This document contains multiple choice questions testing knowledge of basic human anatomy and physiology. It covers topics like the body's organization, integumentary system, medical terminology, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, and urinary systems. The questions assess understanding of anatomical structures, physiological processes, and medical terminology.
This document contains multiple choice questions testing knowledge of basic human anatomy and physiology. It covers topics like the body's organization, integumentary system, medical terminology, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, and urinary systems. The questions assess understanding of anatomical structures, physiological processes, and medical terminology.
This document contains multiple choice questions testing knowledge of basic human anatomy and physiology. It covers topics like the body's organization, integumentary system, medical terminology, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, and urinary systems. The questions assess understanding of anatomical structures, physiological processes, and medical terminology.
This document contains multiple choice questions testing knowledge of basic human anatomy and physiology. It covers topics like the body's organization, integumentary system, medical terminology, cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, musculoskeletal, nervous, respiratory, and urinary systems. The questions assess understanding of anatomical structures, physiological processes, and medical terminology.
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1. The study of function of the body is called:
A. Anatomy B. Physiology C. Histology D. Biochemistry 2. A system is a group of: A. Organs B. Tissue C. Cells D. Intercellular substances 3. Tissues need oxygen …… carry out their activities A. In order to B. When C. That D. Which 4. ……… is the body of tissues A. Pediatrics B. Histology C. Biochemistry D. Genetics 5. Something is wrong with my left…… A. Chin B. Shoulder C. Chest D. Back 6. The body …… of structures known as organs A. Consisting B. Consists C. Consisted D. Composed INTEGUMENTARY 7. The skin helps regulate your body temperature when it A. Keeps your body temperature constant B. Is sensitive C. Perceives the sensations D. Protects you against injuries 8. Fat can be found in the ….. A. Epidermis B. Dermis C. Subcutaneous D. Horny layer 9. The horny layer is …. A. The outermost part of the skin B. The fibrous backing of skin C. The tissue under the skin D. The tissue under the skin 10. Keratin forms in the …. A. Horny layer B. Germinative layer C. Subcutaneous tissue D. Fat tissue 11. Keratin is the forming substance of the ….. A. Nail and hair B. Sebum C. Papillae D. Hair follicles 12. The substance that makes your hair and skin greasy is ….. A. Sebum B. Sweat C. Keratin D. Pigment 13. ………. The outer layer of the skin, contains pigment, pores, and ducts. A. That the epidermis B. The epidermis is C. The epidermis D. The epidermis which INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY 14. What is the medical term for excision of a joint ? A. Arthrectomy B. Arthrostomy C. Arthrotomy D. Arthrology 15. Epi- means surrounding or around. A. True or false ? 16. Losing a large amount of blood in a short time is a: A. Hemorage B. Hemorrhage C. Hemorhage D. Hemmorhage 17. Itis means inflammation True or false? 18. What is the medical term for decreased level of potassium in blood ? A. Hypokalemia B. Hyperpotassium C. Hypoglycemia D. Hypertension 19. Create an artificial opening to the surface of the body by surgery is called: A. – ostomny B. – Otomy C. – Plasty D. – itis CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM 20. - BP - Sphygmomanometer - Hypotension - Interventricular - Hypertension
21. Contraction phase of the heart is called:
A. Diastole B. Systole C. Arteries D. Ventricles 22. Slow heart rate is called…….. A. Arryththmia B. Bradycardia C. Hypotension D. Arteri/o 23. These are four heart valves in the heart: A. True B. False 24. Inflammation of the outer layer of the heart is called: A. Endocartitis B. Pericarditis C. Carditis D. Phlebitis 25. Fainting is caused by an insufficient supply of blood to the brain A. Blood has nothing to do with the fainting B. The brain is the cause of fainting C. Too little blood causes fainting D. Too much blood causes fainting 26. The doctor is performing an auscultation of the patient’s heart and lungs A. The doctor is using a hammer B. The doctor is using a little light C. The doctor is using a stethoscope D. The doctor is using a sphygmomanometer DIGESTIVE SYSTEM 27. The terminal point of the alimentary canal is the A. Lips B. Mouth C. Stomach D. Anus 28. The patient should ……… any food for several hours before the operation A. Not give B. Not be given C. Give D. Be give 29. Excessive fluid loss causes….. A. Dehydration B. Diarrhea C. Sweating D. Vomiting 30. Stomatology is the branch of medicine which treats the deseases of the ……….. A. Stomach B. Face C. Alimentary canal D. Mouth 31. Inflammation of stomach is known as… A. Dermatitis B. Neuritis C. Gastritis D. Stomatitis 32. Appendicitis can occur at any age, ……. It occurs most commonly in young adults A. Which B. Since C. Or D. But ENDOCRINE SYSTEM 33. ……. Hormone stimulates the mammary glands to secrete milk A. Growth B. Anti – diuretic C. Lactogenic D. Oxytoxin 34. The …...... is involved in digestion as well as producing hormones A. Pancreas B. Spleen C. Liver D. Heart 35. ……… discovery of insulin, it not was possible to treat diabetes A. Prior to the B. Prior C. The prior D. To prior 36. The organ which secretes both an enzyme and a hormone is the pancreas A. True B. False 37. The two parts of an adrenal gland are the cortex and the medulla A. True B. False 38. A growth is an enlarged thyroid gland A. True B. False MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM 39. The shaft of a long bone is also referred to as …. A. Epiphysis B. Diaphysis C. Metaphysis D. Apophysis 40. Bones articulate at ….. A. The skeletal B. Joints C. Structures D. Synovia 41. The …….. is the lower portion of the hip bone A. Coccyx B. Clavicle C. Fibula D. Ischium 42. The patient experienced inflammation of a joint. He had … A. Arthritis B. Arthrodesis C. Arthrolysis D. Arthralgia 43. The …… is the lowest portion of the sternum A. Spinal B. Xiphoid process C. Pelvis D. Cranium 44. In hypocalcemia, there is too ….. calcium for proper bone development A. Few B. Little C. Much D. Many 45. Limbs are also called extremities A. True B. False 46. Pain in the joints: A. Osteolysis B. Osteoclast C. Chondrolplasty D. Arthralgia 47. The plastic surgery of cartilage is called: A. Chondrodynia B. Chondroplasty C. Chonditis D. Osteoid 48. It is very difficult for him to walk because his …… is core A. Nostrils B. Navel C. Throat D. Heel 49. Which one of the following does not belong to the general function of muscle ? A. Movement B. Posture C. Sweat D. Heat production 50. What are the general characteristics of a muscle ? A. Contratibility and excitability B. Extensibility and elasticity C. None of the above D. A and B 51. Study of tendon is called: A. Arthrology B. Osteology C. Myology D. Tenology 52. The prefix DYS means: A. Difficult B. Easy C. Fast D. Slow 53. Suturing the tendon is called: A. Myorrhaphy B. Arthorrhaphy C. Osteorrhaphy D. Tenorrhaphy 54. Decrease in size is called: A. Hypo- B. Hyper- C. Dystrophy D. Atrophy 55. Tumor in the brain is called...... A. melanoma B. cephaloma C. encephaloma D. encephalogram 56. The 12 pairs of nerves that arise from the brain are referred to as the ...........nerves A. peripheral B. cranial C. spinal D. cervical 57. The medicine made him drowsy, so he was not able to drive while taking it A. He was too sleepy to take the medication B. He took the medicine while he was driving C. He couldn't drive while he was taking the medicine D. He felt drowsy, so he didn't have to take the medicine. 58. She does not sleep well. She lies awake for hours. She is suffering from ..... A. tiredness B. anorexia C. insomnia D. breathlessness 59. The loss of amnesia may be produced by any severe emotional shock A. To know B. known C. knowing D. know 60. When a person is forgetful, he is said to have a poor….. A. Sensory B. reasoning C. thinking D. memory RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 61. Abnormal slowness of respiration is called........ A. tachypnea B. bradypnea C. dyspnea D. hypopnea 62. The pulse rate is ............ than the respiration rate. A. smaller B. larger C. lower D. higher 63. The trachea is also called the A. Voice box B. Pharynx C. Bony box D. Windpipe URINARY SYSTEM 64. Ureterocele is the.....of the ureter. A. inflammation B. abnormal narrowing C. protrusion D. occlusion 65. A kidney stone is a...condition. A. congenital B. respiratory C. urinary D. digestive 66. He has difficulty in passing water. His condition is called. A. dysuria B. uremia C. incontinence D. nocturia
67. She passes urine involuntarily. Her condition is called.........
A. dysuria B. nocturia C. constipation D. incontinence
68. Kidney function is impaired
A. The kidneys do not exist in pair.
B. A kidney is an unpaired organ. C. Kidneys function in pairs. D. The function of kidneys weakens.