PRPY 122 Developmental Psychology
PRPY 122 Developmental Psychology
PRPY 122 Developmental Psychology
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The School of Science and Technology is committed to be a strong arm of 1. Demonstrate literacy in the application of the major psychological theories
the university is fostering excellence in the pursuit of knowledge while and concepts in personal and professional life.
engendering personal integrity and social responsibility. 2. Apply the methods of psychological inquiries and develop lifelong learning
towards building knowledge on local culture and context.
In line with the CEU mission, the School of Science and Technology seeks
for its clientele the following objectives: 3. Utilize psychological theories and methods in personal and professional
1. To develop scientific, technical and vocational skills with world class 4. Administer and interpret psychological test results, analyze cases and
competency; identify appropriate action and intervention in various settings.
5. Value professional and ethical behavior in research and practice.
2. To be empowered with logical, critical, and creative thinking skills;
6. Construct and develop questionnaire items for purposes of psychological
3. To appreciate, value, and live out man’s desirable potentialities, and assessment and research.
7. Exhibit self-reflection to develop empathic and effective communication
4. To become versatile and productive citizens in the global society. that promotes harmonious interpersonal relationship.
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Course Description : A course designed to equip the students with knowledge and skills that will allow them to understand human development from a holistic perspective-
mental, socio-emotional, physical, moral, and spiritual.
Pre-requisite : None
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Intended Learning Outcomes Content/Topic Suggested Teaching Time Resources Assessment
Methodology/Strategies Allotment
h. Factors influencing Prenatal
• Describe the major adjustments all 3. Infancy • Lecture-discussion/ 6 hours • Quizzes
infants must make to postnatal life, the elaborate concepts • Recitation
conditions influencing these a. period of the newborn • Film showing • Reflection paper
adjustments and the criteria used to b. characteristics of an • Group sharing of personal through journaling
assess their success. infant experiences
• Role play the characteristics of the c. stages of physical • Group discussions
infant, especially the appearance, d. development • Interview
activities, vocalization and e. vocalization of the • Summarize
sensitivities. newborn
• Appraise why states of f. sensitivities of the
consciousness, capacity for learning newborn
and emotions during the infancy g. emotions of the
period are difficult to study. newborn
• Describe the physical, motor, speech, h. physiological functions
emotional, social and play activities of the infant
development during infancy.
• Point out the importance of family 4. Babyhood • Lecture-discussion/ 6 hours • Quizzes
relationships to babies developing a. Physical Development elaborate concepts • Recitation
self-concepts and to their happiness. b. Physiological Functions • Film showing • Reflection paper
• Identify why each area of c. Motor Development • Sharing of personal through journaling
development can be psychologically d. Speech Development experiences
hazardous. e. Emotions • Group discussions
f. Social Development • Summarize
g. Personality
• Summarize a brief picture of physical, 5. Early Childhood • Lecture-discussion/ 6 hours • Quizzes
motor, speech emotional, social and a. Physical Development elaborate concepts • Recitation
play development in early childhood. b. Emotional Development • Film showing • Reflection paper
c. Social Development • Group sharing of personal through journaling
• Defend how understanding improves d. Moral Development experiences
and how this affects moral e. Personality Development • Group discussions
development, sex-role typing, and the f. Play • Interview
kind of interests young children g. Interest • Summarize
develop. h. Family Relationships
i. Personality
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Intended Learning Outcomes Content/Topic Suggested Teaching Time Resources Assessment
Methodology/Strategies Allotment
• Analyze new social groupings in late 6. Late Childhood • Lecture-discussion/ 6 hours • Quizzes
childhood and point out their influence a. Physical Development elaborate concepts • Recitation
on children’s play interests and b. Motor Development • Film showing • Reflection paper
activities. c. Speech Development • Group sharing of personal through journaling
• Point out the influence of increased d. Emotional Development experiences
understanding on moral attitudes and e. Social Development • Group discussions
behavior in late childhood on f. Moral Attitude and Behavior • Interview
children’s interest. g. Interest • Summarize
1. Jenson, Jeffrey M. Social policy for children and families : a risk and resilience perspective Los Angeles : SAGE Publications, (2016)
2. John L. Romano. Prevention Psychology : Enhancing Personal and Social Well-Being. Washington, D.C. : American Psychological Association, (2015)
3. Nilsen, Barbara Ann. Week by week : Plans for Documenting Children's Development. Manila: Titlepeek (2017)
4. Santrock, John W. Essentials of life-span development New York : McGraw-Hill, (2016)
5. Burman, E. (2017). Deconstructing developmental psychology (3rd ed.). Routledge.
6. Bonovitz, C., Harlem, A. (2018). Developmental perspectives in child psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. Routledge.
7. Gillibrand, R., Lam, V., O’Donnell, V.L. (2016). Developmental psychology (2nd ed.). Pearson Education
8. .Overton, W.F., Molenaar, P.C.M. (Eds.) (2015). Handbook of child psychology and developmental science: volume one: theory and method (7th ed.). John Wiley &
9. Liben, L.S., Muller, U. (Eds.) (2015). Handbook of child psychology and developmental science: volume two: cognitive processes (7th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
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10. Lamb, M.E. (Ed.) (2015). Handbook of child psychology and developmental science: volume three: socioemotional processes (7th ed.). John Wiley & Sons.
11. Bornstein, M.H.,Leventhal, T. (Eds.) (2015). Handbook of child psychology and developmental science: volume 4]four: ecological settings and processes (7th ed.).
John Wiley & Sons.
12. Kail, R.V., Cavanaugh, J.C. (2019). Human development: a life-span view (8th ed.). Cengage.
13. Mireault, G.C., Reddy, V. (2016). Humor in infants: developmental and psychological perspectives. Springer Nature.
14. Jenson, J.M., Fraser, M.W. (2016). Social policy for children and families: a risk and resilience perspective (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications.
15. Ghetti, S. (Ed.) (2018). Steven’s handbook of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience: volume four: developmental and social psychology (4th ed.). John
Wiley & Sons.
16. Santrock, J.W. (2019). Life-span development (17th ed.). McGraw-Hill Education.
17. Briggs, S. (2019). Time-limited adolescent psychodynamic psychotherapy: a developmentally focussed psychotherapy for young people. Routledge.
SOJ Psychology.
The Open Psychology Journal.
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Frontiers in Psychology.
International Journal of Psychological Studies.
Advances in Cognitive Psychology.
American Psychologist.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).
Clinical Psychology in Europe.
Europe’s Journal of Psychology.
Journal of Numerical Cognition.
Journal of Social and Political Psychology.
Psychological Thought.
Psychology, Community & Health.
Social Psychological Bulletin.
The European Journal of Counselling.
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