A Survey of Various Propagation Models For Mobile Communication-2003
A Survey of Various Propagation Models For Mobile Communication-2003
A Survey of Various Propagation Models For Mobile Communication-2003
In order to estimate the signal parameters accurately for mobile systems, it is necessary to estimate a system's propagation
characteristics through a medium. Propagation analysis provides a good initial estimate of the signal characteristics. The abil-
ity to accurately predict radio-propagation behavior for wireless personal communication systems, such as cellular mobile
radio, is becoming crucial to system design. Since site measurements are costly, propagation models have been developed
as a suitable, low-cost, and convenient alternative. Channel modeling is required to predict path loss and to characterize the
impulse response of the propagating channel. The path loss is associated with the design of base stations, as this tells us how
much a transmitter needs to radiate to service a given region. Channel characterization, on the other hand, deals with the
fidelity of the received signals, and has to do with the nature of the waveform received at a receiver. The objective here is to
design a suitable receiver that will receive the transmitted signal, distorted.due to the multipath and dispersion effects of the
channel, and that will decode the transmitted signal. An understanding of the various propagation models can. actually
address both problems. This paper begins with a review of the information available on the various propagation models for
both indoor and outdoor environments. .The existing models can be classified into two major classes: statistical models and
site-specific models. The main characteristics of the radio channel - such as path loss, fading, and time-delay spread - are
discussed. Currently, a third alternative, which includes many new numerical methods, is being introduced to propagation
prediction. The advantages and disadvantages of some of these methods are summarized. In'addition, an impulse-response
characterization for the propagation path is also presented, including models for small-scale fading. Finally, it is shown that
when two-way communication ports can be defined for a mobile system, it is possible to use reciprocity to focus the energy
along the direction of an intended user without any explicit knowledge of the electromagnetic environment in which the system
is operating, or knowledge of the spatial locations of the transmitter and the receiver.
Keywords: Land mobile radio cellular systems; land mobile radio propagation factors; communication channels; multipath
channels; fading channels; transient response; reciprocity
1. Introduction
T. he. commercial
. success of cellular communications, since its
initial implementation in the early 1980s, has led to an intense
capability of determining optimum base-station locations, obtain-
ing suitable data rates, and estimating their coverage, without con-
interest among wireless engineers in understanding and predicting ducting a series of propagation measurements, which are very
radio-propagation characteristics in various urban and suburban expensive and time consuming.It is therefore important to develop
areas, and even within buildings..As the explosive gowtb of effective propagation models for mobile communications,in order
mobile communications continues, it is very valuable to have the to provide design guidelines for mobile systems.
where G, and C, are the gain of the transmitting and the receiving
antenna, respectively. L is the system loss factor, not related to
2.3 Time-Delay Spread
propagation. Z is the wavelength in meters. It is clear that Equa-
tion (2) does not hold for d = 0 . Hence, many propagation models Time dispersion varies widely in a mobile radio channel, due
use a different representation for a close-in distance, d o , known as to the fact that reflections and scattering occur at seemingly ran-
dom locations, and the resulting multipath channel response
the received-power reference point. This is typically chosen to be
appears random, as well. Because time dispersion is dependent on
1 m. In realistic mobile radio channels, free space is not the appro-
the geometrical position relationships among the transmitter, the
priate medium. A general PL model uses,a parameter, y , to denote
receiver, and the surrounding physical environment, some
the power-law relationshipbetween the separation distance and the parameters that can grossly quantify the multipath channel are
received power. So, path loss (in decibels) can'be expressed as [Z] used. They are described in the following subparagraphs.
2.3.3 RMS Delay (zms) The phenomenon of large-scale fading is affected primarily
by the presence of hills, forests, and buildings between the trans-
mitter and the receiver. The statistics of large-scale fading provide
This is the square root of the second central moment of a a way of computing an estimate of the path loss as a function of
power-delay profile, as seen in Figure 1. It is the standard devia- distance and other factors.
tion about the mean excess delay, and is expressed as
A channel is said to exhibit frequency-selective fading when
the delay spread is greater than the symbol period. This condition
occurs whenever the received multipath components of a symbol
extend beyond the time duration of the symhols. Such multipath
The RMS delay is a good measure of the multipath spread. It gives dispersion of the signal yields a kind of inter-symbol interference
an indication of the nature of the inter-symbol interference (ISI). (ISI) called channel-induced ISI. When the delay spread is less
Strong echoes (relative to the shortest path) with long delays con- than the symbol period, a channel is said to exhibit flat fading, and
tribute significantly to ‘-8. The effects of dispersion on the per- there is no channel-induced IS1 distortion. But there can still be
formance of a digital receiver can he reliably related only to it, performance degradation, due to the irresolvable pbasor compo-
independently of the shape of the power-delay profile, so long as it nents that add up destructively to yield a substantial reduction in
is small compared to the symbol period (n of the digital modula- signal-to-noise ratio ( S N R ) at the receiver.
tion It is also used to give an estimate of the maximum data rate
for transmission. Fast fading and slow fading are classified on the hasis of how
rapidly the transmitted baseband signal changes, compared to the
rate of the electrical-parameter changes of the channel. If the chan-
nel impulse response changes at a rate much faster than the trans-
2.3.4 Maximum Excess Delay (7,) mitted signal, the channel may he assumed to he a fast-fading
channel. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a slow-fading channel. It is
important to note that the velocity of the mobile unit or the velocity
This is measured with respect to a specific power level, of objects using the channel through a baseband signal determines
which is characterized as the threshold of the signal. When the sig- whether a signal undergoes fast fading or slow fading.
nal level is lower than the threshold, it is processed as noise. For
example, the maximum excess delay spread can be specified as the
excess delay (r,,,) for which P(r) falls helow -30 dB with respect
2.6 Adaptive Antennas
to its peak value, as shown in Figure 1.
An application of antenna arrays has been suggested in recent
years for mobile communications systems, to overcome the prob-
2.4 Coherence Bandwidth lems of single-antenna systems. The use of adaptive antenna arrays
helps improve the system’s performance by increasing channel
capacity and spectrum efficiency, extending range coverage, tai-
While the delay spread is a natural phenomenon caused by loring beam shape, steering multiple beams to track many mobiles,
the reflection and scattering of the transmitted signal in a radio and electronically compensating for the aperture distortion. It also
channel, the coherence bandwidth, Bc , is defined in terms of the reduces multipath fading, co-channel interference, system com-
RMS delay spread. It is a statistical measure of the range of &e- plexity and cost, hit-error rate (BER), and outage probability [6].
quencies over which the channel can be considered “flat.” It is
defined as the bandwidth over which the variation of the signal is A phased-array antenna uses an array of simple antennas, and
about IO%, and is approximated by [4, IO] combines the signal induced on the elements to form the output.
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 45, No. 3, June 2003 53
1 Pading channel
of the signal of t
k channel
Vs distance
1 Timedelay
domain Fourier 4'zZy-I I 1 Timedomain I I Doppler-shift I
description UanSfOnnS description
!' Duals :
The term "adaptive antenna" is used for a phased array when the The channel impulse response can thus he characterizedby N time-
gains and the phases of the signals induced in the various elements delayed impulses, each represented by an attenuated and phase-
are weighted before combining to adjust the gain of the array in a shifted version of the original transmitted impulse. Here, A., ra ,
dynamic fashion along a particular look direction, while simulta- and qn are the attenuation, delay in time of arrival, and phase,
neously placing nulls along undesired directions.
corresponding to path n, respectively.
The propagation models used for an adaptive antenna are dif-
Although multipath interference seriously degrades the per-
ferent from those for a single antenna. Details of a phased-array
formance of communication systems, little can he done to elimi-
antenna can he obtained in [6,7].
nate it. However, if we characterize the multipath medium well,
and have sound knowledge of the propagation mechanisms and
their influence on the system, the best design for the system can be
selected to achieve good propagation performance and, hence, to
3. Multipath Propagation achieve a better quality of service.
A d ( r -rn )..P(-iPn). (8) to the wavelength of the propagating wave. Reflection occurs from
the surface of the ground, from walls, and from furniture. When
component; T(4ji) is the reflection coefficient for the jth reflec- I Proposed Categories I
tion of the ith multipath component; T(&,) is the transmission
coefficient for thepth transmission of the ith multipath component;
e-W is the propagation phase factor due to the path length d
( k = 2 n / A , with A representing the wavelength); d is the path
length (m); and E, is the field strength of the ith multipath compo-
There is another parameter that is sometimes seen in the vari- Lso(urban)( dB) = 69.55 + 26.16logfC - 13.82log hte
ous models: this is the effect of the Doppler frequency on the
channel characterization. The thinking is that since the mobile -a(h,) + (44.9 - 6.5510ghle)logd,
wireless receiver is moving, the Doppler shift is relevant to the (13)
model. If a mobile unit is operating at, say, 900 MHz, and is trav-
eling at 150 km/hr,then we h o w that in this case the Doppler shift where f, is the frequency (in MHz), which varies from 150 MHz
will he given by
to 1500MHz. heand h,eare the effective heights of the base-
station and the mobile antennas (in meters), respectively. d is the
2 x 150000 x 900 x lo6 = 250 H z ,
fdoppfer = (11) distance from the base station to the mobile antenna, a(hre) is the
3600 x 3 x IO8
correction factor for the effective antenna height of the mobile
unit, which is a function of the size of the area of coverage. For
It would be useful to study why such a small value of the Doppler small- to medium-sized cities, the mobile-antenna correction factor
sluft will have an impact on the processing of a modulated
is given by
900 MHz signal.
a (h,e) = (I. 1logf, - 0.7) h, - (1.5610gf~ - 0.8) dB . (14)
4.1 Empirical or Statistical Models a (h,) = 8.29(log 1.54h,$ - 1.1dB for f, < 300 MHz (1 5.a)
for Path Loss
a (h, ) = 3.2 (log1 1.75h,)’ - 4.97 dB for f, L 300 MHz (l5.b)
4.1.1 Outdoor Case
To obtain the path loss in a suburban area, the standard Hata for-
mula is modified as follows:
There are a number of empirical or statistical models suitable
for both macrocell and microcell scenarios for the outdoor envi-
ronment. Some of these are described below. Lso (dB)= Lso(urban- 2[10g(fc/28)]’ - 5.4. (16)
where Lso is the median value of the propagation path loss, L, is COST-231-Walfisch-lkegami Model
the free-space propagation loss, A,, is the median attenuation in
the medium relative to free space at frequencyf; and d corresponds This model utilizes the theoretical Walfisch-Bertoni model
to the distance between the base and the mobile unit. G(hte) and [16], and is composed of three terms [17]:
G(h,) are the gain factors for the base-station antenna and the
mobile antenna, respectively. h,, and h,e are the effective heights
of the base-station and the mobile antennas (in meters), respec-
tively. C A , is the gain generated by the environment in which where I,, represents the free-space loss. Lrlr is the “roof-top-to-
the system is operating. Both A,, (/,d) and GAmAcan be found street diffraction and scattering loss.” Lmd is the “multi-screen
from empirical curves. Okumura et al.’s model is considered to he diffraction loss.” The free-space loss is given by
56 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine. Vol. 45, No. 3, June 2003
= 32.4+ 201ogd + 201ogf, (19) for metropolitan centers
where d is the radio-path length (in km), f is the radio frequency (in This model is being considered for use by the International
Telecommunication Union Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R)
MHz), and in the International Mobile Telecommunications - 2000 (IMT-
2000) standards activities. Some improved solutions for diffraction
L,, = - I 6.9-10log w+lOlog f + 20log AhMobile + Lon. (20) by multiple absorbing half-planes have also been developed [18,
191. Other solutions, based on the Uniform Theory of Diffraction
Here, wis the street width (in m), and (UTD), are also available [20, 211. The performance of the differ-
ent methods in estimating the multiple-diffraction loss term and the
AhMobile hRoo/ - hMobiie (21) final diffraction loss term is given in [22]. Recently, a correction to
the COST-231-Walfisch-IkegamiModel has also been reported
is the difference between the height of the building on which the ~231.
base-station antenna is located, hRoof, and the height of the mobile
antenna, hMobire.Lori is given by
.4 Dual-Slope Model
I -IO+ 0.3544
Lo,i= 2.5+0.075()-35)
4.0-0.1 14(( - 5 5 )
0" -<(< 35"
3S"<(<5S0, (22)
5S0-<4 < 90"
4.1.2 Indoor Case
, ,_-,,
, 1, Ref. I
Table 3. The average floor attenuation factor (FAF). fashion, less power will be transmitted through the wall than would
occur at normal incidence. Reference [41] modifies the W A F ( p )
term to W A F ( ~ ) / C O S # ~ and the FAF(q) term to
FAF(q)/cosbq, where W A F ( p ) and FAF(q) are the values of
the attenuation factors at normal incidence, and bp and @q are the
angles of incidence of the signal on the walls and floors, respec-
tively. A difiaction term was also added to the formula in [41].
When the base station is out of the building, the path loss in the
buiIding was given in reference [43].
58 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 45, No, 3, June 2003
concept of ray tracing, rays can be launched &om a transmitter building building
location, and the interaction of the rays can be described using the
well-known theory of refraction and reflection and interactions
with the neighboring environment. In GO, only direct, reflected,
and refracted rays are considered. Consequently, abrupt hansition
areas may occur, corresponding to the boundaries of the regions
where these rays exist. The Geometrical Theory of Difiaction
(GTD)and its uniform extension, the Uniform GTD (UTD) [45],
complement the GO theory by introducing a new type of rays,
h o w n as the diffracted rays. The purpose of these rays is to
remove the field discontinuities and to introduce proper field cor-
rections, especially in the zero-field regions predicted by GO.
The Fermat principle and the principle of the local field are
two basic concents extensivelvused bv the rav models. The Fermat
principle states that a ray follows the shortest path from a source
Figure 4. The reflection by a wall in a building is modeled by
point to a field point, while the principle of the local field states a lit region in front oflt,
an image Source placed it
that the high-frequency rays produce reflection, refraction, and dif-
fraction when hittine a surface. This denends onlv on the electrical
tions to the source, the attenuations associated with all the reflec-
method [IZ, 48, 5 5 , 581 and the brute-force ray-tracing method - tion terms are calculated.
are generally used. These are now explained.
The image method is efficient, but it can only handle simple
environments.Many environments with which we are concemed in
our daily life are complicated, and the conventional image method image Method is not adequate. Figure 3 shows a source and its images, corre-
sponding to two reflections [48]. The concept of a lit region has
This method generates the images of a source at all planes. heen introduced in [58] and is illustrated in Figure 4. An image is
These images then serve as secondary sources for the subsequent formed behind the cube representing a structure. This region where
points of reflections. If there are N reflecting planes, then there are the image is formed is termed the unlit domain. For the two-
N first-order (Le., one-reflection) images of a source, N ( N - 1 ) dimensional case, only reflections from walls, and diffraction from
comers in buildings, are taken into account. Ground reflections and
rays over rooftops are neglected [58]. In references [53-55], a
modified shooting-and-houncing-raytechnique, combined with the
image method, has heen used to deal with radio-wave propagation
in iiunished rooms. The effects of diffraction have also been con-
sidered. A threshold must be set with respect to the number and
order of reflection and diffraction rays that can be considered.
. '
I direction. If a ray hits an object, then a reflecting ray and a
refracting ray are generated. If a ray hits a wedge, then a family of
diffracting rays is generated. A reception sphere with the correct
SO radius can describe a region that will receive exactly one ray. If the
radius is too large, two rays could be received, and the same
Figure 3. Images due to a source placed between two mirrors, specular ray might be counted twice. If the radius is too small, it is
A and B. possible that none of the rays will reach the reception sphere, and
L -...... 1
As reported in [64], the two-dimensional ray-tracing algo-
rithm is quite accurate when the transmitting and receiving antenna
heights are significantly helow the rooftops of the surrounding
buildings. This model of propagation between a transmitter and
receiver located close to the ground is usually called the canyon
Figure 6. Rays generated from a source in two dimensions.
When using a two-dimensional model, the inputs are: a) the
two-dimensional geometry described by means of vectors speci-
the specular ray will be excluded [42, 591. Figure 5 shows &e fying $e location of the building walls; h) the estimated electrical
proper size of the reception sphere that may receive a ray. For each characteristics of the building walls (the permittivity and conduc-
receiver location, the perpendicular distance, d, from the receiver tivity, or the scalar reflection coeficient); c) the base-station loca-
to the ray is computed, together with the total (unfolded) ray-path tion; d) the antenna pattems; and e) the frequency of operation.
length, L, from the source to the perpendicular projection point. If
d is greater than or equal to ( ( L ) / 2 for the two-dimensional case, Three-dimensional ray-tracing model [12, 64-72].
The transmitter and receiver are modeled as point sources when
or ( & L ) / h for the three-dimensional case, the ray is treated as using this ray-tracing technique. In order to determine all possible
not having reached the receiver location. Here, ( is the angle rays that may leave the transmitter and arrive at the receiver in
between two rays. Otherwise, the ray is considered to contribute to three dimensions, it is necessary to consider all possible angles of
the received signal. There is no reception sphere associated with departure and arrival at the transmitter and receiver. Rays are
the usage of the image method. launched from the transmitter at an elevation angle 0 and with an
azimuth angle 4 , as defined in the usual coordinate system.
The key part of the ray-Acing method is the generation and Antenna pattems are incorporated to include the effects of antenna
description of the fays. There are two kinds of methods to obtain beamwidth in both azimuth and elevation.
the rays at the source point. One is a two-dimensional (2D)
approach; the other is a three-dimensional (3D) method, To keep all the raymanipulation routines general, it is desir-
able that each ray ?be occupy the same solid angle, dQ , and that
Two-dimensional ray-tracing model [42]. In two each wavefront have an identical shape and size at a distance r
dimensions, all the rays or ray tubes are ray sectors, as shown in from the transmitter. Additionally, these wavefronts must he such
Figure 6 . At the source, rays are launched along different direc- that they can be subdivided, so that an increased ray resolution can ,
The main problem with the statistical models is usually the Vector Parabolic-Equation Model
accuracy, while the site-specific models lack computational effi-
ciency. The use of artificial neural networks (ANNs) bas shown This model has been applied to the modeling of radiowave
very good performance in solving problems with mild nonlinear- propagation in an urban environment. As a parabolic version of
ties on a set of noisy data. This case corresponds to a problem of Maxwell’s equations, it allows a full treatment [84, 138, 1391 of
field-level prediction, as the data obtained from measurements is three-dimensional electromagnetic scattering, which is not possible
always noisy. Another key feature of the neural network is the with scalar versions of the algorithm. It is particularly useful for
intrinsic parallelism, allowing for fast evaluation ofthe solutions. accurate modeling of scattering by a single building or by a group
of buildings at microwave frequencies. Examples include scatter-
The ANN model [81] that bad the form of a multilayer ing by a building with a hemispherical roof, and scattering by a
perception was generally used with 12 inputs and one output. It group of buildings with sloping roofs.
was developed to predict the propagation in an indoor environ-
ment. In this case, a two-dimensional floor plan was used for a
database with a resolution of lOxl0 cm. All particular locations
were classified into 11 distinct categories, such as wall, comdor, Fast Far-Field
outdoor area, laboratory, and so on. One input of the network rep-
resented the normalized distance from the transmitter to the
Approximation Model
receiver. In addition, there was an input for each defined environ-
mental category. Other inputs represented either a normalized This model is substantially faster than conventional integral-
number of occurrences (doors and windows), or an appropriate equation- (IE-) based techniques. The technique is improved by
percentage (wall, comdor, and so on) of that category along the incorporating the Green’s-function perturbation method. The
straight line drawn from the transmitter to the receiver. The proc- method has been applied to gently undulating terrains, and com-
ess of learning may have lasted for a couple of hours, but the proc- pared with published experimental results in the 900 MHz band. It
ess for field-level prediction was fast. The accuracy of such a pre- has also been successfully applied to more hilly terrain, and to sur-
diction model depends significantly on the accuracy of the envi- faces with added buildings [85]. An improved version of the
ronmental databases. “shifting function” has been introduced, which can improve the
62 lEEE Antennas and Pmpagstion Magazine, Vol. 45, No. 3, June 2003
performance of the technique for more-challenging problems, such 4.3 Summary of Models for Path Loss
as scattering from a wedge. The issues of profile inncation and
small-scale-roughness effects have been addressed, and the
A summary of the various propagation models dealing with
numerical results presented showed excellent agreement with pub-
path loss has been given. A brief comparison of some of the main
lished measured data.
models is presented in Table 4. Propagation models dealing with
path loss for mobile communication have been emphasized, using
two very different approaches. First, a simple empirical or statisti- Waveguide Model cal model of the path loss was considered, where some of the
parameters used were determined empirically from measurements.
In large metropolitan areas that have tall buildings, the trans- The second approach used site-specific methods. Ray tracing was
mitting and receiving antennas are both located below the rooflops, the main method. Some other numerical methods used in electro-
and the city streets act as a type of wave-guiding smcture for the magnetic-fieldcomputation have also been applied.
propagating signal [86, 87, 1401. In this case, there is a need to
develop efticient algorithm for the computation and mapping of Each of these two kinds of approaches makes a very different
the field distribution in such structures. Theoretical analysis of trade-off of accuracy versus complexity. The empirical (statistical)
propagation in a city street modeled as a three-dimensional multi- models are extremely simple (no environmental information is
slit waveguide was proposed. Assuming the screens and slits are used, other than in the choice of the parameters), but the predic-
distributed by a Poisson law, the statistical propagation character- tions are not very accurate. On the other hand, site-specific models
istics in such a waveguide are expressed in tenns of multiple ray are considerably more accurate than the empirical models, but they
fields approaching the observer. Algorithms for the path-loss pre- require a great deal of specific information about the area of inter-
diction were presented and compared with experimental data in the est (at a minimum, the locations of all the objects, and possibly the
references cited above. locations of large objects).
I Suitable
1 Complexity I Experimental
Details of
Accuracy Time Other
5.1 Ricean Distribution where r is the envelope amplitude of the received signal, and 2a2
is the predicted mean power of the multipath signal.
This is also called a Rice distribution or a Rician distribution.
When there is a dominant stationary (non-fading) signal compo- Since the fading data are usually measured in terms of the
nent present, such as P line-of-sight propagation path, the fading fields, quantities for a particular distribution cannot be assumed.
distribution is Ricean. The Ricean distribution is given by The median value is oAen used rather than the mean values, and it
is easy to compare different fading distributions, which may have
widely varying means. A typical Rayleigh fading envelope for a
moving mobile at 900 MHz is shown in Figure 9 [90].
0 r<0
5.3 Log-Normal Fading Model
where r is the amplitude of the envelope of the received signal, and
2a2 is the predicted mean power of the multipath signal. A This model is used to quantify the distribution of rays that
denotes the peak amplitude of the dominant signal, and Io (.) is experience multiple reflections and dimactions between a trans-
the modified Bessel function of the first kind and zero order. The mitter and a receiver. The log-normal PDF can he expressed as
Ricean distribution is oAen described in terms of a parameter, K,
which is defined as the ratio between the deterministic signal
power &d the variance of the multipath. It is given by [IO]
K (dB) = 10log- (31)
2 2 '
K is known as the Ricean factor, and completely specifies the dis-
measurements of received power versus time. One approach is to
compute the distributions of the measured data and to then com- -10
pare the result to a set of hypothesis distributions, using a suitable --I5
goodness-of-fit test. Another is to compute a maiimun-likelihood -20
estimate using ab expectatiodmaximization (EM) algorithm.
However, both of these approaches are relatively cumbersome and ';d -25
time consuming. A simple and rapid method has been developed, .M
based on calculating the first and second moments of the time- -35
series data. The method is exact when perfect mnment estimates of
the Ricean envelopes are available. In that case, the factor K can -40
0 50 100 150 200 250
only be obtained implicitly by equating a ratio of the measured Elapsed Time (ms)
moments to a complicated function of K. By contrast, the method
described in [89] yields an explicit and quite simple expression for Figure 9. A typical Rayleigh fading envelope at 900MKg
Kin terms of the measured moments. received by a mobile unit traveling at 120 W h r .
where U is the standard deviation and r is the amplitude. The 5.7 Other Fading Models
assumption of statistical independence does not always meet the
real conditions in multipath wave propagation, so it has been modi- Many other models for fading have been developed. Some of
tied [94], and was simulated in [95]. these are the Rice Log-Normal Model [98], the Nakagam-Rice
Model [99], the Nakagami Log-Normal Model [IOO], and the K-
This is a widely accepted statistical model for the received- distribution, which is a substitute for the Rayleigh log-normal dis-
signal envelope in macrocellular mobile radio channels where tribution [loll. These are mixtures of two kinds of distributions,
there is no direct LOS path. and are now widely used. In [102], propagation models that
include both the effects of shadowing and multipath fading were
developed and used in studying terrestrial and satellite channels. In
[IO31 and [104], a new theoretical model for the prediction of fast
5.5 Nakagami Model fading in an indoor environment was developed. This model made
the assumption that the number of dominant propagation paths that
The Nakagami model was developed in the early 1940s by contribute to the signal in the receiver in a multipath environment
Nakagami. The corresponding probability density function is wit- is not infinite, but rather small (e.g., 15). This assumption led to
ten as [96] the development of a new theoretical model, called “POCA,” that
is more general and more efficient than the Rayleigh Model, espe-
cially for indoor environments. It is generally fit for environments
in which there exists a small number of dominant propagation
(37) paths.
Frequency I Ref.
I 1 19-37 (Area E)
Indoor sports 7- I20
arena 40.130
Open-plan factory 15-125
Textile plant
Office buildin
Within a room
4 rooms
Urban area I 98-1270
480 (Ave.)
Building 1 About 12-72
Building 2 About 4-25
Sidewalk of LOS 0.5d +40
street (d is T-R)
Engineering bldg. 12.85-84.60
Retail store 20.74-102.44
8.3 LOS (Med.)
Laboratories at
- 14.1 OLOSl Med.
same floor
22.3 OLOS2 Med.
Outdoor Site 1 60-250. 130
Site 2 wed)
B Site 3 40-130,70 (Med)
60-250, 120
10-50 with 900-1300
C In two buildings
mean 20-30
10-20 (Med )
Four types Of
C 10.20 (Med)
indoor locations
5-15 (Med)
Hamburg 1300 (typical) 942.225
Dusseldorf 3100 (typical)
Frankfurt(bank) 8100 (largest)
Frankfurt(apart.) 19600 (largest)
Washington 2500-7500
Greenbelt 2000-7000
Oakland 2500- 13500
San Francisco 1000-25500
- LOS (100-400 m) 140.6-325.4
I I I 1 I I
Mean Standard
I Antenna
Height 1 I Deviation of
RMS Delay
Location Ref.
PR(TK,SI)= 0.65-
(TK - 1 10)
110 ns < TK < 200 ns, (41)
6.2.2 Saleh and Valenzuela Model This model [9, 1191 takes into account the clustering property
of paths caused by the grouping property of scatters. The process is
described by transitions between two states, representing different
Saleh and Valenzuela [30] reported the results of indoor mean arrival rates. Initially, the process starts in State 1 , with a
measurements between two vertically polarized omnidirectional mean arrival rate /1, ( t ) , If a path arrives at time 1, a transition is
antennas, located on the same floor of a medium-sized ofiice
building. The measurements indicated that the statistics of the mad6 to State 2, with a mean arrival rate K& ( f ) . If no further
channel impulse response were independent of the polarizations of paths arrive in the interval [ t , t + A ] , a transition is made back to
the transmitting and the receiving antennas if there was no line-of-
sight path between them. The model assumed that the multipath State 1 at the end ofthe interval.
components arrived in clusters. The clusters and components
within a cluster formed a Poisson amval process, with different
This is similar to a seven-ray model, but in an outdoor envi- A faster though suboptimal - approach is based on the
ronment. It assumed some virtual reflection points (VRF's), located MUSIC algorithm, and involves only a two-dimensional search.
at the intersection points along the LOS on streets and at building The MUSIC method estimates the angles of arrival and the delay
walls [122]. It did not consider the effects of traffic and moving parameters by finding the L minima of the pseudo-spectrum.
humans. The predicted results for the R M S delay spreads were
verified by measurements.
70 IEEE Anlennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 45, No. 3, June 2003
To conclude this section, it is important to point out that all knowledge about the spatial locations of the transmitters and the
these models treat each antenna as an isotropic radiator. An receivers. This can he accomplished using the principle of recip-
admirer of James Clark Maxwell will immediatelyrealize that such rocity. The details are available in [160]. A brief description of this
an antenna does not exist in the electromagnetics world, which is novel technique is provided here.
the domain of wireless, but does exist in the acoustic arena. The
smallest antenna is a Hertzian dipole, and even that has a direc- In this novel procedure, we simultaneously employ the con-
tional pattem; however, it may he omnidirectional in certain cept of reciprocity and use the principle of adaptivity on transmis-
planes. Finally, we point out that an electrically small antenna dif- sion. In this way, it is possible to direct the energy transmitted
ferentiates the pulse on transmission, and integrates or samples the from a base station to a pre-selected mobile station, without wor-
signal on reception. However, for finite-length antennas, the radi- rying about either the presence of other near-field scatterers or the
ated fields are proportional to the double derivative of the current existence of a multipath environment. For example, consider the
induced on the structure. On reception, the open-circuit voltages system represented in Figure 11. Here, let us assume, for example,
are proportional to the single derivative of the incident fields. that the transmitter is sending signals using spatial diversity, i.e.,
Hence, unless the impulse responses of the transmitting and using a number of transmitting antenna spatially separated from
receiving antennas are included in a broadband channel characteri- each other. Let us assume that transmitting antenna #1 is transmit-
zation, it is difficult to see how one can obtain a meaningful physi- ting a voltage Vq at a frequency fo.The intemal impedance of
cal model of the wireless propagation channel! this voltage source is R I ; . At the second transmitting antenna, we
have a voltage source V., transmitting at the same frequency, with
an intemal impedance of RT2 . In addition, there are two receivers,
8. Epilogue
represented by RI and Rz . The goal ofthis transmitting system is
However, in a mobile communication environment where that we want to maximize the received power at receiver 1 by
there is an established two-way commuuication, it is not necessary exciting transmitting systems 1 and 2 with voltages V i and T i 2 .
to know these path propagation models in order to direct the Our goal is to minimize the received power at receiver 2 while
energy from the transmitter to a pre-specified mobile. It is not even directing the energy to receiver 1. Similarly, we want to find
necessary to h o w the particular electromagnetic environment in
which they are transmitting. It is not even necessary to have any another set of voltages, V$ and V 2 , that will excite the two trans-
Figure 11. A multiple-user transmiffreceive scenario.
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 45, No. 3, June 2003 71
mitting antennas so that they will induce zero fields on receiver #I then it is going to induce currents 1; in transmitting antenna #1,
(designated by R I ,and maximum fields at receiver #2 (designated
and I), in transmitting antenna #2. From these induced currents,
by Rz). The characteristics of these two voltage sets with a super-
script of 2 are such that when they are used to excite the transmit- we know the voltage induced across the loads of the transmitting
antennas, since we know the impedance values of the loads. Now,
ting antennas, the electromagnetic signal will he directed to
receiver 2 and will induce practically no energy at receiver 1. In what the reciprocity principle tells us is that if we apply 1 V at the
this way, we can essentially do adaptivity on transmission. This is feed of the transmitting antenna #I, so that V., = I and
ideally suited in a CDMA (code-division multiple access) envi- VT, = VRb= VR, = 0 , then it will induce a current I;, into receiver
ronment, for example, where a unique code is assigned to each
receiver, so that when we receive any signal we know from which 1, so that
receiver it originated. When we are going to transmit that particu-
larly weighted signal, broadcast simultaneously over all the trans-
mitting antennas, we can spatially direct the energy to a pre-speci-
fied receiver only, and simultaneously minimize the received sig- Similarly, if we excite receiver 2 only with a voltage of 1 V, so that
nals at the other receivers for which that particular transmission VR2= 1V and Vq = VT2= VR, = 0 , then this will induce currents
was not intended. In this way, it is possible to direct the energy to a
pre-selected receiver. I: and I:, at transmitters 1 and 2, respectively. From reciprocity,
we have the result that if we excite transmitter 2 with 1 V at the
The problem now is, how to carry this out? We propose to
achieve this objective using the principle of reciprocity. Reciproc- same frequency fo,then Vr2 = I and V1; = VRl = VR, = 0. Under
ity tells us that if we excite transmitting antenna #I with a voltage this situation, there will he an induced current in receiver 2.
V., and with the other voltages set to zero, such
From the principles of reciprocity in the frequency domain, one
that Vr2 = VR, = VR2= 0 , then the transmitted signal will induce a obtains
current, IR,, at the feed point of the receiving antenna marked #I
(i.e., RI).It will also induce currents at receiver #2 and transmitter (45)
#2. However, let us ignore that for the moment. Under the same
environment, if we excite receiver I with a voltage VR, with It is important to ohserve that reciprocity only links the two trans-
mitting and receiving ports under consideration, namely, those
VT = VT2= VR2= 0, then it will induce a current - let us say, I., - related to the transmitter and the receiver. The other portions of the
at transmitter # I . It will also induce currents at receiver #2 and electromagnetic network do not come into the picture, as long as it
transmitter #2. However, let us also ignore these for the moment. remains the same when we switch the voltages on the transmitters
Then, from the principle of reciprocity, we know that and receivers to satisfy the relationships of Equations (44) and
(45). Nor is reciprocity dictated by the material medium influenc-
ing the propagation path. This implies that the propagation that
resulted in the induced currents described by the variables in
Equations (44) and (45) can occur even when one is communicat-
Equation (43) represents the reciprocity theorem in the frequency ing in non-isotropic and heterogeneous media.
domain. The relationship is much more involved in the time
domain, where the reciprocity theorem performs an integration From the above observations, we can carry out the following
over time. That is why it is possible - without violating the princi- procedure:
ple of reciprocity - for a transmitting antenna to radiate essentially
a differentiated version of the temporal input waveform applied to Step 1: Excite receiver #I with 1 V, with
it, whereas a receiving antenna integrates the incident signal, both
spatially and in the temporal domain. Vq = VTz = VRz = 0 . This will induce currents I i and in trans-
mitting antennas 1 and 2, respectively. Let us assume that we can
Here, we consider the currents that are induced at the measure these currents.
transmitting and receiving antennas to be at the loads that are asso-
ciated with the feed point of each antenna. The relationship pro- Step 2: Excite receiver #2 with 1 V, with
vided by Equation (43) is valid irrespective of the shape of the Vq = VT2= V., = 0 . This will induce currents 1; and I;> in trans-
transmitting or receiving antennas. It also does not depend on the
presence of various near-field scatterers, like trees or buildings that mitting antennas 1 and 2, respectively. Let us assume that w e can
are in the immediate neighborhood of the transmitting or the measure these two currents. The measurement is easy to cany out
receiving antennas, as illustrated in Figure 11. One does not even in a CDMA environment, where each receiver carries a unique
require any knowledge about the spatial locations of the various code.
antennas. The principle of reciprocity can help one to treat such a
complex situation without any knowledge of either the electro- Step 3: If we now excite transmitter 1 with a voltage W,'
magnetic environment in which the antennas are communicating,
and transmitter 2 with a voltage W: , then the current induced in
and it is not necessary to know the spatial locations of objects that
influence the electromagnetic coupling mechanisms. Based on the receiver 1 will he the sum of the following two terms:
principle of reciprocity, we now implement the system of adaptiv- W,'Ii + W i I i 2 .Of course, this is under the assumption that all the
ity on transmission. loads terminating the two transmitting and the receiving antennas
are all equal and numerically equal to
Let us assume that each receiver is given a particular code, as R., = RT2 = RR,= Rr2 = 1 0.The induced current at receiver 2
in a CDMA environment. Let us assume that we transmit the code
with amplitude 1 V. So, when VRt = 1V with VR2= V., = V., = 0, under these conditions will he 4'1; + WiI$2.If the signal is to be
72 IEEE Anlennas and Propagalion Magazine, Vol. 45, No. 3,June 2003
directed to receiver 1 and not to receiver 2, then the weights W,’ 8.1 Numerical Simulations
and W i should he such that the first sum should he unity and the
AS in example, consider three transmitting antennas, A,,
second sum should he zero. Equivalently, if we now excite trans-
mitter 1 with a voltage W,’ and transmitter 2 with a voltage U’;, A ? , and A,, located at a base station. The three antennas are con-
then the current induced in receiver I will be the sum of these two sidered to be three dipoles of radius 5 mm, and their lengths are
15 cm. If the operating frequency is 1 GHz, the three antennas are
terms: 4’1;+ K‘;Ii2 . In receiver 2, the induced current wili he a half-wavelength long. Next, we consider three receiving anten-
+ W;I;% . If we were to direct the signal to receiver 2 and nas, marked as A4, A,, and A,, as shown in Figure 12. They are
not to receiver 1, then.the first sum should be zero and the second spaced with a half wavelength between themselves, and they are
sum should be unity. Therefore, by appropriate choice of the volt- separated from the transmitters by a distance of 2 m. In this simu-
lation, we want to demonstrate that by choosing a proper set of
ages exciting the two msmitting antennas, it is possible to direct
the signal to a receiver chosen a priori, irrespective of the near- weighted excitations on the transmitters A , , A 2 , and Aj it is
field electromagnetic environment in which they may he operating. possible to direct the electromagnetic energy in such a way, that it
In summary, the four equations descnhed above that can direct the will add vectorially at only one receiver (say, A4), and that the
transmitted energy to a pre-selected receiver can he written in a voltages received from these three transmitting antennas will com-
compact matrix form as bine vectorially in such a way that they will produce practically
zero currents at the terminals of the remaining two receivers, A,
and A6 . In a similar fashion, it is possibie to select &other set of
weights that will result in receiver A, developing a large signal at
its terminals, while the signals received at the terminals of the
other two receivers, A, and A,, will he practically zero, and so
No loss of generality will occur with the choice of a value different
that 1n for the impedance terminating both the transmitting and
the receiving antennas, since it will only affect the scale factor for
all four of the weights. We now illustrate how this can be accomplished based on the
principles of reciprocity. First, we excite receiver 1 with 1 V, and
Step 4: Solution of Equation(46) provides the set of that will induce a current in both receivers A, and A,, and also in
weights that, when used in conjunction with the signals received transmitters A , , A 2 , and A,, comprising the base station. These
from the two receivers producing currents at the transmitters, will induced currents will generate voltages across the loads of the
direct the transmitted energy to receiver 1 or to receiver 2, remaining five centrally loaded dipole antennas. Let us call the
depending on the values of the weights chosen. Hence, voltages received at transmitters A , , A 2 , and A,, due to an
excitation voltage of I v at receiver , ,
A ~ vi, vi2, and v13,
(47) respectively. Similarly, if we excite the antenna at the mobile, A,,
with 1 V, then the voltages received at the three hase-station
antennas will he V j , , Vj2 , and V j 3 . Even though voltages are
The caveat here is that if we apply a voltage equal to W,’ on also induced in the other two receivers, they are of no conse-
transmitting antenna #I and Wi on transmitting antenna #2 then quence. Finally, if we excite receiver A, with 1 V, then it will
the electromagnetic energy received from these two transmitting generate the following voltages at the three transmitters: V j , , V j 2 ,
antennas will add vectorially at the terminals of receiver #I, and
and V j 3, Now, the claim is that, based on the available information’
will he destructive at the terminals of receiver #2, producing zero
current at its loads. In contrast, if we apply the voltages W,’ on from the above three experiments, we can choose a set of complex
At Receiver 1: @I;, + WjIi2 + WiIL, then the currents induced at the terminals of the three receivers will
he given by
The objective is now to select the weights Win such a fashion that IT, = -0.003 + j0.0003
the voltage received will he finite at receiver 1, and zero at receiv-
ers 2 and 3. This is enforced through the following equation:
(all the currents are in d),
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156. A. J. van der Veen, M. C. Vanderveen, and A. J. Paulraj,
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80 IEEE Antennas and Pmpagation Magazine. Val 45. No. 3. June 2003
157. M. C. Vanderveen, A. J. Van der Veen, and A. Paulraj, Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility in 1979, and for
“Estimation of Multipath Parameters in Wireless Communica- the 1997 National Radar Conference. He received the College of
tions,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, SP-46, 3, March Engineering Research Award in 1996, and the Chancellor’s Cita-
1998, pp. 682-690. tion for Excellence in Research in 1998 at Syracuse University. He
was elected Fellow of the IEEE in 1991. He was an Associate
158. M. C. Vanderveen, B. C. Ng, C. B. Papadias, and A. Paulraj, Editor for Feature Articles of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation
“Joint Angle and Delay Estimation (JADE) for Signals in Multi- Society Newsletter, and he was the Technical Program Chairman
path Environments,” Conference Record of the Thirtieth Asilomar for the 1988 IEEE International Symposium on qtennas and
Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2 , 1996, pp. 250- Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting.
1254. Currently, he is a Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE Antennas
and Propagation Society. He is on the editorial boards of Journal
159. B. m a n and W. I.,Fitzgerald, “Joint Angle and Delay of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications and Microwave and
Estimation (JADE) for Fading Multipath Signals in a -stable Optical Technology Letters. He bas been a US National Committee
noise,” in Proceedtngs of Signal Processing Advances in Wireless representative to many URSI General Assemblies. He was the
Communications, 1999, pp. 333-336. Chair of the URSl Inter-Commission Working Group on Time-
Domain Metrology (1990-1996). Dr. Sarkar is a member of Sigma
160. T. K. Sarkar et. al., Smart Antennas, New York, John Wiley Xi and USNCiLiRSI Commissions A and B. He received the title
and Sons, March 2003. Docteur Honoris Causa from Universite Blaise Pascal, Clermont
Ferrand, France, in 1998, and the Friends of Clermont Ferrand
161. B. M. Kolundzija, J. S . Ognjanovic, and T. K. Sarkar, WIPL- award in 2000.
D: Electromagnetic Modeling of Composite Metallic and Dielec-
tric Structures, Norwood, MA, Artech House, 2000.
Tapau Kumar Sarkar received the BTech degree from the He w& a teacher of Shandong University from 1991 to 1997.
Indian Institute of Technology, ‘Kharagpnr,.India, in 1969; the He is currently a Research Associate with Syracuse University,
MScE degree from the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Syracuse, NY. His research interests are in the areas of propagation
Canada, in 1971; and the MS and PhD degrees from Syracuse Uni- models for wireless communications, and time-domain analysis of
versity, Syracuse, New York in 1975. electromagnetic fields.