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Code No: Y0221 / R07

Set No. 1

I B.Tech - Regular Examinations, June 2009 BASIC ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) With the help of a neat sketch, explain the principle of working of a CRT. (b) In a CRT, the length of deecting plates is 2cm. The spacing between the plates is 0.6cm. The distance of the screen from the center of the plates is 16cm. Calculate the deection sensitivity in m/volt if the nal anode voltage is: i. 600V and ii. 900V. [8+8]

2. (a) How does the reverse sturation current of diode varies with temperature. Explain. (b) Draw the energy band diagram of p-n diode for no bias, forward bias and reverse bias and explain. [6+10] 3. (a) A 15-0-15 Volts (rms) ideal transformer is used with a full wave rectier circuit with diodes having forward drop of 1 volt. The load is a resistance of 100ohm and a capacitor of 10,000f is used as a lter across the load resistance. Calculate the dc load current and voltage. (b) Draw the circuit diagram of a bridge rectier circuit with L-section lter and explain its operation. [8+8] 4. (a) Draw the circuit for BJT in C.C. conguration and draw the input and output characteristics. (b) Explain the terms , , ICEO ,ICBO , and pertaining to BJT. 5. (a) Determine the stability factor for the circuit shown in gure 5a. [8+8]

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Code No: Y0221 / R07

Set No. 1

Figure 5a (b) Calculate the thermal resistance for the 2N338 transistor for which the manufacturer species Pc,max =125mW at 250 C free-air temperature and maximum junction temperature Tj =1500 C. What is the junction temperature if the collector dissipation is 75mW? [8+8] 6. (a) Explain the method of evaluating h parameters for a transistor in CB conguration. (b) A CC amplier is driven by a voltage source of internal resistance Rs =1k. The load impedance if RL =1K. The transistor parameters are hic = 1.1K, hf c = -51, hrc =1, hoc = 25A/V. Compute input and output impedance of the amplier. [8+8] 7. (a) Dene Desensitivity D. What is the signicance of this? (b) An amplier without feedback gives a fundamental output of 36V with 7 percent second-harmonic distortion when the input is 0.028V. If 1.2 percent of the output is fed back into the input in a negative voltage series feedback circuit, what is the output voltage? If the fundamental output is maintained at 36V but the second-harmonic distortion is reduced to 1 percent, what is the input voltage? [6+10] 8. (a) Consider the two section RC network shown in gure 8a. Find the Vi /Vf function, and verify that it is not possible to obtain 1800 phase shift with a nite attenuation.

Figure 8a 2 of 3

Code No: Y0221 / R07

Set No. 1

(b) State the similarities and dierences between series and parallel resonance crystal oscillator circuits. [10+6]

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Code No: Y0221 / R07

Set No. 2

I B.Tech - Regular Examinations, June 2009 BASIC ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) Draw the schematic diagram of a CRT and explain about the various sections and the materials used. (b) In a CRT, the electrons emitted are accelerated by a potential of 500V. The length of the deecting plates is 1.3 cm. Distance between the deecting plates is 0.5 cm. The distance between the centre of the deecting plates and the screen is 20 cm. Determine the value of electrostatic deection sensitivity. [8+8] 2. (a) Draw and explain the V-I characteristics of a p-n junction diode. Use equations wherever necessary. (b) The transition capacitance of an abrupt junction diode is 30pf at 8V. Determine the value of capacitance for an increase in the bias voltage of 2V. [8+8] 3. (a) Explain the circuit diagram of a single phase full-wave bridge rectier and sketch the input and output wave forms. (b) Dene percentage regulation and prove that the regulation of both half wave and full wave rectier is given by percentage regulation equal to Rf 100%. Rl [8+8] 4. (a) Draw the circuit and explain the characteristics of BJT (input and output characteristics) in C.E. conguration. (b) Give the specications, parameters and typical values of a silicon NPN transistor. [8+8] 5. (a) What is the necessity to stabilize the operating point of transistor amplier? (b) What is thermal runaway? (c) For a xed bias conguration determine Ic , Rc , Rb and Vce using the following specications: Vcc =12V, Vc =6V, =80, Ib = 40 A. [4+4+8] 6. Show that the exact expression for hf e in terms of the CB hybrid parameters is hf (1hrb )+hib hob hf e = (1+hbf b )(1hrb )+hob hib from this formula obtain the approximate expression for hf e . [16] 7. (a) An amplier has a gain of -100 and a distortion of 8%. What is the eect of introducing negative feedback with feedback factor of 0.05? (b) Find Af for a CE stage with an un bypassed emitter resistor. 1 of 2 [8+8]

Code No: Y0221 / R07

Set No. 2

8. (a) What is condition of unity loop gain to sustain oscillations? Prove it. (b) Prove that the ratio of the parallel to series resonant frequencies of a crystal is 1+1/2(C/C). [8+8]

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Code No: Y0221 / R07

Set No. 3

I B.Tech - Regular Examinations, June 2009 BASIC ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) Draw the schematic diagram of a CRT and explain about the various sections and the materials used. (b) In a CRT, the electrons emitted are accelerated by a potential of 500V. The length of the deecting plates is 1.3 cm. Distance between the deecting plates is 0.5 cm. The distance between the centre of the deecting plates and the screen is 20 cm. Determine the value of electrostatic deection sensitivity. [8+8] 2. (a) Derive the expression for contact dierence of potential V0 in the case of an open circuited p-n junction. (b) What is the ratio of current for a forward bias of 0.08 V to the current for the same magnitude of reverse bias for the Germanium diode. [8+8] 3. (a) Discuss the operation of HW recitier with and without capacitor lter. (b) Draw the Half wave rectier circuit using a step down Transformer with Vs = 46 sin(100 t) and a semiconductor diode. Calculate the turns ratio of the Transformer windings when the primary voltage of the Transformer is 230 volts. [8+8] 4. (a) Derive the relation between and of the BJT. (b) Derive the relation between ICEO and ICBO of a transistor. (c) Explain how transistor can be used as an amplier. [5+5+6]

5. (a) What do you understand by dc and ac load line? Explain how to choose the operating point? (b) For a xed bias conguration, determine IbQ , ICQ and VceQ using the following specications: Vcc = 16V, =90, Rc = 2.7K, Rb =470K and also nd the saturation current Isat. [8+8] 6. Find the overall h parameters of the composite transistor shown in gure 6. [16]

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Code No: Y0221 / R07

Set No. 3

Figure 6 7. (a) List the steps required to carry out the analysis of a feedback amplier. (b) Calculate voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance of a CE amplier with voltage-shunt negative feedback. [6+10] 8. (a) Find Vi /Vf for the network shown in gure 8a.

Figure 8a (b) Sketch the circuit of a phase shift oscillator using feedback network shown in gure 8b.

Figure 8b (c) Find the expression for the frequency of oscillation, assuming that the network does not load down the amplier of question (b). (d) Find the minimum gain required for oscillations of the circuit of question (b). [16]

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Code No: Y0221 / R07

Set No. 4

I B.Tech - Regular Examinations, June 2009 BASIC ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUITS (Electrical & Electronic Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks 1. (a) Derive an expression for magnetic deection sensitivity of C.R.O. (b) An electron is injected with an initial velocity Vox of 4 106 m/sec halfway between two large parallel plates 0.5 cm apart. The XZ plane is parallel to the plates. There is a voltage of 200V impressed between the plates, and a magnetic eld of 10 mwb/m2 perpendicular to the plates, directed from the positive to the negative plate. Where does the electron strike the positive plate and with what velocity? [8+8] 2. (a) Determine the resistivity of Germanium: i. in intrinsic condition at 300 0 K ii. with donor impurity of 1 in 107 iii. with acceptor impurity of 1 in 108 Given for germanium at room temperature. ni = 2.5 1013 /cm3 ; p = 1800 cm2 /V-sec, n = 3800 cm2 /V-sec and number of Germanium atoms/cm3 = 4.4 1022 . (b) Compare Avalanche and Zener breakdown. [10+6]

3. (a) Explain why a bridge rectier is preferred over a centre-tap rectier. Give circuit diagrams. (b) A diode has an internal resistance of 20 and 1000 load from a 110V rms source of supply. Calculate: i. the eciency of rectication ii. the percentage regulation from no load to full load. 4. (a) Compare JFET and MOSFET with respect to various features. (b) Draw the biasing circuit suitable for JFET and if the JFET is replaced by a MOSFET for what mode of operation it is valid and explain about the function of each component used in the circuit. [6+10] 5. (a) Compare the advantages and disadvantages of biasing schemes. (b) Calculate the quiescent current and voltage of collector to base bias arrangement using the following data: Vcc =10V, Rb =100K, Rc =2K, =50 and also specify a value of Rb so that Vce =7V. [8+8] 6. Obtain CB h parameters in terms of CE h parameters. 1 of 2 [16] [8+8]

Code No: Y0221 / R07

Set No. 4

7. (a) Explain how the nonlinear distortion can be reduced by using negative feedback in an amplier. (b) Calculate voltage gain, input impedance and output impedance of a CE amplier with Voltage-Series negative feedback. [8+8] 8. (a) Consider the two section RC network shown in gure 8a. Find the Vi /Vf function, and verify that it is not possible to obtain 1800 phase shift with a nite attenuation.

Figure 8a (b) State the similarities and dierences between series and parallel resonance crystal oscillator circuits. [10+6]

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