Types and Propertes of Water

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TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G.



M. G. Khublaryan
Water Problems Institute RAS, Russia

Keywords: Water resources, rivers water, seawater, river basins, atmospheric water,
estuaries, reservoirs, lakes, swamp, wetland, soil water, groundwater, glaciers, cover
glaciers, icebergs, ground ice, water quality.


1. Introduction
2. Water types

3. Physical properties of water, including its three phases
4. Chemical properties of water

5. Biological characteristics


Biographical Sketch
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The total volume of the Earth’s hydrosphere is about 1.39 billion km3. The main types
of water are atmospheric (0.001 percent of total volume), the oceans (96.4 percent),
fresh surface water, saline lakes, and land-locked seas (0.013 percent), groundwater
(1.68 percent), and glaciers (1.86 percent).

Earth’s water can exist in three phases: liquid, solid, and gaseous. Hydrogen and oxygen

atoms form water molecules, H2O. Atomic nuclei in the molecule form an isosceles
triangle with two protons at the base and an obtuse angle at an oxygen atom in its
vertex. The angle H-O-H and inter-nuclear H-H, O-H intervals are a function of water

phase state.

The chemical composition of surface water is created in the process of water circulation
on Earth, which connects the hydrosphere with the atmosphere, lithosphere, and
biosphere. Water, being a universal solvent, is enriched with a wide spectrum of various
substances in a gaseous, solid, and liquid state, so it varies greatly in its chemical
composition. The chemical composition of ocean water remains constant due to a
complex dynamic equilibrium between the ocean water, atmospheric gases, and hard
rock masses.

The biological properties of water systems are caused by the totality of flora and fauna.
As the density of water is considerably higher than air, living organisms are able to exist
both within the water column (pelagic) and on the bottom (demersal).

The most important water functions in the system are the following:

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G. Khublaryan

• supply of a self-renewable resource: fresh water, for industrial, agricultural, and

municipal purposes
• production of organic matter, including fish
• maintenance of biodiversity in and around aquatic ecosystems
• cycling of materials in global biogeochemical cycles
• self-purification: a natural system of waste treatment.

1. Introduction

Natural water is one of the most important substances for the maintenance of life. It was
called “a primary source of all that exists” by an ancient Greek philosopher Thales of
Miletus 2,600 years ago. Water is one of the most astonishing compounds on Earth, and
even now has not yet been fully deciphered. It is characterized by a complex of

anomalous properties that make it very different from other substances (e.g. high

melting, boiling, and evaporation points, and high dissolving ability).

The main part of the Earth’s water is concentrated in the hydrosphere. The hydrosphere
(from the Greek hydro, water, and sphaira, sphere) is not a continuous water cover of
the Earth. The hydrosphere is the totality of oceans, seas, and surface terrestrial waters,
including oceans, lakes, streams, underground water, and all the snow and ice. This
sphere covers 70.8 percent of the Earth’s surface (the total volume is about 1.39 billion
km3). Oceans and seas make up about 96.4 percent of the hydrosphere by volume, and
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underground waters form 1.68 percent. About 2 percent is composed of snow and ice
(mainly the snow and ice of the Arctic, Antarctic, and Greenland), and 0.059 percent is
surface fresh water, saline lakes, and inland seas. The atmosphere and living organisms
also contain water, but in insignificant quantities.

All water masses are transformed from one form to another in the course of the

hydrological cycle, a continual shift of water on the Earth (in the atmosphere,
hydrosphere and the Earth’s crust) that occurs under the influence of solar radiation and
gravity. This planetary process includes evaporation of water from the Earth’s surface,

its transfer with the help of air currents from the place of evaporation, condensation of
water vapor and precipitation (transfer of water masses in water bodies onto the Earth’s

surface and inside its crust). The quantity of precipitation annually falling on the Earth’s
surface is equal to the quantity of water evaporated from the surface of the landmasses
and oceans.

2. Water Types

2.1. Atmospheric Water

Atmospheric water, transforming from one state to another, participates in water

circulation in nature. Moisture is mainly in a gaseous state in the atmosphere. The
average content of water vapor decreases with height and latitude and depends on the
season and type of underlying surface. Although it has only a relatively small moisture
content, the atmosphere is the only source of fresh water regeneration in nature (through
evaporation) and the main means of replenishment of water reserves (through
precipitation). The total evaporation from the ocean surface and continents amounts to

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G. Khublaryan

577,000 km3 per year (a mean water layer of 1.13 m over the Earth); it consumes on
average 88 W/m2 of heat, which amounts to more than a third of the solar energy supply
of the Earth. Through the operation of the water circulation on the Earth, the entire
577,000 km3 falls to the Earth each year. Meridional water vapor transfer is a significant
peculiarity of water circulation.

Water vapor (H2O) is the most variable of the atmosphere components. Its volumetric
content can change by a factor of 100,000, depending on the season and place. The
lowest water values are observed either at a considerable height in the atmosphere or
above the Antarctic plateau, and the maximum observed in subtropical and equatorial
areas, where it often amounts to more than 3−4 percent. To determine water vapor
content in a given air volume (the part of total atmospheric pressure caused by water
vapor), a notional water vapor pressure (partial pressure) is used.

Alternatively, specific humidity can be used. This is the ratio of water vapor mass to the

humid air mass. Absolute humidity is the ratio of water vapor mass to the humid air

volume. The percentage ratio of water vapor partial pressure to the pressure of the water

vapor saturated under the given temperature is called relative humidity.
Water in the atmosphere mainly comes from evaporation, from the surface of both the
ocean and the land. Transpiration and direct evaporation from the surfaces of green
plant (evapotranspiration), and evaporation from ice (sublimation) also increase the
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water content of the atmosphere. Condensation occurs when air, being saturated with
water vapor, becomes cooler, and relative humidity reaches 100 percent. Condensation
can be in the form of dew or rime. Dew forms when the air temperature is equal to the
temperature of condensation and is higher than the temperature of any surface. Rime

occurs if the temperature of the air and the surface is less than zero.

Condensation in the atmosphere occurs on condensation nuclei: small particles of dust,

salt crystals, smoke, and so on, and results in cloud formation. Clouds are classified into
types, kinds, and varieties according to their form and state (water drops or ice crystals).

Depending on the synoptical and thermodynamical conditions of precipitation, clouds

are divided into the following main types: total, shower, and mixed. The occurence of

total precipitation is connected to a large-scale vertical air motion caused by a frontal or

orographic rise, or large-scale horizontal convergence. Shower precipitations are formed
in cumulus-rainy clouds under conditions of mesoscale convection in the unstable air of
the layer within 5–10 km. Clouds mixed as to their genesis are caused by the
simultaneous effect of regulated and convection motion, whose input differs depending
on the precipitation type.

Fog is an accumulation of the smallest water drops or ice crystals decreasing visibility
in and near the surface air layer. There are fogs of cooling and evaporation. Radiation
fog can be formed when there are no clouds and the land surface is cooled by long-wave
heat radiation at night. Advective fog can be formed by the horizontal movement of a
relatively warm air mass over a colder air mass lying over the land surface.

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TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G. Khublaryan

2.2. Oceans, inland seas, costal zones, and estuaries.

The seas are classified as interior (inland), marginal, or inter-insular according to their
geographic position and degree of isolation. An inland sea is one almost completely
surrounded by land and joining the ocean or adjacent seas only through relatively
narrow channels. Interior seas are assumed to be subdivided into continental and inter-
continental types. A continental sea is usually shallow, deeply intruding into the land
within a continent (e.g. the Azov, the White and Black Seas, and Hudson Bay). An
intercontinental sea is a part of the World Ocean located between continents and
connected with the ocean or other seas by channels (e.g. the Mediterranean and the Red
Sea). A marginal or adjacent sea is a part of the World Ocean adjoining the continent
and partially separated from it by peninsulas or a group of islands, or simply by the
ocean bottom uplifting. Marginal seas can be on the continental shelf (a shelf sea) or on

the continental slope (e.g. the Barents, the Laptev, and the Norwegian Seas). An inter-
insular sea (encircled by islands) is a part of the World Ocean surrounded by a more or

less dense circle of islands, the straits between which prevent a free water exchange

with an open ocean (e.g. the Japan, and Sulu Seas).

The chemical composition of seawater, particularly in marginal and continental seas,
can differ considerably from that of ocean water. This is because it is affected by the
run-off from the land. An abundant runoff of rivers and springs (surface and
groundwater discharges) changes marine water content considerably. The salinity of
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water in oceans and marginal seas is also very much affected by evaporation. However
the chemical composition of seawater is practically constant (the exception being in
zones of river water entry).

Water in the coastal zone is very mixed, being affected by waves and accompanying
currents. The marine boundary of this zone is determined by near bottom wave

velocities and is limited by depths equal to ten times the wave height.

An estuary is a partially enclosed coastal water area freely connected with the ocean,

within which the seawater is considerably diluted by freshwater flowing from a river
catchment area. These are transient zones between the land and sea. They can be

subdivided into coastal plain estuaries, fiords, flooded river valleys (Chesapeake Bay),
estuaries with coastal barriers (Pamlico Sound), estuaries of tectonic origin (San
Francisco Gulf), and deltas. All estuaries are subdivided into three classes: “positive”
where seawater is diluted by freshwater (river runoff with precipitation exceeding water
losses for evaporation); “reverse” estuaries with increased salinity, where losses from
evaporation exceed discharge and precipitation; and “neutral” where evaporation is fully
compensated by discharge and precipitation. Estuaries can also be subdivided in relation
to the way in which mixing takes place. They are usually subdivided into three groups:
those which are completely mixed and are vertically homogeneous; those which are
partially vertically mixed and which are moderately stratified; and those with a salt
wedge, which are highly stratified.

2.3. River, reservoirs, lakes, and wetland

Surface water is that water which occurs permanently or intermittently on the land

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G. Khublaryan

surface in the form of different water bodies: rivers, streams and temporary
watercourses, reservoirs, lakes, swamps, mires, glaciers, and snow cover. The process of
transporting water of atmospheric origin over the land surface under the influence of
gravity is called surface runoff. It is measured as a water discharge (m3 ⋅s–1), volume of
water run-off (km3), specific water discharge (l⋅s–1km–2) or a layer of water run-off
(mm) per year or some other period of time.

A river is a watercourse flowing in a self-developed bed augmented by surface and

groundwater. With all its tributaries it forms a river system whose character and
development is related to climate, relief, geologic structure, and the dimensions of the
basin. Rivers can be subdivided into mountain rivers – usually flowing rapidly in
narrow valleys – and plain ones, which flow more slowly in wide terracing valleys. The
water regime depends mainly on the character of river augmentation and the climate

conditions in the region. Total annual river runoff into the World Ocean is about 47,000

A lake is a natural reservoir filled with water within a lake basin not directly linked with

the sea. Basins are subdivided according to their origin into tectonic, glacial, fluvial,
coastal, sinkhole (in karst and thermokarst), volcanic, and dammed (artificial reservoirs
and ponds). Depending on the nature of the lake bed, three main lake types can be
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• dammed lakes: fluvial, valley, and coastal (including reservoirs)

• hollow lakes: moraine, karst, thermokarst, deflation, volcanic, tectonic
• lakes of mixed origin.

There are also other classifications. According to the water regime, lakes may be
subdivided into lakes with an outlet (exorheic) and lakes without an outlet (endorheic).

Exorheic lakes are those from which rivers flow, for example Lake Ontario
(Canada/USA), and the Baikal, Onega, and Ladoga lakes in Russia. A particular case of
such lakes is comprised of flowing lakes (drainage lakes). Rivers run into such lakes,

and then flow out from them. The best-known flowing lakes, are Lakes Boden and
Geneva, which allow the passage of the Rhine and Rhone rivers. From endorheic lakes

no rivers flow. All the water that enters such a lake is taken up by evaporation or
infiltration, or used for economic purposes. The largest endorheic lakes are the Caspian
and Aral Seas, Issyk-Kul Lake, Lake Eyrie and Salt Lake.

A water reservoir is an artificial water basin, usually formed in a river valley by water
supply lines that regulate its use for purposes of the natural economy. According to the
form of the basin, reservoirs may be subdivided into fluvial, lacustrine, and mixed.
Water reservoirs can be split into permanent or temporary (a day, a week, a season, or a

Vertical temperature stratification, caused by the fact that water reaches its maximum
density at a temperature of 4 oC, is characteristic of weakly flowing and deep lakes and
reservoirs. In the warm period of the year, a uniform layer (the epilimnion) develops
near the surface of lakes and reservoirs, and the oxygen regime is favorable to
development of aquatic life. There is a layer below the epilimnion where the water

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TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G. Khublaryan

temperature falls abruptly, and below which the density increases with depth. This layer
is the thermocline. Deeper layers, in the hypolimnion, interact poorly with atmosphere,
and the dissolved oxygen content decreases considerably, so that anaerobic processes
occur with the liberation of hydrogen sulfide and methane. This phenomenon is
particularly characteristic of many water reservoirs in arid and tropical zones.

A wetland is an area of land characterized by constant or excess moistening, favoring

hydrophilic vegetation and the development of specific soil processes. Soil formation
alternates with short periods of peat formation, followed by its washout. In some cases
siltation with organic-mineral muds occurs, and sometimes it is only gleying.

Bogs (marshes and wetland) are formed through the excess moistening of area or
eutrophication of a reservoir. The former is the most common. Bogs occur as a result of

flooding of territories. Flooding may be observed in the coastal zone of rivers, lakes,
reservoirs, and seas as a result of long-term rise in water levels. Under-flooding is also a

consequence of this process. Bogs can also form when there is a change in the ratio

between deposition and evaporation of atmospheric precipitation, and a natural or

anthropogenic increase of subsoil waters. Eutrophication of reservoirs and their
transformation into bogs is observed in zones of temperate and warm climates. It
reflects a natural stage in the evolution of a reservoir.
The general area of bogs on the Earth equals 2.7 × 106 km2, which amounts to about 2
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percent of land area. They hold 0.03 percent of the freshwater on the planet. Eurasia and
North America contain the greatest areas of bog.

Peat bogs are distributed in tundra, and the forest and forest-steppe zone. They differ

among themselves in a series of attributes. Low-lying bogs have a concave or flat

surface. They are formed on the shores of rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and in river

mouths. Low-lying bogs are directly connected to the rivers and underground waters
that provide them with mineral substances and good conditions of nutrient supply for
aquatic communities. High-lying bogs generally have a convex surface, typically with a

thick layer of peat. Such bogs are formed on drainage divides (watersheds), and also as
a result of the growth of low-lying bogs. On watersheds, the water balance of bogs is

basically determined by atmospheric precipitation and evaporation. Receipt of mineral

substances is low, and this has a fundamental effect on the aquatic ecosystem. The
intermediate type of peat bogs has a weakly convex surface and relatively better
conditions of nutrient supply in comparison with high-lying bogs.

Depending on conditions of rainfall, water-temperature, and inflow, mires can be

subdivided into oligotrophic (nutrient-poor) bogs, with low pH and low levels of
nutrients available for vegetation, and eutrophic fens and marshes. Oligotrophic bogs
receive most of their water from precipitation, and so tend to be located near river basin
watersheds. Rainfall is high, so nutrients are constantly removed. Eutrophic mires, on
the other hand, tend to be lowland in character, and the vegetation is not severely
limited by lack of nutrients. They receive mineral nutrition from surface drainage and
groundwater. They tend to be located in depressions, so minerals and nutrients can be
provided from higher ground. There is a whole spectrum of mires of intermediate type
where minerals are available to at least some parts of the area from groundwater inflow,

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TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G. Khublaryan

while other parts are oligotrophic. Bogs can be further subdivided according to the
dominant vegetation (scrub, dwarf shrubs, grasses, bogmosses, etc.) by micro-relief
(hilly, flat, or domed), and macro-relief (valley, flood plain, slope, watershed), and other

2.4. Groundwater

This term refers to water in the Earth’s crust in all physical states, in the sedimentary
rock layers and massive-crystallized rock fractures. There are many groundwater
classifications relying on different types of groundwater infiltration and distribution,
lithological composition, geological age, and on differences in hydrodynamics,
temperature, and chemical composition.

According to the conditions of their occurrence in rocks, the following types of
groundwater are distinguished: free gravitational, in a solid state vaporous, physically

bound, chemically bound, and water in a supercritical state. Free gravitational water,

filling pores, voids, and fractures in rocks is the most widespread. This water percolates

through rocks under a pressure drop. According to their ability to allow water to
infiltrate, rocks can be classified as, on the one hand, water-bearing or water-permeable
(loams, sandy clays), and, on the other, water-impermeable, or confining strata (clays,
compact sandstones, and non-fractured rocks). Here, different types of water-bearing
rocks can be distinguished: porous, fractured, fractured–porous, and karsts.
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Water-bearing and poorly permeable or confining rocks usually occur as inter-bedded

layers or zones of different thickness. Thus there is often the possibility of typifying a
rock mass by identifying the aquifers and poorly permeable or confining beds within it.

Gravitational groundwater is mainly recharged by infiltrating rainfall, water vapor


condensation (mainly in mountainous regions), and river runoff. This groundwater is

discharged into rivers, gullies and ravines, seas and oceans, and also taken up by
transpiration of plants and evaporation from the surface.

Groundwater is also subdivided according to its water exchange capacity. A zone of


active water exchange is usually present near the surface, and is mainly characterized by
fresh bicarbonate- and calcium-rich water. Then the occurs a zone of reduced water
exchange with brackish, mainly calcium- and sodium-sulphate water, and, below this, a
zone of very reduced water exchange, mainly with sodium- and calcium-chloride saline
water. This zonality is disturbed in some areas due to peculiarities of hydrogeological
conditions (e.g. the availability of salt-bearing or gypsum rocks, tectonic disturbances,
etc. in the profile), causing the occurrence of so-called azonal groundwater.

The chemical composition of groundwater includes a mixture of many chemical

elements, in the form of different ion types, neutral molecules, organic-mineral
complexes, colloids, and isotopes. A complex of climatic, physical-geographical, soil-
vegetation, structural-geologic and hydrogeological factors, produces groundwater from
both infiltration and condensation. According to its general mineralization, groundwater
is usually subdivided into fresh (with up 1 g/l mineralization), saline (from 1 to 25 g/l

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G. Khublaryan

mineralization) and brine, with mineralization exceeding 25 g/l (in individual cases up
to some hundred g/l).

When typifying groundwater according to its use, mineral water can be singled out on
account of the concentrations of dissolved mineral salts, gases, and organic matters that
allow its use for balneological treatment. The temperature of some groundwater allows
it to be used as a thermal power source. Thermal water of a specific chemical
composition can be also used for medical treatment.

Ground and surface water are often closely interrelated. Their interconnection is
characterized by two opposite processes: augmentation of surface streams and reservoirs
and groundwater recharge from surface water. A combination of these two processes is
possible within one river basin both in time and space but the processes are considerably

affected by groundwater exploitation. Processes of groundwater interrelations, caused
primarily by geologic-hydrogeologic conditions of the river basins in the coastal zones,

should be considered when assessing total water resources and the water balance of

individual regions, in addition to groundwater withdrawal for different purposes.

2.5. Soil water.
The term “soil water” usually refers to the water localized in soil pore space (i.e. in the
surficial part of the land) in the form of liquid moisture (both closely attached to soil
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skeletal particles and water freely able to move through the soil profile), a solid
component in the form of ice in the soil pore space, and gaseous water in the form of
soil air.

The proportion of soil water in the total volume of inland water is very small (0.06
percent). However its geo- and biophysical function on the Earth is no less important

than that of groundwater. This function is connected with the boundary character of soil
and soil water. Solar radiation energy reaching the Earth and driving the global
circulation system is transformed into other forms of energy in a very thin planetary

layer, on the boundary between atmosphere and lithosphere. This is where all the four
components of the biosphere interact: the atmosphere, the upper part of the lithosphere,

the hydrosphere, and terrestrial living mater.

Soil water occurs in the zone where solar radiation is transformed and assimilated by the
biosphere. It thus has an important role, clearly accounting for three of the most
important inter-related aspects and determining their place in the Earth hydrosphere.
First, soil water is the most active link in mutual exchange of land water. In the
terrestrial hydrological cycle, the soil layer serves as a specific “water separator,”
controlling the partition distribution of incoming water (precipitation) into its three
outgoing components: surface runoff, subsurface runoff, and evapotranspiration.
Second, soil water is an important element of the Earth’s climatic system. Third, soil
water is the most important factor controlling the presence and growth of vegetation
cover; in other words, it is a primary link in the trophic system of terrestrial ecosystems.
The dynamics of soil water stores has a major influence on vegetation cover.

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TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G. Khublaryan

As an important component of the hydrogeological cycle, evapotranspiration deserves

special mention. Global evapotranspiration (of which 80–90 percent is transpiration)
represents about two-thirds of the overall precipitation on the land surface. It seems that
a great water volume precipitates on the land surface to no purpose. Indeed, a plant
needs no more than 1–3 percent of all the water it uses in transpiration. This small
amount is required for the production of plant material through photosynthesis, and to
maintain the required concentrations and osmotic pressures. The remaining 97–99
percent is returned to the atmosphere. “It can be compared to using Niagara Falls to fill
a bath.” However, analysis of terrestrial vegetation in relation to the theory of
dissipative structures, and consideration of their role in production of entropy, which is
permanently produced by plants, demonstrates that during the evolution of life on Earth,
transpiration may be the only mechanism that can do this without causing temperature
increases which would damage plant tissues. Thus, transpiration in terrestrial vegetation

(the expendable component of the soil water balance) is an important part of global
biogeochemical cycling.

2.6. Glaciers, icebergs, and ground ice

Ice is the most abundant “‘mineral” on the Earth. The total mass of ice enclosed in
glaciers, icebergs, ground ice, snow cover, and the atmosphere is 2.423 x1022 tons. Ice
covers more than 16.3 x 106 km2, or 11 percent of the Earth surface. The total ice
volume of modern glaciers ranges from 26.8 x 106 km3 to 30.3 x 106 km3. If the ice
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layer covered the Earth uniformly, its thickness would be approximately 55–60 meters.

A glacier is a moving natural accumulation of ice on the land, under a negative balance
of the solid phase of water. Glaciers are confined to those places on the Earth surface

where solid precipitation exceeds evaporation. Most glaciers consist of an alimentation

zone, where the snow is accumulated and transformed into firn and ice, and an ablation

zone, where ice is lost from the glacier by melting and evaporation. There are two main
types of glaciers: mountainous (flowing down) and covering (spreading). Net-shaped
and piedmont types of glaciation are transient between mountainous and covering


Mountain glaciers occupy mainly negative elements of the relief, forming cirque
(corrie), valley, and other types of glaciers; ice moves slowly downslope under
gravitational force. In many dry areas of the Earth, mountain glaciers supply a
considerable part of the water used for irrigation. Glaciers are only found in the vicinity
of the snow line. Above the snow line the accumulation of solid precipitation is greater
than the combined thawing, evaporation, and run off. The level of the snowline
oscillates widely, depending on the moisture and heat balance and local climatic
conditions Its altitude may vary from sea level in the Antarctic Continent to 6,000–
6,500 m above sea level on the Tibetan Plateau.

In Europe modern glaciers are concentrated in Scandinavia, the Alps, the Caucasus, and
the Urals. There are small glaciers in the Khibiny and Perinea Mountains. There are
9,529 glaciers in Europe, with a total area of 7,395 km2. In Asia, ice covers high
mountains areas of the Tien Shan, Pamirs, Karakorum, and Himalayas, where many
very large dendritic and complex mountain valley glaciers descend well below the snow

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G. Khublaryan

line. The largest centers of modern glaciation in Northern America are located in the
Northern America Cordillera. The Alaska Ridge also has large centers of glaciation,
which aliment from the Pacific.

Cover glaciers spread over many million square kilometers, blanketing even mountains
with a domed surface, moving slowly from the center to the periphery in a radiating
pattern. More than 96.6 percent of the area of cover glaciers and 90 percent of the
volume of ice are concentrated in the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. The Antarctic
Continent covers 14⋅106 km2; the mean diameter of the Antarctic ice sheet is 4,000 km,
with a minimum of 2,900 km, and a maximum of 5,500 km. Most glaciers of Eurasia
and the Canadian Arctic are classified as ice caps by their morphology, and as diffluent
glaciers by their movement features. The largest Eurasian ice caps are located in
Iceland, Franz Josef Land, Spitsbergen, Novaya Zemlya Island, Severnaya Zemlya

Island, Bennett Island, Henriette Island, Jeannette Island, Victoria Island, Ushakov
Island, and Schmidt Island. The largest ice caps of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago are

those of Baffin Land, Ellesmere Island, Devon Island, Axel-Heiberg, Melville Island,

and Meighen Island. To the north of Ellesmere Island, there is a small shelf glacier, on

Ward Hunt Island, that produces table icebergs. Shelf ice, partially resting on the sea
bottom, is a continuation of terrestrial ice and is mainly found in the Antarctic.
Icebergs are masses of continental ice, which have separated from a glacier or glacial
barrier and float in the polar and adjoining seas and oceans. Continental ice from
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Antarctica, Greenland, and the glaciers of Severnaya Zemlya is the major center of
iceberg formation. Due to the similarity of the densities of ice and seawater, the greater
part of an iceberg (80–85 percent of the total height) is under the water. Icebergs are
moved by currents and are gradually destroyed by thawing and weathering. There are

the following types of iceberg: tabular, domelike, pyramidal, and destroyed. Tabular
icebergs have a flat surface because they usually break off shelf glaciers. They may be

several kilometers in length and width. They are often found around the Antarctic
Continent, but sometimes they form near Greenland and around the ice caps of Arctic
Islands. Domelike icebergs mainly come from diffluent glaciers or from ice bluffs; their

height is about 70–100 m. Pyramidal icebergs are pyramidal in shape, and destroyed
icebergs have an irregular shape, often with several summits. Separation of icebergs

sometimes happens as a result of tides. A large iceberg can traverse a great distance,
more than 4,000−6,000 km from its place of origin.

Snow cover is a layer of snow, produced by snowfalls and lying on the land or ice
surface. According to its appearance and conditions of formation, snow can be
subdivided into newly fallen, compacted (stable) and old (firnified, neve). The density
of snow varies from 0.01 g/cm3 for newly fallen to 0.70 g/cm3 for highly wet and then
frozen forms. Globally, snow covers an area from 115 to 126 x 106 km2 (about a third of
this area is sea ice). Snow reflects solar radiation, and protects soil from overcooling
and winter crops from freezing.

Solid atmospheric precipitation, accumulated on the land surface, changes considerably

over time. During snow accumulation there is freezing and melting of snowflakes, their
compaction, and structural change. As a result, snow layers are transformed into a
porous, white-gray mass, called firn. In the process of being compacted, firn (which has

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G. Khublaryan

a density of 0.3-0.5 g/cm3) is first transformed into white ice with a density of about
0.85 g/cm3, and then into transparent ice with a density of 0.91 g/cm3. Pieces of ice can
grow together into a uniform mass (regelation). Another important ice property is its
plasticity, which allows it to move under gravitation. Ice is the most widespread solid
material on the Earth, forming glaciers, icebergs, and marine and ground ice.

Ground ice is a general term used to refer to all types of ice formed in freezing and
frozen ground. Ground ice occurs in the pores, cavities, voids, or other openings in soil
or rock and includes massive ice. Buried glacier, lake, river, and snow bank ice are all
categorized together as a single type of ground ice. Traditionally permafrost is defined
on the basis of temperature: soil or rock that remains at or below 0 °C for at least at two
consecutive years.

The ice content in permafrost is probably the most important feature relevant to human
life in the northern regions of Siberia, Scandinavia, Alaska, Canada, and subpolar

regions of the Southern Hemishpere. Ice in perennially frozen ground exists in various

sizes and shapes, with definite distribution characteristics grouped into five main types:

pore ice, segregated or taber ice, foliated ice or ice wedges, pingo ice, and buried ice.
Around 10 percent by volume of the upper 3–5 m of the permafrost of the Siberian,
Alaskan, and Canadian coastal plain is composed of ice wedges. Taber ice is the most
extensive type, in places representing 75 percent of the ground ice by volume.

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Allen, J. D. 1995. Stream ecology. Structure and function of running waters. London. 388 pp.

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Bouwer, H. (1978). Groundwater Hydrology. New York, McGraw-Hill. 480 pp.
Brimblecombe, P. (1996). Air Composition and Chemistry. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 267
Ecosystems of the World. (1984). Vol.23. Lakes and Reservoirs. Amsterdam, 643 pp.

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

TYPES AND PROPERTIES OF WATER – Vol. I – Types and Properties of Water - M. G. Khublaryan

Function of freshwater ecosystems. (1980). London. 340 pp.

Khublaryan, M. G. (1990). Water Resources: Rational Use and Protection. Moscow. (In Russian.)
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Lvovich, M. I. (1986). Water and Life. - M.: Pub. House “Mysl.” 225 pp.
Orlov, V. P. (1999). Preservation of Natural Resources in Russia’s Greater Rivers Basin: Present State
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Parsons, T. R.; Takahashi, M.; Hargrave, B. (1984). Biological Oceanographic Processes. 3rd Edn. New
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Russia: River Catchments. (1999). Yekaterinburg. (In Russian.)
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Savel’ev, B. A. (1971). Physics, Chemistry and Structure of Natural Ice and Freezing Grounds. Moscow
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Shiklomanov, I. (1996). Assessment of Water Resources and Water Availability in the World: Scientific
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Thompson, L.G. and Mosley-Thompson, E. (1981). Microparticle concentration variations linked with
climatic change: evidence from polar ice cores. Science. 212. 812–815.
Vasil'chuk, Yu.K.; Kotlyakov, V. M. (2000). Principles of Isotope Geocryology and Glaciology: A
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Water Quality of World. River Basins Global environment monitoring system. (1995). GEMS: UNEP. 40
Webber, H. H.; Thurmann, H. V. (1991). Marine Biology. 2nd edn. New York: HarperCollins. 424 pp.

Whitton, B. A. (ed.) (2000). River Ecology. Oxford, Blackwell Scientific. 312 pp.

Biographical Sketch

Academician Martin Gaykovich Khublaryan, born in Georgia on March 5 1935, has been Director of
the Water Problems Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences since 1988. He has also served as Chief of

the Laboratory of Theoretical Problems of Water Protection; Deputy Director, Chief of the Laboratory of
Modeling Hydrophysical Processes; Chief of the laboratory at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute

for Hydrotechniques and Reclamation; and Senior Scientist at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute
for Natural Gas. He was elected a full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 1994, and has
been a member of the Working Group of the International Hydrological Program (from1989), the Russian
National Committee for International Association of Hydraulic Research (since 1987), and the American
Institute of Hydrology(President of its Russian section, 1991).
He studied at the Armenian Agricultural Institute, Department of Hydrotechniques and Reclamation, and
served as a scientist at the Institute for Power and Hydraulics of the Academy of Sciences of Armenian
Republic, and as an engineer at the Erevanproekt Institute (Armenia). In 1964 he was a Candidate of
Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Institute of Mechanics, USSR Academy of Sciences, subsequently
attaining a Doctorate in Engineering at the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Hydrotechniques
and Reclamation in 1975. He was appointed Professor in 1992.
Professor Khublaryan’s publications include Water Streams: Models of Flow and Quality Surface Water
(Moscow, Nauka, 1991, Water Pollution and its Consequences in the Former USSR, Pollution Knows No
Frontiers (New York, PWPA, 1992), Basic Problems in Protection of Natural Waters, and Water
Management AND Protection (AIH, 1993). among more than 150 other publications.
He is married with two daughters. His interests include painting, classical music, chess, and memoirs.

©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS)

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