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Vocal Facility and Listening Retentivity of BSED English Major Students

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Volume: 11
Pages: 777-780
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1010
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8217634
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-31-7
Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 777-780, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1010, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8217634, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Vocal Facility and Listening Retentivity of BSED English Major Students

Jessa Mae P. Pasquin*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Speaking is one of the four basic communication competences that the students should gain well.
This descriptive study aimed to determine the level of vocal facility and listening retentivity of the
Second Year and Fourth Year English Majors of ISCOF Main Poblacion Campus when taken as a
whole and when grouped as to year level. Using Audio Recording tape and questionnaire as
instrument to gather data and administered 30 students at ISCOF Main Poblacion Campus who
served as respondents, and employing the statistical tools of percentage, mean and t-test , the findings
revealed that the vocal facility and listening retentivity when taken as a whole is “excellent”. The
listening retentivity and vocal facility of both grouped: 2nd year and 4th year English Majors
Students were “excellent”, Finally, the study revealed that there was no significant difference in the
vocal facility and listening retentivity when grouped as to year level.

Keywords: english language, vocal facility, listening retentivity, second year and fourth year english students
english majors

as to year level?
Outside the classroom, listening is used as twice as
2. What is the level of listening retentivity of the
often as speaking, which in turn is used twice as much respondents when taken as a whole and when grouped
as reading and writing. Inside the classroom, speaking as to year level?
and listening are the most often used skills. They are 3. Is there a significant difference in the vocal facility
recognized as critical for functioning in English of the respondents when grouped as to year level?
language context, both by teachers and by learners. 4. Is there a significant difference in the listening
Further, with the drive to incorporate workplace retentivity of the respondents when grouped as to year
reading skills into adult English as a Second Language level?
(ESL) instruction, practice time is being devoted to
such speaking skills as reporting, negotiating,
clarifying, and problem solving (Brown, 2011). Methodology

In the study of Abonado (2012) entitled “Level of Oral

Communication Skills of Freshmen College of Research Design
Education Students”, the finding of the study revealed
that the level of oral communication skills of the Descriptive research was used by the respondents in
respondents were “poor”.As English Majors, they need the study. According to Aquino (2012) descriptive
to be proficient in these skills. They say, a good research is the fact-finding with adequate
speaker is a good listener. It is a must for English interpretation. The descriptive method is something
Majors to be a good listener and good speakers. more and beyond data gathering, the latter is not
reflective thinking or research. The true meaning of
Research Questions the data collected should be reported from the point of
v i e w of th e o b j e c t i v e s an d th e b a s i c
This study aimed to determine the vocal facility and assumption.Furthermore Manuel and Mendel (2011)
listening retentivity of the Second Year and Fourt Year define descriptive research that involves description,
English Majors students at Iloilo State College of recording, analysis, and interpretation of the present
Fisheries-Main Poblacion Campus for Academic Year nature, composition or process of phenomena. The
2018-2019. focus is on prevailing conditions, or how a person,
Specifically, it sought answers to the following group, or thing behaves of functions in the
questions: present.Often involves some type of comparison or
1. What is the year level of vocal facility of the
respondents when taken as a whole and when grouped

Jessa Mae P. Pasquin 777/780

Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 777-780, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1010, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8217634, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at Iloilo State College of

Fisheries, Main Poblacion, Barotac Nuevo Campus, Results and Discussion
where researchers are taking up their course, Bachelor
of Secondary Education Major in English. It is located
Level of Vocal Facility of the Respondents When
at Ilaya 1st , Dumangas, Iloilo.
Taken as a Whole
Respondents of the Study
Table 2 shows that in terms of vocal facility when
taken as a whole, the respondents were “excellent”
The respondents of the study were the 22 Second Year
with a mean of (102.79).
and 17 Fourth Year English Majors for the Academic
Year 2017-2018. They were utilized to test their vocal This shows that the respondents mastered these
facility and listening retentivity. They were taken as an important skills in English that could help them to
entire group. become good speakers and listeners someday.

Table 1. Profile of the Respondents Table 2. Vocal Facility of the Respondents When
Taken as a Whole

Level of Vocal Facility of the Respondents When

Research Instrument Taken as to Year Level

Table 3 shows the vocal facility of the respondents

Students’ vocal facility and listening retentivity were
when grouped as to year level. Both the Second Year
measured and gathered through as audio-taped
and the Fourth Year English Majors were excellent
recording of the researchers-made and Panel-validated
with the mean of 102.6364 and 103.00, respectively.
questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of (3) parts:
the first part contains 20 words which are commonly Table 3. Vocal Facility of the Respondents when
mispronounced phrases; and the last parts are five (5) Grouped as to Year Level
sentences with commonly mispronounced words. The
questionnaire was partly taken from the UP Speech
Diagnostic Test.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data were gathered using instrument which are

Audio Recording tape and questionnaire consisted of Level of Listening Retentivity of the Respondents
words, phrases, and sentences that were partly taken
When Taken as a Whole
from U.P. Speech Diagnostic Test.The researchers
submitted the questionnaire to their thesis panel and Table 4 shows that the listening retentivity of the
adviser for validation. After their thesis panel and respondents when taken as a whole is “excellent” with
adviser analyzed and corrected their questionnaires the mean of 109.3846.
researchers immediately requested for approval from
the Dean for conducting the test in the respondents.

Jessa Mae P. Pasquin 778/780

Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 777-780, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1010, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8217634, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 4. Listening Retentivity of the Respondents
When Taken as a Whole Based on the findings, it was concluded that since the
respondents as a whole and according to year level
were excellent, it is simply showed that both Second
Year and Fourth Year are good speakers and listeners.
The capable of and at the same time qualified being
English Majors. Likewise the teachers also exerted
efforts to teach them very well.
Level of Listening Retentivity of the Respondents
When taken as to Year Level The result further revealed that there were no
significant differences exerted in the level of vocal
Table 5 shows that the listening retentivity of the facility and listening retentivity of the respondents
respondents when grouped as to year. Both the Second when grouped as to year level. This implied that both
the Second Year and Fourth Year students have the
Year and Fourth Year English Majors were
same level of vocal facility and retentivity despite of
“Excellent” with the mean of 108.4091 and 110.6411,
their year level.
In view of previous conclusions, the following
Table 5. Listening Retentivity of the Respondents when
recommendations were forwarded: The teachers are
Grouped as to Year Level encouraged to continue to inspire their students to
develop their vocal facility and listening
retentivity.The parents must continue motivating their
children to discover their potential in speaking and
listening.English Majors are also encouraged to
continue practicing their skills both in speaking and
listening so that they could land a better job in any
En g li sh or L a n g u ag e rela ted field after
Difference in the Level of the Vocal Facility of the graduation.Since the English Majors are excellent
Respondents When Grouped as to Year Level speakers and listener, the school must guide these
students with possible job placement related to their
Table 6 shows the t-test result. It shows that there was field after graduation.
no significant difference in the speaking ability of the
respondents when grouped as to year level t-value: References
1.360 and >
Abonado (2011). “Level of Oral Communication Skills of Freshmen
0.05. This means that the level of speaking ability of College of Education Students” Unpublished Master’s Thesis, Iloilo
the 3rd Year and 4th Year are the same. State College of Fisheries, Barotac Nuevo, Iloilo

Diel (2011). English Language Proficiency of Teachers Education

Table 6. Shows the data t-test Result of the Level of the Students Major in English\
Vocal Facility of the Respondents When Grouped as to
Geromiano ( 2010) . “Determining the Fluency of Contrast Drill and
Year Level
Pattern Drill on Minimal Pairs of Speaking Skill of High School

Gove, Philip B., et. al.(2013). Webster’s Third International

Dictionary of the English Language Unabridged. Springfield
Massachusetts, U.S.A: Merriam Webster, Inc.


Hwang, et. al (2016). Evaluating listening and speaking skills in


Murphy, J (2010). Oral Communication in TESOL: Integrating,

Speaking , Li stening and Pronunci ation Retrieved

Jessa Mae P. Pasquin 779/780

Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 777-780, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1010, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8217634, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

http://www.jstor.org/ Affiliations and Corresponding Information

Yalcinkaya, et. al. (2010). Effects on the Listening ability on Jessa Mae P. Pasquin
speaking, writing and reading skills of children who were suspected
Iloilo State College of Fisheries – Philippines
of auditory processing difficulty. Retrieved on February 10, 2016
from http://www.ccsene.org/

Jessa Mae P. Pasquin 780/780

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