several such adventures having already quantity in the world, and people
been published for the pulp-noir setting in (including changelings themselves)
previous editions of the game. These often adopt distinctive mannerisms,
include: pieces of clothing, or passcodes by
which friends can verify their identity.
● “Freely Given” by Gregory Marks A changeling character or a
(Mark of Heroes RPGA campaign) character using disguise self could
● “Riding the Rail” by Christopher study a target who has taken such
Wissel (Dungeon #143) precautions in order to better
● “The Aundairian Job” by Craig impersonate them.
Shackleton (Dungeon #147) 2. Magic is everywhere. Wandslingers
● “City of Blood” by Nicolas Logue armed with arcane implements.
(Dungeon #154)
On top of other non-Eberron modules (such
as “Steading of the Hill Giant Chief” by
Trains and airships powered by
bound elementals. Glamerweave
fabric that mix fashion with illusions
to create impossible styles. These
Gary Gygax, or Dungeon #55’s “Umbra” by
are but a few of the byproducts of
Christopher Perkins), one can create an
Eberron’s arcane industry. Use these
entire ongoing heist campaign when paired
when describing the world, and
with Keys from the Golden Vault.
consider how they might help or
There are two basic paths that you can take hinder the characters during a heist.
3. The dynastic Dragonmarked
or less being focused around that their abilities to stop crimes before
location. they occur. House Cannith provides
● The second is the Globe Hopper tools, items, and constructs to those
path, where each mission will see willing to pay, while House Deneith
the characters traveling to a different does the same with mercenaries.
exotic location in Eberron. One Consider how characters belonging
week, they may be in the frontier to these and other houses might use
nation of Q’barra, and the next their connections to help gain an
they’re in the outwardly idyllic gnome advantage during a heist involving
police state of Zilargo. such elements.
POSSIBLE PATRONS refuge for people shunned for
having aberrant dragonmarks.
If you decide to give the characters a patron Founded by the survivors of a secret
for their heists, the following may give you wetworks program in Breland, they
some ideas for how to tie them to Eberron: have turned their skills to less than
legal pursuits since being sent on a
● The Golden Vault was founded by
suicide mission by the government.
a member of the Chamber–a
With the power of aberrant marks
group of young dragons who
rising in the world once again, the
meddle in mortal affairs. It’s
group’s leader, Thora Tavin, wants to
possible that the activities carried
keep people like her safe.
out by the organization’s agents
have greater prophetic significance,
Their rivals are likely members of the
which the draconic founder is trying
Dragonmarked Houses, who hate
to influence. This dragon could just
and fear those with aberrant marks;
as easily be chromatic as metallic,
or they belong to one of Sharn’s
as alignment isn’t tied to the color of
other criminal institutions, such as
one’s scales.
the Boromar Clan, Daask, or the
Their rivals are likely agents of a
different dragon or a rakshasa
attempting to foil the schemes of the
Golden Vault’s master.
● The Argentum are a branch of the
Church of the Silver Flame who
seek out and contain dangerous
artifacts. During the Last War,
however, this religious institution
became the espsionage arm of
THE MURKMIRE ● The beast within the egg is born
of nightmares. Crafted by the
dream spirits known as quori, it is a
CITY OF TOWERS: The Varkenbluff weapon feeding off the psychic
Museum of Natural History is instead the emanations of the masses.
Morgrave Museum of Natural History,
It may have been created recently
attached to the famous (some might say
infamous) Morgrave University in Sharn’s and planted in the dig site where it
Menthis Plateau district. was found by agents of the
Dreaming Dark, or could have its
GLOBE HOPPER: The Varkenbluff origins in the ancient conflict
Museum of Natural History is instead the between the quori and the giants of
Newthrone Museum of Natural History, Xen’drik, in which case even the
located in the nation of Q’barra. Rampant Dreaming Darki may want to get
colonialism on this jungle frontier brought on their hands on it as a relic of their
by refugees seeking new homes in the people’s forgotten history (the
wake of the Last War, as well as the creature inside might even be an
existence of lucrative dragonshard fields in imprisoned quori from this previous
Q’barra have led to tensions between the
native “scales” (lizardfolk, dragonborn, and
kobolds) and mammalian settlers.
age). The Dreaming Dark act
through unaffiliated agents
influenced via their dreams, or ones
secretly hired by the quori-ruled
ORIGINS OF THE STONE Unity of Riedra. These agents might
be a rival crew sent to steal the
In Eberron, the Murkmire Stone might have stone, or even the curator Alda Arkin
one of several origins: herself.
● It is the egg of a truly aberrant ● It is a large Khyber dragonshard
creature from the plane of Xoriat. containing the essence of an
Xoriat is the realm from which mortal imprisoned fiend. Instead of being
creativity and madness flow, and the green, the stone is dark blue, with an
stone may be tied to the daelkyr inner fire at its heart.
known as Orlassk, the Stone Lord.
In Q’barra, it likely holds a sliver of
In Sharn, it could have served as the the power of the fiendish overlord
focus for the Dreambreaker, a Masvirik the Cold Sun, whose evil
gnome with an aberrant dragonmark essence was bound and scattered in
who lived a thousand years ago dragonshards that the local lizardfolk
during the War of the Mark, and are determined to stop the settlers
believed his people’s battle mirrored from disturbing. Instead of a human
one being fought in the heavens. anthropologist, the characters could
The creature could even be the instead be hired by a lizardfolk priest
Dreambreaker reborn, back to finally named Caseek who has had visions
take his revenge against the of the horror to come should this
Dragonmarked Houses! “egg” hatch.
Some additional changes you can make to Since the Nine Hells don’t exist in Eberron,
give the adventure more of an Eberron feel: the Afterlife Casino is instead based on the
plane of the dead, Dolurrh. This misty
● Clark Jonathan Vanth, the “young
realm is said to sap the memory and color
and naive” human Museum Guard,
from the shades of the dead, so the casino
is instead a warforged named
employees play their part and encourage
guests to indulge in order to “stave off” this
● Milanova Wumplestocking, the
gnome Museum Guard “who is very
serious but loves a good pun,” is The River Styx is instead simply known as
renamed Milanova Mag Harlian. “The River of Souls”.
● Georgina Lucina Vandylarahal, the
“sneering heir to a mining fortune” CITY OF TOWERS: The Afterlife Casino is
attending the gala, is instead a located in the Hareth’s Folly neighborhood
half-orc with the Mark of Finding of Dura. This neighborhood was designed
named Vandylara d’Tharashk. to reflect an eccentric architect’s vision of
● Countess Helene Danforth’s name is what other planes look like. It is home to a
in the style of Eberron nobility:
Countess Helene ir’Danforth. She
could be a Cyran refugee or belong
to Sharn’s Sixty families.
variety of mansions, taverns, and dream
parlors, but the Afterlife is the hot new place
to be.
GLOBE HOPPER: The Afterlife Casino is
● Worth mentioning that dinosaurs are
located in the city of Korranberg in the
not “prehistoric” in Eberron–they’re a
gnome nation of Zilargo. Quentin Caras
regular part of wildlife in certain parts
Clebdecher might consider himself a
of the world. That doesn’t mean
disciple of Dorius Alyre Korran, the
seeing them in a museum is any
long-dead founder of the local university
less awe-inspiring, of course.
Perhaps the tournament’s final ● Lahdia Mizreem is still a drow,
opponent is Quentin himself, who originally hailing from Xen’drik, but is
they must defeat in a one-on-one simply named Lahdia.
match (meaning they could easily ● Nightshade is an Aereni elf instead
embarrass him at his own game). of a tiefling, appearing almost
This would allow them to live out the mummified despite being alive.
fantasy I think this heist was trying to ● Wumpus Thistledown is still a
go for. halfling, but is renamed Wumpus
● Tieflings in Eberron are born in Boromar, as they are related to
areas influenced by other planes. Sharn’s halfling mafia.
Verity Kye is a Dolurrh tiefling, ● If the Afterlife Casino is in Zilargo,
with her curly white hair appearing any of the human participants could
almost mist-like as it falls from her instead be gnomes. In that case,
head. Quentin’s theming of the they have the following names:
Afterlife Casino is an intentional dig - Jetta Lyrriman Dal (Jetta Moore)
at Verity’s heritage. - Swiffie Sel Shadra (Ruthie
● Quentin Togglepocket is renamed Swifford)
Quentin Caras Clebdecher. - Whipp Sil Tarliach (Whipp Walsh)
Instead of making a deal with the
archdevil Mammon, he is a follower
of the Keeper, a greedy deity who
hoards the souls of those who draw ●
● Most of the “tiefling” employees are Six, which includes the Keeper.
actually changelings who take on ● Nessus is renamed The Last Meal.
fiendish and ghostly appearances as The “abyssal chicken egg omelet” is
part of their work uniform. replaced with a “giant spider egg
● Anaïs Bellefleur is a shifter instead omelet”; and the “Nessian liqueur” is
of a tiefling. replaced with “Dolurrhi liqueur”.
CITY OF TOWERS: Delphi Mansion is Both the CITY OF TOWERS and the
located atop a tower in Sharn’s Northedge GLOBE HOPPER paths will take the
district, a peaceful suburb with numerous characters to the same prison. Revel’s End
parks. Elra Lionheart’s camp is located in is replaced with Dreadhold, a bleak island
the City of the Dead, the city cemetery built prison in the Lhazaar Principalities
on a neighboring bluff. operated by House Kundarak. The
dragonmarked dwarves are willing to
GLOBE HOPPER: Delphi Mansion is incarcerate anyone for the right price, no
located on the outskirts of the city of
questions asked, using the Mark of Warding
Sigilstar in Thrane. Named after the central to keep them under lock and key.
star in Eberron’s night sky, Sigilstar is
known for its teahouses and magic schools. If you don’t want to send characters to
Dreadhold for the CITY OF TOWERS path,
KROKULMAR instead use the Citadel prison in Sharn’s
Menthis Plateau. This holding facility for
The Far Realm isn’t a thing in Eberron, so Breland’s worst criminals is protected by the
Krokulmar could instead be: crown’s hand-picked guardians.
An unknowable aberration from
Xoriat. Given the form the creature
takes, it could be tied to the daelkyr
known as Kyrzin, Prince of Slime.
The eldritch surges are the
reality-bending effects of that plane
bleeding into Eberron.
● A change-obsessed slaad from
the evershifting plane of Kythri.
● Korda Glintstone hails from the comrade, Vlax d’Kundarak.
dwarven realm of the Mror Holds. ● The Absolution Council members
She is renamed Korda Kolkarun, are all dwarves belonging to House
and ripped off the wealth of her own Kundarak. Their first names remain
Clan Kolkarun using her network of the same, but their last names are
spies. She hid the treasure in replaced with d’Kundarak.
ancient dwarven ruins known as the ● You might decide that all of the
Realm Below under Kolkarunhold. guards in Dreadhold are also
● Kordra Glintstone was an official dwarves to provide an extra
in the northern nation of Karrnath, complication for the characters to
helping create a national overcome. Otherwise, they are
espionage branch during the Last
War while secretly embezzling
funds. The branch she founded was
disbanded after her imprisonment,
but she still has influence due to her
made up of various diverse
ancestries, all in House Kundarak’s
If using the Citadel prison, as per
the alternate City of Towers path,
former position. She hid her treasure then the warden is a ruthless gnome
in the vaults used to store Karrnath’s named Talleon Haliar Tonan.
undead soldiers beneath the city of Talleon is possessed by the spirit of
Atur. a changeling named Vlax, who
● Kordra Glintstone was a member served as a Brelish spy for many
of a secret black ops team