us again how they’re willing to push the envelope If the Actuators are disabled or damaged in Mechanized Battle
of armor design while BAS rests on its laurels. Perennially on our Armor, the character must use their own Strength instead of the
best buys list despite its weight.”
suit's. In addition, the character must use the WEIGHT of the
armor when determining their encumbrance load instead of the
GRIZZLY EFF WEIGHT. Mechanized Battle Armor is so heavy that without
the Actuators, most characters will be unable to move inside the
“The tag line in BAS’s advertisements for this is: "You suit.
wouldn’t fight a grizzly bear would you?" The ad later jokingly says, All Mechanized Battle Armor has the Environmental Containment
"Ram Pythons, your vote doesn’t count!" Though the marketing
armor option, which makes the suit airtight and protects the
department at BAS has clearly hit a home run with their Tri-V ads,
the Grizzly design is starting to show its age.” occupant from gas attacks, extreme environments, and toxic or
unbreathable atmospheres. At least, until the suit's onboard air
supply is exhausted or the suit is punctured by a Penetrating Hit.
“Designed with multiple, intermeshing layers of armor and
absorption polymers. Mesh is definitely worth the money if you can HERCULES
afford it. Lighter protection than its competitors, but it’s incredibly
lightweight and that’s saying something for an Eridi-Corp product!” “The Armalite Hercules is the lightest armored suit of MBA
currently available. You’re practically spending more for the
8 ARMOR strength enhancement than the armor plating. If want to know what
it feels like to be Ram Python? Now you can... on a budget no less!
Includes an upgraded TDA helm, which is definitely improvement
TARSH over the original. This 2nd generation model is tougher than the
original in all respects.”
“An Eridi-Corp design, the Tarsh holds the distinction of being
one of the heaviest and toughest heavy armor suits on the market This suit provides a +3 bonus to the Shooting skill.
today. It’s lift system is capable of supporting 100 kilograms of
-Graffiti on the side of an MBA helmet
20 ARMOR helm, which is bit light on the sonic protection for a helm that’s
designed to take a hit from a Reflex missile, but that’s admittedly
a minor gripe."
ARMOR OPTIONS number with no Armor Option listed, then the attack did not strike
an Armor Option.
Armor options are devices that are added to an armored suit to
There are two types of attacks that can destroy an Armor Option,
enhance the survivability or lethality of the soldier. Armor options
are normally mounted inside the armor, under the protective outer
which are summarized below.
shell and represented by the armor’s Armor Rating. Modern armor Losing Armor Options Summary
has industry standard expansion chambers, called slots, built into the
suit to hold a variety of standard sized-options. However, there are 01. The Absorption on the suit is exhausted and the attack
some that must be built into the armor itself, making them difficult to gets Aces on the damage with a weapon that's capable of
install and remove. These "built-in" options are typically protective damaging the armor. (Heavy Armor & Super Heavy Armor
coatings or linings that must be applied to the armor's surface or rules still apply). The attack does not have to cause a Wound
sandwiched between the exterior shell and the absorption polymers.
to the character in order potentially destroy an armor option
Built-in options are difficult or impossible to remove or transfer to a
new armored suit once installed. Options that are installed into slots, in this situation.
however, can be transferred by any competent armorsmith. Typically, 02. A Thunderbolt Generator or other electrical-based attack
the cost of the option includes the fee for its initial installation. gets a raise on the attack roll. (SHORT OUT), regardless of
The number of slots available in an armored suit depends on the whether the attack reduces the suit's Absorption or affects
Size of the wearer. The larger the wearer, the larger the armor, and the wearer.
the more slots for options it will possess.
If the suit suffers either of those attacks, roll the appropriate
RECORDING ARMOR OPTIONS armor option die to determine which slot is hit.
When purchasing Armor Options, you must record the location For example, a Size 1 suit of Heavy Body Armor with an Armor of
of each option by writing its name in an available armor slot on 7, a Toughness Bonus of 4, and 1 Absorption remaining. A Size
1 suit has 10 armor slots. The suit is struck by a pulse weapon
the Armor Option list on your character sheet. This is important
that eliminates the remaining point of absorption. Recall, losing
because weapon hits that penetrate an armor can damage or all Absorption also eliminates the suit's Toughness Bonus.
destroy Armor Options.
The armor is then struck again by an archaic powder weapon
Armor options that list – or 0 for Size do not occupy any slots and that gets Aces on the damage roll. However, the archaic powder
are not destroyed unless the armored suit is destroyed. weapon is not a Heavy Weapon, so it can not damage the armor
or cause the loss of an Armor Option.
ARMOR OPTION SLOTS Next the same suit of armor is again hit by a Pulse Weapon,
Heavy Body Armor and Mechanized Battle which does 12 points of damage where the shooter got Aces on
the damage roll. Since the damage roll Aced and the weapon is
Armor (MBA) have the first Armor Option ARMOR capable of damaging the armor, we need to check to see if any
slot occupied by the Actuators that allow the
user of the armor to move easily despite the OPTIONS Armor Options are lost. Since the armor has 10 slots we roll a
d10. We roll a 4, and see that slot 4 is occupied by the suit's Auto
weight. As a result, Heavy Body Armor (HBA) # OPTION
Doc Armor Option, which is now destroyed.
always has one less slot available in each 1 A ctuators
It is important to note that if the last Pulse Weapon hit only did
section than Body Armor of the same Size. 2 S ensors 6 points of damage, which would have done no damage the
However, Mechanized Battle Armor (MBA) 3 Talons occupant, we would still roll to see if any Armor Options were
can be one or two Sizes larger than the user. 4 A uto Do c destroyed as long as the damage roll Aced. Once the Absorption
This can give it additional Armor Option Slots is gone the suit becomes vulnerable to damage, even if it is still
5 A ir S upply protecting the wearer.
over a suit of Body Armor built for the same 6 QSU
Size character. If the same suit, in pristine condition, with 3 Absorption is hit
7 - E M P T Y- by a Thunderbolt Generator that gets a raise on the attack roll.
OPTIONAL RULE: 8 - E M P T Y- Regardless of whether the T-Bolt Generator reduces the armor's
Absorption or causes the wearer to be Shaken or Wounded, we
still roll on the Armor Option table. In this case we roll a 10, and
- E M P T Y-
hit an empty slot. As a result, no Armor Options are lost.
11 - E M P T Y-
Armor Options Key
Whenever an armored suit suffers a hit 12 - E M P T Y-
from an attack that could destroy an Armor NO SPACE SIZE: Size indicates the number of Slots the Armor Option requires.
Option, roll the appropriate die for the OPTIONS WEIGHT: The weight in kilograms added to the Armor for this
armor’s Size and consult the Armor Option A rmor C omp. Option.
table on your character sheet. If the number E nviro
C ontainment TL: This indicates the Tech Level of the Armor Option.
you rolled corresponds to a slot number with
an Armor Option, then that Armor Option is COST: The Armor Option’s cost in Alliance credits.
destroyed. If the roll corresponds to a slot
*The cost of the Auto-Doc is halved if it does not include the automatic bone-setting feature.
Flux Shield 10 Completely negates kinetic weapon, hand-to-hand, and 1 DICE 10 DICE 1 2 5 c150,000
melee weapon attacks. Other damage is subtracted from
Field Strength until it reaches 0.
Flux Shield 15 Negates Kinetic, HTH, and Melee attacks. Other damage is 1 DICE 15 DICE 1 2 5 c500,000
subtracted from Field Strength until it reaches 0.
Flux Shield 20 Negates Kinetic, HTH, and Melee attacks. Other damage is 2 DICE 20 DICE 1 4 6 c800,000
subtracted from Field Strength until it reaches 0.
Flux Shield 25 Negates Kinetic, HTH, and Melee attacks. Other damage is 2 DICE 25 DICE 1 5 7 c1,000,000
subtracted from Field Strength until it reaches 0.
Flux Shield 30 Negates Kinetic, HTH, and Melee attacks. Other damage is 3 DICE 30 DICE 2 6 7 c1,500,000
subtracted from Field Strength until it reaches 0.
Flux Shield 35 Negates Kinetic, HTH, and Melee attacks. Other damage is 3 DICE 35 DICE 2 9 7 c2,000,000
subtracted from Field Strength until it reaches 0.
Flux Shield 40 Negates Kinetic, HTH, and Melee attacks. Other damage is 3 DICE 40 DICE 2 11 7 c2,500,000
subtracted from Field Strength until it reaches 0.
Flux Shield 45 Negates Kinetic, HTH, and Melee attacks. Other damage is 3 DICE 45 DICE 2 14 7 c3,000,000
subtracted from Field Strength until it reaches 0.
*Allows the character to use Athletics instead of Piloting for Mobility Systems that normally require Piloting skill.
“With enough transmitter power to provide city-wide coverage
“Nicht-Grav’s answer to the merc’s ever-increasing combat
in most urban areas.”
load. Reduces encumbrance by 125 kilograms (275 lbs). Big and
ARMOR COATINGS (PP. 122) “This class 3 commo features an impressive 500 km range.”
These after-market modifications are made to the surface of
the armor to increase its durability against specific environmental
conditions or weapon threats. COMMO 4 – PLANETARY
INTEGRON as their users are at least semi-rational. However, once their user
begins taking actions based on emotional urges rather than logical
decision making, the Marvin series has difficulty anticipating
“Standard issue for Galactic Armored Marines, the Integron
the user’s actions. It is, however, very quick to point out when
is the top-of-the-line, combat hardened, combat and armor
it believes there is a more logical course of action available to
management system. The Integron’s built-in tactical and strategic
armor’s occupant. Typically, it does this in a condescending and/
simulation capabilities have become the industry standard, despite
or sarcastic tone, but as with all P-AIs, their personalities are
a few quirks here and there.
customizable. With the Marvins, the sarcasm always manages to
The computer's job is reducing the number of things a soldier slip through no matter which personality you choose.”
must keep track of and reminding them when something needs
their attention. The Integron presents these notices to the user as
icons in their heads-up-display and also via a calm, but insistent
voice in the native language of the user. This voice is referred to as
"Aunty Gron" by drill sergeants and grunts everywhere. Aunty Gron
can be very insistent if she feels that user attention needs directed “The Phoenix is BioCyberdyne’s top of the line armor
elsewhere. E.g. "Change magazines now! Change magazines management P-AI. The system can handle just about everything
a soldier could possibly need it to deal with, and it’s relatively
intuitive. The system’s core personality is best described as
tenacious. Once you give it a job to do, it doesn’t tend to give up,
PARA-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCES (P-AI) and it’s not all that bad at improvising.”
“Made by CRI, the Semi-Autonomous Logistics system, or
S.A.L. for short, is most affordable P-AI currently on the market. “The Eridi-Corporation’s Drakana Electronic Warfare suite
The SAL series of P-AIs have a tendency to get argumentative and has jamming abilities that aren’t much improved over Armalite’s
freeze up when they receive conflicting orders. They are considered offering, but the transmitter on the Eridani-made unit can’t be beat.
a bit dim for a P-AI, which doesn’t help matters when it comes to In terms of range between the two, there’s no comparison. Spend
interpreting orders.” the extra money and get the Drakana.”
“The BioCyberdyne-made Marvin P-AI is an exceptionally “The Shalkon Digital Warfare Package is a bit overpriced in
intelligent model, though like its brethren it has a few quirks. The our opinion. Its capabilities aren’t much better than the Eridani
Marvin-series P-AIs don’t really understand emotions. They can Drakana, and its ECCM capabilities are, frankly, lacking. However,
be quite intuitive when predicting the wants of their users as long it does offer a substantial range improvement over the Drakana.
We’re just not sure whether the range is worth the price.”
not be inferior in any way to the Balshrom model. After another year FLUX SHIELD 45
of tinkering by the engineers, the AKM Flux was released. Other than
the price, it was superior to the Balshrom in every way.”
“This Balshrom designed Flux is marketed as being the strongest
This model Flux Shield, when undamaged, has a Field Strength personnel Flux generator available. Supposedly made to protect
mechanized battle armor against tanks and heavy weapons, the
of 20 dice.
field’s durability against a tank is questionable. There is no denying
the fact that it is the best and strongest Flux generator available for
personnel armor.”
This model Flux Shield, when undamaged, has a Field Strength
“In what has to be one of the oddest press releases in history, of 45 die.
the Non Violence Consortium (NVC) announced that it would be
releasing the Galaxy’s most effective personal Flux Shield. Despite
the fact that these units are primarily used by soldiers to wage war, MEDICAL PACKAGES (PP. 122)
the NVC asserted that because the Flux Shield is entirely defensive
in nature, it did not violate the company’s mandate to never produce
weapons.” AUTO DOC
This model Flux Shield, when undamaged, has a Field Strength “An Auto Doc is capable of using internal sensors to detect and
of 25 dice. diagnose injuries and medical conditions of the armor’s occupant. The
Auto Doc can administer the proper medical treatment for the injury/
condition using the build-in medical tools throughout the armor and
FLUX SHIELD 30 its auto-injector, which is filled with commonly used medical drugs.
Like the Injection Port (see below), the Auto Doc’s injector can be
“A joint effort between AKM and AMC’s research division, the accessed from outside the armor by the team’s medic. This allows the
Improved Personnel Defense Flux exceeded the capabilities of either medic to supplement the Auto Doc’s pharmaceuticals with additional
company’s prior fields. The developers soon received a huge order medications it might need to treat the patient’s more unusual conditions
from the Alliance military, and they have been hopping to keep up or injuries without removing the armor. Perhaps their most impressive
with demand. These units are currently selling for a premium due to feature is that Auto Docs can use micro-manipulators throughout the
their scarcity.” suit to push broken bones or bone fragments into proper alignment
before administering a mBRI. Auto Docs can be purchased for half the
This model Flux Shield, when undamaged, has a Field Strength listed price if you’re not interested in the automatic bone set feature.”
of 30 dice.
The Auto Doc is treated as having d10 Healing skill. In addition,
it can administer BRIs, mBRIs, anti-viral drugs, cyro injections,
FLUX SHIELD 35 and drugs to combat shock. An auto-doc can make a Healing
skill roll once on the character's Turn, and if successful,
“The Biocyberdyne Model 72 was designed originally to be removes the Shaken status.
installed into cybernetic devices but has found a niche in the armor
When putting bones into proper alignment before
administering an mBRI, an Auto Doc requires 1 Turn, unless
This model Flux Shield, when undamaged, has a Field Strength the bone is shattered, in which case it requires 1d4 Turns. If
of 35 dice. the Auto Doc fails its skill roll when setting bones, it will simply
try again. It will not administer the mBRI until the bones are in
proper alignment, unless its safety protocols are overridden.
A less expensive version of the Auto Doc, which lacks the
automatic bone-setting abilities, can be obtained for half the
“The Bear Armor Systems Flux Engagement System is about as
big as they come in personnel-sized Flux Shields. The system was normal price.
designed specifically for BAS armored suits but can be mounted to
any suit of armor.”
This model Flux Shield, when undamaged, has a Field Strength
of 40 dice. “The Combat Performance upgrade uses a combination of combat
pharmaceuticals and brain modification technology to make the user
a more effective soldier. The system increases the soldier’s reaction
time, pain resistance, and ability to process information while under
stress. The system only works for a short period, and it does tend to
leave the user fatigued for a short period afterward.”
Once activated, the effects of the system last for a single SLEEP & STIM MANAGEMENT
Turn. When active, the character can view their Action Card
immediately after drawing, discard it if they wish, and draw a “This system is designed to mitigate sleep deprivation and
new one. In addition, characters receive a +4 bonus to their fatigue. It allows the soldier to function for days without adequate
Vigor roll when rolling to see if they remain conscious after sleep or rest and maintain a sharp focus. Eventually, however, the
soldier will reach their physiological limits, whether they can feel it
taking a critical hit. The character’s Agility and Strength are
or not, and simply collapse from fatigue.”
all increased by one die level for the duration of the system’s
effects. Pace scores are also increased by 1. Characters do not need to make Vigor roll when sleep deprived
Once the system’s effects have ended, all the beneficial or Fatigued, but their Vigor will continue to decrease until
effects are lost, and the character becomes Fatigued for 1d4 they rest. In addition, the character can ignore any penalties
Turns. Refills cost c5,000 credits. from Fatigue or sleep deprivation. Though eventually they will
collapse in exhaustion.
“The injection port allows a medic to inject the soldier in
armor with medications without removing the armor or exposing “Sometimes referred to as the automatic MRE, the Sustenance
the soldier to outside environmental conditions. The port can be Management system uses an internal food processor to inject the
locked to anyone who does not have a friendly IFF Beacon. There is user with a liquid nutritional supplement at preset intervals of time.
a manual unlock code, which is usually given to the team’s medic.” This allows soldiers operating in hostile atmospheres to eat without
removing their helmets. This system also handles disposal of waste
and allows soldiers to take care of other bodily needs without
LIMB LOSS CONTROL removing their armor.”
1 Pistol, rifle magazine, standard E-Mag for rifle-sized weapon
1 Extended E-Mag for rifle-sized weapon
2 SMG-sized weapon, Short sword “Most types of armor are a composite of high-strength,
3 Rifle-sized weapon, Small pack E-Mag lightweight metal alloys. Nevertheless, they are very bulky and
cumbersome when not worn.”
3 Medium pack E-Mag
4 Light machine gun-sized weapon By placing the armored suit in a carrying case, it becomes
much easier to transport, and its normal weight value is used.
“A BMH, also called a Body Mount Harness, mounts directly to
the back of a Cizerack like a saddle. Instead of a rider, the BMH holds
“A forward-facing flexsteel shield worn on the arm of the
a weapon. The BMH allows the Cizerack the freedom to move on all
combatant. The shield is lightweight, 0.7 square meters in size, and
fours and still engage enemy units using their weapon. The basic
shaped to the user’s preference.”
BMH points directly ahead of the cat, and the Cizerack must align its
shoulders to square up to the target in order for the weapon to point A combat shield functions exactly like a regular shield, but
at the target. The weapon in the BMH can be mechanically activated
provides a +3 parry, -2 cover, and has an Armor of 6 when an
using a trigger in the cat’s gauntlet or it can be verbally activated.”
attacker attempts to shoot through it. Hardness 18.
Because the cat must turn their body to aim the weapon, a -2
Shooting penalty is applied whenever the Cizerack changes
targets in the same Turn. A BMH can hold a rifle-sized DETACHABLE ARMORED PACK
weapon or smaller. Only one BMH can be used on a single
“Similar to an Armored Storage Compartment, the Armored
individual, and the BMH can only be used by a Cizerack.
Pack is an armored backpack that attaches to the suit. Unlike the
Armored Storage compartments, the Armored Pack does not take
up space in the suit. Instead it attaches to the back of the suit and
BMH (LOOK & SHOOT) is armored to match the protection rating of the suit where it is
attached. Because the pack isn’t limited by the internal space of
“Follows the same basic principle as the BMH, except that the armor, it can hold a lot more gear. In addition, the pack can be
the weapon is on an articulated mount that swivels and tilts detached with a command from the wearer, dropping to the ground
automatically to point wherever the cat is looking. A Look & Shoot for later retrieval.”
BMH and the cat’s natural quadrupedal stance, gives the Cizerack “This allows a soldier to carry all the gear they might need for
a distinct advantage over other combatants in rough terrain.” a camp or for a prolonged march. However, the soldier can drop
all of that weight at a moment’s notice if they have to engage in
Unlike the basic BMH, this mount has no changing targets
combat. The packs are lockable and have a locator beacon that can
penalty. This BMH can hold a rifle-sized weapon or smaller. be turned on or off remotely. This allows the soldier to find his pack
Only one BMH can be used on a single individual, and the after the chaos of battle so he can dig those well-deserved MREs
BMH can only be used by Cizerack. out of it. Since it’s lockable, it also keeps his buddies from swapping
out the good MREs for those awful ones that nobody likes.”
“The pack can be locked and unlocked manually with a
code, with a signal from the user’s commo, or by someone with a
command override. The locator beacon can be set to activate when
the pack is dropped, when it receives an activation command sent and biological weapons/diseases that must be inhaled or
from the commo of the armored suit where it was attached, or by come into contact with the character’s skin to be effective.
someone with a command override.”
Note: Remember that kinetic attacks that reduce the
Hold's a backpack's worth of stuff (GMs Discretion). Double Absorption of an armored suit puncture it, eliminating the
the amount for a Size -1 character, and cut it in half for a Size environmental containment. This can be fixed by purchasing
1 or 2 character. Locator beacon has a 5 km range. the Quick Sealant Unit (QSU) Armor Option.
“Taking off your armor is normally time consuming. An “Small, air-bladders inflate when activated by a voice command.”
Emergency Exit enables the owner to punch in a three-digit code
on an arm keypad or give a verbal command to blow all the latches This device will allow an armored soldier to float in a fluid with
and seals, allowing immediate egress from the armor.” the same density as fresh water.
“This option seals the suit from the outside environment “Many suits of armor, in addition to combat, serve in police and
to protect against chemical and biological attack forms. It search & rescue roles. In those situations, a fire extinguisher can
is also watertight. Air supply must be purchased separately. be invaluable. That’s not to say that Private Guff, the Ram Python,
Environmental containment is standard equipment on Heavy Armor won’t occasionally set things on fire by accident.”
and Mechanized Battle Armor. Can be used in place of a spacesuit
for very short periods of time.” The extinguisher has a range of 2/4/8 and enough fire
retardant to put out a fire covering a Size 2 creature. The
Heavy Body Armor and Mechanized Battle Armor include fire retardant will have limited effect on burning plasma or
Environmental Containment. This option is only for Body phosphorus, but it will handle normal fires just fine. Refill
Armor. All armor with the Environment Containment Option cannisters (Weight 0.5) cost 5 credits each.
makes the character immune to airborne biological weapons
“First invented by a small company named ArmCore. The “This armor option allows the user to magnetize the soles of
company was almost immediately purchased by the Chatilian their boots and the palms of their gauntlets in order to adhere to
Interest Firm when they announced their process for modifying metal surfaces. Handy when you’re doing EVA work or trying to
armored suits and helmets so they didn’t interfere with the hang onto the outside of a speeding skimmer.”
generation of matrices. Since then, the sale of ArmCore’s “When magnetized the boots/gloves can be set for assistive
Generation Compliant Armor System has made their parent or anchor. In assistive mode, they simply keep the character from
company hundreds of millions of credits, if not more.” floating away in a zero-G environment, and the magnetic force can
easily be overcome, allowing the character to walk semi-normally.
With this upgrade installed, Matrix Controllers do not have to In anchor mode, the unit's function at their maximum power level,
spend twice the normal number of Power Points required to allowing the character to resist significant G-forces or attempts to
generate a Matrix while wearing armor. dislodge them. The cost for Mechanized armor is quadruple the
listed cost.”
“Compensates for the recoil of weapons fired on automatic.” “An improved version of the standard Mental Shielding. Forget
what we said about the standard Mental Shielding. This is the
Hand-held weapons on armored suits equipped with a Gyro version you really want!”
Stabilize negates the Recoil penalty.
Increases the MENTAL (MEN) Resistance by two levels.
Weakness (WEAK) becomes Resistant. None becomes
LASER SHIELD Superior (SUP). This option can not increase an armor's
resistance beyond Superior (SUP).
“This is a modified Combat Shield that provides a laser
reflective surface. The surface is covered by a matte black
material that quickly burns off when struck by a laser, revealing the PA SYSTEM
reflective surface below. The material is self-healing and covers up
the reflective surface nearly instantaneously after the laser ceases “Want to make yourself heard over a crowd or across a large
contact with the shield.” distance? This public address system will pump your voice, or
whatever audio you want, through an external speaker that can
Armor of 12 vs. lasers. In all other respects, it functions the greatly amplify the sound levels.”
same as the Combat Shield.
When this option is installed, you can ignore the first Armor
Option lost due to an attack. After that, the protection is
expended and any future hits to your Armor Options will
affect them normally.
This unit allows the user to ready a single pistol, SMG, or rifle-
sized weapon as a free action, even if stored in a difficult to
access location.
“Fits onto the Air Supply and allows the user to breath for days
rather than hours.”
“Search lights generate a powerful cone of light to 300 m. The “Usually attached to the non-firing arm, this arm rocket rack is
light can be adjusted to emit white light or any other color in the manufactured by Ramcor.”
visible spectrum. In addition, the light can also emit in IR or UV
if the user wishes. The light can easily be seen by anyone who is
paying attention.” MYCROLINE
An active search light eliminates any illumination penalties “The Mycroline is unique in that it was the first arm rocket rack
for darkness or inadequate light when making an attack that could be mounted to the leg section of an armored suit. Since
or Notice roll against a target in the beam. If the light is its debut, manufactures have modified their racks to be mounted
switched to IR or UV, a character with a sensor system just about anywhere on an armored suit, but the Galactic Defense
can obtain the same benefits described above without Contractors’ Mycroline rack was the one that invented the concept.
the light being seen by creatures who lack Infravision or It’s still a popular design nearly fifteen years later.”
Ultravision, respectively.
“The rack holds 12 Reflex missiles.”
“An old school defensive system. Sometimes low tech works
the best.”
The Shield has an Armor of 3 and has a Hardness of 15. In all
other respects, it functions the same as the Combat Shield. “The Digiton rack is top of the line and holds up to 15 Reflex missiles.”
MISSILE RACKS — RAC (PP. 125) Mobility systems list a Combat Pace and a Travel Pace. When
attempting to maneuver in combat, including dodging, evading,
Missile Racks are required to house and launch rockets and attacking, use the Combat Pace. By spending an action and
missiles, unless a missile launcher is used. making a skill roll the character can make an extra movement at
The following rules replace the Missiles rules in Savage Worlds. their Combat Pace. The mobility system description will specify
whether to use Athletics or Piloting skill. Failure indicates the
In the Shots column, the first number indicates the number of character must roll on the Out of Control table. A Glitch result on
Arm Rockets the rack holds, and the second number after the the Out of Control table requires the roll on the Armor Option table
divider indicates the number of Reflex Missiles the rack holds. for the armored suit. If an option occupies the slot rolled it is out of
The listed ROF is actually the number of missiles that can be fired commission for 1d4 turns.
per round. Do not use the Bullet Per Rate of Fire table in Savage
Worlds. Missiles are considered inert until armed. One missile rack When cruising from point A to point B in a straight line with
capable of holding Reflex Missiles per character. adequate time to turn and stop use the Travel Pace. Characters
can not use the Travel Pace value while in combat.
In addition the type of movement (RUN, JUMP, etc.) is specified in
parentheses. Pace (JUMP) or Pace (FLY) for systems that can only
be used for jumping or flight, respectively.
CLIMBING SYSTEM Combat Pace (FLY) score becomes 18 in armor, and the
character can move in any direction. It takes 12 Turns to
“Mounted to the arms and legs of the suit, this system allows reach maximum speed or 6 Turns if you Push It. Requires a
the user to stick to almost any surface that will hold their weight.” Piloting skill to use.
Provides +4 to Athletics tests when climbing, and allows the
user to move at half their Pace when climbing MECHANIZED SPEED
“This simple system allows infantry to jump chasms or to SKIMMER SYSTEM (R.A.M. PACKAGE)
jump from building to building in war-torn urban areas. The system
recharges during normal movement and has an effectively unlimited “Designed to give armored infantry the ability to travel long
number of uses when supplemented by the armor’s onboard power distances without having to run in their armor. The Rapid Armor
supply. Users can make 10 m jumps like a Cizerack on steroids.” Maneuver Package or RAM Package, as it’s better known, turns a suit
of armor into a one-person skimmer. Not fast by any means, a RAM-
Combat Pace (JUMP) scores become 10 when making jumps equipped suit still allows a soldier to travel just above ground level at
in armor. Requires an Athletics skill roll to use. 15 meters per second for up to 50 km before needing a recharge. It’s
slow, but it still beats running.”
KEEN GLIDE MODIFICATIONS Combat Pace (FLY) score becomes 12 in armor. It takes 5
Turns to reach maximum speed or 3 Turns if you Push It.
“This kit modifies the torso and arm sections of the suit so that Requires Piloting skill to use.
the Keen can extend its glide membrane while wearing armor. The
armor does not protect the flight membrane while extended. If the
armored suit needs to be environmentally contained, increase the THRUST ASSISTED JUMP UNIT
cost by C500. A thin film gives the glide membrane the benefits of
the environmental containment.”
“Designed to allow soldiers to quickly cross open areas in urban
combat. The Thrust Assisted Jump Unit is capable of propelling an
If this modification is installed in an armored suit with
armored suit across 75 m gaps using rocket motors. The system
Combat Pace (FLY) or Combat Pace (JUMP) score, a +2 requires a lot of practice, and every soldier who has used one
bonus is applied to all Athletics rolls when flying. In addition, knows the pain of slamming into a wall at high speed or misjudging
the Keen can use their Athletics skill in place of the Piloting a jump, only to plummet to the ground. The upside is once you’ve
skill when using another armor mobility system mastered the system, you spend very little time exposed and in the
open when moving from cover to cover.”
LIMITED FLIGHT PACK Combat Pace (JUMP) score becomes 12 when making jumps
in armor. Requires an Athletics skill roll to use.
“The limited flight pack allows an armored suit to literally fly.
It has a range of about 250 km. It’s as close you’re going to get to
a MARS without having to sell your first born. The vernier thrusters
used for maneuvering take up a lot of space on the suit.”
“These ports are installed in the back of an armored suit and “Automatically dispenses smoke when the wearer’s armor is
pop open, allowing a Raazet to use its wings while in armor. The struck by high-intensity light, such as lasers. The smoke spreads
armor does not protect the wings while the port is open. If the at a rate of 4 m per second in all directions. Can also be turned on
armored suit needs to be environmentally contained, increase manually to provide visual concealment.”
the cost by c500. A thin film gives the wings the benefits of the
environmental protection. A suit with this option may not mount a Creates an area of smoke in a LBT that imparts a -4 penalty
Missile Rack to the Torso section of the armor.” to Notice rolls that use vision.
Installation of the wing ports allows the Raazet to fly using their
wings, assuming their encumbrance load still permits it. In SOUND CANCELLATION
addition, the Raazet can use their Athletics skill in place of the
Piloting skill when using other armor mobility systems. “This device monitors sounds created by the movement of the
armor and discharge of the weapons used by the occupant. When
this system detects a noise, it immediately analyzes the sound wave
PHYSICAL COUNTER MEASURES (PP. 125) and generates a counter-wave at the same amplitude as the original
sound. The result is the two sounds cancel each other. The system is
Physical counter measures are electronic or mechanical devices not perfect, and sound travels relatively slowly. Often there is a slight
that make it more difficult for your enemy to detect or attack you. delay before the anti-wave cancels out the original sound wave.”
These range from simple smoke generators to full spectrum cloaking.
This is a passive countermeasure. Stealth Rating: -2. Penalty
ANTI-SENSOR COATING to Notice roll using hearing is -4.
• In Passive Mode sensor systems suffer the same penalties SENSOR PACKAGE 1
to see or hear targets that apply to characters making
Notice Rolls. “The standard class 1 sensor package is a TL 3 system that
provides limited, forward-facing detection capabilities out to about
• In Active Mode sensor systems ignore all penalties to see or
half a kilometer. The system is incapable of seeing through solid
hear targets that apply to characters making Notice Rolls, materials.”
but immediately broadcasts your presence and location to
any enemy sensor systems in range.
• If the target has a Stealth Rating(s) and/or ECM, use the SENSOR PACKAGE 2
largest single penalty when making a Notice roll with a
sensor system. “This forward-facing (180 degree) Tech Level 4 sensor
package has a 2 km range and improved active sensor strength
Notice is the die type the character can use in lieu of their own over its predecessor. It does not have any material penetration
Notice skill die when making a Notice roll to detect a threat or capabilities.”
Range is how far away from the operator the sensor is capable of SENSOR PACKAGE 3
detecting objects, persons, or threats.
“An improved TL4 sensor package, this system has an
PEN (Penetration) value is the number of meters of solid material improved range (5 km) and some impressive material-pass through
through which the sensor will detect objects. capacities. The system is capable of seeing through most solid
materials less than 3 m in thickness.”
This system is entirely passive. It will detect active sensors, SENSOR PACKAGE 5
operating EWS, broadcast communication signals, and
natural phenomena (light, heat, gas composition, magnetic “The class-5 sensor system focuses on passive detection
fields, radiation, air pressure, etc.) that come into direct capabilities. Though its active suite is nothing to sneer at, where it
contact with the suit. really shines is in its ability to detect the enemy without revealing
the user’s location. This system is also capable of ignoring up to
10 meters of intervening solid material when scanning objects in
THREAT DETECTOR a 60 km radius."
This system is entirely passive, and will alert the user if Redundant Sensors
they are being scanned by sensor systems, affected by
an electronic warfare system, or under threat from an Sensor Systems are vitally important on the modern battlefield. It's
automated weapon with a target lock on them. not uncommon for a suit to have a second sensor system installed in
case one is destroyed.
“If it moves shoot it. If it doesn't move, pick it up, and shoot it.”
-Tharg, Ram Python
KINETIC WEAPONS high velocity to deal a tremendous concussive blow to the target.
Armored personnel struck by Omega weapons are frequently
Archaic powder weapons are what humans referred to as knocked off their feet.
firearms on 20th and 21st Century planet Earth. Since the other Omega weapons are generally very heavy, necessitating an
races advanced past gunpowder weapons long ago, no weapons A-Grav system to reduce their felt weight. In addition, they make a
other than those designed by Humans are listed. Powder weapons tremendous thunderclap like boom every time they’re fired, which
do normal damage against light body armor. They are still quite is why they have the nickname of ‘thud gun.’
useful, though long outdated. Due to the strict regulations barring
the indiscriminate sale of high-tech arms to non-evolved societies,
archaic powder weapons are quite prolific. They are short to
Omega Weapons are considered a concussive attack and ignore
medium range weapons with a fair damage yield. The revival of the suit's Armor values. They are treated as a having an Armor
these weapons happened during a time when the 20th century was Piercing score of ∞.
in vogue. The old cartridge names were revived, though the modern Environmental Condition: N/A
versions feature improved terminal effectiveness and ballistics
Attack Effect: [KNOCKBACK]: If you get a raise on your attack
over their older counterparts. Unfortunately, those names stuck
roll when using an Omega Weapon the target is knocked back 2d6'
when it came to the ones using imperial measurements (e.g. .22
away from the attacker and ends up Prone. The Game Master may
caliber). Why don’t those jerks at Balshrom just call it a 5.6 mm
also require a Strength or Athletics roll at -2 for the target to retain
× 15.6 mm? (Editor’s note: the next two pages from Madd Mike’s
any held weapons or equipment.
were removed for brevity and language).
In the Battlelord's universe kinetic weapons are rarely armor
piercing and they are rarely capable of affecting Heavy Armor. Pulse weapons are short range, high shock value instruments
Environmental Condition: N/A used primarily by Assault Groups of the Galactic Armed Forces.
They fire accelerated plasma pulses surrounded by a magnetic
Attack Effect: None
bottle to keep the energy from dissipating. Pulse weapons are
heavier than lasers and are much more expensive. They do,
however, reduce things to rubble at close range. Pulse weapons are
Armor Piercing Weapons in Savage Worlds also the preferred weapon of Pythonians.
Ignore the Armor Piercing values on all weapons in the Savage Environmental Condition: N/A
Worlds rulebook, except for anti-vehicular weapons. The materials Attack Effect: None
used to create personal armor in Battlelords make them highly
resistant to archaic firearms and kinetic attacks. That's why
Omega weapons were invented! Pulse Weapons vs Cover
When a pulse weapon strikes an inanimate (non-living) object,
other than armor or armored vehicles, it automatically gets +4
MENTAL ATTACKS bonus damage. In addition, Pulse Weapons always ignore the first
4 points of Cover Bonus.
Mental attacks can have a variety of effects on a target. Always
check the attack description or weapon description. If the target
or the target's armor has Resistance to Mental attacks they will
receive a bonus to their roll when resisting the effects of these RADIATION
Exposure to ionizing radiation can cause tissue damage and/
Environmental Condition: MEN Attack or radiation sickness. Check the attack description or weapon
Attack Effect: None description for more information.
Environmental Condition: RAD Attack
OMEGA WEAPONS Attack Effect: [IRRADIATED] If a radiation-based attack or weapon
The Omega weapons represent the ultimate in anti-armor gets a raise on attack it leaves the target Fatigued.
technology. Professor Alexandratos of the Tashinir Research
institute first theorized the Omega Principle in 2189. With the help SENSORY ATTACKS
of the Mutzachan scientist Trashim, Alexandratos discovered how
to manipulate the internuclear forces between atoms. He called it Sensory attacks can have a variety of effects on a target. Always
the Omega Principle. The present-day Flux Shield and all Omega check the attack description or weapon description. If the target
weapons are a result of this breakthrough. or the target's armor has Resistance to Sensory attacks they will
The Omega Principle allows the instantaneous creation of a receive a bonus to their roll when resisting the effects of these
physical barrier. The initial goal was protective (the Flux Shield). types of attacks.
However, through experimentation, it was realized that a properly
formed field could be fired a significant distance and remain Environmental Condition: SEN Attack
intact. In other words, a force field could be sent down range at a Attack Effect: None
PISTOLS (PP. 154) Additional Effect on attack roll raise: Penetrating Hit
T .380 12/24/48 2d6 – 1 6 2 d4 – c60
T .45 12/24/48 2d6+1 – 1 8 2 d4 – c120
MARS 9mm 12/24/48 2d6 – 1 16 2 d4 – c400
Wolf Hellhound 12/24/48 2d6+1 – 1 14 3 d4 – c425
Zk Cudda 12/24/48 2d6+1 – 3 10 3 d4 – c650
CARBINES & RIFLES (PP. 154) Additional Effect on attack roll raise: Penetrating Hit
Wolf L-16A5 24/48/96 2d8 – 3 31 6 d4 – c500
Musket 10/20/40 2d8 – 1 1 4 d4 Reload 3 c1,000
Torvald/MARS-7A 24/48/96 2d8+1 – 3 21 6 d4 – c10,000
Zk .50 Courier 30/60/120 2d10 4 1 12 16 d8 Snapfire, Heavy c15,000
SUBMACHINE GUNS (PP. 154) Additional Effect on attack roll raise: Penetrating Hit
Torvald .44 SMG 10/20/40 2d6 + 1 – 4 40 or 80 2 d4 – c375
Heartbreaker SMG 12/24/48 2d6 – 3 30 3 d4 – c600
SHOTGUNS (PP. 155) Additional Effect on attack roll raise: Penetrating Hit
Torvald Hammerless 10ga. 14/28/56 1-4d6 – 1-2 2 8 d6 Reload 2 c150
Wolf L-880 12ga. 12/24/48 1-3d6 – 1 5 6 d6 – c200
MARS 12ga. 12/24/48 1-3d6 – 2 6 7 d6 – c550
LIGHT MACHINE GUNS (PP. 153) Additional Effect on attack roll raise: Penetrating Hit
L-76 30/60/120 2d8+1 – 3 50 16 d8 Snapfire, Reload 2 c10,000
LTX-311 24/48/96 2d8 – 3 250 22 d8 Snapfire, Reload 2 c18,000
Hose 30/60/120 2d8+1 – 3 200 35 d8 Snapfire, Reload 2 c60,000
HEAVY MACHINE GUNS (PP. 153) Heavy Weapon, Additional Effect on attack roll raise: Penetrating Hit
BC-Testament 50/100/200 2d10 4 3 200 40 May Not Move Heavy Weapon, c50,000
Snapfire, Reload 2
Chainsaw Lightning 50/100/200 2d12 4 4 200 70 May Not Move Heavy Weapon, c260,000
Snapfire, Reload 2
FLUID GUNS (PP. 156) Additional Effect on attack roll raise: Varies with Goo type
Lil Goop Cone Template 1d6 – 1 8 2 d4 Damage varies with Goo, c500
or 5/10/20 Reload 2
Dialomatic Cone Template or 3d6 – 1 50 8 d6 Damage varies with Goo c2,500
Pool Filler Cone Template or 2d6 – 1 25 8 d6 Damage varies with Goo c7,000
F Cannon Cone Template or 3d6 – 1 50 30 d8 Damage varies with Goo c12,000
GRENADE LAUNCHERS Additional Effect on attack roll raise: Varies with Grenade
LASER PISTOLS (PP. 157) Additional Effect on attack roll raise: Superheated
OMEGA WEAPONS (PP. 159) Additional Effect on attack roll raise: Knockback
OC-1 7/14/28 2d6 ∞ 1 16 8 d6 Heavy Weapon c31,500
Balshrom Flux 12/24/48 2d8 ∞ 1 16 8 d6 Heavy Weapon c35,700
Valley Green Ox 20/40/80 2d10 ∞ 1 12 10 d6 Heavy Weapon c90,000
Viper XM1 50/100/200 3d6 ∞ 2 16 10 d6 Heavy Weapon c52,000
Cobra XM2 50/100/200 2d10 ∞ 3 16 10 d6 Heavy Weapon c55,000
Able 3 20/40/80 2d12 ∞ 1 12 8 d6 Heavy Weapon c100,000
Devastator 20/40/80 5d6+2 ∞ 2 8 10 d6 Super Heavy Weapon c570,000
Python XM3 20/40/80 4d8 ∞ 1 8 12 d6 Heavy Weapon c600,000
Abomination* 60/120/240 6d6 ∞ 3 40 24 d8 Super Heavy Weapon c1,700,000
*Improved Knock Back generated by this weapon pushes the target 4d6' away from the attacker & the penalty to retain hold of held items is -4.
PULSE “RECOILLESS RIFLES” (PP. 161) Additional Effect on attack roll raise: None
Interfon 9/18/36 2d4 5 – – – 1 Heavy Weapon c1,000
Slipstream 20/40/80 2d6 5 d6 150 – 1 Heavy Weapon c3,000
Yo Momma 7/14/28 3d4 5 – – – 1 Heavy Weapon c3,500
Dragonfire-7 20/40/80 3d6 5 – – – 1 Heavy Weapon c6,000
Dragonfire-8 30/60/120 3d6+2 5 – – – 1 Heavy Weapon c6,500
Balistex 30/60/120 3d8 5 d8 150 – 1 Heavy Weapon c7,000
Single Varies Varies Varies 1 1 5 Theses launchers come empty. The range and damage is c4,000
Tube determined by the missiles you load into them.
Quad Varies Varies Varies 2 4 5 These launchers come empty. The range and damage is c6,000
Tube determined by the missiles you load into them.
* This missile has 50% chance (even roll on a d10) of ignoring Flux Shields.
**See the Carnage Companion for more information on the optional Anti-Tank (AT) and Surface-to-Air (SAM) rules.
Smoke 5/10/2020 – LBT 1 Vision is obscured (-4 penalty for c50 c200
characters/-2 for sensors)
TK-1 5/10/2020 3d6-2 MBT 1 – c50 c200
Riot Gas 5/10/2020 – LBT 1 Targets must make a Vigor roll (at c75 c300
-2 with a raise) or be Distracted.
Characters in Heavy Body Armor or
better are immune to gas attacks
unless the armor has been breached.
SEN Attack.
TK-2 5/10/2020 3d6 MBT 1 – c75 c300
Blinder 5/10/2020 – MBT 1 Targets must make a Vigor roll (at c100 c400
-2 with a raise) or be Stunned. SEN
TK-3 5/10/2020 3d6+2 MBT 1 – c100 c400
Bang 5/10/2020 1d4 SBT 1 – c150 c600
Phosphorous 5/10/2020 2d6 MBT 1 [INCENDIARY] A raise on the attack c150 c600
roll means the target is automatically
considered on fire and takes fire
damage in following rounds. Heavy
Weapon, FIRE Attack
Quabal 3/6/2012 2d6 [CONCUSSIVE] Armor Piercing score
0 0 c350 c–
of ∞
Plasma 4/18/2016 4d4 MBT 1 Heavy Weapon c1,000 c4,000
Super 3/6/2012 5d6 LBT 2 Heavy Weapon c5,000 c20,000
Plasma 3/6/2012 4d6 LBT 2 Super Heavy Weapon c20,000 c80,000
Omegaton 2/4/2008 3d10 LBT 3 [CONCUSSIVE] Armor Piercing score c50,000 c200,000
of ∞, Super Heavy Weapon
Cyan Sphere 2/4/2008 2d4 SBT 1 – c100,000 c–
Acid 5/10/2020 3d6 – 1 [ANTI-ARMOR] If you get a raise on your c75 c300
attack roll the bonus damage die used is
a d12. Heavy Weapon, ACID Attack
Glue 5/10/2020 – – 1 The target is hindered. If you get a c125 c500
raise on your attack roll the target is
Absorption 5/10/2020 3d6 – 1 This grenade can not injure characters, c200 c800
Destroyer and can only reduce an Armor's
Absorption. Heavy Weapon
Freezy Pop 5/10/2020 3d6 – 1 [FROZEN UP] If you get a raise on your c425 c1,700
attack roll the target is Hindered. Heavy
Weapon, COLD Attack
Hellfire 5/10/2020 2d6 – 1 [INCENDIARY] A raise on the attack c425 c1,700
roll means the target is automatically
considered on fire and takes fire damage
in following rounds. Heavy Weapon, FIRE
Bad Bug 5/10/2020 See – 1 The target must make a Vigor roll at -2 c500 c2,000
Notes of become Fatigued. If they fail the first
Vigor test, they much make a successful
Vigor roll each following day (unless
they receive medical treatment) or add
a level of Fatigue. If the target becomes
Incapacitated they perish. This attack
does not affect armor with a Armor higher
than 15. Heavy Weapon, BIO Attack
BZ 5/10/2020 See – 1 The target must make a Vigor roll at -2 or c500 c2,000
Notes become Distracted. If they fail the first
Vigor test, they much make a successful
Vigor roll each following day (unless
they receive medical treatment) or add
a level of Fatigue. If the target becomes
Incapacitated they perish. This attack
does not affect armor with a Armor higher
than 15. Heavy Weapon, BIO Attack
Med Mag 5/10/2020 – – 1 This helpful grenade administers a mBRI c500 c2,000
(see equipment), healing the target. This
attack does not affect armor with a Armor
higher than 15. Heavy Weapon
Neuro Tox 5/10/2020 See – 1 The target must make a Vigor roll at -2 c500 c2,000
Notes or become Vulnerable for 2d4 rounds.
This attack does not affect armor with
a Armor higher than 15. Heavy Weapon,
BIO Attack
Zapper 5/10/2020 2d4, – 1 [SHORT OUT] If this weapon sticks to an c500 c2,000
AP: ∞ armored suit and you get a raise on your
attack roll, then roll the Armor Option die
specified for the target's suit. If there's
an option listed at that slot number it is
destroyed. If the target is unarmored,
they are Vulnerable on an attack roll
raise. Heavy Weapon, ELE Attack
Parasite 5/10/2020 1d6 – 1 If this grenade hits a weapon that c1,125 c4,500
requires power, subtract the damage
from the weapon's Shots.
Super 5/10/2020 See – 1 Targets must make a Vigor roll (at –2 with c1,375 c5,500
Sonic Notes a raise) or be Stunned. SEN Attack
WEAPON SIZE The favorite weapon of Phentari 1,000 years ago is making
a big comeback today. Most Phentari signal their intent to attack
COMPARABLE SIZED by starting up the chainsaw, hoisting the weapon into the air, and
lowering it slowly. Kinda melodramatic, but you know how the squids
Pistol Pistol sized Easily Concealable are. Most modern versions use electric or magneto-drive motors.
UB Under-barrel Easily concealable when not The weapon carries enough power for 2 hours and can be used
weapon / mounted to a weapon.
Pistol Sized to cut down tree-equivalents.
Carbine Carbine sized Easily Concealable when not
Rifle Rifle sized Difficult to Conceal without a
long coat or a Ram Python. Designed by the Buddon Priests. The e-mace generates a
LMG Light Machine Nearly impossible to conceal. spherical Flux Shield at the end of its 30 cm shaft. This weapon
Gun sized does tremendous amounts of crushing damage.
HMG Heavy Large, vehicle mounted or 30 minute power supply. This weapon generates Knockback,
Machine Gun emplaced weapon.
sized like an Omega weapon, on an attack roll with raise.
A plasma sword is the preferred weapon of the Eridani
Buddon Priests. The blade generates a magnetic field to This Mutzachan boomerang-like weapon is made of wood. The
contain the super-heated plasma it uses to cut. When the sword triangular wood projectile is thrown with a flicking motion much
is turned off, it is essentially a really expensive club. When like any flying disc. The metal blades inset into the wood inflict
activated, it is fully capable of affecting heavy armor and gives significant wounds.
off quite a bit of light.
The weapon returns to the wielder if the attack misses the
The weapon runs for one hour. Affects Heavy Armor and Flux target.
Shields normally.
This was an ancient Eridani hunting weapon. It is comparable
Used by peace forces everywhere to get people to stop to the bolas of earth but has 4 spiked balls attached to each other
breaking things. with lengths of flexible wire. The weapon is used to entangle an
opponent’s limbs.
Unarmored targets must make a Vigor roll when struck by an
activated Stun Baton or be Stunned for 1 round. The Baton must
make contact with skin to work. The baton will not work against PTFANG
anything with armor or even heavy clothes (e.g., a thick winter coat).
Another interesting Phentari weapon. It is essentially a
spear in shape and about 2 m in length. The head of the weapon
THWACK’EM STICK is a blade made of four separate pieces of metal which fit closely
together. When a button is pushed, the blades open into a fan
This is a favorite of Ram Pythons. It is a club which is sized for shaped configuration, exposing barbs hidden inside the spearhead.
a Ram Python although most Humans call it a tree in disguise. Most Typically, a Phentari would aim for the midsection. Once the
are highly decorated, and many also double as a musical instrument. weapon was embedded in their opponent, they’d push the button
slicing open the body and exposing the barbs to rip out internal
organs. Phentari love this weapon.
This is the Ram Python version of a crossbow. It features a string CHAINSAW LIGHTNING
made from a flexible steel alloy made on Pythos called coronate.
A Gatling configuration heavy machine gun firing 20mm. One time
The weapon fires three bolts at one time.
we convinced a Ram Python he could fire it. Wow, was that a bad idea!
All archaic powder weapons are assumed to have silencers L-76 MACHINE GUN
integrated into the weapon. Most Kinetic weapons can’t affect
anyone in Heavy Armor or Mechanized Armor. Exceptions will There is nothing particularly special about this 7.62mm LMG
from Wolf Industries. It is widely available across the Alliance and is
either be noted.
often mounted on vehicles. The unit comes with a bipod.
Archaic Powder Heavy Machine Guns (Pp. 145)
Heavy Machine Guns (HMGs) follow all of the Machine Guns rules LTX-311 MINI GUN
in Savage Worlds.
This mini gun is available for situations where shouting
“Get Down!” isn’t going to work. This weapon is extremely
unlikely to jam and fires 25 rounds in a single second. Uses
5.56mm ammunition.
Archaic Powder Pistols, Rifles, SMGs (Pp. 145) TORVALD .44 SMG
ARCHAIC POWDER PISTOLS, RIFLES, SMGS The Torvald is generally used for intimidation and cover fire as
Effect on attack roll raise: Anti-Armor it is only accurate at short range. It is favored by anyone wanting to
get attention.
Heartbreaker SMG 4 Carbine 3 c600 Drum Magazines are treated as a Size 4 mag and increases
the number of Shots to 80.
MARS 9mm 2 Pistol 2 c400
Musket – Rifle 2 c1,000
T .380 1 Pistol 2 c60 TORVALD/MARS-7A
T .45 2 Pistol 2 c120 Created by a joint venture of Torvald Industries and MARS, Inc.
Torvald .44 SMG 2 or 4 Pistol 3 c375 The TM7A has almost no kick despite the 7.62mm ammunition.
The Marrson Optics-4 zero-magnification, holographic sight is
Torvald/MARS-7A 4 Rifle 3 c10,000
incredibly accurate up to 100 m.
Wolf Hellhound 2 Pistol 3 c425
Wolf L-16A5 4 Rifle 3 c500
Zk .50 Courier 4 LMG 3 c15,000
Zk Cudda 2 Pistol 3 c650 This is one of the most powerful semi-automatic handguns
ever mass-produced. It sounds like a cannon going off. It is often
called The Terminator because of the very high probability it will kill
HEARTBREAKER SMG a sentient being in one shot.
T .380
Zk GMBH designed this gas operated .44 caliber handgun.
Torvald industries makes this ultra-concealable pocket semi- The weapon is bulky compared to others in its class due to a
auto. It is better than nothing but is best suited for situations where counterweight under barrel to control muzzle rise when firing. It is
concealment is paramount. popular for hunting big game and angry Pythonians.
T .45
WOLF L-880 12G
This entry by Vector is a good start in their competition against
The finest weapon of its kind, with the possible exception of Balshrom. It leaves the Duster in the dustbin.
the MARS 12 ga. This semiautomatic, bullpup shotgun features
a removable magazine that holds 5 rounds, with an extra in the
chamber. MAJESTIC-UB
An under barrel mounted goo thrower. The range is terrible, but Another Wolf under barrel product. This one is modified to
a pistol-sized weapon is easy to hide, and a fluid gun isn’t going to improve accuracy and range.
generate a large fine.
This Under Barrel weapon system can be converted into a TURBO PLUS
pistol for c50.
This rifle-configuration weapon leverages a drum cylinder
holding 12 rounds. It isn’t the best for range, but it is great for
POOL FILLER speed. Paint your mag grenades purple, and you can make your
target look like a bunch of grapes before the kaboom!
Designed for maximum goo throwing.
The first in a series of output adjustable lasers. The Alpha
Designed to reach out and touch someone (with a grenade). This 2 was designed by the Balshrom Science Corporation. The
carbine-configuration grenade launcher is instantly recognizable weapon has 2 power modes, a low power mode and a high-
by its unique dual drum magazine system. power mode available in a switch on both sides near the thumb
rests. UV Laser.
The higher power setting uses two Shots per trigger pull.
This sniper rifle is used by the majority of would-be assassins. Wolf wanted to field something in the very competitive laser
It’s light and portable yet retains formidable firepower. market so they dusted off a familiar design and voilà! The weapon fires
a low frequency laser that fires a beam in the red spectrum of light.
The Arrow LOSN comes with a bipod.
Laser Machine Guns (Pp. 146)
BS-2 LASER PISTOL Field setup and tear down time for a Laser Machine Gun is 2d4
minutes. Subtract one minute from the setup time for every die
Developed by the Balshrom Science Corporation and level of appropriate Weapon skill possessed by the most skilled
still widely used on the New Colonies and Tech Level 4 planets gunner assembling/disassembling the weapon. Assembly time
or lower. The BS -2 is the standard weapon in most Rebel
cannot be reduced below 2 minutes.
arsenals. The fast recycle time allows this weapon to fire on
full-auto mode.
Effect on attack roll raise: Superheated
The Calsham 4 uses a phase altering integrated enhancement BC-Flayer t E-Mag 20 HMG 5 c350,000
system, which eliminates the beam attenuation problem. It is
Valley Green t E-Mag 30 HMG 5 c600,000
capable of engaging targets at long range and does some serious
damage! UV laser. Valley Green E-Mag 30 HMG 6 c1,200,000
Exp t
This weapon is the product of Electronics Amalgamation. It
The Flayer is Balshrom’s entry into the laser HMG market
does more damage than just about any other laser pistol, but it is a
space. It has a slightly lower rate of fire than its competitors, but a
bit inaccurate and heavy.
higher sustained rate of fire and more power make up for that. The
Flayer can tackle most infantry who are not in mechanized battle
armor. The highly optimized laser optics drive the price up.
This unit is a 1 shot laser, consisting of a custom energy cell VALLEY GREEN EXPRESS
and the laser itself. It fits in the palm of an average Human. The
powerful refractive system refines the beam, allowing it to do more
The Valley Green Express is High Tech’s upgraded version of
damage than one would suspect from its size. The Mirchaum SSLU
the Valley Green It has better optics, improved damage yield, and
is easily concealed and is sometimes used by assassins.
nearly twice the rate of fire. The only laser machine gun on this
list capable of affecting any kind of mechanized battle armor. It
also mounts a Flux Shield to improve crew survivability. The main
SAVAGE B downside is the price and weight. Due to the weight & number of
components, it takes two or more crew members to transport it.
The state of the art in optics technology. It is extremely accurate and
has a good damage yield. It is the preferred pistol of the Galactic Marines. Includes a Flux Shield with a 10-die Field Strength.
The Omega Cannon-1 is the first Omega Weapon which was
Another product of the Able Corporation. The A-Grav on
mass produced. It was designed by collaboration between Able
this weapon system is tuned to facilitate movement and reduce
Corporation and the Tashinir Institute. The weapon is inaccurate and
time to bring the barrel into firing position. The weapon is also
somewhat unreliable, but it can take out a Pythonian in a single shot.
highly effective at short ranges for those of you who like close
encounters of the Flux Cannon kind. The Able 3 uses a 25 kg
A-Grav field to reduce its weight, and like all A-Grav systems, it
will show up like a signal flare to sensor systems and UV optics.
This high-end Ramcor product has increased output at a This fine weapon from Balshrom has an innovative system
cost of decreased cycle time. Rumor has it that the Ramcor that doubles the amount of plasma going downrange. This means
engineering team couldn’t come up with an effective A-Grav it also blows through ammo and power twice as fast as most Pulse
integration, so they stole the tech from Able Corp. The thought Machine Guns. Includes an NVG Flux Shield.
activated option provides improved operator survival through
decreased reaction time. Includes a Flux Shield with a 10-die Field Strength.
The High-Tech Weapons Manufacturing subsidiary of A Gatling configuration Pulse Machine Gun produced by Able
Able Corporation came up with this gem decades ago, and it Corporation. This weapon trades rate of fire for more powerful
is still in use. Key factors in its longevity are the range and plasma pulses. Includes an NVG Flux Shield.
damage output.
Includes a Flux Shield with a 10-die Field Strength.
This Ramcor product is a no-frills weapon, which fills its role
well. It doesn’t hurt that it has an improved rate of fire and an A nice entry level Pulse Machine Gun. On the plus side, it only costs
extended engagement range. All you need is a pair of extra E-Mags, a couple hundred thousand. Pfft. It’s a lot of fun to fire too. On the minus
and you’re ready to rock and roll. side, in a combat arena, the enemy tries to put it out of commission
fast, which makes the life expectancy of the gunner quite short.
1-SHOT WONDER An excellent cannon! It trades a little range for a lot more
damage. The M20 has a good inertial grav system and has a longer
This tube launcher throws a lot of plasma down range. It is a range than the PC-X series. The M20 includes a tripod, which is
poor man’s Pulse rifle. It’s cheap, so it’s still used. The E-Mag for stored in the stock of the weapon when not in use.
this weapon is a proprietary design, made specifically for the one-
The tripod takes 2 rounds to set up.
shot to keep costs down. It only holds enough power for one shot
and costs c50. Make it count.
The first multiple shot Pulse rifle. The advanced recoil
suppression system uses St-3 Flex foam. The Mentar packs
A top-notch launcher. The downsides are its cost and plasma
sufficient firepower to tackle Heavy Armor.
consumption. It completely consumes a pistol-sized Pulse
magazine in a single shot. The good news is that it does keep that
jerk in Heavy Armor behind cover, or he risks a gaping hole in his
chest. Developed by Dickens Corp after they received complaints OWS-40 CRIMSON DESTRUCTION
from Alliance light infantry about not having a portable weapon to
deal with MBA, other than expensive Reflex missiles. This Pulse rifle uses a novel Shuestron approach to feed
PMG-sized rounds through a light Cannon-sized weapon. It is light
enough for mere mortal humans to use. The Abomination Omega
Pulse Rifles Weapon gets a lot of attention, but this baby is half the price. A
body mount harness is essential to carrying the weight and
Pulse rifles are typically employed as heavy infantry weapons or
managing the combo power coupling/Pulse round feed system.
squad support weapons, given their size and weight. Much like The Pulse Machine Gun ammo cans fit nicely on a back. The
laser rifles, there are Pulse rifles with a high enough Rate of Fire to standard small pack sized E-Mag can be swapped out for a larger
effectively function in the light Machine Gun role. cell. Our recommendation: Buy it!! Don’t go cheap after spending
c4,000,000. We recommend springing for the optional second can
PULSE RIFLES of PMG rounds and hooking it in on the back in a side by side config.
Effect on attack roll raise: Armor-Shredding The harness is built to feed from two ammo cans, and at a voice
command, it can switch to the reserve.
SIZE SIZE The higher power setting uses two Shots per trigger pull.
BC-Terminator Pulse 2 Rifle 6 c600,000 Uses a 40 kg A-Grav system This weapon comes standard
Setting 2 Pulse 4 Rifle – – with Rapid Targeting Assistance that uses the A-Grav system
to push the barrel towards the intended target. This allows the
M20 Blaster Pulse 3 Rifle 4 c20,000
operator to redraw any Action Card lower than a 4
Mentar Pulse 4 Rifle 4 c25,000
Improved Armor-Shredding: This weapon does +10 damage,
OSW-42 Crimson Pulse 8 LMG 7 c4,000,000 rather than +4, when getting a raise on an attack roll.
Destruction * t
PC-3 Pulse 2 Rifle 4 c14,000
RP4 Cannon Pulse 4 Rifle 5 c100,000
Setting 2 Pulse 8 Rifle – –
Vector 4 Pulse 2 Rifle 6 c200,000
* Improved Armor-Shredding does +10 damage not +4.
It takes two people 2 rounds to load each missile into a launcher. DIGITON
If a single person is firing and loading the launcher, it takes 4
rounds per missile. Freestanding launchers may be mounted to Three times the damage of a Narc at only twice the cost. Talk
vehicles. On-the-shoulder launchers cannot be used if the shooter to your Hansen rep today!
is moving.
A long range multi-warhead product from Marrson Optics. This
This is the standard shoulder fired, single missile, tube launcher system can reach to 5 km at a speed of 1 km/sec and is capable of
for Reflex XL and Reflex missiles. It is manufactured under contract delivering 4 warheads simultaneously. This missile is perfect when
for the Alliance military by a number of contractors. you want to say goodbye.
REFLEX MISSILES (PP. 148) This weapon carries multiple warheads within the nose cone
of the missile. Each of the four (4) warheads does the listed
Reflex Missiles can be loaded on Reflex Missile Racks individually damage. When the weapon nears the designated target, the
or stacked in Heavy Missile launchers. These missiles are quite effective nose cone breaks open and warheads separate from the
at taking out armored infantry, lightly armored vehicles, low flying
craft, bunkers and anything else that is in the way. The sensor systems
missile. The warheads then proceed independently, on a
are tuned to infantry but don’t have a penalty for larger targets. ballistic trajectory, toward the originally designated target.
Once deployed, any Projectile Defense System (PDS) will
Due to their relatively slow speed, Reflex missiles can only engage have to engage and destroy each warhead to eliminate the
aircraft that are at or near Nap of Earth (NoE) altitude: no more than threat posed by the attack.
200 m above the ground. The aircraft must either be approaching the
target head on or in very slow flight (less than 100 m/s)
A cheap way to show your enemies how much you like them.
Manufactured by Hansen.
ORDINANCE-10 This missile has 50% chance (even roll on a d10) of ignoring
Flux Shields.
An oddity in the Reflex standards, the usual warhead is
replaced with a separate 10 round grenade launcher. The unit may
be loaded with any ten launchable grenades. When the weapon WHISTLER
nears the designated target, all grenades are fired. Load this puppy
up with Glue Grenades, and you’ve got a sticky situation. Given the An innovative product from Balshrom Science. Its tracking and
flexibility of payload, the possibilities are what make this missile EWS capabilities are unmatched for the price.
Divide the grenades evenly across all targets within a REFLEX XL MISSILES (PP. 148)
Medium Blast Template centered on the target. If the payload
Reflex XL Missiles are designed to have longer ranges than
consists of different types of grenades, the GM will randomly standard Reflex missiles. Reflex XL missiles fit in standard Reflex
determine which target is hit by which grenade. launchers, but due to their length, they are typically launched from a
man portable launcher system rather than a standard armor mounted
launcher. They can also be loaded into Heavy Missile launchers.
When Reflex XL missiles are loaded into an armor option missile
A combination penetrator and explosive. It is highly effective against rack, the wearer of the armor has to take care not to bang the missile
armored targets. The missile moves about a kilometer per second! around. No explosion will result, but the missile, which protrudes from
the rack, can get hung up causing the operator to lose their balance.
Game Masters should require Agility rolls when operating in tight
SAYLON spaces where having a missile project in front of you (shoulder mount)
or above your head (back mount) would be awkward.
This missile is produced by Marrson Optics and rates the highest
marks from Madd Mike’s Mercenary Brochure. The high explosive,
Flux-focused charge is the secret to its damage yield. If you’re not
excessive, you’re never really sure. Why have nagging doubts?
Releases a taffy-like foam that expands rapidly to fill roughly This sprayable goo is thin and has an incredibly low viscosity.
5 cubic meters of volume. The foam is tough but flexible, allowing The goo runs like melted wax, quickly covering the ground before
it to hold targets in place without totally immobilizing them. The solidifying and turning completely transparent. Once solidified, the
foam is also porous, allowing targets that are completely covered to goo is nearly frictionless and very slippery. Grapples are typically
breathe normally. It also allows unscrupulous individuals to deliver used to pull vehicles and personnel out of the slip-zone.
gas attacks against targets immobilized in the foam.
There are two types of grenades. The first type are explosive
SCRIM GOO grenades. They cause damage via concussion and fragments
(aka frags) thrown at lethal speeds by the exploding grenade.
This is a lightweight goo that envelops the target and expands The second type are special purpose grenades, which include gas
in random patterns to disguise the silhouette of the object covered.
grenades, Freezy pop grenades, and acid grenades, just to name
It is designed to camouflage targets and reduce their sensor
signature. The goo is filled with smart-dyes that create random, a few. Grenades can either be thrown by hand or launched by
terrain matching camouflage patterns. If the object is moved (or a weapon. Launched grenades are more expensive and cannot
moves itself), the lightweight goo breaks up and falls away from the be thrown.
concealed object.
Costly but very effective at ripping up armor! Buy a six pack!
Bang 3 1 c150 c600
Blinder 4 1 c100 c400 PLASMA SEDUCTION
Cyan Sphere 6 1 c100,000 –
Renowned Physicist Brett Miller designed this for overkill. If
Omegaton 6 4 c50,000 c200,000 you’re not excessive, you’re never really sure.
Phosphorous 3 1 c150 c600
Plasma 4 1 c1,000 c4,000 QUABAL
Plasma 5 3 c20,000 c80,000
Seduction Quabals are shuriken-like devices that explode on impact.
Quabal 3 0 c350 – Quabals can only be purchased on an Eridani planet or on the
Black Market. One is tempted to ask the question: If Eridani are so
Riot Gas 3 1 c75 c300 honorable, why are they carrying these lovely items?
Smoke 2 1 c50 c200
Super Plasma 4 2 c5,000 c20,000
TK-1 3 1 c50 c200
TK-2 3 1 c75 c300 The grenade emits a noxious gas, which causes immediate fits
of coughing.
TK-3 3 1 c100 c400
"Nothing says 'I Love You' like a grenade in their shorts." SMOKE
This is an improved version of your standard, no-frills, basic
Micro form factor with nitro-7 inside. 1/10 the size of a normal
frag grenade.
grenade. This grenade is highly concealable. Due to shock sensitivity,
they are frequently placed where they can be hit with something that
will set them off. These grenades cannot be launched.
MAG GRENADES (PP. 149) of electromagnets, molecular glues, and conventional adhesives to
adhere to a victim. Most are armed right after they are thrown or
MAG GRENADES leave the barrel and trigger on impact, though some have timed
detonations. Mag grenades have a wide variety of payloads, but they
don't usually explode and typically affect only the target they strike.
TL WEIGHT (THROWN) (LAUNCH) Mag Grenades can be set so that if they do not strike a
target, they will permanently deactivate. They can also be set
Absorption 4 1 c200 c800 to lay dormant if they do not strike a target; they automatically
Destroyer attach to the next metal object that passes within range of the
electromagnet (3 meters) in the grenade. If the grenade does
Acid 4 1 c75 c300
not find a new target within 1 galactic day, it will permanently
Bad Bug 4 1 c500 c2,000 deactivate as a safety precaution.
BZ 4 1 c500 c2,000
Mag Grenades are designed to work against armored personnel,
Freezy Pop 4 1 c425 c1,700 and do not usually have blast template. They're designed to
Glue 4 1 c125 c500 permanently bond to the target they strike, making them very
difficult to remove. Mag grenades are usually set to detonate on
Hellfire 4 1 c425 c1,700
impact, but they can be set (before firing) to detonate at a later
Med Mag 5 1 c500 c2,000 time - up to hours or days later if the user desires. Any attempt
Neuro Tox 4 1 c500 c2,000 to remove a Mag Grenade on a timer requires the target to make
Parasite 5 1 c1,125 c4,500 Strength roll at -6. Unless you’re a Pythonian or in strength-
augmented armor, you’re not getting the grenade off before it
Super Sonic 4 1 c1,375 c5,500
Zapper 4 1 c500 c2,000
Magnetic Grenades can be shot off, but this requires a Called Shot
Mag Grenades (AKA Magnetic Grenades) work like magic! at -4 under combat conditions, where other modifiers are likely to
They stick to your target. They can be thrown, but they are usually apply. A miss means the shooter has hit the target where the Mag
launched out of grenade launchers, sticking to the target on impact. Grenade was stuck instead of the grenade.
Despite the name ‘magnetic grenades’ the devices use a combination
This mag grenade uses a small one-shot shaped charge to drill Healing bliss from a distance. Uses a small one-shot laser to
a tiny hole through the armor and release a chemical designed to drill a small hole and release a BRI. The hole is then refilled with
destroy absorption polymers. It can be used by the more liberal a QSU charge, and the munition detaches automatically. This is
among Zen without fear of violating their pacifist code. another popular round for Zen
The laser that drills a hole in the target's armor can not The laser that drills a hole in the target's armor can not
penetrate Armor higher than 15. penetrate Armor higher than 15.
Corrosives are useful in eating away at armor and the people A small charge puts a hole in the armor and then a neuro agent
inside. is released into whatever body tissue was damaged by the charge,
which eventually paralyzes the target.
BAD BUG The laser that drills a hole in the target's armor can not
penetrate Armor higher than 15. BIO Attack
Not a bed bug. This grenade uses a small charge to put a hole in
the armor, and then inserts a genetically engineered, cross-species
bacteria into whatever body tissue was damaged by the charge. PARASITE
Those who are infected become contagious. This weapon is illegal
on all Alliance worlds. This round drains the power from items it contacts, including
armored suits. Hits to weapons drain batteries and hits to armored
The laser that drills a hole in the target's armor can not suits disable options and actuators in the section hit. The effects
penetrate Armor higher than 15. BIO Attack last for up to 10 seconds, unless the round is destroyed or removed.
Note that shooting a parasite round after it has drained power
tends to make them explode.
A small charge puts a hole in the armor, and then BZ agent is SUPER SONIC
released into whatever body tissue was damaged by the charge.
The effect is to make the target instantly intoxicated. This Mag Grenade emits a sonic pulse to knock the target
unconscious. It is particularly effective against Mazians, Chatilians,
The laser that drills a hole in the target's armor can not and Cizerack.
penetrate Armor higher than 15. BIO Attack
This mag grenade delivers a powerful electric jolt to whatever it
This grenade functions like a frost gun round that explodes hits and is ideal for disabling weapons and armor options.
on impact.
"Using that as a hammer is contraindicated by the SOP."
Toys, toys, toys… Guns aren’t the only thing every merc troop or
pirate band needs. Sometimes a flashlight, compass, or bit of rope
just might save your life. Not to mention that BRI or MBRI for when DEVICES (PCD)
you’re bleeding out. So what kind of gear do you need? As always,
Everyone on a TL4 world and above carries a PCD. These devices
that depends upon the job. Though it’s usually recommended that
are used to access information, communicate, and to transmit data.
communication, survival, and medical supplies always be carried. PCDs that are worn are sometimes referred to as Body Comps. PCDs
These choices are further complicated by seven Tech Levels, and Body Comps are capable of running various applications to assist
therefore, not all equipment you want to carry may be available the individual in any given task. These computing devices have been
when you’re on frontier worlds. integrated into clothing, fashion accessories, and even food.
An off-the-shelf PCD can project visual information into the
user’s field of view and/or transmit audio information to their ears
without causal observers nearby being able to see or hear the
Lightweight Gear information. These devices also come with built in microphones,
interactive holoprojection equipment, and wireless and wired
No one wants to track gear weight in fractions of a kilogram
connection points. Computers can access the Hypernet, the galaxy-
(aka kilo). For ease of use, equipment that weighs less than a spanning version of the Internet that exists in the 23rd century, on
kilo is designated with an asterisk (*). Assume that 10 pieces of any Tier 1 or Tier 2 planet. Tier 3 planets with a publicly accessible
equipment with a weight of * count as 1 kilo, if you're tracking inter-planetary communication array may have Hypernet access.
weight. No computer or P-AI is allowed to use a weapon or controlled
device in a manner that could lead to death or serious bodily injury
Metric vs. Imperial due to restrictions built into the device by Alliance law.
Computers may act like they have personalities, but that’s
When measuring travel distance or using Pace, we assume that exactly what it is. An act. A computer’s responses are simply pre-
Yards and Meters are functionally equivalent for our purposes. programmed. Most computers act pretty chipper or at least neutral.
There is no reason to do a conversion from imperial to metric or However, P-AIs have true personalities and like people, they’re
vice-versa. not always happy. You can change the default personality of a
P-AI, but they usually retain some aspects of their factory default
However, Savage Worlds tracks gear weight in pounds. We're temperament.
using Kilograms for weight, and we describe gear size using
The actions a computer can perform are based on the programs
centimeters. What if I want to use gear weights from Savage
it possesses. Civilian computers and P-AIs can control any
Worlds in Battlelords? You can convert the lengths and weights in
“friendly” device in range, excluding weapons. Military computers
Savage Worlds to metric using the rules below.
can access friendly devices in range including weapons. A friendly
Imperial to Metric Length Conversion: Multiply the length in device is any device available to the public or one in which the
inches in Savage Worlds by 2.5 to convert to centimeters. owner has granted access to the computer.
Imperial to Metric Weight Conversion: Multiply the weight in Sending and receiving between devices in Range is a free action.
pounds in Savage Worlds by 0.45 to convert to kilograms. Analyzing data is always a free action for a computer or P-AI.
Furthermore, computers act during the character’s initiative have
If you want to convert the metric to imperial measurements, use 1 action, whereas P-AIs always act first during a round and have
the rules below. 2 actions.
Metric to Imperial Length Conversion: Multiply the length in Each computer and P-AI has an Smarts attribute, but only P-AIs
centimeters in Battlelords by 0.4 to convert to inches. possess the Spirit stat. Programs on computers are represented
as skills. Computers can use skills just like characters. Note
Metric to Imperial Weight Conversion: Multiply the weight in that some lower end computers are restricted to skills that have
kilograms in Battlelords by 2.2 to convert to pounds. Smarts as their linked attribute.
Binoculars +1 to Notice in normal lighting + 12 cm x 8 cm x 3.5 cm 2 c100
Binoculars (Advanced) +2 to Notice, even in low-light conditions * 12 cm x 8 cm x 3.5 cm 2 c1500
Binoculars (Multispectral) +2 to Notice. Night Vision, Infravision, Ultravision * 12 cm x 8 cm x 3.5 cm 3 c3000
Bio Scanner Automatically detects plants and animals that lack camouflage abilities. * 10 cm x 6 cm x 1 cm 4 c7000
Camouflage Detector Negates penalties to Notice due to Camouflage (except Camo Unit Armor Options). * 10 cm x 3 cm x 1 cm 5 c15,000
Explosive Detector Automatically detects common explosives 1 20 cm x 10 cm x 5 cm 5 c8,000
Geo-Tracker Automatically maps caves and tunnels through 20m of rock. * 14 cm x 5 cm x 5 cm 4 c4,500
Goggles (Night Vision) Grants Night Vision * 12 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm 2 c1,300
Goggles (Sensor) Grants Infravision and Ultravision * 12 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm 4 c2,800
Jammer Detector +2 to Academics to detect and locate active jammer * 5 cm x 5 cm x 2 cm 4 c2,000
Mood Discriminator +2 to Notice to detect hostile persons in a crowd * 5 cm x 4 cm x 3 cm 5 c15,000
Motion Detector Automatically detects motion within 50 m. * 5 cm x 4 cm x 3 cm 4 c5,000
Sonic Amplifier +2 to Notice rolls involving hearing * 10 cm x 8 cm x 2 cm 4 c2,000
Urban Layout Computer Creates 3D map of everything within 50 m radius * 12 cm x 10 cm x 3 cm 5 c2,500
UV Flare Flare only visible to sensors and Ultravision * 22 cm x 4 cm x 4 cm 3 c500
Vibro Rod d8 Notice to detect moving ground vehicles within 1 km * 20 cm x 4 cm x 3 cm 5 c7,000
Bounce Pad Creates landing pad for safe falls from up to 10 m * 10 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm 5 c15,000
Bug Bots Drone cameras, Pace: 3 * 2 cm × 1 cm × 5 mm 4 c8,000
Bug Finder Notice of d8 for finding surveillance equipment * 3 cm × 4 cm × 4 cm 4 c1200
Breacher 4d6 damage vs walls when Breaking Things 1 1 m × 40 cm × 0.5 cm 3 c4,500
Climbing Gloves and Shoes +2 to Athletics when climbing * 22 cm x 16 cm x 0.5 cm 4 c12,500
Cosmetic / Disguise Kit +2 to Performance when impersonating or disguised * 18 cm × 16 cm × 7 cm 3 c35
DNA in a CAN Allows the user to pass for someone else in a DNA scan * 12 cm × 6 cm × 6 cm 5 c23,000
Displacer Teleport 20 m away on a 1-7 on a d10 1 10cm × 10cm × 3cm 6 c120,000
(Personal, Disguised)
Duplicator Creates full body disguises 380 1 m × 40 cm × 25 cm 5 c55,000
Electronic Safecracker +2 to Thievery when safe cracking * 10 cm × 10 cm × 3 cm 5 c45,000
Forcecuffs Handcuffs with stun feature * 38 cm × 3 cm × 3 cm 4 c800
Forgery Kit +2 to Thievery when forging 8 1 m × 75 cm × 25 cm 5 c2,300
Gloves (Drug Delivery) Deliver drugs or poisons on skin contact with target * 22 cm x 16 cm x 0.5 cm 4 c4,200
Holo Projector (Disguise) +4 to Performance when impersonating or disguised * 8 cm × 8 cm × 5 cm 4 c35,000
Holographic Decoy Pace: 6, -2 penalty to Notice its true nature * 5 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm 4 c26,000
HUD Heads-Up-Display in the form of contacts or glasses * Varies 4 c2,600
Imagizer -2 to Notice for scanners to see true contents of a large containers * 2 cm × 2 cm × 2 mm 4 c19,000
Insanity Limpet Mine Cybernetics and robots must make Malfunction Table roll * 1 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm 5 c16,000
Jump Pads Lets you jump 5 meters 1 20 cm × 16 cm × 3 cm 4 c7,000
Light Bridge Creates a bridge up to 25 m 60 4 m × 10 cm × 10 cm 6 c80,000
Lock Pick Set (Basic) Tools required to pick mechanical locks * 10 cm × 7 cm × 5 cm 3 c50
Lock Pick Set (Electronic) Tools required to pick electronic locks * 15 cm × 8 cm × 5 cm 4 c450
Lock Pick Set (Professional) +2 to Thievery rolls when picking locks * 10 cm × 7 cm × 5 cm 3 c500
MDD-24 Allows you to walk through walls * 14 cm × 7 cm × 4 cm 6 c45,000
Mind Probe Records 1 min. of targets memory 15 15 cm × 15 cm 20 cm 6 c90,000
Motion Scrambler Scrambles motion detectors within 100 m * 3 cm × 3 cm × 3 cm 4 c16,000
Null Suit Stealth becomes d10, -4 to Notice rolls to spot user. * 8 cm × 8 cm × 1 cm 5 c85,000
Pocket Jammer Communication gear in 25 m radius must roll on Malfunction Table * 3 cm × 3 cm × 3 cm 4 c4,200
Privacy Hat Increases Mental Resistance vs. Mind Probe attempts * 5 cm × 5 cm × 5 mm 6 c34,000
Sensoid Killer Destroys up to 10 surveillance devices in 20 m radius * 7 cm × 7 cm × 7 cm 5 c180,000
Sensor Diffracting Sprayed objects get -2 to be seen by a Sensor's Notice roll * 10 cm × 6 cm × 6 cm 4 c800
Spray Paint
Sound Nullifier -2 to Notice rolls to spot you made using hearing * 12 cm × 12 cm × 12 cm 5 c1,800
Spy Dot Mini-camera with quantum transmitter. Infinite range. * 1 cm × 1 cm × 2 mm 6 c200,000
Stun Nullifier Negates up to 10 stunner blasts * 13 cm × 13 cm × 2 cm 5 c48,000
Stunner Vigor roll or be stunned. Choose ELE Attack or BIO Attack version. * 26 cm × 5 cm × 5 cm 4 c5,800
Walking Dead Man Wraps around a target forcing them to walk. Vigor roll at -1 * 6 cm × 6 cm × 6 cm 6 c44,000
Wireless Remote Cam Motion-activated, adhesive camera. 1 km transmission range. * 6 cm × 4 cm × 4 cm 3 c800
Wrist Thermite Sprayer 3d6 vs. objects when Breaking Things. 2d6 FIRE Attack vs. *14 cm × 8 cm × 3 cm 3 c1,500
Amperon Doubles Matrix Range. Not Usable by Chatilians 0.5 5cm x 5cm x 15cm 6 c75,000
Atmospheric Processor Reprocesses exhalations into more breathable air 4 14cm x 6cm x 6cm 4 c800
Bagpipes A favorite of Orions everywhere * 74cm x 27cm x 21cm 3 c2,300
Basic Survival Pack A pack of goodies * 20cm x 12cm x 10mm 3 c500
Brain Scratcher A must have for Chatilians 5 1.5m x 8cm x 2cm 6 c100
Cizerack Work Gloves Negates the cat's Fumble Fingered Hindrance * 10cm x 20cm x 7cm 4 c500
Fire Extinguisher Will extinguish a flaming Ram Python 3 15cm × 8cm × 8cm 3 c40
Flare Tube Single use flare 8 3cm × 3cm 14 cm 3 c20
Food Cubes 1 unit of nourishment * 10cm × 10cm × 5cm 4 c50
Generation Defense System MCs within 30m suffer a -1 to Generation rolls * 5cm × 5cm × 5cm 5 c65,000
Grenade Scoop +2 to grab a grenade 2 1m × 10cm × 10cm 5 c1,000
Job Visor +2 to Repair rolls 1 12cm x 8cm x 4cm 5 c3,000
Mega Glue Strength roll at -2 to break * 10cm × 2cm × 2cm 4 c30
Mutzachan Necessary for Melonhead maintenance * 10cm × 6cm × 1cm 5 c2,000
Blood Filter
Oxygen Tank Holds 6 hour of O2 1 30cm × 20cm × 6cm 3 c200
Personal Fly at Pace of 20 for 30 minutes 25 1m × 50cm × 30cm 4 c140,000
Flight Device
Psychic Nullifier MCs within 60m suffer a -2 to Generation rolls * 15cm × 8cm × 3cm 6 c2,500,000
Psychic Revenge MCs generating within 30m must make a Vigor roll to avoid being Stunned * 12cm × 7cm × 2cm 6 c1,750,000
Psychic Shield Generator Increases Mental Resistance one level - 3cm × 2cm × 5mm 4 c125,000
Skull Polisher A favorite of Phentari everywhere * 20cm × 4cm × 4cm 4 c450
Terrible Tail STR+d10 damage on tail attacks 3 15cm × 15cm × 9cm 3 c600
Tool Kit (Engineer) +2 to Academics or Science skill when designing stuff 25 1m × 70 cm × 25 cm 3 c1,750
Tool Kit (Repair) +2 to Repair skill when fixing stuff 25 1m × 70 cm × 25 cm 3 c1,200
Web Gear Lets you stick your gear wherever it's handy - 1m × 10cm × 3mm 4 c60
Only skills with Smarts as the Link Stat can be purchased for a Most common device for business users. This device is
computer (except Generation), unless the description states pocket sized and connects with sensors placed within the user’s
otherwise. A computer can be used to make a skill roll directly or it clothing. The device monitors the client’s health, location,
and communications. This PCD is typically used by academic
can Support a character in making a skill roll if it has the same skill.
or business types and is usually preloaded with programs for
Computers cannot make skill rolls for skills they do not possess. business, finance, and statistical analysis.
A P-AI can attempt a skill roll without the proper skill just like a
character. Comes with a d4 of Academic (Law, Finance) and a d4 in
Science (Math & Statistics). This computer can only use skills
A computer can not use skills with a higher die level than their
with Smarts as their Link Stat.
Smarts. Thus, a computer with an Smarts of d4 cannot have a skill
higher than d4. If you have access to a skill at a higher level, you
can still run it on that computer, but it will only be able to make skill GAMMA 30
roll at level d4. There is no maximum number of skills a computer
can run. In the 23rd century, storage is effectively limitless. Adapted from the military’s CR240 Field System, the Gamma
30 features the same rugged construction. This powerful P-AI
COMPUTER PROGRAM COST comes in its own armored case. It can interface with any local
devices (wired or wireless) within range including antimissile
systems, ECM systems, vehicles, and displacement devices.
d4 3 c1,000
d6 3 c10,000 This computer can use piloting skills, weapon skills, and skills
d8 3 c100,000 with Smarts as their Link Stat. Armor: 5
d10 3 c1,000,000
d12 3 c2,000,000 GENIE
d12+1 4 c4,000,000
d12+2 4 c6,000,000 This computer is integrated into clothing and interacts like
the Cracker. It is shielded and undetectable by scanners of TL 6 or
below. Espionage types love its small size and ease of use along with
CLIP TECH PCD the interface projected directly into the eyes and virtual keyboard.
This device is impact resistant, waterproof, and weather A very popular brand of combat P-AI manufactured by SSDC.
resistant. It is rugged and durable, perfect for the frontier world, This little beauty is shielded from EMP and armored attacks. It is
extreme camping, and mercenary work. Data viewing glasses with loved by mercenaries from Orions to Pythons for its ease of use
microphones for sound are included with the system although and compatibility with armor systems. It is optimized to interface
it can connect to implanted transceivers or viewing contacts. with antimissile systems, HICs, ECM systems, vehicles, and
Furthermore, these devices will monitor vitals embedded within displacement devices. The Strike Force’s personality is that of a
your clothes. These devices are voice activated, and automatically concerned commanding officer, who is concerned with providing
download any maps, survival tips, and first aid tips for the planet the best advice to their trooper.
you land on if they have access to the Hypernet.
Comes with d4 in Battle skill. Armor: 8
+1 to Survival skill when you have access to this device.
Armor: 2
Comes with d6 in Science and enough empathy to make you The latest Mutzachan-designed Body Computer. This device
wonder whether it’s a psychopath. looks like a small slab of polished onyx that molds itself to the user’s
skin. The computer connects directly to the Mutzachan nervous
systems. To non-energy controllers, the device is completely
SPORT2 PCD useless. The P-AI is capable of accessing all lower Tech Level
devices. Images are projected onto a space of ionized particles just
above the device or to specialized contacts and ear transceivers
A simple PCD designed for everyone. It looks like a thin cylinder
included with the unit. The Velition’s default personality is that of
1 cm diameter, 3 cm length with a few buttons on it. This device
an arrogant melon head.
is weather resistant. Data viewing glasses with microphones for
sound are included with the system although it can connect to The player can pick up to 3 skills at d4 from the skills list.
implanted transceivers or viewing contacts. Furthermore, these
devices will monitor vitals using sensors embedded within your
clothes. These devices are voice activated.
DETECTION EQUIPMENT These eye covering goggles help spot camouflaged individuals
Remaining hidden or unobserved can be key to survival, though it is by filtering out the exact frequency of light reflected by local
more difficult than ever in the 23rd century with the myriad of detection vegetation, making all the local flora look brown or gray. Fabrics and
and sensor equipment available to average Alliance citizen. Most of the paint schemes that are approximately the same color as the local
devices listed here can be connected to body computers, PCDs, or HICs plant life will quickly stand out. Targets using TL3 and TL 4 materials
allowing them to display results and record data. (GM Discretion). are completely visible to the wearer when seen through these
binoculars. This unit is ineffective against camouflage units, which
Unlike standard sensors, detection equipment is highly specialized mimic the local surroundings exactly, right down the frequencies of
and is usually only good for spotting a particular object (Mazians, light they reflect and absorb.
eavesdropping devices, etc.) or condition (poison gas in the air,
These goggles negate any penalty to the viewer's Notice
radiation, etc.).
imparted by the target’s camouflage, unless the camouflage
is provided by an armor's Camo Unit.
This device detects the presence of electrical impulses
produced by lifeforms. This active scanner can determine basic This device detects various emissions such as heat sources, UV,
physiological makeup and medical condition of the lifeform. This unit lasers, broadcast signals, and other such signals. This device does
can be mounted to armor or can be carried. not provide magnification.
Automatically detects plants and animals that lack camouflage The user is treated as if they have Infravision and Ultravision.
capabilities (GM Discretion) within 50 m. Keen and Mazians
may not be detected. Armored targets with a Stealth Rating or
ECM are not detected. JAMMER DETECTOR
This device is an ultra-sensitive electroencephalogram that A ground sensory device that amplifies sonic waves that
measures the activity in the brain and can pick out those with propagate through a dense medium, such as dirt or rock. The rod is
hostile intent at close ranges (15 m). Often used at political rallies, stuck into the ground, and its vibration sensors detect movement
this device is also popular at mental institutions and with police within 1 km or less (half distance for water or sand).
officers on higher Tech Level worlds. Narrowing down a positive
result in a crowd can still be time consuming. Treat this unit as having a Notice of d8 and a range of 1 km
when detecting large vibrations through the ground.
Gives the user a +2 to their Notice roll when detecting
hostility only (regardless of intent) within a 15 m area.
This device is set in the ground with a trip wire fixed to some
other point. When tripped, the flare gives off an ultraviolet light,
which is visible to sensor systems and those with Ultra Vision to 75 m.
This is Battlelords. If you are not getting shot, stabbed, or An A-grav system used to transport the wounded. This gurney
bludgeoned, then you are not doing your job! So, what happens when monitors vitals and can be programed to follow a route or travel to
the Zen goes down, and you have to get him back up? Pull out that a preprogrammed specific location. Additionally, the cart can be
medical gear you spent so little on and hope it helps. Most medical pushed or pulled. The cart travels 1 m above the ground.
treatments and injections, other than BRIs and mBRIs, are species
specific and require you to purchase a version for each species Pace: 3.
you intend to treat. Fortunately, the Alliance medical industry has
adopted the color scheme used by the Galactic Armed Forces for
identifying species-specific foodstuffs. BODY HAND SCANNER
"Sucking chest wounds are nature's way This automated machine scans the body for damage, disease,
of telling you to slow down." and other injuries. Allows automated diagnosis but does nothing to
treat the patient. Only works on Alliance species.
Reduces the difficulty of diagnosing an injury or illness by 1.
Chatilian Yellow Mutzachan Black
Eridani Blue Phentari Light Blue STANDARD)
Fott Pink Python Lizard Purple
BRI stands for Body Rehabilitation Injection. It is synthesized
Gen-Human Gold Ram Pythonian Gray
from the Ganoir plant by the Zen. While a BRI will stop blood loss
Human Gold Raazet Red and restore damage by stimulating growth and repair, it does not
Keen Silver Zen Rigeln White set bones or repair critical Wounds.
Mazian Green A standard BRI removes a single Wound, but not any Injury
Table Results.
The redox agent works to protect the body from foreign agents
by enhancing the immune system. A full dose must be given to (MASSIVE)
receive the effect.
Commonly called mBRIs, this is a more potent form of the Body
Increases Environmental Resistance (Biological) by one Rehabilitation Injection.
level. WEAK becomes None. None become Resistant (RST).
Resistant becomes Superior Resistance (SUP). Duration: 6 A massive BRI removes two (2) Wounds and all Injury Table
hours. Results.
Temperature adjustable blanket that can be used to keep Used to lower the body temperature of Eridani and Phentari
personnel warm or cold, depending on the needs of the individual. who have lost the means to cool themselves.
Provides a +1 to Vigor rolls due to hot or cold environmental This injection allows Eridani and Phentari to function in
conditions. environments that humans would find warm, but not hot,
without the need to make a Vigor Test.
Used to transport the dead, this device vacuum seals and cools
the body to prevent further decomposition. You’ll stay as fresh Places a terminally injured patient in metabolic stasis.
inside as you were on the battlefield! All metabolic functions are lowered to a minimal level. Not
recommended for stasis lasting longer than 6 months.
decrease unless the individual is placed within a body bag. METHANE INJECTION
The body bag will keep them for years.
This injection provides the Phentari or Eridani with a 6-hour
supply of methane, when operating in an oxygen atmosphere, and
DFMS-401 it eliminates the need to use a breather mask. Must be used in an
atmosphere. Can be injected anywhere on the body.
DFMS is an acronym for defibrillation massive stimulant. It is
injected into the body of the recently dead in an attempt to jump
start their heart. Works for all Alliance species except Mazian. NECROMAL
Provides a +2 bonus to Healing when attempting to revive a An experimental distillate of the BRI compound. This drug
deceased character. is injected into the dead within 5 days of death and is used to
reanimate the individual’s bodily functions. The body must be
preserved to prevent breakdown of the body’s cells. Necromal is
FIRST AID KIT illegal within Alliance space and is solely produced by Tza Zen.
Used to treat minor battlefield injuries. This kit includes Provides a +2 bonus to Healing when attempting to revive a
everything you need in a first aid situation. deceased character. This bonus stacks with the bonus from
the DFMS-401.
Provides a +1 to Healing skill, though the bonus does not
apply when performing surgery.
This hand-held unit is used for medication injection. It will self-
sterilize the injection area and deliver one dose per injection. The This kit contains a computerized unit that will analyze and
unit is voice and touch controlled and will hold up to 10 different perform medical interventions as needed. The kit is capable of
medications. A total of 20 doses are contained in the unit in a setting bones, sealing wounds, cardiac defibrillation, inserting
stabilization field. This device injects directly into the skin (or joint trach’s, re-inflating collapsed lungs, and most other trauma related
for Raazet). Medications are purchased separately. injury treatments. Additionally, medications can be provided as
needed. It contains 3 mBRIs and 3 BRIs. While not the same as a
full surgical kit, this kit is perfect for the battlefield.
This injection heightens the user’s awareness and perception. Only produced by Zen Rigeln, this solution can regrow back a
Additional injections simply reset the expiration time. lost limb in a matter of weeks under field conditions and without
the need for a medical facility. Using the serum when cybernetics
Provides +2 to the Notice skill for 2d4 rounds. are present results in the cybernetics being expelled from the body.
Is there a Doctor in the house? This computerized unit will analyze REGENERATION CHAMBER
and perform interventions as needed. Like those with the skill, this can
act as the doc on your team. The device can treat all trauma related Lose most of your limbs and internal organs? All you have
injuries, perform elective surgeries, install cybernetics, diagnose, and left is your brain? Then into the chamber you go! This chamber is
treat conditions, and infections. Additionally, this device can synthesize filled with regeneration serum and growth stimulators. Implanted
limited amounts of common medications (pain killers, antiseptics, cybernetics are expelled from the body during the regeneration.
antivirals, etc.), which can be provided as needed. It is not capable of
creating exotic medications such as Regen serums, BRIs, or mBRIs. Average regrowth time is 1d4 weeks for the entire body.
RADIATION TREATMENT SERUM This palm-sized bandage is “slapped” over a wound. The
bandage then melds into the flesh and removes non-organic
This stops radiation poisoning from damaging the body any matter. Finally, it numbs the area, sterilizes the wound, and stops
further. It does not heal damage already done. Not suitable for use the bleeding. It will not stop internal hemorrhages.
by Mutzachans.
An applied Slap Bandage removes the Shaken status.
Increases Environmental Resistance (Radiation) by one
level. WEAK becomes None. None become Resistant (RST).
Resistant becomes Superior Resistance (SUP). This serum STRETCHER, COLLAPSIBLE
starves Mutzachans, causing 1d4 damage. Duration: 6
hours. For when you need to carry the Ram off the field of battle. This
lightweight unit folds out in 1 m increments to a maximum of 3 m in
length. Width starts at 1 m and expands to 1.5 m.
A neuro stimulant to increase reaction time. Treat as having a d8 in the Healing skill.
Turns all the user's initiative cards into Spades for next 3
This injectable drug provides heightened awareness, improved
mental processing, and increased motor control. This injection does have A variety of drones that roll, crawl up walls, walk, or hop to
potentially dangerous side effects, including seizure and brain damage. reach their destination. Used for building reconnaissance, these
low powered devices are mounted with a camera and microphone
Provides a +1 to all skill rolls. After injection, the individual and must link to a PCD within range. Seeing the device isn’t easy
must make a successful Vigor roll or suffer convulsions due to their size.
(Incapacitated) for 2 turns. Duration: 2d6 minutes. Each
The penalty to spot a bug is -4, Pace: 3
time the drug is used, the Vigor roll penalty, starting at 0,
increases by -1 (cumulative). For example, the third time in
their life someone uses this drug, they would have to make a BUG FINDER
Vigor roll at -3 to avoid the side effects.
Detects electrical signatures and transmissions from
surveillance equipment.
Has a Notice of d8 when detecting surveillance equipment
This unit is designed to render the target unconscious. The within 25 m.
targeting laser is a focused bio-scanner that reads the targets
DNA. Once the target’s DNA is analyzed, the gun mixes an effective
tranquilizer based on species. BREACHER
Tranquilizers will not work against armored targets. Treat the This device is used for making an entrance where there was
injection as Knockout poison as detailed in Poisons in Savage none. This mat is unrolled and stuck to a wall or door. There are
Worlds. several types of breachers. Normal breachers use a shaped
explosive charge or thermite. More modern versions use single use
Disintegrators (×5 listed cost) or a hyperacid (×10 listed cost). A
TRUTH SERUM breacher leaves a hole large enough to accommodate the entrance
of an Armored Ram Python.
This mind-altering medication is used to extract information
from captured personnel. It makes the target compliant and A breacher will penetrate up to 0.5 m of concrete, doing
talkative. This medication is completely effective for every species up to 4d6 damage against a wall's Hardness rating when
but Mazians. Failure means the individual provides the information Breaking Things. The acid is an ACID attack and the target's
requested. Environmental Resistance (Acid), if any, is applied against the
attack. The disintegrator models are automatically assumed
Targets are entitled to an Spirit roll at -2 to realize they
to get the d12 bonus damage die common to disintegrator
shouldn’t answer a question. A roll is allowed for each
attacks when used against an wall or door.
question asked (GM’s discretion). Duration: 2hr
The Notice modifier to detect a functioning breacher is +4
for a normal model and -1 for disintegrator and acid-using
models. The acid model is slower and requires 3 rounds to
work. All other models work nearly instantly.
CLIMBING GLOVES AND SHOES printed, if not a whole suit. A complete suit can pass all biometric
scanners but will not pass an invasive, high security scan. The user
These powered devices use electrical current to activate and must be the same species and build or Mazian.
deactivate "setae,” which are nanoscopic hairs embedded in the
device’s surface. The setae allow the user to stick to the wall as The printed suit lasts for 12 hrs. Provides a +3 bonus to the
long as the gloves and shoes have power. Sized to fit the user’s Performance skill when attempting to impersonate someone
hands and feet, these devices will hold 50 times the weight of the or disguise your features.
user. These cannot be worn over armor.
Athletics bonus is +2 when climbing while wearing the gloves ELECTRONIC SAFECRACKER
and shoes.
This device is placed on the outside of a TL3 or TL4 mechanical
or electronic safe. It will provide opening codes or combinations.
Provides a +2 to Thievery when attempting to break into
Used to Disguise one’s appearance or impersonate another. a safe).
These malleable cuffs are flexible and leave no marks. They are
DNA IN A CAN used by Alliance police and have stun capability built in to render
disorderly prisoners into a semiconscious state. The owner of the
This illegal device requires a sample of the target. It then cuffs can activate the stun feature with a remote or via a command
replicates the target’s DNA. It can then be sprayed on the user to sent from their linked PCD.
get past non-invasive DNA testing. Best used when the scanner
operator doesn't know what the person you're impersonating looks The cuffs have a Hardness of 15. When the stun feature is
like. activated, the cuffed individual must make a Vigor roll or be
Stunned (ELE Attack).
Automatically allows the user to pass for someone else for a
casual (non-invasive) DNA scan.
DISPLACER (PERSONAL, DISGUISED) Contains tools used to forge documents, signatures, etc.
This displacement device is shielded and small and does not This kit provides a +2 to Thievery rolls when forging
appear as a displacement device. It can be disguised as a PCD or documents.
any number of innocuous and mundane-looking devices. It contains
enough power for 3 displacements.
This device can teleport the user up to 20 meters away. Roll a
d10. On a roll of 9 or higher the destination is random. These gloves are used to deliver a solution to a target that
can then be absorbed through the skin. The gloves are virtually
invisible and secrete the solution at the user’s command. There
DUPLICATOR are 3 solution types; a biological toxin, hallucinogenic drug, or
radioactive particles.
Illegal on Alliance worlds, this device creates a skin overlay
with the appropriate hair, scars, and imperfections of the targeted These gloves can be used to deliver one of the poisons
individual. One area can be targeted (Head, Hands, etc.) or the detailed in Savage Worlds, when making contact with the
entire body can be chosen. The targeted area must be completely target's skin. It can also deliver radioactive particles which
scanned with the detachable laser and DNA scanner. The user of grant a +2 when tracking the target, or hallucinogenic drugs.
the suit must also be scanned. The information is then downloaded
into the unit, and a printed skin overlay (aka a skinsuit) is generated
for the user. The user slips the skinsuit on or the portion they
This device is integrated into an individual’s clothing and These devices affect only robots and cybernetics. Once the
hair. It projects a holographic image of a specific individual or a device, which has an adhesive on one side, is stuck to a robot or
random person onto the wearer. If the user wants to impersonate a cybernetic limb, the target will randomly malfunction until the
specific individual, they must be scanned prior to the holo projector device is removed. Cybernetic limbs will lash out at the closest
reproducing their image. This device does not fool sensor systems targets or fail to work. Robots will run amok creating carnage
but will fool cameras and observers. This device can be used to and destruction. Sensor systems will shut down or provide ghost
make you appear larger or smaller than you really are. Touch will images. Communications will randomly broadcast information or
always reveal the illusion. change frequencies.
This device provides a +4 bonus to the user’s Performance If stuck to a target, it triggers a roll on the Malfunction table.
skill when attempting to Impersonate someone or disguise A Strength roll at -2 is required to remove the limpet.
their features.
Mechanical devices worn over shoes that can launch an
This device projects a holographic copy of the user. The image individual 5 m into the air in any direction. It also cushions their
remains in place but can react realistically, such as crouching when landing (if they land on their feet). With a running jump forward, the
shot at or reacting to a hit. A mobile version is available for twice individual may add their movement in meters to the jump.
the listed price and size and allows the decoy to move as if it were
walking. An Athletics roll may be required to stick the landing (GM
The mobile version has a Pace of 6. Someone viewing the
decoy must make an Notice roll at -2 to determine that the
decoy is not real. LIGHT BRIDGE
There is -2 penalty for scanners to determine that the Set of mechanical and electronic tools used to open electronic locks.
contents of the container are false.
Required to bypass electronic locks, unless makeshift tools
are used.
This phase shifting device allows the user to walk through walls Short-range communication jamming device. Comes in 3
(4 m radius). Phase Lock devices prevent this device from working, styles: standard, police (cost ×3), and military (cost ×6).
and the MDD-24 will not allow the user to pass through a Flux
Shield. If the device malfunctions, the individual passing through Communication equipment within a 25 m radius must roll on
a material object is instantly killed. the Malfunction Table. The Standard model provides a -2 to
the roll. The Police model gives no bonus or penalty to the
Allows the user to walk through walls with an Armor of 16 or roll. The military model provides a +2 to the roll. Run Time:
less. Run Time: 10 minutes. 5 minutes
Victims must make a Vigor roll every time the device is used An improved version of the bug killer designed to be used
or be knocked unconscious (Incapacitated). If the subject is against commercial sensor systems. This device uses electronic
still conscious, then the interrogator can record 1 minute’s counter measures to scramble sensors in the area, so they cannot
worth of their memory for later play back. The recording will record the identity of the user. Then the device actively scans for
the locations. Once found, the device rapidly fires a small laser
include audio and video from the subject’s perspective.
destroying up to 10 sensors or surveillance devices in the area
nearly simultaneously. This device is ineffective against armor
sensors or vehicular sensors.
Has a Notice of d8 for detecting surveillance equipment
This device floods the area with an EM frequency and sonic within 20m. Up to 10 surveillance devices that been detected
distortions that disrupts motion detectors.
by the device are automatically destroyed when the Sensoid
Renders all motion detectors within 100m inoperable while Killer is activated. Rechargeable (1 minute).
Prevents sensor systems from registering the painted object.
Contains enough paint to cover a basketball-sized object.
This suit is the top of the line stealth cover. The built-in
damping field makes the user virtually undetectable by sensors
-2 to Notice rolls made by sensors
and visual systems. The suit even contains the volatile organic
chemicals released by the wearer's normal body chemistry. This
prevents scent tracking or detection. The suit comes in a small disk
placed upon the user’s head. The suit then explodes outward to
encompass the individual completely, including all worn weapons
and equipment on the user. Breathing and sight is not impaired as This grenade size object, once deployed, generates an anti-
the covering is clear to the user. The suit is a single use and lasts wave for any sound detected, canceling out any noise in the area
for about half a day. of effect. Anyone moving through the area will be nearly silent, no
matter how much noise they make. The device also cancels out all
Increases the user's stealth to d10. The penalty to Notice the suit sonic based attacks in or traveling through the area of affect.
is -4. This suit cannot be used in conjunction with other devices
-2 to Notice rolls made using hearing.
that conceal the user.
These small devices come in packs of 5 and will connect This device is worn on the forearm and sprays from the
to any display with sound. The dots transmit data via quantum underside of the wrist. One button on the device sprays a sticky
entanglement, meaning no detectable transmissions are sent. The foam onto a surface. A second sprays an igniting agent on the foam.
devices have a 120-degree field of view in the visual spectrum. Five seconds after the igniting spray makes contact with the foam,
Furthermore, they have a sensitive sound system. Once activated, it ignites and begins to burn. The flames reach roughly 10,000
the devices will work for 3 days, after which they lose power. degrees Celsius within 3 seconds. The foam is consumed within 5
seconds. There is enough foam to cover a 1 m x 1 m area.
Range: infinite
Range: 2/4/8, Damage: 2d6, FIRE Attack. When using the
Breaking Things rules in Savage Worlds the device does 3d6
STUN NULLIFIER damage, instead of 2d6.
ELECTRICAL, MENTAL) The processor converts exhaled gases back into a breathable
atmosphere for the user. The units are so efficient that they can
These commercially available stun devices are the preferred operate for a week without entering the native atmosphere. The
non-lethal weaponry used throughout the Alliance. They are used processor covers the mouth and nose. This device also works when
to protect government buildings, hospitals, and schools and to submerged in liquids such as water.
maintain order in public areas (and high-end bars). The stunner can
be handheld or ceiling mounted. When activated the device stuns
the targeted individual, preventing them from taking any further BAGPIPES
action. Each device can fire one type of stun, which is chosen at
purchase. A Musical instrument from ancient Earth, which has been
adopted by the Orions.
Stunners have a range of 5/10/20, and force the target to
make a Vigor roll or be Stunned. When purchased you must
select either BIO Attack or ELE Attack. BASIC SURVIVAL PACK
This glove-like device is meant to overcome the Cizerack’s lack This device is a visor with a built-in sensor system that analyses
of Manual Dexterity. Current models use electronics and micro- the device and helps to identify the cause of a malfunction. The
drives to power the delicate manipulators which improve the cat’s device acts as safety glasses, welding goggles, and magnifier (up
dexterity. Custom-made versions are available for 100x the listed to 200x digitally). This device can connect to PCDs and cannot be
cost. worn under armor as it covers the face and head.
Negates the Cizerack's Fumble Fingers Hindrance. Cizerack +2 to Repair skill rolls.
This glue permanently binds almost anything together. Steel,
This device sprays an expandable foam which is effective ceramics, and organic matter can be bound together.
against all kinds of fires.
Strength rolls suffer a -2 penalty to break the glue. Note the
The extinguisher has a range of 2/4/8 and enough fire items glued together may break before the glue does.
retardant to put out a fire covering a Size 2 creature. The
fire retardant will have limited effect on burning plasma or
phosphorus, but it will handle normal fires just fine. MUTZACHAN BLOOD FILTER KIT
This device wraps around the Mutzachan’s waist and can be worn
FLARE TUBE under armor. The included computer will determine the level of toxicity
in the melon head’s blood and filter it accordingly while collecting and
storing the larva. The filtration takes 1d4 hours to complete.
Used to launch flares to 100 m. The flare lasts 30 seconds and
is visible for 10 km in clear weather. The cost is for a single flare.
This is a compressed oxygen tank with enough air for 6 hours
of operations.
Provides emergency nourishment. Each cube provides 1 unit of
nourishment but doesn’t supply the user’s water needs. A box holds
50 cubes plus species specific vitamin & mineral supplements.
GENERATION DEFENSE SYSTEM A pressurized cabin with built-in sleeping quarters. The P-Sleeper
represents the state of the art in outdoor sleeping equipment. The
units are octagonal in shape and can be connected together to form
This device interferes with Matrix generation. It affects all
larger structures. They are designed to remain anchored in winds up
Matrix Controllers within the area of effect. It does not impact
to 120 kph. Air tanks and heating/cooling units are not included.
Matrices generated outside the area of affect.
P-Sleepers come in three sizes. The 10 model has enough room
If generating any Power/Matrix inside the area of effect, the to comfortably hold two Size 1 occupants and their gear, or one Size
Matrix Controller must make a Generation skill roll at -1 to 2 occupant. The 20 model will comfortably hold four Size 1 occupants
successfully generate a Matrix. Range: 30 m radius, Run (two Size 2), and the 30 model will hold eight Size 1 occupants (four
Size 2).
time: 15 minutes
Each of the 8 panels that makes up a model 10 P-Sleeper has
Hardness of 12. All P-Sleeper panels have an Armor of 2. A
P-Sleeper takes about 30 minutes to set up.
This device looks like a 1 m long ice scoop. It is a voice-activated
magnet that is used to scoop up grenades near the individual. Once
the grenade is caught, the device can be reversed to launch the
grenade as far as 10 m away.
This device allows an individual to fly. The device is worn as a
A Fighting skill roll must be made at +2 to “grab” the grenade backpack with propulsion systems at the bottom. Wings are folded
using the scoop, after which it can be re-thrown, time into the unit that is roughly two-thirds of the individual’s body
length. Comes with flight goggles and glove controls.
permitting. A single action is required to activate the scoop.
Allows the user to fly at a Pace of 20 for up to 30 minutes.
Uses Athletics or Piloting skill.
This device allows Phentari to clean the skulls of their victims Adds +2 to Repair skill rolls when repairing a device or
by melting the flesh off the bones. It will also secrete a lacquer to structure.
seal the head once it has been prepared.
A literal homage to the classic military harness. Modern web
This is a short ring of metallic material covered with eight gear is a stretchy, length of transparent “selective adhesive”
spikes pointing outward. It fits over the end of a Ram’s or Python placed as the individual sees fit on their armor or clothing. Any
Lizard’s tail. items stuck to the strip will stay stuck until the user deliberately
peels them off. The strip will not stick to anything to which the user
The Terrible Tail allows a tail strike to deal out Str+d10 doesn’t deliberately attach it. Each strip will hold 3 kg of weight and
damage. six strips are included in each package. Strips can be placed side by
side to share the load. The strips are nearly invisible once applied.
the atlanteans decimated the mutzachan
population millennia ago
POWERS IN BATTLELORDS These unique specimens are called Latent Extractors, and though
they don't have the same level of power as the Matrix Controlling
Unless stated otherwise in this section, all of the standard Power species, their species does not limit them to a single Matrix
and Power Edges in Savage Worlds are available in the Battlelords discipline.
universe. However, the Artificer, Gadgeteer, Holy/Unholy Warrior, The last, and most bizarre, Matrix Controllers are the Kizmetors.
Mentalist, and Wizard edges are not available (unless your GM tells These individuals can give the laws of physics a mental shove in
you otherwise). The other changes are listed below: a particular direction, allowing them to dramatically change the
• Bound characters can still use Powers. odds of an event occurring. Unfortunately, the outcome is always
random, and the sight of a Kizmetor on the battlefield throws
• Characters only suffer Backlash if the player has applied
generals into panic as they create an unpredictable environment.
one or more Power Modifiers to the power and fail to
activate the power. There are six Arcane Backgrounds in Battlelords of the 23rd
• Offensive Powers are treated as Heavy Weapons unless the Century, and four of six are restricted to specific species. Unlike
description states otherwise. the Arcane Backgrounds in Savage Worlds, many of the Arcane
Backgrounds in Battlelords of the 23rd Century have specific
Requirements that must be met before you can purchase that
Arcane Background edge. These Requirements, if any, are listed
BATTLELORDS TERMINOLOGY next to Edge Requirement in the Arcane Background description
• Powers are referred to as Matrices. below.
• Characters with Arcane Backgrounds are The Arcane Backgrounds listed below are the only ones available
usually referred to as Matrix Controllers or in the Battlelords universe (unless your GM tells you otherwise).
MCs. Only one Arcane Background may be selected per character. The
• Powers are not "cast," they are generated. exception to this rule is the Latent Extractor Arcane Background,
which may be purchased multiple times.
• Applying a Power Modifier to a Matrix is
referred to as Matrix Manipulation. ARCANE BACKGROUND: EMPATH
Arcane Skill: Generation
Edge Requirements: Chatilians Only
ARCANE BACKGROUNDS Starting Power Points: 5 + Half of Smarts
Starting Powers: 3
Referred to as the Matrix Controllers, the Mutzachan, Chatilian,
and Zen Rigeln species possess the ability to harness power from ARCANE BACKGROUND: ENERGY
the environment and extra-dimensional sources and manipulate it CONTROLLER
to achieve amazing results. Humans from the 20th century would Arcane Skill: Generation
have called these abilities psychic powers. Most civilized 23rd Edge Requirements: Mutzachans Only
century individuals recognize these abilities as Matrices. Starting Power Points: 5 + Half of Smarts
The unique organs in these species that allow them to control Starting Powers: 3
and manipulate the forces of nature have evolved for specific
functions. As a result, each species can only generate Matrices ARCANE BACKGROUND: HEALER OR ANTI-
from their own discipline. Chatilians can only generate Empath HEALER
Matrices. Mutzachans can only generate Energy Matrices, and Arcane Skill: Generation
Zen Rigeln can only generate Healer Matrices. These classes of Edge Requirements: Zen Rigeln Only
Matrices (Empath, Energy Controller, etc.) are sometimes referred Starting Power Points: 5 + Half of Smarts
to as Disciplines. Starting Powers: 3
Over time mutations in other species have allowed the rare
individual to tap into these matrix energies and generate matrices.
ARCANE BACKGROUND: KIZMETOR Anti-Healer attacks are usually BIO Attacks, to which Mutzachans
Arcane Skill: Gambling are particularly vulnerable.
Edge Requirement: Major Habit (High Risk) Hindrance
The GM will be the final arbitrator on whether a Power is a BIO
Starting Power Points: N/A
Attack, MEN Attack, or SEN Attack.
Starting Powers: N/A
Being a Kizmetor is to embrace chaos, randomness, and
unpredictability. They are literally drawn to conflict and battle. In
fact to become a Kizmetor you must begin the game with the Major
Habit (High Risk Situations) Hindrance. A Kizmetor's understanding Changing the default effects of a Power by adding a Generic
of chance and probability are what allows them to harness and Power Modifier is referred to as Matrix Manipulation. In addition
channel their abilities, which is why the using the Gambling skill to the Power Modifiers in Savage Worlds, there is an extensive
to activate their power rather than the Generation skill. See the list of Generic Power Modifiers. These Generic Power Modifiers
Kizmetor Abilities later in this chapter for more information on how in Battlelords allow the character to alter the Duration, Damage,
a Kizmetor's probability manipulation functions. area of effect, range, and other values beyond what is normally
At the start of each game roll 3d4+5 to determine the number of allowed in Savage Worlds.
Power Points the Kizmetor has to spend this game. A Kizmetor can The Catch
not increase the number of Power Points they have to spend by
purchasing the Power Points Edge. A character with this Edge can If a character alters a Power by using one or more Generic Power
not purchase another Arcane Background Edge. Modifiers their activation roll suffers a penalty equal to HALF the
number of Power Points spent to add Generic Power Modifiers
NEGATION (rounded up). This does not include Modifiers that are specific
to that Power, only modifiers that appear in the Generic Power
AKA Everybody Knows the Dispel Power Modifier list.
All Matrix Controllers, except Kizmetors, automatically know the Backlash Triggered by Failed Power Modification
Dispel Power. The following rules replace the Dispel power rules.
If a player applied one or more Generic Power Modifiers to the
By spending a single Power Point a Matrix Controller can Dispel
power and fails to activate the power they suffer Backlash, which
and enemy effect or counter an enemy power as its being used.
causes a level of Fatigue and all currently active powers instantly
The latter requires the countering Matrix Controller to be on Hold
terminate. Since modifying the Power by adding a Generic Power
and interrupt his foe’s action.
Modifier decreases the chance it Activate, it increases the
In either case, dispelling an opponent’s power is an opposed roll chances that a Backlash will occur.
of Generation skills (with a −2 modifier if the rival’s power is of For example, Tian the Zen wants to triple the range of her Relief
another Discipline). If the dispelling character wins, the targeted Matrix. Tripling the range costs +2 Power Points. As a result,
power ends immediately (or fails if it was countered with the usual Tian's Activation check receives a -1 penalty. Tian rolls a 2 and
results of failure). fails to Activate the Relief Matrix, which triggers a Backlash.
Current Range x 2 +1
Current Range x 3 +2
Current Range x 5 +4
Area Of Effect
Current Range x 10 +8
Current Range x 20 +12 You can not add a Blast Template to the Bolt power, nor can you
totally eliminate the Blast Template from the Blast Power, though
Current Range x 100 +14
you can enlarge or shrink it using Generic Modifiers.
Planetary +20
Unlimited (GM's Discretion) +24 Increasing Duration*
Increasing Duration is cumulative. Find your power's original
Add Small Blast Template (to a power other than Bolt) +2
Duration and then start counting up to the desired level, adding 1
Add Medium Blast Template (to a power other than Bolt) +4 Power Point for each row. If you increase the Duration of a power
Add Large Blast Template (to a power other than Bolt) +6 you can not spend Power Points to Maintain it.
Add Huge Blast Template (to a power other than Bolt) +8
Boobytrap/Delay: The power lies dormant for up to an
Reduce Small Blast Template to Single Target (to a power other -2
than Blast) hour, though this time may be boosted by other modifiers.
The trigger area becomes equal to a circle with a diameter
Change Medium Blast Template to Small Blast Template -2
equal to half the Power's range. If the power uses a Blast
Change Large Blast Template to Medium Blast Template -2
Template, use the template as the trigger area. If anyone
INCREASE DAMAGE PP+ enters the area, the power activates, affecting the target
One (1) Additional Damage Die +2 as if the power was generated normally. The Matrix
Two (2) with raise Controller can specify whether the power can be triggered
Two (2) Additional Damage Die +4 by a person, inanimate object above a certain size, or both.
Three (3) with raise
Three (3) Additional Damage Die +6 Permanent: If a Power is Permanent, the Power Points
Four (4) with raise spent to generate it remain permanently committed to
Increase Damage Die One Size (d4 → d6 → d8, etc.) +2 that power and unavailable to the controller until the
Increase Damage Die One Size (d4 → d6 → d8, etc.) +4 power is dismissed or dispelled/negated by another Matrix
Increase Damage Die One Size (d4 → d6 → d8, etc.) +6
DURATION * PP+ Increasing Bonus/Penalty**
rounds to Minutes +2
This is the bonus or penalty applied to the target BY the power.
Minutes to Hours +4
This can not be used to affect bonus or penalty involved in any
Permanent +6
opposed check to resist the power.
Miscellaneous Change +1 to +12 Increasing Value***
Hide Matrix’s obvious effects from Observation +2
For Powers that impart an ability as fixed number (the Fly power's
Prevent target from detecting Matrix attack, if Matrix attack fails +2 listed Pace for example), this modifier multiplies the value in the
INCREASE BONUS/PENALTY ** PP+ power (GMs discretion). This Modifier can not be used on powers
+/- 2 +1 with +/- modifiers or powers that cause damage.
+/- 4 +3
+/- 6 +6
+/- 8 +9
+/- 10 +12
x2 +4
x3 +8
x4 +10
x5 +12
1 Arcane Protection Arcane Protection Blast
2 Blast ** Blast (Anti-Healer Only) † Bolt
3 Blind ** Blind (Anti-Healer Only) † Burst
4 Bolt * Bolt (Anti-Healer Only) Damage Field
5 Boost/Lower Trait * Boost/Lower Trait † Darksight
6 Burst ** Burst (Anti-Healer Only) † Deflection
7 Confusion * Confusion † Disguise
8 Darksight Damage Field (Anti-Healer Only) † Drain Power Points
9 Disguise * Darksight Elemental Manipulation
10 Elemental Manipulation Disguise Entangle
11 Empathy Divination Environmental Protection
12 Fear * Empathy Fly
13 Illusion Fear (Anti-Healer Only) † Havoc
14 Invisibility * Healing Illusion
15 Mind Link Protection Intangibility
16 Mind Reading * Relief Invisibility
17 Mind Wipe * Resurrection Jam
18 Object Reading Sloth/Speed † Light/Darkness
19 Phase Lock Stun (Anti-Healer Only) † Protection
20 Puppet * Summon Alley (Anti-Healer Only) Sloth/Speed
21 Relief Warriors Gift Smite
22 Sound/Silence ** Zombie (Anti-Healer Only) Sound/Silence
23 Speak Language Telekinesis
24 Stun * Teleport
25 Teleport Tree Fort
26 Warriors Gift
The following notations specify Attack Effect: * MEN Attack, ** SEN Attack, † BIO Attack.
Note that these effects may not always apply to a power, depending on how it is used. For example, a Deafening Blast would be a SEN
Attack, whereas a Concussive Blast would not. See Power description for additional information.
POWERS (AKA MATRICES) • ELEMENTAL (+3): The attack gains the Damage
modifier and one of the following Attack Types with
In Battlelords, Powers may only be available to characters with the associated Attack Effects (listed in parentheses)
specific Arcane Backgrounds, though there is some overlap. If a on a raise:
Power is not available to your Discipline (aka Arcane Background)
01. Fire (Incendiary)
you can not use/purchase it. If any changes from the standard
Power in Savage Worlds have been made to the Power they will 02. Electricity (Short Out)
be listed in the description. Trappings vary from Discipline to 03. Cold (Frozen Up)
Discipline, and are listed in the description of the Power next to 04. Laser (Superheated)
each Discipline. Not every Power is available to every Discipline.
05. Omega Weapon (Knockback)
If the "Changes from Savage Worlds" section states that the Matrix 06. Radiation (Irradiated)
Controller "must choose from the options below" then assume
they can not use the standard power without selecting one of BLAST
the power-specific modifiers listed. If a power found in Savage Discipline: Anti-Healer, Empath, Energy Controller
Worlds is not listed below, then it does not exist in the Battlelords Changes from Savage Worlds: An Anti-Healer's use of this power
universe, unless your GM states otherwise. is always considered a BIO Attack.
• ULTRAVISION (+1): The power grants the ability to Large Blast Template. Those who wish to resist may
see in complete darkness and see sources of UV make an opposed test with the Matrix Controller
light, including active Flux Shields, active A-Grav using their Spirit.
generators, and high-end lasers.
DEFLECTION Discipline: Energy Controller
Discipline: Energy Controller Changes from Savage Worlds: None
Changes from Savage Worlds: None.
Discipline: Empath, Energy Controller
can create fields of force to defect.
Changes from Savage Worlds: Range and Duration are doubled.
• WARP LIGHT (-1): The Energy Controller can warp
• NOTE: Empaths can only manipulate Air.
light around them. Foes must subtract 2 from
attack rolls directed at the Matrix Controller (or
4 with a raise) for all laser attacks and any attack
Discipline: Anti-Healer, Empath, Healer
that is aimed visually. For example, a Keen using
Changes from Savage Worlds: None
echolocation to "see" their target would be
unaffected by this Matrix. • ANTI-HEALER TRAPPINGS & HEALER TRAPPINGS: Zen
can manipulate hormones and electro-chemical processes
• EMPATH TRAPPINGS: Empaths can manipulate the minds
in the target's brain to reduce stress or induce feelings of
of targets so that they have difficulty seeing the target or
affection to appear non-threating.
sees multiple copies of the target in different locations.
NOTE: Only the target sees the illusion. Observers, cameras, • EMPATH TRAPPINGS: With practice, Empaths can use
and sensor systems will not see anything different. their telepathic abilities to also detect a target's emotional
Discipline: Anti-Healer, Empath, Energy Controller, & Healer ENTANGLE
Changes from Savage Worlds: An Empath's use of this power is Discipline: Energy Controller
considered a MEN Attack. See below for more information. Changes from Savage Worlds: None
Healers and Healers can change the physical appearance can manipulate molecular bonds to glue their targets in
of the target's face and body by manipulating the targets place and create magnetic fields to restrain them.
hormones, bone structure, muscle distribution, and even
genetics, but they can not alter the target's clothing. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
• EMPATH TRAPPINGS: Empaths are capable of Discipline: Energy Controller
manipulating the minds of targets so that they appear as Changes from Savage Worlds: None
someone else. • NOTE: Energy Controllers can use this Power to protect the
• ENERGY CONTROLLER TRAPPINGS: Energy Controllers target from the following environments or conditions:
can generate a holographic projections that will fool
observers, cameras, and sensors alike.
Discipline: Anti-Healer & Healer • RADIATION
Changes from Savage Worlds: See below • SPACE/VACUUM
called "the autopsy power" this power allows the Zen to
instantaneously and precisely determine the time and
cause of death, including any contributing factors, for a
single recently deceased individual as well as view their
final memories.
• TRIAGE (+0): The Matrix Controller can determine
the severity of any physical injury of anyone inside a
Discipline: Anti-Healer, Empath Discipline: Empath, Energy Controller
Changes fromSavage Worlds: An Anti-Healer's use of this power Changes from Savage Worlds: An Empath's use of this power is
is considered a BIO Attack. An Empath's use of this power is considered a MEN Attack.
considered a MEN Attack.
• EMPATH TRAPPINGS: Empaths are capable of manipulating
• ANTI-HEALER TRAPPINGS & HEALER TRAPPINGS: The the minds of targets so that they do not perceive an object
Anti-healer can manipulate the electro-chemical processes (person, building, vehicle, etc.) of the Empath's choosing.
in the target's brain to create fear. Observers, cameras, and sensor systems will still see the
• EMPATH TRAPPINGS: Empaths can manipulate the object just fine, but an affected target looking at the screen
emotions of the target to create a feeling of dread or terror. of the camera/sensor will not perceive them.
FLY can wrap visible light photons around their body to become
Discipline: Energy Controller invisible.
Changes from Savage Worlds: None
• TRUE INVISIBILITY (+2): The Matrix Controller
• ENERGY CONTROLLER TRAPPINGS: Energy Controllers becomes invisible across the EM spectrum and
manipulate magnetic fields and gravity to achieve flight. attempts to detect the Energy Controller visually
or attack them using visual targeting suffers a -6
HAVOC penalty.
Discipline: Energy Controller
Changes from Savage Worlds: None JAM
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3
can cause an over-excitation of large groups of molecules,
Range: Smarts
creating chaotic results.
Duration: 1
Discipline: Energy Controller
Discipline: Anti-Healer, Healer • ENERGY CONTROLLER TRAPPINGS: This power allows an
Changes from Savage Worlds: The CRIPPLING INJURIES Modifier Energy Controller to cause a device or weapon to potentially
only costs (+2) and may be attempted multiple times without risk malfunction.
of exhaustion. If the power is successfully generated the Matrix Controller may
select a single device or weapon in range, which must make a roll
ILLUSION on the Malfunction Table. If the Energy Controller succeeds with a
Discipline: Empath, Energy Controller raise, add 2 to the roll result.
Changes from Savage Worlds: An Empath's use of this power is
considered a MEN Attack. LIGHT/DARKNESS
Discipline: Energy Controller
• EMPATH TRAPPINGS: Empaths are capable of
Changes from Savage Worlds: None
manipulating the minds of targets so that they appear as
someone else.
• ENERGY CONTROLLER TRAPPINGS Energy Controllers Discipline: Empath
can generate a holographic projection that will fool Changes from Savage Worlds: See below
observers, cameras, and sensors alike.
• EMPATH TRAPPINGS: Empaths can extend their natural
INTANGIBILITY telepathy to include other non-Chatilians with practice.
Discipline: Energy Controller • COMMUNICATION ONLY (+2): Other Individuals in
Changes from Savage Worlds: Intangible characters can not pass the Mind Link do not become Shaken one another
through Flux Shields. individual in the link suffers a Wound.
MIND READING can create protective fields of force, but can only use this
Discipline: Empath power with one of the following Modifiers
Changes from Savage Worlds: All Chatilians possess this power, • ELEMENTAL IMMUNITY (+0): Instead of Armor,
which they may use without spending Power Points. MEN Attack. this power provides protection against Superior
• EMPATH TRAPPINGS: Empaths are natural mind readers, Environmental Resistance against Cold, or Fire, or
but can use this power to greatly extend the range of their Electricity, or Radiation.
natural mind reading ability. • KINETIC ENERGY BARRIER (+0): This power only
provides protection against Kinetic attacks.
• COPY MEMORIES (+8): The Matrix Controller copy
the target's memories and store them so that they • FLUX SHIELD (+2): Rather than Armor this Power
can be placed into a clone body in the event the generates a Flux Shield with a Field Strength of
character perishes. The Empath can only store 10 DIE points of protection, or 20 DIE with a raise,
one person's memories at a time. The memories which are reduced on a point-for-point basis by
can be dumped at any time or placed into a donor damage. Treat the Flux as Heavy Armor.
body by activating the matrix a second time. If the
character does not wish their memories copied they PHASE LOCK
can oppose the attempt using Smarts. The Matrix Rank: Seasoned
Controller can not view stored memories. Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts
MIND WIPE Duration: 3
Discipline: Empath Discipline: Empath
Changes from Savage Worlds: Use of this Power is considered a This power allows an Empath to prevent anyone in a Large Blast
MEN Attack. Template from teleporting, using dimensional displacement,
or becoming intangible and phasing through solid objects.
• EMPATH TRAPPINGS: Empaths are quite skilled at This ability affects friends and foes alike. Affected individuals
manipulating the minds of their targets, including attempting to use powers normally canceled by this ability are
memories. entitled to an opposed test using their Generation skill with a -2
• IMPLANT MEMORY (+2): The Empath can implant a penalty. Creatures who possess these abilities innately use their
false memory rather than erase a memory. The false Spirit to oppose the test. Characters attempting to use devices to
memory is limited to 30 minutes of time, unless the phase or teleport must immediately make a roll on the Malfunction
Matrix Controller gets a raise, which increases the table for those devices.
Duration to several hours. This is opposed with the
victim's Smarts, and when evidence is present to PUPPET
the victim that the memory is false a Smarts roll at Discipline: Empath
-2 allows them to remember fragments of the actual Changes from Savage Worlds: Use of this Power is a MEN Attack.
events. MEN Attack. • EMPATH TRAPPINGS: Though Empaths don't usually
resort to outright mind control, they are capable of
OBJECT READING accomplishing it.
Discipline: Empath
Changes from Savage Worlds: None • REMOTE (+2): The Empath can observe through the
victim's senses.
• EMPATH TRAPPINGS: An Empath's ability to sense the
• TRANSFER (+10): If the Empath succeeds in an
vibrations of nearby dimensions allow them to read an
opposed Spirit check they trade bodies with the
object's near past.
target for the Duration of the power. If target dies
while you inhabit their body you perish. If your body
PROTECTION is destroyed while you inhabit the target's body, you
Discipline: Anti-Healer, Energy Controller, Healer perish after the target's mind returns to their original
Changes from Savage Worlds: Energy Controllers must choose body.
from the options below, and can not use the standard power.
can increase the body's resistance to injury by temporarily
modifying its structure.
Discipline: Energy Controller
Discipline: Anti-Healer & Healer
Changes from Savage Worlds: None
Changes from Savage Worlds: This power is available to Novice
characters and only costs 10 Power Points to generate. In addition, • ENERGY CONTROLLER TRAPPINGS: Energy Controllers
the penalty is based on the state of the body. Each Wound the are quite adept at increasing the power output of weaponry.
character suffered after being Incapacitated imparts a -2 penalty
to the check. If the victim suffered Catastrophic Damage there SOUND/SILENCE
is not enough material left for resurrection. However, this Matrix Discipline: Empath, Energy Controller
does not restore memories and victims who have suffered brain Changes from Savage Worlds: An Empath's use of this power is
injuries may lose some or all of their memories. considered a MEN Attack.
• CLONE (+5): If the victim has suffered Catastrophic • EMPATH TRAPPINGS: The Empath causes the target to
Damage but some genetic material remains the Matrix have auditory hallucinations or block specific auditory
Controller can create a clone of the character, but it will lack input.
the character's skills and memories starting life again as a
blank slate. You best chance to fully restore the character
can add or remove kinetic energy out of a noise conductive
in that case is to hope the character had a memory backup
medium, like air or water, to create or negate sound.
(rare and expensive) or that a friendly Empath copied all
their memories prior to their demise.
• GIFT ESSENCE (+0): By sacrificing their own life the Matrix Discipline: Empath
Controller can automatically resurrect a single individual Changes from Savage Worlds: None
who has been dead less than 8 days, even if the target has
received Catastrophic Damage. The target will suffer no ill • EMPATH TRAPPINGS: The Empath ability to read the
effects from the resurrection. It's the GMs decision whether minds and memories those nearby allows them to adopt
this character can ever be resurrected, but it would require their language skills.
extreme measures which are well beyond the use of this
power in any event.
• ENCHANTMENT (+4): The target receives the Point, and make a Gambling skill check. A Kizmetor can only use
Charismatic Edge. a single power per turn.
• ENRAGE (+4): The target receives the Berserk Edge. The Kizmetor's initiative card determines what power is activated.
• MIND OVER BODY (+0): The target obtains the In some cases the card's suit further modifies the result. Check
Nerves of Steel Edge. the Kizmetor Probability Manipulation Table to see which power is
• PAIN BLOCKAGE (+4): The target receives the activated based on the card drawn.
Improved Nerves of Steel Edge. The result of the Gambling roll determines whom the power
• PSYCHIC TARGETING (+4): This Modifier changes affects, as shown below.
the range to Self. The Matrix Controller gains the
• For beneficial powers:
Martial Artist, Marksman, and Level Headed Edges,
but suffers a -2 penalty to any Smarts test against • Critical Failure: All enemies.
powers/Matrices for the Duration of this power. • Failure: One enemy, randomly determined by the
• SURVIVING WILL (+0): The target receives the Hard GM.
to Kill Edge. • Success: One ally determined, by the Kizmetor.
• Raise: All allies
Discipline: Anti-Healer • For harmful powers, the order is reversed:
Changes from Savage Worlds: None
• Critical Failure: All allies.
• ANTI-HEALER TRAPPINGS: An Anti-Healer can use • Failure: One ally, randomly determined by the GM.
their abilities to repair and reanimate tissue, which
• Success: One enemy determined, by the Kizmetor.
has long since died, though the results are never
pretty. • Raise: All enemies
allows the Matrix Controller to automatically
resurrect a single individual in range who has been No Roll Alteration
dead less than 8 months, even if the target has
A Kizmetor can not have their die roll or the difficulty of their
received Catastrophic Damage. Targets who are
Probably Manipulation test modified in way, including by outside
resurrected in this way possess their ability to act
sources. A Kizmetor can not use a Wild Die or spend Bennies to
independently, but undergo dramatic personality
affect the outcome a Probability Manipulation roll. This means
changes, becoming mentally unstable, and often act
Kizmetor's can not get a Critical Failure on their abilities, but
irrationally acting either homicidal, self-destructive,
dramatic failure is baked into most Kizmetor powers already.
or psychopathic. Individuals resurrected in this
manner also fixate on one illogical and likely No Power Alteration
unobtainable goal.
A Kizmetor can not apply Power Modifiers to their Powers.
Randomness is the essence of being a Kizmetor. Though they have
Kizmetor's are exceedingly rare and it's a good thing too. If
the ability to dramatically increase or decrease the chance of an
multiple Kizmetors are on the same battlefield (GM's discretion),
event occurring (or not occurring), a Kizmetor has no control over
the cost of activating a Kizmetor Power is equal to the number of
the outcome. They simply choose what they want to make more
Kizmetor's on the field. Furthermore, if both Kizmetors use the
or less likely and hope for the best, though the outcome is often
same power, they are both canceled out with no further effect
unpredictable. After reading through some of these abilities, it will
immediately after the second identical power is generated.
become clear why experienced soldiers cringe when a Kizmetor
enters the fray. Lastly, if two opposing Kizmetor's have the same suit for initiative,
and one fails the Probability Manipulation test the other Kizmetor
USING KIZMETOR POWERS chooses the target for the failed power - it is not random. In short,
one Kizmetor on the field of battle is bad luck. Two or more is total
Kizmetors do not use or purchase powers like other arcane
and utter chaos.
backgrounds. Their powers are innate and hopelessly random. To
simulate the random nature of these abilities, a Kizmetor activates
his Probability Manipulation ability by spending a single Power
2 Need a Boost: increases one or more physical attribute by 2 die steps for 5 Clubs: Strength is affected.
rounds. Beneficial Power. Diamonds: Agility is affected.
Hearts: Vigor is affected.
Spades: All three above attributes are affected.
3 It's All in the Wrist: The target increases the specified skill rolls by +2 for 5 Clubs: Skills with Spirit as their linked attribute are affected.
rounds. Beneficial Power Diamonds: Skills with Agility as their linked attribute are affected.
Hearts: Skills with Smarts as their linked attribute are affected.
Spades: All skills are affected.
4 I Go First: One Side gets an initiative advantage. Beneficial Power Clubs: Affected persons are considered on Hold the next turn.
Diamonds: Affected persons are considered on Hold the next turn.
Hearts: Affected persons have a surprise round the next turn.
Spades: Affected persons have a surprise round the next turn.
5 Machines are Unreliable: A key piece of equipment breaks down or goes Clubs: Communication equipment is affected for 5 rounds.
haywire. Harmful Power Diamonds: Sensors are affected for 5 rounds.
Hearts: Armored suits are affected. Roll once on the Malfunction Table for
Spades: Weapons are affected. Roll once on the Malfunction Table for
weapons for the primary weapon.
6 Walk It Off: The target’s wounds were really not as bad as it first appeared. Clubs: Statuses (Shaken, Distracted, Fatigued, etc.) except for
Beneficial Power. Incapacitation are removed.
Diamonds: Wounds are removed.
Hearts: Status and Wounds are both removed.
Spades: Status and Wounds are both removed. Incapacitated characters
are automatically revived.
7 Damage Control: The targets are treated as having rolled a raise if they Clubs: Effect lasts for 1 round.
score a simple success on attack rolls. Beneficial Power. Diamonds: Effect lasts for 2 rounds.
Hearts: Effect lasts for 4 rounds.
Spades: Effect lasts for 5 rounds.
8 Lucky Day: The targets gain a Benny. Beneficial Power. On a failure the GM Clubs: –
also adds a Benny to their pile. Beneficial Power. Diamonds: –
Hearts: –
Spades: –
9 Accuracy Smackuracy: The target ignores external penalties (range, Clubs: Effect lasts for 1 round.
illumination, etc.), except for penalties caused by Wounds or MAP, for the Diamonds: Effect lasts for 2 rounds.
next 5 rounds. Beneficial Power. Hearts: Effect lasts for 4 rounds.
Spades: Effect lasts for 5 rounds.
10 Matrix Mayhem: All Matrix Powers activated by allies are considered Clubs: Effect lasts for 1 round.
Critical Failure if they fail to activate. In addition, they automatically fail if Diamonds: Effect lasts for 2 rounds.
they roll a 1 on the generation roll (regardless of Wild Die). Creatures with Hearts: Effect lasts for 4 rounds.
innate Matrix abilities are forced to roll against their Smarts to activate Spades: Effect lasts for 5 rounds.
them, with the above modifiers. Harmful Power.
Jack Benny Negation: The Target may spend a Benny to cause a roll to fail Clubs: –
automatically during this round. If the roll was already a failure, it becomes Diamonds: –
a Critical Failure. On a failure the GM may spend a Benny on behalf of the Hearts: –
opponents to cause a failure as detailed above. Beneficial Power. Spades: –
Queen Weather or Not: The target incurs the listed penalties to all rolls (GMs Clubs: -1 penalty to all rolls.
discretion) and weather may even be deadly. Harmful Power. Diamonds: -2 penalty to all rolls.
Hearts: -2 penalty to all rolls, and movement at half.
Spades: -2 penalty to all rolls, movement at half, and the weather is
King Is That The Best You've Got: Being wounded now becomes extremely Clubs: Divide damage the target takes in half.
unlikely until the end of the Kizmetor’s next turn. Beneficial Power. Diamonds: Divide damage the target takes in half.
Hearts: Divide damage the target takes in half. Damage die on rolls against
the target do not Ace.
Spades: Divide damage the target takes in half. Damage die on rolls
against the target do not Ace.
Ace Not So Wild Now: Targets become mundane and unable to perform Clubs: If the target is a Wild Card they lose their Wild Die.
impressive actions for the next 5 rounds. Diamonds: If the target is a Wild Card they lose their Wild Die.
Hearts: If the target is a Wild Card they lose their Wild Die, and they may
not spend any Bennies.
Spades: If the target is a Wild Card they lose their Wild Die, and they may
not spend any Bennies.
Joker Select one Kizmetor power of your choice. Clubs: Varies with Power selected.
Diamonds: Varies with Power selected.
Hearts: Varies with Power selected.
Spades: Varies with Power selected.
Academics Smarts ★Notice Smarts
★Athletics Agility Performance Spirit
Battle Smarts ★Persuasion Spirit
Boating Agility Piloting Agility
★Common Knowledge Smarts Power Armor Use Agility
Driving Agility Repair Smarts
Electronics Smarts Research Smarts
Fighting Agility Riding Agility
Gambling Smarts Science Smarts
Generation Smarts Shooting Agility
Hacking Smarts ★Stealth Agility
Healing Smarts Survival Smarts
Intimidation Spirit Taunt Smarts
Language Smarts Thievery Agility
1 7
3 9
4 10
5 11
WEAK: +4 to Damage; RST: +4 to Trait & -4 to Damage;
SUP: +4 to Trait & half damage; IMM: Immune to damage