ENDTERM 2nd Semester (NCM110NIF LAB)
ENDTERM 2nd Semester (NCM110NIF LAB)
ENDTERM 2nd Semester (NCM110NIF LAB)
➢ All the physical components of the machine
➢ Composed of many different parts that enable the user to communicate with the
computer and with other computers to produce work
➢ Uses electronic components and instructions to perform calculations and
repetitive and complex procedures, process text and manipulate data and signals
Major Characteristics:
• Automatic
• Electronic
• General purpose such as:
o Speed
o Reliability
o Storage capacity
2. Motherboard
• Is a printed circuit board and foundation of a computer that is the biggest
board in a computer chassis
• Allocates power and allows communication to and between the CPU, RAM,
and all other computer hardware components such as hard drives and video
3. CPU Microchip
• Also known as “microprocessor”
• Is a complete computation engine that is fabricated on a single chip
• Is the heart of any normal computer, whether it is a desktop machine, a server
or a laptop
Alijah Abigail R. Jayme BSN2 – Henderson B – 2nd Semester ENDTERM Reviewer
Input Devices
• Allows computer to receive information
from the outside world.
Output Devices
• Allows the computer to report its result to
the external world
• It can be in a form of text, data files,
sounds, graphics or signals to other devices
• It includes the main memory but also
external devices on which programs
and data are stored
o HARD DRIVE – a peripheral that
has high speed and high density
o DISKETTES – a round magnetic
disk encased in a flexible or rigid
o CD ROM – rigid disk that holds a
much higher density of
information than a diskette and
has a much higher speed
o CD RW – new type of CD that
could be written on by the user
removable hard drive that is inserted into the USB port of a computer
o MAGNETIC TAPE DRIVES – run a magnetic tape the same with any music
tape player. (Today it is obsolete for home computer use)
o ZIP AND JAZ DRIVES – similar to floppy disk but are of higher capacity
1. Supercomputers
• The largest type of computer, computational oriented specially designed for
scientific applications requiring gigantic amounts of calculations
2. Mainframes
• The fastest, largest and most expensive type of computer used in corporate
America for processing, storing and retrieving data
• It is a large multiuser central computer that meets the computing needs
especially the large number of repetitive calculations of bills and payroll of
large organizations
3. Microcomputers
• It is used for an increasing number of independent applications as well as
serving as a desktop link to the programs of a mainframe
• Commonly known as “Personal Computer”
4. Handheld Computers
• Small and special functioned computers
• It was introduced in the late 1990’s. It has the same functionality and
processing capabilities to the standard desktop microcomputer however,
there are limited expansion possibilities in the office network.
Alijah Abigail R. Jayme BSN2 – Henderson B – 2nd Semester ENDTERM Reviewer
Computer systems are composed of many different component parts that enable
user to communicate with the computer, and with other computers to produce work.
The group of required and optional hardware items that are linked together to make up
a computer system is called its configuration.
Computers are now pervasive throughout the healthcare industry*. Their applications
are expected to continue to expand and thereby improve the quality healthcare while at
the same time reducing some costs**.
• The development of data processing machine was taken form field of textiles.
Joseph Jacquard invented the Jacquard Loom.
• In 1881, Herman Hollerith used Jacquard’s idea but developed a machine that
could read punched card and tabulate results
• Grace Murray Hooper, the world’s most expert programmer of early computers,
she greatly advanced the power of computers through her innovation in
computer programming and program languages.
1. Systems Software: controls the operations of the machine
2. Utility Software: supports efficiency, productivity, and security
3. Applications Software: all the programs the user employs to do the work
- Systems software controls the operations of the machine and how it works
peripheral equipment and supports utility and application programs.
Important Features:
• System Software is closer to the system
• Generally written in a low-level language
• The system software is difficult to design and understand
• Fast in speed
• Less interactive
• Smaller in size
• Hard to manipulate
Alijah Abigail R. Jayme BSN2 – Henderson B – 2nd Semester ENDTERM Reviewer
- Utility software supports efficiency, productivity,
and security of the systems software and
application programs.
- This software includes algorithms, file manager
tool, compression tool, Disk Management tool,
Disk clean up tool, Disk Defragmenter and
security programs such as antivirus.
Compression Tool – condense digital files or folders to ensure they take up less disk
Disk Management Tool – are utility software that is used to manage data on disk by
performing various functions on it.
Disk Clean-up Tool – scans your computer's hard drive for files that you no longer
need such as temporary files, cached webpages, and rejected items that end up in your
system's Recycle Bin.
Antivirus – a kind of software used to prevent, scan, detect and delete viruses from a
- includes various programs people used to do work, process data, play games,
communicate with others or watch multimedia programs on a computer.
- Application Programs are written in a particular programming language
Important Features:
• Perform more specialized tasks like word processing, spreadsheets, email, photo
editing, etc.
Alijah Abigail R. Jayme BSN2 – Henderson B – 2nd Semester ENDTERM Reviewer
Spreadsheet Software: Spreadsheet software is a numeric data analysis tool that allows
you to create a computerized ledger.
Graphics Software: It allows computer systems for creating, editing, drawings, graphs,
• A computer cannot naturally understand human language
• Machine language
• More English like languages have been developed to facilitate programming
a. Third Generation Language/Procedural Language
b. Fourth Generation Language/High level procedural Language
a. Fifth Generation Languages/Natural Language/Visual Programming
Machine Language
(First Generation – 1GL)
- Level of instructions and data that the processor is actually given to work on
binary number 0s and 1s
- The lowest level computer language; is conveyed to the computer by the
programmer as binary instructions
- 1940s and 1950s: computers were programmed by scientists sitting before
control panels equipped with toggle switches so that they could input
instructions as strings of zeros and ones.
Assembler Language
(Second Generation – 2GL)
- An assembler converts the assembler language statements into machine
- Late 1950s: this language had become popular.
- Consists of letters of the alphabet; makes programming much easier than trying
to program a series of zeros and ones