The Use of 2D Animation-Based Media To Improve The Students' Ability in Writing Descriptive Text
The Use of 2D Animation-Based Media To Improve The Students' Ability in Writing Descriptive Text
The Use of 2D Animation-Based Media To Improve The Students' Ability in Writing Descriptive Text
a final project
submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan
in English
Don’t let “The Following Day” just become “The Past” that nothing special left,
but make it brighter than “Today” with effort, praying, and being grateful for
First and foremost, my great gratitude expresses to Allah SWT the Almighty
of blessing, mercy, power, and bright way during the writing this final project.
Afterwards, sholawat and salam expressed to Prophet Muhammad SAW, the best
human in the world that taught all about the bright way of life.
I also would like to extend my deepest gratitude to many people who have
1. Prof. Dr. Fatur Rokhman, M.Hum., as the Rector of Semarang State University.
2. Prof. Dr. Agus Nuryatin, M.Hum., as the Dean of the Faculty of Languages
3. Dr. Issy Yuliasri, M.Pd., as the Head of English Department of Languages and
4. Drs. Hartoyo, M.A., Ph.D., as the Advisor who patiently has given guidance,
advice, and correction during writing this final project until it is completed.
5. Rohani, S.Pd., M.A., as the first examiner and Bambang Purwanto, S.S.,
M.Hum., as the second examiner who have given correction and suggestions
6. All of the lecturers of English Department, who have taught and given me
8. Dra. Esti Udiastuti and Suwarno, M.Pd, as the English teachers of SMP
the academic year 2014/ 2015 who have participated to be the samples of my
10. Nabil An Nafis, as the animator and Syahrul Muttaqin, as the editor who have
11. DE, as my best friend that has supported in doing this final project and created
13. The dearest family of RIPTEK that has taught me how to live at the second
15. Gejeers (Vita and Niken) that have studied and played together.
16. All of my friends of English Department whom I cannot mention one by one
The last but not least, there is nothing perfect in the world and this final project
is no exception. Therefore, the criticisms and suggestions are needed for the
improvement. I hope that this final project would be useful and can be as a reference
The writer
Ernawati. 2014. The Use of 2D Animation-based Media to Improve the Students’
Ability in Writing Descriptive Text (An Experimental Study at the Eighth
Grade Students of SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang in the Academic Year
2014/2015). Final Project. English Department, Faculty of Languages and
Arts, Semarang State University. Advisor: Drs. Hartoyo, M.A, Ph.D.
The students think that writing is the most difficult skill since they face
many difficulties in composing text particularly in descriptive text. To overcome
these problems, the teachers should think creatively; one of the ways is using
interesting media. Therefore, the researcher conducted study in utilising 2D
animation-based media to improve the students’ ability in writing a descriptive text.
This study was an experimental study that aimed to know the positive
significant different achievement between students taught using 2D animation-
based media in writing a descriptive text and the students taught using conventional
media (pictures).
The study was conducted at SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang in the academic
year 2014/2015. There were four activities during the research. First, giving tryout
to class VIII D to know the validity and the reliability of the test given. Second,
conducting a pre-test with the same test to know the normality and the homogeneity
scores of the experimental group (class VIII C) and the comparison group (class
VIII A). Each group contained 30 students. Third, treating the experimental group
with 2D animation-based media and the comparison group with conventional media
(pictures). Fourth, conducting a post-test for both groups with similar test to know
the significant difference achievement between two groups.
The research findings yielded that the pre-test score of the experimental
group was 57.8 and the pre-test of the comparison group was 56.87. The post-test
of the experimental group was 76.37 and the post-test of the comparison group was
67.13. The mean score of the experimental group was higher (18.57) than the mean
score of the comparison group (10.26). In addition, the t-test result showed that the
t obtained was higher (3.819) than the t table (1.671). Therefore, there was positive
significant different achievement gained by the experimental group compared with
the comparison group.
Based on the data analysis, it could be concluded that 2D animation-based
media was effective to improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive text.
Thus, the suggestions offered in learning writing especially descriptive text were;
the students have to practice a lot, and the teachers have to use an interesting media.
Furthermore, the researcher hoped that 2D animation-based media could be used as
an alternative media in writing descriptive text.
COVER ............................................................................................................. i
APPROVAL ...................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... v
1.9 Outline of the Report .................................................................................... 7
3.2 Subject of the Study ..................................................................................... 35
x Normality .......................................................................................... 47 Post-Test................................................................................................ 51
4.3.3 The Computation of the Difference of the Two Means ............................ 77
ANNEXES.......................................................................................................... 85
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................153
10. Main Competence, Basic Competence, and Objective of the Learning. .....60
8. Letter ...............................................................................................................143
9. Documentation ...............................................................................................147
This chapter contains of background of the study, reasons for choosing the topic,
research problem, purpose of the study, hypotheses, the significance of the study,
In this global era, people decide to travel and move from a place to the other places.
They meet other people from entire world. For succeed the communication among
them, they need to use international language that could be understood by the
others. English is the first international language that helps people around world to
communicate each other. As one of citizens in the world, Indonesian also has to
learn English in order to follow the development era and to succeed the
In Indonesia, English is taught starting from the beginning learners until the
curriculum of 2013 recently applied in Indonesia, English is one of the subjects that
has to be studied by the students in every grade including junior high school. In this
case, the teachers have to know deeply about this subject, and they have to be expert
consists of four skills; they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These
skills have to be taught in sequence. Out of four language skills, writing is taught at
the last stage because it needs more thinking time, and it allows more opportunity
for language processing; it can be said that writing can be taught to the students if
they have taught the materials about three other skills before (Harmer 2007: 112).
In other word, writing is used to memorize the materials about the others skills or
to help students practise and work with language they have been studying before.
message from the writer to the reader in the case of communication (Boardman and
be learnt. Thus, to deliver the message from the writers to the readers successfully,
the writers have to consider the process of the writing and make it clear and written
sequentially. If it does not follow that rule, it will lead miscommunication and
misunderstanding between them. In the reality, there are many problems in writing
especially in writing descriptive text. The students face difficulty in figuring out the
objects that will be described. Djuharie (2007: 24) explained “Descriptive text aims
to describe someone or something specifically both visible things that can be seen
and invisible things for example characteristics and attitudes.” However, there are
many students write descriptive texts only the visible things, they forget to write
the invisible things, one of them is characteristic of the objects even they are
important to be described. Instead of it, the students either think or say that they
cannot, or do not want to write. Their perceptions occur because they lack of
confidence in making writing based on the processes and the theories that are exist.
They also think that writing is boring and they have ‘nothing to say’. The boring of
the subjects will lead the students become lazy and ignore to have the important
For overviewing the problems, the teachers have to be more creative. They
should use some media, methods, and techniques in order to the effectiveness of
teaching writing a descriptive text. In this study, the researcher conducts research
Text” as a medium to teach writing descriptive text. This medium contains of the
materials related to descriptive text. They are the definition of descriptive text,
grammar, vocabulary, video, and the example of descriptive text especially describe
people. The medium has function to give the visual aids to the students with the
motion aids that can help the students to describe the characteristics of the objects
also be as an interesting medium to the students therefore it could reduce the feeling
that demand the citizen to think creatively and utilise the facilities that are existed.
The researcher finds that almost the school has laboratory of computer or at least
has a computer at each class. Therefore, she tries to utilise it. Hopefully this
The researcher conducts the study entitled “The Use of 2D Animation-based Media
Study at the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang) with reasons as
(1) Descriptive text is one of English type texts that is existed in the curriculum
studied by students.
(2) There are many students face difficulty in developing their ideas to write
can help the students to develop their ideas in describing people both in their
The research problem that is presented to limit the scope of analysis as follow:
Based on the research problem, the researcher states the purpose of the study as
1.5 Hypotheses
The researcher determines three points as the significance of the study as follows:
(3) In practical, this study is useful for teachers to consider their teaching
The study about utilisation of media in writing descriptive text is so complex, thus
in this study the researcher limits the discussion in describing people’ characters.
media at the eighth grade students of SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang in the academic
The researcher provides some terms related to the topic in this study. They are 2D
messengers have two forms that are words including texts and graphics including
static graphics (illustrations and photos) and dynamic graphics (animation and
videos). Animation is dynamic graphic design that can be useful for learning with
described and in which there are some materials that related to the writing
descriptive text.
based media is a medium in writing descriptive text that helps the students describe
To present the investigation about the study to the readers, the report is systemised
as follows:
study, reasons for choosing the topic, research problem, the purpose of the study,
hypotheses, the significance of the study, limitation of the study, definition of terms,
instrument for collecting the data, the condition of the test, research activities,
scoring guidance, procedure for collecting data, and method of analyzing data
In this chapter, the researcher presents review of the related literature that consists
of review of the previous studies, review of the theoretical study, and theoretical
There are some previous studies that are relevant to this study. A study about media
in writing descriptive text has been conducted by Nita Suryani (2013). Her study
that E-Learning was effective to improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive
The study about descriptive text was also conducted by Sheila Choirul
Istifa (2013). Her study was about “The Effectiveness of Cue Card in Teaching
Descriptive Text at Junior High School (Experimental Study at the Year Seventh of
SMPN 1 Tayu Pati 2013)”. The result of her study showed that cue card was an
effective medium in teaching descriptive text at junior high school. It was proved
by the achievement that the students gained after she conducted the research. In her
study, cue card increased the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text.
Abibah (2013) also conducted study about writing descriptive text. Her
Texts (The Case of the Eighth Graders of Empu Tantular Private Junior High
School Semarang in the Academic Year of 2013/2014)”. The results of the study
showed that “pictorical story” media which was applied in creating descriptive texts
gave contribution in helping the students in writing descriptive texts. It was proved
study showed that the students’ learning behaviours changes better during the
Karlsson (2010) also conducted study about animation stated at his journal
features of the animation take the role of active subjects in the students’ description
of the animated phenomena. When framing their sentences, the students derive
noun phrases from animated active subjects and from the educational text. In his
study resulted that animated computer software has the potential to engage students
visualised events.
Chinese adult e-learners’ English writing ability. The end of her research, it yielded
that all the participants obtained satisfactory results. The respondents gained better
Language Learning) that was implemented in reading. His study entitled “Creating
Professional 8”. He was not only creating the media but also asking the students to
be the respondents of his study. The results of the respondents gained that the CARE
From the studies explained in the previous stages, it could be yielded that
concerned about the manual media in writing descriptive text and the rests
concerned animation as one of the effective teaching media. Based on them, the
researcher tries to conduct the study that combines them. She wants to utilise ICT
Animation is one of medium that utilise it. One of animation types was 2D
students’ ability in writing descriptive text. Therefore, the study that is conducted
in Writing Descriptive Text (An Experimental Study at the Eighth Grade Students
Based on that explanation, the media is used to deliver messages in order to succeed
The others opinion came from Li-Ling Kuo (1991). She argued that media
In those statements, Li-Ling Kuo explained some points related to media. They are
about how important teaching media are, and how useful media in teaching
activities. Thus, it can be said that media become a factor in reaching a good
teaching communication. Therefore, if the teaching activities do not use media, the
messages that will be given to the students are not delivered successfully.
Media are important because they have some advantages. The advantages
Media also have role in reaching the teaching goal successfully. Hence, the teachers
should choose media in their teaching that are appropriate to their teaching aims.
Learning English is quite hard to the learners moreover to non-native speakers. The
teachers have to be creative to deliver the lesson to the students. The teaching
teaching process. CALL could be an alternative software program that utilise ICT
materials for language teaching that includes many tasks such as filling incomplete
Based on that definition, CALL is useful the teaching process. The learning tools
that are used in the teaching process can be filled in the CALL. According to
that is implemented to a language. He stated that CAL program refers to the learning
it has some advantages. Hartoyo (2012: 50) asserted the advantages of the
(3) It allows branching to deal with individual errors, which the tape recorder
cannot do.
(4) It gives the pupil a sense of being in control without needing to feel
2.2.3 2D Animation
The word “animation” comes from verb “to animate”. According to Oxford
somebody. The other definition comes from Purnama (2013: 81), he asserted that
animation basically makes pictures moved and makes their expressions like smile,
angry, laugh, etc. Therefore, by using animation, the pictures are showed as real
things and seen their characters through the motion style that they do.
a. Picture
b. Motion
c. Simulated
According to Purnana (2013: 81), animation is divided into two types. They
flashing through several frames a minute. Each image is slightly altered in each
frame, as desired, so that when played in sequence, they result in seamless changes
the concept. The product is created during the production stage and the final touches
According to Meroz (2013), one of the programs that can be used to make
messengers have two forms that are words including texts and graphics including
static graphics (illustrations and photos) and dynamic graphics (animation and
videos). Animation is dynamic graphic design that can be useful for learning with
Multimedia has a function to give the cognitive guidance and it does as the
found that there are some students face difficulty in writing descriptive text
particularly in describing people’s characters. The students only describe the people
characters by their own imagination. So, they do not know the real people’s
characters. In the other case, the students also feel bored in learning writing
Here are the specifications of the media that will be used in the research:
a. Title
b. Author
The media contains of two main parts. They are the video created using
Adobe Flash Player CS6, and materials created using Microsoft PowerPoint
2010. The media can be opened in the computer that has been installed
4. The media is ready to use. The display can be seen at figure 2.3.
structures, social function, how to make descriptive text, vocabulary and grammar),
2D animation (video and its description), post-test, and about. They can be seen at
the figure 2.4 and 2.5. The rest displays of the media can be seen at annex 1.
b. It can display invisible action or the physical process with the difference
c. If there are many animations in the media, it will lead the computer runs
2.2.4 Pictures
According to Daryanto (2013:19), picture is one of graphic media types that draws
Dictionary, picture can also be called image. Daryanto (2013: 109) asserted that
Based on those explanations, they can be said that the picture is a visual media that
they are cheap and easy to use; they are flexible to use from the beginning learner
until college students; and they can change an abstract idea to be a realistic idea. In
other case, the disadvantages of using pictures as media are; they are not available
to be used for huge group of learning; they are difficult to figure out the real shape
2.2.5 Writing
compared with the three others skill, writing is the most difficult. It has been said
It has been argued that learning to write fluently and expressively is the most
difficult of the macroskills for all language users regardless of whether the
language in question is a first, second or foreign language. All children,
except those with physiological disabilities, learn to comprehend and speak
their native language. Not all of these learn to read. Fewer still learn to write
fluently and legibly.
According to those statements, writing is the most difficult of the macroskills that
could be seen by the number of people who write fluently and legibly is few. The
other definition stated that writing is complex cognitive activity as the statement of
That definition explains that to construct writing, there are many aspects that have
punctuation, spelling, and letter formation. Those aspects are important to make the
good writing. If one of the aspects is left, the result of writing will be imperfect.
According to Boardman and Frydenberg (2002: 18-51), there are four fields
good text that makes all the supporting sentences “stick together” in their
Unity means that all the supporting sentences relate to the topic sentence.
Completeness means that the text is complete, all the major supporting
sentences fully explain the topic sentence and all the minor supporting
In order to make a good writing, the writers have to know the processes of writing.
According to Boardman and Frydenberg (2002: 11) there are six steps of writing.
e. Step 5: Rewriting
Boardman and Frydenberg (2002: 11) explained that the first step in
composing writing is assessing the assignment. This step influences the purpose of
writing. Usually, different level of study and field of study will impact the different
purposes. The second step is generating ideas that purposes to think about a certain
topic and generate as many ideas as possible. The third step is organizing the idea
that purposes to prevent the writers construct text that is out of the topic. The fourth
step is writing the first draft. In this step, the writers start to construct their own text
based on the topic that has been organized before. The fifth step is rewriting. This
step consists of revising that aims to know whether the content of the text is clear
or not and whether the organization of the text has a topic sentence or not and
editing that checks the text in order to make sure the spelling, capitalization,
punctuation, vocabulary, and grammar are correct. The last step is writing the final
draft. This is a final step of writing. The thing that should be kept in mind is some
of the steps can be repeated at any time. The important thing in this step is be sure
The other opinion about writing process comes from Harmer (2010:113).
He asserted “The writing process typically involves planning what we are going to
write, drafting it, reviewing, and editing what we have written and then producing
encourage students to plan, draft, and edit in this way, even though this may be time
consuming and may meet, initially, with some resistance on their part. By doing so,
teachers will help students to be better writers both in exams, for example, and in
From those statements, it is clearly stated that to make a good writing, the
writers need to commit many steps of writing. Therefore, the teachers in this case
Descriptive text is one of writing genre that is taught at the eighth graders of junior
high school. The purpose of descriptive text is to describe the information about
people, things, places, and animals particularly whether visible or invisible case
(Djuharie 2007:24). It could be said that descriptive text has role to describe
and logical development. They were stated by Wishon and Burks (1980:128):
Description gives sense impressions – the feel, sound, taste, smell, and look
of things. Emotional may be described too – feelings such as happiness, fear,
loneliness, gloom, and joy. Description helps reader, through his/her
imagination, to visualize a scene or a person, or to understand a sensation or
an emotion.
In addition, from that explanation, it could also be seen that the purposes of
descriptive text is to invite the readers who read it feel and show the messages made
by the writer as if they look, feel, and taste the object in the text by themselves even
Belcher and Liu (2007:31) asserted that the description text tend to use present
tense, and it may use of be and have. It means that descriptive text concerns on the
present event and something in real condition. The word forms that are used to make
a descriptive text are adjective that is preceded by be and noun that is preceded by
have. According to Azar (1989: 11) the formulas of simple present tense are as in
To differentiate descriptive text with the other writing genres, the researcher
provides a table from Lock & Lockhart, 1998 in Belcher and Liu (2007:32) that
Based on the table 2.3, it can be seen that there are some generic structures
a. Identification
b. Aspect
explains specifically about all the categories of the phenomenon that will be
c. Conclusion
From the adaptation of the writing process at the previous explanation, the
In this step, the teacher asks the students to write the descriptive text.
The aims of this step are to determine the certain topic and decide the social
The step means that the writers start to write with their own word based on
e. Rewriting
In this step, the writers revise the text to know whether the contents of the
text are related to the topic or not. Beside revise, the writers also edit the
The step is the last step of writing text. In this step the writers write the text
curriculum is the planning and admission about the purposes, contents, and
learning materials and also the ways that are used as the guidance of the
changing of the era and the transition of the Indonesia principal, Indonesia
be one of the subjects that has to be delivered to the students of elementary school,
junior high school, and senior high school. For eighth graders, there is a writing
genre that is taught; it is descriptive text. It purposes to make the students know and
describe environment around them. In other case, almost all of students think that
writing especially writing descriptive text is difficult and boring activity if the
This theoretical framework begins from the statements of Nunan (1989: 35). He
stated that writing is the most difficult macroskills for all language users. Writing
is the need more thinking time to produce it. To be expert in writing, the students
have to be taught three other skills first. They are listening, speaking, and reading.
For limit the study, the researcher found that writing has some genres. Descriptive
text is one of writing genres that the researcher concerns to. She found that to write
descriptive text, the students face some difficulties. First, actually descriptive text
appearances that are visible and characters that are invisible. In this case, most of
the students make descriptive text only about physical appearances, they forget to
descriptive text aspects that are scored. Its condition causes the achievement of the
students are not really satisfaction. Second, the students are difficult to develop their
idea in making descriptive text; they are confused from where they start to write
descriptive text. Third, the research found that the students are bored in writing
descriptive text. They need something interesting and something different that
cognitive guidance and it does as the communicator that is useful. The statement is
proved by the previous studies that showed that media could improve the students’
(2013) resulted that flash animation could be effective media in speaking class. The
other research was about writing descriptive text conducted by Sheila Choirul Istifa
(2013) that treated the students by using cue card as media in writing descriptive
text. That research proved that students’ ability in writing descriptive text could be
descriptive text. In this study, the research uses 2D animation-based media entitled
“Let’s Study Writing Descriptive Text” to treat the students of eighth grade students
hopes that this study could improve the students’ ability in writing descriptive text
by providing materials and example about writing descriptive text on it. Her other
expectation is the students will happy and enjoy in writing descriptive text,
This chapter contains of research design, subject of the study, research variables,
method of collecting data, instrument for collecting the data, the condition of the
test, research activities, scoring guidance, procedure for collecting data, and method
of analyzing data.
The method that was used by the writer was experimental study. Moreover, the
approach was quantitative which meant the method and instrument involve
numerical measurement and the statistical qualification was conducted. This study
treatment to teach descriptive text to know the students’ writing achievement. The
E 01 X1 02
C 03 X2 04
E : Experimental Group
C : Comparison Group
In this study, the researcher used two groups for her research. They were
In conducting this research, the researcher gave two tests for both groups.
The first test was pre-test that aimed to know the students’ ability in writing
descriptive text before treatment. The second test was post-test that aimed to know
the result after treatment, whether there was positive significant different
The researcher took the students of SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang as the subject of
3.2.1 Population
The target of a research study may be a large number of objects, events, or people
which is called population (Saleh, 2012: 18). The population of this study was the
eighth year students of SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang in the academic year 2014/2015.
3.2.2 Sample
represent it.” Actually, media used in this research needed long time to be applied;
it also had to focus only little respondents and the restrictiveness of doing this
research. Because of the several considerations, it was impossible to observe all the
technique to choose the samples. The researcher took the sample of the population
be selected. The considerations that the writer took in choosing simple random
sampling were: the students have already spread randomly in the specified class
because they were placed on the class randomly without determined by their ranks,
genders, and strata. In other case, all of the classes were given the same materials
of English. In addition, they had been studying English for the same period of the
time. For these considerations, the researcher chose two classes of the population
as the samples. They were class VIII C as the experimental group and class VIII A
Sugiono (2009: 39) asserted “dependent variable is a variable that is influenced and
caused by independent variable”. In this study, the dependent variable was the
Independent variable is the variable that influences or acts as the cause of the
independent variable is the presumed effect of the dependent variable. In this study,
There were four stages in conducting this research: try-out, pre-test, treatment, and
The first step of the research was administering try-out. The test was given for class
VIII D. Administering try-out aimed to know the validity and the reliability of the
test given. In this case, the researcher used two assessors to give the scores to the
students. The assessors were the researcher herself and an English teacher of SMP
Kesatrian 1 Semarang.
The pre-test was administered after try-out. The students of two groups were asked
to make a descriptive text about their friend next to them. The test aimed to know
the prior students’ ability in writing descriptive text. If there was not significant
In this study, the researcher gave different treatments between experimental group
After treatment given, the students were asked to write the descriptive text. In this
case, the students were still asked to describe people but in different topic with the
topic on pre-test. The topic of post-test was describing about “Mother”. For the
experimental group, the test was stated in the last section of the media provided and
connected to the Google Docs (Annex 2). In other case, the comparison group did
test on the paper. The test aimed to measure the writing skill of the students
The instrument which is used in this research was test. According to Brown (2004:
or performance in a given domain. In this study, the researcher carried out written
test as the instrument for collecting data. Written test could represent someone’s
ability in using a language. Writing is the process to create some ideas, so that it
can measure the materials that were given for students. Therefore, to know the prior
ability of the students in writing descriptive text, before treatment given, the
group in the form of written test. In other case, the researcher conducted post-test
to measure the ability of the students in writing descriptive text after treatment
Allen and Davies (1977: 18) said “when the test measures that which it is supposed
to measure, and nothing else, it is valid”. To find that the test was valid, the
researcher use content validity. Content validity is one of the internal validity that
concerns to the instrument in the form of test. According to Sugiono (2009: 129)
the content validity can be measured by comparing the instrument contents with the
learning materials that has been taught. To compare those aspects as the previous
statements mentioned, it could use curriculum as Arikunto (2007: 67) asserted that
“to get a content validity, the test should be constructed based on the curriculum
research was the curriculum of 2013. In that curriculum, a case stated on its basic
competence at eighth graders mentioned that the students are asked to compose
descriptive text both spoken and written shortly and simply about people, animals,
and things with considering the social functions, text structures, grammar that are
suitable to the contexts. The researcher focused only in writing descriptive text
about people with considering the social functions, the text structure, and grammar.
The test that is given has to be reliable. It means that the test is consistent and
dependable (Brown, 2004: 20). Because of the instrument of this study was written
test, this study used inter-rater reliability to test the reliability of the test. As asserted
by Brown (2004: 21-22) that the test items have more than one correct answer and
increase rater reliability. In scoring the students’ writing product, the researcher
involved more than one scorer in scoring process. The scorers were the researcher
𝑟𝑎 =
1 + (𝑛 − 1)𝑟𝐴𝐵
r : inter-rater reliability
rAB : equal to the average correlation between the ratings made by each rater
In analysing the inter-rater reliability, the research used SPSS 16.0 program.
as follows:
4) Rename “X” for rater 1 on the first row, and rename “Y” for rater 2 on the
second row.
8) Transfer all variables that will be tested for reliability into the Items box by
9) Click Statistics, then put check mark (√) on Item, Scale, and Scale if item
There were some activities that the researcher did in her study both in experimental
group and comparison group. The research activities could be seen as the following
Adapted from Brown (2007: 357), the score guide of writing descriptive text was
as follow:
Score= 3C+20+2G+1.5V+1.5M x 10
The following table was the criteria assessment that was used after the students’
Students’ Mastery
Criteria of
91-100 Excellent
81-90 Very good
71-80 Good
61-70 Fair
51-60 Poor
Less than 50 Very poor
(Harris 1969:134)
The following procedures were the sequent order in collecting the data of the study.
b. The researcher took two classes that were VIII C and VIII A of SMP
c. The researcher divided those two classes into experimental group and
comparison group.
e. The researcher scored and analysed the pre-test result of two groups.
f. The researcher conducted this study by giving treatment for each group. She
h. The researcher scored and analysed the post-test result of two groups.
achievement between both groups after the study was conducted, then t-test
was applied.
After the data are collected, the next step is to analyze the data collected. They are
the pretest and posttest. The score is used in data analysis. In analyzing the data, the
In this case, the researcher arranged the students’ scores according to the students’
After checking the students’ works and get the score, and then the statistical analysis Pre-Test
Mean represents the average for an ungrouped data; the sum of the scores divided
by the total number of the scores gives the value of the mean and the formula for
M : mean
(Hartoyo, 2010: 4) Normality
The normality was used to know whether each variable was normal or not. In this
16.0 program with the significance level 0.05. It meant that the data were normally
distributed if sig. > 5% (0.05). The hypotheses for normality test were as follows:
3) On name column click variables that represented the name of the group that
will be tested
second row for computing the normality of the comparison group pre-test Homogeneity
Arikunto (2006: 320) asserted “if the diversity of sampling is not too different, the
sample is homogeneous.” In other to go to the further step that was giving treatment,
the researcher had to analyze whether the data were homogeneous or not. In this
H0: 𝜎1 = 𝜎22 (the variants were homogeneous)
H1: 𝜎1 ≠ 𝜎22 (the variants were not homogeneous)
In this research, the researcher used SPSS 16.0 to obtain the homogeneity
of the variants. The steps in using this program to analyse normality were as
4) Rename on the column name on the first row with “Pre-Experimental” for
The researcher used SPSS 16.0 in computing the similarity of mean. The steps in
analysing the similarity test of mean were same with the homogeneity. However, to
know the similarity test of mean, it can be seen at the ANOVA table. The
H0: μ1= μ2 (the average score of pre-test of both groups were same)
H1: μ1≠ μ2 (the average score of pre-test of both groups were not same) Post-Test Normality
The aim of conducting normality test was to know whether the variable of each
group was normally distributed or not after treatment. The computation of post-test
normality using SPSS 16.0. The steps in analysing the post-test normality was same
The t-test here was used to examine the difference between the experimental and
the comparison group. By examining this difference, it could be found whether the
treatment given to the experimental group was effective or not. The analysis of t-
test cannot be separated from the analysis of the significance because the result of
the calculation of t-test and significance would be used in the hypotheses testing.
H0: μ1 ≤ μ2 (the experimental average score of post-test were same or less than
H1: μ1≠ μ2 (the experimental average score of post-test were higher than the
comparison group)
𝑥1 − 𝑥
̅̅̅ ̅̅̅2
1 1
𝑆√𝑛 + 𝑛
1 2
t : t-test
Sudjana (2005:239)
In this study, the researcher used SPPS 16.0 program to calculate the t-test
and the significance test. The steps in analysing t-test were as follows:
3) Rename Data on first row for filling the scores of both groups, and rename
5) Put 1 on the Label for experimental group and 2 for comparison group
7) Input the data based on the data post-test both experimental and comparison
9) Transfer the variable Data to the Test Variable(s) box, and variable Class
From the previous explanations, the research design can be drawn as the following
Try-Out Test
Try-Out Analyses:
- Validity
- Reliability
Post-Test Analyses:
- Normality
- t-test
- Computation of two means
The significant difference
achievement between
experimental group and
comparison group
This chapter is the last chapter contains the conclusions and suggestions of the study
5.1 Conclusions
After conducting the research, it could be said that there was positive significant
based media compared with comparison group treated using pictures. It was proved
with the mean that each group gained. The experimental group gained better
achievement at both pre-test and post-test. The pre-test score mean of experimental
group was 57.8, while the pre-test mean score of comparison group was 56.87. The
post-test score mean of experimental group was 76.37, while the post-test mean
The computation among aspects also showed that the experimental group
gained better average for all aspects. The most significant different average between
two groups was the organization aspect that was 0.57 in which included
could be concluded that using 2D animation-media could also increase the students’
The results of the study showed that t obtained was higher than t table. In this
case, t obtained was 3.819 and t table for σ= 5 % with the number degree of freedom 58
was 1.671. For the result above stated t obtained was higher that indicated null
hypothesis (H0) was rejected and alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. It
comparison group taught using pictures. In this case, it could be concluded that 2D
writing descriptive text at the eighth grade students of SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang
5.2 Suggestions
The suggestions that the researcher offered to improve the students’ ability in
writing descriptive text were addressed for the students, teachers, and the next
The students should practice a lot about writing descriptive text. They were
supposed to know the generic structures of descriptive text and the aspects on it. If
they faced difficulty, they could ask to the teachers, the experts, or looking
The teacher should use the interesting media in teaching writing descriptive
was one of interesting media that could be used to improve the students’ ability in
writing descriptive text. This media was not only could be applied at SMP Kesatrian
The researcher hoped that the study could be expected as a reference to the
other researchers that conducted research in the same field. For further, this research
Annex 1
Displays of Media
Annex 2
Annex 3
1. Scenes
1 Actor A boy that is named
Action John stands up in front
of his home.
Description It is the opening of the
media that introduces
“John” as the actor.
While introducing the
actor, the scene also
contains the look of the
actor that can be
described physically.
.2 Actor John
Action John still stands up in
front of his home.
Description There is a bubble
above John that
contains the
instruction to pay
attention to the
following 2D
animation in order to
know John’s
Annex 4
School : SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang
Lesson : English
Grade : VIII/I
Curriculum : 2013
Time allotment : 6 meeting (12x40 minutes)
Main Competence : 3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
Basic Competence Learning Material Indicator Learning Activities Form of Instrument Instrument
1. Slide on 2D
3.1 Menerapkan struktur Content (Topics The students Meeting 1
teks dan unsur and Details) are able to 1. Inform the definition of
kebahasaan untuk descriptive text.
melaksanakan fungsi describe the
2. Give the information about
sosial teks deskriptif definition of generic structures of
dengan menyatakan descriptive text in general.
dan menanyakan descriptive
3. Give the information about
tentang deskripsi text. social function of descriptive
orang, binatang, dan text in general.
benda, pendek dan Organization The students Meeting 2 1. Small quiz 1. Please determine
sederhana, sesuai 2. Slide on 2D
(Identification and are able to 1. Reinforcement the materials Identification,
dengan konteks Animation
about the definition of
penggunaannya. Description) distinguish description, and sosial
descriptive text, generic
between the structures, and social function function of the
by giving the exercise to the
identification descriptive text below!
and description 2. Inform deeply about the
differentiation between
identification and description
in descriptive text. 2. Animation about social
function and generic
Meeting 5 1. Slide on 2D
Animation. 1. Animation about
1. Inform the adjective words that
adjectives clause.
are usually used in writing
descriptive text. 2. Essay Test.
2. Explain the differentiation
between the formula using verb
and adjective in Simple Present
3. Ask the students to do the
exercises in the form of
changing the verb form into
adjective form!
2. Change the
sentencesbelow from
verb form into adjective
Annex 5
School : SMP Kesatrian 1 Semarang
Lesson : English
Grade : VIII/I
Curriculum : 2013
Time allotment : 60 minutes
Main Competence : 3. Memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin
tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian tampak mata.
3.2 Menerapkan Content The students are able Essay 1. Make a descriptive text about your friend next 1
struktur teks dan (Topics and to make descriptive to you.
unsur kebahasaan
untuk Details) text according the 2. Give the title of your work related to the topic.
melaksanakan topic given 2
fungsi sosial teks
deskriptif dengan Organization The students are able Essay 3. Describe all the information about his/ her 3
menyatakan dan
(Identification to write descriptive physical appearance and character.
tentang deskripsi and text according the 4. Use proper connectives on your work. 4
orang, binatang,
Description) information
dan benda, pendek
dan sederhana, provided.
sesuai dengan
Grammar The students can Essay 5. Use simple present tense and correct agreement. 5
6. Each sentence of the text is a complete sentence
penggunaannya. (present tense make descriptive text
and must be in correct order.
and using simple present 6
agreement) tense.
Vocabulary The students can Essay 7. Use effective choice of words and you may open 7
the dictionaries.
write descriptive text
8. Use proper diction in your work.
use effective choice 8
of words.
Mechanics The students can Essay 9. Pay attention to spelling, punctuation, and 9
(spelling, write descriptive text
10. The descriptive text must be 10-15 sentences 10
punctuation, with correct spelling,
11. Do it in 60 minutes on your answer sheet. 11
and punctuation, and
capitalization) capitalization
Annex 6
Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Sikap :
1. Siswa terbiasa bertanggungjawab dalam menyelesaikan tugas.
Pengetahuan :
Siswa mampu mengidentifikasikan teks deskripsi tentang orang dengan
menggunakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan.
Siswa terampil membuat teks deskriptif tentang orang yang
berhubungan dengan fisik maupun sifatnya (character)
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Descriptive text
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan : Scientific Approach (Observing, Questioning,
Experimenting, Associating, Communicating)
Metode : Discovery learning
1. Make a descriptive text about your friend next to you.
2. Give the title of your work related to the topic.
3. Describe all the information about his/ her physical appearance and
4. Use proper connectives on your work.
5. Use simple present tense and correct agreement.
6. Use the complete and sentences.
7. Use effective choice of words and you may open the dictionaries.’
8. Use proper diction in your work.
9. Pay attention to spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
10. The descriptive text must be 10-15 sentences.
11. Do it in 60 minutes on your answer sheet.
Rubrik penilaian
Scoring Guidance of Brown (2007)
5. Scoring sistem
Score= 3C+20+2G+1.5V+1.5M x 10
Brown, H. D. 2007 Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy. (2nd ed.). New York: Longman.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Sikap :
1. Siswa terbiasa bertanggungjawab dalam menyelesaikan tugas.
Pengetahuan :
Siswa mampu mengidentifikasikan teks deskripsi tentang orang dengan
menggunakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan.
Siswa terampil membuat teks deskriptif tentang orang yang
berhubungan dengan fisik maupun sifatnya (character)
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Descriptive text
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan : Scientific Approach (Observing, Questioning,
Experimenting, Associating, Communicating)
Metode : Discovery learning
1. Make a descriptive text about your friend next to you about his/her
physical appearances and characters.
2. Give the title of your work related to the topic.
3. Use simple present tense.
4. Use effective choice of words and you may open the dictionaries.
5. Pay attention to spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.
6. The descriptive text must be 10-15 sentences.
7. Do it in 60 minutes on your answer sheet.
Rubrik penilaian
H. Scoring sistem
Score= 3C+20+2G+1.5V+1.5M x 10
Brown, H. D. 2007 Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy. (2nd ed.). New York: Longman.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Sikap :
1) Siswa terbiasa bekerjasama dalam menyelesaikan tugas kelompok.
2) Siswa terbiasa bertanggungjawab dalam menyelesaikan tugas individu
maupun tugas kelompok.
Pengetahuan :
Siswa mampu mengidentifikasikan teks deskripsi tentang orang dengan
menggunakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan.
Siswa terampil membuat kalimat deskriptif orang sangat pendek dan
sederhana dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, dan struktur teksnya
unsur kebahasaan (kata ganti).
Siswa terampil membuat teks deskriptif tentang orang yang
berhubungan dengan fisik maupun sifatnya (character)
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Descriptive text is text that purposes to describe the information about
people, things, places, and animals particularly whether visible or invisible case.
Social function : to describe a particular person, place or thing.
Generic structure : 1) identification : identifies phenomenon to be described
2) description: describe parts, qualities, characteristics
identification: I have a friend. Her name is Sinta.
description: She is a beautiful girl. Her skin is white. The color of her hair
is black. She is not only good in appearance but also in attitude. She is a
kind girl. She likes to help the others.
Character : sifat Handsome : tampan
Kind : baik Beautiful : cantik
Wise : bijaksana Cute : manis
Brave : berani Fat : gemuk
Diligent : rajin Slim : langsing
Respect : menghormati Thin : kurus
Honest : jujur Tall : tinggi
Confident : percaya diri Short : pendek
Friendly : ramah Long : panjang
Selfish : egois Light : ringan
Smart : pandai Heavy : berat
Stupid : bodoh Young : muda
Obedient : taat Old : tua
Cross : menyeberang Bad : buruk
Wear : memakai Straight : lurus
Handshake : jabat tangan Wavy : bergelombang
Help : menolong Curly : keriting
Walk : berjalan Sidewalk : trotoar
Bring : membawa Uniform : seragam
Study : belajar
1. Kata ganti (personal pronouns) :
I / You / We / They V1
He / She / It V1 (s/es)
Do I / You / We / They
Does He / She / It V1 ?
3. Adjectives
a. Physical appearance
o Looks : handsome, beautiful, ugly, pretty, cute, fat, thin,
o Height : tall, short
o Weight : heavy, light
o Age : young, old
o Hair type : long, short, curly, straight, wavy
o Hair color : black, white
o Skin color : white, brown, yellow
o Size : big, small
b. Character
o Good attitude : kind, wise, brave, diligent, smart, confident,
friendly, honest, obedient
o Bad attitude : selfish, stupid, lazy
How to create adjective in a sentence
Subject To be
I Am Adjective
He, She. It Is
They, We, You Are
Examples:I am honest.
She is beautiful.
They are diligent.
Compound Adjective:
Determiner, opinion (looks and characters), size, age, shape, color, origin,
- My brother is a kind young man. (a=determiner, kind=opinion,
- I have a beautiful red rose. (a=determiner, beautiful=opinion,
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan : Scientific Approach (Observing, Questioning,
Experimenting, Associating, Communicating)
Metode : Discovery learning
C. Eksperimen (Experimenting)
Siswa melakukan latihan-latihan secara
bertahap dari yang mudah hingga yang
Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah:
Guru meminta siswa untuk berpasang-
Guru meminta siswa mengamati video
tentang orang yang ada di slide LCD.
Guru meminta siswa agar bisa menjelaskan
fungsi social, struktur teks dan unsur
D. Menalar (Associating)
Siswa menganalisis hasil kerja yang telah 15
dilakukan dan membandingkannya dengan menit
hasil kerja rekannya yang lain.
Siswa mendiskusikan dan
mengasosiasikannya dengan kelompok
Siswa mencatat hal-hal yang mereka
temukan tentang fungsi social, struktur teks
dan unsur kebahasaan (kata ganti orang)
pada contoh deskriptif text yang telah
diberikan oleh guru.
Teknik Penilaian : Tes tertulis
Bentuk Instrumen : Cloze text
Kisi-kisi :
No. Indikator Butir Instrumen
1. Mampu melengkapi Change the sentence below from verb form
unsur kebahasaan into adjective form!
(kata ganti) dalam teks Example:
deskriptif. She has long hair. ---> Her hair is long.
1. He has brown skin. ---->
2. They have beautiful eyes. ---->
3. She has short body. ---->
4. I have friendly friend.---->
5. She has kind mother.---->
Rubrik penilaian
5. Scoring sistem
Score= 3C+20+2G+1.5V+1.5M x 10
So, the students’ maximum score is 100
Azar, Betty Schampfer. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. USA:
Prentice Hall.
Brown, H. D. 2007. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy. (2nd ed.). New York: Longman.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Sikap :
1. Siswa terbiasa bekerjasama dalam menyelesaikan tugas kelompok.
2. Siswa terbiasa bertanggungjawab dalam menyelesaikan tugas individu
maupun tugas kelompok.
Pengetahuan :
Siswa mampu mengidentifikasikan teks deskripsi tentang orang dengan
menggunakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan.
Siswa terampil membuat kalimat deskriptif orang sangat pendek dan
sederhana dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, dan struktur teksnya
unsur kebahasaan (kata ganti).
Siswa terampil membuat teks deskriptif tentang orang yang
berhubungan dengan fisik maupun sifatnya (character)
D. Materi Pembelajaran
Descriptive text is text that purposes to describe the information about
people, things, places, and animals particularly whether visible or invisible case.
Social function : to describe a particular person, place or thing.
Generic structure : 1) identification : identifies phenomenon to be described
2) description: describe parts, qualities, characteristics
identification: I have a friend. Her name is Sinta.
description: She is a beautiful girl. Her skin is white. The color of her hair
is black. She is not only good in appearance but also in attitude. She is a
kind girl. She likes to help the others.
Character : sifat Handsome : tampan
Kind : baik Beautiful : cantik
Wise : bijaksana Cute : manis
Brave : berani Fat : gemuk
Diligent : rajin Slim : langsing
Respect : menghormati Thin : kurus
Honest : jujur Tall : tinggi
Confident : percaya diri Short : pendek
Friendly : ramah Long : panjang
Selfish : egois Light : ringan
Smart : pandai Heavy : berat
Stupid : bodoh Young : muda
Obedient : taat Old : tua
Cross : menyeberang Bad : buruk
Wear : memakai Straight : lurus
Handshake : jabat tangan Wavy : bergelombang
Help : menolong Curly : keriting
Walk : berjalan Sidewalk : trotoar
Bring : membawa Uniform : seragam
Study : belajar
Kata ganti (personal pronouns) :
I / You / We / They V1
He / She / It V1 (s/es)
Do I / You / We / They
Does He / She / It V1 ?
a. Physical appearance
o Looks : handsome, beautiful, ugly, pretty, cute, fat, thin,
o Height : tall, short
o Weight : heavy, light
o Age : young, old
o Hair type : long, short, curly, straight, wavy
o Hair color : black, white
o Skin color : white, brown, yellow
o Size : big, small
b. Character
o Good attitude : kind, wise, brave, diligent, smart, confident,
friendly, honest, obedient
o Bad attitude : selfish, stupid, lazy
How to create adjective in a sentence
Subject To be
I Am Adjective
He, She. It Is
They, We, You Are
Examples:I am honest.
She is beautiful.
They are diligent.
Compound Adjective:
Determiner, opinion (looks and characters), size, age, shape, color, origin,
- My brother is a kind young man. (a=determiner, kind=opinion,
- I have a beautiful red rose. (a=determiner, beautiful=opinion,
Pay Attention to the pictures below and learn how to describe it!
Descriptive text
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan : Scientific Approach (Observing, Questioning,
Experimenting, Associating, Communicating)
Metode : Discovery learning
F. Penilaian
Teknik Penilaian : Tes tertulis
Bentuk Instrumen : Cloze text
Kisi-kisi :
No. Indikator Butir Instrumen
1. Mampu melengkapi Change the sentence below from verb form
unsur kebahasaan into adjective form!
(kata ganti) dalam teks Example:
deskriptif. She has long hair. ---> Her hair is long.
1. He has brown skin. ---->
2. They have beautiful eyes. ---->
3. She has short body. ---->
4. I have friendly friend.---->
5. She has kind mother.---->
Teknik Penilaian : Authentic assessment
Bentuk Instrumen : Tes Keterampilan menulis
Kisi-kisi :
Keterampilan/Indikator Butir Instrumen
Mendeskripsikan tentang orang Make descriptive text about your friend next
to you!
Rubrik penilaian
G. Scoring sistem
Score= 3C+20+2G+1.5V+1.5M x 10
So, the students’ maximum score is 100
Grade Criteria of Mastery Level
A 91 -100 Excellent
B 81 – 90 Very good
C 71 – 80 Good
D 61 – 70 Fair
E 51 – 60 Poor
Less than 50 Very poor
Azar, Betty Schampfer. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. USA:
Prentice Hall.
Brown, H. D. 2007. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
Pedagogy. (2nd ed.). New York: Longman.
Annex 7
The list of Experimental and Comparison Group
Annex 8
Annex 9
Research Documentation
Allen, J.P.B and Davies, Alan. 1977. Testing and Experimental Methods (Vol 4).
London: Oxford University Press.
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Belcher, Diane and Liu, Jun. 2004. Genre and Second Language Writing.
Michigan: University of Michigan Press. Page 33.
Djuharie , Otong S. 2007. Genre. Bandung: CV. Yrama Widya. Page 24.
Dudeney, Gavin and Hockly, Nicky. 2007. How to Teach English with Technology.
Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education Limited.
Istifa, Sheila C. 2013. The Effectiveness of Cue Card in Teaching Descriptive Text
at Junior High School (Experimental Study at the Year Seventh of SMPN
1 Tayu Pati 2013. Final Project: Universitas Negeri Semarang.
MCC Unnes. 2014. Modul Pelatihan SPSS. Semarang: Computer Training Centre.
Nunan, David. 1989. Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Sydney:
Cambridge University Press. Page 35-36.
Sugiono. 2009. Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Alfa
Wishon, George E and Burks, Julia M.1980. Let’s Write English Revised Edition.
New York: Litton Education. Publishing.