PLS 217 Lec Syllabus - Mod
PLS 217 Lec Syllabus - Mod
PLS 217 Lec Syllabus - Mod
Environment Agriculture
3 Credits
Location: Campus Agriculture Center
Controlled Environment Agriculture Center (CEAC)
1951 E. Roger Rd, Tucson, AZ 85719
CEA Building, Classroom 117
Description of Course
Hydroponics and controlled environment agriculture: an historical perspective; basic plant
physiology and anatomy; general cultural practices; plant protection (insects and diseases); traditional
and organic hydroponic production systems; pollination, fertilization and bee management; plant
nutrition and disorders; irrigation systems and nutrients; transplant production; greenhouse site
selection, structures and control systems; fruit harvest; food handling and safety; marketing and
economics of a hydroponic business.
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Course Objectives and Expected Learning Outcomes
The course objective is for students to gain a theoretical and practical understanding of the science
and techniques of hydroponic crop production and controlled environment agriculture.
The expected learning outcomes are for students to be able to:
1) Describe the advantages/disadvantages of controlled environment agriculture and hydroponic
crop production in the agricultural production of various food crops.
2) Demonstrate an understanding of basic principles of plant biology, entomology, plant nutrition
and disorders, irrigation and fertilization, and environmental conditions necessary for growing
greenhouse hydroponic vegetable crops.
3) Demonstrate mastery of plant cultivation, harvesting, pest management, and food safety
techniques for growing hydroponic tomatoes.
4) Explain the considerations involved with different types of greenhouses and structural
components, control systems, and site selection in order to grow a successful crop.
5) Demonstrate understanding of the knowledge base, food safety issues, marketing, and
financial considerations needed to start a hydroponic crop production business.
This course aligns to all five Student Learning Outcomes for the Sustainable Plant Sciences
This course will provide the students with opportunities to:
1) Integrate and apply the general principles of Sustainable Plant Systems to specific plant
production systems (Hydroponics and Controlled Environment Agriculture)
2) Demonstrate an understanding of the history, current conditions, and future challenges
associated with plant sciences and production systems on a local and global scale.
3) Apply the basic principles of plant biology and soil science to plant production systems.
4) Think critically as demonstrated by evaluating information from multiple perspectives,
drawing reasonable conclusions, and defending them rationally.
5) Communicate effectively principles and technical terms associated with plant production
systems both orally and in writing.
This course aligns to three of the Student Learning Outcomes for the Agriculture
Technology Management Major:
1) Fulfills knowledge for topic area of Controlled Environment Agriculture
2) Students will be able to identify and select tools and equipment to perform specific operations.
3) Students will be able to work cooperatively with others.
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Absence and Class Participation Policy
The UA’s policy concerning Class Attendance, Participation, and Administrative Drops is
available at:
Students are expected to come to class (if in person) and complete readings and assignments
according to the lecture schedule. They are expected to participate in weekly on-line discussions as
outlined in information given during class. If students are absent due to illness, dean’s excuse, or
other absence approved by the instructor, students will have 48 hours to make up the assignment.
Course Communication
Course communication will occur through the instructor’s and students’ University of Arizona
email accounts and D2L.
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3. Go to “My Academic Courses”
a. Click on the down arrow beside the current semester.
b. Click on your course name.
c. You should now be at your D2L Course Home Page.
If you have difficulty with D2L, please read the D2L Tip Sheet at .
Problems using D2L can also be reported using this Web link .
Additionally you can contact UITS 24/7 at: or directly at -
(520) 626-TECH (8324)
Final Examination
The Final Exam will be held on the day/time designated in the UA schedule of final examinations
for T/Th classes meeting at 3pm, as listed at
Late work policy: Assignments MUST be turned in before the start of class on the day it is due.
A grade of “0” will be assigned if the work is turned in after the due date/time.
Testing policy: All tests will cover readings, handouts, videos, and lecture material Make-ups
will only be given in case of a documented medical emergency or out-of-town events associated with
a degree program (ex. Ag Ed FFA Conf. etc.) with Dean’s Excuse. For unforeseen medical
emergencies (w/ Dr’s excuse), make-ups will be written / oral. For prescheduled out-of-town
events, the written test must be taken prior to leaving.
Requests for incomplete (I) or withdrawal (W): Must be made in accordance with University
policies, which are available at
system#incomplete and
respectively. Incomplete grades must be verified with a written agreement between the instructor and
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student. This agreement will specify the work to be done and a timetable of completion.
Honors Credit
Students wishing to contract this course for Honors Credit should email me to set up an
appointment to discuss the terms of the contact. Information on Honors Contracts can be found at
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Students are encouraged to share intellectual views and discuss freely the principles and
applications of course materials. However, graded work/exercises must be the product of independent
effort unless otherwise instructed. Students are expected to adhere to the UA Code of Academic
Integrity as described in the UA General Catalog. See:
The University Libraries have some excellent tips for avoiding plagiarism, available at
Selling class notes and/or other course materials to other students or to a third party for resale is
not permitted without the instructor’s express written consent. Violations to this and other course rules
are subject to the Code of Academic Integrity and may result in course sanctions. Additionally,
students who use D2L or UA e-mail to sell or buy these copyrighted materials are subject to Code of
Conduct Violations for misuse of student e-mail addresses. This conduct may also constitute
copyright infringement.
Scheduled Topics/Activities
See the following pages.
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FALL 2018
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