Walkthrough in EARTH AND LIFE G11 SLM Q1
Walkthrough in EARTH AND LIFE G11 SLM Q1
Walkthrough in EARTH AND LIFE G11 SLM Q1
Department of Education
San Juan, Morong, RIZAL
Week 3 1. cite ways to address the different environmental 16 Students have no idea how important the The concept of water should be given first to the
Importance of concerns related to the use of fossil fuels, geothermal water travel from the source to the end student and let them decide how water travel
Water and energy, and hydroelectric energy S11/12ES-Ie-f-13 part. and fall on our table for consumption.
Exogenic 2. recognize how water is distributed on Earth S11/12ES-If-
Processes 14
3. identify the various water resources on Earth S11/12ES-
4. explain how different activities affect the quality and
availability of water for human use S11/12ES-Ig-16
5. suggest ways of conserving and protecting water
resources S11/12ES-Ig-16
1. identify human activities, such as farming, construction 18 Should established how soil perform such Have an updated examples that are happening in their
of structures, and waste disposal, that affect the quality exogenic processes. society for them to decide to consider the ways to
and quantity of soil S11/12ES-Ih-17 prevent exogenic processes.
2. give ways of conserving and protecting the soil for
future generations thru erosion, and deposition
weathering S11/12ES-Ih-i-18
3. describe how people generate different types of waste
(solid, liquid, and gaseous) as they make use of various
materials and resources in everyday life S11/12ES-Ii-19
4. explain how different types of waste affect people’s
health and the environment S11/12ES-Ii-j-20
5. cite ways of reducing the production of waste at home,
in school, and around the community S11/12ES-Ij-21
6.describe how rocks undergo weathering SS11/12ES-IIa-
Week 4 1.explain why the Earth’s interior is hot S11/12ES-IIb-c23 23 Information should be given before hand Develop ways on how to simplify the heat
The Earth’s 2. describe how magma is formed S11/12ES-IIc-24 about how hot is the earth interior in produce by the earth’s interior.
Internal Heat different comparison
3. describe how rocks behave under different types of
stress such as compression, pulling apart, and shearing
4. identify the layers of the Earth S11/12ES-IId-28
5. differentiate the layers of the Earth from each other
Week 5 1. describe how magma is formed S11/12ES-IIc-24 25 Students knows magma but the formation Develop ways on how to present formation of
Magmatism 2. describe what happens after magma is formed of it inside and outside of volcano lucks magma
S11/12ES-IIc-25 some emphasis.
Week 6 1. describe the changes in mineral components and 26 List some words that will eventually Have a pictographs of metamorphism according
Metamorphism texture of rocks due to changes in pressure and connect metamorphism with changes in to the understanding of students and clearly
temperature (metamorphism) S11/12ES-IIc-d26 pressure , heat and temperature. arrange it infront of the class.
Week 7 1. describe how rocks behave under different types of 27 Students are unable to distinguished the Emphasize first the meaning of stress and then
Igneous Rocks Or stress such as compression, pulling apart, and shearing difference between compression, pulling introduce the words compression, pulling and
Different types of S11/12ES-IId-27 and shearing. shearing.to students.
Rocks 2. identify the layers of the Earth S11/12ES-IId-28
Week 8 1. describe the continental drift theory S11/12ES-IIe-30 34 Students not able to identify the formation Must be given in pictographs and sampling in the
Movement of 2. discuss evidence that support continental drift of folds, faults, trenches, volcanoes, rift locality if there is and let them decide which
Plates and S11/12ES-IIe-31 valleys, and mountain range apply to it.
Formation of Folds 3. explain how seafloor spreads S11/12ES-IIf-32
and Faults 4. describe the structure and evolution of ocean basins
5. explain how the movement of plates leads to the
formation of folds, faults, trenches, volcanoes, rift valleys,
and mountain ranges S11/12ES-IIg34