Adr Guideline 7 3
Adr Guideline 7 3
Adr Guideline 7 3
Flood Hazard
Flood Hazard
Guideline 7-3
Supporting document for the implementation of Australian
Disaster Resilience Handbook 7 Managing the Floodplain:
A Guide to Best Practice in Flood Risk Management in
Australia (AIDR 2017)
Attorney-General’s Department
Emergency Management Australia
© Commonwealth of Australia 2017 second edition Attribution
Edited and published by the Australian Institute Where material from this publication is used for any
for Disaster Resilience, on behalf of the Australian purpose, it is to be attributed to the developer as follows:
Government Attorney-General’s Department.
Source: Australian Disaster Resilience Guideline 7-3
Editing and formatting by Fullpoint Media. Flood Hazard (AIDR 2017).
Handbook 7
Managing the Floodplain: A Guide to Best Practice in Flood Risk Management in Australia
Guideline 7-1
Using the National Generic Brief for Flood Investigations to Develop Project Specific Specifications
For use with Template 7-4
Guideline 7-2
Flood Emergency Response Classification of the Floodplain
Guideline 7-3
Flood Hazard
Template 7-4
Technical Project Brief Template
For use with Guideline 7-1
Guideline 7-5
Flood Information to Support Land-use Planning
For use with Practice Note 7-7
Guideline 7-6
Assessing Options and Service Levels for Treating Existing Risk
Practice Note 7-7
Considering Flooding in Land-use Planning Activities
For use with Guideline 7-5
Development of this guideline was overseen by the National Flood Risk Advisory Group (NFRAG), which is a reference
group of the Australian – New Zealand Emergency Management Committee. NFRAG was chaired by Andrew Lea (State
Emergency Service, Tasmania).
Duncan McLuckie (New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage) led the project. The Water Research
Laboratory of the University of New South Wales was commissioned to support development of the guideline.
WMAwater Pty Ltd assisted by providing the sample figures in Appendix A.
This guideline was made possible by the financial contributions of the Australian Government Attorney-General’s
Department through the National Emergency Management Projects Program. The New South Wales Ministry of Police
and Emergency Services assisted by administering this grant on behalf of NFRAG. The former Australian Emergency
Management Institute and the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience provided essential support for the project.
List of Figures
Figure 1 Process for quantifying flood hazard ........................................................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2 Example flood study results from a two-dimensional floodplain model ............................................................................. 5
Figure 3 Example of peak modelled D × V ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 4 Peak hazard occurs at Time 1, before the peak flood level at Time 2 .................................................................................... 8
Figure 5 Flood hydrographs for the subject floodplain in Figure 4 ............................................................................................................... 9
Figure 6 General flood hazard vulnerability curves ............................................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 7 Floodplain hazard classification map .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 8 Thresholds for people stability in floods .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 9 Thresholds for vehicle stability in floods .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 10 Thresholds for building stability in floods ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Figure A1 Flood depth variation within a broad floodplain ................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure A2 Flood hazards for categories H1 to H6 for a broad floodplain ................................................................................................. 17
Figure A3 Flood hazards for categories H1, combined H2–H4, H5 and H6 for a broad floodplain .......................................... 18
Figure A4 Velocity vectors and flood depths within a more localised area of floodplain ............................................................... 18
Figure A5 Flood hazards for categories H1–H6 for a more localised area of floodplain ................................................................. 19
Figure A6 Flood hazards for categories H1, combined H2–H4, H5 and H6 for a more localised area of floodplain .... 19
List of Tables
Table 1 Combined hazard curves – vulnerability thresholds ....................................................................................................................... 11
Table 2 Combined hazard curves – vulnerability thresholds classification limits .......................................................................... 11
As outlined in Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook 7 Managing the Floodplain: A Guide to Best Practice in Flood
Risk Management in Australia (ADR Handbook 7) (AIDR 2017), flooding is a natural phenomenon that occurs when
water covers land that is usually dry. Floods can create hazardous conditions when communities are exposed to these
conditions, creating a risk.
This technical guideline expands information on flood hazard provided in Chapter 5 of ADR Handbook 7, to provide a
basis for quantifying the variations in flood hazard. Together with the technical guideline for flood emergency response
classification of the floodplain, it replaces technical advice on flood hazard quantification provided in Appendix J of
SCARM Report 73 (SCARM 2000).
This document was reviewed for consistency and republished in 2017 following development of the following
supporting documents to ADR Handbook 7:
Guideline 7-5 Flood Information to Support Land-use Planning (AIDR 2017)
Guideline 7-6 Assessing Options and Service Levels for Treating Existing Risk (AIDR 2017)
Practice Note 7-7 Considering Flooding in Land-use Planning Activities (AIDR 2017)
Floods create hazardous conditions to which hazard as part of the floodplain-specific management
humans are particularly vulnerable. If floodplains process. ADR Handbook 7 introduces flood hazard as a
concept and makes the following important definitions:
were unoccupied and unused, flooding would not
create a risk to the community. It is the human • Hazard. A source of potential harm or a situation with
interaction with the floodplain, and the associated a potential to cause loss. In relation to this handbook,
exposure to flood hazard, that creates flood risk. the hazard is flooding, which has the potential to
cause damage to the community.
Fast-flowing shallow water or slow-flowing deep water • Flood hazard. The potential loss of life, injury and
can unbalance people and vehicles, and sweep them economic loss caused by future flood events.
away. Similarly, floodwaters can result in significant The degree of hazard varies with the severity of
impacts on the built environment. Structures can be flooding and is affected by flood behaviour (extent,
undermined, or have their structural and non-structural depth, velocity, isolation, rate of rise of floodwaters,
elements damaged or destroyed by floodwater and duration), topography and emergency management.
debris. The contents of structures are generally
In managing flood risk through the floodplain-specific
vulnerable to contact with floodwater, and can also be
management process, flood hazard assessment assists
severely damaged or destroyed.
with identifying the relative degree of flood hazard on a
Infrastructure required for community functioning is also floodplain without the need to understand what is at-risk.
vulnerable to flooding. Road surfaces and substructures, Hazard mapping can support constraint mapping for
rail lines, airfields, and electrical, water, sewerage, strategic land-use planning in floodplain areas.
stormwater and communication systems are all The definitions of hazard and flood hazard in ADR
susceptible to damage from flooding. Moreover, human- Handbook 7 clearly enunciate that flood hazard is
made structures and development can exacerbate independent of the population at-risk. The ‘population at-
the damage caused by flooding. They may alter the risk’ as a concept relates to flood risk and the translation
paths, depths and velocities of flow, and add debris to of a hazard to result in a risk to a community. By way of
floodwaters. illustration, a flood with high water depth (i.e. more than
The safety of people, and the susceptibility of 2-metres deep) is hazardous whether people are on the
development and infrastructure to damage are primarily floodplain or not. The flood risk comes from exposing
linked to flood behaviour, which will vary across the people to that hazard.
floodplain, between flood events of different sizes and A way to understand the vulnerability of people and/
across different floodplains. Therefore, it is important or the built environment to flood hazard is to identify
to understand the full range of potential flood behaviour specific flood parameters that can be measured
to comprehend the vulnerability of the community to consistently for a select range of flood events and to
flooding. This understanding underpins decisions on benchmark these parameters against thresholds. This
managing flood risk. meaningfully describes the danger of the flooding to
people, buildings and infrastructure in the community.
Australian Disaster Resilience Handbook 7 Managing
the Floodplain: A Guide to Best Practice in Flood Risk This technical guideline provides supplementary advice
Management in Australia (ADR Handbook 7) (AIDR 2017) to support ADR Handbook 7 by outlining methods to
introduces and describes the need for quantifying flood quantify flood hazard.
Behaviour D, V, T
Flood Hazard DxV
Hazard Vulnerability
D Hazard
This guideline provides technical advice on the Effective flood risk management can enable a
quantification of flood hazard to support the general community to become as resilient as practicable to
guidance on best practice in flood risk management floods through informed prevention activities, and
preparation for, response to and recovery from flooding.
outlined in ADR Handbook 7. This guideline, along with
Studies that improve our knowledge of flood risk can
Australian Disaster Resilience Guideline 7-2 Flood
provide the basis for making informed management
Emergency Response Classification of the Floodplain
decisions. The guideline considers that understanding
(AIDR 2017), replaces the technical advice on flood
the variation in flood hazard in different areas of the
hazard quantification provided in Appendix J of the
floodplain can aid decision making in the following areas:
SCARM Report 73 (SCARM 2000).
• Flood risk management. The guideline provides
This guideline should be read in conjunction with ADR
information on the scale of, and drivers for, flood
Handbook 7 and other relevant guidance material. Many
hazard to people, vehicles and buildings. This would
of the terms used in this guideline are defined in ADR
influence decisions in relation to management of flood
Handbook 7.
risk and the types of mitigation measures that may
Further background technical information supporting be considered to manage this risk.
the advice in this guide can be found in the report Flood • Strategic and development scale land-use planning.
hazard (Smith et al. 2014), prepared for the National Flood Information on where the varying degree of flood
Risk Advisory Group. hazard to people, vehicles and buildings occurs across
This guideline does not provide policy guidance, which the floodplain is provided. This can be considered
is dependent on the relevant flood risk management in setting strategic land-use directions for a
policies in place for different jurisdictions. It should not community, where it can inform decisions on where
be used to supplant or circumnavigate such policies. to develop, what type of development is suited to
particular areas (e.g. certain developments are less
robust than others) and the development conditions
necessary to limit the risks created by introducing
1.3 End uses considered in new development.
forming the guideline • Flood emergency response planning. This guideline
can inform the development of flood emergency
ADR Handbook 7 highlights that understanding flood response plans by providing advice on the variation of
behaviour is essential for making informed decisions on hazardous conditions to people, vehicles and buildings
managing flood risk. This includes comprehending the within the floodplain.
2: 2Example flood study
Example flood
results fromstudy results from
a two-dimensional a two-dimensional
floodplain model floodplain model
Figure 4: Peak hazard occurs at Time 1, before the peak flood level at Time 2
1.8 Depth
1.6 2 Velocity
0:00 2:00 4:00 6:00 8:00 10:00 12:00
Once the flood hazard has been quantified and 4.1 General flood hazard
the timing aspects of flood hazard understood,
the potential of the flood flows to cause damage classification
or danger can be indexed against vulnerability A flood hazard assessment conducted as part of a
curves linked to meaningful hazard thresholds. flood study often provides baseline information for
The vulnerability of the community and its assets can general consideration as part of an initial scoping
be described by using thresholds related to the stability exercise for a floodplain management study. In such
of people as they walk or drive through flood waters, or a preliminary assessment of risks or as part of a
shelter in a building during a flood. The vulnerability to constraints analysis for strategic land-use planning,
hazard will also be influenced by whether the primary a combined set of hazard vulnerability curves such as
consideration is, for example, strategic land-use planning, those presented in Figure 6 can be used as a general
which is aimed at ensuring land use is compatible with classification of flood hazard on a floodplain. Further
the flood risk, or assessing development proposals or information on the source of the hazard vulnerability
emergency management planning, which is aimed at curves presented in Figure 6 is available in Smith
addressing residual flood risks. et al. (2014).
H4 - unsafe
for people
1.5 and vehicles.
1.0 H3 - unsafe
for vehicles,
children and
the elderly
H2 - unsafe for small vehicles
H1 - generally safe
for people, vehicles and buildings
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Velocity (m/s)
Hazard Description
H5 Unsafe for vehicles and people. All building types vulnerable to structural damage. Some less robust
building types vulnerable to failure.
H6 Unsafe for vehicles and people. All building types considered vulnerable to failure.
Source: Source:
Modelled after Smith Modelled
and Wasko (2012) after Smith and Wasko (2012)
7: 7Floodplain hazard
Floodplain hazard
classification map classification map
1.0 Ex
t re
ar d
0.8 f or a
dul t
h ha
0.6 z ar d
Limiting depth for children f or a
dul t s
er a t e Limiting
0.4 ha z ar d
L ow h f or a du velocity for
a z ar d f o lts
r a dul t s adults and
0.2 children
L ow h
a z ar d f or in good
c h il d r e n
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Velocity (m/s)
Depth (m)
Depth above floor (m)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5
Velocity (m/s)
The effective warning time available to respond 5.2 Effective warning time
to a flood event, the rate of rise of floodwaters,
the time of day a flood occurs, and isolation As outlined in Section 5.3.4 of ADR Handbook 7, effective
from safety by floodwaters and impassable warning time is the time available for people to undertake
terrain are all factors that may increase the appropriate actions, such as lifting or transporting
belongings and evacuating. Lack of effective warning
potential for people to be exposed to hazardous
time can increase the potential for the exposure of
flood situations. These factors are important people to hazardous flood situations. In contrast,
considerations that influence the vulnerability having plenty of effective warning time provides the
of communities to flooding and are important opportunity to reduce the exposure of people and their
considerations in managing flood risk. property to hazardous flood situations.
The following figures provide both a broad-scale and more localised example in the same floodplain of the base data
(variation in velocity and depth across a floodplain) and hazard mapping using the categories outlined in this guideline.
Examples are also given combining categories H2–H4, which relate to different scales of risk to people and vehicles,
as this may be appropriate for some management techniques.
Figure A3: Flood hazards for categories H1, combined H2–H4, H5 and H6 for a broad floodplain
Figure A3 22 floodplain
Flood hazards for categories H1, combined H2–H4, H5 and H6 for a broad
Figure A4: Velocity vectors and flood depths within a more localised area of floodplain
Figure A4 Velocity vectors and flood depths within a more localised area of floodplain
Figure A5: Flood hazards for categories H1–H6 for a more localised area of floodplain
Figure A5 Flood hazards for categories H1–H6 for a more localised area of floodplain
Figure A6: Flood hazards for categories H1, combined H2–H4, H5 and H6 for a more localised area of floodplain
Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR) 2017, Handbook 7 Managing the Floodplain: A Guide to Best Practice
in Flood Risk Management in Australia, Melbourne.
Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR) 2017, Guideline 7-2 Flood Emergency Response Classification of the
Floodplain, Melbourne.
Babister M and Barton C (eds) 2012, Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Project 15: Two-dimensional modelling in
urban and rural floodplains, report P15/S1/009, Engineers Australia, Canberra.
Cox RJ, Shand TD and Blacka MJ 2010, Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Project 10: Appropriate safety criteria
for people, Stage 1 report P10/S1/006, prepared by the Water Research Laboratory, University of New South Wales,
SCARM (Standing Committee on Agriculture and Resource Management) 2000, Floodplain management in Australia:
Best practice principles and guidelines, SCARM Report 73, CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
Shand TD, Cox RJ, Blacka MJ and Smith GP 2011, Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Project 10: Appropriate safety
criteria for vehicles – literature review, Stage 2 report P10/S2/020, prepared by the Water Research Laboratory,
University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Smith GP, Davey EK and Cox RJ 2014, Flood hazard, Technical report 2014/07, Water Research Laboratory, University
of New South Wales, Sydney.
Smith GP and Wasko CD 2012, Australian Rainfall and Runoff Revision Project 15: Two-dimensional simulations in
urban areas – representation of buildings in 2D numerical flood models, prepared by the Water Research Laboratory,
University of New South Wales, Sydney.