Class Notes
Class Notes
Class Notes
Module 1
Module 2 - Myths
➔ Myths
◆ Characteristics of myth distinguish them from other folk narrative forms like
legends or folktales
◆ 1) Set outside of normal time
◆ 2) Often account for the creation of a world
◆ 3) Characteristics are divine, semi-divine, not human but with human attributes
◆ 4) Language may be specific
◆ 5)Performance of the myth is often key
➔ Myths
◆ Geertz suggests that religions are systems of meaning that provide a:
● Model of life - how to understand the world
● Model for life - how to behave in the world
◆ Myths as symbolic stories work to help understand the world, and offer a model
of how to behave in it
➔ Myths
◆ A myth is a narrative involving supernatural forces or beings, held to be sacred
and true, and part of a larger ideological system
◆ Myths can be examined in relation to the social process and organization of
society, or finding symbols and themes that are universal
➔ Myths
◆ An anthropological approach looks at how nyth functions and its
◆ Malinowski: a myth is a charter for a society that expresses core beliefs and
teachers morality and social norms