Mit 103 Exam
Mit 103 Exam
Mit 103 Exam
1. From among the Interactive methods used, which do you think is the most efficient and
effective way to gather information. Why?
2. Prepare a table matrix and provide the pros and cons of the following: interviewing, JAD and
Chapter 5
1. Compare and contrast quantitative document analysis and qualitative document analysis
Generally speaking, quantitative analysis involves looking at the hard data, the actual
numbers. Qualitative analysis is less tangible. It concerns subjective characteristics and
opinions – things that cannot be expressed as a number.
Chapter 6
the system is accomplished in modules so that if the features that are prototyped
are evaluated by users as successful, they can be incorporated into the larger, final
system without undertaking immense work in interfacing. Prototypes done in this
manner are part of the actual system. They are not just a mock-up as in
nonoperational prototyping considered previously. Unless otherwise mentioned,
all further references to prototyping in this chapter refer to the selected-features
2. Using Slide # 19 Figure 6.4 as your basis, consider one Process/transaction/Module in Agency
where you work. Come-up with a RAD design following the requirement planning to
implementation. You may present your answer/ideas in bullet form as a draft.