Bulletin 021011
Bulletin 021011
Bulletin 021011
MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS SUN 02 27th Sunday Ordinary Time 6pm (Vigil) Fr Michael Williams 9.30am Deacon John Walton 5.05pm Parish MON 03 9am TUE 04 John Donnellan St Francis of Assisi 7pm Fr Joe Geoghegan (Health int.)
BENEDICTION TODAY at 3pm. During this time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament perhaps we can remember especially those whose jobs are in the balance at this time and their families. LIVE SIMPLY: This weekend in the liturgy there will be a focus on this theme and also Harvest Fast Day. Please take an envelope, and a leaflet about the parish Live Simply challenge working in conjunction with CAFOD. Please return the Fast Day envelopes at Mass next weekend and fill in the pledge sheet about any actions you can make a commitment to so as to live more simply, sustainably, and in solidarity with people in poverty. Please return the pledges next weekend so they can be anonymised and put together to show just how small individual actions, when joined with those of others, can bring about change and be of real benefit. We can be a true beacon of hope here in St Joseph's! Also TODAY theres an opportunity to join the Diocesan Celebrating Creation bird watching walk from the RSPB centre Fairhaven Lake at 12.30pm. OCTOBER is the month of the Holy Rosary. The Rosary will be said after the 9am Mass on Mon, Wed, Thu & Fri and before the evening Mass on Tues. All welcome CHILDRENS LITURGY at the 9.30 Mass: This is so much appreciated by the children and their parents, but we desperately need new members for the rota as four adults are no longer able to do this work. Please telephone Christine Woods for more information (722922) or speak to Fr. John. ST PETERS SCHOOL Harvest Party: The children would like to invite the Senior Citizens of the parish to their annual Harvest Party on th Wednesday 12 October at 1.30pm. QUIZ NIGHT on Saturday 8th October. Doors open 7.00 pm Quiz starts 7.30 pm. Bring your own bottle, we will provide the nibbles (nuts, crisps, etc.) and prizes for the winning team. Teams of no more than 6 please. Please note: to keep costs down, we will not be providing supper. Entrance on the night 1 per person. Lets make this the first of many regular quiz nights. PARISH: Many thanks for the support, generosity, and hard work of parishioners at two events earlier this year which raised funds for the parish. We now have final totals: Boys Choir June = 447.50 Summer Family Evening July = 1,361.95 BAPTISM AND CATHOLIC EDUCATION: Last week a statement was printed for parents, which will be given to those requesting Baptism here. It is also relevant when applying for a place in a Catholic School. A copy is displayed in the main porch. If you need a school application form signed by Fr. John please make an appointment (737037). Thanks. CHILDRENS CONCERT for CAFOD: Sat 3 Dec. Please contact Mike Zammitt (794589) or Christine Woods (722922) if you would like to take part. More details to follow.
WED 05 Dedication of the Cathedral (Diocesan Feast) 9am Frank Dunstan THU 06 FRI 07 SAT 08 SUN 09 St Bruno 9am Iris Mary Elliott
Our Lady of the Rosary, Harvest Fast Day 9am Willie & Mary Jo OCarroll 9am Lancs. Infirm Clergy 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 6pm (Vigil) Julia Octigan 9.30am Parish 5.05pm Kay & Jack Rothwell
RECONCILIATION (CONFESSION) Friday after 9am Mass, Saturday 11am 12 noon and any time on request. PRAYER & DEVOTIONS Benediction Today at 3pm Morning Prayer of the Church: Mon, Wed - Sat 8.45am. Holy Rosary Tuesday 6.40pm Exposition of Blessed Sacrament Sat, 11am-12noon SICK: Please remember those who are sick, especially Anne Cartmell, Pat Metcalf, Bernard Jones, Betty Tattersall, Kathleen Griffiths, Angela Livsey, Vera Myerscough, Vernon Eccles, Bernie Farish, Liam Herron, Christopher Hunter, Maureen Lundy, Pat Marion, Charles ONeill, Margaret Portelli, Barbara Gillett and Mary Strickland. LATELY DEAD: Please pray for the souls of Fr Michael Williams and Andrew Billing. ANNIVERSARIES: Please pray for the souls of Brent Karman, John William Thacker, Elizabeth Gilby, John Moss, May Whittle, Betty McNamara, Peter Valentine and Anne Salthouse whose anniversaries occur about this time. FR JOHNS HOLY COMMUNION VISITS TO THE SICK: On Friday: Rossendale, St Georges, Priory court, Starr Hills and Belmar COLLECTIONS: Thank you for last week's collections. Gift Aid Non-Gift Aid 8/9 Oct Sat 6.00pm Sun 9.30am Sun 5.05pm Offertory 535.77 623.56 1159.33 Readers A Waters C Woods M Thompson Bishop's Admin Fund 110.55 115.28 225.83 Ministers Group C Group F J Berry, M & J French
ANNUAL MASS COUNT for the next four Sundays. SVP next meeting: Thurs 13 Oct, 6.30pm in the Presbytery. SOLEMN EXPOSTION: Sat 22 & Sun 23 Oct. HOSPICE 200 CLUB: Subs are due shortly 12. These will be collected over the weekends of 8/9, 15/16, 22/23 October. THIS WEEK: Tue 7.30pm Wed 5pm Thu 7pm Thu Fri 2pm Fri 7.30pm Sat 7.30pm Childrens Mass Prep Admin Team Bell Ringing Open Evening St. Bedes School Tea & Chat Choir Quiz Night
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Parish Website: www.st-josephsansdell.net LANCASTER DIOCESAN TRUSTEES REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 234331