1MRK511257-UUS A en Communication Protocol Manual DNP 650 Series 1.2 ANSI
1MRK511257-UUS A en Communication Protocol Manual DNP 650 Series 1.2 ANSI
1MRK511257-UUS A en Communication Protocol Manual DNP 650 Series 1.2 ANSI
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This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot be
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This product complies with the directive of the Council of the European Communities
on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerning electrical equipment for
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conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in accordance with the product
standards EN 50263 and EN 60255-26 for the EMC directive, and with the product
standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the low voltage directive. The product is
designed in accordance with the international standards of the IEC 60255 series and
ANSI C37.90. The DNP protocol implementation in the IED conforms to "DNP3
Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) Certification Procedure Subset Level 2", available
at www.dnp.org .
Table of contents
Table of contents
Section 1 Introduction............................................................................3
This manual..............................................................................................3
Intended audience....................................................................................3
Product documentation.............................................................................4
Product documentation set..................................................................4
Document revision history...................................................................5
Related documents..............................................................................6
Symbols and conventions.........................................................................7
Document conventions........................................................................8
Functions included in 650 series IEDs................................................8
Section 5 Glossary..............................................................................55
Section 1 Introduction
Engineering manual
Installation manual
Commissioning manual
Operation manual
Service manual
Application manual
Technical manual
Communication protocol
IEC07000220 V1 EN
The engineering manual contains instructions on how to engineer the IEDs using the
different tools in PCM600. The manual provides instructions on how to set up a
PCM600 project and insert IEDs to the project structure. The manual also recommends
a sequence for engineering of protection and control functions, LHMI functions as well
as communication engineering for IEC 60870-5-103, IEC 61850 and DNP3.
The installation manual contains instructions on how to install the IED. The manual
provides procedures for mechanical and electrical installation. The chapters are
organized in chronological order in which the IED should be installed.
The commissioning manual contains instructions on how to commission the IED. The
manual can also be used by system engineers and maintenance personnel for assistance
during the testing phase. The manual provides procedures for checking of external
circuitry and energizing the IED, parameter setting and configuration as well as
verifying settings by secondary injection. The manual describes the process of testing
an IED in a substation which is not in service. The chapters are organized in
chronological order in which the IED should be commissioned.
The operation manual contains instructions on how to operate the IED once it has been
commissioned. The manual provides instructions for monitoring, controlling and
setting the IED. The manual also describes how to identify disturbances and how to
view calculated and measured power grid data to determine the cause of a fault.
The service manual contains instructions on how to service and maintain the IED. The
manual also provides procedures for de-energizing, de-commissioning and disposal of
the IED.
The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelines sorted
per function. The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose a typical
protection function can be used. The manual can also be used when calculating settings.
The technical manual contains application and functionality descriptions and lists
function blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters and
technical data sorted per function. The manual can be used as a technical reference
during the engineering phase, installation and commissioning phase, and during normal
The point list manual describes the outlook and properties of the data points specific to
the IED. The manual should be used in conjunction with the corresponding
communication protocol manual.
1.4.1 Symbols
The information icon alerts the reader of important facts and conditions.
The tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design your
project or how to use a certain function.
• Abbreviations and acronyms in this manual are spelled out in the glossary. The
glossary also contains definitions of important terms.
• Push button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using the push
button icons.
To navigate between the options, use and .
• HMI menu paths are presented in bold.
Select Main menu/Settings.
• LHMI messages are shown in Courier font.
To save the changes in non-volatile memory, select Yes and press .
• Parameter names are shown in italics.
The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting.
• The ^ character in front of an input or output signal name in the function block
symbol given for a function, indicates that the user can set an own signal name in
• The * character after an input or output signal name in the function block symbol
given for a function, indicates that the signal must be connected to another
function block in the application configuration to achieve a valid application
• Dimensions are provided both in inches and mm. If it is not specifically mentioned
then the dimension is in mm.
Differential protection
T2WPDIF 87T Transformer differential protection, two winding
T3WPDIF 87T Transformer differential protection, three winding
REFPDIF 87N Restricted ground fault protection, low impedance
HZPDIF 87 1Ph High impedance differential protection
GENPDIF 87G Generator differential protection
Impedance protection
Table continues on next page
Current protection
PHPIOC 50 Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection
SPTPIOC 50 Instantaneous phase overcurrent protection
OC4PTOC 51/67 Four-step phase overcurrent protection
OC4SPTOC 51/67 Four-step phase overcurrent protection
EFPIOC 50N Instantaneous residual overcurrent protection
EF4PTOC 51N/67N Four-step directional residual overcurrent protection
SDEPSDE 67N Sensitive directional residual overcurrent and power protection
UC2PTUC 37 Time-delayed two-step undercurrent protection
LCPTTR 26 Thermal overload protection, one time constant, Celsius
LFPTTR 26 Thermal overload protection, one time constant, Fahrenheit
TRPTTR 49 Thermal overload protection, two time constants
CCRBRF 50BF Breaker failure protection
CSPRBRF 50BF Breaker failure protection
STBPTOC 50STB Stub protection
CCRPLD 52PD Pole discordance protection
BRCPTOC 46 Broken conductor check
GUPPDUP 37 Directional underpower protection
Table continues on next page
SESRSYN 25 Synchrocheck, energizing check and synchronizing
SMBRREC 79 Autorecloser
STBRREC 79 Autorecloser
SCILO 3 Logical node for interlocking
BB_ES 3 Interlocking for busbar grounding switch
A1A2_BS 3 Interlocking for bus-section breaker
A1A2_DC 3 Interlocking for bus-section disconnector
ABC_BC 3 Interlocking for bus-coupler bay
BH_CONN 3 Interlocking for 1 1/2 breaker diameter
BH_LINE_A 3 Interlocking for 1 1/2 breaker diameter
BH_LINE_B 3 Interlocking for 1 1/2 breaker diameter
DB_BUS_A 3 Interlocking for double CB bay
DB_BUS_B 3 Interlocking for double CB bay
Table continues on next page
Station communication
IEC61850-8-1 IEC61850 communication protocol
DNPSER DNP3.0 for serial communication EIA485
DNPGEN DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol
RS485DNP DNP3.0 for EIA-485 communication protocol
DNPFREC DNP3.0 fault records for TCP/IP communication protocol
CH1TCP - CH4TCP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol
OPTICALDNP DNP3.0 for TCP/IP communication protocol
MSTSERIAL DNP3.0 for optical RS-232 communication protocol
MST1TCP - MST4TCP DNP3.0 for serial communication protocol
RS485GEN RS485
OPTICALPROT Operation selection for optical serial
RS485PROT Operation selection for RS485
DNPFREC DNP3.0 fault records for TCP/IP communication protocol
OPTICAL103 IEC60870-5-103 Optical serial communication
RS485103 IEC60870-5-103 serial communication for RS485
GOOSEINTLKRCV Horizontal communication via GOOSE for interlocking
GOOSEBINRCV GOOSE binary receive
GOOSEVCTRCONF GOOSE VCTR configuration for send and receive
VCTRSEND Voltage control sending block for GOOSE
GOOSEVCTRRCV Voltage control receiving block for GOOSE
Table continues on next page
GUID-F3F7289C-3344-492F-8779-D63CBF6B469A V1 EN
The DNP3 protocol was developed by Westronic based on the early versions of the
IEC 60870-5 standard telecontrol protocol specifications. Now the protocol
specification is controlled by the DNP Users Group at www.dnp.org.
The protocol is based on the EPA, a simplified model of the ISO/OSI model. It
specifies the data link layer, the application layer and a transport pseudo-layer. To
support advanced RTU functions and messages larger than the maximum frame length
as defined by the IEC document 60870-5-1, the DNP3 data link is intended to be used
with the mentioned transport pseudo-layer. As a minimum, this transport layer
implements message assembly and disassembly services.
Physical layer
Even though the standard does not specify the physical layer, it does however specify
how to operate in a networked environment and also suggests how to avoid collisions
between simultaneously sending devices.
DNP3 can also be used over packet-oriented networks such as TCP/IP and UDP in
which, for example, Ethernet may be used. In this case DNP3 can be said to be
tunneled over TCP/IP or UDP.
Link-layer confirm usage is not recommended and the implementation is optional. The
IED does not request data-link layer confirmations for TCP/IP communication.
Transport pseudo-layer
To support advanced RTU functions and messages exceeding the maximum data link
frame length, a transport pseudo-layer which implements message assembly and
disassembly services was adopted.
Transport functions:
• Fragmenting user data into one or more data link frames and transmitting the data
to the data link layer
• Assembling the data link frames received from the data link layer into user data
• Controlling all aspects of the data link excluding data link configuration
Transport responsibilities:
Application layer
The application layer is responsible for performing operations on data objects defined
by the device or on the device itself. These operations include returning actual values
(read function), assigning new values (write function) if the object represents control
points, arming and energizing the output point (select, operate or direct operate
functions) and if counters are used, reading actual values and clearing the counters.
DNP3 uses the term point do identify an entity, and these entities can be categorized
into point-types, such as analogs or binaries. Points are addressed by giving them an
index number and an object is a formatted representation of data from a point. These
objects can be assigned to classes in order to organize events and current values into
categories. The DNP3 protocol defines four classes; 0 for static data (current value)
and 1, 2 and 3 for event data.
Communication modes
The IED supports four DNP3 communication modes.
• Quiescent operation
• Unsolicited report-by-exception operation
• Polled report-by-exception operation
• Polled static operation
2.2 Documentation
This implementation of DNP3 is fully compliant with DNP3 Subset Definition Level 2,
and contains significant functionality beyond Subset Level 2. See the device profile for
further information.
It is possible to use both the connection establishment method based on the master IP
address, and the connection establishment method based on the port number. The
identification and association of the master is based both on the IP address of the
master and the port number it connects to. It is essential to make sure that the
parameters TCPIPLisPort, MasterIP-Addr, MasterIPNetMask, SlaveAddress and
MasterAddress uniquely identifies one master from the other masters.
For example, if a master changes its IP address dynamically in the range of
and, the MasterIPNetMask could be set to to allow for
connections from this range. If two masters share this dynamic range or share the same
IP address, it is necessary to separate them by having them connect to separate ports,
for example, 20000 and 20001 respectively.
Also, SlaveAddress and MasterAddress must be correctly configured for each master.
Otherwise, the previously accepted connection is closed upon the reception of the first
DNP3 message.
The IED supports the requirements of the standard to receive UDP broadcast messages
on the ports configured by UDPPortAccData. When operating in UDP-only mode,
UDPPortInitNULL and UDPPortCliMast need to be configured as well.
As a default, the IED sends a keep-alive message in every 10 seconds according to the
value of the tKeepAliveT parameter. The time can be changed, and setting it to zero
means that no keep-alive messages are sent. It is important to know the hazards of
disabling the keep-alive, and it is not recommended to do so unless necessary. If the keep-
alive messages are unwanted, it is better to increase the value of tKeepAliveT so that it
exceeds the master's poll rate.
If a master crashes or the communication links are broken and the master restarts, the
TCP/IP makes the IED believe that the connection still exists. Since the IED conforms
to the recommendations of the standard not to accept new connections when a
connection already exists to the particular master, the master will never be allowed to
connect again. Another parameter that concerns the TCP/IP connection status is
tBrokenConTout. It determines how long a session is active after a TCP/IP connection
has been broken. After the time period, the session becomes inactive and events are not
stored. If the parameter is set to 0, events are stored until the sequential buffers
overflow. Note that if the parameter is set to zero, all events from start-up until the
sequential buffers overflow are saved even though no connection would have been
Internal indications give information on certain status and error conditions within the
outstation. They contain 2 octets of data and are found in the application layer on an
outstation response.
See the DNP3 Specification Volume 3 Application Layer (Section 5 Detailed IIN Bit
Descriptions) for more detailed descriptions of IIN bits.
The IED supports spontaneous reporting, that is, unsolicited reporting, of events. Given
the parameters UREvCntThold1, tUREvBufTout1, UREvCntThold2, tUREvBufTout2,
UREvCntThold3 and tUREvBufTout3, the IED can be configured to report events either
after a number of events of a certain class have been generated or when at least one
event of the class has been generated and the configured time-span has elapsed.
The event system has a rate limiter to reduce CPU load. Each channel has a quota of 10
events/second. If the quota is exceeded the event channel is blocked until the event
changes is below the quota.
DNP3 allows for operation on binary outputs via CROB. Direct Operate, Direct
Operate with No Acknowledgement as well as Select/Operate pairs are allowed. The
protocol requires that a pair of select and operate messages is completely alike and
only one sequence number apart. This in turn requires masters not to send any requests
between the selected message and the operate message, otherwise the operate request
will be denied.
Select and Operate requests may contain multiple objects. The select/control buffer
size is large enough to hold 10 of the largest select requests possible.
3.4.3 Binary output status points and control relay output blocks
While BOS points are included here for completeness, they are not often polled by
DNP3 masters. BOS points represent the most recent value from a command operation
for the corresponding CROB point. BOS points are not recommended to be included in
class 0 polls.
from the CROB even though the operation is still in progress. Therefore, the mentioned
outputs from, for example, SCSWI need to be monitored as a complement.
This implies that the binary output object should not be assigned to classes 1, 2 or 3. A
read of the binary outputs returns the last value written to that output.
DNP3 supports time synchronization of the IED via object numbers 50...52. Time
synchronization via DNP3 should only be used if time source with better accuracy is
not available, for example, IRIG-B, GPS or SNTP. For TCP/IP channels, the LAN
procedure should be used, in which two separate messages are transmitted from the
master, record current time and write, see DNP3 Specification Volume 5 for more
Each DNP3 master configuration block has a number of parameters that affect the time
synchronization. Only one master at a time is configured to set the time in the IED.
Therefore, only one master configuration block enables the DNPToSetTime and
TSyncReqAfTout parameter. That is, both parameters must have the same value and
should only be set for one master at a time.
The tSyncTimeout parameter defines how long after a successful time synchronization
the NeedTime IIN bit has to be set. The tSyncReqAfTout parameter defines if the
tSyncTimeout should be used or not. Also, the IED supports both the new standard
directive of use of UTC and local time for backward compatibility (ExtTimeFormat). If
UTC is selected, the time in the time synchronization messages is expected to be in
UTC, and vice versa.
It is important to note that 16-bit and 32-bit variations of analog inputs are transmitted
through DNP3 as signed numbers. The default analog input event buffer size is set 1000.
The ratio, multiplicative and divisor scaling methods use the first two arguments,
souceMinVal and sourceMaxVal, to define the source value range inside which the
object is to be used. The complete value range of the object is usually wanted even
though the user could freely define the source range.
Arguments three and four, destMinVal and destMaxVal, define the destination value
range. In ratio scaling, arguments destMinVal and destMaxVal define the
corresponding range of the scaled, reported DNP3 value.
(destMaxVal-destMinV Val)
(sourceValue - sourceMinVal) (sourceMaxVal - sourceMinVal) +destMinVal
GUID-9F985816-2268-412A-AE24-ED90EAC44AD7 V2 EN (Equation 1)
PCM600 supports the re-scaling and the justification to the register presentation given
by the project demands.
Figure 3 presents a typical example of a signal flow in the IED from the CTs, VTs to
the DNP3 master. The CT, VT is connected to the IED by the transformer module
TRM. The SMAI function block is a preprocessor to calculate, check the signals for
further use in application function blocks of type MMXU. MMXU calculates the RMS
values for the most used analog signals like, V, I, P, Q, for example. The RMS values
are available in floating point presentation as output signals of function blocks of type
Equation mode
Reg. justification
Analog Input Points
or other
SMAI application DNP3 Comm.
functions demands Interface
Source values Register length Destination Values
(Float, 32, 16, 12, 8 bit)
IEC08000404 V1 EN
The actual DNP3 specification defines 6 variations for the presentation of an analog value:
• Variation 1 - 32-bit with flag
• Variation 2 - 16-bit with flag
• Variation 3 - 32-bit without flag
• Variation 4 - 16-bit without flag
• Variation 5 - single-precision floating point with flag
• Variation 6 - double-precision floating point with flag
The IED supports all 32-bit and floating point variants without any additional scaling
configuration. This is given as long as the MaxSourceVal (as it is given in the IED as
floating point) is in the range of a 32-bit signed integer value (max. 32-bit = 2 147 483
DNP3 AI scaling
Float or
32 bit DNP3-Register =
16, 12 or 8 bit
Do AI scaling in
’DNP3 Value NO
for all AI types and variants = angle
Get MinDestValue and + 32 bit
MaxDestValue for CMT AI scaling
Configure A
’Configuration Table’
in CMT for all AI values
NO All
DNP3 clients
IEC08000407 V2 EN
Point gaps may be inserted if wanted. Point gaps cannot be read by the client.
BOS points exist only if the corresponding CROB point has been inserted in the active
point list.
Fault record contains signals that provide information on the current disturbance that
the user of the FaultRecord has selected. It provides signals that help the user to iterate
and browse through the existing disturbances. All the signals that can be used to iterate
the fault records can be mapped as binary outputs in PCM600 and operated on with
CROBs. All signals that provide information on the current disturbance can be mapped
as analog inputs and read by the master. The DNP3 master navigates through the
FaultRecord using the three signals:
When a new disturbance is recorded, and the outputs are mapped to one of the event
classes, events are generated, but the navigation in the FaultRecord is not affected.
Hence, when the next command is sent from the DNP3 master, the fetched position is
relative to the last fetch done; the position in the FaultRecord before the new
disturbance occurred.
The output signals provide the fault record number, which is the number of the
disturbance in the LHMI or PCM600, the number of faults in the IED, the active
setting group at the time of the disturbance recording, the trigger signal identity, the
time stamp at the trigger time as well as the fault location and the fault type. In
addition, the magnitude, angle, fault magnitude and fault angle are provided for up to
30 of the analog channels connected to the disturbance recorder, and for the last 10
analog channels, the calculated value at the trigger time is provided.
The DNP3 parameters for a specific IED can be accessed with PCM600 via IED
Configuration/Communication/Station Communication/DNP3.0. There is one
general setting for DNP3 (Disabled/Enabled), available in function DNPGEN:1. This
parameter must be Enabled for the other parameters to have effect. Each
communication channel has specific settings.
There are specific settings for the serial channel depending on if the serial optical or
RS485 interface is used. Communication specific settings for the serial optical
interface are available in function OPTICALDNP:1 and communication specific
settings for the RS485 interface are available in function RS485DNP:1. There are
specific settings for the master sessions, available in function MSTSERIAL:1, when a
master session occurs on the serial channel.
There are specific settings for the TCP/IP channel, available in functions CH1TCP to
The channel blocks and the master blocks are separate but should be treated as pairs
grouped together with a number. For example, CH1TCP and MST1TCP should be
treated as an entity during engineering. The reason for this division is that it is
conceptually possible to have multiple masters talking on the same channel, for
example, a serial link, and it is also possible to imagine a single master switching
between different channels, for example, different serial links.
UDPPortAccData defines the port on which the UDP datagrams should be accepted if
the channel is configured for networking. Default is 20000.
UDPPortInitNUL defines the master's destination port to which the initial NULL
response should be sent if the channel is configured for networking. Default is 20000.
UDP is not supported in this release of 650 series. Do not use "UDP-
only" for setting Operation.
MasterAddress defines the DNP3 address that this master session uses for
ValMasterAddr determines if the stack should validate the source address in receive
frames. DNP3 frames contain both a source address field and a destination address
field. If this parameter is set to 0, the stack does not validate the source address and
thus the frames whose destination address matches the configured slave session are
accepted. If this parameter is set to 1, both the source and the destination addresses
have to match before the frame is accepted.
MasterIPNetMsk determines the subnet mask that should be used to mask with the IP
Obj2DefVar determines the default variation for Object 2, Binary Input Change Events.
Obj3DefVar determines the default variation for Object 3, Double Bit Inputs.
Obj4DefVar determines the default variation for Object 4, Double Bit Input Change
Obj10DefVar determines the default variation for Object 10, Binary Output Status.
Obj20DefVar determines the default variation for Object 20, Binary Counters.
Obj22DefVar determines the default variation for Object 22, Binary Counter Change
Obj30DefVar determines the default variation for Object 30, Analog Inputs.
Obj32DefVar determines the default variation for Object 32, Analog Change Events.
tApplConfTout specifies how long the slave waits for the application layer
confirmation from the master. This in combination with unsolRetryDelay or
unsolOfflineRetryDelay determines how frequently an unsolicited response is resent.
ApplMultFrgRes determines if the application layer of this master session in the slave
is allowed to send multi fragment responses.
UREvClassMask specifies the initial or new state of the unsolicited event mask. This
mask is used to determine which event class or classes generate unsolicited responses.
According to the DNP3 specification, unsolicited responses should be disabled until an
Enable Unsolicited Response request is received from the master. Thus, this value
should generally be 0. However, some masters do not generate the Enable Unsolicited
Response message, in which case they must be enabled here. Keep the value to 0 for all
other purposes.
DelOldBufFull If this parameter is set to 1, the event with the earliest timeStamp is
deleted when a new event is added to the full event queue.
DNPToSetTime determines if time synch messages received for this master session
(slave) are allowed to set the local time in the IED.
tSynchTimeout sets the periodicity for time requests. That is, it defines how long after a
succeeded time synch message from the master, the IIN.4 bit should be set.
TsyncReqAfTout determines if the stack should start with the IIN.4 bit set.
Averag3TimeReq determines if the IED needs three time synch messages to set the
time. If set, the IIN.4 bit is high until three time synch messages are received. The
average of the two best messages are used to set the time.
PairedPoint enables the Object12 Close request on an even-index point to access the
next-index point.
tSelectTimeout specifies the maximum amount of time that a select remains valid
before the corresponding operate is received.
The master subnet mask must not be changed unless the master gets its
IP-address dynamically assigned via, for example, DHCP. For details
see, DNP3 TCP/IP mode
tBrokenConTout determines how long a session is active after a TCP/IP connection has
been broken. After that time period the master session becomes inactive and events are
not stored. If the parameter is set to 0, events are stored until the buffers overflow.
tKeepAliveT determines, in seconds, how often the DNP3 master session sends keep-
alive messages. Default is 10s.
• Two-wire
• Four-wire
A two-wire connection uses the same signal for RX and TX, and is a multidrop
communication with no dedicated master or slave. This variant requires however a
control of the output. The four-wire connection has separate signals for RX and TX
multidrop communication with a dedicated master and the rest are slaves. No special
control signal is needed in this case.
DLinkConfirm determines when the stack should ask for link layer confirmations.
Since DNP3 supports breaking an application layer message into multiple link layer
frames, set to the following based on the desired operation for a specific
communication session:
tDLinkTimeout specifies the maximum amount of time to wait for a link level confirm
if requested (that is, if DLinkConfirm is Enabled). Even if DLinkConfirm is set to
Never, this will be used for linktest frame and request link status if they are sent.
DLinkRetries is the maximum number of link layer retries if data-link layer confirms
time up.
tRxToTxMinDel is the minimum time (in seconds) after receiving a character, before
another attempt to transmit a character on this channel. This is generally useful when
using a modem or some other communication device that requires a minimum time
between receive and transmit.
Stopbit defines the number of stop bits for the serial port.
Parity defines the parity to use for the serial port it can be set to:
tBackOffDelay specifies that if the data send is started, a check is made if data is being
received at that time. If yes, a back-off timer is started and when it times out, a check is
made again to see if line is idle. If no, a new back-off timer is started. This is repeated
until the line is idle and send can start. Line idle is determined when nothing is
received for more than a character time. The back-off time consists of a configurable
fixed time and a random time where the maximum random time is also configurable.
The back-off feature is always on.
Section 5 Glossary
AC Alternating current
ACT Application configuration tool within PCM600
A/D converter Analog-to-digital converter
ADBS Amplitude deadband supervision
AI Analog input
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AR Autoreclosing
ASCT Auxiliary summation current transformer
ASD Adaptive signal detection
AWG American Wire Gauge standard
BI Binary input
BOS Binary outputs status
BR External bistable relay
BS British Standards
CAN Controller Area Network. ISO standard (ISO 11898) for serial
CB Circuit breaker
CCITT Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and
Telephony. A United Nations-sponsored standards body within
the International Telecommunications Union.
CCVT Capacitive Coupled Voltage Transformer
Class C Protection Current Transformer class as per IEEE/ ANSI
CMPPS Combined megapulses per second
CMT Communication Management tool in PCM600
CO cycle Close-open cycle
Codirectional Way of transmitting G.703 over a balanced line. Involves two
twisted pairs making it possible to transmit information in both
3VO Three times the zero sequence voltage. Often referred to as the
residual voltage or the neutral point voltage
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