Science & Tech Grade 7 Textbook Sample

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James Chitamba
Cleopatra Nkala Learner’s Book
Jimmy Shanangura
Science and Technology

Grade 7
Learner’s Book

J. Chitamba C. Nkala J. Shanangura

TOPIC 1: HEALTH AND SAFETY.................................................................................... 1

Unit 1: Human body......................................................................................................................... 2

Unit 2: Circulatory systems............................................................................................................ 10
Unit 3: Nutrition ................................................................................................................................ 18
Unit 4: Diseases and prevention................................................................................................... 24
Unit 5: Safety...................................................................................................................................... 32

TOPIC 2: MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES................................................................... 39

Unit 6: Elements, mixtures and compounds.............................................................................. 40

Unit 7: Tools......................................................................................................................................... 45
Unit 8: Structures............................................................................................................................... 49

Test 1:....................................................................................................................................... 55

TOPIC 3: ENERGY AND FUELS...................................................................................... 61

Unit 9: Energy..................................................................................................................................... 62
Unit 10: Fuel ....................................................................................................................................... 72

TOPIC 4: ELECTRONICS.................................................................................................. 76

Unit 11: Electronics........................................................................................................................... 77

TOPIC 5: FORCES AND MAGNETS................................................................................ 82

Unit 12: Gravity.................................................................................................................................. 83

TOPIC 6: DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGY......................................................................... 91

Unit 13: Design and technology .................................................................................................. 92

TOPIC 7: WATER.............................................................................................................. 100

Unit 14: Water.................................................................................................................................... 101

TOPIC 8 : WEATHER AND CLIMATE............................................................................. 109

Unit 15: Weather and climate....................................................................................................... 110

Unit 16: Seasons................................................................................................................................ 117
Unit 17: Weather and climate hazards...................................................................................... 123

Test 2:....................................................................................................................................... 128

TOPIC 9 : SOIL, PLANTS AND ANIMALS..................................................................... 133

Unit 18: Soil......................................................................................................................................... 134

Unit 19: Plants.................................................................................................................................... 141
Unit 20: Animals................................................................................................................................ 149

TOPIC 10: LANDFORMS AND MAPS............................................................................ 153

Unit 21: Landforms and maps....................................................................................................... 154

TOPIC 11: SUSTAINABLE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.............................................. 161

Unit 22: Sustainable resource management ........................................................................... 162

Unit 23: Uses of waste ................................................................................................................... 171

Test 3: ..................................................................................................................................... 177


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) describe the main parts and the structure of the respiratory system.
(b) explain the functions of the components of the respiratory system.
(c) demonstrate the breathing system through manipulating models.
Looking Back
When you were in grade 6, you studied the human reproductive system. The male
reproductive system organs are made up of the penis, testes, scrotum and other parts.
The testes produces sperms while the scrotum covers and protects the testis from physical
damage. The female reproductive system organs are made up of the vagina, uterus, cervix,
fallopian tube and ovaries. The ovary produces an egg at monthly interval. Try to remember
some of the functions of the other parts of the human reproductive system. In this unit, you
are going to study the respiratory system of a human being.

Key Words

Respiration – is the breakdown of glucose in the body so that energy is released.

Gaseous exchange – is the inter-change of gases that is intake of oxygen and release of
carbon dioxide.
Diffusion – is the movement of molecules from down a concentration gradient.

Human respiratory system

The human respiratory system is a series of organs responsible for taking in oxygen and
expelling carbon dioxide. The respiratory system’s main functions are for gaseous exchange
in which oxygen needed for breaking glucose is brought into the body and carbon dioxide is
released from the human body.
Exchange of gases, that is, oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place in the lungs. The respiratory
system makes the human body to get oxygen.

Nasal cavity plus
Paranasal sinuses Oral cavity
Nostril Pharynx

Trachea Left main bronchus

Carina of trachia
Left lung
Right main bronchus

Right lung Diaphragm

Human respiratory system

The respiratory system is made up of the following parts:
• Nose.
• Mouth.
• Trachea.
• Bronchus/two bronchi.
• Lungs.
• Diaphragm.
• Rib cage.

Functions of the parts of the respiratory system

1. Nasal passage/nose
• The nose is the first opening for passage of air into the body. Air which enters into the
body is made to be warm to body temperature, moistened and filtered to remove dust
particles and some impurities like bacteria in the nose. The dust particles and bacteria
will stick to the mucus in the nose.
• Hair in the nose helps to trap dust particles and prevent dust from getting into the
• The nose is also the organ that is responsible for the sense of smell.
• Nasal passages from the nose lead into the trachea.
2. Mouth
The mouth is the entrance of air into the body. The mouth connects to the wind pipe.
3. Trachea/wind pipe
• The trachea is a passage which joins up from nasal passage and the back of the
mouth which leads to lungs.

• The trachea is surrounded and supported with cartilage rings so that the trachea is
kept open always.
• Inside the trachea, there are moist membranes and very small hairs which are known
as cilia which help to remove dust particles and some impurities like bacteria.
• The trachea warms the inhaled air (oxygen)- air that is breathed in, in the same manner
in which the nasal passage warms air breathed in.
• The cilia (microscopic/very small hairs) in the trachea can be destroyed with smoke
from cigarettes when a person smokes tobacco cigarette.
• The trachea or wind pipe divides into the right and left bronchi (bronchus-one) of each

4. Bronchi (Bronchus-for one)

The two bronchi start at the bottom of the trachea when the trachea divides into two-the
right bronchus and the left bronchus which enter into lobes of the lung. Bronchioles and the
bronchi are air tubes and do not facilitate exchange of gases. Gaseous exchange occurs
between the airsacs and the capillaries.
• The right bronchus is wider and shorter tube than the left bronchus which is longer
and narrower.
• The bronchi is also supported and strengthened with cartilage rings.
• Each bronchus gets into each lung and divides into many smaller branches when it
gets into the lungs.
• The small divisions of the bronchus inside the lungs are called bronchioles.
• The bronchioles sub-divides into many small branches to form alveolar ducts of which
the alveolar ducts form very small (minute) air sac structures which are known as
• There are millions of alveolar (air sacs) in each lung where oxygen diffuses into the
• The bronchioles are also supported with small plate-like cartilages to keep them open
• The bronchioles membranes also have cilia (hair) and mucus producing cells.
• The function of the bronchi and bronchioles is to allow exchange of gases does not
occu in the bronchiloles.
• Breathing increases supply of oxygen in alveoli to that higher than oxygen in blood.
• When bronchi and bronchioles become infected with bacteria or become blocked that
leads to diseases like tuberculosis and pneumonia.
5. Lungs
There are two lungs in the human body. Each lung is located in the midline in the thoracic
• The lungs have a cone shape.
• Lungs are large spongy-like sacs which are enclosed in the rib cage in the chest.
• Lung tissues are like elastic and pink in colour.

• The function of lungs is for breathing where oxygen is pulled into the lungs through
nasal passage into the trachea, bronchi and into lungs.
• The lungs are supplied with de-oxygenated blood from the heart through the left and
right pulmonary arteries.
• Left and right pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood into left atrium of the heart
and is pumped to the whole human body.
6. Diaphragm
• The diaphragm is a muscle which lies at the bottom of the rib cage.
• It is the floor of the respiratory cavity and it also acts as the roof of the abdominal
• The function of the diaphragm is to protect the lungs and the heart.
• The diaphragm contracts to lift the ribs upward and outwards.
• This increases the size of the chest and allows air to move into the lungs and fill lungs
with air.
• During breathing out, the muscles on the ribs are relaxed and diaphragm moves back
up and the ribs move downwards.
• The space inside the chest becomes less, while pressure increases forcing the air out.
7. Rib cage
It is a bony enclosing wall of the chest consisting mainly of the ribs and the structures
connecting them The rib cage encloses the lungs and protects the lungs from physical harm
or injury.
Gaseous exchange in alveolus in lungs
The gases which are exchanged in the
alveolus in the lungs are oxygen and carbon
Oxygen which is obtained from the air is
breathed in (inhaled) and carbon dioxide
released inside body is released out (exhaled) alveolus
from the body.
Oxygen which is breathed in, is always used capillary
in the body cells to break down glucose so
that energy is obtained.
red blood cells
This process whereby glucose is broken
down in the body is called respiration. Gaseous exchange by diffusion

After the breakdown of glucose during respiration, carbon dioxide is produced and must be
moved out of the body. Breathing-in process allows oxygen to get into alveoli and increase
oxygen concentration higher than in the blood.
Oxygen will always diffuse into the blood down a concentration gradient into the capillaries
and alveoli (air sacs).

Carbon dioxide will diffuse into the alveoli from the blood in the opposite direction with
oxygen and goes out of the body through breathing out.
Blood from body flowing to alveolus in capillaries have low oxygen and high carbon dioxide
concentration because oxygen was used during respiration.
Blood going to the body in capillaries have more oxygen and less carbon dioxide because
carbon dioxide will have diffused in through capillaries in alveoli. Air is drawn into lungs by
contraction of muscles between ribs and the diaphragm muscle.
When the muscles relax, the air which contain carbon dioxide is breathed out. The heart is
the one which pumps the blood through the lungs so that the blood picks the oxygen in lungs
and is carried to the body cells. At the same time blood getting into the lungs from the body
cells carries carbon dioxide into air sac or alveoli. The carbon dioxide is exhaled out of the
Breathing mechanism

The process of breathing in and out

Breathing is a process of taking in oxygen (inhalation) and removing out of the body of
carbon dioxide (exhalation). The breathing process starts with air getting into the lungs
through nasal passages and the mouth, into the trachea or wind pipe then into bronchi and
bronchioles in lungs.
Breathing process is controlled with two types of muscles, that, is diaphragm muscle and
the muscles between the ribs.
The diaphragm at the bottom of the rib cage in the chest contracts and flattens when
breathing in. The muscles between the ribs contracts to lift the ribs upwards and move ribs
outwards thus increase the size of the chest space thereby causing air to move into lungs.

During breathing out, the muscles of the ribs relax, the diaphragm moves upwards and the
ribs move down. This reduces the space in the chest to force air out.
The movement of the muscles of diaphragm and muscles between ribs occurs automatically
because it is controlled in the brain, in the medulla oblongata. The amount of air getting into
the lungs and the amount of blood flowing past the alveoli and absorbing oxygen varies
based on what is being done.
Differences between inhaled air (inspired air, breathed in air) and exhaled air (expired air or
breathed out air).

Item Inhaled air(breathed in) Exhaled air (breathed out air)

Oxygen 21% 16%
Contains more oxygen Contains less oxygen
Carbon dioxide 0,03% 4%
Contains less carbon Contains more carbon dioxide
Nitrogen 79% 79%
Water vapour Varies Saturated
Temperature Is lower than body Is at body temperature
Dust particles Has some dust particles Contains no dust particles

A model showing the breathing system

The breathing system which takes place in the human body can be shown by using the
following method amongst others.
To make a model of the breathing system you will need the following materials;
• A plastic bottle.
• A straw.
• An elastic band.
• Scissors.
• 2 balloons.
• Play dough.
1. Carefully cut your bottle to about half the size.
2. Tie a knot in one end of one balloon and cut off the fat
3. Stretch the balloon around the bottom of your plastic
Model of a breathing system

4. Put a straw in the neck of the other balloon and secure tightly with the elastic band but
not so much that you crush the straw. The air must flow through, so test it with a little
blow through the straw to see if the balloon inflates.
5. Put the straw and the balloon into the neck of the bottle and secure with the play dough
to make a seal around the bottle – make sure that again, you do not crush the straw.
6. Hold the bottle and pull the knot of the balloon at the bottom. What happens?
7. You should find that the balloon inside the bottle inflates, and as you let go the balloon

Activity 1

1. Make a functional model of a breathing system which takes place in the human body.
Use materials which are locally available in your community.
2. Demonstrate to your teacher how the model works to show the breathing system.

Exercise 1

1. Which gas is taken in during breathing in process?

2. Name five parts which make up the respiratory system.
3. State two uses of the nasal passages in the respiratory system.
4. What is the use of hairs or cilia found in the trachea?
5. What is the percentage of carbon dioxide in exhaled air?
6. The process whereby carbon dioxide exchange from capillaries into the alveoli and
oxygen from alveoli into the blood capillaries is known as ____________.
7. What is the function of the diaphragm?

Key points in this unit

• Air enters into the body’s lungs through the nasal passage.
• The respiratory system is made up of the nose, mouth, trachea, bronchi, lungs
diaphragm and rib cage.
• Lungs contain air sacs which are known as alveoli that have many capillaries around
• Gaseous exchange in the lungs takes place in the alveoli.
• Air enters into the human body through the mouth and nasal passage into the lungs.
• The trachea and bronchi are supported and made stronger with cartilages to keep
them open.
• Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse from alveoli to capillaries and from capillaries to
• Microscopic cilia (hairs) can be destroyed with smoking tobacco cigarettes.
• The amount of air getting into the lungs varies from time to time depending on what
a person is doing.

Unit Revision Exercises
Multiple Choice Questions
1. The function of the respiratory system is __________.
A. transportation of blood B. gaseous exchange
C. clotting of blood D. reproduction
2. In which of the structures does gaseous exchange occur?
A. Rib cage. B. Bronchi. C. Trachea. D. Alveoli.
3. What is the approximate percentage of oxygen in expired air (breath out) air?
A. 0,04% B. 4,0% C. 16,0% D. 20,0%
4. Gas exchange in the body takes place in the _________.
A. lungs B. mouth C. trachea D. heart
5. Which gas is produced during respiration in human body cells?
A. Nitrogen. B. Oxygen. C. Carbon dioxide. D. Smoke.
6. Which of the following is not part of the respiratory system?
A. Nasal passage. B. Trachea. C. Liver. D. Lungs.
7. How many lungs are in the human body?
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1
8. Hairs in the nose helps to remove ___________.
A. water particles B. dust particles C. humidity D. mucus
9. When bronchi become infected with some bacteria or become blocked, a person is likely
to suffer from _______.
A. tuberculosis and pneumonia B. malaria and measles
C. typhoid and anthrax D. rabies and flu
10. Which air is breathed in by a person?
A. Carbon dioxide B. Nitrogen C. Oxygen D. Hydrogen

Structured Questions
1. Name four parts which makes the respiratory system.
2. What is the use of the nose on the respiratory system?
3. How does gaseous exchange occur in lungs?
4. What is inhalation?
5. Which air is breathed out?
6. Where does de-oxygenated blood come from which enters into the lungs?


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) describe the state components of the circulatory system.
(b) explain the functions of the components of the circulatory system.

Key Words

Circulatory system – is a body system which transports blood and other substances
within the body.
Plasma – is the watery liquid part of the blood.
Oxygenated blood – is blood carrying oxygen going to the heart so that it is circulated
in the body.
Deoxygenated blood – is blood which does not have oxygen coming from the body parts
going to the lungs.
Phagocytosis – is a process whereby white blood cells encircle bacteria and
destroy it.

Circulatory system blood flow to head and arms

The circulatory system of human body is the superior

way in which blood flows around in the body. vena cava

The circulatory system is also known as the pulmonary

blood system or the transport system. It is arteries pulmonary
comprised of the heart, blood vessels and
the blood.
The circulatory system carries amino acids aorta
(end products of protein digestion), glucose inferior
vena cava
(end products of carbohydrates digestion)
and oxygen to all body cells. blood flow to
digestive system
It also carries waste products from the body and lower limbs
namely carbon dioxide and urea.
Blood circulatory system in humans
• Hormones from hormone producing glands to the liver.
• Heat from heat producing organs (liver and muscles) to all body parts.
2. Homeostasis
• It is to maintain a constant internal environment of the body of water, blood, salts,
hormones and warmth.
• Temperature regulation – maintains a constant body temperature. This maintenance
is known as homeostasis.
• Blood distributes heat throughout the body.
• It is the ability of the body to defend itself against infection or disease attack. White
blood cells in the blood attack and destroy foreign micro-organisms which cause
diseases by engulfing the pathogens (bacteria, virus or protozoa). This is known as
phagocytosis. White blood cells will surround the bacteria and destroy it.
• Human Immuno Deficiency Virus (HIV) which causes AIDS attack destroys the white
blood cells thus the body will not be able to defend itself against other disease-causing
• Blood carries platelets to site of wounds or cuts for blood clotting to stop bleeding.
Substances transported in the blood and uses of the substances

Substance Site carried from Site carried to Uses/description

Oxygen. Lungs. • Cells of the • Used for respiration.
body. • It is carried as oxyhaemoglobin
in red blood cells.

Carbon Body cells. • Lungs • No use in the body.

dioxide. • Carbon dioxide is produced
during respiration.

End products Small intestines • Liver and all • Glucose is broken down during
of digestion- (ileum). body cells. respiration.
glucose, • Amino acids are used for repair
amino acids. of worn out tissue.
• Excess amino acids are not
stored in the body. They are
Heat. Muscles and • All body parts • Heat is released into the
glands. and skin. atmosphere or generated when

Waste Liver. • Kidneys. • Urea and ammonia are removed
products urea through excretion in urine.
and ammonia. • Urea and ammonia are
produced by cell reactions.
Salts. Alimentary canal/ • All body cells • Helps maintain osmotic
digestive system • Sweat pressure/homeostasis.
glands. • Are removed during sweating.
• kidneys
Hormones. Endocrine glands • To all target • Regulation of growth and
organs in some body processes such as
very small ovulation and body shape.

Components of blood and their uses

Red cells
• Do not have a nucleus.
• Red cells have haemoglobin.
• The function of red cells is to carry oxygen from
capillaries in the lungs to the cells of the body.
• Red cells release oxygen which they carry to all body
White cells
Red blood cells
• White blood cells have a nucleus.
• White blood cells are able to change their shape.
• White blood cells protect the body against disease by
destroying bacteria by engulfing them.
• Some white blood cells produce antibodies which kill
bacteria or neutralize the toxins or poisons produced
by bacteria.
White blood cells
• Platelets have no nucleus.
• The function of platelets is to cause blood to clot when
there are wounds.
• It is the watery liquid part of the blood.
• The function of plasma is to transport carbon dioxide,
glucose, urea, salts and hormones to target organs. Platelets

Unit Revision Exercises
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which blood component is responsible for defence against bacterial infection?
A. Plasma. B. Platelets. C. Red blood cells. D. White blood cells.
2. What is the function of the red blood cells?
A. To produce antibodies to destroy bacteria.
B. To transport oxygen to cells.
C. To make blood clot at wounds.
D. To carry urea to the kidneys.
3. Identify a component of blood which makes blood to clot.
A. Plasma. B. Platelets. C. Red blood cells. D. White blood cells.
4. How many chambers does a heart have?
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
5. What is the purpose of valves in the heart?
A. To make blood to flow very fast.
B. To stop blood from flowing back into the heart.
C. To make the heart stronger.
D. To separate water and blood.
6. The maintenance of the internal environment at constant level is called __________.
A. pH B. blood pressure C. homeostasis D. immunity
7. In which organ are waste products like urea and ammonia removed from the body?
A. Kidney B. Head C. Lungs. D. Mouth.
8. Which vessels carry blood to all body cells?
A. Veins B. Capillaries C. Arteries D. Immunity
9. The pH of blood is________.
A. 10% B. 9% C. 7,4% D. 5%
10. Oxygenated blood is blood which contains ___________.
A. carbon dioxide B. nitrogen C. oxygen D. moisture

Structured Questions
1. Name three components of the circulatory system.
2. Name the four chambers of the heart.
3. State two functions of the circulatory system.
4. List three functions of blood in the human body.
5. State four components of blood.
6. State three substances which are transported in blood.
7. What is the function of platelets in the blood?


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, learners should be able to:
(a) identify food preservation methods.
(b) classify food preservation methods.
(c) demonstrate food preservation.
(d) justify the importance of preserving plant food.
(e) list indigenous foods.
(f) highlight the importance of indigenous foods.
(g) make an indigenous dish.
(h) distinguish between indigenous and the GMO foods.

Looking Back
In grade 5, you studied the effects of improper eating habits and deficiency diseases. Some of
the deficiency diseases are obesity, kwashiorkor, marasmus, skin scurvy and night blindness.
In grade 6, you studied ways of preventing and management of deficiency diseases. These
measures include eating a balanced diet food and doing regular exercises. In this unit, you
are going to study the methods of preserving food.

Key Words

Food preservation – refers to the treatment which is done on food to

prevent it from rotting and to enable food storage
for a long time.
Pathogens – are micro-organisms which cause diseases in people
or cause food to rot.
Exotic methods – these are methods which came from other countries
and are now used here in Zimbabwe.
Biltong – is meat that is preserved by adding salt on it and
drying it in the sun.
Genetically Modified Organisms – are plants or animals containing genetic material
that has been artificially changed so as to produce
desired characteristics.

Food preservation
Food preservation means treatment of food so that food can be stored for long time without
it rotting. If plant food is not preserved, it will rot and its shelf life is reduced. Food which
is not preserved will rot quickly and become unsuitable for human consumption. Micro-
organisms which include fungi and bacteria cause food to rot if the food is not preserved.
Micro-organisms are more active on food which contains water in them.
Foods such as fruits, meat, fish, beans, peas, maize and vegetables need to be preserved for
them to last for a long time. Food preservation prevents the growth of micro-organisms on
food which cause spoilage of food through rotting and diseases.
Methods of preserving food
Methods of preserving food can be divided into two types which are indigenous methods
and exotic methods.
Indigenous methods of preserving food
Indigenous methods of preserving food are salting, drying or dehydration, smoking and
1. Salting
This is food preservation method whereby salt is added to
food to be preserved. Salt removes or drains out water from
food to be preserved and stored. Most of the micro-organisms
such as bacteria and fungi which cause food to rot survive
on moist foods. Once moisture or water is removed from
food, that will increase shelf life of food. Examples of food
which can be preserved by adding salt on food are meat,
fish, beacon and vegetables.
Salted fish
2. Smoking
Smoking is a method whereby food is placed or hung on the
fire place so that smoke goes on food. Smoke contains some
chemicals from wood which kills some bacteria and fungi. A
lot of smoke is released where food is placed. Examples of
foodstuffs preserved through smoking are fish, pork, cooked
maize cobs, and meat.
3. Drying Smoking meat
Drying involves putting food to be preserved in the sun or
where there is heat to dry the food. Drying removes water
from food to be preserved.
The removal of water or moisture will prevent growth of
some bacteria and fungi on food. Examples of foods which
can be preserved using drying methods are biltong (meat),
fish, vegetables, dried fruits like tomatoes used to make soup
and some fruits. Sun dried vegetables

Exotic methods of preserving food
Exotic methods of preserving food are refrigeration, canning and prickling.
1. Refrigeration
Refrigeration means keeping the food to be preserved in a
refrigerator or fridge. The food to be preserved is frozen or
stored at temperatures below 4°C. Bacteria and fungi are
not able to grow and breed under very low temperatures.
This makes it possible to keep food for long time without it
rotting. Examples of foods which can be preserved through
refrigeration are milk, vegetables, meat, fish, fruits and
cooked food.
2. Canning
Canning means putting and storing food in sealed tins or Refridgerated foods
cans. The food is heated at high temperatures first above
90C and then it is put into tins which are then sealed. The
metal tins where the food is put are sterilised first and hot
food is then put into them. Bacteria and fungi are killed with
high temperatures and will not survive in tins or cans which
are sealed where there is no air. Examples of food which can
be stored in tins or cans are fish, meat, tomatoes, beans,
soups, jam and fruits.
Canned foods
3. Pickling
Pickling is whereby a chemical like vinegar is poured or put
on food to be preserved. Vinegar helps to preserve food by
preventing some bacteria from growing on food. Examples
of foods preserved using pickling method are fried chips and
Indigenous foods and herbs Fried chips

Indigenous foods and herbs are foods which are obtained

from local indigenous plants, weeds and herbs. Some of
the indigenous plants grow naturally in the wild while some
are grown by people. The indigenous foods are not refined
therefore contains some roughages. Examples of indigenous
foods plants are black jack leaves, pig weed leaves, cleome
(nyovi, ulude), cowpeas, beans, sorghum mealie meal, rapoko
mealie meal, pearl millet mealie meal, pumpkins, cassava,
okra and squash. Black jack plant

Benefits of indigenous foods and herbs

• Indigenous foods and herbs are nutritious foods and are rich in proteins, iron and

Turn the drowning person’s head to the side, allowing any water to drain from his or her
mouth and nose. Turn the head back to the centre.

Begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on land, if possible, or in the water if the injured person
needs immediate life-and-death measures.

Strongly breathe four times into the mouth of the injured person as you pinch his or her nose.
This helps air get past any water that is clogging the breathing passageways and the lungs.
After four strong breaths, put your ear near the mouth and watch the chest for any breathing
Check the pulse for signs of life.

Repeat the cycle.


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) distinguish between metals and non-metals.
(b) identify characteristics of metals and non-metals.
(a) suggest examples of metals and non-metals.
Looking Back
In Grade 6, you learnt about the reaction of materials to different conditions like heat, water,
oxygen and acids. Some of the reactions included, melting, rusting, dissolving, hardening,
weakening and becoming heavy or light.

Key Words

Brittle – easily broken into fragments.

Ductile – possessing the ability to be pulled or stretched into wires.
Electrocution – death or severe injury caused by the body’s exposure to electric current.
Insulators – materials that do not conduct electricity.
Lustre – having a quality of shine.
Malleable – possessing the ability to be moulded into various shapes by hammering,
pressing or bending.
Metal – a solid element that has the ability to conduct heat.
Non-metal – a gas, solid or liquid element that is not able to conduct electricity.
Sonorous – having the ability to produce a ringing sound when stricken or dropped.

Metals and non-metals

Materials in the environment are primarily made of two categories of substances which are
metals and non-metals. We come to the conclusion of these categories through classifying
their properties and characteristics.
Characteristics of metals and non-metals
Metals are good heat conductors. This means that they allow heat to pass through them.
They also have high heat resistance therefore; it takes very high temperatures to melt them.


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) modify domestic tools.
(b) repair tools.
(c) manipulate ICTs to design tools.

Looking Back
In Grade 6, you learnt that machines reduce the cost of production and make difficult tasks
easier. You learnt that machines reduce the time used in carrying out tasks and produce error
free, quality products. You also learnt that designing quality machines requires knowledge
and skills.

Key Words

3D model – a designed image showing its length, width and depth.

Automotive tools – tools for fixing cars.
Hardware tools – tools for fixing or renovating any broken or damaged parts in a house
and also include garden tools.
Tool – a device or implement that performs a specific function.

Tool repair and modification

A tool is any hand held implement which serves the purpose of performing a function.
Domestic tools are those that can be found at home. The most common domestic tools are
gardening tools. However, there are others that can also be found in homes such as kitchen
utensils, sewing equipment, hardware tools and automotive tools.
We need tools because they help us to
perform tasks effectively. An example of a
kitchen implement that does this is a potato
peeler. It effectively removes the peels leaving
a cleanly peeled potato without hurting the
hands of the peeler.
Potato peeler
Tools can be repaired and modified by bending, twisting, straightening, joining, cutting,
trimming, extending, hammering, loosening, tightening, insulating.

Sharpening a screw drive Spanner modified by bending

Repairing a broken garden fork Repairing a pair of scissors

Use of ICT to design tools

ICTs can be very useful in designing tools. They help you put your imagined tool into
perspective. Concepts like shape, length, colour and texture. can all be utilised to design the
intended tool model.
You might want to design a tool to improve its existing
version or simply to invent your own tools according to your
There are various 3D model design programmes or software
that are available on the internet. You can download them
and use them to design your desired tools.
They allow you to select required shapes, merge, separate,
drag, shift or adjust the sizes and colours until you come up
with your desired model in the dimension you specified.
Some examples of designing software are Tinkercad,
Freecad, Fusion 360 and Blender amongst many others. Designing a tool using ICT


Unit Ojectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) make models of mechanical structures.

Looking Back
In Grade 6, you learnt about functions of structures such as bridges, dams and buildings and
how they enhance the quality of human life. You learnt how structures made of steel resist
both tensional (pulling) and compressional (pressing) forces. Structures of monumental value
were covered to remind you of our country’s treasured past.

Key Words

Mechanical structures – tools or machines made up of two or more connecting pieces.

Models of mechanical structures

A structure as any object or building that is designed to carry or support heavy loads. A
simple chair is an example of a structure. Examples of large structures include electric pylons,
dam walls, buildings and bridges.
Mechanical structures are interconnected
assembled pieces of a tool or machine. These
pieces are designed to connect or fit well with
each other. When they are joined, they form
a tool or machine that is intended to perform
a specific function.
Mechanical structures range from simple to
complex ones. Some mechanical structures
may have as few as two pieces while others
have as many as hundreds or thousands of
pieces. Examples of mechanical structures Model of a car
include wheelbarrow, sewing machine and
Test 1
Paper 1: Multiple Choice Questions [1 hour 30 minutes]
There are 50 multiple-choice questions and you are required to answer all.
1. The approximate percentage of oxygen in expired air is ___________.
A. 16% B. 4% C. 20% D. 0,04%
2. Gaseous exchange occur in which structure?
A. Bronchi B. Alveoli C. Rib cage D. Trachea
3. One of the functions of the respiratory system is to ______.
A. clot the blood B. transport blood C. reproduction D. exchange gases
4. __________ air is breathed by a person.
A. Carbon dioxide B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Hydrogen
5. When bronchi become infected with some bacteriaor become blocked, a person is likwly
to suffer from ________.
A. typhoid and anthrax B. malaria and measles
C. rabies and flu D. tuberculosis and pneumonia
6. Gas exchange in the body takes place in the _________________.
A. mouth B. lungs C. heart D. liver
7. Oxygenated blood contains ________.
A. carbon dioxide B. oxygen
C. nitogen D. milk
8. How many lungs are in the human body.
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 in moods
9. How many chambers does a heart have?
A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D.2
10. The purpose of valves in the heart is _____________.
A. to make blood to flow very fast.
B. to stop blood from flowing back into the heart.
C. to make the heart stronger.
D. to separate water and blood
11. Which vessels carry blood to all body cells?
A. Veins B. Capillaries C. Arteries D. Immunity
12. The pH of blood is________.
A. 10% B. 9% C. 7,4% D. 5%
13. Which component of blood makes blood to clot?
A. Plasma. B. Platelets. C. Red blood cells. D. White blood cells.
14. The maintenance of the internal environment at constant level is called _______.
A. pH. B. Blood pressure C. Homeostasis. D. Immunity.
15. Which of the following is an indigenous food from an herb?
A.Fish. B. Eggs. C.Okra. D. Meat.
16. Salt preserve food by __________.
A. increasing water on food B. draining out water from food
C. causing food to rot D. attracting some flies

What is the name of the organ C?
A. Bronchus B. Lung C. Diaphram D. Trachea
30. The mouth connects to the __________.
A. lungs B. wind pipe C. tongue D. diaphram
31. __________carry oxygenatd blood into the left atrium of the heart.
A. heart B. Pulmonary veins C. Arteries D. Heart
32. The __________ pumps the blood throughout the lungs.
A. lungs B. veins C. liver D. heart
33. Gaseous exchange takes place in the __________.
A. alveoli B. air sacs C. heart D. diaphram
34. The cirulatory system of human body is _______.
A. the way in which blood flows around in the body
B. the transportation of blood that does not have oxygen
C. watery liquid in the body
D. whereby white blood cells destroy bacteria
35. Use the following diagram to answer the question 35 and 36.


Which one is a venacava?

36. Which one is a pulmonary vein?
37. What is shown in the diagram below?

A. Veins B. Red blood cells C. White blood cells D. Platelets

Paper 2
Structured Questions
This paper comprises of Section A and B.
Section A
Section A with approximately 30 questions is compulsory and carries 3 marks.
1. (a) (i) The air that people breathe in is called _________. [1]
(ii) Name four parts which makes the respiratory system. [1]
(b) Draw a respiratory system and label it. [3]

2. (a) What is the function of the lungs? [1]

(b) Gaseous exchange occurs in the ________. [1]
(c) How are the gases exchanged in the alveolus? [2]

3. (a) What is a circulatory system? [1]

(b) The cirulatory systems consists of _________ and _________. [1]
(c) Blood is pumped through vessels which are _______, ______ and _______. [3]

4. (a) List any two functions of the heart. [2]

(b) Draw and label a respiratory system. [3]

5. Give any one function of each of the following parts of the heart:
(a) Veins. [1]
(b) Capillaries. [1]
(c) Arteries. [1]
(d) Blood vessels. [1]
(e) Lower chambers. [1]

6. (a) What is blood? [1]

(b) List the components of blood. [2]
(c) Identify any two functions of blood. [2]

Section B
Section B is a choice section which carries 20 marks. A candidate is expected to choose
4 out of 6 questions. Each question carries 5 marks.

7. (a) List any three substances transported in the blood. [3]

(b) Write down any two uses of the substances you wrote in (a). [2]
8. (a) Name three types of blood vessels. [3]
(b) Name the type of cells that carry oxygen in the human body. [2]


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) demonstrate that sound travels through air, solids and water.
(b) illustrate different ways of producing sound.
(c) explain electromagnetic radiation.
(d) identify appliances which generate electromagnetic radiation.
(e) demonstrate an understanding of the uses of electromagnetic radiation.
(f) describe how energy is converted from one form to another.
(g) illustrate energy efficiency.

Looking Back
In Grade 6, you learnt about how electrical energy is generated by thermal, solar, hydro, wind
and nuclear energy. You established that solar, wind and hydro-energy are clean sources of
energy and are also renewable forms of energy. Conserving electrical energy was presented
as a way to save non-renewable resources for future generations. You also explored tasks
performed by electrical gadgets to make life easier for human beings and how to prevent
electrical hazards by taking safety precautions before, during and after using electrical

Key Words

Electromagnetic radiation
– energy in the form of moving waves.
Electromagnetic spectrum
– the arrangement of radiation waves according to their
Energy chain – the change of the form of energy before use.
Energy conversion – the change of energy from one form to another.
Energy efficiency – the use of less energy to complete the same task.
Sonar – echoing sounds used to detect objects in large bodies of
Vibration – a quick repeated movement.

Sound energy
Energy produced by the vibration of materials. Almost any
material can vibrate to produce sound. Metals, wood, glass
and plastic are examples of materials that can make sound.
Musical instruments produce sound when they are made
to vibrate. An example is that when a guitar is strummed it
produces sound by vibrating.
Living things like people and animals are also able to make
sounds. People make sounds by talking, laughing, crying,
singing, whistling and sighing. Like materials, people make
A guitar vibrating to produce
sound through vibration. The voice box in the throat vibrates
to enable the production of sound.

sound waves

Sound travelling in the air

For us to hear sound, it has to travel from its source to our ears. Sound travels through air,
water and solid materials by sound waves. The sound of a dog barking is an example of
sound travelling in the air.
Making a sound in a large empty room can cause an echo. This is because the sound hits the
wall and returns in the direction it came from through the air.

Sound travelling through a solid material

Another example is that when one person makes a sound from a different room in the same
house such as calling or knocking on the door, he/she can be heard from the other rooms
even when the doors are closed.

Electricity generator

Kinetic Energy




Chemical energy Pylon

The conversion above can be simplified as follows:

Chemical Kinetic Electrical

Heat energy
energy energy energy

NB: Electrical energy can further be converted into other forms of energy like heat, light or
kinetic energy by using appliances like irons, bulbs and fans respectively.

There are many examples of energy chains you can think of. Observe the diagram below to
see different ways of energy conversions.

Key points in this unit
• Sound travels through air, solids and water.
• Sound is produced by different materials.
• Electromagnetic radiation is energy in the form of moving waves.
• Various appliances for home use, in communication technology and medical technology
generate or use electromagnetic radiation.
• Energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be converted from one form to another.

Unit Revision Exercises

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Energy produced by the vibration of materials is called ____________ energy.
A. sound B. thermal C. wind D. solar
2. Sound is not able to travel through _____ _______.
A. solids B. water C. light D. air
3. Which electromagnetic radiation is used by a satellite communication system?
A. Infrared B. Ultraviolet C. Microwaves D. Radio waves
4. Which one of these is harmless radiation?
A. Light B. Gamma rays C. X-rays D. Ultraviolet
5. An electromagnetic radiation that has short waves is ___________.
A. infrared B. x-rays C. visible light D. radio waves
6. Which one of these has the longest radiation waves?
A. Visible light B. Radio waves C. Microwaves D. Infrared
7. Wood is an example of a material containing ____________ energy.
A. heat B. light C. mechanical D. chemical
8. Which one of these appliances converts electrical energy to kinetic energy?
A. Laptop B. Stove C. Fan D. Toaster

Structured Questions

1. What is electromagnetic radiation?

2. Give two sources of electromagnetic radiation.
3. ______ have the shortest waves on the electromagnetic spectrum.
4. The most harmless waves of radiation are the ______.
5. Give one example of an energy chain.
6. Explain why energy is not destroyed in that chain.
7. Give two advantages of energy efficiency.


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) explain the causes of veld fires and their effects.
(b) suggest ways of controlling veld fires.

Looking Back
In Grade 6, you learnt about the sustainable use of fuel in order to conserve resources for
future generations. You also learnt of the alternatives that could be used as fuel such as
biogases and biofuels from biomasses. Do you remember any examples of these green fuels?

Key Words

Acid rain – rain polluted by gases in the atmosphere which are produced by
combustion of fuels.
Greenhouse gases – gases produced by combustion that are responsible for global
warming by retaining heat in the atmosphere.
Ozone layer – a layer above the atmosphere that protects humans from direct
contact with ultra violet rays.

Impact of fuels on the environment

The high demand for energy from fuels has a negative impact
on our environment. Some of the impacts include the loss
of habitats for humans and animals, acid rain and climate
Veld fires
A veld fire is a large fire that covers a large area of land and
is very difficult to extinguish. It cannot be easily extinguished
because of its size and because of the rapid speed in which
it spreads. Veld fires have various causes. Some causes
are natural while other causes are a result of irresponsible Veld fires

Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) state the functions of the components of an electronic device.
(b) make an electronic device of own choice.

Looking Back
In Grade 6, you learnt about alternating current and direct current. You looked at their
advantages and disadvantages in terms of cost, safety, transmission to short and
long distances and amount of voltage transmitted in terms of the devices and gadgets
requirements. Do you remember the difference between alternating and direct current?

Key Words

Amplifier – a device that increases volume by changing weak sound signals to strong
Switch – a device used for opening and closing circuits with low voltage loads.

Components of electronic devices

Electronic devices are modern gadgets that
are able to process information by controlling
the flow of electrons.
Examples of electronic devices are
smartphones, laptops, video games, digital
cameras, video recorders, printers, DVDs,
television, camcorders and calculators.
Some of the components of electronic
devices are transistors, diodes, inductors,
resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits and
power sources. The most important are the
transistors and diodes.
Electronic devices

A resistor is a tiny object that reduces the flow of current.
This is necessary because it ensures that the flow of current
is controlled so it does not damage the gadget.
A capacitor is a layer of insulating material. It has a conductive
surface on its sides.
As an insulator it stores electrical energy. Since it has a
conductive surface, it is able to release electrical energy
when it is needed.
Integrated circuit
When several electronic components such as transistors,
capacitors, resistors and diode. are made into one circuit, it
is called an integrated circuit.
Integrated circuits are also known as chips or microchips.
Integrated circuits can be found in electronic devices such as
laptops, smartphones and televisions. Integrated circuit
Power source

Laptop charger Phone charger Socket outlet

In order for electronic devices to function, they need to be powered by electricity, therefore,
there should be a power source. The most common source of power is from a socket outlet
attached to walls in most urban households.
Devices are powered by inserting the pins of adaptors or chargers into electrical socket
outlets on one end and into the charging port of the electronic device on the other end. Other
power sources can be from batteries.
When batteries are charged, they can be inserted into the device to complete an electrical
circuit and provide electricity to the device. Power sources are important in that they provide
a regulated amount of electricity to prevent the device from damage due to high voltage.
They are also important in that they provide power in the correct proportion to enable the
device to function.

Activity 1

1. Identify the components of electronic devices.

2. Discuss the functions of components of electronic devices.

Activity 2

Design a model of any electronic device using locally available materials.

Exercise 2

1. Name two ways in which a transistor is used.

2. What is the function of an inductor?
3. What is an integrated circuit?
4. Which electronic device component protects a device from damage by reducing the flow
of current?
5. Which two electronic device components can be found only in electronic devices and not
in electrical devices?
6. What is another name for an AC resistor?

Symbols of electronic devices

Electronic devices have symbols that represent them in diagrams. Study the symbols below.




Symbols of electronic devices

Activity 3

Draw electronic device components and match them with their symbols shown in the
drawing above.


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) deduce that there is a force attracting objects to fall.
(b) recognise that gravitational force acts at a distance like magnets.
(c) recognise that some mechanisms allow a small force to have a greater effect.
(d) design and make a pulley system.

Looking Back
In Grade 6, you learnt about magnets. You looked at the magnetic force of attraction and
repelling; magnetic materials including iron, nickel and cobalt; non-magnetic materials like
glass paper, rubber, plastic, wood; and uses of magnets including determining compass
direction, lifting heavy metal objects and keeping refrigerator doors firmly shut.

Key Words

Axle – a rod that passes through the middle of a wheel.

Beam – any long piece of metal, wood or stone on a lever designed to support
loads to be lifted.
Fulcrum – the support on which a lever turns.
Load – object with mass carried or lifted by any force magnifier.
Space – the empty area between planets.

Gravitational force
Gravitational force is attraction between all objects that have mass towards the centre of
the earth. It keeps us down on earth. Objects that have more mass are stronger, therefore,
they have a higher gravitational pull. They pull the objects with lighter mass towards them.
Gravitational force always has a pulling effect. It does not have a repelling or pushing effect
like magnets.
This means that objects will always pull together or move towards each other without an
effort of pushing the objects towards each other.

This means that objects close to each other are pulled quicker towards each other than
objects from a greater distance. This is similar to how magnets easily pull metals closer to it
than those that are far from it.

Activity 3

Discuss in groups, gravitational force at a distance using the last illustration on page 84.
1. Predict which ball you think will reach the ground first.
2. Which ball do you think will reach the ground last?
3. (a) Which ball will reach the ground second?
(b) Which ball do you think has the strongest gravitational force?
(c) Why do you think so?
4. (a) Which ball do you think has the weakest gravitational force?
(b) Why do you think so?

Application of gravitational force

Gravitational force applies according to the universal law of gravitation formulated by Isaac
It applies between objects with mass on earth such as human beings and the earth. In
this way, gravitational force forces objects close to the earth to remain on the surface, for
example, when animals and human beings jump, they come back down and are unable to
fly into space or remain in the air. Ultimately, they all return to the ground.

Gravitational force bringing a man down after jumping

The movement and rotation of the moon
around the earth is caused by gravitational
force. It helps the moon not to move away
from the earth in any direction but to maintain
an orbit around the earth. This force also
applies to the earth’s rotation around the sun
and the movement of stars in the galaxy.

Moon rotating around the earth as a result of

gravitational force
on its edge to ensure that the rope is held in place in the
centre of the wheel. A pulley has an axle to keep its wheel in
the same position. The axle allows the wheel to turn. A pulley
works by pulling the rope down while lifting the load up. This
is where movement and changing of direction of force can be
Pulleys are important because they the enable human beings
to lift heavy objects. They multiply the force exerted on them
by human beings. This means that the effort that is put by a
person in pulling the rope is increased by the pulley making it
possible for the heavy object to be lifted. A man using a pulley to lift a
heavy object
More than one pulley can be used to lift one or more objects.
Using more pulleys makes it easier to lift the same object because less effort is required to
pull the rope. When lifting very heavy loads it is good to consider using more than one pulley.
1 pulley
3 pulley system 5 pulley system
more effort

you are applying the force along in much longer

Using more pulleys requires less effort
Some examples of pulleys that people use every day to lift objects are shown below.

Water well Elevator pulley system Crane pulley Flagpole pulley

Activity 4

Design and make your own pulley system.

3. One example of a pulley system is a __________.
A. tide B. shovel C. well D. clock
4. Another name for the pivot point in a lever is __________.
A. fulcrum B. rope C. gear D. wheel
5. An example of a type of gear is __________.
A. bottle opener B. flagpole C. elevator D. herringbone

Key points in this unit

• Gravitational force attracts objects to fall.

• Two objects need mass for gravitational force to take effect.
• Gravitational force acts at a distance like magnets.
• Force multipliers such as pulleys, levers and gears cause a small force to have a greater

Unit Revision Exercises

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Gravitational force has a ______ effect.
A. repelling B. pushing C. pulling D. magnetic
2. Which one of these is a force multiplier?
A. Gravity B. Lever C. Effort D. Force
3. Which one of these uses a gear to operate?
A. Stapler B. Well C. Car D. See-saw
4. A wheelbarrow is an example of a ______.
A. lever B. axle C. pulley D. gear
5. Which one of these is part of a pulley?
A. Axle B. Beam C. Pivot D. Teethed wheel
6. ________ uses a lever to function.
A. A well B. A motorbike C. A stapler D. An escalator
7. Which one of these is a requirement for gravitational force to take place?
A. Force B. Repelling C. Gears D. Mass
8. Gravitational force does not apply to ______.
A. tides B. force multipliers
C. earth’s rotation around the sun D. objects with mass

Structured Questions

1. What is a force multiplier?

2. Give three examples of force multipliers.
3. What causes a car not to fall or slide down a hill or mountain?
4. What is a pulley used for?
5. In a pair of gears, one is a _________ gear and the other is a ______ gear.
6. Give three uses of gears.


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) construct functional tools of your own choice incorporating the elements and principles
of design.

Looking Back
In Grade 6, you learnt about various principles and elements of design in mechanical models.
Which ones do you remember? We will look at the principles and elements of design first,
then apply them to functional tools.

Key Words

Elements of design – items used to create a piece of work.

Enhancing appeal – improved appearance.
Lucrative – make a lot of profit by selling quickly.
Principles of design – descriptions of how elements of design are used.

Elements of design
1. Line
A line is an element of design that is
characterised by a moving point and gives a
sense of direction. It is the simplest element
of design to create. Almost every design horizontal vertical diagonal broken
will use the line element. Different types
of lines include horizontal, vertical, curved,
zigzag, smooth, rough, long, short, thick, thin,
diagonal and spiral lines. The line element
can be used to create other elements. Can
you think of any tool and describe how line is
used to create it? zigzag wavy curved spiral
Types of lines
2. Name one element and principle of design in each picture below.

3. Explain how you would model your own pulley using any two elements of design.

Functional tools
A functional tool is any item that is designed to perform a specific task. Simple machines are
examples of functional tools. Their function is to make pushing, pulling or lifting objects easy
by multiplying the force exerted by human beings.
There are six groups of simple machines namely, pulleys, levers, inclined planes, wedges,
screws, wheel and axle. Previously, you learnt about examples of pulleys such as a water
well, flagpole, crane, elevator and levers including wheelbarrows, bottle openers, shovels,
see-saws and staplers. Now we shall look at the other simple tools and their examples.
1. Inclined plane

inclined plane

Inclined plane
An inclined plane is a tool raised at one end to make it easy to raise or lower objects over
a short distance. It is easier to move objects up or down when the plane is diagonal rather
than lifting them vertically. Ramps are good examples of inclined planes.
People who need to use wheel chairs can use
ramps as an alternative for staircases.
2. Wedge
A wedge is a tool with a sharp or thin side
and a thick one used to force materials to
move in different directions.
Examples of wedges
Exercise 2

1. Draw and name the simple machines below.

2. Explain how each machine is made.

Activity 2

1. In groups, observe and classify the tools below according to their function.

2. Using any elements and principles of design, design an example of an inclined plane,
lever and wedge.
3. Exhibit your finished models.

Visible impurities are all those contaminants in water which can be seen by a naked eye, for
example grass, leaves and mud. Invisible impurities include chemicals, salts, microorganisms
like bacteria and heavy metals like mercury, copper, chromium, nickel and lead. The main
methods of water purification include boiling, filtration, distillation and chlorination.
Boiling is the cheapest and safest method of purifying water.
Water should be boiled at 100oC for about 15 minutes.
Although it does not remove visible impurities, it kills invisible
pathogens like bacteria. Do you remember what pathogens
are? Pathogens are disease-causing organisms. Boiled water
is safe for drinking.


filter paper


Filtration process
Filtration is one of the effective ways of purifying water by removing most visible physical
and biological impurities. It makes use of filter papers, funnel and collecting container. Water
from filtration is not totally safe as it may contain invisible impurities like germs.

cooling device

heat storage
Distillation process

Distillation is the most effective way of purifying water. Distillation involves use of heat to
collect pure water in the form of vapour. Water is heated and when it boils, it evaporates and
changes to steam or vapour which is collected and cooled in the cooling device (condenser).
The cooled vapour changes into liquid and is
directed into a collecting container. Distillation
removes both visible and invisible impurities.
Distillation can be illustrated using simple
locally available home materials. Dirty water
is poured in a kettle and heated until it boils.
A metal plate (with some ice inside, if
available, to keep its outer surface cold) is
held in the steam or water vapour that is
escaping from the spout of the kettle. Water evaporation
The water vapour cools when it touches the cold metal plate and condenses. It then runs off
the plate into the collection container.
The visible and invisible impurities are left behind in the kettle once all the water has
evaporated. The water collected in the collection container is very clean and safe for drinking.
Chlorination involves use of a chemical called chlorine to kill
pathogens like germs. Chlorine tablets or liquid can be put
in water where they will dissolve and kill all bacteria leaving
the water clean and safe for drinking. However, chlorination
may not remove other visible impurities like stones and leaves
from the water.

Water purification appliance Tablets

A water purification appliance can be designed and constructed using locally available
materials. A water filter can be made using locally available materials.

Activity 2: Making a water filter

Materials needed: Dirty water

Dirty water, coarse sand, fine sand, small rocks, charcoal,

cotton wool or cloth and 2-litre plastic bottle. Bottle top

NB: You need to do this experiment in groups of six, under Rocks

the supervision of your teacher.
1. Collect a 2-litre empty plastic bottle. Cut it at the middle Fine sand
into two parts.
2. Take the bottle top part and turn it up-side down and
place it onto the bottle bottom part. The bottle top part
will act as your funnel. Bottle bottom


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) state the factors which influence climate.
(b) explain factors which influence climate.

Looking Back
In your previous grades, you studied on the weather instruments and how they are used to
measure weather elements. Some of the instruments which are used to measure weather
elements are rain gauge, which is used to measure amount of rainfall, and hygrometer
which is used to measure humidity. Cup anemometer is used to measure wind speed. Try to
remember some of the weather patterns which you studied when you were in grade 6. In
this unit, you will study the factors which influence climate which occurs in a particular area.

Key Words

Weather – is the daily condition of the atmosphere at a particular place at a given
Climate – is the average weather conditions of a large area recorded over many
years usually 30 years to 40 years.

Factors which affect climate

The climate which occurs in a particular area is influenced by the following factors; altitude,
latitude, distance from the sea, ocean currents, vegetation cover, trade winds, topography
and aspects.
1. Altitude
Altitude is the height above sea level. The height above the sea influences climate which
occurs in high places will experience low temperatures while low lying places will be hot.
This is because higher places are occupied with less dense air which is cooler. Generally,
temperatures fall or decreases with increase in height. Temperature falls or rise by 6,5°C
per kilometre fall or rise in altitude. Temperatures decrease as altitude increases because

South East Trade Winds are also known as prevailing winds and these blow throughout
the year. They are characterized with falling of continuous light showers and drizzle. The
cause cloud conditions in winter. South East Trade winds blows from Indian Ocean from

North East Monsoons Winds

North West Trade Winds

South East Trade Winds

North West Trade Winds is also known as Zaire air - blows through Democratic Republic
of Congo (DRC) formerly Zaire hence the name Zaire air. These winds blow only in summer.
North East Monsoons Winds only blows during summer and brings rainfall in Zimbabwe
towards end of December to early January up to February.
All these winds at times converge in Zimbabwe when a low-pressure zone known as Inter
Tropical Convergence Zone occurs and they bring a lot of rainfall.

Aspect refers to the position where a place is located, that is whether it is sheltered or open
place. Aspects influence climatic characteristics of an area. Places which lie in sheltered
• Factors which influence climate are altitude, latitude, distance from the sea, topography,
trade winds, aspects, ocean currents and vegetation cover.
• Trade winds influence climate by bringing warm moist air which cause clouds
formation and rainfall occurrence.
• Trade winds which are important in influencing climate in Zimbabwe are North West
Monsoons Winds (Zaire air), the South East Trade Winds and North East Monsoons
Trade Winds.
• Save Valley receives less rainfall than Chimanimani because it is located in the rain
shadow area.
• Vegetation cover helps to create a micro-climate through shading effect and releasing
water vapour into the atmosphere through transpiration which increases cloud cover
in the area.
• Coastal places or places near the sea receive more rainfall than inland areas.

Unit Revision Exercises

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Which of the following is not a factor which influences weather and climate?
A. Soil type. B. Altitude C. Trade winds D. Vegetation cover
2. The height above sea level is known as __________.
A. altitude B. latitude C. trade winds D. vegetation cover
3. The type of rainfall which commonly occurs in mountainous areas is _______.
A. relief rainfall B. rain gauge C. transpiration D. convectional rainfall
4. The distance of a place from the equator is known as ___________.
A. altitude B. ocean currents C. latitude D. trade winds
5. Why do areas located in the equatorial areas experience high temperatures?
A. The areas always receive direct sun rays as the sun is overhead.
B. The areas are located in wetlands.
C. The places are located on mountains.
D. The places are in deserts.
6. Wind always blows from ___________.
A. high pressure areas to low pressure areas
B. from inland to oceans
C. south to east
D. ocean to ocean
7. Why are trade winds important?
A. They bring cold temperatures.
B. They bring sailors to Zimbabwe.
C. They bring warm, moist air which brings rainfall.
D. They are hated by sailors.
8. Why does Save Valley receive less rainfall than Chimanimani?
A. It is located on the windward side near Mozambique.
B. It lies in the rain shadow area.
C. It is on top of mountains.
D. It is near Indian Ocean.

3. Green houses

Green house
Green houses are buildings which are constructed using transparent polythene plastic
papers or sheeting and horticultural crops are grown inside them. Green houses technology
changes weather and climate by creating a micro-climate inside which is suitable for
horticultural crops. Crops are inside green houses for the following reasons:
• To rise temperatures inside the green house.
• To protect crops against weather hazards like frost and hailstones.
• To grow crops throughout the year.
• To increase yield of horticultural crops by creating suitable environment favourable for
growth of horticultural crops inside the green house.
• Green houses help to reduce some pests from attacking vegetables.
• It is also possible to regulate light received with flowers to promote flowering of plants
like flowers.
Examples of horticultural crops which are grown in green houses are cabbages, tomatoes,
peas, green beans, chillies, green pepper, cucumbers and cut flowers for export to Europe,
Asia and America.
Weather forecasting for farmers
Weather forecasting is the predicting of how weather will be like or likely to be or the state
of weather in the next day, next five days or for a month using instruments like satellites or
Meteorologists are able to forecast or predict the state of weather accurately using
sophisticated instruments like satellites. Weather forecasting can be given for short time
range like daily forecast or long-range forecast like a week, month or year.
Weather forecasting information or data is given to people through televisions, radios,
newspapers, and cellphones. Weather forecasting is done for farmers, pilots, ship crews,
agriculture research and military personnel.

Key points in this unit
• Technologies such as cloud seeding, irrigation, green houses, weather forecasting
and construction of large dams and lakes have some impacts on seasonal activities
of people.
• Cloud seeding is the spraying of solid particles into the atmosphere using aeroplanes
to promote clouds formation and rainfall occurrence.
• Cloud seeding is good to farmers because it makes more rainfall to fall and people will
at the end grow crops successfully.
• Irrigation technology enables farmers to grow crops throughout the year and this
improves household and national food security.
• Green house is a technology of building structures using polythene transparent plastic
sheeting or glasses and horticultural crops are grown inside these buildings.
• Green houses protect crops from frost and pests as the crops will be covered with
plastic sheeting or glasses.
• Weather forecasting gives people information on the weather condition likely to occur
so that people can plan and prepare for their forthcoming activities.

Unit Revision Exercises

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Cloud seeding helps to increase ____________.
A. rainfall B. dust C. birds D. air in the atmosphere
2. Why is cloud seeding not usually done?
A. It reduces the amount of rainfall received.
B. It increases rain bearing clouds which are formed and rainfall.
C. It wastes Government’s money.
D. It causes drought to occur.
3. Identify a reason why irrigation is an important technology.
A. It makes farmers not to get workers.
B. It makes farmers to grow crops throughout the year
C. It makes the environment to be beautiful.
D. It causes earthquakes.
4. Instruments which are used by meteorologists to see what is happening in the atmosphere
during weather forecasting are __________.
A. stevenson screen and wind vane B. radars and satellites
C. rain gauges and thermometers D. cup anemometer and meters
5. Weather forecasting information or data benefits more which group of people?
A. Teachers. B. Farmers. C. Children. D. Road runners
6. Weather forecasting information helps farmers to ______
A. protect crops from weather hazards. B. play football.
C. dig mining shafts. D. close holes in the fields.
7. Why do farmers construct large dams?
A. To control insect pests. B. To construct houses.
C. To practice irrigation. D. To dip their cattle.

Test 2
Paper 1: Multiple Choice Questions
There are 50 multiple-choice questions and you are required to answer all.
1. A magnetic material is a __________.
A. metal that repels other metals
B. metal that attracts other metals
C. metal that repels and repels other metals
D. a substance that attracts nonmagnetic materials
2. Which one is a metal?
A. Iodine B. Palladium C. Phosphorus D. Oxygen
3. __________ is made of a non-metal.
A. Machine parts B. Jewellery C. Crockery D. Cutlery
4. Which one is not ductile?
A. Iron B. Carbon C. Copper D. Nickel
5. A ___________ is a garden tool.
A. Pin B. Hammer C. Spoon D. Watering can
6. Tools serve the purpose of _____________.
A. saving time B. attractiveness C. damaging goods D. poor performance
7. What is a mechanical structure?
A. Interconnected assembled pieces of a tool or machine.
B. Complex tools.
C. A modelled tool.
D. An attractive machine.
8. What is the name of the machine shown in the diagram below?

A. CT scanner B. Gamma knife C. Infrared D. Ultraviolet rays

9. The area in which materials can be attracted to a magnet is a ____________.
A. magnetic field B. magnetic material
C. magnetic field line D. magnetic force
10. __________ is not a source of electromagnetic radiation.
A. The earth B. Water C. The sun D. A star

48. A wheelbarrow is an example of a ______.
A. lever B. axle C. pulley D. gear
49. Which one of the following is an element of design?
A. Contrast B. Emphasis C. Unity D. Space
50. A ______ is an example of a screw.
A. jar lid B. see-saw C. axe D. pliers

Paper 2: Structured Questions

Section A
Section A with approximately 30 questions is compulsory and carries 30 marks.

1. (a) Define the following terms:

(i) Metal. [1]
(ii) Insulator. [1]
(b) Name any two non-metal elements. [1]
(c) Which are the types of materials that can be produced by metal? [2]
2. (a) What is a tool? [1]
(b) Give any two examples of tools. [2]
(c) Why do we need tools for? [2]
3. (a) Name any one material that is used to design a model of a mechanical structure.[1]
(b) What are the problems one can encounter when using tools? [2]
(c) How do you address the problems mentioned in (a). [2]
4. (a) Explain how sound travels in the air. [1]
(b) What is sound energy? [1]
(c) Give examples of materials that can make sound. [1]
5. (a) Define energy. [1]
(b) Wood is converted to ________ and _______ energy. [2]
(c) Draw and label a diagram showing the conversion of energy from one form to
another. [2]
6. (a) A veld fire is __________. [1]
(b) What are the causes of veld fires? [2]
(c) How do you control a veld fire? [2]


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you will be able to:
(a) describe the weathering process.
(b) explain the effects of weathering.
(c) demonstrate the process of weathering.
(d) describe the cross section of the soil profile.
(e) construct a miniature soil profile.

Looking Back
In Grade 6 you learnt about soil erosion and soil conservation. Have you wondered where
the soil comes from, or how it is formed? In this unit, you are going to learn about the process
of weathering and the soil profile.

Key Words

Abrasion – the process of rubbing of rock particles against each other resulting
in them wearing away.
Disintegration – breaking down.
Horizon – layers in a soil profile.
Soil profile – the vertical section through the soil from the ground level to the rock
Weathering – the breaking down of rocks into smaller particles to form soil.

Weathering process
Soil is formed from the disintegration (breaking down) of different rocks into smaller particles
by the action of physical, chemical and biological processes. These small particles of rocks
become soil. Therefore, soil is a product of weathering, a process by which rocks disintegrate
into smaller particles in situ (at the same place).
Various types of rocks are available in Zimbabwe. Can you name the types of these rocks?
These rocks are weathered into small particles to form different types of soil.

Agents of weathering
Agents of weathering are those factors which are responsible for weathering to occur. The
agents of weathering include running water, wind, freezing water, plant roots, temperature
changes, animals and microorganisms.
Running water: it causes small rock particles to rub against each other (abrasion) resulting
in them breaking down into smaller particles to form soil.

Water abrasion
Wind: just like running water, wind carries some rock particles and causes abrasion.

Wind abrasion
Freeze thaw

Freeze-thaw weathering is a process of

erosion that happens in cold areas where ice
forms. A crack in a rock can fill with water
which then freezes as the temperature drops. Water is trapped Water freezes and The rock
in rock pores, expands to about breaks into
As the ice expands, it pushes the crack apart, joints and cracks 9% in volume pieces
making it larger. When the temperature rises
Frost shattering/freeze-thaw action
again, the ice melts, and the water fills the
newer parts of the crack.

The water freezes again as the temperature

falls, and the expansion of the ice causes
further expansion to the crack. This process
continues until the rock breaks.

Temperature changes: when temperatures

are very high especially during the day and
very low during the night, the rocks expand
and then contract. This results in the outer Exfoliation/thermal shattering

Generally, the soil profile has four horizons; A, B, C and D. These horizons are shown in the
diagram below.

The soil profile

The table below summarises the characteristic features of the soil profile horizons.

Horizon Features
• Dark in colour due to the presence of organic matter (humus).
• More plant nutrients and water required by plants.
• Most plant roots are found in this horizon.
A (topsoil)
• Has the most biological activities.
• Its properties are highly affected by farming activities carried
out on the soil.
• Lighter than Horizon A in colour due to less organic matter.
• Has less plant nutrients and water for use by plants.
• Fewer plant roots are found.
B (subsoil) • Has less biological activities than Horizon A.
• Nutrients leached from horizon A are deposited in this
• There is less disturbance of the soil through tillage.

• The soil profile has 4 horizons: A (top soil), B (subsoil), C (gravel or partly weathered
rocks) and D (unweathered parent rock).
• The knowledge of the soil profile helps farmers in choosing the correct types of crops
to grow.

Unit Revision Exercises

Multiple Choice Questions
1. The disintegration of rocks into small particles is called ___________.
A. erosion B. pollution C. weathering D. sedimentation
2. The following are agents of weathering except ________.
A. water B. plant roots C. soil D. wind
3. Which agent of weathering could have caused what is seen on the picture below?

A. Microorganisms B. Animals C. Wind D. Temperature changes

4. The vertical section through the soil is called __________.
A. soil structure B. soil pH C. soil erosion D. soil profile
5. Which soil horizon has many plant roots?
A. Horizon A B. Horizon B C. Horizon C D. Horizon D
Structured Questions
1. Explain how soil is formed.
2. State any three agents of weathering.
3. Explain what is happening on the diagram below.

4. (a) Define soil profile.

(b) What is soil horizon?
5. Outline any two characteristic features of the topsoil (horizon A).
6. Suggest reasons why the topsoil is dark coloured.

Plants make their own food through the process of photosynthesis. Look at the diagram
below, it illustrates the process of photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a process by which green plants make their own food from carbon dioxide
and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is a green pigment found
in the leaves. Its function is to absorb sunlight.
Conditions necessary for photosynthesis
Certain conditions are necessary for the process of photosynthesis to occur. These
conditions are also called requirements of photosynthesis. Without any of these conditions,
photosynthesis cannot take place. From the diagram above, the conditions necessary for
photosynthesis are:
• carbon dioxide.
• water.
• sunlight.
• chlorophyll.
When photosynthesis has taken place, two products are formed. The products of
photosynthesis are:
• carbohydrate.
• oxygen.
Word equation for photosynthesis
The process of photosynthesis can be illustrated by a word equation. This equation shows the
conditions necessary for photosynthesis on the left side and the products of photosynthesis
on the right side. The word equation for photosynthesis is written as follows:

Carbon + Water Carbohydrate + Oxygen

Testing a leaf for starch

To show that photosynthesis has taken place, the plant should have carbohydrate. This
carbohydrate can be stored in the leaves as starch. You need to carry out an experiment to
show the presence of starch in a green leaf. Do an experiment on Activity 1.

Activity 1

An experiment to show the presence of starch in a leaf

Materials needed: Green leaf, burner, water, alcohol/methylated spirit, forceps, white tile,
iodine solution, dropper, beaker, test tube and clock/watch.
NB: You need to do this experiment in groups of six.
1. Set up the experiment as shown on the picture below:

test tube
iodine solution
boiling water


wire gauze

2. Boil the green leaf in water for 2 minutes to kill and soften it.
3. Use forceps to remove the leaf from the hot water and boil in alcohol/methylated spirit
to remove chlorophyll.
Safety precaution: Do not heat the test tube with alcohol in direct heat as alcohol is highly
4. Dip the leaf in hot water again to soften it as alcohol makes the leaf brittle.
5. Spread the leaf on a white tile or any white surface and add a few drops of brown iodine
solution using a dropper.
6. Observe the colour of the leaf and record your observations in a notebook. Compare
your results with other groups.

Expected results
The leaf will turn blue-black. This shows that starch (carbohydrate) is present in the leaf. This
indicates that photosynthesis had taken place in the plant from which the leaf was taken.

Exercise 1

1. What is photosynthesis?
2. The green pigment found in plant leaves is called ______.
3. List any two conditions necessary for photosynthesis.
4. __________ is a form of carbohydrate stored in plant leaves and other plant parts.
5. If starch is present in a leaf, the leaf turns _______ colour after putting a few drops of
iodine solution.

Classification of plants according to their uses
Plants have many different uses. Can you list the different uses of plants? Plants can be
classified according to their different uses. The following are the classes of plants based on
their uses:
1. Medicinal plants

Aloe vera plants

These are plants from which medicines are extracted. They are also called medicinal herbs.
Examples of medicinal plants are Aloe vera (gavakava), dandelion, moringa and lavender.
2. Cereal plants

Rice plant Wheat Maize Wheat

These are plants whose seeds are used for food, for example, wheat, rice, maize, sorghum,
oats and barley.
3. Ornamental plants

Ornamental plants
These are plants used for decoration or aesthetic value. This includes the beautification of
an area or landscape. Examples of ornamental plants are flowers (roses, chrysanthemums,
flame lily, marigold), lawns (Kikuyu, Australian Evergreen) and shrubs (duranta).


Unit Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
(a) interpret landform features on a map through contour lines.
(b) deduce required direction on a map from a given point.
(c) measure lengths on maps and use them to calculate actual distances.
(d) locate a place using lines of longitude and latitude.
(e) recognise grid references as actual partitions of the map.
(f) describe a suitable scale to construct a map model.
(g) construct a map model.

Looking Back
In the previous grade, you learnt how to identify features of a map such as date, orientation,
grid, symbol, scale, title, author, index, legend and sources. You also learnt how to draw a
sketch map of the local environment showing various landforms. Discuss with your group
members what you remember about each feature of maps.

Key Words

Convectional symbols – map symbols that have a common meaning all over the world.
Grids – set of crossing lines that create squares or rectangles.
Map reading – interpreting information presented on a map.
Latitudes – horizontal lines running from east to west on a map which help
to determine precise location of a landform on a map.
Longitudes – vertical lines running from north to south on a map which help to
determine precise location of a landform on a map.

Map reading
Map reading is interpreting information on the map which is represented by contour lines,
direction, scale and conventional symbols in order to understand boundaries of an area, its
location, its size and various landforms found within that area.

Colours are often used as symbols, for example, green is often used for forest, tan for deserts,
and blue for water. The table below shows some of the conventional symbols that are useful
in map reading.

Feature Symbol Feature Symbol

Road River

Dam Contour lines


Exercise 1

1. What is map reading?

A. Interpreting information on a map B. Reading words on a map
C. Collecting information on a map D. Finding out how maps are made
2. Circles that show relief in a map are _________.
A. conventional symbols B. direction
C. contour lines D. scales
3. A black dot on a map is a conventional symbol that represents a __________.
A. bridge B. building C. river D. town
4. On a map, what can help you to know the actual distance of an area?
A. Roads B. Railway line C. Scale D. Relief
5. A conventional symbol on a map is used ______.
A. nationally B. regionally C. provincially D. internationally
6. There are ______ main cardinal points.
A. two B. three C. four D. five

Grid reference system

1. Longitudes and Latitudes
A grid is a set of squares or rectangles created by vertical and horizontal lines. The vertical
lines run from the north to the south. They are called longitude lines or longitudes. The
horizontal lines run from the east to the west. They are called latitude lines or latitudes. The
grid reference system is a mechanism by which locations are determined using longitude and
• Which features of a map do you need to include in your map, for example, a key, title,
date and your name as the author of the map.
• Which materials will be suitable for making your map model?

School map
Activity 2

1. Draw or model a map of your school showing all the physical features in your school.
These may include buildings, trees, sports fields, roads, paths, hills, depressions and any
other that may be available like tanks and swimming pools.
2. Ensure that all the features of a map are included.

Exercise 2

1. Two types of lines on a grid reference system are __________ and ___________.
2. What is a four-figure grid reference?
3. Why is a four-figure grid reference important?
4. Which lines are read from the left on a grid reference?
5. Name any four features of a map.
6. Which cardinal point may be used alone in a map?

Key points in this unit

• High and low landform features such hills and basins can be interpreted through
contour lines.
• Knowing the north on a map helps you to find the other cardinal points.
• Scale can be used to represent the actual size of a map.

Activity 1

1. Discuss the uses of waste in your school.

2. Demonstrate how to separate waste into biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.

Exercise 1

1. What is manure used for?

2. What is molasses?
3. Give two uses of molasses.
4. Name two gases in biogas.
5. Give one example of solid fuel.
6. State one benefit of using solid fuel.

Impact of waste on the environment

When waste is not well managed, it causes problems for plants and animals in the
environment. Some of the problems include outbreaks of diseases, pollution of air, water
sources and land, climate change and eutrophication.
(a) Diseases
There are many diseases that can arise from poor waste management. The table below
shows diseases caused by waste.

Waste Diseases caused by waste

Sewage Cholera, typhoid fever, diarrhoea and dysentery.
Food leftovers Food leftovers invite pests such as house flies and cockroaches; and
rodents such as mice and rats.
• House flies cause diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery and
typhoid fever.
• A report from the World Health Organisation suggests that
cockroaches are proven or suspected carriers of the organisms
causing diarrhoea, dysentery, cholera, leprosy, plague, typhoid fever
and viral diseases such as poliomyelitis.
• Rats and mice carry several diseases whose symptoms may be
diarrhoea, fever, abdominal pain. They can also trigger asthma
attacks in people who are asthmatic.
Animal waste Like sewage, animal waste may cause diarrhoea, dysentery, worm
infestation and allergic reactions.
Industrial Industrial waste such as chemicals can cause burns, skin conditions
waste and cause the malfunction of internal organs such as liver, lungs and
kidneys. Industrial waste such as gases causes respiratory diseases like

(b) Pollution
Pollution is another effect of waste on the
environment. Waste can pollute the air, land
and water. Air pollution occurs mostly through
combustion in factories which releases
smokes and fumes into the atmosphere.
Land pollution occurs when people litter
the environment with non-biodegradable
materials such as plastic, metal cans, kaylites
and glass. Water pollution occurs when
water sources are contaminated with waste.
Pollution results in diseases and death of Air pollution
people, animals and aquatic life.
(c) Climate change
Waste on the environment causes climate change. Climate change is the change of weather
patterns over a long period of time. Global warming is a result of climate change and has
resulted in the increase of temperature off the earth.
The burning of fossil fuels such as coal for
the purposes of generating energy releases
gases into to atmosphere which form layers
of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere.
Global warming causes extreme weather
conditions like excessive rains, temperatures
and winds which result in hazards like floods,
drought and acid rain. All these weather
extremes result in destruction of property
and loss of human, animal and plant life on Drought caused by high temperatures
land as well as aquatic animal and plant life.
(d) Eutrophication

Eutrophication at Lake Chivero

Eutrophication is the pollution of water bodies by depositing of waste nutrients which cause
the rapid growth of aquatic plants.
The table below shows more information about eutrophication.

Where is the waste What is the waste? What is the waste causing?
coming from?
Industries Chemicals • Excessive growth of aquatic
Burst sewer pipes Sewage plants and algae.
• Death of aquatic animals such as
Storm water runoff Manure and fertilisers
containing ammonia,
phosphates and nitrates. • Loss of a habitat for aquatic
• Reduced oxygen for aquatic
animals to breathe.
• Unsafe drinking water.
• Disturbance of the water

Activity 2

1. Discuss the effects of waste on the environment.

2. Carry out awareness campaigns on waste management at your school.

Exercise 2

1. Sewage waste causes diseases such as ___________.

A. cancer B. typhoid fever C. flue D. AIDS
2. An example of a rodent is a _________.
A. house fly B. mosquito C. cockroach D. rat
3. Manure is _________.
A. animal waste B. industrial waste C. aquatic waste D. any waste
4. Which one of the following is biodegradable?
A. Metal cans B. Paper C. Plastic D. Glass
5. Smokes and fumes from industrial waste cause diseases in the _________ system.
A. skeletal B. respiratory C. reproductive D. gut
6. The process in which nutrients are added to water sources is called __________.
A. pollution B. afforestation C. eutrophication D. global warming

Key points in this unit

• Waste can be used to save money by using it as manure, animal feed and an alternative
for fuel.
• Waste can have severe effects such as diseases, pollution, climate change and

Test 3
Paper 1: Multiple Choice Questions
Answer ALL questions.

1. Which one of these is a requirement for gravitational force to take place?

A. Force B. Repelling C. Gears D. Mass
2. Gravitational force does not apply to ______.
A. tides B. force multipliers
C. earth’s rotation around the sun D. objects with mass
3. One example of a pulley system is a __________.
A. tide B. shovel C. well D. clock
4. Another name for the pivot point in a lever is __________.
A. fulcrum B. rope C. gear D. wheel
5. An example of a type of gear is __________.
A. bottle opener B. flagpole C. elevator D. herringbone
6. Which state of matter can flow?
A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Ice
7. An example of a basic machine used to slide an object is called _________.
A. pulley B. inclined plane C. rip saw D. screw driver
8. An example of a man-made structure is a ________.
A. ocean B. building C. mountain D. hill
9. An example of a nautural structure is a ________.
A. bridge B. building C. sports stadium D. cave
10. The energy which comes from the sun is called ________.
A. electric energy B. heat energy C. magnetic energy D. solar energy
11. The following are types of energy except _______.
A. solar B. heat C. light D. water
12. When wood is burnt, it produces ________ energy.
A. heat B. solar C. electric D. sound
13. The following are examples of non-renewable fuels except ________.
A. petrol B. diesel C. coal D. hydropower energy
14. When fuels are burnt, they produce _________.
A. oil B. energy C. water D. oil
15. In an electric circuit, a battery is also called a __________.
A. current B. terminal C. cell D. bulb
16. The following are all wheels and axles except the ______.
A. pulley B. merry-go-round C. hammer D. revolving door
17. An example of a wedge is a ______.
A. knife B. bulb C. tap D. bolt
18. Which one of these is a three-dimensional object?
A. Circle B. Trapezium C. Triangle D. Rectangular prism
19. A ______ is an example of an inclined plane.
A. gear B. door knob C. ramp D. shovel


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