IGWT Report 23 - Nuggets 17 - The Synchronous Bull Market Indicator
IGWT Report 23 - Nuggets 17 - The Synchronous Bull Market Indicator
IGWT Report 23 - Nuggets 17 - The Synchronous Bull Market Indicator
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The Synchronous Bull Market Indicator 2
• According to the logic of the Synchronous Bull • In March 2023, the Synchronous Bull Market
Market Indicator, gold and equity markets move Indicator confirms a new secular gold bull market
As a result, since the 1970s, there have only been specifically confidence in the robustness of the
four successive long-term bullish trends in gold economy and the stability of the financial system.
and the S&P 500: This is not merely a theoretical concept; it can be
gauged and assessed, albeit indirectly.
Dietmar Knoll
Dietmar Knoll is a banker and worked for four decades in corporate banking at Deutsche Bank
AG, most recently as a restructuring expert in risk management advisory. In his retirement, he is
researching the question of what really drives the price of gold.
The reason this ratio (the S&P Investor confidence is characterized as the trust investors have in the resilience of
500 to Gold Ratio) is popular the economy and the stability of the financial system. While this metric cannot be
and worth monitoring is because assessed directly, a review of the trends over the past five decades indicates that
it can easily gauge the ‘mood’ of the S&P 500/gold ratio is an appropriate and trustworthy substitute.
the investment community. A
low ratio indicates investors are This year’s article aims to furnish interested investors with an accessible tool that,
feeling pessimistic about the leveraging the insights of the SEGPM, can be utilized to detect early and reliably
outlook for the economy and secular bull markets for equities and gold, enabling investors to consistently
financial markets, whilst a high execute an alternating trend-following strategy that is founded on factual evidence.
ratio suggests investors are This tool will be called the Synchronous Bull Market Indicator (SBMI).
Perth Mint Backtesting a strategy that follows the guidelines of the SBMI reveals that the
potential return from this strategy surpasses the return of a pure buy-and-hold
strategy (in stocks, gold, or a 50/50 allocation) by a factor of at least 15 over the
past 50 years.
“The Synchronous Equity and Gold Price Model,” In Gold We Trust report 2022
You can reach the author at [email protected].
component of the SEC definition, or they take optimistic market sentiment for
granted, assuming that prices will continue to grow positively.
The monetary managers are A result of this is that nearly any asset or market can transform into a
fond of telling us that they have bull market, as long as the currency used to measure prices is weak
substituted ‘responsible money enough. Current examples of this thesis can be found in the equity markets of
management’ for the gold countries such as Venezuela or Turkey. The most impressive historical example,
standard. But there is no historic however, is the German equity market during the Weimar Republic. In the period
record of responsible paper from January 1918 to November 1923, the equity index of the Statistisches
money management ... The Reichsamt, which is quoted in paper marks, rose by around 21,300,000,000%.
record taken, as a whole is one of But was the German equity market also trading in a bull market at that
hyperinflation, devaluation and time?
monetary chaos.
Equity Index of the Statistisches Reichsamt, in Paper Marks and
Henry Hazlitt Gold Marks (log), 100 = 01/1918, 01/1918-12/2023
Equities in
Paper Marks
+21.3 trn %
Equities in
Gold Marks
100 -97 % -74 %
1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923
More paper money cannot make A clear answer is obtained by quoting the equity index in gold marks.
a society richer, of course, – it is The equity index, measured in hard currency, had decreased by around
just more printed-paper. 74% of its value by the time of the currency reform in November 1932. A
Otherwise, why is it that there year earlier, however, the loss of value, measured in gold marks, had reached a
are still poor countries and poor maximum of approximately 97%. Therefore, the supposed bull market turned out
people around? to be a bear market. In other words, the formal bull market was a result of the
Hans-Hermann Hoppe extreme devaluation of money. Investors fell victim to the money illusion, which is
the confusion between the real and nominal value of money that can happen
during times of high inflation.
The Synchronous Equity and Gold Price Model has demonstrated a reliable and
predictable correlation between the money supply and the prices of equities and
gold for over 50 years, but only when these two asset classes are analyzed together.
This is mainly due to the fact that there are periods when gold gains more value
than equities due to the money supply in the system, and other periods when the
opposite occurs.
… it’s worth pointing out that Investors tend to purchase gold as a hedge against various economic and financial
there have been previous concerns such as increasing debt, inflation, a weakening US dollar, a recession, a
attempts to link changes in the stock market crash, or the need for a financial system reset. In contrast, stocks are
stock market and the gold price commonly bought when the economy is robust, growth rates are high, outlooks are
to changes in the money supply. favorable, earnings are strong, unemployment rates are low, and inflation is
These attempts failed. With moderate.
regard to the stock market they
Gold/S&P 500 Ratio (log), and S&P 500/Gold Ratio (log), 01/1970-
failed because a strong positive 03/2023
correlation between the senior 6.08 5.41 1.52 2.62
Gold Bull Stock Bull Gold Bull Stock Bull
equity index and the money 4.0 Market Market Market Market
[G]old and the S&P 500 are at Thus, the SEGPM utilizes the S&P 500/gold ratio to gauge investor
opposite ends of a virtual confidence. Not only is this a highly dependable tool, but it is also incredibly
investment seesaw. Due to their useful in identifying market sentiment for both equities and gold, and in
respective natures, if one is in a recognizing key turning points for bull and bear markets in the long term.
long-term bull market then the
other must be in a long-term The following table shows the performance of the S&P 500 and gold during bull
bear market. markets. The respective development of the US M2 money supply is also shown.
Steve Saville
The best moves in precious The chart and table above provide clear evidence that secular gold bull
metals (excluding the 1960s) all markets are always accompanied by secular equity bear markets, and
occurred during secular bear vice versa. Therefore, gold can be an excellent hedge against secular equity bear
markets in US equities. markets.
Jordan Roy-Byrne
If there is still a small increase in the US dollar value of the respective bear market
asset, this is only due to the decline in the value of the currency, which is brought
about by the steady expansion of the US money supply.
The Synchronous Bull Market Indicator (SBMI) can provide valuable services
when it comes to determining this allocation. Investing in gold with the flexible
part of a portfolio may not make sense when financial markets are characterized by
confidence and trust. This is because the opportunity costs, in the form of lost
equity market returns, can quickly exceed the potential price losses of a crisis that
might occur in the future.
It is better to be roughly right A method is therefore sought that indicates the trend reversal as promptly and
than precisely wrong. reliably as possible and largely avoids false signals (meaning trend reversals that
John Maynard Keynes are initially indicated but not confirmed later). The SBMI uses the
comparison of the S&P 500/gold ratio with its 40-month moving
average to achieve this goal.
2.00 ?
1st false 3rd false
signal signal
Confirmed after 9 months
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
All three trend reversals of the past 50 years are reliably confirmed, and the time
lag remains reasonable at around 1 to 2 years. A chart that is easier to interpret can
be obtained by displaying the percentage deviation of the current S&P 500/gold
ratio from its 40-month moving average, instead of showing the development of
the ratio itself.
2nd false 3rd false
-40 signal signal
Confirmed by indicator
-60 Confirmed by indicator
in Jan 2013
in Dec 1981
Turning point Turning point Turning point Potential
-80 Sep 2011
Jan 1980 Aug 2000 turning point
-100 Dec 2021
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
The longer the bull market lasts A bull market in equities (blue areas) is indicated when the current
the more severely investors will ratio is above its 40-month moving average. Conversely, a bull market in
be affected with amnesia; after gold (yellow areas) is indicated when the current ratio is below its moving average.
five years or so, many people no This representation method has a significant advantage: The strength of each bull
longer believe that bear markets market, indicated by the amplitude of the percentage deviation from the 40-month
are possible. moving average, is clearly visible. This is important because a small deviation from
Benjamin Graham the moving average may not provide enough evidence of a trend reversal.
The gold bull market of the 1970s and the equity bull market of the 1980s and
1990s share the commonality that the substantial increase in the respective bull
market asset eventually led to significant exaggeration or a bubble. Consequently,
the trend reversal in each case resulted from the crash of the bull market asset
rather than the emerging strength of a counterpart. However, in both instances,
the crash did not occur until 2-3 years later.
The trend reversal in September 2011 was different, as it arose from the emerging
strength of the equity market. Unlike in the previous cases, the price of the former
bull market asset, gold, remained quite stable for more than a year after its cycle
high, while the S&P 500 rose by more than 20% during that period.
The two other false signals were both triggered by an equity market crash: Black
Monday on October 19, 1987, and the Covid-19 crash in 2020. In both cases, the
equity bull market had been running for several years and had become relatively
weak. The memory of the Federal Reserve’s role in managing the Covid-19 crisis is
still fresh in people’s minds. However, this is likely no longer the case with regard
to Black Monday. Following the crash, then-Federal Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan issued a strong statement on October 20, 1987: “The Federal Reserve,
consistent with its responsibilities as the Nation’s central bank, affirmed today its
readiness to serve as a source of liquidity to support the economic and financial
The Federal Reserve resuscitated the bull market in both cases. Some 15 months
after Black Monday, the S&P 500 was back at its pre-crash high. In the course of
the Covid-19 crisis, the reflation required only a record-breaking six months.
The world changes! So we’re in a Ultimately, then, it can be argued that it was the Federal Reserve that restored
situation today where the only confidence in financial markets with its unlimited monetary firepower. As a result,
policymakers that have flexibility the “Fed put” narrative has been alive and well for 35 years. The primary
are central banks. But they don’t beneficiary of this insurance against asset losses has been the equity market. Thus,
have the instruments! So they’ve many investors perceive this narrative as an inevitable force of nature, as there are
had to experiment, and the more almost no equity traders left who are acquainted with any central bank
you experiment, the more intervention that strays from it. “Buy the dip” is then the logical response.
uncertainty and the higher the
risk of collateral damage. In the 1970s the situation was vastly different, as the Federal Reserve’s ability to
Mohammed El Erian create unlimited new US dollars after the dollar was detached from gold did not
increase confidence, nor did it lead to steadily rising equity prices. Rather, it was
the source of vehement mistrust and fueled a historically unprecedented explosion
in the price of gold.
To achieve a clear and robust course of action and eliminate slight distortions,
rebalancing of the adaptable part of the portfolio ought to occur only when the
disparity of the present S&P 500/gold ratio from its 40-month moving average
exceeds the range of plus or minus 5%.
The following table starts with an initial investment of one ounce of gold and
shows all reallocations in detail. Additional investments were not considered.
Reallocations Holdings
1. Apr 76 Sell 1.00 Oz Gold Buy 1.26 S&P 500 101.90 127.91 1.26
2. Oct 77 Sell 1.26 S&P 500 Buy 0.74 Oz Gold 93.74 158.85 0.74
3. Jan 82 Sell 0.74 Oz Gold Buy 2.43 S&P 500 117.30 384.16 2.43
4. Nov 87 Sell 2.43 S&P 500 Buy 1.27 Oz Gold 245.00 468.14 1.27
5. Oct 88 Sell 1.27 Oz Gold Buy 1.86 S&P 500 277.40 406.39 1.86
6. Aug 01 Sell 1.86 S&P 500 Buy 8.04 Oz Gold 1,178.50 272.66 8.04
7. Feb 13 Sell 8.04 Oz Gold Buy 8.67 S&P 500 1,512.31 1,630.69 8.67
8. Mar 20 Sell 8.67 S&P 500 Buy 14.44 Oz Gold 2,652.39 1,591.93 14.44
9. Feb 21 Sell 14.44 Oz Gold Buy 6.72 S&P 500 3,883.43 1,808.18 6.72
The next chart shows the backtesting of the trend-following model based on the
recommendations of the Synchronous Bull Market Indicator compared to
The initial investment in all four variants is USD 42.40, the average price for an
ounce of gold in July 1971.
Backtest: Trend Following Model SBMI, S&P 500, Gold, and 50/50
Index, 42.40 = 07/1971 (log), 07/1971-03/2023
~26,500 USD
~1,800 USD
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
S&P 500 Gold 50/50 Index
SBMI Gold SBMI S&P 500
Source: kitco.com, multpl.com, Author's calculations, Incrementum AG
Both charts make it clear that consistently following the recommendations of the
SBMI with a flexible portion of your portfolio, translates into taking good
Gold’s Perfect Storm investment From a purely technical perspective, the last trend change towards gold – the
thesis argues that gold is at the penultimate interim high in the S&P 500/gold ratio of 2.42 in September 2018 –
beginning of a multiyear bull turned out to be a false signal at the beginning of 2021, as the stock market was
market with ‘a few hundred able to outperform the gold price again from mid-2020 onwards – after a
dollars of downside, and a few temporary weakness at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The last high in
thousand dollars of upside’. The investor confidence was in December 2021 with an S&P 500/gold ratio of 2.62.
framework is based on three Since then, investor confidence has been falling, i.e. gold is outperforming the S&P
phases: testing the limits of 500.
monetary policy, testing the
limits of credit markets, and In January 2023, the current S&P 500/gold ratio was again noticeably
testing the limits of fiat below its 40-month average. After a short reversal in favour of the S&P 500 in
currencies. February, there is again an indication of a new secular gold bull market in March.
Diego Parilla However, at 3.7%, the undershooting of the 40-month average remains below the
5% action trigger.
The Federal Reserve must choose In this respect, the development of the next few months remains extremely
between inflation and market exciting. If investor confidence continues to decline and the performance
chaos. advantage for gold thus also solidifies, the third secular gold bull market since
The Economist 1970 should become established. In view of the trends towards de-globalization
that have been evident for some time now, the already existing weakness in global
growth, the potential for a tumultuous shift to a multipolar world order where
China and Russia challenge the dominance of the US, and mounting tensions in
the global financial system, including the overt use of the US dollar as a weapon, it
is not unreasonable to expect an extended period of declining investor confidence
All the more so as doubts are increasingly emerging as to whether Western central
banks can actually successfully curb inflation without plunging the world into a
deep recession or jeopardizing the stability of the financial system.
First of all, it should be noted that historical empirical values naturally offer no
guarantee for future developments. Nevertheless, the following forecasts seem
• On the length of the new gold bull market: Since the early 1970s, every
secular bull market - whether for gold or the S&P 500 - has lasted at least 10
years. In this respect, it is reasonable to assume that the new gold bull market
that started at the beginning of 2022 should also continue at least until the end
of 2030.
• On the development of the confidence level: The first gold bull market
in the 1970s started from a comparatively high level of investor confidence
(83% percentile) and declined in the further course to the all-time low. The
second gold bull market starting in September 2000 started at the all-time
high in investor confidence and declined to a severely below-average level (25%
percentile) as it progressed.
The current gold bull market starts again at a high confidence level, which roughly
corresponds to the initial situation at the beginning of the 1970s. If the decline in
confidence in the new gold bull market is to be defined as the average of the
previous two secular lows in the preceding cycles, the S&P 500/gold ratio would
arithmetically be 0.41 (10% percentile). A second assumption would be that the
loss of confidence is no greater than in 2008, when the S&P 500/gold ratio
bottomed out at 0.66 (25% percentile).
Rapid increases in the quantity As the wild roller coaster ride of money supply development since 2020 at the
of money produce inflation. latest shows – +27% yoy in February 2021, -2.4% yoy in February 2023 - , M2 is
Sharp decreases produce hardly reliable to predict in the short run. In the long run, however, historical
depression. cycles exist that can be used for forecasting. Below is the annualized 8-year rate of
Milton Friedman change of M2 money supply, i.e. exactly for the period remaining until the end of
-2 Dec 1933
1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
US M2 Money Supply
Source: Federal Reserve St. Louis, longtermtrends.com, Author's calculations, Incrementum AG
Quantitative easing is NOT going If the current oscillation pattern continues, a sharply declining growth rate of
away. Every major country is around 3% p.a. would be expected for the next 8 years. Against the background of a
running a deficit. If they are all consistent fight against inflation by the Federal Reserve and then probably also
net borrowers then who is the restrictive lending by US commercial banks, such a value would be quite plausible.
lender? The central banks. For
this reason – QE is not going However, if the Federal Reserve is forced to rescue the economy or the financial
away for a long time. system, this could lead to permanently high money supply growth. As the chart
Jeffrey Gundlach above shows, the 8-year growth rate in the inflationary phases of the 1970s and
1980s was over 10% p.a. In this respect, an inflationary growth rate of 7% p.a.
would not be implausible for such a case.
Essentially, all models are The great advantage of the Synchronous Equity and Gold Price Model is that the
wrong, but some are useful. S&P 500 and gold are “thought” together and therefore every forecast for the
Georg Box S&P 500 also automatically yields a gold price forecast and vice versa. However, it
is a prerequisite that a determination is made on the money supply, because it
alone determines the joint value of both assets.
It may puzzle that this simple correlation between the money supply
and the value of a joint asset of the S&P 500 and 1.5 ounces of gold
should actually exist. And likewise that this relationship has apparently
received no attention to date. The fact is, however, that the deviations between the
model and reality over the past 40 years have been merely within the following
And this across all different economic cycles, capital market phases, bank credit
cycles, and monetary and fiscal policy targets and measures.
The impact of global economic and confidence trends is somewhat uniform across
the world. As a result, the only factors that could result in differences in equity
index performance are the local economic and confidence circumstances, which
are critical in the long run for determining the structural success or failure of
companies within a given economic area, as well as the composition of the local
Since the currency-adjusted gold price is the same worldwide, it is logical that
equity markets of different strengths would cause different trend reversal points
and shift recommendations based on the equity/gold ratio.
Below is a global heat map showing the bull market status for equities
and gold. The blue and gold colors indicate the presence of bull markets for
equities or gold, respectively; and the percentages represent the deviation of the
current equity/gold ratio from its 40-month moving average, which is a measure of
Courtesy of Hedgeye the relative strength of the bull market.
When examining the past twelve months, a trend emerges where the
previously dominant equity bull market is gradually transitioning to a
gold bull market. On the other hand, the strength of the local gold bull markets
is currently relatively weak, which means that the potential reversal is not a
About Us
Ronald-Peter Stöferle, CMT
He studied business administration and finance in the USA and at the Vienna
University of Economics and Business Administration, and also gained work
experience at the trading desk of a bank during his studies. Upon graduation he
joined the research department of Erste Group, where in 2007 he published his
first In Gold We Trust report. Over the years, the In Gold We Trust report has
become one of the benchmark publications on gold, money, and inflation.
Since 2013 he has held the position as reader at scholarium in Vienna, and he also
speaks at Wiener Börse Akademie (the Vienna Stock Exchange Academy). In 2014,
he co-authored the international bestseller Austrian School for Investors, and in
2019 The Zero Interest Trap. He is a member of the board of directors at Tudor
Gold Corp. (TUD), and Goldstorm Metals Corp. (GSTM). Moreover, he is an
advisor to Matterhorn Asset Management, a global leader in wealth preservation
in the form of physical gold stored outside the banking system.
Since 2013 he has held the position as reader at scholarium in Vienna, and he also
speaks at Wiener Börse Akademie (the Vienna Stock Exchange Academy). In 2014,
he co-authored the book Austrian School for Investors.
About Us 20
Incrementum AG
Incrementum AG
Im Alten Riet 102
9494 – Schaan/Liechtenstein
Email: [email protected]
Company Descriptions
Agnico Eagle
Agnico Eagle is a senior Canadian gold mining company, and third-largest gold
producer in the world, with operating mines located in Canada, Australia, Finland
and Mexico, as well as exploration and development activities in these countries
and the United States.
Asante Gold
Asante Gold has developed its 400,000 oz per year production profile through
organic growth and focused acquisitions. We believe in responsible development
and strive to be Ghana’s foremost gold producer and employer of choice.
Aurion Resources
Aurion is a well-funded, Canadian explorer operating in an emerging major gold
camp in Finland’s Central Lapland. The Company is making new discoveries on its
Flagship Risti and Launi projects, and JVs with B2Gold and Kinross.
Caledonia Mining
Caledonia Mining is a profitable, dividend-paying gold miner, with a strong growth
profile; since November 2021 has acquired Maligreen, Motapa and Bilboes. Its
vision is to become a Zimbabwe focused multi-asset gold producer.
Dakota Gold
Dakota Gold (NYSE American: DC) is a South Dakota-based responsible gold
exploration and development company with a specific focus on revitalizing the
Homestake District of South Dakota.
EMX Royalty
EMX has a 20-year track record of smart deals. With more than 300 royalties and
investments, EMX looks forward to a bright future with diversification into gold,
copper, battery metals, strong partners like Franco Nevada, and rapidly increasing
cash flow.
Endeavour Mining
As a leading global gold producer and largest in West Africa, Endeavour is
committed to the principles of responsible mining and delivering sustainable value
to all stakeholders. Endeavour is listed on the LSE and TSE under the symbol EDV.
Endeavour Silver
Endeavour Silver is a mid-tier precious metals mining that owns two underground,
silver-gold mines in Mexico, and has a compelling pipeline of exploration and
development projects to facilitate its goal to become a senior silver producer.
Flexgold is the smart way to invest in physical precious metals, as flexible and
simple as never before. With flexgold, SOLIT sets the gold standard for trust,
security and transparency.
Karora Resources
Karora is TSX-listed gold miner (TSX: KRR) with operations in the tier 1
jurisdiction of Western Australia. Karora has a proven management team and is
growing production to 170-195 koz by 2024.
Minera Alamos
Minera Alamos is a new gold producer going through the ramp up of its Santana
mine and fast tracking permitting for its second flagship mine: Cerro de Oro.
Specializing in low capex builds the Minera model remains insulated from
inflationary pressures.
Münze Österreich
Internationally renowned for its precious metal processing, Münze Österreich AG
produces Austria’s circulation coins, Vienna Philharmonic bullion coins in gold,
platinum and silver, and gold bars.
philoro is one of the market leaders in Europe in the field of precious metals
trading and your reliable partner for investments in gold and silver, platinum and
Reyna Gold
Reyna Gold is focused on district-scale exploration on the major gold belts in
Mexico, with a property portfolio of over 57,000 hectares, a world class exploration
team and proven management team.
Sprott is a global asset manager providing investors with access to leader in
precious metals and energy transition investments.
Tudor Gold
TUDOR GOLD Corp. is an Exploration company in the Golden Triangle region in
B.C., Canada, which is advancing the Treaty Creek project that hosts a mineral
resource of 23.4 Moz AuEQ (Indicated) plus 7.4 Moz AuEQ (Inferred).
Victoria Gold
Victoria Gold (“VGCX”) is Leading Yukon’s New Gold Rush. As at 31Dec22 the
Eagle Gold mine Reserve is 2.6 m oz Au (124 m tonnes grading 0.65 g/t), and is
open at depth and along strike. Exploration priority targets include Raven and
Ximen Mining
Ximen Mining (TSX.V XIM) is focused on responsible development, sustainable
mining and exploration of its precious metals properties in southern BC, Canada,
as it advances its Kenville Gold mine.
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