Mit 103 Exam

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Chapter 4

1. From among the Interactive methods used, which do you think is the most efficient and
effective way to gather information. Why?

 Interview - interviewee helps you explain, better understand, and explore research

subjects' opinions, behavior, experiences, phenomenon, etc. Interview questions are
usually open-ended questions so that in-depth information will be collected.

2. Prepare a table matrix and provide the pros and cons of the following: interviewing, JAD and

Joint Application Design

JAD allows you to resolve difficulties more Different opinions within the team make it
simply and produce better, error-free difficult to align goals and maintain focus
The joint collaboration between the Depending on the size of the project, JAD may
company and the clients lowers all risks. require a significant time commitment
JAD reduces costs and time needed for
project development.
Well-defined requirements improve system

Due to the close communication, progress is


JAD encourages the team to push each other

to work faster and deliver on time

Chapter 5

1. Compare and contrast quantitative document analysis and qualitative document analysis

 Generally speaking, quantitative analysis involves looking at the hard data, the actual
numbers. Qualitative analysis is less tangible. It concerns subjective characteristics and
opinions – things that cannot be expressed as a number.

2. Why STROBE is important in gathering human information requirements.

 STROBE combines well with techniques for eliciting reasons for designs and actions,
such as laddering, critical incident technique and scenarios. STROBE is useful as a way
of giving structure to how you observe an office and how you decide where to focus your

3. Provide steps in doing observation to gather information requirements.

1. Determine your research objective. 

 Understand the objective and goals of your research. Figure out what questions
you’re trying to answer, and determine who you’re trying to observe and why.
See our article on how to come up with a research objective. 
2. Determine questions and create a research guide
 From your research questions, create a research guide that outlines how you’ll
approach gathering answers to your questions.
3. Establish your method of gathering data
 Determine whether you will be taking a naturalistic observation or an active
participant approach. Decide if you’ll be recording audio or video, taking pictures,
and/or taking notes. 
4. Observe
 Go into the field and do your observations. Make sure you obtain all necessary
permissions ahead of time. 
5. Prepare your data
 After the observation, prepare your data for analysis. Get your audio and video
recordings transcribed, and start to organize your notes and papers. See our article
on how to get audio transcribed. 
6. Analyze behaviors in your data
 Dive into the data and make sense of it. Systematically code and organize your
data to find themes and patterns. See our articles on qualitative coding to learn
more about this step.

Chapter 6

1. Discuss the different types of prototyping used in gathering information requirements by

explaining the diagram found in Slide #10 Figure 6.1
 Patched up prototype - information systems is a working model that has all the
necessary features but is inefficient. In this instance of prototyping, users can
interact with the system, getting accustomed to the interface and types of output
available. The retrieval and storage of information may be inefficient, however,
because programs were written rapidly with the objective of being workable
rather than efficient.

 Nonoperational prototype - A non-working scale model of an information

system might be produced when the coding required by the applications is too
extensive to prototype but when a useful idea of the system can be gained through
the prototyping of the input and output only. In this instance, processing, because
of undue cost and time, would not be prototyped. Users could still make decisions
on the utility of the system, based on their use of prototyped input and output.

 First-of-a-series - This type of prototyping is useful when many installations of

the same information system are planned. The full-scale working model allows
users to experience realistic interaction with the new system, but it minimizes the
cost of overcoming any problems that it presents. For example, when a retail
grocery chain intends to use electronic data interchange (EDI) to check in
suppliers’ shipments in a number of outlets, a full-scale model might be installed
in one store so users could work through any problems before the system is
implemented in all the others.

 the system is accomplished in modules so that if the features that are prototyped
are evaluated by users as successful, they can be incorporated into the larger, final
system without undertaking immense work in interfacing. Prototypes done in this
manner are part of the actual system. They are not just a mock-up as in
nonoperational prototyping considered previously. Unless otherwise mentioned,
all further references to prototyping in this chapter refer to the selected-features

2. Using Slide # 19 Figure 6.4 as your basis, consider one Process/transaction/Module in Agency
where you work. Come-up with a RAD design following the requirement planning to
implementation. You may present your answer/ideas in bullet form as a draft.

Cash Registry in Point-of-Sale System

 Requirements planning - computer, monitor, cash drawer, receipt printer,

customer display, a barcode scanner and debit/credit card reader.
 Work with users to design system – present work to the client or end-users this
can be a prototype that satisfies all or only a portion of requirements. Collect
feedback on everything from interface to functionality.
 Build the system – After collecting feedback from the client about the interface
and functionalities of the system, develop and finalize the interface and
functionalities of the system.
 Implementation – introduce the system to the users, conduct training about the
functionalities of the system and establish guidelines about the system.

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