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Sukh Development Foundation

’s CRM guidelines indicate that the
program contributories including service
providers, all stake holders or beneficiaries can
complaint against the project/program
activities, quality and code of conduct, undue
favours and deliverables as beneficiaries’

Muhammad Zohaib
Program Manager
Sukh Development Foundation
Complaint Response Mechanism {CRM}
SDF Introduction:
Sukh Development Foundation Organization ((SDF)is an independent, non-political
political and not for
ble organization established in 2011 by a group of highly professional and dynamic
sociologists and social workers to respond current need for Pakistani people in order to
sustained and strengthen and promote human right culture, peace building, and good
governance initiatives and tackle humanitarian crisis in south Punjab.

SDF is registered Under September 01, 2013 Society Act, XXI of 1860 (62) and The Punjab
Charities Commission Act 2018
8 ssince its commencement organization is engaged in different
community development initiatives with the support and coordination of civil society
organizations and Government institutions.

1. Thematic Refocus:
Transform the organisation into a credible, authentic and effective think tank, research and
resource organisation focussing on the development of rural areas and communities.
2. Internal Governance Reforms:
Develop internal control systems and performance tracking mechanisms by introducing
customiseded modules of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP).
3. Self-resourcing Mechanisms:
Establish SDF’s’s subsidiaries (social enterprises) to generate resources to finance project(s),
activities and expenditures of SDF.

Chapter No. 1
1.1: Why CRM?

According to “Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS)” all humanitarian actors are accountable to their
beneficiaries and all concerned stakeholders. Effective accountability mechanism for handling complaints
can improve the quality of work, enhances the trust an and
d confidence of stakeholders and donor agencies.
It identifies the areas of work which need to be improved to ensure that SDF make improvements from
the feedback provided through this process. SDF therefore welcomes feedback and will react
constructively to o complaints from the people it works with, its supporters/ donors, stakeholders,
beneficiaries, official bodies and its partners. The complaints response mechanism links to the principles
of CHS to ensure feedback, transparency and learning which will str strengthen
engthen our accountability as an
organisation. This policy applies to all programs, projects, affiliates, associates, themes, functions, and all
field, regional offices and head office.
Sukh Development Foundation
1.2: Background Information: Sukh Development Foundation Organization (SDF) SDF) is devoted and
dedicated to have effective, accessible, safe & non retaliated complaints and response mechanism; for
beneficiaries, partners and its staff members. SDF has a number of formal mechanisms available which
can further be divided into external
ernal and internal mechanisms.

1.3: What is complaint?

A complaint is dissatisfaction arrived against SDF or more explicitly against one of `its associated
“consultants”, vendors, staff or partners where the organisation or staff has allegedly failed to meet
me an
obligation. That commitment might be related to program/project activities, use of resources, mission
and values, staff conduct / behaviour or a legal requirement.

1.3.1 Complaint Redressal:

Complaints will be received through an existing system. Then it will be registered and acknowledgement
of receiving complaint will be communicated. Category will be assigned. Complaint will be forwarded to
CMC for investigation. Action for redressal of complaint will be communicated to complainant and then
complaint will be closed.

1.4: What is Feedback?

Feedbacks are outputs of a system are routed back as inputs as part of a chain of cause and effect that
forms a loop.

1.4.1: Types of Feedback?

Types of feedback can be described as positive feedback, negative ffeedback

eedback and suggestions.

1.4.2: Feedback Redressal:

Positive feedbacks are communicated to concerned person/department and replication of good

practices is ensured.

Negative feedbacks are discussed with CMC and necessary changes are made to cope the issue and
action taken is communicated to the person who shared negative feedback.

Suggestion are also treated as feedback. Such feedbacks are discussed at the relevant forum and good
suggestions are incorporated within the project limitations.

Generally, feedbacks
cks are welcomed and all stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedbacks. At the
end action taken for specific feedback is communicated to the relevant person.
Sukh Development Foundation

Chapter No. 2
2.1: Complaint Mechanism: Entirely the program contributories including servi
ce providers, all stake
holders or beneficiaries can complaint against the project/program activities, quality and code of
conduct, undue favours and deliverables as beneficiaries’ entitlement.

2.2 Information dissemination:

Appropriate, definite and complete

plete information dissemination is a key to the successful implementation
of CRM. These guidelines are prepared after the detailed consultation and participation of targeted
community. SDF will involve local community in each program/project area to accessacces and implement
the relevant CRM tool for that area. An orientation session will be organized for community regarding
CRM. In this session various means to register complaints/Feedbacks will be shared with the
participants. All above mentioned stakeholde
rs will be informed about the contact details to raise
complaint, procedure of complaints registration and the documents like actual complaint forms.
Beneficiaries/stakeholders will also inform in initial meetings and all program/project activities about
heir entitlement and complaint mechanism.

2.3 Nature/Types of Complaints:

Complaints fall into two main types of complaint: non

non-sensitive and sensitive. A non-sensitive
sensitive complaint
is defined as one that concerns the implementation of activities or programme decision, or an
advocacy/policy position taken by SDF or a partner organisation with whom SDF works in solidarity with.
A sensitive complaint is typically a complaint about corruption, sexual exploitation or abuse, or another
gross misconduct or malpractice of SDF or stakeholders and another partner staff.

2.4: Basic Principles of CRM in SDF::

 All complaints and constructive feedback will be taken seriously whether submitted from a
named source or anonymously.
 All complaints will be handled promptly so far as reasonably practicable depending on the
nature and complexity of the ma
tter, ensuring that they are dealt with in a timely manner.
 The process for making a complaint will be made clear to stakeholders.
 Complaints will be recorded through one central point before any action is taken.
 Complaints will be addressed as locally aas possible at two levels—atat field level and at national
level, using the agreed complaint procedure and only escalated to management if they are of a
serious nature.
 Sufficient resources and expertise will be provided to handle complaints. Proposal for resources
should be part of each program/project proposal. Staff will be briefed on the nature and
purpose of the policy and senior managers dealing with the complaints will be given training in
handling complaints.
Sukh Development Foundation
 Confidentiality relating to the complaint will be safeguarded so far as reasonably practicable
including the person(s) to whom the complaint is addressed.
 Issues of conflict of interest will be identified to ensure objectivity.
 Complaints will be handled in accordance with SDF’s policies and proceduresocedures and in accordance
with local laws and regulations.
 Complaints Management Committee(CMC) will be established in each field office and head
office, field level CMC will be responsible for handling of the non
sensitive complaints and CMC
at head officece will be responsible for handling of the sensitive complaints. CMC will take part in
investigation process and develop mutual consensus regarding decisions for redressal of specific
complaint. A dedicated staff member will responsible to open complaint boxes and he/she will
be the custodian of complaint boxes keys. Complaints will be registered in each office and
acknowledgement of receiving complaint will be communicated to complainant.

CRM log sheet will be prepared and shared with Donors/partners aft after
er every month. In cares of
sensitive complaints, Donors and SDF can form joint CMC upon donor’s agreement and
CRM would be part of the each agreement of SDF with partners/vendors and stakeholders.

2.5: Entry Points /channels for lodging a Complaint:

Under the complaint mechanism, the complaints can be lodged in the following ways:

 Complaints can be made in person by the complainant through visiting the SDF’s SDF field offices,
head office or during the course of field visits. If the complainan
complainantt is illiterate, the CMC/staff can
fill the complaint registration form for him narrating his actual statement.
 Complaint boxes will be placed/installed in the different prominent places in the targeted areas
of each project /program area and boxes in the field offices, head office in the targeted area.
Information about program and contact details for head office will be displayed next to the
complaint/suggestion box in the National/local language. (There should be a clear
understanding that unless the com complaint
plaint is of a serious nature, or about the field team
themselves, any letters/phone calls received by the head office will be referred back to the field
office in the first instance).
 SDF field office and head office phone numbers will be displayed next to the
complaint/suggestion boxes. Depending on the nature of the complaint, complainant may
choose to contact any office be telephone.
 A dedicated Email Address will be shared with all stake holders like [email protected] .
Staff member will check the inbox once in a day and register the complaint in log sheet/register
and send acknowledgment to complainant.
 A complaint desk will be established at distribution point for registering complaints if program
activities contain any type of distribution.
Sukh Development Foundation
 Details of complaint mechanism, means of lodging complaints will be shared in introductory
meetings with community, committee meetings, stakeholder’s meetings, procurement process
meeting with vendors etc.
 Postal
ostal complaints can be sent to the Project Manager, Executive Director or Deputy Executive
Director. The official postal address will be placed and printed on the banners in the
program/project field area.

2.6 Handling Complaints:

 All complaints will be logged. When a complaint reaches SDF field office by whatever means, it
will be registered on a complaint form (Annex A). (One dedicated person will be assured to be
delegated the authority of complaint registrar in each project/prog
ram). The registrar (or the
staff member receiving the complaint in the field directly) is also responsible to brief the person
who is lodging the complaint on how their complaint will be dealt with and the estimated
timescale required for a response keepi
ng in mind the safety of the complainant.
 After registration of the complaint, the registrar will refer the complaint to the CMC for further
action and acknowledge the complaint through phone call, email or SMS to the complainant.
 If there is clearly a sensitive
ensitive issue and fall under sensitive complaint (sexual abuse, fraud, etc.)
the CMC will report it directly to an appropriate manager(s). This could be the relevant Project
Manager or the senior management. (Obviously, if the complaint involves either the th registrar or
other CMC members, there are by pass mechanisms in place, offering the complainant the
option of directly contacting the head office).
 In the first instance at least, most formal complaints that need further analysis will be
investigated by the CMC in the field office. Depending on the nature of the complaint, a
community member will be included in the investigation team.
 In case of a serious program activity/quality related complaint, this will be forwarded to the
Project Manager/Program Man Manager,
ager, who will then make recommendations to the most senior
management and other relevant departments of SDF.

2.7: Decisions:

After analysis and investigation of the registered complaint, the CMC will make recommendations to the
Program Manager who will decidecide how to handle the issue at the field level. In case of serious program
issue, perhaps involving the CMC, the most senior management will decide how to handle it.

In case of sexual abuse, fraud and sensitive issue, ED or Deputy ED will form an investigation
investi team
comprising appropriate senior management team members. In complex cases, especially those of sexual
exploitation and abuse, technical assistance may be requested to satisfactorily and appropriately deal
with the issue. The complainant will have the right to appeal to the decision taken in both above
mentioned cases using the routine procedure.
Sukh Development Foundation

2.8: Communication & Redress:

When the complaint is registered, the registrar will inform the complainant that his/her complaint has
been received and iss being processed.

2.9: Time Line: Complaints should be addressed within two weeks of registration, though sometimes,
depending on the complexity of the complaint, more time may be required. One way or other, the
complainant must be kept updated about the status by the relevant manager, and must receive a
written response to a formal complaint but confidentiality of the issue should never be compromised.
(Confidential record keeping will be introduced for complaints with privacy/confidentiality issues).

2.10: Safeguarding- Complaints are addressed:

The field team will include a “complaints” point in the agenda of its weekly/monthly team meeting (only
confidential program related issues), ensuring both that the response, and associated “learning” is
ared. Cases with confidentiality issues will not be discussed. Response/update will be the
responsibility of the relevant manager; in most cases, this will be the Project/Program Manager.

Similarly, with community meetings, SDF staff will make sure that the
e complaints/issues agenda point is
tabled, keeping confidentiality in mind.

2.11: Complaints Monitoring & Evaluation:

The M & E Officer and program/project manager should regularly review the complaint files and should
double check the process when atten
attending community meetings. SDF will also make sure that the
program monitoring and evaluation process also includes a review of the complaint management

Note: This may be complicated due to confidentiality issues, but if possible a mechanism should be
developed for regular joint review with the community on the functioning of the complaint system, to
further promote transparency and understanding.

Chapter No. 3

Reporting & Investigation of Sensitive Issues:

3.1 Background for Reporting of complex iissues & Investigation Mechanism

It is important before reading further that everyone familiarizes with the sensitive and complex issues in
the program/project.

This reporting mechanism has been developed primarily to raise SDF about improper actions or
ttitudes of people working with, or for SDF,, towards beneficiaries. However, as sensitive issues is about
Sukh Development Foundation
abuse of power, this may be widened to include abuse of staff or stake holders (vendors, committees
etc.) or by the staff of SDF’s
’s partner staff or st

Some of the issues are very sensitive; a more specific, reporting mechanism has been developed. SDF
will nominate Complex issue contact persons in each project areas (comprising of senior staff). All these
additional channels of reporting and protection related complaints are provided so that complainant can
have access to maximum number of channels. The complainant can choose any of the channels as s/he
feels appropriate, and is comfortable with.

3.2 Communication with Complex issues contact Persons:

The complainant may choose any of the contact person/s (comprising of male/female if possible) in the
relevant location to report the complaint to, or alternatively they can complain directly to a CMC. In fact,
they can choose any staff member to make the initial contact-the the most important factor is that the
complainant feels comfortable and secure with their point of contact. This contact person will refer the
complaint/s to Complex Issues Panel (consist of three members of the organization’s senior sen
management of SDF)) and if necessary, for gender balance, a non non-senior
senior management member may be
included on the panel).

SDF will review and monitor the complaint response mechanisms for further improvement and
effectiveness of the process during routine program monitoring and as per feedback; and will
incorporate the lessons learnt accordingly.

Lesson learnt and CRM will remain in the part of each quarter report of the project/program and at end of
each project, lesson learnt meeting/workshop will be organized to discuss and incorporate the lesson/s
in the SDF strategic plan and future project/program proposals.
Sukh Development Foundation

SDF CRM Flow Chart:


 Personally visiting SDF field office/s or Head office
 Via Complaint Boxes
 Email ID: [email protected]
 Verbal Complaint/s via telephone calls
 Postal complaints



2 Weeks
2 Weeks



DECSION (2 Days)



Lesson learnt noted & Action Taken

Sukh Development Foundation
Annex A

Complaint Form ‫شکايت کا فارم‬

Name of Complainant Village/Basti
‫نام شکايت کننده‬ ‫بستی يا عﻼقہ‬
Union Council Contact No.
‫يونين کونسل‬ ‫رابطہ نمبر‬
Complaint Received Signature
Person ‫دستخط‬
‫شکايت وصول کننده‬
Receiving Date Complaint No.
‫تاريخ وصولی‬ ‫شکايت نمبر‬
Method of Receipt Complaint Box ⃝ Village Meeting ⃝ Personal/Phone ⃝
‫شکايت کے ذرائع‬ ‫شکايت باکس‬ ‫ميٹنگ ميں‬ ‫فون‬/‫ذاتی طور پر‬
Email ⃝ ‫ای ميل‬ Via Post ⃝ ‫ خط کے ذريعے‬Personally visit ⃝ ‫خود‬
‫موقع پر جانا‬

Description of Complaint: ‫شکايت کی تفصيل اور نوعيت‬

Discussed with ‫کس سے‬ Discussion Date ‫بات چيت‬

‫شکايت کی‬ ‫کی تاريخ‬
Signature of Person
Consulted ‫شکايت وصول‬
‫کرنے والے کے دستخط‬
Decision: ‫حاصل ُمباحثہ‬

Communication Type Response ⃝ ‫جوابدہی‬ Redress ⃝‫ازالہ‬ Referral ⃝ ‫حوالہ‬

‫ذرائع ابﻼغ‬
Communication Date Communicated By ‫کس‬
‫ابﻼغ کی تاريخ‬ ‫سے بات چيت کی گئی۔‬
Complaint Acknowledgement Receipt ‫رسيد برائے وصولی شکايت‬

Complaint Received By Signature

‫شکايت وصول کرنے واﻻ‬ ‫دستخط‬
Complaint No.‫شکايت نمبر‬ Receiving Date ‫وصولی‬
‫کی تاريخ‬
Contact Details Timing‫وقت‬
‫رابطہ نمبر‬

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