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RETAIL-801; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, xxxx) xxx–xxx

A Framework for Collaborative Artificial Intelligence in Marketing夽

Ming-Hui Huang a,∗ , Roland T. Rust b
a Department of Information Management, College of Management, National Taiwan University, 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Rd., Taipei 10617, Taiwan
b Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, 3451 Van Munching Hall, College Park, MD 20742, United States

We develop a conceptual framework for collaborative artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing, providing systematic guidance for how human
marketers and consumers can team up with AI, which has profound implications for retailing, which is the interface between marketers and
consumers. Drawing from the multiple intelligences view that AI advances from mechanical, to thinking, to feeling intelligence (based on how
difficult for AI to mimic human intelligences), the framework posits that collaboration between AI and HI (human marketers and consumers) can
be achieved by 1) recognizing the respective strengths of AI and HI, 2) having lower-level AI augmenting higher-level HI, and 3) moving HI
to a higher intelligence level when AI automates the lower level. Implications for marketers, consumers, and researchers are derived. Marketers
should optimize the mix and timing of AI-HI marketing team, consumers should understand the complementarity between AI and HI strengths for
informed consumption decisions, and researchers can investigate innovative approaches to and boundary conditions of collaborative intelligence.
© 2021 New York University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence; Collaborative AI; Collaborative intelligence; Augmentation; Replacement

Introduction and in-store experience optimization, and sentiment analysis for

customer satisfaction tracking, among others.
In recent years, AI has moved retailing forward in many On the academic side, we similarly observe the prolifer-
ways, such as making big data available for prediction, facilitat- ation of AI research in marketing. For example, the impact
ing more informed retail and consumption decisions, enabling of in-store AI on retailing (Grewal, Roggeveen, and Nordfalt
visual display and merchandise, and creating customer engage- 2017; Grewal et al. 2020), the investigation of the psycholog-
ment (Grewal, Roggeveen, and Nordfalt 2017). AI also is rapidly ical and cultural barriers to consumer adoption of autonomous
gaining popularity and importance in the more general mar- shopping systems (de Bellis and Venkataramani Johar 2020),
keting area. On the practice side, many marketing functions1 the development of explainable automated product recommen-
have deployed AI applications, such as robots for consumer dation methods (Marchand and Marx 2020), the application
greeting, big data analytics for price adjustment and prediction, of deep convolutional neural networks to forecast retail sales
recommender systems for product and promotional personal- (Ma and Fildes 2021), the use of big data and unstructured
ization, natural language processing for customer engagement data in marketing (e.g. Balducci and Marinova 2018; Grewal,
Roggeveen, and Nordfalt 2017; Wedel and Kannan 2016); the
applications of various machine learning methods, such as video
mining (Li, Shi, and Wang 2019), text analysis (Berger et al.
夽 This research was supported by grants (106-2410-H-002-056-MY3 and 107- 2019; Humphreys and Wang 2018), topic modeling (Antons
2410-H-002-115-MY3) from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan.
∗ Corresponding author. and Breidbach 2018), semantic analysis (Liu and Toubia 2018),
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M.-H. Huang), dynamic online pricing (Misra, Schwartz, and Abernethy 2019);
[email protected] (R.T. Rust). and the impact of AI applications, such as adaptive person-
1 We define the relationship between marketing functions and tasks as that
alization for music and news (Chung, Rust, and Wedel 2009;
a marketing function comprises multiple tasks, just as consumption activities Chung, Wedel, and Rust 2016), IoT and consumption experi-
comprise multiple tasks. This is similar to the relationship between jobs and
tasks, with a job comprising numerous tasks. AI augmentation or replacement
ence (Hoffman and Novak 2018; Novak and Hoffman 2019),
occurs fundamentally at the task level (Huang and Rust 2018). AI’s impact on consumer experiences (Puntoni et al. 2020), on

0022-4359/© 2021 New York University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Huang, Ming-Hui, and Rust, Roland T., A Framework for Collaborative Artificial Intelligence in Marketing, Journal
of Retailing, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jretai.2021.03.001
RETAIL-801; No. of Pages 15 ARTICLE IN PRESS
M.-H. Huang, R.T. Rust Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, xxxx) xxx–xxx

service (Huang and Rust 2018), and on the economy (Huang, keters, consumers, and researchers for collaborative intelligence
Rust, and Maksimovic 2019; Rust and Huang 2021), and the in marketing.
strategic use of AI to engage customers (Huang and Rust This paper goes beyond the existing studies in that it lays out
2021a). the multiple ways and conditions that AI and HI can collaborate,
Although the importance of AI has been well-recognized in and delineates the collaboration scenarios for both marketers
marketing practice and research, there are persistent debates and consumers. Although the application of AI in marketing is
about whether AI augments or replaces humans (Huang and gaining popularity in practice, existing studies tend to focus on
Rust 2018; Davenport and Kirby 2015; Frey and Osborne 2017; algorithms for applying AI, the macroeconomic impact of AI
Malone 2018). Reflected in marketing studies, some studies find (Huang, Rust, and Maksimovic 2019), the replacement effect of
support for replacement, such as consumer perceived warmth AI on human labor (Huang and Rust 2018), the benefits of AI
and liking of anthropomorphized robots (Kim, Schmitt, and at different stages of service process (Huang and Rust 2021a),
Thalmann 2019) and anthropomorphized display of product and or the strategic use of AI for marketing planning (Huang and
consumer’s attachment and willingness to pay (Yuan and Dennis Rust 2021b); work that guides the collaborative use of AI in
2019), while some studies find support for augmentation, such marketing is limited.
as the contrasts between frontline employees and AI with respect In summary, this paper contributes to our understanding about
to dimensions of service training and learning, customer expe- the use of AI in marketing by providing a systematic framework
rience, firm strategy, and impact on society (Wirtz et al. 2018) for collaborative AI, which leverages the collaborative intelli-
and consumer resistance to using medical AI, with the result of gence of AI, marketers, and consumers, and considers AI’s aug-
needing human mediation (Longoni, Bonezzi, and Morewedge mentation and replacement of HI from both the marketer’s and
2019). the consumer’s perspectives. We specify conditions for how mar-
These disagreements generate persistent concerns about the keters and consumers can actively leverage AI at different intel-
role and impact of AI in marketing, especially regarding to what ligence levels. With this big picture framework, that provides a
extent AI should be used to perform marketing tasks in replace- deeper understanding of collaborative intelligence in marketing,
ment of human marketers, and in what way AI should be used by marketing stakeholders can maximize the benefits of AI.
marketers and consumers for augmentation, to avoid unneces-
sary replacement. Previous studies have established that there are
multiple AI intelligences (Huang and Rust 2018; Huang, Rust, Multiple AI Intelligences
and Maksimovic 2019; Rust and Huang 2021) that can pro-
vide multiple benefits in service to engage customers (Huang What is AI?
and Rust 2021a). Huang and Rust (2018) first proposed the
novel multiple AI intelligences view, supported by analytical AI is machines that mimic human intelligences computation-
theory, that AI advances from mechanical, to thinking, to feel- ally and digitally, designed to emulate (or surpass) capabilities
ing intelligence (based on how difficult for AI to mimic human inherent in humans, such as doing mechanical, thinking, and
intelligences). Huang, Rust, and Maksimovic (2019) provide feeling tasks. In service research, Huang and Rust (2018) define
empirical evidence based on the U.S. government data for the AI as “machines that exhibit aspects of human intelligence.”
multiple AI intelligences view and their impacts on the econ- In computer science, Russell and Norvig (2009) define AI as
omy, predicting that when AI does the thinking tasks and jobs, intelligence demonstrated by computers that mimics human cog-
humans need to upgrade to feeling tasks and jobs. Huang and nitive functions such as problem solving. In consumer research,
Rust (2021a) illustrate how multiple AI intelligences, individ- Longoni, Bonezzi, and Morewedge (2019) define AI as “any
ually and collectively, can be used to engage customers for machine that uses any kind of algorithm or statistical model
different service benefits at different service stages, including to perform perceptual, cognitive, and conversational functions
standardization, personalization, and relationalization. Huang typical of the human mind.” Among some of the AI capabilities
and Rust (2021b) provide a strategic framework using the are robotics to emulate human movement, speech recognition
multiple benefits of AI for marketing research, marketing seg- to emulate human listening, computer vision to emulate human
mentation, targeting, and positioning (STP), and marketing vision, natural language processing to emulate human language,
actions (4P/4C). and analytics to emulate human thinking.
Building on these existing studies, we develop a general AI is distinct from other technologies in that it can learn
framework for collaborative intelligence in marketing to address from data and adapt over time autonomously. That is, AI can
the important issue of how to use AI to augment marketers and self-learn (Huang and Rust 2018). This is what distinguishes
consumers at different intelligence levels. The framework asserts AI from earlier manufacturing or information technology, such
that 1) AI has relative strengths over HI (human intelligences of that AI not only can process information for human usage, but
marketers and consumers) for performing mechanical and ana- also can learn from data and update outcomes without additional
lytical marketing and consumption tasks, whereas HI (currently) programming or human intervention. This characteristic of AI
has relative strengths over AI for performing contextual, intu- makes collaboration the key variable, because the interaction
itive, and feeling tasks, 2) lower-level AI augments higher-level with HI is two-way, autonomous, and adaptive. It is unlike other
HI, and 3) at a given intelligence level, AI first augments, and technologies that are designed to serve HI in a fixed way, and
then replaces HI. General principles are proposed to guide mar- thus technology acceptance and adoption are central.

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M.-H. Huang, R.T. Rust Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, xxxx) xxx–xxx

Multiple AI Intelligences nism for when the collaboration will need to be advanced to a
higher intelligence level.
These different AI capabilities revealed in the various AI def- Specifically, general principle 1 (GP1) posits that AI and HI
initions show that there are multiple AI intelligences. This view, each can perform marketing tasks for which they have relative
first proposed by Huang and Rust (2018), considers that when strengths at different intelligence levels. Taking the computing
humans have multiple intelligences (e.g., Gardner 1983), and AI nature of AI and the biological nature of HI into consideration,
is machines designed to mimic human intelligences, there are current AI has the relative strengths of mechanical and analytical
potential for developing AI to have multiple intelligences. Their intelligences, whereas HI has the relative strengths of contextual,
studies show that AI intelligences advance from mechanical, to intuitive, and feeling intelligences.
thinking, and to feeling, ordered by the difficulty with which AI General principle 2 (GP2) posits that based on GP1, lower-
can address them, with mechanical the easiest (for AI) and with level AI should be used to augment higher-level HI. Three
feeling the most difficult (Huang and Rust 2018; Huang, Rust, sub-principles (GP2a–2c) are laid out to specify how marketers
and Maksimovic 2019).2 In brief, mechanical AI is the lowest and consumers can use different AI intelligences to complement
level of AI intelligence, learning and adapting only minimally, their marketing and consumption tasks. Mainly, mechanical AI
but being very good at routine and repetitive marketing tasks can augment contextual HI for undesirable marketing tasks
for standardized output. Thinking AI is data- and analytical- (GP2a), mechanical and analytical AI can augment intuitive
based. It has the ability to process and analyze large amounts of HI for smarter marketing decisions (GP2b), and all AI intelli-
data (i.e., big data) and learn from them for personalized output. gences can augment feeling HI for better emotional intelligence
Feeling AI should have the ability to recognize, simulate, and in marketing.
react to emotions appropriately, as humans do, but given that AI General principle 3 (GP3) posits that within each intelligence
intelligences are based on data and analytics, current AI does level, AI first augments and then replaces HI, based on a histor-
not have true human biological feeling intelligence; instead, it ical observation and projection into the future of AI continuing
achieves feeling intelligence by analyzing emotional data. advancement from mechanical, to thinking, to feeling, that will
AI advancement tends to be cumulative. Once AI intelligence push the collaboration to a higher intelligence level when AI can
has advanced to a higher level, it also typically possesses (or perform all lower-level intelligence tasks autonomously (i.e.,
could possess) all of the lower-level intelligences. Detailed dis- automation).
cussions about the multiple AI intelligences and their benefits Overall, the set of general principles constitutes a general
are given by Huang and Rust (2018, 2021, and Rust and Huang framework for a dynamic picture of collaborative intelligence in
(2021). marketing that determines at each intelligence level how AI and
HI can collaborate, based on their respective relative strengths,
Collaborative Intelligence in Marketing and when this collaboration should be advanced to a higher
intelligence level.
The view that AI can have multiple intelligences gives rise In the following sections, we first develop the three general
to multiple complementary ways of implementing collabora- principles, and then discuss implications of these general prin-
tive AI. We use the term human intelligence (HI) to refer to ciples for marketers, consumers, and researchers, respectively.
both marketer and consumer intelligences. Both marketers and Table 1 summarizes the general principles for collaborative intel-
consumers can use AI varying in intelligence levels for mar- ligence in marketing and implications for various stakeholders.
keting and consumption tasks. In the paper, when we speak of
marketing, we include both the marketer and the consumer.
We develop three general principles and elaborate their sub- GP1: AI-HI Relative Strength
principles about how collaborative intelligence can be achieved
in marketing at different intelligence levels, for marketers and In this general principle, we lay out the relativee strengths of
consumers, respectively. The framework first identifies the rel- AI and HI, which sets the theoretical foundation for collaborative
ative strengths of AI and HI at each intelligence level, based intelligence. Given that machines are computational, whereas
on realizing that AI is computational whereas HI is biological. humans are biological in nature, AI and HI each has its rela-
The framework then specifies how these relative strengths can tive strengths on the three intelligences. Specifically, machines’
complement each other for collaborative intelligences at each relative strengths currently hinge on data, computation, and
intelligence level. Finally, the framework uncovers the mecha- analytics. Thus, its mechanical intelligence is typically non-
contextual due to context often lost when data are extracted (e.g.,
text mining stems key words from online customer reviews),
2 Huang and Rust (2018) consider four AI intelligences: mechanical, ana- its thinking intelligence is analytical with big data as the input
lytical, intuitive, and empathetic, and Huang, Rust, and Maksimovic (2019) and with algorithms and models as the way to learn (e.g., pro-
combine analytical and intuitive into “thinking” AI. We follow the three-level vide recommendations based on like-minded customer data and
framework but also refer to the two sub-types of thinking AI whenever neces- personalization algorithms), and its feeling intelligence is ana-
sary. The distinction between analytical and intuitive intelligence is sometimes
important, because analytical intelligence is “easier” for AI than intuitive intel-
lytical too, but with emotional data as the input (e.g., analyze a
ligence, which requires what researchers call general intelligence or “general driver’s emotional states using machine learning based affective
AI” (Kurzweil 2005). analytics).

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M.-H. Huang, R.T. Rust Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, xxxx) xxx–xxx

Table 1
Summary of general principles for collaborative intelligence in marketing and implications for various stakeholders.
General principles Marketers Consumers Researchers

GP1 (AI-HI relative Optimize Understand the • Investigate empirically the comparative strengths of AI and HI
strength). Current AI has collaborative consumption and the best mix of AI and HI at the macro, meso, and micro
strengths on mechanical intelligence, opportunities and levels
and analytical conditioning on AI-HI constraints due to • Examine empirically consumer reactions to the opportunities and
intelligences, whereas HI complementarity, the AI-HI constraints resulting from AI-HI complementarity
has strengths on considering nature of complementarity • Explore innovative ways that the intelligence multiplicity can be
contextual, intuitive, and tasks and level of used for collaborative intelligence
feeling intelligences intelligences
GP2 (AI-HI collaboration). Manage collaborative Assist • Obtain AI marketing task and job data and investigate the nature
Lower-level AI intelligence based on consumption of the tasks and jobs to optimize the AI-HI joint workforce
intelligences augment GP2a-2c using the right AI • Manage the AI-HI team to improve marketing and consumption
higher-level HI based on GP2a-2c value
GP2a. Mechanical AI Use mechanical AI Use AI for saving • Explore how contextual data can be better captured
augments contextual HI for for human undesirable time and effort on • Address the boundary conditions under which mechanical AI
undesirable marketing marketing tasks mechanical can be contextual
tasks consumption tasks • Examine task undesirability as the basis of collaboration
• Explore qualitatively AI-HI interaction in context

GP2b. Mechanical AI and Leverage data and Augment • Explore the approaches to and boundary conditions for data- and
analytical AI augment analytics for consumption analytical-support marketing innovation and creativity
intuitive HI for smarter marketing innovation intuition, • Investigate the ways to alleviate unexplainable, biased, or
marketing decisions judgment, context-unaware AI applications in marketing
decision • Examine the ways consumption intuition can be enhanced to
increase consumer utility and well-being

GP2c. All AI intelligences Recognize the value Augment • Examine empirically the ability of AI for emotional outcomes
augment feeling HI for of human feeling consumption (engagement, satisfaction, and experience, etc.)
better emotional intelligence experiences and • Explore approaches to capturing emotional data and modelling
intelligence in marketing emotions feeling AI
• Scenario experiments for understanding future collaboration for
• Personalization incorporating emotions
• Explore sustainable AI for augmenting human value

GP3 (AI-HI augmentation- Enhance collaborative Understand this • Investigate empirically HI readiness for AI automation
replacement duality). AI intelligence over time, duality for • Use panel or time series analysis to understand the antecedents
first augments and then conditioning on the delegating and sequences of marketing tasks performed by AI or HI over
replaces HI at each intelligence and cost consumption tasks time
intelligence level gaps between AI and • Measure empirically the gaps across intelligence levels,
HI marketing conditions, and consumers

By contrast, humans’ current relative strengths hinge on their of current AI versus HI, the description in brackets about their
contextual, biological, cultural roots for the three intelligences. unique intelligences is omitted for simplicity.
Humans’ mechanical intelligence is contextual, with humans
acting and reacting in the context where marketing takes place
(e.g., service provision), humans’ thinking intelligence can be GP1. Current AI Has Strengths on Mechanical and
intuitive, with heuristics being applied for decisions (e.g., devel- Analytical Intelligences, whereas HI Has Strengths on
oping marketing strategies or being risk aversive in financial Contextual, Intuitive, and Feeling Intelligences
decisions), and humans’ feeling intelligence is biological and
cultural, having the capability to “experience” emotions biolog- AI’s strengths
ically and react to emotions appropriately, given cultural norms AI has relative strengths on mechanical and analytical intel-
(e.g., being empathic in frontline interactions). ligences. AI’s mechanical intelligence already outperforms HI
In Fig. 1, we put the characteristics of AI’s and HI’s intel- for many routine and repetitive marketing tasks. Mechanical
ligences in brackets to highlight the basis of their respective AI often manifests as embodied robotics; machines that are
intelligence. In the following discussion of the relative strengths programmed to do a given task in a controlled environment
(Cockburn, Henderson, and Stern 2018), sometimes (but usually

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strategies that have the highest chance to win. It does not know
why these strategies would win in a certain situation. This is
the level of AI that has received wide research attention in mar-
keting, such as big data and marketing analytics (Chintagunta,
Hanssens, and Hauser 2016; Liu, Vir Singh, and Srinivasan
2016; Wedel and Kannan 2016), adaptive personalization sys-
tems (Chung, Rust, and Wedel 2009; Chung, Wedel, and Rust
2016; Dzyabura and Hauser 2019; Liebman, Saar-Tsechansky,
and Stone 2019), automated product recommendations that have
the ability to provide explanations (Marchand and Marx 2020),
deep learning for personalized point-of-interest recommenda-
tion (Guo et al. 2018), and video-based automated recommender
systems (Lu, Xiao, and Ding 2016). All these applications lever-
age the analytical capability of AI.
AI’s analytical capability has also been applied to perform
many feeling tasks, creating the impression that AI has feeling
intelligence like humans. This AI capability has been used to
analyze emotional data, which can be in text (e.g., sentiment in
online reviews), audio (e.g., tone in call center conversations),
visual (e.g., facial expressions in reaction to TV commercials), or
physiological signals (e.g., heartrate and blood pressure sensed
by smart wearables).
Analyzing emotions in text-based online reviews and social
media content is common in the marketing literature (Hartmann
et al. 2019; Hewett et al. 2016; Ordenes et al. 2017; Rust et al.
2020; Tirunillai and Tellis 2012). For example, the valence of
consumer generated content is found to relate to the stock mar-
ket performance of the firm (Tirunillai and Tellis 2012). The
sentiment expressed by consumers in social media, including
explicit and implicit language and discourse patterns, is analyzed
to understand consumer responses using their own language
(Hewett et al. 2016; Ordenes et al. 2017). Brands can track their
reputation through text and sentiment analyses tweets, reviews,
and social media posts (Rust et al. 2020).
Emotional voice analytics are used extensively in call cen-
Fig. 1. Collaborative AI: lower-level AI augments higher-level HI. ters. Shim et al. (2016) discuss many real-world cases that
deploy phonetic analytics to call centers to recognize and ana-
not) with a humanoid physical appearance. For example, Rethink lyze phone conversations and interactions that help respond to
Robotics’ industrial robot Baxter automates highly specialized customer complaints and predict future purchases. Luo et al.
industrial processes and iRobot’s Roomba vacuum senses and (2019) demonstrate the use of voice simulation and analytics to
interacts within a house. In marketing, various forms of mechani- do call-out marketing.
cal AI have been used; for example, collaborative robots (cobots) Sensing and analyzing facial expressions are in wide com-
help with packaging, drones distribute physical goods, self- mercial use. Major auto insurance companies use in-car sensors
service robots deliver service, and service robots automate social to detect a driver’s emotional state to determine the premium.
presence in the frontline (Mende et al. 2019; van Doorn et al. Haptics are used by marketers to sense consumer physiological
2017). All these applications perform marketing tasks that are signals for immersive marketing experiences. Coca-Cola uses
routine and repetitive and do not require context. emotion-recognition software to adjust ads based on consumer
AI’s analytical capability has been used widely to per- emotional response. Li, Shi, and Wang (2019) demonstrate that
form marketing tasks, most often using neural network-based video content, such as TV and online video advertising, user-
machine learning to “think.” It is “narrow AI” that is designed generated videos, product videos, movies, and video games, can
to perform a narrowly defined task very well, such as playing be mined for various marketing purposes.
chess or Go. In this kind of learning, machines do not need to
have knowledge to answer questions, but simply with big data, HI’s strengths
great computing power, and the right algorithms and models, HI currently has relative strengths on tasks that require con-
they can be very powerful in generating output that is seem- text, intuition, and feeling. Human mechanical intelligence is
ingly intelligent. For example, AlphaGo plays the game of Go contextual, involving eye-hand-foot coordination, finger and
by learning from countless past games, and comes up with the manual dexterities, face-to-face contact, and physical presence

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in a place (Autor and Dorn 2013; Frey and Osborne 2017) that are reaction in one context or culture may not be appropriate in
difficult for machines to perform alone. The distinction between another context or culture.
service tasks and manufacturing tasks captures this nuance:
service provision involves contextual co-production, whereas Emotions are biological. Biological intelligences are demon-
physical goods production does not (meaning that production strated by humans and animals and are associated with
and consumption are separable). This difference results in a physiological reactions to external stimuli to adapt to the envi-
much lower degree of service automation than manufacturing ronment. Neuroscience is one such discipline that studies the
automation because humans can (currently) provide contextual structure and function of the nervous system that is unique to
service better than machines. Thus, we see that for service pro- biological beings (“Neuroscience” 2019). Some famous psy-
vision, there are cobots that work together with humans with chological principles have been experimentally established by
cobots performing non-contextual mechanical marketing tasks animal psychologists, such as Pavlov’s (1960) classical con-
(e.g., sorting products for shipping) and with humans performing ditioning learning and Skinner’s (1938) operant conditioning
contextual mechanical marketing tasks (e.g., checking randomly learning. In consumer behavior, Hasford, Kidwell, and Hardesty
for accuracy). (2018) find that psychological conditioning can be applied to
Human intuition is currently a uniquely human strength the experience of emotion and the subsequent attitudes toward a
(although that will likely not always be the case). Intuition conditioned stimulus (i.e., different beer brands in their study).
is the ability to do commonsense reasoning beyond humans’
explicit understanding (i.e., Polanyi’s paradox, Autor 2014), Emotional experience is contextual. Emotional intelligence
or to apply knowledge to new situations. Humans acquire or exists in context. Kidwell et al. (2020) find that consumers feel
accumulate intuition or common sense from their surroundings more satisfied with their service interactions when the service
and interactions. Intuition is the ability to acquire knowl- employees’ emotional ability is similar with theirs. Gabbott,
edge without analytical reasoning (Cholle 2011; “Intuition,” Tsarenko, and Mok (2011) find that customers’ emotional intel-
Merriam-Webster 2019), whereas common sense is knowledge ligence, i.e., the ability to deal with own and other’s emotions,
that most people know without reflection or argument (van shapes their responses to service failure and service recovery
Holthoorn and Olson 1987; “Commonsense,” 2010). Intuition efforts. These service studies show that emotions are experi-
(or common sense) is real-world knowledge, acquired and accu- enced during interactions.
mulated throughout a human’s entire life experience; it is not Emotional intelligence is the capability to recognize, expe-
learned from formal education (Davis and Marcus 2015). Based rience, and react appropriately to self and others’ emotions
on evolutionary psychology, Wright (2002) considers market- (Goleman 1996). This definition reveals that emotional reaction
related intuition (i.e., marketplace metacognition in his study) as is social/cultural. Appropriate emotional reactions are deter-
consumers’ everyday knowledge about the marketplace, devel- mined by social/cultural norms. Wright (2002) uses the term
oped over their life span. social intelligence and considers that these reactions are learned
Intuition, in contrast to deliberate, rational thinking (e.g., over a consumer’s life span by virtue of functionally specialized
Hall, Ahearne, and Sujan 2015), is considered to be a deci- evolutionary processes. “Functional” in this context means that
sion shortcut (heuristic) in consumer research. For example, an appropriate reaction increases the odds of survival whereas
bounded rationality incorporates risk aversion into decision- an inappropriate reaction decreases the odds. Thus, over time,
making (Kahneman and Tversky 1979) and the Elaboration consumers learn what emotional reactions are appropriate that
Likelihood Model (ELM) includes the peripheral route of per- increase their fit to the society. Gill (2020) finds that harm
suasion in consumers’ responses to advertisements (Petty and to a pedestrian is considered to be more permissible by an
Cacioppo 1986). Because human intuition is often not easily autonomous vehicle than by a human driver in a regular car,
explainable, it is difficult for machines to emulate. Thus, we a finding implying that what is right and what is wrong can also
see the call for “general AI” (i.e., AI is designed to emulate a be shaped by the advancement of AI in a society.
wide range of human cognition, Kurzweil 2005), as this level of
intelligence is considered by many computer scientists to be the Summary
bottleneck of AI development. The relative strengths of AI are mechanical and analytical
Creativity and innovation are manifestations of intuition. intelligences, and the relative strengths of HI are contextual,
Humans typically produce music and art following instinct intuitive, and feeling intelligences, which suggests to marketers
and inspiration, not by analyzing data. Thus, whether innova- how to optimize collaborative intelligence and to consumers the
tion should be customer-lead (i.e., based on customer data) has need to understand human strengths in consumption.
become a debate in marketing. Caring too much about what For marketers, the common misuse of AI is to prematurely
customers currently want may result in a loss of innovativeness use some AI intelligence when it is a human’s strength, such as
(Voss and Voss 2000). letting AI be fully in charge of product design (which requires
Human feeling intelligence is biological and cultural. Human creativity) or price negotiation (which requires intuition and feel-
emotions have a biological component that machines do not ing intelligences), when humans can do those intuitive tasks
have, and the appropriateness of emotional reactions is con- better. When marketers use the wrong or immature AI, it often
textually, socially, and culturally dependent; both constitute backfires. Mende et al. (2019) find that humanoid robots gener-
biological and cultural barriers to machines. An appropriate ate consumer discomfort that changes consumption decisions.

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Humanoid robots are used to augment consumption experiences sirable for humans to do (AI can do non-contextual tasks on its
and emotions in this case, but consumers are not ready, because own). Contextual tasks require the presence of HI, while unde-
the robots are not mature either. Thus, embedded AI or non- sirable tasks constitute a boundary condition for assigning the
humanoid AI may be more appropriate in this situation. tasks to AI. Task undesirability can be due to machines being
For consumers, if they have a better understanding of these able to do better (e.g., for consistent and standard output) or
relative strengths, they can leverage the opportunities and con- humans being less willing to do (e.g., for repetitive, routine, or
straints enabled by AI (e.g., Hoffman and Novak 2018; Novak dangerous tasks). For example, various self-check-in or check-
and Hoffman 2019), and can make more informed consumption out systems in retailing, such as grocery stores, restaurants, and
decisions about accepting or rejecting AI applications. Stud- hotels, free employees from the repetitive, boring tasks. Chi-
ies find that many consumers tend to reject AI due to lack of nese hotpot chain restaurants, HaiDiLao, use mechanical arms
understanding. For example, Longoni, Bonezzi, and Morewedge to prepare and handle hot soup base in the kitchen (i.e., the task
(2019) find consumer resistance to personal medical AI, and that is dangerous), social robots Pepper to deliver food to the table-
such resistance can be alleviated if such AI is used to support, side (i.e., the task is routine and repetitive), and human waiters
rather than replace, the human healthcare provider. Luo et al. to serve the food to the table and interact with customers (i.e.,
(2019) find that consumers hang up on an AI chatbot once they the task is contextual).
know they are talking to a bot. We discuss further implications Likewise, consumers can use various mechanical AI to do the
from this general principle in Discussion section. tasks that they are unwilling to do. For example, consumers can
use Roomba to do house cleaning, which is an undesirable task
GP2: AI-HI Collaboration but is contextual in the consumers’ residences; use smart home
applications to switch on/off light or appliances remotely, which
The relative strengths of AI and HI set the foundation is an unable-to-do task when consumers are away from home;
for AI-HI collaboration. We start from the general princi- or ask Alexa for weather information without needing to type in
ple that lower-level AI intelligences augment higher-level HI questions to any search engine for answers, which is a task for
intelligences (GP2), and then elaborate GP2 into the set of which mechanical AI can save consumers’ time and effort.
sub-principles of GP2a to GP2c to specify the conditions for col-
laboration. Fig. 1 illustrates the general principle that lower-level GP2b. Mechanical AI and Analytical AI Augment Intuitive
AI augments higher-level marketer and consumer intelligences. HI for Smarter Marketing Decisions

GP2. Lower-Level AI Intelligences Augment Higher-Level Both mechanical AI and analytical AI, the two levels of AI
HI Intelligences intelligences that are lower than human intuitive thinking intelli-
gence, can augment intuitive HI. Given that AI intelligences are
We posit that lower-level AI intelligences augment higher- cumulative, the two scenarios discussed below should be viewed
level HI intelligences, but not the other way around, because as whether a collaborative scenario relies more on mechanical
when AI outsmarts or is equally smart as HI in a given AI or analytical AI, but not either-or.
intelligence level,3 it can perform the marketing function
autonomously, and thus is more likely to replace HI. We dis- Mechanical AI augments intuitive HI
cuss this AI-HI relationship more in general principle 3 (GP3). This type of collaboration is most suitable for manual and
Given current AI’s relative strengths with respect to mechani- process-driven marketing, such as automating the execution of
cal and analytical intelligences, and HI’s relative strengths with email marketing, search campaigns, researching keywords, or
respect to contextual, intuitive, and feeling intelligences, GP2a changing social media targets (Sutton 2018). In marketing, email
to GP2c discuss how lower-level AI can be used to augment marketing is the most common marketing function that is auto-
higher-level HI to avoid unnecessary or counter-productive HI mated. Liedke (2020) lists the seven best marketing automation
replacement and optimize marketing performance. applications (defined as automating marketing tasks for a busi-
ness), and all of them concentrate on email marketing, such
GP2a. Mechanical AI Augments Contextual HI for as automating email list collection, email sending, and email
Undesirable Tasks tracking, with some including social media marketing, such as
landing page automation. Human marketers thus only need to
Given that AI’s mechanical intelligence can do a better job formulate email marketing strategies for email marketing AI to
with non-contextual tasks (e.g., sensing, tracking, recording, and implement.
retrieving data), whereas HI’s mechanical intelligence is more Intuition plays an important role in many consumption deci-
capable of handling contextual tasks (e.g., frontline service inter- sions. Mende et al. (2019) demonstrate that interacting with
actions), collaboration at the mechanical level is most common mechanical service robots in a restaurant changes consumers’
for marketing tasks that are somewhat contextual but are unde- intuitive thinking about what to eat and how much to eat (Mende
et al. 2019). For consumers, mechanical AI can augment intuitive
consumption by taking care of repetitive and routine tasks while
3 AI can also replace HI when it is almost as smart as HI, but is cheaper (Rust leaving the intuitive tasks to consumers. For example, smart
and Huang 2014). refrigerators can update and refill groceries automatically, and

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consumers can concentrate on what food to prepare and what tions and experience. Marketers use smart wearable devices
food to shop for for an upcoming party (which are often spur of like Fitbit to capture consumers’ biological signals for under-
the moment). standing their emotions and experience. Apple’s smart earbuds,
AirPods, is patented to equip with biometric sensors that can
Analytical AI augments intuitive HI record consumers’ heart rate, temperature, and movement. When
This is a very common type of collaboration due to the popu- connecting with Siri, its audio quality and customized fit create
larity of big data and analytics. Malone (2018) describes this type an immersive usage experience (Golembiewski 2019). Service
of collaboration as narrow AI (good at specialized intelligence) robots in a restaurant, humanoid or not, have been used to
tackling parts of the problem at hand, and general HI (good perform simple, repetitive interactions with consumers that aug-
at general intelligence) doing the rest (i.e., decision support in ment their feelings, positively or negatively (Mende et al. 2019).
modern language). Kleinberg et al. (2018) show that machine Recent research has begun to explore the impact of haptic
learning predictions can help human judges’ bail decisions by marketing that use haptics technology to capture multimodal
providing payoff functions and decision counterfactuals. Jarrahi emotional data and create a multisensory online experience for
(2018) argues that the analytical capability of AI is especially consumers (Petit, Velasco, and Spence 2019).
useful for human decisions and judgments when uncertainty and
subjectivity are involved.
In marketing, it is also commonly observed that higher- Analytical AI augments feeling HI
level managers use marketing analytics for strategic decisions, Many marketing tasks are high touch in nature, and thus
R&D, and creativity. For example, marketers’ creativity can consumer emotions are the key process or outcome variables.
be enhanced. The fashion clothing company Gap uses pre- Analytical AI can analyze cognitive data (online reviews, social
dictive analytics for fashion trends, assisting human designers media posts, call center conversations) and emotional data (sen-
to design clothing that better matches customer preferences. timent in reviews and posts, voice tone in phone calls, and facial
Google uses big data and analytics to keep its leadership in expressions in interactions and conversations) in those tasks
innovation, while avoiding relying too much on data (e.g., data (e.g., interaction and experience) and provide analytically-based
mining) that threaten to make a marketer less innovative (i.e., results or recommendations for human marketers and customers
less future oriented). The company achieves this by data-support, to act upon.
not just data-only innovation, because the latter can only achieve When analytical AI is used to analyze cognitive data, it aug-
incremental improvement in performance (Mohr 2020). In this ments feeling HI in a thinking way. For example, Netflix’s movie
collaborative scenario, human creativity (i.e., innovation, R&D) recommender personalizes movie lists for consumers, augment-
can be powered by data analytics. Fügener et al. (2020) find ing the marketer’s capability to increase the relevancy of the
that using AI to complement humans for intuitive tasks enables recommendation, as well as the consumer’s satisfaction with
humans to exceed human and AI performance levels; by simply Netflix and enjoyment with the recommended movies (Johnston
following AI’s suggestions, human lose their complementarity 2019). In retailing, Alibaba’s Fashion AI system analyzes cus-
advantages. The results imply the need to have analytical AI tomer preferences based on what they bring into the fitting room,
augment intuitive HI, rather than relying on analytical AI too and then uses smart mirrors to display each customer’s selected
much. items and suggest complementary items, enhancing retailers’
For consumers, analytical AI can be used to make complex relationships with customers by providing a great fitting room
consumption decisions, such as buying a house or a car, or sim- experience.
ilarly be used to facilitate creativity, such as composing music. When analytical AI is used to analyze emotional data, it aug-
Tailor Brand’s Logo Maker visualizes logo design to help con- ments feeling HI in a feeling way. For example, Cogito’s voice
sumers self-design logo. Those are examples of using AI to analytics help call center agents identify customer moods and
enhance creativity that can be applied by consumers to make provide guidance for agents to handle customer dissatisfaction
smarter decisions or generate more creative outputs. more emotionally intelligently. IBM’s Watson Tone Analyzer,
a sentiment analysis tool, enables chatbots to detect customer
GP2c. All AI Intelligences Augment Feeling HI for Better tones so that dialog strategies can be adjusted to the conver-
Emotional Intelligence in Marketing sation, resulting in more satisfied customer service. Affectiva
provides analytical feeling AI service to various fields, such as
All levels of AI intelligence can be used to augment HI for detecting whether a driver is falling asleep while driving and
better emotional intelligence, but human feelings are fundamen- issuing an alert that promotes safe driving, and helping advertis-
tally irreplaceable (at least until biological computing is more ers to measure consumer emotional response to digital content,
advanced). Huang, Rust, and Maksimovic (2019) and Rust and among others and adjust content accordingly to shade consumer
Huang (2021) point out that managing feeling is critical in the attitudes more favorably. Facebook augments consumers’ social
thinking AI age (the “Feeling Economy”). networking experience by providing analytical results of the sen-
timent in conversation (happy or unhappy, annoyed already, or
Mechanical AI augments feeling HI bored by the conversation, etc.), from which consumers can bet-
Various types of mechanical AI have been used and studied ter understand their friends’ moods during interactions, and react
in marketing to capture emotional data and augment interac- accordingly.

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tial scales to account for the so-called paradoxical relationship.

The temporal scale considers that there is a cyclical relation-
ship between automation and augmentation over time, and the
spatial scale considers that there is interdependence between
various tasks; both create the tension between automation and
General principle 3 provides a parsimonious account of the
AI-HI relationship. The idea that there are multiple intelligence
levels capture the spatial scale, and the idea that machines first
augment and then replace humans at each intelligence level cap-
tures the temporal scale. Here we take a historical view and
project into the future to show that machines first augment and
then replace humans within a given intelligence level.
Machines are developed and designed with the intention
to augment humans (e.g., be more productive or more effec-
tive in doing given tasks). However, history shows that as
machines outsmart humans in a given intelligence level, they
Fig. 2. AI first augments and then replaces HI at each intelligence level. eventually become autonomous, doing the tasks without human
GP3: AI-HI Augmentation-Replacement Duality In the 19th century industrial revolution, we saw that man-
ufacturing technologies, such as assembly lines, augmented
GP3. AI First Augments and Then Replaces HI at Each unskilled mechanical workers to assemble parts together, greatly
Intelligence Level enhancing production efficiency. With the continuing advance-
ment of such mass production systems to become mechanical AI,
Machine–human relationships may involve augmentation or machines can often automate those repetitive mechanical tasks
replacement of human labor. Augmentation means that AI com- and replace unskilled mechanical workers totally. We thus see
plements HI for a marketing function based on their respective widespread machine-only production, such as smart human-less
relative strengths (GP1 and GP2), whereas replacement means factories.
that AI can perform all tasks of a marketing function without In the “hard service” (i.e., thinking) economy, we see that
human labor (i.e., marketing function automation). Any mar- thinking AI, such as in-car smart systems, collects driving data
keting function is made up of tasks, and each individual task and provides analytics that augment car technicians’ diagnosis of
typically focuses on one intelligence level (Huang, Rust, and car problems and augment human drivers’ safe driving. Now we
Maksimovic 2019). For example, the function of digital mar- see that driverless cars are becoming available that can replace
keting involves tasks such as posting and bidding for ad space, human drivers altogether in the foreseeable future.
personalizing ad content, and emotion sensing from posted mes- In the “soft service” (i.e., feeling) economy, we see that
sages. The function of pricing involves tasks of payment, price feeling AI, such as voice analytics, conducts real-time analy-
setting, and price negotiation. sis about call center agents’ conversations with customers, and
We posit that within each level of intelligence, with con- provides suggestions about the best way to respond. With the
tinuing maturation of AI, AI first augments HI (i.e., when AI advancement of natural language processing, that not only can
assumes some tasks of a marketing function), and then replaces recognize customer emotions but also can simulate the human
HI (i.e., when AI assumes all tasks of a marketing function). voice to respond to customer emotions, some companies have
Fig. 2 illustrates this general principle. Thus, according to GP3, used such systems to call out to potential customers, replacing
the AI-HI relationship is not a simple scenario of either augmen- human agents (Luo et al. 2019). Huang, Rust, and Maksimovic
tation or replacement, as the existing literature suggests; instead, (2019) provide a detailed account of this migration of the econ-
marketers need to take into consideration the level of AI intelli- omy from physical, to thinking, to feeling, due to the three AI
gence and the level of intelligence required by marketing tasks intelligences. Rust and Huang (2021) provide a comprehensive
that make up a marketing function. view about this economy transition with different generations of
The existing literature has tried to resolve whether AI technology as the driving force.
augments or replaces HI issue. Using the term automation- This brief historical sketch shows that machine-human rela-
augmentation paradox to describe the issue, Raisch and tionships can involve augmentation and/or replacement: when a
Krakowski (2020) define augmentation as “humans collaborate new generation technology is invented (i.e., disruptive technol-
closely with machines to perform a task” and automation as ogy), it tends to augment humans, but as the technology matures
“machines take over a human task.” They take a single think- (i.e., becomes mainstream technology), it can often outsmart
ing intelligence view (they define AI as “machines performing humans at that level of intelligence, and can perform all tasks
cognitive functions usually associated with human minds, such of a marketing function at that intelligence level autonomously.
as learning, interacting, and problem solving (Nilsson, 1971)”) When that happens, the machine-human relationship turns to
to disentangle the paradox, and refer to both temporal and spa- replacement of HI by AI.

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This general principle provides a mechanism about why a undesirable or difficult for human employees to do, mechanical
given level of AI intelligence augments or replaces HI, and the AI can help.
timing that marketers need to advance their collaborative use of At the thinking level, AI can automate data analytics while
AI to a higher level. Thus, the various collaborative scenarios supporting HI’s intuition (e.g., creativity). For example, AI can
discussed in GP2 is not static; rather, it is dynamic over time. be used for segmentation (segment recognition), targeting (seg-
When marketing tasks at a lower intelligence level can all be ment recommendation), and positioning (segment resonance)
done by AI, marketers need to move up to a higher intelligence (Huang and Rust 2021b). Nevertheless, sometimes marketers
level for AI-HI collaboration. use it the other way round, by relying too much on analytics
and undermining the importance of human intuition. For exam-
Discussion ple, Lexus car’s 2018 “Driven by Intuition” commercial used
machine learning to produce the script of the ad by learning
The set of general principles, both from the marketer and the from 15 years of luxury ads. The ad is eye-catching and feeling-
consumer perspectives, provides the following implications for rich, but the consumer segmentation and value proposition of
marketers, consumers, and researchers for collaborative intelli- the car appear to be vague, indicating that the role of human
gence in marketing at varying degrees of AI intelligence, which intuition in creating an effective ad may be undervalued.
is dynamic over time. Table 1 summarizes these general princi- At the feeling level, AI can automate affective analytics while
ples and implications for various stakeholders. supporting marketers for interaction and communication with
customers. As the discussion of the AI-HI relative strengths
Implications for Marketers revealed, feeling intelligence is not the strength of AI yet, but
we often see that marketers are too eager to use AI for feel-
Optimizing, managing, and enhancing collaborative intelli- ing tasks, such as having chatbots doing call-out marketing to
gence based on the three sets of general principles imply that persuade customers to renew their financial plans, resulting in
using AI for marketing functions should be strategic: it should customer discomfort when customers realize they are talking
not be data- or technology-led, that is, it may not work to use to a bot (e.g., Luo et al. 2019). This shows that, similar to the
whatever AI is available in the market when the marketer or immature use of analytical AI for intuition, marketers should
the consumer may not be ready, or use whatever AI that works recognize the value of human feeling intelligence, and use all
based on trial-and-error results that may waste valuable data, levels of AI intelligences to augment it.
technology and human resources of the marketer. These general
principles provide some directions for marketers to follow for
teaming AI and HI. Manage collaborative intelligence
The set of GP2 principles provides specific guidelines about
Optimize collaborative intelligence how to manage collaborative intelligence in marketing, within a
GP1 identifies that current AI has relative strengths on given intelligence level and across different intelligence levels.
mechanical and analytical intelligences, whereas HI has relative In general, mechanical AI can be used to augment contextual
strengths on contextual, intuitive, and feeling intelligences. To HI for undesirable tasks such as using mechanical arms in the
optimize collaborative intelligence, marketers need to maximize kitchen for food preparation or using Roomba for house clean-
AI-HI complementarity based on their respective strengths. ing. Moving one intelligence level higher, mechanical AI such as
Any marketing function typically involves tasks requiring service robots can augment intuitive restaurant food consump-
difference intelligences. In general, the more mechanical and tion (Mende et al. 2019), and analytical AI can complement
analytical tasks in a marketing function, such as service delivery humans for smarter decisions (Fügener et al. 2020), especially
(Huang and Rust 2021a; Mende et al. 2019) or personalized when there are uncertainty and subjectivity involved (Jarrahi
recommendation (e.g., Chung, Rust, and Wedel 2009; Chung, 2018). Moving one intelligence level further higher, all levels
Wedel, and Rust 2016), the more AI can be used. of AI intelligences can augment human feeling intelligence,
Alternatively, the more contextual, intuitive, and empathetic such as smart headsets creating immersive music experience
tasks in a marketing function, such as service interaction (Huang (Golembiewski 2019), movie analytics personalizing entertain-
and Rust 2021a; Kidwell et al. 2020), marketing strategy devel- ment (Johnston 2019), and social emotional analytics facilitating
opment (Huang and Rust 2021b), or personal health service social interactions on Facebook. Specifically:
(Longoni, Bonezzi, and Morewedge 2019), the more HI should At the mechanical level, use AI for human undesirable mar-
be used. Specifically: keting tasks. GP2a has implications for service marketing such
At the mechanical level, AI can automate non-contextual as retailing, given that handling physical goods is the strength
tasks while supporting HI for contextual tasks. For example, of mechanical AI. Not all mechanical marketing tasks are equal;
some restaurants use smart devices to let customers place orders some are more contextual and more difficult for mechanical AI
themselves. While this approach is good for fast food restaurants, to do. Those are mostly service tasks, due to the co-production
which focus mostly on operational efficiency, it may not be ideal nature. This creates a scenario in which even for mechanical
for high-end restaurants, where contextual interaction and per- service tasks, as long as they are non-contextual, mechanical AI
sonal service are an integrated part of the dining experience. can apply; most likely for machines to do more dangerous or
Also, as discussed when developing GP2a, for tasks that are undesirable tasks or tasks that humans cannot do as well.

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At the thinking level, leverage data and analytics for mar- agents and can generate feeling analytics for guiding human
keting innovation. GP2b has direct implications for artificial agent interactions with customers.
innovation and creativity. Innovation can be powered by data
and analytics, such as is the case in the noticeably short product Implications for Consumers
lifecycle in the fast fashion industry, that relies on predictive
analytics for design new clothing and accessories. Marketers’ Understand the consumption opportunities and constraints
intuitive capability, such as developing new market positioning, due to the AI-HI complementarity
can be powered by data analytics. Compared with marketers, consumers may be less aware of
At the feeling level, recognize the value of human feeling the relative strengths of AI and HI, and resulting in less opti-
intelligence. GP2c implies the superiority of human feeling mal use of AI for consumption, as reflected in their resistance
intelligence. Various areas of marketing require feeling intel- to use some AI applications even when such use can be bene-
ligence, but marketers sometimes tend to emphasize thinking ficial. An example of foregoing the opportunities offered by AI
intelligence (e.g., analytics) over feeling intelligence (e.g., being strength is that in some European countries, health and elderly
empathetic with customers). This general principle highlights care are provided by robots that can not only monitor and track
the need to identify those marketing tasks that are emotionally their health metrics but also can provide companionship for psy-
rich, and have feeling-intelligent employees handle those tasks, chological health. Many elders resist such robots due to lack of
with the assistance of AI at various intelligence levels. understanding of their strengths. An example of revealing the
limitations of AI in high-tough consumption is evidenced by
the social-distanced consumers who are not happy about hav-
Enhance collaborative intelligence over time ing social interactions virtually done by AI (e.g., Zoom fatigue)
GP3 lays out the general principle that “AI first augments or service provided by AI (e.g., restaurant dine-in replaced by
and then replaces HI” at a given intelligence level, implying delivery); these AI-dominant feeling tasks scenarios show the
to marketers that not only do they need to optimize collabo- value of human interactions and empathy in consumption.
rative intelligence, but they also need to consider when it is In these consumption scenarios, if consumers can better
the right time for AI to fully automate a marketing function understand the opportunities and constraints due to the AI-
(Huang and Rust 2021a). The historical account that AI advances HI complementarity (GP1), they will be able to make more
from mechanical, to thinking, to feeling, giving rise to different informed consumption decisions about accepting or rejecting
economies, illustrates this evolving machine-human relationship AI, and gain control over consumption.
(Rust and Huang 2021). Two factors can be considered when
applying this general principle to marketing: Assist consumption using the right AI
The intelligence gap between AI and HI can be used as a Consumers can benefit from using AI at different intelligence
proxy for AI readiness for marketing automation at a given intel- levels. Marketers offer AI products and services, and consumers
ligence level. The smaller the gap between AI and HI, the more decide whether they accept or reject. Marketers compete in smart
ready the AI is for automating marketing tasks at that level. The device and application markets for consumers, and consumers
Turing test can serve as a practical test for this gap. If an AI need to know what to choose for assisting their consumption.
application can pass the Turing test so that a consumer cannot For example, should they choose an Amazon Echo speaker that
tell whether it is a machine or human performing the task, or connects to Alexa only but costs less and is compact, or choose
a consumer can tell but doesn’t mind the small difference (i.e., a Sonos One speaker that is compatible with major virtual assis-
the gap is tolerable), AI can safely be used to replace HI for that tants, has home theater level sound quality, but costs three times
task. If all tasks of that marketing function pass the Turing test, more than Echo. Thus, consumers’ choice and subsequently
the marketing function can be totally automated by AI. their consumption can be augmented based on the set of GP2
Another consideration is whether AI or HI is more cost effi- principles.
cient for performing a marketing task. Some AI, for example At the mechanical level, use AI for saving time and effort
embodied Pepper robots, are costly to deploy, whereas some on mechanical consumption tasks. Consumers’ time and effort
AI, for example embedded conversational bots, can be more cost on boring, routine, or undesirable tasks can be saved by using
efficient than human agents. Thus, when the cost gap between mechanical AI. GP2a suggests that even for mechanical con-
AI and HI is smaller, such as when AI is cheaper but almost as sumption, consumers can benefit from using mechanical AI;
smart as HI, it is enticing to use more AI for automation and less for example, various smart self-services (e.g., self-check-in and
HI (Rust and Huang 2014). check-out, kiosks) let consumers take control of when and where
In both cases, when the intelligence and cost gaps between to have the service, and smart appliances monitor and inform
AI and HI are small and AI can perform more cost-efficiently consumers of their consumption status, freeing consumers from
than HI for most tasks of a marketing function at a given intel- those daily routines to focus on those mechanical consump-
ligence level, humans marketers need to upskill to start the tions that are contextual, such as working out or dining at a
augmentation-replacement duality at a higher intelligence level. nice restaurant. For example, smart refrigerators with sensors,
For example, frontline customer service agents need to upskill cameras, and IoT connections can auto-refill consumers’ gro-
to the intuitive or feeling intelligence level when chatbots can cery inventory, freeing consumers from boring (and potentially
handle routine customer service sufficiently better than human dangerous, in the era of coronavirus) grocery shopping trips. The

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time saved can be used for (contextual) mechanical activities. On sumption task delegation based this duality using examples at
the other side of the coin, consumers should avoid undermining varying intelligence levels.
the importance of HI for contextual tasks. At the mechanical level, for example, consumers used to use
At the thinking level, augment consumption intuition, judg- traditional upright vacuum machines to help them do the house
ment, and decision. GP2b implies that consumers can augment cleaning chores, and now they can delegate such cleaning chores
their consumption intuition by using mechanical and analyti- fully to robotic vacuums equipped with programming capability
cal AI applications. In our daily life, we have relied on these to do cleaning autonomously.
two types of AI applications widely, such as using smart vac- At the thinking level, for example, in the early days of e-
uum cleaners for house cleaning, and using computers for work marketing, many retailers or third-party venders provided price
and smartphones for life. We are more used to this level of or product comparison services to help consumers choose the
augmentation than the feeling level. An important caveat is to right product at the right price, and now many retailers advance
recognize the complementary nature of analytical AI and intu- to AI recommendation engines that personalize lists of movies,
itive HI and leverage this complementarity for better thinking news, or songs for consumers to enjoy without needing them
intelligence. For example, a consumer might use the data stor- to input selection criteria (i.e., not just provide information for
age and computing capability of a personal computer to support consumers to decide). In this sense, the task of analyzing product
smart consumption decisions, rather than trying to be a comput- information to match consumer preferences is automatically per-
ing machine themselves. Consumers can use smart analytical formed by recommendation engines and consumers only need
devices as auxiliary external storage for the brain, and thus the to click to enjoy the movies, news, or songs.
consumer can instead focus on making judgments and decisions. At the feeling level, for example, consumers often rely on
Potential applications for retailing consumers can include using online ratings, such as how many stars other consumers have
data and analytics enabled by smartphone to monitor impulse given to a restaurant, or read the reviews about the restaurant
buying, control unhealthy eating, or resist left digit pricing (i.e., to decide which restaurant to eat. Now with advanced machine
prices ending in 9, 99 or 95) right in the store. learning methods to analyze consumers’ moods automatically,
At the feeling level, augment consumption experiences and a facial expression recognition app in a smartphone can recom-
emotions. GP2c shows the value for consumers to use AI mend to the consumer what to eat, based on a combination of
at various intelligence levels to augment their feeling intelli- the consumer’s mood, weather data, restaurant preference, type,
gence. Various AI applications have been used by marketers and menu, and geographical distance, freeing the consumer from
to understand consumer emotions, and consumers can use AI worrying about what is available to eat, especially when the con-
applications to understand their own emotions and help them sumer is in a special mood (e.g., too sad to eat anything). That is,
manage emotions better as well. For example, consumers may food or restaurant choice has been delegated to AI, incorporating
use VR/AR to enhance consumption experience, physiological the consumer’s mood.
devices to understand better their emotional reactions to con-
sumption or marketing stimuli, and affective analytics to monitor Implications for Researchers
and inform good consumption behavior, such as a healthy diet.
In real-world applications, consumers are using psychological Our general principles represent a starting point for market-
assistant bots to obtain psychological comfort, such as Replika ing and consumer researchers to explore further how best to
AI that mimics a consumer’s style of communication, almost as optimize, manage, and enhance collaborative intelligence.
if the consumer has found the person who knows them the best
in the world. AI-HI relative strengths
This general principle has received relatively little research
Understand the AI-HI augmentation-replacement duality attention, because of the lack of attention to the fact that there
for delegating consumption tasks are multiple intelligences. The dominant thinking is that there is
From the consumer’s perspective, this duality helps them just one kind of intelligence (thinking, i.e., intelligence quotient
decide which consumption tasks to delegate to AI and which (IQ)), and that AI is developed to mimic this thinking intel-
tasks to be done by themselves. Puntoni et al. (2020) define del- ligence. By contrast, GP1, based on the multiple intelligences
egation as when consumers involve an AI solution in performing view, the computing nature of AI, and the biological nature of HI,
a task that they would otherwise perform themselves. Following points out the need to have more studies on investigating AI-HI
the same two conditions discussed for marketers, in making the relative strengths. A starting point is to recognize this multiplic-
task delegation decision, consumers need to consider the intel- ity of intelligences and investigate their positive and negative
ligence and cost gaps between using AI and using their own uses in marketing and impact on consumption. Specifically:
labor. Nevertheless, as briefly mentioned earlier, for consumers, The relative strengths of AI and HI and the best mix of AI
the cost aspect can include time and effort spent on a consump- and HI at the macro, meso, and micro levels can be investigated
tion task, in addition to price paid. If the intelligence and cost empirically. Macro economy-level analysis provides insights
gaps are tolerable (i.e., consumers can bear the quality or cost about how the AI-HI relative strengths chance over time, meso
difference), consumers should delegate the consumption task to firm-level analysis provides insights about how marketers can
AI, and concentrate on other consumption tasks that consumers have the best mix, and micro consumer-level analysis provides
themselves can do better (or enjoy more). Fig. 2 illustrates con- insights about how consumers can leverage the AI-HI comple-

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mentarity for consumption. Rust and Huang (2012) investigated innovation and uncovering the boundary conditions for data and
the labor-automation tradeoffs and their long-term effects on analytical innovation to support human intuition for innovation
productivity due to the advance of technology at the firm level, and creativity (e.g., make the Lexus car AI-scripted commer-
and more studies are needed for analysis at different levels to cial strategic). It is also important to investigate the methods for
understand conditions under which AI and HI can complement alleviating the current limitations of AI, such as unexplainable,
each other. biased, or context-unaware results. The Marchand and Marx
Researchers can also empirically examine consumer reac- (2020) study develops an automated product recommendation
tions to the opportunities and constraints resulting from AI-HI method providing actionable explanations, and the Kawaguchi,
complementarity. Consumer reactions to what AI can do for Uetake, and Watanabe (2019) study investigates the impact of
them can be rational, based on understanding AI strengths contextual factors (time and crowd pressures) on the effec-
and constraints, or irrational, based on misunderstanding about tiveness of AI product recommendation, are two examples in
what AI can complement their intellectual capabilities. Exam- retailing for this effort.
ine empirically about how consumers would react to the use At the feeling level, in addressing how to use AI for better
of AI at different complementarity scenarios can enhance our human emotional intelligence, researchers can examine empir-
understanding about how best for AI to team with consumers. ically the ability of AI to achieve emotional outcomes, such as
Exploring innovative ways that the intelligence multiplicity engagement, satisfaction, and experience; explore approaches
can be used for collaborative intelligence will also be valuable. to capturing emotional data and modeling feeling AI (e.g., big
Both AI and HI have multiple intelligences, which result in their emotional data and analytics); conduct scenario experiments or
respective relative strengths. Researchers can explore multiple simulations to understand future collaboration scenarios for feel-
and innovative ways that the multiple intelligences can be used ings, which should go beyond measuring consumer reactions to
for collaborative intelligence, in addition to the scenarios dis- humanoid robots or acceptance of AI; examine how personal-
cussed in this study. For example, text-mining is a strength of ization engines can incorporate consumer emotions; and explore
analytical AI, but can AI similarly do better than HI for image sustainable AI that can augment human value.
or video mining? Currently researchers are working on video
mining (Li, Shi, and Wang 2019), but further development is AI-HI augmentation-replacement duality
needed. This general principle has received the most research
attention in management and economics, with the former empha-
AI-HI collaboration sizing augmentation (e.g., how machines are used to make
Marketing researchers have more extensive studies on this human workers and organizations more efficient and effective)
type of collaboration, but often do not recognize that there are and the latter emphasizing replacement (e.g., unskilled manu-
multiple intelligences, and lower-level AI is best used to augment facturing labor replaced by computer automation). We point out
higher-level HI, rather than the other way around. More studies that the true decision is typically not choosing between augmen-
are needed to investigate how marketing managers can optimize tation or replacement, but is more about when to replace (when
their AI-HI joint workforce, and how consumers can choose the the gap between AI and HI at a given intelligence level is getting
right level of AI intelligence to use. The set of sub-principles of too small).
this type of collaboration provides a starting point for researchers Thus, for marketing researchers, major research questions
to explore, such as how to use mechanical AI for tasks that will center on managing this duality and examine consequences
are undesirable for employees or consumers, how to leverage of this duality on marketing and consumption. Specifically:
artificial creativity while avoiding AI bias, and how best to use AI Human readiness for AI automation can be investigated
at various intelligence levels to augment consumer experience. empirically. Some consumers are more ready than others. For
Specifically, the following data, models, and topics, related to example, the younger generation may be more technologically
collaboration at the various intelligence levels, can be addressed: ready than older generation, and people-skilled people may be
At the mechanical level, in addressing how to use AI for unde- more ready for the Feeling Economy (Huang and Rust 2019;
sirable employee and consumer tasks, researchers can explore Rust and Huang 2021). The readiness can be about whether
how contextual data can be better captured so that AI’s mechani- AI technologies are mature enough so that marketers and con-
cal capability can be enhanced, address the boundary conditions sumers feel that AI is ready, or can be about whether marketers
to which mechanical AI can be contextual, examine empirically or consumers are psychologically ready to have AI do the jobs.
marketing and consumption task undesirability as the basis of Recently, the Technology Readiness Index (Rockbridge 2020)
collaboration, and explore qualitatively AI-HI interaction in con- has begun to monitor this trend over time.
text for deeper insights about the best way of collaboration. For The antecedents and consequences of marketing and con-
example, Davenport et al. (2020) consider context awareness as sumption tasks that are performed by AI or HI over time can be
a higher level of AI intelligence than task automation that is understood using panel or time series analyses. The time series
currently under development, and may fundamentally change of these trends help to determine which AI technologies are dis-
marketing. ruptive and the gaps between AI and HI at the macro level, and
At the thinking level, in addressing how to use data and ana- the panel data and models can help firms to decide the AI-HI mix
lytical AI to augment intuitive HI, more studies are needed for based on the intelligence and cost gaps in a given intelligence
issues such as exploring the approaches to data and analytical level and the timing to move up to a higher intelligence level.

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