Chapter I - Widiastuti

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A. Background

One of the ways to promote to the products to society is by using

advertisement is defined as a form of communication intended to promote the scale

of a product of service. The companies try to make interesting advertisements to

attract the consumers. So, they compete with each other to create interesting

advertisement. Advertising has an important role in society, because through

advertising people know information about the products or services offered. Although

in general the impact of advertising makes people become consumptive, but that is

how producers use advertising to make a profit. Language is essential in human life.

Language is the system of communication in speech and writing that is used by

people. Language is the communication tool that is used by people to send their

ideas, messages, thought, and emotion. Nowadays, advertising is a normal

occurrence, and people are exposed to it wherever they go. It has attracted a lot of

people's attention and interest in numerous societies all over the world. Advertising

is referred to as a form of discourse in the sense that it has influenced not only the

structure of language and the modality of lifestyle, but also the content of routine

daily acts of communicative exchanges. Nowadays, advertisement had become the

trend setter. Many of the companies introduce their products by using advertisement.

Advertisement can change the mind set of someone. Without advertisement, the

companies feel difficult to introduce their products to the entire society. One of the

products from advertising is tourism.

Tourism is a service with its own unique nature. Marketing techniques of

tourism are the same as those used in any type of services, but because they deal

with desires and dreams, people and cultures, a greater responsibility is placed on

the marketers. The importance of the tourist destination’s image is well

acknowledged. Creative language enhances the attraction of tourists to the image of

the destination tourism is a language of social control. Tourism, in the act of

promotion as well as in the accounts of its clients, has a discourse of its own.

In everyday communication, the use of language is manifested in a form

called discourse. Discourse can be interpreted as language or speech that is in a

series with a unified situation. In this case the meaning of a language is in a series of

contexts and situations. The term discourse in the general idea is language

organized according to different patterns followed by the speech of language users

when they take part in different domains of social life. Discourse is a unity of

meaning between parts in a language structure. Discourse also means the way

objects or ideas are discussed openly to the public so as to give rise to a certain

understanding that is widespread. While discourse is sometimes a part of all

statements, sometimes as an individualization group of statements, and sometimes

as a regulatory practice seen from a number of statements.

As a form of language use, discourse can be used as an object of study

called discourse analysis. Discourse analysis examines how language is used. Is

language used as a transactional function, namely the function of language to

express content, or as an interactional function, namely a language function that is

involved in the disclosure of social relationships and personal attitudes. To see how

language fulfills a transactional function or an interactional function in discourse,

critical discourse analysis is needed. Critical discourse analysis is used to analyze

social relations in a way that focuses on the linguistic elements that are put forward

to show the usually hidden determinants that exist in systems of social relations, as

well as the hidden effects of those systems. Critical discourse analysis sees the

discourse on the use of language in speech and writing as a form of social practice.

Describing discourse as a social practice causes a dialectical relationship between

certain discursive events and the situations, institutions, and social structures that

shape them.

According to Van Dijk, discourse has several levels. The first is the theme

which is the central issue of a text. The theme that describes the general topic of the

text is called the macro structure. The second is the superstructure, namely the

framework of a text, such as the introduction, content, closing and conclusion. The

point is how a text is structured. The last part is the microstructure, which is the

meaning of the text that can be understood from the words, sentences, and styles

used in the related text. The Van Dijk model of text analysis approach is based on

the assumption that the text has no meaning, meaning is given by the language

user. Therefore, research is needed on the representation of cognition and

strategies of advertisers in producing an advertisement, especially tourism

advertisements. According to Van Dijk, this research on mental structures and

processes needs to be done for two reasons. First, understand the text, how the

meaning of the text is strategically constructed and displayed in memory as a

representation of the text. Second, the use of language, in this case the advertiser

has a unique position, has a certain view that is represented in an advertisement.

Van Dijk's peculiarity in seeing the structure of news in tourism

advertisements focuses on the thematic structure and news schemata. Thematic

elements show an overview of a tourism advertisement text. It is also called the main

idea, summary, or main idea of a text. Advertisement text also has a scheme or flow

from the introduction to the end. How the parts of the text are arranged and ordered

so as to form a unity of meaning. An advertisement text discourse in the form of a

conversation, for example, has an introduction scheme, news content, and

closing.Advertising text is not only defined as a particular view or a particular topic

but a coherent general view. Van Dijk called it Global Coherence, which is part of the

ad text if traced to show a general idea at a point, and the parts support each other

to describe a general topic.

Regarding the ideology of a tourism advertisement, Van Dijk defines ideology

as a socially shared belief system. This certainly refers to the existence of collective

beliefs that must be understood as an early stage in understanding ideology.

Ideology is not only a social belief, but is more fundamental or axiomatic. Ideology

controls and directs the beliefs of others in social relations. Language has an

important role in social life. If you want to convey information, the language used

must be clear so that there is no misunderstanding in receiving information. The role

of language in advertising is very influential. Judging from the way of delivering

information about a product, how to convince people to want to buy the products

offered, how to influence people to be embedded in their minds that the products

offered are products with good quality, and so on. But not all information or

advertisement can get people’s attention, because of the selection process. People

only choose the interesting or important one for them. In order to get peoples

attention, an advertisement must be attractive. This physical attraction can be gained

through the way an advertiser creates the illustration, text, headline, slogan, color,


To this end, the writer would like to focus on Van Dijk's critical discourse

analysis model not only analyzes the text, but also looks at the social structure,

dominance and power groups that exist in society, and how cognition or thoughts

and consciousness shape and influence the analyzed text.

B. Problem Statement

Problem statement of this study is how to make a good tourism advertisement

on youtube media to construct persuasive advertising to attract people's attention

and has certain characteristics based on the culture of time and the cognitive of the


C. Scope of the Problems

In this research, it is necessary to make clear the scope of the problems, in

order this thesis focus. The writer focuses on combines the three dimensions of

discourse into a unified analysis. The dimensions of the text studied are text

structure and discourse strategies to emphasize a tourism advertising theme. At the

level of social cognition includes the process of producing tourism advertisement

texts that involve individual cognition and the third aspect is studying the building

that forms the advertising structure that develops in society.

D. Research Questions

Based on the background of the above problems, the formulation of

research questions can be written as follows:

1. How is the text dimension analysis in South Sulawesi tourism


2. What is the meaning of the tourism advertisement text on the social

cognition dimension?

3. What is the meaning of the tourism advertisement text on the social

context dimension?

4. How are ideologies depicted in South Sulawesi tourism advertisement?

E. The Objective of Writing

The objective of the research is formulated into four items to answer the

research questions as follows:

1. To present the way of text dimension analysis in South Sulawesi tourism


2. To find out the meaning of the tourism advertisement text on the social cognition


3. To find out the meaning of the tourism advertisement text on the social context


4. To disclose how ideologies depicted in South Sulawesi tourism advertisement

F. Significance of the Research

Significance of the research consists of two parts, as follows:

The significances of this research in theoretical point of view are:

1. Give contributions in a general Linguistics development especially in Critical

Discourse Analysis especially Van Dijk Model

2. Give information to other researchers who want to conduct the future research

with the relevant topic.

The significances of this research in practical point of view is useful for some

researchers and the news readers. For the researcher who wants to do further

research, this thesis can be a reference for him/her and for the news reader.


To support this present study, the writer presents a number of previous

studies and related literatures. This chapter also presents the conceptual framework

of the study which attempts to connect the important parts in this study.


Some researcher have done studies on the Critical Discourse Analysis

especially in Van Dijk Theory. Some of the research findings are presented in the

following section.

Research conducted by Christo Rico pepper entitled "Analysis of Critical

Discourse on Mata Najwa Program" Ballad of Regional Regulations on Metro TV, by

Christo Rico Lada, (Jurnal E-Komunikasi, 2014). This research raises the theme of

Ballada Perda in the midst of news about controversial local regulations. The

purpose of this study is to see the discourse that is built in the episode. The

discourse analysis technique used is the critical discourse analysis of the Teun van

Dijk model which combines text analysis, social cognition, and context. The

researcher found that the discourse built by Mata Najwa confirmed the view that the

regional regulation after regional autonomy invited pro and contra in society, besides

the Mata Najwa Ballada Perda program was influenced by the economic interests of

Metro TV media.

Another study involving Critical Discourse Analysis is Jurnal of Emma

Bazergan with the study’s titel is The verbal Configuation in Cell ads Language (A

Critical Discourse Analysis) her study about the phenomena of the verbal

configuration in cell ads language. It is describing the forms and meanings as well as

the social factor behind the cell ads. The object of the study is all cell ads in

Makassar that have been introduced in media whether visual or non visual. The

study is descriptive by introducing Bourdieu’s social theory towards Nourman

Fairclough ‘s CDA approach and declares the new perspective from both side.

Next study by Fiona Alde Risa (2021), with her title (A Critical Discourse

Analysis on Ramayana Department Store Advertisement: Teun A. van Dijk’s Model

Ramayana Department Store advertisement is the advertisement which always

visualized before and during Ramadan. Ramayana Department Store ads always

shows the unique and impressive ads. One of the Ramayana Department Store

advertisement which is mostly watched is “Bahagianya Adalah Bahagiaku”. Around

6.6 million viewers have watched the ads in Youtube channel. The reason is the ads

can pull the audiences’s sympathy. The purpose of this research is to show the

hidden meaning of the ads by showing its macro structure, super structure and micro

structure. This is a descriptive qualitative research with Teun A. van Dijk model

approach. The data will be discourses in the form of a dialogue carried out in the

ads. The result of this study show that the ads has some elements of macro

structure, super structure and micro structure.

B. Theoretical Background

1. Critical Discourse Analysis

Discourse is an attempt to reveal the hidden intentions of the subject who

makes a statement. It is defined as verbal communication, speech, conversation: a

formal conduct of the subject in speech or writing; a unit of text used by linguists to

analyze one or more sentences Discourse is the development process of

communication that uses symbols related to interpretations and events in a broad

social system.

Crystal (1987), says that discourse analysis focuses on structures that are

naturally present in spoken language, as is widely found in discourse such as

conversations, interviews, comments and utterances. Discourse is also defined as

linguistic communication which is seen as an exchange between speakers and

listeners, as a personal activity whose form is determined by its social goals

(Hawthorn, 1992). Critical discourse analysis is a contemporary approach to

studying language and discourse in social institutions. Critical discourse analysis

was initiated by Van Dijk, Fairclough, Kress, Van Leeuwen, and Wodak in a small

symposium at the University of Amsterdam in January 1991, Wodak. Critical

Discourse Analysis's Theoretical Framework is generally derived from the ideological

theory of Louis Althusser, Mikhail Bakhtin's Genre Theory, Anto Nio Gramssci's

Philosophical Tradition, and the Frankurt school, as well as the ideas of Michel


Fairclough (1995) explains that discourse has 3 effects. First, discourse

contributes to the construction of social identity with the position of the subject.

Second, discourse helps construct social relations among people. And third,

discourse contributes in constructing knowledge and belief systems. The three

effects of this discourse are a function of language and the dimensions of meaning

associated with the identity, relational, and ideational functions of language. These

three functions together provide a balance in the transformation of society.

Discourse can be detected because systematically an idea, opinion, concept and

view of life is formed in a certain context to influence certain ways of thinking and

acting. The public is not controlled through physical power, but is controlled,

regulated, and disciplined through discourse. So the audience is subjugated not by

means of direct and physical control but by discourse and mechanisms, in the form

of procedures, rules, procedures and so on (Mills, 2003).

Fairclough and Wodak (1997) summarize the principles of Critical Discourse

Analysis’s teachings as follows: (1) discuss social problems, (2) reveal discursive

power relations, (3). revealing culture and society, (4) ideological, (5) historical, (6)

suggesting the relationship between text and society, (7) interpretative and

explanatory. Critical discourse analysis is an effort or process (decomposition) to

provide an explanation of a social reality that is willing or being studied by a person

or dominant group whose tendency has a certain goal to obtain what is desired. That

is, in a context must be aware of the importance. Therefore, the analysis that is

formed later is realized to have been influenced by the author from various factors.

In addition, it must also be realized that behind the discourse there is the desired

meaning and image as well as the interests that are being fought for.

The theoretical basis for Critical Discourse Analysis is based on several

historical developments in philosophy, science, and social theory. As an approach to

systematic analysis in the formation of knowledge, Critical Discourse Analysis takes

part in several traditions of western thought. This tradition is heavily influenced by

the development of Foucaultian discourse analysis. The main theoretical guide to

this method is critical social theory; counter-foundationalism, postmodernism, and


In Critical Disourse Analysis linguistic structure is used to (1) systematize,

transform, and obscure reality analysis, (2) regulate other people's ideas and

behavior, and (3) classify society. To realize the above objectives, Critical Discourse

Analysis’s text uses elements of vocabulary, grammar, and textual structure as its

analysis material. From some of the statements above we can see that in Critical

Discourse Analysis discourse is not solely understood as the study of language. In

the end, critical discourse analysis uses language in the analyzed text, but the

language analyzed in Critical Discourse Analysis is different from language studies

in the traditional linguistic sense. The language analyzed by Critical Discourse

Analysis not only describes the language aspect, but also relates it to the context.

Context in this case means that language is used for certain purposes, including the

practice of power.

2. Characteristics of Critical Discourse Analysis

Critical discourse analysis sees language as an important factor. This refers

to the use of language, to see the inequality of power that occurs in society.

Fairclough and Wodak explain that critical discourse analysis investigates how

through language existing social groups fight each other and propose their

respective versions (Eriyanto, 2001: 7-14). Critical discourse analysis considers the

context of a discourse such as events, conditions, and situational settings. In critical

discourse analysis, discourse is not only understood from its language, but also

relates it to action. Critical discourse analysis examines how through language the

existing social groups propose their respective versions. The aspect studied in

critical discourse analysis is the central aspect through the ideological language

absorbed in it. In critical discourse analysis using text to be analyzed, but not only

from the linguistic aspect, but also connecting from the context

There are five characteristics of CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS,

namely action, context, history, power, and ideology (van Djik, Fairclough, Wodak,

and Eriyanto, 2005:8).

a. Action

The first principle, discourse is understood as an action. A person speaks,

writes, uses language to interact and relate to other people. With the use of this

plan, there are several consequences of how discourse is seen. First, discourse

is seen as something that aims, persuades, disturbs, reacts, and so on.

Someone who reads or writes has a specific purpose, both big and small.

Second, discourse is understood as something that is expressed consciously,

controlled, not something that is outside the will or expressed outside of


b. Context

Critical Discourse Analysis considers the context of the discourse, such as

setting, situation, event, and condition. Discourse here is produced, understood,

and analyzed in a particular context. That discourse analysis also assesses the

context of communication: who communicates and why they communicate; in

what conditions and types of society; through what medium; how different types

of communication develop, and how they relate to one another. (Guy Cook,

1994) mentions that there are three things that are central to the meaning of

discourse: text, context, and discourse. Text is all forms of language, not only

words written on sheets of paper, but all expressions of communication, speech,

music, pictures, sound effects, images and so on. Context includes all situations

and things that are outside the text and affect the use of language, such as

participants in language, the situation in which the text is produced, its intended

function, and so on. Discourse here is then interpreted as text and context

together. The focus of discourse analysis is to describe text and context together

in a communication process. Here, not only cognitive processes are needed in

general, but also specific descriptions of the culture that is brought about.

Critical Discourse Analysis also examines the context of the communication;

who consumes, with whom, and why; in what type of audience and under what

circumstances; through what medium; how the different types of communication

development, and how the relationship between each party (Guy Cook, 1994: 1).

Language in this case is understood in the context as a whole. There are three

central in the sense of discourse; text, context, and discourse. Text is all forms of

language, not just printed words, but all kinds of communication expressions,

speech, music, pictures, sound effects, images, and so on. Context, includes all

situations and things that are outside, and affect the use of language, such as

participants in language, the situation in which the text is produced, its intended

function, and so on. Discourse is interpreted as text and context together. The focus

of discourse analysis is to describe text and context together in a communication

process. In this case, it takes not only the process of cognition in a general sense,

but also a specific picture of the culture that is carried. The study of language in

Critical Discourse Analysis, includes context, because language is always in context,

and there is no act of communication without participants, intertext, situations, and

so on (Guy Cook, 1994:3). There are several contexts that are important because

they affect the production of discourse; first, the discourse participants, whose

background produces the discourse on gender, age, education, social class,

ethnicity, religion, in many ways contested in describing the discourse.

c. History

One important aspect of being able to understand a text is to place the

discourse in a particular historical context. An understanding of the discourse of this

text will only be obtained if we can provide the historical context in which the text

was created. What was the socio-political situation and atmosphere at that time.

Therefore. At the time of conducting the analysis, it is necessary to review to

understand why the discourse that developed or was developed was like that, why

the language used was like that, and so on.

d. Power

Critical Discourse Analysis considers the element of power in its analysis

here, every discourse that appears in the form of text, conversation, or anything else,

is not seen as something natural and neutral, but is a form of power struggle. The

concept of power is one of the key relationships between discourse and society. like

male power.

e. Ideology

In this case, discourse is not understood as something neutral and takes place

naturally. In every discourse there is always an ideology to dominate and fight for

influence. Therefore, discourse analysis cannot place language behind closed doors,

but must look at the context, especially how the ideologies of the existing groups

play a role in shaping discourse. In a news text, for example, it can be analyzed

whether the text that appears is a reflection of a person's ideology, whether he is a

feminist, anti-feminist, capitalist, socialist, and so on. Ideology is a central concept in

critical discourse analysis. This is because texts, conversations, and others are

forms of ideological practices or reflections of certain ideologies.

3. Critical Discourse Analysis Approach

Critical Discourse Analysis is the fruit of thought by thinkers and

intellectuals such as Michael Foucault, Antonio Gramci, the Frankfurt school, and

Louis Althusser. Gramci played a major role, especially with his theory of

Hegemony. This gives the possibility of explaining how the discourse developed

is able to influence many people, not using violence but through subtle means as

a result it can be accepted as a truth. Althusser made major contributions,

especially to the theory of ideology. Seeing ideology as a practice through which

a person is positioned in a certain position in social relations. There are several

approaches to this discourse analysis (Eriyanto, 2001:14). The approaches

briefly consist of:

a. Critical Linguistics

This Critical Language Analysis approach was developed by a group of

lecturers at the University of East Anglia in the 1970s. The discourse approach

used is heavily influenced by the systematic theory of language introduced by

Halliday. The essence of this approach is to see how language grammar carries

certain ideological positions and meanings. In other words, the ideological aspect

is observed by looking at the choice of language and the grammatical structure

used. Language, both word choice and grammatical structure, is understood as a

choice, which one a person chooses to express carries a certain ideological


b. French Discourse Analysis

This approach is influenced by Althusser's ideological theory and Foucault's

discourse theory. Ideology and discourse are used to show a person's position in

a certain class through the meaning of the words spoken. Language is a

battleground through which various social groups and classes try to instill their

beliefs and understanding. To a similar extent, Sara Mills, who proposed a theory

about the position of writers and audiences and how one is placed in a particular

subject Mills’ point of interest, especially on feminist issues

c. Socio Cognitive Approach

This social cognition approach was developed by a lecturer at the

University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, with the main character Teun A. van

Dijk (Eriyanto, 2001:16). Van Dijk and his colleagues for a long time since the

1980s researched the news in European newspapers mainly to see how minority

groups were presented. Van Dijk focuses his attention on issues of ethnicity,

racism, and refugees. Van Dijk's approach is called social cognition because van

Dijk sees cognition as an important element in the production of discourse.

Discourse is seen not only from its structure, but also includes the production

process. This process involves a process called social cognition. From text

analysis, for example, it can be seen that discourse tends to marginalize minority

groups in public discourse. According to van Dijk, this kind of discourse only

grows in the cognition atmosphere of the text makers who have the view that

they tend to marginalize minority groups. Therefore, by conducting a

comprehensive research on social cognition, it will be possible to see the extent

of the relationship, so that discourse can be seen further.

d. Sociocultural Change Approach

This approach focuses on discourse and social change. Fairclough developed

this approach with the influence of Foucault, the intertextuality of Julia Kristeva

and Bakin Wacana in this approach is seen as a social practice, there is a

dialectical relationship between discursive practice with identity and social

relations. Discourse is also inherent in certain situations, institutions, and social


e. Discourse Historical Approach

This approach was developed by a group of lecturer in Vienna by Ruth

Wodak who was influenced by the thinking of the Frankfurt school. especially

Jurgen Habermas. His research is mainly aimed at showing how the discourse of

sexism, antisemitic, racism in the media and contemporary society. This

discourse is called historical because according to Wodak et al, discourse must

include the historical context of how a group is described. For example, a bad or

racist depiction of a group is built through a long historical process (Eriyanto,


4. Critical Discourse Analysis Model

a. Teun A. Van Dijk Model

Among the several Critical Discourse Analysis models created and

introduced by a number of authorities, the van Dijk model is the most widely used

model. This is probably because van Dijk elaborates the elements of discourse

so that they can be utilized and used practically. Van Dijk's model is often

referred to as "social cognition." The name of this approach can't be dispensed

with by Dijk. According to Dijk, research on discourse is not enough just to be

based on text analysis alone, because text is only the result of a production

practice that must also be observed. In this case, it must be seen how a text is

produced, in order to obtain a knowledge of why the text can be like that. If there

is a need for a text that marginalizes women, then the quality of the research will

look at how the production of the text works, why the text marginalizes women.

This production process and approach is very typical of van Dijk, which involves

a process known as social cognition. This term was adopted from the field

approach in social psychology, especially to explain the structure and process of

forming a text. Van Dijk elaborates the discourse elements so that they can be

used practically. This model is referred to as "social cognition. Social cognition is

adopted from the term social psychology approach to find out the process of

forming a text. The text is formed in a discursive practice or discourse practice.

The text is part of a representation that publishes a particular society. Micro and

macro texts represent marginalization of a community in narrative discourse.

In addition, van Dijk's model also looks at the social structure, dominance,

and power groups that exist in society and the way cognition or thought and

consciousness shapes and influences certain texts. Discourse by van Dijk is

described as having three dimensions, namely: text, social cognition, and social

context. Discourse by van Dijk is described as having a three-dimensional

building. The first dimension is text, about how the structure of the text and

discourse strategies are used to emphasize a certain theme. The second

dimension is social cognition, which studies the production process of news texts

involving individual cognitions of journalists. While the third dimension is known

as social context, which studies the discourse building that develops in society.

Van Dijk's analysis model can be described as follows:

Discourse analysis according to Van Dijk is carried out at three levels. First

the text level. Second, the level of text production, how the text is produced. Van Dijk

explains the process of forming the text from the mental or cognition of the text

maker. Third, social analysis. How is the social context of the formation of the text.

Van Dijk's analytical framework

a. Text

Van Dijk sees text as consisting of several elements and levels, all of which

are interrelated and support each other. In the text dimension, what is being studied

is the structure of the text. Teun van Dijk utilizes and takes linguistic analysis of

vocabulary, sentences, propositions, and paragraphs to explain and interpret a text.

According to Jufri (2006:75), van Dijk sees a text as consisting of several mutually

supporting structures. The structure is divided into three levels, (1) Macro Structure,

this structure is the global meaning of a text that can be observed by looking at a

topic or theme, (2) super structure which is a discourse structure related to the text,

such as: introduction, content , and the end of a discourse, (3) Micro structure, micro

structure is the meaning of discourse that can be observed from small parts of a text,

such as: words, sentences, propositions, clauses, paraphrases

b. Social Cognition

Eriyanto (2001:260) explains how to represent beliefs or prejudices and

knowledge as a strategy for forming texts of specific events that are reflected

through news. This approach is called social cognition because despite belief,

prejudice is personal in journalists but it is accepted as part of a group member

(socially shared). All perception and action, and ultimately the production and

interpretation of discourse are based on mental representations of each event.

Social cognition is based on the views of a person and a community produces to

understand a discourse. an event and social cognition strategies for it are

representations of beliefs and knowledge to form specific discourses. In van Dijk's

view, social cognition is primarily associated with the production of texts. According

to van Dijk, the key point in understanding text production is to examine the process

of text formation. Text production mostly occurs in mental processes in one's

cognition. This means that different people may have different views on a focus.

c. Social Context

The third dimension of van Dijk's analysis is social analysis. Discourse is part

of the discourse that develops in society. To examine the text, it is necessary to do

an intertextual analysis by examining how discourse about something is produced

and constructed in society. In analyzing this society, there are two important points:

power and access. Power is control exercised by a certain group or group over

another group or group, either openly or privately. Access is a control method carried

out by certain groups (elite) who have the power to control and influence the

community. Eriyanto (2001:271)

Van Dijk’s Discourse Element

(Eriyanto, 2001)

Discourse Structure Observed Matters Element

Macrostructure Thematic Topic

Theme/Topic Brought

forward in a text

Superstructure Schematic Scheme

How a part and order of a

news are being schemed

in an intact news text

Microstructure Semantic Background details

Meaning that wants to be

emphasized in a news

text such as by giving a

detail on one sie or

making an explicit form of

one side and reducing

other side

Microstructure Syntax Sentence form,

How a sentence (form, coherence, preposition

arrangement) is being


Microstructure Stylistica Lexicon

Microstructure Rhetorics Graphics, metaphor,

How and in what way an expression.

emphasis is conducted

A description of the structure and elements of the table above is explained below:

(1).Macro Structure: It is the global/general meaning of a text that can be observed

by looking at the topic or term that is put forward in a news story.

a). Thematic: This element can be called the main idea, summary, or main idea of a

text. The theme describes what journalists want to say in their reporting. The theme

shows the dominant, central, and most important concept of the content of a news,

in this case it is understood as mental.

(2) Superstructure: It is a discourse structure related to the framework of a text, how

the parts of the text are arranged into the whole news. In the discourse there is a

scheme or plot from the introduction to the end.

(3) Micro Structure: It is the meaning of discourse that can be observed from a small

part of a text, namely words, sentences, propositions, clauses, paraphrases, and


5. Ideology

Classical theories about ideology, among others, say that ideology is built by

dominant groups with the aim of producing and legitimizing their domination. One of

the main strategies is to create awareness to the public that domination is taken for

granted. Discourse in this kind of approach is seen as a medium through which the

dominant group persuades and consumes to the audience the production of power

and dominance they have so that it looks illegitimate and true.

In this critical view, ideology is a central trait in critical discourse analysis because

the text is a reflection of a certain ideology. Ideology is built by the dominant group

with the aim of producing. The role of discourse in the ideological framework is first,

ideology is social, individual and impersonal, because it requires groups and

organizations. Second, ideology is social, but is used internally among members of

groups and communities. Therefore, discourse analysis must look at the context,

especially how the ideology of the groups that play a role in shaping the discourse

a) Critical Discourse Analysis is interconnected with social problems. This approach

deals with social processes and social and cultural structures, which are inherent in

the nature of linguistics. This approach does not deal with language exclusively.

b) Power relations relate to discourse and critical discourse analysis analyzes the

power contained in discourse and over discourse.

c) The use of language is ideological. To prove this, an analysis is needed to examine

its acceptance, interpretation, and social effects.

d) Discourse is a form of social behavior. Critical Discourse Analysis is understood as a

social scientific discipline that focuses on applying practical problems.

e) Discourse analysis is explanatory and interpretive. In critical discourse analysis there

is a systematic methodology and relationship between social conditions and texts,

relations and ideology.

f) The relationship between the text and society is indirect but through intermediaries,

such as the socio-cognitive model developed

g) Discourse is historical and can only be understood through its context

h) Society and culture are dialectically related to the discourse that is formed and at the

same time composes the discourse.

The definition of ideology according to Eagleton (1991:1-2) is as follows:

a. The process of production of meanings, signs and values in social life;

b. A body of ideas characteristic of a particular social group or class;

c. Ideas which help to legitimate a dominant political power;

d. False ideas which help to legitimate a dominant political power;

e. Systematically distorted communication;

f. That which offers a position for a subject;

g. Forms of thought motivated by social interests:

h. Identity thinking.

i. Socially necessary illusion;

j. The conjuncture of discourse and power, (k) the medium in which conscious

social actors make sense of their world:

k. Action-oriented sets of beliefs;

l. The confusion of linguistic and phenomenal reality.

m. Semiotic closure;

n. The indispensable medium in which individuals live out thei

o. Relations to a social structure;

p. The process whereby social life is converted to a natural reality.

6. Definiton of Advertisement

Advertisement is something that is used to persuade people or society to

consume any product or to do something. The advertisement is appropriate with

the need of every company that publishes the advertisement (Spurgeon, 2008:5).

It can be concluded that advertisement is a means to persuade people to buy

some products or do something that are louche by a company or an

organization. Normatively, advertising is a special form of communication to fulfill

the marketing function. Advertising is a form of message presentation that is

carried out by non-personal communicators through the media to be aimed at the

communicant by paying (Widyatama, 2005:13). According to Sheehan (2004: 2-


It can also be said that advertising is a form of mass communication

which not only serves as a means of promotion to offer goods and services, but

also has expanded its function, which is to become a tool to instill symbolic

meaning through language and visualization in advertising messages. In

accordance with its character, advertising is a portrait of the reality that exists in

society so that it can spread social, cultural, political values, and so on

There are many types of advertisements, each of which has its own

character. An advertisement requires creative ideas and concepts so that the

persuasive message can be accepted by the audience. In advertising production,

there is an obsessive attention and there is a desire to make every detail look

true and real. The advertising production process is always colored with

typification and idealization. According to Marchand, there are no advertisements

that want to capture life as it is, but there is always an intention to portray social

ideals, and represent them as normative things, such as happiness, satisfaction.

Advertise means to give notice, to inform, to notify or to make something

known. He goes on and suggests that a successful advertisement should include

information, reasoning and emphases. He means that advertisers should not

only inform their audiences about the product, but also stimulate ideas among

them as well as developing their curiosity and interests through creating new

meanings from the advertised commodity. Advertising texts are of great value for

the analyses from linguistic, sociologist, sociolinguistic, psychological, and so on.

Linguists are interested in language of advertising because they want to know

how particular language works in this type of discourse, which linguistic means

are used here and how advertising language is changing in the course time.

Sociologists may be interested in the fact, how advertising influences the values,

attitudes and behaviour of the society. On the other hand, sociolinguists may

study the effects of any aspect of society on the way language is used in

advertising in the course of time. Psychologists may try to examine the effect of

the advertising on human mind and motivation to fulfill material and social needs.

Based on the preceding definitions of advertisement, the researcher can

conclude that advertisement is something created to encourage people to buy

something that is published by a corporation through various media in order to

persuade people to buy something

7. Type of Advertisement

Advertisement is one of communication forms. It is kind of serving and

idea about the product or service by familiar supporter company. Advertisement

has an ability to reach difficult condition or situation. Sometimes, it is materialistic

or cause people depend on certain products. Advertisement influence people

attitude became dynamic and attractive. It is a process of communication,

process of marketing, economical and social process, public relations process or

process of information and persuasions that all depend on our perspectives

(Bovee, 1986 : 22).

Advertisement is a technique of conveying messages or business

information because those messages remain contains the information function,

educational function, entertainment function and influences a certain attitude for

consumer. Based on the source of advertisement books from Wright, Dunn,

Busch, and Bovee the function classified as follows:

a. Marketing function; sells information about the products, services, ideas

through media by paying the space and time as a place from producer to


b. Communication function; advertisement contains a story about a product in

order to influence the thoughts of consumer.

c. Educational function; to build people attitude up to improve their selves. This

function must give a freedom for people to make a decision.

d. Economical function; advertisement promotes an information about people’s

need in a product form.

e. Social function; advertisement assists carry out a change of living standard

which determine by people‟s need around the world

8. Advertising Function

According to Vestergard and Schroder that advertising has the following functions:

a) Providing information: advertising can add value to an item by providing

information to consumers.

b) Persuasion: Advertising is persuasive, especially to potential buyers by stating

that the product it produces is better than other products.

c) Creating confidence: with advertising people will have a certain belief about

what is advertised and with advertising can also create an impression to the

public to carry out the conversation rationally and economically.

d) Give birth to action: with advertising offered to buyers, it will give birth to an

action to buy goods or services that have been offered.

e) Satisfying wants: advertising is a tool that can be used to seek goals in the form

of mutually satisfying exchanges.


Tourism Language

Advertising Text

CDA Van Dijk

Macro Micro Structure

structure(Theme) Super structure
- Syntax
- Semantic
- stylistic

Cognition and Social Context



A. Research Design

The research design of the study is descriptive qualitative method.

Referring to the object of the study, this reseach employs both quantitative and

qualitative reserach (Kaelan, 2012). The basic assumption of using this mix

method is to provide a better understanding of the research problems and

questions (Creswell, 2008).

B. Research Time

The research will start from July 2022 until November 2022 in the electronic

media especially on You. Tube

C. Population and Sample

Population is a generalization region consisting of the objects/subjects that have

certain qualities and characteristics that set by the researchers to be studied and

then drawn conclusions. Includes population characteristics possessed by object

research. The population of the research is the entire some tourism advertisement

taken from internet. Especially on media. And the sample of this research

is tourism adverting issued by local government.

D. Method of Data Collection

In this study, the data collection technique was carried out using the listening

method, namely listening to the use of language. With this method, the researcher

listened to the tourism advertisements on the media and described the

tourism advertisements into written language. Data collection for this study will

carried out using a convenience purposive sampling technique, in which the data

will taken with a specific purpose and reason as the authors have described in the

sources and research corpus section.

E. Method For Analyzing Data

The data analysis method is a process of compiling data obtained systematically

from the results of data collection to answer the formulation of the problem that has

been formulated, so that it can be easily understood and the findings can be

informed to others. The following are some of the steps that will be taken to process

the data:

The main data analysis technique in this study uses critical discourse

analysis of the Teun A. Van Dijk model, because in this research model the

researcher can describe. So after observing the tourism advertisement videos on

YouTube, the researcher identified the elements in the video content related to the

focus of the research to assist researchers in classifying the data. Tourism

advertisements are analyzed using 3 elements of Teun A. Van Dijk's discourse

including text analysis, analysis of social cognition and analysis of social context.

a) Reduce data

b) Data analysis is carried out by examining the data, organizing, dividing it into

units so that it can be managed so that the real meaning can be found in

accordance with the research focus. The data that has been collected in this

study were then analyzed using the Van Dijk Model of Critical Discourse

analysis theory.

c) The data contained in tourism advertisements on the YouTube page is classified

based on a macro structure that includes the global meaning of a text

d) The results of the analysis are classified based on the superstructure which

includes the framework of a text

e) The results of the analysis are classified based on the micro structure which

includes the local meaning of a text

f) The next step is to describe the ideological representation used of Tourism

Advertisement Language in South Sulawesi.

g) Making a conclusion


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