A5 Buku Ajar-Sentence and Paragraph Writing

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Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.



Penerbit JDS
Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd


Surabaya: Penerbit JDS 2021

xii + 80 hlm; ISBN 978-623-7134-90-9

Hakcipta pada pengarang

Dilarang mengutip sebagian atau seluruh isi buku ini dengan cara apapun,
termasuk dengan cara penggunaan mesin fotokopi, tanpa seizin dari penerbit

Cetakan Pertama, 2021

Hak penerbitan pada PENERBIT JDS, Surabaya
Penerbit JDS
Jl. Jemur Wonosari Lebar 61
Wonocolo, Surabaya-60237
Telp. 085649330626

The textbook of Basic Writing. From Sentences to Paragraphs

is the main textbook for Sentence and Paragraph Writing course. The
materials presented in the textbook are taken from several relevant
sources, such as books and websites. The aim of this course is to
provide students with skill of basic writing, starting from making
correct English sentences to creating well organized paragraph. In
particular, the students will be exposed to the patterns and types of
English sentences, the mechanic devices in sentences like
punctuation and capitalization. Then, after the students are able to
make well-structured and meaningful sentence, they are introduced
to the process of writing paragraph and three types of paragraph. To
sharpen their skill in writing, the students are also accommodated
with practices. By the end of semester, the students are expected to
be able to write well-organized paragraph containing well-structured
To achieve the learning objective, this book is completed with
adequate examples and exercises. Various example on the paragraph
learned are also provided as models to make the students able to
analyze them, and then use them as the model to create their own

Bangkalan, November 2021

Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Basic Writing….. | iii

iv | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd


Nama Mata Kuliah Kode Mata Kuliah Semester Tanggal

Bobot (sks) Penyusunan

Sentence and SBE-137 4 I 7 Agustus 2020

Paragraph Writing

Nama Koordinator Koordinator Bidang

Koordinator Program Study
Pengembang RPS Keahlian

Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias Moh. Halili, M.LangSt


Basic Writing….. | v
Capaian CPL-PRODI (Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan Program Studi) YANG DIBEBANKAN PADA
Pembelajar MATA KULIAH
an (CP)
KU1 Menguasai kaidah-kaidah tata bahasa dan kosakata bahasa Inggris;

KetU2 Mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur

KetK1 Mampu menunjukkan kecakapan berbahasa Inggris yang ditandai dengan pencapaian yang
setara dengan CEFR Level B2 (Setara dengan TOEFL 500)

CPMK (Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah)

Students are able to develop their writing skill in basic level covering constructing well-
structured sentence and various kinds of paragraph like descriptive, narrative, and expository

Diskripsi Students will acquire the basic skills of writing simple paragraph with ease and a fairly high degree of
Singkat MK language accuracy; awareness of the importance of lexical and grammatical mastery for purposes of self
expressions. It emphasizes the ability to write well-formed sentences in well-organized short paragraphs
of narrative, descriptive and expository types of texts; exercises on appropriate use of cohesive devices,
mark of punctuation, choice of word, major grammatical structures and sentence patterns. Topics should,
as far as possible, be related to students’ own experiences, such as describing places of residence,
responding to a penpal’s letter, describing habitual actions, narrating what happens, explaining a process,
etc. The course gives intensive practice of efficient and effective use of monolingual and bilingual
dictionaries; making use of genuine recurring errors in students’ composition for class discussion.

vi | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Bahan 1. Sentence Patterns
Kajian / 2. Types of sentence
Materi 3. Punctuation
Pembelajar 4. Writing Paragraph
an 5. Paragraph Unity and Coherence
6. Narrative Paragraph
7. Descriptive paragraph
8. Expository paragraph

Daftar Utama:
Ekawati, Rosyida. (2011). Modul Writing I (main textbook)

1. Zemach, Dorothy E., et.al. 2003. College Writing: from paragraph to essay. New York:
2. Langan, John. 2010. Exploring Writing: Sentence and Paragraph. Second Edition. New York:
MacGraw Hill.

Nama Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias


Basic Writing….. | vii

Matakuliah --
(Jika ada)

Bentuk dan Penilaian

Sub-CPMK Bahan Metode
n Belajar
Kajian Pembelajar Estima Mahasisw
MingguKe- (Kemampuan an si Bobo
akhir yg (Materi a Kriteria
direncanakan Pembelajara [Media & Waktu Indikator t
(Penugasa & Bentuk
) n) Sumber (%)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1-2 Students are 1. Introducti Method: 2x4x50 - students Criteria: - Students 5

able to write on to the lecturing, listen to - the are able
correct course discussion, lecturer’ correctene to write
English 2. Sentence s ss of the English
sentences patterns practices presentat students’ sentences
based on basic Media: ion answer using
sentence Modul - students English
patterns Exercise ask sentence
question Form: patterns.

viii | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

sheet related Observatio - Students
to the n are able
topic to write
discusse - Practice English
s sentences
- students in correct
do the grammar
exercise and
s spelling.
- students - Students
practice are able
making to write
well- English
structure sentences
d in
sentence statement,
s yes/no
- students question,
review question
their with
work question
word, and

Basic Writing….. | ix
3-4 Students are Types of Method: 2x4x50 - students Criteria: - Students 5
able to make sentence lecturing, listen to - the are able
sentences in discussion, lecturer’ correctene to
English in s ss of the identify
various types practices presentat students’ type of
correctly Media: ion answer sentences
Modul - students based on
Exercise ask their
question Form: patterns
sheet -
related correctly
to the Observatio - Students
topic n are able
discusse - Practice to
s identify
- students mistakes/
do the error in
exercise sentences
s based on
- students the types
practice - Students
making are able
well- to create
structure well
d structured
sentence and

x | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

s in meaningf
various ul
types sentences
- students based on
review the
their sentence
work types

5 Students are Punctuation Method: 1x4x50 - students Criteria: - Students 5

able to use and lecturing, listen to - the are able
punctuation in Capitalizatio discussion, lecturer’ correctene to
writing n s ss of the determine
correctly practices presentat students’ the
Media: ion answer correct
Modul - students punctuati
Exercise ask on in
sheet question sentences
related Form: - Students
to the - are able
topic Observatio determine
discusse n the
s correct

Basic Writing….. | xi
- students - Practice punctuati
do the on in
exercise paragraph
s - Students
- students are able
practice to use
using correct
punctuat punctuati
ion in on in
writing their own
- students writing
review correctly

6-7 Students are Writing Method: 2x4x50 - students Criteria: - Students 10

able to create paragraph lecturing, listen to - students’ are able
well- discussion, lecturer’ well- to explain
organized s structured the
paragraph practices presentat paragraph element
Media: ion of
Modul - students paragraph
ask Form: - Students
Exercise -
sheet question are able
related Observatio to explain
to the the

xii | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

topic n characteri
discusse stics of
s - Practice good
- students paragrapa
do the h
exercise - Students
s are able
- students to
practice identify
creating the topic
paragrap sentence
h of
- students paragraph
review - Students
their are able
work to
of a
- Students
are able

Basic Writing….. | xiii

to creat
and its
- Students
are able
the topic


8 Students are Unity and Method: 1x4x50 - Students Criteria: - Students 15

able to write Coherence lecturing, listen to - students’ are able
unified and discussion, lecturer’ well- to define
coherent s structured a good
practices presentat paragraph

xiv | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

paragraph ion paragraph ; its unity
- Students and
Media: ask coherence
Modul question Form: .
related - - Students
Exercise Observatio
sheet to the are able
topic n to write a
discusse - Practice good
s paragraph
- Students using
do the appropriat
exercise e
s transition
- Students for each
practice sentence
creating or
paragrap paragraph
h .
- Students - Students
review are able
their to write a
work good

Basic Writing….. | xv
e time

9-10 Students are Narrative Method: 2x4x50 - students Criteria: - Students 20

able to write a paragraph lecturing, listen to - Well- are able
good narrative discussion, lecturer’ organized to define
paragraph/s s descriptive narrative
practices presentat paragraph paragraph
Media: ion - Students
Modul - students - Well- are able
ask structured to explain
Exercise sentences
sheet question the
related process of
to the Form: writing a
topic - good
discusse Observatio narrative
s n paragraph
- students - Students
do the - Practice are able
exercise to write a
s good
- students personal
practice narrative

xvi | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

- students
11-12 Students are Descriptive Method: 2x4x50 - students Criteria: - Students 20
able to paragraph lecturing, listen to - Well- are able
understand discussion, lecturer’ organized to define
about s descriptive descriptiv
descriptive practices presentat paragraph e
paragraph Media: ion paragraph
Modul - students - Well- .
ask structured - Students
Exercise sentences
sheet question are able
related to explain
to the Form: the
topic - process of
discusse Observatio writing a
s n good
- students descriptiv
do the - Practice e
exercise paragraph

Basic Writing….. | xvii

s .
- students - Students
practice are able
making to write a
well- good
organize descriptiv
d e
descripti paragraph
ve on
paragrap favourite
h place.
- students

13-14 Students are Expository Method: 2x4x50 - students Criteria: - Students 20

able to write a paragraph lecturing, listen to - Well- are able
good discussion, lecturer’ organized to define
expository s narrative expositor
paragraph practices presentat paragraph y
Media: ion paragraph
Modul - students - Well- - Students
ask structured are able
Exercise sentences
sheet question to explain
related the

xviii | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

to the process of
topic Form: writing
discusse - expositor
s Observatio y
- students n paragraph
do the .
exercise - Practice - Students
s are able
- students to write
practice an
making expositor
well- y
organize paragraph
d of
exposito showing a
ry certain
paragrap process.
- students


Basic Writing….. | xix

xx | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Preface .......................................................................................... iii

Basic Course Outline (Rencana Pembelajaran Semester) ........... v
Table of Content ........................................................................... xxi
PART ONE: SENTENCE SKILL ................................................ 1
Unit 1. Sentence Patterns .............................................................. 2
A. What is a Sentence........................................................... 2
B. Sentence Patterns ............................................................. 3
Unit 2. Sentence Types ................................................................. 14
A. Simple Sentence .............................................................. 14
B. Compound Sentence ........................................................ 16
C. Complex Sentence ........................................................... 17
D. Compound-Complex Sentence ........................................ 20
Unit 3. Punctuation and Capitalization ......................................... 22
A. Punctuation ...................................................................... 22
B. Capitalization................................................................... 27
PART TWO: PARAGRAPH SKILL ........................................... 31
Unit 4. Writing a Paragraph.......................................................... 32
A. What is Paragraph............................................................ 32
B. The Paragraph Development ........................................... 38
C. Process of Writing ........................................................... 41
Unit 5. Unity and Coherence ........................................................ 46
A. Unity ................................................................................ 46
B. Coherence ........................................................................ 48
Unit 6. Narrative Paragraph .......................................................... 54
A. What is Narrative Paragraph ........................................... 54
B. Transition Signals ............................................................ 56
C. Process of Writing Narrative Paragraph .......................... 59

Basic Writing….. | xxi

Unit 7. Descriptive Paragraph ...................................................... 64
A. What is Descriptive Paragraph ........................................ 64
B. Spatial Order Signals/Transitions .................................... 66
C. Process of Writing Descriptive Paragraph....................... 67
Unit 8. Expository Paragraph ....................................................... 71
A. What is Expository Paragraph ......................................... 71
B. Types of Expository Paragraph ....................................... 72
BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................ 79

xxii | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd


Basic Writing….. | 1

Students are able to write correct English sentences based on

basic sentence patterns

 Students are able to write English sentences using English

sentence patterns.
Students are able to write English sentences in correct
grammar and spelling.
Students are able to write English sentences in statement,
yes/no question, question with question word, and passive

A. What is a Sentence?
A sentence is a group of words that has at least one
subject and verb and expresses a complete idea/thought. A
sentence may have one or more clauses. Based on the
communicative function, sentence is divided into three kinds;
they are declarative, interrogative, and imperative.

Declarative sentence
The order of declarative sentence is subject and verb.
The subject tells who or what does (do) something, and is
always filled with noun or pronoun. A verb tells the action done

2 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

by the subject. The following are the examples (the subject is
the bold typed word(s), the verb is the italic typed word(s))
The baby is crying
Sue is the new secretary
The new washing machine has been sent

Interrogative sentence
Interrogative sentence is to ask question. The verb of
interrogative sentence is usually split, with the helping verb
(auxiliary or to be) precedes the subject and the remainder of the
verb following the subject. WH interrogative sentence begins
with question words like who, when, what, how; whereas yes-no
questions start with the helping verb. See the examples below
(the underlined word is the helping verb)
Did you keep the document?
When do you start to clean the house?
Were you born in Jakarta?

Imperative sentence
Imperative sentence is a kind of sentence to express
command, order, or request. It begins with base form verb like
go, run, believe, try, etc. The following are the examples
Go away!
Leave me alone!
Clean your room!

B. Sentence Patterns
There are ten patterns of English sentences, which are
grouped into two; they are basic patterns and other patterns.
Pattern 1. Subject + verb-be + complement
This pattern is used when the predicate of the sentence is not a
verb. A sentence with verb be has three kinds of complement;
they are noun, adjective, and a prepositional phrase.

Basic Writing….. | 3
Subject Verb Noun Adjective
The girls are in the kitchen
He is my brother
They were my
She has been tired

Practice 1. Make a sentence using the verbs given. Number 1 is

the example
1. My parents : They are my parents
2. Excited : _________________________________
3. Page-turning : _________________________________
4. The guest star : _________________________________
5. Exhausting : _________________________________
6. On stage : _________________________________

Pattern 2. Subject + linking verb + subject complement

Linking verb is verb like to be that can be followed by adjective.
The adjective following the verb describes the subject, called as
subject complement. The list of linking verb can be found in
Subject Linking Verb Adjective
The problem sounds complicated
They become excited
The bed feels comfortable
The food tastes delicious

Practice 2. Make a sentence using the following linking verb.

Number 1 is the example
1. Look She looks beautiful in that gown
2. Get _____________________________________
3. Appear _____________________________________

4 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

4. Remain _____________________________________
5. Seem _____________________________________
6. Act _____________________________________

Pattern 3. Subject + verb [+ complement]

This pattern takes intransitive verb as the main verb. This kind
of verb does not take direct object to make the meaning
complete, such as run, arrive, come. However, instead of direct
object, the action verb can be followed by a prepositional phrase
and/or adverb which function as complement.
Subject Verb Adverb
The package has arrived
The boys are playing in the yard
The students study hard
She came to the party

Practice 3. Make a sentence using the following verb. Number 1

is the example
1. Speak She spoke loudly
2. Walk _____________________________________
3. Float _____________________________________
4. Work _____________________________________
5. Fall _____________________________________
6. Cry _____________________________________

Pattern 4. Subject + verb + direct object

This pattern contains transitive verb, followed by direct object.
Besides direct object, a prepositional phrase or adverb may also
be added to complete the meaning of the sentence.
Direct Prepositional
Subject Verb
Object phrase/Adverb
He ordered the food
The students are studying English in the classroom

Basic Writing….. | 5
John has painted the fence
The police shot the thief at his leg

Practice 4. Make a sentence using the following verb. Number 1

is the example
1. Carry He carried the bags
2. Take _____________________________________
3. Clean _____________________________________
4. Destroy _____________________________________
5. Call _____________________________________
6. Give _____________________________________

Pattern 5. Subject + verb + indirect object + direct object

The sentence in this pattern contains two objects. The direct
object is the object that receives the action of the verb; whereas
the indirect object is the person or thing to whom or to which
the action of the verb is done.
Subject Verb Direct Object
He ordered his friends the food
She search me the location of
the test
Shinta made her daughter A special
birthday cake
The served the customers the special
waiter food
Practice 5. Identify the underlined object in the following
sentences (O for direct object, IO for indirect object). Number 1
is the example
1. My mother bought me beautiful dress for the party ( IO )
2. The students have submitted the assignment _________
3. Ron bought a bouquet of rose for Susan _________
4. Their parents have built them a house _________
5. Clark lent his algebra note to me _________

6 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

6. The teacher is explaining the students the lesson _________

Practice 6. Make a sentence using the given verbs. The sentence

must have the two kinds of object. Number 1 is the example
1. Carry He carried the bags for Mary
2. Send ______________________________________
3. Clean ______________________________________
4. Write ______________________________________
5. Collect ______________________________________
6. Give ______________________________________

Pattern 6. There/it + Verb + subject

The sentence in this pattern begins with there or it. The word
there, functioning as the subject of the sentence, shows the
existence of the subject. Meanwhile, expletive it functions as the
subject of the sentence due to the absence of the subject in the
Starter Verb Subject Adjective Complement
There was a man over there
It is easy to make a cake
There are some reading in the
students library
It isn’t hard to pass the test

Practice 7. Make a sentence using the words given. Number 1 is

the example
1. Expensive It is not expensive to have a house in the village
2. Some books ____________________________________
3. Someone ____________________________________
4. Difficult ____________________________________
5. Sad ____________________________________
6. Exciting ____________________________________

Basic Writing….. | 7
Pattern 7. Verb [+ Object] [+ complement]
This is the pattern of imperative sentence. It is used to express a
command, order, and request. The verb is always in the base
Verb Object Complement
Go to your bed
Save you money
Do your homework
Keep quiet

Practice 8. Make a sentence using the words given. Number 1 is

the example
1. Turn on Turn on the lamp in the living room
2. Brush ______________________________________
3. Bring ______________________________________
4. Show ______________________________________
5. Read ______________________________________
6. Send ______________________________________

Pattern 8. Subject + verb [+Object] + to infinitive/gerund

This pattern is used when a sentence consists of two verbs
without the existence of conjunction. The form of main verb
depends on the tense of the sentence. The second verb is either
infinitive or gerund depending on the main verb (some verbs are
followed by infinitive; some others are with gerund; the others
can be with both)
Main Infinitive/ Object/
Subject Object
Verb gerund complement
He asked me to send the letter
My loves skiing
Ron is trying to open the can

8 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

My wants my brother to become a doctor

Practice 9. Make a sentence using the words given. Number 1 is

the example
1. Like I like reading novel
2. Enjoy ______________________________________
3. Order ______________________________________
4. Invite ______________________________________
5. Love ______________________________________
6. Practice ______________________________________

Pattern 9. Subject + verb +object + bare

infinitive/participial [+object/complement]
Like pattern 8, sentences in this pattern contain two verbs, the
first of which is the main verb. The second verb may be in the
form of either bare infinitive or participial (ing-form) depending
on the main verb.
Bare Object/
Subject Object Infinitive/ complement
I saw him crossing the street
My makes my clean his bedroom
mother brother
He heard someone scream
The had the submit the
teacher students assignment on

Practice 10. Make a sentence using the words given. Number 1

is the example
1. Feel I felt something touch my skin
2. Help ______________________________________

Basic Writing….. | 9
3. Notice ______________________________________
4. Smell ______________________________________
5. Make ______________________________________
6. Let ______________________________________

Pattern 10. Subject + verb +direct object + object

In this pattern the complement following the direct object of the
sentence, called as object complement, modifies the direct
object. The object complement is filled with either adjective or
noun. Typical verbs for this pattern are make, name, find,
appoint, elect, etc.
Subject Main Verb Object
The students elected John the president
He painted the wall light green
My daughter named her cat franky
You left your unlocked

Practice 11. Make a sentence using the words given. Number 1

is the example
1. Appoint the director appointed him accounting manager
2. Find ______________________________________
3. Make ______________________________________
4. Color ______________________________________
5. Address ______________________________________
6. Consider ______________________________________

Practice 12. Identify the pattern of each of the following

1. My brother asked me to clean his bedroom pattern 8

10 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

2. The girls are chatting in the living room _____
3. He gave her fiancée a beautiful ring _____
4. He hit the ball too hard _____
5. I consider him a very lucky person _____
6. Clean the mess _____
7. She screamed loudly _____
8. His father made him stay at home the whole day _____
9. It is not easy to teach kindergarten students _____
10. There were many people watching the accident _____
11. The pandemic of Covid 19 has caused a lot of loss _____
12. He lifted the heavy box easily _____
13. I saw a puppy cross the road _____
14. They found her fainted in front of the class _____
15. My mother smelt something burning from the kitchen ____

Pattern of passive voice

All of the examples in the above patterns are in the active voice.
The active voice is a kind of sentence in which the subject
precedes the verb, which means that the subject performs the
action of the verb. Some of the patterns can be transformed into
passive voice, in which the subject passively receives the action
of the verb. The passive voice form is used for two reasons; they
are when the object of the sentence is considered important
information or when the one who performs the action of the
verb is unknown.

Basic Writing….. | 11
Pattern Active Voice Passive voice

Pattern 2 Sue has cleaned the The room has been

room cleaned (by Sue)
Pattern 4 Someone gave the The book was given to
book to Susan Susan (by someone)
yesterday yesterday
Susan was given the book
(by someone) yesterday
Pattern 7 She asked Andi to She asked her homework
do her homework to be done by Andi
Pattern 8 I saw the lion biting I saw the man being bitten
the man by the lion
Pattern 9 She named her Her baby was named
baby poppy poppy

Practice 13. Change the following sentences into passive voice

1. Bob has cleaned the kitchen
2. Anna is preparing the table
3. John put the flower under the table this morning
4. Rose will buy the vegetable
5. The children will decorate the room
6. My parents had sent the money before I asked
7. My mother always makes breakfast for our family
8. The students clean the classroom before the leave for home

12 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

9. The company have fired many employees because of the
10.The teacher is explaining the lesson no

Basic Writing….. | 13

Students are able to make sentences in English in various

types correctly

 Students are able to identify type of sentences based on

their patterns correctly
 Students are able to identify mistakes/error in sentences
based on the types
Students are able to create well-structured and
meaningful sentences based on the sentence types

Based on the number of clauses a sentence has, there are four

types of sentences in English: simple sentence, compound
sentence, complex sentence, compound-complex sentence. Let’s
start with simple sentence.

A. Simple Sentence
Simple sentence is a sentence which consists of a single
clause having a subject-verb combination, and expressing a
complete thought. A simple sentence may have only one subject
and one verb, as the examples below
The children are playing an interesting game.

14 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

The CEO will conduct a visit today.
The company has raised the labors’ wage.

A simple sentence may have two or more subjects and a verb

The girls and the boys are cleaning their classroom.
Alicia, Arthur, and Cassie went to Singapore last week.
All of the students’ parents and their teachers will have a
meeting on Tuesday

It may also contain one subject with more than one verb
She smiled and greeted me
The man grabbed her purse and ran away
To avoid being infected by COVID 19 we have to always
wear a mask, clean our hands, and keep distance from others.

It is also possible that a simple sentence contains several

subjects and verbs
My father and my bother repaired the chair and painted it
Ryan, Don, and Mark went to the hill, build a tent, and spend
a night there.
Mary, Andin, and Sean cleaned the house, threw away the
trash, and cooked the dinner.

Practice 1. Make three sentences, each with:

a. a single subject and verb
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________
b. a single subject and a double verb
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________

Basic Writing….. | 15
c. a double subject and a single verb
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________

B. Compound Sentence
A compound sentence is a sentence made up of two or
more simple sentences, called as independent clauses. The
combined simple sentences in the compound sentence are joined
by a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, or, but, so,
for, nor, and yet). The compound sentence is used when the two
closely related ideas of the simple sentences combined have
equal weight.
It rained very hard, so the official cancelled the flight to
Sean wants to be an artist, but his father wants him to be an
The girls were preparing the food, and the boys were
decorating the room.
I went to the mall, for I needed a new dress for the party

Practice 2. Combine the following pair of simple sentences into

compound sentences. Use comma and the appropriate
coordinating conjunction. Number 1 is the example.
1. The children want to visit their grandparents this weekend.
Their parents are still busy.
The children want to visit their grandparents this weekend,
but their parents are still busy.
2. She is tired. She decides to continue working.
3. I take the first flight. The seminar will start at 8 a.m.

16 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

4. He could buy a big house in the suburb. He could rent a
house in the city.
5. The electricity suddenly went out. The children became
6. The number of people who got infected by COVID 19 has
increased sharply. The government decides to lockdown the
7. The parents are having meeting with the principle. The
students are having fun competition with their teachers.

Practice 3. On a separate piece of paper write five compound

sentences of your own. Use different coordinating conjunction
you have learned.

C. Complex Sentence
A complex sentence is a sentence made up of two or more
clauses – one independent clause and one or more dependent
clause. The relation of the clauses is subordinating. the
independent clause is emphasized and conveys a complete
thought; whereas the dependent clause – a clause with
subordinating conjunction – is subordinated to the complete
The children go to school after they have had breakfast.
She fell down because she wasn’t careful.
Although Anne comes from a rich family, she is willing to
make friend with all students.
You will be successful as long as you are willing to work
hard and do not give up easily.

Basic Writing….. | 17
The following are the list of subordinating conjunction

Practice 4. Combine the pairs of simple sentences into complex

sentences. Use appropriate coordinating conjunction.
1. John got sick. He had worked for two days non-stop.
John got sick after he had worked for two days non-stop
2. Rob is in good shape physically. He works out regularly.
3. Sammy laughed loudly. He heard the joke
4. They continued the trip. The weather was not good.
5. I met Anne. I walked along the corridor.
6. We can’t leave. Everyone is ready.
7. He children screamed. The electricity suddenly went out.
8. Some people like to have outdoor activity. Others prefer
indoor activity.
9. The students were doing the test. The teacher was wandering
the class watching them.

18 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

10. We will go swimming tomorrow. The weather is fine.

Practice 5. Complex sentence with who, which, or that

Combine the following pairs of simple sentences into complex
sentences by using the relational pronoun which, that, or who.
Omit the same (repeated) words.
Hint : who refers to person; which refers to thing; that refers to
person or thing
1. The man was my junior high school teacher. The man talked
with me
The man who talked with me was my junior high school
2. The T-shirt was sent to laundry. The T-shirt got stained.
3. I attended in the seminar. The seminar presents topics on
Landscape linguistics.
4. My sister broke the notebook. I had just bought the notebook
5. My brother is reading the letter excitedly. He got the letter
from his pen pal from Japan
6. The girl looks sad. The girl just lost her money.

Practice 6. On a separate piece of paper write five complex

sentences of your own. Use different subordinating conjunction
you have learned.

Basic Writing….. | 19
D. Compound-Complex Sentence
A compound-complex sentence is a kind of sentence that
consists of two or more independent clauses and one dependent
clause. The following sentences are examples of compound-
complex sentence. The independent clauses are underlined with
solid lines; while the dependent clause is underlined with dotted
When I arrived, John was studying and Emma was sleeping
Although I grew up in a small village, my parents always
want me to have good education, so they work hard to send
me to college.
Because the assignment from my professor is difficult, I try
to read more references, but I still don’t get any idea on how
to do the assignment.

Practice 6. Combine the following sentences to form a

compound-complex sentence. Use appropriate coordinating and
subordinating conjunction
1. a. The package arrived this morning
b. I did not check the content
c. The courier left it in front of the door
2. a. The program ran successfully
b. The committee felt satisfied
c. They are tired.
3. a. John likes loud music.
b. His roommate doesn’t like it
c. He wears earphone when listening to the music

20 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

4. a. Daniel wants to have one day leave
b. He can’t have it
c. He still has some deadline works
5. a. I ride a bus on work
b. I always intend to read a newspaper
c. I usually end up falling asleep

Practice 7. On a separate of paper, write five compound-

complex sentences

Basic Writing….. | 21

Students are able to use punctuation and capitalization in

writing correctly

 Students are able to determine the correct punctuation in

 Students are able determine the correct punctuation in
 Students are able to use correct punctuation in their own
writing correctly

A. Punctuation
Punctuation is an important element in written text. It is
like intonation in spoken text, which helps make the meaning
clear and unambiguous.
Period (.)
First, use a period to mark that a statement is completed.
The director just announced the raise on the employees’
I have sent the package via JNE.
The children are playing in the yard, and their mother is
preparing for their lunch.

22 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Second, a period is used in some abbreviations.
Mr. Ron Stewart M.Sc. John Downy, Jr.
Ms. Alicia Johan a.m. p.m.
MBA. S.Sos. Dr. John F. Kennedy

Question mark (?)

This punctuation mark is used in interrogative sentence to
indicate a question
When will you leave for Semarang?
Do you speak Japanese?
What have you done?
Do not use question mark for an interrogative sentence
embedded in a statement
She asked where I live.
They wanted to know why the teacher came late.
I don’t know how she got the book.

Comma (,)
Coma is used to mark a temporary break or a pause in a
sentence. There are six uses of comma. The first is to separate
items in a series.
I bought vegetables, some fruits, and milk.
Rina, Santi, and Rudi went to the bookstore and bought some
interesting novels.
Yesterday we went to Bali, visited some tourism places, and
bought some souvenirs.
The second use of comma is used to separate an adverbial
clause from the main clause when it precedes the main clause
Before you leave, please check your luggage.
If you want to be successful, you must study hard.
While we were having dinner, John called me telling the bad

Basic Writing….. | 23
Comma is also used in direct speech to separate it from the
introductory clause.
Will said, “Emily had ordered some food for us.”
Lily complained, “The room of the hotel was dirty and the
service was not satisfying.”
Anne told me, “Andini had moved to another city.”
The next use of comma is to separate the independent clauses in
a compound sentence.
My sister wants to study abroad, but my father does not
allow her.
Andi can join us to the party, or he can just stay at home.
The boys are preparing the tent, and the girls are cooking for
A comma is also used to indicate appositive (the underlined
phrase is the appositive)
JK Rowling, the writer of the famous novel Harry Potter,
has also written several adult novels.
Mr. Adam, the new teacher, teaches mathematics.
Mrs. Riyanti Hapsari, the woman in the red dress, is the CEO
of the company.

Colon (:)
A colon is used to introduce a list.
He has three sisters: Anna, Mary, and Sue.
I have three hobbies: reading, travelling, and cycling.
This punctuation mark is also used in direct speech.
Then Lionel said: ‘I am in a big trouble. You must help me.’
A colon is often used to show an explanation
They decided to study in this city for two reasons: distance
and budget
The CEO took three actions to save the company from
bankruptcy: reducing the number of employees, merging

24 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

some departments for efficiency, and reducing the
production cost.

Semi colon (;)

A semi colon can be used to connect two independent clauses
joined without a coordinating conjunction like and, or, but, for,
or so.
You can spend your holiday by visiting your grandparents in
village; you can also visit your uncle in Yogyakarta.
I burnt the food we prepared for dinner; we decided to order
food for dinner.
Anne is cleaning the kitchen; John is cleaning the bathroom.
It is also used to connect an independent clause and dependent
clause containing transitional signals like otherwise, however,
moreover, furthermore, therefore, or consequently.
We must leave earlier; otherwise, we will be late because of
the heavy traffic.
Students must always respect their teachers; moreover, they
also have to study hard to gain a success.
Actually, I have finished my paper on time; however, I forgot
to bring it to class.

Hyphens (-)
Hyphen has two uses. The first is connecting two words forming
adjective modifying nouns.
A horse is a four-legged animal.
We were very tired after having a six-hour trip.
It is a kind of page-turning novel.
The second is to divide a word in the end of a line of typing or
Although it was raining hard, the team decided to continue
the game. They were very exci-ted and did not want to stop
until there was a team to be the winner.

Basic Writing….. | 25
Quotation marks (“ “)
Quotation marks is used for direct quotation.
Tom said, “They are the exchange students from Japan.”
Dianne asked me, “What do we need for the program?”
Ryan told him, “Jane got angry when she knew that Anne
cheated her.”

Parentheses ( )
Parentheses is used for giving extra information or signaling a
series item when enclosing a letter or number.
You can find the information you need in this book (page
There are some important points that you all have to
remember: (1) follow the route in the map, (2) keep close
with your friends, and (3) be always careful with your steps.
Three steps to follow in previewing a textbook are to (1)
study the title; (2) read the table of contents, and (3) read the
first and last pages.

Apostrophe (‘)
Apostrophe has two main uses. The first is used in contractions.
I am = I’m
They are = they’re
We will = we’ll
Do not = don’t
Will not = won’t
The second use of apostrophe is to show possession or
ownership by adding the letter s.
The desk that belongs to the manager = the manager’s desk
The book that belongs to Anne = Anne’s book
The expertise of Mr. Samuel = Mr. Samuel’s expertise

26 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Practice 1. Give appropriate punctuation in the following
1. Rena has left an hour ago
2. Where did you put the car key
3. Anton had planned the vacation since last month however
because he could not finish his job, he cancelled it
4. Study well for the examination
5. The topic on part of speech is discussed in the textbook of
syntax chapter 2 and 3
6. Anne Frank wrote in her diary It’s a wonder I haven’t
abandoned all my ideals they seem so absurd and impractical
Yet I cling to them because I still believe in spite of
everything that people are truly good at heart
7. Several countries participated in the airlift Italy, Belgium,
France, and Luxembourg
8. Jim said, I’ll be home at ten”
9. Arriving on the 8 10 plane were Ron Stewart his wife and
Tim, their son.
10. Rina went on camping last holiday Andy travelled in

Practice 2. On a separate piece of paper, write three sentences

using each of the punctuation marks: colon, semi colon,
quotation mark, hyphen, and comma.

B. Capitalization
Capital letter is used for:
 Word in the beginning of a sentence
Last Monday, my friends and I went to a book
exhibition, Big Bad Wolf. Many kinds of book are
exhibited, and the prices are very reasonable.
 Proper names: person, place, geographic location.

Basic Writing….. | 27
Inayah and her family had lived in Padang for ten years
before they moved to Malang.
 Names showing family relationship
Uncle Bob and Aunt Mary will visit us next week, and
stay for a few days.
Are you feeling unwell, Mom?
Do not capitalize the letter when the words showing
relationship precede by possessive pronoun like my, your,
our, etc.
My uncle and my aunt visited us last week, and brought
me a beautiful dress.
Has your mother been better?
 Titles of person when used with the name
Prof. Alex gives lecture on Philosophy.
I will see Manager Kim to ask about the memo.
 Name of days, months, holidays, and festivals
We plan to meet up this Saturday to discuss about the
All Muslims will celebrate the Eid Mubarak on May, 13
this year.
My family always gather in my grandparents’ house
when celebrating Thanksgiving Day
 Name of product, company, association, and other similar
All of the members of House Representative are having
meeting to discuss the new regulation for labor issued
by the government.
 Titles of books, movie, song, magazine, and the like
Recently, I am reading JK. Rowling’s Trouble Blood.
 Nation, nationality, language.
Although he spends most of his live in Japan, he can
speak other languages: French, English, and Spanish.

28 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

 Races, religion and it’s believer.
They are my best friends even though we hold different
religions. Andi is Christian, and Made is Hindu
 Field of study, school courses.
I take Computer Science as my major.
Since my major is English Literature, I study
Linguistics as well.

Practice 3. Capitalize the letters in the following sentences when

1. can you speak good english?
2. pirates of the carribean is my favorite film.
3. my friend was born on 25 december 1999, but she doesn’t
like having her birthday on christmas day.
4. my father brought me back a beautiful carved indian elephan
t from his business trip to asia last week.
5. the new grade 6 student is from israel. her mother tongue is h
ebrew, but her english is good, so she will do spanish.
6. "have you ever been to italy?" -
"yes, i have many italian friends."
7. he said, “bees are not the only insects that sting.”
8. she is going to meet mr. leonard to ask about the company
program of family gathering.

Basic Writing….. | 29
Practice 4. Correct the capitalization in the following news extract.

the power of no: how to build strong, healthy boundaries

when we find it difficult to say ‘no’ at work or at home, our

responsibilities can quickly become overwhelming. For good
mental health, focusing on our own needs and capabilities is
crucial. ‘No’. A tiny, yet mighty word. to hear it can make us
feel childlike; sheepish or in trouble. how does it make you feel
to say “no”? strong? nervous? guilty? do you say it often
in july, when the gymnast simone biles withdrew from most of
her olympics appearances, citing emotional exhaustion that was
affecting her ability to perform, her “no” was a thunderbolt.
reactions were largely supportive, but opinions were divided
along political lines in the US. white, male sports pundits (and,
predictable as the arrow of time, piers morgan) used the word
“selfish”. It was a similar story when the tennis player naomi
osaka withdrew from the french open in may, speaking of “long
bouts of depression” and “huge waves of anxiety” before her
pre- and post-match press conferences.
for both women, after a lifetime of intensive training, in the
world’s gaze, the stakes of saying no were huge. but the
message was clear: they were removing themselves from
systems that might not protect them. a superstar athlete such as
Biles pulling away from the most venerated sporting event in the
world to prioritise her state of mind felt culturally seismic, yet
remarkably simple. why, if feeling completely overwhelmed,
shouldn’t she put others’ expectations second? why shouldn’t


30 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd


Basic Writing….. | 31

Students are able to create well-organized paragraph

 Students are able to explain the element of

 Students are able to explain the characteristics of
good paragraph
 Students are able to identify the topic sentence of
 Students are able to identify the supporting
sentences of a paragraph
 Students are able to create topic sentence and its
supporting sentences
 Students are able to develop the topic sentences
into well-organized paragraph

A. What is Paragraph?
A paragraph is a group of sentences about a single topic.
The sentences, together, explain the writer’s main idea on the
topic. In academic writing, the length of a paragraph often
ranges between five sentence and ten sentences; however, it is
possible to be longer or shorter depending on the topic.

32 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

A paragraph consists of three parts: a topic sentence,
supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. The topic
sentence contains an idea about what the paragraph is going to
discuss. The supporting sentences are several sentences that
explain the details about the topic. The concluding sentence
sums up the paragraph by telling the main point explained or
restate the topic sentence in different words.

Practice 1. Compare the three paragraphs below. Then decide

which one is a good paragraph.



Source: College Writing. From Paragraph to Essay p. 13

Basic Writing….. | 33
Topic Sentence
Topic sentence carries the main idea of the paragraph. It
is usually located in the beginning of the paragraph. However,
there is also a topic sentence located in the end of the paragraph.
In addition, the topic sentence is the most general sentence
compared to the other sentences in the paragraph. Yet, a topic
sentence can be neither too general nor too specific. In addition,
it is usually indented
In the topic sentence there are two elements: topic and
controlling idea. The topic tells the subject that the paragraph is
going to discuss. The controlling idea tells what the paragraph
will explain about the topic. It limits the points discussed about
the topic. The following is the example (the italic word is the
topic; the underlined one is the controlling idea).
Living in a dormitory gives some benefits for college
Bali is an exciting place to visit.
Good friends have four characteristics.

Practice 2. Circle the topic and underline the controlling idea in

the following sentences.
1. I prefer reading to traveling for two reasons.
2. Football is the most popular sport in Indonesia.
3. Indonesia is rich of traditional food.
4. Some people prefer to skip their breakfast for some
5. Staying up late too often is not good for our health
6. Learning foreign language gives some benefits.
7. There are some steps to do before attending a job interview.
8. There are two main types of school in Indonesia.
9. There are three things to do to get a good grade.
10. Male peacock is different from female peacock.

34 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Practice 3. Choose the correct topic sentence for each of the
following paragraphs!
1. ______________________________________. Firstly,
living in a foreign country helps you learn another language
faster than studying it at school. Secondly, you can learn
directly about the history, geography, and culture of a
country. Thirdly, you become a more tolerant person because
you experience different ways of living. The last, living in a
foreign country makes you appreciate your own country
A. You can learn by living in a foreign country.
B. We should live in a foreign country for a while.
C. Some benefits you can get by living in a foreign country
2. ________________________________________________.
There are some private colleges and universities in the
United States. Private colleges and universities are usually
more expensive because they do not get money from taxes.
Meanwhile, some other colleges and universities are public.
It means the citizens of each state pay some of the costs
through their taxes so that public colleges are cheaper for
students to attend. However, you can get a good education no
matter which type of college you attend – public or private.
A. Two main types of colleges and universities in the United
States are private and public
B. Private colleges and universities get money from taxes.
C. There are only some colleges and universities in the
United States
3. ________________________________________________.
First, the classes in small college are small. There are
approximately twenty students in average class in a small
college. Second, it is easy to meet with professors. Almost
all professors in small colleges have time to help students
and are usually happy to do so. Third, small colleges are

Basic Writing….. | 35
friendly, so new students make friends quickly. Thus, small
colleges are better than large universities for many students.
A. Small colleges are friendlier than large universities.
B. Some reasons are stated for attending a small college
instead of a large university.
C. An excellent education you can get at a small college.
4. ______________________________________________ .
One reason is that employers want workers to be dependable.
They certainly want workers who come to work every day.
The other reason is employers want workers who are
responsible. The employers would like to give the worker a
project to do and know that it will be done well. In addition,
employers look for workers who can work well with others.
The ability to get along with co-workers is important to the
success of business. In short, employers look for dependable
and responsible team players.
A. It is difficult to find good employers these days.
B. Employers read job applications very carefully.
C. The three main qualities the employers look for in
their employees.
5. ________________________________________________ .
Green curry is the hottest Thai curry. People who will enjoy
green curry are those who like very spicy food. Red curry is
medium hot. It doesn’t burn your mouth and is flavorful.
Yellow curry is the mildest of all. This curry is usually the
choice of people who eat Thai food for the first time. To
summarize, you have three delicious choices when you order
Thai curry.
A. Thai curry has three different colors.
B. The meaning of different colors in Thai curry.
C. Different colors have different meaning in Thai food

36 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Supporting sentence
Supporting sentences explain or elaborate the main idea
in the topic sentence. They contain detailed information related
to the main idea. The number of supporting sentences ranges
between three to six sentences. Yet, they can be more depending
on the details explained about the main idea.

Practice 3. Matching Supporting sentence and topic sentence.

Read the supporting sentence in the list, and write the correct
topic sentence number on the line.
Topic sentence
TS 1: Computers can do many things these days
TS 2: Millions of people around the world have e-mail address.
TS 3: The internet is not only for e-mail.
Supporting sentence
___1__ You can use them to send letters to people around
the world.
______ Your computer “talks” to the computer in the library.
______ You can buy computers either in online shop or in
computer shop.
______ You must sign in when you want to write a letter.
______ with e-mail, you can talk with people from
Montevideo to Kyoto
______ You can use internet to find something in a library
______ Then you can ask to read books or magazine at the
______ Computers can add numbers fast and well
______ Using computers, you can also search information
for school or business.
______ It does not cost very much, and it is fast
______ Internet also has negative impact
______ People use internet in other ways too.
______ The library can be in any country in the world

Basic Writing….. | 37
______ Email helps people with their work.

Practice 4. Read the following topic sentence, then list the ideas
that can support the topic sentence.
1. Bali is one of the best tourist destinations in Indonesia.
2. Learning foreign language is easy.
3. A cat makes a good pet.

Concluding sentence
The last part of a paragraph is concluding sentence.
Concluding sentence lies in the last part of a paragraph. It closes
the paragraph by restating the topic sentence or giving final
opinion on the topic discussed.

B. Paragraph Development
After choosing a topic and creating a topic sentence, it is
the time to develop the topic sentence into a paragraph by
giving some information to support the main idea in the topic
sentence. There are three common ways in developing a
paragraph: giving details, giving example, giving explanation.

38 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

1. Details
Details are specific points that tell more the main idea
mentioned in the topic sentence. Developing a paragraph by
giving details means that the writer provides some specific
details about the object or idea in the topic sentence.

My Hometown
My hometown, Wheaton, is famous for
several amazing natural features. First, it is noted
for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and
beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is
Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very
steep. The third amazing feature is the Big Old
Tree. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is
probably about six hundred years old. These three
landmarks are truly amazing and make my
hometown a famous place.

Read the above paragraph, then underline the topic sentence.

List the details that support the topic sentence.
1. _____________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________

2. Example
Using this way, the writer develops a paragraph by
provide example(s) that support the idea or statement in the
topic sentence. It can be person, object, or event which can be
from the writer’s own experience.

Basic Writing….. | 39
Unreliable Son
My son, Ron is unreliable. He cannot do anything
right. If I depend on him to turn off a pot of beans
in ten minutes, the family is likely to eat burned
beans. If I ask him to turn down the thermostat
before he goes to bed, the heat is likely to stay on all
night. He also often forgets to lock the door. I really
worry to leave him alone at home.

3. Explanation
Giving explanation means telling the reader about
something or how something works. Notice the paragraph

Atoms of all elements consist of a central
nucleus surrounded by a "cloud" containing one
or more electrons. The electrons can be thought
of as occupying a series of well-defined shells. The
behaviour of a particular element depends largely
on the number of electrons in its outermost shells.
Other factors, such as the total number of
electron shells, also play a part in determining
behaviour but it is the dominance of the outer
electron configuration that underlies the periodic
law and justifies the grouping of the elements into
groups or families.
Source: The sciences: Michael Beazley

40 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

a. What does the writer try to explain? ___________________
b. Retell what the paragraph explains using your own word!

Practice 5. On a separate paper make a paragraph. Choose one

of the following topics, then follow the steps!
1. A place to relax
2. Learning foreign language
3. My best friend
4. My hometown


1. Create a topic sentence

2. Decide how to develop the paragraph
3. Create some supporting sentences
4. Create a concluding sentence
5. Discuss your paragraph with your friends

C. Process of Writing
Writing is a process. It is not done in one step, but in a
series of steps. Writing is not only about making correct
spelling, grammar, and punctuation, but the first thing to be
concerned about is the content, the ideas or feeling that is going
to be conveyed. Writing is a skill that can be learned through
practice. Writing is a process of discovery.
Writing process is divided into four steps: pre-writing,
writing the first draft, revising, editing and proofreading.
1. Pre-writing
In this step you make a decision on the topic you want to
write. After choosing the topic, you gather relevant ideas to
Basic Writing….. | 41
explain the topic. There are several techniques you can choose
to collect ideas.
Listing: collect ideas and details that relate to your topic. In
making the list jot down all ideas that come up in your mind.
Keep listing even you might think that the idea seems not
relevant. The following is a model.
Questioning: Generate ideas and details by asking questions
about the subject. You begin by asking who, what, when, where,
and why questions about your subject/topic. For example, if
your topic has something to do with holiday, you could begin by
 Where did you go to spend holiday?
 When did you go?
 With whom did you go?
 What did you do during the holiday?
 How was your holiday?

Clustering: Create a mind map of ideas on the paper. Start with

the topic in the center of the page and draw lines or arrows from
that topic to ideas/details. The following is a model of


Freewriting: Jot down ideas about your topic in rough sentences

and phrases. In freewriting, you are like writing paragraph or

42 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

essay, yet you just write everything that come to your mind on
the topic. Do not worry about grammar or punctuation or
organization. When doing freewriting, you rarely lift your pencil
from the paper.

2. Writing the first draft

After collecting ideas on the topic, it’s time to write your
paragraph. First, re-read the ideas you have gathered in pre-
writing step, then organize the ideas. After that you make a
topic sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence.
In the process of writing your first draft, there are things you
should remember:
• Be ready to put in additional thoughts and details that did
not emerge during prewriting
• Don’t worry yet about grammar, punctuation, or spelling
since the sentence(s) you write might be removed or
revised later.
• Focus on how to state your main idea clearly and develop
the content of your paragraph with plenty of specific

3. Revising
“Revising means that you rewrite a paragraph or paper,
building upon what has already been done in order to make it
stronger” (Langan, 2009). In this step, you look at your paper
thoroughly. There are two aspects that you need to pay attention
on: the content and the sentence. Revising the content means
that you focus on the organization of the idea. In revising the
content, some questions you should ask yourself are:
1. Is my paragraph unified?
• Do I have a clear, single point in the first sentence of the
• Does all my evidence support my opening point?

Basic Writing….. | 43
2. Is my paragraph supported?
• Are there separate supporting points for the opening
• Do I have specific evidence for each supporting point?
• Is there plenty of specific evidence for the supporting
3. Is my paragraph organized?
• Do I have a clear method of organizing my thoughts?
• Do I use transitions and other connecting words?
Then, after you finish revising the content, you can start to
review your sentences in the paragraph. the following questions
can guide you in doing the revision:
1. Do I use parallelism to balance my words and ideas?
2. Do I have a consistent point of view?
3. Do I use specific words?
4. Do I use active verbs?
5. Do I use words effectively by avoiding slang, clichés,
pretentious language, and wordiness?
6. Do I vary my sentences in length and structure?

4. Editing and proofreading

This is the last step in which you look at your paragraph
one more time and look over the paragraph for mistakes in
grammar, punctuation, usage, and spelling. Here are some tips
in doing the revision:
• Have a good dictionary and a grammar handbook
• Look for errors in grammar, spelling, and typing. It may
help to read each sentence out loud. If the sentence does
not read clearly and smoothly, there must be something
• Pay special attention to the kinds of errors you tend to
make. For example, if you tend to write run-ons or
fragments, be especially on the lookout for these errors.

44 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

• Try to work on a typed and printed draft, where you’ll be
able to see your writing more objectively than you could on
a handwritten page; use a pen with colored ink so that your
corrections will stand out.
After finishing the revision, you come to the last step of
writing process; that is proofreading. Proofreading the
paragraph means that you look over the paragraph one more
time carefully to check whether there is still minor mistake you
make, like spelling, grammar, and punctuation. The following
are some tips to do proofreading:
• One helpful way is Read your paper out loud. You will
probably hear awkward wordings and become aware of
spots where the punctuation needs to be changed. Make the
improvements needed for your sentences to read smoothly
and clearly.
• You can also read your paper backward, from the last
sentence to the first. This helps keep you from getting
caught up in the flow of the paper and missing small
mistakes—which is easy to do since you’re so familiar with
what you meant to say.

Basic Writing….. | 45

Students are able to write unified and coherent paragraph

 Students are able to define a good paragraph

 Students are able to explain the elements in a good
 Students are able to use appropriate transition in a
Students are able to make a unified and coherent

Having topic sentence, supporting sentence, and concluding

sentence in your paragraph is actually not enough to make a good
paragraph. You also have to make sure that all those three elements
work together to explain the topic clearly and achieve your purpose
of writing the paragraph. The other two elements that make a good
paragraph are unity and coherence.

A. Unity
Unity is important at both paragraph and essay level.
Unity in writing means that all ideas in the paragraph are
connected to a single topic stated in the topic sentence in the
beginning of the paragraph. A unified paragraph is a paragraph
in which all of the sentences work to the same end. For

46 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

example, when you are writing about your bad experience in
doing certain job, and then some of your sentences talk about
the people whom you met there, this means that your paragraph
is not unified because all of the sentences do not discuss a single
topic. To check whether a paragraph has reached unity, ask
yourself the following questions:
a. Is there a clear, single point in the first sentence of the
b. Is all the evidence on target in support of the opening point?

Practice 1. Read the following paragraphs, and then than cross

out two sentence that do not support the topic sentence.
Paragraph 1
How to Prevent Plagiarism
Instruction should take steps to prevent students from
cheating on exams. 2To begin with, instructors should stop
reusing old tests. 3A test that has been used even once is soon
known on the student grapevine. 4Students will check with their
friends to find out, for example, what was on Dr. Patel’s biology
final last term. 5They may even manage to find a copy of the test
itself, “accidentally” not turned in by a former student of Dr.
Patel’s. 6Instructors should also take some commonsense
precautions at test time. 7They should make students separate
themselves—at least by one seat—during an exam. 8They
should also ban cell phones during an exam. 9If a student is
found using a cell phone, that instructor should take it away.
Last of all, instructors must make it clear to students there will
be stiff penalties for cheating. 11One of the problems with our
school systems is a lack of discipline. 12Instructors never used to
give in students’ demands or put up with bad behavior, as they
do today. 13Anyone caught cheating should immediately receive
a zero for the exam. 14A person even suspected of cheating
should be forced to take an alternative exam in the instructor’s
office. 15Because cheating is unfair to honest students, it should
not be tolerated.

Source: Exploring Writing. Sentences and Paragraph

Basic Writing….. | 47
Paragraph 2
Havasu Canyon
There is a canyon in northern Arizona that is the most
beautiful spot on Earth. 2It is called Havasu Canyon, and it is
part of Havasupai tribal reservation. 3It is not easy to get there,
for you have to hike down a long, hot trail. 4At the end of the
trail is Supai Village. 5The Havasupai are a tribe of about 650
people. 6Their language has been written down only in the past
twenty years. 7Beyond the village another trail leads to the top
of a steep cliff overlooking Havasu Canyon. 8 Your first view of
the canyon takes your breath away. 9Directly in front of you, the
trail disappears straight down the 200-foot cliff. 10On your right
you see a beautiful waterfall. 11Waterfall pours straight down
into a bright blue-green pool at the bottom of the canyon.
Directly across the canyon, hundreds of small waterfalls gush
from the cliff face, and little green ferns grow everywhere. 13At
the bottom the water cascades from one turquoise pool into
another until it disappears into the trees on the left. 14As you
view this scene, you can only think that Havasu Canyon is truly
magical place.

Source: Introduction to Academic Writing

B. Coherence
Besides unity, every good paragraph must have
coherence. A paragraph is coherent when the ideas in the
paragraph flow smoothly from beginning to end. A reader can
follow the ideas easily because one sentence leads naturally to
the next one; there is no sudden jumps. The key techniques to
achieving coherence in the paragraph are: 1) choosing a clear
method of organization, 2) using transition signals and other
connecting words, and 3) use nouns and pronoun consistently.

48 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Cohesive devices
Cohesive devices are words and phrases that connect
sentences and paragraphs together, creating a smooth flow of
ideas. They help the writer achieve a unified and coherent
paragraph. Cohesive devices include transitions, pronoun
reference, and repetition of key ideas.
Transitions: Transitions are words and phrases that connect
sentences together or relate ideas to one another. The transitions
help the reader follow the flow of the ideas in the paragraph and
understand what is conveyed by the writer. In the following
table are some common transitions used in the writing.

Practice 2. Combine he two sentences in each number with the

transitions in the brackets
1. Magazine and newspaper advertising information about new
products to the public. Radio, television, and Internet ads tell
the public what's new. (similarly)
2. The Scottsboro boys were unfairly tried and convicted of the
heinous crime of rape. The men spent many years in prison
for these crimes they did not commit. (moreover)

Basic Writing….. | 49
3. Newspapers and magazines need advertising to pay their
costs. Radio and television need advertising to pay their
costs. (likewise)
4. The media reach millions of people around the world. The
Internet reaches people everywhere. (like)
5. Most people read a daily newspaper. Most people listen to
the radio or watch television every day. (as)
6. Printed pictures are powerful advertising media. Video
pictures are powerful advertising media. (equally)

Practice 3. Use transition in the list below to fill in the blanks in

the paragraph. Compare your answer with your friends.
second also
Moreover however
One reason is that Another reason is that
On the other hand The best choice
For example first

50 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

There are three major airports near Washington,
D.C., but the traveler to Washington should be careful about
which one he or she chooses. Baltimore- 52 Washington
International Airport, which is located near the city of
Baltimore, is a good international airport. 1)_________ it is
not the best choice for a traveler who wants to visit
Washington. 2)_________ it is relatively far from the city of
Washington itself. 3) _________ a passenger bus trip
between Baltimore and Washington is somewhat expensive.
Dulles International Airport is a slightly better choice, since
it is located closer to the city. 4)_________ if a traveler
arrives in the early evening, he or she will encounter rush-
hour traffic, which is not a good way to begin a trip to the
city. 5)_________ may be Washington-Reagan National
Airport. There are two reasons for this. 6)_________ this
airport is the closest to the city. 7)_________ it is located on
the Metro reference. Two sentences
train system, which is can be connected
a convenient by the use
method of
oftransportation, allowing
pronoun. A pronoun, a she,
like he, traveler
it, and to
a noun
indicating he or she likesplace
thing, in theorcity of Washington.
idea. Look at the pronoun in
the following paragraph.

The pronoun it refers back to my hometown, and the pronoun

this refers back to the bog old tree.

My hometown is famous for several amazing

natural features. First, it is noted for the Wheaton River,
which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of
the town is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is
very steep. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree.
This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably
about six hundred years old. These three landmarks are
truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place

Basic Writing….. | 51
Practice 4. Identify the noun or noun phrase to which each of
the pronouns in the paragraph below refers to

Larry Page
Lawrence “Larry” Page is one of the most
influential people in the world. Page is an American
computer scientist; he is also an Internet
entrepreneur. He was a co-founder of Google with
his friend, Sergey Brin, in 1998. Now, he plays a role
as a chief executive officer (CEO) of Alphabets,
Google’s parent company.

Larry Page was born on 26th March 1973 in

Michigan. By 2019, his age is 46 years old. His hair is
dark brown while his skin is fair. About his family, a
research scientist named Lucinda Southworth is his
wife. Now, he is a father of two children. In
November 2016, he becomes the 12th richest person.
Larry’s last education background is a Ph.D. from
Stanford University. Here, he met Sergey Brin. Then,
they incorporated Google in order to make world’s
information easy to access. This company makes
him to be one of the successful people in the world.

Source: https://writerriver.com/examples-of-

Repetition of key nouns or ideas. Another way to keep the

coherence of paragraph is by the repetition the key words or
ideas in the paragraph. This can help the reader remember the
main ideas in the text.

52 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Practice 5. Read the paragraph below. Then, underline the
repeated key words.

Source: College Writing. From Paragraph to Essay

Basic Writing….. | 53

Students are able to write a good narrative paragraph/s

 Students are able to define narrative paragraph

 Students are able to explain the process of writing a
narrative paragraph
Students are able to write a good narrative paragraph

A. What is Narrative Paragraph

A narrative paragraph is a kind of paragraph telling a
personal experience, which can be true or fictional. The story
consists of a series of events which are told in the time order or
in chronological order. Writing a narrative paragraph can be fun
because it is like that you tell your story or experience to a
The topic sentence in narrative paragraph, which is
usually placed in the first sentence, provides background
information about the action that is going to happen in the story.
Then, the series of events supporting the main idea in the topic
sentence are depicted in detail in the next sentences. The details
of the events should be depicted vividly, so the reader can see
and understand the story.

54 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

A narrative paragraph has some characteristics that differ
it from the other types of paragraphs. The characteristics are:
 It is usually written in first person – “I”
 It usually relies on concrete, sensory details to convey their
point- - it draws the readers into the action and makes them
feel as if they’re observing and listening to the events
 It usually includes these story conventions: plot, setting,
characters, climax, ending
 There is ALWAYS a point in narrative paragraph. You
don’t tell a story just for the sake of telling…your story
must make a point.
The structure of narrative paragraph
 Topic sentence: overview the subject and point the story
 Setting: who, what, where, when
 Body: action and dialogue of story, arranged in
chronological order: Action 1 Action 2 Action 3
 Conclusion: climax of action, surprise, revelation,

Read the following paragraph, then answer the question

This past weekend I had the time of my life. First,

Friday night, I had my best friend over and we made a
delicious, mouth-watering pizza. After we ate, we had a
friendly video game competition. On Saturday, my dad took
us out on the boat. The weather was perfect and the water
was warm. It was a great day to go for a swim. Later that
night, we went to the movies. We saw an action-packed
thriller and ate a lot of popcorn. Finally, on Sunday, we rode
our bikes all over town. By the end of the day, my legs were
very tired. I only hope that next weekend can be as fun as this

Source: https://www.time4writing.com/writing-

Basic Writing….. | 55
1. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
2. What are the events depicted in the paragraph?
3. Write down the words used by the writer to connect one event to
the other events?

B. Transitions/signals
Since narrative is told in chronological order, the
transitions used are those which express time order. The
following are transition words or phrases for narrative.
 after  last
 afterwards  later
 after that  meanwhile
 before  next
 during  now
 earlier  once
 eventually  soon, sooner
 first, second  then
 in the beginning  today
 in the end  until
 in the meantime  when
 …..  ……

Note: Put a comma after the transition that comes before

subject of sentence at the beginning of a sentence

56 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Practice 1. Complete the paragraph with time order signals in
the list. Capitalize and punctuate them correctly
1. after as soon as until before

Theo’s day began with a shock. _____ he arrived at the

office that morning, he learned that his best friend was
dead. Wasn’t it just twelve hours ago that they were eating
chicken wings and tipping back beer in front of a baseball
game at the Cooper’s Bar and Grill? _____ a long day of
crunching numbers at the office, they stopped at a bar for
a Thursday afternoon happy hour. They saw a few
coworkers there, and _____ they knew it, it was closing
time. Bill got in a car with someone he met just that
evening and that was the last time Theo saw him.


2. After as until before when

I remember when I first arrived in the United States. Even

____ the plane landed, the little windows in the airplane
revealed snow and ice-covered houses and buildings. ____
I walked off the plane, cold air crept through the
corrugated ramp that led to the airport terminal. Some
people inside the airport were wearing big coats and hats,
which I had seen on television, but never up close. I felt a
little dizzy and needed to sit down, and then my cell phone
rang. It was my Aunt Sophia. She was waiting for me
outside in the passenger pick-up area, so I walked quickly
to the exit, forgetting all about my luggage. ____ the sliding
glass door opened to the outside, there was my aunt–a
woman I hadn’t seen in over ten years–wearing a parka
and waving her arms frantically in my direction.


Basic Writing….. | 57
Practice 2. The following sets of sentences are not in correct
time order. Number the sentences in the correct order.
1. _____ She put the clean dishes away.
__2__ She removed the dirty dishes from the table.
_____ She turned on the dishwasher.
_____ She put them in the dishwasher.
_____ She piled them in the sink and rinsed them.
__1__ It was Sarah's turn to wash the dishes last night.
_____ Finally, the dishes were clean.

2. ____ He filled it out and left.

____ He went to the bookshelf, but the book wasn't there.
____ Tom went to the library to get a book.
____ He, went to the computer catalog.
____ The librarian told him to fill out a form.
____ He told the librarian he wanted to reserve that book.
____ He wrote down the title and call number of the book.

3. ____ He gave us a room with an ocean view.

____ The airline had oversold' economy class seats, so we
got to sit in first class.
____ Our good fortune continued at the hotel.
____ We can't wait to visit Florida again.
____ The hotel manager also gave us coupons for lots of free
____ The hotel manager apologized for not having our room
ready when we arrived.
____ Our vacation in Florida last month was almost perfect.
____ The weather was warm and sunny, so we went to the
beach every day.
____ Our good fortune began at the airport.

58 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

C. Process of Writing Narrative Paragraph
The process of writing a narrative paragraph is like
writing other kinds of paragraph. It is not done in one-step
action. The following are the steps you can follow
Step 1 Prewrite to get ideas. Use one of the techniques in
prewriting activities.
Step 2 Organize the ideas. Put the events into time order: Make
a list of the events or number them on your freewriting
paper. Use your list to guide you as you write.
Step 3 Write the rough draft. Write ROUGH DRAFT at the top
of your paper. Begin your paragraph with a sentence
that tells what event or experience you are going to
write about.
I'll never forget the day when I started to study in university.
Use time order to organize your paragraph.
Use time order signals, and punctuate them correctly.
Pay attention to your sentence structure.
Step 4 Polish the rough draft.
Ask your friend to check your paragraph. Then discuss
to decide what changes you should make.
Write a second draft. Check your second draft for
grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.
Step 5 Write a final copy.

Practice 3. Write a paragraph about your personal experience on

one of the following topics. Follow the steps in process of
writing narrative paragraph. Use the peer-editing worksheet and
self-editing worksheet in the next pages.
 An embarrassing moment
 A memorable event
 The saddest moment
 Unforgettable experience

Basic Writing….. | 59
 The happiest moment
 Beginning a new school

60 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd


1. Is the paragraph interesting?  Yes

Write a comment about a part that is especially  No
interesting to you.

2. Do you understand everything? Circle or  Yes

underline any part that you do not understand,  No
and write a comment about it.

3. Would you like more information about  Yes

anything? If your answer is yes, write down what  No
you would like to know more about.

4. Does the paragraph begin with a topic sentence?  Yes

Copy the topic sentence:  No

5. Does the writer use time order to organize the  Yes

paragraph?  No
What time order words and phrases can you find?
Copy them here:

Check to make sure commas are used correctly

after time words and phrases. Make a note about
any missing commas

Basic Writing….. | 61
6. Look for compound sentences. Check to make sure each
compound sentence has a comma before the conjunction. Make
a note about any missing commas.

7. In your opinion, what is the best feature of this paragraph? In

other words, what is this writer's best writing skill?

Source: Introduction to Academic Writing (Oshima&Hogue, 2007)

62 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd


My paragraph is in the correct format (centered  Yes  No
title, first line indented, margins on both sides,


My paragraph fits the assignment. I used time  Yes  No
order to tell about an important or memorable
event in my life.
 Yes  No

I introduced some/most/all events with time order

words or phrases. (Underline some, most, or all.)
Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling
I put a period after every sentence.  Yes  No
I put a comma in my compound sentences.  Yes  No
I used commas correctly after time signal words  Yes  No
and phrases. 
I used capital letters correctly.  Yes  No
I checked my spelling  Yes  No
Grammar and Sentence Structure
I wrote __ (number) compound sentences and  Yes  No
punctuated them correctly. (number)
I checked my paragraph for subject-verb  Yes  No
I checked my paragraph for fragments  Yes  No
Personal Grammar Trouble Spots Number found
I checked my paragraph for------------------------ and corrected
(verb, tense, article, pronoun) errors.
I checked my paragraph for------------------------
I checked my paragraph for------------------------
Source: Introduction to Academic Writing (Oshima&Hogue, 2007)

Basic Writing….. | 63

Students are able to write a good descriptive paragraph

 Students are able to define descriptive paragraph

 Students are able to explain the process of writing a
descriptive paragraph
Students are able to write a good descriptive paragraph

A. What is Descriptive Paragraph?

A descriptive paragraph is a paragraph that describes an
object, a person, or a place. Writing a descriptive paragraph is
like that using word you ‘show’ the object, person, or place
being described to your reader. To make this “word picture” as
vivid and real as possible, you must observe and record specific
details that appeal to your readers’ senses (sight, hearing, taste,
smell, and touch). More than any other type of writing, a
descriptive paragraph needs sharp, colorful details.
Adjectives are word that is commonly used in descriptive
paragraph because this kind of word help the reader see, feel,
hear, taste, or smell the object being described. The following
adjectives can be used in descriptive paragraph.
While a narrative paragraph uses chronological order, a
descriptive paragraph follow a spatial order. Spatial order is an

64 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

arrangement of things in space. It means that the object is
described based on its location, for instance from the closest to
the farthest or from the top to the bottom. Read the following
paragraph and notice how the description moves from far away
to near.
The Stairway
When I was two or three years old, I lived in a
house that had a strange, atmosphere. I do not remember
anything about the house except the stairway. It was dark,
squeaking, and quite narrow, and its steps were a little
high for me to climb up. From the bottom of the stairway, it
seemed like an endless climb to the top. Beyond the
darkness at the top of the stairway, there was an elegant,
middle-aged lady leaning against the wall. I had to pass
her every time I went to my room, for my room was the first
room beyond the stairs on the second floor. The lady wore
a beautiful dress with a quiet pattern and a tinge of blue,
and her peaceful eyes stared at me every time I went up
the stairs. As I carefully climbed up the last step, her eyes
became fixed on me. She didn't talk, nor did she move.
10She just stood there and watched me clamber up the
stairs. 110ne day I touched her, but she did not react. Her
face did not change expression, nor did she even blink.
She just kept staring at me with her I glittering5 eyes.
Later, we moved out of the house, and I never saw her
again. Now I know that the lady was a mannequin. My
aunt, who lived in the house, used it for her dressmaking
class. I did not know my mother. Maybe I imagined that
the mannequin standing at the top of the stairs was my
mother. The stairway with the strange atmosphere has an
important place in my earliest memories.

Source: Introduction to Academic Writing (Oshima and

Answer the following questions: Hogue. 2007)
1. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?

Basic Writing….. | 65
2. How does the writer describe the stairway? Can you feel
what the writer felt? Underline the words that appeal to your
five senses!
3. Where does the writer begin her description at first? Where
does the writer end her description?
4. How does the writer end/close the paragraph?

The structure of descriptive paragraph

 Topic sentence:
The topic sentence should name the topic, and the
controlling idea provides the overall impression on the place,
person, or object.
My favorite place to relax is my bedroom
I live in a very friendly neighborhood.
 Body:
The body of descriptive paragraph provides the details about
the topic. The details should appeal to the reader’s five
senses. The more details are given, the more clearly the
reader will ‘see’ what is being described.
 Closing:
Restatement of the main idea, call for action, or summary

B. Spatial Order Signal/Transition

Spatial order is an arrangement of items based on the
location. In descriptive paragraph spatial order signal is used to
organize the ideas. The following are the commonly used

66 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

at the top of next to
in the center between
on the left behind
in front of inside
in back of across
in the front of opposite of
in the back of

C. Process of Writing Descriptive Paragraph

Step 1. Select a topic; it can be a person, place or an object.
Observation is the key to writing a good description. Thus, spare
some time to observe the object you are going to describe.
Step 2. After choosing a topic, spend a few minutes making
sure it will work. Prepare a list of all the details you can think of
that support the topic. You may use the other prewriting
techniques, like freewriting or questioning. Select dominant
details that specifically support the specific idea that you want
to write about the topic. Remember that description makes use
of specific descriptive words rather than general descriptive
words. The following are the examples:

General Specific
Mess on the floor The obstacle course of science-
fiction paperbacks, a
wristwatch, sports magazines,
and a dust-covered computer on
which my son stacks empty
soda cans

Ugly turtle tub Large plastic tub of dirty,

stagnant-looking water
containing a few motionless

Basic Writing….. | 67
Bad smell Unpleasant mixture of strong
chemical deodorizers, urine-
soaked newspapers, and musty

Nice skin Soft, velvety brown skin

Step 3. Write the rough draft of your descriptive paragraph.

Write the topic sentence and provide it with some supporting
sentences containing details that support the controlling idea in
the topic sentence. Do not forget to use spatial order signals
when necessary.
Step 4. Do a revision on your rough draft. Ask your friend to
read your paragraph and discuss the necessary changes. Ask
him/her to complete the peer-editing worksheet (see the next
Write a second draft. Check your second draft for grammar,
punctuation, and sentence structure. (use self-editing worksheet)
Step 5. Write the final draft

Practice 1. Think of a person, place, or an object that you know

well. Then brainstorm your ideas, narrow your topic, and write a
descriptive paragraph Use the peer-editing worksheet and self-
editing worksheet in the next pages to check your paragraph.

68 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd


1. What does the writer describe in the paragraph?

2. Does the paragraph begin with a topic sentence?  Yes

Copy the topic sentence here  No

3. Does the writer use spatial order to organize the paragraph?  Yes
What is the order (front to back, bottom to top, near to, far,  No
right to left, etc.)?

What spatial order words and phrases can you find? Copy
them here

4. Does the writer give specific details to help you "see" the place he or
she describes? Write three of the details:

5. Are there any sentences that are off the topic? If your answer is yes,
write them here (or mark them on the paragraph if your teacher allows
you to write on other students' work).

6. Look for compound sentences. Check to make sure each compound

sentence has a comma before the conjunction. Make a note about any
missing commas.

7. In your opinion, what is the best feature of this paragraph? In other

words, what is this writer's best writing skill?

Source: Introduction to Academic Writing (Oshima&Hogue, 2007)

Basic Writing….. | 69

My paragraph is in the correct format (centered  Yes  No
title, first line indented, margins on both sides,


My paragraph fits the assignment. I used time  Yes  No
order to tell about an important or memorable
event in my life.
 Yes  No

I introduced some/most/all events with time order

words or phrases. (Underline some, most, or all.)
Punctuation, Capitalization, and Spelling
I put a period after every sentence.  Yes  No
I put a comma in my compound sentences.  Yes  No
I used commas correctly after time signal words  Yes  No
and phrases. 
I used capital letters correctly.  Yes  No
I checked my spelling  Yes  No
Grammar and Sentence Structure
I wrote __ (number) compound sentences and  Yes  No
punctuated them correctly. (number)
I checked my paragraph for subject-verb  Yes  No
I checked my paragraph for fragments  Yes  No
Personal Grammar Trouble Spots Number found
I checked my paragraph for------------------------ and corrected
(verb, tense, article, pronoun) errors.
I checked my paragraph for------------------------
I checked my paragraph for------------------------
Source: adapted from Introduction to Academic Writing
(Oshima&Hogue, 2007)

70 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd


Students are able to write a good expository paragraph

 Students are able to define expository paragraph

 Students are able to explain the process of writing an
expository paragraph
Students are able to write a good expository paragraph

A. What is Expository Paragraph

An expository paragraph or text is a fact-based text which
provides facts in an educational and purposeful way. When you
read magazine, newspaper or textbook, you are exposed to
expository text. Also, when you write an essay or explaining
something to your friends, you are producing an expository text.
Expository paragraph functions to provide information
through a reliable source. Since the purpose is to educate the
readers, the information in expository paragraph is presented in
a clear, concise and organized way. It is also that expository
paragraph gets to the point quickly and efficiently so that the
readers can catch what the writer means. The following are the
features of expository paragraph:

Basic Writing….. | 71
• Formal language – An expository paragraph commonly
uses third person voice and scientific terms, instead of
informal, emotive vocabulary;
• Evidence – Evidence is an important point that can be
included in expository paragraph to support the thesis
statement made by the writer. It includes references to
research, naming of the author(s) of the inquiry, practical
examples, and comparisons;
• Explanation – In expository paragraph the body contains
explanation on the topic and main idea stated in the topic
sentence supported with evidence;
• Background information – Since it is a fact-based text the
expository paragraph relates to already conducted
researches and their preliminary results.

The structure of descriptive paragraph

 Topic sentence:
The topic sentence in expository paragraph is called as thesis
statement. The thesis statement consists of topic and a
statement that the writer wants to explain in the paragraph.
 Body:
The body of expository paragraph provides some factual
information to support or explain the thesis statement.
 Closing:
Restatement of the main idea, call for action, or summary

B. Types of Expository Paragraph

There are ways to develop the main idea in expository
paragraph. Some are exemplification, process, definition, logical
division, and comparison/contrast.
Process paragraph is explaining how to do something. It
contains series of steps conducted in a definite order. The

72 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

process paragraph uses the time order signals like first, second,
next, and after that. The following is a model of process

Driving Safely

You can safely drive your car from one place to

another if you follow these steps. First, make sure that all
four tires have enough air in them. Second, settle
comfortably into the driver’s seat and fasten your seatbelt
snugly across hips, shoulder and chest. Third, adjust the
rearview and side view mirrors to give yourself a clear view
of traffic immediately behind you and behind you on both
sides. Fourth, check over both shoulders before backing
out of your parking spot. A successful journey begins with
the first step and if you begin your drive by following these
steps, your journey should end well for you and for
everybody else on the road.


This type of expository paragraph develops the main
ideas in topic sentence or thesis statement by providing example
to explain the statement. Below is a model paragraph

Basic Writing….. | 73
Dog is a man’s best friend. They’re adorable, cute, reliable
and loyal. There are some incredible dog facts that make dog
interesting creatures. Firstly, dogs are capable of understanding up to
250 words and gestures, able to count up to five as well as perform
simple mathematical calculations. The average dog is as intelligent as
a two years old child. There’s even a border collie named Chaser who
can recognize 1,022 words! Some street Russian dogs have figured out
how to use the subway system in order to travel more populated areas
in search of food. Dogs don’t enjoy being hug as much as humans and
other primates. Canines interpret putting a limb over another animal
as a sign of dominance. Two stray dogs in Afghanistan saved 50
American soldiers. A Facebook group raised a $21,00 the dogs back to
US and reunite them with the soldiers. The Beatles song “A Day in the
Life” has an extra high-pitched whistle, audible to only dogs. It was
recorded by Paul McCartney for the enjoyment of his Shetland
Sheepdog. Hyenas aren’t actually dogs. They are more closely related
to cats. Spiked dog collars were invented in Ancient Greece and were
originally designed to protect from wolf attacks. All dogs can be traced
back 40 million years ago to a weasel-like animal called the Miacis
which dwelled in trees and dens. The Miacis later evolved into the
Tomarctus, a direct forbear of the genus Canis, which includes the wolf
and jackal as well as the dog. Ancient Egyptians revered their dogs.
When a pet dog would die, the owners shaved off their eyebrows,
smeared mud in their hair, and mourned aloud for days. The shape of
a dog’s face suggests how long it will live. Dogs with sharp, pointed
faces that look more like wolves typically live longer. Dogs with very
flat faces, such as bulldogs, often have shorter lives. Plato once said
that “a dog has the soul of a philosopher.” Petting dogs is proven to
lower blood pressure of dog owners. Dogs like sweets a lot more than
cats do. While cats have around only 473 taste buds, dogs have about
1,700 taste buds. Humans have approximately 9,000. There are more
facts that makes the dog interesting creatures and that even cat lovers
can enjoy having a pet dog too. But overall, it still depends on that
person if he wants to adopt a pet dog. Dog are cute so is cats. Let’s just
love them both shall we.


74 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Definition paragraph is a paragraph that provide a
definition to explain a term or concept. Suppose, for example,
we say to a friend, “She is a loyal friend.” We might then
expand on our idea of “loyal” by saying, “You know, a loyal
person be always there to support other. Such a definition
typically starts with one meaning of a term. The meaning is then
illustrated with a series of examples or a story. Notice the
following paragraph.

Absent-Minded Professor

My English teacher is an absent-minded professor.

For example, when she lectures on a given subject one day,
she forgets where she left off and asks us to tell her the next
day. Then there are our papers. She gives us topics to
write about and gives us a due date, but when the due date
comes around, we have to remind her that they’re due.
Furthermore, it sometimes takes weeks before we get our
papers back. One time, I worked really hard on an
assignment on dolphins. These animals have always
fascinated me. After I turned it in, it took her a month to
return it, and then the grade was only a B. She had made
no corrections, just a couple of check marks on the
margins. I felt so frustrated and powerless. Some students
like having absent-minded professors because they do not
have to work as hard and feel that they’re getting away
with something. But they’re getting the short end of their
education. Absent-minded professors do not know how
much harm they’re doing to their students, and it’s just
plain not fair to us

Source: Exploring Writing. Sentence and Paragraph

(Langan, 2010)

Basic Writing….. | 75
Logical division
Logical division paragraph is a paragraph in which the
topic is divided into points, and discuss each point separately.
One of topic you can choose in logical division paragraph is a
reason why you do something or you think something should be
the case. Yet, you can also use logical division to organize many
kinds of topics, not just reasons. The following is a model

Why I Don't Have a Credit Card

There are three reasons I don't have a credit card.

The first reason is that using a piece of plastic instead of
cash makes it too easy for me to buy things I can't afford.
For instance, last week I saw a $75.00 pair of pink sandals
in my favorite shoe store. Of course, I don't need pink
sandals, nor can I afford them. With a credit card, however,
I would now own those sandals and be worrying about how
to pay for them. The second reason I don't have a credit
card is that I would. end up in debt like my friend Sara the
Shopaholic. Sara got a credit card last year, and she
already owes $4,000. She buys things that she doesn't really
need, such as jewelry and designer sunglasses. Sara
makes only minimum payments each month. Her monthly
interest charges are more than her payments, so her
balance3 never decreases. She will be in debt for years.
The third reason I don't have a credit card is the difficulty in
understanding the fine print in the credit card contract. If I
don't read the fine print, I can be surprised. For example,
some credit card companies will raise my interest rate if I
make a payment even one day late. To sum up, credit cards
may be a convenience for some people, but for me, they are
a plastic ticket to financial disaster.
Source: Introduction to Academic Writing (Oshima
& Hoque, 2007)

76 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

Comparison and Contrast
A comparison/contrast paragraph is a kind of paragraph
that show similarity or difference of two things. The purpose of
comparing and contrasting is to understand each of the two
things more clearly and, at times, to make judgments about
them. There are two common methods, or formats, of
development in a comparison or contrast paper. One format
presents the details one side at a time. The other presents the
details point by point. The following are models of
comparison/contrast paragraph.

Right Brain/Left Brain

Right Brain I Left Brain 1The left and right sides of

your brain process information in different ways. The left
side is logical, rational, linear, and verbal. The right side,
on the other hand, processes information intuitively,'
emotionally, creatively, and visually. Left brains think in
words, whereas -right brains think in pictures. People who
depend more on the left side of their brain are list makers
and analysts. They are detailed, careful, and organized. ln
contrast, right-brained people are visual, intuitive, and
sensual. When a left-brained person has to make an
important decision, he or she makes a mental list of all the
factors involved and arrives at a decision only after careful
analysis. When a right-brained person has to make the
same decision, on the other hand, he or she is more likely
to base it on intuition and feelings. For example, a left-
brained automobile shopper will consider a car's cost, fuel
efficiency, and resale value, whereas a right-brained
shopper bases a decision on how shiny the chrome is, how
soft the seats are, and how smoothly the car drives. Of
course, no one is 1 00 percent left-brained I or 1 00 percent
right-brained. Although one side may be stronger, both
sides normally work together.

Source: Introduction to Academic Writing (Oshima

& Hoque, 2007)

Basic Writing….. | 77
Practice 1. Write an expository paragraph on one of the
following topics. Choose one way to develop your topic
sentence and follow the steps of writing process
 Study for an important exam
 Travelling
 Changing a car or bike tire
 My two best friends
 Game addict
 Computer skills
 Smoking in public area
 Celebrating festival with family

78 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd


Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 2002. Understanding and Using English

Grammar. Third Edition. New York: Longman
Ekawati, Rosyida. 2004. Module for Writing I
Folse, Keith S., et al. 2010. Great Writing 2. Great Paragraphs
Third Edition. Boston: Heinle Cengage Learning
Zemach, Dorothy E., et.al. 2003. College Writing: from paragraph
to essay. New York: MacMillan.
Langan, John. 2010. Exploring Writing: Sentence and Paragraph.
Second Edition. New York: MacGraw Hill.
Oshima, Alice, et al. 2007. Introduction to Academic Writing. Third
Edition. New York: Pearson Longman

Basic Writing….. | 79

80 | Diah Ikawati Ayuningtias, M.Pd

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