Reed3q2module5librando 2021

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5 Week Date:
Chapter 6: Work Ethics Nov 15 – 19, 2021
No. of Mtgs. 3
Work ethics is a belief that hard work and diligence have
a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen
character and individual abilities. It is a set of values centered on
importance of work and manifested by determination or desire
to work hard.
In its simplest definition, a system of moral principles is called ethics.
They affect how people lead their lives, for life is an unbroken stream of
decision-making and ethics are concerned with what is the right moral
choice, for individuals and for society. This is also known as a moral
philosophy. The etymology of ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos,
meaning habit, custom, disposition or character.


Learning Outcomes:

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:

 define Work Ethics;
 present the expectations of work employees;
 identify ethical and unethical scenarios;
 identify ethical quality's & characteristics;
 give the reasons why employees are fired;

 develop a strong work ethic;
 show the importance of how the work ethic you develop will impact
your future as an employee;
 give importance to work place ethics… how do they correspond to
your personal life?; and

 pray for guidance in the workplace;
 thank God for giving oneself the chance to maximize one’s talents
and skills in the workplace;
 ask God for the perseverance to withstand every problem and
challenges encountered in the workplace.
Institutional Values:

 Deep Love for God and Passion for God’s Mission

 Justice, Truth, Service, Integrity of Creation
 Christ-centered, Compassionate especially to the poor, Catalyst
for Justice and Peace, Servant-Leader, Truth Advocate and
Gender Sensitivity

Essential Question

How is work ethic applicable in life?

Learning Materials and Resources:

 Laborem Exercens
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Aralinks CLE: Forum and Activities
 Microsoft Teams: Chat and Video Conferencing

Prayer of Simple Awareness

1. Remember that you are in the Most Holy presence of God.

2. Make the Sign of the Cross.
3. Put your feet flat on the floor and your arms on your lap with palms
open. You may close your eyes.
4. Spend a moment of prayerful silence.
5. Say the mantra three times:
“Lord, grant me serenity within.”
6. Invoke Mother Mary, St. Theresa of Avila and Mother Marie Louise De
Meester and say “Pray for us” for each respectively.
7. Make the Sign of the Cross

Learning Experiences


Those with a strong work ethic have inculcated principles that

guide them in their work behavior. This leads workers to consistent higher
productivity, without any prodding that many require to stay on track.
In this module, you shall learn the many things a worker needs to do
and not to do in the workplace.
As you do the activity and assessment, think about the question:
How is work ethic applicable in life?
CV – Respect, Service, Truth, Justice
Marks – Compassion especially to the poor, Servant-leader,
Competence and Christ-centeredness

Activity 5: IOU!

Use Attachment 5.1: (IOU!) as your answer sheet. After answering, take
a photo of the activity and send via MS Teams.

Guide Questions:

1. What does the employer owe you?

2. What do you owe the employer?


After answering the activity, let us check if your answers are actually
what work ethics presents and explains.

Lesson Discussion

• Cf. PowerPoint Presentation

- Work Ethics: What is it and how do I get some?

- Prevalent Moral Issues and Dubious Practices in the Workplace


Do you have what it takes to be a winning employee? Can you

manage all the work ethics you learned today? Let’s find out if our lesson
today sunk in to you through an assessment.

Assessment: Your Turn!

Do the following:
1. Log in to Aralinks CLE using your login details and password.
2. Click Assessment 5: Your turn!
3. Read and follow the instructions found in the description.

As a future employer, what would be one question you would like to

ask your employees about Work Ethics?

Closure Activity: Gather Your Thoughts!

Ponder on this…

What particular work ethic do you have difficulty dealing with? It is best
to deal with it now while you are preparing for a bigger world of work in the

Today the notion of ethics is extremely widespread. They are an
important part of our personal and our working life. With a positive work ethic,
individuals can become more focused and responsible regarding their work.
The individual can also cultivate a sense of achievement, and this too, has
positive effects on their career development, and also on the culture and
productivity within the enterprise.
If one is able to successfully demonstrate a positive work ethic, then you
are sure to get the job you are being interviewed for, retain your position or be
expectant regarding a promotion.
Are you ready? You should be.

Closing Prayer

God our Father,

Thank you Lord for giving us the chance to maximize our talents
and skills.
We pray for your guidance as we prepare ourselves for a very
challenging chapter in our life. Send forth you Holy Spirit to journey with us
most especially when we are already in the workplace.
Grant us perseverance to withstand every problem and challenges
we may encounter at work.
We ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

St. John Paul II, pray for us.


Name: ____________________________________________ Strand: ________________

List as many answers as you can in bullet form.

What does the employer owe you? What do you owe the employer?

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