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You start off at the inn, and afetr a rather rude awakening you'll be

able to get your first quests. But first things first, you'll want to

get another party member, so go to the guild, which is right across the

street from the inn, and get a new character. As mentioned before I

recommend a priest for now.

After this, go to the elf at the northwest of town to obtain the Golden

Pelt. Deliver it to the shop, the go back to the guild to report in.

Now you want to get a lump of gold. From where you got the Golden Pelt,

go north. You'll be in a garden, and to your right is a guard. Head in

the entrance that he's guarding and open the chest in front of you.

Move forward and almost immediately you'll fight a monster. Kill it

to get a lump of gold which you can give to that whiny innkeeper and

complete this quest.




You might want to grind your levels up to level 4 or 5 in the first

hallway of the old dungeon before proceeding with this quest.

From the first hallway of the old dungeon, take the first left. Now

keep going, ignoring the first path on your left, and enter the second

path on the left to find a chest. Now go back into the hallway and

proceed forward until you hit a fork. Turn right and keep going until

you find a chest, then turn left and move forward. Almost immediately

you'll find another chest to your left. Just ahead of the chest and to

your right is a door lock which you'll want to trigger. Turn left,

then keep going until you can turn right. Follow the path until it

splits, then turn right. Keep going forward, then enter the third

path to your right. You'll be in a circular room. To either end are

door locks you should trigger. Right in front is a third door lock

that will lead you to the Rusty Scalpel. Take it, and go back to

the guild for your reward.




Follow the same path as the last quest and you'll eventually find a

female dwarf. Talk to her to end the quest.




This follows a similar path to the previous two quests. However, when

you get to where you met the female dwarf in THE OCEAN VIEW, keep

going straight in order to find the monolith. Examine it to end the

quest and go back to the guild for your reward.




Now that you've finished all the quests for the Old Dungeon, it's time

to find the Lost Road. To find it, you'll want to take a right as soon

as you enter the Old Dungeon. From here just keep going straight and

ignoring any splits in the path. Once you get to the Lost Road just

keep going straight until you hit a dead end. Turn the switch there.

Now, turn 180 degrees so that you're facing the way you came. Walk

forward and go into the path on your right, then immediately take the

right turn and you'll find a warp gate connecting Old Dungeon and

Lost Road.




From the entrance of the Lost Road (not the warp gate!) that leads from

the Old Dungeon, take the first left. Now keep following the path and

ignore any splits in the road until you get to a dead end with a giant,

a chest, and the girl. Kill the giant, loot the chest, and talk to the

girl to end the quest.



This will be the first difficult quest you'll have to take. First, load

yourself with potions, and equip your main character with the best

equipment you have (if it's too weak, buy stuff at the shop). Now, take

the warp gate to the Lost Road. Head sttraight, turn left immediately,

then turn right, and then right again. Keep going down this path and

ignore all the splits. Eventually you'll run into a corner where you

have to turn left. Do so, and go forward until you find a path on your

left. Go down that path to find the challenger.

The dwarf is extremely powerful, so what you should do is run. You

should be faster than him so whenever he attacks he'll miss. When he

does attack, he has a rather high recovery time. During this time, turn

around and get a few quick attacks in before repeating the process. If

he does hit you (and it will hurt), chug a potion and keep the strategy

going. You should be able to whittle him down.

He'll join your party after you go back to the guild but he's too high

a level right now (which means he'll kill your experience gain).

Adjust his job into a level 1 job (I made him into a thief) in order

to keep the experience flowing.




This one is rather easy. Go to the Garden area north of the town, then

turn left and follow the path until you find the dog.



From where you fought the dwarf in THE CHALLENGE, keep going forward

until you can't anymore. Then go left and keep following the path

without taking any of the splits. Eventually you'll find the Wicked

Forest. From the entrance, keep going until you find a seal. Turn right

and keep going until the end to find a totem, which you can activate in

order to get rid of the seal. Go through the seal and turn right, and

keep going, then turn left and the first chance you get to find

another totem. activate it, then go through the lowered seal. Turn

left, then right the first chance you get. Then turn right again and

keep goig until you see a totem on your left. Activate it and keep

following the path until you can take a left to find the warp back to

Old Dungeon.




From the warp point, go back to where the second seal was. Turn right,

then turn left the first chance you get in order to find the monolith.

Examine it to end the quest.



From the warp point, go to the second seal from before. Now face the

way you came from, and keep going east. Turn left at the corner and

take the first right that you see. The path will split. Take the left

most path first to find the thief (whom you have to catch) then

activate the totem. After this take the middle path from the previous

fork and activate a second totem. Now take the rightmost path and keep

going until you can turn right. Do so and activate the totem to unseal

the way to Wenekera Fort Corridor.

Now, go into the corridor. Inspect the statues on either side of you,

and then go through the seal. Turn right, and keep following the path

until you start seeing paths to your left. Enter the third one and

examine the statue. Now go back out and head back to one of the paths

that was sealed before and inspect the statue in there. Once you have

done this, go back to the last room and a new path will be unsealed,

revealing the warp back to Old Dungeon.

The thief will join your party once you report back to the guild.

Do some level grinding in the corridors (I recommend up to 8 or even

10). Now, from the warp point, go east, then south, then east. Keep

following the path and you'll find a sealed area to your left. Keep

going (the path never splits) until you find a statue. Activate it and

go back to where the sealed area was. Now, go west, and keep following

the path. The second door to your right is where the boss is (though

the other two doors lead to chests).

What you want to do now is to control the character the boss attacks

and keep running around, leading him around the room while his attacks
miss and your other characters beat on him (this will be known as the

decoy method from now on). If he switches targets (which he shouldn't)

just switch controls to the other character and keep doing the same

thing. If you've leveled enough he should go down easily enough.

In Wenekera Fort, the third door to your left is where the warp point


To get to it, take the fourth door on your left, then take the first

left and enter the door immediately following that. Activate the statue

to open the door to the warp point.




If the warp point is the third door to the left, then the Monolith, the

goal of this mission, is the fifth door to the left. Keep following the

path and eventually you'll be in a square room with four smaller square

rooms in the center. Go into the southeast room to find the monolith,

ending this mission.




From the entrance of Fort Wenekera Interior, take the first door on the

right. Take the first door immediately in this hallway, and it'll lead
to a room with a statue; activate it. Now go back to where you left the

hallway, and continue. When you hit a turn left, ignore the door you

see, and keep going until you see another doorway to your right. This

is the foor way you want. Go through, turn south, and keep going.

The casket is on the second door on your left.

The monsters here are brutal (especially the lesser demons), so be sure

You're adequately leveled, or are able to run around them. Be sure to

have an escape card ready when you find the casket, because you don't

want to run all the way back through the gauntlet of enemies you just

survived through.




From the entrance of the Fort Wenekera Interior, keep going straight

until you go through a door. Then take a left. Follow the path until

you find another door, then go through it to find two chests. One

has an escape card, the other the Digital Clock.

The problem here is that the chests are guarded by a lesser demon. It's

really strong (especially if you've been lax in grinding your party,

but you can pretty safely run in, grab the chests, then use an escape

card. If you have confidence in your strength, then by all means, tear

it a new one.

The second part of the mission involves fighting a boss, so if you're

hurt, go back to town and rest. From the digital clock room, keep going
straight and you should find the Ghost. It should be fairly easy, and

you can defeat it using sheer numbers, but if you're having trouble,

you can always fall back to the decoy method.

Once you've finished, go through the nearby door to Rucell City.

Desde la entrada del Fuerte Wenekera Interior, sigue recto

hasta que atraviesas una puerta. Luego gire a la izquierda. Sigue el camino hasta

encuentras otra puerta, luego pasas por ella para encontrar dos cofres. Uno

tiene una carta de escape, la otra el Reloj Digital.

El problema aquí es que los cofres están custodiados por un demonio menor. Es

realmente fuerte (especialmente si has sido negligente al moler tu fiesta,

pero puedes correr con bastante seguridad, agarrar los cofres y luego usar un escape

tarjeta. Si tienes confianza en tu fuerza, entonces, por todos los medios, rompe

es uno nuevo.

La segunda parte de la misión consiste en luchar contra un jefe, así que si estás

herida, vuelve a la ciudad y descansa. Desde la sala del reloj digital, sigue adelante.

derecho y usted debe encontrar el Fantasma. Debería ser bastante fácil y

puedes derrotarlo usando números puros, pero si tienes problemas,

siempre puedes recurrir al método del señuelo.

Una vez que hayas terminado, pasa por la puerta cercana a Rucell City.



Unfortunately there is no watp point here, so you'll have to enter

through Wenekera Fort every time. Anyway, for this quest, you should

go north from the entrance. Go west at the split, then go south into

the room. Go through the door and follow the path. Now you should see

two paths leading northward. Go down the left path to unlock the door

needed to complete this mission. Now go back to the second split where

you entered the room by going south. Keep following the path until

you're at the northern part of the center room, and there is a door

leading south and a door leading north. Enter the south door, and then

follow the path until it splits. Take the east path and follow it to

find the goal of the quest.




The screw is in the same area where you finished the last quest.

However, instead of going east, this time you go west.




Now this is difficult. If you've been slacking in levels or equipment

I strongly recommend you max out as much as you can, because these
next few sets of bosses cannot be defeated easily.

Now, once you are ready, go to the north west part of the city (you

can reach it by going down the hallway needed to unlock the door

for mission 14. The boss here is a Mimic Commander with two smaller

enemies. You'll want to focus on the Mimic COmmander first and take

him down as soon as possible - bring in a party with a heavy melee

setup and two healers. Once you finish him off, you can turn your

attention to the other two enemies, which will fall in short order.

The next enemy is in the room in the northeast of the area. The room

before the boss has a checkboard pattern. You want to go north one

space, east one space, north four spaces, west one space, then continue


With the same party setup, attack Agent Chopper first, as he has a much

stronger attack power. Once he's down, you can go after General Tank.

You cannot, I repeat, CANNOT decoy either of these boss fights! They

deal so much damage, and have such a long range that trying is


Once you are done with both these bosses, go back to where you finished

the last two quests. In the southern part you'll find a robot which

will give you access to the door to Akatoki. When you are there, enter

the door in front of you before leaving.



From the entrance of Akitoki, go east until you find a door leading

north. Head inside and keep going until the path splits to an east-west

corridor. Head west, and go north into the door. Head west at the first

opportunity to find Greta, finishing the quest. She'll then join you.




From the entrance, go north. Then, go east. After a long hike to the

end, go north again. Ignore the first turn to the west, and enter the

second path to the west to find the well. Examine it to end this quest.




From the entrance, go north, then east, then north at the first chance

you get. turn into the first hallway east and follow the path to find

the scroll of the ninja. Now, go back to where you were heading north

and continue. When you can't go north anymore, head east, then go into

the first door to the north you see. You will fight Yukitada Ryozan.

You can probably try to decoy your way out of this, but the problem is

you can't stay too far ahead of the guy otherwise he'll use a powered

up attack on you, in which case you won't last too long. Your best

bet would be to load up on Cure Potions and pound him to submission. If

you could beat the bosses in Rucell, then this guy shouldn't pose too
big of a problem.




Level as much as you can and get the best equipment you can. I suggest

a party with two healers if you have them, because these next few

bosses are tough as hell. Now, go to the android that gave you access

to Akitoki, and have him make the Mark of Peace. With it, you can

now enter the northernmost door to fight Count Creitz. Come in guns

blazing, and unleash all your special attacks right at the start. From

then, start decoying the Count with the character he's targeting while

the other characters smash him. Keep an inventory full of Cure Potions.

Those and the healers will keep you alive while your other party

members finish him off. After this, follow the path to Holy Manalum.

Here, you'll find you can't go in. You'll have to then backtrack

to the room where you fought the Count, and fight AST-0000. He's

actually weaker than most enemies in even Akitoki, so if you beat the

Count, you should have no real problems crushing him. Return to town

to regroup, and head to Holy Manalum. Now you can undertake another

quest for this area.




Go to the room where you fought Count Creitz to find Shella and end
this quest.




At Holy Manalum, Head east, then north. When the path splits, head west

then keep following the path until it turns north. Keep going until you

see the third door to the east. Another boss is here, Leena. It's a

one-on-one battle with your main, so make sure s/he's full healed and

crammed full of cure potions. You shouldn't need most of them because

she'll go down with little trouble.

Now, keep heading north, then east through two rooms, then south. When

it ends, go east, then north unril the end, the west, north through two

rooms, and east to find a monolith to activate. Do so, then backtrack

to the center of the map. Keep going north and you'll find Nurikabe.

This boss can be easily decoyed, so do so. It's a relatively simple

fight this way, as he can't hit you if you stay ahead of him. However,

be careful of his stomping attack, which can hit multiple characters.

Now, head into Gehena Abyss. Now might be a good time to head back

to town to restock and regroup. In this area, there are lots of strong

enemies, so avoid battle if you can. You just want to go after the

bosses. So, from the entrance, go north. When the path splits, go west

until it turns north, then follow it to the end. THen turn east, and

then head south when you reach a dead end. Go through the door to the

east when you hit the end of the southern trek, and head through the

door to the north.

Hopefully your main character has Parallel Heal by this point. Hammer

The Sealed with all your special attacks. Then, continue attacking

it. Start spamming Parallel Heal with your hero when things start

looking bad, and if your levels are up to snuff you should be able to

eke out a victory. Unfortunately, you have to fight another boss after

this and you won't win.

When you regain control, go into the inn and save. THen, go into the

guild. You will notice the new characters you can hire are at around

level 40(!). You may want to replace some of your current party members

with these stronger ones. However, keep one slot in your party empty.

Now, go to the exit at the north of town and talk to Rastul. He'll

join your party and you'll fight a dragon.... which you can make short

work of by now. Go to the garden area, and head east to find Eifa at

the fountain. Now we'll start questing again...




Go into Chinon Castle. There are no enemies here, so from the entrance

go east, then north, then west at the first chance you get. Enter the

door to the north to find the charm, ending the quest.



Now you want to return to the present. Go to Gehena Abyss, where you

fought The Sealed. You'll fight two enemies, a dragon, and its owner.

With your cadre of high leveled mercenaries, these guys don't stand

a chance, as they virtually just sit there and let you hammer them.

Once you are finished, you'll return to the present.

You're left without your level 40 characters, so you'll need to rely

on your old team now.

Now, accept the quest "The Best Equipment" at the Guild, and then

navigate the Old Dungeon to the nine-room maze at the southern part

of the dungeon. Find the monolith to end this quest.

Next, take the quest "True Form." Go through Wenekera, then Rucell

City, then Holy Manalum. At Holy Manalum, go directly north. The chest

you need is to the left of the second fountain. Grab it and use an

Escape Card to get out.

The next quest, "The Alchemist, Part 3" will take you to Gehena Abyss.

The chest is located right outside the room where you fought The Sealed

during your first trip here, so grab it and Escape Card out again. Now

you're ready for the final battle.

I recommend you be somewhere around level 25 at this point. If you're

not, Rucell City, Holy Manalum, and Gehena Abyss make good levelling

locations. Unfortunately they have no warp points so you won't be

able to get there quickly. Also, gear up your characters with the best

equipment you can get, and load up on the best Potions you can get your
hands on. The final bosses include a one-on-one, and a final battle.

Now, take the quest "Returning to the Heavens." Go to Chinon Castle.

Keep going north, up the stairs, then west when the path splits. Go

north when you reach the end, then east, then go into the door south

when you see it. You'll now have to fight Rastul.

Rastul isn't very hard, but he is really annoying. Hopefully you have

some healing spells by now (with some preist abilities on your main).

Now, what you want to do is run up to him in order to get him to attack

and then run away when he does so he misses. Then, run back in and

attack him with a few quick strikes. If you can cause status ailments,

try to do so, as any help you can get here will mean more resources

for the next boss. If Rastul uses Wind Storm, be sure to heal, because

it can really do a number on your HP.

Now you will fight Lucikus. You can't really inflict many status

ailments on him. Don't even try petrify or paralyze; they won't work.

Also, Lucikus has HEALING SPELLS, as as the fight wears on it becomes

a battle of attrition, with you attempting to deal more damage than he

can heal, while healing yourself more than he can damage you for. This

is the final battle now, so don't hold back. Use everything in your

inventory that you think will help you. RIght at the start, use all

your special attacks and keep attacking him. Have your main character

spam healing moves and potions if the healers get out of their league.

With enough time, Lucikus will go down. If you're anywhere near my

recommended level (25), you should be able to take him down easily.

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