MTLB211 Week 7 911 12 M 1
MTLB211 Week 7 911 12 M 1
MTLB211 Week 7 911 12 M 1
• The most common etiology of CH is
thyroid dysgenesis (TD): absent
thyroid, ectopic or hypoplastic
thyroid. In rare cases, CH results
from mutations in the genes that
control thyroid gland development
including thyroid transcription factor
(TTF- 2) and pairedbox-8 protein
• Thyroid gland:
− Butterfly shaped endocrine gland that produces
thyroid hormones like T3, T4
− Responsible for normal development and function of
certain body organs like bones, muscles, teeth and
particularly brain
• Rapid detection by newborn screening, prompt
confirmatory testing and Levothyroxine administration
can prevent severe mental retardation and impaired
growth due to CH.
CONGENITAL ADRENAL HYPERPLASIA The pathway produces NADPH that functions as
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) electron donor in maintaining glutathione in its
is a group of disorders resulting from reduced form. The glutathione serves as an
enzymatic defects in the biosynthesis of antioxidant that protects the cells against oxidative
steroids. damage.
• There are many enzymes involved • Other associated disorders to G6PD deficiency are
in the synthesis of adrenal decreased RBC lifespan and cataract formation.
hormones but in about 90% of CAH, − Splenomegaly
it is due to 21-hydroxylase • There is no cure for G6PD deficiency, but the main
deficiency. Others are due to goal in the management is avoidance of oxidative
cholesterol desmolase 11β- insults [bacterial infections, viral infections,
hydroxylase deficiency, 17β-hydroxylase deficiency analgesics, antipyretics (aspirin), antibiotics
and 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. (bactrim), anti-malarial drug (chloroquine), favism
− Adrenal glands sit atop the kidney. It produces (soya food, fava beans),naphthalene balls] and blood
cortisol, aldosterone, androgens, and transfusions for acute hemolytic crisis.
catecholamines. These hormones regulate the GALACTOSEMIA
metabolism, help in the immunity, regulate blood • Galactosemia is a rare genetic
pressure and maintain sexual characteristics. metabolic disorder that is inherited in an
• All forms of CAH are inherited in an autosomal autosomal recessive manner. It is an
recessive pattern. inborn error of carbohydrate metabolism
• The mainstay of treatment in CAH is glucocorticoid characterized by elevated levels of
and mineralocorticoid replacement therapy which galactose and its metabolites due to
corrects the cortisol deficiency and reverses the enzyme deficiencies involved in its
abnormal hormonal patterns. metabolism.
PHENYLKETONURIA − Accumulation of galactose
• Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a • Dietary elimination of milk and milk products containing
disorder of aromatic amino acid lactose is the treatment for all types of galactosemia.
metabolism in which There is no chemical or drug substitute for the missing
phenylalanine cannot be enzyme at this time.
converted to tyrosine due to a
deficiency or absence of the
enzyme phenylalanine − “NATIONAL BLOOD SERVICES ACT OF 1994”
hydroxylase. • World Blood Donor Day takes place on June 14
− If phenylalanine accumulated in the brain, it is each year. The aim is to raise global awareness of
neurotoxic causing mental retardation. the need for safe blood and blood products for
• The odor of the phenylketonuric patient is that of transfusion and of the critical contribution
phenylacetic acid described as mousy, barny, or voluntary, unpaid blood donors make to national
musty. health systems.
• Dietary management is key to treatment like complete • The day also provides an opportunity to call to action
avoidanceof food containing high amounts of to governments and national health authorities to
phenylalanine. provide adequate resources and put into place
MAPLE SYRUP URINE DISEASE systems and infrastructures to increase the collection
• Maple syrup urine disease of blood from voluntary, non-remunerated blood
(MSUD) is due to a defect or donors
deficiency of the branched chain • Of the 118.5 million blood donations collected
ketoacid dehydrogenase complex globally, 40% of these are collected in high-income
in which elevated quantities of countries, home to 16% of the world’s population.
leucine, isoleucine, valine, and • An increase of 7.8 million blood donations from
their corresponding oxoacids voluntary unpaid donors have been reported from
accumulate in body fluids. The 2013 to 2018. In total, 79 countries collect over 90%
increase in leucine may cause of their blood supply from voluntary unpaid blood
competitive inhibition with other precursors of donors; however, 56 countries collect more than 50%
neurotransmitters causing the neurologic of their blood supply from family/replacement or paid
manifestations. donors – Pay a person to give you blood
• Long term treatment of MSUD is based on dietary • The Department of Health (DOH) finally realized its
restriction of branched-chain amino acids and goal of collecting one (1) million blood units from the
supplementation of thiamine if proven beneficial; total population; two decades after the National Blood
valine and isoleucine supplementation is also Services Act of 1994 (Republic Act No. 7719) was
recommended. signed into law.
GLUCOSE-6-PD DEFICIENCY • Last December 2017, the country’s goal to obtain the
• G6PD-deficiency is an X-linked 1% (1 million blood units) blood collection from the
disorder found in both sexes but total population was achieved and collected
more males are affected. 1,120,408 blood units. This represents a significant
• The most common clinical contribution to the global call for a 100% voluntary
manifestation of G6PD deficiency is blood donation by the World Health Organization.
hemolytic anemia induced by REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7719
various oxidative stresses. SECTION I. TITLE
− G6PD is an enzyme that is present • This act shall be known as the “National Blood
in all cells but is much valued in RBC. It is needed for Services Act of 1994”
the 1st step in the hexose monophosphate pathway.
• An act promulgating voluntary blood donation, responsibility of carrying out the provisions of this Act;
providing for an adequate supply of safe blood, and
regulating blood banks and providing penalties for • Walking Blood Donor – An individual included in the
violation thereof. list of qualified voluntary blood donors referred to in
• Approved in May 5, 1994 by Pres. Fidel V. Ramos Section 4, paragraph (e), who is ready to donate
SECTION II. DECLARATION OF POLICIES blood when needed in his/her community.
• To promote and encourage voluntary blood donation SECTION IV. PROMOTION OF VOLUNTARY BLOOD
by the principle that blood donation is a DONATION
humanitarian act • In order to ensure adequate supply of human blood,
• To lay down the legal principle of blood transfusion is a voluntary blood donation shall be promoted through
a professional medical service and not a sale of a the following:
commodity a. Public Education
• To provide adequate, safe, affordable and equitable − Organized and sustained nationwide public
distribution of supply of blood and blood products education campaign by the Department, the
• To inform the public of the voluntary blood donation Philippine National Red Cross (PNRC) and the
to curb hazards caused by the commercial sale of Philippine Blood Coordinating Council (PBCC),
blood set aside funds and generate financial support for
• To teach the benefits and rationale in the existing all sectors.
health subjects of the formal education systems b. Promotion in Schools
and non-formal education systems − Benefits and rationale of voluntary blood donation
• To mobilize all the sectors of the community to shall be included and given emphasis in health
participate in mechanisms for voluntary and non-profit subjects of schools, both public and private, at the
collection of blood elementary, high school and college levels.
• To mandate the DOH to establish and organize a − Required by the DECS in the inclusion of non-
National Blood Transfusion Service Network – formal education curricula
Can request blood type in other partnered centers c. Professional Education
• Assistance to institution promoting voluntary blood − Continuing medical education, trainings on the
donation providing non-profit blood services rational use of blood products including merits of
• To require all blood collection units and blood voluntary blood donation
banks/centers to operate a non-profit basis – Tax d. Establishment of Blood Services Network
exempted and charitable − Blood Centers shall be strategically established in
• To establish scientific and professional standards every province and city nationwide
for the operation of blood collection units and blood − The promotion of blood collection in schools,
bank/centers business enterprises, barangay and military
• To regulate and ensure the safety of all activities camps shall be promoted
related to the collection, storage and banking of − By the help of:
blood ▪ Department of Health (DOH)
− HIV and Malaria – Diseases acquired from blood ▪ Philippine Blood Coordinating Council
transfusion (PBCC)
• Upgrading of blood banks/centers for preventive ▪ Philippine Society of Hematology and Blood
services and education Transfusion (PSHBT)
SECTION III. DEFINITIONS ▪ Philippine Medical Association (PMA)
• Blood/Blood Product – Refers to human blood, ▪ Philippine Association of Medical
processed or unprocessed and includes blood Technologists (PAMET)
components, its products and derivatives; ▪ Philippine Nurses Association (PNA)
e. Walking Donors
• Blood Bank/Center – A laboratory or institution with
the capability to recruit and screen blood donors, − In areas where there may be inadequate blood
collect, process, store, transport and issue blood for banking facilities, the walking blood donor
transfusion and provide information and/ or education concept shall be encouraged and all government
on blood transfusion transmissible diseases; hospitals, rural-health units, health centers and
barangays in these areas shall be required to
• Commercial Blood Bank – A blood bank that exists
keep at all times a list of qualified blood donors
for profit;
with their specified blood typing.
• Hospital-Based Blood Bank – A blood bank which
is located within the premises of a hospital, and which
can perform compatibility testing of blood/cross
• A program to meet an evolutionary manner, needs for
blood transfusion in all region of the country.
• Blood Collection Unit – An institution or facility duly
• Funds for this purpose shall be provided by the
authorized by the Department of Health to recruit and
government through the following institutions:
screen donors and collect blood;
− PCSO (P25,000,000.00)
• Voluntary Blood Donor – One who donates blood
on one’s own volition or initiative and without − PAGCOR (P25,000,000.00)
monetary compensation; − Duty Free Shop (P20,000,000.00)
• Department – The Department of Health; − Other contributions from other agencies such as
• Blood Transfusion Transmissible Diseases – civic organization
Diseases which may be transmitted as a result of SECTION VI. UPGRADING OF SERVICES AND
blood transfusion, including AIDS, Hepatitis-B, FACILITIES
Malaria and Syphilis; • All blood banks/centers shall provide preventive
• Secretary of Health – The Secretary of Health or any health services such as education and counseling on
other person to whom the Secretary delegates the blood transfusion transmittable diseases.
− Philippine Society of Hematology and Blood • Rules and regulations shall be promulgated sixty (60)
Transfusion (PSHBT) days from the approval thereof
− Philippine Society of Pathologists (PSP) • The rules and regulations shall prescribe from time to
• All government hospitals shall be required to establish time the maximum ceiling for fees for the provision of
voluntary blood donation programs and private blood, including its collection, processing and
hospitals are encourage to establish the said program storage, professional services and a reasonable
also. allowance for spoilage.
BANKS • Any blood bank/center which shall collect charges
• All commercial blood banks shall be phased-out over and fees greater than the maximum prescribed by the
a period of two (2) years after effectivity of this Act. Department shall have its license suspended or
• Extended to a maximum period of two (2) years by the revoked by the Secretary.
Secretary − IMPRISONMENT: not less than one (1) month nor
SECTION VIII. NON-PROFIT OPERATION more than six (6) months
• All blood banks/centers shall operate on a non-profit − FINE: not less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000) nor
basis; Provided, that they may collect service fee more than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000)
not greater than the maximum prescribe by the • Any person who shall establish and operate a blood
Department. bank without securing any license to operate from the
• BLOOD SHALL BE COLLECTED FROM HEALTHY Department or who fails to comply with the standards
VOLUNTARY DONORS ONLY! prescribed by the Department referred to in Section 9
• While donated blood is free, there are significant − IMPRISONMENT: not less than twelve (12) years and
costs associated with collecting, testing, preparing one (1) day nor more than twenty (20) years
components, labeling, storing and shipping; recruiting − FINE: not less than Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000)
and educating donors; and quality assurance. As a nor more than Five hundred thousand pesos
result, processing fees are charged to recover costs. (P500,000)
Processing fees for individual blood components vary • The Secretary may impose administrative sanctions
considerably. but not limited to fines, suspension, or revocation of
• The following are acceptable maximum allowable license to operate a blood banks/centers and to
processing fee for blood/components: Whole blood: recommend the suspension or revocation of the
Php 1,500.00; Pack Red Cells: Php 1,100.00; Fresh license to practice the profession when applicable.
Frozen Plasma: Php 700.00; Cryoprecipitate: Php • The head of the blood bank and the necessary
700.00; and Cryosupernate: Php 700.00. (AO 181 s. personnel under the heads direct supervision found
2002). responsible for dispensing, transfusing and failing
• Hospitals charge for any additional testing that may to dispose, within forty-eight (48) hours, blood
be required, such as the crossmatch, as well as for which have been proven contaminated with blood
the administration of the blood. transfusion transmissible diseases shall be
SECTION IX. REGULATION OF BLOOD SERVICES imprisoned for ten (10) years.
• It shall be unlawful for any person to establish and SECTION XIII. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE
operate a blood banks/centers unless it is registered SECTION XIV. REPEALING CLAUSE
and issued a license to operate by the Department • The Act shall supersede the Republic Act No. 1517
• No license shall be granted or renewed by the “Blood Bank Act” – The first act prior to R.A. No. 7719
Department for the establishment and operation SECTION XV. EFFECTIVITY
unless it complies with the standards prescribed by • This act shall take effect after fifteen (15) days
the Department following as publication in the Official Gazette or in
• No license shall be granted or renewed by the two (2) newspapers of general circulation
Department for the establishment and operation of a ADDITIONAL NOTE:
blood bank/center unless it complies with the • Administrative Order 2008-0008 is the implementing
standards prescribed by the Department. rules and regulations pursuant to R.A. 7719
• Such blood bank/center shall be under the CRITERIA FOR DONOR SELECTION:
management of a licensed and qualified physician • Age: 17-65 years old, ≤16 needs parents’ consent
duly authorized by the Department. • Weight: 50 kgs or 110 lbs
• Equipment, blood bags and reagents used for the • Temperature: Oral temp not to exceed 37.5 C or 99.5
screening and testing donors, collection and F
processing and storage of blood shall be imported • Pulse: 50-100 beats /minute (lower pulse beat is
tax- and duty-free by the PNRC, blood banks and accepted for athletes)
hospitals participating actively in the National • Blood Pressure:
Voluntary Blood Services Program. − American Association of Blood Banking
• This provision shall be implemented by the rules and (AABB): 180 mmHg –systolic
regulations to be promulgated by the Department in 100 mmHg –diastolic
consultation and coordination with the Department of − Philippines: 90-160 mmHg –systolic
Finance. 60-100 mmHg –diastolic
SECTION XI. RULES AND REGULATION • Skin Lesions: Evidence of skin lesions (e.g. multiple
• The existing Revised Rules and Regulations puncture marks) is cause for indefinite deferral
Governing the Collection, Processing and Provision DONOR DEFERRAL
of Human Blood and the Establishment and • Permanent/Indefinite Deferral
Operation of Blood Banks shall remain in force unless
− High risk history of HIV/AIDS
amended or revised by the Secretary
− Male who have sex with male since 1977
− Intravenous drug abusers either past or present − Philippines: 12 weeks or three months
− Anyone who engaged in sex for money since 1977 • Six Weeks Deferral
− Hemophiliacs − Following a delivery of a baby
− Confirmed Positive test for HIV/AIDS − Philippines: 9 months after childbirth
− Symptoms of viral hepatitis after age 11 • One Month Deferral
− Donors implicated in a post-transfusion hepatitis − German measles(rubella) vaccination
− AIDS case − After cessation of the drug isotretinoin (Accutane) for
− Confirmed positives test for hepatitis C antibody acne treatment
(HCab) − After cessation of the drug finasteride (Proscar) for
− Confirmed positive test for Human T-cell lymphotropic the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
virus (HTLV) • Two Weeks Deferral
− Malignant solid tumors, except for basal cell − After vaccination with oral polio, measles(rubeola),
carcinoma of the skin and carcinoma insitu of the mumps or yellow fever
cervix − After immune reaction to smallpox vaccination
− Hematologic malignancies • 48 Hours Deferral
− Chemotherapeutic agents administered for − Whole blood donation deferred after hemapheresis
malignancy • 12-24 Hours
− Chronic cardiopulmonary, liver, or renal disease − After alcohol intake
− Serious abnormal bleeding tendencies
− Those who have taken the drug etretinate (Tegison) DOH Department Circular No. 2021-0102: Updating of
for the treatment of psoriasis (teratogenic) Timing of Blood Donation When Donors Receive
− History of babesiosis COVID-19 Vaccine in the A to Z Guide to Medical
− History of Chagas’ disease Assessment of Blood Donors
− Anyone who has ever received clotting factor • Per World Health Organization (WHO), the purpose
concentrate of donor selection is to assess the suitability of an
− Recipient of pituitary derived growth hormone (risk of individual to be a blood donor. This is to ensure that
transmitting Creutzfeld-jacob disease) blood donation is safe for the donor and the blood
− Recipient of cornea/dura mater transplant (risk of products derived from this donation are safe for the
transmitting Creutzfeld-jacob disease) recipients.
− Anyone who have taken insulin from cows (risk of • As COVID-19 continuously affects the world, one of
transmitting Mad cow disease) the breakthrough events is the availability of COVID-
• Temporary Deferral 19 vaccines. As the Philippines implements the “The
− Active disease under treatment such as cold, flu, National Deployment and Vaccination Plan for
tuberculosis, syphilis, infections, curable disease of COVID-19 Vaccines”, the National Voluntary Blood
the: heart, lung, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal Services Program (NVBSP) has taken into account
tract; treatment with antibiotics the need to update the existing guidelines in the
• Three Years Deferral timing of blood donation especially for blood donors
who received vaccination against COVID-19.
− Immigrant or refugee coming from an area considered
endemic for malaria, three years after departure, or • The NVBSP has recommended to update the list of
those who have had a diagnosis of malaria, three vaccines with the following deferral period of blood
years after becoming asymptomatic donation for individuals who have received a
vaccination against COVID-19:
• One Year Deferral
− After hepatitis B immune globulin administration
− After therapeutic rabies vaccination
− Rape victims
− Health care workers with percutaneous exposure to
blood or body fluids
− Close contact to persons with viral hepatitis in the last
12 months
− Tattoo
− Sexual contact with a prostitute or other persons in
high risk group for HIV/AIDS
− Incarceration in jail for more than 72 consecutive
− Transfusion of blood components
− Transplant such as bone marrow or organ/tissue, − “CLINICAL LABORATORY ACT”
bone or skin graft. • An act regulating the operation and maintenance of
− Had accidental needle stick injury clinical laboratories and requiring the registration of
− History of syphilis or gonorrhea the same with the Department of Health, providing
− Leishmania risk (travel to Iraq in the last 3 years) penalty for the violation thereof, and for other
• Four Months/120 Days Deferral purposes.
− 120 days from recovery with clinical diagnosis, or • Approved on June 18, 1966
suspicion of West Nile Virus (WNV) infection • Signed by President Ferdinand E. Marcos
• Three Months Deferral • This act promulgates the rules and regulation to the
− Typhoid infection following reasons:
• Two Months Deferral − To protect
− Recent blood donation − To promote
− 56 days for allogenic donation
− Ensures the availability of clinical laboratories that are − Microbiology
properly managed with adequate resources, with − Molecular and Nuclear diagnostics
effective and efficient performance through the − Molecular biology
compliance with quality standards. − Cytogenetics
The following Administrative and Executive Orders • Applicant — refers to any natural juridical person,
were issued in relation to RA 4688: government instrumentalities/agencies, partnership,
corporation or agency seeking a license to operate and
maintain a clinical laboratory.
• Assessment Tool — the checklist which prescribes
the minimum standards and requirements for
licensure of clinical laboratory.
• Department of Health - License to Operate (DOH-
LTO) — a formal authorization issued by the DOH to
an individual, partnership, corporation, association or
any government agency/unit seeking to perform
laboratory tests in compliance with the requirements
Administrative Order No. 2021-0037 prescribed in this order.
− NEW RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING • Department of Health - Permit to Construct (DOH-
IN THE PHILIPPINES Center for Health Development-Regulation, Licensing
ABBREVIATIONS and Enforcement Division (CHD-RLED) to an
• DOH-LTO: Department of Health - License to applicant who will establish and operate a hospital or
Operate other health facility, upon compliance with required
• DOH-PTC: Department of Health - Permit to documents prior to the actual construction of the said
Construct facility. It is also required for:
• HFSRB: Health Facilities and Services and − Hospitals and other health facilities with substantial
Regulatory Bureau alteration, expansion, renovation
• CHD-RLED: Center for Health Development- − Increase in the number of beds
Regulation, Licensing and Enforcement Division − Transfer of site
• OLRS: Online Licensing and Regulatory System − Additional services (add-ons) beyond their service
• OSSOLS: One-Stop Shop Online Licensing System capability
RATIONALE, OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF • External Quality Assessment Program (EQAP) —
APPLICATION a program where participating CL are given unknown
Rationale samples for analysis. The quality of performance of
• To align the laboratory procedures with the the CL shall be assessed through the closeness of its
requirements of AO 2020-0047 titled “Rules and results to the pre-determined value or reference value
Regulations Governing the Licensure of Primary Care generated by the participating CL through peer group
Facilities in thePhilippines.” analysis.
• To revise and update the minimum standards and • Initial Application — refer to applications by newly
technical requirements for licensing clinical constructed health facilities, or those with changes in
laboratories in the Philippines aligned with the main the circumstances of the facility, such as, but not
objective of Republic Act No. 11223 or the Universal limited to, change of ownership, transfer of site,
Health Care Act which is to guarantee access to increase in beds or for additional services beyond
quality and affordable health products, devices, their service capability and major alterations or
facilities and services renovations.
Objective • Mobile Clinical Laboratory (MCL) — a laboratory
• To ensure accountability of the laboratory on testing unit capable of performing limited CL
generation of accurate, precise and reliable diagnostic procedures. It moves from one testing site
laboratory results in a timely manner through to another, and it has a DOH-licensed CL as its main
continuous compliance laboratory.
Scope • National External Quality Assessment Scheme
• Shall apply to all individuals, agencies, partnerships (NEQAS) — an EQAP activity conducted by the
or corporations, whether private or government- National Reference Laboratories to assess the quality
owned, involved in the application for DOH license to ofperformance and accuracy of the results of
operate and those in the operation of diagnostic laboratories.
clinical laboratories in the Philippines • National Reference Laboratory (NRL) — the
DEFINITION OF TERMS highest level of laboratory in the country performing
• Clinical laboratory – a facility that is involved in the highly complex procedures, including confirmatory
pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical testing. It is the responsible entity for facilitating
procedures, where tests are done on specimens from NEQAS to ensure compliance to quality standards for
the human body to obtain information about the health regulation and licensing of all laboratories in the
status of a patient for the prevention, diagnosis and Philippines.
treatment of diseases. These tests include, but are
not limited the following disciplines:
− Anatomic pathology
− Clinical chemistry
− Clinical microscopy
− Endocrinology
− Hematology
− Immunology and Serology
• CLs that are operated and maintained exclusively for
research and teaching purposes shall be required to
register with the DOH-HFSRB.
• The DOH designated NRL shall be covered by the
license of the CL of the hospital where they are
affiliated with. Independent NRLs, or those
designated by DOH but are not affiliated with any
DOH-regulated health facility, shall secure a DOH-
• All CLs shall make their prices for laboratory services
accessible to the public as mandated by the UHC law
• Physician’s Office Laboratory (POL) — refers to a and related DOH issuances.
doctor’s office/clinic wherein CL examinations are • At the Central Office, the Director IV, or in his/her
performed for the purpose of monitoring the doctor’s absence or unavailability or when delegated, the
patients only, wherein no official results shall be Director III of HFSRB, shall approve the issuance of
issued. In this Order, POL within the premises of a the DOH-LTO of the CL.
DOH-regulated facility shall be under the supervision • At the CHD, the Director IV, shall approve the
of the CL. issuance of the DOH-LTO of the CL.
• Point of Care Testing (POCT) — refers to diagnostic • In the advent of new technologies or diagnostic
testing done at or near the site of patient care rather platforms that shall affect the current licensing
than in the CL. It may be in the emergency room, standards for CL, Department Circulars shall be
operating suites, wards, and ambulances. issued, as needed, as supplements to this Order.
• Satellite Clinical Laboratory (SCL) — refers to an • The CL shall be compliant with the prescribed
extension of the main CL located within the facility’s standards and requirements, Assessment Tool for
compound or premises. It shall have the same service Licensing Clinical Laboratories and other relevant
capability as the main laboratory. laws and issuances. These standards shall also apply
• Referral Tests — refers to CL tests that are either to MCL and SCL.
sent out or outsourced to other DOH-licensed CL with • The DOH-LTO may be revoked, suspended or
the same or higher service capability. modified in full or in part for any false statement by the
GENERAL GUIDELINES applicant, or as shown by the record of inspection or
• All CL shall secure DOH-LTO prior to its operation for a violation of, or failure to comply with any of the
and must comply with the minimum regulatory terms and conditions and provisions of these rules
standards and requirements at all times. and regulations.
• The DOH-LTO shall be secured from the DOH SPECIFIC GUIDELINES
regulatory office in accordance with DOH 1. Classification by Ownership
guidelines. a. Government: operated and maintained, partially or
• Only DOH-licensed institution-based CL may have a wholly, by the national government, a local
SCL which shall be located within the premises of government unit (provincial, city or municipal), any
the regulated health facility. other political unit or any department, division, board
• A DOH-licensed CL may have MCL services, or agency.
provided, they adhere to the standard testing b. Private: privately owned, established, and operated
protocols. with funds through donation, principal, investment or
• The DOH-licensed CL shall not perform any other means, by any individual, corporation,
examinations or testing beyond its authorized association or organization.
service capability. However, it may be allowed to 2. Classification by Institutional Character
offer laboratory services other than the respective a. Institution-based: a laboratory located within the
stipulated minimum services, such as but not limited premises and operates as part of a DOH licensed
to, MCL, SCL, confirmatory testing for Glucose-6- health facility.
Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency, and Rapid b. Non-institution based: a laboratory that operates
HIV Diagnostic Algorithm (rHIVda), provided that the independently and is not attached to any DOH
additional services have been approved and licensed health facility.
indicated as add-on services in the DOH-LTO of the 3. Classification by Function
CL. a. Clinical Pathology: deals with the chemical and
• Unit/Section of health facilities performing diagnostic cellular analyses of blood and other body fluids
CL tests such as, but not limited to, arterial blood gas (includes, but not limited to, clinical chemistry, clinical
and/or Radioimmunoassay for thyroid function tests microscopy, toxicology, therapeutic drug monitoring,
and Prostate Specific Antigen shall be under the immunology and serology, hematology and
DOH-licensed CL. coagulation), identification and examination of
• The head of the CL shall be a pathologist certified by microbes and parasites
a professional organization recognized as the (bacteriology/parasitology/mycology/virology)
Accredited Professional Organizations/Accredited b. Anatomic Pathology: provides processing and
Integrated Professional Organizations of the examination of surgical specimens as to physical
Professional Regulation Commission. The head of appearance and microscopic structures of tissues
laboratory shall ensure the optimal overall operations such as, but not limited to, surgical pathology,
and maintenance of the CL and if applicable, of its cytopathology, immunohistochemistry techniques,
SCL and MCL. autopsies and forensic pathologies.
• There shall be an adequate number of competent c. Molecular Pathology: deals with the analysis of
personnel assigned in the different services provided certain genes, proteins and other molecules in
by the DOH-licensed CL, which includes the MCL, samples from organs, tissues of bodily fluids in order
SCL, remote collection activities, if applicable. to diagnose disease/ and or to guide the prevention
and treatment of disease based on the principles, • The DOH-LTO shall be placed in an area that can be
techniques and tools of molecular biology as they are readily seen by the public, at all times
applied to diagnostic medicine in the laboratory. • For institution-based CL, the One-Stop Shop (OSS)
4. Classification by Service Capability Licensing System should be followed
a. Clinical Laboratory for Clinical and Anatomic Validity
Pathology • The DOH-LTO is valid for one (1) year
• COR for CL that is operated and maintained
exclusively for research and teaching purposes shall
be required to register with the DOH-HFSRB every
three (3) years
• All fees shall follow the prescribed fees by the DOH.
All fees/checks shall be paid to the order of DOH
Central Office/ CHD Cashier, whichever is applicable
in person, through postal money order or online
payments approved by the DOH
• Authorized representatives from the HFSRB/CHD-
RLED in accordance with the current DOH guidelines,
may conduct unannounced on-site visits of licensed
CL and registered research and teaching laboratories
to monitor and document the continuous compliance
of the CL to the set standards
• CL that are operated and maintained exclusively for
research and teaching purposes shall not issue
official results for diagnostic purposes
Health Facilities and Services and Regulatory Bureau
• Set standards for the regulation of CL and strictly
enforce the provisions of this Order.
• Disseminate regulatory policies, standards and forms
for information and guidelines of the DOH-CHDs.
• Provide consultation and technical assistance to
stakeholders, including regulatory officers from the
DOH CHDs in line with the regulation of CL.
• Respond promptly to complaints relative to the
operation of CL under its jurisdiction
Center for Health Development — Regulatory,
b. Clinical Laboratory for Anatomic Pathology only Licensing, and Enforcement Division (CHD-RLED)
provides services for any of the following, but not • Strictly enforce the provisions of this Order.
limited to cytology and histopathology. • Submit quarterly report on Suspension/Revocation/
c. Clinical Laboratory for Molecular Pathology only — Cease and Desist Order issued on CL not later than
provides services for genetics, the 15th day of the following month after the covered
immuno/hematopathology and infectious disease. quarter.
COVID-19 testing laboratories shall be covered by • Provide consultation and technical assistance to
another Order stakeholders in line with the regulation of CL.
PROCEDURAL GUIDELINES • Respond promptly to complaints relative to the
DOH Permit to Construct (DOH-PTC) operation of CL under its jurisdiction.
• Completely filled out application form for National Reference Laboratories (NRL)
(downloadable at, whether • Provide laboratory reference/referral services for
manual or online, shall be submitted to the DOH confirmatory testing.
regulatory offices • Train laboratory personnel and recognize other
• For construction of new CL and for renovation or training institutions.
expansion of existing CL, including change in • Maintain the National External Quality Assessment
ownership and transfer of location Scheme (NEQAS).
Certificate of Registration (COR) • Perform technical evaluation of reagents and
• Required for research and teaching laboratories diagnostic kits.
License to Operate (LTO) DOH-Licensed Clinical Laboratories
• Applicant should submit an accomplished application • Continuously comply with the rules and regulations,
form to HFSRB/CHD-RLED in accordance with the licensing standards and requirements for CL, as
current DOH guidelines, whether manual or through provided in this Order and related issuances.
the Online Licensing and Regulatory System (OLRS) • Participate in EQAP that may be administered by a
• The DOH-LTO is non-transferable and a new designated NRL or other local and international
application for DOH-LTO shall be required in case of EQAP approved by the DOH, surveys and other
change of ownership or transfer of location. activities that will be required from them by the DOH.
• Different branch(es) of a CL, even if owned by the • In times of Pandemic of Public Health Event, be
same entity shall secure separate DOH-LTO mandated to submit timely reports and data.
VIOLATIONS, SANCTIONS AND APPEAL • Essentially responsible for the operation of the entire
• A CL shall be sanctioned and penalized by the laboratory, its personnel, functions, and data, all of
HFSRB/CHD Director upon violation of any of these which shall meet the quality assurance criteria and
guidelines and its related issuances and laws, or upon regulatory requirements
committal (commission/omission) of prohibited acts • Shall oversee the operation of the CL and have
by the persons owning or operating the CL, and/or the administrative and technical supervision of the
persons under their authority. activities including the mobile clinical laboratories
• For non-institution-based CL that are not under the (MCL), remote collection activities, and point of care
OSSOLS, the following are the penalties and testing (POCT), if applicable.
sanctions that shall be imposed for the commission of • Shall supervise the staff in accordance with the
any of the violations in this Order and other relevant standards set by the Philippine Society of
issuances: Pathologists
− 1st offense: Stern warning • Shall visit once a month and at least twice a week of
− 2nd offense: Thirty thousand pesos (Php 30,000.00) supervisory calls and/or videoconferencing or at least
− 3rd offense: Fifty thousand pesos (Php 50,000.00) once a week physical visit. For hospital-based DOH
− 4th offense: Revocation of DOH-LTO licensed CL, it shall be once a week physical visit. The
• Any person who operates a CL without securing the visits shall have to be well documented.
necessary DOH-PTC and corresponding DOH-LTO • For Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged
shall be issued a Cease-and-Desist Order (CDO) and Areas (GIDAs) with no clinical pathologists, as
shall pay the administrative penalty of Fifty thousand certified by the Philippine Society of Pathologists,
pesos (Php50,000.00). board certified Anatomic Pathologists or Physicians
• In case of complaints, the CL, upon receipt of such by with complete training in Clinical Laboratory Medicine,
HFSRB/CHD-RLED shall be given due process Quality Assurance and Laboratory Management, may
wherein an investigation shall be conducted and the head one primary DOH licensed CL.
appropriate sanctions for its violation/s. A 60-day Registered Medical Technologist (RMT)
preventive suspension may be given to the CL during • There shall be an adequate number of full-time RMTs
the investigation depending on the seriousness of the conduct the laboratory procedures, including those
violation. assigned in MCL. The number of staff shall depend
• May appeal to the Head of the Health Regulation on the workload and the services being provided.
Team (HRT). The decision of the Head of the HRT, if • There shall be staff development and continuing
still contested may be brought on a final appeal to the education program at all levels of organization to
Secretary of Health, whose decision shall be final and upgrade the knowledge, attitude and skills of staff.
executory. • There shall be a designated Biosafety and Biosecurity
• CL with revoked licenses can only re-apply after one Officer in-charge primarily of the risk assessment of
year from the date of LTO revocation. the DOH licensed CL.
• Any person authorized or licensed to conduct clinical Support Staff
laboratory tests, who issues false or fraudulent • There shall be an adequate number of support staff
laboratory test results knowingly, willfully or through such as, but not limited to laboratory technician,
gross negligence shall not be allowed to own, laboratory aide, encoders, and receptionists when
manage, operate, or be an analyst of any DOH- applicable.
licensed CL. POCT Coordinator — if applicable
LICENSING STANDARDS FOR CLINICAL • A senior staff from the CL shall be designated as a
LABORATORY POCT coordinator who shall have the following
Physical Plant functions, but not limited to:
• The CL shall conform to all applicable local and − Recommends procedures that will ensure the quality
national regulations for the construction, renovation, of results of POCT in consultation with the
maintenance and repair of CL. pathologist.
• The laboratory shall conform to the required space for − Ensures that POCT machines/device and kits are
the conduct of its activities. Personnel, fixtures, properly maintained.
equipment, sink, etc. shall also be considered. − Supervises the operators of POCT device/machine.
• There shall be well-ventilated, lighted, clean, safe and − Ensures that the operators have appropriate trainings
functional areas based on the services provided. and checks the competency of the operators
• There shall be a program of proper maintenance and regularly.
monitoring of physical plant and facilities. − Ensures that quality control (QC) is implemented and
• There shall be policy guidelines on laboratory reviews POCT QC results periodically, depending on
biosafety and biosecurity which includes risk the number of tests.
assessment that will serve as the basis of biosafety POCT Operator — if applicable
level required for the specific CL. • The designated operator of the POCT
• There shall be an area for confirmatory testing for device/machine and testing kits shall have the
Rapid HIV Diagnostic Algorithm and Glucose-6- following functions, but not limited to:
Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency which − Ensures accurate results of POCT.
may be a section, unit, or division integrated in a DOH − Ensure that POCT machines/device and kits are
licensed CL, if applicable. properly maintained and stored.
PERSONNEL − Run tests on quality control at least once each day or
Head of The Laboratory (HOL) as recommended by the manufacturer.
• Shall be a competent and experienced professional, − Initially, implements quality assurance program or
with a specialized skill set related to and proportionate contact the manufacturer’s application specialist for
to the laboratory category, to ensure that the assistance, when a POCT machine/device is not
laboratory runs efficiently
properly functioning, or the control sample is in out- accountabilities of every personnel working in the
of-control range. laboratory.
− Reports to the supervising CL any untoward incidents • There shall be documented technical procedures for
or problems services provided in each section of the laboratory,
MCL Personnel including MCL and POCT, which will ensure the
• MCL shall has its own set of personnel, which quality of laboratory results.
includes the following but not limited to: • There shall be a risk assessment for every section in
− Registered Medical Technologist — number will the CL.
depend on the anticipated workload. Communication and Records Management
− Support staff such as, but not limited to, driver and • The CL shall maintain and ensure the confidentiality
laboratory technician. of all records.
EQUIPMENT/INSTRUMENTS/REAGENTS/GLASSWA • There shall be procedures for the receipt and
ES/SUPPLIES performance of routine and STAT requests for
There shall be: laboratory examinations.
• Available and operational • There shall be procedures for the reporting of results
equipment/machines/devices to provide the of routine and STAT laboratory examinations,
laboratory examination that the laboratory is licensed including critical values that would impact on patient
for. care.
• A calibration, preventive maintenance and repair • All results shall be released in accordance with DOH
program for every guidelines.
equipment/machines/instruments/device in the DOH • All laboratory reports on various examinations of
licensed CL. specimens shall bear the name, PRC registration
• A contingency plan in case of number, and original signature of the registered
equipment/machines/devices breakdown and medical technologist(s) who performed the laboratory
malfunction. examinations, and the pathologist who shall be
• Adequate available reagents, glassware and supplies accountable for the reliability of the results.
for the laboratory examinations. • There shall be a policy guideline on the use of digital
• An inventory control of the reagents, glassware and signature. The use of digital signature for laboratory
supplies, reagents, glassware and supplies shall be results shall be permitted only if properly
properly stored under the required conditions. authenticated by the Department of Information and
• Machines/devices, reagents and test kits that are Communication Philippine National Public
used in the CL and MCL as well as POCT shall be Infrastructure. The use of digital signature shall also
approved by the Philippine Food and Drug be in accordance with the provisions of the E-
Administration and validated by the proper Commerce Law.
government institutions (e.g. National Reference • There shall be procedures for the reporting of
Laboratory). workload, quality control, inventory control, work
• The MCL shall have its own set of functional, and schedule and assignments.
operational equipment, as well as its own set of • There shall be procedures for the reporting and
supplies. analysis of incidents, adverse events, and in handling
Service Delivery complaints.
• All CL shall ensure that the service being delivered to • The retention of laboratory documents, records,
patients must comply with the standards and other slides and specimens shall be in accordance to the
related relevant issuances. standards promulgated by the DOH or by competent
• Mobile Clinical Laboratory: collection site/area for authorities for such purposes.
MCL shall be located within the same region, at a • The operating hours of the CL shall be known to its
maximum of one hundred (100) kilometer radius, from clients.
the address of the DOH licensed CL. • The CL which supervises the POCT shall have a
• Aside from specimen collection for different tests master list of the following, but not limited to a. name
within the service capability of the main CL, the MCL and designation of operators, and b. POCT machines,
shall be allowed to perform the following on-site tests instruments and kits.
which shall be declared in the LTO of the main CL: QUALITY IMPROVEMENT
− Urinalysis • There shall be an Internal Quality Assurance Program
− Fecalysis which shall include:
− Pregnancy Test (lateral flow) − An Internal Quality Control Program for technical
− Basic Serologic Test using Rapid Test Kits — procedures.
Dengue, Screening of Hepatitis B, RPR/Syphilis Test, − An Internal Quality Assurance Program for inputs,
and HIV processes and outputs.
• Specimen collected for another test, not mentioned − A Continuous Quality Improvement Program covering
above should be properly handled and transported. all aspects of laboratory performance.
Serum blood samples for chemistry testing must be − The CL shall participate in External Quality
separated within four (4) hours from the time of Assessment Program (EQAP) that may be
collection. administered by a designated NRL or other local and
INFORMATION MANAGEMENT international EQAP approved by the DOH.
Administrative Policies and Procedures REFERRAL OF LABORATORY EXAMINATIONS
• The CL shall have written policies and procedures for • The referral laboratory must be a DOH-licensed CL.
the provision of laboratory services, the operation and They shall have a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
maintenance of the CL, which includes satellite with the referring CL and shall be responsible for the
laboratories, MCL and POCT, and shall include the collection, transport and processing of specimens,
and releasing of results.
• A separate MOA is required when referred tests, The DOH-LTO will be revoked immediately after
which are not within the service capability of the CL, commission of the following prohibited acts and violations:
unless the referral is part of the contingency plan. • Permitting unauthorized or unregistered personnel to
• A MOA prescribing the accountabilities of each party, perform technical procedures and access to
shall be secured when laboratory examinations are laboratory records/data;
referred to and provided by another DOH-licensed • Lending or using the name of the DOH-licensed CL or
CL. the head of the laboratory or medical technologist to
• Referral of examinations to other DOH-licensed CL an unlicensed CL;
are only permitted in the following circumstances: • Unauthorized use of the name and signature of the
− If the laboratory test to be sent out is not part of the pathologist and RMT to secure LTO;
service capability expected for the particular category • Issuance of fraudulent laboratory results, or tests not
of the referring laboratory. actually done or inaccurate results;
− If referral of laboratory test is part of the contingency • Change in the ownership, location, and head of the
plan, in cases of equipment breakdown, of the laboratory or laboratory personnel without informing
referring CL, this shall be for a certain limited period the HFSRB/CHD-RLED; and,
of time only, which shall not last for more than 3 • Any material false statement in the application of
months. This shall be properly documented. LTO.
• There shall be a program of proper maintenance and
monitoring of physical facilities.
• There shall be procedures for proper disposal of
infectious wastes and toxic and hazardous
substances in accordance with RA 6969, also known
as “Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear
Wastes Control Act of 1990” and other related policy
guidelines and/or issuances.
• There shall be a “No smoking policy” and that the
same shall be strictly enforced.
• There shall be a contingency plan in case of accidents
and emergencies.
• There shall be a policy for biosafety and biosecurity.
• There shall be policy guidelines on infection
prevention and control
The Clinical Laboratory (CL) may be sanctioned or
penalized upon commission of the following prohibited
acts and violations:
• Refusal to allow HFSRB/CHD-RLED authorized
personnel to conduct inspection or monitoring visits of
the clinical laboratory at any appropriate time;
• Refusal or nonparticipation of any CL in an External
Quality Assessment Program (EQAP) provided by a
designated NRL or other local and international
EQAP approved by the DOH;
• Absence of action to improve the unsatisfactory or
failed EQAP administered by a designated NRL or
other local and international EQAP approved by the
• Demonstrating incompetence or making consistent
errors in the performance of CL examinations and
• Deviation from the standard test procedures including
use of expired reagents;
• Issuance of a laboratory report without the approval
of the head of the laboratory;
• Transferring of laboratory results done by another
laboratory to the result form of the referring
• Performing laboratory procedures beyond their
authorized service capability; and,
• Giving and receiving any commission, bonus,
kickback or rebate or engaging in any split-fee
arrangement in any form whatsoever with any facility,
physician, organization, agency or person, either
directly or indirectly, for patients referred to a CL
licensed by the DOH.
• Violation of provisions in the Republic Act No. 10173
or the Data Privacy Act of 2021.