TDD National Epidemic Intelligence Service For India RG SN V01.0
TDD National Epidemic Intelligence Service For India RG SN V01.0
TDD National Epidemic Intelligence Service For India RG SN V01.0
Ruturaj Gowaikar & Shambhavi Naik
Executive Summary
The COVID-19 outbreak has demonstrated the need for India to develop its
own capacity to assess emerging biological threats. Reliance on foreign inputs
led to delayed actions such as airport closures or screening/quarantine of
incoming travelers.
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
The need for an Indian service that could provide intelligence regarding the type and
magnitude of a biological event became apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic. India
relied on information from multi-national agencies like World Health Organisation
(WHO) to take decisions regarding closure of airports and testing protocols. But reliance
on data and analysis provided by such organisations have an inherent drawback, as they
rely on the information submitted by host countries. During the COVID-19 pandemic,
suppressed data on the extent of COVID-19 spread and nature of asymptomatic
transmission led to uninformed decision-making such as late closures of international
travel. Early, precise information and understanding of the COVID-19 threat in the India
context may have led to a more tailored public health response. Hence, it would be
advantageous for India to develop its own intelligence agency to make an assessment of
emerging threats and inform public health organizations.
This document covers existing agencies that monitor public health threats and
recommends a roadmap for India’s NEI agency.
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
health threat is identified, follow up action is initiated. Control measures can be put in
place, alerts can be disseminated through partner organisations and further investigations
of the threat can be set up as required. Figure 1 provides an overview of this intelligence
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
Below we discuss the structure and functions of select existing agencies involved in
epidemic intelligence.
Figure 2: The Joint External Evaluation Process. Image sourced from The Joint External
Evaluation (JEE) Process: A Project to Assess and Build Global Health Security, CDC
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
In 2012, WHO, along with its member states and partner organisations, created the ECO-
NET, a global network of emergency operations and centres. The Strategic Health
Operations Centre (SHOC) coordinates operations of the ECO-NET by providing a
platform for information exchange and response coordination during public health crises
of international proportions.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is tasked with studying national
and international public health threats. The agency runs the Epidemic Intelligence Service
programme in epidemiology, creating a workforce of fellows that respond to health threats
locally and Since the inception of the programme in 1951, fellows have
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
investigated numerous health threats, including biological warfare during the Korean war,
responding to Anthrax, SARS, and flu outbreaks, and providing on-ground response to
Ebola and Zika virus outbreaks.vii
7. MediSys
The medical surveillance system of the EU is similar to GPHIN but only accessible to EU
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
8. Blue dotx
Blue dot is one of the leading private entities in the realm of digital health monitoring
systems in the world. Blue dot started as a private start-up relying on technology similar to
GPHIN that makes use of NLP, auto-translations, etc. of global news feeds.
The National Centre for Disease Control is an institute under the Indian Directorate
General of Health Services (DGHS), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW).
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
NCDC is the nodal agency for the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) and
is the leading agency for implementation of the International Health Regulations (IHR) in
NCDC runs a program for doctors called Indian Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS). It is a
two-year programme in applied epidemiology in which trainee officers develop skills while
working in Indian public health agencies and programs. Officers then return to their
respective states or organisations. Since its conception in 2017, 33 Indians officers have been
trained. They have investigated 121 outbreaks and evaluated 46 surveillance systems.
Thus, the EIS is a training service and not an intelligence service.
The aim of IDSP is to develop human resources for domestic disease surveillance and
integrate data gathered from decentralised surveillance and analysis. IDSP was set up in
two phases using funding provided by the World Bank. NCDC is the reporting agency for
IDSP has a media surveillance wing that was established in 2008. The Media Scanning and
Verification Cell (MSVC) receives around 2-3 media alerts of unusual health events daily.
A total of 2,925 health alerts have been detected till September 2014 since its establishment
in July 2008.xiv
Additionally, 97% of Indian districts have mechanisms in place that provide data from
government medical facilities including government laboratories to IDSP.xv However, not
all laboratories are covered by IDSP due to budgetary constraints. Private medical
establishments are not covered. Reporting centres are present at the Union, state, and
district level. IDSP also runs the EIS programme for medical doctors wanting to pursue a
career in field epidemiology and public health.
The data collected by IDSP is geotagged (GIS), has meteorological inputs and is in the ‘S’,
syndromic; ‘P’, probable; & ‘L’, laboratory format. But currently IDSP data is not analysed
using big-data tools.
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
3. DRDO laboratories
DRDO operates six laboratories under its life science cluster. These include Defence
Bioengineering and Electromedical Laboratory (DEBEL), Bengaluru; Defence Institute of
Bio-Energy Research (DIBER), Haldwani; Defence Food Research Laboratory (DFRL),
Mysore; Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), Delhi; Defence
Institute of High Altitude Research (DIHAR); and Defence Institute of Psychological
Research (DIPR), Delhi.xvi
These laboratories do not work in the area of monitoring but are geared towards solving
technical problems related to life science that may or may not have applications in medical
intelligence, biowarfare defence etc.
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
The proposed NEI
news and social Alert DGHS/ICAR
media Check in-coming of possible threat to
(MSCV) data to flag any issue public health
emerging threats measures
intelligence, JEE
(WHO, other
Assess threats on
basis of country of
origin and disease
! Alert MHA of
possible threat
We propose a National Epidemic Intelligence (NEI) service for the primary function of
assessing biological threats to India. For threats within India, the IDSP needs to be
strengthened to ensure complete coverage of public and private hospitals in India. The
sentinel centres need to be well-equipped to identify new diseases and characterise novel
For threats originating in foreign countries, the NEI could have, as its first level, a global
digital monitoring system on the lines of Canada’s Global Public Health Intelligence
Network and similar agencies. This monitoring system would involve expansion of the
IDSP’s current MSVC programme to include international events and active monitoring of
news and social media. The monitoring system would use automated translations of news
feeds from multiple languages, sentiment analysis, Natural Language Processing (NLP) etc.,
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
to identify and locate an incident in the public health domain. Thess data can be analysed
by public health experts and intelligence officers of the NEI and the threat assessed for the
Indian context.
The second level of the proposed NEI could consist of personnel trained to analyse output
of the first level. A mixed team of officers trained in epidemiology under the Indian EIS
programme, statisticians and public health officials would be needed for informed analysis.
The data gathered by IDSP can be used in conjunction with global digital monitoring at
this level. Inclusion of analysts trained in strategic studies would also be required at this
second level. The quality of analysis at this stage would improve if India has access to JEE
scores from WHO as well as medical intelligence on countries. It will be critical for the NEI
to develop an assessment matrix to judge an emerging threat – such a matrix can take into
account the nature of the threat, distance from India, probability of the threat entering
India, and transparency with which information about the threat is being shared.
The third level should consist of personnel trained to collect samples from distant locations
and infrastructure consisting of laboratories capable of analysing these samples. The
samples refer not only to biological specimens from individuals but can include
environmental sampling of soil, water, sewage, construction material etc. Some of these
laboratories might have to be located on foreign soil, as transporting samples contaminated
with a pathogen or chemicals over long international distances is risky as well as governed
by laws that prevent transport of certain biological entities across national borders. These
personnel could be specially trained individuals from NEI or India’s intelligence services.
Once the samples are received, the NEI could work with existing governmental
organisations to characterise the threat and get better understanding of the pathogen. This
characterisation is important to take coherent public health measures - as seen in COVID-
19, the suppression of the knowledge of asymptomatic transmission led to initial
underestimation of the disease’s spread. This step only requires to be done if the emerging
threat is caused by a novel pathogen, such as SARS-CoV-2.
Once the assessment is done, concerned agencies can be notified about the emerging
threat. This would include the MoHFW for public health measures, the Ministry of Home
Affairs for internal security measures if required, and global organisations such as WHO.
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
Data to be collected by NEI
The NEI’s primary role will be to monitor for emerging threats by looking at real-time data
on outbreaks. However, for assessing the threat in the Indian context, the NEI would also
need to maintain data on various health parameters for all countries. The following
categories of data are key inclusions for the NEI:
This intelligence can help form the basis for prediction models, in case there is an emerging
public health threat in the target country. This intelligence can be gathered through
publicly available data and on-site reconnaissance, but does not include near-real time
information regarding an ongoing medical emergency.
Health system preparedness – this includes both, health monitoring systems – systems
involved in gathering of information on the state of general medical status of a
region/country and health surveillance systems – systems involved in gathering of
information pertaining to a particular medical event.
Biosecurity measures – this includes procedures designed to protect the population against
intentional exposure of harmful biological or biochemical substances. Measures such as
regular monitoring for disease outbreaks, restricted access to pathogens, monitoring of
supply chain of biological products and ratification of key international agreements to
control bioweapon proliferation signal a country’s preparedness to improve biosecurity.
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
measures, training of laboratory personnel and mechanisms of disposal of biological
products. This can be assessed by reports of laboratory incidents, violations reported by
institutions, and how strictly the country enforces its biosafety policies.
Data transparency - One key parameter that will influence the prediction of a biological
threat is the transparent sharing of data amongst countries. China has been alleged to
suppress the early dissemination of information on COVID-19, resulting in delayed public
health response. Not only did they not share data openly, doctors who tried to raise alarm
were censured.xvii Thus, the freedom of speech or state of transparency of media across
various platforms in a country is a key determinant of its handling of a health threat.
Countries with a history of information suppression should be treated with more caution
than countries which openly share information. xviii
Domestic situations
The quality of public health infrastructure is vastly different across different states in India.
The presence of both private and public medical facilities, concentration of medical
facilities in urban areas, the poor quality of record keeping, and low rate of follow-up by
patients makes it difficult to generate a situational picture of the medical state of the
nation. NEI would play a role in monitoring for unusual disease outbreaks and
collaborating with local governments to contain their spread.
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
Non-biological events
Medical emergencies can arise due to chemical, radioactive, physical agents apart from
biological agents. A monitoring system that is being proposed in this paper can be easily
employed in such scenarios.
We propose the formation of a comprehensive National Epidemic Intelligence service for
India that can monitor and assess emerging biological threats. Such a service can monitor
both domestic and international situations to feed data to existing public health systems for
preparing against potential biological outbreaks. We envision this data-based service to use
digital data to identify potential hotspots of outbreak, and if required deploy field services
to obtain samples for testing. An assessment based on the complete health and medical
intelligence provided for the country of outbreak can help gauge the actual threat to India.
Public health agencies can then make informed decisions to suspend travel or increase
healthcare capacity in a timely manner to counter the emerging threat.
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
References: -
Institute of Medicine. 2007. Global infectious disease surveillance and detection:
Assessing the challenges—finding solutions. Workshop summary. Global public health
surveillance: the role of nontraditional surveillance tools. Page 117. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Global Health Protection and Security.
Global Health Security Agenda – Members
US Department of Health and Human Services.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Epidemic Intelligence Service
Grant Robertson. “Health Minister orders review of pandemic warning system, concerns
raised by scientists”. 7th September, 2020.
Medical Corps International Forum (4/2011) Published 31 January, 2019.
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].
Takshashila Discussion Document: A National Epidemic Intelligence Service (NEIS) for
Cory Steig. “How this Canadian start-up spotted coronavirus before everyone else knew
about it”. 3rd March, 2020.
Grant Roberston. “Without early warning you can’t have early response”: How Canada’s
world-class pandemic alert system failed. 25th July, 2020.
India Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) Programme: Compendium National Centre for
Disease Control. 2018
Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme, National Centre for Disease Control,
Directorate General of Health Services.
Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme, National Centre for Disease Control,
Directorate General of Health Services. Data management-
Ajai Shukla. “Government exhorts DRDO to revive work on biological defence
initiative.” 11th May 2020.
Coronavirus: The information heroes China silenced. 6th May 2020.
This document is prepared for the purpose of discussion and debate and does not necessarily constitute
Takshashila’s policy recommendations. To contact us about the research, write to
[email protected].