Match Running Performance in UEFA Champions League: Do More Successful Teams Really Run Less?

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DOI 10.26773/smj.



Match Running Performance in UEFA Champions

League: Do More Successful Teams Really Run Less?
Tomislav Pranjic1, Toni Modric1, Ognjen Uljevic1
University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology

It is often hypothesized that more successful teams from elite football competitions achieve lower match
running performance (MRP) than less successful teams. However, the results of previous studies investigat-
ing the associations between MRP and different success indicators are inconsistent. The main objective of
this study was to identify the association between teams’ MRP and the UEFA club coefficient as an indicator
of long-term success in highest-level football. Individual MRPs (n=547) of 378 outfield players were jointly
evaluated into the team MRP and used as cases in this study. All data were collected by the semi-automatic
optical video system InStat Fitness from matches (n=20) of the UEFA Champions League group stage (UCL) in
the 2020/2021 season. MRP variables included total distance covered and distance covered in different speed
zones: walking (<7.1 km/h), jogging (7.2–14.3 km/h), running (14.4–19.7 km/h), high-speed running (19.8–5.1
km/h), and sprinting (>25.2 km/h). Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to identify the association be-
tween the teams’ MRP and the UEFA club coefficient. Results indicated that the UEFA club coefficient was
positively and negatively associated with sprinting and jogging distance covered, respectively. These findings
show that teams with a higher UEFA club coefficient performed a lower amount of running at low intensity
and a greater amount of running at maximal intensity, suggesting that teams are achieving greater long-term
success in highest-level football play at a higher game pace.
Keywords: physical performance, success, association, elite soccer, UEFA club coefficient

Introduction It is often hypothesized that MRP, particularly high-inten-

Football is a highly complex sport characterized by high sity running (>5.5 m/s), is an important determinant of suc-
physical demands (Modric, Versic, Sekulic, & Liposek, 2019: cess in football. However, the results of studies that investigat-
Freire et al., 2022). To understand such demands, global ed the association between MRP and success in football are
(GPS) and local (LPS) positioning systems or optical tracking not consistent. For example, some studies showed that win-
systems are most commonly used to analyse match running ning outcomes resulted in a lower amount of high-intensity
performance (MRP) such as total distance covered, distance running (Moalla et al., 2018), while other studies indicate no
covered in different speed zones, accelerations, and deceler- association between match outcome (i.e., win, draw, lose) and
ations (Modric, Versic, & Sekulic, 2021). Thus, today is well- high-intensity running (Barrera, Sarmento, Clemente, Field, &
known that elite football players can cover 9–13km during Figueiredo, 2021). Furthermore, some research reported that
a match, accounting for approximately 10% of that distance lower-ranked teams perform more high-intensity running
in high-speed running zone and 1-4% in the sprinting zone than their counterparts on better teams (Di Salvo, Gregson,
(Gomez-Piqueras, Gonzalez-Villora, Castellano, & Teoldo, Atkinson, Tordoff, & Drust, 2009). On the contrary, other re-
2019; Modric, Versic, & Sekulic, 2021). search has revealed no differences in high-intensity running

Tomislav Pranjic
University of Split, Faculty of Kinesiology, Teslina 6, 21000 Split, Croatia.
E-mail: [email protected]

Sport Mont 20 (2022) 3: Ahead of print 3


irrespective of final competition position (Hoppe, Slomka, A (n=3), B (n=3), C (n=4), E (n=4), F (n=3), and G (n=3).
Baumgart, Weber, & Freiwald, 2015). Individual players’ performances were jointly evaluated into
Considering that the authors of these studies drew their the teams’ performance and used as cases in this study. The in-
conclusions by analyzing teams that belong to a single country, vestigation was approved by the ethical board of the Faculty of
these inconsistencies may be characterized by the geograph- Kinesiology, University of Split (approval number: 2181-205-
ical, cultural, historical, and social aspects of the observed 02-05-19-0020, 1 September 2019).
competition (Sarmento et al., 2013; Sapp, Spangenburg, &
Hagberg, 2018;). Therefore, an analysis of football competi- Procedures
tions involving teams from different countries might be more The MRP data were collected using a semi-automatic op-
appropriate to draw conclusions about the association between tical tracking system InStat Fitness (Instat Limited, Limerick,
team success and MRP. Moreover, it has been suggested that Republic of Ireland). The reliability of this tracking system
future studies analyze top-level football competitions to clar- has been demonstrated, as the tracking system has passed
ify the association between running performance and success the official Fédération Internationale de Football Association
in football (Hoppe, Slomka, Baumgart, Weber, & Freiwald, (FIFA) test protocol for Electronic & Performance Tracking
2015). Undoubtedly, the most elite and the most prestigious Systems (EPTS) (a report is available on:
football competition involving teams from different countries com/technical/football-technology/resource-hub?id=a-
is the UEFA Champions League (UCL) (Lago-Peñas, Lago- ca57303eb0449f2835ac891b1beeb24). The of this tracking
Ballesteros, & Rey, 2011). system has appeared in previous research (Modric et al.,
Moreover, success in the studies mentioned above was 2021). The MRP variables included total distance covered
exclusively evaluated by final ranking or match outcome (Di (m) and distance in five speed categories: walking (<7.1
Salvo et al., 2009; Hoppe et al., 2015; Moalla et al., 2018; Barrera km/h), jogging (7.2–14.3 km/h), running (14.4–19.7 km/h),
et al., 2021). Although such indicators provide a valuable mea- high-speed running (19.8–25.1 km/h), and maximal sprint-
sure of success in a single match or over one season, we be- ing (>25.2 km/h).
lieve that final ranking or match outcome does not provide a Success in this study was evaluated using three different
real measure of success in football. Namely, it is well-known success indicators: (i) UEFA club coefficient which is based
that “better” teams do not always win in football (Hargreaves, on the results of clubs competing in the UEFA Champions
2009), so it is logical that the winning outcome is not always a League, UEFA Europa League, and UEFA Europa Conference
valid discriminator between more successful and less success- League season during the previous five seasons. Points award-
ful teams. On the other hand, team success in one season can ed each season are in accordance with the relevant compe-
be a result of different circumstances, such as the form of the tition regulations for that specific season (UEFA, 2022) (ii)
key players or injury rates (Ruiz, Power, Wei, & Lucey, 2017). final position on the table at the end of the group stage of
Therefore, we believe that evaluation of success utilizing long- UCL (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th position), and (iii) match out-
term success indicators may provide a real measure of team come (win, draw, lost).
success in football.
One of the success indicators considering the teams’ long- Statistical Analyses
term success (i.e., a period of 5 years) is the UEFA club co- The Kolmogorov–Smirnov test revealed that all data
efficient. However, considering no study to investigate the were normally distributed (all K-S p>0.05). Homogeneity
association between MRP and success by utilizing the UEFA was evaluated using Levene’s test, and data are presented as
club coefficient, the knowledge on MRP of teams achieving means ± standard deviations. K-means cluster analysis meth-
long-term success in football is limited. Furthermore, despite od was used to classify teams into the (i) teams with small-
the aforementioned importance of analyzing top-level compe- er UEFA club coefficient (mean: 31.58±12.46) and (ii) teams
titions involving teams from different countries to clarify the with greater UEFA club coefficient (mean: 87.89±16.66) (Liu,
association between MRP and success in football (Hoppe et Yi, Giménez, Gómez, & Lago-Peñas, 2015). Spearman’s cor-
al., 2015), such studies are also lacking. Taking together, link- relations were used to identify the association between MRP,
ing match MRP of teams that competed in UCL with UEFA and match outcome and final position on the table. To identi-
club coefficient in a new study seems reasonable. Therefore, fy the associations between MRP and UEFA club coefficient,
the main objective of this study was to identify the associa- Pearson’s correlation coefficients were calculated with the r co-
tions between teams’ MRP and the UEFA club coefficient as efficient classification as previously suggested: r≤0.35 indicates
an indicator of long-term success in highest-level football. In a low or weak correlation, r=0.36 to 0.67 indicates a modest
addition, we evaluated the association between MRP and suc- or moderate correlation, r=0.68 to 1.0 indicates a strong or
cess by utilizing other success indicators (e.g., match outcome high correlation, and r>0.90 indicates a very high correlation
and final position on the table). (Taylor, 1990). For all analyses, Statistica (Version 13; TIBCO
Software, Palo Alto, CA, USA) was used. A significance level
Methods of p<0.05 was applied.
Participants and Design
In total, 547 individual match observations of 378 outfield Results
players were used. One hundred twenty-eight of them were The average total distance covered of teams that compet-
central midfielders (CM), 63 were central defenders (CD), 62 ed in UCL was 116,271±4376 m, while average walking and
were forwards (FW), 63 were fullbacks (FB), and 62 were wide jogging distances were 38,875±1243 m and 47,404 m, respec-
midfielders (WM). The players were members of 24 teams that tively. Teams’ from UCL averagely achieved 20,396±1441 m
competed in the group stage of the UCL in the 2020/21 season. in the running zone, 8176±915 m in high-speed running, and
All MRP data were obtained from 20 matches from groups 1399±307 m in sprinting (Table 1).

4 Sport Mont 20 (2022) 3


Table 1. Descriptive statistics for running performances of teams that competed in UEFA Champions League.
Mean Minimum Maximum SD
Total distance (m) 116,271 105,653 125,258 4376
Walking (m) 38,875 36,509 41,644 1243
Jogging (m) 47,404 41,182 55,065 3148
Running (m) 20,396 17,783 23,494 1441
High speed running (m) 8176 6032 10,131 915
Sprinting (m) 1399 933 2260 307

Tables 2 and 3 present descriptive statistics and associa- was 1486±288 and 1327±310 m, respectively.
tions between MRP and different success indicators. UEFA The final position on the table was negatively associated
club coefficient was positively and negatively associated with with sprinting distance covered (r=-0.34, p=0.03). The aver-
sprinting (r=0.39, p=0.01) and jogging (r=–0.36, p=0.02) dis- age sprinting distance for teams that finished at 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
tance, respectively. The average jogging distance for teams with and 4th position in the group was 1517±376 m, 1563±288 m,
greater and smaller UEFA club coefficients was 46,675±2687 1320±282 m, and 1270±236 m, respectively. No significant as-
m and 48,000±3426 m, respectively. The average sprinting dis- sociations between match outcome and MRP variables were
tance for teams with greater and smaller UEFA club coefficient evidenced (all p>0.05).

Table 2. Descriptive statistics for running performances of teams that competed in UEFA Champions League according to the
different success indicators.
Total distance High speed Sprinting
Walking (m) Jogging (m) Running (m)
(m) running (m) (m)
Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD Mean±SD
UEFA club
S 116,953±4936 38,772±1138 48,000±3426 20,606±1651 8276±964 1327±310
G 115,438±3535 39,002±1383 46,675±2687 20,139±1127 8053±863 1486±288
L 115,563±5307 38,834±1339 47,504±4025 20,040±1745 7959±910 1246±296
D 116,055±4152 38,893±1270 46,800±2661 20,435±1474 8429±1014 1534±289
W 117,309±3662 38,897±1211 48,050±2737 20,734±1003 8093±779 1395±284
Final position
1st 115,856±3842 39,931±1177 46,013±3022 20,020±1467 8155±1190 1517±376
in the group
2nd 116,001±4451 37,970±999 47,471±2529 20,835±1448 8189±896 1563±288
3 rd
117,679±4360 38,782±1293 48,346±3311 20,888±1415 8368±607 1320±282
4th 115,460±4891 38,935±925 47,417±3523 19,867±1359 8002±1039 1270±236
S – smaller, G – greater; L – lost, D – draw, W – win

Table 3. Correlations between running performance and different success indicators.

UEFA club coefficient Final position on the table Match outcome
r (p) r (p) r (p)
Total distance -0.22 (0.17) 0.02 (0.92) 0.19 (0.25)
Walking 0.14 (0.38) -0.05 (0.74) 0.03 (0.87)
Jogging -0.36 (0.02) 0.15 (0.35) 0.11 (0.50)
Running -0.16 (0.33) -0.07 (0.68) 0.19 (0.25)
High speed running 0.07 (0.68) -0.03 (0.83) 0.09 (0.57)
Sprinting 0.39 (0.01) -0.34 (0.03) 0.23 (0.16)

Discussion These findings indicate that teams are achieving greater long-
This is one of the first studies investigating the association term success in highest-level football play at a higher game
between teams’ MRP and various success indicators, including pace.
the UEFA club coefficient as an indicator of long-term success. The total distance covered by the teams that competed in
UEFA club coefficient was positively and negatively associat- the UCL group stage in the 2020/21 season was 116,271 m,
ed with sprinting and jogging distance covered, respectively. which is approximately 5% higher than the overall distances
The final position on the table was negatively associated with achieved in previous seasons. In particular, the total distance
sprinting, while match outcome was not associated with MRP. covered in the 2014/15 and 2015/16 seasons was 113,451 m

Sport Mont 20 (2022) 3 5


and 107,843 m, respectively (Windt, Ekstrand, Khan, McCall, teams while supporting earlier considerations about the im-
& Zumbo, 2018). On the other hand, the results of our study portance of MRP in elite football (Longo et al., 2019; Longo
show that the average distance covered at moderate intensi- et al., 2021). However, it is interesting to note that our results
ties (i.e., running zone) was 20,396 m, which is in line with did not indicate an association between MRP and match out-
the results from previous seasons (21,765 m and 19,924 m, re- come. Considering our previous conclusions (i.e., that more
spectively) (Windt et al., 2018). Interestingly, the high-inten- successful teams played at a higher game pace), such results
sity distance covered by UCL teams in the 2020/21 season was may seem controversial. However, as “better” teams do not
9575 m, which is ~7% lower than in the 2014/15 season, and always win in football (Hargreaves, 2009), we believe that
~10% greater than in the 2015/16 season (10,285 and 8760 m, match outcome is not always a valid indicator of success and,
respectively) (Windt et al., 2018). therefore, cannot be comparable to the long-term indicators
Considering the results of previous research which re- of success such as position on the table or UEFA club coeffi-
ported that MRP in elite football tend to increase over the cient.
seasons, especially in terms of high-intensity running, such The present investigation has some limitations that should
findings may seem surprising (Barnes, Archer, Hogg, Bush, & be considered. First, we did not analyze all matches from
Bradley, 2014). However, MRP is generally highly variable and the group stage of the UCL (i.e., we only noted 20 random-
depends on many factors such as match location, opponents’ ly selected matches). However, this is a widespread obstacle
level, match outcome, team’s tactical formation or playing style in studies involving players who compete at the highest level
(Lago-Peñas, 2012; Modric, Versic, & Sekulic, 2020). In addi- of football (Bradley et al., 2011; Modric et al., 2021; Modric,
tion, UCL is a specific competition in which different teams Versic & Jelicic; 2022). Furthermore, the current study did
from various countries compete in each season. For example, not consider contextual factors, such as team and opposition
in the 2020/21 season, 17 clubs that competed in the group quality or match location, which may affect MRP. However,
stage did not compete in the 2014/15 season group stage. As differences in teams’ and opponents’ quality in UCL is most
the UCL group stage consists of 32 clubs, it is obvious that more likely lower than in national competitions, and consequent-
than one-half of the clubs were different in the observed sea- ly, influence on MRP may be negligible. Additionally, all ob-
sons. Given the fact that clubs come from different countries served matches were played without audience or with limited
are characterized by different geographical, cultural, historical capacity in the stands due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Link,
and social aspects (Sarmento et al., 2013; Sapp, Spangenburg, & Anzer, 2022); therefore, the influence of match location (i.e.,
& Hagberg, 2018), variation in MRP during different seasons home advantage) may be insignificant. On the other hand, this
in UCL is actually logical and expected. study has several strengths. Specifically, this is one of the first
In scientific community and media, it is often postulated studies to investigate the association between MRP and UEFA
that high level of match MRP is important for achieving suc- club coefficient, providing new knowledge on MRP of teams
cess in professional football teams (Hoppe et al., 2015). This achieving long-term success in football. In addition, the data
postulation is partly in the line with our findings. Namely, re- analyzed in this study included the MRP of most elite football
sults from our study indicated significant association between teams worldwide, enabling detailed insight into the running
specific MRP variables and UEFA club coefficient. In partic- characteristic of teams competing in the highest-level football.
ular, positive and negative correlations were found between Finally, the findings from this study can be used by football
UEFA club coefficient and sprinting and jogging distance cov- coaches in decision-making processes for structuring the ele-
ered, respectively (both moderate correlations). Most specifi- ments of training.
cally, during UCL group stage matches, teams with a greater In conclusion, the main findings of this study show that
UEFA club coefficient accumulated ~12% greater amount of teams with greater UEFA club coefficient cover less distance
sprinting distance (1486 m) and ~3% lower amount of jog- in jogging and more distance in sprinting, indicating that
ging distance (46,675 m) than teams with smaller UEFA club teams achieving greater long-term success in highest-lev-
coefficient (1327 and 48,000 m, respectively). These findings el football play at a higher game pace. As playing at a high
indicate that teams are achieving greater long-term success in game pace requires the players’ high conditioning level, it
highest-level football play at a higher game pace. becomes clear that achieving long-term success in high-
Additionally, our results indicated a significant associa- est-level football requires the players’ conditioning to be at
tion between the final position on the table at the end of the the highest possible level. From the practical perspective,
UCL group stage and sprinting distance covered. Despite the this should be accomplished by the implementation of ex-
relatively weak association, descriptive parameters show that ercises that provoke running at maximal intensity (i.e., over
sprinting distance of teams that finished in 1st position was 7 m/s) in the training process. Finally, to better understand
approximately 20% greater compared to the teams which fin- the association between long-term success and MRP, future
ished at the last position (i.e., 4th) at the end of the group research should utilize a larger sample and analyse a greater
stage of UCL (1517 and 1270 m, respectively). Such results are number of MRP variables (i.e., accelerations, decelerations,
consistent with our previous conclusions that more successful metabolic power), considering a range of contextual factors
teams play at a slightly higher game pace than less successful which may affect MRP.
Acknowledgements Received: 14 March 2022 | Accepted: 19 September 2022 | Published: 01
The authors are particularly grateful to InStat Fitness (Instat Limited, October 2022
Limerick, Republic of Ireland) for providing the data used in the study.
Support of the Croatian Science Foundation is gratefully acknowledged References
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The authors report no conflict of interest. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,

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