Assessment of Waste To Energy Potential
Assessment of Waste To Energy Potential
Assessment of Waste To Energy Potential
generating biogas. Biogas generation is very common in the gas holding capacity of this model is 33 percent of the total
world. Globally about 30 million households use biogas for capacity of the digester [7]. DSAC-Model biogas plant is a
cooking, heating, and lighting [4]. Most of these populations rectangular fixed dome digester, shown in Fig.2. It was
are in China (25 million biogas digesters), India (nearly 4 modified from the Chines and Indian models and used in the
million biogas digesters), Nepal (200,000 biogas digesters), Philippines. The structure of this plant is totally from
and Vietnam (150,000 biogas digesters). In contrast 75 concrete, bricks and other similar locally available materials,
biogas digesters was in operation in Afghanistan in 2010 so its structure is more durable. The plant is adaptable for
[5]. Based on the number of animal from statistics of 2008- small, medium and large scale applications with low cost
9, the theoretical biogas potential in Afghanistan was about investment. It is environmental-friendly and can reduce the
1,408 million cubic meters (32 trillion Btu) per year, which pollution from 60% to 80%. In addition to that, it is self-
is double of the energy consumption in 2005 (18 trillion stirring and can produce 35% to 60% biogas of the digester
Btu) [6]. By using cattle manure, nearly 896,000 domestic volume. [8].
biogas plants could be installed in Afghanistan and about
26% of the households could be revived by the efficient and
clean fuel in 2008-9.
B. Biogas Technology
Biogas is produced by the microorganisms through the
anaerobic fermentation of biodegradable biomass. In this
process, the organic fraction of biomass is digested by
bacteria in an anaerobic environment. As a result, CH4, CO2,
H2 and the decomposed mass are produced. Depend on the
feeding materials and its degradable fraction, biogas has
different composition, about 50% to 70% is methane (CH 4),
30% to 40% carbon dioxide (CO2), 5% to 10% hydrogen Fig. 1. Fixed dome (Deenbandhu) biogas plant technical drawing [9]
(H2), 1% to 2% nitrogen (N2), 0.3% water vapor (H2O) and
hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in traces. Methane is a combustible
gas. Its net calorific value is 20 MJ per m3 and the air to fuel
ratio, required for its combustion is 5.7. About, 700C°
temperature is required for its ignition and the density of
methane is 0.94 kg per m3 [7].
C. Fixed Dome Biogas Plant
Fixed dome biogas plant is a single unit, where the dome
acts as a gasholder and there is no moving part. This plant is
constructed underground, which helps to avoid the effects of
the temperature variations and let the upper space to be used
for other activates [7]. The common types of fixed dome Fig. 2. DSAC-Model biogas plant technical drawing [9]
biogas plants are Janatha, Deenbandhu and DSAC-Model.
Janatha biogas plant is an Indian design, which is masonry
D. Floating Drum Biogas Plant
structure at all. The inlet and out let structures of the plant
have a tank shape, from which the animal manure is fed and The floating drum biogas plant is constructed
the digested slurry is extracted, respectively. The gas underground from bricks and a metal circular dome, shown
produced in the result of slurry digestion in the digester, in Fig.3. A partition wall is constructed in the middle of the
digester to avoid the mixing of fresh and digested slurry.
goes up and collected in the dome. When the produced gas
The gas produced is collected in the metal structure. This
increases, it pushes the digested slurry to the outlet and also
metal structure is moveable. When the volume of the
helps to pressurize the gas going out through the gas outlet.
produced gas is increased, it goes up and the gas is
As this is fixed structure, the gas pressure is not constant withdrawal through the gas out let and then drops down.
like in the floating type [7]. Deenbandhu biogas plant is the This drum is rotated horizontally to break the scum
improved version of the Janatha biogas plant, shown in formation in the digester. For the vertical moment of the
Fig.1. It was developed in India by Action for Food drum, a central guide frame is used. The cost of the drum is
Production (AFPRO) in 1984. This plant can be constructed counted around 60 percent of the overall plant costs. The
with locally available materials. The construction cost of weight of the drum helps to provide the gas with a constant
this model is cheap (30 - 45 percent then Janatha). The pressure. The inlet and outlet tanks of the plant are the same
losses through the inlet chamber are less and its practical as in the fixed dome biogas plant. The gas pipe is provided
retention time (RT) is close to the theoretical retention time in the top of the plant. This type is widely used in India [7].
(RT). The structure of this model is composed of two
spheres, having different diameters, joint at their bases.
There is no need for the masonry walls around the digesters.
The inlet and out let of this plant is the similar to the Janatha
biogas plant. To avoid the entrance of slurry to the gas
outlet, it is constructed 150 mm below the slurry outlet. The
Fig. 3. Floating drum biogas plant technical drawing [10] Inlet tank volume (m3) = Slurry volume (m3/day) (10)
NPV = 0 (Remain indifferent) of the country, most cattle are kept in the Kapisa province
NPV < 0 (Reject the investment) followed by Parwan, Kabul, Logar and Wardak. In 2012-13,
2014-15 and 2016-17 the total cattle population in the
Benefit to cost ratio (B/C): is the ratio of the net benefit central zone of Afghanistan was 634,524, 647,229 and
and expenses over the life time of the project. It is 633,362 head of cattle, respectively. In Table I, it is shown
calculated in present or it the beginning of the that there is an increase of cattle population from 2012-13 to
investment period. 2014-15 and back a decrease from 2014-15 to 2016-17 [13].
b (1 i) n [13]
B= n (16) Years Kabul Parwan Kapisa Logar Wardak
n 0
2012-13 99,636 173,052 199,272 83,904 78,660
2014-15 101,631 176,517 203,262 85,584 80,235
2016-17 99,454 172,735 198,907 83,750 78,516
N/n = period of time (years)
bn = annual benefits
i = interest rate B. Cattle Manure Parameters
For estimating biogas potential of cattle manure and
2012-13, 2014-15 and 2016-17 was 834,320, 851,026 and TABLE IV: ANNUAL BIOGAS POTENTIAL IN THE CENTRAL ZONE OF
832,792 tons respectively. As most of the cattle population
Years Kabul Parwan Kapisa Logar Wardak
is concentrated in the Kapisa province followed by Parwan
2012-13 13,625 23,664 27,250 11,474 10,757
and hence the dry matter recoverable is also high in these 2014-15 13,898 24,138 27,795 11,703 10,972
two provinces compared to Kabul, logar and Wardak
2016-17 13,600 23,621 27,200 11,453 10,737
provinces. In Table III, it is shown that the dry matter
recoverable has been increased by 2% from 2012-13 to
2014-15. And is back decreased by about 2.14% from 2014- E. Annual Biogas Energy Potential
15 to 2016-17. The estimated dry matter recoverable is used The annual biogas energy potential is estimated from the
as fertilizer for the crops and fuel for cooking and space annual biogas potential of cattle manure and the biogas
heating. There is no any study and data for Afghanistan to calorific value, discussed in the previous sections.
show the fraction of cattle manure used as fertilizer and for In central zone of Afghanistan, the biogas potential in
energy. The cattle manure cakes are sun dried, before using 2012-13, 2014-15 and 2016-17 was 86,769,319, 88,506,691
as fuel. Table III shows the annual dry mater recoverable and 86,610,419 m3, respectively. With a calorific value of
from the cattle manure in the central zone of Afghanistan. 20 MJ per m3 [14], the estimated biogas energy potential of
cattle manure in the mentioned years was 1,735, 1,770 and
1,732 TJ, respectively, which shows a 2% increase from
Years Kabul Parwan Kapisa Logar Wardak 2012-13 to 2014-15 and back a 2.14% decrease from 2014-
2012-13 131 228 262 110 103 15 to 2016-17. From the five provinces of the central zone,
2014-15 134 232 267 113 105 the highest biogas energy could be generated in the Kapisa
2016-17 131 227 262 110 103 province (about 544 TJ in 2016-17) followed by Parwan
province (about 472 TJ in 2016-17), Kabul province (about
272 TJ in 2016-17), Logar province (about 229 TJ in 2016-
D. Annual Biogas Potential
17) and Wardak province (about 215 TJ in 2016-17).
By considering the cattle manure parameters and the dry Table V, shows the annual biogas energy potential in the
matter recoverable, the biogas potential of cattle manure is five provinces of the central zone of Afghanistan in the three
estimated for the three selected years. As the biogas selected years.
potential depends on the cattle population and cattle manure
parameters; therefor, the most biogas productive provinces TABLE V: ANNUAL BIOGAS ENERGY POTENTIAL IN THE CENTRAL ZONE OF
in the central zone of the country are the most cattle
Years Kabul Parwan Kapisa Logar Wardak
populated provinces Kapisa and Parwan. In 2012-13,
2012-13 13,625 23,664 27,250 11,474 10,757
27,250,000 m3 and 23,664,000 m3 of biogas could be 2014-15 13,898 24,138 27,795 11,703 10,972
generated from the cattle manure in the Kapisa and Parwan
2016-17 13,600 23,621 27,200 11,453 10,737
provinces, respectively. Kabul, Logar and Wardak provinces
are less cattle populated compared to Kapisa and Parwan. In TABLE VI: BIOGAS ENERGY POTENTIAL OF CATTLE MANURE IN
2012-13, about 13,625,000 m3, 11,474,000 m3 and THE CENTRAL ZONE OF AFGHANISTAN
10,757,000 m3 of biogas could be generated in these Years 2012-13 2014-15 2016-17
provinces respectively. No. of cattle [13] 634,524 647,229 633,362
The total biogas potential in the central zone of Manure generated 19 19 19
(kg head-1 day-1)
Afghanistan in 2012-13, 2014-15 and 2016-17 was 0.8 0.8 0.8
Fraction recoverable
86,769,319, 88,506,691 and 86,610,419 m3, respectively.
Proportion of dry 23.7 23.7 23.7
Table IV shows a 2% increase from 2012-13 to 2014-15 and matter (%)
back 2.14% decrease from 2014-15 to 2016-17 as it was in Dry matter 834,320 851,026 832,792
the cattle population and dry matter recoverable of the cattle recoverable (ton year-
manure. Fraction of volatile 0.52 0.52 0.52
A double burner biogas stove consumes 0.44 m3 of biogas solid (kg VS kg-1
per hour and a biogas lamps consumes 0.14 m3 of biogas per DM)
Biogas yield (m3 kg-1 0.2 0.2 0.2
hour [8]. For an eight-member family In Afghanistan, the VS)
average family size is 7.4 persons [17] about 4.44 m3 of Biogas potential(m3 86,769,319 88,506,691 86,610,419
biogas will be required per day (4 lamps for 4 hours per day year-1)
per family and one double gas burner for 5 hours per day per Calorific value of 0.00002 0.00002 0.00002
biogas (TJ m-3)
family). The estimated biogas of 2016-17 could be enough Annual energy 1,735 1,770 1,732
for 53,443 families of the central zone of Afghanistan or in potential (TJ year-1)
other words, 53,443 family size biogas plants could be
constructed in the central zone of Afghanistan in that year.
From these 8,329 biogas plants could be constructed in V. TECHNO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF BIOGAS PLANT (A
Kabul, 14,575 in Parwan, 16,784 in Kapisa, 7,067 in Logar CASE STUDY)
and 6,625 in Wardak province of Afghanistan. The usage of For this case study, a dairy was selected in Kabul
biogas can help in reduction of CO2 emission, and decrease province. Considering the environmental situation, material
the import of LPG. On the other hand, the families can save availability and experts in construction, DSAC-Model
money and enjoy clean fuel usage and better health. biogas plant was considered suitable among the other types
of the plants like Janatha, Deenbandhu and floating drum. described in section C of the methodology is used for
About 24 cattle were farmed in the dairy selected for this analyzing these parameters and are shown in Table VII. As
study. The required parameters of the cattle manure were all these indicators are in the acceptable ranges, therefore
measured on sit in December, 2018. Based on the cattle the investment in the biogas generation from cattle manure
population and their manure generation potential, the in the central zone of Afghanistan is beneficent.
techno-financial analysis of the identified suitable biogas
plant was carried out. The DSAC-Model biogas plant was
Financial parameters Values Acceptance standard
designed based on the design method described in section B NPV 2,664.6 USD NPV > 0
of methodology. For this case the dairy needs 24m3 digester B/C 2.37 B/C > 1
which costs about 1,949 USD. By considering the number IRR 33% IRR > MARR (15%)
PP 4.09 Years PP > Economic life time
of cattle, the daily biogas generation of the plant would be
To find the serviceability of the daily generated biogas, VI. CONCLUSION
biogas technologies and their burning rate are required. In
this case, biogas cook stoves and lamps are focused. A This study was completed with the achievement of two
double burner biogas stove consumes 0.44 m3 of biogas per main objectives. The first objective was to assess the biogas
hour and a biogas lamps consumes 0.14 m3 of biogas per energy potential of cattle manure in the central zone of
hour [8]. In Afghanistan the average family size is 7.4 Afghanistan. In the central zone of the country, the total
people [17]. In this case, one double burner biogas stove for cattle population was 634,524, 647,229 and 633,362 head of
5 hours daily cooking and 4 biogas lamps for 4 hours in the cattle in 2012-13, 2014-15 and 2016-17, respectively.
night was assumed for a family of 8 members. Based on the Based on the manure parameters determined from the field
above parameters, the family requires 2.24 m3 of biogas for and experiments shown in Table II, about 834,320, 851,026
daily cooking and 2.2 m3 of biogas for lighting and its total and 832,792 ton of dry matter recoverable could be
daily biogas requirement is 4.44 m3. As the daily biogas generated in the mentioned three years, respectively. By
generation potential is 9 m3, so it can fulfill the cooking and using a biogas digester, about 86,769,319, 88,506,691, and
lighting requirements of two families of 8 members or a 86,610,419 m3 of biogas could be generated in 2012-13,
single family of 16 members in the central zone of 2014-15 and 2016-17, respectively. The amount of
Afghanistan. generated biogas is equivalent of 1,735, 1,770 and 1,732 TJ
To find the annual benefit of the biogas plant, it is of energy in the mentioned years, respectively.
required to find the unit cost of biogas generated from the The second objective of the study was to analyze techno-
biogas plant. The unit cost of biogas can be estimated from economic aspects of the biogas utilization in the central zone
its equivalent fuelwood or LPG. 1m3 of biogas equals to of Afghanistan. From the field observations, it was noted
3.47 kg of fuelwood or 0.45 kg of LPG [8]. As the biogas that biogas plants are not currently used in the central zone.
potential of the plant is 9m3 daily and 3,285 m3 per year, For the evaluation of biogas utilization in the zone, a dairy
which equals to 11,398.95 kg of fuelwood or 1,478.25 kg of form was selected in Kabul province. Based on the cattle
LPG per year. In Kabul, the cost of fuelwood was 8.63 Afg population in the dairy (24 cattle) and manure parameters, it
per kg (0.15 USD per kg) and the cost of LPG was 45 Afg was determined that about 9 m3 per day (3,285 m3 biogas
per kg (0.66 USD per kg) in December, 2018. Based on the per year) of biogas can be generated in a 24 m3 DSAC-
fuelwood cost, the estimated cost of biogas is 98,372.94 Afg Model biogas digester. By comparing biogas energy value
per year (1,710 USD per year) and based on the LPG cost from the equivalent energy of LPG, it was determined that
the estimated biogas cost is 66,521.25 Afg per year (978 the generated biogas has value of 66,521.25 Afg per year
USD per year). Here we will take the biogas cost based on (978 USD per year). The per day generated biogas (9 m3) in
the LPG cost 66,521.25 Afg per year (978 USD per year), the mentioned dairy farm could be enough for lighting and
which is the annual revenue for the biogas plant owner. cooking requirements of a single family of 16 members or
Based on the plant type and construction, the life time of the two families of 8 members. For central zone situations,
plant is assumed 20 years. After the first year 4.83 percent various biogas plant types of the neighboring countries were
main inflation rate is applied to the annual cost of the biogas discussed and among them, the DSAC-Model biogas plant
[18]. was considered suitable and its techno-financial analysis
The financial analysis of the biogas plant is based on the was carried out for the mentioned dairy case. The techno-
investment in the biogas plant, serviceability period, annual financial analyze result was quite attractive, for this case the
revenue, inflation rate, corporate taxes and interest rate in NPV was 2,664.6 USD, B/C 2.37, IRR 33% and the
Kabul, Afghanistan. The total investment for the 24 m3 discounted payback period (PP) was 4.09 years (4 years and
DSAC-Model biogas plant is 132,533Afg (1,949 USD) and about one month). As all these financial indicators are in the
the annual biogas revenue is 66,521.25 Afg per year (978 acceptable range, therefore the biogas generation with
USD per year) which is interested by 4.83 percent mean DSAC-Model of plant is beneficent and attractive in the
inflation rate of Afghanistan every next year. The corporate central zone of Afghanistan.
taxes rate is 20 percent [19], and the interest rate is 15
percent in Afghanistan [18]. Based on these parameters, the
net present value (NPV), benefit to cost ratio (B/C), internal
rate of return (IRR) and the discounted payback period (PP)
of the biogas plant are estimated. The estimation method,