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BS 5268 Part 4 Section 4 - 1-1978
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BS 5268 PART 4 SECTION 4_1-1978
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& oO BS 5268 : Part 4 : Section 4.1:1978 Code of practice for The structural use of timber Part 4. Fire resistance of timber structures Section 4.1. Method of calculating fire resistance of timber members. Code de bonne pratique relat Mutilisation de bois de charpente Partie 4. Résistance au feu des owrages en bois ‘Section 4.1. Méthode de calcul de la résistance au fou des piéces en bois Richtlinien fir Holz fir Bauzwecke Teil 4. Fouerbestandigkeit von Holzbauten ‘Abschnitt 4.1. Verfahren zur Berechnung der Feuerbestindigkeit von Holzolementen British Standards Institution Gr3BS 5268: Part 4: Section 4.1: 1978 Contents Po 3 Setnvane : 1 Genaour of tnte in fie 1 1 Deri coma 2 This cove of patie epee 3 standard of good pri 1 Nationa tof charting for he elton of 5. aur bult intone i 4 Columns ating om ae 3 ‘her at contr immunity fom tery a logon Foreword tas tson aetna 6S S28, spr ot he ‘ttn of work on code and nda, fe ars of PT mathe tan pus ed ae fons ar 31867 inp wie Part 31973 Trae tts or cots of Stogs art 1 wa ition ip 1974, Pre? veil ar fentina for turer Hed prod wo hth rns ‘ere tend that os nw BS 8268 "The ‘rostrata al have he llow Pai Par 2 Permusive ret en Siocon 4 Wetod of sel re estnce Skoson 42 nto of excl fe etance of tin sto wal ond ota oor are rseration tesnent or constructor! ember (pubes 107) are 8 Tmt ame wl sion at 2 of BS 8288 In course of breparlon a8 ravcon of C8 112" Pa Zu tl spree On art of BS 8258 wil etey souece hase of ar? ‘of 855260 fers ies rnb of yrs Pot 3a Prt is new Sr coming a wo Scion sed (ei Pan as psanee 9109, Po Ble snow Pat Seton 4.1 of 88 5258 Pr ges information forthe Beenie nf, the bau fine pra th scrote of carn snarls abo ‘inberenment eng mgraraton wear ‘ute oe af ar hut no Sevan ck {hweherng ae, Seton 42 wi de hemo ud sd not to rid meas the aporopiat fest ‘erin in 88.476 Fort he subi enc to ‘tetra fen ae eon teary al Seopa rth rtomaos of set “Thareethocs en in is ae fo ssating ye stion the fe estanc fbr mame naan tty {Stara os se meditation face ee 81-2 B22) hich av en aed trial and cok aint {he rauieofs moro ie eitarar ne conaoced Sroeion members, toaply a a! aon, bce [etimation ofteGelting tet seupment oeia Frtoftoacade, daira wih ie eeamatof re ‘ene cesen mentee estes ‘Aes Ny ‘Giess No Astoro 8 5268 Part 4: Section 4.1: 1978 British Standard Code of practice for The structural use of timber Pare 4 Fire resstane of timber structures Section 4.1 Method of ealeulaing ie resistance of timber members 1. Scope “This coe of ratio ass maids of essing he ie 2. Relorencos Th tier oft tances eter toni fear ted on rae 3, Definitions. 121 Forsna purport oft coos th dts enn BS 865, 854422: Part Zandi G2 112: Pat 2 ay, ral section. The eon of he yeh tne Sealine derbed inne et nas Pan. Siting tas rate of hing th Swans for Sasa dang st expe wos wha comands arin ee 43. 32 Inaction, tnton of sab ved hoaghout Perc aus on hat gon n BS 876 Pa, whch fr {3th ality to ssin the pind oad rouse th i tthe fe ata, {8 sant cam of ts megs. sity cet tection arg fet 0 4. Behaviour of timber in 141 Gena. 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Telex 256032 6 4 St oe Y oO
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