Reed3q2module5librando 2021
Reed3q2module5librando 2021
Reed3q2module5librando 2021
5 Week Date:
Chapter 6: Work Ethics Nov 15 – 19, 2021
No. of Mtgs. 3
Work ethics is a belief that hard work and diligence have
a moral benefit and an inherent ability, virtue or value to strengthen
character and individual abilities. It is a set of values centered on
importance of work and manifested by determination or desire
to work hard.
In its simplest definition, a system of moral principles is called ethics.
They affect how people lead their lives, for life is an unbroken stream of
decision-making and ethics are concerned with what is the right moral
choice, for individuals and for society. This is also known as a moral
philosophy. The etymology of ethics is derived from the Greek word ethos,
meaning habit, custom, disposition or character.
Learning Outcomes:
define Work Ethics;
present the expectations of work employees;
identify ethical and unethical scenarios;
identify ethical quality's & characteristics;
give the reasons why employees are fired;
develop a strong work ethic;
show the importance of how the work ethic you develop will impact
your future as an employee;
give importance to work place ethics… how do they correspond to
your personal life?; and
pray for guidance in the workplace;
thank God for giving oneself the chance to maximize one’s talents
and skills in the workplace;
ask God for the perseverance to withstand every problem and
challenges encountered in the workplace.
Institutional Values:
Essential Question
Learning Experiences
Activity 5: IOU!
Use Attachment 5.1: (IOU!) as your answer sheet. After answering, take
a photo of the activity and send via MS Teams.
Guide Questions:
After answering the activity, let us check if your answers are actually
what work ethics presents and explains.
Lesson Discussion
Do the following:
1. Log in to Aralinks CLE using your login details and password.
2. Click Assessment 5: Your turn!
3. Read and follow the instructions found in the description.
Closure Activity: Gather Your Thoughts!
Ponder on this…
What particular work ethic do you have difficulty dealing with? It is best
to deal with it now while you are preparing for a bigger world of work in the
Today the notion of ethics is extremely widespread. They are an
important part of our personal and our working life. With a positive work ethic,
individuals can become more focused and responsible regarding their work.
The individual can also cultivate a sense of achievement, and this too, has
positive effects on their career development, and also on the culture and
productivity within the enterprise.
If one is able to successfully demonstrate a positive work ethic, then you
are sure to get the job you are being interviewed for, retain your position or be
expectant regarding a promotion.
Are you ready? You should be.
Closing Prayer
What does the employer owe you? What do you owe the employer?