RLE107MCF - REVISED Case Study (OB - CENTERED) (Henderson A - Group 1)
RLE107MCF - REVISED Case Study (OB - CENTERED) (Henderson A - Group 1)
RLE107MCF - REVISED Case Study (OB - CENTERED) (Henderson A - Group 1)
BSN 2 – A.Y. 2020-2021, 1st SEMESTER
Nicole Ann D. Bacolina
Anika Pearl P. Banias
Kiara Therese P. Belarmino
Joyce Gabrielle S. Boncalon
Stephanie L. Caballero
Emma Rose P. Dalmacio
Cheryl Jhone T. Dimson
Catherine Gaile M. Fuentabella
Jessa Mae T. Infante
Alijah Abigail R. Jayme
A. Biographic Data
B. Chief Complaint/s
C. Obstetric Data
A. Baseline Data
C. Hospital Forms
i. Neurologic
ii. EENT
iii. Respiratory
iv. Cardiovascular
vii. Musculoskeletal
viii. Integumentary
its Implications)
A. Blood Test
B. Imaging
On November 16, 2021, at 6:30 AM, Carmel Vasquez, a pregnant 27-year-old, came
in due to labor pains. Her GTPAL was G3P2. An initial IE was done, and it was revealed
that her cervix was 4cm dilated, and her BOW was intact. An assessment was given, and
the following data was taken, such as: The patient's weight was 55 kg. Her vital signs are
as follows: T – 37.2 centigrade, B.P. – 110/70 mmHg, C.R. – 90, and R.R. – 22. Her FH
was at 34cm, and FHB was recorded to be at 140 RLQ. Her LMP was recorded to be on
February 4, 2021. It was revealed that she never had a prenatal checkup.
Upon her admission, Dr. M. Deocampo gave orders for the patient to be admitted
under the service of HC/OB. Her vital signs were to be taken every 4hrs, and her diet was
to be as tolerated. Dr. Deocampo ordered to start patient’s IVF D5Lr 1 L at 20 gtt/min.
The physician then ordered a CBC, Blood Typing, and Urinalysis for the patient. Doctor
ordered her medication: Cefuroxime 500 mg/capsule, I capsule BID. Dr. Deocampo then
ordered to have her progress of labor monitored along with the FHB.
At 8:30 AM, an IE was done and patient was revealed to be 5 cm dilated, FHB was at
138 bpm. At 9:30 AM, another IE was done and she was revealed to be at a 6-7 cm
dilation, FHB was at 145 bpm. At 11:00 AM, her BOW spontaneously ruptured. Amniotic
fluid appeared to be moderately meconium-stained. FHB was at 145 bpm. Progress of
labor was then noted at 11:20 AM with her cervix dilated at 8-9 cm. At 12:00 PM, the
patient reached full dilation.
At 12:30 PM, she delivered a live female neonate through normal spontaneous vaginal
delivery in cephalic presentation with a second-degree vaginal laceration. Neonate had
an APGAR score of 9/10. At 12:31 PM, oxytocin 1amp IM was administered at the
patient’s right deltoid. Following 12:33 PM, the patient’s placenta was expelled (Schultz
mechanism). Her BP was taken and recorded to be at 120/70 mmHg. The patient’s uterus
was firm and contracted. Her second-degree vaginal laceration was cleansed and
repaired, and diaper was applied. At 2:15 PM, the patient was wheeled out to ward.
Dr. Deocampo then gave postpartum orders. Vital signs were to be monitored Q 15
min X 1 H, 30 min X 1, and hourly until stable. Patient was allowed to have a full diet.
Physician noted to watch out for uterine atony. Regulate present IVF to 30 gtt/min,
discontinue once consumed. Dr. Deocampo then prescribed the following medications:
Oxytocin 10 units IM (given earlier at 12:31 pm), Methylergometrine 1 tablet TID for 6
doses, Multivitamins 1 tablet OD p/o, Mefenamic acid 500 mg, 1 capsule now, then Q4H
PRN for Pain, and continue Cefuroxime 500 mg/capsule, 1 capsule BID. Her voiding was
due at 8:00 PM. The doctor then ordered to have her uterus massaged as needed.
A. Uterus
The uterus, also called the womb, is a pear-
shaped organ with a thick muscular wall. The fundus,
which is at the top of the uterus, the corpus, which is
the main body, and the cervix, which is at the bottom
of the uterus, and the uterine isthmus connects the
body with the cervix and is located on the inferior-
posterior side of the uterus. The isthmus has a thicker
wall and a smaller diameter than the ampulla. Its folded
mucosa serves as a functional storage for sperm. Hegar's sign is a discovery in which the
uterine isthmus becomes more compressible during pregnancy. These parts make up the
uterus. Ligaments in the center of the pelvis, behind the bladder, and in front of the
rectum keep it in place. There are three layers to the uterus's wall. Menstrual bleeding is
caused by the shedding of the endometrium, a thin layer on the inside that responds to
hormones. A muscle wall forms the third layer called myometrium. The uterus has a thin
layer of cells covering the outer and it is called the perimetrium.
The uterus of a non-pregnant woman can vary in size. The average uterine length
in a woman who has never been pregnant is about 7 centimeters. In a woman who is not
pregnant but has previously been pregnant, this grows to about 9 centimeters. The size
and form of the uterus can alter over time and with the number of pregnancies. The size
of a woman's uterus will substantially rise during
pregnancy as the baby grows. The fundal height, or
the distance between the pubic bone and the top of
the uterus, is one way to determine growth. The size
of a pregnant woman's uterus can be affected by a
variety of factors, including fundal height. Women
who are carrying more than one baby, are overweight
or obese, or have specific medical disorders, for
instance, may have a varied fundal height. It's also
crucial to empty your bladder before each
measurement because a full bladder will impact
fundal height measurement. A smaller fundal height
than expected could indicate that the baby is growing slowly or that there is little amniotic
fluid. During pregnancy, amniotic fluid surrounds the unborn baby and is transparent
with a slight yellowish tint. This amniotic fluid is contained in the amniotic sac. A bigger
than expected fundal height, on the other hand, could indicate that the baby is larger than
typical, necessitating additional monitoring. The uterus can apply pressure on the other
organs of a pregnant woman's body as it expands. The uterus, for example, can press
against the bladder nearby, increasing the need to urinate.
Braxton Hicks contractions, often known as false labor or
practice contractions, prepare the uterus for birth and can begin as
early as the second trimester of a woman's pregnancy and last until
the birth. Braxton Hicks contractions are irregular, and while they
are usually not painful, they can be uncomfortable and become
stronger as the pregnancy progresses. The muscles of the uterus
contract during true labor to help the baby's descent through the
birth canal. True labor contractions begin like a wave and
intensify as they go from the top of the uterus to the cervix. The
uterus will feel tight during the contraction, but the pain will subside
between them, allowing the mother to rest until the next one
begins. Labor contractions, unlike Braxton Hicks, get stronger, more regular, and more
often in the weeks leading up to the birth. The uterus will contract again after the baby is
born to allow the placenta, which feeds the baby during pregnancy, to depart the
woman's body. This is sometimes referred to as the postpartum period. These
contractions are less intense than those experienced during labor. The uterus remains
constricted after the placenta is delivered to help prevent severe bleeding termed as
postpartum hemorrhage. After the birth, the uterus will continue to undergo contractions,
particularly during breastfeeding. This tightening and constricting of the uterus will feel
similar to period cramps and is referred to as afterbirth pains.
B. Vagina
A. Biographic Data
Address NA
Age 27-years-old
Birthdate NA
Birth Place NA
Sex Female
Weight 55Kg
Marital Status NA
Nationality NA
Occupation NA
Religion NA
B. Chief Complaint/s
Dr. M. Deocampo – ROD ordered the patient to be admitted under the service of
HC/OB and that her vital signs were to be recorded every 4 hours. The patient's diet was
to be as tolerated. Dr. Deocampo ordered to start IVF D5Lr 1L at 20 gtt/min. The patient
was to undergo CBC, blood typing, and urinalysis and was also prescribed cefuroxime
500 mg/capsule, I capsule BID.
At 8:30 AM, an IE was given, and the cervix was found to be dilated at 5 cm with the
FHB at 138 bpm. At 9:30 AM, cervix dilation was at 6-7 cm with the FHB at 145 beats per
minute. Her bag of water was ruptured at 11 AM with moderate meconium-stained
amniotic fluid. And FHB was recorded to be at 145 beats per minute. At 11:20 PM, an IE
was given, and the cervix was found to be dilated at 8-9 cm. The cervix reached full
dilation at 12:00 PM.
At 12:30 PM, she delivered a live female neonate via NSVD (normal spontaneous
vaginal delivery) in cephalic presentation with a second-degree vaginal laceration. After
the administration of Oxytocin 1amp IM through the right deltoid at 12:31, the placenta
was then delivered via Schultz Mechanism at 12:33 PM. Her blood pressure at that time
was recorded to be at 120/70 mmHg. The patient's uterus was observed to be firm and
contracted. The second-degree vaginal laceration was then repaired and cleansed, and
diaper was applied.
After delivery, the patient was wheeled out to the ward at 2:15 PM. Dr. Deocampo
ordered the patient's vital signs to be monitored Q 15 min X 1 H, 30 min X 1, and hourly
until stable. She was allowed to have a full diet. Her IVF was also to be monitored at 30
gtt/min, and to discontinue once consumed. The patient's postpartum medications include
methylergometrine 1 tablet O.D. p/o, mefenamic acid 500 mg, 1 capsule now, Q4H PRN
for pain, and cefuroxime 500 mg/capsule, 1 capsule BID; all per physician's orders. The
patient was then expected to void at 8:00 PM.
A. Baseline Data
Height: N/A
Weight: 55kg
Date/Time BP T P R
11/16/2021 110/70 37.2
90 bpm 22 bpm
6:30 AM mmHg Centigrade
11/16/2021 120/70
12:33 PM mmHg
C. Hospital Forms/Sheets
Vasquez, Carmel 27 F N/A N/A N/A Deocampo
6:30 am 37.2 90 22 110/70 VS Q4H and record
Monitor V/S Q 15 min X
12:33 pm N/A N/A N/A 120/70 1 H, 30 min X 1, and
hourly until stable
12:48 pm 37.5 89 21 115/70
1:18 pm 37.3 85 20 110/70
2:18 pm 37.2 80 18 120/70
3:18 pm 37 75 19 110/70
D. Per System Assessment
D1. Neurologic
D3. Respiratory
D4. Cardiovascular
D7. Musculoskeletal
D8. Integumentary
Transparency HAZY -
pH 6.5 5.0-7.0 NORMAL
Specific Gravity 1.010 1.003-1.030 NORMAL
Pus Cells 0-1 /hpf NORMAL
Red Blood Cells NONE /hpf NORMAL
Squamous Cells FEW /lpf NORMAL
Bacteria FEW /lpf NORMAL
Mucus Threads FEW /lpf NORMAL
A total blood count might assist with diagnosing the reason for these signs and
indications. Laboratory results of the patient appear to be normal, and no abnormalities
appear to be present.
Her WBC resulted in 17.5. This is considered normal as its count increases during
pregnancy due to the physiological stress the mother experiences. The patient's
lymphocyte count seems to be below the normal range but is considered normal in this
case. During pregnancy, the reduction of lymphocyte levels in a pregnant woman is a
natural consequence of conception and is a normal body process. When conception
occurs and the embryo is awaiting implantation into the uterus, the body makes
adjustments within itself to allow this to happen without any hurdles. A newly-created
embryo within itself is an alien entity for the human body, so it is natural for the immune
system to observe it as something harmful and reject it. Therefore, the body ends up
suppressing the immune system's response by cutting down the lymphocyte count. This
allows the embryo to be implanted successfully and grow into a fetus.
However, even when the lymphocyte count is reduced during this stage, the body still
keeps the mother well-protected. Other entities, such as neutrophils, are activated, which
temporarily take on the duties of protecting the body from external attacks. And so, the
patient is present to have no underlying problems found in her lab results.
Pain during Independent:
Labor pain 1. Serves as baseline
labor is caused 1. Monitor vital signs
related to foundation of knowledge for
by contractions every 4hrs and
uterine any possible changes on the
of the muscles record.
contraction and condition of the client
of the uterus 2. Monitor uterine
cervical dilation 2. As labor progresses, uterine
and by contractions and
as evidenced by contractions become intense
pressure on progress of labor.
patient’s facial and frequent.
the cervix. 3. Assess the intensity
expression of 3. Provides a baseline in order
It occurs due (scale of 0-10) and
pain to plan and give effective
to the duration of the pain.
care/nursing interventions.
contraction of 4. Provide comfort/
Objective Cues: 4. Promotes relaxation, and Goal was met,
the uterus. helping position of
may enhance coping after 2hrs of
• Facial During these comfort.
abilities. Position changes giving nursing
grimace contractions, 5. Instruct the patient
can also enhance circulation interventions,
• 4cm dilated blood vessels in doing relaxation
and reduce muscle tension. the patient was
cervix constrict, techniques and
5. Educates the patient on how be able to:
• Presence of thereby breathing exercises.
to relax themselves, and ✓ To cope with
uterine reducing the 6. Provide/encourage
allows them to cope with the the
contractions blood supply to use of comfort
increasing labor pain. increasing
the uterine and measures (e.g.,
Breathing exercises can help pain as the
Planning: cervical cells, back/leg rubs,
you relax, because they labor
After 2hrs of resulting in sacral pressure,
make your body feel like it progressed.
giving nursing anoxia to the back rest,
does when you are already
interventions, the muscle fibers. repositioning,
patient will be This pain can and/or shower/hot
6. Promotes relaxation and
able to: be felt as a tub use).
hygiene which will enhance
• Will be able to strong 7. Provide a quiet
feeling of wellbeing and may
cope with the cramping in environment that is
reduce the need or
increasing the abdomen, adequately
analgesia or anesthesia.
pain as the groin, and ventilated, dimly lit,
7. Non-distracting environment
labor back, as well and free of
provides optimal opportunity
progresses. as an achy unnecessary
for rest and relaxation
feeling. personnel.
between contractions.
1. Oxytocin stimulates
2. Methylergometrine
increases the rate
Dependent: and strength of
1. Administer Oxytocin contractions and the
10 units IM upon stiffness of the uterus
physician’s orders. muscles, which
Risk for uterine 2. Administer effectively helps stop
atony Methylergometrine bleeding.
Uterine atony 1 tablet TID for 6
Objective Cues: refers to the doses upon Independent:
inadequate physician’s orders. 3. Uterine massage right
• G3P2
contraction of after delivery of the Goal is met after 6
• Placental
the corpus Independent: placenta will help hours of
uteri 1. Massage uterus. reduce the risk of intervention; the
myometrial 2. Monitor V/S Q 15 atony of the uterus. patient was:
cells in min X 1 H, 30 min X 4. Provides a baseline ✓ Consequently,
After 6 hours of
response to 1, and hourly until for any possible free from the
intervention, the
endogenous stable. changes in the risk of uterine
patient will:
oxytocin 3. Educate the patient condition of the atony and
• Be release. Its concerning the patient. Also, a postpartum
consequently presence can medication’s decreased blood hemorrhage.
free from the lead to rationale. pressure could signify
risk for uterine postpartum 4. Emphasize the atony of the uterus.
atony and hemorrhage. importance of 5. Grants apprehension
postpartum continuing of the medication’s
hemorrhage medication after effects
discharge from 6. Increases the
admission. awareness of the
5. Monitor diaper importance of
changes. maintaining
7. Aids us in
differentiating normal
discharges from
abnormal outputs.
Dependent: 1. Mefenamic acid is one
1. Administer Mefenamic acid of the NSAIDS used for
500 mg, 1 capsule now, the relief of pain
Impaired skin then Q4H PRN for Pain following post-
integrity related upon physician’s orders. operations.
to second degree 2. Continue Cefuroxime 500 2. To reduce the
laceration mg/capsule, 1 capsule BID incidence of infections.
as physician ordered. 3. Contributes to the
3. Administer multivitamins 1 wound healing process,
Objective Cues: tablet OD p/o. and reduces risk for
• Normal Goal was met,
4. Monitor V/S Q 15 min X 1 infection.
spontaneous H, 30 min X 1, and hourly 4. Changes could indicate
after 4hrs of
vaginal delivery until stable. abnormal underlying intervention, the
causes such as patient was able
• Second degree to:
Independent: infection and other
vaginal Impaired skin
1. Assess the site of skin complications. ✓ Have their
laceration integrity impairment. skin remain
• G3P2 increases the 2. Inspect and monitor site Independent:
chance of intact as
for color changes, 1. To determine severity
infection, evidenced by
Planning: redness, swelling, warmth, of the impairment.
impaired and pain. 2. Color changes, normal
After 4hrs of
mobility, and 3. Provide tissue care as redness, swelling, healing with
intervention the
decreased needed. warmth, and pain are no signs of
patient will:
function and 4. Monitor patient’s indications for infection. infection, and
✓ Have their skin continence status and 3. Promotes skin integrity
remain intact may result in demonstrate
the loss of limb minimize exposure of skin and faster recovery.
as evidenced proper
impairment site and other 4. Exposure to unhygienic
or, sometimes, areas to moisture from substances may lead to techniques in
by normal
life. incontinence, perspiration, infection or wound care,
healing with no
signs of
or wound drainage. complications in wound and continue
5. Encourage proper recovery. medication
infection, and hygiene. 5. Minimizes risk for
demonstrate after
6. Discuss the relationship infection and enhance
proper between adequate overall health which
techniques in nutrition consisting of can help promote faster
wound care, fluids, protein, vitamins B wound healing.
and C, iron, and calories. 6. Nutrition plays a vital
and continue a. Encourage a role in maintaining
medication healthy diet. intact skin and in
after discharge. 7. Educate patient on wound promoting wound
care and demonstrate healing.
techniques that would aid 7. Grants the patient
them in doing so. knowledge and skills in
wound care.
• Monitored and recorded vital
signs every 4hours.
o BP – 110/70 mmHg
o T – 37.2 Centigrade
November 16, 2021 o P – 90 bpm
6:30 AM o R – 22 bpm
• Uterine contraction and progress
of labor monitored.
o IE was done. Cervical
dilation was at 4cm.
• Evaluated the intensity (scale of
0-10) and duration of the pain.
• Provided a quiet environment
that is adequately ventilated,
LABOR PAIN dimly lit, and free of unnecessary
• Provided comfort, and aided in
• Coached patient in doing
breathing and relaxation
• Patient’s comfort level was
• The patient was able
demonstrate and follow breathing
• The patient was able to cope with
the increasing pain.
• Ordered by Dr. M. Deocampo:
CBC blood typing and Urinalysis.
• Started the IVF D5Lr 1 L at
20gtt/min. as ordered.
November 16, 2021
12:30 PM DATA:
Objective Cues
• G3P2
• Placental Expulsion
• Assessed VS and recorded Q 15
min X 1 H, 30 min X 1, and
hourly until stabilized.
• Administered oxytocin 10 units
12:31 PM IM as ordered.
• Administered methylergometrine
1 tablet TID for 6 doses upon
physician’s orders.
• Discussed the rationale of the
medication that was given to the
• Massaged patient’s uterus.
ATONY • Monitored diaper changes
• Patient’s uterus was firm and
• The patient was cooperative in
taking their medication and
consequently reduced the risk of
uterine atony and postpartum
• Administered Mefenamic acid
500 mg, 1 capsule Q4H PRN for
pain upon physician’s orders.
• Assessed VS and recorded Q 15
min X 1 H, 30 min X 1, and hourly
until stabilized.
• Administered Mefenamic acid 500
mg, 1 capsule Q4H PRN for pain
upon physician’s orders.
• Continued Cefuroxime 500
mg/capsule, 1 capsule BID as
physician ordered.
• Monitored the patient's continence
and prevented moisture from
incontinence, perspiration, or
wound drainage from reaching the
skin impairment site and
surrounding locations
IMPAIRED SKIN • Inspected and monitored the site
INTEGRITY for color changes, redness,
swelling, warmth and pain.
• Provided tissue care.
• Instructed and demonstrated to the
patient wound care techniques
• Discussed the need of a balanced
diet that includes fluid, protein,
vitamins B and C, iron, and
• Administered multivitamins 1 tablet
OD p/o.
• Patient’s wound was managed.
• Patient’s skin was intact and free
from signs of infection.
• Patient was able to repeat the
demonstrated wound care
• Administered oxytocin 10 units IM
12:31 PM as ordered.
• Administered methylergometrine 1
tablet TID for 6 doses upon
physician’s orders.
IX. DRUG TABULATION (Action and Indications)
Name of
Content Action/Mechanism of Action Indication
ACTION: Anti- inflammatory – means
a drug that reduces inflammation like
redness, swelling and pain in the
Oxytocin Stimulation of
MOA: uterine contractions
(Pitocin) Directly affects receptor sites to during third labor
stimulate contraction of the uterus and control of
10 units = 1 Oxytocin during labor especially toward the end
postpartum bleeding
ampoule IM of the pregnancy; helping expel the
baby. Purpose of oxytocin during or hemorrhage after
labor is that oxytocin used to begin or expulsion of the
12:31 PM placenta.
improve contractions. Oxytocin also is
used to reduce bleeding after
childbirth. It also may be used along
with other medications or procedures
to end a pregnancy.
Action/Mechanism of
Name of Drug Content Indication
ACTION: Intramuscular
Methylergometrine For the
(Methergine) prevention and
MOA: Methylergometrine
control of
acts directly on the smooth
1 tablet TID (Three Methylergometrine excessive
muscle of the uterus and
times a day) bleeding
increases the tone, rate, and
following vaginal
amplitude of rhythmic
6 doses child birth.
contractions through binding.
Action/Mechanism of
Name of Drug Content Indication
Action/Mechanism of
Name of Drug Content Indication
ACTION: Non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drug (NSAID)
Mefenamic Acid
(Ponstab, Mefenamic acid binds the
Ponstel) prostaglandin synthetase Prophylaxis for mild
receptors COX-1 and COX-2,
to moderate pain,
500mg Mefenamic Acid inhibiting the action of
prostaglandin synthetase. As treatment for
these receptors have a role as a inflammation
1 capsule Q4H
major mediator of inflammation
(every 4hrs as
and/or a role for prostanoid
needed) signaling in activity dependent
plasticity, the symptoms of pain
are temporarily reduced.
Action/Mechanism of
Name of Drug Content Indication
Cefuroxime ACTION: Antibiotics
(Ceftin, Zinacef) Treatment of
many different
500mg/capsule Cefuroxime MOA: Bind to bacterial cell types of
wall membrane causing cell bacterial
1 capsule BID death infections.
(Twice a day)
At the completion of
the home care
instruction, the patient
will be able to:
Teach the patient
how to clean and
perform proper
perineal care and
State the perception of Maintain good breast care.
the importance of hygiene to
Hygiene personal hygiene and prevent/avoid Educate the patient
keeping the complications and and other relatives
environment sanitation. infection. about the
importance of
maintaining home
environment safety
and sanitation.
Have an enough Discourage the
Verbalize the
rest, don’t do patient doing any
understanding of
vigorous activities sexual intercourse
restricted activities, the
Activity dos and don’ts during
such as carrying for 6 months or at
around furniture and least 1 month
also moving heavy letting the uterus of
and enough rest.
objects is prohibited. the patient heal.
XI. References
Bryte Medical Lectures (2020). Vagina – Antony and Physiology. Retrieved from
VAGINA - Anatomy & Physiology (OBS & GYEN). Quick Ref - YouTube
Course Hero Inc. (2021). Care Plan 2 revised – Care plan template postpartum.
Retrieved from https://www.coursehero.com/file/62084549/Care-Plan-2-
Mandy M. (2019). Your vagina after childbirth Isn't scary as you think. Retrieved
from Your Vagina After Childbirth Isn’t as Scary as You Think (healthline.com)
Mayo Clinic (1998-2021). Labor and delivery, postpartum care. Retrieved from