Implementation of Learning Skills and Academic Performance of Senior High School Students in The Second District in The Province of Bohol

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Volume: 11
Pages: 501-509
Document ID: 2023PEMJ981
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8196765
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-28-7
Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 501-509 Document ID:2023 PEMJ981, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196765, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Implementation of Learning Skills and Academic Performance of Senior High School

Students in the Second District in the Province of Bohol
Rhea Pearl S. Lamoste*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The main objective of this study is to evaluate the implementation of learning skills in relation to students’
academic performance in reading and analyzing different texts for research among grade 11 senior high school
students. Thus, the researcher uses data from the student’s performance based on the implementation of learning
skills using the final grade in the subject “Pagbasa at Pagsusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto tungo sa Pananaliksik.”
It is focused on grade 11 students and Filipino teachers. It also uses a curriculum guide in which a checklist is
made to evaluate the performance of Filipino teachers based on the implementation of learning skills based on
the assessment of Filipino teachers, the Filipino coordinator, and the Principal of the said school. The statistical
findings show that the leading age group is 26-30, with a percentage of 43.75. The number of men and women is
the same. Among the highest educated, the leader is the college graduate, with a percentage of 43.75. In the
number of years in teaching, those who have taught for 4-6 years are in the lead with a percentage of 50.00. The
analysis of variance in the assessment of the three groups based on the implementation of the learning skill
shows no significant difference in the rating of the coordinator and the principal. There is a significant
relationship between the level of implementation in learning skills and the mean academic performance of
students in the First Quarter. There is a significant relationship between the level of implementation in learning
skills and the mean academic performance of students in the Second Quarter. There is a significant relationship
between the level of implementation in learning skills and the mean academic performance of students in Two
Quarters. There is no significant relationship between the level of implementation of learning skills and the age
of Filipino teachers. There is a significant relationship between the level of implementation of learning skills
and the gender of Filipino teachers. There is a significant relationship between the level of implementation of
learning skills and the civil status of Filipino teachers. There is a significant relationship between the level of
implementation in learning skills and Filipino teachers' highest level of education. There is a significant
relationship between the level of implementation in learning skills and the number of years of teaching Filipino

Keywords: performance, assessment, filipino, learning skills, documentary analysis

Introduction symbolizes the unity and identity of Filipinos living in

the Philippines.
The principles, beliefs and ideals of a country are
reflected in the system and goals of education. The The Department of Education made a big step in
goals of teaching also depend on the goals of revising the curriculum to keep up with the changing
education. Teachers’ role in the teaching and learning times as well as the integration program of the
process revolves around the classroom. The countries in South East Asia and the advancement of
appreciation of the taught students is the basis for the these countries in globalization. Given the criticism
selection and preparation of lessons that can be used to and criticism left and right of K-12 teaching materials,
communicate with his teachers to achieve all the particularly the modules distributed in public schools,
competencies of his subject. A teacher realizes the it is only natural that they have come under scrutiny. It
value of appropriate methods, strategies and is necessary to ensure that the modularization
instructional tools that help to move students toward mentioned above is in line with the 21st century skills
responsive learning. Teachers or anyone else are the in order to adapt to the 21st century students who exist
most important in the classroom. The teacher needs a today.
thorough knowledge of the students' principles,
philosophies, and attitudes so that learning becomes One of the teacher's important partners in teaching is
effective, easy, orderly and interesting. The Filipino an effective teaching tool that will answer the
language is the national language of the Philippines. In challenge of changing times, teaching tools that will
other words, this is the expected language that will serve as a transmitter of knowledge and a student's
unite the Filipino people. As a lingua franca, this skill builder. One of the characteristics that it must
language is expected to be understood and spoken by have is responding to the need of a curriculum that is
everyone wherever they live in the Philippines. implemented in a school. Although commercialism is
Moreover, it is stated in our Constitution. Therefore, it rampant in printing a textbook, it should not set aside

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 501-509 Document ID:2023 PEMJ981, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196765, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

its credibility and quality as a teaching tool. One of the needs of his students. All teachers cannot deny that
teacher's important partners in teaching is an effective good methods, management and discipline in the
teaching tool that will answer the challenge of classroom are the keys to the success of their teaching.
changing times, teaching tools that will serve as a
transmitter of knowledge and a student's skill builder. This study is based on the constructivist theory of
One of the characteristics that it must have is Jerome Bruner (1966) whose purpose is to generate a
responding to the need of a curriculum that is higher level of understanding that is acceptable to all
implemented in a school. Although commercialism is team members through collective knowledge and
rampant in the printing of a textbook, it should not set incorporation, values ◻◻and assumptions that they
aside its credibility and quality as a teaching tool. bring into the classroom. Because of the belief that
language learning occurs as a result of multiple
Therefore, the researcher attempted to conduct an opportunities for meaningful interaction with other
implementation study on the implementation of people in the target language, teachers today need to
learning skills in relation to the academic performance move away from and change from traditional teacher-
of students in grade 11, second district, province of centered teaching, instead use activities that focus on
Bohol. The researcher hopes that through the results of students as active participants in the learning process.
this study, appropriate suggestions for improvement
can be made to increase students' understanding and According to Albert Bandura's Social Cognitive
learning level. Theory (2008), expert opinions differ on exactly what
separates social cognitive theory from the more
general social learning theory. (1) People learn by
Literature Review observing others – a process known as vicarious
learning – not only through their own direct
experiences, (2) Although learning can modify
The following was considered by the researcher to
behaviour, people do not always apply what they have
understand further the implementation of learning
learned. Individual choice is based on perceived or
skills in relation to the academic performance of
actual consequences of behaviour, (3) People are more
students in grade 11, second district, province of
likely to follow the behaviors modeled by someone
Bohol. The Zone of Proximal Development is a
with whom they can identify. The more perceived
concept for which Vygotsky is known. This refers to
commonalities and/or emotional attachments between
the observation that children, when learning a specific
the observer and the model, the more likely the
task or body of information, start by not being able to
observer will learn from the model, (4) The degree of
do the tasks. Then they can do it with the help of an
self-efficacy is a fundamental belief in one’s ability to
adult or older child mentor, and finally they can do it
achieve a goal. If you believe that you can learn new
without help. ZPD is the stage where they can do it,
behaviors, you will be much more successful in doing
but not alone. So the teacher will often prepare himself
to guide a child or group of children as they encounter
different learning challenges. Pursuant to the Constitution of the Philippines (1987),
Article XIV, Section 1. The State shall protect and
Vygotsky's Theory differs from Piaget's which
promote the right of all citizens to good education at
considers development after age 2, at least partially
all levels and shall take appropriate measures to ensure
determined by language. He believes that there is
that all of the citizens to good education at all levels
speech that serves as a self-guide function, and
and shall take appropriate measures so that all may
eventually becomes internalized, only it is spoken
obtain such education.
aloud because the child has not yet learned how to
internalize it. He is found to have speech and is In this regard, the New Constitution of the Philippines
reduced when the child feels that awareness is 1987 (February 2), Article XIV, Sections 2 and 5
minimized, as if there is an audience or no audience is clearly explained that: The State shall establish,
busy with other things. The ideas, while intriguing, maintain, and provide for a complete, adequate and
have not been adequately researched, so it is difficult unified system of education that is appropriate to the
to evaluate their significance. needs of the people and society.

According to the Model Theory of Teaching, Article XIV added to Section 6 in the 1987
(www./http// which focuses on the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines, states
basic assumption that human personality is formed, that "The national language of the Philippines is
shaped and molded by their environment, so the Filipino. While being cultivated, it should be further
teacher needs to think differently methods to meet the
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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 501-509 Document ID:2023 PEMJ981, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196765, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

developed and enriched based on the existing language "Education Act of 1982", The State shall recognize the
in the Philippines and other languages.” Section 7 right of the students to receive competent instruction,
added that "For purposes of communication and relevant to quality education to his full development as
instruction, the official languages of the a person with human dignity.”
Philippines are Filipino and, unless otherwise provided
by law, English. Section 9 states that "Congress shall
establish a National Language Commission composed Methodology
of representatives of various regions and disciplines to
conduct, coordinate and promote research in Filipino This study uses "documentary analysis" or documental
and other languages for regions and disciplines to analysis. The researcher uses data from the
conduct, coordinate and promote research in Filipino p erfo rmance of the students based on the
and other languages for their development, implementation of the implementation in the learning
dissemination, and maintenance. skill using the final grade in the subject “Pagbasa at
Pagsusuri ng Iba’t Ibang Teksto tungo sa
Based on Republic Act No. 7722, section 2, The state
Pananaliksik.” It is focused on students in grade 11
shall protect, foster and promote the right of all
students and 16 teachers in Filipino, 16 Filipino
citizens to affordable quality education at all levels and
coordinators and 16 Principals. The collection of
shall take appropriate steps to ensure that education
important data is done by the researcher himself to
shall be accessible to all. The state shall likewise
ensure that the collection of said data is on the right
ensure and protect academic freedom and shall
track. Filipino teachers were given a checklist to assess
promote its excersie and observance for the continuing
their performance based on the implemented
intellectual growth, the advancement of learning and
competencies of grade 11. For the academic
research, the development of responsible and effective
performance of Filipino students based on the
leadership, the education of high level and middle
implemented competencies of grade 11 were recorded
level professionals and the enrichment of our historical
and analyzed for statistical calculations and practical
and cultural heritage. State-supported institutions of
significance. Each response was recorded, analyzed,
higher learning shall gear their programs to national,
and made a statistical analysis and it will be equated
regional or local development plans. Finally, all
with a narrative interpretation to ensure the outcome of
institutions of higher learning shall exemplify through
the conducted study.
their physical and natural surroundings the dignity and
beauty of as well as their pride in the intellectual and
scholarly life. Results and Discussion
By virtue of Republic Act 10533 (K to 12 Program),
the basic education program in the country will be Included in this chapter is the presentation of data,
changed – one year in Kindergarten, six years in analysis done on data, and interpretation of data based
primary school, four years in junior high school, and on what the researcher gathered regarding the
two years in senior high school to students have implementation of learning skills in relation to the
enough time to learn the right concepts and practices, academic performance of students in grade 11, second
prepare as lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for district, province of Bohol.
tertiary education, medium-level skill development,
employment, and Entrepreneurship. This also includes Table 1 shows the percentage in the profile of Filipino
the use of the native language in teaching Grade 1 to 3 teachers' age, gender, civil status, highest level of
students or the so-called mother-tongue-based education and number of years of teaching in Filipino.
multilingual education program (Ako ay Pilipino In terms of age, the 26-30 group is in the lead, the
Roma, 2013). 20-25 and 31-35 group are second, the 36-40 group is
third and the 41-50 group is the last. As for gender, the
Based on Executive Order 335, Seeking to further use number of men and women is the same. In terms of
of Filipino language in official transactions and civil status, the data shows the same amount of young
communications, President Corazon Aquino ordered in and married Filipino teachers. In terms of the highest
1988 all government departments, bureaus, offices, education achieved by Filipino teachers, leading in the
agencies, and instrumentalities to take steps in using number of teachers who only graduated from College
the Filipino language in transactions, communications Graduate, those with MA units are second and third
and correspondence. DepEd Order No. 43, Section 9 are MA Degree Holders and with PhD Units. In the
of Batasang Pambansa No. 232 known as the number of years in teaching, those who have taught for

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 501-509 Document ID:2023 PEMJ981, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196765, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

4-6 years are in the lead, those who have taught for 7-9 thoughts contained in the read text. While 3 learning
years and 10-12 years are second and lastly those who skills are included in the rating of 2.50-3.24 that says
have taught for 13-15 years. Moderately Implemented and Moderately Achieved.
These are the following competencies: Effective
In Table 2.A, it can be seen the implementation of means of expression are used: a. Clarity, Usability
learning skills - Quarter 1 based on the assessment of Uses effective means of expression: b. Relevance,
Filipino teachers. In quarter 1, in the evaluation of the Uses effective means of expression: c. Effective on the
Filipino teachers, it can be seen that 14 learning skills reaction paper written. Meanwhile, 5 learning skills
are included in the rating of 3.25-4.00 which says that are included in the rating of 1.75-2.49 that says Less
the following competencies are Fully Implemented and Implemented and Slightly Achieved. These are the
Fully Achieved: Identifying the topic discussed in the following competencies: Able to write several
various texts read, Identifying the meaning and examples of different texts read, Able to use the
characteristics of important words used by different cohesive device to write one's own example text, Able
types of text read, Can share the characteristics and to write reaction papers based on the read text
nature of different texts read, Can write several according to its nature and significance in: a. Self,
examples of different types of text, Can use the Able to write reaction papers based on the read text
cohesive device to write one's own example text, Can according to its nature and significance in: b. Family,
obtain appropriate data to develop one's own written Able to write reaction papers based on the read text
text, Can relate the thoughts contained in the text read according to its nature and significance in: c.
to oneself, family, community, country, and the world, Community/ Country/ World. Overall, it has a 3.03
Can explain the thoughts contained in the text read composite mean that says Moderately Implemented
Effective means of expression are used: a. Clarity In and Moderately Achieved.
the reaction paper written, Effective means of
expression are used: b. Relevance In the reaction paper In Table 2.C, it can be seen the implementation of
written, Effective means of expression are used: c. learning skills - Quarter 1 based on the assessment of
Effectiveness In the reaction paper written, Can write the principals. In quarter 1, in the evaluation of the
reaction papers based on the read text according to its head teachers it can be seen that 3 learning skills are
nature and significance in: a. Self, Able to write included in the rating of 3.25-4.00 which says Fully
reaction papers based on the read text according to its Implemented and Fully Achieved. These are the
nature and significance in: b. family able to write following competencies: Identifying the topic
reaction papers based on the read text according to its discussed in different texts read, Identifying the
nature and significance in: c. Community/ Country/ meaning and characteristics of important words used
World. Overall, it has a 3.82 composite mean that says in different types of texts read, Being able to share the
Fully Implemented and Fully Achieved. nature and nature of different texts read. While 3
learning skills are included in the rating of 2.50-3.24
In Table 2.B, it can be seen the implementation of that says Moderately Implemented and Moderately
learning skills - Quarter 1 based on the assessment of Achieved. These are the following competencies: Gets
Filipino coordinators. In quarter 1, in the evaluation of appropriate data to develop one's own written text, Can
the coordinators in Filipino it can be seen that 6 relate the thoughts contained in the read text to
learning skills are included in the rating of 3.25-4.00 oneself, family, community, country and the world,
which says Fully Implemented and Fully Achieved. Can explain the thoughts contained in the read text.
These are the following competencies: Identifies the Meanwhile, 8 learning skills are included in the rating
topic discussed in the various texts read, Identifies the of 1.75-2.49 which says Less Implemented and
meaning and nature of important In table III-B, it can Slightly Achieved. These are the following
be seen the implementation of learning skills - Quarter competencies: Able to write several examples of
1 based on the assessment of Filipino coordinators. In different types of text, Able to use the cohesive device
quarter 1, in the evaluation of the coordinators in to write one's own sample text, Able to use effective
Filipino it can be seen that 6 learning skills are means of expression: a. Clarity, Uses effective means
included in the rating of 3.25-4.00 which says Fully of expression: b. Relevance, Uses effective means of
Implemented and Fully Achieved. These are the expression c. Validity of the reaction paper written,
following competencies: Identifies the topic discussed Able to write reaction papers based on the read text
in the various texts read, gets appropriate data to according to its nature and significance in: a. Self,
develop one's own written text, Can relate the thoughts Able to write reaction papers based on the read text
contained in the read text to oneself, family, according to its nature and significance in: b. Family,
community, country, and the world, Can explain the Able to write reaction papers based on the read text

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 501-509 Document ID:2023 PEMJ981, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196765, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

according to its nature and significance in: c. a research, Develops a short research that is current on
Community/ Country/ World. Overall, it has a 2.74 the topic. Overall, it has a 3.50 composite mean that
composite mean that says Moderately Implemented says Fully Implemented and Fully Achieved.
and Moderately Achieve.
In Table 3.F, it can be seen the implementation of
In Table 3.D, it can be seen the implementation of learning skills - Quarter 2 based on the assessment of
learning skills - Quarter 1 based on the assessment of Filipino coordinators. In quarter 2, in the evaluation of
teachers, coordinators and principals (mean response). the coordinators in Filipino it can be seen that 5
In quarter 1, in the assessment of teachers, learning skills are included in the rating of 2.50-3.24
coordinators and principals (mean response) it can be which says Moderately Implemented and Moderately
seen that 6 learning skills are included in the rating of Achieved. These are the following competencies:
3.25-4.00 which says Fully Implemented and Fully Some examples of research in Filipino can be analyzed
Achieved. These are the following competencies: based on the purpose, use, method, and research ethics,
Identifies the topic discussed in the various texts read, Concepts related to research can be interpreted
Identifies the meaning and characteristics of the (Example: conceptual framework, theoretical
important words used in the various types of texts framework, empirical data, etc.), The methods and
read, The characteristics and nature of the various texts correct process of writing a research in Filipino are
read are shared, Obtains suitable data to develop one's individualized based on the purpose, use, method, and
own written text, The thoughts contained in the text ethics of the research, Uses logical reasoning and
read are related to oneself, family, community, country relationships of ideas in writing a research, Develops a
and the world, The thoughts contained in the text read short research that is up-to-date on the topic. Overall,
are explained. While 8 learning skills are included in it has a 2.58 composite mean that says Moderately
the rating of 2.50-3.24 that says Moderately Implemented and Moderately Achieved.
Implemented and Moderately Achieved. These are the
following competencies: Able to write several In Table 3.G, it can be seen the implementation of
examples of different types of text, Able to use the learning skills - Quarter 2 based on the assessment of
cohesive device to write one's own sample text, Able Principals. In quarter 2, in the assessment of Principals
to use effective means of expression: a. Clarity, Uses it can be seen that 5 learning skills are included in the
effective means of expression: b. Connection, rating of 1.75-2.49 which says Less Implemented and
Effective means of expression are used: c. Slightly Achieved. These are the following
Effectiveness In the reaction paper written, Can write competencies: Some examples of research in Filipino
reaction papers based on the read text according to its can be analyzed based on the purpose, use, method,
nature and significance in: a. Self, Able to write and research ethics, Concepts related to research can
reaction papers based on the read text according to its be defined (Example: conceptual framework,
nature and significance in: b. Family, Able to write theoretical framework, empirical data, etc.),. Identifies
reaction papers based on the read text according to its the methods and correct process of writing a research
nature and significance in: c. Community/ Country/ in Filipino based on the purpose, use, method, and
World. Overall, it has a 3.20 composite mean that says ethics of the research, Uses logical reasoning and
Moderately Implemented and Moderately Achieved. relationship of ideas in writing a research, Develops a
short research that is current on the subject. Overall, it
In Table 3.E, it can be seen the implementation of has a 2.29 composite mean that says Less
learning skills - Quarter 2 based on the assessment of Implem en ted and Slightly Achieved.
Filipino teachers. In quarter 2, in the assessment of the
Filipino teachers it can be seen that 5 learning skills In Table 3.H, it can be seen the implementation of
are included in the rating of 3.25-4.00 which says learning skills - Quarter 2 based on the assessment of
Fully Implemented and Fully Achieved. These are the teachers, coordinators and principals (mean response).
following competencies: Some examples of research in In quarter 2, in the assessment of teachers,
Filipino can be analyzed based on the purpose, use, coordinators and principals (mean response) it can be
method, and ethics of research, Concepts related to seen that 5 learning skills are included in the rating of
research can be defined (Example: conceptual 2.50-3.24 that says Moderately Implemented and
framework, theoretical framework, empirical data, Moderately Achieved. These are the following
etc.), The methods and correct process of writing a competencies: Some examples of research in Filipino
research in Filipino can be identified based on the are analyzed based on the purpose, uses, methods, and
purpose, use, method, and ethics of research, Uses ethics of research, Concepts related to research are
logical reasoning and relationships of ideas in writing defined (Example: conceptual framework, theoretical

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 501-509 Document ID:2023 PEMJ981, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196765, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

framework, empirical data, etc.), The methods and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation Test between
correct process of writing a research in Filipino are the level of implementation in learning skills and the
identified based on the purpose, uses, methods, and mean academic performance of students. The obtained
ethics of research, , Uses logical reasoning and correlation coefficient is 0.834216 which is greater
relationships of ideas in writing a research, Develops a than the critical value of 0.4973 in 14df and 0.05 level
short research that is current on the topic. Overall, it of significance, which indicates that there is a
has a 2.79 composite mean that says Moderately significant relationship between the level of
Implemented and Moderately Achieved. implementation in the implementation of learning
skills and the mean academic performance of students.
In Table 3.I, it can be seen the implementation in the This was additionally tested using the t-test and the
learning skills of students in Filipino 11 according to result was still significant. The result revealed that
the Three Groups. In the assessment of teachers, teachers' implementation of learning skills affects
coordinators and principals in the first quarter and students' academic performance. There is still a need
second quarter it can be seen that 8 of the learning to improve teachers' implementation of instructional
skills are included in the rating of 3.25-4.00 which skills to increase students' academic performance.
says Fully Implemented and Fully Achieved, 5 of the
learning skills are included in the rating of 2.50-3.24 Correlation Between the Performance of Filipino
that says Moderately Implemented and Moderately Teachers based on the Implementation of Learning
Achieved, 3 of the learning skills say Less Skills and Mean Academic Performance of
Implemented and Slightly Achieved. Overall, it has a Students in the Second Quarter. Table 6.B
2.99 mean that says Moderately Implemented and represents the Pearson Product Moment Correlation
Moderately Achieved. Test between the level of implementation in learning
skills and the mean academic performance of students.
In Table 4, based on the summary of the students'
This was additionally tested using the t-test and the
mean academic p erform ance based on the
result was still significant. The result revealed that
implementation of learning skills, it can be seen that 5
teachers' implementation of learning skills affects
Filipino teachers are included in the rating of 85-89
students' academic performance. There is still a need
which says very satisfactory and 11 Filipino teachers
are included in the rating of 80-84 which says to improve teachers' implementation of instructional
satisfactory. Overall, it has a mean of 83.82 which says skills to increase students' academic performance.
Correlation Between Filipino Teachers'
Analysis of Variance in Three-Group Assessment Perfo rm a nce Based on Learning Skills
Based on Learning Skills Implementation. Table 5 Implementation and Students' Mean Academic
shows the analysis of variance between the three Performance. Table 6.C represents the Pearson
groups of respondents in the implementation of Product Moment Correlation Test between the level of
learning skills, the obtained F ratio is 23.90991 which implementation in learning skills and the mean
is greater than the critical value of 3.205 at 2 by 45 df academic performance of students. The obtained
and 0.05 level of significance, which indicates that the correlation coefficient is 0.858983 which is greater
null hypothesis is not accepted. The results show that than the critical value of 0.4973 at 14 df and 0.05 level
the answers of the three groups differ significantly in of significance which indicates that the null hypothesis
implementation. Wherein the difference lies. This is is not accepted. This was additionally tested using the
further subject to the test of Scheffe's Test. The result t-test and the result was still significant. It shows that
showed a significant difference in pairs between the there is a significant relationship between the
ratings of the teacher and the coordinator in Filipino implementation of implementation in learning skills
and teacher and principal. There was no significant and the mean academic performance of students with
difference in the rating of the coordinator and the moderate achievement in implementation of
principal. This is due to the high rating of 3.66 by the implementation in learning skills, the mean academic
teachers compared to the ratings of the coordinator and performance of students is at a satisfactory level.
principal. There is a need to improve the implementation to
increase the academic performance of students.
Correlation Between the Performance of Filipino
Teachers based on the Implementation of Learning Relationship Between Filipino Teachers'
Skills and Mean Academic Performance of Perfo rm a nce Based on Learning Skills
Students in the First Quarter. Table 6.A represents Implementation and Age. Table 7.A represents the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 501-509 Document ID:2023 PEMJ981, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196765, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Chi-Square between the level of implementation of Relationship Between the Performance of Filipino
learning skills and the age of Filipino teachers. The Teachers based on the Implementation of Learning
obtained chi-square value is 4.9526 which is lower Skills and the Highest Studied. Table 7.D represents
than the critical value of 9.488 in 4df and 0.05 level of the Chi-Square between the level of implementation of
significance, which indicates that there is no learning skills and the highest level of education of
significant relationship between the level of Filipino teachers. The obtained chi-square value is
implementation in the implementation of learning 14.0000 which is higher than the critical value of
skills and age of Filipino teachers. The result revealed 7.815 in 3df and 0.05 level of significance, which
that the implementation of implementation in the indicates that there is a significant relationship
learning skills of teachers is not significantly related to between the level of implementation in the
their age. Regardless of the age of the Filipino implementation of learning skills and the highest
teachers, the implementation does not significantly educated Filipino teachers. . The result revealed that
affect the learning skills of the Filipino teachers. the implementation of implementation in the learning
However, there is still a need to improve the skills of teachers is significantly related to their highest
implementation of teachers' learning skills from education. Regardless of the highest education of
moderate to full implementation. Filipino teachers affects the implementation of
implementation in the learning skills of Filipino
Relationship Between Filipino Teachers' teachers. However, there is still a need to improve the
Perfo rm a nce Based on Lea rning Skills implementation of teachers' learning skills from
Implementation and Gender. Table 7.B represents moderate to full implementation.
the Chi-Square between the level of implementation of
learning skills and gender of Filipino teachers. The Relationship Between the Performance of Filipino
obtained chi-square value is 4.000 which is higher than Teachers based on the Implementation of Learning
the critical value of 3.841 at 1df and 0.05 level of Skills and Number of Years in Teaching. Table 7.E
significance, which indicates that there is a significant represents the Chi-Square between the level of
relationship between the level of implementation in the implementation in learning skills and the number of
implementation of learning skills and gender of years of teaching in Filipino teachers. The obtained
Filipino teachers. The result revealed that the chi-square value is 7.3334 which is higher than the
implementation of implementation in the learning critical value of 7.815 in 3df and 0.05 level of
skills of teachers is significantly related to their significance, which indicates that there is a significant
gender. Regardless of the gender of the Filipino relationship between the level of implementation in the
teachers, it affects the implementation of the learning implementation of learning skills and the number of
skills of the Filipino teachers. However, there is still a years in teaching Filipino teachers. The result revealed
need to improve the implementation of teachers' that the implementation of implementation in the
learning skills from moderate to full implementation. learning skills of teachers is significantly related to
their number of years in teaching. Regardless of the
Relationship Between the Performance of Filipino number of years in the teaching of Filipino teachers
Teachers based on the Implementation of Learning affects the implementation of implementation in the
Skills and Civil Status. Table 7.C represents the Chi- learning skills of Filipino teachers. However, there is
Square between the level of implementation of still a need to improve the implementation of teachers'
learning skills and civil status of Filipino teachers. The learning skills from moderate to full implementation.
obtained chi-square value is 16.000 which is higher
than the critical value of 3.841 at 1df and 0.05 level of
significance, which indicates that there is a significant
relationship between the level of implementation in the
implementation of learning skills and civil status of Based on the results of this study, the following
Filipino teachers. The result revealed that the conclusions can be given: (1) From this study, the
implementation of implementation in the learning leading age group is 26-30 with a percentage of 43.75.
skills of teachers is significantly related to their civil The number of men and women is the same. The
status. Regardless of the civil status of Filipino number of young men/young women and married
teachers, it affects the implementation of the learning people is also the same. Among the highest educated,
skills of Filipino teachers. However, there is still a the leader is the college graduate with a percentage of
need to improve the implementation of teachers' 43.75. In the number of years in teaching, those who
learning skills from moderate to full implementation. have taught 4-6 years are in the lead with a percentage

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 501-509 Document ID:2023 PEMJ981, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196765, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of 50.00. (2) Based on this study, it was discovered in and the age of Filipino teachers. (16) There is a
the implementation of learning skills-Quarter I based significant relationship between the level of
on the assessment of Filipino teachers that the implementation of learning skills and gender of
composite mean is 3.82 which says Fully Implemented Filipino teachers. (17) There is a significant
and Fully Achieved. (3) Based on this study, it was relationship between the level of implementation of
discovered in the implementation of learning skills- learning skills and the civil status of Filipino teachers.
Quarter I based on the evaluation of the coordinators (18) There is a significant relationship between the
in Filipino that the composite mean is 3.03 which says level of implementation of learning skills and Filipino
Moderately Implemented and Moderately Achieved. teachers' highest level of education. (19) There is a
(4) Based on this study, it was discovered in the significant relationship between the level of
implementation of learning skills-Quarter I based on implementation in learning skills and the number of
the assessment of Principals that the composite mean years in teaching Filipino teachers.
is 2.74 which says Moderately Implemented and
Moderately Achieved. (5) Based on this study, it was Based on the findings and conclusions of this study,
discovered in the implementation of learning skills- the researcher strongly suggests the following
Quarter I based on the assessment of teachers, recommendations: (1) To improve teachers'
coordinators in Filipino, and Principal that the implementation of teaching skills, teachers are
composite mean is 3.20 which says Moderately encouraged to prepare different teaching methods and
Implemented and Moderately Achieved. (6) Based on activities to cultivate students' skills. (2) To further
this study, it was discovered in the implementation of increase students’ academic performance, it is
learning skills-Quarter II based on the assessment of encouraged to prepare different teaching methods and
Filipino teachers that the composite mean is 3.50, activities to cultivate students' skills. (3) The Learning
which says Fully Implemented and Fully Achieved. Action Cell (LAC) session should be held immediately
(7) Based on this study, it was discovered in the by the teachers as needed so that the problem can be
implementation of learning skills-Quarter II based on immediately discussed and addressed within the
the assessment of Filipino coordinators that the classroom, especially in emphasizing Filipino learning
composite mean is 2.58, which says Moderately skills especially since it was discovered in this study
Implemented and Moderately Achieved. (8) Based on that the students did not achieve what was expected.
this study, it was discovered in the implementation of (4) It must be ensured that the students’ learning styles
learning skills-Quarter II based on the assessment of are identified so that the teacher can use the
Principals that the composite mean is 2.29, which says appropriate teaching method that will suit the skills
Less Implemented and Less Achieved. (9) Based on and abilities of the students. (5) It is appropriate for
this study, it was discovered in the implementation of teachers in different subjects to have a unified task
learning skills-Quarter II based on the assessment of (unified performance task) in the research method so
teachers, coordinators in Filipino, and Principal that that students will not have difficulty fulfilling the
the composite mean is 2.79 which says Moderately requirements. (6) It is better to have enhancement
Implemented and Moderately Achieved. (10) Based on seminars and training for teachers and students in
this study, it was discovered that the mean academic Filipino to further expand their knowledge and skills in
performance of students based on the implementation considering the learning skills emphasized in the
of learning skills is 83.82, which says Satisfactory. curriculum guide. (7) Assign a corresponding budget
(11) The analysis of variance in the assessment of the to better meet the implementation needs in the learning
three groups based on the implementation of learning skills of Filipino teachers. (8) Before learning skills
skills shows no significant difference in the rating of are discussed, it is suggested that students be given a
the coordinator and the principal. (12) There is a review test to ensure that they have mastered the basic
significant relationship between the level of skills. (9) The teacher needs to be able to give regular
implementation in learning skills and the mean tests to the students so that the learning skills that need
academic performance of students in the First Quarter. to be reviewed can be identified early. (10) The
(13) There is a significant relationship between the teacher will ensure that after discussing all the learning
level of implementation in learning skills and the mean skills in the Curriculum Guide, taking into account the
academic performance of students in the Second amount of time dedicated to teaching each
Quarter. (14) There is a significant relationship competency. (11) Adequate teaching and learning
between the level of implementation in learning skills equipment must be ensured to smooth the flow of
and the mean academic performance of students in teaching and learning in the classroom.
Two Quarters. (15) There is no significant relationship
between the level of implementation of learning skills (Editor's note: If you are interested in the annexes,

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 501-509 Document ID:2023 PEMJ981, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8196765, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

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