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Q1 E1 Body Mass Index or BMI - Weight over

height (in meters) squared

Physical fitness is a combination of health Zipper Test - flexibility
and body fitness. 3 minutes Step Test - cardiovascular
Health fitness refers to the body’s ability to Push-ups - upper extremities
fight off diseases while Body fitness refers Standing long jump - explosiveness and
to the ability to do strenuous physical or strength of legs
sports activities without getting tired easily. Hexagon Test - Agility
Stick Drop Test - Reaction Time
Health Related Fitness Components: Juggling - Coordination
1. Body composition - combination of Stork Balance Stand Test - Balance
all body tissues that make up the
body. Physical Activity is classified into Four
2. Cardiovascular endurance - ability Domains:
of the heart and the other organs to 1. Occupational
work efficiently and supply oxygen in 2. Domestic
the body. 3. Transportation
3. Flexibility - the ability to use your 4. Leisure Time
joints in full motion.
4. Muscular endurance - the use of Exercise according to Buckworth and
muscles for a long period of time Dishman is planned structured and
without tiring. repetitive body movements to maintain
5. Muscular strength - ability of physical health.
muscles to lift heavy weights and
exert force at a time. Aerobic are also called Endurance Activities
Muscle strengthening
Participating in these helps you control your Bone strengthening (weight bearing or
weight, prevent disease, improve mood, weight loading)
boost energy, and promote better sleep.
Barriers to Physical Activity
Skill Related Fitness Components - Lack of time
1. Agility - body control and positions - No social support
2. Balance - steadily standing and - Lack of energy and motivation
moving - Fear of injury
3. Coordination - body parts working - Lack of skill
together - High costs and Lack of facilities
4. Power - strength and speed in - Weather conditions
5. Reaction Time - signal and Influences to Food Choices
movement - Individual
6. Speed - quick movement of the - Cultural
body - Social
- Religious
- Economic Q1 E3
- Environmental
- Political What to include in a fitness program?
- Aerobic exercise (walking,
To improve your eating habits, you must do: swimming, dancing)
Reflect, Replace, and Reinforce. - Muscular strength (lifting weights)
- Muscular endurance (how long or
Q1 E2 many you can do with a specific
Principle of Overload pertains to doing - Bone strengthening exercises
more than normal for improvement to (jumping, brisk walking, jogging,
happen weightlifting)
- Flexibility exercises (stretching
Principle of Progression is to ensure that muscles)
the results will still improve overtime. The
adopted workload should be continually Different types of Stretching
increased. 1. Static Stretching - recommended
for general fitness. It should be
Principle of Specificity simply states that performed with warm muscles such
exercising a specific piece or component of as after a warm up or the end of a
the body primarily develops that part. workout.
2. Dynamic Stretching - stretching
Principle of Reversibility is when benefits with movement.
and changes achieved from overload will
last long as training is continuous. Four ways to locate your heartbeat:
- Apical (chest)
F.I.T.T Principle - Radial (wrist)
- Temporal (temple)
Frequency - how often you exercise - Carotid (neck)
Intensity - how hard you work during the
physical activity period
Time - how long you should exercise
Type - definite physical activity selected to
improve a component of health related

Parts of an Exercise Program

- Warm ups
- Exercise load
- Cool down

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