Atrero - Activity Sheet 11

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila

(University of the City of Manila)

Name: Gabriel Oliver M. Atrero____________ Date: 6/5/2023____

Topic / Presentation : Modern Biotechnology


Instruction: Answer the ff. in brief paragraph form. Provide diagrams/illustrations if
necessary (write on paper then send as picture, or write in MS Word/MS OneNote
saved as a PDF file)
1. Identify at least three (3) possible benefits and risks of genetic engineering in each
organism indicated using the table below:

ORGANISM Benefits Risks

Microorganism 1. Genetically engineered 1. The release of
microorganisms can be genetically modified
designed to break down or microorganisms into the
remove pollutants and environment could have
toxins from the unintended consequences.
environment. They can be They may disrupt natural
used for cleaning up oil ecosystems, harm non-
spills, degrading harmful target organisms, or
chemicals, or purifying spread modified genetic
contaminated water. material to other
2. Microorganisms can be organisms through
modified to produce horizontal gene transfer.
valuable substances such 2. There is a potential risk
as enzymes, biofuels, that genetically engineered
pharmaceuticals, and microorganisms, if not
chemicals through genetic properly contained or
engineering. This can lead controlled, could pose
to more sustainable and health hazards to humans,
efficient production animals, or the
processes. environment. They may
3. Genetic engineering in exhibit unexpected
microorganisms can behaviors, unintended
contribute to agricultural effects, or have the
improvements by potential to become
developing microbial invasive.
agents that can enhance 3. Genetic engineering in
crop growth, improve microorganisms raises
nutrient uptake, or provide ethical questions regarding
resistance against pests the potential manipulation
and diseases. of natural systems, the
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
(University of the City of Manila)

commercialization of living
organisms, and the
ownership of genetic
resources. There may also
be concerns about
equitable access to
benefits and potential
disparities between
different communities or
countries in terms of
technology and its
Plants 1. Genetic engineering can 1. There is a possibility
help develop plants with that genetically engineered
improved traits such as plants may have
higher yield, resistance to unintended ecological
pests and diseases, impacts. These may
tolerance to environmental include the unintended
stresses (such as drought spread of modified genes
or extreme temperatures), to wild relatives, affecting
and enhanced nutritional biodiversity, or disrupting
content. This can lead to natural ecosystems and
increased agricultural ecological interactions.
productivity and improved 2. There are concerns
food security. about the potential
2. Genetically engineered allergenicity or toxicity of
plants can be designed to genetically engineered
require fewer pesticides or plants. Although rigorous
herbicides, reducing the safety assessments are
chemical inputs and conducted, there is always
potential environmental
a need for continued
contamination. They may
monitoring and evaluation
also be engineered to have
increased nutrient-use to ensure the safety of
efficiency, reducing genetically modified crops
fertilizer requirements and for human consumption.
minimizing nutrient runoff. 3. The adoption and
3. Genetic engineering can commercialization of
be used to introduce or genetically engineered
enhance specific nutritional crops can raise
traits in plants, such as socioeconomic issues.
increased vitamin or Patents on genetically
mineral content, improved modified seeds, potential
fatty acid profiles, or higher dependency on large
protein quality. This can corporations, and the
contribute to improved impact on small-scale
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
(University of the City of Manila)

nutrition and health farmers and traditional

outcomes. agricultural practices are
areas of concern. The
equitable distribution of
benefits and access to
genetically engineered
crops can also be a
Animals 1. Genetic engineering can 1. There are ethical
be used to develop considerations surrounding
animals with increased the genetic engineering of
resistance to diseases. By animals, particularly when
introducing specific genes, it involves modifications
animals can be made more that may cause suffering or
resistant to common impact animal welfare.
infections or certain Questions of animal rights,
genetic disorders, leading moral concerns, and the
to improved animal welfare potential for unintended
and reduced use of consequences raise ethical
antibiotics. debates and require
2. Genetically engineered careful consideration.
animals play a crucial role 2. The release of
in biomedical research, genetically modified
helping scientists study animals into the
human diseases and environment, intentionally
develop potential or unintentionally, could
treatments. Animal models have ecological
with modified genes can consequences. Genes
mimic human conditions, from genetically
providing insights into engineered animals could
disease mechanisms and potentially spread to wild
testing the efficacy and populations, leading to
safety of new therapies. ecological disruption or
3. Genetic engineering in alteration of natural
animals can contribute to ecosystems.
improvements in livestock 3. There may be concerns
production. Animals can be about the safety and health
engineered to have traits implications of genetically
such as enhanced growth, engineered animals.
improved meat quality, Potential risks include the
increased milk production, transfer of modified genes
or resistance to specific to humans through food
diseases. This can lead to consumption, the
more efficient and possibility of unintended
sustainable agricultural effects on human health,
practices. or the emergence of new
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
(University of the City of Manila)

diseases due to genetic

Humans 1. Genetic engineering can 1. Genetic engineering in
potentially be used to humans raises complex
prevent or treat genetic ethical considerations,
disorders by correcting or such as questions of
modifying the underlying consent, fairness, and the
genetic mutations potential for unintended
responsible for the consequences. Ethical
conditions. This can offer debates surround topics
hope for individuals and like germline gene editing,
families affected by genetic genetic enhancement, and
diseases, improving their the potential for creating
quality of life. genetically modified
2. Genetic engineering humans with
techniques, such as gene predetermined traits.
therapy, can be utilized to 2. There are risks
develop more targeted and associated with introducing
personalized medical genetically modified
treatments. This can elements into human cells
involve introducing or embryos. Potential
therapeutic genes into a unintended effects, off-
patient's cells to treat target mutations, or
specific diseases or unknown long-term
improve the effectiveness consequences may arise,
of existing treatments. posing safety concerns
3. Genetic engineering and requiring thorough
allows researchers to evaluation and regulation.
modify genes in human 3. The availability and
cells or tissues, providing accessibility of genetic
insights into the function engineering technologies
and regulation of genes can raise concerns about
and their impact on human equity, as they may be
health and development. limited to certain
This can lead to populations or exacerbate
advancements in our existing inequalities in
understanding of human healthcare. The potential
biology, potentially for creating genetic
unlocking new avenues for disparities or societal
medical research. divisions based on genetic
traits is also a
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
(University of the City of Manila)

2. You were tasked to create a genetically modified specie of avocado whose traits will
depend on the demand of the European market. Research on the economic demands of
the European market and based on this, describe briefly how you will modify the traits of
the normal avocado fruit both as a gene therapist and a gene engineer.
If tasked with creating a genetically modified avocado species tailored to the demands
of the European market, I would consider the following approaches as a gene therapist
and gene engineer:

1. Gene Therapist: In this approach, the focus would be on modifying existing avocado
plants to enhance desirable traits without introducing foreign genes.

- Identify the specific traits in avocados that are in high demand in the European market,
such as taste, texture, shelf life, or appearance.
- Utilize breeding techniques, such as traditional crossbreeding or selective breeding, to
combine avocado varieties with desired traits.
- Select and propagate avocado plants with the desired traits through successive
- Continuously evaluate and refine the breeding process based on feedback from
market analysis and consumer preferences.

2. Gene Engineer: In this approach, genetic engineering techniques would be used to

introduce specific genes into avocado plants to confer desired traits.

- Conduct market research to identify the specific traits that are highly valued in the
European market, such as disease resistance, extended shelf life, or increased
nutritional content.
- Identify genes responsible for these traits, either within the avocado species or from
other compatible plant species.
- Use genetic engineering techniques, such as gene insertion or gene editing, to
introduce these genes into avocado plants, enabling them to express the desired traits.
- Conduct rigorous safety and efficacy assessments to ensure the modified avocados
meet regulatory standards and are safe for human consumption.
- Continuously monitor and evaluate the performance of the genetically modified
avocados in terms of their traits and market acceptance.
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
(University of the City of Manila)

3. Scientists have developed a technology that allows parents to select desirable

genetic traits for their future children (e.g.c height, intelligence, athletic ability). While
this technology offers the potential for healthier and happier lives, it also raises
questions about the ethical implications of designing babies to fit a certain mold. Is it
morally acceptable to manipulate the genetic makeup of a child before they are born?
What are the potential consequences of creating a society where only certain genetic
traits are valued?
The question of whether it is morally acceptable to manipulate the genetic makeup of a
child before they are born is a complex and debated issue. The answer may vary
depending on individual perspectives and cultural, ethical, and religious beliefs.
However, it is essential to consider the potential consequences of such genetic
manipulation. While the technology may offer benefits like the potential for healthier
lives, it raises concerns about the ethical implications of designing babies to fit a certain
mold. It is crucial to have thoughtful discussions, engage in ethical deliberation, and
consider the societal, cultural, and individual implications before embracing or rejecting
the idea of manipulating the genetic makeup of children.

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