DLP Grade 7 Tolentino, Kathy M

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Republic of the Philippines

Tarlac State University

Villa Lucinda Campus, Tarlac City


Prepared by:
BSED English 4-1 Practice Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:
OIC- School Head

Noted by:
BSEd English 4-1 Supervisor
Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a
means of connecting to the past; various reading styles; ways of determining word meaning; the sounds
of English and the prosodic features of speech; and correct subject-verb agreement.
Performance Standards: The learner transfers learning by resolving conflicts presented in literary
selections; using tools and mechanisms in locating library resources; extracting information and noting
details from texts to write a précis, summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and using literal and
figurative language and verbal and non-verbal cues; use phrases, clauses, and sentences meaningfully and
Learners Competencies / Code: EN7LC-I-a-5.1: Listen for important points signalled by volume,
projection, pitch, stress, intonation, juncture, and rate of speech

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. identify the term of intonation.
B. differentiate rising and falling intonation.
C. Read sentences that changes meaning depending upon intonation


A. Topic: Intonation
B. Materials:
• Tablet
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Television and HDMI
C. Method Used: Activity Method and Inquiry-based method.
D. Values Integration: Students will learn about figures of speech that illustrate
comparison through the use of a variety of activities that are provided in this lesson.
It will also assist you in understanding the meaning behind figurative language.
E. Reference:
1. Online
a. Ruthwickham. (2023). 16 Awesome Pronunciation activities for ESL
students. FluentU English Educator Blog.
b. Intonation. (2018, July 10). University of Technology Sydney.
2. Youtube
a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6l7wDcdtR

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

B. Pre-listening Activities Good morning, students! Good morning, ma’am!

Please take your seats and get

ready for today’s adventure!
1. Prayer
Let us first start the day with a (The chosen student will lead
prayer. the prayer)
Kindly lead the prayer.

2. Greetings
Good morning, lovers of
adventure! Good morning, ma'am!

How are you all today?

We are fine, ma'am!
I'm so happy to hear that
everyone is doing well. Yes, ma’am!

Please be reminded of the

Covid-19 protocols. Always
ensure the cleanliness of the
classroom. We need to make
sure everyone is safe and far
from harm’s way, alright?

3. Checking of attendance
May I ask the class secretary to (Class secretary checks
please check the class attendance.)

Are there any absentees for

No one is absent today, ma’am.

Very good! I’m glad everyone

is here, safe and sound.
Yes, ma'am.
4. Recall
Last meeting, we discussed the
pitch and its different levels, From what I can recall, pitch is
isn’t it? also referred to as the voice's
"tune," which refers to the
(Student 1), would you please voice's pitch.There are also
give us a summary of what pitch levels, to be specific: 1-
you’ve learned about pitch? low, 3-high, 2-normal, and 4 ,
super high

Very good, (Student 1). You

had a good recall of the past
Motivation Class, have you played the Not yet, ma’am.
game "Inside Out?"

As in the popular children's

movie "Inside Out," each of
you will be given a specific
emotion or feeling for this
activity, such as "joy," "fear,"
"sadness," "anger," and so on.
You will then read the sentence
that best reflects your emotion.
This activity requires five
volunteers from you. Later, the
remaining observations will be
Ma’am, I want to volunteer!
shared. Who would like to
(Students raise their hands)

I'll utilize 'Wheel of

Feelings/Emotions' to know
the feeling that you will show
as you read the sentence.
Yes ma’am!
Student 1, you will be Joy. Are
you prepared?

You will be depressed, Student

You will be Fear, Student 3.
Student 4, you will be
Student 5, you'll be furious.

The phrase is as follows: I will

go to the party, my mother

Student 1 will be our first stop, (The students read the sentence
followed by Student 2, Student according to the emotion given
3, Student 4, and Student 5. to them.)

Wow, as you read the sentence,

you really conveyed the
emotion. We appreciate your

Yes ma’am!
It seems that the class got the
sequence correct, a job well
done to all of you!

Did you guys enjoy our little

fun and game today?
B. Listening Proper
Presentation (Using laptop and projector,
the teacher presents her
PowerPoint presentation.)
(Students’ raises hand)
What have you noticed about Ma'am, according to their
their emotional reading of the feelings, they read the sentence
sentence from the game we in different ways.


Therefore, I will now

demonstrate a portion of the
Friends Series to ensure that
you fully comprehend our (Students’ raises hand)
lesson. Notice and listen They were debating who
cautiously. What did they should have the keys.The girl
disagree over, according to the thought her friend had the
video? keys, but her friend didn't. This
led to their argument.
What was their disagreement?
Very well. The girl was under
the impression that her friend
already had the keys, but the
truth is that her friend is only
asking, not stating anything.
(Students’ raises hand)
So, what do you think the
Ma'am, based on the game we
purpose of our lesson is?
played, I believe that our
Very good. Today's lesson is lesson for today is all about
all about "Intonation."Our "intonation."
learning objectives are to (a)
define intonation, (b)
distinguish between rising and
falling intonation, and (c) use
intonation in various situations
involving oral communication.
Discussion Alright class, so before we
begin, I would like to ask a
(Students’ raises hand)
When we say "intonation," The use of pitch to convey
What does it mean? Anyone meaning while making a
from the class who would like statement or asking a question
to answer? is referred to as intonation.

Very well, intonation is the

rising and falling of the voice
when speaking. It is one of
speech's prosodic

Intonation is a speaker's voice's

rise and fall to convey a
complicated meaning system.
It is used by English speakers
to convey a variety of
meanings: grammatical
meaning, such as the various
kinds of statements and
questions. Status of the data, (Students’ raises hand)
such as whether it is primary or It does down.
secondary, finished or
Rising and falling intonations
are the two fundamental
intonation patterns in English.

Your intonation rises when we

use the term "rising
intonation," but when we use
the term "falling intonation,"
what happens to your (Students’ raises hand)
intonation? Falling Intonation.

Very well.

Here are examples. Repeat the

following examples of (Students’ raises hand)
intonation patterns after me Falling Intonation.
while you listen. Each sentence
has the focus word highlighted
in italics.
(Students’ raises hand)
1. To complete a thought:
Rising Intonation.
I got a dog.
What kind of pattern is being
Yes ma’am.
Great job!

2. To ask a WH-question:
(Students’ raises hand)
How old are you?
Rising Intonation.
What’s the intonation pattern?
You’re right!

3. To express surprise:
Does your dog speak English?
Is it rising or falling

Is he/she, correct?

4. Need clarification or
Hi! (Rising intonation)
Does anybody have a dog?
Do you love pizza?
What pattern is present? Hi! (Falling intonation)

Alright! So, those are the

fundamental intonation
patterns that are utilized in (Students’ raises hand)
various contexts, but keep in When you are sad, you
mind that these patterns are not typically use falling
applicable to the delivery of intonation, whereas when you
various emotions. How the are happy, you typically use
speaker uses the intonation rising intonation.
varies based on how they feel.

For instance, how might you

say "greetings" when you're
(Students’ raises hand)
How would you greet your I’ll volunteer!
friends if you were having
issues at home and saw them?
(Other students will be called
See? What stood out to you? here as well for the other parts)

That is right. We use intonation Yes ma’am.

patterns for a reason, but
sometimes it comes from our (The students read the
feelings. dialogue.)

I'll need three students to read

Falling/rising intonation
the dialogue for our next
Falling/rising intonation
Falling intonation
You will read the dialogue with
Falling intonation
proper intonation, so who
wants to try?
Falling intonation
Your classmates will
determine, following the Falling/rising intonation
reading, whether each sentence Falling intonation
has a rising or falling
intonation. Are we clear? Rising intonation
Falling intonation
Here’s the dialogue:
Alen: Hi, Kath. Falling intonation
Falling intonation
Kath: Oh, hi, Alen. Nice to see Falling intonation
you. Falling/rising intonation
Alen: How was your vacation?
Kath: It was great fun. I stayed
on the farm the entire summer.
Alen: By the way, this is Neil,
my cousin.
Kath: Hello, Neil.
Neil: Hi, Kath. I heard a lot (Answers may vary.)
about you from Alen.
Kath: Was it all good?
Neil: All good. I’m very glad to
meet you. (Answers may vary.)
Alen: Excuse us, Dina.
Kath: Where are you going?
Alen: Mrs. Martinez wants to
see us right now.
Kath: Okay. See you in class.

Okay, it appears that you

already know how to employ
the two intonation patterns in a
variety of contexts. Now, who
wants to speak in a sentence
with falling intonation?

Well done.

How about rising intonation?

Very good!

Generalization What do you believe is the Utilizing intonation in daily

role that "intonation" plays in communication is extremely
our day-to-day lives? important. Intonation assists us
in conveying the recipient's
feelings and message. It helps
us avoid making mistakes.
Application It is now your turn to use the
two intonation patterns
correctly now that you are
aware of their differences.
Read the dialogue that
follows with a partner.
Consider whether your voice
will rise or fall. Who wishes (The students raise their hands.)
to attempt?
(The students reads the
Aya: Hello, Jeremy. dialogue.)
Jeremy: Hi, you’re looking
Aya: Thanks. You are, too.
Did you arrive last week?
Jeremy: No. We arrived this
Aya: Really? What
Jeremy: The pilots went on
Aya: Oh, yes, that’s right. I
read about it in the papers


Identify whether the sentence has rising or falling intonation. Write R for Rising and write F
for Falling. (1 point each)
________1. Where’s the nearest post-office?
________2. Are you thirsty?
________3. She knows how to cook.
________4. So, is that the new doctor?
________5. What time does the film finish?


Watch the video that is provided and write it down on your notebook what are the Prosodic
Features of Speech and their meaning.


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