HQ To Coit Hike
HQ To Coit Hike
HQ To Coit Hike
Trip highlights
The Narrows is a 1-mile long stretch of East • China Hole - popular swimming hole
Henry W. Coe
Fork Coyote Creek between China Hole and • The Narrows - scenic rocky canon of East State Park
Los Cruzeros without an established trail. To Fork Coyote Creek. May be impassable in
avoid wading in the water in wet seasons, high water
Backpacking Trips - Park Headquarters
use Cougar Trail/Poverty Flat Road instead. • Steep climbs/descents
• Coit Lake - swimming, fishing
Camping at Coit Lake Coit Lake
• Remote Kelly Cabin Canyon. Lightly used
The lake is mostly surrounded by reeds. The
trails may be obscured by brush, tall grass,
following locations have flat ground and
access to water: fallen trees
• Panoramic views from Willow Ridge
• by the north end of the dam
• by the south end of the dam, couple
hundred feet behind the vault toilet
• The Park is open year round, 7 days a
• in the secluded cove along the south
week/24 hours. The Visitor Center is
shore, on fishermen trail (room for 1 tent)
open 8AM - 4PM on weekends.
• on the road, on the south side of the lake,
by a vault toilet and picnic table with • In summer, temperatures above 90
ramada degrees between 11AM and 7:30-8PM
are not unusual. Hike early in the
Camping at Willow Ridge morning and late in the evening. Plan
Willow Ridge Spring usually flows until mid- shorter trips when necessary to prevent
summer. Watch for encroaching poison oak heat exhaustion. Duration: 2-4 days
near the spring. Take unnamed 0.1 mile trail
• In winter, expect cold nights - mid-30s Difficulty: strenuous
to the spacious flat area under large oaks,
or below.
overlooking canyon of Coyote Creek and Distance, elevation gain/loss:
Mahoney ridge. No picnic table and no vault • In winter and spring, many creeks may
one way, via Willow Ridge Road:
toilet. be impassable after heavy rain.
11.7 miles, +1800/-2280 feet
Camping at Lost Spring • On less used trails, in late summer and return via Mahoney Meadows Road:
Look for unmarked narrow side trail on the fall, consider gaiters to keep sharp seed 14.1 miles, +2410/-1930/feet
west side of the Lost Spring Trail south of the and burs out of your shoes and socks.
Trailhead: Park Headquarters, at the end of
spring. A couple hundred feet from the main East Dunne Avenue
trail you’ll find a campsite with a secluded
opening and a picnic table. Large coast live Permits/fees: Backpacking permit and
oaks provide deep shade. Spring water is Rev. 1.6 12/03/2017 parking fees required; register at visitor center
Pine Ridge Association
available at reliable Lost Spring, located on when open or self-register for Coit Lake (and
www.coepark.net Willow Ridge/Lost Spring/Mahoney Zone for
Lost Spring Trail 0.3 miles north of its (408)779-2728
southern junction with Mahoney Meadows 9100 East Dunne Ave. multi-day trip).
Road. Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Key points - round trip This map is for reference only. Elevation - round trip
Use the detailed Henry W. Coe State Park Trail and
0.0 Take Corral and Forest trails, Camping Map for hiking.
Manzanita Point Road, China Hole 1950
5.1 W* China Hole. Continue through the
Narrows to Los Cruzeros and Willow 650
Ridge Trail Camp Route
6.2 W* Turn right onto Willow Ridge Trail 0 7 13 20 26