Savage Worlds - Beasts & Barbarians - The Dread Shard

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Barbarians &
A Sword and Sorcery Savage Worlds setting

By Umberto Pignatelli
Barbarians &
A Sword and Sorcery Savage Worlds setting

By Umberto Pignatelli

Author: Marek “Planetourist” Golonka
Editing: Andy Slack, Piotr Koryś
Cover: Tomek Tworek
Layout: Michał Smaga
Playtesters: Daniele Bonetto, Luca Coero Borga,
Maner Samuel, Paolo Boiero, Pierpaolo Ferrari

Special Thanks to: Marta Castellano (my wife) queen of all the Amazons,
Massimo Campolucci (my uncle), for being the first, real Dhaar, Simone Ronco
and Polliotti Yoshi (my friends) for fighting alone against the Valk demons

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment
Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or
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©2014 Gramel Justyna Koryś, Beasts and Barbarians, Dread Star Dominions and all related marks and logos are
trademarks of Gramel Justyna Koryś. All Rights Reserved.

Produced under license by Studio 2 Publishing, Inc. The Studio 2 logo is a trademark of Studio 2 Publishing, Inc.
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The Dread Shard
Our heroes visit a great festival only to discover that it’s a trap devised to trigger a
powerful demonic ritual. The feast soon becomes a slaughter as a Valk horde charges
into the city.

Introduction ritual is to give her Valk demonic power

and fury.
Five years ago a small meteorite fell from
the sky right in front of the gates of Dal-
axium, one of Faberterra’s most remote
Plot Summary
cities. It looked like a smaller version of The adventure begins when the PCs vis-
the Dread Star of legend, so it was called it the festival in Dalaxium. At first they
the Dread Shard and considered an omen simply have fun and meet people, but
of a terrible fate. they may also get a hint that something
is wrong here.
Lucius, the governor of Dalaxium, de-
cided to investigate this phenomenon and Then the moment comes for Lucius to
soon became obsessed with it. He spent go among his guests and explain his great
long years among ancient astrology trea- plan. But when the gate of his palace
tises and learned men. Finally he declared opens, Valk riders charge from it into the
that he had discovered the real power of shocked guests! The PCs can slow them
the Dread Shard – a power that could save down a little, but the enemy is too over-
Faberterra from its decay! To celebrate this whelming to be defeated. The only option
discovery, Lucius is inviting everybody to is to sneak away – maybe to the palace,
a great festival on the streets of Dalaxium maybe outside the city. Moving through
and has promised to reveal his plan at the the dying city will be full of random en-
feast’s climax. counters to challenge the players and
show them further hints of what is really
The truth, however, is much more dread- going on.
ful. Lucius has in fact made a deal with
Maab, a Valk Jalka Maiden. She prom- The most probable final scene is a show-
ised to use the power of the Dread Shard down with Maab, the leader of the Valk.
to make him immortal, but such a ritual However, it may well be that our heroes
requires spilling the blood of a thousand will gather reinforcements in other cities
men. Nobody suspects that his guests are and take part in a great battle against the
in fact going to be a sacrifice – and Lucius Valk.
doesn’t imagine that he’ll join them. Maab
has lied to him; the real purpose of the


The Festival have fun and they are having a lifetime’s

worth of it. They are drinking, eating,
The festival takes place mainly in the city boasting, seducing and fighting all over
square, a huge open space at the center of the city square – would you like to join
Dalaxium. This place usually holds a large them?
market, but for this one day all commerce
has been removed from the city to make If the PCs ask what they can do here tell
more room for feasting guests (and, in them about the competitions described
fact, Valk riders). Even the nearby streets below. If they’re looking for interesting
are free of stalls except for a few that sell people, describe Ethella, Iathus or San-
curiosities from foreign countries. Some gius. Also look at PCs’ Hindrances and
people are also celebrating in the wider try to provoke a situation in which they
streets, but few want to spend this day will cause some trouble. A Greedy char-
in the shady passages between them un- acter may stumble upon a wealthy gam-
less they have an attractive companion to bler, while a Vengeful one will surely meet
spend time with. You should mention the somebody who wronged him in the past.
removal of obstacles from the streets at
least once because it may help the players
to understand what’s really going on (see NPCs
Optional Scene: Investigation).
Nera, a Brave Amazon
This festival hosts over a thousand people
from around the Dread Sea and some- Nera is a beautiful woman looking for a
times even from such far lands as Lhoban good fight. She is utterly convinced that
or the Ivory Savannah. Everyone is eating such a festival won’t be memorable with-
free meat, drinking free beer and having out an epic brawl and is ready to taunt or
fun in many ways. All these people came seduce any man to begin the biggest tav-
in by the main city gate. There’s also an- ern brawl ever – in the biggest tavern of
other, smaller gate – the Lumber Gate the town. And since the town watch is
that leads to a small forest south of Dal- hopelessly drunk she may well succeed.
axium. The Valk will strike from this gate.
She may be a character’s opponent during
Now it’s time to introduce the PCs to this a boozing or fighting competition, but af-
scenario and find them some friends (or ter the competition she’ll accuse the hero
maybe enemies?). Below are descriptions of cheating and try to taunt him into at-
of interesting NPCs, worthwhile compe- tacking her.
titions and interesting rumors. Feel free to
enrich this scene with characters and gos-
sip from other adventures you’ve already
Dolcius, an Astronomer’s
run or those you want to use later. Son
First read or paraphrase the following: Dolcius is a seven year old boy of great
good looks and equal curiosity. Being too
The mixture of sights, sounds and smells shy and cowardly for a real man, he will
from around the world is dazzling. You surely be a laughing-stock in a few years
see hundreds of people who are here to (he has the Damsel in Distress Hin-


drance), but right now he is liked by ev- also looks down on men who seek the
eryone who knows him. company of paid prostitutes.

Dolcius is the son of Arthines the Astron-

omer. He hasn’t seen his father for a few Iathus, an Emissary of
weeks because Arthines has been sum- Faberterra
moned to Lucius’ palace to help in solving
the riddle of the Dread Shard. An aging but still impressive man, Iathus
is an emissary from the capital of Faber-
This boy is an endless source of gossip. If terra. He tried to find out what exactly
he is at least Helpful towards one of the Lucius has discovered, but the adminis-
PCs, he’ll share one piece of gossip (see trator was reluctant to tell him anything.
Rumors below), two with a Friendly at- Iathus doesn’t suspect the truth, but he is
titude. He is also gifted – or cursed – with worried about Lucius’ motives. However,
fragmentary visions of the future, maybe he doesn’t share his worries with those
because of being an astronomer’s son. To- around him. The PCs have to impress him
day he constantly hears the remote sound with their courage or righteousness to
of horseshoes. He will tell this to some- gain his confidence. If he sees a brave or
body who earns his trust and it may be
just action of theirs, he’ll invite them to a
one of the clues the PCs need to start an
private conversation and share his worries
with them.

Ethella, a Woman of Sangius, the Captain of

the World the Watch
Ethella is a bored courtesan from the city
Sangius is a good-hearted but short-tem-
of Faberterra. She is one of most elegant
and witty companions in the Dread Sea pered man who wants to feast and drink
Dominions. Usually only lords and the more than anyone else today. When the
greatest heroes can afford her services, PCs stumble into him he is encouraging
but this time she isn’t seeking profit – his men to get as drunk as they can for this
she seeks the company of somebody who one day. Maybe they’ll be willing to stop
could amuse or impress her. It might be them? After all even the greatest hedonist
a simple smith or an aging sage – all that wants his guards to be sober. Or maybe
matters is finding someone who can cure they’ll offer to replace some guards so that
Ethella of her boredom. they may indulge themselves without any
Of course she doesn’t make her intentions
obvious and even if somebody recognizes
her (Common Knowledge -2) she rejects Games
any attempts to buy her services or seduce
her. She is friendly and kind towards ev- Various games and competitions are be-
eryone, even giving coins to beggars, but ing held at the festival. Each has its stakes,
one needs to capture her attention even to but the greatest victory one can achieve is
speak to her for any length of time. She fame: a character winning in one of those


games gains +1 Charisma toward other Asperios negotiates the stakes of his trial
festival guests. separately with each opponent, but they
are typically about 50 Moons. He usually
Boozing Competition
Both contestants drink booze, one mug
after another. Each round requires a Vigor
roll with a penalty starting at -1, and then Duels of all sorts are organized during the
increasing by -1 each round. Whoever festival. Fighting to the death is strictly
fails this test first loses, both contestants forbidden among free people, so the most
failing in the same round means a draw. common are duels to first blood – that is,
The loser is drunk and unconscious for an the first attack that causes a Shaken re-
hour, but the winner is not safe either – he sult. Such a duel follows one special rule
has to test Vigor one more time, with the – a Shaken character can spend a Benny
penalty of the last roll. If he fails he too is immediately to cancel the attack that
far from sober and suffers -2 to all Agili- wounded him. This applies only to attacks
ty- and Smarts-based rolls for an hour. Of that didn’t cause actual Wounds – these
course passing this test doesn’t prevent the have to be soaked as usual.
player from declaring his character drunk,
roleplaying it and maybe earning a Benny. Other modes of dueling include trying
to push an opponent out of the ring or to
The reward for winning this competition is rip off a special, tight band worn on the
a bottle of invigorating, wonderfully warm opponent’s left hand (doing so requires a
brandy from Lucius’ own cellar. Drinking Called Shot at -4).
it removes a level of Fatigue, but bestows
-1 to all Agility- and Smarts-related rolls The most unusual competition is fight-
for an hour. ing until somebody makes a sound. Not
making a sound while being hit requires a
The most probable opponent in this noble Spirit roll with a penalty equal to damage
competition is, of course, Sangius. taken -2. Of course there are other ways to
make somebody break the silence – Taunt
rolls are especially effective. Those duels
Asperios the Great’s are always between bare-fisted opponents.
Trial of Will
A typical participant in a brawl is a Right
Asperios the Great is an illusionist wan- Hand version of a fighting NPC, like an
dering between cities of Faberterra and Amazon Warrior, a Barbarian Warrior or
entertaining the masses. His “trial” doesn’t a Veteran Soldier. Nera is a very interest-
sound like much – one simply has to hit ing opponent, but you’d better let the PC
him with a sack filled with feathers (Im- meet her at the festival before pitting her
provised weapon, no damage, -1 to Fight- against him. Stakes are usually 50 to 100
ing, +1 to Agility-based Tricks). The only moons.
problem is telling where he really is – As-
perios always uses the Deflection Power You could consider giving both brawlers a
with the I am not there! trapping before a Benny or two that can be used only during
trial. their combat. That will make it last a little bit

The Carnage

longer and generate more excitement, oth-

erwise the fight may end in a single round. Dread Shard Iron
Weapons made from the Dread Shard count
as iron for purposes of breaking. They deal
Rumors +1 damage and give +1 to Fighting rolls
With a successful Streetwise roll a PC against wounded characters.
hears one of these rumors for a suc- Once the ritual is complete (see The wild
cess and each Raise. Some gossip can be horde) the Valk become bound to their weap-
reached only with a Raise. Rolling “1” on ons – if somebody shatters a Valk’s sword,
the Streetwise die (regardless of the Wild the raider must make a Spirit roll or suffer a
Die) means that while gathering informa- Wound.
tion the hero got drunk. If a PC gets one of these swords he can use
it and gain the bonuses, but there are two
• This muscular old man who seems bored problems. First, the owner must make a
by the festival is an important figure from Spirit roll the first time he kills somebody
the capital. with the weapon or acquire the Bloodthirsty
Hindrance. This roll has to be repeated once a
Raise: he is Iathus, an Imperial emissary
week as long as he’s the owner of the sword.
and an old friend of Lucius the governor.
Second, after the ritual is complete the PC
• The Dread Shard was summoned by Lu- suffers a Wound when the sword shatters
cius - he only pretended to study it for so just as Valk do, but he gains no benefit from
the bond.
long. Why? Don’t ask me, I’m too lowly to
understand the elite of the Empire. (This
rumour isn’t true). The Carnage
When the party begins to get bored by the
• None of the astronomers researching the
Dread Shard have been seen in the city for festival, or when they discover the truth
a week. about Lucius’ plan, the Valk invasion be-
gins. The city and palace gates open to let
• Asperios the Great is possessed by a the horde in. The following turn of events
demon! (This isn’t true – unless the GM assumes that the PCs are in the city square
wishes it to be so.) (but see Optional Scene: Investigation
• The palace servants have recently bought
lots of wheat. Two hundred Valk swarm from the Lum-
ber Gate, twenty-five more charge from
• Members of the Watch seem to be more
the palace gates. Their drawn swords shine
drunk than anyone else.
with a reddish glow – they are forged from
Raise: thankfully a group of mercenaries is
the Dread Shard. Both groups are accom-
guarding the city gates and the palace.
panied by packs of great, demonic hounds.
• A huge group of Valk have been seen in The riders’ intent is to spill as much blood
Dalaxium. as they can so they focus mostly on de-
Raise: they are being led by a Jalka Maid- fenseless victims. Almost half of the Festi-
en. val’s guests are slain within a few minutes.


Only a few Valk attack the PCs, but they different things. Making any of them talk
can’t just stand and fight back – other about Lucius’ orders requires a raise on a
people are running away and if our heroes Persuasion or Intimidation roll. Intimida-
stand still they’ll be easy prey for the entire tion can be used only if the PCs have a cred-
horde. Play this scene out as a five-round ible means of threatening the mercenaries
chase. Each hero is chased by two Valk and (such as an official paper from Iathus) while
one demonic mastiff. Complications in this Persuasion requires bribing them with at
chase are connected to the panicked crowd. least 200 Moons worth of coins or goods.

(M) Valk riders (2 per hero) Palace Guards: they have relatively inno-
(M) Demonic Mastiffs (1 per hero) cent orders – do not let anybody into the
palace, open its gates when a horn blows
Once the chase is finished the PCs have and don’t do anything else. The last order
managed to hide in a narrow street or inside is to ensure that the mercenaries won’t
a building. Now they must decide what to stop the Valk. If the PCs want to open the
do next – jump to the What to Do? section. gates, they have to defeat the mercenaries.
No bribe can make them betray the pow-
erful Lucius in such a direct way.
Optional Scene:
(M) Mercenaries (8)
Events take a more favorable turn for our And if the PCs open the gate, the horn
heroes if they begin investigating during blows and Valk charge straight into them!
the festival. The information below re- The riders want to get to the festival as soon
places that from The Carnage section for as possible, so they don’t pay much atten-
investigating parties. Keep in mind, how- tion to the party – play it out as a chase just
ever, that the Valk won’t be surprised by a as in The Carnage section, but without any
little trouble, and as soon as they notice complications. When the chase ends the
any banqueters poking their noses into PCs are near the city square.
their plot, they blow the horn and begin
the massacre. City Gate Guards: they are ordered to
lock the gates when they hear the horn
Asking about horses or horseshoes re- blow and not let anybody outside. They
quires a Streetwise roll. Success indicates think that they can escape easily so they
that the party members meet a crop mer- can be bribed (for a further 300 Moons) to
chant who has recently sold a lot of wheat ignore this order. There are no Valk nearby,
to the Palace (as in the rumors section). so this deal goes unnoticed by them. You
A raise allows hearing about a little girl may make one of mercenaries sneak away
named Augatha who swears she heard a to sell out his friends to Lucius, but with
horse neighing in a wagon transported to his poor Stealth skill (d4) he’ll be easily
Lucius’ palace a few days ago. caught by the PCs.

The PCs have two clues to follow – the pal- However, if the PCs try to intimidate the
ace and the mercenaries at the gates. The mercenaries and fail, the guards order
palace is also protected by mercenaries, but them to go back to the festival – and if the
each of the three groups of them knows PCs won’t listen, they attack!

Optional Scene: Investigation

(M) Mercenaries (8) if they escape from the Lumber Gate and
into the narrow streets.
Lumber Gate Guards: these mercenar-
ies are to open the gate wide and not let The best the PCs can do is to send some-
anybody close it. However, they’ve noticed one to warn the festival guests. It takes
the Valks hiding in the wood and feel re- 3 rounds to get there (2 with the Fleet-
ally bad about helping these barbarians Footed Edge or if on horseback). When
– they might be greedy soldiers of for- the messenger arrives there he sees panic
tune, but they have their standards. They as the guests notice the Valk charging
are too afraid to oppose the Valk on their from the palace. Warning the guests about
own, but when somebody comes in asking more Valk makes them hide in the build-
about “something unusual”, “Lucius’ or- ings or, if the main gate remains open, flee
ders” and so on they quietly explain what’s the city. Saving so many people clearly
really going on. earns every character a Benny.

But being quiet isn’t enough. One of the

Valk notices the conversation, fires an
What to Do?
arrow at the mercenaries and blows the No matter if the party has investigated the
horn. The invasion begins, but being here Valk plot or not, they are somewhere in
the PCs can slow it down a bit. They can the dying city right now. They have two
assume control of the mercenaries and try reasonable options: get inside the palace
to hold off the invaders. The gate is cur- and confront Lucius or escape from the
rently open, but it takes only two actions city. Each option leads to a different con-
in consecutive rounds (no rolls required) clusion of this adventure.
to operate its mechanism and close them.
Opening them takes just as much effort.
Getting Anywhere
(M) Mercenaries (8) Crossing is handled in an abstract way.
(M) Valk Riders (2 per hero +2d6 per ro- Each exploration round the party does a
und) cooperative skill roll. They gain an Advan-
cement Token with a success, two with a
There are 200 Valk in the wood so defeat- raise or better. The Skill for gaining tokens
ing them all simply isn’t an option. They can be Stealth, Streetwise or Climbing (if
rush toward the gates and each round 2d6 the party is going through the rooftops).
new riders join the battle (this roll can ace!). Going only across rooftops and through
They rush into the city while the gate is still small streets gives a -2 penalty, but makes
open and then try to kill those who close encounters easier – the Valk do not see the
the gate and open it once again. Those who PCs automatically and so they have the
remain outside shoot arrows at the defend- chance to gain the Drop.
ers, but they aim to weaken rather than kill
(Called Shots at arms and Tests of Will) Eight Advance Tokens are needed to get
because they have to spill as much blood as outside the city (see The Great Escape sec-
possible with their weapons. tion) or to the palace (The Ritual). How-
ever, if the PCs fought Valk at the Lumber
Since they want to break into the city and Gate they are already near to the city walls
into the festival, they won’t chase the PCs and gain the first three tokens for free. Sim-


ilarly if they were already at the palace gates (WC) Yanksha

they need three tokens less to get there. (M) Valk Riders (2d4)
(M) Commoners (1d6+1)
Draw a card from the Action Deck for
each roll and check what encounter awaits King – the PCs stumble upon the city
the party: prison. The guards are murdered and most
of the prisoners have escaped. Save for
2-4 – a patrol of 2d4 Valk riders with 1d4 one man: Arthines the Astronomer! He’s
mastiffs rides down the street. They roll furious at Lucius for betraying him and
Notice against the PCs’ main ability roll putting his son in mortal danger so he’ll
to find them. gladly explain Lucius’ plan to the PCs.
However, he knows nothing about Maab’s
(M) Valk Riders (2d4) plot to betray the governor.
(M) Demonic Mastiffs (1d4)
(WC) Arthines
5-7 – a group of 2d4 Valk riders surround
a citizen, soaking their spears in his blood Ace – a secret gateway or a street too nar-
and chanting in an unholy language. They row for Valk. +2 advancement tokens.
aren’t on active watch but if they are at-
Joker – a bloody star appears as for a Jack,
tacked, the bloody ritual grants them the
but instead of inspiring fear it gives the
Berserk Edge.
PCs a vision of what’s happening inside
the palace right now. Other NPCs are
8-9 – a patrol (as in 2-4) is chasing some-
fearful as for a Jack.
body the PCs know.

10 – a sacked armory! Most of the equip- The Great Escape

ment is gone, but the PCs may find a spe-
If the PCs want to escape the city, after
cific weapon or armor by making a Notice
reaching the city walls they have to sneak
roll (-1 for each 100 Moons of the item’s out by making a group Stealth (-4) roll,
worth). else they attract the attention of eight de-
monic mastiffs that begin to chase them.
Jack – a bloody star appears in the sky, an
omen of the unfolding ritual. Everyone in (M) Demonic Mastiffs (8)
the city (except for the Valk) must make a
Fear (-1) check. Roll separately for every The nearest city is Theranium, located two
NPC group PCs run into. dozen miles to the North. Its governor,
Marcus Helirion, could be persuaded to
Queen – Yanksha, a Valkyrie serving send his forces against the Valk – up to 300
Maab, is leading a siege - 2d4 Valk against men. However, each of 200 Valk counts
1d6+1 commoners that have fortified in as two because of the power of the Dread
a house. She could have burned them or Shard (see The Wild Horde below), giving
summoned a demon, but she really wants Maab an effective advantage. It makes the
to soak her people’s swords in their blood. battle against them extremely hard unless
If helped, the commoners join the party. the PCs are superb tacticians (Maab has
They are armed with bows and knives. Knowledge (Battle) d6 and Marcus Heliri-

Optional Scene: Investigation

on has d8). Thankfully some of people that

PCs befriended have hidden in the city and Using Tattered
now can join the combat, gaining +2 to the Banners
combat roll because of the surprise. Draw
If you have Tattered Banners supplement
a card for Iathus and each named, fighting
you can use the rules from that book to
NPC our heroes have met (like Sangius or enhance the battle scene.
Nera) – a red card means this NPC is alive
and joins the battle. Treat both armies as Bands with following
Furthermore if the party has warned the Marcus Helirion’s army
festival guests some of them are still alive,
Experience: 10 XP (Novice)
giving Marcus’ army an additional token
(two if the main gate was open – more Commander: Governor Marcus Helirion
people have escaped). (Knowledge (Battle) d8, Spirit d8)
Size: Large
Inside the Palace Discipline: High
The gates of Lucius’ palace are guarded by Battle Value: 900
eight mercenaries (unless PCs killed them
Personalities: Pigaros (Standard Bearer),
Hicaros and Mellena (Armorers)
Just like those at the Lumber Gate, they Edges: Animosity (the Valk).
are appalled by the fact that they work for Hindrances: Breaking Point, Cumbersome,
an ally of the Valk but too scared to rise Exclusive
against Lucius. If they see the party they
attack, but a Notice (-2) roll lets one of Maab’s Valk
the PCs notice that they really don’t want Experience: 5 XP (Novice)
to fight. Then a simple Persuasion roll is
Commander: Maab the Jalka (Knowledge
enough to make them allies. They don’t (Battle) d6, Spirit d8)
know what exactly is happening inside the
palace, but they know that there are nearly Size: Very Large
a dozen Valk in the palace, including a Discipline: Low
beautiful but intimidating woman.
Battle Value: 1200
However, if the combat with the merce- Personalities: Yanksha (Sorcerer) if she still
naries lasts for at least two rounds, Maab lives - see Queen in the Getting Anywhere
hears it and sends half of her riders (5 section.
Valk) to help the mercenaries. They arrive Edges: Creatures (demonic mastiffs), Mind-
in the third round and the mercenaries are less Army (raging riders).
so afraid of them that they can’t be per-
suaded to join the party while at least one Hindrances: Individualistic (Minor), Un-
disciplined, Wanted (Major in Faberterra,
Valk is alive.
Minor elsewhere)
(M) Mercenaries (8) Players won’t have to manage these bands so
(M) Valk Riders (5) their Support values aren’t listed.


The PCs may also want to sneak past the Terrain and Props
guards. It takes a Stealth (-1) roll not to be • Orb Magic. First and foremost the orb
noticed by them and a Notice (-2) roll to thirsts for blood, making every attack
notice a small door hidden behind a patch of made within 6” of it deal +1 damage.
vines. The door opens into a hidden corridor • Trees and Bushes. The garden has
that leads to the garden inside the palace. lots of plants where one can take
cover – randomly spread three Small
The ritual takes place in this garden. It is Burst Templates and one Medium
centered on a red orb forged from pure Burst Template on the battlefield –
Dread Shard metal. they grant Cover (-2).
• In defense of Faberterra! This battle
Timing. Which point of the ritual the PCs takes place in the heart of a Faberterran
arrive at depends on how much time they palace so any character with the Loyal
spent in the city, that is, how many cards (Faberterra) or similar Hindrance gains
have already been dealt. The events in the a Benny. A PC who doesn’t have such
a Hindrance can decide that he begins
palace are described below by the number of
to believe in Faberterra right now and
cards dealt in the Getting Anywhere scene. permanently gain the Loyal Hindrance
Once in the palace add 1 to this number for in exchange for two Bennies.
every three rounds they spent in combat.

The ritual begins when the third card is The Wild Horde
dealt – Lucius puts his hand on the orb When the ritual is complete the Valks’
and Maab begins chanting, circling him weapons glow with hellish red and the
on her demonic steed. The ritual will go on riders go berserk. They gain a constantly
until Maab is Incapacitated or Shaken for active Berserk Edge and Hardy ability (no
a full round. Lucius thinks that he is just Wound when Shaken twice). They become
as crucial as she, but in fact he’ll simply be a furious horde of slayers obedient only to
the final sacrifice, the blood spilt directly Maab. She plans to use them to attack and
on the orb. All her minions who remain pillage other cities. If the PCs killed Maab
in the palace – both Valk and mastiffs – after she finished the ritual the horde be-
protect her and the governor. comes completely uncontrollable, slaugh-
tering all the citizens of Dalaxium and
When the sixth card is dealt, Maab be- then spreading among the wilderness of
trays Lucius – she stabs him in the heart Faberterra, becoming the most dangerous
with her spear. Now she needs only one bandits in the history of the empire.
more card to finish the ritual.
If the PCs are in the palace when this
Shattering the orb interrupts the ritual, happens, they are relatively safe because
but it has Toughness 12. the Valk prefer to roam the wide streets of
the city. Escaping Dalaxium requires only
(M) Demonic Mastiffs (4) four Advancement Tokens now, but if the
(M) Valk Riders (10 or 5*,) PCs get caught the fight will be much
(WC) Maab more difficult.

*If Maab sent half of them to help the After the escape they’ll probably call rein-
mercenaries. forcements as in The Great Escape above.

Creatures and NPCs

Aftermath Edges: Sage, Scholar.

Hindrances: Big Mouth, Elderly.
Gear: Robes.
This bloody adventure can end in very
many ways and only a few things are sure.
First, the betrayal of Lucius is a heavy the Great
blow for Faberterra. He was a good man
before he became obsessed with immor- Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit
tality and the news of his despicable end d8, Strength d6, Vigor d6
sounds like another omen of the empire’s Skills: Fighting d6, Knowledge (Arcana)
forthcoming collapse. Characters loyal to d8, Intimidation d6, Notice d6, Persuasion
Faberterra may even consider concealing d6, Sorcery d8, Stealth d4, Streetwise d4,
his crime and spreading the rumor that he Taunt d4.
died trying to stop the Valk. Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Tough-
ness: 5
Second, Dalaxium is in ruins. If the Valk Edges: Arcane Background (Sorcery), Im-
were defeated it is safe for now, but the pressive Aura, New Power, Power Points.
Empire doesn’t have enough gold (or good Hindrances: Arrogant, Greedy.
will) to rebuild it. Some of the citizens re- Powers [15 PP]: bolt (tendrils of dark-
turn to live among the ruins and corpses ness), boost/lower trait (corrupt), deflection
of their relatives – this “haunted city” may (I am not there!).
become the base for the party if they be- Gear: Dagger (Str+d4), robes.
came emotionally attached to it.

Third, Iathus has taken notice of the party. Commoners

He may consider them noble heroes or effi- Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit
cient mercenaries but he’s surely impressed d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
by their abilities and may hire them for Skills: Fighting d4, Knowledge (one craft)
some task at the behalf of Faberterra. d6, Notice d4.
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Tough-
ness: 5
Creatures and NPCs Edges: None.
Hindrances: Fear of Magic (minor)
Gear: Bronze knives (Str+d4)
the Astronomer Demonic Mastiff
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d10, Spirit Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6(A),
d8, Strength d4, Vigor d4 Spirit d8, Strength d8, Vigor d8
Skills: Fighting d4, Knowledge (Astron- Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d10,
omy, Faberterran history) d10, Investiga- Notice d8, Tracking d10.
tion d10, Persuasion d6, Notice d6, Taunt Pace: 7; Parry: 6; Toughness: 8 (1)
d4. Special Abilities
Charisma: 0; Pace: 5; Parry: 4; Tough- • Armor +1: Thick hide.
ness: 4


• Beak: Str+d8. Their saliva is acidic, so gets a Benny. This ability works only once
this attack has AP 1. per session for a single PC.
• Demon: +2 to recover from being Shak-
en; immune to poison and disease.
• Mane of Thorns: The Demonic Mastiff Iathus
can shoot a volley of black spines. This is the Emissary
a ranged attack with range 3/6/12, dealing
2d6 damage in a Small Burst Template, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit
and uses Agility as the Shooting die. The d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Mastiff can shoot up to three volleys each Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d6, Knowl-
day. edge (Battle) d10 (see below), Persuasion
• Size +1: Demonic Mastiffs are the size d8, Riding d6, Shooting d6, Throwing d6.
of a pony. Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Tough-
• Supernatural Tracker: The Demonic ness: 5
Mastiff ignores all Tracking penalties for Edges: Command, Leader of Men, Noble,
bad light and old tracks. Tactican.
Gear: Dagger (Str+d4).

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d8, Spirit Maab the
d6, Strength d6, Vigor d4 Jalka Maiden
Skills: Knowledge (Astronomy) d8, No-
tice d6, Persuasion d4. Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 2; Tough- d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6
ness: 4 Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8, Intimida-
Edges: None. tion d10, Knowledge (Arcana) d8, Knowl-
Hindrances: Damsel in Distress (al- edge (Battle) d6, Sorcery d10, Riding d10.
though not a girl), Young. Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Tough-
ness: 6(1)
Edges: Arcane Background (Sorcery), At-
Ethella tractive, Born in the Saddle, Charismatic,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit Command, Fervor, New Power, Power
d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Points.
Skills: Fighting d4, Healing d4, Notice Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Vow (Valk re-
d6, Persuasion d8. ligious tenets).
Charisma: +4; Pace: 6; Parry: 4; Tough- Powers [25 PP]: bolt (invisible strangling
ness: 5 force), deflection (demonic wind), fear
Edges: Very Attractive. (hideous laughter), summon ally (fighting
Hindrances: None. bird, demonic mastiff, jatakal).
Gear: Fancy clothes. Gear: Spear (Str+d6, 1 hand: allows Tricks
Special Abilities at Reach 1, 2 hands: +1 Parry), small shield
• Pleased to Please You!: After doing (+1 Parry), bone dagger (Str+d4), boiled
Ethella a favor that requires some time or leather armor (+1), Jalka (see below).
effort (like duelling in her name, saving Special Abilities
her from hungry monsters or gifting her • Jalka: A Jalka is an abomination born
with a piece of jewellery), a male character of a demonic steed and a mare. It has the


same stats as a Henchman warhorse, plus weapons), bow (Damage: 2d6, Range:
the Demon Monstrous Ability. It feeds on 12/24/48).
meat, has razor-sharp teeth (Str+d6) and
causes Fear the first time it is seen. It can
be ridden only by a Jalka Maiden. Sangius
• Living Banners: Very few Valk warlords Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit
use insignia on the battlefield. A band of d6, Strength d8, Vigor d8
warriors usually gathers around a Valkyrie, Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6,
her long blonde mane acting as a banner. Notice d6, Shooting d6, Streetwise d10,
The Command Radius of a Valkyrie is 15” Throwing d6.
when she is on horseback. For this reason, Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 7; Tough-
a Valkyrie is sometimes referred as a “Liv- ness: 8(2)
ing Banner”. Edges: Combat Reflexes.
Hindrances: None.
Gear: Bronze long sword (Str+d8), me-
Mercenaries dium shield (+1 Parry, +2 Toughness vs.
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit ranged attacks), medium bronze armor
d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 (+2).
Skills: Fighting d6, Intimidation d8, No-
tice d4, Shooting d6, Throwing d6.
Charisma: 0; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Tough- Valk Steppe Pony
ness: 6(1) Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4(A),
Edges: None. Spirit d6, Strength d12, Vigor d10
Hindrances: Greedy. Skills: Fighting d4, Notice d6
Gear: Bronze short sword (Str+d6), small Pace: 8; Parry: 4; Toughness: 8
shield (+1 Parry), light leather armor (+1). Special Abilities
• Fleet-Footed: Steppe Ponies roll a d8
instead of a d6 when running.
Nera the Amazon • Kick: Str.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, Spirit • Run All The Day: Steppe Ponies gain +2
d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6 to Vigor rolls to resist fatigue.
Skills: Boating d6, Climbing d6, Fighting • Size +1: Steppe Ponies are smaller than
d6, Intimidation d4, Notice d4, Persuasion normal horses.
d6, Riding d6, Shooting d6, Throwing d6.
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6 (7 vs
males); Toughness: 6(1) Valk Rider
Edges: Amazon, Attractive, Combat Re- Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d4, Spirit
flexes. d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
Hindrances: Code of Honor (Amazon), Skills: Fighting d8, Notice d4, Intimida-
Loyal. tion d6, Shooting d10, Riding d10, Sur-
Gear: Bronze long sword (Str+d8), light vival d6.
leather armor (+1), medium feathered Charisma: –4; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Tough-
helm (+2, only head), spear (Str+d6, +1 ness: 6(1)
Parry, Reach 1, 2 hands), medium shield Edges: Born in the Saddle, Steady Hands.
(+1 Parry, +2 Toughness vs. ranged Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Greedy.


Gear: Bronze short sword (Str+d6),

bronze dagger (Str+d4), Valk composite
bow (Damage: 2d6+1, Range: 15/30/60,
AP 1), boiled leather armor (+1), steppe
pony (see above).
Special Abilities
•Hit and Run: A Valk Rider is trained
to fight on horseback from youth. For
this reason he is particularly adept in hit
and run tactics. While mounted, unlike
the normal rules, he can move part of his
pony’s Pace, make a Shooting attack, and
then finish his movement. This is consid-
ered an action (so causes a multi-action

the Valkyrie
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8, Spirit
d8, Strength d4, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8, Intimida-
tion d10, Knowledge (Arcana) d8, Sorcery
d10, Riding d10.
Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Tough-
ness: 6(1)
Edges: Arcane Background (Sorcery), At-
tractive, Born in the Saddle, Charismatic,
Command, Fervor, New Power, Power
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Vow (Valk re-
ligious tenets).
Powers [20 PP]: bolt (invisible strangling
force), deflection (demonic wind), fear
(hideous laughter).
Gear: Sorcerer’s Staff (Str+d4, +1 Parry, 2
hands, reach 1, deliver touch), bone dagger
(Str+d4), boiled leather armor (+1), steppe
Special Abilities
• Living Banner: The Command Radius
of a Valkyrie is 15” when she is on horse-


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