B.tech. Ct2 Autumn Semester 2020 2021 Qps Ami AP Pps Egd Pce Ac Bee E&e Iwt

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Subject Code: - 100101AM

B Tech – 1st Semester Class Test – II (31/03/2021)

Subject: Applied Mathematics-I
Time: 2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 60

Note: Attempt all questions. Parts (a) of each question is compulsory and carries 04 marks;
attempt any two parts from (b), (c) and (d) carrying 08 marks.
CO 3: To solve the problems of maxima and minima of functions of two variables and use Jacobians

in formulation of practical problems.

CO 4: To apply integration for rectification, quadrature, volume of revolution and apply

differentiation under the integral sign to definite integrals.

CO 5: To solve linear as well as nonlinear differential equations of first order. Also, to solve

differential equation of higher order.

Q .No. Questions Marks CO BL PI

1(a) 𝑢 𝜕(𝑥,𝑦) 4 CO3 L3 1.1.1
i) If 𝑥 = 𝑢𝑣, 𝑦 = then 𝜕(𝑢,𝑣) is
−2𝑢 −2𝑣
(i) 𝑣 (ii) 𝑢 (iii) 0 (iv) 1
ii) Find the stationary points of the following function
𝑓(𝑥, 𝑦) = 𝑥 3 𝑦 2 (1 − 𝑥 − 𝑦)

2 4 1 1 3 7 2 1
(i) (3 , − 3) (ii) (2 , 3) (iii) (− 4 , − 16) (iv) ) (3 , 3)
(b) Show that, if the perimeter of a triangle is constant, the triangle 8 CO3 L3 1.1.1
has maximum area when it is equilateral.
(c) If 𝑥 𝑥 𝑦 𝑦 𝑧 𝑧 = 𝐶, show that at 𝑥 = 𝑦 = 𝑧, 8 CO3 L3 1.1.1
𝜕 2𝑧
= −(𝑥𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑒𝑥)−1 .
(d) Divide 24 into three parts such that the continued product of the 8 CO3 L3 1.1.1
first, square of the second and the cube of the third may be
2(a) 𝜋⁄2 4 CO4 L3 1.1.1
i) The value of ∫−𝜋⁄2 𝐶𝑜𝑠 7 𝑥𝑑𝑥 is
32𝜋 32 16 16𝜋
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
35 35 35 35
ii) Evaluate ∫0 𝑥 6 √1 − 𝑥2 𝑑𝑥
5 10𝜋 5𝜋 5𝜋
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
256 253 256 258
(b) 𝜋⁄2 log(1+𝛼𝑆𝑖𝑛2 𝑥) 8 CO4 L3 1.1.1
Show that ∫0 𝑑𝑥 = 𝜋[√1 + 𝛼 − 1]
𝑆𝑖𝑛2 𝑥
(c) Find the area of the loop of the curve 𝑦 2 (𝑎 + 𝑥) = 𝑥 2 (𝑎 − 𝑥). 8 CO4 L3 1.1.1
If n is a positive integer, show that 8 CO4 L3 1.1.1
(d) 1 (−1)𝑛 𝑛!
∫0 𝑥 𝑚 (𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑥)𝑛 = (𝑚+1)𝑛+1 , 𝑚 > −1
3(a) i) Solve (𝐷4 + 2𝐷 2 + 1)𝑦 = 0 4 CO5 L3 1.1.1
(i) 𝑦 = (𝑐1 + 𝑐2 𝑥)𝑒 𝑥 + (𝑐3 + 𝑐4 𝑥)𝑒 −𝑥
(ii) 𝑦 = (𝑐1 + 𝑐2 𝑥)𝑒 2𝑥 + (𝑐3 + 𝑐4 𝑥)𝑒 −2𝑥
(iii) 𝑦 = (𝑐1 + 𝑐2 𝑥)𝑐𝑜𝑠𝑥 + (𝑐3 + 𝑐4 𝑥)𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥
(iv) 𝑦 = (𝑐1 + 𝑐2 𝑥)𝑒 𝑥 + (𝑐3 + 𝑐4 𝑥)𝑒 2𝑥
ii) Integrating factor of the differential equation
(1 + 𝑥𝑦)𝑦𝑑𝑥 + (1 − 𝑥𝑦)𝑥𝑑𝑦 = 0
1 1 1 1
(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
2𝑥 2 𝑦 2 2𝑥𝑦 2𝑥 2 𝑦 2𝑥𝑦 2
(b) 2 𝑑𝑦 4 𝑑𝑦 8 CO5 L3 1.1.1
Solve 𝑥 ( ) + 2𝑥 −𝑦 =0
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥
(c) 𝑑2𝑦 𝑑𝑦 8 CO5 L3 1.1.1
Solve 𝑥 2 2 + 𝑥 + 𝑦 = 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑥. sin(𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑥)
𝑑𝑥 𝑑𝑥
(d) Solve by the method of variation of parameters 8 CO5 L3 1.1.1
𝑑2𝑦 1
+ 𝑦 =
𝑑𝑥 2 1 + 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑥
Subject Code: 100102AP
B. Tech. – 1st Semester Class Test- II (01/04/2021)
Subject: - Applied Physics
Time: 2 Hrs. MaximumMarks:60
Note: Attempt all questions. Part (a) is compulsory and carries 04 marks. Attempt any two
parts from (b), (c) and (d) carrying 8 marks.
CO3: On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to explain
fundamentals of dielectric and electron ballistic.
CO4: Apply semiconductor theory to explain the functioning of solid electronic devices.
CO5: After completion of the unit, student will be able explain the basic principle and
working of various types of laser and understand light propagation in optical fibres.
Q. No. Question Co BL PI
1(a) Explain: - (any two)- 4 marks
a) Dielectric Constant
CO3 L-2 1.2.1
b) Gauss Law
c) Electron Volt (eV)
d) Velocity Selector (Basics)
1(b) Give the relationalrship between E, D P Vector. What L-2 1.2.1
is the significance of each of these vectors?
1(c) Describe the principle, construction and working of a L-2 1.2.1
Bainbridge Mass spectrograph with diagram.
1(d) a) If a NaCl crystal is subjected to an electric field
of 100 V/cm and the resulting polarization is 4.5
× 10-8 C/m2. Calculate relative permittivity of
NaCl. (4 marks)
b) A proton has an initial velocity of 2.5×105 m/s in
the x-direction It enters a uniform electric field of
1.75 ×104 N/C in a direction perpendicular to CO3 L-3 1.2.1
the field lines.
(i) Find the time it takes for the proton to travel 0.07
m in the x direction, and
(ii) Find the vertical displacement of the proton
after it has travelled 0.07 m in the x-direction.
(4 marks)
2(a) Explain: - (any two)- 4 marks CO4 L-2 1.2.1
a) Intrinsic Semiconductor
b) Extrinsic semiconductor
c) Drift & diffuse current
d) P-N Junction diode (Basics)
2(b) Classify conductor, semiconductor and insulator on CO4 L-2 1.2.1
the basis of energy band diagram
2(c) Define Fermi level in solid , show that Fermi level in
intrinsic semiconductor lies at centre of the forbidden CO4 L-2 1.2.1
2(d) a) If the effective mass of the an electron is equal
to twice the effective mass of hole, determine
the position of the Fermi level in an intrinsic
semiconductor from the centre of the forbidden
gap at the room temperature (4 marks)
b) A sample of intrinsic germanium at room L-3 1.2.1
temperature has a carrier concentration of 4.8 ×
1019 m3. It is doped with antimony at a rate of
one antimony atom per million atoms of
germanium. If the concentration of the
germanium atoms 8 × 1028 m3, determine the
hole concentration (4 marks)
3(a) Explain: - (any two)- 4 marks CO5 L-2 1.2.1
e) Total internal reflection
f) Stimulated emission of radiation
g) V number
h) Population inversion
3(b) Explain the working principle of optical fibre and CO5 L-2 1.2.1
derive an expression for acceptance angle and
Numerical aperture.
3(c) Explain the construction and working of He-Ne Laser. CO5 L-2 1.2.1

3(d) a) A laser beam can be focused on area of 50×10-14 m2. CO5 L-3 1.2.1
If laser radiates energy at the rate of 1mW. Find
intensity of focused beam and write its unit.
(4 marks)
b) Calculate the numerical aperture and acceptance
angle for a fibre cable with a core index of refraction
of 1.45 and a cladding index of
refraction of 1.30. (4 marks)
CO – Course Outcomes
BL – Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels
(L1-Remembering, L2- Understanding, L3-Applying, L4- Analysis, L5- Evaluating, L6-Creating)
PI – Performance Indicator Code
(Please See: https://www.aicte-india.org/sites/default/files/ExaminationReforms.pdf)
B.Tech. 1st Semester Class Test – II - 2021
Subject: Programming for Problem Solving (PPS)
Subject Code: 100103CS

Time: 2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 60

Note: Part a is compulsory carries 4 marks and attempt any two parts from b, c, and d carry 8 marks.

Marks CO BL PI
i) An array Index starts with _________.
A. -1
B. 0
C. 1
D. Depends on compiler.
ii) To store the marks of 10 students in an exam in which the
maximum marks was 50 we need which of the following type of
A int marks[10][50]
B int marks[50][10]
C int marks[10]
D int marks[50]
iii) What will be the output of the following C code?
void main()
char *s= "hello";
char *p = s;
printf("%c \t%c", *(p + 3), s[1]);
a) } (4) CO3 L2 1.4.1
1 Clo
iv) What will be the output of the following C code?
int main()
char *str = "hello, world";
char *str1 = "hello, world";
if (strcmp(str, str1))
return 0;
A equal
B unequal
C Compilation error
D Depends on the compiler

b) List and explain any 5 library functions on strings. (8) CO3 L2 1.4.1

Write a C program to display the diagonal elements of a square

c) (8) CO3 L3 1.4.1
Write a C code to Sort the elements of an integer using Selection Sort.
d) (8) CO3 L3 1.4.1
Demonstrate the working of Selection Sort technique.
(i) The statement int fun( int , int ) declares a function that has
A int return type and take one int arguments
B int return type and takes two int arguments
C it’s not a declaration , it’s a function call
D it’s a recursive function
(ii) Which of the following is a correct format for declaration of
A return -type function -name(argument type);
B return -type function -name(argument type){}
C return -type (argument type)function -name;
D all of the mentioned
(iii) What will be the output of the following C code?
#include <stdio.h>
int fun( int );
int main()
int a=4, f;
f = fun(a);
printf(" \n f = %d ", f);
return 0;
int fun(int n)
if( n > 0 )
return n * fun(n -1);
a) return 1; (4) CO4 L3 1.4.1
2 A 24
C 12
D 10
(iv) What will be the output of the following C code?
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int n , i ;
n = f( 6 ) ;
printf("%d" , n ) ;
return 0;
f(int x)
if( x== 2 )
return 2 ;
printf("+" ) ;
f( x - 1 ) ;
A ++++2
B +++++2
C +++++
Write a c program to swap two integers using call by value and call
b) (8) CO4 L3 1.4.1
by reference.

c) Write a program to generate Fibonacci series using function. (8) CO4 L3 1.4.1
Write a program to calculate the factorial of a given number using
d) (8) CO4 L3 1.4.1

(i) Which of the following is not possible regarding the structure

A A structure variable pointing to itself
B A structure variable pointing to another structure variable of same
C 2 different type of structure variable pointing at each other
D None of the mentioned
(ii) What will be the output of the following C code?
#include <stdio.h>
struct student
struct student point;
void main()
struct student s;
a) (4) CO5 L3 1.4.1
printf("%s", s.c);
A hello
B Nothing
C Varies
3 D Compile time error
(iii) FILE reserved word is?
A Structure tag declared in stdio.h
B. One of the basic datatypes in c
C. Pointer to the structure defined in stdio.h
D. It is a type name defined in stdio.h
(iv) FILE is of type ______
A int type
B char * type
C struct type
D None of the mentioned
Create a structure student to store the name, roll no and percentage
b) of the student. Enter some values within the structure and print the (8) CO5 L3 1.4.1
details of the student with maximum percentage.
c) Explain various file opening modes in C. (8) CO5 L2 1.4.1
Write a C program to implement single linked list and perform
following operations?
d) Add_last() (8) CO5 L4 1.4.1
Display ()
Subject Code: 100104ME
B.Tech. - 1 Semester, Class Test - II, (05.04.2021)
Time: 2 Hours Maximum Marks: 60
 Attempt all question. Part (a) of each question is compulsory and carries 04 marks, attempt any two parts from
part (b), (c) and (d) carrying 8 marks.
 CO3: Draw orthographic projections of planes and solids.
 CO4: Draw orthographic projections of section of solids & construct development of its lateral surfaces.
 CO5: Convert pictorial view of an object to orthographic views and orthographic view to isometric view.

Q. No. Question Marks CO BL PI

a) i) If a thin rectangular plate of 60 mm and 30 mm sides is resting on its smaller
edge in the HP. The surface is inclined at an angle of 60⁰ to the HP, its top view
will be
A) straight line mm 60 mm length 1 CO3 L2 1.3.1
B) straight line mm 30 mm length
C) square of 60 mm sides
D) Square of 30 mm sides

ii) Trace of a hexagonal plane may be

A) straight line
B) point 1 CO3 L2 1.3.1
C) hexagon
D) circle

iii) A square pyramid resting on the base on the HP its front, side and top views
will be
A) triangle, triangle and square
1 CO3 L2 1.3.1
B) triangle, square and triangle
C) square, triangle and triangle
D) square, square and triangle

iv) A cube is resting on the HP with a solid diagonal perpendicular to it. The top
view will appear as
A) triangle
1 CO3 L2 1.3.1
B) square
C) rectangle
D) regular hexagon

b) A pentagonal plane of side 30 mm has an edge on the HP. Its surface is inclined
at 45⁰ to the HP and the edge on which the plane rests is inclined at 30⁰ to the 8 CO3 L3 1.3.1
VP. Draw its projection.

c) A tetrahedron of edge 60 mm is resting on a face on the HP such that an edge is

8 CO3 L3 1.3.1
parallel to and 20 mm in front of the VP. Draw its projection.

d) A hexagonal pyramid of base edge 30 mm and axis 65 mm has a triangular face

on the HP and the edge of the base containing that face makes an angle of 30⁰ 8 CO3 L3 1.3.1
with the VP. Draw its projections.


Q.2 i) Which of the following views provide clarity and reveal internal features of a
a) part:
A) sectional view
B) auxiliary views 1 CO4 L2 1.3.1
C) oblique views
D) revolved views
ii) A triangular prism resting on a rectangular face in the HP. It is cut by a
horizontal plane. Its sectional view is:
A) equilateral triangle
B) isosceles triangle 1 CO4 L2 1.3.1
C) rectangle
D) rhombus
iii) The development of lateral surface of a pyramid is obtained by the following
A) radial line
B) parallel line 1 CO4 L2 1.3.1
C) triangular method
D) approximation
iv) The development of lateral surface of a cone looks like:
A) sector of a circle
B) sector of a hexagon 1 CO4 L2 1.3.1
C) segment of an ellipse
D) segment of a parabola

A triangular prism, base side 50 mm and axis 60 mm is lying on one of its

b) rectangular faces on the HP with its axis perpendicular to the VP. It is cut by a
section plane such that true shape of the section is a rectangle of side 30 mm and 8 CO4 L3 1.3.1
60 mm. Draw its front view and sectional top view.

A square pyramid, base 40 mm side and axis 65 mm long, has its base on the
c) H.P. and all the edges of the base equally inclined to the V.P. It is cut by a section
plane, perpendicular to the V.P., inclined at 45° to the H.P. and bisecting the axis. 8 CO4 L3 1.3.1
Draw development of the surface of the lower portion of the pyramid.
A hollow cylinder, base 40 mm diameter and axis 60 mm long, has its base on the
d) H.P. It is cut by a section plane, perpendicular to the VP, inclined at 45° to the
HP and bisecting the axis. Draw development of the surface of the lower portion 8 CO4 L3 1.3.1
of cylinder.
Q.3 i) In first angle projection system the right hand side view of an object is drawn
a) exactly:
A) above the front view
B) below the front view 1 CO5 L2 1.31
C) left of the front view
D) right of the front view
ii) Minimum number of orthographic views necessary to show length, width and
height of an object are:
A) one
B) two 1 CO5 L2 1.31
C) three
D) four
iii) Pictorial view drawn on isometric scale is called :
A) isometric drawing
B) isometric projection 1 CO5 L2 1.31
C) isometric view
D) isometric figure
iv) A sphere in isometric projection appears as a circle of diameter:
A) equal to diameter of the sphere
B) 0.816 times the diameter of sphere
1 CO5 L2 1.31
C) less than 0.816 times the diameter of sphere
D) twice the 0.816 times the diameter of sphere

Contd. (3)…..

b) Draw three views of the object shown in figure using first angle projection.

8 CO5 L3 1.31

c) Draw three views of the object shown in figure using first angle projection.

8 CO5 L3 1.31

d) Draw the isometric view of the casting, two views of which are shown below:

8 CO5 L3 1.31

B.Tech, I semester, Class Test II- 2021 (06.04.2021)
Course: Professional Communication in English

Course Code: 100105HM

Time: 2 Hrs Max.Marks: 60
Note: Attempt all questions. Part A of each question is compulsory and carries 4 marks.
Attempt any two from part (b), (c) & (d) carrying 8 marks each.

CO3:- Understand and appropriately apply modes of expression in written communication and
develop the fundamental skills and techniques in drafting effective business documents and
research papers.

CO4:- Plan and participate constructively and successfully in various oral communication
situations to elicit desired results.

CO5:- Select appropriate organizational channels, formats and language used in making business
communication along with identifying the ethical and legal issues affecting it.

Q. Question Marks CO BL PI
I. Identify the type of sentence:
1(a) Who does not wish to live long? 4 CO3 L1,2,3 10.1.1
(a) Assertive 10.1.3
(b) Imperative
(c) Interrogative
(d) Exclamatory
Write a letter as Marketing Manager, Veekay
1(b) Export Private Limited, Kolkata, calling
quotations for microwave, refrigerator and
television to New Era Electronics Private Limited, 8 CO3 L1,2,6 10.1.3
Delhi-000001 10.3.1
Draft a resume for the post of Production
Manager. Assume the data required.

What is report? Explain the characteristics of a

1(c) good report. 8 CO3 L1,2 10.2.1
1(d) What do you understand by research? Discuss in 8 CO3 L1,2 10.2.1
detail the elements of research paper writing.

Which of these is not an element of Speaking:

2(a) a) Voice Quality b) Word 4 CO4 L1,2,5 10.2.2
c) Appearance d) Tone

Do as directed:
2(b) i) Change the voice of the given sentence: 8 CO4 L1,2,3 10.1.1
a. My friends trust me.
b. He is said to know the fact.
ii) Fill in appropriate Tense:
a. The students ____ their dialogues.
(rehearse/are rehearsing)
b. She ___the work before I went to her house.
( finishes/had finished)

How will you conduct an official meeting?

2(c) Elucidate by telling the format of the required 8 CO4 L2,3,5,6 10.3.1
document. 10.3.2
2(d) You have received the interview call letter by the
company you were excited to join. Discuss how 8 CO4 L1,2,3 10.3.1
you will prepare yourself. 10.3.2

3(a) Overlapping of ethics and law is called: 4 CO5 L1,2,4 9.1.

(a) Grey area
(b) Yellow area
(c) Blue area
(d) Black area
3(b) Write short notes on ethical and legal aspects of 8 CO5 L1,2 8.1.1
communication. 9.1.2
3(c) Explain Persuasion and Motivation as objectives 8 CO5 L1,2,4,5 9.2.1
of communication.
3(d) Analyse the merits and demerits of upward 8 CO5 L1,2,4,5 9.2.1
channel of communication. How can it be
employed effectively?

Subject Code: 100202AC

B Tech –1st Semester Class Test – II (01/04/2021)

Time: 2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 60

Note: Attempt all questions. Parts (a) of each question is compulsory and carries 04 marks;
attempt any two parts from (b), (c) and (d) carrying 08 marks.
Q1: CO3:- Apply the concept of corrosion to increase the life of materials of operating units.
Q2: CO4:- Discuss the principles, instrumentations and applications of UV & IR techniques.
Q3:CO5:- Explore the benefits and applications of nano materials.
Q. No. Questions CO BL PI
1 (a) Multiple choice questions:
1) Nut and bolts are made of same metals to avoid…… Corrosion.

a) Waterline b) Pitting c) Galvanic d) Stress

2) Which one out of these forms the porous metal oxide layer?

a) Fe b) Cr c) Mo d) Au

3) Fe corrodes faster in saline water than in ordinary water.

04 3 1 1.1.1
a) True b) false c) may be d) None of the above

4) The rate of corrosion increases with

a) Increase in Temperature and Increase in pH

b) Decrease in Temperature and Decrease in pH
c) Increase in Temperature and Decrease in pH
d) Decrease in Temperature and Increase in pH

Explain the mechanism of corrosion of Iron in neutral and acidic

(b) 08 3 2 2.1.2
Discuss cathodic protection method to protect metals against
(c) 08 3 4 1.1.1
(i) How the relative areas of anode and cathode can influence the rate 08
(d) of corrosion. (4+4 3 3
(ii) Give short notes on waterline Corrosion. )
2 (a) Multiple choice questions:

1) Wavelength range of UV radiation is from………nm to……….nm.

04 4 1 1.1.1
2) EMR needs medium to travel

a) True b) false
3) Which out of these is not a part of Visible spectrophotometer

a) Hydrogen lamp b) Monochromator

c) Detector d) All of the above

4) Which out of these has shortest wavelength and highest energy

a) UV b) X-rays

c) Radio wave d) Microwave

(b) Explain the instrumentation of UV-Visible spectrophotometer with neat

and well labeled diagram. 08 4 3 2.1.2

(c) Explain different types of molecular vibrations in a molecule.

08 4 3 2.1.2
(d) (i) Give short notes on auxochromes and chromophores

(ii) A compound has a maximum absorbance at 275 nm, the molar 08 =

(4+4 4 2 1.1.2
ansorbtivity coefficient ϵ = 8400 M−1cm−1 and the path length is 2
cm. Using a spectrophotometer, if absorbance (A) = 0.35, calculate
the concentration of compound?
3 (a) 1) The prefix nano comes from a

a) French word meaning billion b) Greek word meaning dwarf

c)Spanish word meaning particle d) Latin word meaning invisible

2) One nanometer is equal to…………meter

a) 10 -9 b) 10-6 c) 10-2 d) 10-19

04 5 1 1.1.2
3) Bucky balls also known as

a)Fullerenes b) Nanotube c) Nanowire d) None

4) Example of one dimension nanomaterials is

a) Quantum dots b) Nanotubes c) Nanofilms d) None of the above

(b) Give short notes on Fullerenes and Nanotube.

08 5 2 2.1.2
(c) What are bio nanomaterials, discuss the role of nanotechnology in the
field of medicine. 08 5 3 1.1.2

(d) Give comparison between bottom up and top down approach of

08 =
nanomaterials synthesis and classify the nanomaterials on the basis of
(4+4 5 4 2.1.2
dimension. )
Subject Code:100203EE
B.Tech. -1stSemester, Class Test – II (03/04/21)
Subject: Basic Electrical Engineering
Time: 02 Hrs. Max. Marks : 60
Note: Attempt all questions. Part (a) of each question is compulsory and carries 04 marks: Attempt any two
parts from part (b), (c) and (d) carrying 08 marks.
CO1: Analyze the three phase AC circuits and solve series and parallel magnetic circuits.
CO2: Explain the basic operating principle, types, operating performance of Transformers.
CO3: Explain the basic operating principle, types, operating performance of rotating electrical machines.
Q. No. Questions Mark C BL PI
s O
1 (a) i). In a 3-phase system, if the instantaneous values of phases R and Y 04 3 L3 1.3.1
are +80 V and − 40 V respectively, then instantaneous voltage of phase B
A. +20 V B. -20 V
C. +40 V D. -40 V

ii). What happens to the MMF when the magnetic flux increases?
A. Increases B. Decreases
C. Remains constant D. Becomes zero

iii). Hysteresis is the phenomenon of ............. in a magnetic circuit.

A. lagging of H behind B B. lagging of B behind H
C. setting up constant flux D. none of the above

iv). A 2 cm long coil has 10 turns and carries a current of 750 mA.
The magnetizing force of the coil is
A. 225 AT/m B. 675 AT/m C. 450 AT/m D. 375 AT/m
1 (b) With the help of suitable diagrams derive the relation between line and 08 3 L3 1.3.1
phase quantities for 3 phase star connected systems. Also write the
expressions for active, reactive and apparent power in terms of line
1 (c) A three phase power system with a line voltage of 400 V is supplying a 08 3 L5 1.3.1
delta connected load of 1500 W at 0.8 pf lagging. Determine the phase
and line currents and also the phase impedance.
1 (d) An iron ring has a mean path length of 30 cm. Three exciting coils are 08 3 L5 1.3.1
placed as shown in fig.1(d). The net flux in the circuit is 1.5 mwb. The
ring has a square cross section of 12 cm2. Neglect leakage and fringing.
Assume that for Flux density of 1.25 wb/m2 and the mmf is 375 AT.
Calculate the number of turns required to be placed in coil C. The
number of turns of coil A and coil B are 200 and 600 respectively. The
current in the coil is shown in the diagram.
fig. 1(d)
2 (a) i). The iron core in a transformer provides a _____ path to main flux. 04 4 L3 1.3.1
A. High reluctance B. Low reluctance
C. Low resistance D. High conductivity

ii). The primary and secondary induced e.m.fs. E1 and E2 in a two-

winding transformer are always
A. equal in magnitude B. anti-phase with each other
C. in-phase with each other D. determined by load on transformer

iii). The primary and secondary windings of an ordinary 2-winding

transformer always have
A. different number of turns B. same size of copper wire
C. a common magnetic circuit D. separate magnetic circuits

iv). The efficiency of a given transformer is maximum when

A. it runs at half full-load B. it runs at full-load
C. its Cu loss equals iron loss D. it runs slightly overload
2 (b) What do you mean by efficiency of a transformer? Derive the condition 03 4 L5 1.3.1
for maximum efficiency.

A 200 kVA transformer has efficiency of 98% at full load. If the

maximum efficiency occurs at 75% of full load, calculate the efficiency 05
at half load. Assume negligible magnetizing current and p.f. 0.8 at all
2 (c) Draw the phasor diagram of a transformer on legging load by writing all 08 4 L4 1.3.1
equations used.
2 (d) Derive the expression of emf induced in a transformer. A single phase 08 4 L5 1.3.1
transformer has 400 primary and 1000 secondary turns. The net cross-
sectional area of the core is 60 cm2. If the primary winding be connected
to a 50 Hz supply at 500V, Calculate (a) the peak value of the flux
density in the core (b) secondary induced voltage.
3 (a) 04 5 L3 1.3.1
i). A permanent-split single-phase capacitor motor does not have
A. centrifugal switch B. starting winding
C. squirrel-cage rotor D. high power factor.
ii). Each of the following statements regarding a shaded-pole motor is
true except
A. its direction of rotation is from un-shaded to shaded portion of the
B. it has very poor efficiency C. it has very poor p.f.
D. it has high starting torque

iii). The armature current and field current will be same in case of dc
___ machine
A. Shunt B. Series C. Separately Excited D. None of

iv). The operation of an induction motor is based on

A. Lenz’s law B. Ampere’s law
C. Principle of Mutual Induction D. Principle of Self Induction

3 (b) Explain the construction and working of a single-phase capacitor start 08 5 L2 1.3.1
induction motor.
3 (c) Explain basic classification of DC machine. 08 5 L2 1.3.1
3 (d) Write short notes on the following:(Any Two) 08 5 L2 1.3.1
I. EMF generated in rotating electrical machines
II. Power losses in rotating electrical machines
III. Name plate rating

Subject Code: 100204CE
B. Tech. – 1st Semester Class Test – II (05/04/2021)
Subject: Environment & Ecology
Time: 2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 60

Note: Attempt all questions. Parts (a) of each question is compulsory and carries 04 marks; attempt any
two parts from (b), (c) and (d) carrying 08 marks.

CO3: Describe Solid, soil and noise pollution.

CO4: Discuss the Ecosystem and the importance of biodiversity.
CO5: Discuss consequence of over population and need of energy and water conservation.

Questions Marks CO BL PI
1 (a) (i) The burning of solid waste is not recommended because: 02 3 1 7.3.1
(a) It is very costly
(b) It requires a lot of space
(c) It requires modern technologies
(d) It causes several environmental issues
(ii) Following is used for measuring intensity of sound: 02 3 1 7.4.1
(a) Sound level meter
(b) Frequency meter
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) All of the above
(b) Define “Solid Waste”. Discuss their types and effect of solid waste. 08 3 1 7.1.1
Mention various methods used for disposal of solid waste and Explain
any one in detail with merits and demerits.
(c) Define Noise Pollution. Enlist major sources of noise pollution and 08 3 1 7.1.1
describe physical, physiological and psychological effects of noise.
(d) Define Soil Pollution. Enumerate various effects of soil pollution. 08 3 1 7.1.1
How do industrial pollutants, agro products and pesticides deteriorate
the soil?
2 (a) (i) _________ is the forest cover to be maintained as per the National 02 4 2 7.1.1
Forest Policy (1988)
(a) 67% for hills & 33% for plains
(b) 37% for hills & 11% for plains
(c) 17% for hills & 23% for plains
(d) None of the above
(ii) Why do all food chains start with plants? 02 4 2 7.1.1
(a) Because plants are easily grown
(b) Because plants are nutritious
(c) Because plants can produce its own energy
(d) Because plants do not require energy

Page 1 of 2
Questions Marks CO BL PI
(b) Describe the concept of ecosystem and explain the relationship among 08 4 1 7.1.2
its different parts using a schematic diagram. Discuss the function and
structure of grassland and forest ecosystem.
(c) What is biodiversity? What is the value of Biodiversity? Write the 08 4 1 7.1.2
major factors responsible for the loss of genetic biodiversity.
(d) Write short note on (Any TWO): 08 4 2 7.1.2
(i) Food chain and Food web
(ii) Ecological pyramid and Trophic Level
(iii) Difference between insitu and exsitu conservation
3 (a) (i) Thomas Malthus developed a theory of population growth and the 02 5 1 6.1.2
capacity for food production. This was referred to as the:
(a) Biotic Potential
(b) Logistic Population Formula
(c) Demographic Transition Model
(d) None of the above.
(ii) Which among the following matches of classification of resources 02 5 2 6.1.1
and their examples are correct?
1. Basic Inexhaustible resource - Solar energy
2. Conventional non-renewable resource - Coal
3. Non-conventional renewable resource - Hydel Power
4. Non- conventional non-renewable resource - Natural gas
(a) 1 & 2
(b) 1,3 & 4
(c) 2,3 & 4
(d) 1.2.3 & 4
(b) What is sustainable Development? Discuss the concept of sustainable 08 5 1 7.2.2
(c) Write short on the following (Any TWO): 08 5 2 7.2.2
(i) Significance of energy conservation
(ii) Watershed Management
(iii) Methods of rain water harvesting
(d) Discuss impacts of increasing population on environment? 08 5 2 7.1.1


Page 2 of 2
Subject Code: 100205IT

B.Tech. Ist Semester Class Test – II (06/04/2021)

Subject: Internet & Web Technology

Time: 2 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 60

Note: Attempt all questions. Parts (a) of each question is compulsory and carries 04 marks;
attempt any two parts from (b), (c) and (d) carrying 08 marks.

CO3: Integrate multimedia features into Web pages using advanced web designing tools.

CO4: Make the web pages more dynamic and interactive.

CO5: Deploy and host website by storing the data in web document, and transport information through

Questions Marks CO BL PI
1 (a) i A Stricter Document type of HTML is known as 01 CO3
ii What is the difference between HTML and CSS? 01 CO3
A. CSS is one type of HTML
B. HTML gives a webpage structure. CSS
provides styling.
C. CSS structures a webpage. HTML strictly
provides styling.
D. There is no difference.
iii The attribute of <form> tag 01 CO3
A. Method
B. Action
C. Both (a)&(b)
D. None of these
iv Tags and text that are not directly displayed on the 01 CO3
page are written in _____ section.
A. <html>
B. <head>
C. <title>
D. d. <body>
(b) What are HTML attributes. List the HTML attributes with 08 CO3
(c) What is table tag? Describe various attributes of table tag 08 CO3
in HTML? Write a HTML program to display your class
time table.
(d) What is a frame tag? What is use of frame tag? Write a 08 CO3
HTML program to divide your browsing window into 3
parts consisting of 3 rows in the ratio of 1:1:8.
2 (a) i Predict the output of the following JavaScript code. 01 CO4
<script type="text/javascript">
a = 8 + "8";
A) 16
B) Compilation Error
C) 88
D) Run Time Error
ii In JavaScript the x===y statement implies that: 01 CO4
A. Both x and y are equal in value, type and
reference address as well.
B. Both are x and y are equal in value only.
C. Both are equal in the value and data type.
D. Both are not same at all.
iii Which of the following is the correct syntax for 01 CO4
referring the external style sheet?
A. <style src = example.css>
B. <style src = "example.css" >
C. <stylesheet> example.css </stylesheet>
D. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
iv How to select the elements with the class name 01 CO4
A. example
B. #example
C. .example
D. Class example
(b) Define CSS. What is the difference between inline CSS 08 CO4
and external CSS? Define a CSS for creating a page with
background image (e.g., image.jpeg), font color as red, font
size 30px and a paragraph in italic font with center justify.
(c) List various types of tag for list with suitable example. 08 CO4
(d) There are 6 types of operators in Java Script. List all the 6 08 CO4
types of JavaScript Operators with example of each.
3 (a) i The WWW today is Client Server service in which a 01 CO5
client using a browser can access a service using a
A. limited
B. vastCO 5
C. distributed
D. none of the above

ii In a URL, the _______Client-Server program used to 01 CO5

retrieve the document.
A. protocol
B. path
C. host
D. none of the above
iii A _______ document is created by web server 01 CO5
whenever an browser requests the document
A. static
B. dynamic
C. active
D. none of the above
iv An HTTP request message always contains _______ 01 CO5
A. a header and a body
B. a request line and a header
C. a status line, a header, and a body
D. none of the above
(b) Elaborate the Client- Server communication with suitable 08 CO5
neat sketch. How do web server works?

(c) Write the frame format of HTTP request and response 08 CO5
messages. What type of error codes generated by HTTP
request and response messages?

(d) Write the role and architecture of database connectivity in 08 CO5

any application software.

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