Applied Economics Reviewer
Applied Economics Reviewer
Applied Economics Reviewer
Economics - is a social science that deals with the proper allocation of scarce resources to satisfy unlimited human
wants. Economics is classified as a social science because it deals with the study of a man’s life and how he lives with
other men. Obviously, economics is interdependent with other sciences like sociology, political science, geography,
religion, and other social sciences. As a social science, economics studies how individuals make choices in allocating
scarce resources to satisfy their unlimited wants.
Scarcity - is a condition where there are insufficient resources to satisfy all the needs and wants of a population.
Scarcity is the reason why people have to practice economics. Scarcity is that fact of life that makes man’s material
wants never fully satisfied because the resources he has are limited while his wants are almost unlimited. However,
his ability to buy goods and services is limited by his income and purchasing power. It is therefore in this context that
man has to practice economics.
Thus, in a broad sense, economics can be defined as a social science that studies and seeks to allocate scarce human
and non-human resources among their alternative uses in order to satisfy unlimited human wants and desires.
The study of Economics is divided into two branches: Microeconomics and macroeconomics.
1. Microeconomics - It deals with the economic behavior of individual units such as the consumers, firms, and
the owners of the factors of production. Such specific economic units constitute a very small segment of the
whole economy. For example, the price of rice, the number of workers of a certain firm, the income of Mr.
Cruz, the expenditures of PLDT, etc. Microeconomics is also known as the Price Theory.
2. Macroeconomics - It deals with the economic behavior of the whole economy or its aggregates such as
government, business, and households. An aggregate is composed of individual units. The operation of the
various aggregates and their interrelationship is analyzed to provide a profile of the economy as a whole.
Macroeconomics is concerned with the discussion of topics like the gross national product, level of
employment, national income, the general level of prices, total expenditures, etc. It is also known as
employment and income analysis.
All societies are faced with basic questions in the economy that have to be answered in order to cope with
constraints and limitations. These are:
1. What to Produce? - First of all, the system must determine the desires of the people. Goods and services to
be produced are based on the needs of the consumers. However, there are some factors that should be
taken into consideration in producing the goods and services the individuals need. These are:
1.1. Availability of resources;
1.2. Physical environment; and
1.3. Customs and traditions of the people.
2. How much to Produce? - Knowing what to produce is not enough. The system must know how much of the
chosen goods should be produced. It must determine how many of these buyers are willing to buy the goods
and services produced by the economy. Here, people’s taste and preference plays a major factor in
determining production.
3. How to Produce? - When producing goods and services, one has to think of how best to do it. The best way
to make goods is not to spend too much. This also means you have to make goods with quality. To make
goods like these, one has to know the best way of making goods. You have to choose the cheapest way. But
this way must also let you make something with good quality.
4. For Whom Shall Goods and Services Produce? - The last question has something to do with the problem of
distribution. Once the goods are produced, how shall they be distributed? Thinking about this problem
means asking, “Who gets what?” on a bigger scale. In this case, this means whatever is being sold can be
bought. But only those who have money and who want it can buy what is being sold. The poor cannot buy
the same goods and services as rich people. When you have money, you have purchasing power. It means
you have the power to buy things.
The term economic system simply means the organization of economic society with reference to the production,
exchange, distribution, and consumption of wealth (Leańo, et al., 2012). The economic system is the means through
which society determines the answers to the basic economic problems mentioned. There are four commonly used
economic systems. These are:
1. Traditional Economy - It is also known as the subsistence economy. In this type of economy, people produce
goods and services for their own consumption. Decisions are based on customs and traditions and the
production techniques are outmoded and sometimes obsolete.
2. Command Economy - Under this system, the government takes hold of the economy of the State. The
government does policy formulation, economic planning and decision-making. It dictates on what to
produce, how to produce and for whom to produce. The system works based on the interest of the country
and not on the individual. In this case, the consumer could not choose the goods and services he wanted.
The government answers the major economic questions through its ownership of resources and its power to
enforce decisions.
3. Market System - In a capitalistic system, business enterprises are owned and controlled by private
individuals. One of the major features of this system is “free enterprise” meaning that any individual can
engage in any enterprise, which he thinks will yield him a profit in competition with other businesses.
Inherent in a market economy is individualism or “laissez-faire” which means “let alone” or freedom from
government control of business enterprise. Private firms make the major decisions about production and
4. Mixed Economy - This is a system which is a mixture of the different types of economy. The private capitalist
and the government play a major role in solving the basic problems of the economy for the benefits of the
consumers. The government sets laws and rules that regulate economic life, produces educational and police
services, and regulates pollution and business.
Because economics is a science, there is a right way of answering its questions. To get the answers, we use what is
called the empirical method. Here, “empirical” means we get answers by studying things carefully. We study what is
given. If we can, we do the math to get answers. We study facts with care. How? To do this, we have to put facts in
order. We can make a list or a table of what we know. It can also help if we study what causes things to happen. But
since we cannot study every little fact, we can make guesses. However, these guesses come from what we know for
sure. We may call them generalizations. A generalization is something we think of as true in most cases. This helps
because we cannot always study everything. To make things simple, we already guess how some people will act in
the economy.
As a science, economics demands a way of answering questions. For instance, the law of demand tells us that if the
price of a good goes up, people will not buy it as much. This will happen, ceteris paribus. In this example, ceteris
paribus is a generalization. It means the demand law will be true if nothing but the price changes. It means
everything else will stay the same. If something aside from the price changes, the demand law will be false. For
example, what if the money a person earns goes up? What if it goes up more than the price of the good goes up?
This means the person still has more money to spend. So he will still buy the goods even if the price is higher.
Economics has what we call theories. Theories are ideas. They tell us why people act a certain way. They also tell us
why things are the way they are. Theories can be shown using tables or graphs, too. When we apply economic
beliefs in real life, we call them applied economics or economic policy.