Ea Lab Mat
Ea Lab Mat
Ea Lab Mat
As explained in the previous session, Session 3.1 Material Analysis – Earth as a Building Material,
earthen materials have distinct chemical, mechanical and behavioral properties. These
properties—like those of any other building material—should be measured and quantified so
that their behavior and performance can be characterized and better understood. Certain test
results can provide parameters for assigning different soil types within classification systems,
thus providing indicators for a soil’s suitability for both repair and new construction.
In the last couple of decades, the conservation field has identified, applied and, in some cases,
adapted laboratory tests from the construction industry. In comparison, however, to the tests
available for industrialized materials such as concrete, the current testing protocols for earthen
materials characterization are still not standardized and/or well-established. The procedures
used for earthen material characterization and analysis must be formally standardized to be able
to form comparisons through time or between sites.
Guillaud (2008) identifies the following properties and characteristics as significant to the
performance of earthen materials:
Particle size distribution – Percentage of different particles (gravel, sand, silt, clay)
Plasticity - workability and water content
Porosity, permeability, and capillarity (void indices)
Erosion resistance
Chemistry - Salinity, humus content, quantity of oxides, calcium, carbonates, pH, etc.
Mineralogy – Clay content and type, ion exchange capacity
Compressive strength
Bending strength
Shear strength
Adherence (especially for renders)
Expansion and contraction coefficients (freezing and thawing, thermal)
Since the 1st International Conference on the Conservation of Mud-Brick Monuments in Iran in
1972, material testing has been performed at a series of sites and now it is considered
fundamental to know at least basic properties to understand material behavior for a site
conservator, architect or engineer to design proper interventions. A series of studies on
characterization techniques for earthen materials have been published, however fully
standardized procedures have yet to be established. Furthermore, there is very little scientific
Material Analysis – In situ and laboratory material characterization
correlation between the obtained results and the material deterioration mechanisms.
Parameters have not yet been defined for the diagnoses of material decay. For example, we can
determine the permeability of a material, but we do not know the acceptable range of
permeability for a material exposed to humid environments.
It is fair to say, never the less, that despite the gaps in our current knowledge, there is a series
of field and laboratory analysis that can be performed to understand material properties,
patterns of deterioration and, most importantly, to plan and design interventions. The more
practitioners perform these tests and establish correlations to material diagnoses, the better the
field to design proper interventions.
Houben and Guillaud (1984) identify six basic groups of tests that can be used to analyze
earthen materials: Identification, Developments, Performance, Characterization, Control and
Acceptance. These groups also fall into two main types of testing i) On site testing, which are
carried out in the field with accessible and inexpensive equipment and, ii) Laboratory testing,
which are performed with non-portable sometimes sophisticated equipment and under a
controlled environment, providing in some cases important complementary information
regarding earthen materials.
Classroom Lecture
The classroom lecture will introduce the subject of laboratory and in-situ testing for earthen
material characterization. During the lecture format, active class participation will be continually
1. Review the previous session and activities for this session, encouraging student
Theoretical background
1. Discuss the objectives of testing and the need for proper standardization and defined
parameters by showing specific examples
1. Discuss and describe the existing testing methods 1
a. Identification, characterization and development tests: Visual examination
(color), Grain size distribution, Sedimentation, Plastic and liquid limit; Bulk,
Volumetric and Linear Shrinkage; Proctor Test, Bulk density, Mineralogical
An effort has been made to group the most important testing procedures to be performed either in the laboratory or
in the field; however they can be thought of as a continuous series of tests.
Material Analysis – In situ and laboratory material characterization
In situ/field testing
The in-situ or field testing will allow the students to properly characterize an earthen sample
and to write a report of the findings. The instruction will give a brief introduction to the in-situ
tests emphasizing practicality and importance and will then explain the layout of the field
Material Analysis – In situ and laboratory material characterization
The exercise will need to be located at an earthen site and selected soil samples will be given to
the students to perform the following testing2:
1. Visual examination: Munssel color chart
– ASTM3 D 1535-80
2. Smell test
3. Needle test
4. Touch test
5. Washing test
6. Luster test
7. Adhesion test
8. Sedimentation4 - ASTM C940-81, NF
9. Shrinkage – Three days
a. Linear: ASTM C 490
b. Volumetric: ASTM C 474
10. Decantation
11. Fine mortar testing: Figure 3.2.3
PAT students performing in-situ sedimentation test
a. Dry strength test
PAT course, 1999 © J. Paul Getty Trust
b. Water retention test
c. Consistency test
d. Cohesion test
The students write up their findings in the form of a report and present to the rest of the
class for discussion.
Laboratory session
The assignment will be to properly characterize an earthen sample and to write a report of the
findings. Please note that safety training should be provided to the students before the class
according the laws of your country. Students will be given pre-selected earthen samples to
perform the following testing:
Characterization testing
Particle size distribution (PSD) – Wet
sieving and sedimentation
1. CRATerre’s testing procedures
2. ICCROM, ARC Laboratory Manual for
Conservator’s procedure
3. ASTM D 422-63; BS1377
Plastic and Liquid limits
1. CRATerre’s testing procedures
2. ICCROM, ARC Laboratory Manual for
Conservator’s procedure
3. ASTM D4318-84, BS 1377
Clay-identification and characterization
1. Methylene blue test – AFNOR5 P18-592
2. X-ray Diffraction6 (XRD) Figure 3.2.4
3. Scanning Electron Microscopy7 (SEM) Demos of PSD test by PAT instructor
PAT course, 1999 © J. Paul Getty Trust
For a detailed explanation of the testing, please see Houben and Guillaud. Earth Construction. A comprehensive guide.
Intermediate Technology Publications 1994:Yorkshire, pp. 48-53
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
This test should last at least 8 hours. Data will need to be collected and analyzed later.
Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR).
X-Ray Diffraction can be performed at soil mechanics laboratories. Data will need to be interpreted by a material
scientist with expertise on interpreting results.
Material Analysis – In situ and laboratory material characterization
Performance testing
Water content
1. CRATerre’s testing procedures
2. ASTM D6780 - 05
1. Apparatus, linear: ASTM C 1148-92a
Water Drop Absorption
1. ICCROM, ARC Laboratory Manual for Conservator’s procedure
Penetration of Water: Capillary absorption
1. CRATerre’s testing procedures
2. ICCROM, ARC Laboratory Manual for Conservator’s procedure
3. NORMAL8 11/85
4. RILEM9 II-6
Water vapor transmission
1. CRATerre’s testing procedures
2. ICCROM, ARC Laboratory Manual for Conservator’s procedure
3. ASTM E-96
5. NORMAL 21/85
Determination of pH
1. ICCROM, ARC Laboratory Manual for Conservator’s procedure
Behavioral SEM10
The students will write their findings up in the form of a report and present to the rest of the
class for discussion.
= Essential reading material
= Available online
Achenza, M. La Qualificazione del Materiale. In: I Manuali del Recupero dei Centri Storici della Sardegna. Il Manuale
Tematico della Terra Cruda. Maddalena Achenza and Ulrico Sana Editors. Itaca:Cagliari, 2008. Pp. 27-44
Centre for the Development of Enterprise ACP-EU, CRATerre-EAG, ENTPE. Compressed Earth Block. Testing
Procedures. Guilde Series Technologies. No. 16. CDE:Belgium, 121
Cornerstones Community Partnership. Adobe Material Selection. In: Adobe Conservation. A Preservation Handbook.
Sunstonepress: Santa Fe. Pp.71-76
Teutonico J.M. (1988). Porous Building Materials and Earthen Building Materials. In: ARC A Laboratory Manual for
Conservators. ICCROM:Rome, pp. 33-110
Scanning Electron Microscopy can be performed at soil mechanics laboratories. Data need to be interpreted by
material scientist with expertise on the interpretation of results.
Italian standards
International Union of Laboratories and Experts in Construction Materials, Systems and Structures
Behavioral SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) can be performed at soil mechanics laboratories. The results are
essentially SEM samples exposed to particular environmental conditions and the result is in the form of a time-lapse
Material Analysis – In situ and laboratory material characterization
Alesiani, M.; Capuani, S.; Curzi, F.; Mancini, L.; and Maraviglia, B., Evaluation of stone pore size distribution by means
of NMR. In: Proceedings of the 9th international congress on deterioration and conservation of stone. Venice,
Italy, 19-24 June 2000 (2000), pp. 579-585.
Al-Kass, R.; Hadi, M.; Khalil, N.; and Ali, F. Ancient Babylonian bricks: Their technological characterization and
simulation. In: Structural repair and maintenance of historical buildings. Brebbia, C. A., Editor. Computational
Mechanics Publications, Southampton (1989), pp. 71-80.
Alvarez de Buergo, M.; Fort, R.; and Gómez Heras, M., Efficiency of stone conservation treatments by means of
scanning electron microscopy. In: Proceedings of the 8th euroseminar on microscopy applied to buildings
materials. Athens, Greece, 04-07 September 2000 (2001), pp. 503-510.
Anselmetti, F. S.; Luthi, S.; and Eberli, G. P. Quantitative characterization of carbonate pore systems by digital image
analysis. In: American association of petroleum geologists bulletin, 82, no. 10 (1998), pp. 1815-1836.
Ashurst, John, and Nicola Ashurst. 1988. Practical Building Conservation: V.2: Brick, Terracotta, and Earth. English
Heritage Technical Handbook. New York: Halsted Press.
Balascio, C. C. Specifying sample masses for gravimetric testing procedures. In: Transactions of the ASAE, 34, no. 3
(1991), pp. 930-936.
Bartolini, M.; Pietrini, A. M.; and Ricci, S., Application of fluorescence microscopy to evaluate the vitality of
photoautotrophic biodeteriogens. In: Proceedings of the 8th euroseminar on microscopy applied to buildings
materials. Athens, Greece, 04-07 September 2001 (2001), pp. 511-516.
Benavente, D.; García del Cura, M. A.; Fort, R.; and Ordónez, S., Determination and quantification of pore structure
using backscattered electron image analysis in porous building stones. In: Proceedings of the 8th euroseminar
on microscopy applied to buildings materials. Athens, Greece, 04-07 September 2001 (2001), pp. 517-524.
Bell J. and Boke, H. Comparing the Old and New: Investigating present-day traditional building materials for use in the
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pp. 61-74
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pp. 395-414
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Material Analysis – In situ and laboratory material characterization
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an SEM - artefacts and practical considerations. In: Proceedings of the 8th euroseminar on microscopy applied
to building materials. Athens, Greece, 04-07 September 2001 (2001), pp. 489-496.
Clark, D. and Walker P., The properties of a soil from Southwest England and its influence on the behavior of rammed
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Material Analysis – In situ and laboratory material characterization
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Material Analysis – In situ and laboratory material characterization
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Material Analysis – In situ and laboratory material characterization
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