Physical Therapy in The Treatment of Body Aesthetics Dysfuntions-Literature Review
Physical Therapy in The Treatment of Body Aesthetics Dysfuntions-Literature Review
Physical Therapy in The Treatment of Body Aesthetics Dysfuntions-Literature Review
Introduction: The aesthetic disorders, such as skin laxity, localized fat and cellulite, are common complaints among
the population in general. The physiotherapy provides techniques for treatment of these dysfunctions noninvasively.
Objective: To review the physical therapy techniques used to treat the body dysfunction aesthetic through a litera-
ture review. Method: It was performed a literature review of studies published between September/1997 and Octo-
ber/2013, in Portuguese or English, in the Scielo, PEDro, Pubmed, Lilacs e Medline database. Results: A total of 1.165
articles were found. Of these, 37 were potentially eligible after reading the title and summary, and a total of 11 stu-
dies were included. The studies addressed some techniques like radiofrequency, combination of bipolar radiofrequency,
infrared, vacuum and mechanical massage (Velashape), ultrasound of high intensity focused, cellulite cream, mecha-
nical massage, lymphatic drainage and tissue manipulation, ultrasound of low intensity, and cryolipolysis. Conclu-
sion: We conclude that the physical therapy techniques are effectives, safe and well tolerated by patients in the tre-
atment of localized fat. They help to sculpt the body and to reduce cellulite. However, it is necessary to perform ran-
domized controlled trials, with larger sample size, since the majority of the included studies are prospective and re-
trospective clinical trials.
Keywords: Localized Fat. Skin Laxity. Body Contouring. Cellulite. Physical Therapy.
Introdução: As disfunções estéticas, como a frouxidão tecidual, a gordura localizada e o Fibro Edema Gelóide (FEG),
são queixas comuns entre a população de forma geral. A fisioterapia disponibiliza técnicas para tratamento destas dis-
funções de maneira não invasiva. Objetivo: Revisar as técnicas fisioterapêuticas utilizadas para o tratamento das dis-
funções estéticas corporais por meio de uma revisão de literatura. Método: Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica de
estudos publicados entre setembro/1997 e outubro/2013, em português ou inglês, nas bases de dados Scielo, PEDro,
Pubmed, Lilacs e Medline. Resultados: Um total de 1.165 artigos foram encontrados. Destes, 37 foram potencialmen-
te elegíveis após a leitura do título e resumo, e um total de 11 estudos foram incluídos. Os estudos abordavam as téc-
nicas de radiofrequência, a combinação de radiofrequência bipolar, infravermelho, vácuo e massagem mecânica (Ve-
lashape), ultrassom de alta intensidade focalizado, creme anticelulite, massagem mecânica, drenagem linfática e ma-
nipulação de tecidos, ultrassom de baixa intensidade e criolipolise. Conclusão: Conclui-se que as técnicas fisiotera-
pêuticas abordadas nos estudos incluídos são eficazes, seguras e bem toleradas pelos pacientes para o tratamento da
gordura localizada, auxiliando a esculpir o corpo, além de ajudar na redução do FEG. Entretanto, existe a necessidade
da realização de ensaios clínicos randomizados e controlados e com tamanho amostral maior, visto que a maioria dos
estudos incluídos são ensaios clínicos prospectivos não controlados e estudos retrospectivos.
Palavras-chave: Gordura Localizada. Flacidez de Pele. Contorno Corporal. Celulite. Fisioterapia.
1. Physical Therapy Student at Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (UMC), São Paulo (SP), Brazil.
2. Coodinator and professor of Physical Therapy School, Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (UMC), São Paulo (SP), Brazil.
3. Professor of Physical Therapy School, Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes (UMC), São Paulo (SP), Brazil.
Corresponding Author
Fátima Faní Fitz - Universidade de Mogi das Cruzes, Centro de Ciências Biomédicas - Avenida Imperatriz Leopoldina, 550 - Vila Leop-
oldina - Zip Code: 05305-000 - São Paulo, SP – Brazil - Phone: (11) 3648-5050 - E-mail: [email protected]
Introduction Discussion
The tissue laxity, the subcutaneous fat deposit lo- Physiotherapy Dermato-Functional acts in the pre-
cated on the body and “cellulite” are the most common vention and recovery of the integumentary system,
complaints among patients treated by Dermato-Functio- treating metabolic, circulatory and endocrine dermato-
nal physiotherapy. Among the causes of these disorders logical disorders, aiming body aesthetic and functional
are the chronological aging, photo aging, changes in body recovery. Radiofrequency techniques were used in this
size experienced during pregnancy and weight loss.(1) study, the combination of bipolar radiofrequency, in-
The “cellulite” has a prevalence between 85% and frared, vacuum and mechanical massage (Velashape),
98% in all ethnic groups. Among the risk factors that high-intensity focused ultrasound, cream called “cellu-
contribute to its emergence are excess body fat, hor- lite”, mechanical massage, lymphatic drainage and tis-
monal factors, inadequate diets, genetic predisposition, sue manipulation, ultrasound low intensity and cryoli-
smoking, postural and orthopedic disorders, inactivity polysis. The following will be presented and discussed
and also external compression of body tissues caused each of the techniques discussed in the included studies.
by wearing tight clothes.(2) Although the main complaint
is related to aesthetics, sagging skin, excess body fat Radiofrequency and aesthetic body dysfunctions
and “cellulite” cause functional and emotional proble- The radiofrequency has been applied to reduce
ms and may lead to decreased self-esteem and creating “cellulite”. Induction diathermy has a favorable effect on
problems in interpersonal relationships.(3,4) Thus, these microcirculation and tissue oxygenation, and can also
disorders are considered a health problem, by presen- lead to the renewal of collagen, such as stimulation of fi-
ting major impact on quality of life of women.(5) broblasts increases the production of collagen and elas-
Dermato-Functional physiotherapy has worked to tin (the latter responsible for improving elasticity and
correct these dysfunctions, using resources that operate firmness skin). As reported in the literature, the use of
noninvasively, improving the quality of life of these pa- radio frequency leads to a noticeable improvement in
tients.(6) Given the great demand for non-invasive pro- the appearance of skin affected by “cellulite” areas.(45-47)
cedures, as well as the motivation of researchers to de- Proper technique can be low or high frequency mo-
velop new techniques to replace surgical treatments to nopolar, bipolar or tripolar application. In the applica-
improve body contour,(7,8) this study aims to review the tion of monopolar device, an electrode is located in the
physical therapy techniques used to treat bodily dys- target area and the other return electrode is placed at
functions aesthetic through a literature review. a certain distance, so that the electric current passes
through the tissue between the electrodes. Bipolar im-
Methods plementation, both electrodes are embedded in a single
The work refers to a literature review of published tool.(48) Can be also used to tripolar application, which is
scientific articles in Portuguese and English, published based on three or more electrodes. In this, as in others,
between September to October 1997/2013. The Medli-
ne, Pubmed, PEdro, SciELO and LILACS databases were
used to conduct the research. The following descriptors
according to the Medical Subject Headings (MESH) were
used: skin laxity, fat, physical therapy modalities, ae-
robic exercise, galvanic current, exercise, muscle stre-
tching, exercise, pilates, radiofrequency and ultrasound.
Articles reporting the role of physiotherapy in the treat-
ment of bodily aesthetic disorders were included. Consi-
dered aesthetic bodily dysfunctions localized fat, cellu-
lite and laxity skin. No studies of narrative and editorial
review were included, because they did not fit the crite-
ria proposed by the study.
A total of 1,165 studies were found after removing
duplicates. Of these, 37 were considered potentially eli-
gible after reading the title and abstract. A total of 11
studies were included after reading in full. Details of in-
clusion and exclusion studies are shown in Figure 1. The
details of the studies included were tabulated and are
shown in Table 1. Figure 1. Flowchart of the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
power is generated when current passes between the (Velashape), in the region of the arms, abdomen and
electrodes.(49) flanks, with the goal of treating localized fat and sagging
In this review, three studies addressed the ra- skin postpartum.(42) Velashape is the first medical device
diofrequency. Mlosek et al. (36)
used technique in ra- to receive certification from the Food and drug Adminis-
diofrequency pole eight sessions of treatment of tration (the agency that regulates the sale of food and
“cellulite.” The authors observed a decrease in the medicine in the United States), considered the best re-
thickness of the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, in- source for the reduction of fat and circumference layer,
crease in the number of collagen fibers, reduction in acting effectively in reducing “cellulite “. The use of si-
subcutaneous tissue growth bands in the dermis, and multaneous movements of suction (negative pressure),
a reduction of the edema. The technique was effec- infrared, bipolar radiofrequency and mechanical massa-
tive for reducing cellulite and safe for not expressing ge promotes increased metabolism of fat cells, decrea-
side effects.(36) sing its size and stimulating the production of collagen,
In another study, which does not focus on the tre- thereby improving skin texture. The combination of dual
atment of “cellulite”, but discusses the reaction of adi- energy allows synergistic effects preheating the target
pocytes, the authors analysed the histological findings tissue with infrared, mitigating the impedance and thus
of biopsies on the localized cellulite on the buttocks. And allowing greater attraction radio frequency.(48,50) Bright-
found that they showed changes in shape, size and con- man et al.(42) have observed that application of Velasha-
tent of lipids, as well as cytoplasmic and nuclear mor- pe arm promoted a significant change from the fifth tre-
phology. After treatment, there was a decrease in the atment session with an average loss of about 0.6 cm. In
lipid content in cells, and changes in the membrane of the abdomen, the significant loss gave up after the third
adipocytes, leading to breakage and cell death and lipid treatment session, with an average loss of 1.2 cm. It is
content of extruded out of the cell.(40) shown, therefore, an effective treatment in reducing cir-
Another study used a combination of bipolar radio- cumference and improves the appearance of the abdo-
frequency, infrared, vacuum and mechanical massage men and upper arm.(42)
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound and body each session. At the end of treatment was observed that
dysfunctions aesthetic the reduction of fat thickness correlated positively with
Ultrasound can be used in medicine as a diagnostic the initial measurement (rs=0.88, P<0.01). Also obser-
method, when used in imaging or as a therapeutic mo- ved average circumference reduction of 3.95±1.99 cm.
dality which emits focused ultrasound waves to deliver The change in circumference was significant compared
energy concentrated in a focal volume at a precise depth to baseline (P<0.01). Another fact was found that there
in the subcutaneous tissue. This system was designed to was no significant variation in weight of the patients,
use the mechanical energy (not heat) to break down fat showing that reduction of fat thickness and circumfe-
cells without damaging nearby structures (skin, blood rence occurred due to treatment and not due to weight
and lymph vessels, muscles and peripheral nerves).(44) loss, confirming its efficacy. Among the adverse events
In the treatment of localized adiposity, a stable cavita- observed in one case the presence of bubbles, howe-
tion occurs and unstable transitional openings perfor- ver the procedure was considered safe. As in the study
ming cell membranes, termed ultra-cavitation, produ- by Fatemi et al., Completing examinations of fatty acids
cing the opening of the interstitial liquid triglycerides. were performed and no significant difference was obser-
The damage occurring to adipocytes results in an in- ved. Also, we carried out the ultrasound examination of
flammatory response, composed primarily of macropha- post-treatment liver to verify the presence of steatosis,
ges, neutrophils, and plasma cells attracted to engulf which was not observed, suggesting that the high-inten-
and transport the damaged cells lymphocytes.(39) sity focused ultrasound is a safe technique with no ad-
Fatemi et al.(39) conducted a retrospective study of verse physiological effects.(44)
a series of cases with the use of high intensity focused
ultrasound with only one session. A waist circumferen- “Anti-cellulite” body lotion and body dysfunctions
ce of 85 patients was measured before application of ul- aesthetic
trasound and three months after treatment. For the au- Hydrolysis of body fat is carried out by the enzy-
thors, this time was necessary because the damaged fat me cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which is
tissue is reabsorbed within eight weeks after the appli- released in the mitochondria adipocyte cell. The accu-
cation of high frequency ultrasound. The authors obser- mulation of fat in the cells is related to the insufficient
ved a reduction of waist circumference of about 4.6 ± amount of cAMP produced for burning fat. However, the
2.4 cm after about 3 months of treatment with the use procedures for the treatment of localized fat deposits
of average energy intensity of 147 J/cm2. About 70% of and “cellulite” is oriented to increase production of this
the 50 patients selected for assessment of treatment sa- enzyme by the action of mitochondria. Increased blood
tisfaction showed themselves satisfied with the results. and lymphatic circulations are generating internal heat,
The authors also evaluated the side effects of HIFU and which leads to mitochondria to increase cAMP produc-
observed that about 11.8% of the patients had any ad- tion. The Cosmetology uses active ingredients with vehi-
verse effects. Among the effects are the presence of cular ways that promote increased blood and lymphatic
altered sensitivity, bruising, presence of hard lumps, circulation, and dissociation of fibrosis fat. (51)
swelling and pain. Investigations of cholesterol and tri- The use of cosmetics called “anti-cellulite” was
glycerides were performed to confirm the safety of the addressed in only one study, which aimed to verify how
treatment, not observing changes. Therefore, this tech- the ultrasound technique can be used to assess the cha-
nique proved to be effective for body sculpting without racteristics of the skin after aesthetic treatment of dys-
being invasive.(39) functions. In this study two groups were evaluated:
Jewell et al.(38) used high-intensity focused ultra- the first used a cosmetic “anti-cellulite” and the second
sound in different doses. Patients were randomized into placebo pills for 30 days. In the treatment group was
groups using 47 J/cm2 (141 J/cm2 overall), 59 J/cm2 noted to decrease the thickness of subcutaneous tis-
(177 J/cm2 total) and a control group that received 0 J/ sue, probably by improving local circulation, which re-
cm2. Satisfactory in the study groups (47 J/cm and 59 J/ sults from the fact that the cream was used in the thi-
cm²) results were observed after twelve weeks of treat- ghs twice daily. The way of using the cream should lead
ment. Among the observed side effects are edema and to mechanical peeling epidermis. The active ingredients
hematoma, and few patients reported pain during treat- used to obtain the results were the protein of Cucurbi-
ment and no reported severe pain after its completion. ta pepo (pumpkin), which aims to protect collagen fi-
However, due technique is considered safe and effica- bers and prevent their degradation; mulberry extract,
cious in the reduction of localized fat according to the which is rich in polyphenols that improve the microcir-
protocol used.(38) culation and have oxidizing action; the orange extract,
The writer Moreno-Moraga and his collaborators, in which provides flaking of dead epidermal cells and sti-
2007, used the high intensity focused ultrasound in three mulates microcirculation; and a unique amino acid T
sessions separated by an interval of one month between containing the functional group of L-carnitine which ser-
ves as a guide for the fatty acids through the mitochon- are the reduction of body fat with reduced complica-
drial membrane.(37) tions and risks related to invasive plastic surgery pro-
Mechanical massage and manual lymphatic Three articles were included in this review. Used
drainage in body dysfunctions aesthetic two low-intensity ultrasound, and one of these combined
The authors Bayrakci et al.(41) used a mechanical with cryolipolysis, and the third used the cryolipolysis in
massage, manual lymphatic drainage techniques and isolation.
manipulation of the connective tissue into three distinct In the article the authors Ferraro et al.(4) used the
groups. The main finding of this study was that the use combination of low-intensity ultrasound and cryolipoly-
of different treatment techniques promote a decrease sis. The procedure was intended to reduce the fat cells
in the thickness of the regions with accumulation of fat, and effectively make treatment of the EGF through re-
such as the abdomen, flanks and thighs, when asses- modeling of the collagen. There was a mean reduction in
sed by caliper. However, no change was detected in the circumference of fat at the end of treatment to the abdo-
percentage of total fat and fat mass, obtained with an men 6.86 cm, 5.78 cm for the thighs, 2.75 cm for arms,
instrument measuring bioelectrical impedance. In short, 5 cm to the gluteal region, and 2.25 cm for the ankles (p
the mechanical massage, manual lymphatic drainage <0.05). The final reduction of fat thickness was signifi-
and techniques of manipulation of tissue are presented cant compared with baseline (z=-5.38, p <0.0001). The
as safe and effective methods for the reduction of locali- largest reductions in the thighs and abdomen, regions
zed fat. For the authors of this study, none of these tech- with higher fat percentage were observed, while the an-
niques discussed could replace conventional liposuction kles showed the smallest reduction.(4)
surgery, although they may be suitable alternatives for The treatment, in addition to improving the sta-
those patients who do not wish to undergo surgery.(41) bility of connective tissue and skin structure and cause
Already Collis et al.(52) authors conducted a study a reduction in adipose tissue, also stimulated the met-
with three groups. The first was treated with anti-celluli- abolic activity in subcutaneous adipose tissue, a factor
te cream with active ingredient aminophylline which is a that optimizes the flow of oxygen and nutrients, signifi-
phosphodiesterase inhibitor, the enzyme responsible for cantly increasing lymphatic drainage. One important as-
the breakdown of cyclic adenosine monophosphate. The pect that distinguishes this treatment liposuction, for
second to endermology, which is a mechanical massa- example, is the smallest number of discomfort during
ge. The third combined the two methods, namely, “an- treatment, which in some cases becomes zero. Moreo-
ti-cellulite” cream and endermology. The results found ver, procedures have been relatively rapid, non-invasive
by these authors were poor, which led them to conclu- without causing pain, or physical limitations after treat-
de that the few benefits that must be met more by die- ment drawbacks. The conclusion is that the treatment
tary modification, increased water intake and exercise has proved to be effective and safe.(4)
than by the application of techniques endermology and Dierickx et al. (35)
aimed to evaluate the safety, tol-
cellulite cream.(52) erability and patient satisfaction with treatment cryo-
lipolysis. The researchers treated 518 patients. There
Low intensity ultrasound and cryolipolysis in were no reported significant side effects or adverse
body dysfunctions aesthetic events. The procedure was well tolerated, with 89% of
The purpose of using low-intensity ultrasound is the respondents reporting a positive perception of the dura-
stimulation of microcirculation in the subcutaneous tis- tion of treatment and 96% reporting minimal discomfort
sue to improve the structural and metabolic changes, tolerable. The survey results showed that 73% were sat-
reducing the visible signs of “cellulite”.(53) The biological isfied and 82% of patients would recommend the pro-
effects are caused by the release of mediators such as a cedure to a friend cryolipolysis. In the measurement, a
vascular endothelial growth factor,(54) which significant- reduction of 23% in the thickness of the fat layer in 3
ly increases angiogenesis and local blood circulation.(55) months after treatment was observed. In regions of the
The cryolipolysis is a technique that has been con- abdomen, back and flanks treatment was more effec-
sidered “non-invasive liposuction”, whereby the reduc- tive, noting that in 86% of subjects, there was improve-
tion of the fat layer by the selective destruction of fat ment in the evaluation conducted by the researchers.
cells occurs.(56) This technique involves exposure to cold According to the authors, with a suitable selection of pa-
reduction to obtain a controlled gradually the subcuta- tients cryolipolysis becomes a well-tolerated and effec-
neous fat layer without damage to other tissues.(57) Ad- tive for the reduction of subcutaneous fat safe method
ipose tissue is placed in contact with the plates frozen of treatment.(35)
using a pressure applicator that thermally destroys fat The authors Christ et al.(43) used ultrasound with
without damaging the skin. The dead cells are then met- intensity and low pulses, in order to stimulate the me-
abolically eliminated.(58) The advantages of cryolipolysis tabolic activity in subcutaneous adipose tissue in order
to evaluate the effectiveness of this technique in incre- the improvement in skin properties, obtained with the
asing the strength of the connective tissue and impro- use of chemical products (creams or lotions), usually be-
ving the structure and skin texture. There was an incre- tween 12% and 25%, reaching more than 30% in indi-
ase in cell permeability in the short term, which stimu- vidual cases. This study confirmed the effects of acous-
lated the exchange of substances of fat cells and the ac- tic waves in biological tissue therapy, including stimula-
tivation of enzymes that break down fat. The protecti- tion of microcirculation, improvement of cell permeabili-
ve and therapeutic effects of acoustic waves are com- ty. The ultrasound examination showed increased densi-
plex and include stimulation of lipolysis, the release of ty and firmness of the collagen/elastic fibers in the der-
toxic aldehyde products of lipid oxidation, reduction of mis and subcutaneous tissue network. (43)
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