Advt Unit 1 A
Advt Unit 1 A
Advt Unit 1 A
The factors to consider when setting the advertising budget are: stage in the
product life cycle, market share, competition and clutter, needed frequency,
and product substitutability. The advertising budget can be established based
on what is affordable, as a percentage budget of sales, based on competitors’
expenditures, or based on objectives and tasks, and based on more advanced
decision models that are available.
The media decision calls for defining the reach, frequency, and impact goals;
choosing among major media types; selecting specific media vehicles;
deciding on media timing; geographical allocation of media. Finally, campaign
evaluation calls for evaluating the communication and sales effects of
advertising, before, during, and after the advertising.
2) Introduce a brand
There are many startups in the market today and many of them are services.
Services are generally marketed as a brand rather than marketing
their individual service product. Thus, Uber will market its own brand and
introduce that Uber has started servicing customers in a new market. Same
goes for Oracle or Accenture – Companies which market their brand and their
presence in the market rather than marketing an individual product.
3) Awareness creation
According to the AIDA model, the most important job of advertising is to get
attention which is nothing but Awareness creation. Advertising needs to capture
the attention of people and make them aware of the products or their features
in the market.
Example – Most of the Bank ads that you see are awareness campaigns. The
ads that advertise the benefits of savings / mutual funds or benefits on credit
and debit cards are all awareness creation ads.
Example – Most telecom companies launch plans and strategies just to acquire
customers and then advertise these strategies in the market so that the
customer switches brands. There is hardly any differentiation in the telecom
market – thus advertising is a major way to acquire customers.
The Vodafone Zoozoo campaign was just that – Influence the customers and
create passion in such a way that they do brand switching,
If a competitor is just advertising the features, whereas your firm advertises the
promises and commitments that it will keep, naturally more customers will “trust”
your brand over others. This is the reason that advertising is used commonly to
create value and to differentiate one brand from another.
Coca cola, Toyota, Amazon are some of the most trusted brands in the market.
It is no doubt that these brands are also amongst the top advertisers in their
respective segments. These brands target value creation as well as
differentiation via their advertising campaigns.
6) Brand building
When a brand regularly advertises and delivers quality products and fulfills the
promises it makes, automatically the value of the brand is built. However, there
are many other aspects of brand building. One of the first ones is to advertise
via ATL and BTL campaigns etc.
Recently we observed the problems of Maggi in India where Maggi was banned
completely due to high lead content. However, this did not affect the parent
brand Nestle much and neither affected its other brands like Nescafe which had
done their own brand building and were independent of the parent brand. This
brand was built by good products and constant advertising towards
building brand equity and making a connect with the audience.
Examples include premium brands like Ralph Lauren, Gucci, Hermes or others
which are clearly positioned premium. This position is achieved by first having
a very premium product line which is high priced but it is also achieved by
buying premium advertising and placing the ads in media vehicles which are
very premium.
8) Increase sales
Naturally, with so many steps being taken to advertise the product, it is no doubt
that one of the objectives of advertising is to increase sales. Many a times this
objective is achieved via advertising. However, if the campaign is improper or
the audience is not targeted properly, then advertising can fail in its objective.
Similarly, you will see many ads of raincoats during rainy season and ads of
winter wear during winter seasons. All these ads are placed to increase the sale
of the product immediately.
9) Increase profits
With the value being communicated and the brand being differentiated as well
as sales being increased, there is no doubt that advertising can contribute a lot
to increasing profits. Advertising should never be looked at as an expense or a
liability. In fact, it is an investment for a firm just like a brand is an investment.
Look at the likes of Siemens or Bosch – Brands which have invested heavily in
positioning themselves on the basis of their German engineering. As a result,
today they demand high profits in whatever segments they operate in or
whatever products they sell.
There are many stories of Harley Davidson as a brand wherein customers have
saved money for years to buy a particular bike of Harley Davidson. Same stories
can be heard about an Audi or a BMW. A unique example in this case are the
bottles of Absolut Vodka. Absolut Vodka is so famous for its bottles that there
are collectors who desire to collect all different bottle types of Absolut Vodka.
Such desire creation is an effect of advertising + brand building + the fan
following over time.
There are brands which have done ATL advertising and shown half the ads and
then attracted customers to their YouTube channel so that they could track their
viewers and get them to take some action. Call to actions are also one of the
objectives of advertising in which case the actions differ from time to time based
on what the marketer wants to achieve.
Functions of Advertising
(5) Advertising educates the people about new products and their uses –
Advertising message about the utility of a product enables the people to widen
their knowledge.
It is advertising which has helped people in adopting new ways of life and
giving up old habits.
It has contributed a lot towards the betterment of the standard of living of the
1 Product advertising
A normal characteristic of advertising is to create primary demand for a product
category rather than for a specific brand. It is wrongly believed that product
advertising must stress on brand name. This is based on the feeling that a good image
often enhances the effectiveness of product advertising. However, in practice, most
companies are successful in building the product image by using the brand names
(e.g., Dettol, Horlicks). In short, when the company tries to sell its product or services
through advertising it is referred to as product advertising.
2 Institutional advertising
These advertisements are not always directed to consumers. Instead, it is aimed at
many of the various types of public (shareholders, creditors, etc.). It is not product
oriented but is rather designed to enhance the image of the company.
5 Comparative advertising
6 Co-operative advertising
When manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers jointly sponsor and share the
expenditure on advertising, it takes the form of co-operative advertising. Such
advertising carry the names of all the parties involved. From the customers' point of
view this is beneficial, as they can get the articles directly from the authorised outlets.
7 Commercial advertising
It is also termed as business advertising. As the name suggests such advertising is
solely meant for effective increase in sales.
8 Non-commercial advertising
These are usually published by charitable institutions preferably to solicit general
and financial help (such as collection of donation or sale of tickets).