The Female Dominant Games She Plays - Claudia Varrin
The Female Dominant Games She Plays - Claudia Varrin
The Female Dominant Games She Plays - Claudia Varrin
Games She Plays
Claudia Varrin
Author of The Art of
Sensual Female Dominance
The Female Dominant
Claudia Varrin
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ISBN 0-8065-2669-6
To Meris, Josephine, Anna and Frank, and Nancy
Disclaimer xi
Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xvii
(READ THIS ... )
xiv Preface
To Anna, my dear est gr andmother who has passed on; the gorgeous
Mistress Antoinette for her giving, nurturing nature; Bert Wibo of DD!
and Massad magazines for being my "happy pill"; Betsy Rochette for
h er friendship and the frequent hospitality of h er home; Bob and Gina
for their great parties; Bruce Bender for his invaluable help and for all
those lovely Wiccan books I raid his office for; Goddess Christina of
The for giving freely of her computer expertise; Dolenta at
Breathless; Mistress Elizabeth for a fantastic r ealization of an alter
ego; Franco, hair stylist and colorist extraordinaire, for giv ing me
something l always wanted and never had; Frank, my dearest grand-
father who is now with Anna; and to Maitresse Frarn;:oise for her open
heart, warm hospitality, loving nature, and infinite understanding.
To my beloved and much-missed Aunt Josephine who has passed
on; Kevin , for reasons unknown even to me; Margaret Wolf, my editor,
both the benign M argaret and the evil One, for h er support and
friendship above and beyond the call of duty; M aster Keith and slave
joy for their hospitality and his creativity as a dom; Nancy, my dear
grandmother who has passed on; Pat B. , for his r espect , kindness,
and generosity; Paul Dinas, fo r being my "angel"; Rosemary, for her
unfailing fri endship whether she is near or far; Lady Scorpion, for rec-
ognizing an o live branch when she sees o ne; Simon at Libidex; the
inimitable Ted and Diane fo r their friendship and their unwavering
support of me; to the beautiful Ms. Toni, for being the sweet Southern
Belle that she is and one sharp cookie t oo; and Tim Woodard, Tony
Mitchell, and all the staff at Skin Two magazine for their help and sup-
port over the years.
Dedn ~
At his university, Miss Varrin was the dean of boys as well as a pro-
fessor. She also was the professor most well known for not putting
up with any infractions or inattentiveness in her class. She taught
ancient history and was quite passionate about her c hosen subject,
using slides from sites of antiquity she had visited and bringing
in objects of art and other items of interest to enliven the class.
Although one might think that a woman with a Ph.D. in history would
be a dried-up old stick, Miss Varrin was quite the opposite. She was
medium tall and slender, with long, shining, straight auburn hair and
blunt-cut bangs, full breasts, a beautiful round ass, long, lovely legs,
and the most beautiful feet Devin had ever seen.
Most of the boys in the class had a secret crush on the glamorous
Miss Varrin. She preferred figure-hugging black clothes , especially
dresses worn with high-heeled pumps, high-heeled strappy sandals,
or pointy-toed stiletto boots. When she was not walking around the
front of the classroom, she preferred to sit on her desk with her legs
crossed, often exposing just a glimpse of the lace-top thigh highs or
stocking tops that she wore with garters . When visible, her slightly
long toenails were always lacquered a sexy red. Her long fingernails
were always painted to match her toes. Her lipstick made her full lips
look very kissable, and her high cheekbones gave her an exotic air.
One could hardly picture her digging around in the dirt in some far-off
country on an archeological site. And her enticing appearance often
made it difficult for Devin to pay attention to the lesson.
"Mister Devin!"
Her voice, low but commanding, brought his attention back to the
lesson. He was mesmerized by her toes and he had been caught.
"To my office, please, Mister Devin."
Miss Varrin always addressed the students politely even when pun-
ishment was on the way. It was part of her charm that she never need
raise her voice. A politely voiced command was nonetheless a com-
mand, and it was to be obeyed.
4 The Female Dominant
Devin rose from his seat and left the classroom. He walked slowly
down the hall, his head down, while he thought about the infraction
that earned the coming punishment. He had been paying much more
attention to Miss Varrin's red-lacquered toenails and her narrow aris-
toc ratic feet in her lovely strappy high-heeled sandals than to the
lesson. And now Miss Varrin was going to paddle him for his inatten-
tiveness. As he dragged his feet toward her office to wait for her, he
could hear her telling the class not to laugh at him because next it
could be anyone else's turn to await her, and her paddle, in her office.
She opened the classroom door and went out into the hall, catching
up with him on the way to her office. She stepped in front of him,
gestured with her fin gers that he was to pick up his pace, and led
him briskly into her office.
"Do you know why you are here, Mister Devin?"
"Yes, Miss Varrin. I am here because I wasn't paying attention to
the lesson, ma'am."
"And you shall receive five hard strokes of the paddle for it. Drop
your pants and bend over the desk, feet apart. You are to count out
each stroke for me, Mister Devin, and thank me for each one."
Devin did as he was bid a nd after unbuckling his belt, he le t his
pa nts drop to his knees. He knew his thin cotton boxer shorts would
offer no protection from her paddle. And Miss Varrin was deceptively
strong for so slender a woman. Miss Varrin let him stand t here, in
that humiliating position with his pants down around his knees, while
she opened her desk drawer and took o ut her favorite paddle. It was
made of walnut, and the handle was encased in purple s uede with
black vinyl lacing wrapped in a design around the suede. Miss Varrin
made sure he saw the paddle, a nd she smacked it gently against her
ha nd a couple of times , as if testing it for suitability. Then she slowly
walked behind him, the paddle dangling from her hand.
She started by rubbing his bottom almost caressingly with the
paddle, round and round on his cotton-clad cheeks . He could feel
the coolness of the wood, but that was just another deception. That
cool paddle could make his bottom feel like it was on fire. The feel
of the paddle immediately made his me mber erect . Sometimes he
thought that he drifted in class just so that he could, and would,
be punished. Through his open legs, he could see her dainty feet with
their brightly painted nails in their open-toed s hoes and her well-
Casual Toys 5
With a great sigh , he released himself all over his belly. He used the
toilet paper in the stall to clean himself off; then he return ed to the
classroom where his classmates struggled to conceal their smiles.
"Mister Devin, I didn't expect to see you here so soon after your last
infraction ," Miss Varrin purred at him , reminding him of a big cat.
"What have you done this time, or need I ask?"
Devin stood in front of her desk, but he was too ashamed and
excited to look at her, so he looked down at the floor instead. He
wished he could see her gorgeous feet, but they were hidden under
the desk.
"Please, Miss Varrin, I'm so very sorry. I won't do it again, I prom-
ise." He was so nervous that his knees were almost knocking together.
"So what is it you have done? Don't make me ask you again." The
purr in h er voice was deeper now, a sure sign that she was becoming
impatient with him and that she wouldn't tolerate any insolence.
"Well, ma'am, in Miss Woodhouse's art history class, she was sit-
ting on the desk and she dropped her shoe. I picked it up for her."
"Go on, Mister Devin, you are not here simply because you picked
up Miss Woodhouse's shoe." The purr in her voice deepened to a soft
"Well, before I slipped it back on her foot , I kissed her arch and
then put her shoe back on. That's all, ma'am." Devin hung his head in
shame. He knew that his "that's all" was the worst thing he could
have said but the words were out of his mouth before he even real-
ized he said them.
"That's all? That's all? Is that what you just said to me?" Miss Varrin
hissed at him, reinforcing his impress ion of her as a great big cat, a
lioness or tigress , just waiting to devour him. "You kissed her arch?
You kissed her foot? Right there in front of the class? Just because
you wanted to?" Miss Varrin acted more shocked than she really was.
After all , Devin had been at the university for three years now, and
she knew his proclivities quite well.
"Yes, ma'am. Yes, Miss Varrin. So Miss Woodhouse sent me here."
"Mister Devin, you have been sent here more times than I can
count, and always for the same reason. I can see now that you need
more discipline than I can give you here." Miss Varrin wrote some-
thing on a piece of paper and handed it to him.
Casual Toys 7
He was afraid to lift his eyes, to see her face, so he just reached out
his hand and managed to grab the piece of paper. He couldn't even
look at it to see what it said.
"I want you at this address at six o'clock this evening, and you will
stay until eight. And don't be late. Six sharp. Tardiness will be
severely punished. Now you may return to your class, Mister Devin."
Feeling lucky to have gotten off so easily, yet strangely disap-
pointed that he did not receive the expected paddling, Devin returned
to Miss Woodhouse's art history class. As he entered the classroom,
he got many curious looks from his classmates. No one ever returned
from Miss Yarrin's office so quickly. Miss Woodhouse pretended not
to notice him and continued with the lesson. Although she was pre-
senting an interesting slide show of famous sculptures, Devin's eyes
were riveted on her feet in the ir black leather pumps and on the
movement of her calf muscles as she leaned forward with the pointer
to emphasize her words.
The hours dragged by until his classes were over, and the entire
time he was tingling with excitement and dread about his six o'clock
appointment with Miss Yarrin.
After showering, washing his hair, and putting on fresh clothes, he
paced his room until it was time to leave. Remembering Miss Varrin's
admonition, he was nervous about being late, so he arrived a little
early at the address she had written on the slip of paper. Then he
became nervous about being early, so he went back down the steps to
have a look at the house. It was a lovely old Victorian, two stories high
with an attic, shutters on either side of the windows, and a large porch
in front that wrapped around to the side. On the porc h, the re was a
white double-seater swing, a large white wicker chair, a white wicker
end table, and some potted plants. The house was painted a saddened
lavender and the shutters were a dark gray. The overall effect was
lovely. He had never been inside a house like this.
Glancing at his watch, Devin saw that it was only one minute before
six. He mounted the stairs, crossed the wide porch to the wooden
door with a staine d glass window above it, and rang the bell. The
door opened almost immediately, and Miss Yarrin herself was stand-
ing there. She motioned him in and h e crossed the threshold into her
domain. It was dim inside, and it took his eyes a few seconds to
adjust to the low lighting. When he could see clearly, he looked at
8 The Female Dominant
Miss Varrin and his eyes opened wide. Her long auburn hair was in an
updo, with strands of hair escaping here and there, and glasses sat on
her nose. At the university she must wear contacts because he had
never seen her in glasses before. She was wearing a long dress with a
flowing skirt, a high collar, and long, lace-trimmed sleeves. Beneath
her skirt, he could just see the toes of her lace-up boots. A cameo
graced the center of the high collar, and around her waist was a tightly
laced corset. Her waist looked impossibly small; so small, he imagined
that if he could put his hands around it, his fingers would touch.
While Devin was eating up her outfit with his eyes, he did not notice
that Miss Varrin was observing him closely, too. Of course she noticed
that he had showered, washed his hair, and changed his clothes. She
also noticed the smell of his cologne, which she did not like. It was
not personal. Miss Varrin did not like any cologne at all and never
wore perfume herself.
"Before we start, Mister Devin, I want you to go into the bathroom
and wash off as much of that cologne as possible. I do not like it.
Follow me."
When she turned , her flowing skirt billowed around her and
swayed with each step she took down the hall. Devin didn't know that
such clothing could be so exciting; he had never even seen anyone
dressed this way, except in movies and books. Miss Varrin stopped in
front of a wooden door far down the hallway, opened it, and gestured
him inside. Of course, it was a bathroom but this was something else
he had only read in books. Although it was only a half bath, no tub or
shower, it did have a small set-in window on which sat a small vase
of fragrant flowers whose variety he did not recognize. The o ld-
fashioned pedestal sink was glazed with cracks. The toilet did not
have a flush handle, but he surmised that the chain dangling from the
ceiling next to it was for the same use. Immaculately white, fluffy
towels hung from a rod next to the sink. A bar of white soap sat in the
soap dish, awaiting his use. Hurriedly, Devin stripped off his shirt,
pulling it over his head rather than wasting time unbuttoning it, and
set about to washing every place he had splashed cologne. He quickly
dried himself, pulled his shirt back on over his head, and stepped out
into the hallway.
Miss Varrin was awaiting him. After stepping up to him and sniffing
him loudly-which was unexpectedly stimulating-she announced
Casual Toys 9
that he smelled much better. Telling him to follow her, she led him to
a room at the front of the hallway. He found himself inside a large
ornate sitting room furnished with Victorian antiques and good repro-
ductions, wall-to-wall carpeting covered by Oriental rugs, a huge fire-
place with a marble mantel, and several wooden tables. A large vase
full of blooming flowers, red roses, Star Gazer lilies, and big, fat , white
carnations, sat on a table right in the front window. On one waJI, hang-
ing from individual brass cup hooks, was the strangest looking col-
lection of instruments. It took Devin a minute or two to absorb the
room, and during that time Miss Varrin settled herself into a wing-
back chair and arranged her skirts.
"So, Mister Devin has an obsession for shoes and feet." Her voice
brought him back from his observations. "Mister Devin likes to touch
them and caress them, does he?"
"If you say so, ma'am ."
"I do say so, Mister Devin, because you are frequently in my office,
the complaint being that you are more attentive to shoes and feet
than to any class you are in."
Devin hung his head , knowing it to be true. Although he was
twenty-one, he was an innocent, and he didn't know that there was a
whole society of foot and shoe fetishists in the world and that he was
one with them.
"Since you are such a devoted admirer of ladies' feet and shoes, I
am going to teach you how to care for them and worship them. I am
going to train you to become a proper personal foot slave. Maybe this
will release your little inner demon, and you will actually be able to
pay attention to the lessons being taught in class. It is quite simple. I
use the Reward and Punishment system. Reward for good behavior,
punishment for bad. Is this clear? Do you wish to proceed with this?
Good. Then we shall begin."
Tossing a cushion on the floor, Miss Varrin began to tell Devin the
rudiments of his training. The cushion would be where she expected
to find him whenever he was not performing a service for her. It would
also be his spot when giving a foot massage. Then she instructed him
that he was not to speak unless spoken to; if he needed to use the
bathroom, he was to beg her pardon for speaking out of turn before he
asked permission to leave the room. His eyes were to be kept down-
cast unless told otherwise, and he would do nothing except what she
IO The Female Dominant
his back. But the more Miss Varrin said to him and the more she did
to him, the harder became his erection. He blushed. This did not
escape Miss Varrin's notice and she took advantage of his embar-
rassment. Through his tight jockey shorts, she played with his erec-
tion with her foot, pushing it left and right and onto his belly with
her shoe. Smiling, she withdrew her foot and picked up the crop she
had used on his back. She used the flapper on the tip of his head and
used the rod part on his shaft as if she were playing a violin. She even
hummed Eine kleine Nachtmusik as she played her penis violin.
Devin's embarrassment was slowly replaced by a feeling of relief, and
he relaxed as she played with him. He was too na"ive to know that he
was surrendering to her and giving up his control and power to her.
All he knew was that this felt so very good and it was what he had
been seeking all his life.
"Very good, Devin. You did well. So now we can proceed to your
second lesson, how to give a lady a proper foot massage. When a lady
is allowing you the pleasure of massaging her feet, she should never
have to work at holding her leg up. Take my foot in one hand and
remove my boot. Now use your strength to hold my leg up as you
massage my foot. Show me your massage technique. And I like it
hard, Devin, no soft rubbing or tickling. I am not ticklish anyway.
Remember that my other foot is in close proximity to your lowly face.
If you annoy me ... " she trailed off, feeling there was nothing more to
say about that.
Devin began to massage her foot firmly, as she had told him to, but
it was clear to Miss Varrin that other than the necessary firmness, he
had no technique at all.
"No, no, no!" The crop came down across his back. "You have a
natural talent for the necessary firmness, but that is all you have. It is
clear that you will have to be taught everything from the beginning.
Start at the toes, massaging them first all together with one hand,
then each toe individually. When you get to the end of the toe, give it
a firm squeeze and a slight pull before moving onto the next toe. And
remember, what you do to the one foot must be the same as you do
to the other, so pay attention or else you will receive more attention
from the crop."
Devin obeyed Miss Varrin immediately; he did not want the less-
than-tender attentions of her crop across his back. He found himself
12 The Female Dominant
and the crop coming down on his back repeatedly as his punishment.
To his relief, it worked, and he gave his full attention to Miss Varrin's
other foot. Remembering what he had done on her left foot, he did his
best to duplicate those techniques on her right foot. Only once did
the crop come down across his back when he forgot to do the area
right under her toes. He corrected his oversight immediately, apolo-
gizing to her most sincerely before continuing. After rotating her right
foot, the final step, he placed her foot on his thigh and awaited fur-
ther orders, head down.
"You did much better than I expected, Devin, and learned your
lesson well. So I will reward you. The reward is not only a reward but
also a further lesson. Lift my leg. Now, using your teeth I want you to
take the ball of my foot in your mouth. Very gently, I want you to use
your teeth on the ball of my foot. Take large amounts of it and bite
down; slide it through your teeth and off my foot. Ah! That's right,
just like that!" Miss Varrin leaned back in her chair and enjoyed the
attention she was receiving. It was nice to relax after all her hard
work. Devin was ecstatic at having her beautiful foot in his mouth
and , closing his eyes, gave his entire being over to pleasing her and
himself. "Now the other foot," Miss Varrin commanded him. He
eagerly did as he was told and was rewarded with the same -sigh of
"Enough, Mister Devin."
Devin obediently placed her foot back on his thigh, wondering what
was going to happen next. This had been the most incredible day of
Devin's life.
"You have been amply rewarded for your service to me by being
allowed to take my foot into your mouth . And you have been taught
a valuable lesson today as well. But let's not forget the reason you
were summoned here. You must be punished for kissing Miss Wood-
house's foot. Your punishment will be a beating with the crop."
Devin cringed at the thought of the crop. Miss Varrin rose from the
chair and walked around behind him. "Now stand up and lean over
the chair, your hands gripping the arms. You will receive fifty hard
strokes on the buttocks."
He did as he was directed, gripping the arms of the chair so tightly
his knuckles turned white. He braced himself for the coming onslaught.
Miss Varrin flailed his buttocks with all her strength, repeatedly
14 The Female Dominant
bringing the cruel crop down on him. At first he tried to count the
strokes, but the cropping was so painful he lost count. Miss Varrin
was determined that not one inch of his buttocks be missed. He bit
his lip to keep from crying out, but at the end, he could not help him-
self. Each time the crop came down on him, he cried out in pain. Miss
Varrin seemed delighted by his cries and increased her efforts. Finally,
the cruel beating was over. His buttocks were on fire and he was sure
there were welts on it.
"You may kiss my foot, Mister Devin."
Devin had not even noticed that she had not ordered him to
replace her feet in their boots, and at the sight of them, he gratefully
fell to his knees and began to kiss her feet , holding them lovingly in
his hands as he planted many firm, dry kisses on each one. His erec-
tion was painful, more painful than his recently beaten buttocks.
"That's enough, Mister Devin. You may take your clothes and go to
the bathroom. When you are dressed, you are to report back to me."
"Yes, Miss Varrin," he replied humbly. As he collected his clothes,
out of the corner of his eye he could see her smiling. He hurried off to
the bathroom at the far e nd of the hall, not only to dress himself, but
to relieve himself of his painful erection and to have a good look at
his buttocks. His release into a wad of tissue was like an explosion of
mind and body. When he looked at his buttocks, he saw he was right.
They were covered by welts, welts that would not go away in a day or
even two or three. A reminder of this afternoon spent with her. When
h e was dressed and his hair combed, he returned to the sitting room
where Miss Varrin awaited him. She was seated in her chair and the
cushion was in place in front of it. She pointed to it and he fell to his
knees, remembering to keep them open, even though he was dressed.
She had a s mall s mile on her face, and he was sure s he knew he had
masturbated in the bathroom, but she said nothing a bout it.
"Mister Devin, did you learn something today?" she inquired
politely, as if they had just had tea.
"Yes, ma'am! Yes, I certainly did. Thank you, Miss Varrin, tha nk
you," Devin said with a ll his heart.
"Good! Then you may go, Mister Devin. Remember this day and
what I have taught yo u. And maybe I will no longer see yo u in my
office." With that she dismissed him.
He rose and made his way to the front door, Miss Varrin right
Casual Toys 15
behind him. He let himself out, and as he walked across the porch, he
heard the door being bolted, locking him out of his dream.
Foot Felon
The closet where The Mistress kept he r shoes o pe ned without a
squeak, certainly a good sign that his mission wo uld succeed. He
crouc hed on his knees just outside of the closet, his eyes wide at the
sights inside. He took a quick look around to ma ke sure he was alone
and reached one tentative, slightly tre mbling ha nd into the treasure
chest. Pair after pair of pumps, boots, sandals, slides, and mules, and
a pair of pumps he had yet to see her wear. They all had high slim
heels and pointy toes, were neatly arranged, and held him fascinated.
But he knew exactly what he was looking for at the moment: the crys-
tal low-platform pumps with the beige suede insole, an insole that had
been flattened s mooth into the shape o f her lovely foot. Even in the
shadowy closet , he could see them gleaming a t him from their orderly
places on the floor. His efforts to control himself ceased abruptly.
Almost with an emotio n akin to worship, he withdrew one shoe from
the closet, then the other. One hand touched the imprint he r toes had
mad e on the suede. His other hand touched himself. He brought the
shoe up to his face s lowly, testing how close to his face the shoe had
to be before he could catch her scent. He smiled as he caught the del-
icate aroma and then rubbed ... .
"... his nose on the inside! I could swear I heard him sniff it, and
then, he licked it with that snaky tongue of his," The Mistress said in
a d isbelieving tone.
She was upset but very slightly amused at the same time. He
ass umed her amusement was because her friend Mistress Meris was
there to witness his humiliation a nd because o f the punishme nt s he
was going to inflict on him for invading her privacy a nd disobeying
her. His Mist ress had d ragged him into the kitchen by the ear, and
there he knelt on the floor, his head d own so fa r, his chin was on his
c hest. He was so excited at having been caught and at having another
Mistress witness his humilia tion that he thought he was going t o
explode. Mistress Me ris was sitting a t the ta ble, her legs crossed.
16 The Female Dominant
Occasionally, she would pump her leg while his Mistress paced bac k
a nd forth and vented about the horrible behavior of him, her slave.
His Mistress's bosom rose and fe ll as she we nt on a bout him and his
disobedience and audacity; the look o n her face was one of astonish-
ment. But from his position on the floor, all he could see was his Mis-
tress 's gorgeous feet in he r high-heeled shoes a nd the open-toe,
high-heeled sandals o f Mistress Meris.
Crossed at the a nkle, one b ent knee exposing h er calf through the
skirt's slit, Mistress Meris's feet and legs tantalized him. The straps of
her shoes laced up over her ankle and down over her foot , making
her feet appear to be in delicate bondage. He a llowed his eyes to
stray to her shapely toes. Their red enameled nails glinted wickedly in
the sunlight pouring in through the kitchen window. Oh, such terrible
torture! Such sweet agony! The feet of his Mistress as they paced back
a nd forth and the mesmerizing pumping of Mistress Meris's leg made
him almost giddy, and h e felt his cock grow even harder in his pants.
He blushed red with shame at the thought of what had ha ppened:
They had returned earlier than h e expected from their s hopping
expedition , and he was caught in the act by his Mistress. Sitting
just outside the closet, with his back to the door, he held the prized
c rystal pump up to his face. Sensing something was not quite right,
she glided in silently on bare cat feet, grabbed his ear a nd twisted
it as she "helped" him to his fee t a nd out into the ha ll. Still using his
ear, she dragged him to the kitc hen, where the stunning Mis tress
Meris was smoking a cigarette a nd ma king tea. Once inside, she used
his ear to force him to his knees. And now here he was. Mistress
Meris expressed h er sympathy with his Mistress but seeme d highly
amused at his plight. The teakettle whistled impude ntly and Mistress
Meris prepared the pot of tea, listening to his Mistress continue he r
tirade about his major infraction of her rules.
"He knows better than to try tricks like that! To think 1 have wasted
all this time on him! His ho use privileges will be revoked , and he will
never be left a lone in my home again!"
That last utterance really hurt him . His house privile ges revoked?
Never to b e left to guard her home again? He never tho ught that he
would be caught, let a lone receive s uch a punishment.
"Come, Claudia, sit down and have your tea. It will make you feel
be tter and calm you down some," said Mistress Meris.
Casual Toys 17
"Yes, you're right, Meris . Tea and a cigarette or two will help,
although I might be sorely tempted to put the live ember out on his
tongue so that he won't be able to lick anything at all for quite some
Finally, his Mistress did sit and sip her tea in between drags of her
fragra nt clove cigarette. They both ignored him as he knelt there on
the floor but continued to speak of him as if he was not there. With a
start, he realized that to them, at this moment, he did not exist. He
might as well be a piece of the linoleum.
"Well, you can be sure that more than just his house privileges will
be revoked," his Mistress said. "He will need severe physical punish-
ment, one that will remind him of my displeasure on a more immedi-
ate basis and stay with him for a few days to come!"
"But of course," Mistress Meris said coolly, "he should expect some
punitive action. Something like what he has done should not be han-
dled lightly." Finishing her tea and cigarette, she continued, "And now
I'll go and leave you to it. Let me know what happens!"
That last was said almost gaily, and he felt a blush creeping up his
neck to his face. Stubbing out her own cigarette, his Mistress saw Mis-
tress Meris to the door, then closed and locked it behind her. She
returned to the kitchen and gave him a swift hard kick in the butt
before reseating he rself at the table. His Mistress did not move, say,
or d o anything, anything at all, for what seemed like a short lifetime
to him. His fear, the silence, her bare legs, and he r feet in their sexy
pumps made his thighs tre mble. Finally, she stood up and walked
around him several times; he could feel her eyes on him, sizing him
up a nd down. Ins ide of himself, he grew smaller and smaller each
time s he circled him. Her high-heeled feet held him in place as surely
as if he were rooted to that spot.
"Stay," his Mistress commanded him .
He saw her s hod feet leave the kitche n and disappear down the
hall. Shortly her high-heeled pumps reentered his limited view.
"Crawl after me," his Mistress said as she turned on her heel a nd
headed off to the living room.
He struggled to kee p up with he r so that he wouldn't anger her fur-
ther, but in spite o f his efforts, he fell be hind. With a speed he didn't
imagine could be attained in such high heels, she was suddenly behind
him, kicking him in the butt to impel him forward. His Mistress stayed
18 The Female Dominant
his wrists. And the blows kept coming. His cheeks had progressed
from warm and pink to hot and red. He struggled not to cry out,
biting his lip, his own warm, hot blood on his tongue for a fleeting
moment. Then when he could stand it no longer, a strangled cry
escaped his lips, but he fought against losing control and screaming
out loud. Still The Mistress persisted in the cruel punishment to his
cheeks with her hairbrush. The blows came faster and faster until he
finally did lose control and cried out for mercy. Then, The Mistress
pushed him off her lap. He knew his cheeks would be on fire all night
and sore for at least a couple of days, a reminder of his disobedience
and his Mistress's displeasure.
"Now, get out of my house! When I want you, I will call you."
He struggled to get his pants up over his sore cheeks and at the
same time not to expose himse lf to her, risking her further displeas-
ure and more punishment. When he was suitably dressed , she
showed him to the door and slammed it behind him. It rang with an
air of finality that made his heart sink. He wondered how long it
would be before he was allowed back into her presence. He hoped
it was not too long, but with his Mistress there was no telling. It could
be a day or a week or even a month. As he drove home, the weave of
his underwear rubbed against his lambasted cheeks. Shame, pleasur-
able, delicious shame overcame him, and he became aroused at his
humiliation in front of Mistress Meris and his subsequent punishment
by his own Mistress. By the time he got home, he had a raging erec-
tion in his pants. He barely made it through the door before erupting
into his shorts. Through the haze of his shame, humiliation, and
release, he wondered if his Mistress was on the phone right now,
relating to Mistress Meris what had "happened," as she had so gaily
put it.
He knew she would be gone only a short time and there was a good
chance she might catch him invading her privacy, but he could not
resist temptation. He entered her bedroom and knelt in front of her
dresser. The dresser drawers held all her delicate woman things, and
20 The Female Dominant
he had enjoyed in her brief absence. He did not yet know that this
was not to be all his punishment. He was a fool to think he would get
off so lightly for s uch a serious breach of her rules.
She glared at him and said, "I knew you couldn't be trusted . Just
who do you think you are? Do you think you mean something to me?
You are nothing, less than nothing. You a re not even huma n in my
eyes. So now you have to be punished . And I have the perfect punish-
me nt for the likes of you. You, who likes to sniff things. Don't move."
She went to the closet and returne d with a length of slender rope
a nd a black crop. Placing the crop between his teeth, she told him to
hold it, not to let it drop. Then she used the slender rope to tie his
privates between his thighs, anchoring the rope like a G-string around
his waist, giving him a smooth front, just like a girl's. This was very
painful for him in his current condition; h e had an enormous erec-
tion, and it was very exciting to be a bused and punished like this.
She handed him a pa ir of thick pantyhose and ordered him into them.
He struggled with them but finally got them up. The thickness of the
pantyhose concea led his body hair and held his privates tight to his
body. She handed him lacy panties and motioned him into them.
When they were on, she tossed him a bra. Smiling, she c rossed her
arms over her chest and watched as he wrestled his arms into the
delicate straps.
"Stay," she commanded , as if he were a dog.
She went again to the closet, and sh e returned with a big fri lly pet-
ticoat and a pair of sh oes large enough to fit him. His mouth fell open
and he dropped the crop. He r d ispleasure was obvious, and he
quailed under her glare as he bent to pick up the fallen crop.
"No, pick it up with your teeth," she s na pped at him.
He dropped to his knees and bent his neck to the floor. He pic ked
up the crop with his teeth as she had comma nde d and stood to face
he r. She dropped the petticoat on the floor; it lande d in a perfect
circle with the elasticized waist hole gaping o pen like a mouth s ur-
rounded by red frills. She motioned for him to step into the petticoat
and pull it up. Then she dropped the s hoes to the floor a nd diddled
her fingers at him , then at the sh oes. He slipped his feet into them
and turned his ankle. She la ughed at him and dragge d him to the
mirror by his arm . Unsteady on his h eels, he stumbled after her. She
stopped in front of the full length mirror and pushed him into its view.
22 The Female Dominant
She dragged him over to her boudoir chair, and told him to "sit
and stay" a couple of fee t in front of it; then she sat down . Looking at
him, she d ecided that no dog in the world ever sat the way he was
sitting-Indian style-and that he needed to be taught how to behave
like a dog. She took the crop from his mouth and thwacked it against
he r hand.
"You have finally gotten the idea of how to walk prope rly on a
leash, but dogs don't sit like that! From now on, when you are my
dog, you will sit with your backside on the floor, your feet flat on the
floor with your knees be nt and as close to your body as possible, and
with your hands on the fl oor in between them." He looked at her
bla nkly and this made her very angry. She hit him across the face
with the crop; something she would never do to a real dog. "Do it, do
it now!"
He did as he was told but had some difficulty getting into and
re maining in that position, especially hindered as he was by the frilly
petticoat. As he struggled to sit the way she had ordered, she empha-
s ized her instructions and displeasure by frequent use of the crop.
At last , she announced that she found his position to be "satisfac-
tory." After putting the crop back between his teeth, she told him her
plans: He was to be taught ten dog commands that he was to learn by
number, instead of by name. This was because she did not wa nt
"others" confusing him by using words as commands; after all, the
average intelligence of a fully grown man and a fully grown dog was
about the same: the best one could expect was about fifteen years.
"Sit" was position one, so when she called out "one," she expected
him to sit the way he was sitting now. "Two" meant he was to "stay,"
a nd this command would be accompanied by a gesture: the flat palm
of her hand being brought down an inch or two from the end of his
The command for him to "heel" was "three," and he had already
had some t raining at this. "Four" meant that he was to get up on his
hind legs a nd "beg" by putting his two front "paws" together a nd
moving them up and down. When s he wanted him to "lie down and
be still," she would say "five." "Six" meant that he was to "roll over, "
which would usually be followed by "seven, " which meant "play
d ead." As she taught him each of these comma nds , s he was enor-
mo usly amused by the look of humiliation on his face. The impact of
24 The Female Dominant
his dress combined with dog training was not lost on him. Continuing
with the command count, she told him that "eight" meant she wanted
him to stand on his hind legs and walk in a circle. "Nine" meant she
wanted him to "b ark," and "t en" meant she wanted him to "sing."
Seeing the look of confusion on his face at that one, she explained
that "sing" meant he was to throw back his head and howl.
"Let us begin. Four!" she commanded, knowing this command to
beg would be the most awkward one for him to execute from a sitting
position. As he fumbled in his attempts to get into the position , she
used the crop on his back and his thighs to show her displeasure and
spur him on t o execut e the command. Eventually he managed to get
onto his hind legs and move his paws in the required manner, but not
until after several blows of the crop. Next she called o ut " five," which
meant he had to lie down, requiring him to get back down onto the
fl oor. "Nine," for speak, followed " five," which at least he could do
from his lying-down position, and thankfully, "six" and "seven" fol-
lowed "nine." After "nine" came "one" and he scr ambled to get into
the awkward sitting position. "Eight," the command fo r st and and
dance, followed "one," and once again he scrambled t o stand up.
When he was in position "eight" she called out "ten," but he did not
know what to do. His limited dog brain was confused. He had memo-
rized the commands in numerical o rder, and she was calling them out
She brought the crop down on him and informed him sternly that
when "nine," to speak, or "ten," to sing or in this case to howl, was
combined with one or more commands she expected him to execute
all the commands one after the other or together. "Eight," "four," and
"ten" meant to stand, beg, and sing; "one" and "nine" meant to sit and
speak; so in this case, "eight" combined with "ten" meant h e was to
stand on his hind legs, walk in a circl e, and howl at the same time.
Which he did, looking and sounding ridiculous. So ridiculous that she
burst out laughing and couldn't stop, which meant that he had to con-
tinue executing commands "eight" and "ten" simultaneously, and that
made her laugh even more. The red frilly petticoat was the finishing
and most humiliating t ouch . He looked like one of those giant white
poodles that have been dressed up in human clothes and made to
perform silly tricks. Finally, sh e was able to gas p out "one," and
r elease him t emporarily from any further humiliation.
Casual Toys 25
to remove both the lipstick and the barrette. He timidly asked her if
he was to be allowed to come, and she told him coldly no. She added
that he had been caught invading her privacy, and there would never
be a reward for such terrible behavior, no matter what punishment he
had undergone.
Then she had added flippantly, "A dog's reward is to sniff ... and
you have not earned any sniffing privileges."
L'ffomme Cache
As The Mistress, 1 am usually very conscientious about locking the
closet in the playroom in which I keep my special things. But I left in
a big rush and locking the closet slipped my mind, which led to his
lucky day. When I returned earlier than he expected and caught him
in the act, so to speak, this is the tale he related to me, kneeling
before me, naked and with his head down.
As soon as he was sure I was gone, he crept into the playroom on
cat feet. His mind barely registe red a long, low object covered by
a black velvet cloth, so intent was he on the contents of the oh-so-
tantalizing closet. His hand tre mbled as he reached for the closet door-
knob. He pulled the door open slowly, savoring each second, his nos-
trils dilating to soak up the scent of latex and shoes emitting from the
closet. Then, in a burst of exhilaration at entering the forbidden zone,
he flung the door back so hard that it slammed into the wall behind it.
Inside the closet were my things , my latex catsuits, s kirts, tops,
dresses, little leather teddies, thongs, and bras, but best of all, the floor
of the closet was stacked high with box after box of my shoes.
He said that the sight of all those lovely shoes a nd boots thrilled
him. When he discovered all my shoes, he allowed himself a little
whoop of victory and cradl ed as many of the m as he could in his
arms. In his pants, his member did its own little dance of joy. But he
knew exactly what pair he was looking for-the black patent leather
fetish pumps with wickedly pointy toes and dangerously high six-inch
heels. When I wore these particula r shoes, he had to carry me from
one place to the other because the heels we re too high for me to walk
Casual Toys 27
his teeth. After seeing the look of righteous fury on my face, I could
see that he resigned himself to whatever punishment it would please
me to mete out.
"How dare you? Get that disgusting mess out of my shoe," I
My voice was deceptively low and cool, a sure sign of danger. He
scrambled to rise, to find something to wipe out my shoe with, but I
read his mind.
"No, no rags, no tissues. Lap it clean with your tongue."
He sat there thunderstruck. Angry that he did not comply immedi-
ately, I crossed the room in a few long strides and repeatedly slapped
him hard across the face, fore hand and backhand. Hurri edly, he
pic ked up the soiled shoe, worked his cheeks in an effort to muster
up some saliva, and began to lap at his own juices. By the look on
his face, I could see that his pearl jam tasted most unappetizing, but
one look at my face convinced him to go on. He licked and licked and
licked under my careful scrutiny until not a drop remained. When I
held out my ha nd, he presented me with the shoe for my inspection.
I inspected the shoe carefully, peering inside it until I was satisfied
he had lapped up every drop of his mess. As I did this, he stared up
at me under his lashes. Did my dark red hair set off my light olive
complexion? Did my high Eastern European cheekbones match my
straight Roman nose? How did I look to him when I was angry? No
matter. I was in street clothes but still every inch The Mistress. I
could tell his nerves were singing a nd sending shivers of pleasure and
fear down his spine. I think that he knew then that o n every pleasure,
every joy, there was a proportiona te tax. And he had only paid a small
I dropped the shoe t o the fl oor as if I was still offend ed by it. I
crossed the room to the long, low, black-velvet-encased object that
he'd said he barely noticed earlier. Grasping the cloth, I uncovered
the object with a flourish. It was a cage, with its bars painted glossy
black. Six feet long and somewhat narrow, I had designed it myself to
give its occupant a minimum amount of space. Five of its six s ides
were bars like those you would find in a prison; the sixth side, the
bottom, was a thinly padded board cove red in black leather. He
loo ked amazed and fearful. He still didn't realize what his fate was to
Casual Toys 29
be. My lips curled into a sensuously sadistic smile. I just love this
kind of surprise. Makes life so much more rewarding, don't you agree?
One of the short ends of the cage had a latch and a padlock dan-
gling from it. I opened the cage door, and with a grand, sweeping ges-
ture, I silently commanded him to enter it. He started to crawl in,
head first, and scraped his spine painfully against the upper bars.
Because of the red blush creeping up to his face from his neck, I knew
he was humiliated when he realize d he would have to slither on his
be lly like a reptile to get inside. I kicked him impatiently; I wanted
him in there, and I wanted him in there right now. He used his elbows
to impel himself forward , aided by his hands gripping the bars to pull
himse lf along. As soon as his feet were inside, 1 slammed the door
shut and padlocked him in. Next, I dropped the black velvet cover
over the cage, incarcerating him and leaving him in semidarkness.
The n I shut off all the lights and left the room, committing him to full
darkness and total conta inment for three hours.
Later on cat feet, I returned to the room and turned on one dim
light. Suddenly, with one smooth action, I ripped the black ve lvet
cloth off the iron cage. Lost in the darkness and mist of his own
thoughts, h e had not heard me enter the playroom. He felt a c ruel
and erotic joy emanating from me as I towered over him. His member
was hard, and his face told me that he was painfully aware of his erec-
tion. My eyes missed nothing. I thought I looke d magnificent in my
red latex miniskirt and matching, low-cut red top. My corset nipped in
my waist, and my lace-up patent leather boots rose up to my knees.
My hair streamed over my shoulders. I felt like a de mon angel, things
springing to my mind that I had never thought of before.
He whimpered in the back of his throat, overcome by my sadistic
eroticism, overwhelmed by my power. He muttere d incoherently,
trying to put into words the feelings o f awe and love I e nkindled in
him. I put my finger to my lips, and he fell sile nt at my uns poken com-
mand. Behind me was a ta ll stool. I picke d it up in a show of stre ngth,
placed it close to the cage, and arranged myself on it. My eyes held
him in thrall. Mesmerized , he watched as I slipped off one of my
boots. My de licate ly boned foot descended through the bars above
his face. Almost immediately, his mouth fell open as if he was expect-
ing some kind of reward. I used my foot to push his mouth closed
30 The Female Dominant
and then cruelly mashed my foot into his face. I stuck my big toe into
his ear; I gripped his nostrils between my toes and held them closed
as well as I could to cut off his breathing. I used his nose to push and
pull his head, and I repeatedly slapped his face with my foot as hard
as I could through the bars. As I did this, I showed no anger or malice;
it was casually done, making an object of him which I knew he found
to be very humiliating.
I withdrew my foot from the cage and slowly put my boot back on
so that he could watch my every action and try to anticipate what
his next punishment would be. I stood up and bent over. While I was
doing this, I was gathering up a good mouthful of saliva. I mustered
up a cough to add to the mix and spat on him. It landed directly on
his face, just as I had planned. My aim was true.
"Have we learned our lesson?" I asked in my husky voice.
He told me he loved my voice; that it flowed over him like melted
butterscotch. He said that he loved my imagination and cruelty
and that I could read him so well. In a welter of passion, his eyes
responded e loquently as he answered my query. I rewarded him with
a small smile.
I released him from his cage. He squirmed out as gracefully as he
was able, groveled at my feet, and whimpered in gratitude. His swollen
flesh surged with desire, only to be ignored by his cruel mistress . After
a while, he told me what his feelings were while he was imprisoned in
my iron and velvet darkness. He heard my footsteps moving away
from him, saw the lights go off, and felt total darkness descend, and
then he heard the door close behind me. Alone in the velvet dark-
ness, he contemplated his fate.
He told me that to him, my innate cruelty offset by my beautiful
smile and cool tone of voice seemed beautiful things; he loved them
and he found in them an exotic paradise that he made his own. The
darkness and bars that surrounded him heightened my cruel eroti-
cism, and his mind turned to the rich, forbidden delight he had
indulged in earlier. While in the cage, he said he came to a better
understanding of his submission to me and to glimpse his own eter-
nity-me, The Mistress, his Mistress. Yes, he deserved this punishment
of isolation and darkness; the memory of his lost freedom burnt
brightly in the blackness behind the bars of his submission to me. He
lost all track of time in his black iron-and-velvet prison; h e wallowed
Casual Toys 31
in his punishment and r ealized that the torture one desires the most
is the cruelest torture of all.
I commanded him to dress. I could see the strain of his erection in
his face, and his hard-on was making a tent pole in his pants. As part
of his punishment and part of his reward , I ordered him to drive to
the shopping mall about half a mile away and park the car in a far-off
corner. The puzzled look on his face was very gratifying to me; this
game was a new one to him. When he got there, he was to call me
from his cell phone for further instructions. When he called, I spoke
to him as his Mistress, making sure he knew why I was displeased
with him. I made him recite his infractions back to me. Ensured that
he understood why he had been punished, I told him that now he
could masturbate himself there in the car in the public parking lot. He
was to do so on the count of ten. I would count, and if he came before
I said ten, he would be sever ely punished when I next saw him. I
assured him that 1 would know if he came before my command; he
was noisy when he came and could not hold back his come groans.
He never could. Even with a gag, he still managed to be very noisy.
If he came exactly on the count of ten, then there would be a
reward waiting for him during our next encounter. As I slowly
counted , I could hear him trying to control himself and wait for ten.
To prolong his agony just a little longer, l made the interval between
eight, nine, and t en very long. But he hung in there, and when I said
ten, I could hear him moaning and almost screaming "Oh god, oh god,
yes, please, oh god." I knew he had exploded like a rocket. I hung up,
smiling to myself.
The slave was waiting in the dungeon when The Mistress arrived.
Although music was playing softly in the background for a calming
and sexy effect, he was very nervous because this was the first time
he was seeing a mistress. He had gotten there early to make a good
impression, and he spent that time looking around the room. Neatly
arranged on cup hooks on the walls was an array of floggers, crops,
paddles, canes, spankers, leather wrist and ankle restraints, blindfolds,
32 The Female Dominant
sound of it would stay with him forever. He watched her as she took
her time settling herself in her throne, crossing her legs, and arrang-
ing the folds of the latex dress just so.
She turned he r attention to him and said in a no-nonsense tone of
voice, "The rules: You are never to appear in my presence without
performing the proper rituals of bathing, washing your hair, using
deodorant, and brushing your teeth, tongue, and gums. You will not
wear cologne or aftershave in my presence. You are to keep your eyes
downcast. I never want to see you eyeballing me again. Your head will
be kept respectfully down."
As soon as The Mistress said these words, he put his chin down
close to his chest and looked at the floor. He immediately felt deprived
of power because he wanted to drink her in with his eyes, but he soon
discovered the secret of looking up at her through his downcast eye-
lashes. But he was enormously relieved that he had performed on his
own the "proper rituals" she required.
"You are to address me as 'Mistress.' You are not to speak unless
spoken to except if there is an emergency. An emergency would con-
stitute biological functions, needing attention for medical problems,
limits being pushed too far, or the premises catching on fire. The
words "Mercy, My Mistress" are what you will say in the event of an
emergency. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Mistress," the slave said softly.
"You will perform all duties assigned to you cheerfully and to the
best of your ability. You will become an object when I desire it of you.
You will accept punishments and thank me for them. You will listen
carefully when I correct you, which will be for your betterment as a
slave, and make every effort to perform to my satisfaction. And last,
your cell phone is to be turned off when in my presence. Breaking
any of these rules will result in swift and severe punishment of the
punitive sort. Are we clear?"
"Yes, Mistress," he said, still surreptitiously looking at he r from
under his downcast lashes.
"Now rise a nd come here," The Mistress commanded him, pointing
to the middle of a round Oriental a rea rug about three feet from her
throne. He rose from the child's chair and stood where she pointed.
"First, you will strip for me. Remove you shirt first. There are
hangers on the back of the door for all your clothing. You will hang
34 The Female Dominan t
each piece after I have ordered you t o remov e it and return to the
spot yo u are in now."
He obediently r emoved his sh irt, hung it up, and returned to the
middle of the area rug.
"Next, remove your sh oes and socks, and place them on the floor
underneath your cloth es. Rem ove your w ri stwatch , and put it in one
of your shoes. Now, remove your t rousers."
The slav e did as he was t old, o ne thing at a time, necessitating
many trips to the door and then back to the carp et. He expected to
be to ld to remove his jockey sh orts, but to his surprise, tin ged with a
little fear, The Mistress did not command him to remove them .
"St and up straight, clasp your hands behind your neck with your
elbow s st raight out. I am going to inspect you."
At first she did nothing but obser ve him. When h er pi ercing gaze
o bviously discomfited him , she rose and stepped up to him. First she
ran her hands all over the unclad parts of his body, testing his nipples
for sensitiv ity and ti ckling him to see if this had any effect on him
(which it did not). Then she stepped around b ehin d him and ran her
long r ed nails down his back. He did n't see the smile cross her face
when this small , simp le action raised goose bumps on his flesh. Nor
could he know o f her pleasure wh en red stripes appeared wh ere she
had raked her nails over him. The Mistress's next action caught him
completely o ff guard. Sh e quickly gr abbed t he o uter sides o f his
jockey sh orts and pulled t hem tightly up the cr ack of his ass, making
them into a thong. She tugged them up hard and, holding them in one
hand, she began to experiment with different spanks on his ass. This
action surprised him m ore than hurt him . He stood ver y still as she
continued wi th her spanks.
As suddenly as she had star ted , The Mistress st opped spanking
him and let go of his jockeys, returning them to their original position.
Then sh e stepped around to face him and, looking him directly in the
face. roughly and humiliatingly p ulled his und erwear down to his
knees. Sh e used her cour t-shoe-shod foot to step o n them until they
were on t he floo r, like cot ton panty ankle rest raints. He felt t he red
stain of hum iliation creep up h is face, b ut he kept his chin on his
chest and his ey es downcast. He had the urge to cover himself from
her probing eyes, but he d idn't dare move. Did he pass her inspec-
tion? He could not know the inspection was not complet e. T he Mis-
Casual Toys 35
tress rearranged herself in her throne, taking her time, making him
wait for he knew not what.
"Keeping your elbows perpendicular to the floor, I want you to turn
180 degrees then stop."
He did as he was told.
"Now, bend at the waist, reach back, and spread your cheeks," The
Mistress commanded next.
Glad that she could not see the humiliation he knew was so obvi-
ous on his face, he reached back and spread his cheeks a little. A
swift kick in the butt by those beautiful shoes let him know he had
not pleased her.
"Spread your cheeks as far apart as you can. Expose yourself to
me. You are to have no shame or modesty in my presence; you will
have no privacy, just like a house cat or dog. When you are with me,
all that you have, all that you are, belongs to me."
He pulled his cheeks farther apart until he could feel the warm air
of the room on his ass-hole. The Mistress did nothing, but he could
feel her eyes on him as if she was counting each of his hairs. Sud-
denly, a cool stream of air hit his opening. He felt his asshole open
then tighten in surprise, and then he heard a wicked and delighted
laugh from The Mistress.
"Release your cheeks, stand up straight, clasp your hands behind
your neck, your elbows out straight, and complete your turn to face
me," she commanded.
Humiliated and feeling as if she had stripped him of his power, when
he turned to face her he turned the wrong way. Quite calmly, The Mis-
tress rose from her throne, stepped toward him, and slapped his face.
"l said 'complete your turn!' Now, on my command, I want you to
turn around again and this time, complete your turn correctly."
Then she sat back down and let him wait. She looked him up and
down, not failing to notice his erection. She leaned forward and gave
it a hard slap. He groaned in pain but held his position.
"Now turn around 180 degrees."
He obeyed, expecting her to orde r him to bend and spread once
again, but to his great relief, she did not.
"Complete your turn!"
This time he got it right . He was relieved to hear The Mistress say,
"you'll do." Then she added, "just," somewhat insultingly.
36 The Female Dominant
and placed her bare feet on his chest. As soon as the soft skin of the
soles of her feet touched his chest, his erection stiffened and bobbed
with a mind of its own. The Mistress worked her feet up and down his
chest, using her toes to harden then squeeze his nipples. When she
had tired of this, she used her feet o n his member. She captured his
member between the soles of her feet and slapped it back and forth
between them, squashed it against his body, a nd then began to push
his sack around with them. She separated his nuts with them and
pushed ha rd on them, one foot to a nut. He was very aroused by all
of this and the pain that it caused him, and her cool toes on his hot
member heightened his excitement.
The Mistress removed her feet from his person and looked down at
him. With deliberation, her dainty right foot descended to his face.
Playful after her initial remoteness, she grabbed his nose between her
big and second toes and turned his head this way and that. She
mashed her foot into the skin of his cheeks; she placed her foot so
that her toes were on his forehead, her instep resting on his nose,
and her heel on his mouth. Then she used her t oes to push his lips
around, laughing at the contortions her toes made of his face.
"Open your mouth," she ordered.
He ha d been holding his breath, and on hearing her command,
expelled it in one long sigh. He parted his lips, his eyes wide a nd
focused on her delicate foot as it descended toward his face. The Mis-
tress thrust her foot into his mouth, and he opened wide to receive
her. She worked her foot deeper and deeper into his mouth , not sat-
isfied until he accepted all her toes and the ball o f her foot. When his
mouth was complete ly gagged by h er left foot , she ground her right
foot mercilessly into his genitals. His erection was painfully hard, and
both The Mistress and he knew it. From the heights above him, her
laughte r rang out, mocking him. Suddenly, she withdrew her foot from
his mouth, making him feel that his mo uth was a big gaping hole in
his face. The foot on his genitals was gone just as s uddenly.
"Dry my foot with your hands and replace my shoes," she directed
He dried her feet as she had b id him and fitted each shoe bac k
onto her graceful feet , sorry to be deprived of their divine presence.
She stood and stepped on his chest as if he were part of the floor.
She walked the few steps over to the pipes imbedded in the floor that
38 The Female Dominant
had puzzled him earlier. The Mistress crooked her finger at him, and
he scooted over to her on all fours. She pointed to th e toe of the
court shoe that s he had extended and gestured for him to kiss it. He
kissed it adoringly and hard enough for her to feel it through the thick
patent leather of the shoe. Withdrawing her foot , she pointed to the
padded leathe r board between the two pipes.
"Lie down face up and be quick about. it," she instructed him . He
laid himse lf out flat between the two pipes, face up as she had
ordered, and noted gratefully that there was some padding under the
With a wicked laugh filled with glee, The Mistress stepped up to
the top of the apparatus, whe re his head was located, and grabbed a
pipe in each hand . Using the pipes to support herself, s he stood on
his chest in her elegant court shoes. She carefully placed a heel on
each of his nipples then she began to dance on his chest to the music
playing in the background. All through her dance, she looked intently
at his face to see his reaction. Pleased by what she saw, she began to
dance more e nergetically, moving her feet up and down on his chest
and swaying her body sexily to the music. When the song segued,
she spun on one foot, doing a 180-degree turn on his c hest. Still using
the pipes to s upport herself as she walked on the squishy, uneven
s urface of his body, she began to wa lk carefully down to his stomach,
wiggling he r gorgeous ass with each step until she was standing on
his genitals. He revele d in the exquisit e humiliation o f being used as
her doormat. The n she turned to face him.
Standing on her toes, she began her dance again, a lternating her
steps between his cock and his balls, stepping on his cock with both
feet while lifting her feet up and down in ballerina steps. He groaned
aloud in pain turned to passion and abandone d himself to the exquisite
pleasure of this exciting and wonderfully novel experience. Much to
his de light, The Mistress chose to continue this s ublime form of tor-
ture for several more minutes before climbing off him and returning
to her throne. She took a cigarette from the drawer of the table next to
her chair a nd lit it. The smell of cloves filled the air as the smoke curled
from her lips a nd shrouded her in an air of mystery. He used this time
to savor his experience and imprint it, and her, on his me mory. She let
him remain there until she had stubbed out the cigarette.
Casual Toys 39
"You will undress in the order that I tell you. First, this is your
mark. You will return to that spot when you have finished executing
my commands." She pointed to an invisible spot on the floor. "Now,
off with your shirt. Hang it up on the back of the door. Return to me.
Now take off your shoes and socks and place them out of my way, in
the corner by the door. Now, take off your trousers and hang them
from the belt loop on the hook on the back of the door." This was
The Mistress's routine and ritual strip, and she was so bored with
going over it with the new slaves that she considered writing it up
and having them memorize it before they even entered her presence.
After each piece of clothing had been removed and put in place, he
returned to his mark, as The Mistress had instructed him and stood
awaiting her next command. He still had his boxer shorts on, and she
could see the battle of the tent pole going on inside them. The Mis-
tress hid her smile.
"It is plain to see that you have no idea of how to behave in front
of The Mistress, so I will give the instructions once, and once only, in
the proper protocol. You will not look me in the face unless I instruct
you to do so. You will not speak unless it is to answer a direct ques-
tion. Your word, if you need to say it, will be 'banana.' You will use
this word if you need to use the bathroom or if our play gets too
heavy for you. You are forbidden to use it to interject your opinion,
and you are forbidden to blather on when spoken to. If I ask you if
such-and-such a place is on the way to our ultimate destination, I do
not expect road directions when a simple 'yes' or 'no' will suffice. I
expect silence, unobtrusive service, and enthusiastic obedience from
you. Punishment for infractions will be swift and hard, and n·o t par-
ticularly to your liking. ls any part of these rules and instructions
unclear?" The Mistress had stated th ese rules so many times to so
many slaves that she felt like a broken record. The idea that this, too,
should be included in her new written instructions to first time slaves
seemed very appealing.
"Yes, Mistress," he said softly with his eyes now downcast. There
was a slight hint of fear in his voice, as if he was suddenly afraid of
what he had gotten himself into.
He was still clad in his s horts but getting more nervous by the
minute. How delicious! The Mistress arose and stood about eighteen
inches away from him, making sure he would have a good , long look
Casual Toys 41
at her attire. She wore a long purple latex dress with lingerie cups
that showed off her voluptuous breasts to their full advantage. A
black latex waist cincher nipped her midsection , making her breasts
and hips look even fuller. Up the back of the dress was a double
zipper so that the dress could be worn loose or as a hobble skirt. She
preferred it loose so that it did not restrict her movements and also
gave the slave the occasional glimpse of her beautiful legs. Open-toed
patent leather pumps graced her feet. Opera-length black latex gloves
clung to her hands and arms, and she wore a large amethyst ring on
her left middle finger over her glove.
After she was sure he was impressed with her finery, she walked
around him, taking her sweet time, making sure he knew he was being
assessed for his worthiness and possible use. She returned to her
chair and made a big show of arranging herself in it for his benefit
and to keep him waiting. Then The Mistress commanded him to
remove his boxer shorts. His face slowly turned bright red as he
hooked his thumbs into his boxers and pulled them off. After he had
placed them neatly with his other things, he stood on his mark and
awaited her pleasure, which was to inspect him both visually and
physically. She told him to place his hands behind his neck and turn
in a half circle, 180 degrees.
When his back was to her, The Mistress ordered him to bend at
the waist, reach back, and spread his checks. She let him stand like
that for a moment; then, she blew a cool stream of air toward his hot
red opening. It startled him so much, he jumped and made a stran-
gled noise in the back of his throat. His embarrassment was obvious
and quite delightful to her. This, too, was part of her ritual strip and
gave her some indication as to the desires of the slave. After all, they
weren't always truthful about expressing them; sometimes they didn't
even know that that was what they wanted, and other times they
were just too embarrassed to admit to them. It was The Mistress 's
opinion that, in the end, all men wanted to experience some sort of
anal penetration.
The Mistress ordered him to rise, complete his turn, and kneel at
her feet. In a coolly disinterested voice, The Mistress asked him what
service he thought he could perform for her or of what use he could
be to her. All he said was that he hoped The Mistress had room for
him in he r stable. She considered this for a moment.
42 The Female Dominant
"I really don't have an opening for a new slave right now, nor do I
have the time it takes to train someone like you. I have two foot slaves,
three household slaves, two sissy maids, a cook, a bath attendant, a
driver, and several specific duty slaves on call. What special service do
you think you could perform for me that would make it worth my
while to train you? Someone with no special expertise? Someone who
misguidedly thinks that this is all about him, and not about me?"
He had no reply except to beg The Mistress to take him on as her
"Well, since you are already here, I should at least amuse myself
with you while I think what use you could be of to me."
The Mistress reached out and began to slap his breasts and pinch
his nipples really hard. Then she pinched them and pulled on them,
watching his face closely for signs of rebellion or distaste. All she saw
there was the pain that her manual torture of his nipples was causing.
She was happy with that for the time being. She slapped his face a few
times, forehand and backhand across both cheeks and spat in his face.
Becoming bored with that, she turned her attention to his genitals. He
was erect from the fear and joy of her presence, and that was gratify-
ing to her and no less than she expected of any of her slaves. Then she
ordered him to lie on the floor face up and to spread her legs. The
Mistress trod on his genitals with her high-heeled shoe, grinding his
member into the carpet, poking at his hairy sack with the pointy toe of
her shoe. To his credit, he bore it stoically, even though she stomped
on him with no care at all for him or his feelings.
Then it occurred to The Mistress what use he could be of to her.
"I have need of a toilet and you will do nicely."
He looked horrified at the thought, and she laughed in his face.
"You said you wanted to serve me in any capacity I saw fit. You
said you wanted to be my slave but admitted you have no special tal-
ents, nothing to offer me. All I have need of right now is a toilet and
you refuse? Get up, get dressed, and get out."
He begged The Mistress to allow him to stay, but her mind was
made up.
"Either you become my toilet or you go."
She saw his confusion and humiliation, and his erection. He didn't
want to go, but if he could not serve her in the way she had
demanded, he knew she wasn't going to waste another minute on him.
Casual Toys 43
behind his neck. He hung his head, not daring to look at her, knowing
it would anger her. Free to do as she pleased, it pleased her to torture
His nipples stood erect, as did his engorged manhood. His full
sack dangled between his legs. With her long red nails, The Mistress
pinched his nipples; with her pointy-toed stiletto shoe she poked at
his throbbing member. His moan of frustrated pleasure excited her,
and she reached for the clover nipple clamps. Before she applied the
clamps, she played with his nipples, pinching them very slowly, build-
ing up the intensity; imagining that if she pinched hard enough, her
two fingers would meet as if there were no skin between them. After
his nipple was as erect as she could get it, The Mistress applied the
left clamp and waited for the pain to sink in. She knew what he would
be feeling: first, the clamp would bite into his skin causing him exqui-
site pain, and then a slight numbness would set in as the flow of
blood to the nipple was cut off.
After playing with the right nipple as she had with the left, The
Mistress applied the other clover clamp to his right nipple so she,
and he, would have the pleasure of a second dose of pain. When the
second clamp had done its work, she moved on to bigger and better
things, saving the weights for later.
The Mistress took a long piece of latex cord and unwound it under
his downcast eyes so he could see what she was doing and tremble at
the thought of what she had in mind for him next. His gasp of mixed
pleasure and fear was most satisfying to her. Ordering him to lie on
his back and spread his legs, she took the latex cord and first
wrapped it tightly around his full sack. Of course, the latex cord
stretched as she did this, and both The Mistress and the slave knew
the cord would tighten up even more as the evening progressed. She
knotted it tightly and gave his taut skin a nice hard slap. He cried out
in pain and she was pleased. But The Mistress was not through with
him yet.
Selecting another piece of latex cord, she again bent her head to
his privates. She wrapped it around each hard nut, separating them
from each other, tying them up individually. The skin of his isolated
nuts glistened and his hairs stood out from his skin. Reaching over to
the red toy box, The Mistress took out a leather strap with snaps to
keep it closed and several D rings. She snapped it tightly over the
Casual Toys 47
latex rope encompassing his sack and then attached the six one-
pound fishing weights to the strap one at a time. Now only his
engorged and throbbing manhood was unbound . She slapped it back
and forth with the open palm of her hand as hard as she could and
heard his satisfying, exciting groan of pain. The Mistress laughed
wickedly, delighted at her power over him.
Then she commanded him to stand up. She knew this would not
only be difficult for him with the weights attached to him but also
humiliating. The Mistress loved this kind of play. When he was on his
feet, she took a length of nylon rope from the toy box. She was going
to use this to encircle his manhood, leaving only the tip exposed. She
started this by leaving a hand's length of the rope down his shaft, but
her rope trick would start at the top. Bringing the rope up to his
head, she began twining the rope around his throbbing member, start-
ing right under the lip of his red and engorged head, catching the
excess rope underneath it. She twined the rope all the way down his
shaft, not leaving the least little bit of flesh exposed, with no pinching
at all. When she had completely encircled his shaft with the rope, she
tied it off tightly at the base with the hand's length of rope she had
left there at the start. He looked so beautiful dressed in her finery
that The Mistress could not help but to torture him some more.
Then she remembered the magnetized weights! Perfect! Slowly she
attached one after the other to the nipple clamps, sometimes using
the opposite force to move the clamp around as it dangled from his
nipple. Then she quickly stuck it to the clamp, each time eliciting a
delicious groan of pain from him. But he was a good slave; The Mis-
tress had trained him herself, and he bore his torture heroically.
Next , she ordered him to march around the room keeping his
hands behind his head, elbows straight out to the side, and with each
step, he was to draw his knees up high to his chest. His member
bobbed and waved in its rope, the fishing weights clinked together
merrily, and the magnetized weights pulled on his nipples cruelly-
The Mistress was in heaven. She especially loved to hear the sound of
the weights clanging together as he marched at her command. His
pain registered on his face but not a sound escaped him. He was a
very good toy and had entertained her well. The Mistress decided to
reward him before sending him back downstairs to the dungeon.
She called him t o her and pointed to the floor in front of her. He
48 The Female Dominant
dropped to his knees and, again, pain registered o n his face as the
weights dangled from him. First, sh e removed the rope from his
engorged me mber. As The Mistress pulled on the rope, his member
bo bbled round and round crazily as it exposed his flesh. This was
quite amusing to her, that was why she did it, and she laughed in gen-
uine amusement at the involuntary antics of his member. The rope
had left deep imprints on his skin; a tiny clear bead of juice glistened
o n his tip. Next, she free d his left nipple, the one she had captured
first. The rus h of blood returning t o it caused him to moan and
groan-it was music to her ears . She waited a few minutes for the pins
a nd needles to set in; then she played with the newly exposed nipple
to the music of his moans. Even her slightest, lightest touch elicited
sighs, groans, and moans from him, and her back-and-forth slaps made
him scream softly. The Mistress delighted in the sound. After that
nipple had become less sensitive, she turned he r attention to the right
nipple and freed it. Again, his chorus o f moans and groans serenaded
her. The Mistress gave the same special attention to the right nipple
until it was no longer sensitive. Feeling generous because of the enter-
tainment he had provided h er with, she thought he should be
rewarded for his good service to her.
The Mistress ordered him to lie on the floor and removed the
leather strap with the fishing weights h anging from it. Then, one at a
time, she freed his balls from the la tex cord. After his balls were free,
she freed h is sack from their imprisonment. The slave moaned and
groaned as feeling came back into his genitals. The Mistress took her
seat and used o ne toe of he r stiletto to poke his sack, and with the
othe r foot, she pumped his rock hard member as if it were a gas pedal
or a brake. The s lave was writhing on the floor with pain, metamor-
phisizing it into great pleasure, just as he had been d oing all evening.
It was time for his reward. He knew, of course, that The Mistress liked
her slaves to come on her count to exert her control over them fur-
ther, and he was ready to obey her.
Slowly she began the count , kic king him in his scrotal sack to
emphasize each number she called out. The slave held back until the
count of ten , knowing that if he did not his punis hme nt would be
severe. It could be two days and nights in the stockade or two days
and nights in the coffin or a severe flogging administered by her assis-
Casual Toys 49
tant. He would not even have the pleasure of The Mistress herself
beating him. Since The Mistress had not used him for some time, and
no slave was allowed to touch himself without her permission and in
her presence, he was aching to come. After the final kick on the count
of ten, The Mistress was pleased with the volcanolike explosion. His
spurt of pearl jam, as she liked to call it, was generous and looked
like glistening ropes on his belly and chest. The Mistress's pleasure
with him danced on her face.
"I had almost forgotten about you. You are a fun toy. I shall have to
call for you more often," The Mistress said pleasantly.
The slave was delighted when she said this; he felt honored and
pleased yet humbled at the same time. Then she called for her assis-
tant to take him away. He would be allowed to clean himself before
being returned to the dungeon. That night, as he slept on his bed of
straw covered by a blanket, he dreamed of her, The Mistress who had
looked into his soul and given him what he feared and wanted the
was open just enough for him to see what was inside. What did
arouse his curiosity was a large heavy wooden chair with arms and a
cloth-covered table next to it that was never in the chamber before,
but he didn't say anything about it. All the better that he didn't ask
her about it; this way her plan for him later on would come as that
much more of a shock. Deep inside, The Mistress smiled with sadistic
glee, w)'lich she knew gleamed in her eyes if he'd bothered to look.
When he had stripped down to his bare skin, she looked at him
with barely disguised disgust. He was overweight, but at least his
be lly did not hang down so far as to conceal his genitals. Rising from
her throne, The Mistress led the way to the examination table and
gestured him onto it. She humiliatingly laughed aloud at his difficulty
at climbing up onto the table, but after all, if he was not overweight,
getting onto it would not have been a proble m. Finally he was settled
on the table with his feet in the stirrups, knees spread wide. She left
him to lie there splayed open while she selected a whip from the large
collection hanging on cup hooks from the wall behind her. She chose
a cruel little thing: short in length, it was made up of many strands
of 1/s-inch latex cord, with diagonally cut ends, and carried quite an
impact. Just right for whipping his genitals! He needed no warm up,
so she let the whip fly with a considerable amount of force.
He winced in pain at the first blow, and although he had his word,
he had never once used it. So she continued along on her merry way
and brought the whip down hard on his penis and scrotum until she
became quite warm in her latex and had a good squish factor going
on. Heaven! Giving pain to an all-out masochist and having a good
squish factor going all at the same time! She was feeling better
already, and the festivities had hardly begun.
Enjoying herself more with each passing second, The Mistress
roughly pushed his legs apart, climbed up onto the table, and knelt
between them, whip in hand. Her target this time was his "man-
boobs" and nipples. Because he was overwe ight, his man-boobs were
more like breasts: large and meaty. But his nipples were the real
delight. Not small and shy, not tiny or inverted, his stuck out proudly
and made excellent targets. She went to work on them with the same
gusto as she had on his genitals, and soon, in her excitement, she
dropped the whip and began to use her hands on him. She slapped
his fat man-boobs as hard as she could, forehand and backhand, one
52 The Female Dominant
at a time, both a t a time, whatever means took her fancy; she pinched
his red nipples slowly, imagining that they were mountains that she
could crush between them. Both his genitals and his nipples were
quite sore when she was through with them.
As muc h as The Mistress was enjoying these activities, it was time
for the real action to begin. After she had gracefully climbed down
from the table, she took some of the black towels and placed them
under his genitals. Then she walked to the front of the table to face
him. She t ook several of the black towels and stuffed them partially
under his c hest near his nipples, making sure that half of each towel
was under him and the other half was wadded up next to him. He
may bleed, and she did not want this mess on her table or her Ori-
ental rug; the towels would soak up the blood, the paper would pro-
tect the table, and the table could be sterilized thoroughly afterward.
Leaning over, she looked into his eyes but said nothing. With one
hand, she reached down and opened the s lightly ajar side drawer
wide enough to pull out two pairs of the surgical gloves. Dropping
the gloves on his chest, she put he r hands in front of his face and
snapped the m on o ne at a time over her black la tex gloves.
She smiled coldly as she reached down and pulled out a row of a
d ozen individually wrapped disposable insulin needle points for him
to see. He groaned loudly and thrashed his head from side to side,
but s he knew it was nothing more than a d isplay of his fear a nd
excitement and that the needles were exactly what he wanted. Laying
the row o f needles across his heaving chest, s he took a blindfold
down from a hook on the wall and made sure she gave him a good
show of cleavage as she bent over him to de prive him of his sight.
This was also part of his masochism: to know she was going to pierce
him with the needles but not to see where the needles would be
placed. After he was blindfolded, The Mistress did what she had to
do. She turned the lights up as high as they would go and retrieved a
pair of reading glasses from one of the examination table's drawers.
His last memory o f her would be of he r lovely face, framed by her
a uburn hair, and her magnificent breasts almost bursting free of the
black latex dress. There was no need for The Mistress to destroy her
mystique by letting him know about the bright lights a nd reading
glasses, was there? And they were essential to what came next.
Dragging her nails up his c hest, she lifted the row of needles,
Casual Toys 53
detached one, and dropped the remainder back on his chest. Holding
the package right next to his ear, she ripped it open. He moaned at
the sound of the paper ripping; it was one of his turn-ons, even
though he never had a hard-on. The Mistress did not care about
whether he had an erectio n; his purpose was to serve as her pin-
cushion and he did that very well. She started with the left nipple
since she was a lready at that side of the table. Pulling it out as far as
she could, she used her fingertips to feel for the nerve, which she
wished to avoid. This was easier than it appeared in spite of all the
gloves because she had so much practice at it. Pushing the nerve to
one side with one thumb and forefinger, she jabbed the needle
through his flesh, right up to the hilt of the blue tube that would have
been attached to the barrel of the needle if there had been one.
His groan was , as always, music to her ears. Ripping open another
package, she jabbed the second needle through his nipple; then a
third, a fourth, a fifth, and a sixth in a circular pattern. His groans
came faster and louder as she jabbed each needle through his already
sore chest. When she was through, the blue tubes made a lovely pin-
wheel design that she was quite proud of; she was so proud of it that
she brought out the instant camera a nd took a picture of her handi-
work, being careful to leave his face out. Now, onto the other nipple!
She stepped around to the opposite side of the table to get a better
angle and closer view. Once again, pulling his nipple out far from his
body, she felt for the nerve, located it, avoided it, and went to work
on the nipple with relish. The Mistress was very careful to duplicate
the same lovely pattern on his right nipple that she had made on his
left one. Two more photos were taken: one of the right nipple alone
and the other of both nipples together. The camera obediently spat
out the photos that she put to the side until they developed.
Smiling at her pinwheel design, and absolutely delighted by his low
and constant moaning, she began to think of what she could do to
his penis that would equal the artistry of what she had done to his
nipples. The Mistress decided to make the design on his shaft a con-
trast to the design on his chest: instead of a circular pattern, she
thought that a straight pattern, with the blue tips in alternating direc-
tions, would be quite nice. Opening the side drawer, she removed two
more rows of a dozen needle points, twenty-four in all, also tipped in
blue. Wishing to avoid the tiny capillaries in his penis , she pulled a
54 The Female Dominant
floor lamp closer for more illumination, but she knew she would
inevitably hit some of them and there would be some blood loss. Who
would think that those tiny capillaries could bleed so profusely? But
that was what those towels were for, and they did their job well.
The Mistress stood between his legs, still in the stirrups, and began
at the top of his shaft. Pulling out the topmost layer of skin, she
inserted the first needle and was enormously gratified to hear a stran-
gled scream from the s lave. She used the remote control to make the
music louder in case he became noisier. But his scream was the real
music for her. Ripping open the next package quic kly, she pulled out
his skin again and jammed the second needle through his flesh in the
opposite direction. The third was jabbed into his shaft in the same
direction as the first, the fourth in the same direction as the second,
and so o n, down his shaft until all twenty-four needles with their blue
tips decorated his penis. She was quite happy with the neatness and
precision of her work and with the pleasant contrast the pinwheels on
his nipples made with the aligned needles through his shaft. Then
The Mistress took a picture of his shaft alone and one of his nipples
and shaft together.
But there was more to be done, mo re torture and torment for her
to inflict on this creature who lay so voluntarily helpless on h er table.
There was the final piece of needlework to be done and the s urprise
she had in store for him with the wooden chair.
She moved the fl oor lamp and walked to the head o f the ta ble.
Before using the foot pad to elevate him into a sitting-up position, she
could not resist the urge to flick her fingers at the needles protruding
from his nipples. Flicking gently at first, as his moans excite d a nd
inc ited her, she flicke d harder and ha rde r until he was almost scream-
ing when s he flicked cruelly at both nipples at once. She knew just
when to stop; she did not want him to word up on her a nd spoil her
fun and, more importantly, deprive her of her surprise e nding for the
session. From the first drawer in the side of the examinatio n table,
she removed another dozen needles, and from anothe r drawer, she
removed an e ight-inch-square, two-inc h-thic k piece of white Styrofoam.
Then she commanded him to take his feet out of the stirrups . Only
then did sh e use the foot pad to e levat e him into a seated position.
The Mistress moved back to the e nd of the table and sat on the
Casual Toys 55
small doctor's swivel stool that had previously been pushed out of
the way. Carefully she positioned the piece of Styrofoam under his
scrotum and over the towels and then positioned his thighs and but-
tocks to hold the Styrofoam in place. Next, she placed his large and
rather loose scrotal sack over the foam board. She took a minute
t o look at his pinwheel nipples and his straight-angle shaft and to
decide what would be a complimentary design for those two. In a split
second, an idea came to her that pleased her very much. With another
slave, she would have had to tie him down to perform this action, but
with this one, she needn't bother. This was the pain he craved, this
was the main reason she kept seeing him, and this is what she enjoyed
so much, even though she didn't care much for him.
The Mistress's idea was to pin his scrotum to the foam board in
an alternating pattern, like a starburst. To make sure "things" would
end up even, she pulled out both of the far sides of his scrotum as far
as she could and jabbed a needle into each side, right up to the hilt
of the blue tip . He almost screamed, but in fact , if one avoids the
"nuts," the real business in the scrotal sack, the skin of the scrotum is
not very sensitive. His almost scream was more one of surprise than
pain, but she took great pleasure in it anyway. Then, moving from one
side to the other, she carefully pulled out the skin a bout an inch less
than the two overstretched needles on the far sides o f his sack ~nd
the one in the middle. He continued to moan and groan and thrash
his head from side to s ide. But she knew that he was escalating the
pain in his mind, and that although somewhat painful, it was not as
painful as he was pretending it to be. It was a mind game he played
with himself and she let him continue. It gave her pleasure, too, and
was not against her wishes.
Alternating between the overstretched, pinned-down skin and the
one inch shorter pinned-down skin, in no time she had accomplished
the starburst effect on his scrotum. She admired her artistry and
more pictures were taken; this time one of his sack alone, his sack
with his penis , and his entire torso showing off all three pieces of her
"needlepoint." There were two photos left in the camera, and she was
saving the m for the grand finale: the wooden chair surprise.
It was time to remove the blindfold, but first she re moved her
glasses, lowered the lights to their original dimness, moved the swivel
56 The Female Dominant
stool out of the way, cleaned up the flurry of plastic and empty paper
needle packets, and tossed the soiled towe ls into a plastic bag, hiding
it in a black box for laundering later.
Then she stood tall in front of him and lifted the blindfold, greeting
him with a lmost the same view she had given him when she de prived
him of his sight. He looked down at her handiwork and gasped aloud.
It was impressive, and The Mistress had done a remarkably good job
at missing those pesky capillaries, especially those in the scrotal sack,
so blood loss had bee n minimal. Gingerly h e touched each of his nip-
ples in turn, making himself wince. Then he bent over to take a good
look at his pierced cock and finally at his starburst sack impaled on
the foam board.
"Oh my god! Oh, Mistress, look at how beautiful it is!" he exclaimed
with the most e nthusiasm and passion that The Mistress had ever
heard from him.
She gathered up the now fully developed photos and handed them
to him, upon which h e began to exclaim anew and compare them to
the real artwork right before his eyes. The Mistress let him enjoy
himself while she went to the first aid kit and brought out the items
she needed, gathered up more clean towels just in case, and collected
the little red biohazard box and the stinging styptic pencil. It was time
to remove the needles and move on to he r much-anticipated surprise.
When she felt that he had admired himself and her artistry long
e nough, she took the pictures from him and placed them to one side.
"The last shall be first, " she thought to herself and decided to unpin
his sack and work h er way up to his nipples. This decision was also
influenced by the fact that his sack was more likely to bleed than his
shaft or nipples, and she wanted the styptic pencil to have as much
time to work its cruel stinging magic as long as possible. She rolled
the swivel stool bac k into place between his spread legs and put her
supplies on the shelf that pulled out from underneath the examination
table. The n she began pulling out the needles , one at a time, taking
out the shorter-placed needles first to maximize the pain of the longer
ones. As sh e re moved each one, The Mistress dabbed the pinprick
wound with a lcohol to sterilize it, and if one bled, she dabbed it dry
of the alcohol and applied the styptic pencil. To her great de light, she
was "forced" to apply the styptic pencil to three of the first six
re movals and hear his shrieks as the pencil stung the wound and
Casual Toys 57
stopped the blood flow. Another three applications of the cruel pencil
were needed when she removed the final six needles from his sack,
and again she was immensely gratified to hear his shrieks.
Now, it was time to remove the needles from his shaft. She made
him hold his penis firmly down against his protruding belly while she
removed one needle at a time, prolonging the moment, prolonging his
pain, and prolonging her pleasure. Several times he almost let his
penis go, but at a sharp word or two from her, he held it in place as
she had told him to do. Finally, the last needle was removed from his
shaft, with only four mere occasions to use her stinging styptic pencil.
Oh well, she thought, four times was better than no times at all, and
the best, the wooden chair (which he seemed to have completely
forgotten about), was yet to come. She stood to remove the needles
from his nipples, and this proved to be a little bloodier than the pre-
vious removals. For dramatic effect, she let the blood flow in little
rivulets onto his overstuffed belly before taking any action to either
clean him up or staunc h the flow. This made him scream for her to
help him and to stop his torment.
"Wimp," she said aloud in a tone of voice that made him think she
was thinking to herself: "What kind of masochist who asks for this
treatment would get so alarmed at the sight of a little blood?" She
laughed aloud before attending to him. Whatever would he make of
the chair? She would soon find out and was looking forward to the
experience with sadistic relish. She did give him a few minutes to
compose himself while she cleared away the new batch of soiled
towels, the little red box of used needles, the alcohol, and the mis-
cellaneous cotton balls she had used.
After The Mistress was through with her little chores, she helped
the overweight slave get off the examination table, took the slave by
the hand, and then led him to the wooden c hair. She positioned him
in it carefully, making sure that his scrotum sat fully on the seat of the
chair. The look on his face showed some curiosity, but he said nothing,
so she said nothing. Her first action was to wrap his wrists to the arms
of the chair in black hand towels and to duct tape the towels closed.
Then she spread his knees wide and did the same thing to his ankles
on the legs of the chair. He looked a little more curious now; this was
completely new to him. Next, she took out four pieces of short chain,
each with a double clip hook on one e nd . The Mistress firmly wrapped
58 The Female Dominant
the chain around each wrist and ankle; she had guesstimat ed right,
they fit perfectly over the towels, with just the tiniest bit of play for
comfort, but no possibility of escape. By this time his fear and aston-
ishment was clear on his face, but she had one more piece o f appa-
ratus to use on him before she continue d.
The red ball gag was on the wall behind her, not under the cloth-
covered table to the side of the chair. Gently she placed it in his
mouth and not so gently she gave the two leather ends a hard yank to
secure it firmly in his mouth before tightly buckling the ends together.
"Listen to me," she said to him in a casual to ne of voice as she
placed a red bandana in his right hand. "If you have a problem, I want
you to drop the bandana immediately. Do you understand me?" He
nodded yes.
With a dramatic flourish she just could not resist, The Mistress
yanked the cloth off the side table like a magician would uncover the
"sword impaled" lady. His eyes flew to the table and opened as wide
as saucers. The table held only two objects: a h ammer and a long,
/s-inch-thick nail in a small bowl o f sterilizing solution that had bee n
boiled and whose point she had honed herself. He looked from her to
the table and back to her again, but the bandana remained in his
hand. Maybe he did not yet understand what she was going to do,
but in a minute he would. She hoped like hell he held onto that ban-
dana. She had been looking forward to this for so long!
She picked up the nail first and he ld it before his unbelieving eyes .
She wanted to do this so much, yet she knew this was new to him
and had taken a chance by not discussing it with him beforehand.
The red bandana re mained in his hand, although he was nervously
clutching it tightly. Then slowly she picked up the hammer with her
other hand. It wasn't a big, old, mean, ugly, man-sized hammer. It was
brand new, as was the sterilized nail, small and ladylike; The Mistress
wanted nothing that would swing wild because of its weight when she
hammered in the nail. Actually she was more afraid of hitting her own
fingers and making a fool of herself than of what she was going to do
to him!
Still holding the hammer in one hand and the nail in the othe r, she
looked pointedly at his scrotum and the n at his face until she was
certain he knew what she was going to do. A slight nod of his head
Casual Toys 59
claw over the head of the nail, braced the hammerhead against the
chair, and pulled. All of her practice had paid off; the nail came out
quickly and smoothly in just the one pull.
He did scream then, really scream, but by the way his head lolled
on his chest, she knew it was a scream of relief, not one of unbearable
pain. Rapidly she washed the double-sided wound in Betadine solu-
tion and applied liberal dabs of triple antibacterial ointment to them.
Then she gently placed a thick, sterile gauze pad on each wound.
As fast as her fingers could fly, she released him from his gentle yet
no-nonsense bonds, ankles first , so that he could close his legs if he
wished, then freed his wrists. She removed the gag and told him to
call her if he needed her. She quietly left the chamber to give him
some time alone.
Still in her latex ball gown but minus the double-layered surgical
gloves, she was sitting at the dining room table having a relaxing cig-
arette and a glass of iced tea when he emerged from the chamber
fully dressed. She rose, went to him, and looked deeply into his eyes
before she showed him out. She saw deep satisfaction there, and then
he surprised her by lifting her hand to his lips and kissing it.
The next time he returned, he presented her with two dozen long-
stemmed roses.
and so mellow that The Mistress nickna med him "Snoozy" during
their phone conversation. She thought this to be very amusing
because his description of himself totally belied the nickname: at six
feet three inches tall, 225 pounds, this thirty-six-year-old blond, blue-
eyed Texan was a tall drink of water, bearing no resembla nce at all to
one of the seven dwarfs.
Although he had not asked that The Mistress wear white, she
thought that it would be appropriate to the fantasy if at least part of
her outfit was white. None of her white latex remotely resembled a
nurse's uniform or doctor's lab coat but instead consisted of a catsuit,
balls gowns, and white blouses . She chose something she had just
received as a gift: a white mock turtleneck blouse that zipped up the
front, a red "was pie" waist cincher, and a floor-length black hobble
skirt with a double zipper up the back. Wrist length black latex gloves
and regular black patent leather pumps completed her outfit but not
her look. Being somewhat nearsighted , she pulled her auburn hair
back in a French twist to keep it out of her face and wore her tortoise-
framed glasses, which she would definitely need for such close-up,
delicate work. Wouldn't want any s having cuts in suc h a sensitive
area, would we?
Snoozy arrived promptly at the appointed time and presented her
with a two-pound box of Godiva c hocolates. How lovely! So few slaves
had such nice manners these days (an air of entitlement was more
prevalent than manners or the little niceties), but then, in her opinion,
Southern gentlemen learned manners as they were being brought up.
Their rude Northern counterparts, who had very few manners at all,
wasted a lot of a Mistress's time training them in the manners that
should have been ingrained in them from childhood. With a Southern
gentleman, The Mistress did not have to spend endless and unneces-
sary hours teac hing him things he should already know. She was
pleased with Snoozy already.
She beckoned him to follow her and led him into the medical exam-
ination room. She had prepared everything in advance and had a pair
of scissors, a pile of big fluffy towels, a number of disposa ble razors,
a twelve-foot piece o f rope, and a bar of creamy soap. She never used
shaving cream because she was allergic to the smell of it and also
because most shaving creams contained camphor that could cause
skin irritations, especially in one so fair skinned. Besides, using a bar
62 The Female Dominant
of soap e nsured cleanliness. As they walked down the hall , she was
highly aware of, and amused by, the difference in their height and of
his gangly, loose-limbed walk compared to he r graceful glide. As he
e ntered the room, she gave him a moment to ta ke it all in. After he
had surveyed every piece of equipment , she pointed to the mirrored
ceiling; the last place a nyone ever looked at, if they looked up at all.
His big face broke o ut in an ear-to-ear smile as he realized that he
would be able to see everything that was going to happen. Then, she
sat on the gurney while she made him perform the ritual strip and
inspection, which he seemed to enjoy, although some fetishists did
not. But she had to get their clothes off them some way, didn't she?
Left to their own devices, well, they were clueless, and as The Mis-
tress it was her right to show her power over them. The ritual strip
and inspection did a wonderful job of establishing her a uthority.
Once Snoozy was stripped a nd inspected, she made him kneel
while she made him repeat these words after her: "l, the fetishist
Snoozy, humbly ask The Mistress to denude my genitalia of body hair.
I implore her to shave off all the hair on my groin, on my root, on my
sack, and up my c rack. 1 leave it to The Mistress to accomplish this in
any way she sees fit. Any shaving c uts or worse will be the result of
my disobedience, my squirming, or other misbehavior on my part,
and I take full responsibility for them before The Mistress begins."
Having said that to her satisfaction, she pointed t o two bowls, a
large one and a small one, and told him to go into the bathroom and
fill them with cool water, not hot water. Hot water could cause shav-
ing bumps on his fair skin, a nd she did not want the smoothness of it
to be marred by them. Sliding gracefully off the gurney, she piled
towels underneath where his genitals were to be, pointed to the lower
end of the gurney for the placement of the wate r bowls, and told him
to lie down. At least he didn't ask, "Which end do you want my head
at , Mistress?" An extremely stupid question asked by many slaves.
Once she had told one to put his head near the water bowls and the
fool did. But then she had the pleasure of verbally humiliating him,
making him get up and bend over for twenty hard smacks on the ass
with the heel of her shoe before telling him in insulting detail exactly
how to lie on the table. But Snoozy seemed to have brains as well as
manners, and he positioned himself correctly over the piled-up towels
Casual Toys 63
the base of his shaft with the scissors to make it easier to shave off.
Then, much to Snoozy's delight, she blew on the base of his me mber
to whoosh the snipped hairs away, and then she brushed it with her
gloved hand to make s ure no loose hairs remained. His member was
sizable and very hard for all the attentio n that area of his body was
receiving, and as she pushed his member aside to shave the base, it
grew harder still. She knew that because of his e rect state, having his
member pushed aside a nd held there was not comfortable, but since
his erection got even la rger, she knew Snoozy was enjoying it. The
Mistress picked up a new razor and set to work removing the coarser
curlier hairs at the base: again, stroke, stroke, dip, stroke, stroke, di p.
She ma nipulated his me mber, sometimes holding it down with her
arm to keep it out of he r way. When she did this , she pressed down
on it very hard a nd was gratified to hear him moan.
Once The Mistress was finis hed shaving the hair at the base, she
pointed out to Snoozy that his member looked at least a n inch longer
without a ll that unsightly hair at the base. He thanked her for adding
an inch to his length and spread his knees farther apart in gratitude.
Then, she cupped h er hands and rinsed off his body and base. Sh e
used her gloved hands to pluck at these freshly shaven areas to make
sure no hairs ha d been left behind. On find ing one, sh e applied the
razor to it, and soon it, too, was gone. But there was still a great deal
of hair to be re moved from his tight sack, his taint, his inner thighs ,
and, of course, his crack. Being the most interesting and humiliating
part to shave, The Mistress was leaving the crack until last.
Preparing to s have these parts, she used her c upped hands to
re-wet the area and generously lathered his taint and inner thighs.
The Mis tress knew Snoozy enj oyed this immens ely because his
membe r began to bob and wobble aro und of its own will. But this
bobbing and wob bling would inte rfere with he r work, so she moved
the doctor's stool that s he was sitting on to the side of the table so
that sh e was leaning over his body rather tha n sitting between his
legs. Again, she used her a rm to hold his member in place and began
to shave his sack. After the first stroke, stroke, dip, she found that
this task would be more easily accomplished by standing up. This
also gave Snoozy a great view of her lovely round ass tightly e ncased
in her hobble skirt. Leaning over him with her head between his legs,
The Mistress got to work on his surprisingly hairy and ridged sack.
Casual Toys 65
Usually blonds weren't quite this hairy, and the ridges of his sack
made he r task more difficult but she did not mind. More fun for her!
Falling back into her stroke, stroke, dip rhythm, the careful shaving of
his sack had her complete attention.
She stretched his sack out as muc h as s he could , pulling and push-
ing it if need be and meticulously shaved each hair away until his
sack was as hairless as his lower body and his base. Tilting her head
to the side, she looked at it from different angles to ensure that his
sack was completely de nuded . Pleased with her job so far, she
c upped his sack in her hands and squeezed it, then used her hands to
bat his hard-on around , slapping his member fro m one hand to the
other and using just one hand to give it good hard slaps. Snoozy
moaned and groaned and even gave the occasional yelp as she man-
handled him, but he stayed erect, a sure sign of his enjoyment. And
manhandling him, or anyone, gave The Mistress so much pleasure.
But this was a shaving ritual, and Snoozy still had much more hair
that would soon find its way into the dipping bowl under her nimble
Next, The Mistress turned her attentions to his taint. She called it
the "taint" because it wasn't his sack and it wasn't his crack but that
le ngth of skin in between them. He nce, since it "tain't sack" and it
"tain't crack," it became the taint. The taint was a fun part to shave,
and its sensitivity varied greatly from person to person. Some were
very ticklish the re. She was eager to find out how sensitive Snoozy's
taint was. Applying more water a nd la the r, she lightly dragged the
razor up his taint. To her great delight, he squealed with laughter, but
very aware o f the sharp instrument between his legs, Snoozy didn't
move the lower part of his body at all, although his head thrashed
from side to side as he laughed. Ticklish s ubmissives delighted The
Mistress, a nd she took her swee t time shaving his taint just because
s he could and added a little tickle torture to the scene. But laughter
was infectious, and soon she was giggling at Snoozy's litany of "no,
stop, please, don't, stop . .. ," knowing that he meant just the oppo-
site. Finally, and a little to The Mistress's chagrin, Snoozy's taint d idn't
have one single hair left on it for her to shave off and hear more of his
laughte r.
She rinsed his taint of loose hairs and relathered his inner thighs,
preparing them for her razor and full attention. Pushing his left leg as
66 The Female Dominant
far down as it would go, The Mistress applied her blade and tried to
make quick work of ridding Snoozy of the reddish-blond hairs on his
inner thighs. But dear Snoozy was quite ticklish there too, more so
than on his taint, and denuding him of the hairs there took a bit
longer than The Mistress expected. As she shaved this area, she had
to hold Snoozy down with her body to keep him in place as he tried
to close his leg. But she won out in the end and was able to keep him
restrained by her weight and a gentle reminder that a sharp object
was very close to things he would rather have uncut. She pointed out
that he was cut already, and one such cutting should be enough.
Finally, she finished the left inner thigh and let Snoozy's laughter sub-
side before giving the same treatme nt to his right inner thigh.
Snoozy's right inner thigh was not as ticklish as the left, so although
she still had to restrain him by partially lying on him to keep him
down, the right side did proceed at a somewhat faster pace than the
left. The Mistress rinsed him well and went on to the next step of her
After that, all that was left to shave was his crack; The Mistress's
favorite place to rende r hairless. She needed Snoozy to have a good
spread for this ; so taking the twelve-foot piece of rope she had
brought into the medical examination room prior to the start of the
ritual, she bound him in a way to give her best access to his puckered
a nd delicate anus and c rack. Looping the rope under his back and
tying it tightly over his c hest in a secure square knot, The Mistress
the n used the two separate ends of the rope to pull his ankles as
close to his chest as she could get them. She looped the rope around
each ankle twice and tied it off with a double hitch knot. Then she
went and stood at the end of the gurney to see if this had the desired
effect . It did. Snoozy's cheeks were spread wide, and in his excite-
ment his anus was clenching and unclenching as she looked at him.
His eyes were glued to the ceiling mirror, and he seemed unable to
look away. Pe rfect! The Mistress knew his eyes would take in every
stroke of the razor and that he would witness his own denudement
and humiliation at her hands. And just thinking about the poking and
itching stages he would undergo when the hair started to grow back
in gave her thrills.
Soaking his crack well, she then worked up a luxurious lather
there, on her favorite area, his anus. Taking a new razor, she decided
Casual Toys 67
to begin at the outermost reaches of his hair and work her way in
toward his anus. She be nt in close and began to shave him using
many passes of the razor in small areas, stroking and dipping,
stroking and dipping, prolonging her pleasure a nd his humiliation. As
she shaved him, the cle nching and unclenching of his a nus each time
the razor touched him amused her. This could be used to her advan-
tage, so she began to stroke and dip with pauses of diffe rent lengths
be tween eac h pass of the razor. This uneve n tempo excited him fur-
the r, a nd his moans became steadier and steadier until he was moan-
ing continuously. Greatly e njoying this, The Mistress began to vary
he r stroking and dipping as well: three strokes, a dip, and a short
pause; two strokes, a dip , and a long pause; and quic kly stroke and
dip, stroke, and dip. One long slow drag and then a quick dip was fol-
lowed by a se ries of short strokes a nd a dip.
The Mistress continued in that fashion until all the hair had been
shaved off his c heeks, leaving o nly the lesser amount of hairs right
around the pink and puckered ring of his anus. This she would draw
out as long as she could by trying to shave off only one or two hairs
at a time and lathe ring him over and over again. She kne w this would
drive him crazy and kick his endorphins into high gear, increasing the
pleasure for both of them. The mo re he e njoyed it, the more she
enj oyed it. The Mistress just hat ed a slave who was a blob, but
Snoozy was no blob. She bent in close and began to breathe through
her mouth. She was close enough so that he could feel her hot breath
o n his anus in contrast to the cold steel of the razor blade. Then she
applied the razor for the first time. Although she did no t cut him, all
of the combined sensatio ns made him cry out to release the pent up
feelings inside him. The cry was, as usual, sweet music to he r ears,
and she sighed in satisfaction.
Then she we nt back to work: lathe r, stroke, breathe, dip. His a nus
was doing a c razy da nce of pucke ring up and pushing out with each
action she perfo rmed , and its crazy dance began to fascinate her. She
wished there were more hairs to shave off, just so she could continue
to use her power over him to continue the dance. Muc h too soon, all
of his reddish-blond hairs were gone.
Using the ro pes t o tip his butt back toward his head, she piled a
couple of more towels underneath him. Then The Mistress went into
the bathroom and dumped the soap bowl and refilled it with clean
68 The Female Dominant
warm water. When she returned, she noticed that Snoozy's eyes were
still glued to the mirrored ceiling, as if he couldn't get enough of seeing
himself in this way. His member still raged, untended, untouched, and
virtually unnoticed between his legs. Slowly she tipped the bowl and
let the warm water flow over his newly shaved flesh. His skin looked
so tender, so pink, so vulnerable without its protective covering of
hair, rather like that of a very large, very well developed newborn
babe. He sighed and moaned as the water washed over him, rinsing
away any strands of hair and any remaining soap. Seeing him there, so
vulnerable, so open to her touch, The Mistress couldn't resist remov-
ing her gloves a nd touc hing him with her bare hand. When Snoozy felt
her bare hand on his genitals, and her fingers exploring his crack, tick-
ling his taint and inner thighs, inspecting his sack gently, and finally
brushing her hands against his member as she caressed his base, his
groaning became a plaintive wail to be released from his bonds and be
allowed to come.
The Mistress extricated him fro m the ropes and gave him a minute
to stretch out his long, gangly limbs. She gave him her permission to
explore the newly shaved parts of his body while she counted to
sixty-he had one minute. His hands busied themselves with his gen-
italia and spent several seconds of his minute touching his crack and
anus. All this while, his hard-on raged between his legs with a mind of
its own. He continued to plead and beg for permission to release. She
took out a bedpan, a silver kidney-shaped metal bowl, which hospi-
tals used for patients who could not walk to the bathroom, and
handed it to him.
"You may come into that bowl , but only if you promise me you will
lick up every drop. lf you will not lick up every drop, you will not be
allowed to release in my presence. What do you wish to do?" The
Mistress asked Snoozy.
"I'll come in the bowl, Mistress, and will lick up every drop. I prom-
ise, Mistress, I promise, please just let me come," Snoozy pleaded.
"Come, Snoozy, come in the bowl and lic k it up. 1 will watch you as
you stroke and make sure you keep your promise," The Mistress said
teasingly but in a stern voice.
Snoozy began to stroke, the bowl positioned on his belly to catch
his juices. He was so excited that he didn't have to masturbate for
Casual Toys 69
very long, and in short o~der, pearly drops and strands decorated the
bowl. The Mistress removed the bowl from his belly and placed it on
the floor at her feet. Then she gave Snoozy half a minute to catch his
breath and get his legs back underneath him. After that she pointed
to the bowl on the floor. Snoozy knew what was expected of him, and
he kept his promise, on all fours with hips high in the air, and began
to lap up his pearl jam. He grimaced at the first taste of it but deter-
minedly kept lapping it up until every last drop was gone. Then he
picked up the bowl as if it was an offering to a Goddess. With arms
outstretched and chin on his chest, Snoozy presented it to The Mis-
tress for her inspection. He had gotte n every drop; indeed the bowl
looked quite clean. The Mistress released him from service by saying,
"You have served well and I am pleased. You are now released from
my service. You may dress and go. "
The Godiva chocolates were as delicious as one would expect and
gave The Mistress many nights of pleasure. Each time she ate one,
she thought of Snoozy
The chamber was painted a deep, dark blue, as if midnight had long
ago entered the room and never left. Thick, soft carpeting, also of the
deepest blue, covered the floor and reached halfway up the two long
walls. A burgundy leather sofa took up one wall, but he was never
allowed to sit on it. Floor-to-ceiling mirrors covered the two uncar-
peted parallel walls, gave a good view of the room, and enhanced the
feeling of being weightlessly floating in the arms of mother sky. Pin-
point spotlights with bulbs of red, purple, peach, and hot pink pro-
vided ambience and illumination, yet kept the room dim and
mysterious. Barely discernible in the dim light, soft black ropes lit-
tered the floor of the chamber; they hung in a spider web scramble
from a thick metal hook firmly imbedded in a beam in the ceiling. The
spreader bar was out, and scattered around it were several dildos
and vibrators. A long, narrow table, waist high and covered in black
leather, was the focal point of the room. On the underside of the table
was a series of hooks, and at each corner of the table there was a
metal post.
Luke, one of The Mistress's slaves, was lying nude and face up on
the table. The Mistress was wearing a clear red-tinted latex dress that
showed off her figure as well as the tattoo on her lower back. Seeing
her tattoo was a rare treat; she had deliberately placed it where no
one could see it unless she chose to display it. On her feet she wore
what she called her "Cinderella shoes" made of acrylic, the platform
and heel were see-through as were the sandal straps that held them on
her feet. They made her look barefoot but as if she were walking on
her toes, and she knew they gave her a ladylike air. Opera gloves of
transparent lat ex covered her hands and encased her arms. She was
medium tall and slim, with a surprisingly voluptuous bust. Her dark
auburn hair was loose and thick and shiny. He could smell the fra-
grance of it as she moved around him, readying the chamber for her
ultimate pleasure. When the room met her requirements, she came and
stood at the head of the table and looked down at him. The Mistress
74 The Female Dominant
wanted to see his face when she showed him the spreader bar in her
gloved hands, with its attached ankle cuffs. Satisfied with the glim-
mer of fear she saw there, she buckled the leather ankle cuffs, taking
care to pull them tight.
She trailed her fingers up his leg to his groin, then up his belly, and
up his smooth hairless chest. Pausing, she gave in to the urge to
rough handle him. Smiling, she let her fingers pinch his nipples, pull
them, roll them, but most of all squeeze them between her thumb
and index finger. She squeezed them slowly, building up the intensity
of the pinches envisioning that there was no skin, nothing, between
her fingertips. This was always her intention when she performed this
torture, and she loved to do it. She watched his contorted face care-
fully; nipple torture was not one of his turn-ons. He did it to please
her so she didn't do it as hard or as long as she would have liked,
but she did do it-she did it just to assert her authority over him.
Besides, she enjoyed it and this was about her, too, which most slaves
seemed to forget. But he understood his position in her world, and
so he withstood the nipple torture uncomplainingly, with only the
faintest groan of pain escaping his lips.
She released his beleaguered nipples and moved away from the
table to gather up some ropes. When he turned his head slightly, he
could use the mirror to spy on her actions. As she bent over the ropes,
a lock of red hair kept falling in her face, blocking her vision. With one
hand, she impatiently pushed it behind her ear. The other hand held
tightly to the sleek black ropes she was about to thread around him.
"Hands over your head," she ordered hiin sweetly. He obeyed.
"That's a good boy."
Her grip was surprisingly strong as she attached each wrist to its
corner post, her bondage tight. No chance he could break free, even
if he wanted to. His legs were spread and attached to the bar, his
hands bound to the posts; he was unable to move anything but his
But she was not through with him. Next she crisscrossed the ropes
back and forth over his chest, and she looped them through the
hooks on the underside of the table. His whole torso was woven with
ropes, which she had pulled tight. She threaded her rope through the
eye hook in the spreader bar, then through the eye hook imbedded in
the ceiling over his head. Taking the rope in both hands, she pulled
Friends 75
hard and then pulled again. She hoisted his bound, spread ankles up
to the vicinity of his shoulders and secured the rope. She stepped
back to look at him, her toy, her handiwork. Now he was he rs, immo-
bilized , with every part of him exposed and helpless. She loved to
see him this way. His cock was rock hard and she could see it throb-
bing. She slapped it a few t imes, then administered quick slaps to his
balls, e njoying herself immensely and spurred on by each of his
She walked over to her staging area and selected an item he could
not see. She turned a nd approached him, a bright red ball gag in her
"No, mistress, please," he said, feigning distress, "please don't gag
"Luke, do you remember your safe signal?" The Mistress said in
he r velvet growl of a voice. Then she placed a large set of keys in his
hand .
"Yes , Mistress," he said, "I am to jingle the keys."
"That's correct. Now open your mouth."
She inserted the red ball gag and strapped it to his head. Now he
had only his eyes to plead with and his safe signal to stop her. She
stepped away from him, as she usually did, before she began to play
with him. She used this time to impress his helplessness on him and
allow him to reflect upon it. Sometimes she spoke to him, other times
not. When she did speak, it was to desc ribe t o him how he looked to
her, how the ropes, leather cuffs, and spreader ba r made him appear.
She called it "dressing him in her finery." Sometimes s he would tell
him how humiliated he must be to be spread and helpless before her.
Occasionally she would tell him in loving detail what she had planned
for him that evening.
But tonight she was silent as she sat on the sofa and smoked her
cigarette. Somehow, she managed to ma ke her utte r silence more
humiliating to him than if she had spoken. Her cool disregard of him,
the languid way she puffed her cigarette and pumped her leg back
and forth in its crystal shoe, told him she didn't s pare a thought, or
a care, for him. Bound to the table, his nipples still tingling with pain,
with the spreader bar holding his legs apart, he was left there to con-
template his fa te. Just a toy, he thought to himself, that's all I am to
he r, just another toy. And when I no longer please her, she will discard
76 The Female Dominant
The Mistress stood up and smiled at him from between his legs. It
was a wicked smile, an icy smile, and his heart pounded in his chest.
She stepped out from the end of the table and allowed him to see that
she was holding the dildo over her pudendum and stroking it just like
a man would stroke his cock. Taking a la rge dollop of lubricant, she
s lowly and pointedly rubbed it up and down the dildo, smiling at him
the whole time. He knew she was going to rape him. She resumed her
position at the end of the table, still smiling. He felt the cold , slippery
tip of the dildo touch his tender anal opening, and he let out a gasp.
She used the opportunity to push into him with the head of her cock.
He strained at the ropes for a second then relaxe d, resigned to his
fate. She pushed into him a little farther, and then withdrew the two
inches she had given him. She immediately stroked into him, giving
him more than two inches. He knew this game. She would enter him
repeatedly, giving him a little more each time, until he could take the
whole dildo.
Over and over, she entered him, and reduced him little by little to
a mindless thing hanging limply from the end of her cock. When he
was totally quiescent, she took her time and stroked into him like her
dildo was a real cock. She fucked his ass the way a man would fuck a
pussy, going hard and deep, then soft and shallow, or making circles
inside of him with her cock. She stroked him every way she could
remember a man ever having stroked her an eternity ago. She varied
her strokes, their rhythm and their depth, wishing she could really
come inside of him with her fake cock. She rocked into him and
watched his cock grow harder with each stroke and felt all his resist-
ance finally melt away. She was very pleased that he was one of the
few male creatures she knew that could maintain an erection during
anal penetration. Excited by this, her hands gripped his thighs and
pulled them to her as she sexed him. She pumped him and pumped
him until his opening was loose and her thigh muscles ached from
the effort of pounding into him.
The Mistress pulled out of him, vacating him slowly, leaving him
feeling empty after he r invasion of him. She let the dildo drop to the
floor before she flung herself onto the sofa and assumed a languid
pose. Then she just looked at him for a little while, which humiliated
and stimulated him further. He didn't know what she had in mind for
him and her face was unreadable as she reached for her cigarettes.
78 The Female Dominant
After taking a long deep drag, she said to him, "I want a little enter-
tainment for my efforts on your behalf. Release yourself in front of me."
Wisps of smoke eddied and whirled around her face as she spoke.
Then she got up and untied one of his hands. He was deeply humili-
ated at handling himself in front of her, but a slave has no choice but
to obey. Obediently, he wrapped his hand around the base of his cock
and began to stroke himself slowly. He tried to forget that she was
watching him but he could not. He felt her eyes on him, hot as coals,
and it spurred him on. She made him wait for her permission.
"Please, mistress, may I? May I come? Please, mistress?" he begged.
"No, no, you may not," she said laughingly, through a haze of smoke.
She loved to hear him beg for it almost as much as she loved to
see the pearly ropes of his desire splashed across his belly and chest
at her command.
"Please, Mistress, please, my Goddess, I adore you. Please may I
come?" Luke was breathing heavily and practically gasped out the
The Mistress let him go on in this vein for several more minutes,
prolonging his torture and her enjoyment. Finally, she relented.
"You may come, slave."
"Thank you, Mistress, thank you."
His words and face were contorted with the effort of thanking his
mistress and obeying her command at the same time. When she was
satisfied with the quantity and quality of his pearl juice, she untied
him, bid him to rejoin her in the living room, and then she left the
chamber. It was his job to restore the room to its original order. As he
worked at cleaning up after their play, he thought about her and what
she had just done to him. His thoughts thrilled him, and he had to
pause more than once to get a grip on himself. When he was finished
performing his chores, he dressed to go. According to The Mistress 's
instructions, he entered the living room where she awaited him. He
got to his knees in the position of the universal homage for mistresses
everywhere and kissed her foot.
The Mistress escorted Luke to the door, and he heard her bolt the
door behind him. The sound carried an air of finality to it, but Luke
knew that was just an illusion. He would be back; he knew it, felt it in
his body and soul. Luke had known The Mistress a long time, and he
also knew that she enjoyed having him as one of her toys.
Friends 79
Music wafted through the crack of her bedroom door, a crack just big
enough for him to see through. He pressed his eye up against it
eagerly and scanned the room. She was in the corner by the chair;
her dark red hair was up on top of her head, and she was wearing a
sheer, sexy robe. Her high-heeled mules with the marabou fur on the
toes slapped against her heels as she walked to the dresser. Opening
one of the top drawers, she rooted through it and finally took out a
pair of long black stockings, a white cotton bra, and a tiny white
panty girdle. She twirled on her toes in time to the music, floating
and twirling her lingerie like a dancer would use her ribbon. She
stopped in front of the boudoir chair and dropped into it in a fake
swoon, her arm thrown back over her face. She giggled and smiled
and sighed, very unaware that she was being watched.
The unsuspected spy was delighted by this unconscious, uninhib-
ited, feminine display he was witnessing. He was enchanted with this
beautiful woman-child, the child-woman he met so many years ago
and began to call "Mistress." What was it now? Fifteen years? She was
still his beautiful Goddess, always young in his eyes, always desirable
to him. Her smile still lit up the room and had, indeed, grown brighter
over the years. He had never regretted being her slave and had never
strayed from her or even thought of it. She was a dream-life partner,
his friend, his playmate, his seductive tormentor; she was the "stuff"
all of his dreams were made of, and with her help and understanding,
they had played out all his dreams together.
He heard a noise from the room and stopped his woolgathering. She
rose with the beginning of the next song. She untied her robe, and to
his utter disappointment, she turned her back to the door before let-
ting it fall open. Had she seen him? No, she would have done some-
thing by now if she had. She dropped the bra and hose on the bed,
shook out the tight white panty girdle, and then checked the garters.
Bending, she stepped into it and pulled the girdle up to her knees.
Then she worked it up over her creamy thighs by rocking from knee to
knee, easing up first one tender thigh, then tbe other. When the girdle
was just below her buttocks, she dropped her robe. His breath caught
audibly in his throat at the sight of her graceful back, but again she
80 The Female Dominant
didn't seem to hear him. She gripped the girdle firmly in both hands
and, doing a little wiggle dance, tugged it up over her buttocks and
then past her hips, to settle it firmly and finally around her waist.
Turning slightly, not enough for him to see any more than the ~mt
line of her breast, she picked up her bra and hooked it around her
waist. The pointy cups of her bra sitting brazenly atop her buttocks
made him smile . Suddenly the c ups began to move toward her belly,
jerking along like someone was pulling on a clothesline. She deftly
looped her arms into the straps and with the assistance of her hands,
positioned the bra over her unseen breasts. She turned and faced the
bed, toward the eye peering through the cracked door. He drew back
lest she see him . But she just picked up one silky, sheer black stock-
ing and began rolling it up in her hands. She swayed to the music as
her nimble fingers did their work. Sliding one foot out of her mule,
she pointed her toe and placed her foot on the bed. She bent down
and slipped the stocking over her foot, unrolling it as she went up
over her high arch and dainty ankle and then up her shapely calf.
When she reached her knee, she slid her foot back into her mule.
With her toe pointed , she gently pulled the stocking up her leg to her
outer thigh and hooked it in the little metal garter hanging from the
girdle. The inner thigh and garter received the same treatment. Remov-
ing her other mule, she again pointed her toe but sought the bed's
assistance, and the second stocking was treated as tenderly as the
first. From his position in the hall , she looked to be in a picture frame,
with only a small part of the bedroom visible and she being the focus
of the picture. When she was finished with the last garter and her foot
was back in her mule, she started to dance. Small unconscious move-
ments at first , the n larger more thoughtful ones as the music took her.
She danced alone to a faster song, whirling and gyrating, shaking
loose a few tendrils of her hair, her mules slapping with each step.
When a slow song came on, she swayed her way over to their "toy"
closet and removed his favorite whip, "The Prague," named after the
enchanting city where he had bought it for her. He a lmost laughed
aloud at the memory of the look on the vendor's face as she tested it
on the nearest tree. It was black and single lashed. Definitely quite
wicked to behold and even more wicked when it bit into his flesh. He
shivered in delight, his eyes full of he r and his dreams. She cracked
the whip to emphasize the music as she swirled around he r room, a
Friends 81
dreamy look on her face. He wondered what she was thinking and
imagined that she was thinking about using that same whip on him
later. Mesmerized by her and by his thoughts , he lost his balance and
his forehead banged against the door frame. He fell over onto his butt
and yelped in surprise. He was caught!
She strode to the door, flung it open, and glared down at him but
not at all surprised to find him there. Around her mouth played a
small wicked smile. "Spying on me? You know what happens to spies,
don't you?" she asked like the Wicked Witch of the West.
With that, she grabbed him by the ear, hauled him to his feet, and
pulled him into her bedroom. Roughly she stripped him of his
clothes, throwing them around the room in her frenzy to get them off
him. She grabbed his ear again and dragged him over to the dresser,
and there she withdrew four stockings from a drawer. Still using his
ear as a towline, she tugged him along to the four-poster bed. Pushing
him facedown , she secured his wrists to the posts at the top of the
bed with two of the stockings. Then she stepped away from him so
suddenly he felt a small draft. She cracked the whip in the air and
left no doubt in his mind as to what his punishment was going to be.
She let it fly, and the next thing he felt was the beautiful whip bite
into his ass. With only ten lashes of the Prague, she had reduced him
to a screaming child, begging to be let off from his punishment.
Releasing him quickly from his wrist bonds, she ordered him to lie
down faceup on the bed. His ass on fire and covered with welts, he
did as he was told without question. Quickly she grabbed his near
wrist and looped a stocking around it. She neatly secured it and then
tied the other end to the bedpost, musing aloud about how "that
wasn't all he was in for, " how he was "going to really get it," and how
she was going to "give it to him. "
She climbed over him in a flurry of shapely bare arms, white
cotton, and long slim legs in black silk stockings. In no time at all, his
free wrist was no longer free. And in short order, his ankles were
restrained in the same simple yet effective way. She straddled him
and smiled playfully. Arching her hands into claws, her red nails glint-
ing, she threatened, "I'll get you, my pretty little boy," and followed it
with a fake cackle. Then she fell upon him, her long nails tickling him
under his arms . Although his ass was a world of pain, he roared with
laughter and squirmed to get away, but he didn't fight very hard. She
82 The Female Dominant
dismounted and knelt next to him, letting her nails travel his body
looking for ticklish spots.
Each time she found one, she would dwell on it lovingly, torturing
him with his own laughter and helplessness against her onslaught.
She tickled him softly, just running the very tips of her nails or pads
of her fingers over his skin. She tickled him hard, digging in to a sen-
sitive spot with mischievous relish. She tickled him and tickled him
and tickled him, until tears ran down his face and his sides ached
from the strain of laughing. And still she tickled him. Her fingers
relentlessly sought out and persecuted his soft spots, and exploited
them fully. To his humiliation, he was greatly aroused. He begged and
pleaded with her to stop; he even cried "uncle, uncle," through his
gasps and hiccups, but she ignored him.
She tickled him until he lay sobbing and gasping on her bed, his
wrists and ankles still bound by her stockings to the bed frame. His
cock was rock hard, throbbing; a tiny droplet of his juice escaped
his glans and glistened on his tip. He was ready and she knew it. She
went into the bathroom and emerged with a cup in her hand. Handing
the cup to him, she said, "I want you to masturbate into this cup. I
want you to keep masturbating and coming into this cup until you
can come no more." That said, she reached over and untied both of
his hands. He reached down and gripped his cock firmly in his right
hand; in his left, he held the cup. To his delight and surprise, her
right hand closed on his and pumped along with him in rhythm to
his strokes.
In his mind, he relived the exquisite agony of her nails and hands
on him, and his helplessness against the bonds of her delicate stock-
ings. His first and second ejaculations happened one right after the
other. The third took a little longer under her watchful eyes but
slowly, surely, he was obeying her command to fill the cup. He lost
count of the number of times he came for her but he came and came
and came into the cup until he could come no more. Exhausted from
his efforts, he smiled up at her and, with a trembling hand, offered
her the cup filled with his semen.
"Thirsty, sweetheart?" she asked him; the kindness in her voice
belied by the wicked twinkle in her eyes.
"Yes, dear, I could use a drink."
Friends 83
Wordlessly, she ha nded him the c up, the same cup he had just
filled with his own juices. He took it from her slowly, uncertainty wrin-
kling his features.
"Drink!" she ordered him, "drink!"
He brought the cup to his lips and tilted it. His thick jism, pearles-
cent even against the whiteness of the cup, made its slow progress
toward his open lips . The first drops passed his lips and then flowed
into his mouth. He really didn't like this salty unpleasant taste, but
the warm and loving look on her face was all he needed to spur him
on. He ignored the taste, thick and viscous on his tongue, but totally
his own , and kept on drinking to please her. Finally, the c up was
empty and, like a dog, he used his tongue to lap up the final drops.
When he was finished, she untied his legs and growled, "Get up.
Get out. And don't let me catch you spying on me again. I know many
ways to punish a nosy man."
Getting up from her bed, he turned and fled down the hall into the
bathroom. Much to his surprise, her final words to him had aroused
him once again. He grabbed a towel then grabbed his cock and began
to masturbate. The way she emphasized the words catch and punish
when she kicked him out of the bedroom played in his head like a
broken record, exciting him further. He began to grind his hips against
the towel until the urge to keep doing so was uncontrollable. He
thrust and ground, and ground and thrust, until he felt his juice soak
the towel. He groaned in relief and humiliation at what he had just
done and hid the come-soaked towel in the bottom of the hamper.
was quite a desirable toy and playmate. He was also a polite and obe-
dient masochist who understood his inferior position but was not
servile or obsequious. Her plan for him tonight was an active one, so
she chose a short, zip-up-the-front black latex minidress and black
patent leather platform boots with thick heels that allowed her more
freedom of movement. She left her long, straight auburn hair loose
but tousled and applied very dark eye makeup and deep red lipstick.
Her long nails were lacquered red.
As soon as Viggo arrived, she led him into her chamber, sat on her
throne, and gestured to him to perform the ritual strip for inspection.
The Mistress and Viggo had played together often enough that words
were not necessary between them for the opening of the scene. As he
stripped, she couldn't help but admire his body and his handsome
face. But she kept her feelings hidden, keeping her mystery intact,
and maintaining her Mistress persona. When he bent over and spread
his cheeks for her inspection, instead of blowing on his anus, she
quickly tapped her finger on it twice. Although she knew Viggo was
surprised by this break from protocol, he maintained his position
until she commanded him to let go of his cheeks, stand up straight,
arms behind his neck, elbows out, and complete his turn. When he
was facing her, she rose and ran her hands all over him, feeling his
muscles, running her nails down his back, pinching his nipples, and
hefting his genitals in her hand. She announced that she accepted
him for service. She always did. Then she pulled out a pair of hand-
cuffs from the small bureau next to her throne. She stood behind him,
handcuffs at the ready.
"Do you like that sound?" The Mistress asked, knowing very well
that Viggo did. "Can you hear the lovely metallic jingling that excites
you so much? Nothing else sounds like a pair of genuine police-issue
handcuffs, you know. And don't you agree that the little clicking noise
each notch on them makes as they close around your wrists and
restrain you with such an air of finality is so arousing and causes
feelings of utter surrender? Of course, you agree. If you didn't, you
wouldn't be here! That's why I am closing them ever so slowly around
your wrists. And since your hands are behind you and I am standing
in front of you, I know the closeness of my body to yours excites you.
Standing in front of you enables me to look into your eyes. Each little
Friends 85
click is reflected in them, and I can see the intensity of your submis-
sion. I so enjoy adjusting the cuffs to the perfect tightness-you
know-just tight enough so that your hands cannot squeeze out of
them but just loose enough so that I can slip one of my fingers in
there to touch you and soothe you as you struggle and labor under-
neath the cool stainless steel. I especially like to hook my fingers
under the cuffs when you are attached to my headboard and I am sit-
ting on you ... , but that's not what I have planned for tonight, poor
Viggo. Tonight you will suffer for me."
Sometimes The Mistress enjoyed talking to him while she set him
up, both psychologically and physically. This was one of those talka-
tive nights, at least for now. Although Viggo's hands were securely
cuffed behind his back, The Mistress had more in mind for him. She
had taken the time to braid red rope into a halter/vest combination
for him so she could attach it to his handcuffs. She ran the rope
around just the back of his neck, over his shoulders, down under-
neath each armpit and used the remaining rope to encircle his back
and upper chest. By doing it this way, the rope wouldn't choke him,
but the whole array was securely anchored and was tight enough to
make indentations in his skin, especially around the skin of his under-
arms. The Mistress enjoyed knowing that she had marked him slightly
and that he would sport small reddish-blue lines for a day or two.
She had also left a knotted loop at the back of his neck and she knew
him well enough to know that he was very curious as to its purpose.
The Mistress could see that Viggo was becoming uneasily excited
as he grasped the fact that he was naked and already partially
restrained, and that she had completely disabled his upper body. She
took another smaller length of rope and slipped it through the loop at
the back of his neck and then down his back to catch the chains
between the handcuffs. His arms were bent at the elbows and The
Mistress tightened the new piece of rope vertically from his handcuffs
to the loop at the bac k of his neck. As she did this, he struggled to
deal with the ever-increasing pressure on his shoulders and upper
arms that resulted from such an awkward position.
"Get on your knees, slave. I'm going to test your endurance tonight,
my dear Viggo, simply for my entertainment and amusement. It has
been too long since you have suffered for me, and I am afraid that
86 The Female Dominant
you are getting spoiled. Now, tell me how much you love it when I
test you. Tell me how you long to be the object of my amusement.
Not that I don't know these things already. I just like to hear them fre-
quently. And 1 would strongly recommend that you compliment me
and offer me words of worship and devotion now because I have
many more things in mind to do with you tonight, slave Viggo. And
very soon, my dear, you will be unable to form any words at all with
that lovely, mushy-lipped mouth of yours."
Without being sycophantic, Viggo uttered eloquent words of ado-
ration, paying The Mistress one sincere compliment after another. He
called her the Incarnation of the Goddess on earth , a true Superior
Female, the one and only one who he thought about and who could
satisfy his needs, and how he was hers to use as she pleased. He paid
her compliments on her hair and he r latex, and said many other
things he knew she liked to hear. With each word, she felt more
e mpowered; with each word, she felt his power flow out of him and
into her. As a small reward for his praise, she grabbed his head and
smashed it into the crotch area of her latex. But Viggo never took
advantage or opportuned; he kept his head still in her hands, didn't
try to rub his face against her, or do rude things with his lips. After
a brief moment, The Mistress let his head go, and he immediately
returned to his original position without being told.
"What I want you to do now, slave Viggo, is to lie on your side on
the floor. Since your arms are bent up at such an angle behind your
back, you will have to be very careful when lowering yourself to the
floor. "
But the clever and agile Viggo had no trouble complying with this
request. First, he be nt his body over onto his knees. Then he used his
head to brace himself as he went into his roll and extended his outer
leg as he did so. Done! The Mistress was pleased by his grace and the
thought that went into obeying her; many slaves would have just
flopped over and probably would have hurt themselves in the process.
But not Viggo. She thanked the Goddess for the night they had met at
a mutual friend's house party and had clicked right away. Toys like
Viggo were rare, very rare indeed, and she intended to keep him.
"That was very well done, Viggo, very graceful. Now turn your face
upward, toward the ceiling," The Mistress said graciously. Then she
Friends 87
stood over his face, one foot in its black shoe on each side of his
"Now, slave Viggo, I command you to look straight up my lovely
legs and under my dress as I stand above you . Then I want you to
tell me what you see."
Viggo did as he was commanded. Starting with her boots, his eyes
slowly took in each of them, then progressed to her cute round knees,
and finally to her shapely yet strong thighs. Then his eyes looked up
her dress and flew open wide in pleasure and s urprise. The sight
made him forget about the discomfiture of the handcuffs and ropes,
and he moaned with raw, naked desire.
"Mistress, you are shaven!" Viggo exclaimed.
"That's right, slave! Again I have broken with protocol and I am
freshly shaven. And of course I didn't do it myself! This perfect job
was done just this afternoon by my succulent little female body slave.
I hope you didn't think that I would allow you such a pleasure, did
you? I should hardly think so." The Mistress said that last sentence
with asperity. Then she went on, "Just to torture you some more, I am
going to bend my knees just a little and give you a closer look." She
did as she said she would and saw Viggo's eyes glaze over. Good! That
meant that he was getting further and further into the head space
she wanted him in. "So close and yet so far," she teased him, bending
her knees just a few inches more.
Much to her surprise, Viggo did something that he had never done
before and that she certainly never expected him to do. He stuck his
tongue out and began to wiggle it back and forth , as if he was giving
her head!
"Put that disgusting tongue of yours back in your mouth! How dare
you treat me with such disrespect! There is no way you can reach my
secret garden from down there and your piggly-wiggly tongue flap-
ping back and forth is making me sick, sick, and angry!" The Mistress
looked very stem and forbidding as she said this , and Viggo had the
grace and good sense to obey her immediately and look ashamed.
But The Mistress often had lightning changes of moods, and she
had one now. She bent her knees until the bottom of her dress was
almost touching Viggo's face. The n she lowered her voice to a coo to
tease and torment him. "My pretty pink lips are almost close enough
88 The Female Dominant
for you to smell my fragrant aroma, aren't they? This is what I call
'sniffing distance.' You'd do anything, e ndure anything, to worship
your Mistress between her legs, wouldn't you? So tell me, do you like
what you see? I want to hear you tell me!"
Viggo groaned with desire a nd bega n to speak his thoughts out
loud. He told he r how luscious her pink lips looked, lips tha t he had
only rarely seen when s he rode him and how he longed to taste them.
He described to her how sweet sh e would taste, of how he longed to
swallow her d elicious juices, a nd of how his tongue would search out
her pleasure button and press it over a nd over again to please her.
Although The Mistress was greatly enjoying his words of desire, she
abruptly stepped away from him and gave him a me dium-hard kick in
his butt. She still had many games she wanted to play with Yiggo
tonight, and there would be more time for compliments and adoration
later on.
She addressed him in a casua l tone, as if his words meant nothing
to her, "Not tonight, slave, and maybe neve r. But you can always
dream! Just think about the two or three times that I rode you for my
pleasure. And tonight you have yet to prove yourself worthy. I have
other games in mind to play with you. Tell me, are your s houlders
and arms aching from the cuffs I have pulled up your back by the
rope? Of course they are! Tha t was the point. But look at you! You
poor thing, you. You are so tightly restrained and so very vulnerable
that I could take advantage of you right here, right now, in a ny way I
pleased if it p leased me to do so."
He began to plead and moan and squirm around on the floor as
much as the cuffs a nd rope would allow. The anticipation of what she
wo uld do to him next, combined with his erotic discomfort, was
having an extreme ly arousing e ffect upon him-and with each word
sh e said, with each actio n sh e performed on him, he felt more and
more powerless. His begging became constant, almost mindless as he
lay there h elp lessly awaiting her pleasure.
"Don't b eg! It is so unbecoming, a nd it makes me want to kick you."
The Mistress did give him one little warning kick in the stomach. "You
know, I like the idea of marking my territory, staking my claim, so to
speak. I just so happen to have this s hort, thick, and ugly butt plug
h ere to do just that. Stop that wiggling! I know what you are trying to
Friends 89
do. You are trying to rub that thing of yours (his hard-on was impres-
sive) between your thighs. You know you are not allowed to do that
without permission and here you are doing it anyway! I am afraid that
you have just incurred a serious punishment, slave. Instead of gentle
insertion, you will take the plug all in one push. But I will still allow
you the lube."
The Mistress gave the ugly, fat plug a quick smear of lubrication and
without any further preliminaries or the least bit of concern for his
comfort, she bent down, rolled him onto his stomach, spread his
cheeks, and very quickly reamed the plug into Viggo's tight, puckered
opening. His shout of pain, even though she had felt him push down to
make entry easier, didn't bother her in the least. Then she wanted to
be sure the mean little thing did not slip out so she decided to crupper
it into him. For the crupper she needed more red rope, and besides,
she loved the sensuous feel of rope in her hands. And Viggo was very
familiar with the fact that The Mistress was very proficient in its use.
She got a piece of rope long enough for the crupper and went to
work. She doubled the rope, looped it around his waist twice, and
then pulled the two strands down the front of his body. She carefully
placed one strand on either side of his sack and then pulled the two
strands tightly up the crack of his ass. As The Mistress did this , she
made sure that she positioned the ropes directly over the flanged
base of the butt plug. Then she looped the two strands of rope under
and then over the rope at his waist and did the same action in
reverse. First, tightly down his crack and over the base of the butt
plug; then she used the two strands in the middle of his sack to sep-
arate his nuts; and finally, she pulled the remaining rope up the front
of his body and used a double hitch knot to tie them to the ropes at
Viggo's waist. This secured the butt plug quite firmly into his anus,
had the added advantage of separating his balls, and was very pleas-
ing to her eye. Viggo looked good in red rope; that was why she
always used the red on him. She had even cut it into the proper
lengths, especially to his size.
"Oh, yes! Yes! What a nice package you make," The Mistress
exclaimed. "I just love that gorgeous butt of yours where I have so
securely staked my claim. Now, my dear bound and plugged Viggo,
you must bend your knees for the next step."
90 The Female Dominant
With a rough push with the toe of her boot, The Mistress made
sure that his face was completely smashed into the rug. More rope!
She wanted more rope! She took he r time looping and knotting the
rope around his ankles in the classic ankle restraint. She took the
strands of rope remaining from the ankle restraint and pulled his bent
knees back toward his thighs. There was plenty of rope left to anchor
it to the crupper at Viggo's waist so she proceeded to do this with her
usual gusto and efficiency. Then she found she still had more rope to
use for the greatest effect. She pulled the two strands up to the cuff-
and-rope arrangement she had first performed on Viggo's wrists and
tied the remaining rope to that. It was not the way to do the classic
hog-tie, but it was very creative, very neatly done. The result caused
The Mis tress to be very pleased with the outcome and with herself.
Viggo began to moan from the strain of the uncomfortable position
he was in: his arms and shoulders were aching, his nuts were sepa-
rated, the crupper was tight around his waist, his puckered opening
was throbbing and aching from the butt plug, and his poor ignored
cock, his beautiful member, was unnoticed and smashed into the floor
underneath him. But The Mistress knew Viggo well enough to know
that these moans were still moans of pleasurable pain , and as a good
masochist, he would be able to relax into his restraints, get himself
further into his head space, and turn his pain into soaring pleasure.
And Viggo knew The Mistress well enough not to expect any mercy.
"I don't think you will be going anywhere at any time soon, my little
tied-and-plugged Viggo," The Mistress said, her voice dripping with
sweet sarcasm. "I can see the physical strain in your shoulders and
arms. I find your distress to be quite arousing and very entertaining.
And I hope you have not forgotten that I promised you that you would
have something in your mouth later. But I doubt very much that you
a nd I are thinking of the same thing!"
Having said that, she stepped away for a split second and re turned
with a bright red ball gag. "Open wide," she ordered him in a coaxing
tone of voice, as if spea king to a c hild . When Viggo opened his mouth,
The Mistress inserted the ball gag and quickly buckled it to his head.
"That's a good boy," she said. "You wanted something in your mouth ,
and see how much I care for you? I have granted your desire. It holds
your mouth open very wide, doesn't it? You look so very vulnerable,
Friends 91
so very helpless wearing all those ropes and the cuffs. And I love the
plug up your ass! But you will have to endure that tightness all over
your body for just a bit longer while I go take a nice, hot, relaxing
bubble bath. I have worked up quite a sweat tending to you. Here,
take this in your hand."
She placed a brass bell in his hand; he knew what it was for: he was
to ring it if he got into trouble or became distressed while she was in
the bath. But the bathroom was en suite so she would not be far away.
"And after my bath, I will be sure to put my boots back on so that
later when I release you, remove your gag, and unplug you, you will
have something to clean and worship. You can put that piggly-wiggly
tongue of yours to use then. If you do a very good job on my boots
and show me the proper respect and devotion, I may allow you to
masturbate in front of me for my entertainment. I will probably soak
for about an hour. If you had been a good boy, you would have been
allowed to bathe me but ... such is life! And Viggo, while I am gone,
try not to drool on my carpet."
The Mistress turned on her heel and went into the bathroom, leav-
ing the door open about three inches. Viggo could see into the bath-
room from where he was on the floor and knew she had left the door
open on purpose. Maybe so she could hear him if he rang the bell, or
maybe because she just wanted to tease him some more. She sat on
the end of the tub and started the water running, pouring a generous
amount of bubble bath under the faucet. Then she sat on the end of
the tub and removed her boots. Standing and turning her back to the
door, she unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor. Viggo groaned
with lust from behind the gag. Even from the back she was lovely,
and he had never seen her tattoo before. On the rare occasions she
had ridden him, she had always faced him and kept her clothes on.
After testing the water with one pointed toe, she gracefully climbed
into the tub and relaxed into the foamy bubbles. His eyes glued to
the slightly ajar door to keep him aroused, Viggo settled down to
await her return.
92 The Female Dominant
were back in the car, I demanded that his organs be put in real
bondage; this time it was much more intricate than just the short
length of red ribbon he had worn during dinner. I commanded that he
fully expose himself to me right there in the parking garage so that I
could once again claim that which was mine. l produced a much
longer length of red ribbon from my purse. This time, after tightly
securing the ribbon around his genital sack and the base of his cock,
I left about a three-foot strand that I ran from his crotch, under his
briefs, and out of the wa istband of his pants. Then I tucked the
remaining ribbon discretely into his pants pocket.
Our plans for the evening included a movie after dinner, a recent
release we both wanted to see: Gladiator starring Russell Crowe. I find
sex and violence to be closely related for both of us, and the movie
itself was a beautifully filmed costume action drama, with wonder-
fully realized special effects. The combination of implied sex and
actual violence had the desired effect on him, and all during the
movie I delighted in reaching into his pocket and tugging on the
ribbon. Sometimes I gave it a quick hard tug, other times l tugged
slowly to build up the pressure and sensation, and yet at other times,
I pulled it gently just to remind him of my control over him. Even
though my finge rs never touched his crotch, the ribbon acted just
like a hand gripping his most sensitive and aroused genitals. l knew
that h e felt totally owned by me and secure in having my attention.
After the movie, before we undertook the drive home, l once again
asked him to expose himself to me in the parking lot. His fear of being
seen in the less private lot showe d in his face, but being the good
slave that he was , he obeyed me. Once he was exposed, l rerouted
the ribbon up through his shirt and out through his shirtsleeve. Then
I tied the end of it onto the band of his wristwatch. Except during
hard turns, this was fairly comfortable as he drove, but as soon as he
exited the car, it was obvious that the little bit of slac k was taken up
by his height. He was compelled to walk somewhat stooped over, with
his arm and shoulder sloped down crookedly so that he did not yank
off his family jewels. This amused me greatly, and he pleased me very
much with this little display of devotion and compliance to my will.
Whe n we got home, l removed the ribbon and gave his sack and rod
a gentle slapping through his pants. Then I commanded him to strip
for my inspection. I love to inspect him. He finds it so humiliating, so
94 The Female Dominant
Upon seeing that he has started to swell and thicken, I lean for-
ward and work quickly to trap the blood inside his cock. Using a
length of thin rope that I bought especially for cock-and-ball bondage,
I make a double loop of it and capture his sack tightly. Spreading the
strands, I separate one ball from the other and tie them apart. Then,
after tying this package off at the root of his rod, I use the remaining
length to crisscross around his cock, making a single knot and pulling
it tightly, then repeating the process so that the last loop and knot are
directly under the flared ridge of his swollen purple head. 1 know he
can feel the pressure in that supersensitive area. After I have finished,
there is still two feet of rope left, which I use as "riding reins." I wrap
them tightly around my hands, just like real reins, and settle in for a
good ride. I really enjoy myself and get more and more turned on as
he moans into my panties.
He knows his job and I trained him in how I like to be serviced,
even if it is through my panties. I start to make small circular motions
with my hips, making the most of his tongue as it frantically tries to
locate my button through the cotton panties. At this point I sit up
straight and begin to press my knees into the sides of his neck. The
grinding of my hips becomes more urgent and, almost forgetting
about him, I begin to pleasure myself seriously. He is intensely aware
of the ropes that I have graced his cock and balls with and that I have
pulled quite taut in my own efforts at pleasure. As I begin to combine
my hip grinding with a slight bouncing up and down on his face, he
becomes aware that I have actually begun to pull on the ropes as if
they were the reins of a horse as I ride his face. I can feel that he is
struggling t o catch his breath as I press down on his face, but I am
not worried. Plenty of air can still get in there and still allow him to
perform well. My panties became moist long ago, and my moistness
urged him on to greater efforts. I know he wants to feel my sticky
ooze soak my panties so that he can try to suck it off them.
My eyes are closed as I revel in the pleasure of using him, of taking
him with no concern for his needs, only for my own. But then I open
them briefly and see that his swollen and aching organ is hugely
engorged, and he is responding to each firm tug of my reins. Clear
drops of preejaculation make me laugh in wicked delight at his arousal.
I am on the brink of coming, and we both know that I could enhance
96 The Female Dominant
the Penzas. The Penzas had a son named Alex who was a couple of
years older than I. Alex and I had known each other since elementary
school, and when the families visited, the two of us o ften played
together. As we got older, Alex and I began to flirt, but as the families
moved or drifted apart and I saw Alex less a nd less, it never went any
further than that . So I hadn't seen him in years, and I was extremely
interested in seeing what kind of man he was today. As a boy, Alex
had been very handsome, with thick and wavy medium brown hair,
the most amazing twinkling sky blue eyes, a strong face, and the bud-
ding body of a football player. But a ll things change with time, and in
the river of c ha nge, a handsome boy or young man could well have
turned into an ugly man. Was this the case with Alex? Or had he just
grown more fully from the handsome boy he was into the handsome
man I hoped he had become?
I drove to the beach in my own car because if tensions arose, it
would be my escape vehicle. I also wore a pretty summer dress, not
only for giving me comfort while driving, but for allowing me to be at
least presentable when I got the re. Arriving at the rente d house, I saw
it was a lovely old Victorian with a spacious wraparound porch,
which the owners had decorated with a hanging swing, white wicker
furniture , and o ld-fashioned oil la nterns. As I pulled into the drive-
way and followed it around to the back of the house, my attention
was immediat ely drawn to the "fancy." A fa ncy is a la rge shed, the
8 x 10 or la rger variety, that has been decorated inside and out to
make it into a little h ouse. I don't know why they we re called fancies;
I like to think it was because they were fanciful creations that
expressed the child's desire for a little retreat from the parental
world .
This one was particularly charming. Electricity had been run t o the
fancy so it could be used at night. Patio blocks led to two ste ps up to
a front dec k decorated with flowering potted plants. On either side
of the door was a window. Th e door was unlocked, so I went inside.
The walls were draped with pale lavender fabric that a lso acted as
window coverings. A deeper lavender carpet covered the floor and
on top o f that was a matc hing area rug in the Aubusson style. The
sofa and chair were upholstered in a white floral pattern, which com-
pleme nted the purples in the room. There was a small glass coffee
table in front of the sofa and a side table next to the chair. A small
98 The Female Dominant
bookcase held not only books but fram ed pictures , unusual knick-
knacks, and a stereo system. One corner had a Lilliputian kitchen that
had a small dormitory-type refrigerator with a small microwave on
top of it, and on a shelf a bove them, there was a small stack of neatly
arranged plates, bowls, and the like. In another corner, the fl oor was
tiled, and on it stood a coal-burning stove with its ho d o f coals and
fireplace accoutrements right next to it so that the fancy could still be
used on cool nights. I was enchanted by it a nd knew I would spend
ma ny hours there.
It was midafte rnoon a nd I was the last to arrive. Eno ugh of the
fancy; now it was time to go inside and greet the assembled families.
Of course, seeing Alex again was foremost in my mind. I entered by
the back door and made my way toward the living room where the
sounds of la ughter could be heard. As I walked through the arched
d oorway, someone spotted me and called, "Look who's here!" Imme-
dia tely te n people rushed me and hugged and kissed me in that
extravagant and somewhat abandoned way of ma ny Italian families.
Over the heads of the huggers and kissers, I could see Alex smiling at
me from a few steps behind the rest of them. Time had been more
than kind to Alex; he had grown into a very handsome, well-built man
and his eyes were still that twinkling sky blue I remembe red. Our eyes
met and immediately we began to flirt. But we weren't kids anymore;
we were both in our twenties and could do as we pleased. And I
thought it would please me very much to play with Alex.
At dinner, Alex and I sat next to each other, and as the other con-
versatio ns became more animated, assisted by the plentiful and
inevitable bottles of wine, we had the chance to speak quietly
together. He had done very well for himself: He owned five successful
gyms, had a large house with an in-ground swimming pool in the spa-
cious backyard, and drove an expensive sports car. He was twice
divorced, but had no kids, and was on excellent terms with his
ex-wives. Of course, this wasn't stated as a dry recita tion of facts,
there was much eye contact, many pauses for intimate little touches
on the hand , and once or twice our thighs brus hed each other's
under the table. I to ld him I was an a uthor and, of course, he asked
what kind of books I wrote. Altho ugh I could feel his raw sexuality
and see his attraction to me in his lovely blue eyes , I still decided it
would be best to tread carefully here. I went into my "cute" routine.
Friends 99
I leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "I write romantic sex
manuals." I followed this statement by a low giggle.
"Romantic sex manuals? On what? What do you mean by romantic
sex manuals? Aren't they all romantic?" I could see the interest in his
eyes and hear it in his voice.
"Well no, not really. Many of them relate in dull terms sex tech-
niques without considering the emotional factors involved in sex.
Mine are different, very different," I said in a tone that invited further
"Well, tell me about them. How are they different?" Alex asked,
obviously intrigued.
"My books are about alternate love styles," I said, once again invit-
ing more questions.
"Alternate love styles? What do you mean by that? Tell me more,"
he said, prompting me in an almost conspiratorial whisper.
"Well, an alternate love style is as different from regular sex as
night is different from day. My books are about romantic BDSM," I
said somewhat coyly.
"You mean like bondage and stuff?" Alex said in a low voice, his
blue eyes wide with interest.
"Yes, exactly. I write about the psychological implications of tying
someone up, as well a$ instructing and illustrating how to tie them
up. That-and things like role-playing, cross-dressing, corporal pun-
ishment, you know, anything that falls out of the category of what is
commonly called 'straight sex."'
I sat back in my chair casually, but all the while I was carefully
observing his reaction. It was positive, very positive. He was thinking
about what I said, rolling it around in his mind like one tests wine by
rolling it around in one's mouth. Except, unlike the wine taster, I knew
Alex wasn't going to spit this information out. I had engaged his
sexual curiosity. Good! Maybe it wouldn't be such a dull week.
The assembly sat late over dinner, drinking more wine as the dessert
and fruit was served. My bags were still in the car and Alex offered to
carry them in for me. Of course, I accepted and accompanied him to
the yard to unlock the car so that he could retrieve them from the
trunk. How nice! A handsome, virile man carrying my bags for me: This
was off to a good start indeed. Upstairs, where the bedrooms were, we
found that one of the women had put little cards on the doors to signify
100 The Female Dominant
whic h room was whose. Mine was a charming little room for one at the
end of the hallway with a double bed, wardrobe closet, vanity and
stool, a cheval glass, and a bedside table with a lamp. There was an
overhead light for brighter illumination, and best of all the room had
one window facin g south, toward the yard with its charming fancy,
and the other facing west so that the morning sun would not wake me
too early. I have always been a late sleeper and enjoy lounging in bed
for an hour or so before I get up. Alex's room was just across the hall
and one door down from mine. How convenient!
Alex placed my bags in my room and turned and smiled at me. I
returned his smile and before I could say "thank you," he had crossed
the room in two steps and had me in his arms. He angled his head to
kiss me and I leaned in to encourage his kiss. Our lips met and sparks
flew. He was a very talented kisser, and his strong arms around me
exerted just the right amount of pressure to hold me tightly without
crushing me. We broke apart like guilty children when we heard foot-
falls in the hallway, and Alex went to his own room. Now my c uriosity
was in overdrive, but I had no desire to train this gorgeous hunk of
male to be my slave. I doubted very much he would agree to being
made into a submissive, but I knew there would be other things I could
do with him that he would greatly enjoy. As I lay in my comfortable
bed, 1 stayed up very late thinking by the light of one of the candles I
had dug out of my bags of just what kind of kinky fun Alex would
enjoy. Oalways had items special to me in my bags: my favorite teas,
candles, CDs, whatever.) Several ideas had crossed my mind, so I blew
out the candle and slept on them, knowing that in the morning, the
perfect one would present itself to me.
I woke up a little earlier than usual, most likely because of the
excitement of playing with Alex. During the night I had dreamed of a
scenario that would be very erotic, very exciting, extremely unusual,
a nd very likely to excite Alex as well. The scenario had elements of
submission to it, but it in no way would seem as if I was trying to
train Alex as my slave. Wearing only my bathrobe, I padded barefoot
down the hall to one of the bathrooms , and did my morning ablu-
tions. I saw no one but smelled bacon frying and heard voices rising
up from the kitchen as well as the rattle of frying pans. Breakfast was
being served.
Friends 10 1
you up later, my dear, I thought to myself like the big bad wolf hiding
in grandma's clothes.
Like a good waiter, Alex brought me my orange juice and a pot of
tea, as well as cutlery, while my breakfast was being cooked . I
chugged down the cold, delicious, fresh orange juice in two big gulps
and handed the hove ring Alex the empty glass. He understood that
the madam wanted a refill, and in a snap another full glass was placed
in front of me. Then his mother called him to say my breakfast was
ready. He returned with the platter in one hand and the smaller dish
with my toast up the same arm, waiter style. He served me to the
right, which is the proper way, and arranged the dishes in front of me.
"Is everything to the madam's satisfaction?" he inquired solicitously.
By this time, everyone in the kitchen had become aware of his
"service" to me and were all greatly amused by it. When he asked
that last question, they all started laughing and shaking their heads as
if to say "kids!"
"Yes, thank you, it seems to be just fine," I replied.
Then I patted the seat next to me, inviting him to sit down and join
me. He got himself a huge glass of milk, and 1 remembered that Alex
was always a big milk drinker. In his younger days, he even drank
milk with barbequed ribs and cheeseburgers. Inside, I jumped for joy.
His love of milk would greatly enhance my plan. He sat beside me in
comfortable silence drinking his milk while I dug into my breakfast. In
between bites, we conversed casually about this and that: places we
had traveled to, life in the separate cities we lived in-nothing at all
out of the ordinary and nothing we wouldn't want the parental units
and the teenagers to hear. When I had finished eating, Alex arose and
resumed his role as the waiter.
"Was everything to the madam's satisfaction?" he asked, as he
removed the dishes from the left side. 1 nodded a nd said yes. "May I
get the madam anything else?" I thanked him and said no.
Then he efficiently cleared the plates away, smartly leaving the pot
of unfinished tea behind. Brawn, brain, a sense of humor, and man-
ners! How very delightful! When he was through putting the plates in
the dishwasher, he returned to sit next to me and asked me if I had
any plans for the day. I said I hadn't really thought about it; the smell
of bacon had lured me to the kitchen as surely as a cobra is lured
out of its basket by the sound of a pipe. After catching the aroma of
Friends 103
under which I wore a white blouse. I also had girlish Mary Janes with
me, just like the ones 1 wore when Alex and 1were elementary school
kids playing togethe r. Alth ough I wore panties, I did not wear a bra. A
bra would spoil the effect of how 1 wanted to appear and the memo-
ries 1 wanted to evoke. I put all of my things into a little satchel and
went down to the kitchen to meet Alex, who had already accom-
plished all his tasks, coole r at th e ready, and was eagerly awaiting my
His eyes flew open in surprise when he saw my new outfit. It obvi-
ously turned him on and de finitely aroused his curiosity. I could smell
his pheromones, and although 1 was excited, too, 1 acted as if nothing
was different. 1 led the way out the backdoor to the fancy, following
the patio blocks , climbing th e two steps , crossing the deck, and wait-
ing to one side for Alex to put the cooler down and open the door. He
followed me ins ide, and without any ins tructi on, he emptied the con-
tents of the cooler into the little re frigerator. While he did that , I filled
the CD player with five discs, turned it on and adjusted the volume,
placed the candles strategically a nd lit them, put the ashtray, the
massage oil , and my sexy black clove cigare ttes on the coffee table,
and opened the windows but closed the door so that no one could
see inside. Then I reclined on the sofa and lit a cigarette while he fin-
is hed stowing the things from the cooler into the refrigerator.
When he was d one, he came over to me, but s ince I was taking up
the whole sofa, he had no p lace to s it except across the room in the
chair. Clearly Alex did not want to be that far away from me. So I lifted
my feet and motioned to him with the hand holding the c igarette that
he could sit there. As soon as he h ad seated himself, I put my feet in
his lap. He s miled at me when he sat down and looked at my
"l remember these," he said . "You wore them all the time whe n we
were in elem entary school."
"Yes," 1 said , "and now they make them for big girls. " Then I took a
lo ng drag o n my c igarette a nd blew t he s moke out in one long
le isure ly exha lati on.
Alex's fascination with me increased; 1 could feel the electricity in
the room , and I must admit that not a ll of it was coming from Alex.
But we pretended that nothing was happening as we spoke, and h e
casually ran his hands over my s hoes and around my ankles. Then I
Friends 105
suggested he take my shoes off, saying my feet were getting very hot.
He deftly undid the buckles and slipped off each shoe, carefully plac-
ing them on the floor next to the sofa. I wiggled my toes and made a
sound of relief when my feet, which were, by the way, getting hot, were
released from my shoes. He placed my feet back in his lap and began
to trail his fingers gently over them. I let him continue this while we
spoke some more; then I suggested that he use the massage oil and
give me a real foot massage. I asked if he knew how to give one.
"Of course!" he answered with a little asperity, "I get massages at
my gyms all the time. Getting one is the best way to learn how to give
one." He was certainly right about that.
I told him I liked firm massages, and after pouring some of the mas-
sage oil in his hands and rubbing them together, he began to work
on my feet with his big strong hands. His technique was wonderful.
He did each toe separately, paid close attention to the fleshy parts of
my sole by using his knuckles up and down the center of my foot,
rubbed the slightly calloused ball of my foot more firmly, and, in gen-
eral, did a wonderful and relaxing job on my foot. Which, astonish-
ingly enough, he was able to repeat in the same order on the other
foot so that I was not left feeling lopsided. As the finale , he gently
decreased the pressure, as if he was bringing me down from some
high (which he was), and finished off by gently trailing his fingers
over my feet, one foot for each hand. By the time he was done, I had
thrown my arm back over my head, my eyes were closed, and I know
I had a dreamy look on my face.
"That was wonderful,'' I said from somewhere out in space. "Almost
as good as sex. I could go for a cigarette."
We both laughed at the little remark/joke about the cigarette: back
in the days when smoking was common, everyone who smoked had a
cigarette after sex. It was part of the ritual. Alex leaned forward, took
out a cigarette and lit it before handing it to me. What a nice touch,
especially since Alex himself had never smoked. I took the cigarette,
loving the smell of the clove and lolling back against the arm of the
sofa, ate Alex up with my eyes. He had his eyes closed, his head rest-
ing against the back of the sofa, and his fingertips were still lazily run-
ning over my feet. Dear Goddess, I thought. I could spend three days
like this! Then the thought struck me that I really could spend three
days like this; we were going to be here for an entire week!
106 The Female Dominant
After a while we broke out of our trance, and Alex asked if he could
get me an iced tea. Of course he could. He made short work of cutting
up the lemon, put a slit in the circular piece of citrus, and hung it dec-
oratively on the side of the glass. He served me my tea before he
poured himself a nice tall glass of milk and, for good measure, brought
a small plate of cut-up fruit as well. Cherries, squares of cantaloupe,
kiwi slices, rounded triangles of peaches, blueberries-very tempting
indeed-and temptation is one of the things I simply cannot resist! I sat
up and moved onto the cushion next to his. I dangled a cherry from its
stem in front of his mouth and when he reached his mouth for it, I
moved the sweet fruit up higher. Soon his head was tilted back with
the cherry dangling over his mouth. I dunked it into his open mouth
and he quickly caught it, leaving me with just the stem in my hand.
Then I took a cherry, and after eating it, I put the stem in my mouth
and tied it in a knot. I told him to hold out his open hand and
deposited the knotted stem into it. He was more than impressed with
the deftness of my tongue, and we both almost spilt our sides laughing.
Our hunger and thirsts satisfied, I put my legs back on the sofa
and nestled up against his muscular chest; then, he put his strong
arm around my shoulder. The fancy had already become our own
little world, our secret hideaway, and our place for trysts and assig-
nations, and nothing or no one was going to intrude on it, even if I
had to bar the door. Alex and I began to kiss, and I realized that the
brief though passionate kiss we had shared last night was nothing,
zip, zilch, nada, compared with his skill during prolonged kissing. This
man could make me come just from kissing, and I abandoned myself
to him. Just because I had a plan for him didn't mean I couldn't enjoy
myself in the interim instead of always being the one in tight control
of the situation. And that was exactly what this was-a situation and
a very pleasurable one at that, not a Mistress/slave scenario.
Time passed very quickly in our fancy. Much too soon we heard
voices and cars, and not wanting to let anyone know that we had
made this place our own, we quickly blew out the candles and turned
off the music. Leaving the unconsumed food in the fridge, we high-
tailed it out of there before anyone came looking for us.
After dinner that night, everyone stayed up quite late, and it was well
after two before people started to head for bed. After the noise from
Friends 107
the other bedrooms had died down, Alex c rept across the short hall-
way and quickly entered my room, closing the door behind him just
as fast. Kneeling at the side of my bed, he gave me a very long, very
passionate good-night kiss that made my thighs creamy.
"Tomorrow, in the fancy?" he asked me.
"Of course," I said. "Where else?" Then he left the room as quickly
as he had come in.
The next day, much to everyone's amusement, Alex once again acted
as my waiter at breakfast. Some of the daddies gibed him saying
things like "you're going to spoil her, Alex," and "if you don't watch
your step, you'll be her slave," and other s illy things. The mommies
had to get their two cents in, too, but their remarks were quite dif-
ferent: "Go for it, Claudia, he comes pretrained," referring to his pre-
vious marriages, and "There's a good man you found for yourself,
girl." Obviously I found these remarks to be funnier than anyone else
did, and as for Alex, he just smiled and waved his hand at them in
a humorously dismissive way. But after everyone had gone off to
Atlantic City for the afternoon, I asked Alex to wait for me in the
Knowing this to be the day I was going to put my plan into action,
I had gone down to breakfast in a loose dress and casual open-backed
shoes. Of course I did not intend to stay in this rather drab garb, but
I didn't want the teenagers and parental units to see what I was going
to wear later on. After they had gone, I bolted up the stairs two at a
time to quickly and properly dress for the occasion. Unlike yesterday,
when I wished to evoke childhood memories and bring Alex up to
my present-day womanhood, today I wished to be all woman and a
tease too.
I chose a sassy and kind of slutty red, low-backed halter dress that
clung tightly to my breasts. The dress was so short it barely covered
my derriere when I walked, and I had on no u nderwear. High-heeled
red strappy sandals crisscrossed my feet and showed off my high
instep and perfectly shaped toes. Again, I c hose natural-looking
makeup except for bloodred lipstic k that matched the dress. Unlike
my unladylike bolt up the stairs, I d escended them slowly so that the
waiting Alex could hear the click of my high heels on the wooden
108 The Female Dominant
As I entered the kitchen Alex rose from his chair and looked me
up and down appreciatively. Pretending I didn't notice, I said that the
fancy probably needed to be restocked with milk and breezed by him
and out the door into the yard. Alex caught up to me, a fresh quart of
milk in his hand, and opened the door to the fancy. Today he had
already turned on the music, lit the candles, and opened the win-
dows. He must have done that while I was changing. He closed the
fancy's door while 1 sat in the middle of the sofa, my legs crossed to
show them off and make the short skirt of the red dress climb even
higher up my thighs. 1 imagine that it looked like I was wearing a
somewhat longish blouse rather than a short dress.
When everything was as we liked it, Alex sat next to me on the
sofa, right where 1 wanted him-next to the armrests. He offered me
a cigarette, and as 1 smoked it, I lay back across his lap, my head on
the armrest so that 1 could look at his handsome face. He played with
the smoke rings I blew, sticking his finger through them and blowing
on them to disperse them. He inhaled my secondhand smoke, lips to
lips like mouth-to-mouth resuscitation , and liked the sweetness of the
clove cigarettes. When he gave me a quick but passionate kiss on the
lips, he remarked that my lips tasted sweet like the clove cigarette. So
I took another drag and invited him to kiss me again. With this kiss,
he made sure all the sweetness from the cloves was gone from my
lips before he ended the kiss. Since kissing had changed my position
in his lap and on the sofa, just the quickest glance down showed to
Alex I wasn't wearing anything under the skimpy red dress. I made
no motion to cover myself and he made no uninvited advances. Alex
was not the grabby and gropey type most women, including myself,
disliked. Instead, we lay there comfortably, listening for almost an
hour to the sexy and dreamy CDs I had brought along, and I couldn't
have cared less if he looked his fill. I wanted him to look.
"Alex," I said softly, "be a dear and get us something to drink."
He helped me into an upright position so that he could get out
from under me and get up. I returned to my lounging position, letting
him look at me as much as he wanted while he made my iced tea first
and brought it to me, then returning to the refrigerator for his milk.
But when he reached for a glass to put it in, I stopped him.
"Show me the plates ," I said.
His puzzlement at this request was plain on his face, but being the
Friends 109
He set himself to licking the plate dry, lapping up the pearly juices
that were mixed in the milk. Feeling lazy yet utterly delighted at the
success of my plan so far, I was planning another, more intense
encounter in my head.
The next day dawned bright and sunny. Donning a long, black sleeve-
less dress, I went downstairs barefoot and to usled. Breakfast was a
quick affair, but Alex still served me, much to the continued amuse-
ment of the three pairs of pa rents and ribbing from the teenagers. The
collective parents and kids were going to a local park for a picnic, but
I politely declined to accompa ny them. Protests came from around the
112 The Female Dominant
The special number that clients called on rang for the first time in
several days. Most of The Mistress's clients, and her old house of
domination, knew she was taking a break from sessioning to write a
book, so the phone had been quiet lately. But she was bored and rest-
less and missed her old avocation and antics, so she took the call.
To her pleasurable surprise, it was a handsome, young male creature
whose company and interests she greatly enjoyed. He asked her, no,
almost begged her, to session with him the following evening. He was
a fetishist, and his fetish was foot and leg worship. His tone of voice,
the respect he showed her, plus the fact that he gave excellent foot
and leg massage (she had trained him herselO piqued her interest.
She hesitated for just one second before saying yes and giving him
the confirmation instructions. The diversion would be a pleasant one.
The next day, he confirmed their session and gave her a contact
number, following her instructions to the letter. This pleased The Mis-
tress because it showed that his intentions were sincere and that he
appreciated her coming out of her temporary retirement just for him.
Because of this, in a rare gesture of kindness, she wore the same
outfit that she had worn when they first met many years ago . The
outfit was a high-necked, sleeveless, full-skirted black dress; a thick,
black suede belt; lace-to pped, black thigh-high stockings; and black
suede stiletto pumps with the low vamp that showed lots of toe cleav-
age. She knew he loved toe cleavage. Didn't most foot fetishists?
He arrived right on time because he knew she did not tolerate late-
ness and that tardiness carried its own "choice" of punishments. A late
male creature had three punishment options, and it was his obligation
to choose. The first option was that if the male creature arrived twenty
minutes late, the session was cut short by twenty minutes, although
the donation was still for the full hour. Option two was that the male
creature added five dollars for each minute he was late to the regular
donation. The final option, one that was only chosen by masochists
(who often arrived late because of it) was that the male creature would
willingly submit to the hardest caning The Mistress could give. Option
two was the most frequent choice of the nonmasochist, and the hit
11 6 The Female Dominant
After a few minutes of letting him devour her legs and glamorously
shod feet, she began to tell him a story, carefully watching his face.
She told him about a college boy who had a fetish for his professor's
legs and feet, about the boy's various infractions and about the pun-
ishments received from his professor and then from the dean of boys.
She knew this type of story excited him, and even though he was still
fully dressed, she could see his organ straining against his trousers.
As she spoke, she decided to tease him further by rearranging her
legs several times into positions she knew to be the most flattering,
passing them mere inches from his face when she did so. And each
time she could feel the warm expulsion of his breath on her legs a
mere second later. Although the male creature did not know it, and
she would never tell him, The Mistress found his hot breath on her
legs to be very exciting.
Because of the throbbing organ so visible in his pants, The Mis-
tress decided it was time for him to strip for her pleasure. She bade
him to rise and ordered him to undress to the music, divesting him-
self of all garments except his tight boxer shorts. With his well-
muscled physique, she liked the way he looked and silently thanked
the Goddess for all of the new styles in men's underwear that gave
her such visual pleasure. He neatly tucked his clothes away, knowing
that this was part of the command to strip, and awaited her next
order. She motioned to the same spot on the floor, and he immedi-
ately took up his position. Then she continued her tale of the recal-
citrant college student.
As the story got juicier, little by little The Mistress began to tease
her skirt up her legs until the lace tops of her thigh-high stockings
were exposed. His eyes were glued to her legs, and she could have
been speaking in tongues for all he cared. Tentatively, his hand
reached for the leg nearest to him, but she pulled it away, saying,
"You haven't done anything to deserve touching me." Leaning for-
ward, she slapped his face hard , forehand and backhand, for his
impertinence. The male creature withdrew his hand quickly and
stared at the floor in obvious disappointment. Hidden among the pil-
lows on the divan was a flogger that she withdrew with which to
punish him further. She forced his head onto the divan, his face
pressed up against her suede-shod feet . The male creature did not
118 The Female Dominant
Gently, lovingly, he pic ked up her right leg and cradled it in his
arm. Then he bent his head to her foot and began kissing it, leaving
no saliva on her foot because he knew that would anger her. His lips
were big and mushy and quite talented. He massaged her leg as he
kissed her foot; the combination of soft kissing and hard rubbing was
lovely and very relaxing. She slid her foot out of her shoe and dangled
he r left foot off the divan, placing it on his boxer-shorts-encased
organ. Thereupon she began to use her foot to manipulate him , to
t ease him, to trod on him, and to push and step on his sack. Although
his organ grew larger and harde r because of he r attentions, he did
not let her use of him distract him from giving her the worship she
deserved and he so desired to give her. Who knew what pleasures
might be next? And he did not wa nt to spoil his chances for further
rewards . He worked his way up her leg, massaging her with his hands
and caressing he r with his lips until he reached the lace top of her
The Mistress still wished to have her fun with him, but her right leg
did not reach his groin. So she used her right leg to catch his neck in
pincher and then slowly, carefully, watching his face every second ,
she used he r leg to deprive him of air. It was not a lot, not enough to
make him pass out, but just enough to make breathing more difficult,
especially when he was already breathless and panting from lust.
Although she slowly began to tighten her grip on his throat with her
leg, he valiantly worshipped his Mistress for several more minutes.
His ragged intakes of breath were very exciting to her and she
squeezed a little tighter. Although he was being deprived of more and
more air, this excited him even more than it did her, and he fell upon
he r leg with renewed vigor. The Mistress la ughed at how easy it was
for her to read him and re moved her leg from his neck.
She bid him to rise and take off his boxer shorts. As he did so, his
organ sprang free. He was well formed, long, a nd not too thick and
looked very sexy clad only in his na kedness. He was roc k hard just as
she expect ed him to be, which pleased her enormously. She lea ned
forward and gave his organ a few playful sla ps. Unable to control her-
self at his organ's antics, she giggled as her slaps made it bobble this
way and that , and she was gratified to hear his groans as each slap
landed. To tease him further, she turned over onto her stomac h and
pulled he r dress up, exposing her buttocks. Giving him a few seconds
120 The Female Dominant
to take in the loveliness of her upper thighs and round firm buttocks,
she commanded him to kneel on the floor and pointed to the spot
she wanted him on, directly across from her lovely buttocks. He fell to
his knees instantly, hoping this was part of the reward he had so long
wished for.
The Mistress then cha rged him to massage her upper thighs and
buttocks but told him that if he got "fresh" he would be severely pun-
ished and sent home immediately. As commanded, he descended
upon her limbs and cheeks like a starving man, but he was gentle yet
firm , knowing just how she liked it to be done. Wrapping his strong,
well-muscled arms around both of her legs at once, he lowered his
head to her thighs and began to kiss them fervently. His lips on the
skin above her stoc kings were silky and soft, and his hot breath sent
little shivers down her spine. Occasionally his nose would brush
against her black lace thong, and he could not help but notice the
effect this had on her. Spurred onto greater efforts by her reaction, he
loosened his grip on her thighs just enough to make a small triangle.
Her thighs comprised two sides of the triangle and the black lace
thong covering her secret garden made the third. Every so often as he
nuzzled her, he would brush his nose against her garden gate in a
deliberate attempt to elicit the little tremor this action produced. He
was delighted when his efforts were so rewarded.
Much to his dismay, suddenly The Mistress turned over onto her
back and stopped him by pulling his head up by the hair. Using the
handful of hair to turn his face toward her, she ordered him to lie face
up on the floor a few steps away from the divan. Then she arose, and
facing him, she straddled him and walked up the length of his body
from his feet to his neck, pushing her pointy-toed pumps into him as
she made her progression. When she reached his neck, she made
sure he had an excellent view of her black lace thong a nd her legs up
her dress and gave him a few seconds to appreciate them. Then she
quickly sat down on his chest. Using her pumps to turn his face
toward hers and imprison it there, she smiled into his hot lust-filled
eyes. She laughed at his obvious yearning and was pleased that he r
laughter had brought a fleeting look of humiliation across his face.
Sliding off his chest to sit next to his head, The Mistress lifted his
head and c radled it on her leg, making his head arch bac k slightly.
Friends 121
Then she draped the other leg across his throat. With The Mistress's
permission, he began to touch and stroke himself at the same time
she deprived him of air when she thought his efforts on her behalf
were not up to her standards. His response to asphyxiation was very
strong and quite evident from the increasing size of his organ, so she
continued to apply more pressure. He stroked harder, his breath
ragged, his chest heaving. When The Mistress's thigh closed on his
throat in a final pinch, he struggled to remain conscious and won. He
groaned loudly with his final stroke, and thanking The Mistress, his
Mistress, with his eyes, he released his pearl jam onto his belly.
Her five-inc h heel played with his lips , pushing them this way and
that, using them to move his h ead around like a puppet on a string.
He lay the re beneath h er like a mindless thing; his universe ce ntered
on his groin, s uffe ring under he r boote d foot . He ope ned wide r, arch-
ing his neck back to ma ke his throat longer, deeper. He felt th e
rubber-encased steel of her lift on his to ngue, felt it scrape the roof of
his mo uth , and he adjusted h imself to accommodate h er. He wrapped
his tongue around her heel and s ucked hard, ha rd as h e reme mbere d
exhorting the fo rgotte n lovers of another lifetime to s uck his pe nis.
Today he sucked he r the way h e liked being s ucked back then. He
was a d ifferent pe rson now.
Her left foot moved on him, rotating him beneath h er sole, digging
her heel into his groin, s purring his mouth to greater efforts . She used
the ball of her foot to pump on him with no mo re rega rd for him than
for a gas peda l. The alte rnating jab of her heel into the soft flesh of
his groin made him twitch in pain each time she shifted her weight.
All the while she had been working the heel of her right shoe furthe r
into his mouth, her eyes never leaving his face. His lips were wrapped
around he r heel, a nd he sucke d a t it passiona tely, trying to ma ke he r
feel thro ugh the patent leather his devotion to her.
She began to pump her hee l in a nd out of his mouth, stroking his
caressing lips and tongue. Her left foot pumpe d his pe nis in concert
with the right heel in his mouth; a long, low moan of pleasure escaped
Suddenly, she remove d her left foot from his genita ls and brought
the c rop down sharply on his scrotum, ma king his body jerk in
p rotest. He r heel almost pierced his throat-but he caught himself
in time and settle d back on the floor. But it was too late. She withdrew
her right foot from his mouth and nudged him away with her toe.
"You still don't understand, do you? You are mine to do with as I
wish. Ge t up. Bend over a nd put your sh oulders on the chair. Instead
of the reward you were hoping for, now you will offer me your but-
tocks for punishment. Dis play yourself."
Standing, h e bent over the chair, his face and shoulders pressed
against the leather still warm from her body. He exaggerated the tilt of
his hips to present he r an entic ing target . The crop whistled thro ugh
the a ir and la nde d hotly on his stretched buttocks . She struck him
Friends 125
over and over, harder than ever before, each blow landing in a slightly
different place. She crisscrossed his buttocks with his gift to her, the
crop from He rmes, and he reveled in his punishment. One hundred
strokes later she stopped. He would wear the ma rks from this for a
week, a painful , colorful reminder of his failure to submit to her will.
She dismissed him without a backward glance.
Covering himself with his hands, lest he offend her, he backed o ut
of her presence into the bathroom that those such as he were allowed
to use. Once inside, he fell to his knees, still clutching himself in his
hand. He was throbbing with desire and humiliation; she had not
given him leave to release himself in her presence, he had not pleased
her enough for that. But now, he could release the terrible aching
pressure. Wadding up a handful of the paper towels she allotted her
slaves, he brought himself to a shuddering climax in the privacy of
the cold little bathroom. He cleaned himself up and got dressed.
Before he left, he flushed the paper towels soiled with his juices down
the toilet. Not o nce did he think of the conseque nces of his action.
jumped, jittery as a cat in a dog kennel, and strained his eyes to see
where her voice came from .
"Your disobedience after your last session has displeased me
greatly. You made a mockery of my kindness to you by your actions
in the bathroom. And you caused a great deal of damage to my castle
by your selfish disregard of my property and of all the time I spent
teaching you how to behave prope rly. I did not grant you permission
to relieve yourself, yet you did so a nyway. Then, you sought to con-
ceal your duplicity by flushing the soiled evidence down the toilet,
clogging it, and causing it to overflow. Think a bout what you did
because tonight you will pay for your careless disregard ."
He quailed on the floor, flooded with guilt as the silence enveloped
him once more. He thought of th e exquisite pleasure o f relieving
himself into the pa per towels and blushed with humiliation that his
furtive release had been found out. He wished he could see what else
was in the room. But the blackness kept its secrets and told him noth-
ing. The minutes ticked past.
Without warning, the door opened. She was silhouetted in the
sliver of light admitted from the hall. At once his eyes were glued to
her and he took no further notice of the dark room. She closed the
door behind her and the room was plunged into blackness again. He
struggled to his knees, ready t o demonstrate his submiss iveness to
her as soon as she gave him the opportunity. He knew she had left
him alone all those lo ng minutes to give him time to contemplate his
fate at her hands.
"Have you given se rious thought to your prior disobedience? Have
you recognized the e rror of your ways or the disrespect you have
shown my person? Have you anything to say for yourself, anything
at all to explain your willful, unacceptable behavior?"
He hung his head in shame.
"I thought not. No excuse would or could pardon you for what you
have done; so, better that you say nothing and accept the punish-
ment you so ric hly deserve. I have something special planned for you
this evening. Pay attention."
With that, The Mistress flicked a switch, but to his surprise, the
room was not flooded with light. Instead, o ne pinpoint of li ght shone
on a bondage table. Long enough to stretch out a man muc h taller
than he, it was encased in blac k leathe r with c utouts where his
Friends 127
breasts and genitals would be. It stood on eight thick legs a nd hooks
lined the underside of the table.
"Shall it be this? Or shall it be this?"
She simultaneously shut off the first light and turned on another.
The second light illuminated an X-shaped spreader bar s uspe nded
from the ceiling. At the two ends of the bar hung boots and from the
other two dangled two fur-lined handcuffs. Under the spreader bar
was a high narrow woo den be nch. A closer look at the device
revealed that it was an automated suspension device, with a control
box like that on an assembly line.
"Or perhaps 1 should consider this for your punishment?"
Again she flipped the switches, and the spreader bar and suspen-
sion system disappeared into the blackness. This time the pinpoint of
light fell on a stockade, its three holes gaping and empty without a
prisoner. The apparatus hung from the ceiling by sturdy chains a nd
swayed gently in an unfelt draft. The puritanical quality of the stock-
ade was more menacing than the modern equipment he had just
seen. He tried to control his te rror at being restrained by it; in the
past, she had bee n able to discern what he feared the most and used
it against him. He kept his head down in case, like a cat, she was able
to see his face clearly in the darkness. He throbbed with terror, antic-
ipation, and desire.
"Or, then again, maybe this would be more fitting."
Again she flipped the switches and the stockade disappeared into
the darkness. The tiny spotlight fell on a medieval-looking wooden
table, its surface shaped and polished into the form of a ma n lying on
his belly. There were indentations for the breasts, and under the hips
the smooth surface rose to elevate the buttocks. Leathe r straps with
buckles, one at each corner for the a rms a nd legs and one in the
middle for the waist, guara nteed that the occupant would be kept in
position until re leased by The Mistress. The object was obviously to
be used for intense corporal punishment.
He tried to hide his terror. Each of the illuminated objects struck
fear into his heart but none more than the stockade. He trie d to con-
ceal h is thoughts from h er, tried to mislead h er by thinking of the
medieval table, but she saw through him. With two threatening clicks,
the tiny spotlight on the spanking device disappeared and the tiny
spotlight shone on the stockade. A small sound of distress escaped
128 The Female Dominant
them before. Now he was totally her prisoner in this humiliating posi-
tion. Recognizing her superiority, he surrendered to it and submitted
his will to her. He awaited his punishment at her hands.
"For transgressions against me, for willful disobedience, for rapa-
cious lust, for thoughtlessly damaging my property, I sentence you to
150 strokes of my cane on the buttocks and thighs. You are to count
out each stroke and thank me after you receive it. Do I make myself
"Yes, your majesty."
"Then we shall begin."
She let it fly and the first stroke landed on his tautly stretched but-
tocks: He knew by the severity of that first stroke that he was in for
the beating of his life. He called out "one." Dutifully, he thanked her.
After the second stroke landed, he called out "two" and again thanked
her. But his number count and thank yous were called too slowly for
her, and she gave him 10 strokes that she did not allow to be included
in the original 150. She flailed her instrument of pain at his quiver-
ing flesh harder a nd faster, again and again. He counted out each
stroke and quickly thanked her after each one as she demanded. After
50 strokes, he was near to tears and his voice was strained from
the effort of holding the m back. At 100, the tears were streaming
unchecked down his face. As the count neared 150, he sobbed as he
thanked her for the cruel punishment he was receiving at her hands.
The 10 bonus strokes made him cry aloud. He knew he deserved this,
and his thanks rang with a sincere surrender that was unmistakable.
Finally, the terrible beating was over. The surreal moonscape of his
mind was flooded with the image of himself hanging limply from the
stockade, his buttocks a world of angry red welts.
The Mistress shut the light off on her way out and left him there in
the darkness to dwell on the pain that was a punishment of his own
making. Soon she would send someone to release him from his bonds
and escort him off her premises. She deliberately withheld her per-
mission for release as part of his punishment.
After an unknown length of time, time that he used to focus on the
pain and The Mistress's dominion over him, the same petite, dark-
haired beauty that had brought him to the dungeon entered the room
and unlatched the wooden bar imprisoning him. She stood tapping
her foot impatiently, her arms folded over her breasts as he fumbled
130 The Female Dominant
his way into his clothes. Once he was dressed, she led him upstairs,
making sure he had no opportunity to get near any of the bathrooms,
and showed him out the door into the street. He entered his car, sat
gingerly on his swollen red buttocks, a nd drove away. He was very
hard and his erection throbbed painfully, but he dared not do any-
thing so close to her premises.
Once home, he gripped his painful erection in his hand and
brought himself to a speedy release. He dared to imagine that per-
haps the next time he saw her he would please her enough to be
allowed to release himself in her prese nce. He dreamt of when he
would see her again, Her Majesty in her thigh-high leather boots.
Adam knew that The Mistress hated it when he was late for one of
their sessions. He was terrified of how she would punish him for his
tardiness. He awaited he r arrival in the front room of her house, filled
with tre pidation. The Mistress entered the room, closed the door
behind her, and leaned against it, glaring at him. He took one quick
glance at her before dropping his eyes and looking at the floor. Her
black latex catsuit, tightly laced blac k corset, black latex gloves, and
her lace-up over-the-knee boots told him all he needed to know about
his punishment tonight; she had dressed for the occasion and looked
magnificent. Her eyes flashed fire, and he felt humbled and worthless
before her.
"I will not accept any limp excuses from you for your lateness this
evening. l will not tolerate being left waiting for you. You should be
waiting for me! You have brought this punishment on yourself, and
you will suffer for your lateness," The Mistress said in that decep-
tively cool voice she used when she was extremely angry. The Mis-
tress neve r raised her voice; indeed, the angrier she was, the softer
was her voice. She never used foul language but knew exactly what to
say to push Adam's buttons.
"You do wish to get out of the doghouse and back into my good
graces, don't you?" The Mistress asked almost sweetly. Adam was not
fooled by her sweet tone.
Friends 131
Mistress making circles on his buttocks with the cool black plastic of
the hairbrush. But this little pleasure did not last long. The Mistress
began to beat him with the brush with firm hard cracks across his
cheeks, sometimes alternating between one cheek then the other,
sometimes beating the bottom of his ass meat, and at yet other times
landing the blows evenly between both cheeks. He found himself
swaying in rhythm with the blows. And she did not miss one inch of
his ass meat. Just when he thought she would show him no mercy,
she stepped back to admire her handiwork. The hard blows from the
black plastic hairbrush had made his ass meat bright red. The Mis-
tress took off her gloves and first ran her razor-sharp, red-lacquered
nails over his hot, red ass and then used her strong but small hands
to squeeze and manipulate his cheeks. Adam, his head down, hung
there and bore it. He knew he deserved whatever she dished out. The
Mistress let Adam hang there for a few minutes, untouched, before
she stepped around in front of him. She smiled and forced the handle
of the hairbrush into his mouth.
"Lick it!" The Mistress commanded him. "Get it good and wet. You
will obey me!"
It suddenly dawned on Adam that he was about to be violated with
the same tool that had delivered such a brutal spanking. He gathered
up his saliva, opened his mouth, and lubricated the handle of the
brush with his own spittle. The Mistress pulled the handle out of his
mouth and leaned against his chest, her catsuit cold and slippery
next to his skin. She slipped her right arm around his back, and next
he felt the handle of the hairbrush searching for his anal opening. She
held the bristled side in her hand while she probed between his
cheeks. She located his opening and began to force the handle of the
brush into him. He felt his opening being stretched, and he made a
miserable attempt to twist away from the invading, violating brush.
Infuriated at his attempt to escape, The Mistress commanded,
"Hold still! If you fight me, if you clench against my entry, I will punish
you with a larger and much bigger tool. Or else I will shove this so far
up into you that the bristles will feel like pinpricks around the deli-
cate, puckered skin of your opening! And then there is always the pos-
sibility that I would glue a thin strip of sandpaper around the next
tool. Do you want to bleed for me? Do you?"
Friends 133
into bondage for The Mistress's pleasure . He felt more and more
owned by her, more used and abused by her, and more of an object
for her entertainment than he ever had before. Then he felt a soft
leather pouch being slipped over his vulnerable round sack, followed
by a tight pulling sensation as The Mistress tied and knotted it. Adam
didn't know it, but he was soon to find out that the leather pouch
had rings on it to which weights could be attached. One by one, The
Mistress attached to these rings double-sided clip hooks holding
eight-ounce fishing weights, painted a glossy black. When she was
done, Adam had six pounds of weights hanging from the leather
pouch around his sack. The mean little leather pouch with its six
pounds of weights dragged his sack toward the floor.
When The Mistress was satisfied that the pouch was very secure
and would not fall off, she quickly and expertly covered his rod with
a condom. Standing in front of him to tease him by her proximity, she
resumed her insistent rhythm into his anus with the handle. Each of
her thrusts caused the weighted pouch to swing and multiply Adam's
pain. He could see her face and see that she was very aroused and
excited by the control she had over him as Adam hung there so help-
lessly and at her mercy. She laughed her low wicked laugh at his
misery and continued her relentlessly hard stroking with the handle
in his anus. The Mistress grabbed his rod with her free hand and
began to stroke it. Adam was so erect that it was painful, and her
touch brought a look of exquisite agony to his face.
"I am going to milk you for my amusement. You are familiar with
this activity; we have done it before. The condom will ensure that
you do not make a mess on my floor. I expect you to perform for me
on command, in spite of the distractions that I have attached to your
body, like the weighted pouch and hairbrush handle I have inserted
inside you. You know that your hot spurts at my command will have
to fill up that condom to please me or else I will punish you even
more severely."
The Mistress 's penetration of Adam's anus had become violent as
she sought to force a streaming white fountain from his straining and
beleaguered rod. The insistent downward pull of the weighted pouch
had stretched Adam so much that he knew his spurts would jet from
him in fast pulses.
Friends 135
closed with one arm thrown back over her head. She took her time
getting up.
"That was very nice, very nice indeed," The Mistress said in a
dreamy voice.
She released Adam from the hook over the doorframe and removed
his cuffs and the chain. She pointed to the floor at the foot of the bed,
and Adam, weak from his exertions , collapsed onto the spot grate-
fully. True to her word, The Mistress cuffed one of Adam's ankles to
the foot of her bed and allowed him to spend the night sleeping on
. the floor at her feet.
~U9ar Cane
The Mistress restrained the slave's hand in leather wrist cuffs, bent
him over the spanking horse, and clipped his wrists to the rings on
the front support poles. She knew he was scared and nervous; small
drops of perspiration dotted his forehead and his hands clenched the
support poles of the horse so tightly that his knuckles were white.
His torso was pressed against the black leather of the horse; his legs,
straight and slightly apart, fell to either side of the rear support poles.
Each ankle wore its own leather restraint with a clip hook to which a
chain was attached and entwined around the poles. She had placed
the spanking horse directly in front of a full-mirrored wall-all the
better for him to see her, as she had her way with him. She like d
being looked at and admired. She ordered him to keep his head up, to
rest his c hin on the bench, and never to look away from the mirror.
He never knew what she had in mind for him until it began to happen,
but he now unde rstood that this was a night for h eavy corporal.
The slave was aroused already. Just the position The Mistress had
p laced him in made feelings of surrender surge up in him. He put him-
self deeper into the head space he needed to enjoy fully what was to
come and to turn whatever pain she gave him into pleasure. She
started by h and spanking him, gentle little slaps at first to bring the
blood to the surface of his ass and to sensitize him for what was to
come. He relished this part: her hand on his bare flesh was almost a
caress as she slapped him again and again. And she gave one hell of
Friends 137
Then she threw her full weight into each blow. As her hand
smashed into his beleaguered flesh, he could feel the heat rising from
his skin; a sharp contrast to the cool leather of the horse pressed
against his chest and pulsating genitals. Harder and faster The Mis-
tress beat him until his ass was hot and red and a little swollen. When
she stopped, she leaned over his back and laid her face next to his.
She played with his hair, ran her nails down his sides, and gave him
an ample drink of water from a bottle with a flexible straw. Then she
said she would be back very soon and that he should rest. He heard
her leave, her boot heels soundless on the carpet and the squeak of
her boots barely perceptible. He knew that she would be back soon
because she never left him alone for very long.
Shortly she returned, closing the door behind her. Looking at her in
the mirror, he saw that she had something in each hand: a bowl of ice
and a jar of Tiger Balm. She placed the Tiger Balm where he could
see it, to tease him and terrify him. He knew her uses for Tiger Balm.
But first The Mistress rubbed the ice cubes on his red-hot ass, in up
and down, left and right, and circular patterns. The freezing cold of
the ice cubes felt delightful on his fiery flesh after her very thorough
attention to his ass , but under him, trapped between his body and
the horse, his erection raged to be free of its imprisonment. As the
slave reveled in the cold relief, he felt her spread his cheeks and tease
an ice cube in and out of his anus. The feeling was incredible; it
cooled his whole body, and he took great pleasure in this unusual
sensation. Gently the ice cube was withdrawn from his anus. The Mis-
tress stepped in front of him and pressed the ice cube to his lips until
he opened his mouth and accepted it. It tasted faintly of his ass and
once again humiliation washed over him. But still he sucked on it
thirstily, gratitude in his eyes.
After the slave had swallowed the last chip of the ice cube, he read-
ied himself for the real punishment yet to come. All that had happened
prior to this moment was merely a warm-up. But The Mistress had
one more surprise for him before the real punishment began. Remov-
ing the Tiger Balm from his sight, once again he felt his cheeks being
parted. This time instead of the cold ice, he felt the thick, sticky
Tiger Balm being applied to his anus. She knew, as he did, that the Tiger
Balm generated heat, and once his cheeks were closed and the caning
Friends 139
began, the heat would become intense. And the stuff was hard to
The Mistress had done her job well, and the thorough spanking
she had given him had prepared him for the caning. She gave the
Tiger Balm a minute or two to work its magic while she selected the
canes she wished to use. When she was done, she had laid them out
in order of severity, a combination of thin, whippy canes, thicker
canes that delivered more thud than sting, and a silver-handled cane
that she sometimes used as a walking stick. He prepared himself for
the pain.
She teased him by whipping each cane through the air so he could
hear the whistling sound it made. To him these sounds were as loud
as hurricane winds; he gripped the front support pole more tightly
to brace himself for the onslaught. But she surprised him by gently
rubbing each cane on his red swollen ass, caressing him with them,
bouncing them back and forth against his inner thighs, and poking at
his genitals with them first. He was panting with delicious fear and
anticipation from this unexpected teasing and his erection raged
between his body and the spanking horse. The Tiger Balm had set
his anus on fire, adding to his agony.
He watched her in the mirror as she selected the first cane she
was going to hit him with. As usual, she started out with a thin
whippy one, which would sting his already bruised ass. The Mistress
let it fly, and he heard the wicked whistle of the cane a split second
before it landed on his red swollen ass. Stroke after stroke bit into
him. At first he was able to stifle his groans of pain, but as The Mis-
tress continued to beat him, changing from one thin cane to another,
he was soon crying out loud as each stroke landed. When she was
satisfied with the welts from the thin ones, she moved on to the thick
ones, the canes that gave thud rather than sting, and deep muscle
pain. After countless strokes of the thicker canes, each followed by a
pain that started in his ass and ran up his spine to explode in his
brain , he could not stop himself from crying out, but he did not beg
for mercy. When he could, he watched The Mistress in the mirror as
she beat him, and he loved her for her beauty and intensity. She had
a look of single-minded attention on her face as she landed each
stroke perfectly.
140 The Female Dominant
Tiring of the thick canes, she stopped for a moment to wipe the
sweat from her brow with his hanky before picking up the silver-
handled cane. He knew this would be the last instrument of his pain
and that it would be the most painful of all. The first stroke rocked his
world and stars exploded in his eyes. On and on the caning went; he
had long ago lost count of the strokes The Mistress had landed. The
repeated whistle of the cane followed by the cruel bite when it landed
pervaded, invaded, his mind to the exclusion of all else. The only
thing he was certain of was that his ass was a world of misery, welted
and red, bruised and battered, and just a few strokes away from
breaking his skin, drawing blood.
"Just five more strokes, only five," The Mistress whispered in his
ear. Her voice was soft and sexy, like a lover's, and her hot breath so
close to his ear made his whole body quiver.
For a short time, she showed him some affection. She gave him a
long drink of water, ran her nails lightly down his back, ran her fingers
through his hair and then, standing in front of the spanking horse,
massaged his neck and shoulders. This relaxed him, but his erection
still raged, squashed between his own body and the horse. Stepping
behind him, she squeezed each of his cheeks in each of her hands ,
loosening up the skin, making it suppler. He struggled to control the
urge to rub his member against the leather. This would make her very
angry, and his punishment would b e extended for his infraction. He
did not want to displease her.
"Ready, my dear?" The Mistress asked him sweetly.
"Yes, my Goddess," he replied sincerely, although his hands
gripped the front support poles more firmly and he physically and
emotionally braced himself for the final five strokes.
The first stroke of the silver-handled cane was harder than he
expected it would be, and he knew that her plan for these final five
strokes was to make him bleed. He accepted his punishment, focusing
on the pain and turning it into the pleasure only a masochist would
appreciate. The second stroke was harder than the first, and he felt
his skin break. The third stroke drew more drops of blood, and with
the fourth, he felt blood trickle from his ass. The fifth stroke took him
totally by surprise. The Mistress came around to stand in front of
him and aiming very carefully, landed the final stroke in the crack
of his ass.
Friends 141
The pain was agonizing, and even though the beating was over, he
screamed, "Mercy, Mistress, mercy, please have mercy on your poor
As soon as he uttered these words, she dropped the cane and
quickly released the leather restraints, hand and foot. After applying
salve to his broken flesh, she allowed him to c url up in a ball on the
fl oor at her feet. He clutched her boots and kissed them, thanking
her in between kisses for her attention to him and his needs. His e rec-
tion throbbed pa infully between his legs, and h e whimpered until her
voice called him back to earth.
"You have b orne your punishment ver y well, s lave, and I am
pleased with you. You will wear my marks for many days, a nd each
time you sit down you will think of me. You deserve to be rewarded
for your service to me, your Mistress."
He was thrilled to hear these words; she didn't always reward him.
He must have pleased her very much.
"For your service, you will be allowed to release yourself in my
presence and on my command. You will have until the count of ten .
You are not to re lease sooner or you will be punishe d . If you do not
come o n the count o f te n, you will not be a llowed t o come at all and
you will be punis hed."
He loved it when she spoke to him like that.
"Now get into position and await my count," The Mistress
He lay flat on the floor, his head between her feet, and clutched
his member and eagerly waited for he r to start the count. Us ually she
added descriptive phrases in between each number to tease him
"One," she said, ta pping the flo or with h er cane for emphasis.
"Two!" Again she tapped th e floor with her cane. With each number
she called out, she tap ped her cane on the floor fo r emphasis . More
quickly than he would have like d , she calle d out TEN!
As soon as he heard te n, he exploded like a volcan o , almost
screaming with relief a t his spurting release. His ropes of pearly jism
decorated his belly, a nd he stroked the last few drops out as The Mis-
tress looked on inte ntly, an enigmatic s mile on h er face.
After a couple of minutes, The Mistress sa id to him, "You are
re leased fro m service. Rest a few more minutes and then you may
142 The Female Dominant
clean yourself up. When you are dressed and ready to leave, I will be
in the living room. You may kiss my feet before you depart."
She left the room and he did as he was told. When he entered the
living room, he crawled in on all fours, although she had not com-
manded him to do this. But he knew it would please her. The Mis-
tress smiled as he crawled in, and she extended her right foot for his
homage. Then with a wave of her hand, she dismissed him.
As he rode home, the stiff material of his jeans rubbed against his
battered bottom and kept her fresh in his mind. He knew she was
right, the marks would last for many, many days. But he didn't really
need marks to remind him of her. Her beauty and sadism were always
on his mind.
She sat calmly in the big, comfortable, oversized armchair by the fire,
which provided the only light in the sumptuously furnished living
room. My Mistress loved thunderstorms; she loved the beauty and
violence of nature. During them she became lost in a world of her
own, and tonight was no different from other stormy nights. Thunder
rumbled across the sky outside, and the clouds boiled in the firma-
ment like foam from the sea. A stab of lightning lit the room, turning
it s ilver with its glow, illuminating her lovely face. She sighed in
delight at the joys of nature and looked down at me, smiling. She was
dressed in jeans, a low-cut, long-sleeved shirt, and ballet shoes; it was
a casual evening around the house. I was curled up at her feet-my
own little shelter from the storm. I had no need to fear the storm or
anything else; My Mistress was near. Safe and warm, I crouched at
her feet, rubbed my long slender body on her leg and meowed .
Absently, she kicked off her shoes and bega n to stroke and caress
me with her feet. I loved having my Mistress's feet on me; her slender,
delicate bones were encased in soft pink flesh, and her delectable,
suc ka ble, lickable toes were shapely a nd well formed. There was not
one callous, not one bone spur, not one corn on her feet to mar their
perfect beauty. Her perfectly applied red nail e namel winked at me
conspiratorially in the firelight. I longed to caress her toes with my
sandpaper tongue; I hungered for the salty human taste of he r in my
mouth. Turning onto my back, exposing my belly to her to signal my
submission, I purred deeply as she snuggled her toes into my fur.
She sat up suddenly as if called to sentinel duty at the gateway to
paradise. My purr died in my throat. All my senses sharpened, and I
looked up at her. A questioning little mew escaped me, asking her if
some thing was wrong or if I could be o f some service to her, inquir-
ing, perhaps, if I had displeased her in some way. She gazed down at
me a nd smiled, reassuring me that whateve r had distrac ted he r had
nothing to do with me. Sighing sensuously, she c urled back up on her
chair, one shapely leg dangling off the edge. I resettled myself on the
146 The Female Dominant
floor under her foot and felt her toes once again on my belly. I closed
my eyes and dreamt of licking her feet, of feeling the pulse of her life
on my tongue, rich and deep and sensuous.
Finally, the fireworks of the storm abated and left the steady but
musical sound of rain in its place. When the thunder and lightning
stopped, they took my Mistress's dreamy frame of mind with them.
After a few minutes she shook herself free of the storm's embrace
and removed her feet from my belly. She stood up, stretched, and
padded into the large kitchen on her lovely bare feet. I heard the
water running and then splashing into the kettle, followed by the
unmistakable rattle of a teacup on its saucer. I heard her open the tea
bag tin, and I heard the clatter of the spoon against the sugar bowl.
I rolled over, stretched, and, catlike, got on all fours in one quick
movement. I hurried after her, but I did not enter the kitchen. Poking
my head around the corner, I peered into the kitchen and spied on my
Her back was to me as she opened the refrigerator door and took
out a full quart of milk. She opened the cardboard carton, and the
sweet aroma of the milk assailed my nostrils. I was overcome with the
desire to continue to gaze on her loveliness without her knowledge,
the desire to wrap myself around her long, slender legs and beautiful
feet, and the overwhelming desire for the milk she held so casually in
h er hand. The kettle whistled merrily on the stove, demanding her
attention. She leisurely poured the boiling water into the teacup, let
the tea steep while s he put away the sugar, and the n added the
scrumptious milk. The gentle clatter of the spoon as she stirred her
tea went unheard by me as my desire for my Mistress was temporar-
ily forgotten; my whole furry being was overwhelmed by my craving.
My obsession for the milk became the whole reason for my existence.
Unable to control myself any longer, I sprang around the corner
and hurled myself at her legs. Laughing in surprise, my Mistress
gazed down at me. Calling me her favorite names for me, "little bag of
bones," and "fluffy hank of fur," she stood on tiptoe and retrieved a
wide, shallow bowl from one of the upper cabinets . I quivered with
delight at the sight of it. She must be pleased with me indeed; it was
a rare treat when my Mi stress took out that particular bowl. She
placed the carton of milk in the microwave and warmed it up. I waited
impatiently, rubbing my body on her legs purring deeply while the
Lovers 147
seconds ticked by. After a lifetime had passed, the machine gave its
clarion call, and my Mistress removed the precious cargo, now pleas-
antly heated. She put the carton of milk in the bowl and took it in
one hand and her cup of tea in the other. Before she padded back
into the living room, she looked down at me-her eyes telling me to
come with her. I followed her into the living room, purring in deepest
She returned to the large soft armchair by the fire and placed the
bowl on the floor in front of her. I sat at attention, watching her every
move, my tail flicking back and forth with eager anticipation. I
meowed softly, the sound I made when I told her I loved her, and she
rewarded me with a n indulgent smile. Extending her slim, graceful
arm, she lifted the carton of milk from the bowl and poured the milk
into it. The milk gracefully arched out of its container and whirled
and eddied around the bottom of the bowl, mesmerizing me.
Finally, the last drop of the warm, delicious white nectar fell from its
cardboard prison. Smiling and calling me her "pretty kitty," my Mis-
tress placed her sublime feet in the bowl and swished them in the
scrumptious ambrosia. "Come, my kitty cat, come drink your milk." I
plunged my face into the bowl, extended my tongue, and began to lap
at the nectar pooling between her shapely toes. The soft skin between
her toes was as sweet, as mouthwatering, and as savory as the milk
itself. I curled my tongue in between the silky spaces and lapped up
he r gift to me, eliciting a murmur of sensuous satisfaction from my
Mistress. To each toe crevice, I gave the same meticulous attention,
licking up the milk as I did so. Then, curling my tongue, I licked under-
neath her brightly enameled toenails, eagerly slurping up the droplets
of tasty milk hiding there. In a welter of passion, I abandoned myself
completely, utterly, abjectly to the enterprise of licking her luscious
toes clean and lapping up every last drop of milk in the bowl.
While I, her pretty kitty, gave my full attention to her toes and the
savory milk, my Mistress luxuriated in her chair, relishing my tender
ministrations , her murmurs of pleasure becoming more and more
freque nt, more and more hedonistic. Her hands moved to her breasts
a nd started to knead them, massaging the pale skin of her voluptuous
breasts through her thin shirt with he r long, strong finge rs. Then
she began to pinch and pull her nipples through the mate rial of her
shirt. I watched her through half-closed eyes as I glutted myself on
148 The Female Dominant
"Have you made any attempts to find a way to rid yourself of your
chastity belt this week? If you're smart, the answer had better be 'No,
Mistress!' Now, get in here quickly and close the door behind you. I
Lovers 149
want you stripped out of that silly-looking business suit so that I can
inspect your c hastity belt for any signs of tampering. For your sake,
there better not be any! I thought of you several times over the
course of the last seven days, slave, and wondered how long it took
you t o get used to the belt.
The slave replied that he was always aware of the belt and that it
never really took on the warmth of his skin.
"Oh, so you never did get used to it? During those seven little days
it gave me great pleasure to think of you driving in traffic, atte nding
board meetings, and sleeping with this locked onto you. I went to a
great deal of trouble to have this belt custo m made for you, s lave,
so you had better be grateful. A lesser Mistress would have com-
pressed you into a poorly made, badly fitting, medieval iron belt. By
this time, your delicate skin would have been scraped and raw from
The slave, his head bent down, murmured his appreciation of the
time a nd trouble his Mistress lavished on him.
"I have a penchant for all things beautiful and expensive, as I
should. I am worth it! 1 had this chastity belt custom crafted from
thin, lightweight stainless steel. It fits flatly across your body, and
even the hinges on the sides where I have the two smallest padlocks
I could find are contoured neatly. After all, I don't want any of your
office buddies to comment on any unsightly bulges or lumps and give
away our little secret, do I? My wis h is to keep you restrained all
through the day and night in total secrecy. Only you a nd I a re to know
what you wear for my pleasure."
In a low respectful voice, the slave thanked The Mistress for her
kindness to him.
"I am going to inspect it now for any signs of tampering. This
design reminds me of the garter belt with the attached ope n-crotch
thong that I gave to you, which also had sufficient access for proper
cleaning and hygienic needs. I refuse to have in my presence a ny
slave who is smelly o r unclean. Now, let me just c hec k the front cod-
piece attachment. So how did the belt feel for these last seven days?
Was it very uncomfortable having your genitalia stuffed into a short,
hollow cylinder of stainless steel? Once again, I can't help but admire
the workmanship. It's so very practical to have just the head peeking
out a nd secured by the metal lip of the cylinder just under that fla red
150 The Female Dominant
whelmed him. From her lovely soft feet, with their delectable red-
lacquered toes, to her slim muscled calves, to her well-toned thighs,
she was the Goddess he had sought all his life.
"Do I see you shifting uncomfortably? Is that unruly member of
yours straining to fill the steel tube that I have imprisoned it in? Is it
becoming a little full in there? Are your balls aching? It makes me so
happy to hear that-happy enough to want to flog you. Bend over
the arm of the sofa."
She left the room and returned with a black moosehide flogger with
many lashes and considerable weight. With no warm-up or prepara-
tion, she gave him more than fifty of her best, one right after the
other so that the pain was constant, giving him no time to enjoy it.
This was pain for her pleasure, and he knew it. Tiring of this little
amusement, she let the flogger drop to the floor and sat down in her
big comfortable chair.
"Come here. Now, listen carefully and follow my instructions. I am
in the mood for some serious foot worship, and you had better do it
properly or I will punish you most severely."
The slave's organ grew larger as his Mistress uttered these words.
"First, you are never to slobber or to leave drool on my feet! Either
one will earn you a swift and severe punishment. Do you under-
stand?" The Mistress emphasized her words by kicking the slave in
the face. "I want you to start by brushing your lips gently back and
forth across the tips of my toes. Slowly, lovingly, back and forth, with
just the faintest touch. You also may blow very gently across them,
with small gusts of your warm breath. Make sure you get all ten toes,
slave! They get envious if one is given more attention than another.
Now I want you to move your face down lower. I want to feel long,
slow, paintbrushlike licks with the flat of your tongue up my insteps,
over and over. Repeat this technique again and again. Do it slowly.
Savor the taste of me and the sensation of licking me with your
tongue. Feel the flat of your warm tongue leaving a trail across the
soft delicate skin of my insteps."
The slave did as he was directed. The Mistress's feet were indeed
delicious , with just the faintest aroma, and not a callous, corn, or
bunion marred their perfection. Her insteps were high and curvy.
"Turn your head to the side, slave. I want you to use your teeth
firmly on the back of my heel, as if you are massaging me. Bite them
152 The Female Dominant
firmly but gently, using a slow opening and closing action. Be careful
not to bite too hard! That might anger me, and I might just respond
with a sharp kick to your lowly face. But actually, I am pleased. Appar-
ently you do not wish to anger me so that you are performing quite
well! Get both heels, slave. And press firmly with your teeth into the
fleshy part of my heel. Yes, now you are starting to perfect the tech-
nique! That does feel so very nice!"
Happy at pleasing his Mistress, the slave redoubled his efforts.
"Now move your face up to my toes. I want t o watch you d art just
the tip of your greedy little tongue in between each of my perfectly
polished toes. Give me several dry, fast flicks of that tongue before
you progress on to the next space. That almost tickles and I am find-
ing it to be very erotic. Keep up the good work, slave, and I just may
allow you to watch me slip my black lace thong aside and put my fin-
gers into my secret garden. Then I can touch myself while you work
wonders with that tongue of yours. You must be doing something right
because my fingers have discovered that I am wet from your attention
to my feet! It seems that the crotch of my thong is thoroughly soaked!"
With these words, the slave's member became painfully engorged,
mercilessly restricted by the chastity belt. But her words spurred him
on to greater efforts to please her.
"I require a change in technique now, slave. Use those teeth again
by giving delicate nips on the ball of each toe. Then just gently scrape
your teeth across the fleshy pad underneath my toes. Now gently bite
the ball of my foot. That is the part of my foot that takes all the pres-
sure when I wear my heels, for my pleasure and for yours. Ummm, I
find myself very close to gushing into my own hand. I think I shall
give you a small reward by reaching down and rubbing my wet, sticky
fingers across your face. Do you smell my fragrance?"
Without stopping his duties, the slave responded with a series of
moans and groans to indicate his pleasure at being rewarded so richly
by The Mistress.
"I love to wipe my sweet nectar over my toes and feel you and
watch you as you lick it off. I'm going to dip my hand between my
legs o ne more time and scoop up the hot slickness with my fingers.
Then I am going to transfer it t o the tips of my toes. I know you are
happy sucking my toes and tasting my womanliness while rubbing
your face into my feet. Come up here, belted one. I can only imagine
Lovers 153
how you must feel being compressed by and aching underneath that
cold steel. That does please me, little foot slave. Now I want to feel
your face between my legs."
When The Mistress said this, the slave's whole body trembled with
pleasure and adoration, in anticipation of what was to happen next. In
his eager anticipation of his reward, he overstepped his bounds and
tried to wiggle his face under her thong.
"No, no, no, no! You do not get the ultimate pleasure of pressing
your lips to the gate of my secret garden!" The Mistress slapped his
face hard each time she said no.
The slave's disappointment was obvious in his posture.
"However, I will permit you limited use o f your oral skills. I want
you to lick my pretty and very wet thong. I do so enjoy how you obey
immediately! I wish you were so obedient all the time. Now, press
your mouth firmly into my crotch so that I can grind myself in slow,
rotating circles into your lowly face. That's it. You are certainly my
favorite slave when it comes to oral service. What a lovely picture
this makes-I wish I had film in my camera! I would love to have pic-
tures of you down on your hands a nd knees with your head buried
between my thighs, licking, sucking, and tugging on my thong while
your own sex organs are imprisoned in my chastity belt. I get such
pleasure knowing that the head of your squashed and squeezed organ
is certainly oozing. I love knowing that you have been utterly con-
trolled by me all week, unable to achieve a rigid state because of the
c hastity belt and totally forbidden any kind o f sexual relief. And now,
at my command , you are forced to perform for my sole pleasure with
no regard for your discomfort or need for orgasm. My wants are all
that we will think of tonight, you little sucking slut."
The thought of denial humiliated the slave, but, as humiliation tends
to do, it forced him to greater efforts to please and pleasure her.
"Do what you are told and make me come. Do you feel the tips of
my fingernails digging small indentations into the bac k of your neck
as I hold your head in place and grind my crotch into your face? Can
you see that my knees are bent and my head is thrown back in pleas-
ure? Do you notice that my eyes a re closed and my mouth is slightly
open as I hump your face, intent on my own impending orgasm?
That's right, s lave! My orgasm! Suck on my thong! Drink up my hot
nectar right through it. Worship me by offering me your lowly face!
154 The Female Dominant
Oh, yes , I am going to come, slave! Suck me harder! Make your Mis-
tress come!"
Using her hands to pull him by the hair, The Mistress guided his
tongue to where she would best be served by it. Uncaring about him,
his pleasure, or his discomfort, his nose banged painfully against her
pudenda over and over until she came. Her back arched as she cli-
maxed and he sucked with all his might to drink down as much of
her sweet, sticky nectar as he could. After her release, The Mistress
lounged in the chair. She pulled his head away from her crotch and let
him rest it on her thigh.
"By the way, maybe tomorrow morning I'll release you from your
chastity belt and allow you to stroke yourself while you wear this
thong over your head. I will position it so that my dry and encrusted
nectar will be over your nose. But for now, after you turn back the
covers and fluff up my pillows, I a m going to chain you to the foot of
my bed. I'm going to sleep very well tonight!"
The slave did as he was commanded and prepared the bed for The
Mistress. The chink! of the chain as she pulled it to enclose his ankle
in the leather restraint reminded him of the sound the padlocks on
the belt would make when she removed them tomorrow. Slowly, his
member softened inside the cold steel of the chastity belt. He did not
fall asleep until he heard that soft little wheeze she made in her sleep.
He dreamt of tomorrow when he could please her, The Mistress, his
Goddess, again.
tially opened bedroom door with her foot and half carried, half
dragged him down the hall to the bathroom. Once inside, she put him
down on the fluffy rug and left. She brought her black bag from the
bedroom and closed the door behind her.
She put the bag on the floor and then bent over him. She got him
onto his belly and pushed him down into a kneeling position. She
pushed his head and shoulders, with his hands still tied behind his
neck, down onto the floor. His back was arched and his hips were
high. Her booted foot kicked his knees wide apart. In humiliation, the
blood rushed to his face. He heard the zipper of the bag whiz along,
then something was removed from it. The water in the sink was
turned on; he heard her remove a glove and pass her hand under-
neath the flow. A variety of other noises , unidentifiable, almost
squeaky, almost moist, almost rubbery, played on his ears.
He jumped a nd gasped as he r lubricated finger swiped his anus.
There for a second, then it was gone. Did he imagine it? No, he could
feel the coolness of the lubrication on his anus. Suddenly, he felt
something cold, plastic, and formed press against him. He gasped
sharply, and at that moment, the cold, formed thing passed into his
tight anal muscle. It was slenderer now that the tip of it was further
in. She gently pushed it further inside him, occasionally stroking him
with it, until the rim of the nozzle was nestled up against the tender,
puckered skin of his opening. Then he felt the stream of warm water
gently filli ng him, its flow regulated by her fingers pinching the tube.
He felt it flow softly into him, occupying him, probing him in a relent-
less yet delicate way. He realized she was giving him an enema.
His te nsion drained all at once, and this communicated itself to her
fin gertips. His sigh of surrender was conte nt, audible. Her fin gers
loosened their grip on the tube and the flow of water ran into him
faster. His own arms imprisoned him on the floor. Soft moa ns escaped
his lips; his hips rose and fell in spite of themselves. He felt his man-
hood hardening and was humiliated by his arousal. One drop escaped
a nd ran down his scrotum. He imagined it glistening, changing shape
as it traveled his furrows, growing smaller as it neared the end of his
penis. He saw it shimmer and tremble for just one second before le t-
ting go, falling to the fluffy rug, and disappearing forever.
The water stopped flowing and the nozzle was gently removed. He
was absolutely still, hardly breathing, his belly full of water. A gentle,
Lovers 157
turn into gasps of pain, but still he knew he could endure the pain
and turn it into pleasure. Last, she stood up, and pulling the chain all
the way up to his mouth, she commanded him to open his mouth and
hold the chain in it. He obeyed.
As he held the chain in his mouth, The Diva began to explore his
body with her nails, to seek out his sensitive spots and to exploit
them by pinching them, tickling them, and even occasionally biting
them. Her mouth on his bare skin sent frissons through him, but still
he managed to hold the chain in his mouth. Despite her smile and
her offhanded expectation of complete obedience, he knew that she
was in no mood to be toyed with. He decided he would be as coop-
erative as he could, be as receptive to her wishes as h e could, and do
his very best to endure whatever she had planned for him.
After she had tired of the clover clamps, she removed them one at
a time, leaving a couple of minutes in between the removal of the first
and second clamp. Smiling deeply into his eyes, The Diva tweaked
his nipples as the blood flooded back into them, causing him to bite
his lips at the new and different pain and at the onset of the pins-and-
needles sensation. The distress and pleasure she saw in his eyes
pleased her greatly, and her smile became tenderer and more loving
because of his suffering. After his nipples recovered from the clover
clamps, she gave him a drink of water out of the glass with the flexi-
ble straw. He thanked her sincerely for her kindness and awaited her
The Diva picked up the medieval-looking clamps and h eld the m in
front of his face. They were U-shaped a nd connected by a chain, with
cushions on both sides of where his nipples would be clamped, and
a flanged rod. The flanged rod would be used to tighten the clamps as
s he entertained herse lf with his nipples. Grasping his right nipple
between her thumb and index finger, she pulled it out and applied
the clamp; only two clicks at first. Then she gave the same treatment
to his left nipple-her eyes never leaving his face. Then, smiling, she
gave each clamp another click. She stepped away from his head and
began to tease a nd tickle his belly with her long red hair. He loved it
when she used her hair to tease him; it was soft and silky on his skin,
and he felt honored tha t she would share this intimacy with him. He
closed his eyes in pleas ure and didn't see her ha nd sneak up a nd give
the medieval clamps another wicked click. He hadn't expected that
Lovers 161
one click to increase the pressure on his nipples so greatly. The pain
became a lmost too much to bear, but there was her hair, still grazing
his belly gently and tantalizingly, increasing his arousal.
The Diva gave the medieval-looking clamps the fifth and final click,
and he cried out in pain. She smiled sweetly, enjoying his distress.
She let the pain set in as she watched his face, observing carefully
each expression of near agony that flitted across it. After a few min-
utes of watching him , she removed the medieval clamps one at a
time. Then she once again started to pinch and tease his nipples as
the blood returned to them. He strained against the leather restraints,
but they held him firmly in place. When he had settled down, she
gave him another drink of water from the glass with the flexible straw.
She stood very near him and gently dragged her nails over his arms
and chest, then up and down his legs, to give him pleasure and calm
him down. When his breathing had become relatively normal she
turned to the table.
When she turned back, he saw that she had a handful of the black
shiny clothespins. She placed them at the base of his neck and whis-
pered in his ear that he was not to let any of them fall. Then The Diva
ran her hands over his chest and belly, caressing him and making him
relax and feel pleasure at her touch. He sighed as she petted him and
felt himself grow harder. He could see in the mirror that his member
was at a hard right angle to his body, and from the small smile on her
face, he knew that his hardness for her pleased her. But it also humil-
iated him that The Diva paid no attention at all to his response. After
several delightful minutes of enjoying her caress, she stopped and
turned her attention to the black clothespins at the base of his neck.
She began to clip them to his chest, carefully spacing them apart until
he had a line of biting black clothespins across his chest. Last, she
pulled his erect nipples out, one at a time, and clamped a clothespin
on each.
As she attached each clothespin, she looked deeply into his eyes,
gauging his reaction, testing him, pushing him. He usually could not
take this much pain, but he was her toy; more than that, he was her
contracte d slave, and he consented to this painful way she had chosen
to entertain herself. She stepped back to survey her handiwork.
Sudde nly, with a smile that contained a hint of wickedness, she
gave the wheel a spin and sent him and his senses reeling. He closed
162 The Female Dominant
his eyes to spare himself the agony of watching himself go round and
round in the mirror above. She noticed this immediately and com-
manded him to open his eyes. Finally, the wheel came to a nerve-
wracking, creaking halt. His chest was no longer a world of pain; the
circulation had been cut off long enough for the pain to stop. But his
head was still spinning, and he was unprepared for what happened
next. She took down a bullwhip from the collection of such things
hanging on the wall and then walked toward him, carefully consider-
ing the distance between them. She stopped, and without warning,
without flinc hing, without any c hange of expression at all, just that
same detached look on her face, she flicked out the whip.
Its tip wrapped around the fi rst clothespin and with a supple flick
of her wrist, she removed it from his chest. The pain was excruciat-
ing, but to see her wielding the whip excited him further. Then The
Diva waited, her arms folded across her chest, one hip slung out to
the side, until his expression showed that the pain had subsided and
she could begin anew.
Again she flicked her wicked whip at his chest, the other side this
time, and in quite the same painful manne r removed another clothes-
pin. Then she waited. And try as he might, he just could not keep his
pain from showing in his face. He r smile became more satisfied with
eac h flick of her whip. Her pleasure increased with the level of his
pain, and there were eight clothespins on his chest. By the sixth
removal, his chest was screaming in agonized protest at the repeated
onslaught of the whip and at the rush of blood returning in a torrent
to his tortured skin. He was whimpering for mercy, even though there
were only two left. But he would not word up; he could stand it, he
could turn the terrible pain into pleasure if he lost himself in her. The
two remaining clothespins were the wickedest ones, on the most sen-
sitive, vulnerable part of his quivering fl esh-his nipples.
Her smile was almost evil as she drew her arm back and flicked
her wrist at his far nipple. The rush of blood was stunning in the
world of pain it brought with it. Without waiting for this fresh anguish
to subside, another stroke of he r arm and flic k of her wrist sent the
final clothespin whirling off into space.
"Mercy, Diva Claudia, mercy on your poor toy," he begged in agony,
whimpering and tossing his head . His piteous wailing incited her.
"Do you know the difference between pleasure and pain?"
Lovers 163
with him in her chamber right away but instead was going to start in
the dimly lit living room, with soft music in the background and the
smell of incense in the air. Earlie r, she had anointed a male figure
candle, insc ribed his name into it, placed it on a photo of the two of
them, and lit it to ensure the outcome of the evening. This was going
to be a very special night. Afte r pretending that Franco was a first
time slave and giving him rudimentary training, The Diva would be
taking him to a BDSM club, and before they left, he would be espe-
cially fitted out for the occasion.
As she dressed, The Diva could barely contain her excite ment
about this evening, about "training" Franco, and dressing to kill for
the event. She selected an electric-blue ball gown with lingerie straps
and bra cups trimmed in black that showed off her breasts to best
advantage and was very snug on her slim figure. The gown had a very
high slit up to the lower hip on the right side, which was also
trimmed in blac k. To give the gown an even sexie r look, she wore
black, lace-topped, thigh-high stockings; the lace would show when
she walked or sat down. Her lovely feet were encased in black patent
leather, platform Mary Jane shoes with stiletto heels. Black latex
opera gloves (The Diva had a glove fetish) slinked up her arms.
Instead of leaving her hair straight, she had braided it wet and then
had taken the braids out after they dried to give her hair a full, crin-
kled look. The Diva knew that full hair made one's hips look bigger,
and she wanted to draw attention to the high slit in her skirt a nd to
he r stockings as well as to her breasts.
Franco a rrived right on time, and The Diva led him into the living
room to exchange hugs and civilities. He presented The Diva with a
lovely, expensive bouquet of mixed flowers; she knew that this was a
good omen for the success of the evening. Franco took in he r outfit
and complimented her on th e perfectio n of her look while she
arranged the bouquet in a tall vase, which she then put on an antique
table. Franco himself was quite a find. He had deep-set dark brown
eyes and la rge soft lips, and a t five foot nine inches tall , weighing a
s lim 150 pounds with a small bone structure, he had the perfect slen-
de r body for latex. Since Franco was a hairdresser, he paid the same
careful attention to his own long, dark, curly hair as he did to that of
his clients . He also cut and dyed The Diva's hair and styled it for her
at her request. Franco was about ten years younger than The Diva,
Lovers 165
and he appreciated older women greatly and knew how they expected
to be treated. And Franco, realizing that this was to be a very special
evening, had worn his best latex to be a credit to his Diva.
Since The Diva had partially discussed this night's scenario with
him, Franco was prepared to be treated like a first-time slave, but he
did not know The Diva's entire plan. She knew he would comply with
her wishes, and she was tickled to death with what she had in store
for him. But now, it was time to begin the scenario. The Diva led
Franco into the chamber and assumed her place on the throne. She
pointed to a spot on the floor, and Franco immediately stood there,
awaiting her command.
As a Superior Female, she said to him, "So, you think you would
like to serve me. What makes you think you are worthy?"
Franco said nothing but hung his head in shame, not meeting her
eyes or looking into her face, playing their little game to the best of
his ability.
"No answer? You have no answer? Then I shall assume that you
are not worthy, and I will put you through a series of tests. But first,
I want to have a look at you to see if you meet my standards. You will
strip for me," The Diva said to him in a condescending tone. "First ,
take off your shirt. Now take off your boots and socks . Now I want
you to take off your pants."
Franco complied obediently with this familiar routine, neatly put-
ting his clothes to one side. The Diva very much enjoyed his strip
because she loved the sound that latex made when one put it on or
took it off. And Franco did have a lovely slender body as well as a
very long, lovely organ that she loved playing with. As soon as Franco
had stripped, he tried to cover himself with his hands. This, too, was
part o f their game.
"Hands at your sides! Don't you dare try to cover yourself! In my
presence, modesty is forbidden to you. All you are, all of your body is
mine to do with as I please," The Diva commanded sharply. Franco
immediately put his hands on the sides of his thighs, revealing to The
Diva that he already had an impressive erection.
The Diva continued , "The first thing that l will teac h you is that l
expect total and immediate obedience to my slightest whim and
desire. This choke collar will be a symbol of your servitude to me.
Each time, after you strip but before we begin, you will kiss the collar
166 The Female Dominant
as I hold it out to you; then, I will put in on you. For as long as you
wear the collar, you are mine to command and do with as I wish. Now
kiss it." Franco kissed the collar. "Bend your neck and hold your hair
up and out of the way." He did as he was told, and The Diva buckled
the collar around his neck. "Very good, slave. You are starting to get
the idea. You may prove worthy after all. Next, I will tell you my rules
that you are to commit to memory. You are not to speak unless
spoken to, unless it is an emergency. If an answer is required of you,
you are to add the phrase 'yes , Diva,' or 'no, Diva' to your reply in a
low respectful tone. You are not to look me in the face without my
express permission. Your eyes are to remain downcast at all times.
Do you unde rstand, slave?"
Although Franco knew the rules full well, The Diva's treatment of
him aroused him greatly. He said, "Yes, Diva, " in the tone he knew
she liked best just to please her.
Indeed pleased with his respectful reply, The Diva softened her
voice before continuing, "When you aren't performing some errand
or service for me, your place will be kneeling at my feet, quietly and
patiently awaiting my next command. And, of course, each command
given to you will be executed chee rfully and to the best of your abil-
ity. If you commit any infraction of my rules, or displease me in any
way, you will be disciplined in any way I see fit. The punishment shall
fit the crime, which means I may chose not to beat you but to punish
you in some other way. I may c hoose to make you kneel in the corner
and ignore you. I may put you in the cage or the closet for a few
hours . Or maybe I may put you in tight bondage, stop up your ears,
blindfold you, gag you, and leave you alone to contemplate the error
of your ways. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, Diva, I unde rstand," Franco answered in a very submissive
The Diva lifted Franco's chin a nd smiled at him. Still holding his
head up, she said, "You may look into my eyes for now, slave Franco."
Which he did. Then she went on, "I expect your arousal to be visible
to me at all times when we are alone and you are naked before me.
Your arousal and devotion to me please me greatly, and you should
e ndeavor to please me at all times. And remember, I employ the
punishment-and-reward system: punishment for bad behavior and
Lovers 167
reward for good behavior. But that decision is mine and mine alone.
Do we understand each other?"
"Yes we do, Diva," was Franco's devout response.
Pleased with his answer and demeanor, The Diva continued, "Now
I will teach you three of the positions I prefer my slaves to assume.
The first position is on your knees is front of me"-The Diva pointed
to a spot on the floor-"with your buttocks resting on your heels and
your hands clasped behind the small of your back. Your knees are to
be open wide so I can have free access to your genitals. This is a
casual position that you may be required to assume either facing me
or facing out. The facing-out position is one you would be most likely
to assume in a social setting." Because of long practice, Franco grace-
fully fell to his knees and perfectly assumed the position just as The
Diva had instructed.
Then she continued, "The second position is similar to the first,
but instead, you are to raise your buttocks up off your heels so that
you are 'standing up on your knees.' I will tell you to assume this
position when I want to put nipple clamps on you, or gag you, or slap
your face. When you are in position two, your arms will be either
clasped behind your neck or outstretched at shoulder level. This is a
punishment position. When you are in the arms-out position, you will
contemplate the error of your ways as the pain numbs your legs and
burns your shoulders. Sometimes I may elect to put glasses of water
on your upturned palms to increase the intensity of the punishment.
Of course, if you drop the glasses, you will be severely caned or
whipped. Have I made myself clear?"
"Yes, Diva, I understand and accept," Franco said, knowing just
what answer she expected and the tone she expected it in.
"Good , now I will proceed to the third, and for the time being, final
position. You are to be on your knees, with your head and shoulders
on the floor and your hips held high. Your legs are to be spread as
wide as possible. Do it!" The Diva commanded, and Franco immedi-
ately obeyed her. "Now you are to reach back, and with your hands
spread your cheeks apart." Franco did so.
The Diva rose from her throne and returned with some lube, two
large beads, and a remote-controlled rheostat. But from his posi-
tion on the floor, Franco could not see this. This was the part of the
168 The Female Dominant
scenario that The Diva had not discussed with him; this was her sur-
prise. As he held position three, she generously lubed the beads and
his anus. When he felt the cold lube on his anus, Franco inhaled audi-
bly but held the position. He gasped loudly when The Diva inserted
the two beads into his anus one at a time, but he didn't move. With
the beads deep inside him, she ordered him to rise and walk to the
opposite end of the room. When he was in the corner, The Diva
turned one of the knobs on the rheostat. The vibrating anal beads
were electrified and The Diva delivered to him a low-voltage shock.
Franco's reaction was instantaneous; he moaned and smiled at the
mild electric charge that had just been sent to his rectum. Then The
Diva pressed the other button, and the second bead joined its partner
in a vibrating but mild anal electrotorture. This was going to be an
interesting evening for sure!
The Diva then told Franco to get dressed; they had a club to go to,
friends to see, socializing to do. She gave him enough time to body
glide his latex and get into the tight sexy outfit he had worn before
she had inspected his appearance. Franco's appearance was always
more than acceptable, but protocol demanded that she find a minor
thing or two wrong with it. This time, she ordered Franco to tend to
his hair, which had indeed become a little disarrayed while he was in
position three. Then he helped her put her coat on, adding the pleas-
ant little touch of lifting her hair so that it didn't get caught under
the coat. After that, she ordered him to bring the car around so that
she did not have to walk to it. Franco left and returned very quickly
with the car; he must have found a spot very close to the house as
she barely had time to pick up her purse, which now contained the
rheostat. As soon as the car was in front of her door, Franco opened
the passenger-side door for her and then, walking back to the front
door, he stood beside her while she Jocked up the house. Giving her
his arm for support against the uneven sidewalk, he escorted her to
the car, helped her in, and closed the door for h er. Off they went
to the party.
While in the car, The Diva explained to Franco that she would allow
him some free time in the club-time to explore on his own, dance,
meet new people, and so on- but when she wanted him back, she
would use the rheostat to call him to her. When he was not on free
time, he was to stand behind her chair, a cigarette lighter at the
Lovers 169
ready, and as soon as her drink was empty, he was to inquire if she
wanted another and quickly return with it if she did. If his attention
wandered, he would be zapped. The more his attention wandered,
the higher the voltage would become. Franco smiled and responded
that he understood and would do his best to please her. Then he
thanked her for giving him free time and for thinking of such a clever
way to call him to her. They smiled at each other; they were old
friends and knew each other well. She leaned over and gently kissed
his cheek, leaving a slight imprint of her lipstick on his skin. She knew
he would wear this "badge of honor" with pride and try very hard
not to inadvertently wipe it off.
Franco pulled the car up in front of the club, opened the door for
The Diva, and helped her out of the car. She would wait in the foyer
while he parked the car, and they would enter the club together. Once
inside, Franco checked The Diva's coat and then rejoined her as she
greeted friends and introduced them to Franco. While he went to the
bar to get The Diva a drink, her Mistress friends admired him. They
were very impressed with Franco, his appearance, his demeanor, and
his attentiveness to The Diva. When he returned, she allowed them to
run their hands over him, play with his long curly hair, and spank his
latex-clad bottom, and she allowed him to kiss their hands or their
boots in homage. Franco behaved splendidly and, of course, loved all
the attention he was getting. The Diva could see the beginnings of an
erection in his pants, so she reached inside her purse and gave him a
little jolt with the rheostat-not a long one, just a moderate spike that
she could see register on his face. Her Mistress friends, thinking that
this was a sign of his arousal by them, redoubled their attentions.
They searched out his nipples and pinched them, they noticed the
start of his hard-on and teased him, and they bent him over the table
and spanked him some more, sometimes reaching between his legs
and playing with his cock through his latex pants. The Diva was
amused by this and let her friends play with him for as long as they
liked, as long as they did so in front of her. After all, Franco was The
Diva's property, and it was her responsibility to shield him and pro-
tect him from unwanted use.
Soon some of the Mistresses went off on their own concerns while
a few remained at the table with The Diva. Franco stood almost vigi-
lantly behind her chair and was unobtrusively attentive. He was quick
170 The Female Dominant
on the draw with the cigarette lighter and was quite the waiter when
it came to getting drinks and emptying ashtrays. Sometimes when he
went to the bar, The Diva would give him a zap, causing him to turn
around and smile at her. During one trip to the bar The Diva handed
the rheostat to one of her friends and told her to give him a moderate
zap. Franco immediately turned around to smile at The Diva, but
she held up her hands in an "I don't have it" gesture and shrugged.
He began to search the faces of the Mistresses to discern who had it,
but all of them dissembled very well, and he couldn't tell who was
presently in possession of the rheostat. Soon The Mistresses were
passing the rheostat to each other surreptitiously under the table,
and little zaps would shoot up Franco's ass without him knowing who
had zapped him. Since they all laughed each time he reacted to the
voltage being shot into him, the Mistress in possession of the rheostat
remained a mystery to him.
This went on for about an hour before The Diva decided that she
and Franco would go check out the rest of the club. After regaining
possession of the rheostat, he held her arm as they went downstairs
to the dance floor, dungeon, and other bar/lounge areas. They pro-
gressed through all the rooms, greeting friends and having a few
dances, during which The Diva gave him the occasional zap when she
wanted to see a little more hip action from him. She herself took great
pleasure in twirling and spinning so that the high slit of her dress
opened and exposed her leg and its sexy stocking. Finally, they sat
together at the bar for a drink after their exertions on the dance floor.
The Diva saw an ex-lover she wished to speak with privately so she
gave Franco the free time she had promised him. She told him she
would give him a good long zap when she wanted him to return. Then
she went off to spea k with her ex.
The Diva and her ex, Nigel , embraced warmly and exchanged
kisses on each cheek. They found seats together and caught up on
what had been happening with each of them since the last time they
had spoken. He was doing well with his computer business and
worked on Saturday afternoons in a famous local fetish shop. She told
him about her book contracts, her slaves, her funnier happenings that
h ad gone on in the sessions, and her slave/escort for the evening,
Franco. She showed Nigel the rheostat and told him about the beads,
which he found to be very amusing. A song came on that they both
Lovers 171
more than a dozen tall, thick white candles. The Diva, still clad in her
electric blue gown, was lying on her side on the bed; she appeared to
be floating on the black satin duvet cover like an exotic lake on a
black sand beach. He noticed that the only thing she had taken off
were her gloves. Then his eyes took in the entire scene. The bouquet
he had brought her earlier graced her dressing table, the fragrant
smell of the flowers pervaded the room, and their favorite music was
playing in the background. No toys were in sight except for the rheo-
stat on the bed near her hand and a barely concealed bottle of body
"Undress for me, Franco. Do it nice and slowly and to the music,"
The Diva said in a tone that showed her arousal.
Although tight latex isn't the easiest of garments to remove sexily,
Franco did quite well by just slowing down the regular actions one
would do to get out of latex clothing and stopping when, for example,
he reached his nipples so that The Diva could eat them up with her
eyes. When he pulled the shirt over his head, he paused so that his
shirt covered his face; he then became just a body for The Diva's
desires, a faceless slave to be used for her pleasure. When removing
his pants, he pulled them down to the top of his groin without expos-
ing his erection and used his slender body to snake dance. The Diva
was increasingly pleased by his performance and very excited by it
too. As Franco continued to remove his pants, he turned around and
rolled them down, exposing his small tight buttocks. Instead of the
silly butt wiggling most slaves would do at this juncture, he bent
slightly at the waist, stood still, and looked over his shoulder into her
eyes. The Diva found this to be much sexier than butt wiggling. Slowly
turning to face her again, he slipped his hands down his pants and
rolled them down just a little more-his eyes never leaving her face .
As for The Diva, Franco's sexy body, the c reativity, the grace and
slowness of his strip, and the look in his eyes were making her creamy.
A dreamy look came over her face that she knew he was not only
aware of but also knew the meaning of.
Before Franco could get his pants off, he had to remove his boots.
To someon_e else this could be a clumsy process, but not for Franco.
Facing the nearest wall, he put both hands on it in an "up against the
wall and spread 'em" position and used one boot to take off the other
and then remove the other boot with his socked foot. The "spread
Lovers 173
'em" position seen in so many cop shows was a very submissive one
in The Diva's eyes, and her excitement grew. Casually pushing his
boots to the side, Franco walked toward her and began to roll down
his pants a little more with each step. His slow sinuous movement as
he walked and the languid way he continued to roll down his pants
made The Diva breathe heavier with each step he took. Sliding his
hand down the side of his pants, Franco used his wrists in an out-
ward motion to roll them down far enough so that his beautiful cock
sprang free. The Diva gasped her approval and motioned for him to
Franco complied happily, feeling the electricity emanating from The
Diva and filling the whole room. He was very aware of the beads still
in his ass, although they were not being used at this time. His erec-
tion was impressive, and from The Diva's pleasure with him tonight,
he knew he would be richly rewarded. As his pants cleared his hips
and his sack sprang free to join his erection, he now had to get the
latex pants down the rest of his legs. Not an easy thing to do and
something that required some thought before attempting. Continuing
his sinuous walk toward the bed, he lay down on it on his back,
pulled his legs up to his chest, and using one hand for each leg, he
rolled them off inside out, taking his socks off along with the pants.
Then, with a graceful, catlike motion, he slinked off the bed. The Diva
rolled over onto her side, luxuriating in the feel of her latex against
the satin duvet cover, never taking her eyes off Franco for even a
second, and letting her sexuality mount unchecked. Finally, standing
naked before her, Franco moved and swayed gently to the music,
turning slowly so she could see all of him but without making any of
those clownish motions he knew she did not like.
"Come here, Franco. Join me on the bed ," The Diva said softly. It
was the most seductive command he had ever heard .
He walked s lowly to the bed, not wanting to appear too eager or in
any way entitled, and stretched out next to her, face to face. Moving
closer to him, The Diva ran her hands over Franco's body. His black-
on-black bedroom eyes , deep liquid pools of sensuality, held hers as
she touched, caressed, and fondled him. His skin was smooth, soft,
and hairless, except for his groin; even the skin of his circumcised
cock was silky soft and without blemish. His sack was high, tight, and
close to his body. He moaned in ecstasy as she caressed his genitals
174 The Female Dominant
and moved her body closer to his. Her latex was cool against his
warm skin, but the coolness excited him further. He threw his arm
around her and hugged her as she fondled him. She began to kiss his
face, light gentle kisses on his forehead , cheeks, eyelids, nose, and,
finally, on his large soft lips.
When Franco felt The Diva's tongue gently tease and probe his lips,
he opened his mouth and responded to her. They began to kiss slowly
and sensually, taking their time, letting their passion build but in a
controlled manner to prolong their enjoyment. There would be no
rooting around like pigs but rather The Diva leisurely pleasuring her-
self while rewarding her slave.
In time, their kisses became more passionate, their bodies pressed
closer together and soft sexual moans could be heard coming from
The Diva while Franco's passion expressed itself in deeper, mascu-
line, growling sounds. The Diva's thighs were creamy from Franco's
kisses and his lovely erection pressed against her, occasionally rub-
bing across her swollen cunt and making her groan with pleasure and
desire. She wanted to come, and she wanted Franco, her dear friend
and slave for the night, to come too. She reached for the body glide
and liberally applied it to his gorgeous hard-on, rubbing him sensually
as she did so.
Then, gently turning in his arms so that her back was to him, she
rolled them both onto their stomachs on the bed; his naked body
pressed against her back, covered in the now-warm latex. While his
head was buried under her hair, kissing her neck, she reached for the
She spread her legs and said, "Wrap your arms around me, Franco,
and hold me close."
Franco's arm encircled her, and one arm reached down far enough
to hold her hips up off the bed. She creamed when he did this, it was
one of her favorite positions. She worked her own hand underneath
herself and buried it between her legs, greatly aided by the high slit
in her ball gown.
"Now, Franco, my dear Franco, pretend you are taking me from
behind; pretend that we are lovers. I shall use my hand, and you will
go through the motions of penetration against my dress. We shall
come together, you and I; you on the outside of my dress and me on
Lovers 175
the inside of it." The passion in her voice was unmistakable; her
arousal could not be denied, and neither could his, and the room
already smelled of sex.
He began to stroke himself against her dress as she had so seduc-
tively commanded, slowly and gently in rhythm with the motion of
her hand and hips. Her well-conditioned latex was somewhat slippery
and the generous amount of body glide she had so lovingly applied to
his cock felt wonderful as he stroked. As his strokes got a little faster
and harder, The Diva used her free hand to turn on both beads with
the rheostat, setting a low constant voltage with the occasional sharp
spike to egg Franco on. As the intensity of his strokes increased, The
Diva edged up the voltage with the rheostat and the occasional spikes
she gave him became more intense. There was no denying that the
electricity from the rheostat spurred Franco on and increased her
passion and pleasure as her hand moved between her creamy, sticky
Finally, The Diva could wait no more, and she knew that Franco
was as ready as she was. "Let's come, Franco, let's come together."
She needed no verbal response from him, she felt him go into his
come stroke and held on until she felt his body jerk. At that very
instant, she pressed her button and had the most smashing orgasm.
Spent, they lay there wrapped up in each other until their passionate
intensity turned into the afterglow of appetites satisfied and needs
met, the rheostat no longer emitting its charge.
Quite a long time passed before Franco rolled off her and lay flat on
his back. She was still on her stomach, not yet ready to move, relish-
ing the stickiness between her thighs and the looseness of her limbs.
Quietly, so as not to disturb her, Franco got up and came back into
the bedroom with their cigarettes and a selection of beverages. Over
his arm was a warm wet towel that he used to clean his pearl jam off
her dress. He lit a cigarette, gave it to her, and then poured her a
glass of sweet lemony iced tea. Before she accepted either, she
reached out her arm and pulled him to her for a deep kiss. Then she
took both the cigarette and glass with a smile.
"You may go into the bathroom and remove the beads now, Franco.
Bathe if you want to, and then return to me as quickly as possible,"
The Diva said gently.
176 The Female Dominant
Franco thanked her and hurried down the hall to obey. She could
hear that he was taking what she called a "birdbath," not a full
shower, but kneeling in the tub and using the removable showerhead
to thoroughly wet and wash himself. She had taught him how to take
the quick yet effective birdbath herself; it was especially good if one
wanted to be clean without getting one's hair wet.
Franco returned to the bedroom in the freshly washed nude to find
that The Diva ha d taken off her dress and shoes but left he r sexy
black thigh highs on. The duvet cover had been pulled back, and only
one candle remained lit. The music was softer and sexier than before
and the volume was lower. The Diva was already ensconced in the
large bed and patted the place next to her. Franco was to stay the
night, and they would cuddle while they slept. His deep dark eyes
looked into hers as he climbed into the bed . She immediate ly turned
onto her side next to him and put her head on his chest, a position
familiar and comfortable to both of them. His arm curled around her
and held her close. She fell asleep in no time at all.
Franco, on the other hand, lay there for a long time thinking about
the wonderful experience they had shared. He loved her, he loved her
when she was The Mistress, he loved her when she was The Diva,
but most of all he loved her when she was just herself. Finally, he fell
into a light sleep, constantly aware of her body pressed so close, so
trustingly to his.
Right up until the moment the slave first came into my presence and
1 imposed my will on him, he had fancied himself a dominant male.
Many "masters" had come to me to explore their submissive sides,
but they had no true understanding of submission, of how to surren-
der to the ir inner desires and of what to do to become my slave. So
they had remained "tops" and played the top game, all the while wait-
ing for the one woman whose caress would awaken them from their
long sleep.
I knew him to be my slave before h e knew me to be his Mistress.
We saw each other at a party, I was there with friends-he, alone. He
Lovers 177
was tall, with long, straight dark hair pulled back in a ponytail , deep-
set bedroom eyes, and a swimmer's well-toned body. He was well
dressed; his black leather pants clung tightly to his ass and hugged
his thighs. His white Lord Byron shirt was a perfect contrast to his
good looks, and his green eyes glowed with sexuality. This man was a
very romantic figure indeed, and I could just bet that any number of
female slaves were his for the taking. All through the evening I felt
him watching me, and whenever I turned, wherever I was, he was just
a few feet away. Still believing himself to be dominant, this handsome
man with a whip hanging from his belt made me curious, so I got a
slave to give me a foot massage so that I could observe this master.
I was quite cruel to the slave serving me just to show this man that I
was a top and not for him unless he was ready to submit to me and
become my slave.
A month later we ran into each other at another party. Dropping
our dominant personas like coats c hecked for convenience, we sat
and talked for a couple of hours and found we had a few important
"outs ide" things in common-a love of the beach and a penchant
for bookstores and a ntique and secondhand shops. When I said I
was tired and wanted to leave, he offered to drive me home. We
exchanged numbe rs at my front door and after a sweet, almost chaste
kiss, we parted company. He promised to call me, I promised myself
not to hold my breath. The next day he called and we made a date for
It was a work holiday, and he came over around three, empty-
handed, not even a cheap bouquet of flowers in hand. Handsome as
he was, this ma n needed to be ta ught the manners of a gentleman
before he could be taught how to be a proper slave. We went out for
a bite to eat a nd had the restaurant all to o urselves. We spent a
couple of hours talking over our meal. At least he paid for the meal.
Maybe it was because that was his intention all along, or maybe it
was because I looked away when the check arrived and made no
move to reach for my purse. Then at my suggestion, we went back to
my place. We hadn't been on the black leather sofa for five minutes
when he tried to pull me onto his lap. I slapped him hard across the
face and asked him what he tho ught he was doing. He looked
absolutely astonished that I had slapped him. Then I told him that a
gentleman didn't behave in that manner and that I was not his for the
178 The Female Dominant
female submissive who expected her sexual exploits with her master
to be held in confidence. And I had often wondered how the woman
felt to be commanded to procure another female for him. Did it make
her feel inadequate, unable to fulfill her master's desires? Was it plain
greed on the master's part? Was it a very good excuse for him to fool
around with another woman? Or was it just to bolster his fragile male
ego? I suspected it was all those things.
To set him at ease, I offered him tea. I served it in my silver tea
set, on a silver tray but my manner was that of a good hostess, not
that of a fem ale slave. Over tea, I turned the conversation to more
casual subjects, feeling that I had pushed him enough for one
evening. I knew he would be back. After tea, I said that it was getting
late. He took the hint and thanked me for the lovely afternoon and
evening. As he stood in the doorway, he asked if he could call me
again later on in the week. I smiled and said yes. Deep inside of me, I
knew I had won the battle, if not the war. After all, he must like me
before he could become submissive to me; if not, all he would be was
rebellious. And to me, dominance and submission is not a contest
of wills.
At four o'clock sharp on Saturday, the phone rang. I let it ring four
times before pic king it up. "Let him think I forgot," I thought to myself.
When I picked it up, I said "hello" in a deep sleepy voice, although
I was not sleeping. I could hear the relief in his voice that I had
answered, and he asked courteously if he had woken me up. My little
ploy had worked; the four rings a nd the sleepy voice did make him
think I had forgotten. But would he show up with at least one of the
aforementioned "gifts?" We exchanged pleasantries, confirmed his six
o'clock a rrival, and said that we should have dinner together. I didn't
say that I wanted to "order in." Although he didn't know it, "dinner in"
was one of my little tests for potential submissives. I would place the
order; he would answer the door a nd pay for the delivery, then under
my instruction and supervision, serve the dinner, clear the table, and
place the dirty dishes and cutlery in the dishwasher. He was lucky
that I had a dishwasher; otherwise, he would have to wash the dishes
by ha nd!
At o ne minute to six, my doorbell rang. Before answering it, I
peeked out t he fro nt window. There he was , freshly showered and
shaved, with a rather nice bouquet of flowers in hand. Good! At least
he could be taught how to treat a lady properly and that would make
him easier to train as a submissive. I hated a man, even in a vanilla
situation, who was too cheap or too boorish to behave like a gentle-
man. After all, was a ten-dollar bouquet or a box of chocolates too
extravagant an expenditure for a n evening with a lady? I think not. I
straightened my sleek black dress, checked my coiffure and makeup,
and answered the door with a welcoming smile. I gestured him in,
and he gave me the bouquet as we exchanged European-style kisses,
one on each check. I thanked him graciously for the flowers, took his
coat, and escorted him to the Jiving room and asked him to wait while
I tended to the flowers .
I returned to the Jiving room with his bouquet in a vase and placed
it in a "position of honor" on the mantel over the fireplace. The mirror
Lovers 181
over the fireplace reflected the flowers, making the bouquet look much
larger than it was. The bouquet was flanked by tall taper candles in
brass candlesticks that I had found in an antique shop, as well as
framed photos and other decorative items from people and places
around the world that were close to my heart. I turned to him, smiled,
and asked him if he would like some wine. He said yes. In the kitchen,
I put the wine, a glass, and corkscrew, plus a tall glass of iced tea with
four ice cubes and a good squeeze of lemon for myself on the same
silver tray I had used to serve tea on his first visit and entered the
living room smiling. I placed the tray on the coffee table in front of the
sofa and sat down about a foot away from him. I told him I wasn't ve ry
good at uncorking wine and asked him to do the honors. He complied
quite graciously; he even poured the wine himself, just as I had
expected him to do. Then we toasted to our health and happiness.
We sat conversing and sipping our drinks. As darkness fell and the
room grew cooler a nd dimmer, I lit several candles and turned on two
lamps that were at opposite ends of the room and that had 25-watt
pink lightbulbs in them. Then I asked him if he knew how to make a
fire. I just love the crackle and glow of a fire . Who doesn't? But as it
turned out, he didn't know how, so I offered to show him. What I actu-
ally meant was that I was going to tell him what to do and he would
do it. On our knees together in front of the fireplace, I told him how to
place the kindling, handed him the Duralog to put over it, and told
him how to place the firewood over it all. Then, I handed him the long
fireplace matches and pointed out where to insert the match so that
the kindling would catch and ignite the Duralog, which would in turn
light the firewood. I told him he had done well for a "first timer." He
didn't even notice that I hadn't done anything other than hand him
the matches. So far, so good.
The crackle and roar of the fire, its warm, flickering glow, and the
soft candlelight made the living room very intimate, very sexy. Indeed,
the fire made it seem like there was nowhere else in the world but
the living room; that the rest of the world had somehow disappeared
and taken all its occupants with it. It was quite lovely, and I could tell
he was enjoying it as muc h as I was. We sat on the sofa, sometimes
speaking, sometimes just sitting quietly and staring into the fire . The
primal and mesmerizing force of fire unfailingly had that effect on
everyone; beautiful yet dangerous, accessible yet mysterious, fire was
182 The Female Dominant
most cooperative; I was very pleased with not only his acceptance of
my instructions and his willingness to perform these actions but his
potential as a submissive. I smiled to myself that he was acting like a
slave and didn't even realize it. The iron hand in the velvet glove usu-
ally worked better than the iron hand alone, especially with a man
who fancied himself dominant. These things had to be done slowly
and in their proper order.
Once the table was set, we sat on the sofa, again mesmerized by
the fire until the doorbell rang a few minutes later. Like a good little
boy, like a proper gentleman, and like a good slave, he hurried to the
door to pay for the delivery. I heard him tell the delivery person to
keep the change. Good, very good. He returned to the living room,
bag in hand, and asked where I would like it. I "suggested" that he
clear the coffee table of the tray and lay out the dishes there, buffet
style. When he was in the kitchen, I called out to him to bring several
large serving spoons from the cutlery drawer, which he did. Then he
unpacked the bag and placed the tin take-out dishes on the table;
entrees with entrees, appetizers with appetizers, and bread with
bread. I told him to leave the entrees covered so they wouldn't get
cold while we enjoyed the bread and appetizers. When he came to
the table to get his own dish, I handed him mine. He didn't seem the
least bit surprised. He divided the appetizers in half, and at my sug-
gestion, he served half of the bread with them, leaving the other half
for dipping in the sauces of the entrees.
We talked when our mouths were not full of the delicious spicy
appetizers. 1 explained to him what each one was-which ones were
finger foods versus fork foods, which dipping sauces were aromatic,
and which ones were hot. I laughed kindly when he took too much of
the hot sauce, and tears ran from his eyes and his nose started to
run. I excused him from the table to go clean himself up and to drink
some milk; then, I graciously gestured him back into his chair on his
return. He was laughing at his misadventure and I laughed with him.
I like a sense of humor in a man, vanilla or submissive, especially
when he has the ability to laugh at himself.
The appetizers finished , I asked him to clear the table of the used
dishes. On his return from the kitchen, he automatically brought both
of our plates to the buffet. He was a fast learner too, all the better; I
hated to repeat myself. I told him I liked a line of rice down the
184 The Female Dominant
that they can have a good look at my wrist buried in their opening
and their hole stretched to accommodate me. I wiggle my fin gers
inside of them and make them tell me whic h finger that one was. If
their answer is incorrect, I punish them by ma king a fist and pulling
it out of them, instead of my hand. I like t o cruppe r la rge plugs or
dildos into them while they serve me. I love watching them insert
large objects up their anuses at my command and making them push
their own fingers and hand into themselves. I love the way their ho les
gape open after I have used them, a nd to humiliate them, I look up
their rectum."
I said nothing but moved in closer to him as he confided more a nd
more of what were actually his own desires to me. As he spoke, my
desire for him increased and his pheromones assaulted me. I knew
why he was reluctant to say that these were the things he wanted
done to him; these things he had dreamed about as he put himself in
the s lave's place. Fear of being called a homosexual, fear of con-
fronting that he would enjoy surre ndering his own most intimate,
most taboo opening to a wo ma n, fear that once his demon was
released he wo uld not be able to control it. Thus, he took control of
it in his female s laves. I waited for him to go on.
"When they need to be disciplined, I do not beat them with a whip,
1 ma ke them get on their knees, shoulders to the floor. Then I order
the m to spread their c heeks, and I punc h or slap their anuses,
depending on the severity of the infraction committed. When I want
oral sex, I face fuc k them or use my hands to hold their heads and
push their mouth down on my cock until they gag. Sometimes, with
the proper coaching, one of them will be able to swallow my length,
and I count out how many strokes I can get in before she retches for
air. Not often enough, I can make one throw up from my deep thrust-
ing into he r mouth." He took a deep breath and looked into the fire. I
took his hand and said nothing. Inside I was thrilled; my instinct had
been right, I could almost read his mind and see that he was putting
himself into the slave's place. He didn't even think to ask me what I
liked to do as a domina.
It was getting late a nd he had had enough for one evening. We sat
until I felt his mood change, and then I passed a surprised comment
on the time. He took the hint and prepared to go. I escorted him to
the door and gave him a soft lingering kiss on the lips on his way out.
186 The Female Dominant
him and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. He looked
pleased at my attentions as I ran my hand up and down his almost
hairless chest inside of his shirt. I tweaked his nipples and he sighed;
they were very sensitive but actually had nothing to do with my plan.
This was just his warm-up time-the time he needed to get used to
me slowly but surely taking control. I continued to run my hands over
his chest, lightly dragging my nails on his skin and using my fingertips
to offset their sharp square-filed edges. I did this until he finished his
wine; he downed it so fast that he got a little tipsy right away. The n I
asked him to stand up and take off his shirt; I said I wanted a good
look at what felt so beautiful under my hands . Highly pleased by my
compliment, he stood and stripped off his shirt, proudly showing me
his well-toned, nicely muscled chest and a rms. Then I opened my
knees and asked him to kneel between them at the edge of the sofa.
In a sexy voice, I told him I wanted to run my hands over his chest
and arms without the encumbrance of his shirt. He did not hesitate
for one second, and I made a most feminine show of appreciation as
I touched him .
After a few minutes of this, I patted the sofa next to me to invite
him to sit and poured him another glass of wine. He sat and accepted
the wine, making a small toast to me before drinking. Now I wanted
him to take off his pants, but I continued to play my coy little game to
lure him in. I sat very close to him, c urled my legs up onto the sofa,
and leaned against his shoulder as he drank his wine. I watched him
carefully, looking for any signs that he thought he was falling into the
role of the master. There were none; he was just a man e njoying the
attentions of a playful woman. I was playing a dangerous game, and I
had to plan each move carefully to make him mine. But so far things
were progressing according to my plan, and I expected no difficulties
in getting him to disrobe entirely at my gentle, politely phrased com-
mands . After I stripped him of his clothes, I would tenderly begin to
strip him of his inhibitions.
As he sat drinking his wine, I ran a hand up and down his thigh.
With the other, I played with his long, straight dark hair. He luxuri-
ated under my touch as I pulled his hair firmly and raked my nails like
a comb over his scalp and then massaged his head. All this time, the
other hand was busy touching his thigh and drifting closer and closer
to the hard bulge that had appeared in his pants. Occasionally, I
188 The Female Dominant
would "accide ntally" go up too far and brush the back of my hand
against his bulge, then withdraw it as if embarrassed at having
to uched him the re. When he finished his wine, 1 took the glass from
him and placed it o n the table, telling him to stay comfortable
and relaxed. Then I suggested that he let me remove his shoes-he
would be so much more comfortable without them. I knelt before him
and efficie ntly removed his shoes and then positioned myself
between his legs, whic h had s pread while I had played with his hair
and rubbed his thigh . One hand on each knee, I smiled up at him and
gave a throaty laugh a t our "sudden" intimacy.
He leaned forward to pour himself another glass of wine, quite
aware that his handsome chest would come very close to my face .
Although 1 did not accept his obvious invitation to kiss and rub my
face on his chest or give in to my own d esire to do so, I purred and
wiggled my hips in appreciation of his proximity. Again, I smelled his
pheromones and became very aroused. 1 knew my spell was working,
on both of us. After he sat bac k, I knelt up and put one hand on e ither
side of his s houlders a nd teased his c hest with my long, straight
auburn hair. His third glass of wine was beginning to have the desired
effect. He c huckled a t the new sensation , and 1 la ughed from under-
neath my veil of hair. Then, I flung my hair back from my face. I knew
I looked love ly whe n 1 did this , and from the look on his face, h e
tho ught so too. I ra n my hands down his chest, my eyes cast down,
although I could see from beneath my lashes that his eyes never left
me. I knelt down be tween his legs. My h ands played over his belt,
a nd 1 coyly pretended to grow bolde r. Slowly, 1 unbuc kled his belt. He
made no move to stop me; after a ll, weren 't all me n greedy pigs when
it came to the possibility of having their cocks touched?
After 1 had unbuckled his belt, I remained on the floor between his
open legs a nd massaged his thighs and calves; I even spent a short
amount of time massaging his feet through his socks. I felt the tension
flow out of him and continued with my plan, massaging him and
touching him until he was completely at ease. Except for my la tex
o utfit, this could have been a vanilla date . I gave him a fini shing
caress and c urled up on the sofa very close to him. He put his arm
a round me and I la id my h ead o n his c hest , my fingertips making
gentle circles on his chest. 1 noticed he wasn't sipping his wine as
quickly now and thought to myself "good." I didn't want him drunk,
Lovers 189
just relaxed. I didn't want him to claim that I had taken advantage of
him while he was too intoxicated to know what was happening and
consent to it.
His head was resting on the back of the sofa, his eyes were closed,
and every inch of his body told me he was thoroughly enjoying my
attentions-the night's entertainment-only who was being enter-
tained? I moved my hand from his chest down to the top of his
unbuckled belt and gently unbuttoned his black jeans, dipping my
hand in them only as far as the extra space would allow. I would not
push or importune; I had the entire night to accomplish my goal and
begin to give him some of his secret desires. I continued to play with
his chest, only occasionally "dipping" my hand into the top of his
jeans. Very shortly, he reached down and unzipped his jeans; I helped
him by holding the waistband up to make the unzipping easier. Since
this was obviously an invitation to touch him more intimately, I
did take him up on it, but not immediately. No sudden plunging, no
sudden reaching for his cock, which was now an all-out pole in his
jeans, just the same gentle caressing that only now included touching
his cock through his blac k jockey shorts. He moaned softly each time
my silken touch moved over his cock, and I was greatly satisfied by
this. All the better to bend you to my will, my dear, I thought.
Soon he gently disengaged me from his encircling arm and stood
up. Without asking, he removed his socks and jeans. As he took off
his jeans, 1 took in every inch of his body. He had long, lean almost
hairless legs and a great ass with nice tight cheeks. Finishing, he
reseated himself on the sofa, wrapping his arm around my shoulders
and drawing me close. I was very pleased with the toy I had chosen
to play with and silently congratulated myself on having made such a
fine choice. In just a few moments, I suggested that we would be more
comfortable on the floor in front of the fire. I gestured for him to
remain seated while I went to get a large, faux fur throw from the bed-
room. Then 1 added another couple of logs to the fire and tossed the
throw onto the floor in fro nt of it. I smilingly gestured that he take
up a position on it. He stretched out on his stomach full length,
almost catlike, and I couldn't help but admire his good looks and lean
physique. What a great catch this one was!
I stretched out on my stomach next to him and togethe r we gazed
into the fire, relaxing into our new positions, our bodies very close.
190 The Female Do minant
He didn 't seem to find it at all odd that he was wearing only his
jockey shorts while I was fully dressed in latex. I rolled over onto my
side and again began to play with his beautiful, long hair. Then I ran
my nails up and down his back. Since he obviously enjoyed this, I
suggested that I give him a real massage. He agreed immediately, and
I got up to get the lube that I was going to use as a massage lotion. He
wouldn't know the difference because I had bought the water-based
kind made for women, which didn't cake or get sticky. It would feel
like regular lotion to him. Although he didn't know it, I also took out
the black latex gloves. 1straddled him and sat on his lovely ass. Then
I squeezed a large dollop of the lube/lotion into my hands, rubbed
them together to make the lube warm, and set my hands on his back,
spreading the lube all around in large circular motions. He moaned in
pleasure under my tender ministration. Then I set myself to giving
him a real massage.
Moving his long, dark hair out of the way, I started at his neck and
shoulders, gently at first, and then I used my strong thumbs and fin-
gers to find the knots and stress spots and worked them out. I mas-
saged his shoulders, digging my fingers into the declivities of his
muscles front and back and eliciting moans from him. I continued
down his arms, one at a time, and finished each arm by giving him a
hand massage. Then I returned to his back, briefly massaging his
shoulders again before moving down his back to his shoulder blades
and trapezoid muscles. His traps were so tight I used my elbows to
work out the kinks, and then I gently folded one arm at a time behind
his back and attended to the muscles under his shoulder blades.
Next, I worked both hands up and down each of his sides in a com-
bination thumb and finger action. By this time he was ve ry relaxed
beneath my hands. His body was almost hairless; he was firm with
hardly any body fat, and his skin was smooth and supple and a joy to
my fingers. I dislike hairy bodies and usually shave them.
I massaged up and down the sides of his spine and then massaged
his lower back. Moving on to his legs and thighs, I kneaded his firm
flesh between my fingers and thumbs. I made certain that after I was
finished with his legs, my hands were at his lovely tight ass. There
was no tension at all left in his body: I had kneaded it all away, even
his fingers were loose and curled in a natural position. I leaned for-
ward and lightly lay against his back. I whispered in his ear, asking
Lovers 191
him if he would mind if I took off his underwear to massage his ass.
He murmured that he didn't mind at all and helped me by raising his
hips as I pulled his shorts down and off. I relubed my hands and set
to work on the object of my desire, and of his. He moaned as I dug my
fingers into his glutes, seeking out knots and tight spots. I knew a spe-
cial spot that never failed to elicit groans of pleasure; it was on either
side of the sweet spot just below the anus. 1 drove my thumbs into it,
increasing the pressure slowly until he was groaning with pleasure.
As quietly as I could, I slipped on the black latex gloves that had
been beside me for the entire massage. I lubed them well and gently
began to spread his cheeks. He didn't tense up or try to clench his
cheeks closed; he lay there as if he had been expecting this all along.
In a psychic flash, I read in his mind that he was not only expecting it
but desiring of it, too. I caressed his anus, making sure that he didn't
clench or change his mind and letting him know that I wasn't going to
hurt him. Actually, I did plan on hurting him; but not tonight; tonight
would be a gentle introduction to his deepest desires, and when he
was ready for more, I would give 1it to him.
His opening was very tight; it was clear he was a "virgin," and I was
thoroughly going to enjoy deflowering him. Slowly I worked my index
finger into his anus, and when he started to tense up, I said to him in
the most hypnotic voice I had at my command that he was to take ten
deep breaths and to push down when I penetrated him with my
finger. To help him further, I began to breathe loudly and s lowly so
that he could match his breathing to mine. After the ten deep breaths,
I told him to keep breathing deeply. Then I began to penetrate him
further with my index finger. He was pushing down as well as breath-
ing deeply, and in no time at all, my finger was as far up his anus as
it could go. I began to stroke in and out of him, slowly and gently,
giving him much pleasure and making him ache for more. I played
with his opening, stretching the muscle until it had loosened up
enough to take two fingers at once. Lubing my middle finge r, I pre-
pared to enter him with both fingers.
Withdrawing my index finger, 1 gently worked both fingers back
inside him. When he felt the extra finger entering him, he moaned
and tried to tense up again, but I told him to continue his deep
breathing and to push down. He obeyed me, and 1 gently worked both
fingers into him. His muscles were tight around my fingers, and I
192 The Female Dominant
trol him, but to calm him. I spoke to him in a low seductive tone of
voice, not even thinking about what I was saying, only caring that my
words soothed him as I pushed the dildo farther into him. When his
upper muscle tensed up, I stretched out next to him, my cool latex-
encased body right up against his hot naked one, and threw one leg
over his legs, holding the dildo in place as I did this.
Kissing him on his face and lips, nuzzling his neck, and whispering
into his ear, I felt the upper muscle relax and I pushed the dildo past
it. His cry was one of pain and the n of pleasure as the exquisite sen-
sation overcame him. He lay there panting and moaning as I contin-
ued to kiss and caress his face a nd neck and hold the dildo inside
him. He grabbed me with the arm closest to me a nd held me to him;
he hugged me tightly and kissed my face with great passion. When his
lips met mine, I parted them and felt his tongue enter my mouth. He
was a gifted kisser, and 1 was surprised to feel myself getting wet from
sexual arousal , not from the power I had over him. I lay next to him
and relished his kisses for several more minutes as I gently worked
the dildo inside him until his sweet anus had taken all of it.
Disengaging myself from his delicious ly passionat e kisses and
encircling arm, I held the dildo in him while I slowly moved onto his
back. The hand holding the dildo was underneath me, but now I
would use my body to ho ld the dildo inside him. Withdrawing my
hand and replacing it with my pudendum, 1wrapped my arms around
him in a combination of an embrace and control of his movements . I
buried my face in his long hair, nibbled his shoulders, and whispered
filthy words in his ear as I started to move my hips gently against the
broad base of the dildo. His arms grabbed mine and held on to me; he
arched his neck back so that his face could be closer to mine as I
penetrated him with my silicone penis. My legs wrapped themselves
around his of their own accord as I rocked and thrust into him. His
ultimate act o f submission to me, the complete s urrender o f his most
intimate opening, was transcende ntal, and at that moment, nothing
else existed in the world except the two of us and our mutual pleas-
ure. The She-Wolf threw her head back and howled while the heart of
the human woman rejoiced.
As our mutual pleasure and arousal inc reased , I began to pump
against him harder a nd harder. He met my hips, helping me to pene-
trate and probe him, consenting to his own s urre nder. I used my
194 The Female Dominant
move my lower body off him to withdraw the dildo completely, but I
kept my upper body on top of his back. He groaned as I did so; I knew
the feeling of being vacated after such an impassioned experience, so
I kissed his back and shoulders to lessen as well as intensify the feel-
ing. After I had pulled the dildo out of him , I lay down on my back
next to him. He put his head on my shoulder and threw one arm
across my chest . I hugged him to me and kissed the top of his head.
His thick ha ir was a little damp a nd clung to his neck and shoulders
in errant strands, but our proximity to the fire would soon dry it. My
human side found this endearing. The She-Wolf howled in joy and vic-
tory at he r conquest. I smiled and held him closer. 1 was already plan-
n ing our next encounter.
The insiste nt jangle of the phone intruded on the s ublime space I was
in , a place I didn't want to leave. 1 was deep in fantasy-world thinking
about the very successful and erotic encounter I had had with my
new toy just a few nights before. Since I have not yet mentioned his
na me, I will tell it to you now. His name was Jean Luc, and saying it
was like music to my ears. Perhaps that is why I didn't wish to share
it with you sooner. But the phone was still ringing. Should I let the
machine pick up or should I a nswer? The machine, of course, that is
what machines are for-to keep out the unwanted. I listened to my
own voice and then the caller spoke. I let him speak for a few sec-
onds before I picked up the receive r. It was Jean Luc, his voice like
sweet melted butterscotch, saying that h e was disappo inted that I
was not ho me a nd that I could call him or that h e would call another
"Hello ?" I said , pretending that he had awakened me and that I
didn't recognize his voice. "Who is it?"
"Lovely one, it is Jean Luc. Did I wake you? Shall I call you back
another time?" h e aske d solicitously.
"No, no, I must have d ozed off for a little while. We can speak now."
I pretended to shake myself awake as I tho ught of his beautiful, long,
196 The Female Dominant
dark hair, his wonderful physique, and hairless body, and most of all,
how he had surrendered to me. I knew from his voice that he had
been thinking of his surrender too.
"How are you, Claudia?"
"I was a bit bored, which is probably why I dozed off. I am glad
that you called and broke the monotony. It has been such a dull day
and dozing off at seven in the evening is so very-normal," I replied in
a lazy but sexy voice.
He laughed, and then there was a pause. "Would it be possible to
break the dullness of your evening by coming over for a visit? I mean,
of course, if it is not too little notice and you feel like having com-
pany ... " Jean Luc trailed off hesitantly.
I pretended to think about it for a minute, just to hear him hold
his breath as he awaited my decision. After all, I would be breaking
my own rule of no same-night dates. In spite of my rule, I heard
myself saying, "Yes, I think that would be nice. How about eight
Eighty thirty would be just fine, lovely lady," he said. "I will see you
I knew from the way he spoke, the way that he called me "lady,"
and his general demeanor that he was hoping for a repeat of our last
encounter. Since I was reliving it in my mind when he called, he was
going to get exactly what he had hoped for and then some. It was
time to take him one step further down the golden path of anal dom-
inance and submission. I got up, stretched, and went off to dress for
the evening's encounter.
I chose a black latex sleeveless top that laced up the front so that
I could tease him with my lovely breasts and a floor-length black latex
skirt with a high slit on the left leg. To take away from the severity of
the outfit, I wore black lace-top, thigh-high stockings, the tops of
which would show when I walked, and regular black patent-leather
pumps with five-inch heels. I left my arms bare and pulled my hair
up in a loose French twist with curled strands left loose to soften my
face and show off my small square shoulders. I would let my hair
down later for added effect at the proper moment. My eye makeup
was medium dark, but my lipstick was a very dark and shiny red. I
had just enough time to load the CD player, light the fire and candles,
throw the faux fur rug on the floor in front of the fireplace, and start
Lovers 197
the incense burning before the doorbell rang. The bathroom prepa-
rations would be done in front of him; a way to obtain his silent con-
sent by allowing him to witness them.
1 took my time answering the door-I didn't want him to think I
was waiting for him-and to his credit, he didn't ring the bell more
than once. I went through the motion of looking out the little window
set into the door to make s ure it was Jean Luc before I opened it.
There he stood; his long dark hair shiningly clean was flowing loosely
down his back and over his shoulders, and he was wearing black
jeans and a well-fitting black turtleneck covered by an expensive
black leather jacket. In his arms, he had two bottles of wine and two
dozen long-stemmed red roses. I opened the door and with a smiling
gesture invited him over the threshold. As I did this I said to myself,
'"Come into my parlor,' said the spider to the fly." He lavishly com-
plime nted me on my outfit and appearance as he handed me the
roses, his eyes lingering on my breasts then moving down to take in
the leg I had put forward out of the slit to show off my stockings. The
heart of the Lady in me beat faster, but I had to restrain the She-Wolf;
it wasn't time for her to come out and play just yet.
I led him into the kitchen first so that I could arrange the beautiful
roses in a tall vase while he opened the wine. Then I directed him to
put the glasses on a tray, along with the wine and a pitcher of iced
t ea for me, and to follow me into the parlor. I placed the vase on the
mantel over the fireplace, in front of the mirror, so that the flowers
and their fla nking candles would be reflected there. He placed the tray
on the table in front of the sofa. He waited for me to sit before he sat
down and then he poured me an iced tea and wine for himself. He was
a fast learner and seemed to know instinctively that pleasing me and
not having to be told the same thing repeatedly before it sank in was
one way to do it. Another way was his newly acquired gentlemanly
manners. He had told me how he rewarded and punished his female
submissives, but I wondered absently about his demeanor with them.
Was he the iron hand in the velvet glove, or was he the cruel demand-
ing type, quick to punish even the smallest infraction severely? Not
that it really mattered; I knew his needs, and I knew how to fulfill them.
When he was here, he was mine. Now I allowed the She-Wolf her silent
howl of joy.
We sat on the sofa sipping our drinks, becoming closer and closer.
198 The Female Dom inant
I could feel the desire in him rising as we spoke. I could see it in the
way he sat and leaned toward me, his eyes on my face, his attentive-
ness to each word I said, and his quic kness to light my cigarette and
refill my glass. Putting my glass down, I turned t oward him a nd ran
my hands over his chest. The turtleneck was thin and tight fitting and
clung to him like a second skin; even his protruding nipples were
prominent through the s ilky thin material. I played with his hair and
caressed his neck, planting little kisses on his face and letting him
put his arms a round me while allowing him t o run his hands over my
bare skin and latex-clad body. When our excite ment began to mount,
I suggested that we would be more comfortable if we moved to the
fur on the floor in front o f the fire. Jean Luc immediately agreed. He
stood and offered me his hand and helped me up off the sofa and
down onto the throw. I lay on my side a nd pa tted the floor next to me,
inviting him to join me. He gracefully lowered himself and stretched
out catlike on his side facing me.
We moved closer to each other and began to run our fingers over
each other, with light, teasing to uches meant to arouse by their ve ry
delicateness. The firelight flickered on o ur faces, and the fire's warmth
engulfed our bodies , heightening o ur excitement. We teased each
other until I knew he was ready. On seeing the ha rd-on in his jeans, I
moved in closer and rolled him over onto his back, holding him d own
with my upper body while I fondled his pe nis through his jeans. He
groa ned as I to uched him a nd unleashed a s mall bit of the She-Wo lf
to increase our pleasure. His groans spurred the She-Wolf on to han-
d le hi m ha rde r, more do mina nt ly. Through his pants, the She-Wolf
wrapped he r hand around his hard penis and gripped it firmly,
ma king a small up and down stro king mo tion. Then she cupped his
balls in her hand a nd squeezed them. His response to this rougher
hand ling was very e ncouraging; unresistingly he lay splayed on his
bac k, his legs open, lo udly 4nd uninhibitedly groaning with pleasure
at the hard touch of the barely held-in-check She-Wolf. A low growl
came from her as his groans of pleasure grew lo uder and more a ban-
doned with he r touch. 1 let a little more of the She-Wo lf rise to the
The She-Wolf stradd led him and unbuttoned and unzip ped his
pants. Of his own accord, he pa rtially sat up, a nd in one q uick move-
ment pulled his turtleneck off over his head a nd tossed it aside. When
Lovers 199
she started to pull down his pants, he raised his hips and helped her.
Positioning herself at his feet, she pulled off his shoes and socks and
freed his legs of his underpants. Now he was naked before her, look-
ing into her eyes as if awaiting her next action. In a catlike motion,
s he crawled up his body and Jay down on top of him, imprisoning his
legs by wrapping her own around them. When she was stretched out
full length atop him, she gripped his hair firmly at the scalp and gazed
down at him with the eyes of a predator. He was breathing heavily, his
eyes half closed, his hard-on raging beneath her. There was no fight in
Jean Luc at all , as if he knew that an alternate, more savage part of
Claudia's personality was now in control. She used his hair to pull his
head to one side and bent close to his ear.
"I know why you keep coming back to see me, Jean Luc. Do you
know why? Have you admitted it to yourself yet? I know you have
been thinking about what I did to you the last time you were here; I
know you have been fantasizing about it happening again. That is why
you are here tonight-hoping for it, wanting it, craving it-and you
will have it, Jean Luc, you will have it. But first you will have to
submit to me completely. Are you ready to do that? Are you ready to
give up your power to me so that I will give you what you want?"
"Yes, yes, I am ready. But who are you? You are not the lady I know
as Claudia. You are her, yet you are different."
"Yes, you are right I am her yet I am not her. You may call me
Lupia." As she said this , she took her hair out of the loose French
twist it was in and shook it over her shoulders. From being in the
twist it had become slightly wavy and full.
"Yes, Lupia. What do you wish me to do?"
"I want you to obey me and to surrender to me, and I will fulfill
your deepest desires . If you do not obey me, I will hurt you in places
that even your female slaves will not think to look." The She-Wolf had
taken over, and Claudia was waiting in the background, holding the
She-Wolf's leash loosely just in case, but watching and anticipating
the outcome of the plan the She-Wolf was about to put into action.
Lupia climbed off Jean Luc and ordered him onto his hands and
knees. Taking hold of his hair, she used it as a leash to pull him down
the hallway on all fours into the bathroom . Once inside, Lupia pulled
up her skirt and sat down on the toilet bowl. Using his hair, she
pulled his head as far in between her legs as she could get it and
200 The Female Dominant
began to urinate. Some of the drops splashed on his face, but her firm
grip on his hair held him in place. When she was finished, she
ordered him to lick her clean and then blow on her lips until they
were dry. When she was satisfied with his performance, she used her
knees to kick him a few steps back from the toilet bowl. She got up,
opened the vanity cabinet under the sink, and removed a two-quart
red rubber enema bag. After making sure the clip was secure, she
ordered him to watch her as she filled up the red rubber bag with
warm water. In front of his eyes, she lubricated the douching nozzle
and then hung the full bag from the towel rod.
She pushed his head and shoulders onto the floor and commanded
him to spread his knees. She stepped behind him and waited a couple
of minutes to see his reaction to this humiliating position and its
effect on him. After a minute, he began to tremble, but Jean Luc made
no move to get up or escape, nor did he say anything, although low
incoherent sounds escaped him. She used the lubricant directly from
its bottle, running it down his crack in a stream to lubricate his open-
ing. Then she took the long nozzle and worked it into his anus and up
his rectum. Taking the hose in her hand, she partially loosened the
clip and let the water flow into him. His moans as the water filled his
belly made her want to howl aloud, but Claudia restrained her, and
Lupia's howls remained in her head. Before the bag was half empty,
he begged her for a pause and she allowed it. He needed time to take
in all she was to give him. For the way she was going to play with
him tonight, she wanted no brown matter to distract her from her
goal. In just a few seconds, Jean Luc begged her to continue, and it
was with great pleasure that she released the clip and emptied the
rest of the bag into him.
Lupia stripped off her skirt and stepped in the harness Claudia had
placed in the vanity. There was a small dildo there as well, one that
fitted nicely into the harness. All of Claudia/Lupia's dildos fitted that
harness; it was their favorite one. First, she put a surgical glove on
one hand and checked his rectum to make sure there was no water in
his passage. Then, after lubricating the dildo, she piled several towels
on the floor behind Jean Luc and knelt on them. She worked the small
dildo into him, commanding him to breathe but not to press down as
she entered him. Grabbing hold of his hips, she rocked into him while
his belly was full of water. Jean Luc moaned mindlessly at this inva-
Lovers 201
sion and, to increase his torment, Lupia let go of one hip and reached
her hand around in front of him to play with his penis while she pen-
etrated him. Although most males did not maintain their erection
during this kind of play, Claudia/Lupia was delighted to find that Jean
Luc did. Her hand pumped his penis in rhythm to the strokes of her
hips, and she abandoned herself to her pleasure.
When she had made herself come with the flanged base of the
dildo, she pulled out of him and told Jean Luc to insert his thumb
into his anus and climb onto the toilet bowl to release himself. She
watched in fascination as he pushed his thumb inside and struggled
to his feet. This was the first time he had seen her since she had strip-
ped off her skirt and stepped into the harness. He was enthralled by
the contrast between the harness and dildo and her lovely lace-topped
thigh highs and lace-up latex top, which showed off her beautiful
breasts. As soon as he had seated himself, she gave him permission
to unplug himself and rid himself of the water. She listened closely to
determine if one enema would be enough or if he would need another.
Jean Luc was humiliated that Lupia stayed in the bathroom and
watched him as the water exploded from his bottom, but he could not
take his eyes off her, and he said not a word. If this was what he
needed to do for her to fulfill his fantasies, no humiliation was too
great to endure.
When he had emptied himself, she ordered him into the bathtub
and told him to wash thoroughly. After he was finished washing, she
ordered him to stay in the tub, get on his knees, and put his head on
the bottom of the tub. Using soap on her index finger, she rubbed it
on his anus, knowing that the soap would cause a spasm that would
rid him of any drops left behind. Lupia didn't feel like waiting for
those drops to come out on their own, and she didn't want him foul-
ing Claudia/Lupia's linen. The soap did its nasty stinging work, and
the last few drops squirted from his bottom. For a moment, Claudia
pushed Lupia aside, and she herself took a fresh washcloth and gently
washed Jean Luc, speaking to him tenderly, telling him how proud
she was of him, how happy she was with him, and that tonight, yes,
tonight, she would give him his heart's deepest desire. Then she bid
him to rise, and she dried him and brushed his long dark hair for him.
He greatly appreciated this sudden and unexpected demonstration
of tenderness from her, and it showed in his eyes and posture. He
202 The Female Dominant
grabbed one of her hands and kissed it and pressed it to his cheek
before letting it go. She returned his gesture of appreciation with a
sweet smile and held Lupia in check.
It was Claudia who removed the small dildo from the harness and
blindfolded Jean Luc with a towel. She then put his hands on her
waist and softly said "right, left, right, left" to keep him in step with
her, as she led him to the bedroom. It was Lupia who waited eagerly
because she knew that soon she would be in control again and have
her way with him, guided by Claudia. When Claudia removed the
blindfold , Jean Luc was facing the bed. Fur-lined leather wrist and
ankle restraints on chains that were attached to the metal legs of the
bed were lying on the luxurious purple silk coverlet. A mountain of
matching pillows lay against the headboard. The heavily mirrored
room reflected the light of dozens of tall, thick, white candles, and
the bouquet of flowers that Jean Luc had brought her at their last
meeting had been moved to the vanity table. Sexy but dark music was
playing in the background. On the nightstand next to the bed were
another harness and a collection of dildos, placed in order of their
size. Jean Luc felt himself grow stiffer as he looked around the room.
Bidding him to "stay," Claudia walked over to the nightstand and
gestured to the dildos. "I want you to see what I am going to use on
you and in the order in which I will use them, so that you will know
what is inside you, opening you, stretching you, penetrating you. I
want you to memorize each one so that when I use it on you, you can
envision what the dildo looks like entering your anus." Her voice was
low and seductive, and Jean Luc stood there, completely under her
spell, and he did as he was told. Then he watched as Claudia stepped
into the harness and buckled both sides around her waist.
She climbed onto the bed and settled herself back against the
mountain of silk-covered pillows, but it was Lupia who reached for
the first dildo, a flesh-colored silicone one, and placed it in the har-
ness. Jean Luc could see the change in attitude and demeanor as
Claudia released the She-Wolf from her bonds. Her eyes darkened and
her body appeared more lean and muscular as the e legant grace of
Claudia was replaced by the savage grace of Lupia. He bowed his
head in submission and awaited the pleasure of the She-Wolf.
Lupia opened her legs and bent them at the knees, then sexily
Lovers 203
growled for Jean Luc to climb onto the bed in between them. As she
said this, Lupia stroked the dildo as if it were a real penis that she
wanted to make hard. To Lupia, the dildo was a penis, one of her
many penises , and tonight Jean Luc would experience them the way
his female slaves had experienced his own male member.
"Come up-closer-position your mouth over my cock," Lupia
rumbled throatily. "First you will suck me. I love having my cock
sucked. Open your mouth and take the head inside."
Jean Luc moistened his lips and lowered his open mouth onto
Lupia's cock. He was highly aware of his closeness to her vagina and
could smell the delicious aroma of the juices from the orgasm she
had given herself while she used him while holding the enema inside
him. Her hand with its red-lacquered nails held the base of her cock,
keeping it steady as his mouth closed on its head. He slid his mouth
up and down over her head, using his tongue to make circles around
it and alternating between sucking it gently and sucking it hard. As he
did this, he managed to turn his head to the side a few times as part
of the sucking and was able to see their reflection in a couple of the
many mirrors. The visual of himself between her legs, her slender
body with he r full breasts pushed up by her top, the lace-topped
stockings on her open thighs, her high-heeled pumps still gracing her
feet, and his mouth encircling and caressing her cock were tremen-
dously exciting to him. Crushed between his body and the silk cov-
e rlet, his penis grew harder and harder, egged on by the slight
rubbing caused by the up-and-down movement of his head.
He felt Lupia's hand on the back of his head, then she growled, her
arousal evident in her voice. "Now I want you to take more of me into
your mouth. I am going to move my hand down my cock and I want
to feel your lips against it. Once you have accommodated me that far,
I will move my hand down and you will take that much more of me
into your mouth."
Even as Lupia commanded him to do .this , neither she nor Claudia
could ignore his great physical beauty, his quietly enthusiastic obe-
die nce, his surrender to his deepest desires, and his trust in his cap-
tors and tormentors, the elegant Claudia and the wolflike Lupia.
Claudia used one hand to hold his hair back out of his face and
exerted slight pressure to force his head farther down on her cock. As
204 The Female Dominant
Lupia kept lowering her hand on her cock and Jean Luc took more
and more of "their" cock into his mouth, their hips began to thrust in
rhythm to meet his mouth. Lupia threw her head back against the pil-
lows and let loose a low howling moan. In her excitement, she pushed
his head down on her cock and made him gag. This made her wild.
She did it again and again, out of control like the animal she was,
exhorting him, "Yes, suck it, gag on it, suck it like you make your
female slaves suck your cock." She forced Jean Luc 's head farther
down on her cock, making snot run out of his nose and his eyes tear,
until Claudia stopped her.
Lifting Jean Luc's head off her cock, Claudia gently cleaned his face
with a wad of tissues, then held some fresh ones to his nose, and bade
him to "blow" as if he were a child too small to manage this little task
for himself. She stroked his hair and let him lean on his side and rest
his head on her belly between her open legs. They wrapped their arms
around each other and Claudia spoke tenderly to him, aware that the
instrument of his recent torture was pressed against his body. She
noticed his gorgeous penis, throbbing and erect and completely
ignored. She trailed her fingertips over it gently and elicited moans of
pained delight from him as he cuddled in closer and held her more
tightly. Lupia was watching intently, gathering her strength, and plan-
ning her next move; let Claudia have him for now, he deserved this
little respite if he was to take what she was going to give him.
Deciding that Jean Luc had been given enough attention and was
feeling sufficiently cared for to continue, Claudia stepped back and
let Lupia come to the fore. Immediately, Jean Luc felt the change in
personas, and without being told, he lifted himself up from Claudia-
now-Lupia and kne lt between h er legs to await the She-Wolf's next
command. Leisurely, she took out the dildo he had been sucking and
replaced it with the next somewhat larger one, also made of silicone,
but this one was red. Lupia stroked it for a minute or two, a wolfish
expression on her face as she watc hed him watching her from under
the lashes of his downcast eyes. He was mesmerized by her hand as
she stroked the red dildo.
"Stand at the end of the bed and bend over," the She-Wolf said.
"Spread your legs for me."
She took her time getting up, allowing him to appreciate the vul-
ne rable position he was in. She rose from the bed and seemed to slink
Lovers 205
around behind him like a predator would slink up on its prey. From
the vanity drawer she took out surgical gloves; he heard the unmis-
takable snap as she pulled them on. A second later he felt the cold
lubrica nt on his anus followed by the insertion of her two prime fin-
gers into his opening. After working them into him as far as she could,
she ordered him to stand up straight. To his humiliation, she led him
around the room and then up and down the hallway by the fin gers
she had implanted in his anus before leading him back into the bed-
room. Her action left no doubt in his mind as to who was in control.
And it was not him. He was overcome by the feeling that the pene-
tration of his mouth and anus by Claudia/Lupia was his ultimate act
of submission. His heart pounded in his chest in fearful, yet in eager
anticipation, of what humiliation she would impose on him next.
Once she had led him back into the bedroom, she abruptly
removed her fingers , causing him some small pain that was over
almost as soon as it began, but the removal of her fingers left him
feeling a lone and vacated. Leaving him to face the bed , Lupia made a
show of making her red cock bob up and down as she walked to the
nightstand and took out a thick sheet of latex. The n she climbed on
the bed and began to arrange the mountain of pillows in a particular
order in the center of the bed. When she was done, she covered it
with the latex sheet. Wolf or not, she knew how to make the most of
her body and her grace; her pointe d toes, her arch ed back, her arm
muscles as she arranged the pillows, and her way of tossing back her
hair when it was falling into her face were reflected over and over in
the mirrors. He was greatly excited to see all of the reflections, which
made it look like there were many Lupias in the room with him, all
ready a nd eager to take him and fulfill his most secret desires.
Once it was arranged to her satisfaction, Lupia used a commanding
gesture to order Jean Luc onto the bed. With another gesture from
her, he placed his hips over the mound of latex-covered pillows. Then
she re inforced her control over him with the fur-lined wrist and ankle
restraints by pulling the chains tight, adjusting the ir le ngth by using
the clip hooks a ttached to the metal legs of the bed frame. Small
almost sobbing sounds came from Jean Luc as he realized and rev-
eled in his helplessness-freed from guilt over his desires by the
bonds holding him firmly in place. Turning his head sideways, he
looked at himse lf in the mirror, saw Lupia's reflection as well, and was
206 The Female Dominant
would have her turn soon, when Jean Luc was ready to take what
Lupia had to give him. But not now. Now was Claudia's time, and she
would have it without the demands and howl of the She-Wolf in her
head. Lupia slunk away, equally distressed that she had upset Claudia
a nd that s he could not have Jean Luc now.
Although Claudia took Jean Luc with more and more abandon, she
was careful not to cause him any more pain than necessary and to
show him a lot of affection. She was also very careful to make sure
that the fla nged base of the red dildo massaged her own little penis.
As she pumped into Jean Luc, she also pumped her own button. Her
whole engorged vagina was throbbing with desire, and she had many
little orgasms as she took him from behind. She wiggled o ne hand
under Jean Luc's hips a nd began to play with his penis. He raised his
hips up from the pillows in an endearingly obliging way; s he c hanged
her position to accommodate both of them by raising herself off his
back and bracing herself up with her arms. This gave her new lever-
age, and soon she was working herself up to a smashing orgasm. After
that she would allow Lupia, the She-Wolf-in-waiting, to take over and
have her way with Jean Luc. In the new position, it was harder for
Claudia to control herself, and soon she felt an earth-s haking orgasm
rock her from head to toe. She collapsed on Jean Luc , spent , sweaty,
and sticky. Withdrawing from him gently, she lay next to him on her
side and cuddled and kissed him.
Lupia, the She-Wolf, was howling to be free, and in just a few
moments she would have her wish and her way. Claud ia, deeply sat-
isfied and tired from her exertions a nd multiple orgasms , finally
let Lupia loose, and Lupia's unmistakable howl of joy was audible
to Jean Luc. He began to tremble with anticipation a nd pleasure;
even without Lupia's vocalizations, by now he knew the difference
between Claudia and her alter ego, the She-Wolf. He loved and feared
them both, but he knew not which one he favored more.
Lupia rose from the bed, and as she walked over to the nightstand,
she casually removed the red dildo from the harness a nd let it drop to
the floor. Passing over one dildo, she chose the last a nd largest one
instead. Jean Luc had never seen a dildo like this before; it had a
button on the side of it and a plug on the flanged base that Lupia had
removed. She was now filling the shaft with lubricant. She smiled
wolfishly at him as she did this. When he q uailed at the sight of it and
208 The Female Dominant
moaned in fear, she threw her head back and laughed, delighted at his
distress. She inserted the dildo into the harness and climbed onto the
bed in a slow and threatening way by bracing both arms on the bed
first and then using her legs like pistons to land both of them on the
bed at the same time. The motion reminded Jean Luc of the way an
animal might spring up onto a bed. The wolfish grin on her face
strongly enforced this impression. Despite his fear, he felt his penis
grow harder, and unconsciously he began to rub it into the pillows.
Lupia grabbed him by his long dark hair and turned his face
toward her. On all fours she crouched over him, positioned herself
so that her cock was over his face, and began to bounce her hips up
and down so that her cock beat him in the face. Lupia was grunting
and growling with each thrust, obviously aroused and greatly enjoy-
ing humiliating him. After a few minutes, she collapsed on him, her
cock thrust in his face and his head imprisoned under her body; she
just lay there panting. But another thought occurred to her as she
caught her breath. She got up and uncuffed his wrists and bade him
to kneel as far down as he could with his buttocks on the bed. Jean
Luc quickly obeyed her, although with his ankles still cuffed spread-
eagle, it was an awkward position for him to hold. Lupia knelt up in
front of him, her cock directly in front of his face.
"I am going to face fuck you," she rumbled. "You will open your
mouth and hold it open, your tongue covering your bottom teeth. You
will not try to suck me or use your tongue on me. I am going to use
your mouth as a hole for my pleasure. There will be little or no pleas-
ure in it for you. The only pleasure you may receive from it is know-
ing that you are pleasing me. Open your mouth."
As he opened his mouth, Lupia grabbed Jean Luc's head, one hand
on either side. She held his head firmly in place, exactly where she
wanted it. Then she maneuvered her cock into his mouth and began
to pump. She started somewhat gently, considering her persona, but
soon her thrusts became deeper and harder. He could smell the odor
of her previous orgasms, and even through this humiliation, this out-
right use of him as a receptacle for her pleasure, it excited him more.
As she hit the back of his throat, his eyes teared up and his nose
started to run. Soon he was gagging as she pumped into his face more
cruelly. Once in a while Claudia would te ll him to relax his throat and
Lovers 209
"Yes, Claudia, yes. Tonight will not be the end. I give myself to
you ... "Jean Luc's voice trailed off, choked with passion.
Claudia reluctantly lifted herself off his back, missing the feel of his
strong, sweaty body under hers. She lubricated the dildo and posi-
tioned herself to enter him. Because this was the largest dildo, she
entered him slowly and gently, making sure that each sound she
heard from him was one of pleasure not of pain. She told him to push
down to help her in and he did. Soon he was working the dildo in
himself, moaning wildly as he stretched and penetrated himself
deeper and deeper. Claudia wrapped her arms around him, under his
hips, and let him have his way with her dildo. His rhythmic thrusting
was rubbing his penis against the latex covered pillow and the dildo
against her engorged clitoris. They were to climax at the same time,
and to this end, Claudia wrapped one of her hands around his penis
and began to stroke it, grabbing it firmly in the center and bringing
her hand up and down over its head. She was holding back, ready to
come at any time with just one thrust of the dildo against her body.
Jean Luc began to groan and begged for permission to come. She
said nothing for a second as she kept working his penis, keeping him
on the edge while she pulled one hand out from under his body and
placed her finger on the button of the dildo. She was on fire, as was
Jean Luc, and this was going to be the most exciting, most pleasura-
ble moment of his life. She wanted it to be perfect. When neither of
them could hold back for another second, she gave him permission to
come. With her hand around his penis, she would know the exact
moment of his orgasm. When she felt his penis begin to jerk and felt
the first hot drops of his pearl jam, she pressed the button on the
dildo and the now-warm lubricant shot up inside him. When Jean Luc
felt the warm lubricant shoot up into him as he came, his cries and
moans filled the room, and he called out her name over and over.
When she had pressed the button to release into him, she made sure
the base of the dildo smashed into her clitoris, and she herself had
another head-to-toe orgasm. Lupia howled with relief and pleasure as
she and Claudia shared this earth-moving experience.
Lupia receded deep into the recesses of Claudia's erotic mind,
sated and exhausted. She had no interest in the gentleness and ten-
derness Claudia and Jean Luc would now share. Claudia stayed inside
212 The Female Dominant
of Jean Luc, caressing him and speaking sweet words into his ear,
kissing him and cuddling him, and enjoying the feel of their sweaty
bodies still pressed together in their passionate embrace until the
afterglow had begun to wear off. Then she gently withdrew from him,
removed the harness and dildo, and in one motion dropped them to
the floor, out of sight. Then she released him from his restraints. Jean
Luc sat up and caught her in his arms and kissed her passionately.
Breaking the kiss, she tossed the latex sheet aside and pushed the
pillows back to the head of the bed. Stretching out on her side, she
invited Jean Luc to lie next to her. He was quick to oblige, and within
an instant they were in each other's arm, legs entwined, kissing pas-
sionately, the way lovers do.
Before long, Jean Luc had an erection and Claudia was wet with
desire for him. She opened herself to him, and he entered her. His
lovemaking was a perfect mixture of rough and gentle, and he had
great self-control. It was a long time before he gave her another body-
wracking orgasm. Once again, in a lovers' afterembrace, they whis-
pered to each other that this was just the beginning; that they would
continue to explore each other, enjoy each other, and become closer.
That they had each found who they were looking for.
One night The Mistress decided to host a party and have Cissy, her
French maid, serve her and six of her Mistress friend s. Knowing that
she was a great cook, Cissy was also to make the hors d 'oeuvres as
well as perform other duties for the Mistresses. These were to include
bringing the floral arrangement, helping the Mistresses in and out of
their coats and hanging them up, reme mbering which coat belonged
to each, serving drinks , setting a nd clearing the table, washing up
after dinner, emptying the ashtrays, massaging feet, and generally
making herself useful to The Mistress's guests. The Mistress ordered
Cissy to a rrive three hours early so that Cissy would have plenty of
time to cook and to be properly dressed by The Mistress in Cissy's
French Maid outfit before the guests arrived. Cissy wo uld be totally
transfo rmed into a woman complete with makeup, wig, and, most
important, tying tha t pesky appe ndage back up between her legs!
Cissy realized the great honor The Mistress was bestowing on her
a nd promised to be on her very best behavior.
When Cissy arrived, the first thing The Mistress required her to do
was make the hors d'oeuvres and snac k platters so that they would
be artfully arranged on the table with the flowers when The Mistress's
guests arrived. The Mistress had a very specific way she liked to have
the food arranged: not flat on the table, but making the offerings more
appealing by cleverly using upside bowls and other things under the
tablecloth so that the food was on various levels-a pretty s ight, and
it made the food look even more appetizing. The floral arrangement
was in the center, and some of the leaves and flowers were used to
decorate the empty a reas. Tall tapered candles were in highly pol-
ished brass candlestic ks at each e nd o f the ta ble. When The Mistress
was pleased with the look of the buffet, she took Cissy in hand to get
her into her maid's outfit.
The Mistress made Cissy strip a nd gave her a woman's robe to put
on. Then she commanded Cissy to give herself a very close shave
before she started t o apply Cissy's makeup. Cissy was a blond, so
The Mistress's job of making her up was not hindered by a dark beard
216 The Female Dominant
and complexion. The first thing The Mistress did was to apply blush
to where Cissy's beard grew in. This evened out Cissy's complexion
and made it ready for the next step, the foundation and unde reye con-
cealer. Next, The Mistress applied loose face powder to Cissy's eyelids
and under her eyes. Carefully she picked out the eye shadow, dark
colors because she wanted Cissy to look a little sluttish tonight. The
Mistress had a treat in mind for Cissy at the end of the evening, a
treat that the other Mistresses were in on, and the dark colors would
make a statement about The Mistress 's plan.
After the eye shadow was applied , The Mistress applied a thin
stripe of black eyeliner to Cissy's upper lids. Then she used the eye-
lash curler, to the count of twelve Mississippi, and applied two thick
coats of mascara, one a volumizer and the second coat, a lengthener.
A coat of slightly dark blush was brushed onto Cissy's cheeks, right
along the line of her high cheekbones. The dark red lipstick would be
applied last, but Cissy was starting to look like a girl.
The next action The Mistress performed on Cissy was to insert a
small-to-medium size butt plug in Cissy's anus. The Mistress had
taught Cissy how to accept the plug without any time-wasting finger-
ing and unearned pleasure for Cissy. Cissy pushed down hard, so the
plug slipped right in. The next step was to tie back Cissy's appendage
so that Cissy would have a nice smooth front, a pudendum, just like
a real girl. The Mistress often used castration as a threat when Cissy
was a bad girl. This was a very effective means of control. The Mis-
tress tied back Cissy's cock by using a version of the c rupper. Using
slender rope for cock-and-ball bondage, The Mistress folded the rope
in half, attached the looped end to the head of Cissy's cock, and tied
it off. She pulled Cissy's cock back between her legs, right down the
middle of Cissy's balls, and pulled the rope tightly back and up Cissy's
crack to her waist. Then The Mistress proceeded with the c rupper as
us ual, wrapping it around Cissy's waist, looping it through itself in
the front , then pulling it around Cissy's back, and tying it off.
If Cissy got an erection while she was tied up like this it would be
very painful, and both The Mistress and Cissy knew it. They also
knew that Cissy could not help but get a hard-on . The butt plug,
although not that large, was t o be kept in for several hours, and that
would work its magic on Cissy too. It was part of the fun .
After Cissy's cock was securely out of the way and would not
Multiples 217
The Mistress ordered Cissy to stand in the middle of the floor. The
Mistress walked around Cissy, straightened out her fishnets , read-
justed the fake breasts as well as Cissy's own, gave the butt plug a
little punch just to remind Cissy it was there, and made sure the
corset was properly snug. Cissy loved being in her corset; it was as if
The Mistress was giving her a hug every time she moved. The Mis-
tress liked corseting Cissy because of the bondage and control aspect
of wearing a corset and the way Cissy's nipped-in waist made her look
more feminine. Satisfied with Cissy's appearance, it was time to pick
out a wig for he r. The Mistress kept all of her cross-dresser's and sissy
maid's wigs in her possession, because once she had made a mistake
of letting Cissy take a wig home. When Cissy returned it, the wig
looked like Cissy had slept in it for a week and never once brushed
it. Cissy was severely caned for this, and the wig was taken away from
Because Cissy was a blue-eyed blond with a fair complexion, The
Mistress could keep her blond or make her raven haired. Tonight The
Mistress passed over the blond wigs. She also passed over the long,
flowing blac k ones because she did not want hair in the food . Instead,
The Mistress chose a black wig cut into a neat page boy with bangs.
She combed the wig neatly, styling it just so. The black hair, com-
bined with the dark eye makeup and Cissy's blue eyes, made Cissy
look slightly slutty, just perfect for The Mistress 's little surprise later
on in the evening. Now it was time to pick out a maid's outfit for Cissy
for the night.
Opening the closet doors, The Mistress looked at each possibility
with a discerning eye. She looked at the black latex maid's outfit but
passed it by because she did not want the latex polish near the food ,
nor did she want Cissy to get ugly dull spots on her dress. Finally,
she pulled out a black satin uniform with a low-cut neckline trimmed
in white lace, short sleeves edged in the same white lace, as well as
the hem. This uniform had been tailored to fit Cissy perfectly. Cissy
was thrilled with The Mistress's choice and stepped into the dress
carefully so that she wouldn't mess up her hair or makeup . Black
patent leather pumps with a comfortable three-and-a-half-inch heel
we re produced for Cissy's feet. Cissy slipped into them and stood up
for The Mistress 's inspection. After smoothing down an errant hair
Multiples 219
and frequently making her eat the ashes, serving plates full of the
hors d 'oeuvres s he had made earlier, and giving foot massages when
none of those other tasks were required of her. Because no one cor-
rected he r throughout the evening, Cissy was delibe rately deceived
into thinking she was doing a wonderful job. She knew nothing of The
Mistresses' secret plan for her.
The secret plan was that no Mistress was to say anything a bout
any part of Cissy's pe rformance that displeased her. About an hour
before the Mistresses were due to leave, the secret plan would be put
into execution. At last, the time had arrived. The Mistresses formed a
seated circle and Cissy's Mistress ordered Cissy to stand in the
middle of it. Then she told Cissy of the secret plan.
"Do you think you have do ne a good job serving us this eve ning,
Cissy?" asked The Mistress.
"Yes, ma'am!" Cissy replied somewhat cockily because no o ne had
corrected her over the course of the evening.
"Well, before we hear what the Mistresses have to say, I wish to tell
them about what you are wearing tonight," her Mistress said coolly.
"Cissy has had her cock tied back be tween her legs and nestled in
between her balls to give her a pudendumlike front. I used the rope
from that to hold in the butt plug Cissy has had up her anus all night."
Cissy blushed with shame, just as her Mistress knew she would
and hung her head, her c hin o n he r breastplate and her eyes firmly
glued to the floor.
"Now let's hear what my Mistress fri ends have to say about your
performance! Let's hear Mistress Alexis 's thoughts first," The Mistress
said, pleased by Cissy's humiliation.
Mistress Alexis complained that it took Cissy a very long time to
bring he r a fresh drink, and then it was too strong and another one
had to be made, keeping her waiting even longer. Mistress Alexis
orde red Cissy to bring he r her coat. From a n inside poc ket she
removed a leather flogger and ordered Cissy to bend over the arm of
the sofa and lift her skirt for twenty-five lashes. Each lash was to be
count ed out, and Mistress Alexis was to be thanked at the end. Cissy
accepted her punishment, tha nked Mistress Alexis, and, at her Mis-
tress's command, returned to the middle of the floor.
Next was Mistress Brianna. Although Mistress Brianna found Cissy
Multiples 221
gooey mouthfuls. The Mistresses were laughing so hard that the last
Mistress, Mistress Francesca, had to wait until they calmed down
before stating her complaint and exacting her punishment. All this
while, Cissy was forced to stand in the center of the floor, the object
of their laughter.
Mistress Francesca complained that the foot massage she received
from Cissy was not very good, not very good at all. As Mistress
Francesca ordered Cissy to bend over the arm of the sofa once again,
she laughingly remarked to the other Mistresses that Cissy must have
the pattern of the sofa memorized by now and perhaps that would be
a good place to put the book on foot reflexology she thinks Cissy
should buy! Once again the Mistresses laughed, and Mistress Fran-
cesca did a little curtsy in acceptance of their enjoyment. Mistress
Francesca's punishment was befitting of the crime: she lifted Cissy's
skirt and gave Cissy twenty-five kicks in the ass, being quite careful
to land some of the kicks squarely on the end of the butt plug.
To Cissy's surprise, her own Mistress did not join in the group
punishment, but that had never been part of her secret plan. Her pun-
ishment of Cissy was to be administered privately and not in any
expected way.
"Now, Cissy, 1 want you to get on your knees, crawl to each Mis-
tress and apologize to he r individually, state your infraction, and
thank he r once again for correcting you and punishing you. Then I
want to you to kiss her shoe," Cissy's Mistress commanded her. Hum-
bled and honored, Cissy did as she was told.
The party was now officially over, and it was Cissy's job to help
each Mistress into her coat and see her out the door. After all the
Mistresses had left, The Mistress gave Cissy permission to shower
and change back into her manclothes. Cissy's punishment from The
Mistress was to be that he/she was not allowed to release in her pres-
ence this evening. Instead, Cissy was to call The Mistress at eleven
o'clock the next morning and maybe then Cissy would be allowed to
release on The Mistress's command.
In spite of this disappointment, Cissy left The Mistress's house with
a big silly grin on her face, knowing that she had been very privileged
indeed to have been chosen to share in such a wonderful and rare
time with the Mistresses.
Multiples 223
Dat9{ chain
Being a Mistress has its pleasures and, accordingly, its annoyances.
One of the worst annoyances is receiving a phone call or e-mail from
a male submissive who wants me to "teach" his wife or girlfriend how
to dominate him. Why, you ask, is this an annoyance? Because after
questioning the male in detail, it becomes apparent that this "training
session" is going to be a "surprise" for the wife or girlfriend. What a
s urprise if she has no knowledge, or worse yet no interest, in his
plans for her, and has not consented to the training session-which is
usually the case. To solve this problem and dispose of these males
quickly and easily, I tell them I love to train couples but that I will
only set up the appointment with the woman involved. I ask him to
have his significant other call me so that we can chat to see whether
we hit it off and then discuss what she wants from the session. As
you can imagine, only one out of one hundred women actually call.
But fortunately this was not the case with Mistress Sonya and her
husband/ slave Joel. Joel e-mailed me, followed the proper protocols,
and stated that Sonya had e njoyed reading The Art of Sensual Female
Dominance, which had started them off on their sexual adventures. I
re plied with a request for Sonya to call me. Much to my surprise, she
did. We hit it off immediately. Sonya and I spoke for more than an
hour, not only getting to know each other, but discussing in detail
Joel's interests. That was the start of a lovely and satisfying, not to
mention, fun , relationship.
Joel's interests were diverse: bondage, nipple torture with weights,
flogging, caning, paddling, giving foot massage, eyesight deprivation,
oral dildo service, a nd anal pe netration. And most interestingly, he
was curious about being in session with a male switch who would
start out as his co-slave and then later on dominate him. With so
many interests, how could one ever be bored in a session with Joel?
Especially that last one. But Sonya and I understood that the three of
us would have to become very comfortable together before bringing
in the fourth person. Whether you are in the straight world or the
kinky one, the more people involved, the more complicated the sce-
nario becomes.
224 Th e Female Dominant
went into the luxurious bathroom so that I could don my outfit with
his assistance. Since the grand finale required that I wear a ha rness
and d ildo, I had chosen a long black latex skirt with a high slit up the
left leg that would slip off easily a nd a leopard corset , furry to the
touch, that I would leave on while wearing the ha rness. I e merged
from the bathroom, the still-dressed Wyatt respectfully walking three
steps behind me and carrying our combined toys. Sonya and Joel had
pre pared the room while I changed: shawls had been dra ped ove r the
lamps to dim the lights and a sexy CD was playing in the background.
Beverages , glasses, and a bucket of ice were on a tray to slake our
thirst , and the foot massage oils were arranged on the d esk.
Sonya and I sat and chatted while Joel helped Wyatt lay out the toys
Wyatt and I had brought. I could see in Sonya's eyes that she was very
pleased with Wyatt; afte r all, he was quite a good-looking man. After
finishing their c hores, each slave stood in fro nt of his mistress, and
the ritual strip a nd inspection was performed. Sonya and I inspected
our own slave as well as the other's slave a nd found them fit for serv-
ice. Then they were given the foot reflexology instructions , a nd the
massaging began. Sonya and I instructed our slaves t o massage the
points each of us needed most. Then we switched slaves. Both Wyatt
a nd Joel had very good, if differe nt, techniques, and at the end, Sonya
and I decided that the massage test was a "tie," and both slaves were
to be rewarded. We rewarded them by allowing the m to worship our
feet with their lips and tongues, but made it clear that we did not
a pprecia te "sc hluggy" on our toes. Schluggy is the word I use to
describe too much saliva left on the toes, a nd we comma nded them
that a drier form of worship was what Sonya and I desired.
The slaves' performance was more than satisfactory, a nd soon
Sonya and I decided that it was time for the contests to begin . The
first one was the "pantyhose contest. " Each slave was given a pair of
pantyhose that he was to get on as q uickly as possible while lying on
the fl oor. The first one to finish was to stand up. We both kne w Wyatt
would win this contest, not o nly because he occasio nally cross-
dressed, but because he was much thinner than Joel was; hence, it
wo uld be easier for him to get the hos ier y on. We were ver y amused
as both me n squirmed around on the floor like la nded whales. Joel
was still struggling to get his foot in the second leg when Wyatt fin-
ished a nd stood up to indicate victo ry.
226 The Female Dominant
The second contest was the "nipple clamp" contest, and it was the
only one Sonya and I knew Joel would win. Joel's nipples were huge,
but Wyatt's were very small and shy. After adequate manual stimula-
tion of each slave's nipples by Sonya and me had been accomplished,
we applied Japanese clover clamps simultaneously to each slave's
nipples, and then one at a time, circular magnetized weights were
attached to each clamp. Wyatt was groaning in real pain after just two
light weights had been attached to each clamp, while ~oel's moans
were of genuine pleasure. After the third weight was attached , both of
Wyatt's clamps fell off, and Joel, with his huge nipples, was declared
the winner. Now the contest was tied: each slave had one win to his
credit. The final contest would decide the winner.
The final contest was humiliating in a humorous way. I had brought
two very large dildos that Sonya and I were to throw to the farthest
end of the large room and that the slaves were to "fetch." The rules
were that each slave had to remain on all fours and bring his dildo
back in his mouth to his mistress , without the use of his hands.
Although the room was very large, the passageway to the farthest
point of the room was very narrow; it was the aisle between the king-
size bed and the dresser, and only one slave at a time would fit
through. But once again Wyatt had the advantage. Being smaller and
quicker than Joel, Wyatt leapt onto the bed and quickly scrambled
across and sprung off, far out in front of the slower Joel. Sonya and I
were in hysterics; Wyatt's antics were totally unexpected and pleased
us greatly. In a flash Wyatt had his dildo in his mouth and was ready
to return to me, except the larger Joel was lumbering along and was
in Wyatt's way. But the creative and enthusiastic Wyatt literally
leapfrogged over Joel, dildo still in his mouth, and quickly made his
way back to me. Laughing so hard that my sides hurt, I took the dildo
from his mouth, and Sonya and I declared Wyatt the winner of the
contests. Joel, pretending to be sad at losing, awaited the announce-
ment of his punishment with his head down.
After "due consideration," Sonya and I declared that Joel's punish-
ment was to be taken from behind first by me and then by Sonya.
After we had our way with him, he was to suck Wyatt's condom-
covered cock until Wyatt came. If Sonya, Wyatt, and I were pleased by
Joel's performance, Joel would be allowed to come on a dish and lap
it up. While Wyatt went into the bathroom and donned his leather
Multiples 227
pants and got into his master persona, I made a big show of removing
my skirt and strapping on my harness and fitting in the dildo. Sonya
did not have a harness; her method was to hold the dildo in her hand
and then use he r pudendum to thrust in and out of Joel. Joel was
moaning and pleading for mercy most eloquently, but Sonya and I
knew it was just part of his act. "Mercy" was not his word, so his rep-
etition of it became music to our ears.
Wyatt emerged from the bathroom an entirely different person.
Gone was the submissive attitude and posture, and in its place we re
the power, strength, and height of a domina nt male. Joel was suffi-
ciently cowed and awaited our invasion of his orifices. Bending Joel
ove r the bed, I got be hind him and easily pe netrated him. He and
Sonya played this game all the time, and Joel needed no instruction
or loosening before full penetration with a dildo. It was a real pleasure
to slide my well-lubricated dildo up his ass in one long, smooth
motion and to begin pumping him. Sonya positioned he rself on the
bed so that Joel could eat her pussy while I penetrated him deeply.
While Joel was eating her, Wyatt positioned himself next to Sonya so
she could use one hand to pleasure Wyatt a nd make him ready for
Joel. Joel was not to be allowed the pleasure of Wyatt's cock until
both Sonya and I had had our way with him.
Sonya had trained Joel to pleasure her in the way she liked best, and
after a few minutes, Sonya had a wonderful, and quite loud, orgasm.
While she recovered , I continued to penetrate Joel until Sonya got up
and said to me that now it was her turn to penetrate Joel. I withdrew
from him and Sonya took my place, using a larger dildo. I tossed my
dildo and harness aside, climbed onto the bed and motioned Wyatt to
join me. I unzipped Wyatt's pants and removed only his coc k. As a
slave Joel had no right to see Wyatt's body; that pleasure was to be
denied him. I covered Wyatt's me mber with a condom, and Wyatt
placed himself in the position similar to the one Sonya was in. Then
I sat behind Wya tt and held him in my arms, his head pressed
between my breasts. After all, just because he could get a hard-on
with a man didn't mean that the man was the cause of his arousal. I
played with Wyatt's nipples, kissed him, and rubbed my body against
his until he was fully erect. Then Sonya ordered Joel to open his
mouth and suc k Wyatt.
Joel fell on Wyatt like a starving man. His tongue action was excel-
228 The Female Dominant
lent, and he worked his head down on Wyatt's cock with una bashed
enthusiasm. The harder and deeper Sonya pumped into Joel, the
deeper Joel's head went down on Wyatt's cock. In no time at all, Joel
was deep-throating Wyatt, and Joel's saliva was so abundant that no
lubricant was needed. I unzipped the front of my leopard corset and
crushed Wyatt's head between my breasts. I had wrapped my legs
around Wyatt's stomach and was rubbing my pudendum on his back
in such a way that I soon had a little orgasm o f my own. The jerking
of my body as I came excited Wyatt, and his cock grew harder. His
hands found their way to the back of Joel's head and forced it farther
down on his cock; Sonya pumped into Joel harder and faste r until
both o f Joel's o rifices were completely filled.
I pumped against Wyatt, Wyatt pumped into Joel, and Sonya filled
Joel from behind. Wyatt's cock was so far down Joel's throat that Joel
began to gag, and Sonya told me that Joel's asshole was so loose that
she could fist him if she wished to. This was the signal that Joel was
to make Wyatt come, and Joel redoubled his efforts. In just a few sec-
onds, I felt Wyatt's body spasm as he discharged into the condom.
Sonya moved away from Joel and pulled the dildo out with her hand
in one long motio n. Quickly, she reached for the tray a nd pulled Joel
off Wyatt's cock by the hair. Sonya, Wyatt, and I stood around in a
circle as Joel assumed the positio n and began to masturbate himself
while we three looked on. It didn't take Joel very long to come onto
the tray, and in our combined kindness, we gave Joel a minute to
catch his breath before the grand finale. Making Joel get on all fours,
Sonya gave the order that Joel was to lick up eve ry last drop of come
he had ejaculated onto the tray. Joel lapped up his own juices lov-
ingly and made sure the entire tray was spotless before he lifted his
head for our approval. We carefully inspected the tray just to keep
Joel in suspense before we praised and petted him for his perform-
ance and obedience.
Spent from our exertions, Sonya dropped into a chair while Wyatt
and 1flopped down onto the bed. Joel just collapsed onto the floor, his
head next to the tray. Jn silence, the four of us thought of what an
intense experie nce we had just shared and what it meant to us.
After we had recovered, we c hanged our clothes and decided to go
out to dinner. We laughingly agreed that playing made one very hungry
Multiples 229
underneath his entire package so as not to miss even one hair. Kevin
could see from the lascivious grin on my face that I was pleased .
"Turn around. Bend over. " I took a cheek in each hand and spr ead
them open. I felt him tense, and then he let go.
"How nice! You even shaved the crack of your ass and around that
puckered pink opening. I like attention to detail. You are as smooth as
a baby's butt. And you know, shaving off all your hair makes your
cock look longer," I said sweetly, thinking to myself that Kevin had a
beautiful cock and was quite well endowed and didn't really need that
extra inch exposed by shaving.
When Kevin's cheeks relaxed in my hands, 1 b lew hard on his anus.
Such a small thing, almost like a caress, but Kevin jumped as if a cane
had land ed squarely between his cheeks. 1 gave him several hard
spanks to show my displeasure and then h ad the pleasure of seeing
my red hand marks appear on his pale, hair less butt.
"Stand up. Put your hands behind your neck, put your elbows out,
and then turn around and fac e me," I commanded him. He did as I
said, his eyes cast down, but I knew he was enjoying the view down
provided: my cleavage and long h air.
'T m so glad you did such a good job on yourself, Kev, because that
was just a practice run. You have another shaving chore to perform.
Look up and turn around."
From the dark hallway behind him, which led to the private quar-
ters of the house, emerged my beautiful Renee. 1 had met Renee when
her husband mistook me for her; we looked that much alike, and then
he introduced us. Soon all three of us became friends and very inti-
mate ones at that. Renee was wearing a long, sheer black robe, which
floated open with each step she t ook, and black p latform lace-up
corsetlike shoes. Under the robe, Renee wore nothing but her beauty.
Kevin's eyes flew open in shock; then I saw his appreciation of Renee's
great beauty register on his face. Her beauty was so great that it
utterly humbled him. And of course, Renee, my darling exhibitionist,
especially in front of a good-looking male, any male, just had to flirt
with h im, although she kept her eyes cast down. Renee had the most
beautiful green eyes and was the best flirt I have ever known.
When people saw Renee and me t ogether, they always asked if we
were sisters, aunt and niece, or relat ed in some way, perhaps half sis-
ters or first cousins . The answers to all the quest ions were actually
Multiples 231
no, but men get turned on when they think they're "with" women who
are related to each other. Because I look so much like Renee, what
you saw when you looked at us togethe r was this: when you looked at
me you saw her fifteen years from now , and when you looked at
Renee, you saw me fifteen years ago. Our who le crowd joked a bout it.
So when we were asked any of those "related to each other" ques-
tions, we said yes t o the first one they s uggested. We tho ught this
was hilarious.
Kevin had never met Renee, but he had heard me s peak o f her
ma ny times and saw he r pass by briefly, o ffe ring preplanned tantaliz-
ing glimpses . I knew a second woman was one of his fantasies ; what
ma n does not have that fantasy? All those times I spoke to Kevin
about Re nee , when added to those fleeting glimpses of he r, had
primed him for this inte rlude. The seed had been pla nted and taken
root! And I was in the mood for a little fun with my fri ends. Renee
still had him paralyzed and under her spell, and he continued to look
at her while I told him his next chore. And a terrible c hore it was to
be too; I knew he wo uld utterly ha te it.
"You are to shave her, Kevin," I said in a "sentencing" tone of voice.
"Yo u are to collect all the materials you need: seve ral large towels ,
the big soft sponge, a la rge basin of warm water, a small one for dip-
ping the razor in to clear it of hair, the massage oil, the razors I left for
you in the bathroom, the new ba r o f mild soap, a nd the two pairs of
leather wrist restraints , one for a ma n's wrists a nd the othe r for a
woman's wrists. Return here with everything, and I mean everything.
And d o it quickly."
Delighted with this sentence, he went off in searc h of his equipment.
Renee a nd I hugged each other and kissed passionately until we heard
Kevin returning. We kissed just lo ng enough for him to see us before
we broke apart a nd then resumed our roles. I knew that seeing Renee
a nd I Fre nch kiss would drive Kevin wild. Assuming my role as The
Mistress, I inspected the items he had brought and found everything
I required, so I gave him a nod of appreciation. His face glowed; I
brushed my lips across his as a reward-some of Renee's saliva was
still on my lips and I passed it along to him. Then, I motioned to Renee
to stand at the end of the glass table with her back to it. When she was
in position , I ordered Kevin to face Re nee. Although he r robe was
sheer, it still did conceal some of Renee's natural grace and lines.
232 The Female Dominant
He soaped, shaved, and dipped, over and over until the basin was
floating with the red ringlets he had denuded her of to expose her
sweet cleft.
"Did you get them all? Don't be afraid to spread her lips apart and
shave off any stray hairs, especially around her piercings. I want to
see nothing but pink." When I said this, Renee moaned and arched
her back, vocalizing wordless noises as Kevin's fingers touched her.
God! She was gorgeous! Kevin fell to his task with renewed enthu-
siasm, and in no time at all, Renee was thrashing her head back and
forth as his fingers searched her labia for stray hairs. He found two or
three and removed them carefully. Then I commanded him to refill
the large bowl with clean water so that he could wash away any hairs
clinging to her moist pink cleft. After that, I directed him to use the
remaining towel to pat Renee dry.
"Now, I want you to smooth a few drops of this raspberry kiss oil
onto her nether lips, Kevin. I want you to do it gently, and I want
Renee begging when you are done."
He took the bottle from me, poured a generous amount on Renee's
cleft, and gently began to stroke oil onto and into Renee. Not only did
this particular oil taste of raspberries, but it got warmer and warmer
with friction. However, I was the only one who knew that! I thought it
would be a nice surprise for both of them when the real fun began.
Renee quivered from head to toe as soon as he touched her. Kevin
dutifully reported to me that his fingers were met with a sweet and
sticky gush the moment he began to apply the fragrant oil. Kevin did
not completely control himself either concerning Renee. Several times
as he was applying the oil, when he thought I wasn't looking, he slid
two fingers into Renee's pussy and, once, his thumb up her ass.
But Renee loved this. She was beginning to grind her hips and
starting to moan in that mindless way she had. Her nipples were
erect, and she was panting with excitement and begging for more. I
knew that the raspberry massage oil was warming up and that it was
increasing her pleasure. My dear Renee! I wanted her to have her fun,
too, so I decided that Kevin would be punished for his "unauthorized"
penetration of Renee-at another time-and very severely too. But
not tonight, that would spoil my plan.
As for Renee, well, her nipples were just begging for some tender
torture, sticking out as pertly as they were. I played with her beautiful
234 The Female Dominant
breasts and then reached for two pairs of Japanese clover clamps. I
made sure Kevin saw me attach only one clamp from each pair on
her. Her moan turned into a short sharp shriek at the placement of
each one. Kevin's eye peered up her belly hungrily, his face just above
her freshly shaven pussy.
"Get up. You have done well." I ordered Kevin to his feet.
I ordered Kevin to bend over Renee, and I attached the free ends of
the two pairs of clamps to each of his nipples. He gritted his teeth
and bore the pain, but I could see how excited he was to be attached
to Renee in this new way. As I attached the clamps to his nipples, I
said, "Here, these are for you," a superfluous statement I was fond of
making after a gesture like that. But I couldn't keep Renee waiting too
long, so I reached for the two pairs of leather wrist restraints.
I commanded Kevin to lie on top of Renee but not to put his full
weight on her by bracing his arms on the table, near her wrists. When
he was in position, I told them to hold hands ; then I cuffed their
hands together, using the larger men's restraints for Kevin and the
smaller women's pair for Renee. Kevin's arms were long enough to
keep himself suspended over the prone Renee, who was getting more
excited as I secured the restraints and clip hooked them together. In
this position, the chains between the two sets of clamps were fully
extended, and any move by either one of them would affect the other.
I left them there like that so that either they could watch me as I read-
ied for the next step or they could become involved with each other.
They chose each other. Good! All was going according to plan.
While they were doing the midair bump and grind, I let my dress
drop to the floor, took off my bra and G-string then stepped into my
harness and slid a sweet slender dildo through the opening. Taking
some condoms in my hand, I approached Renee and Kevin, who were
moaning and groaning from the occasional bumps to their genital
areas and pulls on the dual nipple clamps that they were able to
accomplish during their mad gyrations. I smacked Kevin several times
with the dildo, not only to get his attention, but to make sure he
noticed it.
"Enough, my hot and heavy darlings." At least I didn't need a hose
to separate them.
Kevin lifted himself off Renee as far as the restraints and clamps
Multiples 235
would allow and tried to stand straight. Renee had quieted down but
was still writhing on her towel on the table, her nipples stretched taut.
Quickly I ripped out two of the condoms, and snap snap, rolled one
down onto Kevin's pole and the other onto my dildo. I had the lube in
one hand, for Kevin as well as Renee, but Renee didn't need it. My
dildo, the one I intended to use on Kevin, got a generous application.
I got behind Kevin, grabbed him by the hips , and then began a
playful little external pounding. Suddenly I stopped pounding him but
continued to grip him firmly by the hips. In his excitement, I didn't
want him going too far with Renee until he had my permission.
"Penetrate her." Kevin stood stock still in pleasure and surprise at
my command. "But I want only your head inside of her."
Renee moaned loudly and then started to beg, "Yes, oh please, yes,
do me, please put it in me," over and over; her arousal was so great
it increased my own desire as well as Kevin's. She really wanted it
and Kevin did a great pole dance. She lifted her legs to her chest to
invite him in, to show her willingness and consent, and continued her
litany of begging. Kevin bent over her and gently probed his head into
her dripping pussy. She was wiggling around and begging to have
more cock inside of her, my sweet hot little bitch, and she'd get it
too. But not just yet.
"You'll get more, my beautiful little slut Renee, as soon as Kevin
takes his."
Quickly relubing my own silicone cock, I searched out Kevin's
nether opening with my fingers , stretched him a little, and got just
enough of the head inside of him to make him try to rise up, straining
against the restraints and clamps and taking Renee's entwined arms
and legs with him. "When I am done with you, for every inc h you
have taken of me, that will be another inch you will be allowed to
enter Renee. But not until I am done with you. Do you hear me?" I
grabbed his long hair, pulled his head back, and kissed him hard.
Kevin's excitement and gratitude was evident in his voice when he
said, "Yes, Mistress," and began to prepare himself for me. As he
began to inhale and then exhale slowly, I could feel his muscles relax-
ing and could feel him pushing down as he made himself ready to
take me. Every time he exhaled, I pushed into him a little farther and
generously applied more lube. Slowly but surely he was taking more
236 The Female Dominant
and more with each thrust, not only because of his eagerness to get
his cock into Renee, but because he loved being penetrated anally.
Renee was luscious chocolate icing on his cake.
While 1 was invading Kevin, Renee was doing her best to keep him
excited by pulling on the nipple clamps, grabbing the base of his cock
and squeezing it, and manipulating whatever bits of his balls she
could reach. And just the sight of her on her back with her legs up
and partially wrapped around Kevin, her red hair framing her face
with her gorgeous green eyes looking up at Kevin, should have been
enough to keep any man hard-and "testosterone Kevin" was no
exception. His pheromones had gotten so strong, the whole room
smelled of them. With one final thrust, I had my dildo as far into
Kevin as it would go. He clenched and unclenched his cheeks as I
rode him. I had my way with him, thrusting deep and hard, enjoying
myself a little while longer and amused by my frantic yet oh-so-
thrilling penetration of Kevin, until I was breathless and my legs
ached. Then I stood still, my cock still in him, and Jet him dance
around on it and pleasure himself. Renee and I knew exactly how he
was feeling at that moment, and I gently trailed my fingertips up
Renee's thigh, to impart and to include her in my joy and extreme
After a short while, Kevin had worn himself out, squirming and
dancing up and down on the dildo. He hung from it panting, nearly
forgetting about the beautiful, and very hot, very wet, Renee right
underneath him with his head inside of her. I pulled out of him just up
to the head-leaving myself no farther into him than he had been
allowed into Renee.
I pulled his head back by the hair and whispered in his ear, "I am
in control here, I say what happens and how. As I penetrate you again,
you will penetrate Renee. For each inch I drill into you, that is how far
you may enter Renee. How I fuck you is how you will fuck Renee."
I knew that as the rear person, I would be the real mover and
shaker of the whole undertaking, with Kevin having to follow my lead .
I started gently, so that Renee could enjoy the pleasure of slow pene-
tration until Kevin was as far into her as he could go and I was into
Kevin as far as I could go. Then we began our slow dance. Renee was
fully enjoying the well-endowed Kevin as well as the raspberry oil that
was very warm by this time. I was enjoying myself enormously as I
Multiples 237
rammed into him from behind. From Renee's cries, I knew he was
hitting Renee's hot spot regularly as he was being penetrated by me
while penetrating Renee. My dildo base had just worked its way down
to make direct contact with my clit, which was standing at attention
like a good soldier. It crossed my mind to buy one of those squirt
cocks that shoots lubricant; I would enjoy it if Kevin knew what it felt
like to have someone come inside of him.
"Give her one more orgasm," I panted out to Kevin.
He complied eagerly and changed his stroke. Renee unloosened
her legs from around his back and let them dangle spread wide open
and unresisting. Soon I heard the familiar moan/ scream that Renee
made when she had a smashing orgasm . As soon as I heard that
sweet sound, I stopped stroking into Kevin but did not pull out of
him. He would pull out of Renee at the same time I pulled out of him.
For a few moments, we all just stood, hung, or lay there, catching our
collective breaths. My clit was dripping from the friction caused by
the base of the dildo as I had pumped Kevin. But in the e nd we all
would be satisfied. Kevin was able to come many times over and still
retain a wondrous hard-on. Kevin: the pole dancer, the sex machine,
the testosterone factory. And l knew he would thoroughly enjoy his
reward for the servicing of Renee.
"Kevin, start to pull out of Renee, but slowly, slowly," I commanded
but my voice still reflected how aroused I was.
He did as I ordered, and I began to pull out of him at the same slow
speed, milking the mutual withdrawal for all it was worth. When my
dildo cleared Kevin's anus, I was gratified by the fact that it was
gaping open. I bent over and spread his cheeks apart so that I could
look up his rectum; a place even he had never seen. It looked so
smooth and silky, just as it felt when my naked fingers were inside of
him. I stepped to his side and commanded him to spread Renee's lips;
I wanted to see how big her opening had gotten from Kevin's pole
dance. As he spread her, she moaned again. I knew how small her
hole was and was more than satisfied with the amount that he had
stretched her. And although Kevin had come, his cock was still rock
hard. Perfect!
I removed Renee's and Kevin's mutual nipple clamps and the
restraints, my harness and dildo, and condoms from all of us accord-
ingly and casually announced that we would have a "break" before
238 The Female Dominant
other and fondling each other's breasts. Kevin's cock began to grow
again, excited at touching us and seeing us kiss and touch each other
at the same time.
As o ur kisses grew more passionate, I allowed Kevin the liberty of
slipping his fingers into our pussies as he bathed us. As our passion
increased, Renee and I practically rolled over completely onto our
sides to face each other and drew our outermost legs up to give Kevin
access to our soa py and gooey pussies.
"More, Kevin, more," I panted out. "Find our hot spots and make us
Renee echoed these words, accompanied by the begging and plead-
ing o ne wo uld expect of a good slave. Kevin drove his fingers deeper
into us and sought out each of our inside buttons. Being the excellent
lover that he was, Kevin made both of us come at the same time. Our
simultaneous screams and moans made him all the harder, which was
exactly what I wanted.
"Take your fingers out of us, Kevin , and rinse us off," I said, still
Renee and I disentangled ourselves from each other and lay flat on
our backs as Kevin rinsed the soap off us. Then, without being told,
he carefully and teasingly dried each of us . The wet towels beneath
Re nee and me had become a cold and unwanted distraction, so by
rolling from one side to the other, Kevin was able to remove them
and take them away. Renee and I lay on the floor in each other's arms
and kissed until he returned. When he saw us , he stood there for a
minute taking in the eroticism of two wome n kissing in each other's
arms. Out of the corner of my eye I could see his gorgeous cock
standing at full attention. I said nothing, and Renee and I continued to
kiss and once again began to fondle each other. We could hear Kevin's
gasping breaths as he beheld us ; the sound of them further excited
us. But the final step of the grand finale was yet to come.
Re nee and I broke our kiss, and I leaned up one elbow as she con-
tinued to lo ll around on the floor. "Lie down, Kevin, on your back, in
the middle of the floor," I t old him seductively but giving him no clue
as to what was going to happen next.
He hurried to obey, his cock at full attention, sticking out from his
body like a tent pole. I ripped open one of the condoms , and placing
it in my mouth, I worked it down over his cock. This was o bviously
240 The Female Dominant
her clitoris. As I screamed out, "Yes, yes, oh yeeessss," I had the most
smashing orgasm. I felt Kevin's cock jerk inside of me as he came and
heard Renee's sweet, familiar come moan at the same time.
The three of us stayed where we were for a few minutes , too over-
come to move. Then I slowly moved off Kevin's cock, relishing the feel
of it as it vacated me. Renee sat back on her heels, still panting heav-
ily. Kevin just lay there, his eyes closed, his chest heaving from his
exertions. I lay down on one side of him and Renee on the other. He
wrapped an arm around each of us as we curled up alongside him,
our heads on his chest, one of our legs wrapped around one of his.
Although we had started out as The Mistress and her male and
female slaves, now we were just three cuddling people who had
shared a transcendental experience. I just love it when things go
according to plan.
male. Before Jake had arrived, The Mistress had taken Kyle into her
bedroom. Kyle was an experienced and beautiful hunk of well toned
muscular male meat and one of The Mistress's favorite toys. He was
totally naked, very aroused, and had a bright red ball gag in his
mouth. In one hand, Kyle held a red bandana, which he was to drop
as his safe signal. The Mistress had restrained Kyle with leather wrist
cuffs that were attached by clip hooks to eye rings at shoulder level
and securely bolted into the wall across from the bed. Leather ankle
cuffs, attached to a spreader bar, allowed him to keep his feet flat on
the floor, but not to close his legs or kick. Then she left him there,
completely vulnerable and unable to speak, while she awaited Jake's
When Jake arrived, The Mistress led him into the parlor to perform
the ritual strip and visual and physical inspection. Jake was also quite
handsome, but his body was different from Kyle's muscular gym-
toned form. Jake was slender with more of a swimmer's or dancer's
lean physique. A good contrast, especially for what The Mistress had
in her wicked, creative mind.
After Jake had stripped, passed inspection, and given The Mistress
the proper homage, she commanded him to stay on his knees and
crawl after her to the bedroom. She set a brisk pace down the hall-
way, and Jake had to work hard to keep up on the bare wooden floor,
which hurt his knees. The Mistress opened the bedroom door and
gestured Jake to follow her into the room. When he saw Kyle gagged
and restrained to the wall, Jake's surprise and apprehension was
clearly visible on his face, but The Mistress was unconcerned. Both
Kyle and Jake had long ago confessed to her that they would like to
be with another man, but she had pretended that she had forgotten
all about it until a great amount of time had passed. Now it was time
to see if either Kyle or Jake or both would have the courage of their
"You didn't think you were my only slave, did you?" The Mistress
asked Jake mockingly, a smile on her face. "I require much devotion,
attention, and diversion, much more than one mere male creature can
provide. And isn't he just the most gorgeous hunk of male meat you
have very seen?"
The Mistress gave Jake a moment to take in not only Kyle but the
impact of the scenario in front of him before she continued. "Both of
Multiples 243
gotten very aroused by watching me insert my new toy into you," The
Mistress said.
Having said that, The Mistress turned a knob on the unit and sent
a small jolt into Jake. Kyle looked on in fascination as he grew harder
and harder witnessing Jake's response. "I see that even that little bit
of a buzz made you clench your cheeks together very tightly, didn't
it? You better do what you are told because the current can get much,
much stronger and last much, much longer than that little buzz!" The
Mistress said with asperity.
"Now, get the nipple clamps out of the toy box and put them on
Kyle quickly! Tighten them until you see the little teeth bite slightly
into Kyle's skin, but don't you dare draw any blood! Just ignore his tor-
tured whining, he does that all the time. The gag keeps him from speak-
ing, but I rather enjoy those charming little noises he makes deep
down in his throat," said The Mistress, obviously enjoying herself.
"Jake, now I want you to get down on your knees in front of Kyle.
Yo u know what I want to see, don't you? Nuzzle your face right up to
his groin! Rub your face on his cock! Smash your face into his sack!
Now use your hands to play with him, make his erection so hard that
it throbs and pulses. I want to see you cup and fondle him," The Mis-
tress said.
She watched both Kyle and Jake carefully from her position on the
end of the bed, her full attention focused on them while Jake did her
bidding. After a couple of minutes, she said to Jake, "I don't think you
are putting as much of your heart and soul into this as I would like! So
here is some motivation!" The Mistress turned the knob on the unit
she still had in her hand and gave Jake a healthy zap! of current
between his cheeks. Jake's cheeks clenched at the attack on his anus
and he gave a cry of pain. This pleased The Mistress greatly, and a
look of glee e ntered Kyle's eyes.
"That did motivate you, did n't it?"
"Yes, Mistress," Jake said humbly.
"Good! Now get those hands busy! I want you to stroke and pump
Kyle's member into a long hard pole of flesh so that you can demon-
strate your oral skills for me!"
Both Jake and Kyle groaned at The Mistress's decree, but The Mis-
tress heard the note of pleasure in their groans. Jake applied himself
Multiples 245
to the task at hand, stroking and pumping Kyle's member as The Mis-
tress directed.
"That's better," The Mistress said, giving Jake another zap! of cur-
rent from her little unit just for good measure. "You are doing so
much better now that you understand exactly who is in control here!
And my hunk of a male play toy is very hard now."
The Mistress watched Jake play with Kyle's engorged member for
a few more minutes before issuing her next command. "Jake, o pe n
your mouth. Don't look at me like that! Do it!" A large quick jo lt of
electric current zinged up Jake's anus. "Do I have to keep giving you
shocking displays of my control to make you obey me?" Again, The
Mistress turned the knob on the unit and poured a st eady stinging
and tingling charge of current up Jake's anus. She kept the current
up until Jake begged for mercy and promised to obey her every com-
mand with great e nthusiasm. Then she turned the current down but
not off, allowing a smaller current to keep invading Jake's anus. Kyle's
eyes were wide with excitement at witnessing Jake's punishment and
humiliation, and his rock-hard member bobbed around as if it had a
mind of its own.
"Jake, now suck him as I commanded you! Put Kyle's whole swollen
head into your mouth and flick it with your tongue! I want to see lots
of lip action; I want to see your mouth encompassing more and more
of Kyle's cock! Keep those hands moving too. Use one at the bottom of
his cock and the other to massage his balls! Look at you! You are a
real little sucking slut for your Mistress now, a re n't you? And you love
to give me a good show, don't you, Jake?"
Jake put his all into following The Mistress's commands and imag-
ined himself to be the sucking machine The Mistress had called him.
The Mistress lounged on the bed, the nasty little unit still in her hand,
the low steady electrical c urrent still running up Jake's anus, urging
him o n to greater efforts to please her. Although Jake couldn't see
the look on her face, Kyle could, a nd what he saw there was wicked
glee at the control she was exerting over both of them. As for Kyle, he
couldn't believe how much he was enjoying the very intii:iate atten-
tion he was receiving from Jake. Not even in his wildest dreams did
he imagine that getting head from another man would be so enjoy-
able, so exciting. It was almost better than getting a blow job from a
246 The Female Dominant
woman! Jake's mouth was bigge r, he sucked harder, and under the
watchful eye of The Mistress in her gorgeous outfit, combined with
the constant threat of that nasty little electrical tube up Jake's anus,
Kyle had never dreamed that a male-on-male e ncounter could be,
would be so exhilarating.
After several minutes of watching Jake perform on Kyle, The Mis-
tress spoke. "Jake, 1 want you to jerk Kyle off into your mouth."
Jake gave The Mistress a pleading look but did not take Kyle's
member out of his mouth. "Bad boy! What is that look for? You know
you want this, you want it as much as Kyle does , and as much as I do!
Do you think I went through all of this trouble just to have you
chicken out?" Her tone was coolly a ngry, and Jake knew she was
deadly serious. He was reminded of this by another quick hi gh jolt of
electricity up his anus. "I want to hear you beg to swallow Kyle's hot,
white juices! Beg me to allow it!"
Jake began to beg, by alternating between begging and pleading
and by showing great attention to Kyle's hard member. Finally, The
Mistress relented and gave Jake he r permission to swallow Kyle's
come. But she kept speaking to urge them both on.
"I just hate it when you beg. I expect immediate obedience from
you! You don't see Kyle struggling, and he has not dropped his ban-
dana to signal his distress!" She turned up her little electrical device a
notch or two more a nd kept it that way, even though Jake was doing
a great job of working over Kyle's member. As Jake's head went up
and down on Kyle's cock, The Mistress gave Jake little power surges in
time to his cock-sucking rhythm. In spite of himself, Jake had become
almost as aroused as Kyle. But still The Mistress urged him on.
"You love having your mouth full of thick throbbing meat , don 't
you? You love having your body penetrated and invaded by me! And
my little jolts make you harder each time I give you one. So why don't
I give you one now?" The Mistress did just as she said she would, and
another surge of current shot up Jake's anus.
A whimpe r from Kyle told The Mistress that he was ready to gush
into Jake's mouth. She got up from the bed and took Jake's head in
both her hands, held Jake's head down o n Kyle's cock, and urged Kyle
to empty himself into Jake's mouth.
"Take it! Gulp it up! Swallow every drop he spurts down your
throat!" The Mistress exhorted Ja ke.
Multiples 247
Jake felt Kyle's member start to jerk, and he knew that Kyle would
soon come, and Kyle's white, hot, sticky stream would shoot down the
back of Jake's throat. He almost choked, but afraid of further punish-
ment from the device The Mistress had inserted into his anus, he pre-
pared himself to swallow all of Kyle's come.
Just as Kyle started to spurt, from far away Jake heard The Mis-
tress say, "As Kyle empties himself into your mouth, I give you per-
mission to use one hand to release yourself. That is your reward for
your show of devotion to your Mistress."
Jake needed no further encouragement to obey her. In just a few
strokes, Jake had spurted his own pearly white stream onto Kyle's
feet. This greatly amused The Mistress.
"Jake, lick Kyle's feet clean. Then take off Kyle's gag and his nipple
clamps, release his arms , and free his legs from the spreader bar.
Remove the tube from your anus , giving Kyle a good view of what
you are doing. Then you may both rest for ten minutes. After that
you are to get dressed and go."
"Yes, Mistress," replied Jake, a little disappointed. This disappoint-
ment was reflected in Kyle's face as well.
The Mistress knew what this look of disappointment meant: they
had expected to be rewarded by worshiping The Mistress between
her thighs for their service. They should have known from her choice
of wardrobe that this was not a possibility.
As if reading their minds , The Mistress said, "I don't recall promis-
ing you that . .. " as she retreated down the hallway, la ughing. It had
been a most amusing evening.
On ft/,~ Toe~
Her place was an old and spacious apartment with high ceilings and
steam heat cranking out of cast iron radiators. The apartment faced
south and west. Suburbia was off in the distance when looking out to
the south; when looking west, in the foreground was a Buddhist
temple with a deep blue tiled pagoda roof, and in the distance, the
Manhattan skyline. The favorite granddaughter, s he had inherited the
lease on the place from her grandmother when the dear old woman
248 The Female Dominant
had passed on. There were five large rooms in the apartment: the
living room/dining room, the bedroom, the kitchen, the library/office,
and the room he was waiting in . He sometimes called this room "the
chamber," and at other times "the dungeon." It was the chamber when
she was tender and affectionate to him, a nd the dungeon whe n he
was to be corrected. Which one it would be now he did not know,
as she had only told him to wait for her in "the room ."
He waited for her, dressed as she had ordered: tight black jeans,
black T-shirt, and black s nakeskin boots. He had, h e knew, a beautiful
physique, which was wha t had first caught he r eye when they me t at
the nightclub, Pagan Angels. That moment, now three years past, was
the most vivid memory of his life- he, a different person then, flip-
pant and unfocused, a child in a ma n's body, noticed her from across
the room. She was looking at his torso. Maybe feeling his eyes on her,
she looked up at his face suddenly, as if she were surprised to find it
there, as if she thought there was nothing e lse to him , and as if his
whole person existed only to support that gorgeous torso. The ir eyes
Though he did not know it a t the time, he was seeing his new
world- her. She had great presence, which she called "the glamour,"
and told him it was an ancient trick of the Wiccans. She could be com-
manding and stern and a lways expected to receive the o bedience due
her. She was quite capable of harshly correcting any errors or mis-
behavior with paddle, cane, flogger, or hand. Yet many times she was
playful, with a mischievous streak, and could be very tender a nd nur-
turing. He love d that most of all, he r unpredictability; he neve r knew
what he was in for whe n sh e summoned him, a nd he lived in a con-
tinual state of longing and trepidation. This was why she owned him.
As he sat waiting for h er in the room, h e re live d last night's ses-
sion. When they came back from dinner, they kissed in the doorway;
then s he inclined her head to indicate that they were going directly to
the room. When the door was closed and the rest of the world had
vanished, h e kisse d her again. He kissed he r neck, her breasts, and
he r belly a nd then knelt and s lowly, with a mixture of homage and
desire, repeatedly kissed her crotch through her skirt. After a Jo ng
time, she gently pulled his head away and sat down in the straight-
backed chair. Sometimes it seemed as if they could read each other's
minds. He, understanding, rose and stood in front of her. They looked
Multiples 249
into each other's eyes for a moment. She stared at his black jeans,
looked down at the floor, and made a small gesture. He unbuckled his
pants, pulled them and his underwear down to his knees, and slowly,
deliberately, lay across her lap. He braced himself by placing his
hands on the floor and locking his elbows. She spanked him, gently at
first, then more and more firmly, but lovingly all along, stopping every
so often to trail her long, square nails up and down his back. They
made love afterwards right there on the floor of the room, and then
she held him tightly to he r for a long time, his head resting on her
Not a word had been exchanged since they e ntered the apartment.
He sat alone in the room , lost in his memories and reveling in them.
"Miles!" she called out from the library. Her voice was stern and
carried an order to come to her.
Had he done something wrong? Had he displeased her? He rushed
into the library. She spoke quietly, looking directly at him. "l need you
to run an errand for me. Go to the office at this address. A 'Ms. A.
Grant' there has a package for me. I need to have the work completed
and faxed out by 5:45, so you have a half hour to get there and back.
There's too much traffic for a cab, it'll be faster if you run. Now go."
She handed him a slip of paper with an address on it. He was about
to leave; then he thought about how he was dressed. It was hardly
very "corporate," and the boots weren't exactly designed for running
eithe r. He asked her if he might change his clothes first , a nd s he
refused, saying there wasn't enough time. Obediently he left.
As he rode down in the elevator, he looked at the address she had
given him. It was eleven blocks away. He had just enough time to get
there and bac k again. He knew that every eye on the street would be
foc used on him, dressed as he was. He would have to put up with a
lot because of that, but it didn't matter. They were just a blur of faces,
and he would ignore their stares. What did they matter to him
anyway? He would endure whatever he had to, with one thought in
his mind-her. He was her property, and she had given him orders.
Miles reached the lobby and headed out. The first person he saw
was the doo rman. Though the doorman noticed how he was dressed,
he was far too professional for it to registe r on his face as he opened
the door for him. Then he passed two well-dressed women in their
fifties whose conversatio n suddenly stopped as he hurried by. He
250 The Female Dominant
noticed this and knew exactly what they were thinking and what sort
of typical catty nonsense was going through their minds. To him, they
were among the generally "unenlightened," the vanilla people, and ,
given the opportunity, either or both of them would trade places with
his Mistress in a heartbeat. He ran faster and held himself more
proudly. He eventually arrived at the address, a small office building
on a cross street. Miles rode up the elevator and found the office;
then he entered and approached the desk.
'Tm here to pick up a package from Ms. A. Grant, for Miss Varrin."
The bright-looking young woman behind the desk took a moment to
find her voice. "Yes, I ... well, there's nothing here ... I'll take you
to Ms. Grant's office." She led him down a hall to a door marked
"A. Grant," opened it for him, and left. Looking out of the window of
the office was a gorgeous woman, a blond with a voluptuous figure.
She wore a black miniskirt business suit with a crisp white blouse,
black hosiery, and black high-heeled pumps. She was on the tele-
phone. She turned and looked Miles up and down intently without
interrupting her conversation for an instant. "Yes, we're shipping on
the twenty-fourth. Mae approved the prototype yesterday." She had
deep blue eyes, a model's cheekbones, and legs as shapely as his Mis-
tress's. There was an enigmatic smile on her face as she gestured for
Miles to sit down. Miles did so, hesitantly; he had to get that package
and to get moving if he was not to fail his Mistress .
After several more minutes on the telephone, the woman, leaning
against the front of her desk and staring at Miles all the while, put
the call on hold and addressed him. "What can I do for you?" her
voice had a Southern accent that could melt him, if given enough
"I'm here to pick up a package for Miss Varrin."
"I see. This won't take much longer," she said, pressing a button on
the phone set. The young woman from the outer office appeared
"Tamara, this young man must be extremely uncomfortable from
walking all the way here in those boots. Massage his feet."
Before Miles could say anything about being in a hurry, the woman
turned to the window again and was back on the phone. He wondered
how the woman knew of him walking here while the young woman
knelt in front of him, removed his boots, and began massaging his
Multiples 251
socked feet. This was pleasant-Ms. Grant was right, those boots
could certainly be uncomfortable, especially to have run so far in-
but he could not take his eyes off the clock on the wall. It was 5:40.
Miles was already behind schedule. He had to get that package and
leave immediately.
He started to speak. "Excuse me, Ms. Grant, but- "
The woman turned to him, gestured to him to remain quiet, smiled,
and turned back to the window. The young woman, meanwhile, never
once raised her eyes from Miles's feet. She was very gifted at what
she was doing, Miles thought; she must have had a lot of practice.
But he could no longer relax and enjoy it. He kept looking at the
clock. Finally, Ms. Grant hung up the phone.
"That will be all, Tamara," Ms. Grant said pleasantly.
Tamara put Miles's boots back on, gently but quickly, and left.
"Now what is it you're here for?" Ms. Grant inquired-again.
"A package for Miss Varrin," he said, as calmly as he could.
"Oh, of course, here you are," Ms . A. Grant said in that killer South-
ern accent.
She handed him a manila envelope that had been on top of her
desk, three feet from where Miles was sitting all along. Miles took it,
said "thank you" as he turned away, and bolted from the office. With
neither the time nor the patience to wait for the elevator, he ran down
the stairs, ran out into the street, and ran for home. He was letting his
Mistress down, and he was heartbroken.
Two blocks before home he tripped and fell. He didn't rip his jeans,
but he did skin his knees and they hurt badly. Hardly caring about
anything other than getting back to his Mistress as soon as he could,
he picked himself up instantly and ran on. On entering the building,
he practically knocked over the doorman but didn't even notice. He
ran up the five flights of stairs, entered the apartment, and went
directly to the library. The clock read 6:10, and his Mistress was not
there. He knew where she was.
He entered the room and knelt. Not able to face her, his chin was on
his chest as he fought back tears. The Mistress stood before him
holding her heaviest cat-o'-nine tails. She lifted his chin and led him to
a standing position at the end of the spanking bench, where she
roughly pulled his jeans down to his ankles. She used a knife to cut off
his underwear. She laid him down on the bench lengthwise and cuffed
252 The Female Dominant
his wrists and ankles to its legs. She put soft, formable earplugs into
his ears. Then she blindfolded him with a flexible, wide black band
that she used when she wished to deprive him of his sight; she slid
the band over his eyes and his ears. She picked up the whip, walked
behind him, and let it fly. It was the hardest she had ever hit him.
She continued beating him. His tears flowed freely, half from his
punishment and half from remorse at having disappointed her. He
tried to keep his sobs quiet. He knew he deserved this punishment,
and was even, in a way, grateful for it. Though he could not undo his
failure, at least he could accept his Mistress's justice and hope to be
forgiven afterward.
After a solid half hour of this, his bottom now bright red and
extremely painful, The Mistress uncuffed him, removed the earplugs
but not the blindfold, and stood him on his feet. He put his whole
heart into thanking her for what he had received at her hands. She
touched his lips to silence him.
"We are not nearly through yet," she said in a soft voice.
She returned him to the spanking bench, this time laying him on
his back. The Mistress removed his boots and socks, pulled his black
T-shirt off over his head, and then pulled off his jeans completely. She
locked his wrists in the cuffs below him and his ankles in a set of
cuffs, which she lowered from the ceiling. She then raised the ankle
cuffs so that his bottom was eight inches off the bench, extremely
accessible and unprotected.
She said, "I have a surprise for you," and pulled off the blindfold.
Standing next to the bench was the gorgeous Southern belle, Ms. A.
Now Miles knew the reason for the earplugs: it was to prevent him
from hearing Ms. A. Grant's arrival during his whipping. Smiling enig-
matically as she had when Miles entered her office, the woman looked
into Miles's eyes and to his surprise, she giggled. She was the last
person he expected to see or hear. The last thing Miles saw as Ms.
Grant straddled him and lowered herself onto Miles's mouth was The
Mistress taking a cane down from the wall.
Once Ms. Grant was solidly in position, The Mistress began to cane
Miles. The blows were swift, hard, and well landed. His Mistress never
missed. He tried to count them but lost track at about fifty-five. The
pain was too great. He shrieked, yelped, and cried directly into Ms.
Multiples 253
Grant's thong, while she amused herself by pinching his nipples and
grinding her sturdy thong on his face. Ms. "A." Grant was a very effec-
tive and interesting form of bondage.
As The Mistress continued to cane him, she said, "Make her come.
Use your tongue on Ms. Grant's thong to give her an orgasm."
Spurred on by the pain of the cane as well as the beauty of Ms.
Grant and his current predicament, if one could call it that, Miles used
his tongue as best as he knew how. Ms. Grant rode his face, aiding
him in his efforts to some d egree. Whe n he locat ed her button
through her thong and grasped it in his lips, he flicked his tongue
back and forth across her little penis. Ms. Grant began to moan and
cry out, "Yes, there, there, harder, more pressure, ... " Miles did as he
was told a nd in just a few more seconds, he felt her juices soak her
thong. Then he sucked as much o f her nectar out of the thong as he
could. As soon as Ms. Grant came, his Mistress stopped caning him.
Many ho urs later, after Ms. "A. " Grant had gone, Miles lay in bed
next to the slee ping Claudia, thinking over the day's events. Had he
really let Claudia down, or had she "set him up"? He never knew what
to expect from her, which kept him on his toes, eager and anxious, all
the time; that was how she exerted such control over him. It absently
crossed his mind that he never found out what the "A" in Ms. A. Grant
stood for.
He rolled over, put his head on Claudia's breast, and fell asleep.
Wayne. Unfortunately, Wayne did not realize that he had passed the
age of uyoung" a few years back, nor did he realize that as he aged,
his boyish charm had aged as well, and now fell short of the mark. He
could no longer charm his way into or out of anything. He was with
two very experienced mistresses, and he lied about the extent of his
previous training and experiences. And, of course, he thought he was
the most wonderful slave in the world. I guess he had come from a
very, very small world that was very, very far away.
Let me tell you, sister, he was so untrained that perhaps if Eliza-
beth and I had a week to train him intensively each and every day,
separately and together, at the end of that week, he might have gotten
some idea of what it was really about. He was harmless when he
wasn't driving a car but extremely dense. We told him the rules, gave
him his word and signal, and confirmed everything. Thinking some-
one had already trained him, we thought he got it. We thought incor-
rectly. We rolled our eyes in our heads so many times, we gave
ourselves headaches. At some point, it became amusing, and I must
say, speaking for myself only, I did begin to enjoy playing a nonro-
mantic sadist. I wanted to hurt him-badly.
His scene was to be caged, allowed to worship my feet and lower
legs and, under the protection of Mistress Elizabeth and myself, to
go to a BDSM party in a local nightclub. Then he added that he be
forced to eat bugs. Mistress Elizabeth has three beautiful cages: a jail
cell, a birdcage, and a cage that used to be my dining-table base. The
cages really turned him on, especially the jail cell and birdcage. We
instructed him to remove the birdcage from its hook in the living
room and bring it into the dungeon where he then secured it to the
ceiling and floor. He executed this task to our satisfaction (the cage
was quite heavy), so we stripped him. Then Mistress Elizabeth and I
put him into the cage and blindfolded him. We secured his hands at
waist level to the bars of the cage with leather wrist restraints and
made him spread his legs as far as the bars would allow so that we
could secure his ankles in the same manner. Spacey music was play-
ing softly in the background ; we shut off all the lights and left him
there for two hours before letting him out.
On his release we expected him to be a bit unstable and disori-
ented, so we let him sit down, gave him water, and rubbed his wrists
and ankles where the restraints had been. But after that he turned
Multiples 255
tea, we used them to poke at him through the bars of the cage. Since
he was quite large and the cage quite tall and narrow, anywhe re we
poked our shoe through the bars landed on his flesh. He looked
utterly mystified by our displeasure; perhaps his other mistress
allowed such behavior, but we did not-so we made him repeat the
rules back to us. It seems he then forgot them instantly. He had one
idea in his head , and that idea was that he was a "good submissive,"
and no one was going to tell him differently. Perhaps he thought that
being "in the way" and "under foot" were synonymous phrases for
good submissive.
That night, Mistress Elizabe th and I took him to the Fetish Box
party in Miami. Since he was from the other side of the country, the
chances of him being seen by someone he knew were almost nonex-
istent. He had, at least, rented a Cadillac and we rode there in style.
The party was not a heavy play party to us but rather a mild mix, a
good first party for a newcomer-lots of eye candy as well as some
action. The club had a stage for those who wished to play, a dance
floor with an adjoining bar, and a lounge a rea, whic h had comfortable
sofas and was somewhat quieter. I will say one thing for him: he was
so unjaded that the club party, which to Elizabeth and I was a fun
dance and play party, completely blew his mind . He had never seen
so many people in fetish dress dancing and playing in the same place
at the same time. I used him as a footstool , an ottoman, and a table,
and in his innocence, he thought everyone in the club was looking at
him. I did not disillusion him, although hardly anyone cast a glance
his way.
A friend came and sat for a chat while Wayne was giving me a mas-
sage through the killer boots I was wearing. As I conversed with my
friend, I noticed that Wayne's touch had gotten softer and softer until
I could hardly feel it through the thick patent leather of the boots. So
I told him, "Harder." His touch remained the same-inadequate. So I
said it again, louder this time, "Harder!" Again nothing. So I kicked
him with my other foot, which he took to mean I wanted him to rub
that one now. I turned to my friend , who was a submissive himself at
one time, and said, "Can you believe this?" He, having the voice of
Stentor, called out to him, "Hey you, dummy, your Mistress requires
your attention. " Only then did Wayne turn his attention to me and
my desires, so intent was he on fulfilling his own desires. But did
Multiples 257
Wayne learn anything? No! When I told him he could kiss my boots,
paying special attention to the platforms, it was as if I'd never even
spoken! He was so absorbed in what he was doing that he didn't even
have half an ear open for me.
But this was the worst: Before we even set out for the club, I told
Wayne that he was only allowed to have two drinks; I felt that more
than that would impair his driving, and Elizabeth and I we re in the
car too. The police in that state are particularly aggressive but not
particularly honest , a bad combination, and they make a commission
for each arrest, which is a very bad system. But Wayne was sneaky as
well as a dolt-also a bad combination. Each time Elizabeth or I
needed a drink from the bar, he cheerfully went at our command.
And while he was there, he later admitted to downing at least two
drinks while he waited for ours to be made. Waited for our drinks to
be made? We had ordered bottles of water! So he had ordered his
own drinks first, exceeding his drinking limit by several vodka cock-
tails and then ordered our water. How utterly brainless!
His drunkenness didn't become apparent until the harrowing ride
home. I hate drunken men. I have three words for them: slow, sloppy,
and stupid, which I think makes an accurate description of your aver-
age drunken male. Although Elizabeth and I each offered to drive and
the n commanded him to pull over so that one of us could take the
wheel, he just wouldn't stop the car. Fortunately, we didn't get pulled
over, and we made it bac k to Elizabeth's in one piece.
Shaken, we had him ma ke us tea, which was served in a marginally
more proficient manner this time, and I allowed the drunken Wayne to
lie under my fee t and caress them. While he was down there, I posed
these questions to him: If I, your mistress, commanded you to be
silent and the draperies caught on fire, what would you do? Would
you keep your mouth shut and let the ho use burn down because I
commanded you to silence, or would you disobey and rush to tell me
of the disaster? Which do you think would displease me more: your
disobedience or my house burning down? He looked at me in all seri-
ousness and said that he "would keep his vow of silence." I can't say
1 was surprised by his answer, but come on! What kind of boob would
sit there and let the house burn down around us because he was
"commanded" to keep silent? Obviously, when real life bursts in, you
deal with it rationally.
258 Th e Female Dominant
But this was not the end of it. Mistress Elizabeth and I gave him his
supplies for spending the night in the red light of the jail cell: bottle
of water, small bucket, bell, slave's pillow, and blanket. Then we
"locked" him in, although we did leave the key to the antique-style
padlock within easy reach of the cell. We left him there and relaxed in
the living room without his disruptive presence and obtrusive per-
sonality. We let him out at ten in the morning and gave him thirteen
minutes to perform the five "esses," shower, shampoo, shave, shit
and shine up, before presenting himself to us. We were in street
clothes. He came out all clean and shiny, and we ordered him to make
us tea and serve it to us at the counter, not at the table. His tea serv-
ice had improved a bit more, but after tea was served, he sat down at
the counter with us! Elizabeth and I were astonished. His day had
started off with a series of commands. Why would he now think that
he could sit with us as equals? Then we remembered he wrote he
wanted to eat bugs, and it was breakfast time!
Elizabeth, the considerate dear, had obligingly gone to the bait-and-
tackle shop down the road and purchased a small wonton-soup-size
Styrofoam container full of fat, juicy, wiggling worms in dirt, just for
Wayne. I got the container of worms, which was in a brown paper
bag, and handed it to Wayne. He thought we were giving him a "pres-
ent" (of all things!), and he opened it eagerly. When he saw the con-
tainer, he was puzzled but still game. Placing it on the counter, he
opened the lid. We all let out a little shout, even though Elizabeth and
I obviously knew what was in there, because there was a rather fat,
long, pink worm frantically wiggling around right on top. Then, the
worm jumped, which made all of us exclaim in surprise. Wayne
looked at me, and I mean really looked at me, possibly for the first
time since he had been here, and his confusion was plain.
I smiled and said in a very normal tone of voice, "You did write
that you wanted to eat bugs, didn't you? You should be careful what
you wish for because you just might get your wish." His look of con-
fusion turned to horror when he realized we meant it.
I got a plastic fork, and finding myself none too comfortable with
the thought of trying to twirl the big fat juicy guy from the top, I dug
through the dirt and found a worm that was about as round as a
strand of spaghetti and about three inches long. Perfect for twirling!
Multiples 259
and although I told him to leave extra time for spontaneous eruptions
of playing, he did not. He had done as men do, scheduling dinner with
a male friend at six instead of eight, and so he lost out on his intro-
ductory session.
Men will be men and maybe someday, just maybe, they will learn
just how much they are missing when they do not listen to their
Amanda and I really enjoyed this, and Tim got his first lesson in
objectification. At Amanda's request we did origami-style bondage
and the hog-tie on him. We practiced different flogging techniques
and drilled him in how to pay us homage. Then I didn't see them
again for almost two years.
I was delighted to hear from Amanda again. They were going to be
in town and wanted another playtime. She said that Tim had come a
long way since our last meeting and that I would be delighted at his
progress. Because of my special status we were going to meet at a
BDSM club that was not open to the public that night and have our
jollies there. I noticed that they had brought along a dozen long-
stemmed red roses, as well as their gear. I played the heavy, wearing
a latex sergeant's uniform, red platform boots with lots of buckles,
and the sheriff's hat I had brought home from Prague. Amanda wore
black, a combination of leather and lace, and very feminine shoes, a
much softer look than mine and a good contrast. After we sat, Tim
paid us each the proper homage, and his execution was perfect; I
could see she had been drilling him. As I looked on, Amanda collared
and gagged him as part of his acceptance ceremony, and he auto-
matically assumed position four.
Obviously, this was a part of their at-home opening ceremony, and
I was happy they had shared it with me. She and I decided to lounge
comfortably in our chairs and chat about Tim and his progress while
he waited for us on his knees. Amanda told me that after his first ses-
sion and disappointment at being nothing more than an object, she
trained him to become an object, and in two years, he had become a
very good one. Now he liked being used as an object, as well as pro-
viding excellent service and being something of a masochist, the joy
of every mistress.
Being who I am, I had to put this claim to the test, and Amanda
was more than happy to show off her training skills. She asked me if
I had any new whip techniques, and a wicked gleam came into my
eyes. Lady Sadist had made her appearance. It just so happened that
while in Prague, along with the sheriff's hat, I also bought a single-
tail whip, about five feet long. I had practiced with it in my friend 's
dungeon in London on equipment such as the spanking horse, the
back of the throne, and, finally, a small padded area on the cross;
262 The Female Dominant
these we re all places whe re I could add an invisible (to all but me)
body and aim for that area. I was good for a first timer, so good that
the people upstairs, a master, his live-in female slave, and his live-in
male slave, came down to watch me. On the cross, the smallest target,
I hit the mark thirty-seven out of forty times. If someone had been
standing the re, I wouldn 't have missed at all. The target was about
four inches wide and s ix inches long. A human back is a bit bigger. In
any case, the single tail was/ is really nasty.
Back to Amanda and Tim. I said to Amanda coyly, "Well, I do have
one thing but it is really mean ." Sh e immediately ordered him into
position four, "attention," and then wanted to see it. I had the whip
wrapped a bout my waist like a belt, but I guess she hadn't seen it in
the dark. The quickness with which I produced it and where I kept it
made Ama nda smile. The n we looked at Tim, kneeling motionless in
position four, and saw fear in his eyes. I wanted to giggle, but I sup-
pressed that urge and fed the giggle energy into the wicked gleam in
my eyes. I looked at Amanda, and she had the gleam too. Let me say
that we both knew we weren't going to hit him with it-we just
wanted to scare him with it. So I showed her how to use it on the
spanking bench, in a n overhead X motion on the top of it a nd then
how to flick it at the end of the bench, where his ass would be, had he
been b ent over it. As we took turns beating the bejeezus out o f the
furniture, Tim looked on in terror. Amanda a nd I were getting so
excited, I guess he really thought he was next! He was shaking from
head to toe as he kne lt at attention.
Amanda ordered him to his feet and to the X-frame (where, I am
sure, he thought h e was going to get the beating of his life), and the
two of us faste ned the leather cuffs to his wrists. I snappe d the single
tail around a few more times for e ffect while she got out her favorite
flogger; then we switched so that I could get mine. Not knowing any-
thing a bo ut the whip exchange, Tim was all aquiver, the only leaf
s haking o n the whole tree on a windless day. He began to moan from
behind his bright red ball gag. From her reaction, Amanda liked to
hear moaning as much as I do. When s he first brought the flogger
down on Tim, he overreacted in a ntic ipation of the single ta il and
jumpe d so high that he, with his height, a lmost touched the ceiling!
Amanda and I found this hilarious a nd began laughing; Tim found our
Multiples 263
Tim to remove the blindfold. She was standing in front of him when
he took it off so that the first thing he saw was that twelfth rose,
which she was twirling in her hand. Suddenly, she tossed it into the
farthest corner of the room, and Tim was off after it in a shot. He
brought the twelfth rose to me with a very happy puppy look on his
face. I, of course, accepted it graciously and ruffled his hair in affec-
tion. Then, being more considerate than I may appear at times, I left
the room.
I have seen Amanda and Tim many times since then.
About the Author
Diva Claudia Varrin has been active in the BDSM scene since 1991.
Through her writings, public appearances, speaking engagements,
magazine interviews, and television and movie appearances, Varrin
has become a well-known advocate of the BDSM love-style as well as
a world-renowned author. Diva Claudia lives life among the incurable
curious, which often confuses some people as to whether she is "truly
dominant," or not. Diva Claudia believes that no one is truly domi-
nant 24/7 and thinks that people who say that they are always, and
only, dominant are deceiving themselves . (Occasionally, everyone,
dominant or not, needs a shoulder to cry on.) Diva Claudia thinks of
herself as an author and artist first whose gift for writing about her
understanding of dominance and submission has led her to share her
experiences as a domina and diva with you. She loves to experiment
and to know what her slaves and submissives are feeling. To do this,
Claudia will experiment on herself as much as possible. She finds self-
bondage extremely interesting and loves to invent new ways of tor-
ture, humiliation, and edge play.
Varrin's interest in the BDSM community and promotion of the
love-style is genuine, not a put-on for curiosity seekers. Diva Claudia
is a genuine Fetish Diva and Domina and a great supporter of the
global BDSM community. Diva Claudia is a latex fetishist who loves to
travel to international events, with a special preference for the
Rubber Ball, Club Rub, and Torture Garden in London, England; Nuit
Demonia in Paris, France; Euro-Perve in Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
the Texas Latex Party in Houston, Texas; the Alter Ego Parties in Fort
Lauderdale, Florida; and the anniversary celebrations at the Other
World Kingdom, Czech Republic. (The Diva thinks Prague is one of
the most beautiful cities in the world.) She appears at these world-
wide events and functions to promote international acceptance of the
alternate BDSM love-style, gives generously of her time, and donates
books and BDSM-related items as often as possible to worthy causes.
266 About the Author
Her passion for shoes and latex remains unabated. Here are Diva Clau-
dia Varrin's credentials:
Published Works
1997 The Anne Rice Reader edited by Katherine Ramsland, Ph.D.,
fully accredited chapter entitled "How Do They Rate? Eliot
Slater and Lasher as Love Slaves."
1998 The Art of Sensual Female Dominance: A Guide for Women,*
Kensington Books, New York, hardcover (out of print).
2000 The Art of Sensual Female Dominance, Kensington Books,
New York, in seventh paperback printing.
2001 Erotic Surrender: The Sensual Joys of Female Submission,*
Kensington Books, New York, hardcover.
2002 NYFU New York Fetish Underground Guide, Kensington Books,
New York, paperback.
2003 Erotic Surrender: The Sensual Joys of Female Submission,
Kensington Books, New York, paperback.
2004 Female Dominance: Rituals and Practices,* Kensington Books,
New York, hardcover.
2005 The Female Dominant: Games She Plays, Kensington Books,
New York, paperback.
*Available in German.
About the Author 267
Rubber Ball, London, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004
Euro-Perve, Amsterdam, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005
Libertine Ball, Philade lphia, 1999
Alter Ego, Fort Lauderdale, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
2004, 2005
Miss Fetish NYC Pageant, honored guest, 2000; contest judge, 2001
, Kink in the Caribbean, Jamaica, 2001
Dressing for Pleasure, Edison, New Jersey, 1992
Black and Blue Ball, New York, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001 , 2002, 2003,
2004, 2005
Leather Pride Night, New York, 1996, 2000, 2001 , 2002, 2004
Fetish in Paradise, Man-Ray Club, Boston, 2002
Boston Fetish Flea Market, Boston, 2002
Nuit Demonia, Paris, 2002, 2003, 2004
The Playground, Fort Lauderdale, 2002, 2003, 2004
The Other World Kingdom, Czech Republic, Anniversary Celebration
in May 2003, spec ia l visit in March 2004; awarded Citizenship in
June 2004
The Baroness's Black and Blue Ball Fetish Retinue, New York, May
The Gomorrah Black and Blue Pre-Ball Gala, New York, May 2003,
2004, 2005
The Texas Latex Party, Houston, 2004
Club Rub Christmas Party, London, 2004
268 About the Author