5 CS
5 CS
5 CS
Scheme and Syllabus of III & IV Semesters
1. To deliver outcome based Quality education, emphasizing on experiential
learning with the state of the art infrastructure.
2. To create a conducive environment for interdisciplinary research and
3. To develop professionals through holistic education focusing on individual
growth, discipline, integrity, ethics and social sensitivity.
4. To nurture industry-institution collaboration leading to competency
enhancement and entrepreneurship.
5. To focus on technologies that are sustainable and inclusive, benefiting all
sections of the society.
Achieving Excellence in Technical Education, Research and Consulting through an
Outcome Based Curriculum focusing on Continuous Improvement and Innovation
by Benchmarking against the global Best Practices.
Professionalism, Commitment, Integrity, Team Work, Innovation
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
R.V. Vidyaniketan Post, Mysore Road
Bengaluru – 560 059
Scheme and Syllabus of III & IV Semesters
To achieve leadership in the field of Computer Science & Engineering by strengthening fundamentals
and facilitating interdisciplinary sustainable research to meet the ever growing needs of the society.
To evolve continually as a centre of excellence in quality education in computers and allied fields.
To develop state-of-the-art infrastructure and create environment capable for interdisciplinary
research and skill enhancement.
To collaborate with industries and institutions at national and international levels to enhance
research in emerging areas.
To develop professionals having social concern to become leaders in top-notch industries and/or
become entrepreneurs with good ethics.
PEO1: Develop Graduates capable of applying the principles of mathematics, science, core
engineering and Computer Science to solve real-world problems in interdisciplinary
PEO2: To develop the ability among graduates to analyze and understand current pedagogical
techniques, industry accepted computing practices and state-of-art technology.
PEO3: To develop graduates who will exhibit cultural awareness, teamwork with professional
ethics, effective communication skills and appropriately apply knowledge of societal
impacts of computing technology.
PEO4: To prepare graduates with a capability to successfully get employed in the right role /
become entrepreneurs to achieve higher career goals or takeup higher education in pursuit
of lifelong learning.
2. Learn the applicability of various systems software elements for solving design
3. Identify the various analysis & design methodologies for facilitating development of
high quality system software products with focus on performance optimization.
1. Demonstrate the use of knowledge and ability to write programs and integrate them
with the hardware/software products in the domains of embedded systems,
databases/data analytics, network/web systems and mobile products.
*** Bridge Course: Audit course for lateral entry diploma students
1 Bridge Course Mathematics 21DMA37
CIE Max Marks SEE Max Marks
Credit Allocation
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title BoS Category Duration CIE Duration SEE
L T P Total (H) Theory Lab (H) Theory Lab
Statistics and Probability for
1 21MA41A* 2 1 0 3 MA Theory 1.5 100 **** 3 100 ****
Data Science
*** Bridge Course: Audit course for lateral entry diploma students
2 Bridge Course C Programming 21DCS47
& TE
Unit – I 09 Hrs
Linear Algebra – I:
Vector spaces, subspaces, linear dependence and independence, basis and dimension, four fundamental subspaces.
Rank and nullity theorem (without proof). Linear transformations - matrix representation, kernel and image of a
linear transformation, dilation, reflection, projection and rotation matrices.
Unit – II 09 Hrs
Linear Algebra - II:
Inner Products, orthogonal matrices, orthogonal and orthonormal bases, Gram-Schmidt process, QR-factorization.
Eigen values and Eigen vectors, diagonalization of a matrix (symmetric matrices) and singular value decomposition.
Unit – III 09 Hrs
Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transform:
Existence and uniqueness of Laplace transform (LT), transform of elementary functions. Properties - linearity, scaling
and s – domain shift, differentiation in the s – domain, division by t, differentiation and integration in the time
domain. Inverse Laplace transforms - properties, evaluation using different methods, convolution theorem (without
proof) and problems.
Unit – IV 09 Hrs
Fourier Transform:
Fourier integral theorem, complex Fourier and inverse Fourier transform, Fourier sine transform, Fourier cosine
transform, properties - linearity, scaling, time-shift and modulation. Convolution theorem (without proof), problems.
Unit – V 09 Hrs
Number Theory:
Divisibility, the greatest common divisor, properties of prime numbers, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic,
congruence, linear congruence, multiplicative inverses and cancelling, Euler’s theorem, RSA Public key encryption.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Illustrate the fundamental concepts of linear algebra, Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms, Fourier
transforms and number theory.
CO2: Apply the acquired knowledge of linear algebra, Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms
and number theory to solve the problems of engineering applications.
CO3: Analyze the solution of the problems using appropriate techniques of linear algebra, integral transforms and
number theory to the real world problems arising in many practical situations.
CO4: Interpret the overall knowledge of linear algebra, Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms
and number theory gained to engage in life-long learning.
Model presentation/ case study/
video preparation
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Identify the components of environment and exemplify the detrimental impact of anthropogenic activities on
the environment.
CO2: Differentiate the various types of wastes and suggest appropriate safe technological methods to manage the
CO3: Apply different renewable energy resources and can analyse the nature of waste and propose methods to
extract clean energy.
CO4: Adopt the appropriate recovering methods to recover the essential resources from the wastes for reuse or
2. Richard A Schneider and Jerry A Nathanson, Basic Environmental Technology, Pearson, 6th Edition, 2022.
ISBN: 9789332575134,
3. G. Tyler Miller (Author), Scott Spoolman (Author), (2020) Environmental Science – 15th edition, Publisher:
Brooks Cole, ISBN-13: 978-1305090446 ISBN-10: 130509044
4. Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe and George Tchobanoglous. 2000. Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill
Education, First edition (1 July 2017). ISBN-10: 9351340260, ISBN-13: 978-9351340263
Experiments to be performed
1 Data development
2 Working model (in silico or demo model)
3 Preparing a report
4 Brainstorming of the work carried out.
Experiential learning evaluation will be evaluated based on the experiments and the preparation, presentation
of the topics, equal weightage is given for experiments and theory.
Each quiz is evaluated for 5 marks adding up to 10 MARKS.
(Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and
Test – I Each test will be conducted for 25 Marks adding upto 50 marks.
Test – II Final test marks will be reduced to 20 MARKS
Case Study-based Teaching-
Experiments performed 10
50 100
Unit-I 7 Hrs
Introduction to Data structures, Types of Data Structures, Linear & non-linear Data Structures
Stack definitions & concepts, Representing stacks in C, Operations on stacks, Applications of Stacks: Infix to Postfix,
Infix to Prefix, Postfix expression evaluation
Introduction to Recursion, Factorial function, Binary search, Towers of Hanoi problem, Role of the stack during
Unit – II 7 Hrs
Representation of queue, operations, circular queues. Application of Queue: Message queue using circular queue.
Dynamic Memory allocation: malloc(), calloc(),free(), realloc()
Linked Lists:
Definition and terminology, Singly Linked List (SLL), Various operations on SLL: insertion, deletion and display,
getnode, freenode, and header node.
Unit –III 7 Hrs
Circular Singly Linked List (CSLL): Definition, Various operations, Application: Queue implementation.
DoublyLinked List (DLL),CircularDoublyLinked List (CDLL). Applications: Polynomial multiplication, Addition of
long positive integers.
Recursive Definition, Terminology, Binary Trees (BT), Binary Search Trees (BST), Expression Trees (ET)
Unit –IV 7 Hrs
Various Operations on BT, BST, ET: Insertion, Deletion,Display and Traversals.
Applications: Tree Sort, Infix, Postfix and Prefix
Definition, Construction, Applications of Heap: Heap Sort, Priority Queue.
Unit –V 8 Hrs
Threaded Binary Tree: Types and application.
Balanced tree: AVL trees, B+ tree, Splay and Tries.
Preliminaries; Matrix and Adjacency List representation of Graphs.
Open Hashing, Closed Hashing, Collision and Collision Resolution Strategies.
Reference Books
Data Structures using C and C++, Yedidyah Langsam Moshe J. Augenstein and Aaron M. Tenenbaum, 2nd
Edition, 2009, PHI/Pearson.
Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, Mark Allen Weiss, 4th Revised Edition, 2013, Addison-
Wesley, ISBN-13: 9780132847377
3 Data Structures Using C, Reema Thareja, 1st Edition, 2011, Oxford Higher Education
4 Fundamentals of Data Structures, Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Illustrated Edition, Computer Science Press.
Laboratory Component
Note: The following programs can be executed on C/C++/Python/Java or any equivalent tool/language
Practice Programs:
Implementation and execution of following programs to understand basic concept and working of various data
1. To solve tower of Hanoi problem.
2. To Implement a Stack using an Array
3. To Implement a Queue using an Array
4. To implement Stack using multiple Queues
5. To implement Queue using multiple Stacks
6. To Search for an Element in a Linked List
7. To reverse a Linked List
8. To Detect the Cycle in a Linked List
9. To Print Height and Depth of given Binary Tree
10. To Implement Binary Search Tree and tree traversals
Lab Programs: (At-least two application from each of the following data structure)
1. Application of Stack
a) Implementation of Infix to Postfix conversion
b) Implementation of Infix to Postfix conversion
c) Implementation of evaluation of postfix expression
d) Implementation of evaluation of prefix evaluation
3. Application of List
a) Implementation of sparse matrix multiplication.
b) Implementation of polynomials operations (addition, subtraction) using Linked List.
c) Implementation of Linked Lists menu driven program (stack and queue)
d) Implementation of Double ended queue using Linked Lists.
5. Application of Trees
a) Implementation of conversion of Prefix to Postfix / Infix to Postfix /Postfix to Prefix using Expression
b) Implementation of various operations on Binary Tree like – creating a tree, displaying a tree, copying
tree, mirroring a tree, counting the number of nodes in the tree, counting only leaf nodes in the tree.
c) Implementation of various operations on Binary Search Tree like – Inserting a node, Deleting a node,
Displaying a tree, Tree Sort
d) Implementation of B+ tree
Unit-I 8 Hrs
Business Domains & Applications: Semiconductors as an essential component of electronic devices and its advances
in communications, computing, healthcare, military systems, transportation, clean energy, and countless other
Arithmetic and Logic Design Using Combinational Circuits
Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers, Multiplication of Unsigned Numbers, Multiplication of
Signed Numbers, Fast Multiplication, Bit-Pair Recoding of Multipliers, Integer Division, Floating-Point Numbers and
their single and double precision representation.
Logic Design with MSI Components: Karnaugh Maps to obtain minimal Expressions for Complete Boolean and
Incomplete Boolean Expressions, Binary Adders, Subtracters, Comparators, Decoders, Encoders, Multiplexers
Unit – II 10 Hrs
Logic Design Using Sequential Circuits
Flip-Flops and Applications: The Basic Bistable Elements, Latches, Timing Considerations, Master-Slave Flip-Flops
(Pulse-Triggered Flip-Flops), Edge – Triggered Flip-Flops, Characteristic Equations, Registers - SISO, SIPO, PISO,
PIPO and Universal Shift Register. Counters: Binary Ripple Counters, Synchronous Binary Counters, Counters based
on Shift Registers, Design of Synchronous Counters and Self-Correcting Counters
Unit –III 10 Hrs
Study and design of Synchronous Sequential Networks
Synchronous Sequential Networks: Structure and operation of Clocked synchronous Sequential Networks, Analysis
of Clocked Synchronous Sequential Networks, Modelling clocked synchronous sequential network behavior, State
Table Reduction, The State Assignment, Completing the design of clocked synchronous sequential networks.
Unit –IV 10 Hrs
Structure of Computers and Instruction Set Architecture
Basic Structure of Computers: Functional Units, Basic Operational Concepts, Performance – Technology and
Parallelism. Instruction Set Architecture: Memory Locations and Addresses, Memory Operations, Instructions and
Instruction Sequencing, Addressing Modes, Assembly Language- Assembler Directives, Assembly and Execution of
Programs. Stacks, Subroutines- Subroutine Nesting and the Processor Stack, Parameter Passing, The Stack Frame.
Unit –V 7 Hrs
Memory System & Basic Processing Unit
The Memory System: Basic Concepts, Semiconductor RAM Memories, Cache Memories- Mapping Functions,
Examples of Mapping Techniques, Performance Considerations.
Basic Processing Unit: Fundamental Concepts, Instruction Execution, Hardware Components, Instruction Fetch and
Execution Steps, Multiple-Bus Organization, Control Signals, Hardwired Control, Basic organization of a
Microprogrammed Control Unit.
Reference Books
Computer Organization and Embedded Systems , Carl Hamacher, ZvonkoVranesic, SafwatZaky,
1. NaraigManjikian, Mc Graw Hill, 6th Edition, 2012, ISBN-13: 978-0-07-338065-0
2. Digital Principles and Design, Donald D.Givone, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003 , ISBN-13: 0-07- 252503-7
Computer Organization and Design, David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, Elsevier, 5th Edition, 2014, ISBN-
13: 978-0-12-407726-3.
Digital Principles and Applications, Donald P Leach, Malvoni, GautamSaha Tata McGraw Hill, 7th Edition 2010,
ISBN-13: 978-0070141704.
Laboratory Component
PART A (Design & Construction of Combinational & Sequential Circuits)
1A. Realization of Excess-3 Code converter with Parallel Adder and Subtractor using 4-bit adder,
using the IC – 74283.
B. Realization of Binary to Gray Code Converter using decoders, using the IC 74139.
2. Realization of Full Adder and Full Subtract or using Multiplexers, using IC 74153.
3. Design and realization One Bit and Two-Bit Magnitude Comparator using logic Gates.
4A. Realization of single digit Seven segment display using the BCD to seven segment decoders,
using the IC–7447.
B. Realization of Priority Encoder using IC–74147.
5. Design and Realization of Master-Slave JK Flip Flop using only NAND Gates.
6A. Realization of Synchronous Up-Down programmable counter using IC 74192.
B. Realization of Asynchronous decade counter and its variations using IC 7490.
7A. Realization of Ring counter and Johnson counter using IC 7495.
B. Design and realization of sequence generator using IC 7495.
8. Design of Mod-N Synchronous Up counters using IC 74112.
Note: Experiments & ICs indicated can be changed based on the availability and relevance
Design a 4/8-bit CPU using the LOGISIM simulator, for the following specifications.
● Program Counter (Assume 256 program/code memory)
● Instruction Register (Assume instruction size as 16 bit)
● General Purpose Registers (RISC type-R0-R7): Use Harvard & Multiple Bus Architecture
● ALU (to support 4-bit integer arithmetic operations & 4-bit logical operations)
● Memory – 1024 ROM (to store instructions of size 16 bit) and 256 RAM (to store 4-bit data)
● Implement the following instructions namely: MOV, ADD, SUB, LOAD, STORE, AND,
● Result to be displayed on 7‐segment displays / reg tab of LOGISIM
Unit-I 06 Hrs
Introduction- Perspectives
Business domain:Virtualisation and Cloud Computing Application:Traditional computing, Mobile computing,
Distributed systems
What Operating System do, Operating System structure, Operating system Operations.
System Structures
Operating system services, System Calls, Types of System calls
Process Management
Process concept, Process scheduling, Operations on processes
Unit – II 06 Hrs
Multithreaded programming
Overview, Multicore programming, Multithreading models, Thread libraries - pthreads
CPU scheduling and Process Synchronization
Basic concepts, scheduling criteria, scheduling algorithms-FCFS, SJF, RR, priority, Real-time CPU scheduling
Unit –III 06 Hrs
Process Synchronization
Background, The Critical section problem, Peterson’s Solution
Process Synchronization
Synchronization hardware, Mutex locks, Semaphores, Classic problems of synchronization
Unit –IV 06 Hrs
Main Memory Management
Background, Swapping, Contiguous memory allocation, Segmentation, Paging, Structure of page table.
Virtual memory
Background, Demand Paging, Copy-on-write, Page replacement, Allocation of frames, Thrashing
Unit –V 06 Hrs
File Systems
File Naming, File Structure, File Types, File Access, File Attributes, File Operations, An example program
using File-System calls, File-System Layout, Implementing Files
Reference Books
Operating System Concepts, Abraham Silberschatz, Peter Baer Galvin , Greg Gagne,
9th Edition, Incorporated, 2018, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 978-1-265-5427-0
Modern operating systems, Tanenbaum, Andrew, 4th Edition, Pearson Education, Inc 2009. ISBN
013359162X, 978-0133591620
UNIX System Programming Using C++, Terrence Chan, 2011, Prentice Hall India, ISBN:
9788120314689 978-8120314689.
4. Operating systems - A concept based Approach, D.M Dhamdhere, 3rd Edition, , 2017, Tata
McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 1259005585, 978-1259005589
“xv6: a simple, Unix-like teaching operating system”, https://pdos.csail.mit.edu/6.828/2014/xv6/book-
1. Students need to implement Operating system with kernel concepts with the help of references like:
Weenix- project for people interested in writing parts of a Unix kernel.
GitHub - cfenollosa/os-tutorial: How to create an OS from scratch
2. Open Ended Problems are given to students to solve using various latest OS technology.
Laboratory Component
1. Implementation of basic UNIX commands using file APIs- Write a program to implement
commands ls( -l option), cp, rm and mv using UNIX file APIs.
2. Apply the concepts of Process control system calls to build applications to demonstrate use of fork, execve,
wait, getpid, exitsystem calls
3. Apply the pthread library to build Applications to demonstrate use ofpthread library functions to create and
manage threads.
4. Apply the concepts of Process/Thread synchronization to build Applications to demonstrate process/thread
synchronizationusing semaphores and mutex. Implement Dining philosophers problem, reader-writer
5. Apply the concepts of Process/Thread synchronization for file access to build applications to demonstrate
process/threadsynchronization using file locks.
6. Apply Memory management concepts towrite a program to simulate Buddy memory allocation algorithm.
7. Apply the concepts of Static and Shared libraries to write a program to create and use static and shared
libraries.Demonstrate the advantage of shared libraries over static libraries in terms of memory usage.
The students are expected to implement a mini project using operating system concepts and
APIs/system calls learned in the theory. The primary emphasis of the experiment is to understand and gain knowledge
of operating system concepts so as to apply these concepts in implementing solutions to real world problems. Students
are required to form a team, with constraint of maximum 3 persons in a team. Students have to select the
problem/application of their choice and get confirmed with faculty handling the course.
Unit-I 10 Hrs
Introduction- Perspectives
Business Domains & Applications: Application of discrete mathematics incoding theory, job scheduling, routing in
networking, network security etc.
Fundamental Principles of Counting
The Rule of Sum and Product, Permutations, Combinations, The Binomial Theorem, Combinations with repetition
Recursive Definitions, Recurrence Relations
Recursive definition, First order linear recurrence relation- Formulation problems and examples, Second order linear
homogeneous recurrence relations with constant coefficients
Unit – II 08 Hrs
Fundamentals of Logic
Basic Connectives and Truth Tables, Tautologies, Logical Equivalence: The laws of logic, Logical Implications, Rules
of inference. Open Statement, Quantifiers, Definition and the use of Quantifiers, Definitions and the proofs of
Unit –III 9 Hrs
Properties of relations, Composition of Relations, Partial Orders, Hasse Diagrams, Equivalence Relations and
Functions-plain, One-to-one, onto functions, Stirling numbers of the second kind, Function composition and Inverse
function, Growth of function.
Unit –IV 9 Hrs
Language and Finite State Machine
Set Theory of strings, Finite State machine, Introduction to Finite Automata, Basic concepts of Automata theory,
Deterministic Finite Automata, Non-Deterministic Finite Automata, Finite Automata with epsilon-transitions,
Equivalence of NFA & DFA.
Unit –V 9 Hrs
Groups theory
Definition, Examples and Elementary properties, Abelian groups, Homomorphism isomorphism, cyclic groups, cosets
and Lagrange’s theorem.
Coding Theory:
Elementary coding theory, the hamming metric, the parity-Check and generator Matrices
Reference Books
Ralph P. Grimaldi and B V Ramana, Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics- An Applied Introduction,
Pearson Education, Asia, 5th Edition – 2017, ISBN 978-0321385024
J.P. Tremblay and R. Manohar, Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to Computer Science,
Tata – McGraw Hill, 1st Edition 2017, ISBN 13:978-0074631133
Kenneth H. Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tata – McGraw Hill, 6th Edition, 7th
edition 2017, ISBN-(13): 978-0070681880
John Martin, Introduction to Languages and the Theory of Computation, 4th Edition, John C Martin, ISBN
Based on the concepts learnt in this course like relations, functions- problems on graph theory such as graph
coloring, scheduling problems could be given for Experiential learning.
Also using the concepts of logical reasoning and group theory some of the NLP problems could also be given for
Experiential learning.
Unit-I 08 Hrs
Business Domains: Programming.
Applications: Design games, GUI, DBMS, Embedded Systems, Compilers and Operating Systems.
Introduction to Computer Concepts: Introduction to Computer Hardware, Software and its Types. Introduction to
C programming: Programming paradigms, Basic structure of C program, Process of compiling and running a C
program, Features of C language, Character set, C tokens, Keywords and Identifiers, Constants, Variables, Data types,
Pre-processor directives. Handling Input and Output operations and operators: Formatted input/output functions,
Unformatted input/output functions with programming examples using all functions.
Unit – II 10 Hrs
Operators: Introduction to operator set, Arithmetic operators, Relational operators, Logical Operators, Assignment
operators, Increment and Decrement operators, Conditional operators, Bit-wise operators, Special operators.
Expressions: Arithmetic expressions, evaluation of expressions, Precedence of arithmetic operators, Type conversion
in expressions, Operator precedence and associativity.
Decision Making and Branching: Decision making with ‘if’ statement, Simple ‘if’ statement, the ‘if…else’
statement, nesting of ‘if…else’ statements, The ‘else if’ ladder, The ‘switch’ statement, The ‘?:’ operator, The ‘goto’
Unit –III 12 Hrs
Programming Constructs: Decision making and looping: The ‘for’,’while’,’do-while’ statements with examples,
Jumps in loops. Arrays: Introduction to Arrays, Types of arrays, Declaration arrays, Initializing dimensional arrays
(One Dimensional and Multidimensional Array) with examples.
String Operations: Introduction, Declaration and Initializing String Variables using arrays, String operations and
functions with examples. Functions: Need for Functions, Types of functions (User Defined and Built –In), working
with functions, Definition, declaration and its scope. Pointers: Introduction, Benefits of using pointers, Declaration
and Initialization of pointers, Obtaining a value of a variable.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to:-
CO 1 Apply logical skills to solve the engineering problems using C programming constructs.
CO 2 Evaluate the appropriate method/data structure required in C programming to develop solutions by
investigating the problem.
CO 3 Design a sustainable solution using C programming with societal and environmental concern by engaging in
lifelong learning for emerging technology
CO 4 Demonstrate programming skills to solve inter-disciplinary problems using modern tools effectively by
exhibiting team work through oral presentation and written reports.
Implement the following programs using cc/gcc compiler
1. Develop a C program to compute the roots of the equation ax2 + bx + c = 0.
2. Develop a C program that reads N integer numbers and arrange them in ascending or descending order using
selection sort and bubble sort technique.
3. Develop a C program for Matrix multiplication.
4. Develop a C program to search an element using Binary search and linear search techniques.
5. Using functions develop a C program to perform the following tasks by parameter passing to read a string from
the user and print appropriate message for palindrome or not palindrome.
6. Develop a C program to compute average marks of ‘n’ students (Name, Roll_No, Test Marks) and search a
particular record based on ‘Roll_No’.
7. Develop a C program using pointers to function to find given two strings are equal or not.
8. Develop a C program using recursion, to determine GCD , LCM of two numbers and to perform binary to decimal
(Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and
Test – I Each test will be conducted for 50
Marks adding upto 100 marks. Final
Test – II test marks will be reduced to 30
1. Students should have service-oriented mindset and social concern.
2. Students should have dedication to work at any remote place, any time with available resources and proper time
management for the other works.
3. Students should be ready to sacrifice some of the timely will and wishes to achieve service-oriented targets on
Content 13 Hours
Students must take up any one activity on below mentioned topics and has to prepare contents for awareness
and technical contents for implementation of the projects and has to present strategies for implementation of
the same. Compulsorily must attend one camp.
CIE will be evaluated based on their presentation, approach, and implementation strategies. (Any one of the
below mentioned activity)
1. Helping local schools to achieve good result and enhance their enrolment in Higher/technical/ vocational
2. Preparing an actionable business proposal for enhancing the village/ farmer income and approach for
3. Developing Sustainable Water management system for rural/ urban areas and implementation approaches.
4. Setting of the information imparting club for women leading to contribution in social and economic issues.
5. Spreading public awareness/ government schemes under rural outreach program. (Minimum 5 programs)
6. Contribution to any national level initiative of Government of India. For eg. Digital India, Skill India,
Swachh Bharat, AtmanirbharBharath, Make in India, Mudra scheme, Skill development programs etc..
7. Social connect and responsibilities
8. Plantation and adoption of plants. Know your plants
9. Organic farming, Indian Agriculture (Past, Present and Future) Connectivity for marketing
10. Waste management – Public, Private and Govt organization, 5 R’s
11. Water conservation techniques – Role of different stakeholders - Implementation
12. Govt. School Rejuvenation and assistance to achieve good infrastructure.
13. Organize National integration and social harmony events/ workshops / seminars. (Minimum 2 programs)
CO3: Evaluate the existing system and to propose practical solutions for the same for sustainable development.
Presentation 1- Selection of topic- (phase 1)
Justification for Importance, need of the hour with 10 *****
surveyed data.
Presentation 2 (phase 2) 10 *****
Content development, strategies for implementation
Case Study-based Teaching-Learning 10 Implementation strategies of
the project with report
Sector wise study & consolidation 10
Unit 1 7 Hrs
Drill (Contact Hrs. 12). Foot Drill- Drill kiAamHidayaten, Word ki Command, Savdhan, Vishram, Aram Se,
Murdna, Kadvar Sizing, Teen Line Banana, Khuli Line, Nikat Line, KhadeKhade Salute Karna
Unit 2 3 Hrs
Weapon Training (WT): Introduction & Characteristics of 7.62 Self Loading rifle, Identification of rifle parts
Unit 3 3 Hrs
Adventure activities: Trekking and obstacle course
Unit 4 2 Hrs
Social Service and Community Development (SSCD): Students will participate in various activities throughout the
semester e.g., Blood donation Camp, SwachhataAbhiyan, Constitution Day, All National Festival
Reference Books
NCC Cadet Hand Book by R K Gupta, Ramesh Publishing House, New Delhi, Book code:R- 1991, ISBN:
978-93-87918-57-3, HSN Code: 49011010
2 nccindia.ac.in
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand the basic principles and practices of Physical Education and Sports.
CO2 Instruct the Physical Activities and Sports practices for Healthy Living
To develop professionalism among students to conduct, organize & Officiate Physical Education and Sports
CO3 events at schools and community level
Reference Books
1 Muller, J. P. (2000). Health, Exercise and Fitness. Delhi: Sports.
2 Vanaik.A (2005) Play Field Manual, Friends Publication New Delhi
3 IAAF Manual
M.J Vishwanath, (2002) Track and Field Marking and Athletics Officiating Manual, Silver Star Publication,
4 Shimoga
Test – II
Practical 30 marks
Total 50 marks
Rubric for CIE (2022 Scheme) Rubric for SEE (2022 Scheme)
Sl. No. Content Marks Sl. No. Content Marks
1 Attendance 10 1 Performing Skills 30
2 Performing Skills 20 (Any Two)
(Any Two)
3 Court measurement (Markings) 20 2 Viva 20
Total: 50 Total: 50
1. Students should know basics of music.
2. Students should have dedication to learn and improve on their musical skills.
3. Students should have participated in musical events and have basic knowledge on how to present their music.
Content 13 Hours
1. Introduction to different genres of music
2. Evolution of genres in India: Inspiration from the world
3. Ragas, time and their moods in Indian Classical Music
4. Identification of ragas and application into contemporary songs
5. Adding your touch to a composition
6. Maths and Music: A demonstration
7. Harmonies in music
8. Chords: Basics and application into any song
9. Music Production-I
10. Music Production-II
Students have to form groups of 2-4 and present a musical performance/ a musical task which shall be
given by the experts. The experts shall judge the groups and award marks for the same.
CIE will be evaluated based on their presentation, approach and implementation strategies. Students need
to submit their certificates of any event they participated or bagged prizes in. This shall also be considered
for CIE evaluation.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1 Understand basics of Music and improve their skills
CO2 Appreciate the impacts on health and well being
CO3 Perform and present music in a presentable manner
CO4 Develop skills like team building and collaboration
1. Students should have the will and interest to learn dancing.
2. Students should have a positive mindset.
3. Students should be willing to interact and cooperate in group activities.
Content 13 Hours
1. Introduction to Dance
2. Preparing the body for dancing by learning different ways to warm up.
3. Basics of different dance forms i.e. classical, eastern, and western.
4. Assessing the interest of students and dividing them into different styles based on interaction.
5. Advancing more into the styles of interest.
6. Understanding of music i.e. beats, rhythm, and other components.
7. Expert sessions in the respective dance forms.
8. Activities such as cypher, showcase to gauge learning.
9. Components of performance through demonstration.
10. Introduction to choreographies and routines.
11. Learning to choreograph.
12. Choreograph and perform either solo or in groups.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand the fundamentals of dancing.
CO2: Adapt to impromptu dancing.
CO3: Ability to pick choreography and understand musicality.
CO4: To be able to do choreographies and perform in front of a live audience.
Reference Books
1 Dance Composition: A practical guide to creative success in dance making by Jacqueline M. Smith-Autard
1. Students should have creative oriented mindset and social concern.
2. Students should have dedication to work with their classmates for long hours until a collective goal is reached.
3. Students should be ready to sacrifice some of the timely will and wishes to achieve targets on time.
Content 13 Hours
1. Break the ICE
2. Introduction to freedom Talk to each and every single person for a period of 5 complete minutes. This is
aimed at to make everyone in the room comfortable with each other. This helps everyone get over social
anxiety, Shyness and Nervousness.
3. Ura
4. Rhythm Voice Projection, Voice Modulation, Weeping & Coughing Voice projection is the strength of
speaking or singingwhereby the voiceis used powerfully and clearly. It is a technique employed to
command respect and attention, as when a teachertalks to a class, or simply to be heard clearly, as used by
an actor in a theatre.
5. It’s Leviosa, Not Leviosaaa!
6. Speech work: Diction, Intonation, Emphasis, Pauses, Pitch and Volume Tempo Dialogues delivery.
The art of dialogue delivery plays a vital role in in ensuring the efficacy of communication especially from
the dramatic aspect of it, this unit discusses some tips to help the young actors improve their dialogue
delivery skills:
7. Elementary, My dear Watson.
8. Responsibilities of an actor tools of an actor character analysis Observations aspects, Stage presence,
concentration, conviction, confidence, energy and directionality.
9. Show time
10. Pick a genre: COMEDY, THRILLER, HORROR, and TRAGEDY: Showcase a performance. Stylized
acting with reference to historical and mythological plays. Mime: conventional, occupational and
pantomime Mono acting: different types of characters
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Develop a range of Theatrical Skills and apply them to create a performance.
CO2: Work collaboratively to generate, develop and communicate ideas.
CO3: Develop as creative, effective, independent and reflective students who are able to make inform ed
choices in process and performance.
CO4: Develop an awareness and understanding of the roles and processes undertaken in contemporary
professional theatre practice.
For SEE’s. Students need to form groups of 4-6. They need to pick a genre and enact a play of at least 20 mins long.
The venue will be IEM auditorium. No mics should be used. They will be given 2 weeks to prepare.
Reference Books
1 The Empty Space by Peter Brook
2 The Viewpoints Book: A Practical Guide to Viewpoints and Composition by Anne Bogart and Tina Landau
Presentation 1- Selection of Script (phase 1)
10 *****
10 *****
Presentation 2 (phase 2)
Case Study-based Teaching-Learning 10
Interpretation of Script 10 Implementation strategies of the project with report
Performance based seminar (20 mins long) 10
Although there are no prerequisite qualifications for this subject, students must have a basic understanding of
and interest in the fields of art and design in order to enroll in it.
Content 13 Hours
1. Use points, line and curves to create various shapes and forms
2. Use of shapes and forms to create various objects and structures
3. Recognizing distinctions in objects when viewed from various perspectives and grasping basic notions of
4. Students will be introduced to the significance of color in art, as well as the principles of color theory and
5. Applied the concepts of unity, harmony, balance, rhythm, emphasis and proportion, abstraction and
stylization to create a composition.
6. Learn how to use which materials and for what types of art and textures.
7. Use of the above concepts to create art through the medium of collage, mosaic, painting, mural, batik, tie
and dye.
8. Real world application of the above concepts in the form of book cover design and illustration, cartoon,
poster, advertisements, magazine, computer graphics and animation
9. Familiarization with the many art forms and techniques of expression found throughout India.
Students must turn in assignments for each of the above said topics on a weekly basis and have to
compulsorily take part in the museum visit. CIE will be evaluated based on a still life piece, a
composition using any one of the media of composition and a presentation on Indian art styles and
creation of a piece pertaining to the presented art style.
Reference Books
1. Catching the Big Fish: Meditation, Consciousness, and Creativity by David Lynch
2. Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking by David Bayles & Ted Orland
1. Students should know basics of photography and cinematography.
2. Students should have dedication to learn and improve on their photography and film making skills.
3. Students should have participated in photography events.
4. Students should have a DSLR camera.
Content 13 hours
1. Introduction to photography.
2. Understanding the terminologies of DSLR.
3. Elements of photography.
4. Introduction to script writing, storyboarding.
5. Understanding the visualization and designing a set.
6. Basics of film acting
7. Video editing using software
8. Introduction to cinematography.
9. Understanding about lighting and camera angles.
10. Shooting a short film.
Students must form groups of 2-4 and present a short film which shall be given by the experts. The experts
shall judge the groups and award marks for the same.
CIE will be evaluated based on their presentation, approach and implementation strategies. Students need to
submit their certificates of any event they participated or bagged prizes in. This shall also be considered for
CIE evaluation.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Understand basics of photography and videography and improve their skills
CO2: Appreciate the skills acquired from photography
CO3: Perform and present photos and films in a presentable manner
CO4: Develop skills like team building and collaboration
Reference Books
1. Read This If You Want to Take Great Photographs – Henry Carroll
2. The Digital Photography Book: Part 1 – Scott Kelby
Guidelines 3 Weeks
1. A minimum of 1 credit of internship after I year may be counted towards B.E. degree program.
2. During II semester to III semester transition, Three weeks of internship is mandatory.
3. Internship report and certificate need to be submitted at the end of the internship to the concerned
department for the evaluation.
4. Internship evaluation will be done during III semester for 1 credit in two phases.
C. At Intern Shala
Intern Shala is India's no.1 internship and training platform with 40000+ paid internships in Engineering.
Students can opt any internship for the duration of three weeks by enrolling on to the platform through https: /
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Develop communication, interpersonal, critical skills, work habits and attitudes necessary for
CO2: Assess interests, abilities in their field of study, integrate theory and practice and explore career
opportunities prior to graduation.
CO3: Explore and use state of art modern engineering tools to solve societal problems with affinity towards the
environment and involve in professional ethical practice.
CO4: Compile, document and communicate effectively on the internship activities with the engineering
Unit-I 06 Hrs
Central moments, mean, variance, coefficients of skewness and kurtosis in terms of moments. Correlation analysis,
rank correlation, linear and multivariate regression analysis – problems.
Unit – II 06 Hrs
Random Variables:
Random variables-discrete and continuous, probability mass function, probability density function, cumulative density
function, mean and variance. Two or more random variables - Joint probability mass function, joint probability density
function, conditional distribution and independence, Covariance and Correlation.
Unit –III 06 Hrs
Probability Distributions:
Discrete distributions - Binomial, Poisson. Continuous distributions – Exponential, Normal and Weibul.
Unit –IV 06 Hrs
Sampling and Estimation:
Population and sample, Simple random sampling (with replacement and without replacement). Sampling distributions
of means ( known), Sampling distributions of mean ( unknown): t - distribution, Sampling distributions of
variance ( unknown): Chi - squared distribution. Estimation - Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE).
Unit –V 06 Hrs
Inferential Statistics:
Principles of Statistical Inference, Test of hypothesis - Null and alternative hypothesis, Procedure for statistical
testing, Type I and Type II errors, level of significance, Tests involving the normal distribution, one – tailed and two
– tailed tests, P – value, Special tests of significance for large and small samples ( F, Chi – square, Z, t – test).
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Illustrate the fundamental concepts of statistics, random variables, distributions, sampling, estimation and
statistical hypothesis.
CO2: Apply the acquired knowledge of statistics, random variables, distributions, sampling, estimation and
statistical hypothesis to solve the problems of engineering applications.
CO3: Analyze the solution of the problems using appropriate statistical and probability techniques to the real world
problems arising in many practical situations.
CO4: Interpret the overall knowledge of statistics, probability distributions and sampling theory gained to engage in
life-long learning.
Model presentation/ case study/
video preparation
Unit-I 08 Hrs
Introduction to Bio-inspired Engineering
Stem cells; types and applications. Synthetic Biology. Synthetic/ artificial life. Biological Clock, Biological and
synthetic materials. Biopolymers; Bio-steel, Bio-composites, multi-functional biological materials. Inimitable
properties of biomaterials: Antireflection and photo-thermal, Microfluidics in Biology.
Unit – II 09 Hrs
Lesson from Nature-Bioinspired Materials and mechanism
Firefly-Bioluminescence, Cockleburs –Velcro, Lotus leaf - Self-cleaning materials, Gecko - Gecko tape, Whale fins -
Turbine blades, Box Fish / Bone - Bionic car, Shark skin - Friction reducing swim suits, Kingfisher beak - Bullet train,
Coral - Calera cement, Forest floor / Ecosystem functioning - Flooring tiles, Morpho butterfly- Photonics and
Iridescence, Namib beetle- Water collection, Termite/ ant hill-passive cooling, Birds/Insects- flights/ aerodynamics,
Mosquito inspired micro needle.
Unit –III 09 Hrs
Biomedical Inspiration-Concept and applications
Organ system- Circulatory- artificial blood, artificial heart, pacemaker. Respiratory- artificial lungs. Excretory-
Artificial kidney. Artificial Support and replacement of human organs: Artificial Skin, artificial liver and pancreas.
Total joint replacements- artificial limbs. Visual prosthesis -bionic eye.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Elucidate the concepts and phenomenon of natural processes
CO2: Apply the basic principles for design and development of bioinspired structures
CO3: Analyse and append the concept of bio-mimetics for diverse applications
CO4: Designing technical solutions by utilization of bio-inspiration modules.
Reference Books
1. Yoseph Bar-Cohen. Biomimetics: Biologically Inspired Technologies D. Floreano and C. Mattiussi, "Bio-
Inspired Artificial Intelligence", CRC Press, 2018. ISBN: 1420037714, 9781420037715.
2. Guang Yang, Lin Xiao, and LallepakLamboni. Bioinspired Materials Science and Engineering. John Wiley, 2018.
ISBN: 978-1-119-390336.
3. M.A. Meyers and P.Y. Chen. Biological Materials, Bioinspired Materials, and Biomaterials Cambridge
University Press, 2014ISBN 978-1-107-01045.
4. Tao Deng. Bioinspired Engineering of Thermal Materials. Wiley-VCH Press, 2018. ISBN: 978-3-527-33834-4.
Unit-I 8 Hrs
Introduction- Perspectives
Business domain: Banking, Finance services, IT, Manufacturing, e-Commerce, Online services and marketing,
Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Telecommunication.
Applications: Communication & Networking, Search engines, Machine learning, Database management,
Software tools development, Data organization, GPS navigation systems
Unit – II 10 Hrs
Divide and Conquer: Merge sort, Quicksort, Multiplication of Long Integers, Strassen’s Matrix Multiplication.
Decrease and Conquer: Insertion Sort, Depth First Search, Breadth First Search, Topological Sorting,
Application of DFS and BFS.
Unit –V 7 Hrs
Backtracking: N-Queen’s Problem, Sum of Subset Problem.
Branch-and-Bound: Travelling Salesperson Problem, Assignment Problem
Decision Trees: Decision Trees for Sorting
NP and NP-Complete Problems: Basic Concepts, Non- Deterministic Algorithms, P, NP, NP Complete, and
NP-Hard classes
Reference Books
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Anany Levitin, University, 3rd Edition, 2012,
Pearson, ISBN 13: 978-0-13-231681-1.
Introduction to Algorithms, Cormen T.H., Leiserson C.E., Rivest R.L., Stein C., 3rd Edition, 2010, PHI,
Computer Algorithms, Horowitz E., Sahani S., Rajasekharan S., 2nd Edition, 2006, Galgotia Publications,
The students in a team of two, must solve, implement and analyze for time and space efficiency, any one
engineering problem from the identified business domain and application. The team has to submit a detailed
report on the work done.
Laboratory Component
Note: The following programs should be implemented in C++ language
Practice Programs:
i. Implementation and execution of simple programs to understand running time analysis of non-recursive
Finding maximum element in a given array.
Linear search,
Bubble sort,
Determine whether all the elements in a given array are distinct.
Given 2 NXN matrices, perform matrix multiplication using bruteforce approach.
ii. Implementation and execution of simple programs to understand running time analysis of recursive
Find the Factorial of a given number.
Print Fibonacci series
Given a positive decimal integer n, find the number of binary digits in n’s binary representation.
To solve tower of Hanoi problem.
Recursive linear search.
Students have to solve a given problem using different design technique. The analysis with the comparison of the
implemented algorithm has to be demonstrated. The problem types will be one among the following: (Any other
problem can be included) : Sorting, Searching, String matching, Graph problem, Combinatorial / Optimization
Unit-I 8 Hrs
Introduction to Embedded Systems and ARM Processor/Controller
Business Domains &Applications:Broad Overview of Applications of Microcontrollers and Embedded
Systems in consumer, industrial, automotive, home appliances, medical, telecommunication, commercial, and
aerospace and military applications.
Microprocessors & Microcontrollers: Introduction to Microprocessors and Microcontrollers, Comparison of
Microprocessor and Microcontrollers. Introduction to RISC and CISC architectures.
Embedded Systems: Definition, Desirable Features & General Characteristics. Embedded Systems Vs General
Computing Systems, Model of an Embedded System, Classification of Embedded Systems, Examples of
Embedded Systems.
ARM Processor/Controllers: History of the ARM Processor, The ARM Core, Comparative study of different
ARM architectures and their features. ARM 7 Architecture: ISA, Operating Modes, Register Set, Mode
Switching, Conditional Flags.
Unit – II 10 Hrs
ARM Instruction Set & Assembly Language Programming
ARM Assembly Language: Data Types, Data Alignment, and Assembly Language Rules, Assembler
ARM Instruction Set: Instruction Formats, Data Processing Instructions, Shift and Rotate, Conditional
Execution, Arithmetic Instructions, Logical Instructions, Compare Instructions, Multiplication, Division, Branch
Instructions, Load and Store Instructions.
Assembly Language Program Development: Assembly Language Programs for data transfer, expression
evaluation, addition, average computation, searching and sorting.
Unit –III 10 Hrs
Interfacing digital Peripherals and Application Development Using ARM Microcontroller
LPC 2148 ARM Microcontroller: Introduction, Block Diagram of MCB 2140 compatible board, Features of
the LPC 214X Family, Internal Block Diagram of LPC 2148. LPC 2148 GPIO and External I/O interfacing
Using GPIO Pins.
Interfacing Parallel Digital Peripherals: Interfacing and Programming with LEDs, Switches, Seven segment
displays, LCD, Matrix Keypad, Stepper motor, DC Motor, Relay, Opto-isolators. ( Programs using embedded C
Unit –IV 10 Hrs
Analog Interfacing, Programming with Timers, PWM &InterruptsUsing ARM Microcontroller
Analog Interfacing: Analog Interfacing using ADC Channels, Interfacing with LDR and Temperature sensors.
Using DAC for Waveform Generations, Programs on Embedded C.
PWM, Timers and Interrupts:Timers – working of the Timer unit, Programming Timers and Writing Delay
programs.Interrupts – Types, Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller, priorities and programming Timers with
Interrupts. PWM –working of The Pulse Width Modulation Unit and Programming Using PWM
Channels.(Programs using embedded C )
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to:-
CO 1 Apply Embedded System fundamentals and formulate sustainable societal relevant cost-effective
CO 2 Demonstrate the development of software programs using Assembly Level Language and Embedded
C, using state of the art hardware platforms, based on Microcontrollers and different sensors and
CO3 Design smart systems using various I/O peripherals, Sensors, embedded protocols like UART,I2C,SPI
using modern tools like Keil IDE software for various domains like Healthcare, automation,
agriculture, smart cities and others.
CO 4 Engage in Lifelong Learning by investigating and executing real world societal problems using
engineering tools – Cross compilers, debuggers and simulators, emerging processor and controller-
based hardware platforms.
CO 5 Indulge in developing Novel multi-disciplinary projects using ARM microcontrollers and prototype
boards, with effective oral & written communication skills and working in teams.
Reference Books
Embedded Systems – An integrated approach, Lyla B. Das, 2013, Pearson Education, ISBN- 978-81-317-
ARM system developers guide, Andrew N Sloss, Dominic Symes and Chris Wright, 2004, Elsevier, Morgan
Kaufman publishers, ISBN-1558608745
Embedded Systems, Architecture, Programming and Design, Raj Kamal, 2nd Edition-Reprint 2011, Tata
McGraw-Hill, ISBN-978-0-07-066764-8.
Internet of Things – A Hands on approach, ArshdeepBahga, Vijay Madisetti, 2016, Universities Press, ISBN
– 978-81-7371-954-7.
Sample EL Projects / Assignments:
1. Smart Energy Monitoring & Device Automation for Houses
2. Smart Intruder detection and Alarm System using Image Processing
3. Smart Traffic Signalling System, with Cloud & Mobile Enablement
4. Smart Water Meter, with Usage Optimization with Analytics
5. Smart HMI development for Industrial Machines/Equipments
Then students are given specific time ( a single Day) to build their idea into a prototype using the previous Lab
Programs carried out. Then an academic & industry panel of judges will evaluate their works and the best three
prototypes will be awarded. All the students are required to submit the report, consisting of Hardware circuits,
software codes and screenshots of the prototype.
Unit-I 10 Hrs
Business Domains: Networks.
Applications: Resource Sharing, Client Server programming, e-commerce anddigital communications.
Introduction: Networks, Network types. Network Models: TCP / IP protocol suite, Addressing, The OSI
Model. Transmission Modes: Parallel Transmission and Serial Transmission. Link Layer: Data Link Control
(DLC): DLC Services, Data Link Layer Protocols, High Level Data Link Control (HDLC), Point-to-Point
Protocol (PPP): Framing, Transition phases. Media Access Control (MAC): Random Access: CSMA/CD,
Unit – II 9 Hrs
Network layer design issues: Store and Forward packet Switching, Services Provided to the Transport Layer
Implementation of Connectionless Service, Implementation of ConnectionOriented Service, Comparison of
Virtual Circuit and Datagram Subnets; Routing algorithms: Shortest Path Routing, Flooding, Distance Vector
Routing, Link state Routing, Hierarchical Routing Broadcast Routing, and Multicast Routing.
Unit –III 8 Hrs
Congestion Control Algorithms: General Principles of Congestion Control, Congestion Prevention Policies,
Congestion Control in Virtual-Circuit Subnets, Congestion Control in Datagram Subnets, Load Shedding, Jitter
Control; Quality Of Service: Requirements, Techniques for Achieving Good Quality of Service Integrated
Services Differentiated Services..
Unit –IV 9 Hrs
Internetworking: How networks differ, How networks can be connected Connectionless Internetworking,
Tunnelling, Internetwork Routing, Fragmentation
The Network Layer in the Internet: The IP Protocol, IP Addresses, Internet Control Protocols, OSPF- Interior
Gateway Routing Protocol, BGP- Exterior Gateway Routing Protocol, IPv6.
Unit –V 9 Hrs
The Internet Transport Protocols: Introduction to UDP, Introduction to TCP. The TCP Service Model.
The TCP Protocol: TCP protocol, TCP Segment Header, TCP Connection Establishment, TCP Connection
Release. TCP Transmission Policy, TCP Congestion Control, TCP Timer Management.
Application Layer: World Wide web and HTTP, Telnet.
CO 1 Apply the algorithms/techniques of routing and congestion control to solve problems related to Computer
CO 2 Analyse the services provided by various layers of TCP/IP model to build effective solutions.
CO 3 Design sustainable networking solutions with societal and environmental concerns by engaging in lifelong
learning for emerging technology.
CO 4 Exhibit network configuration, protocol usage and performance evaluation in networks.
CO 5 Demonstratethe solutions using various algorithms/protocols available to address networking issues using
modern tools by exhibiting team work and effective communication.
Reference Books
Data Communications and Networking, Behrouz A Forouzan, 5th Edition, 2013, Tata McGraw-Hill, ISBN –
Computer Networks, Andrew S Tanenbaum, 5th Edition, 2014, Pearson Education; ISBN– 978-81-7758-165-2.
Computer Networking, A Top-Down Approach, James Kurose and Keith Ross, 6th Edition, 2013, ISBN-13: 978-
3. 0-13-285620-1.
Data and Computer Communications, William Stallings, 8th Edition, 2009, Pearson Education, ISBN-13: 978-
To work on Problems similar to following aspects of Networks: Modern Networking tools usage to solve problems in
Networking (Path Characterization & Bandwidth Estimation, AnalysingReal-time information about the global
routing system, Measure latency and packet loss reason in wired and wireless network). Online data Privacy,
Host/Network Intrusion detection, Detection of potential DDoS attacks, Network analysis to monitor Ethernet and
WLAN traffic in real time, IP Spoofing, TCP Off path attacks, Privacy Preserving network log data, wireless
(Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels: Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and
Test – I Each test will be conducted for 50
Marks adding upto 100 marks. Final
Test – II test marks will be reduced to 40
Problem statement and modern networking tools usage. 10
Design and implementation of solution. 20
Demonstration and report. 10
Unit-I 10 Hrs
Introduction- Perspectives
Challenges in software engineering, Complexity of software, Structure and attributes of a complex system etc.
Fundamental Principles of Object Model:
Object oriented analysis and design, Bringing Order to Chaos-Algorithm decomposition and object oriented
decomposition, Design.
Evolution of Object Model:
Programming Languages and Paradigms, Foundations of the Object Model - Oriented Analysis (OOA), Object
Oriented Design (OOD), and Object Oriented Programming (OOP).
Elements of Object Model - Abstraction, Encapsulation, Modularity, Hierarchy, Typing, Concurrency and
Unit – II 09 Hrs
Classes and Object:
The Nature of an Object-State, Behaviour and Identity, Relationships among objects, The Nature of a Class-
Relationships among states. How to build Quality Classes.
Tutorials: LMS
Identification of Classes and Object:
Identify Classes, Objects and Relationships in LMS. Overview of UML, Software Development Life Cycle
(SDLC) Phases and UML Diagrams, Use – Case Diagrams- Part-I, Part-II, Part-III.
Unit –III 09 Hrs
Class diagrams: Part-I, Part-II, Part-III. Sequence Diagrams:Part-I, Part-II.
Communication Diagram, Activity Diagram- Part-I, Part-II, Part-III. Interaction Overview Diagram.
State Machine Diagrams:Part-I, Part-II, Part-III.
Various UML Diagrams and Closing Comments
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to:-
CO1 Explore the fundamentals concepts of Object Oriented Analysis and Design
CO2 Analyze the problem through Object Oriented principles.
CO3 Apply the structural and behavioural relationships between Classes and Objects
CO4 Design an efficient solution by applying UML diagramsfor open real world problems.
Reference Books
Grady Booch, Robert A Maksimchuk, Michael W Engle, Bobbi J Young, Jim Conallen, KelliaHoustan,
1. “Object Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications”, Addison Wesley, 3rd Edition, 2013, ISBN 978-81-
Brahma DathanandSarnathRamnath, “Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation”, Springer
Nature Switzerland, 2nd Edition, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-319-24278-1, 978-3-319-24280-4.
Ali Bahrami, “Object Oriented Systems Development using the Unified Modelling Language”, McGraw Hill,
Second Reprint 2008, ISBN: 978-0-07-026512-7.
Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, The Unified Modelling Language User Guide, Addison
Wesley Professional, 2nd Edition, 2005, ISBN: 0-321-26797-4.
Unit-I 10 Hrs
Fundamentals of instruction pipeline
Instruction execution fundamentals, Memory addressing, MIPS instruction set, RISC vs CISC architecture,
performance measures, Speedup and Amdahl’s Law, Pipeline hazards
Cache Memory Design
Optimizations of cache performance, Introduction to memory hierarchy, Design of memory hierarchy
Unit – II 08 Hrs
Virtual Memory and virtual Machines
Advanced cache optimizations, Compiler optimizations, Hardware pre-fetching, virtual memory concepts, paging and
Introduction to DRAM organisation, DIMM, channels, Device control Logic, Memory controllers, DRAM scheduling
Unit –III 9 Hrs
Tiled Chip Multicore Processors
Introduction to TCMP, Multicore processors, Traditional bus-based communication, network on chip-based
mechanisms (NOC)
NOC Router
Introduction to Network topologies, Architecture, design, routing algorithms and flow control techniques, Advances in
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to:-
CO1 Explore the concepts of computer architecture with an emphasis on system design
CO2 Analyse the performances of multicore processors
CO3 Analyse the events happening at the hardware level
CO4 Explore the future directions in computer architecture research
Reference Books
John L Hennessy, David A Patterson; “Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach”, Elsevier, 6th
1. Edition; 2017, eBook ISBN: 9780128119068, Paperback ISBN: 9780128119051
Dezso Sima, Terence fountain, peter kacsuck “Advanced Computer architectures- A design space approach ”
2. Pearson
Michael Flynn “computer architecture- pipelined and parallel processor design” Narosa Publishing house
Unit-I 10 Hrs
Introduction to Haskell and the ghci interpreter, Defining functions: guards, pattern matching and recursion, Lists,
strings and tuples.
Unit – II 08 Hrs
Types and polymorphim, Higher order functions on lists: map, filter, list comprehension
Computation as rewriting, lazy evaluation and infinite data structures.
Unit –III 9 Hrs
Conditional polymorphism and type classes, User defined data types: lists, queues, trees, Input/output and the ghc
compiler, Arrays.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to:-
CO1 Apply the Haskell programming skills to solve real-time problems.
CO2 Analyze the concepts of Haskell programming and constructs.
CO3 Design solutions for complex problems using different concepts of Haskel programming
CO4 Explore/Develop new innovative ideas to solve the societal problems using Haskell programming concepts
CO5 Effectively communicate, work in groups in order to accomplish a task and engage in continuing professional
Reference Books
Algorithm Design with Haskell, Jeremy Gibbons , Richard Bird, Cambridge University Press, ISBN-10-
1. 1108491618, ISBN-13: 978-1108491617, 9 July 2020.
Alejandro Serrano Mena, Practical Haskell: A Real World Guide to Programmin, Apress; 2nd ed. edition (28
2. April 2019), ISBN-10 : 1484244796, ISBN-13 : 978-1484244791.
John Whitington, Haskell from the Very Beginning, Coherent Press (September 30, 2019), ISBN-10 :
3. 095767113X, ISBN-13 : 978-0957671133.
Graham Hutton, Programming in Haskell 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition (September 1,
4. 2016), ISBN-10 : 1316626229, ISBN-13 : 978-1316626221.
Unit-I 10 Hrs
Introduction- Perspectives
Introduction to embedded systems and microcontroller
Instruction set architecture of ARM microcontroller, and assembly language programming
Unit – II 08 Hrs
D/A and A/D converter, sensors, actuators and their interfacing
Microcontroller development boards and embedded programming platforms
Unit –III 9 Hrs
Hands-on and demonstration I: Temperature sensing unit, Light sensing unit, Sound sensing unit
Hands-on and demonstration II: Feedback control system, relay control unit, driving electrical appliances like motors,
bulb, pump, etc.
Hands-on and demonstration III: Object tracking using GPS and GSM
Hands-on and demonstration IV: Introduction to Internet of Things, smart home concepts, motion sensing using
accelerometer, control of appliances over SMS
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to:-
CO1 Apply the basic concepts of embedded system design, with particular emphasis on hands-on and
demonstration sessions on system design using ARM microcontrollers
CO2 Analyzethe various interfacing issues with sensors and actuators.
CO3 Design systems using state-of-the-art microcontroller boards and programming environments.
CO4 Explore/Develop new innovative ideas byunderstanding the developmental aspects of Internet of Things
(IoT) based designs
CO5 Effectively communicate, work in groups in order to accomplish a task and engage in continuing
professional development.
Reference Books
F. Vahid and T. Givargis, “Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction”, Wiley India
1. Pvt. Ltd., 2002.
A.N. Sloss, D. Symes and C. Wright, “ARM System Developer’s Guide: Design and Optimizing System
2. Software”, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2004.
W. Wolf, “Computers as Components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design”, Morgan Kaufman
3. Publishers, 2008.
Internet of Things – A Hands on approach, Arshdeep Bahga, Vijay Madisetti, 2016, Universities Press, ISBN –
4. 978-81-7371-954-7.
Unit-I 10 Hrs
Introduction to DS, Message Passing, Leader Election, Distributed Models, Causality and Logical Time
Logical Time, Global State & Snapshot and Distributed Mutual Exclusion-Non-Token and Quorum based approaches
Distributed Mutual Exclusion-Token based approaches, Consensus & Agreement, Check pointing & Rollback
Unit – II 08 Hrs
Deadlock Detection, DSM and Distributed MST
Termination Detection, Message Ordering & Group Communication, Fault Tolerance and Self-Stabilization
Unit –III 9 Hrs
Distributed Randomized Algorithms, DHT and P2P Computing
Case Studies: GFS, HDFS, Map Reduce and Spark
Case Studies: Sensor Networks, Authentication & Security in DS
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to:-
CO1 Apply the concepts of Distributed Systems for related problems in the Computer Science domain.
CO2 Analyze the concepts of Distributed Systems to various fields of Computer Science.
CO3 Design solutions for complex problems using different concepts of Distributed Systems
CO4 Develop new innovative ideas to solve some open real-world problems in Computer Science.
Reference Books
Ajay D. Kshemkalyani , Mukesh Singhal , Distributed Computing: Principles, Algorithms, and
1. Systems, Cambridge University Press; South Asian edition - 2010, ISBN-10: 1107648904, ISBN-13: 978-
Jennifer Welch HagitAttiya, Distributed Computing: Fundamentals, Simulations and Advanced Topics, Wiley
2. publisher; 2nd edition – 2006, ISBN-10 : 8126509163, ISBN-13 : 978-8126509164
Lynch Nancy A, Distributed Algorithms, Morgan Kaufmann publisher, 2000, ISBN-10 : 9814033340, ISBN-
3. 13 : 978-9814033343
Total 50M
Unit-I 05 Hrs
Differential Calculus:
Partial derivatives – Introduction, simple problems. Total derivative, composite functions. Jacobians – simple
Unit – II 05 Hrs
Vector Differentiation:
Introduction, simple problems in terms of velocity and acceleration. Concepts of gradient, divergence – solenoidal
vector function, curl – irrotational vector function and Laplacian, simple problems.
Unit –III 06 Hrs
Differential Equations:
Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, solution of homogeneous equations-
Complementary functions. Non-homogeneous equations –Inverse differential operator method of finding particular
integral based on input function (force function).
Unit –IV 05 Hrs
Numerical Methods:
Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations – Intermediate value property, Newton-Raphson method. Solution
of first order ordinary differential equations – Taylor series and 4th order Runge-Kutta methods. Numerical integration
– Simpson’s 1/3rd, 3/8th and Weddle’s rules. (All methods without proof).
Unit –V 05 Hrs
Multiple Integrals:
Evaluation of double integrals, change of order of integration. Evaluation of triple integrals. Applications – Area,
volume and mass – simple problems.
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to
CO1: Illustrate the fundamental concepts of partial differentiation, double integrals, vector differentiation, solutions
of higher order linear differential equations and numerical methods.
CO2: Derive the solution by applying the acquired knowledge of total derivatives of implicit functions, Jacobians,
homogeneous linear differential equations, velocity and acceleration vectors to the problems of engineering
CO3: Evaluate the solution of the problems using appropriate techniques of differential and integral calculus, vector
differentiation, differential equations and numerical methods to the real-world problems arising in many
practical situations.
CO4: Compile the overall knowledge of differential and integral calculus, vector differentiation, differential
equations and numerical methods gained to engage in life – long learning.
CIE is executed by way of quizzes (Q) and tests (T). A minimum of two quizzes are conducted and each quiz is
evaluated for 10 marks adding up to 20 marks. The two tests are conducted for 30 marks each and the sum of the
marks scored from two tests is reduced to 30. Total CIE is 20(Q) +30(T)=50 Marks.
Unit-I 05 Hrs
Course Introduction - Need, Basic Guidelines, Content and Process for Value Education: Purpose and motivation
for the course, recapitulation from Universal Human Values-I, Self-Exploration–what is it? - Its content and process;
‘Natural Acceptance’ and Experiential Validation- as the process for self-exploration, Continuous Happiness and
Prosperity- A look at basic Human Aspirations, Right understanding, Relationship and Physical Facility- the basic
requirements for fulfilment of aspirations of every human being with their correct priority, Understanding Happiness
and Prosperity correctly- A critical appraisal of the current scenario, Method to fulfil the above human aspirations:
understanding and living in harmony at various levels.
Include practice sessions to discuss natural acceptance in human being as the innate acceptance for living with
responsibility (living in relationship, harmony and co-existence) rather than as arbitrariness in choice based on liking-
Unit – II 06 Hrs
Understanding Harmony in the Human Being - Harmony in Myself!: Understanding human being as a co-
existence of the sentient ‘I’ and the material ‘Body’, Understanding the needs of Self (‘I’) and ‘Body’ - happiness and
physical facility, Understanding the Body as an instrument of ‘I’ (I being the doer, seer and enjoyer), Understanding
the characteristics and activities of ‘I’ and harmony in ‘I’, Understanding the harmony of I with the Body: Sanyam and
Health; correct appraisal of Physical needs, meaning of Prosperity in detail, Programs to ensure Sanyam and Health.
Include practice sessions to discuss the role others have played in making material goods available to me. Identifying
from one’s own life. Differentiate between prosperity and accumulation. Discuss program for ensuring health vs
dealing with disease
Unit –III 06 Hrs
Understanding Harmony in the Family and Society- Harmony in Human Human Relationship: Understanding
values in human-human relationship; meaning of Justice (nine universal values in relationships) and program for its
fulfilment to ensure mutual happiness; Trust and Respect as the foundational values of relationship, Understanding the
meaning of Trust; Difference between intention and competence, Understanding the meaning of Respect, Difference
between respect and differentiation; the other salient values in relationship, Understanding the harmony in the society
(society being an extension of family): Resolution, Prosperity, fearlessness (trust) and co-existence as comprehensive
Human Goals, Visualizing a universal harmonious order in society- Undivided Society, Universal Order- from family
to world family.
Include practice sessions to reflect on relationships in family, hostel and institute as extended family, real life
examples, teacher-student relationship, goal of education etc. Gratitude as a universal value in relationships. Discuss
with scenarios. Elicit examples from students’ lives
Unit –IV 05 Hrs
Understanding Harmony in the Nature and Existence - Whole existence as Coexistence: Understanding the
harmony in the Nature, Interconnectedness and mutual fulfilment among the four orders of nature recyclability and
self-regulation in nature, Understanding Existence as Co-existence of mutually interacting units in all pervasive space,
Holistic perception of harmony at all levels of existence.
Include practice sessions to discuss human being as cause of imbalance in nature (film “Home” can be used),
pollution, depletion of resources and role of technology etc.
Course Outcomes: After completion of the course the students will be able to
CO1 By the end of the course, students are expected to become more aware of themselves, and their surroundings
(family, society, nature); they would become more responsible in life, and in handling problems with
sustainable solutions,
CO2 While keeping human relationships and human nature in mind. They would have better critical ability.
CO3 They would also become sensitive to their commitment towards what they have understood (human values,
human relationship and human society).
CO4 It is hoped that they would be able to apply what they have learnt to their own self in different day-to-day
settings in real life, at least a beginning would be made in this direction
Reference Books
1 JeevanVidya: EkParichaya, A Nagaraj, JeevanVidyaPrakashan, Amarkantak, 1999.
2 Human Values, A.N. Tripathi, New Age Intl. Publishers, New Delhi, 2004
3 The Story of Stuff (Book).
4 The Story of My Experiments with Truth - by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
5 Small is Beautiful - E. F Schumacher.
6 Slow is Beautiful - Cecile Andrews.
Laboratory Component
Familiarization with IDE - compilation, debugging and execution considering simple Java programs.
Implement programs on Fundamentals of Java Programming: Data Types, Variables and Arrays,
Operators, Control Statements.
5. Multithreading
Create multiple threads: a) Using Thread class. b) Using Runnable interface
Design and develop an application to demonstrate the appropriate OOconcepts and Java GUI
Develop standalone Java application with neat UI using Swings framework todemonstrate the important
features of Object-Oriented approach (Abstraction/Encapsulation/Data Hiding, Inheritance and
Polymorphism) and also the important features of Java such as Inheritance, Interfaces,
Packages,Exception Handling, Multithreaded Programming and Collection Framework
Course Outcomes: After completing the course, the students will be able to:-
CO 1 Apply the knowledge of object-oriented concepts with Java programming skills to solve given
CO 2 Design Classes and establish relationship among Classes for various applications from problem
CO 3 Analyze and develop Object-oriented applications with Java features such as Inheritance, Interfaces,
Packages, Exception Handling, Multithreaded Programming, GUI Programming, using modern
programming tools.
CO 4 Exhibit team work and effective oral/written communication skills in order to accomplish a common
goalof solving complex problems with the engineering community and society at large, and engage in
continuing professional development.
Reference Books
Object-Oriented Analysis And Design With applications, Grady Booch , Robert A Maksimchuk, Michael W
1. Eagle, Bobbi J Young, 3rd Edition , 2009, Pearson education, ISBN-13: 978-81-317-2287-9, ISBN: 81-317-
Java: The Complete Reference -Herbert Schildt , 11th Edition , 2020, McGraw Hill Education Publications,
ISBN: 978-9390491629
Intro to Java Programming (Comprehensive Version), Y Daniel Liang, 10 thEdition, 2018, Pearson
education, ISBN 13: 978-9353065782