Description Pages from to
1 Index 1 - 1
2 Notice Inviting e-Tender (Web Notice) A-1 - A-7
3 Annexure-A - PQ Performa (Checklist) A-8 - A-10
Annexure-B - CPPP under GePNIC, Help Desk
4 A-11 - A-11
Annexure-C - Instructions to Bidders for online Bid
5 A-12 - A-17
6 Form A A-18 - A-18
7 Form B A-19 - A19
8 Form C A-20 - A-20
9 Tender Acceptance Letter A-21 - A-22
10 Undertaking regarding debarment/Blacklisting A-23 - A-23
11 General Conditions of Contract (GCC) GCC - 1-194
12 Special Conditions of Contract SCC - 1-12
13 Technical Specifications TS - 1-3
14 Bill of quantities (BOQ) BOQ - 1-2
Total No of Pages : 235
Prospective Tenderers are advised to get themselves register at CPP-portal, obtain 'Login ID' &
`Password' and go through the instructions available in the Home Page after log in to the CPP-
portal https://etender.gov.in/eprocure/app or www.aai.aero . They should also obtain Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC) in parallel which is essentially required for submission of their
application. The process normally takes 03 days' time. The tenderer may also take guidance from
AAI Help Desk Support through path aai.aero/tender/e-tender/help desk support.
(i) For any technical related queries please call the Helpdesk. The 24 x 7 Help Desk details are as
below: -
Tel: 0120-4001002, 0120-4001005, Mobile: 0120-6277787
E-mail: [email protected]
Tenderers are requested to mention the URL of the Portal and Tender ID in the subject while
emailing any issue along with the contact details.
(ii) For any further technical assistance with regard to functioning of CPP portal the tenderer may
contact to the following AAI help desk numbers on all working days only between
1.2 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of Rs.54,640/- will be required to be paid online on CPP
Portal only.
2. Following 2 (Two) envelopes shall be submitted through online at CPP - portal by the tenderer
as per the following schedule: -
Bid Document Download / Sale Start Date Date: 11/08/2023 from 09:00 hrs
i) Should have satisfactorily completed (# Phase / Part completion of the scope of work in a
contract shall not be considered, however pre-determined phasing of the work will be accepted)
three works, each of Rs. 10,92,783/- or two works, each of Rs.13,65,978/- or one work of
Rs.21,85,565/- in single contract of similar nature of works i.e., General Civil Works during
last seven years ending last day of month previous to the one in which tenders are invited.
The details of similar works completed during last seven years in the given format ‘Form-A’
with supporting documents issued by client.
1. The experience certificate of works completed pre GST era, Completion amount will be
divided by 1.12 (to executed pre GST taxes) to make it at par with experience
certificates of post GST era but excluding GST.
2. The Tenders invited for Annual Rate Contracts for O&M/ AMC/ CMC works, the
works experience may be counted for the value of work for a completed one year on
pro-rata basis to prequalify agency that has completed one year of AMC but work is
still not completed due to longer period of AMC.
3. Experience gained by executing work on back-to-back contract/ Sub-contract basis is
acceptable in the following conditions:
(a) Work should be actually executed by the second agency (sub-contractor) with due
concurrence of the owner as tripartite agreement/ written approval. It should be
backed by valid agreement and experience certificate.
(b) Payments received by second agency should be reflected in TDS certificates.
4. Experience gained in composite works for the specialized nature of works (List of
Specialized Items / Jobs/ Works are mentioned at Para 35.3 of AAI Works Manual)
were executed by main contractor either by in-house expertize & experience or by
engaging the specialized agencies with the approval of main client as per contract
conditions. In such cases, main contractor as well as specialized agency both get the
experience certificate for the same work from their respective client(s) i.e. main
“The value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual
value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum, calculated from the date of completion to
previous day of last day of submission of bids.
Client certificate for experience should show the nature of work done, the value of work, date of
start, date of completion as per agreement, actual date of completion and satisfactory completion
of work. Tenderers showing work experience certificate from non-government / non-PSU
organizations should submit copy of tax deductions at sources (TDS) certificate(s) along with a
certificate issued by registered Chartered Accountant, with Unique Document Identification
Number (UDIN), clearly specifying the name of work, total payment received against the work
and TDS amount for the work.
ii) Should have Average Annual financial turnover of Rs.8,19,587/- on construction works during
last three years ending 31st March of the previous financial year. As a proof, copy of Abridged
Balance Sheet along with Profit and Loss Account Statement of the tenderer should be submitted
along with the application. The financial information shall be submitted in the given format
‘Form-B’. Tenderer showing continuous losses during the last three years in the balance sheet
shall be summarily rejected.
ii) The Tenderers should have a minimum net worth of Rs.4,09,795/- issued by certified
Chartered Accountant with Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN). The
Certificate should be submitted in the given format Form-“C”.
All rates shall be quoted in the format provided and no other format is acceptable. If the price
bid has been given as a standard BOQ format with the tender document, then the same is to be
downloaded and to be filled by all the tenderers. Tenderers are required to download the BOQ
file, open it and complete the blue coloured (unprotected) cells with their respective financial
quotes and other details (such as name of the tenderer). No other cells should be changed. Once
the details have been completed, the tenderer should save it and submit it online, without
changing the filename. If the BOQ file is found to be modified by the tenderer, the bid will be
EMD amount of the rejected bidders will be refunded to their source account after submission of
Technical / Financial evaluation report on CPP portal by Bid Manager.
7. Bid Submission:-
Uploading of application in location other than specified above shall not be considered. Hard
copy of application shall not be entertained.
8. Not more than one tender shall be submitted by one tenderer or tenderer having business
relationship. Under no circumstance will father and his son(s) or other close relations who have
business relationship with one another (i.e. when one or more partner(s) / director(s) are common)
be allowed to tender for the same contract as separate competitors. A breach of this condition will
render the tenders of both parties liable to rejection.
9. Tenderer who has downloaded the tender from Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP)
website https://etender.gov.in/eprocure/app, shall not tamper / modify the tender form
including downloaded price bid template in any manner. In case if the same is found to be
tampered / modified in any manner, tender will be completely rejected and EMD would be
forfeited and tenderer is liable to be banned from doing business with AAI.
Envelope – I containing documents as per Para 2 (A) and (B) (uploaded by the tenderers)
shall be opened on date & time mentioned in CRITICAL DATA SHEET
Envelope – I containing documents as per Para 2 (A) and (B) (uploaded by the tenderers)
shall be opened on date & time mentioned in CRITICAL DATA SHEET. If the bidder has
any query related to the Bid document of the work, they should use ‘Seek Clarification’ on
CPP portal to seek clarification. No other means of communication in this regards shall be
entertained. If any clarification is needed from the tenderer about the deficiency in his
uploaded documents in Envelope – I, he will be asked to provide it through CPP portal. The
11. AAI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all applications without assigning any
reasons. AAI also reserves the right to call off tender process at any stage without assigning
any reason.
12. AAI reserve the right to disallow the working agencies whose performance at ongoing
project (s) is below par and usually poor and has been issued letter of restrain/Temporary or
Permanent debarment/black listing by any department of AAI or Central/State Govt.
Depts./PSUs/World Bank/ADB etc. AAI reserve the right to verify the credential
submitted by the Tenderer at any stage (before or after the award the work). If at any
stage, any information /documents submitted by the applicant is found to be
incorrect/false or have some discrepancy which disqualifies the tenderer then AAI shall
take the following action:
b. The tenderer shall be liable for debarment from tendering in AAI, including
termination of the contract apart from any other appropriate contractual/legal
13. Consortium /JV companies shall not be permitted.
14. Purchase preference to Central Public Sector Undertaking shall be applicable as per the
directive of Govt. of India prevalent on the date of acceptance.
15. Concessions to Indian Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) units registered with
DIC/NSIC/KVIC/KVIB/Directorate of Handicraft and Handloom etc., to be given as per the
provisions of Public Procurement Policy for MSEs order 2012 with up to date amendments,
shall be applicable for tenders of supply/services and shall not be extended to construction
16. Tenderers have to submit Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) generated
documents like Balance Sheet/Turnover certificate, Working Capital Certificate (works done
during last 5 financial years & works in hand), Net worth Certificate, and Tax Deduction at
AAI, Kalaburagi Airport (C - NIL; I - NIL; O - NIL) A-7
Source (TDS) Certificates for Non- Govt. works etc. as per NIT conditions duly certified by
CA (Chartered Accountant) and having UDIN. The documents submitted by bidders without
UDIN shall not be entertained.
Senior Manager (Engg.-Civil)
Airports Authority of India
Kalaburagi Airport, Kalaburagi.
1 2 3 4
Qualifying Criteria Particulars Enclosure Check list
Address :
Mobile No :
Fax No :
Email. ID :
*Note: 1. This proforma is to be filled up by applicant and signed copy shall be uploaded as
digitally signed scanned documents for e-tender.
2. The successful L1 bidder has to submit all the performas mentioned above under Sl no.2
in original after opening of financial bid.
Date: (Signature with stamp)
Authorized Signatory of the Contractor/ Firm
1. For any technical related queries please call the Helpdesk. The 24 x 7 Help Desk Number 0120-
4200462, 0120-4001002, 0120-4001005, and 0120-6277787. International Bidders are requested to
prefix 91 as country code.
Note- Bidders are requested to kindly mention the URL of the Portal and Tender Id in the subject
while emailing any issue along with the Contact details. For any issues/ clarifications relating the
tender(s) published kindly contact the respective Tender Inviting Authority
Tel: 0120-4001002, 0120-4001005, 0120-6277787
E-Mail: [email protected]
2. For any Policy related matter/Clarifications Please contact Dept of Expenditure, Ministry of
E-Mail: [email protected]
3. For any technical Issues/Clarifications relating to the publishing and submission of AAI tender(s)
a. In order to facilitate the Vendors / Bidders as well as internal users from AAI, Help desk
services have been launched between 0800-2000 hours for the CPPP under GePNIC
https://etenders.gov.in. The help desk services shall be available on all working days (Except
Sunday and Gazetted Holiday) between 0800-2000 hours and shall assist users on issues related
to the use of Central Public Procurement Portal (CPPP).
b. Before submitting queries, bidders are requested to follow the instructions given in “Guidelines
to Bidders” and get their computer system configured according to the recommended settings as
specified in the portal at “System Settings for CPPP”.
4. In case of any technical issues faced, the escalation matrix is as mentioned below:
*The Helpdesk services shall remain closed on all Govt. Gazetted Holidays.
The above mentioned help desk numbers are intended only for queries related to the issues on e-
procurement portal and help needed on the operation of the portal. For queries related to the
Percentage Rate tender are invited on behalf of Chairman, Airports Authority of India for the work
of “Clearing Grass and Jungle in specific areas in operational area at Kalaburagi Airport.”
from the eligible contractors. The estimated cost of the work is Rs. 27,31,956/- excluding GST.
Time allowed for completion of work is 03 Months (Three) from date of start of work as per
Schedule ‘F’ Clause 5.
2. Not more than one Tender shall be submitted by a contractor or by a firm of contractors. No two
or more concerns in which an individual is interested, as proprietor and /or partner shall tender
for the execution of the same works. If they do so, all such tenders shall be liable to be rejected.
3. The Accepting Authority as mentioned in Schedule “F” / 2(iii), shall be the Accepting Officer
hereinafter, referred to as such for the purpose of this contract.
4. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by each partner
thereof or in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be signed on his behalf by a person
holding a power-of-attorney authorizing him to do so. Such power of attorney to be uploaded
with the tender and it must disclose that the firm is duly registered under the Indian Partnership
Act 1952.
6. Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves
before submitting their Tenders as to the nature of the ground and sub soil (so far as is
practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation
they may require, working conditions including space for stacking of materials, installation of
T&P, rates of various materials to be incorporated in works, conditions affecting accommodation
and movement of labours etc. and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as
7. Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract
documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the works to be done,
local conditions, local material rates and other factors bearing on the execution of the works.
8. All rates shall be quoted in Schedule of price bid in the format of ‘BOQ.xls’ in Envelope – II.
9. In case of Item rate tender, rates for all items quoted shall only be considered. Any tender
containing percentage below/above the total estimated cost is liable to be rejected. In the case of
Percentage rate tenders only percentage quoted shall be considered. Any tender containing rates
quoted for items are liable for rejection.
10. Tenders shall be received through CPP portal up to the date and time as mentioned and shall be
opened on the date and time as mentioned in CRITICAL DATA SHEET at Page A2 of Tender
11.1 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for value of Rs.54,640/- (Rupees Fifty four thousand six
hundred and forty Only) in the form of online through SBI MOPS Gateway.
11.2 The tenders of the bidders who fail to submit the EMD before the stipulated time shall be
rejected outright.
11.3 The refund of EMD to the bidders who fail to qualify the eligibility / technical stage shall be
refunded within 7 days of their rejection. For all bidders whose financial bids are opened,
refund of EMD except for L1 bidder shall be processed within 7 days of opening of the
Financial Bid.
12. Notification of award of contract will be made in writing to the successful Bidder by the
Accepting Authority or his representative. The contract will normally be awarded to the
qualified and responsive Bidder offering lowest evaluated bid in conformity with the
requirements of the specifications and contract documents and the Accepting Authority shall be
the sole judge in this regard. The Accepting authority does not bind himself to accept the
lowest or, any tender or to give any reason for his decision.
14. On acceptance of Tender, “Earnest Money Deposit” will be treated as part of the Security
Deposit as per Clause 1A of GCC.
15. Airports Authority of India shall return the Earnest Money Deposit where applicable to every
unsuccessful tenderer except as provided in the tender documents.
16. Canvassing in connection with Tenders is strictly prohibited and the Tenders submitted by the
Tenderers who resort to canvassing will be liable for rejection.
17. The tenderer shall not be permitted to tender for works in Airports authority of India,
Engineering Department, responsible for award and execution of contracts, in which his near
relative is posted as Manager (Finance & Accounts) or Sr. Officer or as an engineer in any
capacity. He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any
capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any officer in
Airports Authority of India. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him
liable to be debarred from tendering for next two years.
18. The contractors shall give a list of AAI employees related to him.
20. The tender for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 (Ninety) days from
the date of opening of financial bid. If any Tenderer withdraws his tender before the said period
or makes any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable
to the department, then Airports Authority of India shall without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the full said earnest money absolutely.
21. On acceptance of the Tender, the name of the accredited representative(s) of the contractor who
would be responsible for taking instructions from the Engineer-in- Charge shall be
communicated to the Engineer-in- Charge.
b) The agency shall be liable for debarment from tendering in AAI, apart from any
other appropriate contractual/ legal action
a) All Tendered rates should be inclusive of all taxes but exclusive GST. Wherever
Supplies/Services involve imports, the same should be identified separately. Basic Custom Duty
will be paid by AAI by utilizing EPCG license/duty scrip under SEI scheme of GOI. GST shall
be paid to bidder for any taxable supply / services against a valid Tax Invoice.
b) The bidder is required to provide Tax type and Tax percentage in all bids other than that of
Civil Works.
c) In case of composite works having component of SITC items such as Electrical & Mechanical
installation, Airport System, IT, Furniture etc., should be identified separately with value of
goods and services, Tax rate, amount of Tax so as to enable AAI to claim input Tax Credit on
such items.
d) In case of change in rate of Tax or any provision relating to levy of Tax resulting in increase in
burden of Tax on the Contractor, the contractor shall be entitled to receive any compensation
for such increase in quantum of Tax payable by the contractor. Similarly recovery shall be
made from the contractor on account of decrease of rate of Tax or any provision relating to
levy of tax.
e) Employee Welfare Cess / Labour Cess will be deducted at the time of making the payment of
Running Account Bill @ 1% on value of work done by the contractor.
a) All tendered rates shall be inclusive of all taxes and levies (but exclusive of GST) payable under
respective statutes. However, pursuant to the Constitution (46th amendment) Act 1982, if any
further tax or levy is imposed by Statute, after the last stipulated date for the receipt of tender
b) The contractor shall keep necessary books of accounts and other documents for the purpose of
this condition as may be necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorized
representative of Airports Authority of India and / or Engineer- in-charge and further shall
furnish such other information / document as the Engineer-in-charge may require from time to
c) The contractor shall, within a period of 30 days of the imposition of any such further tax or levy,
pursuant to the Constitution (46th amendment) Act 1982, give a written notice thereof to the
Engineer-in-charge that same is given pursuant to this condition, together with all necessary
information relating thereto.
25. The site for the work may be made available in full or parts as decided by Engineer- in- charge.
No time extension for handing over site in phases will be granted. However, for works in active
Runway, Taxiway & Apron, site shall be made available as per NOTAM.
26.1 Tender for the present work shall be submitted online through CPP Portal in two bid
system as detailed below.
26.2 Bidders are requested to upload the Scanned copy of digitally signed documents listed under
Envelope I of NIT vide page A3.
26.3 Item Rate is to be quoted in the BOQ of the tender only in Envelope-II / Price Bid. In BOQ of
tender on CPP Portal description of item & unit have been given. Full description of Item &
Unit is mentioned in Schedule of quantities. Before quoting rates in BOQ in financial bid, the
bidders are advised to read the full description of respective item & unit.
26.4 At the stipulated date and time, Envelope – I containing uploaded scanned copies of digitally
signed documents in readable form along with copy of tender fee and EMD details shall be
opened. After satisfying the requirements prescribed for Envelope-I, Envelope-II will be
opened. Original hard copy of the EMD in case of BG should be submitted to Bid Manager
before opening of Envelope-I on or before the date and time mentioned in the critical data
sheet. The offer from those contractors whose digitally signed copy of tender document,
unconditionally acceptance of the AAI’s conditions, EMD & Tender fee and other documents
27. This notice of Tender shall form part of the contract documents. The successful Tenderer
/contractor, on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority, shall within 15 days from
the date of award of work sign the contract consisting of Notice inviting tenders, General
conditions of Contract, special /additional condition, General and particular specifications,
Tender conditions as issued at the time of invitation of Tender and acceptance thereof with any
correspondence leading thereto.
28. Consortium / Joint Ventures companies shall not be permitted. No single firm shall be m
permitted to submit two separate applications.
30. Tenderers have to submit Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) generated
documents like Balance Sheet/Turnover certificate, Working Capital Certificate (works done
during last 5 financial years & works in hand), Net worth Certificate, Tax Deduction at Source
(TDS) Certificates for Non- Govt. works etc. as per NIT conditions duly certified by CA
(Chartered Accountant) and having UDIN. The documents submitted by bidders without UDIN
shall not be entertained.
ON 31-07-2023.
Whether the
Name of Name and Address Awarded Cost Date of Stipulated Actual work was done
work/ project of of work (in Rs. commencement date of date of on back-to-
and Location client Lakhs) as per contract completion completion back basis
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note: The contractor should give list of only of eligible category works of requisite amount with
supporting documents issued from client.
AAI, Kalaburagi Airport (C - NIL; I - NIL; O - NIL) A-18
1. Financial Analysis - Details to be furnished profit and loss account for the last five
years duly certified by the Chartered Accountant as submitted by the applicant to the
Income - Tax Department.
Fig in lakhs Rs.
Gross Annual
1. Turnover
Turn-Over on
2. Construction Works
Profit/loss after
3. Taxes(consolidated)
Profit/loss after
4. Taxes (standalone)
“It is to certify that as per the audited balance sheet and profit & loss account during the
that, Net Worth of the company has not eroded by more than 30% in the last three years
ending on ………………………
Membership of ICAI
Senior Manager (E-C),
Airports Authority of India,
Kalaburagi Airport, Kalaburagi - 585 102
Dear Sir,
1. I/ We have downloaded / obtained the tender document(s) for the above mentioned
‘Tender/Work’ from CPP Portal web site(s) namely:
https://etenders.gov.in/eprocure/app as per your advertisement, given in the above
mentioned website(s).
2. I / We hereby certify that I / we have respected the site and read the entire terms and
conditions of the tender documents, corrigendum(s) and reply to query if any made
available to me/ us which shall form part of the contract agreement and I / we shall
abide hereby by the terms / conditions / clauses contained therein.
3. I / We hereby unconditionally accept the tender conditions of AAI’s tender documents
in its totality / entirety for above mentioned work.
4. I/We declare that I/We have not paid and will not pay any bribe to any officer of AAI
for awarding this contract at any stage during its execution or at the time of payment of
5. I/ We hereby submitted that I/ We paid/ submitted the required earnest money as per
NIT conditions.
6. I / We certify that all information/ documents furnished by our Firm is true & correct
and in the event at any stage, the information/ documents is found to be incorrect/ untrue
or found violated, then we shall be liable for debarment from tendering in AAI without
giving any notice or reason therefore or summarily reject the bid or terminate the
contract, without prejudice to any other rights or remedy including the forfeiture of the
full said earnest money deposit absolutely.
Yours faithfully,
I. Our firm is not restrained/ debarred/ blacklisted by Airports Authority of India (AAI)/ Ministry of
Civil Aviation(MoCA)/ Dept. of Expenditure(DoE), Ministry of Finance and the debarment/
blacklisting/ restrainment is not in force as on last date of opening of tender (Envelope-I, normally
called as technical bid).
4. Authority approving the Notice Inviting Tenders (NIT) shall fill up all the
blanks in Notice Inviting Tender and in Schedules B to F before issue of
Tender documents.
6. The proforma for registers and Schedules A to F are only for information
and guidance. These are not to be filled in the Standard Form. The
Schedules with all blanks, duly filled, shall be separately issued to all
intending tenderers.
(A) Tender for the work of:- “Clearing Grass and jungle in specific areas in
operational area at Kalaburagi Airport.
(i) To be submitted/ uploaded 18.00 upto hours on 17-08-2023 in NIC CPP Portal.
I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B, C, D, E & F,
Specifications applicable, Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions,
Conditions of Contract, Clauses of contract, Special conditions, Schedule of Rates &
other documents and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other
contents in the tender document for the work.
I / We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the Chairman
Airports Authority of India within the time specified in Schedule 'F', viz., schedule of
quantities and in accordance in all respects with the referred to in Rule-1 of General
Rules and Directions and in Clause 11 of the Conditions of contract and with such
material as are provided for, by and in respects in accordance with, such conditions
so far as applicable.
We agree to keep the tender open for Ninety (90) days from the date of opening of
financial bid in 3/2 bid system and not to make any modifications in its terms and
I / We undertake and confirm that for eligibility of similar work(s) has / have not
been got executed on back to back basis through another contractor. Further that, if
such a violation comes to the notice of AAI, then I/We shall accept the decision of AAI
if we are debarred for tendering in AAI in future works. Also, if such a violation
comes to the notice of AAI before date of start of work, the Engineer- in-Charge shall
be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money Deposit / Performance
A sum of Rs.54,640/- (Rupees Fifty four thousand six hundred and forty Only) is paid in
the form of online through SBI MOPS Gateway using SBI. If I/we, fail to furnish the
prescribed performance bank guarantee within prescribed period, I/we agree that
the said Chairman, A.A.I. or his successors in office shall without prejudice to any
other right or remedy, be at liberty to take appropriate action as per terms of
contract. Further, if I/ we fail to commence work as specified, I/we agree that
Chairman, A.A.I. or his successors in office shall without prejudice to any other right
or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely,
otherwise the said earnest money shall be retained by AAI towards security deposit
to execute all the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and
conditions contained or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may
be ordered, upto maximum of the percentage mentioned in Schedule 'F' and those in
excess of that limit at the rates to be determined in accordance with the provision
contained in Clause 12.2 and 12.3 of the tender form. Further, I/We agree that in case
of forfeiture of earnest money or Performance Guarantee or both Earnest Money &
Performance Guarantee as aforesaid, I/We shall be debarred for participation in the
re-tendering process of the work.
I / We hereby declare that I/we shall treat the tender documents drawings and other
records connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not
communicate information/derived there from to any person other than a person to
whom I/we am/are authorised to communicate the same or use the information in
any manner prejudicial to the safety of the State. (* To be deleted which are not
The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned
hereunder) is accepted by competent authority on behalf of the Chairman, Airports
Authority of India for sum of Rs. (Rupees ).
The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract Agreement:-
Designation-------------------- Date-----------------------------
10. Applicable In the case of Item Rate Tenders, only rates quoted shall
for Item be considered. Any tender containing percentage below /
Rate above the rates quoted is liable to be rejected. Rates
Tender quoted by the bidder in item rate tender in figures and
Only. words shall be accurately filled in so that there is no
discrepancy in the rates written in figures and words.
i. If a discrepancy is found between rates in figures
and in words, then the rates which correspond
with the amount worked out by the bidder shall
unless otherwise proved be taken as correct.
ii. If the amount of an item is not worked out by the
bidder or it does not correspond with the rates
written either in figures or in words, then the rates
quoted by the contractor in words shall be taken as
iii. Where the rates quoted by the bidder in figures
and in words tally, but the amount is not worked
out correctly, the rates quoted by the contractor
will unless otherwise proved be taken as correct
and not the amount.
iv. In event no rate has been quoted for any item(s)
leaving space blank both in figure(s) and word(s)
or cancelled the quoted rate in figure(s), and
word(s) but the amount corresponding to the
item(s) is worked out by the bidder and added to
the grand total, then rate(s) of the items(s) shall be
derived from the amount(s) quoted by the
contractor against such item(s).
v. In event no rate has been quoted for any item(s),
leaving space both in figure(s), word(s), and
amount blank, it will be presumed that the bidder
has included the cost of this/these item(s) in other
items and rate for such item(s) will be considered
as zero and work will be required to be executed
vi. Sub Para i to iv above shall not be applicable in case
of e-tendering
Applicable In case of percentage Rate Tenders only percentage
for quoted shall be considered. Any tender containing item
percentage rates is liable to be rejected Percentage quoted by the
rate tender bidder in percentage rate tender shall be accurately filled
only . in figures and words, so that there is no discrepancy.
However, if the bidder has worked out the amount of the
tender and if any discrepancy is found in the percentage
Definitions :
1. The contract means the documents forming the tender
and acceptance thereof and the formal agreement /
agreements executed between the competent authority(s)
on behalf of the Chairman, Airports Authority of India and
the Contractor, together with the documents referred to
therein including these conditions, the specifications,
designs, drawings and instructions issued from time to
time by the Engineer-in-Charge and all these documents
taken together, shall be deemed to form one contract /
two contracts and shall be complimentary to one another.
Contractor has to sign two agreements, one consisting
BOQ for Civil works and another one for SITC and O&M/
AMC / AICMC part. Engineer-in charge could be common
for both the agreements. Separate invoices for the civil
/construction works and SITC / O&M / AICMC / AMC
works have to be raised by the agency referring to the
respective agreements to facilitate AAI to claim input tax
credit on such SITC / O&M / AICMC / AMC works as
mentioned in Schedule 'F' para 2(v).
2. In the contract, the following expressions shall, unless the
context otherwise requires, have the meanings, hereby
respectively assigned to them:-
i. The expression works or work shall, unless there be
something either in the subject or context repugnant
to such construction, be construed and taken to mean
the works by or by virtue of the contract contracted to
be executed whether temporary or permanent, and
whether original, altered, substituted or additional.
ii. The site shall mean the land / or other places on, into
or through which work is to be executed under the
contract or any adjacent land, path or street through
which work is to be executed under the contract or
any adjacent land, path or street which may be
allotted or used for the purpose of carrying out the
iii. The Contractor / tenderer / bidder shall mean the
individual, firm or company whether incorporated or
not, Joint Venture / Consortium undertaking the
works and shall include the legal personal
representative of such individual or the persons
constituting such firm or company, or the successors
of such firm or company and the permitted assignees
of such individual, firm or company.
Performance This clause is applicable for the works for which the
Guarantee estimated cost put to tender is more than Rs.5 crores
i. The contractor shall submit an irrevocable
Performance Guarantee of 5% (Five percent) of the
Tendered amount in addition to other deposits
mentioned elsewhere in the contract for his proper
performance of the contract agreement, (not
withstanding and/or without prejudice to any other
provisions in the contract) within period specified in
Schedule ‘F’ from the date of issue of award letter. This
guarantee shall be in the form of Fixed Deposit Receipts
or Guarantee Bonds of any Scheduled bank but not Co-
operative or Gramine bank in accordance with the form
annexed hereto.(Appendix-XI) In case a fixed deposit
receipts of any Bank is furnished by the contractor to
the AAI as part of the performance guarantee and the
Bank is unable to make payment against the said fixed
deposit receipts or Guarantee Bonds, the loss caused
thereby shall fall on the contractor and the contractor
shall forthwith on demand furnish additional security
to make good the deficit
ii Performance guarantee should be furnished within 30
days of issue of award letter. In case the contractor fails
to deposit performance guarantee within the stipulated
period, no payment will be released to the contractor
for the work done in respect of 1st running account bill.
Moreover, interest @10% per annum on performance
guarantee amount would be levied (non- refundable)
for delayed period of submission
iii. The Performance Guarantee shall be initially valid upto
the stipulated date of completion plus 180 days beyond
that. In case the time for completion of work gets
enlarged, the contractor shall get the validity of
Performance Guarantee extended to cover such
enlarged time for completion of work. After recording
of the completion certificate for the work by the
competent authority, the performance guarantee shall
be returned to the contractor, without any interest.
However, in case of contracts involving maintenance of
buildings and services / any other work thereafter,
50% of Performance Guarantee shall be retained as
Security Deposit as per contract conditions. The same
Clause 2
than 2 years
0.5% of tendered value per
fortnight of delay or lesser
amount as decided by the
competent authority subject to
a maximum of 10% of the
tendered value.
Provided always that the total amount of compensation for
delay to be paid under this condition shall not exceed 10%
of the Tendered Value of work or of the Tendered Value of
the Sectional part of work as mentioned in schedule ‘F’ for
which a separate period of completion is originally given. In
case no compensation has been decided by the authority in
Schedule ‘F’ during the progress of work, this shall be no
waiver of right to levy compensation by the said authority if
the work remains incomplete on final justified extended
date of completion. If the Engineer in Charge decides to give
further extension of time allowing performance of work
beyond the justified extended date, the contractor shall be
liable to pay compensation for such extended period. If any
variation in amount of contract takes place during such
extended period beyond justified extended date and the
contractor becomes entitled to additional time under clause
12, the net period for such variation shall be accounted for
while deciding the period for levy of compensation.
However, during such further extended period beyond the
justified extended period, if any delay occurs by events
under sub clause 5.2, the contractor shall be liable to pay
compensation for such delay.
Clause 2A
Clause 2B
Clause 3
Contractor In any case in which any of the powers conferred upon the
liable to pay Engineer-in-Charge by Clause-3 thereof, shall have become
compensati exercisable and the same are not exercised, the non-exercise
on thereof shall not constitute a waiver of any of the conditions
even if hereof and such powers shall notwithstanding be exercisable in
action not the event of any future case of default by the contractor and the
taken under liability of the contractor for compensation shall remain
Clause-3 unaffected. In the event of the Engineer-in-Charge putting in
force all or any of the powers vested in him under the preceding
clause he may, if he so desires after giving a notice in writing to
the contractor, take possession of (or at the sole discretion of
the Engineer-in-Charge which shall be final and binding on the
contractor) use as on hire (the amount of the hire money being
also in the final determination of the Engineer-in-Charge) all or
any tools, plant, materials and stores, in or upon the works, or
the site thereof belonging to the contractor, or procured by the
contractor and intended to be used for the execution of the
work/ or any part thereof, paying or allowing for the same in
account at the contract rates, or, in the case of these not being
Time and The time allowed for execution of the Works as specified
Extension for in the Schedule ‘F’ or the extended time in accordance
Delay with these conditions shall be the essence of the Contract.
The execution of the works shall commence from such
time period as mentioned in schedule ‘F’ or from the date
of handing over of the site whichever is later. If the
Contractor commits default in commencing the execution
of the work as aforesaid, AAI shall without prejudice to
any other right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to
forfeit the earnest money & performance guarantee
5.1 After the Contract is awarded, within 15 days, the
Contractor shall submit a Time and Progress Chart for
each mile stone and get it approved by the Engineer-in-
charge. The Chart shall be prepared in direct relation to
the time stated in the Contract documents for completion
of items of the works. It shall indicate the forecast of the
dates of commencement and completion of various trades
of sections of the work and may be amended as necessary
by agreement between the Engineer-in-Charge and the
Contractor within the limitations of time imposed in the
contract documents, and further to ensure good progress
during the execution of the work, the contractor shall in
all cases in which the time allowed for any work, exceeds
one month (save for special jobs for which a separate
programme has been agreed upon) complete the work as
per mile stones given in Schedule ‘F’.
Project Management shall be done.
a. For works costing upto Rs. 5.00 Cr. -- CPM/ PERT Chart
b. Works costing more than Rs. 5.00 Cr. -- By using
Project Management Software like Primavera / MS
Clause 6 A
iv. The date wise record of ready mix concrete shall be kept
in a register and cement consumption for the same shall be
calculated accordingly. If built-up steel items are brought at
site from workshop, than the variation shall be paid for
structural steel up-to the period when the built-up
item/finished product is brought at site
Clause 10CC
i. The base date for working out such escalation shall be the
last stipulated date of the receipt of tenders including
extension, if any.
ii. The cost of work on which escalation will be payable
shall be reckoned as below:
a. Gross value of work done upto this quarter (A)
b. Gross value of work done upto the last quarter (B)
Vm = W x Xm x Ml-Ml0
100 Ml0
Vm = Variation in material cost i.e. increase or decrease in
the amount in rupees to be paid or recovered.
W = Cost of work done, worked out as indicated in sub para
(ii)of Clause 10 CC
Xm = Component of ‘materials’ (except cement, structural
steel, reinforcement bars, POL and other materials covered
under clause10 CA) expressed as percent of the total value of
Ml = All India wholesale price index for civil component/
electrical component* of construction material as worked
out on the basis of All India Wholesale Price Index for
Individual Commodities / Group Items for the period under
consideration as published by the Economic Advisor to
Government of India, Ministry of Industry & Commerce and
applying weightage to the Individual Commodities/ Group
Items(in respect to the justified period extended under the
provisions of clause 5 of the contract without any action
under Clause 2, the index prevailing at the time of updated
stipulated date of completion considering the effect of extra
work(extra time to be calculated on prorate basis only as
cost of extra work x stipulated period/tendered cost, shall be
Ml0 = All India wholesale price index for civil component/
electrical component* of construction material as worked
out on the basis of All India Wholesale Price Index for
Individual Commodities / Group Items valid on the last
stipulated date of receipt of tenders including extensions, if
any, as published by the Economic Advisor to Government of
India, Ministry of Industry and Commerce and applying
weightage to the Individual Commodities / Group Items. *
Note: relevant component only will be applicable
POL n. Formula for adjustment in POL cost
VF = W x Z x Fl-Fl0
100 Fl0
VF = Variation in cost of Fuel, Oil & Lubricant i.e. increase or
decrease in the amount in rupees to be paid or recovered.
W = Cost of work done, worked out as indicated in sub para
(ii) of Clause 10 CC
Z = Component of Fuel, Oil and Lubricant expressed as a
percentage of the total value of the work
Fl = All India wholesale price index for Fuel, Oil and
Lubricant for the period under consideration as published
by the Economic Advisor to Government of India, Ministry of
Industry & Commerce (in respect to the justified period
extended under the provisions of clause 5 of the contract
without any action under Clause 2, the index prevailing at
the time of updated stipulated date of completion or the
specified in Schedule F.
b. The Engineer-in-charge shall otherwise be entitled to lay
down the procedure by which the provision of this sub
clause shall be implemented from time to time and the
decision of the Engineer-incharge in this behalf shall be final
and binding on the contractor.
ix. Provided always that :
a. Where provisions of clause 10CC are applicable,
provisions of clause 10C will not be applicable but
provisions of clause 10CA will be applicable.
b. Where provisions of clause 10CC are not applicable,
provisions of Clause 10C and 10CA will become applicable.
Note: Updated stipulated date of completion ( period of
completion plus extra time for extra work for compensation
under clause 10C, 10CA and 10CC, the factor of 1.25 taken
into account for calculating the extra time under clause 12.1
for extra time shall not be considered while calculating the
updated stipulated date of completion for this purpose in
clause 10C. clause 10 CA, and clause 10CC.
The date of preparation of bill shall be as finally entered in
the measurement book by AM / Mgr. / SM / AGM or the date
of submission of bill by the contractor to the Department.
This shall be the guiding factor to decide the bill relevant to
that period in case of computerized billing
Work to be The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of
executed in the work in the most substantial and workmanlike
accordance manner both as regards materials and otherwise in every
with respect in strict accordance with the specifications. The
specifications contractor shall also conform exactly, fully and faithfully
, drawings, to the design, drawings and instructions in writing in
orders etc. respect to the work signed by the Engineer in charge and
the contractor shall be furnished free of charge one copy
of the contract documents together with specifications,
designs, drawings and instructions as are not included in
Contractor The contractor shall provide at his own cost all materials
to Supply (except such special materials, if any, as may in accordance
Tools & with the contract be supplied from the Engineer-in charge’s
Plants etc. stores) machinery, tools & plants as specified in Schedule F.
in addition to this, appliances, implements, other plants,
ladders, cordage, tackle, scaffolding and temporary works
required for the proper execution of the work, whether
original, altered or substituted and whether included in the
specifications or other documents forming part of the
contract or referred to in these conditions or not, or which
may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or complying
with the requirements of the Engineer-in charge as to any
matter as to which under these conditions he is entitled to
be satisfied, or which he is entitled to require together with
carriage therefor to and from the work. The contractor shall
also supply without charge the requisite number of persons
with the means and materials, necessary for the purpose of
setting out works, and counting, weighing and assisting the
measurement for examination at any time and from time to
time of the work or materials. Failing his so doing, the same
may be provided by the Engineer-in-charge at the expense
of the contractor and the expenses may be deducted, from
any money due to the contractor, under this contract or
otherwise and / or from his security deposit or the proceeds
of sale thereof, or of a sufficient portions thereof
The contractor (s) shall at his / their own cost provided his/
their labour with a sufficient number of huts (hereinafter
referred to as the camp) on the following specifications on a
suitable plot of land to be approved the Engineer-in-Charge.
i. Facility to be provided
a. The minimum height of each hut at the eaves level shall be
2.10m (7ft.) and the floor area to be provided will be at the
rate of 2.7 sq.m. (30 sq.ft.) for each member of the worker’s
family staying with the labourer.
ii. Specifications
a. All the huts shall have walls of sun-dried or burnt-bricks
laid in mud mortar or other suitable local materials as may
be approved by the Engineer-in- Charge in case of sun-dried
bricks, the walls should be plastered with mud gobri on both
sides. The floor may be kutcha but plastered with mud gobri
and shall be at least 15 cm (6”) above the surrounding
ground. The roofs shall be laid with the thatch or any other
materials as may be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge
and the contractor shall ensure that throughout the period
of their occupation, the roofs remain water – tight.
iv. The site selected for the camp shall be high ground,
removed from jungle.
v. Disposal of Excreta:
The contractor (s) shall make necessary arrangement for
the disposal of excreta from the latrines by trenching or
incineration which shall be according to the requirements
vi. Drainage
The contractor (s) shall provide efficient arrangements for
draining away sullage water so as to keep the camp neat and
viii. Sanitation
The contractor(s) shall make arrangements for conservancy
and sanitation in the labour camps according to the rules of
the Local Public Health and Medical Authorities
Minimum The contractor shall comply with all the provision of the
Wages Minimum Wages Act, 1948, and Contract Labour (Regulation
Act to be and Abolition) Act, 1970 amended from time to time and
Complied rules framed thereunder and other labour laws affecting
with contract labour that may be brought into force from time to
Employees The Contractor shall comply with all the provisions of the
Provident Employees Provident Fund & Misc. Provisions Act, 1952/
Fund & Jammu & Kashmir Employees Provident Funds (and
Miscellane Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1961 and ESI Act, 1948,
ous amended from time to time and rules framed thereunder.
Provision Some of the provisions are given below:
1952/Jam a. The contractor shall intimate his PF Account Code No.
mu & allotted by Regional PF Commissioner and ESI Registration
Kashmir No. allotted by ESI Corporation after award of work and
Employees shall continue to have valid PF Account Code No. and ESI
Provident Registration No. till actual completion of the contract.
Funds (and
Miscellane b. The contractor shall provide a list of contract Workers
ous engaged for contract work along with their PF Account No.
Provisions) & ESI Registration No.
1961and c. The contractor by 20th of every month shall provide a
State monthly statement showing recoveries of contribution and
Insurance proof of remittance of provident fund contribution to RPFC
(ESI) Act, and ESI contributions to ESI Corporation in respect of
1948. Workers engaged in contract work.
Work not The contract shall not be assigned or sublet without the
to written approval of Engineer-in-Charge. And if the contractor
be sublet. shall assign or sublet his contract, or attempt to do so, or
Action in become insolvent or commence any insolvency proceedings
case of or make any composition with his creditors or attempt to do
insolvency so, or if any bribe, gratuity, gift, loan, perquisite, reward or
advantage pecuniary or otherwise, shall either directly or
indirectly, be given, promised or offered by the contractor, or
any of his servants or agent to any public officer or person in
the employ of AAI in any way relating to his office or
employment, or if any such officer or person shall become in
any way directly or indirectly interested in the contract, the
Engineers in Charge on behalf of the AAI shall have power to
adopt the course specified in Clause 3 hereof in the interest
of AAI and in the event of such course being adopted, the
consequences specified in the said Clause 3 shall ensue
Lump sum When the estimate on which a tender is made, includes lump
Provisions sum in respect of parts of the work, the contractor shall be
in Tender entitled to payment in respect of the items of work involved
or the part of the work in question at the same rates as are
payable under this contract for such items ,or if the part of
work in question is not, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-
Charge payable of measurement, the Engineer-in-Charge may
at his discretion pay the lump- sum amount entered in the
estimate, and the certificate in writing of the Engineer-in-
Charge shall be final and conclusive against the contractor
with regard to any sum or sums payable to him under the
provision of the clause
Action where In the case of any class of work for which there is no such
no specifications as referred to in Clause 11, such work shall
specifications be carried out in accordance with the Bureau of Indian
are specified Standards Specifications.
ii. AAI shall have the right to cause an audit and technical
examination of the works and the final bills of the
contractor including all supporting vouchers, abstract,
etc,. to be made after payment of the final bill and if as a
result of such audit and technical examination any sum is
found to have been overpaid in respect of any work done
by contractor under the contract or any work claimed to
have been done by the him under the contract and found
not to have been executed, the contractor shall be liable
to refund the amount of over payment and it shall be
lawful for AAI to recover the same from him in the
manner prescribed in sub-clause (i) of this clause or in
any other manner legally permissible; and if it is found
that the contractor was paid less than what was due to
him under the contract in respect of any work executed
by him under it, the amount of such under payment shall
be duly paid by AAI to the contractor, without any
interest thereon whatsoever.
i. That the water used by the contractor (s) shall be fit for
construction purposes to the satisfaction of the Engineer-
ii. The Engineer-in-Charge shall make alternative
arrangements for supply of water at the risk and cost of
contractor (s) if the arrangements made by the
contractor (s) for procurement of water are in the
opinion of the Engineer-in- Charge, unsatisfactory.
Hire of i. The Contractor shall arrange at his own expense all tools,
plant & plant, machinery and equipment(hereinafter referred to
Machinery as T&P) required for execution of the work except for the
Plant & Machinery listed in Schedule ‘C’ and stipulated
for issue to the contractor. If the contractor requires any
item of T&P on hire from the T&P available with the AAI
over and above the T&P stipulated for issue, the AAI will,
if such item is available, hire it to the contractor at rates
to be agreed upon between him and the Engineer-in-
charge. In such a case, all the conditions hereunder for
issue of T & P shall also be applicable to such T&P as is
agreed to be issued.
ii. Plant & Machinery when supplied on hire charges shown
in Schedule ‘C’ shall be made over and taken back at the
departmental equipment yard / shed shown in Schedule
‘C’ and the contractor shall bear the cost of carriage from
the place of issue to the site of work and back. The
contractor shall be responsible to return the plant and
ii. The contractor shall provide and employ on the site only
such technical assistants as are skilled, and experienced in
their respective fields and such foremen and supervisory
staff as are competent to give proper supervision to the
work. The contractor shall provide and employ skilled,
semi-skilled and unskilled labour as is necessary for proper
and timely execution of the work. The Engineer-in-Charge
shall be at liberty to object to and require the contractor to
remove from the works any person who in his opinion
misconducts himself, or is incompetent or negligent in the
performance of his duties or whose employment is
otherwise considered by the Engineer-in Charge to be
undesirable. Such person shall not be employed again at
works site without the written permission of the Engineer-
in-Charge and the persons so removed shall be replaced as
soon as possible by competent substitutes.
Levy/ 1. Taxes:
Taxes/ a. Rates to be quoted by the parties should be inclusive of all
Royalty/ taxes, duties, CESS, fee, royalty charges etc. levied under any
Land statute but exclusive of GST for all the items
Licence fee
payable by b. However GST, as applicable, shall be paid to the contractor, for
Contractor any taxable supply / services / construction rendered by the
agency to AAI, against a valid GST invoice as per terms and
conditions of the contract.
2. Royalty:
a. The contractor shall at his own expense, provide all materials
required for the works other than those which are to be supplied
by AAI. The contractor shall deposit royalty and obtain necessary
permit for collection of stone, sand, red bajri, kankar etc. from the
local authority in the matter and will abide by the notification
issued by Central Govt. / State Government / Local State
Authorities as applicable from time to time in this regard. The
contractor is also bound to allow deduction from his bills any
difference in statutory taxes/royalty and penalty proposed by
Local State Authorities to AAI till finalization of settlement of all
demands in this regard by Central / State Govt.
Termination Without prejudice to any of the rights or remedies under this
of contract on contract, if the contractor dies, the Engineer-in-charge on behalf
death of of the AAI shall have the option of terminating the contract
contractor without compensation to the contractor.
If relative The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in AAI
working in wherein his near relative is posted as an Officer responsible for
AAI then the award and execution of work. He shall also intimate the names of
contractor persons who are working with him in any capacity or / are
not allowed subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any
to tender. officer of AAI. Any breach of this condition by the Contractor
would render him, the contract liable to be rejected at any stage.
CLAUSE 41(a)
CLAUSE 41 (b)
Release of Security Deposit of the work shall not be refunded till the
security contractor produces a clearance certificate from the Labour
deposit Officer. As soon as the work is virtually complete the
after labour contractor shall apply for the clearance certificate to the
clearance Labour Officer under intimation to the Engineer-in-Charge.
The Engineer-in-Charge, on receipt of the said
communication, shall write to the Labour Officer to intimate
if any complaint is pending against the contractor in respect
of the work. If no complaint is pending, on record till after 3
months after completion of the work and / or no
communication is received from the Labour Officer to this
effect till six months after the date of completion, it will be
deemed to have received the clearance certificate and the
Security Deposit will be released if otherwise due
ii. In the event of any loss or damage to the Works or any
Part thereof or to any T & P, to any material or articles at
the Site from any of the Excepted Risks the following
provisions shall have effect:
a. The Contractor shall, as may be directed in writing by
the Engineer-in- Charge, remove from the Site any
debris and so much of the works as shall have been
damaged, taking to AAI’s store such AAI’s T & P,
articles and/or materials as may be directed;
b. The contractor shall, as may be directed in writing by
the Engineer-in- Charge, proceed with the erection
and completion of the Works under and in
accordance with the provisions and Conditions of the
Contract; and
iii. Provided always that the Contractor shall not be entitled
to payment under the above provisions in respect of so
much loss or damage as has been occasioned by any
failure on his part to perform his obligation under the
Contract or not taking precautions to prevent loss or
damage or minimize the amount of such loss or damage.
iv. Without limiting its obligations and responsibilities
under other clauses of General Conditions of Contracts,
the contractor at his own cost shall insure, in the joint
name of AAI and the contractor, against all losses or
damages from whatever cause, arising (other than the
accepted risks) for which he is responsible under the
terms of the contract and in such manner that the AAI
and the contractor are covered during the period of
construction of works and any loss or damage occasioned
by the contractor in the course of any operation carried
out by them for the purpose of complying with its
obligations of defects liability clause hereof;
a. All works including temporary works to their full
value executed from time to time.
b. The construction materials and equipments to their
full value brought on to the site by the contractor.
v. The Contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified
AAI against all losses and claims for injuries or damage to
any persons or any property whatsoever which may arise
out of or in consequence of the construction and
maintenance of Works and against all claims, demands
proceedings, damage costs, charges and expenses
whatsoever in respect of or in relation thereto.
vi. Before commencing execution of the work, the
Composite i. The tenders have been called for composite work
Contract and consisting of civil construction and other associated
responsibilities specialized works. The pre-qualification criteria
of main agency shall be applicable for each subhead of work
independently. The agency meeting PQ criteria for
the main work shall be considered for execution
of composite work. However the agency shall be
allowed to execute only those specialized subheads
of works for which bidder meet PQ criteria
ii. The main contractor shall be permitted to execute
only those works (covered under one or more
subhead) for which he meets all requirements of
pre- qualification including financial, technical and
technological requirement specified in the PQ
iii. Main contractor will associate expert agencies for
the execution of specialized works under various
subheads for which he himself has failed to meet PQ
criteria. In such case he will appoint his associate
for the execution of each specialized work with the
approval of the NIT approving authority. The main
contractor shall intimate the names of only those
agencies who fully meet the PQ criteria for each
specialized work for the acceptance of the
iv. Main contractor shall not be permitted to change
their associate agencies in the course of execution of
work. If change of agency is inevitable then a
request shall be submitted to the engineer-in-
charge in writing giving full justification for change
of agency. The proposal should include name of the
alternate agency along with his financial, technical
capabilities and work experience in the appropriate
field. Such change shall be allowed only after
receiving approval from the competent authority.
Composite This clause is applicable for the works for which the
contract- estimated cost put to tender is more than Rs.500.00 crores.
Tripartite i. The main contractor shall finalise his rates, terms and
agreement conditions and mode of execution of work with
specialised agencies for all works covered in various
subhead of works on receipt of work order but
specifications, preferred makes of materials and
performance of system shall remain as specified in
tender document.
ii. The main contractor shall arrange an agreement between
department, main contractor and associated agencies for
all subheads on receipt of work order from the engineer-
in-charge. Main contractor and expert agency shall be
jointly responsible for quality of work and performance
of the system.
iii. Main contractor shall submit list of associated agency for
each specialized work within 1/12th of stipulated
completion period or within one month from issue of
work order whichever is later along with documentary
evidence for financial soundness, technical capabilities
and their experience for executing similar specialized
works along with his application seeking acceptance for
the name of associated agency. Approval / rejection for
Clause 48
Escrow i. All payments for the works estimated cost more than
Account Rs.500 Cr shall be made only through Escrow Account
This clause opened by the contractor. However for works costing
stands less than Rs.500 Cr., it shall be at the discretion of
deleted. Technical Sanctioning authority to opt for Escrow
account or not. The bank charges for Escrow Account
Please refer shall be borne by contractor. The detailed conditions of
Clause 48 of Escrow Account shall be drawn in consultation with
Schedule F associated bank.
of GCC at
ii. Mobilization advance for mobilization of resources and
page GCC-
purchase of plant & machinery shall be credited directly
to the escrow account opened for this contract through
bank transfer as per terms and condition of contract. The
agency shall be able to utilize 25% (or as decided by TS
authority) of each installment of mobilization advance to
meet minor expenses like construction of site office,
purchase of office equipment and other minor works,
while release of balance 75% fund shall be regulated by
the department. The contractor shall seek prior
concurrence of Engineer-in Charge for release of
payment to the supplier etc. through Escrow Account by
the Bank. Funds against cheque issued by contractor
shall be released by Bank on receipt of written consent
from Engineer-in Charge.
iii. Payment received and credited against each RA Bill, can
1. Suitable Scaffolds should be provided for workmen for all works that cannot
safely be done from the ground, or from solid construction except such
short period work as can be done safely from ladders. When a ladder is
used, an extra mazdoor shall be engaged for holding the ladder and if the
ladder is used for carrying materials as well suitable footholds and hand-
hold shall be provided on the ladder and the ladder shall be given an
inclination not steeper than ¼ to 1 (¼ horizontal and 1 vertical).
2. Scaffolding of staging more than 3.6m (12ft.) above the ground or floor,
swung or suspended from an overhead support or erected with stationary
support shall have a guard rail properly attached or bolted, braced and
otherwise secured at least 90 cm. (3ft.) high above the floor or platform of
such scaffolding on staging and extending along the entire length of the
outside and ends thereof with only such opening as may be necessary for
the delivery of materials. Such scaffolding or staging shall be so fastened as
to prevent it from swaying from the building or structure.
5. Safe means of access shall be provided to all working platforms and other
working places. Every ladder shall be securely fixed. No portable single
ladder shall be over 9m. (30ft.) in length while the width between side rails
in rung ladder shall in no case be less than 29 cm. (11 ½ “) for ladder upto
and including 3m. (10ft.) in length. For long ladders, this width should be
increased at least ¼” for each additional 30cm. (1 foot) of length. Uniform
step spacing of not more than 30cm shall be kept. Adequate precautions
shall be taken to prevent danger from electrical equipment. No materials on
any of the site or work shall be so stacked or placed as to cause danger or
inconvenience to any person or the public. The contractor shall provide all
necessary fencing and lights to protect the public from accident and shall be
bound to bear the expenses of defence of every suit, action or other
proceedings at law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained
9. An additional clause (viii)(i) of AAI Safety Code (iv) the Contractor shall
not employ women and men below the age of 18 on the work of painting
with product containing lead in any form, wherever men above the age of
18 are employed on the work of lead painting, the following principles
must be observed for such use:
i) White lead, sulphate of lead or product containing these pigment,
shall not be used in painting operation except in the form of pastes
or paint ready for use.
ii) Measures shall be taken, wherever required in order to prevent
danger arising from the application of a paint in the form of spray
iii) Measures shall be taken, wherever practicable, to prevent danger
arising out of from dust caused by dry rubbing down and scraping.
iv) Adequate facilities shall be provided to enable working painters to
wash during and on cessation of work.
v) Overall shall be worn by working painters during the whole of
working period.
vi) Suitable arrangement shall be made to prevent clothing put off
during working hours being spoiled by painting materials.
vii) Cases of lead poisoning and suspected lead poisoning shall be
notified and shall be subsequently verified by medical man
appointed by competent authority of AAI.
viii) AAI may require, when necessary medical examination of workers.
ix) Instructions with regard to special hygienic precautions to be taken
in the painting trade shall be distributed to working painters
10. When the work is done near any place where there is risk of drowning, all
necessary equipments should be provided and kept ready for use and all
necessary steps taken for prompt rescue of any person in danger and
adequate provision, should be made for prompt first aid treatment of all
injuries likely to be obtained during the course of the work.
12. Motors, gearing, transmission, electric wiring and other dangerous parts
of hoisting appliances should be provided with efficient safeguards.
Hoisting appliances should be provided with such means as will reduce to
the minimum the risk of accidental descent of the load. Adequate
precautions should be taken to reduce to the minimum the risk of any part
of a suspended load becoming accidentally displaced. When workers are
employed on electrical installations which are already energized,
insulating mats, wearing apparel, such as gloves, sleeves and boots as may
be necessary should be provided. The worker should not wear any rings,
watches and carry keys or other materials which are good conductors of
13. All scaffolds, ladders and other safety devices mentioned or described
herein shall be maintained in safe condition and no scaffold, ladder or
equipment shall be altered or removed while it is in use. Adequate
washing facilities should be provided at or near places of work
14. These safety provisions should be brought to the notice of all concerned by
display on a notice board at a prominent place at work spot. The person
responsible for compliance of the safety code shall be named therein by
the contractor.
These rules shall apply to all buildings and construction works in charge of
AAI in which twenty or more workers are ordinarily employed or are
proposed to be employed in any day during the period during which the
contract work is in progress.
Work place means a place where twenty or more workers are ordinarily
employed in connection with construction work on any day during the period
during which the contract work is in progress.
i) At every work place, there shall be provided and maintained, so as to
be easily accessible during working hours, first-aid boxes at the rate of
not less than one box for 150 contract labour or part thereof ordinarily
ii) The first-aid box shall be distinctly marked with a red cross on white
back ground and shall contain the following equipment.
a) For work places in which the number of contract labour employed
does not exceed 50 Each first –aid box shall contain the following
1. 6 small sterilized dressings
2. 3 medium size sterilized dressings
3. 3 large size sterilized dressings
4. 3 large sterilized burn dressings
5. 1 (30 ml) bottle containing a two per cent alcoholic solution of
6. 1 (30 ml) bottle containing salvolatile having the dose and
mode of administration indicated on the label.
7. 1 snakebite lancet.
8. 1 (30 gms) bottle of potassium permanganate crystals.
9. 1 pair scissors.
10. 1copy of the first-aid leaflet issued by the Director General,
Factory Advice Service and Labour Institute, Government of
11. 1 bottle containing 100 tablets (each of 5 gms) of aspirin.
12. Ointment for burns.
13. A bottle of suitable surgical antiseptic solution.
b) For work places in which the number of contract labour exceed 50.
Each first-aid box shall contain the following equipments.
1. 12 small sterilized dressings.
2. 6 medium size sterilized dressings.
3. 6 large size sterilized dressings
i) In every work place, there shall be provided and maintained at suitable
places, easily accessible to labour, a sufficient supply of cold water fit
for drinking.
ii) Where drinking water is obtained from an intermittent public water
supply, each work place shall be provided with storage where such
drinking water shall be stored.
iii) Every water supply or storage shall be at a distance of not less than 50
feet from any latrine drain or other source of pollution. Where water
has to be drawn from an existing well which is within such proximity
i) In every work place adequate and suitable facilities for washing shall
be provided and maintained for the use of contract labour employed
ii) Separate and adequate cleaning facilities shall be provided for the use
of male and femal workers.
iii) Such facilities shall be conveniently accessible and shall be kept in clean
and hygienic condition.
i) At every work place, at which 20 or more women workers are
ordinarily employed, there shall be provided two rooms of reasonable
dimensions for the use of their children under the age of six years. One
room shall be used as a play room for the children and the other as
their bedroom. The rooms shall be constructed with specifications as
per clause 19 H (ii) a, b & c.
ii) The rooms shall be provided with suitable and sufficient openings for
light and ventilation. There shall be adequate provision of sweepers to
keep the places clean.
iii) The contractor shall supply adequate number of toys and games in the
play room and sufficient number of cots and beddings in the bed room.
i) In every work place where the work regarding the employment of
contractor labour is likely to continue for six months and where in
contract labour numbering one hundred or more are ordinarily
employed, an adequate canteen shall be provided by the contractor for
the use of such contract labour.
ii) The canteen shall be maintained by the contractor in an efficient
iii) The canteen shall consist of at least a dining hall, kitchen, storeroom,
pantry and washing places separately for workers and utensils.
iv) The canteen shall be sufficiently lighted at all times when any person
has access to it.
v) The floor shall be made of smooth and impervious materials and inside
walls shall be lime washed or colour washed at least once in each year.
Provided that the inside walls of the kitchen shall be lime washed every
four months.
vi) The premises of the canteen shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary
vii) Waste water shall be carried away in suitable covered drains and shall
not be allowed to accumulate so as to cause a nuisance.
viii) Suitable arrangements shall be made for the collection and disposal of
ix) The dining hall shall accommodate at a time 30 per cent of the contract
labour working at a time.
x) The floor area of the dining hall, excluding the area occupied by the
service counter and any furniture except tables and chairs shall not be
less than one square metre (10 sft) per diner to be accommodated as
prescribed in sub-Rule (ix).
xi) (a) A portion of the dining hall and service counter shall be partitioned
off and reserved for women workers in proportion to their number.
(b) Washing places for women shall be separate and screened to secure
xii) Sufficient tables stools, chairs or benches shall be available for the
number of diners to be accommodated as prescribed in sub-Rule (ix).
xiii) (a) 1. There shall be provided and maintained sufficient utensils
crockery, furniture and any other equipment necessary for the efficient
running of the canteen.
2. The furniture utensils and other equipment shall be maintained in a
clean and hygienic condition.
The contractor shall at his own expense, conform to all anti-malarial instructions
given to him by the Engineer-in-Charge including the filling up of any borrow pits
which may have been dug by him.
11. The above rules shall be incorporated in the contracts and in notices inviting
tenders and shall form an integral part of the contracts.
AAI may, from time to time, add to or amend these rules and issue directions - it
may consider necessary for the purpose of removing any difficulty which may
arise in the administration thereof
These regulations may be called the AAI Contractors Labour Regulations.
i) Workman means any person employed by AAI or its contractor
directly or indirectly through a subcontractor with or without the
knowledge of the AAI to do any skilled, semiskilled or unskilled
manual, supervisory, technical or clerical work for hire or reward,
whether the terms of employment are expressed or implied but
does not include any person:- a) Who is employed mainly in a
managerial or administrative capacity: or b) Who, being employed
in a supervisory capacity draws wages exceeding five hundred
rupees per mensem or exercises either by the nature of the duties
attached to the office or by reason of powers vested in him,
functions mainly of managerial nature : or c) Who is an out worker,
that is to say, person to whom any article or materials are given out
by or on behalf of the principal employers to be made up cleaned,
washed, altered, ornamental finished, repaired adopted or
otherwise processed for sale for the purpose of the trade or
business of the principal employers and the process is to be carried
out either in the home of the out worker or in some other premises,
not being premises under the control and management of the
principal employer. No person below the age of 14 years shall be
employed to act as a workman.
ii) Fair Wages means wages whether for time or piece work fixed and
notified under the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act from time
to time.
iii) Contractors shall include every person who undertakes to produce a
given result other than a mere supply of goods or articles of
manufacture through contract labour or who supplies contract
labour for any work and includes a subcontractor.
iv) Wages shall have the same meaning as defined in the Payment of
Wages Act. 3.
3. i) Normally working hours of an adult employee should not exceed 9
hours a day. The working day shall be so arranged that inclusive of
interval for rest, if any, it shall not spread over more than 12 hours
on any day.
ii) When an adult worker is made to work for more than 9 hours on
any day or for more than 48 hours in any week, he shall be paid over
time for the extra hours put in by him at double the ordinary rate of
i) The contractor shall fix wage periods in respect of which wages shall be
ii) No wage period shall exceed one month.
iii) The wages of every person employed as contract labour in an
establishment or by a contractor where less than one thousand such
persons are employed shall be paid before the expiry of seventh day and
in other cases before the expiry of tenth day after the last day of the
wage period in respect of which the wages are payable.
iv) Where the employment of any worker is terminated by or on behalf of
the contractor the wages earned by him shall be paid before the expiry
of the second working day from the date on which his employment is
v) All payment of wages shall be made on a working day at the work
premises and during the working time and on a date notified in advance
and in case the work is completed before the expiry of the wage period,
final payment shall be made within 48 hours of the last working day.
Note: In case of payment of wages paid through bank, the contractor shall
submit a copy of bank statement for relevant period duly signed by him.
i) The contractor shall maintain a Register of persons employed on work
on contract in Form XIII of the CL(R&A) Central Rules 1971 (Appendix
ii) The contractor shall maintain a Muster Roll register in respect of all
workmen employed by him on the work under Contract in Form XVI of
the CL (R&A) Rules 1971 (Appendix VII).
iii) The contractor shall maintain a Wage Register in respect of all
workmen employed by him on the work under contract in Form XVII of
the CL (R&A) Rules 1971 (Appendix VIII)
iv) Register of accident - The contractor shall maintain a register of
accidents in such form as may be convenient at the work place but the
same shall include the following particulars : (a) Full particulars of the
labourers who met with accident. (b) Rate of Wages (c) Sex (d) Age (e)
Nature of accident and cause of accident (f) Time and date of accident
(g) Date and time when admitted in Hospital (h) Date of discharge
from the Hospital (i) Period of treatment and result of treatment (j)
Percentage of loss of earning capacity and disability as assessed by
Medical officer (k) Claim required to be paid under Workmen’s
Compensation Act. (l) Date of payment of compensation (m) Amount
paid with details of the person to whom the same was paid (n)
Authority by whom the compensation was assessed. (o) Remarks
v) The contractor shall maintain a Register of Fines in the Form XII of the
CL(R&A) Rules 1971 (Appendix-XIII). The contractor shall display in a
good condition and in a conspicuous place of work the approved list of
acts and omissions for which fines can be imposed (Appendix-XII)
vi) The contractor shall maintain a Register of deductions for damage or
loss in Form XX of the CL (R&A) Rules 1971 (Appendix-XIV)
vii) The contractor shall maintain a Register of Advances in Form XXIII of
the CL (R&A) Rules 1971 (Appendix-XV)
viii) The contractor shall maintain a Register of Overtime in Form XXIII of
the CL (R&A) Rules 1971 (Appendix-XVI).
i) The contractor shall issue an Employment Card in Form XIV of the CL
(R&A) Central Rules 1971 to each worker within three days of the
employment of the worker (Appendix-X).
The Central Government/AAI may from time to time add to or amend the
regulations and on any question as to the application/interpretation or effect of
those regulations the decision of the General Manager (Engg.) concerned shall be
The Airports Authority of India
1. In consideration of the Airport Authority of India having its head office at
New Delhi [hereinafter called the “AAI” which expression shall unless
repugnant to the subject or context include its administrator, successors
and assigns) having agreed under the terms and condition of Contract
Agreement No. ………………………dated……………made between……….and
AAI in connection with the work of …………………….(hereinafter called the
said contract) to accept Deed of Guarantee as herein provided for
Rs…………………….(Rupees……………..only) from a Nationalized Bank in lieu
of the Security deposit to be made by the contractor or lieu of the amount
withheld towards compensation for delay pending final extension of time
to be made from the contractors contained in the said Contractor. We,
the………………bank (hereinafter referred to as “the said Bank” and having
our registered office at ……………………do hereby under take and agree to
identify and keep indemnified AAI from time to time to the extent of
Rs……………………(Rupees……………………….only) against any loss or
damage, cost,, charges and expenses caused to or suffered by or that may
be caused to or suffered by AAI by reason of any breach or breaches by
the said Contractor of any of the terms and condition contained in the said
contract and to unconditionally pay the amount claimed by AAI on
demand and without demur to the extent aforesaid.
4. AAI shall have the fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability
of the bank under this Guarantee or Indemnity from time to time to vary
any of the terms and conditions of the said contract or to extend time of
performance by the said Contractor or to postpone for any time and form
time to time any of the powers exercisable by it against the said Contractor
and either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of terms and
conditions governing the said contract or securities available to AAI and
the said Bank shall not be released from its liability under these present by
any exercise by AAI of any liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid
or by reason of time being given to the said contractor or any other
forbearance, act or omission on the part by AAI or any indulgence by AAI
to the said Contractor or any other matter or thing whatsoever which
under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision have the
effect of so releasing the Bank from its such liability.
5. It shall not be necessary for AAI to proceed against the contractor before
proceeding against the Bank and the Guarantee herein contained shall be
enforceable against the Bank, notwithstanding any security which AAI may
have obtained or obtain from the Contractor at the time when proceedings
are taken against the Bank hereunder be outstanding or unrealized.
6. We, the said Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its
currency except with the previous consent of AAI in writing and agree that
any charge in the Constitution of the said Contract or the said Bank shall
not discharge our liability hereunder.
For and on behalf of (The Bank)
Signature __________________
Name & Designation __________
Authorisation No. _____________
Name & Place _______________
Bank’s Seal __________________
*For Proprietary Concerns
Sh. ____________________son of’ ________________resident of _____________carrying on
business under the name and style of _________________at ________(hereinafter called
“the said Contractor” which expression shall unless the context requires
otherwise include his heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives).
For Companies
M/s _____________________a Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and
having its registered office in the State of (Hereinafter called “the said
Contractor” which expression shall unless the context requires otherwise include
its administrators, successors and assigns).
SEALED with the Common Seal of the Bank this ___________ day of _____________20 __.
THE CONDITIONS of this obligation are:
(1) If after tender opening the Contractor withdraws, his tender during the
period of validity of tender (including extended validity of tender) specified
in the Form of Tender.
(2) If the contractor having been notified of the acceptance of his tender by the
This guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date* ____________ after
the deadline for submission of tender as such deadline is stated in the
instructions to contractor or as it may be extended by the engineer-n-charge ,
notice of which extension (s) to the bank is hear by waived. Any demand in
respect of this guarantee should reach the bank not later than the above date.
Date to be worked out on the basis of validity period of 6 months from last date
of receipt of tender.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2) Designation
3) Date of appointment
8) Date of delivery/misccarriage/death.
expected delivery
12) Name of the person nominated by the woman to receive the payment of
13) If the woman dies, the date of her death, the name of the person to whom
maternity benefit amount was paid, the month thereof and the date in the
Sl. Employee Na Surna Gend Father’s/Spo Date of Nationa Educatio Date Designat
No. Code me me er use Birth# lity n Level of ion
1 2 3 4 5 Name
6 7 8 9 Joini
10 11
Category Type of Mobi UAN PAN ESIC IP LWF AADHAA Bank Bank Bran Prese Perman
Address Employme le R A/c ch nt ent
*(HS/S/SS nt Numb (IFS Addre
/US) 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 er20 21 C)22 ss23 24
[See Rule 78 (1) (a) (i)]
Muster Roll
Sl. No. Name Rate No. of Overti Basic Speci DA Payme HRA Others Total
in of Days me al nts
Employ Wag worke hours Basi Overti
ee 1 2 e3 d4 5
worke 6 c7 8 me9 10 11 12
registe d
Deducti Net Employer
PF ESIC Society Income on Insuran Others Recover Total Payment Share PF
Tax ce ies Welfare
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2 2
1 2
Register of wages
Amount of wages
S. Name Serial Descri No. of Unit Daily Basi Dearne Over Othe Tot Dedu Net Sig. Initial
No of no in ption/ days s of rates of c ss -time r al ction amo or contr
workm the nature work wor wages/ wag Allowa cash if unt thum actor
an registe of ed k piece es nce pay any paid b his
r of work don rate ment (indi impr repre
workm done e . cate essio sentat
an (indi natu n of ive
cate re) the
natu work
re) men
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Name of workman………………………………….Month/Fortnight……………………..
Rate of Wages…………………………………………
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 30 31
Morning Rate
Evening Amount
Wages Slip
6. Deduction, if any………………………………………………………………………
[See rule 76]
Employment Card
3. Nature of employment/designation…………………………………………………..
5. Wage period…………………………………………………………………………
6. Tenure of employment………………………………………………………………
7. Remark………………………………………………………………………………
Signature of Contractor
3. We, the said Bank, further undertake to pay the Chairman, AAI any money
so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the
contractor(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or
tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute
and unequivocal.
5. We………………… (indicate the name of the bank) further agree with AAI
that AAI shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without
effecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of terms
and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by
the said contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or
from time to time any of the powers exercisable by AAI against in the said
contractor(s) and to forebear and enforce any of the terms and conditions
relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our
liability by reason of any such variation, or extensions being granted to the
said contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act of omission on the part of
AAI or any indulgence by the AAI to the said contractor(s) or by any such
matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to securities
would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us.
6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution
of the Bank or the contractor(s).
In presence of
Dated this __________ Day of _________
For and on behalf of (The Bank)
Signaure __________________
Name & Designation __________
Authorisation No. _____________
Name & Place _______________
Bank’s Seal __________________
Sub: - My / Our Bank Guarantee bearing No……..dated ……. for amount……. Issued
in favour of Airport Authority of India A/c……………
The subject Bank Guarantee is obtained from your bank for the purpose of
Security Deposit / Earnest Money / Performance Guarantee on account of
contract awarded / to be awarded by M/s Airports Authority of India to me / us.
with other.
6. Habitual negligence.
are locked
8. Habitual Indiscipline
12. Giving of false information regarding name, age, father's name, etc.
which is not approved by the Department and for which the contractors
19. Collection or canvassing for the collection of any money within the
20. Holding meeting inside the premises without previous sanction of the
Register of Fines
SI. No. Name Father’ Designati Act or Date Whether Name of Wage Amount Date Remark
of s/ on action of workma person in period of the on s
workm Husban nature of for Offenc n whose and impose which
an d’s employm which e showed presence wages d fine
Name ent fine cause employee’s payable realise
impose against explanation d
d fine was heard
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
[See Rule 78 (2) (d)]
Register of Deduction for Damage or Loss
SI. Name Father’ Designati Particul Date Wheth Name of Amoun No. Date of
No. of s on/natur ar of of er person in t of of recovery
work Husban e of Damag dama workm whose deducti insta Firs Last
man d’s employm es or ges or an presence on llme t Inst Remar
Name ent Loss loss showe employee impose nts Inst allm k
d cause ’s d allm ent
against explanati ent
deducti on was
on heard
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
SI. Name Father’ Designati Wage Date Purpos Number Date Date
No. of s on/natur period and e for of and on
work Husban e of and amou which installme amount whic
man d’s employm wages nt of advanc nt by of each h Remar
Name ent payable advan e paid which install last k
ce advance ment insta
paid to be repaid llme
repaid nt
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Register of Overtime
S. Name Father’s/ Sex Designatio Date on Total Normal Overti Overti Rate on Remark
N of Husband n/ which overtime rate of me rate me which s
o work s Name nature of overtime worked at wages of earnin overtime
men employem worked project in wages g paid
ent case of
piece rate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
I/We certify that the information given above is true to the best of my/our
knowledge. I/We enclose following documents.
1. Statement of claims with amount of claims.
Yours faithfully
Copy to:
1. The Engineer-in-charge ………………….,
The integrity pact shall be signed by both the parties in the following
2. Commitments of Bidders/Contractor.
The Bidder/Contractor commits itself to take all measures necessary to
prevent corrupt practice, unfair means and illegal activities during any
stage of its bid or during any pre‐contract or post‐contract stage in order
to secure the contract or in furtherance to secure it and in particular
commit itself to the following.
8. Facilitation of Investigation.
In case of any allegation of violation of any provisions of this Pact or
payment of commission, the Authority or its agencies shall be entitled
to examine all the documents including the Books of Accounts of the
BIDDER and the BIDDER shall provide necessary information and
documents in English and shall extend all possible help for the purpose
of such Examination.
1. _______________________________
4. ______________________________
1. NIT approving authority must ensure that all sub-heads of works are
covered in above table. The bidder must indicate percentage payable to
specialized agency in case of all sub-heads.
2. If % is not filled in by the contractor against one or more subhead in this
schedule, then 75% of the net payment admissible as per AAI for the
subhead under consideration shall be paid directly to specialized agency in
case of composite contract.
Authorized signatory of
Encl: As above
All rates shall be quoted in the format provided and no other format is acceptable.
The price bid has been given as a standard BOQ format at page no. 01 to 01 with
the tender document, then the same is to be downloaded and to be filled by all the
bidders. Bidders are required to download the BOQ file, open it and complete the
white coloured (unprotected) cells with their respective financial quotes and other
details (such as name of the bidder). No other cells should be changed. Once the
detailes have been completed, the bidder should save it and submit it online,
without changing the File name. If the BOQ file is found to be modified by the bidder,
the bid will be rejected and EMD shall be forfeited.
Extra schedule for specific requirements/ documents for the work, if any.
Please refer Special Condition of Contract for Civil works.
Officer inviting tender: SM (Engg.-Civil), Kalaburagi Airport, Kalaburagi.
Office inviting tender : O/o SM (Engg.-Civil), Kalaburagi Airport, Kalaburagi,
Airports Authority of India.
Clause 2
Clause 2A
Clause 5
Clause 7
Gross work to be done together with net
payment/adjustment of advances for Rs. 05.00 Lakh
material collected, if any since the last
such payment for being eligible to
interim payment.
Clause 10A
Testing equipment to be provided by the contractor at site lab
All the Testing equipments required for conducting test for building (Civil works)/
pavement works as per CPWD, AAI specifications, Manufacture’s specifications,
MoRTH, IRC as applicable.
Clause 10 B(II)
Clause 10 CA
Materials covered under Nearest Material Base price and its corresponding
this clause (other than period of all the materials
cement*, covered under clause 10CA
bars, structural
steel & Bitumen)
for which All India
Wholesale Price
index is to be
1. Includes cement component used in RMC brought at site from outside approved
RMC plants, if any.
2. Base price and its corresponding period of all the materials covered under clause
10CA is to be mentioned at the time of approval of NIT. In case of recall of tenders,
the base price may be modified by adopting latest base price and its
corresponding period.
Clause 10 CC Applicable for this work
Clause 10CC to be applicable in
contracts with stipulated period of Not applicable
completion exceeding the period shown
in next column
Schedule of component of other materials, Labour, POL etc.for price escalation.
Component of civil (except material covered under clause 10 CA) / Electrical
construction materials express as percentage total value of work - -- (Xm)*
Component of labour , expressed as % of total value of work – 5 % (Y)
Component of POL , expressed as % of total value of work 5% (Z)
Clause 12
Clause 16
Clause 17
Contractor Liable for Damages, defects during maintenance period – Twelve
(12) months
Clause 18
To be provided as per NIT and other Machinery required for timely completion of
Clause 25
No. Qualification (Principal shall be made per month
(in years)
of Technical Technical from the contractor in the
event of not fulfilling
Representati representat
provision of clause 36
ve ive)
Figures Rs. Words
1 Graduate / Civil Site 01 year 01 Rs. Rupees
Diploma Engineering Engineer for 50,000/- Fifty
/ 05
years for d only
a. Assistant Engineers retired from Government services that are holding Diploma
will be treated at par with Graduate Engineers.
b. Diploma holder with minimum 10 year relevant experience with a reputed
construction company can be treated at par with Graduate Engineer for the
purpose of such deployment subject to the condition that such diploma holder
should not exceed 50% of requirement of degree engineers
c. Manpower shall be deployed as per site requirement.
Clause 37
License Fee for unpaved land – Refer clause 6 of Specicial Conditions of Contract,
Page no. SCC-3 and SCC-4
Clause 41(b)
Integrity Pact applicable No
Clause 42
Clause 48
Notwithstanding the sub-division of the documents into these separate sections and
volume every part of each shall be deemed to be supplementary to and complementary of
every other part and shall be read with and into the CONTRACT so far as it may be
practicable to do so.
Where any portion of the General Condition of Contract is repugnant to or at variance with
any provisions of the Special Conditions of contract, unless a different intention appears the
provisions of the Special Conditions of Contract shall be deemed to over-ride the provisions
of the General Conditions of Contract and shall to the extent of such repugnancy, or
variations, prevail.
ii. For item not covered under AAI specifications, MoRT&H specifications, CPWD
Specifications 2019 Volume I & II with up to date correction slips and Manufacturer’s
specifications, the work shall be done as per latest relevant BIS / IRC Codes of
For the purpose of inspection of site and relevant documents the contractor is required to
contact the Engineer-in-Charge who shall give reasonable facilities for inspection of the
same. The contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the nature of the site of
work. Local facilities of access, availability of materials and all other matters affecting
his prices for the execution and completion of work. He is required to make himself fully
acquainted with the nature and scope of work.
A. Particulars and data furnished in the various sections of the tender documents need
not be taken as complete by themselves. They are intended to serve as rough guidance
only for the contractors to quote for the item rate tender. The tenderer shall, therefore,
in their own interest examine the drawings, conditions of contract and specifications of
work furnished in the tender documents. They shall also inspect the site and satisfy
themselves on their own as to the hydrological, climatic and physical conditions
prevailing at site, the nature, extent and practicability of works, all existing and required
roads and other means of communications and access to site, royalties and ferry
charges, if any, probable site for labour camps, stores and godown etc.
B. They shall also obtain for themselves all necessary information as to risks,
contingencies and other circumstances which may affect or influence their tender. No
extra charges consequent on any insufficient appreciation or otherwise shall be allowed.
The contractor shall be deemed to have satisfied himself before tendering as to the
correctness and sufficiency of his tender for the works and of the rates and prices
quoted in the schedule of works/ items, quantities or in bills of quantities which rates
and price shall except as otherwise provided cover all his obligations under the contract
and all matters and things necessary for the proper completion and maintenance of the
C. Should there be any discrepancy in or any doubt or obscurity as to the meaning of
any of the tender documents, clarification should be sought for in writing sufficiently in
advance of the last date fixed for the receipt of the tender from the concerned bid
Manager. The department will have a right to make any amendments in the tender
documents and any such changes will be intimated to the tender at least three days
before the date fixed for receipt of tender.
b) The contractor shall, upon demand forward for the Engineer-in-charge’s inspection,
test certificates rendered by the suppliers for all materials furnished by the contractor.
c) The contractor shall obtain the approval of the Engineer-in-charge, of samples of all
materials to be used in the work and shall deposit these samples with him before
placing an order for the materials samples. Fresh samples shall be deposited with the
Engineer-in-charge whenever the type of source of any materials changes.
d) The Engineer-in-charge shall have power to cause the contractor to purchase and use
such materials from any particular source, as may, in his opinion, be necessary for the
proper execution of the work.
e) The Copy of invoice for purchase of cement, Bitumen, steel and other consumables
shall be submitted to the Engineer-in-charge for every lot of cement, Bitumen/ steel
brought and other materials at site along with manufacturer’s test certificate.
ii. That such use or occupation shall not confer any right of tenancy of the
land to the contractor.
iii. That the contractors shall be liabl e to vacate the land on demand by the
iv. That the contractor shall have no right to any construction over this
land without the written permission of the Engineer -In-Charge. In case,
he is allowed to construct any structure he shall ha ve to demolish &
clear the same before handing over the completed work unless agreed to
the contrary.
The contractor shall co-operate with Authority’s other contractors, compare plans,
specifications and the time schedules and so arrange his work that there will be no
The contractor shall indemnify the AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA against all claims in
respect of patent, design, trademarks of name or other protected rights in respect of any
plant, machine work or material used for or in connection with the work or temporary
works and from and against all claims, demands, proceedings, cost, charges, and expenses
whatever in respect of or in relation thereto.
The contractor shall defend all actions arising from such claims and shall himself pay all
royalties, license fees, damages, cost and other charges of all every sort that may be legally
incurred in respect thereof. Environmental and other clearances required shall be obtained
by the contractor at his own cost for installation of plants and machinery and other
Contractor/ agency shall ensure that each workmen deployed at site should be
registered with EPF authorities and should have UAN number. The contractor/
Contractor/ agency shall also ensure that all labour deployed at site should be
registered with ESI authorities. The contractor/ agency should submit details of ESI
deducted of the labour to AAI on monthly basis. These requirements are in addition
to the GCC clause 20 (a).
The defects liability period shall be reckoned in the case of this work as 12 months (Twelve
months) from the date of completion of work and it shall be liability of the contractor to
repair, strengthen or reconstruct at his own expense any portion of the work which has
shown damages or any defect arising out of any bad workmanship or defective material
being used for the work. In the case of rectification not being commenced by the contractor
within 7 days from the date of notice from the Engineer-in-charge, the Engineer-in-charge
reserves the right to get the repair work executed at the risk and cost of the contractor.
The security deposit of the contractor shall not be refunded before the expiry of defect
liability period or till the final bill has been prepared and passed whichever is later.
The contractor shall not be entitled for any payment whatsoever on account of above
special conditions of contract.
18. The Contractor shall take all precautions to avoid all accidents by exhibiting
necessary caution boards day and night, speed limit board, red lights and providing
barriers. He shall be responsible for all damages and accidents caused due to negligence
on his part. No, hindrances shall be caused to traffic during execution of work.
19. The Contractor shall at his own expense, provide all materials required for the works
other than those which are to be supplied by AAI. The contractor shall deposit royalty
and obtain necessary permit for collection of earth stone, sand, red bajri, kankar etc.
from the local authority in the matter and will abide by the notification issued by Central
Govt./ State Government/ Local State Authorities as applicable from time to time in this
regard. The contractor is also bound to allow deduction from his bills any difference
in statutory taxes/ royalty and penalty proposed by Local State Authorities to AAI till
finalization of settlement of all demands in this regard by Central/ State Govt.
20. For items pertaining to building work the specification detailed under relevant
subheads for building work shall be followed.
21. All incidental charges of any kind whatsoever including cartage, storage, cutting and
wastage etc. shall be borne exclusively by the contractor and nothing extra shall be
payable to him on this account.
22. All material obtained from AAI stores or otherwise shall be got checked by the Engineer-
in-Charge of the work on receipt of the same at site before use.
24. The contractor shall adjust his labour, staff, plant machinery etc. according to the
requirement of work from time to time and no claim shall be entertained on account of
idle labour, plant, machinery etc. due to any reason whatsoever.
26. TESTS:
The various tests as indicated in the AAI specifications, MoRT&H specifications CPWD
specifications or BIS, as considered necessary by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be carried
out in the laboratory as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The contractor shall bear
the entire cost of samples, testing charges, carriage and any other incidental expenditure
incurred, thereon. The result shall be final and binding on the contractor.
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test (UPV) shall also be conducted in addition to other mandatory
tests prescribed for testing and acceptance of concrete if required by the Engineer in
27. All the materials to be used on the work shall be of best quality available and shall
have the approval of Engineer-in-Charge before use.
28. 30. The contractor shall arrange to provide portable lights and markings with the
luminous paint to indicate the areas under construction/or repairs as per the direction of
Engineer-in-Charge. These lights shall be of the approved colour and capacity and shall be
operated throughout the night and during bad weather. In addition to these markings,
lights cone markers painted with luminous paints shall also be put.
29. The contractor will remove the labour huts on completion of the work. The payment
of final bill will be subject to the compliance of this condition by the contractor.
30. The contractor shall provide suitable temporary diversion arrangement for flow of water
in the existing drain pumping and bailing out water from the drain, if required for
proper execution of the works at his own cost, as per directions of Engineer-in-Charge.
31. In all contracts relating to security, watch and ward services, the contractor shall engage
ex-servicemen or ex-police personnel to the contracted job.
32. The contractor shall make necessary arrangement for all machinery, equipment etc.
considered necessary by the Engineer-in-Charge for completion of works within the
stipulated time. The rates quoted by the contractor shall include the cost of providing/
running all such machinery, equipment etc. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.
34. 36. Should there be any discrepancy in or any doubt or obscurity as to the meaning of
any of the tender documents, clarification should be sought for in writing sufficiently in
advance of the last date fixed for the receipt of the tender from the concerned J oint GM/
DGM / Asstt GM/ Sr. Manager Engineering. The department will have a right to make
any amendments in the tender documents and any such changes will be intimated to the
tenderer at least three days before the date fixed for receipt of tender.
The scope of works covers the following: Clearing the Jungle, grass, brushwood and disposal of
the rubbish whatever generated at a location etc in operational area.
The work to be carried out under this contract shall consist of various items as per
description of works contained in the Bill of Quantities. Any discrepancy between the
details given in Bill of Quantities and that provided in Technical Specifications of the
corresponding items, the provisions of the Bill of Quantities shall take precedence.
The item rates quoted by the Contractor shall, unless otherwise specified also include
compliance with/supply of the following:
a) General works such as setting out, clearance of site before setting out and clearance
of works after completion.
b) Samples of various materials proposed to be used on the work for conducting tests
thereon is required as per the provisions of the contract.
c) For works below ground level the contractor shall keep that area free from water. If
dewatering or bailing out of the water is required, the contractor shall do the same
at his own cost and nothing extra shall be paid. Nothing extra shall be paid for
execution of work in or under water and / or liquid mud including pumping out of
water as required.
d) Any other item of work which is not specifically provided in the Bill of Quantities but
which is necessary for complying with the provisions of the contract.
e) For works below ground level the contractor shall keep that area free from water. If
dewatering or bailing out of the water is required, the contractor shall do the same
at his own cost and nothing extra shall be paid. Nothing extra shall be paid for
execution of work in or under water and / or liquid mud including pumping out of
water as required.
a. The contractor shall bear all expenses and charges, on special or temporary
service roads required by him in connection with access to the site. He shall not object to
the use of service roads by other construction traffic.
b. Upon completion of the work such roads shall be broken up and leveled where so
required by the drawings unless the Engineer-in-Charge shall otherwise direct.
c. Conveyance of men and materials and inspection staff etc. to any portion of the work site
involved in the construction shall be the responsibility of the contractor.
a. The levels of the various floors of building and pavements, road work etc. shall be as
shown in the architectural level plans, should there be any discrepancy in the floor/
a. The contractor shall provide proper facilities at all times for the inspection and testing
of materials and the Engineer-in-Charge shall have access at all times to the place of
stores or manufacture. The contractor shall give sufficient advance notice of placing
order so as to permit test to be completed before the material is incorporated in the
work and shall afford such facilities as the Engineer-in-Charge may require for
collection and forwarding samples and making inspection. The contractor shall not
make use of or incorporate in the work the materials represented by the samples, until
tests have been made and materials found to be in accordance with the specifications.
All tests of materials furnished by the contractor shall be made in accordance with
commonly recognized methods of Indian or of other international organization or such
other method and test as are prescribed in the specification or are in use in conformity
with standard practice of the department and charges therefore, will be borne by the
b. Field tests of materials will be carried out by the Engineer-in-Charge as deemed
necessary and these tests shall be made in accordance with the standard practices of
the department. The cost involved in all such field tests will be borne by the contractor.
c. The various tests as indicated in the specifications or as considered necessary by
the Engineer-in-Charge shall be carried out in the laboratory as approved by the
Labour welfare cess shall be levied @ 1% (or as notified) on the gross amount of each
running bill and final bill.
Royalty or any other tax on materials, equipments, T & P and labours in respect of this
contract shall be payable by the contractor and Airports Authority of India will not
entertain any claim whatsoever in this respect.
The total amount of final bill worked out at the accepted tender rates, if found to be more
than the amount worked out at the quoted rates of second lowest, the contractor shall be
paid lower of the two.
Subject to any provisions to the contrary contained in the Contract, works shall be
carried out during night or on Sundays or on authorized holidays with the permission of
the Engineer-in-Charge.
These technical specifications shall be read in conjunction with the various other
documents forming the contract, namely Notice Inviting Tender & Instructions to
Tenderers, Conditions of Contract, Special Conditions of Contract, Bill of
Quantities and other related documents, together with any addendum issued
Absence of terms such as providing, supplying, laying, installing, fixing etc. in the
description does not even remotely suggest that the contractor is absolved of
such providing, supplying etc. unless an explicit stipulation is made in this
contract. The owner shall bear no costs of materials, equipment’s duties, taxes,
royalties etc.
The classification of various items of work for purpose of measurements and
payments shall be as per Bill of Quantities (BOQ). Except where distinguished by
the BOQ, the rates apply to all heights, depths, sizes, shapes and locations. They
also cater for all cuts and wastes.
The specifications may have been divided in different sections/sub-head for
convenience only. They do not restrict any cross-reference. The Contractor shall
take in to account inter-relations between various parts of works/trades. No
claim shall be entertained on basis of compartment interpretations.
Any builder’s work required as part of electrical and other installation shall be
executed by the Contractor as directed under this contract.
The payments for all excavation shall be made assuming a vertical cut at the end
of PCC under the foundations. The bidder should build the cost of extra
excavations like working space etc. In his bid including any shoring, strutting, etc.
for stabilizing and safety of the sides of excavation.
The Contractor shall be required to submit and take approval from the Engineer-
in-Charge/Consultant of shop drawings of the items of work specified in the
specifications or as directed from time to time. No extra payment shall be made
for the same. Shop drawings shall be in metric units and shall be prepared in a
format approved by the Engineer-in-Charge.
The Contractor shall prepare and submit as-built drawings by way of making
modifications/changes carried out with respect to the construction drawings
issued prior to the construction of respective elements. These will be then
TS- 1
incorporated by the respective Consultant/agency in to their drawings for
maintaining necessary records for the owner. All materials intended to be used at
site shall be tested prior to its use in an approved manner. A list of tests including
frequency of tests on construction materials is included in the special
specifications. Cost of all such tests and any other tests felt necessary by the
Engineer shall be deemed to be included in the price of respective materials
quoted by the Contractor. Any defective materials brought to site shall be
returned without any extra cost for the same.
Performance tests and other necessary tests for the relevant items as per the
relevant IS standards and other relevant standards shall be carried out as the
discretion of the Engineer on all/any items, of work as directed by the Engineer.
Should any item shall fail to pass the tests, the Contractor shall be given
opportunity to take corrective measures and have the same re-tested to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, he may at his sole discretion order dismantling of the
whole or part of the works done and order the Contractor to reconstruct the
same. The cost of all these operations and materials shall be borne by the
Contractor without any extra claim.
The work to be carried out under this contract shall consist of various items as per
description of works contained in the Bill of Quantities. Any discrepancy between
the details given in Bill of Quantities and that provided in Technical Specifications
of the corresponding items, the provisions of the Bill of Quantities shall take
The item rates quoted by the Contractor shall, unless otherwise specified also
include compliance with/supply of the following:
a) General works such as setting out, clearance of site before setting out and
clearance of works after completion.
d) Setting of field-testing laboratory with all required apparatus and staffs for
conducting day-to-day quality control tests.
TS- 2
e) Any other item of work which is not specifically provided in the Bill of
Quantities but which is necessary for complying with the provisions of the
3.1 The work has to be carried out as per CPWD specifications but for some
market rate items particular specifications given in the tender document and
manufacturers specification have to be followed. This however does not limit
the use of any other relevant codes or standards by the Engineer- in - Charge
solely at his discretion either referred to in the tender documents or not, to
achieve the desired quantity of work. All the codes practice, Standard and
specifications applicable shall be latest edition with all correction slips etc. or
as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
TS- 3
Validate Print Help Item Rate BoQ
Tender Inviting Authority: Senior Manager (Engg-Civil), AAI, Kalaburagi Airport.
Name of Work: Clearing Grass and Jungle in specific areas in operational area at Kalaburagi Airport.
Name of the
Bidder/ Bidding
Firm /
Company :
(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevent columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender.
Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder Name and Values only )
1 2 4 5 13 53 55
1 Civil Works
1.01 Clearing jungle including uprooting of rank
vegetation, grass, brushwood, trees and saplings
of girth 30cm measured at a height of 1 m above
ground level and removal of rubbish up to a 165000.000 Sqm 0.00 INR Zero Only
distance of 50m outside the periphery of the area