Av WX Prep at NWS
Av WX Prep at NWS
Av WX Prep at NWS
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5 authors, including:
Bailing Li
University of Maryland, College Park
All content following this page was uploaded by Bailing Li on 16 January 2015.
Michael Graf
Meteorological Services Division
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
National Weather Service, NOAA
Silver Spring, Maryland
AvnFPS is implemented with a flexible, dis- LLWS is a major peril to aviation operations.
tributed processing model. This takes advantage Wind profile data can be retrieved from the NOAA
of the distributed design of the AWIPS platform. Profiler Network (Beran and Wilfong; 1998) as well
Processes that capture data for AvnFPS can be as WSR-88D radar information. Software has
located on hosts where these data are readily been developed for AvnFPS that can process wind
available. Moreover, as AWIPS evolves and vari- profile data looking for indications of LLWS, and
ous data ingest processes are rehosted, AvnFPS compare the observations to the current forecast,
can readily adapt. Interprocess communications alerting the forecaster as necessary.
are implemented using Python Remote Objects
(PYRO; de Jong 2004). PYRO uses a reserved b. Climate-based Quality Control
range of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses as its
data transport layer. The QC techniques described above validate
Figure 8 illustrates the processes that support the syntax of the text forecasts. No attempt is
AvnFPS and many of the data flows. AvnFPS is made, however, to assess the meteorological con-
designed to ingest data from multiple sources. tent. Algorithms under development can assess
The AWIPS Text Database supplies TAF, TWEB, the climatological frequency of the weather ele-
and observations. Lightning guidance must be ment combinations found in the TAF. To support
queried from netCDF files that contain gridded this capability, observational data for 1259 US sta-
data. MOS guidance comes from netCDF files tions were amassed. These data included all
that are organized by station. In the current hourly and “special” observations since 1973.
AWIPS configuration, these data reside on differ- Aviation-relevant weather elements were extracted
ent hosts. For illustration, Figure 8 shows two from these observations and stored in a format
data feeds on two hosts. AvnFPS can be readily that would support rapid access.
configured to support more hosts or fewer hosts. When a forecaster invokes Climatological
A key element in the implementation of QC, AvnFPS categorizes each group of weather
AvnFPS is the Name Server process. The Name elements found in the TAF. These combinations
Server maintains information on all other AvnFPS of categories, along with the time of day and the
processes. All other processes are directed to the time of year are then compared with all the obser-
Name Server to determine the configuration of the vations that are available for that station. If the
rest of the modules of AvnFPS. Thus, an instance combination forecast has a low climatological fre-
of the AvnFPS GUI running on a workstation quency, subsets of weather elements are com-
needs only to be configured to communicate with pared in an attempt to identify an “outlier.”
the Name Server. After contacting the Name Equation 1 shows the basic mathematical
Server, the GUI process will obtain the information expressions used to flag unlikely combinations of
needed to contact any other processes it needs to weather elements.
contact. This implementation is flexible enough to
support a GUI process running outside the WFO P(C | V ∩ O ∩ P ∩ W) << P(C)
Local Area Network (LAN). P(V | O ∩ P ∩ W ∩ C) << P(V)
P(O | P ∩ W ∩ C ∩ V) << P(O) (1)
When data arrive, an instance of the Data
P(P | W ∩ C ∩ V ∩ O) << P(P)
Ingest Server captures the data, performs what- P(W | C ∩ V ∩ O ∩ P) << P(W)
ever decoding is needed, and stores the data in a
format that is readily readable by the Data Re- In these expressions, P(C) represents the
quest Server. The Data Request Servers respond probability of finding the forecast category for ceil-
to requests from any active GUIs. The event ing in the climatological record. Probabilities are
server buffers data arrival events and provides represented in a similar way for visibility (V), ob-
notification to the GUI. The Transmission Server structions to vision (O), precipitation (P), and wind
manages the details of transmitting TAFs and (W). The conditional expression P(C | V ∩ O ∩ P
TWEBs on communications circuits, including de- ∩ W) represents the probability of finding the fore-
layed transmission. cast category for ceiling, given the occurrence of
the other weather elements. When one or more of
11. Future Plans the inequalities shown in (1) is true, the weather
element involved is flagged to the forecaster as a
MDL continues to improve AvnFPS. Below potential problem.
are some areas that are under development.
c. Climatology Viewer ordinator for Meteorological Services and
Supporting Research (OFCM) Rep. FCM-
In conjunction with the Climatological QC, a R14-1998, 56 pp. [Available from OFCM,
Climatology Viewer has been developed to help 8455 Colesville Road, Suite 1500, Silver
forecasters visualize climatological frequencies in Spring, MD 20910.]
the observational dataset. Figure 9 shows an in- de Jong, I., 2004: PYRO—Python Remote Ob-
stance of the AvnFPS Climatology Viewer display- jects, Version 3.4. Irmen de Jong, released
ing data from Great Falls International Airport under MIT License. [Available online at
(KGTF) in Great Falls, Montana. The controls in http://pyro.sourceforge.net/.]
the top portion of the viewer allow the forecaster to Glahn, H. R., and D. A. Lowry, 1972: The use of
filter the observational data for date, time, and model output statistics (MOS) in objective
various weather elements. The lower portions of weather forecasting. J. Appl. Meteor., 11,
the viewer contain histograms that display the fre- 1203-1211.
quency of various events in the climatological re- Kirkwood, P. and D. Hotz, 2002: AWIPS Aviation
cord. Workstation Program Documentation (Ver-
The data shown in Figure 9 have been filtered sion 3.2). 18th Int. Conf. on Interactive Infor-
with the following criteria: 1) observation time be- mation and Processing Systems (IIPS) for
tween 1700 and 1900 UTC, 2) observation date Meteor., Oceanography, and Hydrology, Or-
within a 20-day window around the first of June, lando, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc. [Extended
3) southwest wind direction, and 4) wind speed Abstract available online at http://ams.confex.
between 10 and 20 knots. These criteria were com/ams/pdfpapers/26349.pdf.]
selected to find events influenced by a strong Kitzmiller, D. H., M. A.. R. Lilly, and S. D. Vibert,
downslope effect at KGTF. Note that higher val- 1998: The SCAN 0-3 hour rainfall and light-
ues for ceiling and visibility dominate, the probabil- ning forecast algorithms. [Available online at
ity of precipitation occurring in an observation is http://www.nws.noaa.gov/tdl/radar/
small (~4%), and that fog and haze are virtually 03h_doc.htm.]
unknown with these conditions. NWS, 2004: Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts,
NWS Instruction, 10-813, NWS, 57 pp.
d. Improvements to Formatted Guidance [Available online at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/
Generating “TAF-ready” text from forecast _____, 2004: Transcribed Weather Broadcasts,
guidance presents a complex set of challenges. NWS Instruction, 10-805, NWS, 25 pp.
Specific values must be determined where guid- [Available online at http://www.nws.noaa.gov/
ance supplies only categories. Moreover, very few directives/010/pd01008005c.pdf.]
guidance sources supply all the weather elements Peroutka, M. R., R. K. Meiggs, and M. B. Rom-
needed to produce a TAF. Techniques are under berg, 1998: The generation of products in in-
development to combine various guidance teractive forecast preparation. Preprints, 14th
sources and “fill in” data where needed. Condi- Int. Conf. on Interactive Information and
tional climatology may prove useful in choosing Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteor.,
deterministic values. Oceanography, and Hydrology, Phoenix, AZ,
Amer. Meteor. Soc., 350-354.
12. Conclusion Ruth, D. P., M. A. Mathewson, T. J. LeFebvre, and
P. K. Wu, 1998: Interpretation and editing
AvnFPS is a powerful application that helps techniques for interactive forecast prepara-
forecasters monitor weather conditions and pre- tion. Preprints, 14th Int. Conf. on Interactive
pare their aviation forecasts. This application in- Information and Processing Systems (IIPS)
cludes tools that help forecasters assess the qual- for Meteor., Oceanography, and Hydrology,
ity of the forecast before it is issued as well as Phoenix, AZ, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 321-326.
maintain a weather watch. Tools are available in Seguin, W. R., 2002: AWIPS—An end-to-end
AvnFPS to help forecasters view guidance prod- look. Preprints, 18th Int. Conf. on Interactive
ucts and incorporate them into their forecasts. Information and Processing Systems (IIPS)
for Meteor., Oceanography, and Hydrology,
13. References Orlando, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc., J47-J51.
WMO, 2001: Manual on Codes, FM 51–XII TAF
Beran, D.W., and T.L. Wilfong, 1998: U.S. wind (Aerodrome forecast), Vol. 1.1, WMO No. 306,
profilers: A review. Office of the Federal Co- 492 pp.
Figure 1: AvnFPS Monitor
Figure 2: AvnFPS TAF Editor with coded observations
Figure 3: AvnFPS TAF Editor with reformatted observations
Figure 4: Detail of Quality Control in AvnFPS Text Editor